1 minute read
from Habitat 5
Sonila Suli1 , Marinela Meta1
1Environmental Studies 3, Department of Environment, Faculty of Urban Planning and Environment Management (FUPEM), POLIS University
Email: sonila_suli@universitetipolis.edu.al; marinela_meta@ universitetipolis.edu.al
The Bovilla water catchment was formed about 20 years ago on the River Tërkuza and since that time is the main supplier of drinking water for the city of Tirana and the entire inhabited area. From this catchment a full capacity of about 1800 liters per second of water is taken, which is sent to the Boville Water Treatment Plant for the production of drinking water. Since autumn 2001, the Bovilla water catchment has an unpleasant odor and taste, which continues to be repeated periodically every fall and every spring. This phenomenon has caused a major concern to consumers and uncertainty about the use of drinking water from this catchment. According to studies conducted by responsible institutions, about 260 (230) species of microscopic algae grew in the water, of which about 150 species in phytoplankton and about 110 species periphyton. Phytoplankton represents a relatively pranverës dhe vjeshtës, me një kulm shumë të dukshëm në maj. Aktinomicetet dominojnë në periudhën vjeshtëdimër, periudhë e cila përkon me shfaqien e shijes së papëlqyeshme dhe mungojnë në periudhën pranverëverë, ku shija e papëlqyeshme e ujit largohet. Një ndër masat për eliminimin e erës dhe shijes së pakëndshme është përdorimi i karbonit aktiv pluhur, i cili, eleminon erën dhe shijen vetëm nëse përdoret në doza optimale, shoqëruar edhe me praktikat e tjera të trajtimit të ujit. powerful growth and development during spring and fall, with a very noticeable peak in May. Actinomycetes dominate during the autumn-winter period, which coincides with the appearance of unpleasant odor taste, and they are absent during the spring-summer period, a period when the unpleasant odor and taste of water is removed. One of the ways of eliminating the unpleasant smell and taste is the use of activated carbon dust, which eliminates odor and taste when it is used in optimal doses, coupled with other water treatment practices.
Fjalë kyçe: aktinomicete, alga mikroskopike, karbon aktiv pluhur, Ujëmbledhësi i Bovillës.
Keywords: actinomycetes, activated carbon dust, Bovilla Water catchment, microscopic algae.