Polo Times November 21

Page 58


Tola Performance

Performance Coaching Case Study

Photograph by Emily Gordon

Jason coaches professionals to help and support them throughout their season, working with clients to help them maintain a good headspace and work on their personal development on and off the field.

Ed Banner-Eve

Photograph by ©www.imagesofpolo.com

Ed Banner-Eve has been working with Jason for over six months

Jason works with professionals to help and support them throughout the season and year, helping them to maintain a good headspace and work on their personal development on and off the field: “This season I have worked with Matt Perry and Jack Richardson in their high goal campaigns along with other pros in the lower levels. Performance coaching is helping players by giving them a space to talk about their life and performance on and off the field and be open to questioning that can help them to gain more clarity over time about how they can develop. It’s not advice or polo specific advice, the players I coach are better than me so that wouldn’t necessarily work! But being able to understand life as a professional polo player does help a lot”.

Case Study: Ed Banner-Eve

I’ve worked with Ed for around six months now, we started working together when he was playing in Dubai in February, we speak on zoom most weeks keeping him on track with the things he is trying to achieve. Without beating around the bush, Ed was struggling with a bad reputation on and possibly off the field, which he wanted to resolve. He also was keen to work on 56

Polo Times, November 2021

his personal growth and become a more rounded person looking openly at everything. Being curious about all aspects of your performance and self is a good place to begin coaching from. Ed took to the ideas we created in sessions well and started to act on the areas he was trying to improve such as his fitness, organisation, reputation, personal habits and many more. www.polotimes.co.uk

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