Public Participation Plan Approved June 7, 2012
Introduction Purpose The Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) serves as the metropolitan planning organization for the Lakeland and Winter Haven Urbanized Areas. The TPO’s Public Participation Plan (Plan) has been prepared to ensure an open, effective transportation planning process that provides opportunities for early and continuing stakeholder involvement at all stages of the process. It complies with the proactive public involvement requirements of Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 450.316, Title 23 USC Section 134(i)(5) and other applicable federal and state regulations and guidelines on transportation planning and program access. Goal Implement a proactive public participation process that provides complete information, timely public notice, and public access to key decisions with early and continuing public involvement in the development of transportation plans, programs, projects and services. Coordination with Polk Transit The Polk TPO has a continuing agreement with the Polk Transit Authority (Polk Transit) and area transit operators to coordinate efforts in the planning and programming of transportation projects. Polk Transit participates in the transportation planning process in accordance with applicable federal and state requirements, and it will rely on this Plan to satisfy the public participation requirements for the development of its Program of Projects – proposed transit capital and operating projects. The TPO planning process will afford Polk Transit an opportunity to: •
identify the community need for public transportation services including the needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people with low incomes;
prepare strategies for meeting these local needs; and
prioritize public transportation services for funding and implementation.
Elected officials serving on the Board of Directors for Polk Transit are well represented on the TPO Board. There is cross representation between Polk Transit and the TPO. The membership of the TPO Technical Advisory Committee includes staff from Polk Transit and local transit providers, as well as city managers whose jurisdictions receive public transportation services. The TPO and Polk Transit currently each have a standing citizens’ advisory committee to provide regular citizen comment and recommendations on proposed transportation projects and services. To promote an integrated community dialogue on multi-modal transportation, Polk Transit’s Citizen Transit Advisory Committee will be merged into the TPO Citizens’ Advisory APPROVED
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Committee under this Plan. This will occur as part of a larger transition to a Transportation Advisory Network.
Creation of Transportation Advisory Network Pursuant to federal and state regulations, the TPO is required to appoint a citizens’ advisory committee that reflects a broad cross-section of the local residents with adequate representation of minorities, the elderly and persons with disabilities. With concurrence from the Florida Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration, the TPO may adopt an alternate program or mechanism that ensures adequate citizen involvement in the transportation planning process. This Plan proposes the creation of a new Transportation Advisory Network as an alternate mechanism for citizen involvement with the objective of increasing public involvement especially by members of minority and low-income households. The Transportation Advisory Network, which will be formed through community outreach efforts, will be a less formal, more extensive structure for soliciting public participation and comment. The purpose of this new Advisory Network will be to maximize public participation in the transportation planning process. A basic outline of recruitment and operating procedures for the Transportation Advisory Network is as follows: Recruitment The TPO will solicit members for the Transportation Advisory Network through the publication of newspaper advertisements and other print material, as well as advertisements on the TPO and Polk Transit websites. Member jurisdictions of the Polk TPO and Polk Transit will be asked to encourage residents with an interest in transportation to join the Advisory Network. Direct mailings will be sent to community, professional and neighborhood associations and regular speaking engagements to civic groups will provide another opportunity to solicit participation. Each year, the TPO will establish a target for attendance and participation at neighborhood or community meetings especially for groups traditionally underrepresented in transportation decision-making. Staff will attend these meetings to learn more about community needs, to provide information about the TPO, and to solicit membership on the Transportation Advisory Network. There will not be a set limit or maximum level of membership on the Advisory Network. Members will be permitted to continue their participation on the network as long as their availability and interest dictate.
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Member Participation Members will have the option of receiving material on transportation plans, projects and services in either an electronic or accessible print format. Social media, e.g., Facebook and Twitter, will be used to disseminate information and collect public comments with links to the TPO and Polk Transit websites as appropriate. Staff will maintain both traditional and electronic e-mail address lists for direct mailings to the Advisory Network. Regular meetings of the Transportation Advisory Network will be scheduled to coincide with the development of major work products for the TPO and Polk Transit to include the Unified Planning Work Program, Long Range Transportation Plan, priority transportation projects and the Transportation Improvement Program, Transit Development Plan and Program of Projects. The meetings will be held in central, accessible locations, and members will have the option to participate either in-person or through an interactive webcast of the meeting. The meetings will be re-broadcast on Polk Government Television (PGTV) and available for on-demand viewing online through the TPO and Polk Transit websites. Staff will solicit comments and recommendations from the members in attendance at the Transportation Advisory Network meetings. Participants viewing the meetings online (during or after the live meeting) will be given an opportunity to provide comments as well. Documentation Comments and recommendations formulated through the Transportation Advisory Network will be compiled and reported to the TPO Technical Advisory Committee, TPO Board and Polk Transit Board of Directors for their use and consideration. These public comments as well as information on the disposition of these comments will be included in quarterly progress reports to grantor agencies. The transition to a Transportation Advisory Network will occur over approximately a two-year period. The Advisory Network will be formed while maintaining the TPO Citizens’ Advisory Committee and the success of this new approach to public involvement will be evaluated as part of the TPO’s annual certification reviews in early 2013 and 2014. If deemed successful, then the Transportation Advisory Network will replace the Citizens’ Advisory Committee in spring 2014. During the transition period, Citizens’ Advisory Committee meetings will be broadcast by PGTV as an interactive webcast and committee comments will compiled as part of regular reports (in addition to just reporting formal committee recommendations). The membership term for current and future Citizens’ Advisory Committee members will be set to APPROVED
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expire in spring 2014 and current committee members will be encouraged to become founding members of the Transportation Advisory Network. Four Main Elements The Public Participation Plan and the TPO’s public involvement efforts include four main elements as follows: Process – policies and procedures to ensure public access to the transportation planning and decision-making process; Outreach – strategies to expand the scope of public involvement and ensure that all groups including those traditionally underserved are represented in the TPO planning process; Network – provide opportunities for continued public involvement in the preparation, review, and adoption of transportation plans, programs, projects and services; and Monitor – procedures for the systematic and continuing review and evaluation of public involvement activities.
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► Public Participation Plan – The plan shall be reviewed periodically by the TPO to ensure the public involvement process provides full and open access to all residents. ► Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – The TPO conducts its planning process in accordance with Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This planning process will include public participation strategies that afford open access to the decision-making process regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or family status. ► Americans with Disabilities Act – To ensure compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA), public meeting notices and comment opportunities will include TTY (text telephone) information and provide multiple input methods. ► Limited English Proficiency Plan – As a supplement to this Plan, the TPO will develop and adopt a Limited English Proficiency Plan to ensure that individuals with limited English proficiency have meaningful access to the transportation planning process.
► Contact Database – The TPO staff will maintain a master database of all contacts, both business and public, on a continuous basis. The database will contain the information necessary to maintain contact and distribute information through traditional mail, the telephone or the internet/e-mail. ► Meeting Notices and Material – Meeting notices, agendas and minutes for the TPO Board and advisory committees will be mailed to citizens upon request (in addition to regular mailings to Board and committee members). To minimize costs and conserve resources, notices will be mailed on postcards or distributed electronically when appropriate. Meeting material will be available for download at ► Media Coverage – The TPO will make information available through news releases to area newspapers, radio and television stations. Polk Government Television (PGTV) will be used to inform and educate the public. TPO Board meetings will be aired live or taped for delayed broadcast to cable subscribers countywide. Board meetings will also be broadcast live via the Internet on Polk County’s website ( where the meetings will also be available for viewing on-demand.
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► Social Media – The TPO will employ the use of social media, e.g., Facebook and Twitter, to provide notice of upcoming meetings, distribute material, and to solicit and report on public comments. Social media will be integrated into the TPO website. ► Public Comment – Public comments are an essential component of the transportation
planning process. Written or verbal comments will be encouraged and accepted at the TPO offices and prior to or at public workshops and public hearings. As applicable, staff will encourage public comment on draft plans or projects via the TPO website and social media. All comments received will be tabulated, summarized as necessary, and distributed to the TPO advisory committees and Board for their consideration in the development and adoption of transportation plans, programs, projects and services. The TPO Board and advisory committees will provide opportunities for public comment as part of their regular meeting agenda. ► Program of Projects – Public notice for the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
will include an explicit statement that this notice of public involvement activities and the time established for the public review of and comments on the TIP will satisfy the Program of Projects requirements. ► Review of Planning Documents - The Polk TPO reviews and updates a number of planning documents on an annual basis including the Unified Planning Work Program, Priority Transportation Projects, Transportation Improvement Program and Transit Development Plan. The Long Range Transportation Plan is updated every five years with interim amendments as needed. These documents will be available for public review on a continuous basis – in both draft and adopted form. ► Website – The TPO will maintain a website at that meets industry standards for user accessibility. The website will include information on TPO activities, meeting notices and material, material for download to include draft and adopted plans, interactive maps and numerous opportunities for public comment. The website will include project-specific pages or links to stand-alone project-specific web sites. ► Adoption Procedures – The following procedures shall apply to the adoption of the Long
Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan, Transit Development Plan and Public Participation Plan: o
A public comment period of 45 calendar days shall be provided prior to the adoption of the listed plans. A reasonable comment period shall be established for any amendments – the length of which will be determined by the nature and scope of the amendment.
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o Notice of the 45-day comment period shall be legally advertised in a newspaper of general circulation covering Polk County prior to the commencement of the 45-day comment period. o Notice will be given that the draft plan or program will be made available online, and by hard copy at local government planning offices and the TPO offices for a 45-day period. o Comments can be submitted during this time period by e-mail or regular mail. o At least one public hearing will be conducted prior to the adoption or amendment of the Long Range Transportation Plan or Transportation Improvement Program. These public hearings may be held as part of a regularly scheduled TPO Board meeting and will be conducted in accordance with federal Title VI regulations (CFR 49, Part 21). o Public hearings dates shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Polk County. Press releases announcing scheduled public hearings shall be provided to community newspapers and other media. These press releases shall be transmitted not less than ten days prior to the scheduled hearing date. o Written notification of a public hearing shall be made available to a list of interested parties not less than ten days prior to each hearing. Any printed or graphic materials that are available shall be provided by the TPO or other appropriate agency upon request. o All public comments received prior to the hearing date shall be provided to the TPO members at or before the public hearing. o When substantive written and oral comments are received on the draft LongRange Transportation Plan or Transportation Improvement Program (including the financial plan), as a result of the public participation process, a summary, analysis, and report on the disposition of comments shall be prepared and made available upon request.
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► Annual Transportation of the Future Poster Contest – The TPO will sponsor an annual educational art contest in memory of Jan Johnson, a former staff person who founded this initiative. Students in grades 3-8 will be asked to describe and draw what transportation in Polk County will look like in the future (horizon year of the long range transportation plan). Award winning students and entries will be recognized at a TPO Board meeting. ► Community Events – The TPO will participate in community organizations and events to raise awareness of the TPO plans and programs and build relationships with stakeholder groups. ► Community Outreach Program – The TPO will identify community groups representing traditionally underserved populations including minorities and low-income households. Staff will establish an annual target for attendance and participation in the regularly scheduled meetings for these community groups. The meetings will afford an opportunity for staff to share information on the TPO planning process and recruit members for the Transportation Advisory Network. ► Community Dialogue – The TPO will use interactive webcasts to preview upcoming meetings and events and answer community questions. These webcasts, to be broadcast on a continuing basis, will broadcast live and archived webcasts will be available for viewing on demand. ► Culturally-Sensitive Outreach Materials – The following principles will be followed in
the preparation of outreach material: o
Use appropriate language (for example, say “people with disabilities” instead of the “disabled”)
Consider colors and graphics that appeal to target groups
Incorporate photos and art that depict people of diverse cultures, age, abilities and economic status
o Demonstrate respect for cultural sensitivities and prohibitions
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► Informational Videos – The TPO will develop and publish short (2-3 minutes) informational videos on key transportation topics and issues. These videos will be shown prior to Board or public meetings, posted on the TPO website and distributed through the use of social media. They will include some orientation-related videos, e.g., “What is a Long Range Transportation Plan?” ► “Polk Transportation Diaries” – The TPO will produce a video series that chronicles the travel experiences (all modes) of Polk County residents. These short videos will help to put a “face” on transportation issues. ► Video Glossary – The TPO will produce a video glossary of transportation terms as part
of its public education efforts. This glossary, to be distributed electronically, will complement a print version and use visuals to enhance the public’s understanding of transportation terms.
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► Citizens’ Advisory Committee – The Citizens’ Advisory Committee is a standing committee comprised of citizens from around the county. The committee helps form transportation plans and programs and provides recommendations to TPO Board. The Citizens’ Advisory Committee will transition into the Transportation Advisory Network in 2014 as an alternate mechanism for public involvement. As part of this transition the TPO will: o merge the Citizens’ Transit Advisory Committee (committee of Polk Transit) with the TPO Citizens’ Advisory Committee to increase representation of transit users or those who have an interest in public transportation; o the meetings of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee will be scheduled to coincide with the development of major work products for the TPO and Polk Transit; o broadcast the Citizens’ Advisory Committee meetings as part of interactive webcasts; and o encourage current Citizens’ Advisory Committee members to continue to participate in the TPO planning process as part of the Transportation Advisory Network. ► Citizen Transportation Planner Program – The TPO will develop a short course or program to educate citizens on the TPO planning process and the role of transportation planning in building better communities. This short course, to be offered in-person and online, will provide an opportunity for citizens to gain a better understanding of the TPO planning process in order to become more engaged in the process. Graduates, or “Citizen Transportation Planners”, will be recognized by the TPO Board and provide opportunities to be ambassadors or advocates for their local community or neighborhood. ► Transportation Advisory Network – The TPO will establish a Transportation Advisory Network as an alternate mechanism for citizen involvement with the objective of increasing public involvement. The Transportation Advisory Network, to be formed through community outreach efforts, will provide a less formal and more extensive structure for public participation and comment.
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The Advisory Network will include a broad cross-section of local residents with adequate representation of minorities, the elderly and persons with disabilities. It will include representatives from community organizations, professional organizations, neighborhood associations and the private sector. Members will have the option of receiving material on transportation plans, projects and services in either an electronic or accessible print format. Social media, e.g., Facebook and Twitter, will be used disseminate information and collect public comments with links to the TPO and Polk Transit websites as appropriate. Staff will maintain both traditional and electronic e-mail address lists for direct mailings to the Advisory Network. Regular meetings of the Transportation Advisory Network will be scheduled to coincide with the development of major work products for the TPO and Polk Transit. The meetings will be held in central, accessible locations, and members will have the option to participate either in-person or through an interactive webcast of the meeting. The meetings will be re-broadcast on Polk Government Television (PGTV) and available for on-demand viewing online through the TPO and Polk Transit websites. Staff will solicit comments and recommendations from the members in attendance at the Transportation Advisory Network meetings. Participants viewing the meetings online (during or after the live meeting) will be given an opportunity to provide comments as well. Comments and recommendations formulated through the Transportation Advisory Network will be compiled and reported to the TPO Technical Advisory Committee, TPO Board and Polk Transit Board of Directors for their use and consideration. These public comments as well as information on the disposition of these comments will be included in quarterly progress reports to grantor agencies.
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► Dashboard Measures – The TPO will develop and implement a “dashboard” or quick reference measures to summarize public involvement activities, e.g., website hits and number of community meetings and speaking engagements. As feasible, these dashboard measures will be featured prominently on the TPO website. ► Quarterly Progress Report – The TPO will publish a progress report quarterly to include the dashboard results and summary of public involvement activities and public comments. These reports will be submitted to grantor agencies as part of the TPO’s quarterly grant invoices. ► Annual Report – The TPO will prepare an annual report that includes a summary of public involvement activities and an evaluation of public outreach efforts. This report will form an integral part of the TPO’s annual certification review.
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