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In the 21st century, the most used word was sustainability. That is because one of the main problems of our century is the climate change, which is caused mostly by the carbon emissions. On the other hand, the carbon emissions are cause by the use of energy. The reduce demand of the energy consumption Would impact in the climate change. The most part of the energy use comes from the buildings. The new buildings, because of the new European energy regulations, are very effective in their energy use. the main problem of using that energy efficiency comes from the existing buildings. according to the BPIE. existing buildings contain a huge potential in the energy savings. Therefore, it is a must in retrofitting these buildings regarding their energy use. The most of residential building here in Albania are built before 1990, in the communism era. They have been constructed for an extended period of time and have received no renovation. The most of residential building here in Albania are built before 1990, in the communism era. They have been built for a long time and have had no restoration. The majority of social buildings are in poor condition and lack energy efficiency, resulting in a substantial cost to the government budget as well as a risk to structural stability, taking into account structural degradation over time (as the 26th November earthquake showed). Also there have been a lot of studies in seismic performance and structural stability. But it has never had a coordination between these two fields; energy efficiency and structural stability. So, the point of this study will be to improve the energy efficiency of these buildings and to study the effect of this improvement on the stability of the building. Which technology is the best solution regarding the energy efficiency for a building with specific conditions and if this technology has any major effect in their structural stability? In order to know how far we can go in saving energy, we need to know the energy demand of the building. the primary source for the energy used in a buildings or heating, domestic hot water and cooling. These can serve as an indicator to estimate the primary energy use and that carbon emission. For the right efficiency retrofit we need to know the deficiency of a building envelope and its energy consume. By that we can provide packages to lower than you consume and by analyzing the costs, we can choose the cost-optimal solution for that type of building. The thesis will suggest with a wide analysis of the costs and benefits of the energy efficiency retrofitting of Albanian residential buildings. But, as mentioned above, their structural stability may be at risk and by that it is important to study if the building will withstand another earthquake. Also, must be taken in consideration if the savings from the energy efficiency can cover up also for the seismic retrofit. The thesis examines mechanisms that promote the mobilization of upgrading projects in existing building stock. This section discusses tools which their objective is to find appropriate insulation provisions at the building envelope (e.g., insulating materials of the external walls or roof, window renewal, or configuration of shielded window frames) or that seek to improve the efficiency or co2 emission of a building's active heating systems. Besides applying higher efficient types of technological and limiting heat transfer in the transmission system of a building or heating system, this also addresses the rising use of renewable energy sources for heating supply. The most of measures apply towards both residential and nonresidential building. Both parts of buildings contain similar structural features (e.g., exterior walls, roof, and openings), regardless their variances in dimension, safety, and quality (for instance in terms of persistence and thermal insulation). Additionally, heating mechanism is quite similar. In an ideal situation, heating and hot water demand might be satisfied entirely through the use of waste heat that would've been dispersed. The focus of the thesis lies of finding different measures for a total renovation of the existing building stock. These measures can help improve the energy and the seismic performance. Interventions will be done in the building insulation and also in the building masonry resisting wall. Also, will be discussion about the possibilities of integrating the two types of retrofits. It must be mentioning these buildings, lives a low-income population, therefore the retrofit measures must fulfill the minimum requirements, while being cost-effective. There are several retrofit measures that have been adopted another country and have been successful. Yet, there are several difficulties and barriers in improving the energy and seismic performance of a building. Such can be the technical measures, ownership problems, government policies and mostly costs. 12