Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Design - 2019-2020 Thesis collection book

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THESIS WORK 2019-2020

[PROJECTING ALBANIA] Ideas generated from research and thesis works 2015-2020 autor: POLIS UNIVERSITY copyright: POLIS UNIVERSITY printed by: layout & design: Migel Shehu POLIS UNIVERSITY contact: Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5, Kashar Kodi Postar 1051, Kutia Postare 2995 Tiranë, Albania Tel:+355.(0)4.2407420 / +355.(0)4.2407421 Fax:+355. (0)4.2407422 Mob:+355 (0) 69 40 88 111 Email:contact@universitetipolis.edu.al Website:www.universitetipolis.edu.al

ACKNOWLEGMENT POLIS University is a private university founded in 2006 as a spinoff entity of Co-PLAN / Institute for Habitat Development, a non for profit organization established since 1995. POLIS represents an experimental, avant-garde, and progressive university with main focus on raising human capacities in fields of architecture, urban planning, art design, environmental studies, energy efficiency and civil engineering. It was in 2011 that the first generation of POLIS students graduated, and most of the graduates were soon after employed at public and private administration or self-employed in their own private studios. The publication presented is a modest summary of the ideas coming from Research Thesis Works of the graduates of Bachelor Programs (3-year programs, full-time, 180 ECTS); Professional Masters Programs (2 year-programs, part-time, 90 ECTS), Master of Science Programs (2 year-programs, full time, 120 ECTS) and Integrated Master of Science Programs (5 year-programs, full-time, 300 ECTS). On the occasion of this publication POLIS University would like to acknowledge the great role of the academic staff and tutors, the hard and excellent work of students, and all passion and commitment of their families and support staff. We have joined efforts and are doing our best to build a better country and fairer society and to do this we have chosen the way of investing in human capital because we strongly believe that it is through this investment that the progress and development of this country will come.

U_PO Dr. Prof. Besnik Aliaj POLIS University Rector Doc. Sotir Dhamo POLIS University Administrator Dear friends of POLIS,

In these few lines, we would like to share

er became an institution of training and

with you some values, ideas, and efforts

a promoter of good governance, author

that led us to the establishment of POLIS

of many projects thanks to the assistance

and its further consolidation as an institu-

of international and local funding. In this

tion of education and alternative intellec-

sense, as an institution, POLIS is a reflec-

tual ideas. Together with other co-found-

tion of how we have tried to involve,

er colleagues of POLIS, members of the

work, and learn. Within its extended fam-

“generation of changes” in the ’90s, we

ily, Polis has already generated several

were all witnesses and participants of

initiatives, social movements and trends

the events that occurred in Albania be-

of different natures which aim to bring

fore and after the change. Considering

new perspectives to society.

this, POLIS aims to test the social impact

An important role here is also

of a new generation of alternatively ed-

played by the academic processes and

ucated students in the fields of architec-

scientific works, including thesis works

ture, urban and environmental planning,

from the graduation process. Although

applied design, and engineering. Thus,

this is just the beginning, through these

Polis tries to influence the entire society

tools POLIS has created discussions and

by viewing the educational process as a

debates on topics almost untouched by

form of optimism which enables conti-

Albanian society in relevant professional

nuity and growth through the transmis-

fields of design and city sciences, making

sion of knowledge and confidence to

younger generation realize that there

students. We would not consider our job

are many ways of solving concrete prob-

complete if we transmit to our students

lems. Opening the mind and a positive

expertise and passion only in these areas;

approach to problems are an important

above all, we must equip students with

part of the transmission of “secret knowl-

the ability to transform such fields in Al-

edge” and its translation into action. In


essence, we strongly believe in the real Trust in the concept of part-

nership, processes and debate, practical

possibility of positive change and growth of the Albanian society!

experience at a higher academic level,

POLIS aims to set an example

are the basis of the DNA inherited from

as an expert group bringing alternative

Co-PLAN, a community-based organiza-

ideas to development policies; we think

tion founded in the early ‘90s which lat-

that policy is not only done by the politi-

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OLIS cians but needs professional expertise. In

ademic circles and associations of higher

the Albanian context, in which scientific

education in Europe. This is also reflected

research with practical value has so far

in the recently granted “Research Uni-

been discontinued and does not corre-

versity’ status and the certification of the

spond to the international standards, for

programmatic and institutional accredi-

POLIS and the generation of researchers


and talented young people, research and

POLIS is a private institution

innovation are a way to help develop-

but it has a clear social mission deter-

ment. This is why POLIS aims to go be-

mined by its origin. The university in-

yond its academic role as an institution.

cludes many volunteering and social

To do this, beside two faculties, it has

responsibility activities, expressed in the

now established also the Research and

assistance provided for marginalized

Development Institute(RDI), as well as a

local authorities and people in need, in

experimental center for innovation (IF).

the assistance provided to local govern-

The complexity of issues of Albanian re-

ments and the governments in general,

ality is among the most challenging, and

through volunteer work and assistance

their confrontation with the expertise

which is manifested in free consultancy

and the international consultancy of ac-

projects, awareness campaigns on social

ademic institutions becomes even more

problems, etc. Similarly important to us

complex. Such exchange and confron-

is the educational and research motto ‘…

tation with international partners with

Being good professional means first of all

whom POLIS has established institutional

to know how to give love to people…’. In

partnerships, will enable us to overcome

this regard POLIS is a long term project,

the “monopoly of mind” which still “holds

in which we want to share our modest

hostage” the knowledge and information

efforts with others because we believe

in Albania and isolates it from younger

that in this way we can better achieve our

generations. Beyond that, we strongly

social mission!

believe in the ability to bring innovation

We continue to hold the convic-

to our areas of interest and to impact so-

tion that in order to change the world,

ciety. Therefore thesis research works has

one must dream. Thus, do not hesitate to

been one important instrument. All these

join us sharing our space for thought!

factors made POLIS a reference point within the country, with the respect of ac-

FAD Faculty of Architecture and Design

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ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN 1. 5-years, Integrated Master of Science, full time, 300 ECTS 2. 2-years,Professional Masters, part time 90 ETCS: - Parametric Design; - Structural Aesthetic Design; - Urban Design and Landscaping

APPLIED ART & DESIGN 1. Bachelor Studies (Full-time, 180 ECTS, 3 years) 2. Master of Science (Full or Part-time, 120 ECTS, 2 years)

U_PO Dr. Ledian Bregasi Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering & Design

“Architecture as the discipline devoted to transform the reality” is our main philosophy at the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Design at POLIS University. Teaching Architecture and Design within a specific reality like that of Albania can only be understood if one is able to think about “the crises as opportunities” in order to raise challenges of design activities and identify potential views rather than the solution.

This work therefore, rather than being a catalogue, is a complete documentation of the whole Diploma Thesis in Architecture and Design, developed by several students generations graduated at POLIS since its foundation, under the auspices of a meaningful contribution to the territorial, urban, architectural and design dimensions of Albania. Having this document available, will serve as the basis to draft and guide the Faculty’s priorities over the next years and make better decision about POLIS’s vision in urban design, architecture and applied design trying to match the specific Albanian context with the broader Mediterranean and European region development. A closer look at the presented works reveals some crucial criteria that have been adopted and fully characterize POLIS University’s approach. At this point it can be regarded as a guide for the reader to go through the abundance of approaches and topics been developed by graduates as their final assignment/ task. The first thing that might impress the reader is the intense diversity of the topics. As in many other similar institutions focused on architecture, here in POLIS we believe in the necessity to face with urban realities and the demand for transformation, by involving different attitudes and points of views, even when they are contradictory. All kinds of attitudes and opinions are similarly valid since the debate on the transformation of urban reality implies all levels of governance and a great number of actors who might have different and sometimes even opposite opinions and approaches. It is only through challenging this reality that we can reach the so-called architecture or design position. Making students aware about such crucial need is what comes out from the works developed in the Diploma Studio. In any case our ambition is more about “testing the space” and the availability to work within several paradigms than assuming a specific ideological position.

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The complexity of the Albanian reality and the richness of diverse positions represent the contribution of POLIS to public debate as a way to shape the destiny of the urban and landscape transformation. Neither a guardian of the purest tradition nor an uncritical supporter of the “new architecture trends” but a an open laboratory determined to discuss, investigate and come up with proposals, that not only involve architecture as a discipline but see it as a dynamic part of the whole development , preserving its frame value and its disciplinary core. The presented works have some common traits, which can be seen as emerging POLIS methodology shaped during last years, when POLIS is gradually establishing a unique profile in education within the region. These traits basically consider architecture and design as links with a broader reality encompassing urban and landscape matter. As such, the extreme diversity in the presented works, regarding topics and quality, is based on some basic concepts which can be useful to be recalled in the pursuit of the reader’s understanding: - urban densification versus urban sprawl Most of the works stay on the belief of the necessity to rebuild the city, as the disappearing of its main core , the so called forma urbis has gradually become its predominant character. The re-design of Tirana is not a matter of setting a new make-up as in many marketing oriented urban practices. It attempts to deal with the understanding of the urban settlement and its historical character with the idea that a high quality urban level can be reached only by revitalizing and refining the existing. In this regard, we present a discrete number of topics in which, the borders of the new city (as a way to delimitate them and to prevent unnecessary expansions) and the new potential cores belonging to that so called informal city have been both investigated. - revitalization of the infrastructure and their dialectic role with the urban morphology Other emerging issues relate the extremely problematic conditions that affect the current outdated infrastructure, especially the one related to the rail transport. Although this topic would eventually affect the regional scale, some theses have considered its re-integration and the urban and architecture implications by proposing a re-visiting of the railway station typology through involving con-

OLIS temporary approaches in the way this urban nodes could create new polarities within the city through a re- definition of the surrounding public spaces system. The infrastructure then, becomes a new factor able to create a new urban order rather than crossing through the existing textile.

--program program of activities versus typology However, the large collection of diverse topics, ranging from housing to institutions design, points out another feature of POLIS methodology , which is the preliminary exploration of the possible set of activities to be implemented within the physical project. This crucial step is regarded with a strong attention within the process, because our belief is that a good architect should be able to interpret non-material phenomenon that affects contemporary cities and be able to drive them through architecture techniques: framing the activities, containing and even mixing them in accordance with local economies and ecologies development trends.

- living nature versus generic green Because of their common root, the ecology and economy are strongly related with one another. In our way of thinking, the role of the nature in the process of urban and landscape transformation is more substantial and has more implications than what is commonly known as “green”. Therefore especially in the newest diplomas thesis a revealing tendency is the pro-active use of the whole nature. Here at POLIS the ecology is deeply involved with architecture and urban teaching, and is regarded as science of relations, rather than a mere adjunction to architecture discourse. - autonomy and revaluation of the proper value of architecture language Architecture language, that still appears to be a concrete matter of interest within the entire Balkans, in our diploma laboratory is regarded as a matter which concerns the individual student’s freedom. This balance existing between the two extremes of conservative attitudes and architecture as a fashion, allowed us to make students deeply involved with their project by getting an extremely diversified array of works, which makes us optimistic about the contribution that these young generations, will give to the Albanian development in the near future. Additionally, further interesting works, are those conceived within an experi-

mental framework, which found its reasons within the idea of addressing computer technologies in architecture, urban and landscape issues, as well. Also in this case, rather than following uncritically what is done abroad, we maintained the role of technology at the service of architecture, which results in works that in Albanian context can be regarded as pioneering projects. POLIS is determined to follow this attempt in the next year. Meanwhile, POLIS has started to work on restoration techniques at thesis level, an architecture discipline ignored in Albania for quite a long period.

On a similar line, also regarding the Art and Design Bachelor Thesis and in the Applied Design Master as well, the reader will find a discrete collection of cases characterized by several approaches as they have been developed from our Diploma Studio called The Albania everyday life. Within this studio run at Bachelor and Master level, students work within several branches of Contemporary Design, reaching in some cases even the level of complex prototyping, as it happened in some Masters thesis. It is again a pioneering effort in education, since the absence of design as specific discipline, for many years. Many of the proposed works started with a meaningful intention: far from being purely formal oriented the social impact of the design proposal was seriously taken into consideration. This collection will reveal POLIS’s contribution to higher education in the country with special focus on cultural renovation of Architecture and Design. We believe that our task is not limited on training professionals. Our goal is to contribute in the preparation of the young generation of local thinkers. Lastly, POLIS remains committed to address the necessity of opening the architecture discourse to public interest without any prejudice and/or preformed ideology. While contemporary Environmentalism and Information and Communication Technology are continuously emerging as contributions able to rethink the discipline of our Faculty, we still think Architecture and Design as the disciplines able to make a synthesis between art and science, and as such among the most crucial human activities. For this reason POLIS stays committed to a synthetic approach in the sense of the historical meaning of the word within architecture and design disciplines.




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Architecture & Urban Design 2019 - 2020 Amina Basha.................................................................14 ”LEARNING CENTER IN TIRANA, ALBANIA”

Izmir Cota.....................................................................46 “ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM NEAR THE ROMAN FORUM IN DURRES”

Arba Spahija................................................................16 “INVESTIGATION STATION”

Joan Mali......................................................................48

Arselda Brahimi............................................................18 “SUSTAINABLE MIX HOUSING TYPOLOGY”

Jurgen Brahaj................................................................50

Bardh Besimi.................................................................20

Ketjona Lleshaj.............................................................52





Kimet Borici...................................................................54

Besnik Grainca.............................................................22 “THE HUMAN PERFORMANCE BOND IN THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT”


David Pemaj..................................................................24

Kristina Rexhaj..............................................................56



Dhimitraq Masho..........................................................26 “ARCHITECTURAL REVITALIZATION”

Ledia Gjergji...............................................................58

Edona Shkjau................................................................28

Loris Balilaj..................................................................60



Emilja Brinja..................................................................30

Marjeta Spiropali........................................................62



Emili Sterio....................................................................32 “HEALING (THROUGH) ARCHITECTURE”

Megi Sinani...................................................................64

Enea Mamani...............................................................34

Migel Shehu...................................................................66



Eni Sulaj.........................................................................36

Miraldo Ruka...............................................................68



Ergis Senka...................................................................38 “RAKI DISTILERY”

Mirian Kabahsi.............................................................70

Erisa Sali.......................................................................40

Redita Isaku..................................................................72



Frans Gjoni...................................................................42 “PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL - FARKA LAKE”

Rei Braho.......................................................................74

Isa Ukperaj...................................................................44

Sara Habilaj.................................................................76



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Sergio Pasha..................................................................................78

Karolina Duka..........................................................110 “THE BODY GENDER”

“DURRES PUBLIC LIBRARY” Xhejsi Cela..................................................................80

Kejsi Davidhi..............................................................112





Krist Kotilari................................................................114 ”VESPA EXTREME DURRES”

Adelajda Osamni.........................................................84 ”THE THREE CYCLES OF LIFE ON CANVAS”

Lazar Tegu.................................................................116

Ambra Cupi..................................................................86

Ledia Merollari..........................................................118



Andri Ceta....................................................................88

Lusjana Kimza............................................................120


“BRAIN VS ...”

Ardit Istrefaj.................................................................90

Megi Oboni.............................................................122



Artemis Zyba...............................................................92

Mikel Kuqali.............................................................124



Diona Pacrami.............................................................94

Nandia Murataj.........................................................126



Elmedina Bushati..........................................................96

Nicola Senjo...............................................................128



Emiglena Shahini..........................................................98

Nikolla Lico...............................................................130



Era Fera......................................................................100

Rea Ceta...................................................................132



Erika Gashi................................................................102

Sindi Subashi.............................................................134

“The Light”


Ermonalea Ishmakaj..................................................104

Sirela Dobra.............................................................136



Grejsi Shehu..............................................................106

Suzan Borjai..............................................................138 “HE EYE AND THE ILLUSION”

“REUSE OF COMMUNIST PERIOD FURNITURE AS A FUNCTIONAL ART WORK” Ina Agalliu................................................................108 “FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION”


Xhesika Dyryzi..........................................................178 “FACE ADN”

Learning Center in Tirana, Albania Student: Supervisor:

Amina Basha Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

This thesis explores the necessity of learning spaces, how they impact a country’s development and communities. The matter is argued in a global scope but with Tirana in context, the capital of Albania, where the Learning Center proposal takes place. The literature review analyzes the educational situation of Albania, prominent and impactful learning methods and the architecture influenced by them. Furthermore, it studies how spaces influence learning, what the important design elements for these spaces are. Additionally it introduces multiple learning center case studies which show how these spaces and design elements have been applied in these examples. Finally, following the conclusions from the literature review, in | 14

the second part, my project presents a proposal for a Learning Center in Tirana, Albania. The project aims to contribute to the educational system with a fluid minimalist architectural approach which derives from a design process with its context as a foundation.

Key words: learning center, learning spaces, architecture, Tirana, Albania

Investigation Station Student: Supervisor:

Arba Spahija Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The reason why I chose the topic of the «Investigative Station» is due to the intriguing nature of the subject, its specificity and the fact that it is an atypical topic. This choice was by no means random, it is based on an interest aroused by the search for truth, this long and mysterious road. I prefer to consider this architectural object as its beginning, not the end, because talking about the truth carries in itself a very big responsibility, which I prefer not to elaborate at the moment as a concept. My role in this, is to put myself in the place of the investigator, inspector, forensic doctor, police officer, director, all those people who frequent this building, and to turn the latter as an integral part

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of this investigative process, of this form of true discovery. Above all I must say that the architect should not remain indifferent to the role of the object he creates, but should discover together with it its purpose, to take into account the people who work in it, the surrounding environment. And above all to try to understand, to research with the perseverance of an investigator the truths of an architectural object in a certain context. Exactly what I will try to express during this diploma thesis, with a theoretical and concrete approach at the same time.

Sustainable mix Typology Housing Student: Supervisor:

Arselda Brahimi Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Housing will always be an issue as population continues to grow at a rapid pace. Nowadays as the population and immigration from villages to urban areas have grown for various reasons, life space has decreased from houses villas to apartments. Aside from the house crisis, there are more serious crisis like water and energy crisis. Changes of global climate, exhaustion of natural resources, pollution and destruction of natural habitats are clear signs that human activity is becoming unsustainable. Facing these symptoms of global crisis, it has become consensual that measures to mitigate such problems are needed. The housing sector is a major consumer of resources consequently it is a key area to promote environmental sustainability. The limitations of energy sources have turned into fundamental crises throughout the world and buildings make up a vast part if energy consumption. By | 18

being aware if this fact, along with the issues of environment protection and reduction of air pollution of cities, the need of using sources and supplies in a better way are further brought up. In order to deal with these problems, a universal thought called ‘sustainable development’ has made since the last forty years and international communities have provided many strategies including changing approaches in lifestyle to complete it. Now with the ruling condition in the world and the country, it is appropriate to use nonrenewable resources in certain places and to think of providing energy through sustainable methods and also to attempt to prevent energy from being wasted.

Cultural Center and Museum in Prizren Student: Supervisor:

Bardh Besimi Ledian Bregasi

The object of this diploma thesis is the design of a cultural center and museum in Prizren. The city which carries history and traces of the existence of the Albanian people since ancient times is an indicator that this project takes this theme and design philosophy. The combination of history with cultural values ​​and the incorporation of contemporary architecture makes the philosophy and themes of the building both complex and interesting. The idea for a cultural center and museum emerged as a result of the history of the city, and the potential it has to be a cultural center of the region where it lies. Also the idea to introduce the city and more cultural-historical values, respectively spaces with purpose, social, exhibition and performance of arts, as an opportunity to develop different design ways and contextual approaches. A way for the city to develop a regional cultural pole and place that can turn in favor and developers of the space. The project tends to bring back an element from the context and history, treat| 20

ing the space as a whole, where it enables the cultural and social development of people. The building tends to be a new spatial value, which communicates with the natural and artificial elements of a city. The diploma project is divided into two parts: the research part which consists of analysis on the topic of cultural centers and museums, history and functions, and the second part which is a description of the realized project. The methodology used as part of this research and design is “Research by design”. Research by design means the design process as an object of research

The human performance bond in the work environment, co working space for digital nomads Student: Supervisor:

Besnik Grainca Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Emphasizing how design shapes everyday experience, Winston Churchill declared: “We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us”. The importance of Churchills pronouncement basically has been overlooked. The built environment per se remains, for the most part, little discussed. The media cover some aspects of it, but mainly in the context of “starchitecture”, travel destinations, or home decor. It turns out people have multiple unconscious tendencies and behaviors that govern their responses to build environments. We never evolved to live in the situations most of us find ourselves in today. What this suggests for architecture and planning is our subject. Considering that, 80% of our life is placed in indoor environment, and 25% of this time is spent in our work environment, is what makes the work environment crucial to human behavior and human wellbeing. “Humans our biochemical al| 22

gorithms.” (Harari, 2014), which means that a human algorithm is also hackable like any other algorithm. We can use the built environment to hack this algorithm so we can increase human performance at workplace. Our species have evolved a lot more than other species thanks to our cognitive ability, and we have built our own environment (the built environment). The new nature that we built shaped our behavior also. It does not matter in what era we are living in; the memory of our DNA does not vanish. Nature shaped our lives for millions of years. We are here by means of natural selection (Darwin ,1859).

Architecture of Memory Student: Supervisor:

David Pemaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Architecture of Memory explores the relationship between memory and space and how can the memory be a starting point for an architecture full of meaning and potential to activate our thoughts and behaviors. The research is divided into several chapters. It starts with “Introduction”, “Notion of Memory”, “Memory in Architecture”, “Memory as a Real Architecture” and “Memory as a Project Tool”. The chapter “Notion of Memory” unfolds the concept of the memory and how it is perceived in general. The relation between memory and human. “Memory in Architecture” unfolds how different architects dealt with memory, referring here to Aldo Rossi, Rem Koolhaas and Richard Sennett. There are three main concepts relating to the memory and architecture, the personal memory of Rossi, the city memory of Koolhaas and the subconscious memory of Sennett. “Memory as a Real Architecture” chapter introduces us with the real examples and experiences on how memory is integrated with Architecture and wherein I present | 24

three case studies. After analyzing all data provided by the research, “Memory as a Project Tool” chapter leads us to the architecture project of this diploma thesis, “The New Cultural Bazaar”, in the city of Shkodër. The project is located at the place that used to be “The Bazaar of Shkodra”, the place where all the people of Balkan used to trade their goods. The project is divided into two parts, the “New Cultural Bazaar” concept and the heart of it, which is the “Ethnographic Museum” (further detailed). The “New Cultural Bazaar” project is thought to be a combination of the main elements of Shkodra’s memory, the current elements of the existing site, and ideas of nowadays. The visitors feel these elements in every step that they take. It is a project that makes you part of it and activates your thoughts, guiding you through the memory and identity, on the main path of the project.

Architectural Revitalization Student: Supervisor:

Dhimitraq Masho Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Architecture of Memory explores the relationship between memory and space and how can the memory be a starting point for an architecture full of meaning and potential to activate our thoughts and behaviors. The research is divided into several chapters. It starts with “Introduction”, “Notion of Memory”, “Memory in Architecture”, “Memory as a Real Architecture” and “Memory as a Project Tool”. The chapter “Notion of Memory” unfolds the concept of the memory and how it is perceived in general. The relation between memory and human. “Memory in Architecture” unfolds how different architects dealt with memory, referring here to Aldo Rossi, Rem Koolhaas and Richard Sennett. There are three main concepts relating to the memory and architecture, the personal memory of Rossi, the city memory of Koolhaas and the subconscious memory of Sennett. “Memory as a Real Architecture” chapter introduces us with the real examples and experiences on how memory is integrated with Architecture and wherein I present | 26

three case studies. After analyzing all data provided by the research, “Memory as a Project Tool” chapter leads us to the architecture project of this diploma thesis, “The New Cultural Bazaar”, in the city of Shkodër. The project is located at the place that used to be “The Bazaar of Shkodra”, the place where all the people of Balkan used to trade their goods. The project is divided into two parts, the “New Cultural Bazaar” concept and the heart of it, which is the “Ethnographic Museum” (further detailed). The “New Cultural Bazaar” project is thought to be a combination of the main elements of Shkodra’s memory, the current elements of the existing site, and ideas of nowadays. The visitors feel these elements in every step that they take. It is a project that makes you part of it and activates your thoughts, guiding you through the memory and identity, on the main path of the project.

Development Models for the village of Zogaj Student: Supervisor:

Edona Shkjau Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

This project lays the first stone for the development of the village of Zogaj. In addition, there is a lack of traffic infrastructure, management and maintenance. Thus, small architectural interventions are intended to give the area the values ​​and attention it deserves. First the architectural, material and social history of the village is studied and then an analysis of the landscape elements is made in order to highlight and use them in the later steps. The project focuses on the relationship they create with the environment and further expands on its interaction with space outside the park. The aim is to list a set of instruments, principles or strategies that have been successful that can function as generators of improving the quality of housing and can also orient ways of intervening in problem areas that seek to improve their quality. The initial hypothesis raised in this text is that the application of a physical unit creates an echo over the entire settlement by elevating it to a higher level through image enhancement and spatial quality. | 28

If the border points for the development of these areas need to be revitalized. The methodology followed to confirm this hypothesis will be based on the case study “Revitalization of urban spaces” by extracting from them intervention instruments which will then be implemented in the project. The second part will focus on the implementation of these instruments and strategies in a neutral territorial space which will be very functional.

Rehabilitation center for Autism Student: Supervisor:

Emilia Brinja Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

As designers we have great power, but with great power come great responsibilities. When we think about it, designers have tremendous control over our daily lives, they make decisions for us. They decide how to interact with our cities, how to interact with a crowded room, how to communicate with each other, our work environment, and how to teach in our schools. But I believe that with all these competencies and responsibilities we have an obligation that is to design for everyone. We as designers are trained to design for capable people, capable of walking, talking, seeing, moving and not for everyone else. - Magda Mostafa (TEDX Cairo, 2016) What do we really know about how children with autism receive and process in| 30

formation? What do we know about the way autistic individuals view and interpret their world? Autism is a behaviorally defined disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, delayed and disordered language, and isolated areas of interest. In 1986 Temple Grandin published her first book, Emergence, in which she described growing up with autism, providing for the first time an interior view of a different kind of life. A recent study (Baio et al 2012) shows that autism now affects 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 boys Ninety-five children with autism demonstrate several sensory processing dysfunctions, including sensitivity search, hearing filtering, and tactile sensitivity (Tomcheck and Dunn 2007).

Healing (through) Architecture Student: Supervisor:

Emili Sterio Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

There is an unavoidable relationship between architecture and humans… a continuous exploration of the proper dimensions and the placements within architectural spaces that try to ‘’accommodate’’ a person and all their behaviors within it. Social, physical and mental health, all combined together, make it possible for us to have a life of quality. Mental health, more particularly is crucial to humans as it helps individuals realize their abilities, cope with their life, manage to accomplish things as efficiently as they can. Unfortunately, mental health never gets the same acknowledgment as physical health does. It is left with the stigma and the labeling and ends up being a topic people fear to discuss. The conditions of mental healthcare facilities and inadequate in Albania also. In this thesis I aim to talk about the current conditions of mental health facilities and how architecture can help easing the symptoms of these conditions by the proper design process. I think and I strongly believe that architecture is always focusing into human beings and making everything easier for them so addressing a social aspect in my thesis will not only focus on the architectural point of view but will aim to explore the whole humanity spectrum.Emphasizing the idea of architecture and humans and getting to find a way how architecture ‘’plays games’’ with the human brain. How do we design a building for people struggling with mental health? ‘’After words such as self-confidence, self-esteem, melancholy and sentimental were first introduced, an | 32

emergence of something new in the human consciousness became apparent: the internal world of the individual, of the self and of the family.” (Rybczynski,Witald, 1987) This notion introduced the idea of a spatial experience at a psychological level. For the humankind all health categories mentioned earlier (physical, mental, social) are interconnected. Mental health will be the category we focus more because it appears it is not as important as physical and social health. It has been historically ignored, disfavored and people never tried to understand it. The negative attitude lead to seeing mental health as an inhuman repression of mentally ill individuals. Healing spaces exhibit the most personal services that are given or taken. You go through and experience where you have to share personal information with people you don’t know. Sudden important decisions that need to be taken, people speaking a whole different language and sometimes feels like all this pressure and stressors can make your conditions worse. The overall result of these types of spaces is that everyone will experience the stress factor. What is interesting to say is that we can actually attempt to use the building to reduce the stress being experienced.These healing spaces are a work place for the staff, a sane environment for the patients and their relatives, a business strategy for the providers and a cultural space for the organization that is constantly aiming to achieve a mission/ a goal.

Resort for agritourism Student: Supervisor:

Enea Mamani Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Hospitality and tourism have become an important phenomenon in all cities of our country. Agro-tourist resorts in particular are seen as an important branch of an area’s economy. In recent years in our country, tourism development policies are giving great importance to agro-tourist resorts. This is because these areas have unused assets and being far from inhabited centers a lot of land from them has been abandoned by the inhabitants. The paper gives the appearance of an agro-tourist hotel designed and constructed with such architecture as to provide parking for customers. Therefore, given the importance and functions of this resort, the purpose of this paper is to use all the resources of the area to turn it into a tourist attraction. The reasons that prompted me to conduct this study are: first of all the importance | 34

of hotel and tourism in an area but especially when it comes to agritourism which is gaining momentum in recent years. The research question raised by the paper is: Will the agro-tourist resort utilize all the resources of the area, preserving the green spaces? In this paper I have used sources from foreign literature and the internet. The method I used in this study is research but also comparative. This paper has a special importance, it not only has done the research of the current situation of the area but gives the way of perspective on how the area will be developed and a concrete project which will be available to the administrative unit where the area is located. Keywords :, agro-tourist resort, green spaces, villas, parking, green areas

The Special Kindergarten Student: Supervisor:

Eni Sulaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Despite the development that the field of architecture has undergone during the past few decades, there are yet no standards for the architectural design serving autistic children and those with Down syndrome. This research aims to set some guidelines on how to design a kindergarten for autistic children and children with Down syndrome. Firstly, the importance of a kindergarten education before school is elaborated regarding not only kids with special needs but also the healthy ones. Secondly, the specific needs of the kids with Down syndrome or autism are studied related to their kindergarten education. Thirdly, the existing institutions in Albania are mentioned in order to emphasize why innovations are needed in this new kindergarten that is aimed to be built by me. Afterward, the Head Start programs and the Montessori method are taken into consideration as examples to follow for the best way of educating these children with special needs to make them better future citizens. Additionally, the special needs regarding spatial perceptions of | 36

these children are analyzed. More information on the importance of architecture in building a kindergarten with a modern and sophisticated design is offered through different case studies. Overall, this thesis aims to analyze the process of the design development of educational spaces that will help mainly autistic children and the ones with Down syndrome, to react positively to teaching and other treatment therapies. Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down syndrome, Education, The Montessori Method, Head Start Programs, Inclusion, Society, Healing Garden, Kindergarten, Pet Therapies.

“Raki” Distilery Student: Supervisor:

Ergis Senka Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The preservation of ancient values ​​such as houses, cobblestones, alleys, then the Castle, numerous museums are just some of the characteristics of the “Museum City”, which make the cities special in Albania. The locals are proud of their traditions preserved for centuries, saying that they are for new developments, but each time preserving their cultural-historical traditions. Those who visit these cities of Albania, leave in the hope that as soon as possible to return for other visits and spend moments of pleasure, with a beauty in the footsteps of antiquity and the hospitality of the locals.

was added to the list of World Heritage, but with a specific as expected.

Visits to museum cities are fascinating, both for the beauties and the tourist values. Visitors are numerous, visiting and getting acquainted with the special characteristics of the cities and the ancient heritage that characterizes them. stone paved houses and alleys.

The Committee has taken into account the data of ICOMOS which evaluates the city as a special example of architectural and urban values ​​of the Balkan region, in the context of a magnificent historical continuity.

One of these museum sites is the city of Berat. A city symbolized differently as the city of “one on one windows” which | 38

Since 1972, the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Culture and Natural Heritage, protects much of the heritage of “indisputable universal value”, with Berat what was expected since the autumn of 2007 when the New Zealand meeting , The World Heritage Committee, through a draft decision prepared the recognition of Berat, according to the definition “World Heritage in series” in the section “Cultural and mixed natural resources”.

Art Academy in Korça Student: Supervisor:

Erisa Sali Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Works of art perform an important service in social life, awakening in people those goals, ideals and spiritual needs, refining his taste for beauty and exerting a powerful educational influence on the formation of his personality. To enjoy a work of art properly, it is required to have artistic taste in man, while all it can be achieved by being equipped with the basic knowledge of the respective art, so once they seem to us more understandable, closer, more beautiful , most beloved and delight the reader and listener. The healing power of society through art is undeniable. It raises people’s awareness as well as influences the way they think and behave. Art is a catalyst for a positive transformation in all areas of human develop| 40

ment and personal growth. It has the potential to raise awareness of our individuality and humanity, our relationships with others, and our connection to our environment. The project in which I am doing research would be an important step and an impetus towards solving or improving this problem. So if then imagine what impact would have the construction of an art academy in the city in one of the cultural and artistic centers of Albania, where students are encouraged to choose to continue their studies there. But also an awareness of the whole society about the commercialization of art in general. If you will get real artistic and cultural knowledge, society itself will make the difference of the commercialism that surrounds us.

Psychiatric Hospital - Farka Lake Student: Supervisor:

Frans Gjoni Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Mental, physical and social health are the foundations of well-being for the lives of all individuals. Mental health, in particular, is essential as it enables individuals to realize their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life and work productively. Unfortunately, mental disorders have suffered the stigma of shame. Although the world has long struggled to understand, identify and treat mental illness, the quality of buildings and treatments in this area lags far behind other medical fields. A psychiatric hospital is a complicated institution - it is a place where two very different groups (patients and medical professionals) coexist, where the environment can be very stressful and prone to conflict. Private space, dignity, authority, power, care and cooperation with the community are some of the fac| 42

tors reflected in physical modeling, which shape the patient and staff experience. The conditions of mental health care institutions have changed over time. As early as the nineteenth century, these institutions began to have more space for joint activities, trying to overcome the taboos of template designs of this category of buildings and giving importance to municipal life. In this project, I try to give meaning to the ideologies and beliefs that have influenced the development of the psychiatric hospital model over time in order to design an institutional building with a more non-institutional environment by merging modern spaces with the nature and landscape that characterizes the selected square (as will be seen below).

UNIVERSITETI POLIS | Fakulteti i Arkitekturës & Dizajn (FAD) | Viti Akademik 2019 - 2020



Titulli i Projektit: Spital Psikiatrik | Liqeni i Farkës Student : Frans Gjoni | Udhëheqës: PhD Endrit Marku | PhD Ledian BREGASI | PhD Llazar KUMARAKU | PhD Loris ROSSI

_render _fasada lindore _prerje


4 Seasons Resort, Pashtrik Mountain Student: Supervisor:

Isa Ukperaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Through this diploma topic, the creation of a tourist resort in the north-eastern part of Albania is treated. This part of our country has started to develop especially during this ten year old. Development in this region includes economic, infrastructural and cultural development. The development has come mainly as a result of the economic investments of emigrants who, although abroad, have supported the part of the family that still lives in Albania, by sending economic aid. Considering the development that has taken place and which continues in my hometown, I decided to treat as a diploma topic the creation of a tourist resort on Mount Pashtrik, in Krumë. This study focuses on the integration of existing elements and “added” elements (new functions) which will be addressed in the study to create a resort which will be visited not only by locals but also by foreigners, especially residents of Kosovo for due to geographical proximity. The study area is well-studied as there will be opportunities to use nature and climate throughout the four seasons of the year. The resort | 44

will be integrated with nature and the area by adapting to the traditional and characteristic elements of the area, such as stalls. They are an important inspirational element for the shape of the resort. The resort will function consisting of two different typologies of structures, also in terms of architectural appearance. The central structure will contain the main function of the resort. There will be reception, bar, restaurant and other services and there will be hotel rooms for vacationers on both sides. The building will be a two-storey structure which is built with retaining walls. The rest of the resort, which is inspired by the shape of the “stalls”, will contain duplex structures separated from each other which will fulfill the wishes of vacationers to stay alone with their families in a building which will include all necessary services. Each of the villas has: living room, fireplace, bedroom, toilet. There are a total of 8 such villas at a distance from each other, surrounded by greenery and trees creating the atmosphere of individual villas.

Archaeological museum near the Roman forum Durrës Student: Supervisor:

Izmir Cota Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The project I have chosen is the Archaeological Museum in the city of Durrës. The location of the project is located in the area of Durrës municipality, mainly at the archeological pit of the Roman Forum. The reason for choosing this project is to bring a new architectural spirit intertwined with the Roman one as the geographer position is located right in the archeological area and also its connection with the city and its accessibility directly from the main square also a reference point for the city of Durrës. The shape of the building is influenced by the arched shapes of the Roman Forum, the shapes which have fol| 46

lowed the project both in terms of planimetry and in 3D of the building creating concrete arches which are connected to each other thus creating a volumetric which is connected with a main platform that will be used for exhibition space for the archaeologist which this platform stands in the middle of the building where the lower part remains again in function of the public square. The back of the building closes with the gift shop which visitors after exploring the museum end their visit by receiving souvenirs for the city of Durres.

Teuta Stadium of the City of Durrës Student: Supervisor:

Joan Mali Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The stadium of the city of Durrës has a great value for its citizens as they are very passionate about sports and especially about football. The city of Durrës has produced many athletes from all fields throughout its history and that is ëhy I have chosen to select a topic related to sports for my diploma thesis. Durrës Stadium is in a very bad and dilapidated condition. Citizens no longer visit the stadium and their interest is declining. The functions in the stadium area are almost non-existent and this makes the citizens not visit it. The stadium has a great potential for development as it is surrounded by a very large empty space. This space is currently not used and stands as a desert around the stadium. My goal in carrying out this project is that the stadium no longer serves me simply in its primary function but serves as an area of attraction and relaxation for the citizens. The project consists of creating a park around the stadium ëhich ëill have different functions and ëill serve as a “lung” for the surrounding area. From the | 48

study of the full analysis it ëas found that the area suffers from the lack of green spaces so that the park that ëill be designed ëill enable these missing green spaces. The staircase and its elliptical shape ëill be preserved from the old stadium. Its ground floor ëill be filled ëith commercial functions, shops, bookstores and part of it ëill be at the service of players and other functions for football. On the second floor there ëill be functions more closely related to the role of the stadium such as offices, media, restaurants, etc. The shape of the neë stadium ëill be irregular and ëith breaks ëhich ëill create contrasts and dynamic spaces ëith the park. Keyëords: Durrës stadium, park, dynamism, public space

Space and memory in Architecture-War museum salvation land Student: Supervisor:

Jurgen Brahaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

“War does not determine who is right-only who is left “– Bertrand Russell. Memories is all we got, the ones which stuck with us through our lifetime, which make us understand, value and idealize about the future. Captivating you within your own being and indirectly affecting your life. The way that we choose to interpret our memories is what differentiates us as a community, city or people. How the memories helped us to fight even more for us, for our people, for a change and turn every weakness and injustice into our own strength. Respectively talking about the war that happened in Kosovo, I am writing on behalf on my people. We cannot forget what happened and what grew within us. Especially, what people that lived the war have experienced, risked, lost, suffered during those years. Yet they managed to find “home” and feel safe among us, our hospitality and care when they needed it the most. Despite all the heinous and reprehensible | 50

events that took place, which the memories of them will haunt these people till their last breath, we cannot let them be forgotten. Not to increase hatred within humans but to leave a “MARK”, to tell our successors what war is, its consequences, and how the biggest help can come from your own people when we come together. As a poetry of construction, Architecture can come in help in beautifying the function and representing this cause in its best way possible. A “war” museum. Key words: Memory, war, landmark, space, hospitality, home, family.

Tirana co-living “Architecture that unites people” Student: Supervisor:

Ketjona lleshaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

When I recall the university years and think about my degree topic, I am reminded of the questions I faced year after year at university from professors. WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE FOR YOU? WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ARCHITECTURE? etc. Every year I thought of a different answer, now that I rethink it, I understand why the answers were different. This is because the architecture itself is very complex and allows you to read, understand, demonstrate it according to personal conception. So Architecture is a trace that man has left on earth, has created more complete possibilities for human requirements, (perhaps in relation to nature). Architecture is what reminds us of the earliest times through images, constructions, places where people gathered, simplifies our living in the present, offering us many opportunities to carry out activities, create situations, live in better conditions but also to enable good conditions where they do not exist, and ultimately gives us the opportunity to be part of it, leaving us room to contrib| 52

ute to its evolution always to improve time situations. I can say for sure that architecture is such a close part of man, which makes him unaware of what surrounds him, (I can take as an example the fingers we have in our hands, we know they are 10, we use them constantly, they are important part of us but we never think that we have them, that we use them and that we need them to fulfill different needs), so architecture is also part of us, since our awakening, which takes place inside a shelter and in every other service we need. And I say conscious because there are people who, despite looking at architecture, living in it, using it, etc., do not know what it is, do not know what it represents. I therefore wanted to emphasize the part of consciousness in architecture and relate it to what I mentioned above, the contribution of young architects in architecture, to whom they will point out the changes they bring and perhaps arouse greater interest in recognizing and read the architecture.

Geriatrix Complex Student: Supervisor:

Kimet Borici Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

With the elderly population of Albania projected to increase by almost 40% in the coming decades, the need for expanding long-term care options for the elderly is becoming a more pressing issue. Family values and the importance of family members providing care for elderly have always been prominent in the traditional Albanian culture. However, in the absence of family caregivers, a growing number of seniors still find themselves facing physical and social isolation. This research document focuses on care for the elderly that can be fostered through meaningful architecture and how it can be used as a platform to promote care for the elderly. Architectural elements and design factors are focused upon to design an optimal composition to achieve an effective environment that comprehensively addresses the needs of the elderly and of the public. The final outcome is the design of a development that promotes care for elderly. The dissertation draws upon theories related to ageing, social integration and meaningful architecture. The architectural requirements of an environment that fosters care for the elder| 54

ly is presented. Similarly, relatable case studies are discussed and evaluated on the premise of the issues that have been discussed throughout the literature review. These concepts are exhibited in the built form through the design of a model building. Recognizing where elderly housing has been and how it has evolved over the years, albeit not very much, will provide some appreciation for the framework that has been created. Building design for the handicap and aged persons, barrier free design and designing for accessibility as well as providing different types of housing such as retirement communities, assisted living, nursing homes, veteran’s homes, and even adult day care,all take into account the services that aging persons need. Future housing for the elderly should focus more on the psychological stresses of aging, and find solutions for the physical disabilities through this perspective. With design techniques such as universal design contemporary materials, elderly housing can feel less institutional, and people can feel like their new home is at least comfortable and supportive of their needs.

Next Gen (National Theater) Student: Supervisor:

Kristina Rexhaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Theater is a notion that means the narration of a staged event, realized by artists, actors, whose communication is transmitted to the public. However, due to its complexity, theater can hardly be translated with a single definition: the notion of theater itself means both theatrical art, the place where it is performed, and the social act of presence and accompaniment of the play. Theater is the art of spoken word. When literary creation is played on stage with the interpretation of actors, theatrical art is created. The event is placed in a certain space called the stage. Earlier the stage was in open theaters or amphitheaters Theater or acting; According to the definitions of modern times, it can be concluded that theater is a complex art, which in| 56

cludes elements of all other types of art: literature, music, painting, sculpture and architecture, as well as the art of acting, which is a specific feature. of theater. Everyone in the theater is very polite and it really helps to have such people in your life. Theater is something that helps you build self-confidence without forcing you into situations when you are speaking in public which can be uncomfortable. It is a safe place where you can open up and be yourself, and when it does, you can easily step into a character’s shoes and become like them. Theater gives you some truly amazing life experiences and so do you. helps build your communication skills. If you are getting into something that requires good communication, theater can help you build that experience.

Form-Finding and Architectural Design Student: Supervisor:

Ledia Gjergji Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The body of work that follows aims to explore the ways of finding the form during an architectural design process, to reevaluate the investigation of thoughts on the role form plays in different areas and features of its architecture. It introduces the design survey of forms in generative architecture and discusses the application of different theories in defining form of the buildings. It focuses in the series of forms that come as a result of the wide range of potentialities in architecture, while seeing the physical aspect of buildings as its crucial component and form-finding process innovative in industrial production. The research combines traditional form-finding methods explained through model based works, with the digital form-finding applied to an architectural project step by step. Form generation in architectural design is discussed, presenting the concept of “form process”. Various patterns for the practice of physical models in form-finding with structural and architectural motivation are argued in order to define the structures resistant by form, such as shell structures, tents or tensile structures. For architectural design as well as for structural design some examples for the application of imaginative working approaches are presented. There are many iconic works from famous architects and engineers that have chosen form-finding processes to generate the shape of their building. Due to that in the thesis is revalued the | 58

effect of this methodology in industrial production. It studies this method based on the information that the previous studies provides as well as various theories of form processing such as morphology, metamorphosis and morphogenesis. Introducing these concepts as the essential elements for the research and understanding the interrelationships of morphology and form in architecture leads to the theoretical core of the whole work. The theory is basically a different interpretation of form generation and it includes not only the pre-digital approaches but also the generative design of the digitalization era. In order to evaluate the study better some examples for the application of diverse working techniques are shown. Lastly the theoretical framework expands on the graduating project which is the Archeological Museum and Heritage Center located inside the fortress walls of Elbasan. Thus the morphological evaluation of the historical site is integrated with the methodology of form-finding. The discussion of the project is done regarding the applied process, organizations, relationships and ordering principles. The museum serves as a contemporary example that analyzes the form generation process while taking into account the techniques and the factors discussed in the theoretical part of the study.

Rehabilitation center and home for the elderly Student: Supervisor:

Loris Balilaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

In the times of modern society we have developed the tendency to pay more attention to infrastructure and technological development, neglecting a very important part of us, mental and physical health. We live in times when the architectural wealth of a city is “measured” by the number of skyscrapers that are built daily, at times when it is built but not thought.The keyword of the architectural dictionary is not the human being and his needs but monetary value and the march of profit. I was looking forward to the moment when I could design an architectural program that will serve a range of people and even more to people with reduced physical capacity or the eldery. Life has challenged me with a not very pleasant experience, where I had to rehabilitate for two months in a rehabilitation hospital in Italy and often asked myself, but in Albania, where can people can get this service? I chose to study the topic of “Rehabilitation center (hospital) and home for the elderly” so that these categories of people, who need so much care, not to be forgotten. The intertwining of different age groups makes living in the community even more interesting and hopeful. | 60

The selected construction site, where the project will take place, is located at the foot of the Levan Forest, along the national road Fier-Vlora. The strategic geographical position enables the use of this complex at the regional level. The clean air, the forest next to it, the hills, the lake a little further but also the sea a few kilometers away, make this square an urban meeting point among the wonders of nature. Conceptually, I have constantly tried to combine nature with architecture or even architecture with nature, creating a constant play between opaque and transparency, artificial and natural. The volumetric concept but also that of the landscape is based on biophilic principles where the building interacts with the surrounding nature. The forest, the symbol of nature in this project, climbs to the terraces of buildings, and even enters their interior (winter gardens) creating a relaxing ensemble for both residents and visitors of the complex.

Center for the elderly Student: Supervisor:

Marjeta Spiropali Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

This project started with an observation: The elderly, how is their life, how they live and the changes from working people to a life as a pensioner. Today’s retirees may have higher incomes. They also travel more and use digital means of communication. Through extensive research and finding, this project consists of how a generation of seniors can be a resource for the community. In a society where older people have been sidelined and sometimes fired at an early stage, this project aims to create a place where their experience, knowledge and wisdom can be used in a variety of ways. Based on the interviews that have been done in the existing asylums of Tirana, a lot of information, requests, have been implemented for this project. The activities desired by the elderly were | 62

used for the realization and good functioning of the project “Center for the elderly”. Different parts of the building will be: Social space, cafe, greenhouse and space to be filled. It will function as a social center to house activities such as gardening, physical-social activities and other opportunities for knowledge exchange, in the form of a kind of informal school, where generations can mingle. The selected area is appropriate to the function, activities and targeted group. The criterion was to be a quiet place away from the daily noises of the city. The project aims to see the possibilities for this category (the elderly) to have a life and opportunity different from the current asylums found in our country.











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Liminoid-The paradox of liminal space Student: Supervisor:

Megi Sinani Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The thesis tries to translate the philosophy of liminal space into a design one. Setting the guidelines to adhere to in order to come up with an idea for the concept. Discovering the web of what could have been and was, as a catalyst for a new intervention, reminds us that liminal space is a ritual happening not only in space, but also time. The characteristics that define liminal space are: Transition, Separation, Integration, Aggregation, Layering, Dissolution, Dissociation, Dlurring and Abstraction. These can serve as tools to transform spaces and the occupants’ experience of architecture. This experience is intentionally barely perceptible as to make the visitor question the surroundings thus arriving in a very personal endorsement whilst being aware of the transformative | 64

threshold between the two distinct spaces. The project will be the tool used to explore these concepts, and it came as a research result of liminal space, but also from its functionality as a resort. The resort is the liminoid that sits on liminal space. The building itself functions as a limionid, but it is designed based on liminal space principles. As a result from the research, the two weren’t interchangeable in meaning, thus in this project they will co-exist in a paradox.







































































































































































































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Veterinary center for the treatment and rehabilitation of dogs and cats Student: Supervisor:

Migel Shehu Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

As an architect, we shape and model the world around us to increase comfort and promote sustainability for a better future. Neglect of animal habitat creates a gap in the logic of sustainability as the world is not entirely anthropocentric. Consequently, the architect has the responsibility to influence beings human in order to make possible connection with other creatures through architecture. Being that people have a selfish nature, we always calculate the benefits we expect to receive. Awakening from the subconscious no will not only help other creatures but increase the stability of human-animal relationships, people between them, with nature playing a key role in it. | 66

This thesis serves as a lesson on coexistence, in an effort to encourage architects to anticipate how architecture can enable rapprochement between humans, other creatures, and nature. It is a breakthrough towards the phenomenon of change in architecture.

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Oborri A

Oborri A është ambjenti i pare i jashtëm i Qëndrës së Veterinarisë. Një ambjent i cili mund të përdoret nga klientet te cilet ne momentin e pritjes para se qeni apo macja e tyre te vazhdoj trajtimet ne klinike. Një hapësire e menduar dhe e dizenjuar si per njerëzit edhe për qente dhe macet. Qente dhe macet do te kene hapësirat e tyre të nevojshme për te luajtur, socializuar me njëri-tjetrin dhe te njihen me ambjentin e klinikes. Kjo Hapësirë është mënduar si nje vend qetësues per kafshët dhe në stabilizimin e gjëndjes së tyre emocionale pasi kjo e fundit rendohet kur keto kafshë vizitojne Qëndra Veterinarie.

Oborri B

Oborri B është një hapësirë e rëndësishme e klinikës sepse funksioni i tij rimar është ti shërbej Qenve të pastrehe( endacak) të cilët do te akomodohen ne Klinikë. Kjo kategori qensh mbart shumë problematika dhe trajtimi i tyre ndryshon nga qente e tjerë. Kjo hapësirë është ë mirë izoluar në mënyrë që këto qen të mos ken kontakt me qente e tjere të klinikës për të parandaluar shërndarjen e sëmundjeve dhe të problemeve emocionale që këto qen mbartin. Jeta e këtyre qenve para strehimit ne klinikë është shumë ë vëshitrë dhe ato ballafaqohen me shumë problematika, prandaj hapësirat kushtuar tyre duhet te jen sa me qetesuese dhe të sigurta. Qentë endacak duhet ti kalojnë sa më shpejto problematikat e tyre ne mënyrë që të jen te gatshëm të adoptohen dhe të gjejnë një familje te re.

Oborri C

Oborri C është oborri i trete dhe i fundit i klinikës i cili është në shërbim të hotelit ky ambjent do të përdorent nga qentë të cilet do të qendorjne në hotelin e klinikës oborri C është lehtësisht i aksesueshëm si për qente edhe për stafin i cli do të jet gjatë gjithë kohës në shërbim të tyre. Kjo hapësire ofron shumë elemente të ndrysh em të cilët ndikojnë pozitivisht tek qentë, sidomos tek gjëndja e tyre emocionale pa keto qen përball me nje relitet ndryshe nga ai që ato jan mësuar të shikojnë dhe jetojnë cdo ditë dhe përballen me frikën ë braktisjes.


Saranda Marina - Bus Terminal Student: Supervisor:

Miraldo Ruka Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

In the summer of 2019, the Albanian coast has had an influx of domestic and foreign yachts and personal boats, especially on the southern coast of Albania. The inspiration for the creation of a naval port in the city of Saranda came precisely as a result of the arrival of a yacht worth hundreds of millions of euros. The luxury yacht wanted to be supplied with oil in the city of Saranda, but, due to its gigantic size, the yacht was forced to anchor in the seaport of Saranda. The city of Saranda is ideal to be the host house of a navy for domestic and foreign yachts. Saranda is a city with more than 2000 years of history, set up in the area of the southern coast of Albania, rich in rare values of Albanian cultural and archaeological heritage, but also European. In its beginnings, the city served as a port | 68

for the ancient city of Finiq and, consequently, as a gateway to the region. This rich archaeological heritage intertwined with the beauties of nature, as well as its natural port, is the most important basis to promote the development of the current image of Saranda, as a destination of world classic tourism, as well as to attract the tourism market. special. Saranda has benefited in recent years from attracting domestic and foreign vacationers. Recent years have seen a clear rise in the construction industry, which has changed the image of the city from a quiet seaside vacation spot to a massive construction area. Currently, the Butrint National Archaeological Park is the primary generator of international tourists, who come mainly as daily visitors from the island of Corfu to Greece, after a pleasant journey for about an hour by boat.






Universite� Polis Shkolla nderkombetare e Arkitektures dhe e Poli�kave te Zhvillimit Urban



















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Dokufest Prizren - Cultural Center in Prizren Student: Supervisor:

Mirian Kabashi Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The most important and attractive part of the building is undoubtedly the bridge. The bridge itself is made up of metal structure which has supports on both sides of the river. The columns will also be a 40x40 metal structure. In appearance the metal structure is hidden from materialization and looks like one with the rest. The main part of the bridge is that it is open and can be used all the time and by all ages. Another important element is the bridge facade which is a combination of glass and cybernetic facade which at different times could become a monitor for various installations or during the festival and for short films. The cyber facade will be used in the form of folding which depending on the climate or also from the various events that will take place in it can be opened at will to have a view on both sides. There are not many such examples in the world but which worked in the best way. Apart from the fact that their cost is high, it is worth noting that in our country, especially in the city of Prizren, there are no such cases. It will be a new test but also | 70

an image, a reference point for the festival seeing its importance in the country. The bridge itself can be large in length but there is no specific weight which can pose a problem as it is made of metal structure. We have several types of cyber facades which are used and successful. Depending on how the opening is required and depending on how it is more suitable for the climate as well. They are widely used as it gives a different look to the facade of the building. Its use can be manual and automatic (command-electronic). On the part of these facades, in addition to being simple in terms of atomic material, they can be used as LEDs or other electronic parts that enable a light advertising image on the facade that makes it different from others (specific).

Restoration of the former Hotel Volga and the public library of Durrës Student: Supervisor:

Redita Isaku Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

The city of Durrës is one of the main cities of Albania, due to the fact that it is a large historical, cultural, administrative and economic center where most of the albanian population is positioned. The fact that it has different historical periods, made it offer different cultures seeking evidence in architectural terms. This fact is manifested in the complexityand of the hotel “Volga”, one of the symbolic architectural values of the municipality of Durres near the Venetian tower. Despite the fact that its position is downtown and near archeological ruins, it appears now in desolate service and is a dysfunctional building. In fact, it is a rather strange fact, as the hotel “Volga” is only the one that gives beauty to the city to give it the shape it has but also adds tourist and cultural values to facilitate its geographical position. The contruction history of “Volga” hotel begins in 1938 with the strengthening of the fascist, filling thoughts about services as the headquarters of the Italian Navy Command until today that there are several stages of ownership conflict. The main purpose of this study is to iden| 72

tify a possible construction of the building in relation to the lack of needs of the community of Durrës. This project aims to turn the construction area into a city library, as the actual library does not offer services to a growing population of Durrës, according to the relocation of INSTAT. What is worth emphasizing is the fact that this building will not undergo the total transformation, but it will make an interplay between the traditional and the modern part. So, the existing building will continue to exist in the same structure but a new proposal will be added to the structure that will make the consistency in the realization of a modern “layer”.

Key words: “Vollga” hotel, architecture value, public library, conjunction

Academic Library Student: Supervisor:

Rei Braho Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

This master thesis is triggered by a practical problem in the Capital of Tirana, which has to do with the lack of a proper academic / university library in the city. Currently, Tirana has a significant lack of spaces where knowledge and academic resources are accumulated, spaces for reading, intellectual discussion and experiencing academic life in the city. The library is an essential institution that through the dissemination of knowledge, contributes to the development of society. At the same time, another important problem in Tirana is the degraded condition of | 74

the area in the “Student City”. The aim of the architectural project is to solve these two problems by revitalizing the “Student City” and by designing a new academic library, innovative and as environmentally friendly as possible. Keywords: library, academic, student city, Tirana, innovative, environmentally friendly

Marina, Yacht Port and Terminal Student: Supervisor:

Sara Habilaj Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Reading and analysis of the city of Saranda which is a city with more than 2000 years of history brought to the identification of key words that you encounter during the analysis such as: transformation, city shape, relief form, first urban plans, city and ​​ its opening, city and park, city and closing, plans and parallel roads, etc. Two of the keywords that influence the choice of project topic are: City and its opening, City and its closing. The study and research treated the city as a whole and determined that the opening and closing of the city would determine | 76

the chosen theme. “Existing Marina, Yacht Port and Terminal”. Seeing the Port and Terminal in a lot of communication and with the surrounding area.

Durres Public Library Student: Supervisor:

Sergio Pasha Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

Libraries play a key role in the development and emancipation of society. Many powerful countries have developed their own policies in order to update new ways of information in libraries. The city of Durrës is the second most important city in the country with a significant number of population and still does not have a proper public library. The need for such a function in the city is a real necessity for primary schools and high schools as they do not have libraries in their facilities. This is making society passive and insensitive to books. As a resident of this city but also as a future architect I thought that the topic of the diploma should be the Public Library of Durrës. A place that seemed suitable for the library space is Lulishtja “1 Maji” which is a public space in the middle of the city, but neglected for more than 10 years. Once it was the old bazar of the city and with the advent of Democracy it was removed, leaving the city with a space which did not have a project to revitalize but was simply vacated from the existing brand stand. The area has a very favorable position as it has the most public and private schools in the city but also short distances from | 78

other main functions in the city. It is also located near the bus station and railway line making the area more accessible to prospective library users. My concept for the library is to raise the missing figure of the book in the city by conceptually linking the weight of the book with notions of gravity and weight in architecture, which has been translated and in shape for the project. Also the neglected public space did not move with the pace of development of the city leaving the square in the shadows. Thus, beyond the architectural aspects of the building, there is a need for this space to create a new relationship with the city and to translate into values the problems created with time, but always leaving it as a public space and not treating it as part of the “library yard”. . After a series of analyzes of the city but also those of the area, it was managed to implement urban space in the square, which restores the area to the status it has lacked for a long time. It was also possible to merge the concept of book weight and weight into architecture which translates into the architectural form of the library.

Bazaar “N’Qoshe” Student: Supervisor:

Xhejsi Cela Ledian Bregasi, Llazar Kumaraku, Endrit Marku

This study provides answers to the conceptual problem in terms of identity as well as social welfare. Theories based on this solution are closely related to the development of economics. The answer to these problems is architecture as a link between the identity of the city and the individual. In this case the architectural project that provides a solution to the problem is “Bazaar in the Corner” The project was designed as something useful and that really has high parameters and that meets all the conditions laid out in the thesis. The journey that the project took to reach the final stage was important in every step of it. The vision expressed at the beginning of this diploma thesis emphasizes the desire to design a new platform where social, environmental and economic well-being can find a place together in a holistically designed project that can provide visitors with a way to proved a 360 ° space within the perimeter of the food market today. The list of design criteria, based on principles defines the main objectives and the project making them more concrete. The completion of the project is based taking into account the results achieved, which are | 80

presented each criterion applied to the project. The quality of construction is another key point, where the careful choice of constructive materials cast in the project, results in a building with good performance. Achievement is strengthened by achieving the choice of materials according to the criteria, to be a sustainable building to have the lowest possible impact on the environment. Public access is one of the goals achieved where the location of car and bicycle parking are at two different points and give visitors the most comfortable way to access the shopping. The configuration of the facilities, which make up the whole bazaar done in such a way that provides users a free walk throughout the country. Crossing the footpaths, creates a visual and physical connection of the bazaar.


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The three cycles of life on Canvas Student: Supervisor:

Adelajda Osmani Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

If there is a topic that is of interest to everyone, regardless of gender, formation, nationality, beliefs or views, it is the life cycle because none of us, even if we wanted to, could not separate ourselves from it. This is also one of the reasons why I have chosen this topic, which means that the inspiration has been natural and deeply felt. Speaking of human life and body, the aesthetic, beautiful aspect certainly cannot be left out. Although “beautiful” remains one of the most relative words we use, when it refers to the body, it seems as if society sets criteria by which we judge which is a very beautiful body, which is a beautiful body or less such. And this definition of beauty has changed constantly over the years and centuries. This is easily verified if we take a look at beauty icons in different times and notice that their physical dimensions or features are not the same. Since the details of the human body are best distinguished when it is naked from any external accessory, I have chosen to work nude in all three canvas, respectively for each phase of the life cycle. Therefore, the main purpose and result of this work is to present the body as an element considered in the artistic aspect be| 84

yond the physical or biological, to see the body in its purest and most naked form, to also be treated along the three stages through it. which he is destined to pass: birth, life and death. The body will be seen both on the canvas and described by the word, constantly compared to the artists who have expressed through their work the appreciation or perception of the body, especially seen in its nude aspect, presenting the artistic tendency of using this method, because the brushes that paint nude carry important messages which are directly related to the emancipation of the society in which we live, which still does not accept nudity and continues to prejudice this element. Over nudes and the three phases of life, there have certainly been many other artists with whom I have found similarities in my work and I have also been inspired. Here we can mention Pabo Picasso, the photographer Oliviero Toscani who always reveals nudity and strong messages about life in his works, Amedeo Modigliani, Frida Cahlo, the sculptor Berlinde De Bruyckere, the photographer Andres Serrano or the artist Michaël Borremans who mostly deals with death.

Doctor Sneaker Student: Supervisor:

Ambra Cupi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Body, mind and muscles. Talking about each of them in particular we can write a lot of information but to intertwine with each other and place them in a hierarchy would require more effort, research and scientific references. Our body and mind are inextricably linked. Whenever we have an opinion that the cells of our nervous system affect directly our body. When we think about health, diet and exercise are usually the first things that come to our mind. However, good health is not just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and touch each other immensely. Official guidelines around the world are that we should all stay home as long as possible, avoiding any unnecessary social interaction or travel during the pandemic. Physical isolation can have negative effects on health and lifestyle. Isolation at home can present stress to a considerable portion of people bringing them mental health problems. My inspiration to create sneakers only for home use was from acupuncture Chinese. I started doing some research thinking about which product is most needed in this period of pandemic but not only because these athletes can be used at any time at home, cleaning the house, or for people who can not afford to go to the gym. Acupuncture is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, relieving emotional and physical blocks and stimulating the immune and hormonal system. Massage therapy relaxes your muscles, clears the mind and leaves you with a | 86

deep sense of relaxation. Long strokes, gentle shaking, stretching and joint release, relieve tension help a lot in good blood circulation. Also another inspiration is from acupuncture shoes. They are designed to be inspired by pressure therapy, Chinese reflexology, which aims to put pressure on specific areas to stimulate nerves and stimulate blood circulation. Acupuncture sores are equipped with solid areas, which are strategically placed on the sole of the shank to cause pressure in certain areas. They are ideal for those who suffer from leg pain and are liked by people seeking stress relief or treatment for muscle cramps, thanks to the deep tissue massage they provide. The sneakers that I will create will be on the upper part of the merino wool material, which is a very soft material which when it is cold helps the foot to stay warm and when it is warm the foot stays cool. At the bottom of the foot will be the material of gymnastic balls because due to the relief it is possible to apply pressure at several different points at the same time, it will also have the form of Chinese acupuncture, and these shapes will stand on a sole which will be made of a rubber material that helps not to be slippery. People will feel very good when they start using sneakers as their body will feel more relaxed, muscles will start to activate and stress will be recovered making you cope with the problems in life more effectively.

Technological Consumption Student: Supervisor:

Andri Ceta Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The way we consume technology, how dependent we are on it, how much time we spend, how much we are influenced and by what we are influenced by it consumed so much phone, computer and applications different; how cyconsumerism affects our behaviors and how they are modeled our behaviors depending on this consumption are some of the most issues disturbing of the times we live. At one point being with my friends I saw that we were all staying with cellphone in hand, each focused on his own screen. It was a behavior | 88

which I did not like and there I started to think about how technology has influenced our behaviors. We used to meet each other, talk, make jokes, we shared our stories and thoughts and here I was with the same friends, without conversations, each on cell phone maybe and seeing or talking to virtual friends. Our conversations had been replaced by a cell phone, our behaviors were different.v

Portrait Student: Supervisor:

Ardit Istrefaj Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The Paleolithic man took coal and presented in the cave where he lived, daily life, hunting techniques, and special moments. The desire to express and document parts of life has haunted humanity from its inception to the present day. With the development of human mental capacity, the ways of expression and documentation became more and more advanced. In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs wanted the story of their lives to be written in tombs, depicting some of their culminating moments accompanied by some murals. Although many years have passed since the Man of the Paleolithic, or ancient Egypt, modern man more than ever predisposed to document every part of everyday life, through the development of technology this has become easier and easier. Today the path we follow to go to school or work has become like a tunnel that leads from point A to point B. Where point A is the house (where you live) and point B is the school, work or other environment, since we are on the move most of the time, keeping in mind the destination, we are not focused on what is around us. Walking around the city through noisy and cluttered streets has been and continues to be one of my daily activities. But the body, the mental and physical state change in different moments and different locations. That’s why I wanted to present this in my graduation project. My work is a combination of the works of two artists, Franceska Woodman and | 90

Vivan Maier, where I would like to analyze the body’s reaction in places like point A or point B, and how it reacts when it is on a daily basis. The project itself is a form in a way that makes a presentation and documentation of my body’s reaction to the public space in general and the architecture of the city in particular. An attempt to present whether the body and the emotional state are influenced by the architecture that surrounds me, and how the body reacts to architectural objects. If the body feels part of that city, if I am part of its construction or if I am an insignificant element, let me find out what impact I have on the city and what impact the city has on me. I also made a presentation on how the indoor environment affects me, or how the A-spot and the B-spot affect it, as these spots are the interior spaces of buildings, I managed to get an accurate reaction. Interweaving the work of the two artists into one image, reflection as an element was used making the overlap of the images. In the premises of the internal space, various emotions were documented (photographed), presented with various gestures or body parts. In the outdoor areas, some of the buildings that are part of my daily routine were photographed, photographed, the specific buildings were taken and the emotions that accompany me were analyzed, I want to emphasize that these are personal perceptions.

Are we the Soul or the Body Student: Supervisor:

Artemis Zyba Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The “simple theory of personal identity” claims that “being same person” cannot be analysed in terms of having some of the same body or the same physical or mental properties; a later person might be the same person as an earlier person, whether or not he or she has any of the same body or the same physical or mental properties. The question that arises whether any body (and so brain) at all is necessary for our continuing existence. Could we continue to exist merely as disembodied souls? From a ‘70-th century French philosopher Rene Descartes claims that we could, and that our souls alone is sucient for our continuing existence. By claiming that we “could” exist without a body, he was claiming only that this is “logically” possible; that is, that it would not involve a contradiction to suppose that we could exist without a body; he was not claming that this is physically possible. The logical possibility, Descartes claims, | 92

has the consequence that each actually existing human is essentially a soul, an immaterial thing to which a body is attached while we are alive on earth. Most thinkers of Western (and Middle East) world before the ’70th century held that every human has a non physical or could not exist “fully”, without also having a body. Descartes has a theory which claims that we are essentially souls, which are joined on earth to bodies; our thoughts and feelings and other mental events are ours because they are events in our souls. Our souls are kepts in existence by the operation of our brains , and that brain events cause many of the mental events in our souls. If those laws ceased to operate and so to bind body and soul together, it would be the continuing existence of our souls - if they continued to exist - which would constitute the continuing existence of us.

The Skin Student: Supervisor:

Diona Paçrami Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The theme that I will present is about the skin, it is part of a kind of a shelter that humanity designed during its development, but we also have our natural shelter which is our skin. The skin is the largest and most important organ in the human body. The skin itself is a multifaceted organ, with many purposes that shifts from a thick skin to a thin one, or a narrow one to a loose one, to a wet to dry skin, which extends throughout the body landscape. It is a self-supporting material, the outer part of which is meaningless and inert, while its inner layers are reddened with nerves, glands and capillaries. The theme is the focus of the skin-body connection on the design. We can also take the skin as something elastic, flexible which is therefore more than an organ with a protective layer. It is also valued as a mirror of the soul and shows how much we give our body observation. We have elastic and hyperelastic skin. Hyperelastic skin is skin that can extend beyond what is considered normal. She returns to her normal state after lying down. The idea of my project is for people to understand the | 94

connection of the dress with the variety of skin colors. What I tried to achieve is to create a dress that embodies human skin, it will not be something to wear on a daily basis. This dress presents between an image the phenomenon of elasticity that is conveyed between colors, shapes and material. From 36 skin colors we selected some of them that are: peach (peach), cream, brown (brown), cocoa (cacao), nude (beige), honey (honey), bronze (bronze). Each of these colors symbolizes a human diversity. Also the shape of the dress will be shed and curved. Cutting shapes from textile fabrics and connecting them to another piece is done in such a way as to decorate the base material. The ornamental fabric is sewn to the base fabric. The material we used is elastic, as is elastic leather, in keeping with the body. As for the decorative part, we use a thin mesh material. In this installation i tried to realize an approach of the elasticity of human skin between a dress. The fit of our skin on the body should be similar to that of the dress, which comes between the elasticity of the piece.

MEALUX Student: Supervisor:

Elmedina Bushat Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

My theme is a design product related to the body and the demands it has, especially on girls. The importance of this facility has increased over the years and with the proliferation of products for the care of our appearance. Every plan or thing should be organized as well as possible, this way we can find space for new things, and in fact sometimes things that at first glance seem insignificant, hold behind them the space we lack. Women want to take care of their appearance and the products they use for maintenance are endless, they want to have them as close to them as possible, but frequent trips, simple outings or even the work they have done do the opposite. Moreover, according to a recent study by “Aston University” published by the well-known online journal “Science Daily”. In normal bags they combine with other products and are contaminated by them, in many cases they are contaminants thus becoming a source of disease. Also another well known site “The guardian” has written about this problem “Reasons to clean you make up bag ”or“ Reason to clean your make up bag ”. Among the reasons we can mention the fact that facial acne is created, various infections and the lifespan of the products is reduced. In the United States, the term “Dopp Kit” was used for toilet bags. American during World War I. The “toilet” and the complete “Dopp” became synonymous when the military pulled them through World War II. The bag will have a length of 17-20 cm, width 15 cm and height 5 cm one section and the other two with 3 and 2 cm each. The material that | 96

will be built from the outside will be scuba fabric, and from the inside a piece of liner. The color of the copes outside will be a light color like: nude, beige, saw, etc., to convey that feeling of purity. Also this kind of color makes it easier to distinguish from the naked eye when the accessory needs to be cleaned. Scuba fabric is quite strong and durable and for the product in question is the most selected material. While the liner material makes it easy to clean in the washing machine whenever needed, without damaging it. The product can be divided into several parts, so we can modify it as desired in small or large bag according to the case and the need we have. The inner pieces are sticky and we can remove them whenever we need to wash or clean them so that first of all this accessory is as hygienic as possible. The separate sections are of different sizes and shapes to suit the products (measurements are made with real products), such as the special place for the sponge, pencils, lipsticks, etc. Opening and closing of the object will be possible from a chain, so like most of them without complicating anything and the interior will be equipped with stamps as needed. What I expect from my product is to meet all the needs and options that seem to have been lacking in other accessories of this type and all the tests that will be done to test its quality to be successful such as its resistance to frequent washing and cleaning.

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The Accepted Body Student: Supervisor:

Emiglena Shahini Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Albanian society is undergoing transformation, thanks to the development of time. Enough has been said about him and The main question that often arises is: ‘Which category does it fall into, the traditional or the modern? After the 90s Albanian society was faced with a previously unknown reality, the “modern world”. Since him moment she, tried to be part of this flow, but we can say that it was something impossible given that the tradition was deeply rooted in the Albanians. Over time this changed. The next few generations little by little they took their steps towards modernity thanks to the help of technology thus turning society Albanian in a mix between the traditional and the modern. This duality in addition to being part of society Albanian, is also part of families. When we say part of families we are talking about couples that are created, sometimes from love and sometimes from the past, in which in most cases we are dealing with a difference considerable age. Given this fact, it is clear that there will not always be understanding in their relationship. In most cases clash| 98

es of thoughts become the main reason which con a couple towards divorce or in the worst case, towards violence. Domestic violence against women is not a new phenomenon in Albania. It has deep roots in traditions and customs patriarchal (eg rigid gender roles and identities, patriarchal authority, adherence to the code of honor and shame, and the control of several generations within the family) that have long shaped Albanian society. In Albania, domestic violence is a problem that negatively affects women and children, as well as the family as well set of. However, Albanians tend to consider domestic violence as a private, family matter, and the like a normal part of marital and family life. Given that domestic violence often occurs behind doors closed and not openly discussed, accepted or treated in Albanian society, victims in general suffer in silence. My project is related to the female body and the blood that comes out of this body.

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Yoga Student: Supervisor:

Era Fera Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The topic I developed my degree in, is yoga. Yoga is a form of meditation and physical activity that has a positive effect on physical, mental and spiritual health. The most practiced type of Yoga is Hatha Yoga, which includes breathing exercises and physical exercises. There are several types of Yoga (8 schools) where all have a common goal, improving mental and physical health, as well as achieving a “unity” of soul and body.

Based on the fact that we are experiencing a pandemic that has affected and isolated the entire human society, I chose to elaborate on this topic as I see it very positively on alleviating the problems and consequences of coronavirus. The whole human society has more than two months of isolation at home, reducing to the maximum the physical activity, which is very necessary for the human body. Attached to this situation is the economic downturn around the globe, causing emotional load, stress, anxiety and depression in various people. The inability to get out and exercise an active routine, a website on Yoga is the perfect solution for any person who practices it. Relaxation techniques and regular practice of Yoga creates mental clarity and calmness, increases awareness of the body, relieves chronic pain, calms the mind, increases concentration, helps in early identification of physical problems and enables prevention through preliminary actions. For people who practice it regularly, Yoga turns into a lifestyle, very important to stay always in shape, strong and in harmony.

Yoga practice is both physical and spiritual. Spiritualism is a topic widely addressed by various artists some of whom were very inspiring to my project. Artist Moriko Mori in her work often explores the themes of technology, spirituality | 100

and transcendence. The multimedia and monumental project, conceived by the Japanese artist, focuses on the “temple of dreams” that represents a utopian place, the ideal destination at the end of a path to spiritual discovery. Each step of the journey contains a single work and is characterized by a special quality of light, one of the essential elements used by Mariko Mori to convey purity and universality. Light also means internal illumination, achieved along the path of the individual towards consciousness, a state in which the connection between external and internal light is determined. The overall architectural structure is transparent, bright like the colors of the aurora. artist Yoko Ono, equally conceptual and physical, Cut Piece relies on the audience’s willingness to interpret and follow instructions that describe their role. In works like Cut Piece, it invites viewers to become agents in the creation of art.

The purpose of my work is to create a web site that will help all those interested in the simplest way, stimulating the desire for this discipline. Anyone who opens this page on their smartphone / laptop can choose the exercises they want, which will be in different files grouped based on the effects they have on different parts of the body, with the specified time and explained benefits. in words. I will explain the exercises through graphic illustrations and accompanied by a video tutorial. A special sector will be on the positive physical, mental and spiritual effects that the person exercising this discipline gains. Page e the web will be simple to use, everything clearly explained, with understandable images and information.

The Light Student: Supervisor:

Erika Gashi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

For the realization of this project, the topic I have selected is “Light” Why light? From a young age I had an irrational fear of the dark and light, the only thing that calmed me down was a body, a friend. I remember having small lamps that reected gures in the room. But this is an explanation from a child, but what is its basic concept? It is a simple element of our daily lives, whether natural or articial which is vital to the continuity of our day and the functioning of our daily production. As a start, what is light and what concept do we have for it? Light or visible light is electromagnetic radiation within the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be perceived by the human eye The main characteristics of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or spectrum of wavelength, and polarization. This is its objective description. All characteristics are perceived in the scientic and functional aspect for humans But not for me, these features make it a body. My perception of it has been quite subjective, and I think for many children it still is. So it is an objective and subjective division My goal in this project is to invite adults | 102

to perceive light in a subjective way, just as children perceive it. In a dark space it is presented in dierent forms creating the idea of a body, to keep the company in the space that stays To begin with, fear must be present, the fear that children perceived at rst, and then the comfort of light. By nding comfort, the public thus better analyzes light, and its characteristics. As a start, the darkness should be present, then the room will be dominated by dierent forms of Akari works. Akari is a Japanese technique for creating light sculptures, Akari means as Light and also Light as light weight. Nese driten do e imagjinonim si nje trup Akari do ishte menyra me mire per ta pershkruar pasi materiali me te cilin punohet eshte nje leter e lehte transparent e cila nxjerr ne pah butesine e saj dhe demonstron vellimin e saj duke i dhene ne nje fare menyre nje membrane trupit te saj. An artist who has worked with the Akari technique; Isamu Noguchi quotes that ‘’ Everything is sculpture, it’s light that looks weightless

The Accepted Body Student: Supervisor:

Ermonela Ishmakaj Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Human bodies come in all sizes and shapes. And yet, societies over the years have tried to create the ideals of what is called a beautiful, feminine or masculine body. Throughout history this ideal has changed and has had a detrimental effect on those who tried to adapt to these ideals of the time. This including me, at some point in my life. If we take a look at the diversity of what has been considered beautiful over the years, it is clear that beauty cannot have a definition. Therefore, shouldn’t this be a reason for bodies to be accepted as they are, different from each other? Those who are most affected by not accepting their body are women. One of the reasons may be the fact that men over the years have been seen as superior to women, while as beings who must meet certain qualities to please them. Based on studies on the effects of physical dissatisfaction, I concluded that the most affected group is adolescents. In order to concretize the studies done on the dissatisfaction that women have in adolescence with their body, I decided to create a questionnaire that was addressed to this age group. In the responses given by the girls, I noticed that most had prob| 104

lems with the abdominal area. One element that helped me understand what the path to body acceptance is is pain. Seeing the work of Ana Mendietta, I realized that pain is something inevitable that must be overcome in order to achieve what you set for yourself. Another artist who has been very inspiring to many people with her work, including me, is Vanessa Beecroft. She brings her works in the form of an autobiography, which in a way also appears in my project. While, in terms of designers, many of them have addressed the topic of body image and idealization of beauty. Two of the designers I first studied were Soo Kyung Bae, Karoline Vitto and Debora Dax, who with their work pointed out certain parts of the human body that may not be a favorite for society. I decided to concretize the purpose of my project with a product, which is the corset. Corsets have historically been part of female beauty. But, I want to bring this object as a symbol of pain, including both the physical one caused by the corset over the centuries, as well as the emotional and psychological one, which causes dissatisfaction with the body in women.


Grejsi Shehu Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

This project aims to create a design product that posesses artistic values, without losing its functionality. More than the product itself, the purpose behind it will be important. My goal in this project is to restore furniture of a period that has influenced our country, such as Communism in Albania. For me, it has always been important to preserve the tradition, in combination with the modern and the current. Another important factor when working with furniture and interior design is the violation of the boundary between the latter and art. My goal is to break down barriers and serve these products in an alternative way. The functionality of these objects will remain, but the aesthetic function will increase, serving perhaps only as works of art, with the meaning and symbolism that they carry. To create this product, a study was conducted analyzing the interior of the com| 106

munist period in Albania. Problems have been identified highlighting the elements that have influenced the abandonment of the communist cultural heritage. Further, research cases, materials and information taken from online books and articles, magazines dealing with articles on design and interior, artists who have worked on similar projects and research cases have been taken. From these data, a conception of the product idea was achieved. My product will come as the result of the combination of two chairs, but being brought back in a completely unusual way from what you usually find in an Albanian house. The peculiarity of this product is that it will preserve the tradition and identity that has defined us at a certain point in history.

Fingerprint Identification Student: Supervisor:

Ina Agalliu Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

When it comes to the term “human body” we introduce ourselves into a multidimensional world. It seems easy after thinking in many aspects to develop the topic, in fact it is a tempting topic. The human body is a mystery where whatever you choose to research and find information always has curiosities. I focused on finding a topic that would not only develop physically, but sought more by establishing a direct connection with me. I decided to focus on a subject that is both concrete and abstract, both general and intimate, both familiar and private. My research focused on fingerprints. Human fingerprints are detailed, unique, difficult to change, and stable throughout the life of an individual, making them as long-term markers of human identity. What is the interest for me to have my own identity and not someone else? The interest is for me to protect, preserve, strengthen, develop, myself. Identity is considered as a conception of the self-individual and expression of individuality. The main problem addressed in this project is the connection of the individual’s trace with his identity. T ouching more the focus of this research project which is directly related to the abstract and intimate side of the subject, more clearly and briefly I mean, the identity. The development of the topic selected by me will in principle have some key terms which are: investigation , identity, traces etc. The idea I have is strongly related to everyone’s path to themselves. This project will indirectly convey a valuable message to everyone, the originality of identity. The focus will be identity but it will be achieved by following the step after opening the components that affect its detection.The connection of the trace with the identification is close.The trace is unique, as is the identity itself. But | 108

how could I connect so closely my identity and my roots, my memories and my background? I would go back in time to remember the people and my most beloved space. The image I chose to play the role of the subject in the final product is the grandparents’ house. Although it was difficult, I managed to put all the pieces together to get a complete picture. The reason I chose the house is because it is the place that holds more memories. To realize the theme I initially chose I had to look for information on the emblem of this project, the fingerprint. The more information I received, the more tangible this topic seemed to me. The realization of this project put me in front of a new challenge where I had to experiment as rarely. For the presentation of this painting I will no longer need a brush but simply my fingerprints. The painting I have decided to make will be a proof of my past and a bridge between what has been presented by me today.In addition to the memories I woke up in everyone’s mind I had to search for concrete images from the archives of the past. Realizing the painting with traces is the most interesting part as it expresses in the most beautiful way what I have tried to express through words. To realize this painting I will need only the basic things, such as canvases and paints. Absolutely that will there is also a selection in the choice of the latter. The colors that I will refer to are the colors of the earth. This project is the finalization of many ideas, information, research on stories related to the emotional state, facts. Talking about identity is difficult, much less expressing yourself in front of others. This will be my creation and the courage to do this project is also the fact that it will be an eternally documented past not just a degree.

The Body Gender Student: Supervisor:

Karolina Duka Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The Gender topic hasn’t been easy to be analysed or treated , I tried my best to achieve a dignified project , educating myself in the best way I knew how, so along the way I could give something of value to others watching. In some way that is my expectation of this sculpture , for people to wake up and start asking more, learning and educating themselves more. They may not be the most supportive people but at least to become familiar with sexual spectrum, gender fluidity and realise the damage it brings to the society ,not only to individuals , not letting themselves accept change and accepting other human beings. Thus, everything is a chained reaction while working on ourselves and our mindset , we help an individual , a group, a community and therefore a society and the whole world. Why specifically this topic? Among other very important problems that our society faces ,especially Allbania , gender, homosexuality, sexual intercourse ,etc., are topics rarely reached or even taboo. Our society avoids these topics up to a point when someone is deeply threatened ,even than it is pointed vaguely , talked at most for 2-3 days without touching the roots of the problem or in other cases misjudged or not treated at all. It is necessary to be involved in everything surrounding us especially specific communities. I may see it as a third person unattached to the situation but I feel more connected than I thought I would, because the judgment has been | 110

buried deep in our everyday life making it a part of us even in the most common situations. I wish to come across to at least my generation or the future generations letting them know that we wont always agree on everything but it should be out of the question somebodies freedom , their mental and physical well-being and them being who they really are, them expressing who they truly are. For those who don’t agree or don’t see it fit they should keep their opinion to themselves so they don’t harm anyone with their unwanted opinion. These project is close to my heart for the problems treated , the research that goes way back and my need for it to be as accepting and educating as I need it to be. I let it be known what’s wrong with today’s society and embracing the importance of ones love for their body , love for themselves and others. I myself am making new changes , learning everyday even from my past or unintentional mistakes. We are all equal and as such should be treated , no one is allowed to come into your life and suddenly decide who you should be or who you should love or how you should act, you are free to be who you feel like being , love who you feel like loving and act as you feel comfortable and fit for yourself. For me there is always room for change , acceptance and of course a solution if one chooses to keep an open heart and mind.

The ease of maintenance of optical products Student: Supervisor:

Kejsi Davidhi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

In this diploma project will be treated that group of people who have a concern which comes from poor eyesight. When it comes to vision, the problem before us is serious and needs to be considered carefully. As a member of this social group, based on personal experiences, having a poor eyesight often creates obstacles and a feeling of non-conformity. Optics products are diverse and in addition to optical glasses as another important element we can mention contact lenses. Based on my research and personal experience, people who use lenses are often associated with various problems ranging from dry eye to lens protrusion. In case such phenomena occur it is necessary to have present either the hand disinfectant, other tools needed to remove the second lens from the eye, up to the artificial tear to soothe eye irritation. If all of the above happen and we do not have the necessary products the problem can be very serious to the point of deteriorating vision and various infections, difficult to recover. What I wanted to come up with is a full-option solution for people with optical problems, a mini wallet which is a very good organizer and creates a lot of convenience in optics products. At first I was thinking about a large organizing bag which is taken only on trips and in cases when you are out of the house for whole days but then I thought to reduce the size as a result of the practicality of everyday life. A person with such problems must always have him with him. To reduce the size I think to make a wallet | 112

with a circular shape where everything inside it is with separate pockets and each product has its own space safe not to be damaged. Inside will also be enabled a small mirror to perform this necessity for our eye, but why not also to see how we look. The wallet will be divided into two spaces, the first will have room only for two pairs of glasses, the optical ones and the sunglasses. The second space will have all lens products and hygiene products. These two spaces will be connected together by a chain and between them will be the mirror. They will be all products that we have the best possible look and care for. In addition to optical glasses, there will be lenses and their special box for people who use the latter. Also with the lenses is attached the product that takes them and they are placed in the eye. To have healthy eyes and not dry or to have no case of infection, artificial tears are used which are recommended by ophthalmologists to be used as often as possible. It will also be the lens solution which is very important for cases when we do not want to keep an eye on them and put them in this solution. And last but not least is the hand disinfectant to have the best possible hygiene for our hands and eyes. This leads me to believe that the presence of this mini-portfolio in my bag can create a very important extra care for myself. .I think that this product can turn into a gemstone in terms of importance and can provide a much needed relief for this part of society.

Vespa Extreme Durres Student: Supervisor:

Krist Kotilari Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

During the conversation to my friend who is a graduate of computer engineer and currently works at IKUB, he was telling me a project idea for creating a network of works, according the application of the business. This business would be thrown for the first time in the Albanian market and since it was an innovation this could be a successfully. Thus, to talking about the idea in my degree of this business. Its made me even more enthusiastic as I would work on a business-related application while i wanted to open and build an application to help the business to have the maximum audience in order to reap success. The biggest advantage of this project was the fact that it would done. I worked on the thesis topic and at the same time would realize the opening of a business that will come for the first time in the Albanian market. Because of the limited time limit, could not open this business. But, anyway in this project hope to work for the business, because had the opportunity to express what feel for myself and my desire in a future. A great help because a monthly practice that | 114

have done near a design office. Taking into consideration the construction of different applications for different businesses, the inspiration and the desire to carry out this project increased. Branding is an area that carefully addresses the image of a company, business, product as in my case that is “Business Branding”. A successful business on the market is achieved through several factors, starting with advertising, logo, design, brand etc. From this process also depends on creating a business image. The context needs the carefully handled graphic image that will attract the customer from and offered the service and finally our impressions and correctness in this business. So have been trying to treat the business as a product that will be served to the audience, and have achieved this by doing historical analyzes, points where needs changes, how it will develop, creating image comparisons with other businesses, the advantages and finally how achieved my results and conclusions.

Multifunctional Table Student: Supervisor:

Lazar Tegu Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Multifunctional furniture is an efficient solution to meet the needs in a limited space. This way of furnishing integrates aesthetics and functionality to ensure adaptability. A very important element of multifunctional furniture is the multifunctional tables. Lack of space in living spaces has played an important role for designers to focus on innovative ideas and research about this way of decorating. The table is one of the most important components of the furniture because in one table, we perform many activities. A multifunctional desk in our spaces creates more opportunities and represents added value. The general views of the paper rely on the direct benefits that multifunctional tables bring. In this paper, in addition to theoretical weeping, we will focus on the aspect practical, so the amount of theoretical knowledge is transformed with a concrete desk project. Edgar de Souza, a worldclass engineer and artist, has pursued a style of multifunctional objects that combine aesthetics, function, attraction | 116

and minimalist qualities. Inspired by the art of Edgar de Souza and a successful multifunctional furniture designer, multifunctional tables were sketched on paper and then the 3ds max program was used to make the project as realistic as possible. The designed table is functional for limited spaces, aesthetic and with average production cost. The material of the table is wood and aluminum, the combination of the two materials increases the longevity of the table, flexibility and brings this table within the trends of the time. This Table has not only qualitative but also quantitative benefits, where it can be used for many functions and by many individuals, which in the case of an ordinary table would be impossible. The furniture market in Albania is difficult in multifunctional furnishing. The purpose of this paper is to identify the importance of applying the multifunctional table in confined spaces.

The new normal Student: Supervisor:

Ledia Merollari Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The isolation period from COVID-19 pandemic made me realize that the rules or behaviors to prevent the infectious disease must be valid and “ephasized” even in non-extraordinary situations. Most of us live in a polluted and overcrowded environment by being subjected to a “rushed” routine that makes us forget the general rules of healthcare. With this year’s global crisis and history repeating itself, it has once again been proven that the society still has shortcomings in managing an emergency situation. Like any extraordinary event that has left its mark, this pandemic is also applying change in human society. These changes are leading us to “the new normal”. But what do we call a new normal? The new normal consists in adapting human behaviors to new changes. Taking the most current example, we need to reconsider some behaviors that may result in an improvement in our urban coexistence even after an infectious risk. Behaviors that previously seemed unnecessary and exaggerated, such as wearing a mask or gloves in public, or keeping a distance during a meeting, should now be considered more than normal. Focusing on this idea, I think it would be fair to emphasize these behaviors that helped not only in terms of healthcare but also in the social ones. I decided to make my contribution to social awareness in the form of a graphic | 118

book accompanied by short texts. The content focuses on these following key words: pandemic, hygiene, social distancing, anxiety, isolation, etc. It graphically reflects instructions, behaviors, or subjects directly related to the topic. The content is easy understandable but also verified by reliable information sources. An important reference have been the medical health awareness graphs, which in the book, with a significant color palette and chosen typography, they take a more artistic form. Materials also play an important role in the project, the cover has a timeresistant hardcover coating and the sheets are made of durable cardboard. The book is addressed mainly to adults aged 16 and older and especially to those who appreciate art and design. So my goal is to convey something recent and present, somewhat instructive, but also aesthetically pleasing and engaging. Summarizing a design book can attract aesthetic attention and awareness at the same time. How does the human relationship with the urban environment adapts to pandemic? Will the idea of living a “free” life exist anymore? What will be the social interactions in the future? This project can also serve as a “sneak peek” in what may come in the upcoming years.

Brain VS ... Student: Supervisor:

Lusjana Kimza Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

All my work consists in the idea of physical and psychological health and how much strength the brain has against this very important factor. Many problems are and exist simple in our heads, but having such strong roots, they are reflected outside the mind, leaving negative and unnecessary consequences. All experiencing the same situation in isolation from the pandemic, in addition to negative values we also received positive ones too. Barefoot from any kind of complex, under the warmth of family and being safe at home, many people realized what really matters in life. We realized that physical and mental health were a priority for each of us. Wanting to be as transparent as possible with myself in this period of ‘therapy’ I too faced my biggest complex...hair. My body has been facing hair loss and weakening for years. I was not confident because of this issue, my behavior changed, my self-esteem decreased, complexes appeared ... etc. This condition came gradually, bringing with it tests, medical visits, various medications, stress, anxiety and loss of confidence. Tired of this addiction created by vitamins and medications, I decided to break away and give my body the best treatment ... self-confidence and psychological peace. So in this chaotic situation, where the | 120

world had bigger problems to solve than to deal with my hair, I built the confidence and shaved it. What I want to create from this situation is a story that can be given to anyone who presents a complex, no matter how small, to themselves, both physically and psychologically. I want to emphasize how much strength, the mind and peace with themselves have, in relation to all-round well-being. The medium in which I want to address this situation is through a stop motion video. The video will have several different elements, where each element has an explanation and a symbolic connection with keywords that express my personal story. The environment where the story in the video will take place will be a ‘white room’ that is taken comparatively like the mind. To make it as personal as possible, I decided to include the most identifying element of my body, my own hair. These hairs will form a character, which symbolically presents itself as the problem in this white environment. The ‘problem’ in history will face different situations. These situations are a reflection of my experiences with this problem.

THE BODY Student: Supervisor:

Megi Oboni Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Three times blocked automatically will highlight the realities that are generally not noticed. The final presentation will last the treatment of an installation where the audience will receive from the screen one conception. The existence of the biological state actualizes continuous phases in order to have more opportunities. Performance is simply a mechanism of the country, not to perform it every day and certainly the best manifestation of Modernity. The performance medium has been selected as an experiment with a way to determine, the hypothesis approaches the truth. The first performance will represent a blockage in the 17th century. The body which is located in a previously unknown space, a seemingly utopian space but also very disturbing in a haunted opportunity. In 2035, fifty years later it will last longer | 122

with further forces, layers of society will take another form. The space will hold a strong number of bodys, all selected to perform a practiced mechanism. The interim time will be 2020, which will determine the above society during the war for survival. If our body can be blocked three different times, will this be a visual concept or a reincarnation in different ways? This hypothesis will draw attention to the community. The audience is allowed to percive the space and community in which they can participate. From this process we will understand a mechanism or a continuous repetition where it can be controlled in parallel or any migration which is the war for survival and the moment that a life cycle destroyed , the other returns to start.

The objects as a extension of the body Student: Supervisor:

Mikel Kuqali Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

There are many objects which we interact with in our daily lives that help us fulfill our basic needs, but which we take for granted. We neither recognize nor accept the object as anything more than the role of which they play by helping us meet our needs.This topic is a study on human behavior with the design product. How these relationships have changed over time and the constant evolution of technology.What are the moments in which objects are part of the human body and in which cases are an extension of it. The goals of the research are divided into two parts, where the first part focuses on the exploration of the material in terms of its physical characteristics. It includes its advantages and limits and also the aspect of our body’s relationship with the specific material. The second part focuses on the development of form, the exploration of standards and the leaving of space for “human touch”. Giving his personal space over the object, their relationship passes to a new stage, in which the object already has value beyond its function.These objects stay away from statics and inconsistencies.They are a sustainable solution embracing the unpredictability of the process and its vari| 124

ability. This series of objects that will be created as a result of this research, will demonstrate that they are much more than a functional and aesthetic object, but are a complexity formed by the material, shape, ergonomics and human touch; an extension of the body in the form of an object which fills the gaps of physical limits but related to the personal aspect of each user. Thus we return the attention of humanity to the values ​​of objects, values​​ which are denied as a result of consumerism. The series of objects for this research includes objects that have to do with the ritual of feeding. A moment where the object created by man comes to the aid of him as an external organ. Glasses, plates and have are some of these objects which by their organic form they are incorporated into the human body in a process of union as two parts of a puzzle. The shape of an object can say a lot not only about its function but also about the people who use it, about their culture and history. They are a complex combination of many experiences which mix and create objects that turn into ideologies and not symbols.

Dreams Student: Supervisor:

Nandia Murtaj Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The theme that I have chosen to study is “Dreams”, a topic which is closely related to humans, and mostly to our emotions. Although basically an imaginary “event”, it is enough to look so real as to have a direct impact on us. What made me choose to treat this topic, starts from a personal experience, as an intuitive person, in different cases a short analysis of a dream, or just the memorization of it has had hidden messages that I would reveal in the future . My project will take the form of a Dream Journal, which will contain illustrations of various dreams as well as key words and sentences of the experienced events. Through this project I would like to convey the emotions experienced in those moments, mostly addressed to intuitive, empathetic people of all ages. Mostly the theme of dreams has a surrealistic basis, a theme which has been studied by many different artists and philosophers with different approaches, such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.Frida Kahlo and Marc Chagall had an influence on the visual creation of the illustrations, from which I was inspired to develop the black and white style. | 126

Also, studying Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s book “Eye and Mind” helped me create the most accurate concept of my topic.According to the book, the human eye, sight, vision, movement, are all closely related. Vision is not the processing of the mind, but it is something that happens within us. Because the body moves and looks, it holds things in a kind of circle around it. Since things and the body are made up of the same things, vision in a way, comes from within us. My idea for the realization of an illustrative dream book is closely related to the eye and vision. So what I will display will be not only a reflection of what we see within ourselves, but also a combination of it with the emotions it will cause. Initially, to create the project, I had to memorize and write down the dreams I had. Then, I had to find the most appropriate way to visualize it, and the way I would combine the image with the descriptive text. After completing this phase, I thought about the physical realization of the project, the material I would use, which would be an ecological material in brown tones. The cover will also contain the same material, in slightly thicker A5 formats.

Photographer’s backpack Student: Supervisor:

Nicola Senjo Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Design is art in function of the needs of individuals. Through design we can create a product who can make a difference in the market. The demands and needs of the market have made the designer to be not only creative but also researching. When research and creativity interact, the designed product will represent an added value for the market. The bag is not only a decorative accessory but represents a very important object in our lives.Globalization and the trends of the time have paid attention to the design not only aesthetic but also functional in adaptation to the needs that are always changing and are growing. The bag depending on the purpose and destination of use should be designed to be suitable in size, shape, comfort, aesthetics, functionality, durability.The quality of the material of the bag is a very important element not only aesthetic but also ergonomic. The market for the production of bags should pay more attention to market research, relying not only on market demands but also on the production of a product to reduce side effects.During the design of the backpack, important elements have been studied such as: comfort and the possibility to avoid deformation of the body. The interaction of our body with different objects in our case the backpack should be flexible. The aim of my work has been to design | 128

a backpack for the profession of photographer which will be in line with the latest studies conducted in the world to reduce the health problems caused by holding a heavy bag for hours.The work of the photographer is tiresome and it is very important that the photographer has a backpack not only multifunctional but also to be studied to bring as little pain to the photographer back To present the theoretical aspect of the backpack To identify the importance of the multifunctional backpack To create a multifunctional backpack for photographers To present the technical details of the multifunctional backpack for photographers The paper includes the descriptive method to describe the importance of the backpack for the profession of photographer, its functions and multifunctionality.The design of the backpack is presented in 3-D using AutoCAD, and then the program 3ds max to create a quality Render.So, this paper includes a case study as a primary source. Case study of backpack for photographer. Secondary resources are supported by international scientific journals, and bag designer manuals.

Sport Gloves Student: Supervisor:

Nikolla Lico Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The design of Sports Gloves is a very interesting and necessary topic to promote. Gloves are an essential accessory for sports enthusiasts, both indoors and outdoors. Sports such as gym, golf, weightlifting, boxing, horseback riding, etc., make it compulsory to use gloves when practicing them, because they are crucial means of protection for the hands. A suitable design not only enhances the elegance of the gloves, but also improves the quality of the function they perform. My interest in this topic started from the irritation I felt when using weightlifting gloves in the gym. I often wondered if I had chosen the right gloves, but even after trying some other models, I realized that the problem was the wrong design. The objective of my project is to use this information to redesign simpler and more efficient fitness gloves. Despite the many designs realized so far, only their conversion into a prototype can show exactly | 130

how functional is the produced weightlifting glove and how its design can be improved. To successfully achieve these objectives we must take into account the materials used to create fitness gloves. In this project I am trying to achieve the creation of a prototype that matches the objectives listed above. The prototype must be a high quality, durable and compatible with the functionality it is designed to perform. The materials have different properties and are suitable for different purposes of use. The design of the gym glove should be based on the selection of these elements such as: pieces with antimicrobial agents that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause bad smell; textile resistant to friction and pulling strength; well-ventilated material with small pores that do not allow water to penetrate but enough to expel sweat drops.

closed posture

hostility, unfriendliness, and anxiety

Body Language Student: Supervisor:

Rea Ceta Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The chosen topic is body language. Body language is the unspoken part of communication, making up 63% of it. Body language includes facial expressions (eyes, eyebrows, lips, wrinkles), hands, arms, and body posture. If a person says something, these elements make it possible to understand if this person supports what he is saying and with the gestures of the body. Through body gestures, we can understand if a person feels comfortable in our presence, or someone else’s, and support an opinion that is being quoted. In terms of posture, it is very important to understand whether a person has self-confidence or not, since self-confidence is one of the most important factors of success today. All of this data, and even more so, is widely circulated on the Internet or in psychology books, and is a little difficult to understand without a more simplified way. So, to express these gestures and body postures, I decided to create a small book on this topic, focusing on simplified information through its transmission through illustrations, which are not abundant enough in psychology books or articles. online, as they are too focused on giving too much information. Thus, it is possible that this book is understood from different ages, mainly 14-30 years old, but not limited within these boundaries. Thus, it can be obtained from anyone who | 132

is interested in learning about this topic. The structure of the book is as follows: title, subtitle (if any), illustration information, and related illustrations that follow the order of the information. The palette used includes the colors of the main emotions (red, blue, yellow, green, purple), and some neutral colors for the illustrations part. The main colors are used in the title, as a background color, and in the pattern. The book will be about 36 pages, size 10x10 cm, where in addition to the illustrations is included a personalized pattern for the book, and at the end of the book, a pocket that holds 5 photocards. These small photos, approximately 5x5 cm, include illustrations of a corresponding emotion on the face, and on the back, a ‘curiosity’ about that emotion. These, to include more the sense of touch that is also important in body language. Due to the small size, the book can be taken anywhere, it is enough to have a little space (bag, pocket). Also, the illustrations are simplified and named respectively according to the information, and thus makes it easier to understand and learn them.

lip biting

covering the mouth

palm up






Peace in my Soul Student: Supervisor:

Sindi Subashi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

Throughout his life an individual, mainly a female, faces this problem everywhere, at work,school or walking down the street. The moment a person becomes objectified that personbegins to see himself with the eyes of the objectifier , causing himself a great pain both physicaland psychological. Return of the body to a medium, the division of body parts according to the ideas created by society for its sexualization, is the cause of sexual abuse, anorexia andsuicide. It is often denied and often blamed on the body, this “provocative” object that accordingto society is the cause of sexual objectification.The reason why I chose this topic is because this problem not only affects me personally but affects us all. Like me and many other people have often faced sexual objectification. Thismakes you feel weak, powerless and humbled in front of people who objectify you. We often forget what really matters, we forget that our body is just a house. Our soul lives inside thishouse. But a temple without a god or a house without peope in it isn’t just an emptymeaningless space?The main purpose of my study and topic is how to help those people who have this problem to find their spiritual peace. To be able to | 134

understand that the body is ours but we are not ourbody, we are more than that. I managed to find peace in my soul, so I believe that with the helpof a person who has had the same experience everyone can.I have chosen to make a video art. The main character will be me. A video entitled “Peace inmy soul”. The reason why I chose this medium is because by turning my body into a medium Imanage to make my body to speak through the movements or emotions that will follow. Thevideo will contain some symbolism which will indirectly show an experience of sexualobjectification.

The eye and the illusion Student: Supervisor:

Sirela Dobra Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The topic I have chosen to study relates to the eyes. The eyes are the rst impact, they are the mirror of an illusion gate. My attraction to this topic is also related to my personal concept in terms of the eyes or the senses of the rst. I rely on what the eyesreect to create opinions.To prove to myself that not always what the eyes convey is an absolute truth I studied on illusion, eyes and body. Through this project I wanted to convey to others that wedo not always see what our eyes tell us. But what we see is not only an external factor,but what we see outside is also inside us. So it’s a connected process. What we feelinside us is also reected on the outside through dierent emotions. And for this study I relied on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s book “Eye and Mind”, linking thebody to my project. According to the book I read the human eye, vision, sight, and movement are closelyrelated. If the reection resembles the object itself it is because this reection acts onthe eyes more or less as a thing. It deceives the eye by creating a perception which hasno object, yet this perception does not aect our conception of the world at all. I alsostudied various artists who can refer to my topic on colors, light, shapes, space andillusion. Olafur Eliasson is capable of using light and colors but playing very well andwith space. He was interested in the connection between the experience that can occur in a gallery and how this can aect our behavior when we leave that gallery inrelation to our world around us. Oter artists Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, Robert | 136

Smithson, Anish Kapoor being inspired by light, space, colors, geometric shapes and the use of mirrors.To carry out this project, I have followed some work steps: Initially the rst research was based on information about illusion, eyes and body. Alink had to be established between them for the continuation of the project. Another research was for documentaries, books and various artists, one of them OlafurEliasson, where the main inspiring object of the project was the mirror. Then I created dierent sketches of the objects by dening the right shape, size and space. Search for all materials and space where this installation would take place. Foreach material, an emotion that they conveyed must be identied, connecting it with the position of the person in front of them. Another important element was the light and its confrontation with reective objects. The nal project, an installation showing an illusionist world

Touch to smell Student: Supervisor:

Sirela Dobra Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

This project is dedicated to people with disabilities, specifically people who cannot smell. The lack of sense of smell is called anosmia and those who suffer from it are called anosmic. These people have difficulties in many aspects of life and especially in nutrition. It is precisely for a good nutrition process that these table products are made. Their function is to convey the missing feeling | 138

of alienation, through textures and colors. The research of fragrances is taken from medical articles and has been translated by me in artistic and functional approach. The final design is tested by a girl with mild anosmia and the results were satisfying. By this I mean that the girl in the picture E.B managed to understand by the product, the fragrance that it characterised.

Human Body in interaction with video games Student: Supervisor:

Skervi Baushi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

My theme is body and the project related to this theme I have chosen is gaming console. I choose this project because I am very passionate about video games and there are some things that I personally and many people I have asked (brother, some friends and players in video game centers) are missing from the current consoles. Therefore by consulting with those people on what they wanted to add or change I did some internet research to see if it was possible to implement all these options. After searching I encountered some problems in some options which were impossible to implement and some others that would create a problem in the exterior design of the console as well as some that had a very high cost and would become impossible to market by price. Many options were eliminated from this search but the three main options I wanted to implement were within reach. After some initial sketches to understand the shape of a video game console I started creating my own sketches for my project by setting up additional options and making some form interventions. The first addition I made was a sensor for measuring heart rate which if it | 140

exceeded the average set by the WHO (World Health Organization) is a led light which changes color and turns red when exceeds the average BPM this allows the player to understand that they should stop playing. The second option I added is on the left side of the console where that option is used for the microphone whenever you want to activate a voice command you can press it or if you are online with other players and you do not want to have the microphone on, all the time . The third and final option is to add two buttons that help control the sound from the gaming controller without needing to have another control panel or having to stop the game. The changes I made to the glove are the addition of another part between the legs of the console due to the better grip and in the upper left part of the glove the arch has been removed to have a better opportunity to use PTT (push to talk) and that I have recently changed the materials which are carbon fiber and rubber. These were the changes based on the research and feedback received from the respondents.

100-170 BPM- 20Y/O 95-162 BPM- 30Y/O 90-153 BPM- 40Y/O

Above the average

Below Average

Inside view

PSS Power Sensitive Sensor


Swipe left or right


Problems caused by funerals Student: Supervisor:

Viki Brahimi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The theme I have developed is the impact that traditional funerals have in nature. The presence of death is a concept that has followed man since prehistoric times. Even without a specific definition, this phenomenon has not been ignored, on the contrary it has been devoted in time with a well-thought ideology behind it. This was done to express the final goodbyes and to prepare the deceased person for what they thought they would face in the afterlife. Two rituals that have undergone major development in the last decade are traditional burial and cremation. Throughout the history of the evolution of these two funerary methods, what is neglected to mention is the negative impact they have. What these two industries present is a dignified and respectful way to bid farewell ro a relative separated from life and leaves behind the negative side that these two processes cause in nature and consequently in man. Statistics collected in 2018 clearly show the amount of primary materials we sacrifice to accommodate dead bodies in a year. The area occupied by the cemetery in this country is 404,686 hectares. Buried below are 3,028,329 liters of Formaldehyde, 115,000,000 tons of iron. Coffin vaults consist of 2.3 billion tons of concrete. Trees are another victim of this ritual. 1,618,743 hectares of forest, buried in the ground. All this is done to bestow eternity on dead bodies, which is biologically impossible. The reality is that all these resources are isolated on earth | 142

only for a lie that feed to man. We must keep in mind that some of these resources are not renewable and being isolated in the ground does not allow these materials to enter the recycling cycle, but to degrade underground . One of the most recommended rituals for solving this problem is “Green Funeral”. A new method that has been introduced in 2003. In this process the body is placed inside a pod created from degradable plastic. After being buried in the ground, a sapling is planted on it. After the degradation of the plastic the body serves as food for the seedling. Such a method is also more afordable than cremation or traditional burial. What I have decided to present is an installation in which the process of degradation of the materials used for the construction of coffins will be displayed. At the end of this installation will be placed a small bag of pine seeds, which will symbolize the opportunity to choose a path that reduces our impact on nature. Imagine every cemetery filled with marble and concrete changed into an untouchable green forest. “Ab Imo Pectore” or otherwise “From The Bottom Of My Heart”, as the dedication writtten at the end of a letter this may be the last dedication we make in the name of nature.

Human Body in interaction with animal body Student: Supervisor:

Xhena Sakolli Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The theme I have chosen is the connection of the human body with that of the animal. It’s a topic thathas piqued my curiosity and I’m pretty interested. It is a topic that is directly related to me and I think my experiences would be a good example of reference.The human body has a variety of functions, but where I really want to focus is transportation, shifting, carrying weights, interacting with objects and other living things, and the emotional connection itcreates. On the other hand, I mentioned that the topic is also related to the body of animals. In this caseI want to focus mostly on the emotional connection that animals create with their owner, as well asinstinct. What I mean by instinct is the part of the territory that is important for animals, the curiosity they have when they encounter unknown things.My interest in this topic started from a problem I encountered with my cat. Cats like any other animal need medical visits to the vet, walks, or even when they need to be transported to different places,perhaps during a trip. This is where we will focus. What I have used has usually been a traditionaltransport basket, but its use has caused health problems and has not been practical. If we take the problems one by one, they start from the discomfort when we put it to use as the importance is greatand rubbing the basket holder with the hand creates calluses as well as pain. In addition to this, there are large, unnecessary dimensions, occupying a considerable space in the house, or wherever you are,we have the pain that is caused by the shoulder and spine due to the weight which does not spread | 144

evenly and much more other problems. various encountered by other persons. Doing a search on different designs I read about a designer Taylor Sun who had given a new concept tothe carrier design. I was very impressed by her work and had an interest in studying the work done byher, but I noticed that there were still some complaints based on the price, the material of the bag, orthe discomfort in some cases. So I thought why not create a product inspired by it but improved. The methodology consists in studying the ergonomics of the human and animal body. Ergonomics willhelp me with questions about this product such as: How long will the bag be? How much will it weigh? How much space will there be inside? How wide will it be? What is the best material for human skin butalso for the cat’s body? What is the most resistant material? Will it be firm (durable, strong material) or will it be loose (can be folded)? What design will it have? What will be added to improve it? How much weight is an individual advised to carry? How many km can an individual carry by carrying that weightwithout causing a problem? Regarding the glass part, the questions arise as to what will be the materialmost resistant to cat scratches? How much should this material weigh as we need to reduce the weightof the bag to a minimum without damaging its quality.

Face ADN Student: Supervisor:

Xhesika Dyryzi Stefano Romano, Dorina Arapi

The body is everything, the body is art, art begins with the body. Everything around us is related to the body, and as such, it remains one of the fundamentalreasons for all artistc creations. At different stages of the development of society, thehuman body is built on the foundations of different ideologies. Today, with plastic surgery,tatoos, changes in appearance, and many other ways of manipulating, havechanged perceptions of the human body and also brought about a confrontation withwhat we can call beautiful, and ideal body. These elements have become important indetermining one’s identiy or the place one occupies in a society. Our body is always inconstant change, but it should be noted that these mutations are purely superficial. Eachof us, today, is the same person who was in his childhood, is the same “body”, with thefeatures that come to us ready through DNA, the element that I will use as a tool forachieve my goal. Despite the changes we may make in our lives, we remain the same inour esseniality. The goal of the project is to draw atiention to DNA, as an element that remains the same throughout our lives, and in a way is what gives us that part of ourudentity that we cannot change unless we accept it. One of these artists is Lisa Reider. Inmost of her work she appears nude, a way of coping with herself. “The womb” where sheappears nude again, according to her naked from any cover, | 146

without makeup, withoutclothes, without any element that makes others define us as individuals in the outsideworld. This to me is a way of seeing yourself in the essential context, that is, seeing yourself only with the elements given by a DNA. Another artist is Donna Huanca. One of her most famous works is ‘Lengua Llorona’, a multimedia installation where exposing nakedbodies, and at the same time covering them with layers of paint, she encourages theviewer to face the instinctive response to the human form which in the hands of the artistit is known, distorted and abstract. Donna Huance’s work, painting the bodies with paint, covering them, bringing a new image while the body below remains the same, brings mea parallel to my project, masking what is true. The physical object will be in the form ofan installation, an Adn metal structure, static to convey the message that Adn remainsunchanged throughout our lives, covered with clay balls of various sizes, to let the viewer understand. that the surface is easily variable, modifiable, but it does not affect the structureat all, it is a disguise of what we really are. DNA is unique to each individual. We need to understand that it is precisely the difference that makes us beauiful and special, so wemust love ourselves.

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