Poly Auction Hong Kong | Autumn Auctions 2019 | Glossiness of Uncarved Jade - Works of Cui Ruzhuo

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运用之妙,存乎一心 艺术大家崔如琢先生指墨山水创作漫论 ——

邵 / 盈午


再地證實著他本人確乎是一位被中國傳統文化 所 「化」、但又絕非一味恪守傳統的 「延續性畫 家」,而是一位馭古出新、自拓衢路的開創性大 家。在他的指下 , 那一山一水、一草一木皆為自我

的寫照 , 皆與其獨特的人格精神、審美追求、文化

理想有著異質同構的關係 : 雪峰可明空寂之心 ,



先生指墨山水畫的典型圖式與意象模式。下面筆 者就擬以此為視角,對崔先生幾幅指墨山水創作 文本進行具體分析。

《天外曉嵐和雪望》 這是一幅 144x74.5cm 的雪景圖,也是崔先生指

墨山水創作的典型圖式。 從歷史的視角看,「雪」 是歷代畫家反復描繪的重要題材。被稱為文人 畫之祖的王維即以擅繪雪景著稱。其後的李成、

范寬、巨然、郭熙、王詵、夏圭、黃公望諸大家,皆 有經典的雪景之作行世 , 這些經典的共同美學特

徵是 : 永恆無際的寧靜 , 在渺遠清澄中品味禪意 與哲思 , 在清幽空寂中體悟宇宙情懷。

崔如琢 天外曉嵐和雪望 2013年作

崔先生的雪景系列相當豐富:雪舞、雪霽、雪融;晴 雪、晨雪、醉雪、殘雪。即以此幅而論,此畫在構圖

上運用了 「平遠法」 (而非歷代畫家在表現 「雪

設色紙本  鏡心  約9.7平尺 CUI RUZHUO

Morning Mist and Snow over the Horizon Painted in 2013 Mounted; ink and color on paper 144x74.5cm

「 運用之妙,存乎一心 」——藝術大家崔如琢先生指墨山水創作漫論

山」時所慣常採用的 「高遠法」與 「深遠法」), 居於畫面中高遠處的天際雪峰、與畫面右下方被 白雪覆蓋的亭榭 , 以及那大面積的昂揚著生命勁

姿的蒼鬱林木之間,形成強烈的視覺張力。 飛雪

雖未消歇 , 但河流已經解凍, 溪水涓涓流淌 , 萬物 蘊涵著生機的躍動。


動靜之美, 然後充分發揮指墨表現藝術的優長, 將具體的、有限的 「形」向著蒼莽浩淼的 「空」

「無 」作 無 盡的彌 漫、延 展,造 成了雄 渾的意 境—— 那大面積的留白,潑墨與破墨之法的相互

應用,使得整個畫面虛實相生,元氣淋漓,似有一 陣漭漭泱泱的天風拂面而來, 從而使人產生強烈

的視覺震撼,這種 「動勢」之美,一方面來自藝術



完美性、統一性,天機流溢,一派化工;即便是畫 面空白處的那些大大小小的墨點,也是有生命力 的,其位置絕不可稍加挪移。

宋  佚名 仿李成寒林策驢圖軸 美國 紐約 大都會博物館藏 Unidentified Artist(Song dynasty)

Travelers in a Wintry Forest after Li Cheng Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States

《秋景有時飛獨鳥 夕陽無事起寒煙》 (103x66cm.)

這是一幅以詩入畫的精品,整個畫面充盈著深 秋的靜氣, 氣氛是那麼寧謐, 寧謐得連如黛的遠

山上的白雲似乎也凝止不動。 唯有湖畔的山花, 開得那樣絢爛,那樣舒放,那樣漫不經心,與畫 面上的靜境形成強烈的對比。幾位老者,正閑坐

在亭台裡啜茗傾談, 「悠然而虛者與神謀,淵然

而靜者與心謀」,這種幽妙玄遠的意境流貫其 間,使整幅畫生發成為一首無聲的詩。

崔如琢 秋景有時飛獨鳥 夕陽無事起寒煙 2012年作 設色紙本  鏡心  約6.1平尺 CUI RUZHUO

A Lonely Bird in the Autumn Scene Painted in 2012 Mounted; ink and color on paper 103x66 cm

「 運用之妙,存乎一心 」——藝術大家崔如琢先生指墨山水創作漫論

《樓倚溪頭水 溪環竹外山》 (95x59cm)

整個畫面以潑墨取勢, 濃淡互破, 然後又以積墨

層層點染山石之質 , 通幅惟見山石煙雲 ,不作樹

木屋舍, 類半抽象之表現。居於畫面最醒目處的 墨竹, 最能展現崔先生的手眼之高。 一般畫家畫

竹,總是拘守古法,總有一個 「個」字、 「介」

字、 「分」字橫亙在胸。而崔先生在繼承前人

畫竹程式的基礎上,自出機杼;他以書法寫竹, 以水墨寫意,乾濕濃淡,橫塗豎抹,極盡縱橫宕

逸之能事。那一叢叢聚散適宜的竹葉,在微風 的吹拂下,似乎正發出天籟般的鳴響。當年鄭板

橋曾極贊石濤所畫之竹: 「略無紀律而紀律自 在其中。」板橋此語,正可移評于崔翁。此畫最 妙處在於那位坐於一葉扁舟上獨釣寒江的蓑


充滿動感的畫面形成一種強烈對比。 縱觀此畫, 章法飽滿,格調清雅,了無火氣、俗氣、浮躁之 氣,撲面而來的是一種當今畫家筆下所稀缺的 逸氣與野趣。

崔如琢 樓倚溪頭水 溪環竹外山 2013年作 設色紙本  鏡心  約5平尺 CUI RUZHUO

Pavilion by the Stream Painted in 2013 Mounted; ink and color on paper 95x59cm

「 運用之妙,存乎一心 」——藝術大家崔如琢先生指墨山水創作漫論

《好雨知時節》 (144.5x74.5cm)

崔先生的指墨山水 , 大多宏制巨構 , 此畫亦然。 打開此幅,一股彌漫的煙雨之氣撲面而來;潑墨


畫乍看上去,似乎是借鑒了西畫的某種技法,帶 有幾分西洋水彩畫的意味;但細加尋繹,便會發


來的,此乃 「師造化」的自然結晶。具言之,此畫 遠處的濃雲全用不顯筆痕的渲染法加以完成, 空

白處則以大筆淡墨斜掃出風雨之勢,自有元氣淋 漓的美感效應。而樹幹與迷蒙山色的畫法,無不 具有 「無法法亦法」的意味;也就是說,這種畫

法同樣是崔先生從自然的山石與林木中受到啟 發,故能在此基礎上 「創自家家法」——這也正

是 「無法法亦法」的精義所在。此外,崔先生的 指墨書法也必須在此一提,融冶篆隸於一爐,聽

任心腕之交應, 一種濃厚的金石味盈溢於筆墨畦 徑之表,可謂是崔先生在書藝上的一大創發。

崔如琢 好雨知時節(局部) 2013年作 設色紙本  鏡心  約9.7平尺 CUI RUZHUO

Good Rain Knows Season(detail) Painted in 2013 Mounted; ink and color on paper 144.5×74.5cm

南宋  夏圭 山水十二景圖卷(局部) 美國 堪萨斯城 納爾遜-阿特金斯藝術博物館藏 Xia Gui( Nan Song dynasty)

Twelve Views of Landscape(detail) Collection of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, United States

總之,作為 「繼往開來一大家」的崔如琢先生,

山水創作看,這種 「運用之妙」就具體體現為他

但都達至 「來自意而往之法,意至而法偕立」


其指墨山水創作,雖題材不同,表現手法各異, 的境界,簡中見繁,虛中蘊實,超有形之象,造敻

絕之境。來自大自然的渾融萬象,端賴於他本人 運指用墨的豐富變化,從而營構成一個個變二

維平面為三維空間的藝術文本。在此 「心手相

師勢轉奇」的揮寫過程中, 「運用之妙,存乎一 心」,而差之毫釐,則謬之千里。從崔先生的指墨


呼應,對流貫於點畫間那種類似音樂旋律般的 節奏的微妙感覺,這一切看似完成於他本人那

興至所會的隨意生發中,卻如同輪扁斫輪、伊執 言鼎,有萬辭難罄之妙。但願本人所作的上述粗 淺分析,能夠對大家進一步認識崔先生的指墨 山水創作略有裨益。

「 運用之妙,存乎一心 」——藝術大家崔如琢先生指墨山水創作漫論

Subtle Application of the Brush Depends on one’s Heart On the Finger Ink Painting of Master Cui Ruzhuo

By Shao Yingwu

The grand and magnificent art works of Mr. Cui

scenes. Later, Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, Ju Ran, Guo

Ruzhuo has repeatedly proved that he is truly an

Xi, Wang Shen, Xia Gui, and Huang Gongwang

artist "educated" by traditional Chinese culture

all have classic and enduring paintings of snow

but at the same time a "transformative" painter

scenes. The common aesthetic features of these

that is not blindly abiding by tradition. As a pio-

classic paintings are: eternal tranquility, taste of

neering artist that brings forth the new through

Zen mood and philosophical thoughts in the

the old and finds his own artistic path and style,

distant and purified view and the meditation of

the mountains and water, the grass and trees

the universe in the quiet and empty silence.

depicted through his fingers are reflections of his inner self. They all have a heterogeneous and

Snow scenery depicted by Mr. Cui spans through

isomorphic relationship with his unique person-

space and time and reflects snow in different

ality and spirit, aesthetic pursuit and cultural ide-

stages and forms, from dancing snow, to ceasing

als. The snowy mountain expresses his quiet and

snow, melting snow, to snow in sunny days, in

solitude heart, the cloud indicates his leisurely

the morning and in residue and snow depicted

mind, the breeze blowing through the pine trees

when the artist is drunk. In case of this paint-

tells his elegant and delight feelings while the

ing, the painting uses the "Pingyuan Method "

flowing stream indicates his talent…the whole

(depicting mountains from near to far) on the

set of metaphorical system constitutes the typ-

composition rather than the "Gaoyuan Method "

ical pattern and imagery mode of Cui’s finger

(depicting mountains from bottom to top) and

ink paintings. The author intends to conduct a

"Shenyuan Method" (depicting mountains from

detailed analysis of Cui’s several representative

front to back) that were historically used by

finger ink paintings from this perspective as the

painters in the depiction of Snowy Mountains.


The snowy mountain connects the sky in the high distance and the pavilion covered with

Morning Mist and Snow over the Horizon

snow on the lower right of the painting form a strong visual contrast and tension with the vast

This 144×74.5cm finger ink painting depicting

areas of lush forests that are full of vitality and

snow scenery is also considered a typical pattern

strength. Although the blizzard has not stopped,

of finger ink painting created by Cui. From a his-

the river has been thawed. With the stream flow-

torical perspective, "snow" is an important sub-

ing, everything is filled with vitality.

ject repeatedly depicted by painters of all ages. Known as the ancestor of literati painting, Wang

With a poetic heart of the artist, this painting

Wei is known for his good depiction of snow

captures the dynamic and static beauty of na-

Subtle Application of the Brush Depends on one's Heart

ture. By giving full play to the merits of the art of finger ink painting, the artist turns the concrete and limited ‘form’ into endless and vast ‘empty’ and ‘void’ with lasting pervasiveness and extension and creates a heroic conception - the vast white space and the interaction between the

pomo (splash-ink) and the pomo (broken-ink) method make the whole picture vivid and fascinating. This emptiness and fullness form a heavenly breeze that sweeps with vitality and creates a strong visual shock. The dynamic beauty comes from the artist’s thorough understanding of the physical properties and structure of light, mist and mountains and the profound understanding of the "trends" on the one hand. On the other hand, it comes from the perfection and unity of the painting. With this heavenly made scenery expressed in sophisticated techniques, even those large and small ink dots scattered in the blank space of the painting are vital and meaningful, which means their location must not be moved even for a slightly bit.

金  高燾(傳) 寒林聚禽圖軸 美國 克利夫蘭 克利夫蘭藝術博物館藏 Attributed to Gao Tao(Jin dynasty)

Birds in a Grove in a Mountainous Winter Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, United States

A Lonely Bird in the Autumn Scene (103x66cm.)

This is a classic painting that depicts the scenery that combines a poetic mood. The whole picture is filled with the calmness of the late autumn. The atmosphere is so peaceful and calm, even the white clouds over the distant mountains seem to be lingering. Only the mountain flowers on the lakeside are blossom so gorgeously, so leisurely and so carelessly. They form a strong contrast with the quiet and static scene on the painting. Several old men are sitting in the pavilion and talking. "The mind feels the spacious and heavenly conception while the heart senses the quiet and profound realm". Filled with this wonderful and far-sighted artistic concept, the whole painting becomes a poem without a word.

Pavilion by the Stream (95x59cm.)

Pomo (Splash-ink) technique is used to depict the tendency and thick and light ink is used to form contrast, while layers of ink are used to add details of the depiction of stone texture. There is no tree or cottage but rocks and clouds in the

崔如琢 秋景有時飛獨鳥 夕陽無事起寒煙(局部) 2012年作 設色紙本  鏡心  約6.1平尺 CUI RUZHUO

A Lonely Bird in the Autumn Scene(detail) Painted in 2012 Mounted; ink and color on paper 103x66 cm

Subtle Application of the Brush Depends on one’s Heart

painting, giving it a semi-abstract feeling. Ink painting of bamboo is placed at the most eye-catching part, which serves as the best evidence of the high intention of Cui. In the depiction of bamboo leaves, common painters always stick to the traditional rules and constraint by the com-

mon practice of imitation of Chinese characters of " 个 " or

" 介 " or " 分 ". On the basis of inheriting the predecessor’s

painting principle of the bamboo, Mr. Cui stroke out of

a new path by depicting bamboo in style of calligraphy with dry and wet ink and horizontally and vertical application of the brush to express his intention in a free manner. And this enables him to do everything. The clumps of suitably arranged bamboo leaves, swaying in the breeze, seem to be making a heavenly sound. Zheng Banqiao used to praise the bamboo painted by Shi Tao by saying: "Discipline can be found in the slightly undisciplined arrangement." The same is true with Cui’s work. The most wonderful thing about this painting lies in the lonely fisherman who sits on a leafy boat and fishes on the cold river. His leisure, reclusiveness and super-commonness manner forms a strong contrast with the dynamic scenery in the picture. This painting frees from earthly desire, vulgar and impetuousness and is filled with sophisticated techniques and elegant style. The overwhelmed elegance and wildness expressed by it is scarce in today’s painters.

Good Rain Knows Season (144.5×74.5cm)

Most of Mr. Cui’s finger ink paintings are giant pictures and this is one of them. One glance at this painting, one

清   石濤

might feel the diffuse mist of smoke and rain instantly. The


magical effect of pomo (splash-ink) strengthened the dark


clouds and atmosphere of a coming storm of wind and

Plum Blossom and Bamboo

中國 北京 Shi Tao(Qing dynasty) Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, China

rain. This painting seems to deploy techniques

ahead into the future", Cui Ruzhuo’s art creation

borrowed from the Western painting since there

covers different subjects and uses different tech-

is a sense of Western watercolor painting yet

niques. But all works of him reached the realm

a closer look would make the audience realize

of "forming laws in the exploration of individual

that this is an art piece created entirely based on

minds, so laws can be established where the

the artist’s perception from nature itself. This is

minds went". This enables audience to seek

the natural achievement of "learning from the

complexity from the simple expression of the

nature". To be more specific, the thick clouds

brush, seek solid meaning from the vague ex-

in the distance are all done with the rendering

pression and seek perfection from the tangible

method of ink without the trace of the brush.

arrangement of subjects on the painting. The

The blank space is swept away by free appli-

hustle and bustle of nature is expressed through

cation of brush and ink to build the effect of a

the rich application of finger ink of the artist to

coming storm. Thus a sense of beauty filled with

turn the two-dimensional plane into three-di-

vitality is captured. And the depiction of tree

mensional space. In the process of painting "the

trunk and the misty mountain seems to follow

heart through the hands to create miracle", "the

the principle of "rules are shown when there

subtle application of the brush depends on one’

is no trace of rules". That is to say, this painting

heart and mind" while a little miss would make

method is also inspired by learning of rocks and

a great difference. In finger ink paintings of Cui,

trees in the nature by Cui. Taking nature as the

this kind of subtle application of brush and ink is

teacher, Cui is able to "create his own principles

embodied in his own fine control of line quality,

and rules" - which is precisely the essence of

ink color effect, spatial structure and movement

"rules are shown when there is no trace of rules".

rhythm, and the overall response to the layout

In addition, Mr. Cui’s finger ink calligraphy must

of the structure of the painting and the subtle

also be mentioned here. Integrated seal script

feelings of music like rhythm between the dots

and clerical script, the artist takes his heart and

and lines. All of this seems to be completed in a

mind as the guidance of his brush on the pa-

casual and careless manner but indeed follows

per and creates lines of inscription filled with a

strict rules formed by the artist himself by learn-

strong sense originated from ancient bronzes

ing and understanding the nature. The subtle

and stone tablets, which can be considered to

excellence lies in the unspeakable brilliance. It

be another creation of Cui is in calligraphy.

is hard to express even with a thousand flattery words. And I hope that the above-mentioned

To conclude, as "a master carries forward the

humble analysis can be of a little beneficiary to

cause pioneered by our predecessors and forges

your understanding of Cui’s creation of finger ink paintings.

Subtle Application of the Brush Depends on one's Heart

801 CUI RUZHUO ( b.1944) Dedication

崔如琢 鞠躬盡瘁 功成身退 Mounted; ink on paper 48×181cm. (18 7/8×71 1/4 in.) titled,inscribed and signed in Chinese two seals of the artist 水墨紙本 鏡心  約7.8平尺 題識:鞠躬盡瘁 功成身退 如琢於靜清苑 鈐印:靜清齋(朱文)、崔如琢印(白文)

HK$ 5,000,000 - 8,000,000 US$ 641,000 - 1,025,600

802 CUI RUZHUO ( b.1944)

Good Rain Knows Season 崔如琢 好雨知時節

Painted in 2013 Mounted; ink and color on paper 144.5×74.5cm. (56 7/8×29 3/8 in.) titled,inscribed,dated and signed in Chinese four seals of the artist Literature: The Collection of Cui Ruzhuo's Art Vol. Ⅲ , The Palace Museum Press, Beijing, 2014(illustrated, pp.228-229). 二〇一三年作 設色紙本 鏡心  約9.7平尺 題識:好雨知時節 當春乃發生 隨風潛入夜 潤物細無聲 癸巳之春如琢指墨於靜雅軒 鈐印:少許勝多許(朱文)、崔氏(白文)、如琢所作(朱文)、吟風嘯月酌酒看花(朱文) 出版: 《崔如琢大觀·第三卷》 ,圖版,第228-229頁,故宮出版社,北京,2014年。

HK$ 25,000,000 - 30,000,000 US$ 3,205,100 - 3,846,200

803 CUI RUZHUO ( b.1944) Pavilion by the Stream

崔如琢 樓倚溪頭水 溪環竹外山

Painted in 2013 Mounted; ink and color on paper 95×59cm. (37 3/8×23 1/4 in.) titled,inscribed,dated and signed in Chinese six seals of the artist Literature: The Collection of Cui Ruzhuo's Art Vol. Ⅲ , The Palace Museum Press, Beijing, 2014(illustrated, pp.162-163). 二〇一三年作 設色紙本 鏡心  約5平尺 題識:樓倚溪頭水 溪環竹外山 扁舟垂釣者 相對白鷗閒 癸巳之春三月三日如琢指墨於靜清齋 鈐印:靜清齋(朱文)、心源(朱文)、崔(朱文)、如琢(白文)、崔如琢指墨(白文)、 吟風嘯月酌酒看花(朱文) 出版: 《崔如琢大觀·第三卷》 ,圖版,第162-163頁,故宮出版社,北京,2014年。

HK$ 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 US$ 1,923,100 - 2,564,100

804 CUI RUZHUO ( b.1944)

A Lonely Bird in the Autumn Scene

崔如琢 秋景有時飛獨鳥 夕陽無事起寒煙

Painted in 2012 Mounted; ink and color on paper 103×66cm. (40 1/2×26 in.) titled,inscribed,dated and signed in Chinese five seals of the artist Literature: The Collection of Cui Ruzhuo's Art Vol. Ⅲ , The Palace Museum Press, Beijing, 2014(illustrated, pp.170-171). 二〇一二年作 設色紙本 鏡心  約6.1平尺 題識:秋景有時飛獨鳥 夕陽無事起寒煙 壬辰初冬如琢指墨於靜清齋窗下 鈐印:少許勝多許(朱文)、心源(朱文)、崔氏(白文)、如琢所作(朱文)、崔如琢指墨(白文) 出版: 《崔如琢大觀·第三卷》 ,圖版,第170-171頁,故宮出版社,北京,2014年。

HK$ 12,000,000 - 16,000,000 US$ 1,538,500 - 2,051,300

805 CUI RUZHUO ( b.1944)

Morning Mist and Snow over the Horizon 崔如琢 天外曉嵐和雪望

Painted in 2013 Mounted; ink and color on paper 144×74.5cm. (56 3/4×29 3/8 in.) titled,inscribed,dated and signed in Chinese five seals of the artist Literature: The Collection of Cui Ruzhuo's Art Vol. Ⅲ , The Palace Museum Press, Beijing, 2014(illustrated, pp.134-135). 二〇一三年作 設色紙本 鏡心  約9.7平尺 題識:天外曉嵐和雪望 月中歸棹帶冰行 癸巳之春三月如琢指墨 鈐印:少許勝多許(朱文)、崔氏(白文)、如琢所作(朱文)、崔如琢指墨(白文)、 吟風嘯月酌酒看花(朱文) 出版: 《崔如琢大觀·第三卷》 ,圖版,第134-135頁,故宮出版社,北京,2014年。

HK$ 25,000,000 - 30,000,000 US$ 3,205,100 - 3,846,200

崔如琢阳光美术馆东京开馆, 中日联手提升东方艺术品市场价值

記者會現場 Press Conference

隨著中日關係的改善和發展, 中日兩國在文化領

域的交流也不斷加深。2019 年 7月13 日, 日本東 京首座展示、研究華人藝術作品的美術館 「崔

如琢陽光美術館」在東京商務中心虎門地區正 式開館,這成為近年來中日民間文化交流的一 大盛事。

13 日下午,「株式會社如光開業暨崔如琢陽光





館典禮的嘉賓介紹了館內展覽,並接受中日媒 體採訪。

13 日晚間,崔如琢陽光美術館運營公司株式會

社如光在東京都內酒店舉辦開館剪綵儀式及慶 祝宴會。中國駐日本大使館臨時代辦郭燕、日本


員原國家公安委員長原國務大臣山谷 Eri 子、參 議院議員原厚生勞動省副大臣木村義雄、參議

院議員原副總務副大臣松下新平、參議院議員 柳本卓治等中日政治、文化、媒體各界貴賓出席 慶祝宴會。


崔如琢陽光美術館並不是日本第一座以崔如琢 的名字命名的美術館,早在 2012 年,崔如琢第一

座私人美術館 「崔如琢美術館」就已在日本靜 岡縣伊豆成立。兩座美術館同為中日民間文化交 流的結晶,得到了日本陽光財團法人、著名的教 育家關口勝利的大力支持。關口勝利是研究傳統

中國文化的專家,他客觀對待中日文化之間的關 係,積極推廣和復興東方文化。2012 年,關口勝

利在中國旅行時讀到中國藝術家崔如琢的報導, 被崔如琢的藝術理念所打動, 隨後以重金收藏其 作品,並于當年為崔如琢在伊豆設立了第一家美 術館。








設色紙本  鏡心

設色紙本  鏡心





Mountain in Autumn

After Snow

Painted in 2018

Painted in 2018

Mounted; ink and color on paper

Mounted; ink and color on paper

48.5x37.7 cm

47.8x37.5 cm

藝術家崔如琢介紹展覽作品 Artist Cui Ruzhuo Introducing Exhibition Works







同的是,該館坐落于東京 CBD 核心區域,地理

位置優越,配備現代化的硬體設施,是東京首座 以展示、研究華人藝術作品的美術館,同時也將 成為一個中日民間文化交流的據點。

崔如琢陽光美術館將由 2019 年 6 月成立的株



術理念為核心,強調傳統藝術理念在當代生活 中的發展與活力,這將是崔如琢陽光美術館舉 辦展覽和活動的基調。

7 月 13 日開幕的 「太璞如琢——崔如琢藝術東

京大展」是美術館的開館展,展出了崔如琢包 括指墨山水、指墨花鳥在內的重要作品 80 餘件



Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum Opens in Tokyo, China and Japan Join Hands in the Enhancement of the Value of Oriental Art Market

崔如琢陽光美術館 Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum

The improvement and development of Sino-Jap-

Art Museum" was held in the museum. At the

anese relations fostered and deepened the ex-

same time, "Glossiness of Uncarved Jade – Works

changes between China and Japan in the cultur-

of Cui Ruzhuo Tokyo Exhibition" was officially

al field. On July 13th, 2019, "Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art

launched on the same day. Chinese artist Cui

Museum", as the first museum to showcase and

Ruzhuo, President Liu Jinting of Idemitsu Kosan,

study Chinese art works in Tokyo, Japan, was

and Azuma huichi, representative of Cui Ruzhuo

officially opened in the Humen area of the Tokyo

Yoko Art Museum introduced the exhibition to

Business Center. This has become a major event

the guests who participated in the opening cer-

in Sino-Japanese people to people cultural ex-

emony and accepted interviews from Chinese

changes in recent years.

and Japanese media.

On the afternoon of the 13th, "Opening Ceremo-

On the evening of the 13th, Idemitsu Kosan,

ny of RUGUANG Co. LTD and Cui Ruzhuo Yoko

operator of Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum, held

Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum Opens in Tokyo

慶祝宴会 Celebrating Banquet

a ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration

Senate, and other distinguished guests from the

banquet at the Tokyo Metropolitan Hotel. Guo

political, cultural and media circles of China and

Yan, Chargé d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy

Japan attended the banquet.

in Japan, Hiromichi Watanabe, Member of the House of Representatives and Minister for Re-

Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum is not the first mu-

construction of Japan, Eriko Yamatani, Member

seum in Japan named after Cui Ruzhuo. As early

of the Senate, former Chairman of the State Pub-

as 2012, Cui Ruzhuo’s first private art museum,

lic Security Commission and former Minister of

Cui Ruzhuo Art Museum, was established in Izu,

State, Yoshio Kimura, Member of the Senate, for-

Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. As the culmination

mer Vice Minister of Ministry of Health, Labour

of Sino-Japanese folk culture exchanges, the

and Welfare, Shimpei Matsushita, Member of

establishment of these two art museums has

the Senate and former Vice Minister of General

received strong support from Katsutoshi Seki-

Affairs and Takuji Yanagimoto, Member of the

guchi, the founder of Japanese Sunshine Foun-

dation and the famous educator. As an expert in

Tokyo is the second personal art museum that

the study of traditional Chinese culture, Katsu-

was put into operation after the Cui Ruzhuo

toshi Sekiguchi treats the relationship between

Art Museum in Izu. The new museum focuses

Chinese and Japanese culture with an objective

on the display, collection and research of Cui

perspective and actively promotes and revitaliz-

Ruzhuo’s works. It is an art gallery dedicated to

es oriental culture. In 2012, Katsutoshi Sekiguchi

the research and promotion of modernization of

read a report of Chinese artist Cui Ruzhuo when

oriental arts. Different from Cui Ruzhuo Art Mu-

he traveled in China. Touched by Cui’s artistic

seum in Izu, this museum is located in the core

concept, he then invested heavily in procure-

area of the Tokyo CBD. It is strategically located

ment of Cui’s art works and set up the first art

and equipped with modern hardware facilities.

museum for him in Izu in the same year.

It is also the first museum in Tokyo to display and study Chinese art works, which will make it

The Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum established in

a strong platform for Chinese and Japanese folk cultural exchanges.

剪彩儀式 Ribbon-cutting Ceremony

Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum Opens in Tokyo

崔如琢 此山深處我曾游 2007年作 設色紙本  鏡心  約14.5平尺 CUI RUZHUO

Mountain Scenery Painted in 2007 Mounted; ink and color on paper 75×214.5cm

Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum will be operated

the exhibition and activities organized by Cui

by Idemitsu Kosan founded in June 2019. With

Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum.

the stable and systematic operation of basic business, the three-story space of the museum

The opening ceremony of the "Glossiness of

will serve as a permanent exhibition hall, show-

Uncarved Jade – Works of Cui Ruzhuo Tokyo Exhi-

ing the important works of Cui Ruzhuo. The

bition" held on July 13th, was the opening exhi-

first, second and third floor exhibition halls will

bition of the Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum. More

undertake exhibition projects from China and

than 80 pieces of important art works of Cui are

Japan. The exhibition will focus on Cui Ruzhuo’s

presented, including finger ink landscape paint-

artistic concept and emphasize the develop-

ings and finger ink flower-and-bird paintings that

ment and vitality of traditional art concepts in

cover his representative works over the years.

contemporary life. This will be the keynote for


2 0 1 3 · 保利香港秋季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2013 AUTUMN AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場


POLY HONG KONG 2013 AUTUMN AUCTION, LOT 2020 2013 年保利香港秋季拍賣,LOT 2020《墨香來·水墨荷花》




2 0 1 4 · 保利香港春季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2014 SPRING AUCTION





POLY HONG KONG 2014 SPRING AUCTION, LOT 2017 2014 年保利香港春季拍賣,LOT 2017《丹楓白雪》





2 0 1 4 · 保利香港秋季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2014 AUTUMN AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <III>


POLY HONG KONG 2014 AUTUMN AUCTION, LOT 2010 2014 年保利香港秋季拍賣,LOT 2010《百開團扇》




2 0 1 5 · 保利香港春季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2015 SPRING AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <IV>


POLY HONG KONG 2015 SPRING AUCTION, LOT 2314 2015 年保利香港春季拍賣,LOT 2314《葳蕤雪意江南》





2 0 1 5 · 保利香港秋季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2015 AUTUMN AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <V>


POLY HONG KONG 2015 AUTUMN AUCTION, LOT 2309 2015 年保利香港秋季拍賣,LOT 2309《山水四條屏》




2 0 1 6 · 保利香港春季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2016 SPRING AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <VI>


POLY HONG KONG 2016 SPRING AUCTION, LOT 1213 2016 年保利香港春季拍賣,LOT1213《飛雪伴春》 成交價




2 0 1 6 · 保利香港秋季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2016 AUTUMN AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <VII>


POLY HONG KONG 2016 AUTUMN AUCTION, LOT 1219 2016 年保利香港秋季拍賣,LOT1219《秋風搖翠》




2 0 1 7 · 保利香港春季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2017 SPRING AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <VII>


POLY HONG KONG 2017 SPRING AUCTION, LOT 1218 2017 年保利香港春季拍賣,LOT1218《秋烟漠漠雨濛濛》 成交價



2 0 1 7 · 保利香港秋季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2017 AUTUMN AUCTION





太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品專場 <IX>


POLY HONG KONG 2017 AUTUMN AUCTION, LOT 1211 2017 保利香港秋季拍賣 , LOT 1211《聽聲》




2 0 1 8 · 保利香港春季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2018 SPRING AUCTION


POLY HONG KONG 2018 SPRING AUCTION, LOT 490 2018 保利香港春季拍賣 , LOT 490《寒江飛雪》 成交價



2 0 1 8 · 保利香港秋季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2018 AUTUMN AUCTION



– WORKS OF CUI RUZHUO 太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品



POLY HONG KONG 2018 AUTUMN AUCTION, LOT 801 2018 保利香港秋季拍賣 , LOT 801 《有田皆種玉 無樹不開花》




2 0 1 9 · 保利香港春季拍卖 POLY HONG KONG · 2019 SPRING AUCTION



– WORKS OF CUI RUZHUO 太璞如琢 - 崔如琢精品



POLY HONG KONG 2019 SPRING AUCTION, LOT 854 2019 保利香港春季拍賣 , LOT 854 《歲歲層冰合》





2 0 0 3 »» 在北京靜清齋創作作品逾百幅。

He created hundreds of work at his Beijing studio.

»» 天津楊柳青畫社出版《崔如琢花鳥作品精選》、《崔如琢山水作品精選》畫冊。

Cui Ruzhuo Flower-Bird Album,Cui Ruzhuo Landscape Album were published by Tianjin Yang Liuqing Art Group.

2 0 0 4 »» 中貿聖佳國際拍賣有限公司舉辦《崔如琢繪畫專場》拍賣。國內著名拍賣公司爲當代中青年畫家舉辦專場拍賣尚屬首次,而其參拍作品全部 成交,在畫界和收藏界引起巨大反響。此前,中貿聖佳國際拍賣有限公司和雅昌藝術網聯合舉辦《崔如琢繪畫藝術與市場座談會》。

Sungari Auction House held a special auction for him called Cui Ruzhuo Painting Secial Auction. It was the first time that a well-known auction house in China held a session for modern middle-age painters, and all of his works were sold which created a huge reaction in the art and collection circle. Before that, Sungari allied with Artron held a forum called Cui Ruzhuo’S Painting Art And Markert Forum. »» 出任世界華人書畫家收藏家聯合會榮譽會長。

He became the honorary President of World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collector Association.

»» 榮寶齋出版發行《崔如琢書畫拍賣專場精品紀念郵票》。

Rong Bao Zhai published Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy And Painting Special Auction Commem Orative Stamp.

»» 人民美術出版社出版《中國畫名家小品集—崔如琢》。

China Well-Know Painters Album Cui Ruzhuo was published by People’s Fine Arts Press.

»» 應邀在中國藝術研究院研究生班講課。

He was invited to be the postgraduate class’s instructor of Chinese National Academy of Arts.

»» 應邀在杭州第七屆藝術博覽會演講。

He was invited to give a speech at Hang Zhou 7th Art Fair.

»» 鑒于其在繪畫、鑒賞和收藏上取得的藝術成就,《收藏家》、《畫廊》、《中國美術》、《藝術市場》、《收藏界》、《中華文化畫報》、香港《明 報月刊》、台灣《典藏》等期刊以及《人民日報》、《北京晚報》、《北京青年報》、《中國文化報》、《信報》等主流報刊均詳盡報道。

Base on his outstanding achievement in art, appreciation, and collection, many main stream media had published special report for him. They are Collectors, Chinese Fine Arts, Art Market, Cang World, Chinese Cultural Pictorial, Hong Kong Ming Pao Daily, Taiwan Art Touch, People’s Daily, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Youth Daily, China Culture Daily, Economic Daily and so on.


2 0 0 5 »» 出任中華名人協會副主席兼中華名人書畫院院長。

He took up both posts of Vice-chairman of Chinese Celebrities Association and the president of China Well-Known Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

»» 神舟六號成功發射 , 崔如琢和文化部原常務副部長高占祥共同創作的書畫長卷《和平頌》被選爲搭載物 , 隨同神舟六號遨遊太空。

Shenzhou VI Spacecraft was successfully launched, Cui Ruzhuo collaborated with the former administrative vice ministry of culture Mr. Gao Zhanxiang have completed a calligraphy and painting long scroll named Ode To Peace. This art work was selected to be the carry souvenir with Shenzhou VI Spacecraft.

»» 出任宋慶齡基金會理事。

He became the trustee of Soong Ching Ling Fundation.

»» 出任山東藝術學院客座教授。

He became the guest professor at Shan Dong Art Academy.

»» 出任中國商業聯合會藝術市場聯盟顧問。

He became the art market advisor at China General Chamber of Commence.

»» 中央電視台、北京電視台、四川電視台、江蘇電視台、寜夏電視台、新疆電視台、浙江衛視、山東衛視、湖南衛視專題采訪。 Special interview by CCTV, BTV, Sichuang TV, Jiangsu TV, etc.

»» 中貿聖佳國際拍賣有限公司十周年慶典 , 再次推出《崔如琢繪畫專場》拍賣 , 作品全部成交 , 價格突破千萬元。

At the time of 10 year anniversary of Sungari, they once more held a special auction for him, and again his works were all sold out. The turnover was more than 10 million RMB.

»» 應邀參加中國畫研究院舉辦的崔如琢作品聯展。

He was invited to hold the Cui Ruzhuo Works Exhibition by China Academy of Chinese Painting.

»» 應邀參加北海公園畫坊齋舉辦的當代大寫意作品展。

He was invited to attend the Contemporary Spring Exhibition held by Bei Hai Park Painting Workshop


2 0 0 6 »» 應邀在江蘇省南京市、浙江省杭州市、山東省濟南市、青島市、淄博市和北京中共中央黨校舉辦 「墨采璀璨 璞玉如琢——崔如琢書畫藝術展」。 He was invited to hold an exhibition named 「Brilliant Ink Talent, A Diamond in the Rough—Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy Painting exhibition」.

»» 在香港佳士得拍賣公司春季拍賣會上,巨作《千山飛雪圖》以 1500 萬港幣成交。

His work Snow Blowing through the Mountain was sold through Christies Hong Kong Spring Auction. The closing cost was 15 million HKD.

2 0 0 7 »» 崔如琢個人美術館開幕于 10 月 17 日開幕,展出各年代作品近百幅。

Cui Ruzhuo Private Museum was opened on October 17th, hundreds of his contemporary works were exhibited.


2 0 0 8 »» 翰海春季拍賣會上,花鳥作品《寒月》以 3,427,200 元成交,花鳥四條屏以 2,800,000 元成交。7 月 19 日崔如琢捐贈價值人民幣五千萬元畫作 給「榜樣公益基金」,在人民大會堂舉辦了隆重的捐贈儀式,近二十幅山水巨作由俄羅斯耶弗拉茲集團當場義買並捐贈。

His flower bird painting Frozen Month was sold at 3,427,200 RMB through Han Hai Spring Auction. The four pieces paint of flower bird painting was sold at 2,800,000 RMB. Cui Ruzhuo gave a painting which is valued 50 million Yuan to " Example of Public Funds" . The grand donation ceremony was held at The Great Hall of the People. Around twenties of landscape painting were bought by EVRAZ and donated them at the same time.

2 0 0 9 »» 香港佳士得秋季拍賣會上,10 幅精品拍賣總成交價 1628 萬港幣。香港大公報頭版整版刊登《崔如琢新作再度入港》的文章。12 月 12 日崔

如琢先生、虛苑和張裕三方正式簽約,共同推進崔氏藝術發展。 《明珠不忍啄》(張裕愛斐堡國際酒莊收藏)、《素妝千里》分別作爲史上 第一幅花鳥畫、山水畫用于國産頂級乾紅、乾白葡萄酒酒標。

Tens of his painting were sold at 16.28 million HKD through Christies Hong Kong Spring Auction. Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao did a whole front page article talking about new work of Cui Ruzhuo came to Hong Kong again. Cu Ruzhuo, Xu Yuan and Zhang Yu signed a contract to carry on the Cui’s art development. Can Not Bear To Peck A Jewel ( collected at Chateau Changyu AFIP Global Beijing), Simple look in Thousand Miles became the label of top red and white wine according to the order.


2 0 1 0 »»《丹楓白雪》、《中國近現代名家畫集·崔如琢》先後由人民美術出版社出版,國學大師饒宗頤爲《丹楓白雪》畫卷題寫引首。 Landscape In Snow, Chinese Contemporary Well-known Painters Album - Cui Ruzhuo were successively published by People’s Fine Art Press, Rao Zongyi who is the master of Chinese culture made the openninglead for Landscape In Snow. »»《世界名畫家全集·崔如琢》由河北教育出版社出版,成爲第四位入選該全集的中國畫家。

World Famous Painters Album - Cui Ruzhuo was published by He Bei Education Press, becoming the fourth Chinese painters who were selected to be in the album.

»» 人民大會堂繪制巨幅大寫意荷花題材作品《荷風盛世》,作品長 18 米,高達 3 米,是大寫意花鳥的巅峰巨作。

He made a huge lotus free hand painting Lotus In The Flourising Age at the Great Hall of People. This work length 18 meter, height 3 meters which was the great peak of free hand painting.

»»《當代最具影響力國畫家作品集·崔如琢》由河北教育出版社出版,收錄了在崔如琢指墨全國巡回展中展出的大部分指墨畫精品。 The Most Influential Chinese Painter Album - Cui Ruzhuo, including most of his work from the past world tour exhibitions.


Chinese Contemporary Well-known Painter - Cui Ruzhuo, including most of his work from the past until now.

»»「指墨情懷——崔如琢書畫巡展」在北京畫院成功舉辦。展出指墨作品 60 幅,其中包括山水 46 幅、花鳥 10 幅、書法 4 幅。

" The Emotion of Ink Painting—Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Beijing Painting Academy. The exhibition has shown 60 of ink painting, including 46 of landscape painting, 10 of flower-bird painting, and 4 of calligraphy.

»» 收藏的《石濤羅漢百頁圖冊》新書新聞發布會在榮寶大廈多功能廳舉行。

The media press about the book he collected Shi Tao Painting Album was released at multi-function hall of Rong Bao building.

»»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」 青島站成功舉辦,共展出作品 120 幅。

" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Qingdao, it has shown 120 pieces of his work.

»»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」 在上海美術館成功舉辦。50 米長卷《丹楓白雪》首次在展覽中展出。

" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Shanghai Art Museaum. 50 meters long scroll Landscape In Snow was shown at the exhibition for the first time.

»»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」 在杭州美術館成功舉辦。展出歷年作品 120 幅,其中國畫作品 45 幅、手卷 5 幅、指墨 60 幅、書法 10 幅。

" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Hangzhou Art Museum. 120 pieces of his work were shown, including 45 of Chinese painting, 5 of hand scroll, 60 of ink painting, and 10 of calligraphy.

»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」在廈門美術館成功舉辦。爲人民大會堂創作的近 » 18 米長的鴻篇巨制《荷風盛世》在此次展覽中首次公開亮相。 畫作《山曉樹猶醒》由廈門美術館永久收藏。

" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Xiamen Art Museum. The grand work Lotus In The Flourising Age which made for The Great Hall of People were shown at this exhibition for the first time. The Awaking Trees were kept by Xiamen Art Museum eternally.


»»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」 在武漢市湖北美術館成功舉辦。展出歷年精品 150 幅。作品《金風飒飒繞層林》由湖北美術館永久收藏。

" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Hubei Art Museum in Wuhan. 150 of his works were shown. The Golden Wind Blowing Through The Woods were kept by Hubei Art Museum eternally.


" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Nanjing Art Museum.

2 0 1 1 »» 元旦 崔如琢書畫新作展在北京榮寶齋總店舉行。

Cui Ruzhuo’s new work of calligraphy and painting exhibition was held at Bao Zhai head office in New Year.

»»《荷風盛世》畫作于元月 26 日在北京人民大會堂隆重揭幕。

It had a grand ceremony Lotus In The Flourising Age at the Great Hall of the People.

»» 香港佳士得春季拍賣會上,崔如琢指墨山水百開以 4320 萬元港幣成交,創香港佳士得春季拍賣當代書畫家新高。

Cui Ruzhuo ink landscape painting was sold at 43.2 million HKD through Christies Hong Kong spring auction. It broke the highest record of Christies Hong Kong spring auction.


" Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Jinan successfully.


的花鳥題材作品《荷風盛世》姐妹篇,作品副 11 米,高近 4 米,是大寫意花鳥的巅峰巨作。 " Freehand brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo calligraphy and painting tour exhibition" was held at Shenzhen successfully. It was the first time that the companion volum of Lotus In The Flourising Age was shown. It length 11 meters, height 4 meters which was the great peak of free hand painting.

»» 6 月 26 日,榮獲「文化中國十年人物」大獎。

He won the prize of "Cultural character of Chinese Ten Years" on June 26th.

»»「大寫神州 ——崔如琢書畫巡展」第十站在廣州藝術博物院成功舉辦。爲大會堂定制創作的寫意花鳥巨制《荷風盛世》亮相廣州。

" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Guangzhou Art Museum. Lotus In The Flourising Age was shown at Guangzhou.


»» 北京翰海秋季崔如琢書畫精品專場拍賣,17 幅作品以 1.32 億開創當代書畫家新紀元。 Han Hai Acution held an Autumn special auction for Cui Ruzhuo. 17 of his works were sold at 132 million RMB which initiated a new era of contemporary calligraphy and painting. »»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」蘭州站成功舉辦。崔如琢藏 《石濤羅漢百開冊頁》首次展出。 " Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Lanzhou. Cui Ruzhuo’s »» 香港佳士得秋季拍賣會上,崔如琢單件作品《盛世和風》以 1.28 億港元成交 。

His work The Peaceful Breeze In Peaceful Time was sold at 128 million HKD through Christies Hong Kong Autumn Auction.

»»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」第十二站在包頭市美術館成功舉辦。展出 150 余幅作品。

" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Baotou Art Gallery. 150 of his work were shown.


" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" and Cui Ruzhuo’s collectibles--Shi Tao Painting Album were held at Hanan Museum.

»»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」第十四站在長春市東北亞藝術中心成功舉辦,展示近 100 幅書畫精品。

" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Changchun East North Asian Art Center. 100 of his works were shown.


" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Guiyang Art Gallery.

2 0 1 2 »»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」第十六站在海口市紫園恩祥藝術館成功舉辦。展出歷年創作的國畫作品 35 幅,指墨精品 50 幅,手絹 2 幅, 書法 6 幅。

" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Haikoy Ziyuan Enxiang Art Gallery. 35 of Chinese painting, 50 of ink painting, 2 pieces of hand scroll, and 6 of calligraphy were shown. »»「大寫神州——崔如琢書畫巡展」第十七站在三亞市體育館成功舉辦。2 月,被三亞市政府授予「三亞文化交流大使」。

" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at Sanya Gymnasium. He was awarded as "Cultural Ambassador of Sanya" by Sanya Government.

»»「大寫神州—崔如琢藝術展」在中國國家博物館成功舉辦。展出 180 余件精品,向國家博物館捐贈 10 幅創作精品,李瑞環爲其題字「繼往開來 一大家」。

" Freehand Brush Shen Zhou---Cui Ruzhuo Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition" was held at National Museum of China. 180 of his work were shown. Within, 10 of his work were given to the museum. Li Ruihuan made an inscription which is "Family as a whole from the past until now" . »» 香港佳士得崔如琢指墨山水作品拍賣專場,總成交額達 1.23 億港元。

Christies Hong Kong held a special auction for Cui Ruzhuo, and the total closing deal was 123 million HKD.


2 0 1 3 »»「崔如琢指墨書畫展暨所藏《石濤羅漢百開冊頁》展」在清華大學美術學院成功舉辦。

" Cui Ruzhuo’s Collectibles --Shi Tao Painting Album Exhibitions" was held at Academy of Art Design, Tsinghua University.

»» 香港佳士得春季拍賣會,崔如琢作品《千山飛雪圖》第二次亮相佳士得,並以 7715 萬港元成交。

His work Snow Blowing Through Mountains was shown at Christies Hong Kong Spring Auction for the second time. It was sold at 77.15 million HKD.

»» 崔如琢日本美術館作品交接儀式在人民大會堂舉行。

Cui Ruzhuo Japanese Art Museum handover ceremony was held at The Great Hall of the People.

»» 崔如琢團城藝術館開幕。

Cui Ruzhuo Tuancheng Art Gallery opened.

»» 保利香港「太璞如琢崔如琢精品專場」總成交額超 1.3 億港元。

Poly Hong Kong held a special auction for Cui Ruzhuo – " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade Cui Ruzhuo Special Auction" . The closing deal was 130 million HKD.

»» 崔如琢香港藝術館開館。

Cui Ruzhuo Hong Kong Art Gallery opened.

2 0 1 4 »» 作品《丹楓白雪》亮相保利香港,並以 1.84 億港幣成交。

His work Landscape In Snow was shown at Poly Hong Kong and sold at 184 million HKD.

»» 保利香港「太璞如琢崔如琢精品專場 II」總成交額超 3 億港元。

Poly Hong Kong held a special auction for Cui Ruzhuo – " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade Cui Ruzhuo Special Auction" . The closing deal was 300 million HKD.

»»「太璞如琢——崔如琢指墨藝術展」在中國國家博物館開幕,展出作品 150 余件。

" Glossiness of Uncarved Jade---Cui Ruzhuo Solo Exhibition" was held in Chinese National Museum, 150 of works were shown.


2 0 1 5 »» 作品《葳蕤雪意江南》亮相保利香港,並以 2.36 億港幣成交,刷新藝術家拍賣紀錄。

His work The Grand Snowing Mountainous Jiangnan Landscape was shown at Poly Hong Kong and sold at 236 million HKD, refresh his auction record.

»» 保利香港「太璞如琢崔如琢精品專場 IV」總成交額超 3.36 億港元。

Poly Hong Kong held a special auction for Cui Ruzhuo – " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade Cui Ruzhuo Special Auction" . The closing deal was 336 million HKD.

2 0 1 6 »» 2016 年 2 月 25 日,「太璞如琢——崔如琢藝術故宮大展」在故宮午門開展,開幕 式上崔如琢向故宮捐贈一億元,這筆捐贈成為故宮文物保護基金目前為止收到的最 大一筆個人現金捐贈,此次展覽展期 3 個月。

"Glossiness of Uncarved Jade - the Grand Exhibition of Cui Ruzhuo" is on view from February 25th at the Meridian Gate in the Palace Museum in Beijing. Upon the opening ceremony, Mr. Cui generously donated one hundred million RMB to the Palace Museum, which became the largest individual donation to the conservation fund of the Palace Museum in Beijing. The exhibition will last three months. »» 2016 年 4 月 4 日,保利香港春季拍賣「太璞如琢 --- 崔如琢精品專場 VI」,24 件作品以 4.25 億港元成交,其中《飛雪伴春》以 3.06 億港元創 在世中國畫家世界紀錄。

On April 4th, in the 2016 Spring Sale of Poly Auction Hong Kong, the "Glossiness of Uncarved Jade - Special Auction of Cui Ruzhuo [VI]" sale brought in total receipts of HK$425 million of 24 works, among which the " The Grand Snowing Mountains " , brought a final transaction price of over HK$300 million, setting a record price for a Chinese ink-wash work by a living artist. »»「太璞如琢——崔如琢藝術俄羅斯巡展」於 2016 年 9 月 12 日在聖彼得堡馬涅士國 家展覽中心開幕,次月巡展至莫斯科馬涅士國家展覽中心。崔如琢特別接受了列賓 美術學院授予的榮譽教授頭銜以及俄罗斯艺术科学院授予的荣誉院士头衔。

Glossiness of Uncarved Jade: Cui Ruzhuo’s Art in Russia Itinerary Exhibition opened on September 12th, 2016 at Saint Petersburg Manege, and in the following month at the Moscow Manege. Cui Ruzhuo was titled Honorary Professor of Repin Academy of Fine Arts and Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.


2 0 1 7 »» 2017 年 4 月,保利香港「太璞如琢——崔如琢精品專場Ⅷ」總成交額超 1.84 億港元。 Poly Hong Kong held the " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade – special auction for Cui Ruzhuo Ⅷ" in April 2017, achieving total sales 18.4million HKD.

»» 2017 年 10 月,保利香港「太璞如琢——崔如琢精品專場 Ⅸ」總成交达 4..72 億港元。 Poly Hong Kong held the " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade – special auction for Cui Ruzhuo IX" in October 2017, achieving total sales 47.2million HKD.

2 0 1 8 »» 2018 年 4 月,保利香港「太璞如琢——崔如琢精品」成交額超 8260 万港元。

Poly Hong Kong held the " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade – work for Cui Ruzhuo " in April 2018, achieving sales 82.6million HKD.

»» 2018 年 10 月,保利香港「太璞如琢——崔如琢精品」總成交达 1.21 億港元。

Poly Hong Kong held the " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade – works of Cui Ruzhuo " in October 2018, achieving total sales 121million HKD.

»» 2018 年 11 月 24 日「太璞如琢——中日民間友好·崔如琢藝術西安大展暨所藏《石濤羅漢百開冊頁》展」在西安美術館舉辦盛大的開幕式。

On November 24th, 2018, grand opening ceremony of “Glossiness of Uncarved Jade: Cui Ruzhuo’s Xi’an Art Exhibition and his Collection Arhat Album by Shi Tao” was held at Xi’an Art Museum.

2 0 1 9 »» 2019 年 4 月,保利香港「太璞如琢——崔如琢精品」成交額達 1.475 億港元。

Poly Hong Kong held the " Glossiness of Uncarved Jade – works for Cui Ruzhuo " in April 2019, achieving sales 147.5million HKD.

»» 2019 年 4 月 27 日「太璞如琢——崔如琢藝術杭州大展」在杭州浙江美術館舉辦盛大的開幕式。

On November 27th, 2019, grand opening ceremony of "Glossiness of Uncarved Jade: Cui Ruzhuo’s Art Exhibition in Hangzhou" was held at the Hangzhou Zhejiang Art Museum.

»» 2019 年 7 月 13 日,「崔如琢陽光美術館」在日本東京正式開館 , 「太璞如琢——崔如琢藝術東京大展」也於當天正式開展。

On July 13th, 2019, Cui Ruzhuo Yoko Art Museum opened in Tokyo, Japan. “Glossiness of Uncarved Jade - Works of Cui Ruzhuo Tokyo Exhibition” launched in the same day.


索引 index

LOT 801 鞠躬盡瘁 功成身退 Dedication

LOT 802 好雨知時節 Good Rain Knows Season

LOT 804 秋景有時飛獨鳥 夕陽無事起寒煙 A Lonely Bird in the Autumn Scene

LOT 805 天外曉嵐和雪望 Morning Mist and Snow over the Horizon

LOT 803 樓倚溪頭水 溪環竹外山 Pavilion by the Stream

lot805 detail 局部

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