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In the 21st century, the most used word was sustainability. That is because one of the main problems of our century is the climate change, which is caused mostly by the carbon emissions. On the other hand, the carbon emissions are cause by the use of energy. The reduce demand of the energy consumption Would impact in the climate change. The most part of the energy use comes from the buildings. the new buildings, because of the new European energy regulations, are very effective in their energy use. the main problem of using that energy efficiency comes from the existing buildings. according to the BPIE. existing buildings contain a huge potential in the energy savings. Therefore, it is a must in retrofitting these buildings regarding their energy use. The focus of the thesis lies of finding different measures for a total renovation of the existing building stock. These measures can help improve the energy and the seismic performance. interventions will be done in the building insulation in the building technical then and also in the building masonry resisting wall. also, will be discussion about the possibilities of integrating the two types of retrofits. it must be mentioning this building, live a low-income population, therefore the retrofit measures must fulfil the minimum requirements, while being cost-effective. there are several retrofit measures that have been adopted another country and have been successful. yet, there are several difficulties and barriers in improving the energy and seismic perform answer of building. such can be the technical measures, ownership problems, government politics and mostly costs. Retrofitting existing buildings is one of the realities of the European Union. the most part of these existing buildings are multi-family buildings. Before also the seismic improving performance is very important, since in an event of an earthquake it would cause a lot of Damages, including human lives. Albanian is a third world country, therefore the main issue for the retrofit will be the economy aspect. The vast majority of problems in housing stock, which is characterized by constructions which, among other things, do not meet expectations on energy performance and consequently those for the conditions of comfort. Seen in this direction, the quality of life and living standards leave enough to wish. Even after the 1990s, when the need for housing was quite high, the tradition of building cheaply and quickly continued, especially in large urban centers. However, the biggest problem remains the apartments built in the period 1945-1990 where, in addition to technology construction, the situation is further aggravated by their depreciation. In Albania, as a country with high seismic risk, seismic design and assessment of structures is very important. In most cases, the seismic design situation is crucial in structural solution and in the dimensions of elements. In addition to designing new structures seismic assessment of existing structures is an ever- increasing need due to the existence of old structures built with design codes that reflect knowledge and accumulated experiences up to the time of their design and construction. It can be said that in compared to 30 - 40 years ago, the changes in design codes are significant. Provisions of the Building Code, which provide adequate protection and safety of life during severe seismic events, regulate ant seismic technical conditions for buildings. A significant percentage of existing buildings are designed using earlier codes when seismic loads were at lower levels than what it currently is. During recent earthquakes, the behavior of masonry buildings, designed according to new seismic codes is satisfactory. Structures designed with previous codes have suffered severe damage due to insufficient capacity to cope with seismic load and limited ductility. Concerns about the suitability of old codes with new ones can be answered more accurately through input of new methods of analysis. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the energy performance of masonry buildings in Albania pre 1990 and identification of opportunities and alternatives for rehabilitative intervention in them. These interventions consist in increasing seismic and energy performance. Also, it will be studied the possibility of a sustainable intervention.
The building that will be used as a case study for analyses purpose are the social masonry buildings built in the communism era before the year 1980. Before this year, the design code used was the KTP-63. It had little knowledge for the seismic risk and design. There have passed about 45 years since the building was builds. According to the European design codes (EC-8, 2004; NTC, 2008), the service life of the is in its end. Therefore, taking into account also the deficiency of the previous seismic codes in Albania, there is an immediate need for the study of the seismic performance and retrofitting. In absence of the laboratory tests, the analysis will be done taking in consideration the mechanical properties of the material as in the time they were built, without considering the deterioration. The analysis will be performed with ETABS software, and for the seismic performance will be used the KTP-89 spectre and EC-8 spectre (since Albania is trying to implement this code as a national standard). we will focus in these four types of reinforcement: TRM, CFRP, Ferrocement and adding steel frames. These solutions are given based on the possibilities of integration with the energy efficiency aspects. TRM, CFRP and ferrocement, in the phase of implementation in object, have the same methodology as the interventions on the building envelope, especially on the outside walls. Therefore, it can help to reduce the labour costs. Adding steel frames can help generate new shading system and also improving the facades. Keywords: sustainability / renovation / seismic / energy efficiency / retrofit