Poly Auction Hong Kong | Spring Auctions 2021| Scholarly Delights

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Scholarly Delights: Furnishings from the Literati's Studio and Buddhist Art

逸趣芸窗:文人陳設及佛教藝術 Hong Kong 21 April 2021 香港

2021 年 4 月 21 日

Lot 926

保利香港 拍賣日程 華瓷御彩:重要清代御窯瓷器甄選 編號:HKS3321-2 2021 年 4 月 21 日 星期三 上午 10:30

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LOT 3417

保�香� 2021 ��拍賣�


Poly Auction Hong Kong Spring Auctions 2021

Touring Preview



北��東城���東大街 298 �

The Time Hall, Time Museum

3 月 24 日� 25 日

時間�物� 時間��

24 to 25 March 298, Gulou East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing



上��北��路 1008 �

Function Room III, The St. Regis Shanghai Jingan

3 月 29 日� 30 日

上���瑞吉酒� �功�� III

29 to 30 March 1008, Beijing West Road, Shanghai



�北��義��仁路 100 � 3 �

Breeze Exhibition Centre

4 月 3 日� 4 日

�風南�����中� 預�及拍賣

3 to 4 April Level 3, 100 Songren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei

Preview and Auctions



上午 10 時��上 8 時

10:00 am to 8:00 pm

4 月 18 日� 20 日 香�君�酒�

香������ 1 �

18 to 20 April Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong




Poly Gallery Hong Kong

4 月 21 日� 24 日 香������ 88 ��古�場 1 期 7 � 701-708 �

21 to 24 April Suites 701-708, 7/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong


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2021 年 4 月 21 日 星期三 上午 10:30(拍品 3201-3224) 拍賣編號:HKS3321-2

懷藏日月:法國杜尚家族藏重要中國藝術珍品(一) 2021 年 4 月 21 日 星期三 顺延(拍品 3301-3323) 拍賣編號:HKS3321-3


2021 年 4 月 21 日 星期三 顺延(拍品 3401-3443) 拍賣編號:HKS3321-4


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LOT 3406


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��修 Alex Chang



呂�� Robin Lyu





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林�� Ya-wei Lin ��� June Hsu

楊�� Joseph Yang 馬�� Junnan Ma

��桐 Holly Zhang

��� Dominique Wong 中國古��玩


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��� Kathy Tsang ��爾 Joyce Tsoi 中國書畫





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林家� Fatima Lam


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LOT 3410


逸趣芸窗:文人陳設及 佛教藝術

目 錄


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A French private collection 大鵬金翅鳥,梵語稱「迦樓羅」。在佛教經典中,稱其為 極樂淨土之鳥,以其鳴聲來形容諸佛菩薩之妙。最早出現 在印度史詩《羅摩衍那》中,後來成為印度教、佛教皆崇 拜的重要護法神。供養大鵬金翅鳥,可消一切違緣,惡疾 不染,諸障淨除。誦持大鵬金翅鳥的心咒是降伏一切發邪 願的鬼魅妖魔最勝之法。 3401

此件大鵬鳥造像,人面鷹嘴,頭生牛角,赤發如焰。其凝 目蹙眉,口銜蛇身,雙手高舉抓握蛇頭尾兩端。通身披掛 華麗瓔珞,飾臂釧、手鐲,身後羽翼平展,下身為鳥足, 腿根處雕飾精美鷹羽,羽毛鑄刻極為細膩規整。造像局部 鎏金,玩味十足。


A French private collection 壽星額部隆起,面容飽滿,雙眼微張,雙耳垂肩,長須飄 胸,慈眉善目,笑容可掬。衣飾合體,長袍飄帶垂落於 地。壽星坐於鹿上,出自「壽星坐鹿」之典故。鹿四肢屈 曲臥姿,昂首竪耳,肌肉隆起,肢體強健,充滿了生機和 活力,取「祿」之諧音。壽星右手撫鹿,左手手捧書卷, 意為長命百歲,寓福祿雙全之意。造像局部鎏金,色澤光 亮,雕工精湛,線條流暢,人物形象生動,栩栩如生,整 體寓意吉祥。坐像具有典型的明代重寫實與細節的造像風 格,保存完好,適合居家供養。



A French private collection 以白瑪瑙圓雕俏色劉海戲金蟾,劉海以白瑪瑙圓雕,形態 憨拙可愛。白瑪瑙質地細膩通透,皓白如雪,極為少見。 串串金錢以及金蟾以皮色俏雕,風趣十足。整器造型小 巧,工料皆屬上乘,雕工精細傳神,人物場景活靈活現, 擺放於案頭,足令人賞心悅目。清宮舊藏有類似白瑪瑙俏 色作品可作參考。

3404 清雍正  松花石事事如意硯 款識:「以靜為用,是以永年」「雍正年製」 來源 1. C.T. Loo & Co.,紐約,1960年,編號D-6500 2. 澳大利亞沃隆岡,William S. Tatlow (1921-2016年) 收藏 BOX: W 8.2cm L 11.5cm INKSTONE: W 7.4cm L 10.8cm HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 A SONGHUA INKSTONE


1. C.T. Loo & Co., New York, 1960, lot D-6500 2. Collection of William S. Tatlow (1921-2016) 以松花石製硯始於明朝末年,松花石產自東北吉林松花江 畔,成為官硯硯材則在康熙年間。康熙、雍正、乾隆等 帝對松花石硯都十分欣賞,康熙帝還封它為「御硯」,一 直專供宮廷使用。乾隆帝稱贊它:「松花王,色淨綠,細 膩溫潤,可中硯材,發墨與端溪同,品在歙坑之右」;而 《格致鏡源》一書云:「松花石硯溫潤如玉,紂綠無瑕, 質堅而細,色嫩而純,滑不拒墨,澀不滯筆,能使松煙浮 艷,毫款增輝。昔人所稱硯之神妙無不兼備,詢足超軼千 古」。清三代皇帝大量製造此硯,用以賞貴重臣、皇子, 以達統御固權。本硯,硯盒採用松花石硯料,俏色巧雕, 工藝精湛。硯芯採用松花石刷絲料製作,用料、款式、工 藝完全符合雍正時期特徵,硯背刻「以靜為用,是以永 年」御銘,並鐫刻「雍正年製」四字篆書款。硯盒以祁陽 石俏色雕事事(柿柿)如意,意寓吉祥。 盧芹齋(1880-1957),亦名C.T.Loo,浙江湖州人,先後 旅居法國、美國,二十世紀初國際著名古董商,過手重要 中國文物無數。1940年後,年邁的他將店面讓給助手弗蘭 克•卡羅(Frank caro)經營。 威廉•泰勒(1921-2016年)為澳大利亞新南威爾士州的資 深收藏家,他一生熱衷收藏。除了對古籍、土著陶瓷及澳 洲原住民藝術有研究以外,對亞洲藝術、尤其是陶瓷及家 具收藏有強烈的愛好。他和同好西曼先生歷經25年收藏研 究中國藝術品,最後於2003年將大部分藏品捐贈給了澳洲 沃隆岡市立博物館,並由此建立了「泰勒-西曼」展廳。

Wilkins Coffee Company 1960年購自盧芹齋

3405 清乾隆  松花石荷塘清趣硯 款識:「乾隆年製」 來源 1. C.T. Loo & Co.,紐約,1960年,編號D-6501 2. 澳大利亞沃隆岡,William S. Tatlow (1921-2016年) 收藏 BOX: W 8.3cm L 12cm INKSTONE: W 7.5cm L 11.2cm HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 A SONGHUA 'LOTUS POND' INKSTONE QIANLONG PERIOD, 1736-1795 PROVENANCE

1. C.T. Loo & Co., New York, 1960, lot D-6501 2. Collection of William S. Tatlow (1921-2016) Wilkins Coffee Company 1960年購自盧芹齋

紫色長方形硯,橢圓形硯面,偃月形池,硯背陰刻篆書「乾 隆年製」四字款。硯盒黃白兩層色祁陽石雕製而成。蓋面巧 雕荷塘清趣圖,荷花、殘葉各一,水草皆自右下角向左上角 生長。栩栩如生,應為乾隆時期造辦處硯作所做。 盧芹齋(1880-1957),亦名C.T.Loo,浙江湖州人,先後 旅居法國、美國,二十世紀初國際著名古董商,過手重要 中國文物無數。 威廉•泰勒(1921-2016年)為澳大利亞新南威爾士州的資 深收藏家,他一生熱衷收藏。除了對古籍、土著陶瓷及澳 洲原住民藝術有研究以外,對亞洲藝術、尤其是陶瓷及家 具收藏有強烈的愛好。他和同好西曼先生歷經25年收藏研 究中國藝術品,最後於2003年將大部分藏品捐贈給了澳洲 沃隆岡市立博物館,並由此建立了「泰勒-西曼」 展廳。

3406 清嘉慶  碧玉雲龍鈕「筆硯精良」、「人生一樂」 印璽 印文:「筆硯精良」、「人生一樂」 來源 1. 加拿大私人收藏 (一對) 2. 紐約佳士得,1990年11月29日,編號343 (一對) 3. 香港佳士得,2004年4月26日,編號1211 (一對) H 6cm HK$ 1,200,000 - 1,800,000 US$ 154,000 - 231,000 TWO SPINACH-GREEN JADES WITH 'BI YAN JING LIANG' AND 'REN SHENG YI LE' SEALS JIAQING PERIOD, 1796-1820 PROVENANCE

1. A Canadian private collection (a pair) 2. Christie's New York, 29 November 1990, lot 343 (a pair) 3. Christie's Hong Kong, 26 April 2004, lot 1211 (a pair) 本對璽印以上好碧玉為質雕琢而成,玉璽通體厚重溫潤, 玉質堅韌細膩,細膩蒼翠,深得乾隆帝喜愛。器呈方形, 造型規整,其上以圓雕加鏤雕之法作雲龍鈕,神龍巋然而 臥,氣宇軒昂,整體線條流暢,精、氣、神俱現。龍身輾 轉騰挪,矯健有力,須發鱗甲絲絲清晰,龍爪張弩,蒼勁 有力,動態傳神。雕工精緻細膩,圓潤飽滿融匯天地之 美,包漿溫潤,十分珍貴。 清朝以前,和闐產的大塊玉料稀缺,因此很難見到大器。 清乾隆二十五年(1760年)以後,隨著邊疆戰事的平息, 從新疆專供皇家御用玉料陡增,為大型玉擺件的製作提供 了豐富的原料。從現今兩地故宮舊藏的玉器中我們可以發 現,這一時期宮廷所用玉料以青玉和碧玉為多,比如交泰 殿二十五璽中就有15件為青玉或碧玉製成,就連當年乾隆 帝為了紀念和闐玉得以通暢輸入內地所特製的刻御製和闐 玉詩文大盤也為碧玉製成。可見乾隆皇帝對於這兩種玉料 的偏愛。

此對璽印的印文分別為「筆硯精良」及「人生一樂」,蘇 子美嘗言:「明窗淨幾,筆硯紙墨皆極精良,亦自是人生 一樂。然能得此樂者甚稀,其不為外物移其好者,又特稀 也」。乾隆在古代經典中則取良言自警之語刻製璽印,也 是繼承了康熙、雍正的慣例。他在選擇印文時力求能充分 體現自己的為政思想、體現自己的性情和意志,繼而有感 而發,有針對性而刻,從而使得這些寶璽成為反映乾隆朝 文化生活及乾隆本人思想的不可多得實物資料,成為關照 乾隆盛世社會狀況的重要載體。乾隆興趣廣泛,其人一生 在文學藝術上的造詣頗深,查閱清宮舊藏及檔案著錄即可 知他對文玩的賞趣十分精雅,本對璽印印文即可為證。 古代文人很早就不甘讓文房寂寞,在文房的天地裡,不斷 用各種精美的小物件填充文房四寶的周圍,它們既是為筆 墨紙硯服務的衍生品,同時也是有著各自獨立功能和品格 的藝術品。文人士大夫用自己的藝術感悟創造許多文房清 供,除了筆墨紙硯,還有硯屏、鎮紙、墨床、筆架等等, 林林總總不下幾十種。明代屠隆在《文具雅編》中,逐條 介紹了除文房四寶以外的43種其他文房用具,而且古人還 給這些玩物取了一些好聽的名字。或想盛清之時,面對眾 多精美雅趣的文房美器,賞玩之餘,不禁贊曰:「筆墨精 良」,實為「人生一樂」,遂乃刻璽印二枚,感嘆濃縮了 歷代美學精華的文玩。

3407 清乾隆  朱漆描金嵌百寶梅菊湖石蓋盒 W 38cm HK$ 800,000 - 1,000,000 US$ 102,600 - 128,300 AN INLAID AND GILT-DECORATED RED LACQUER 'TREASURES, PLUM AND BAMBOO' BOX AND COVER QIANLONG PERIOD, 1736-1795

攢盒木胎,通體髹朱褐色漆。蓋面以孔雀石、青金石、 玉、瑪瑙、雞翅木、琥珀等材料嵌梅、蘭、菊及湖石圖 案,用料考究,嵌工精緻,立體效果極佳,色彩搭配得 當,古雅精美。攢盒四壁以描金彩繪回紋、蓮紋及卷草 紋,佈局繁密有致。盒內有八隻子盤圍繞一個倭角方盤, 盤心均以金彩繪梅花。此類攢盒應為皇家貴族的日常生活 用品,多用於盛放乾果。

3408 明晚期  黃花梨嵌影木小方几 來源 香港私人收藏 L 63.5cm W 45cm H 81cm HK$ 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 US$ 193,000 - 257,000 A SMALL HUANGHUALI AND BURLWOOD TABLE LATE MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection

小方几黃花梨製,紋理清晰。几面以格角榫攢邊打槽平鑲 獨板癭木面心,下安穿帶支承。方几結構為變體四面平 式,無束腰,牙條與腿足格角相交,內挖圓角,可見匠心 獨具,設計精研考究。几面與牙條腿足結合,稍稍噴出, 下展至底部收以方材內翻馬蹄足,挺拔修長,渾勁有力。 腿足間施羅鍋棖,加強連結,亦避免几面下空間過分空 檔。 此方几造型簡潔,四面平式製法使保固效果更好,設計清 雅素淨,小巧可愛,靈活可攜。常見結構多為條桌,方几 實例較少,此尺寸可作香几,明式長方香几為桌型結構, 上置放香具,常單獨擺放。 影木,又叫廮木,並不特指一種木材,而是樹木於生長過 程中受真菌或害蟲感染而畸形發育的瘤狀物,多取自樹 根。根據木材不同而分為:楠木影、樺木影、花梨木影、 榆木影等。木纖維紛亂,特性易脆,但花紋奇特、扭曲錯 落,這種「病態美」受到工匠的青睞,成為板面裝飾的首 選。此例選用獨板樺木廮作板心,前者色澤沈穩與黃花梨 琥珀色相映成趣,黃花梨嵌以各式木材為明式家具中的典 型製法,加上底部刷漆,乃當時期的標準器。

3409 明晚期  黃花梨霸王棖大畫桌 來源 香港私人收藏 L 191.5cm W 84cm H 80cm HK$ 6,000,000 - 8,000,000 US$ 770,000 - 1,026,000 A LARGE HUANGHUALI PAINTING TABLE, HUAZHUO LATE MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection 畫桌結構為四面平式,無束腰,整體簡約明快,四面平 素。包漿盈潤,色澤沈穩。桌面以標準格角榫攢邊打槽平 鑲兩拼板心,細緻的黃花梨紋理清晰瑰麗,木紋行雲流 水,又如起伏山巒般變幻多姿。 四面平為標準明式家具製法,特點為大邊、抹頭和腿足平 齊,以粽角榫連接,其中細分三種類型:帶牙板四面平、 無牙板四面平及變體四面平製法,此例為後者。腿足與牙 條榫卯相交,與桌面結合。噴面稍稍大於四面牙板和腿 足,保固效果比其餘四面平製式好。桌底安棖五根穿帶支 承,邊抹下施兩彎型方材霸王棖支撐,力拓於左右穿帶上 並以木釘固定。方腿承托,下乘馬蹄足落地,程扁矮狀, 足端顯露陳年腐蝕磨損痕跡 。 文房書齋是文人墨客修身之地,一器一物均體現著主人的 價值觀和品味,非常講究。作為文人潑墨江山的情感載 體,畫桌承載的已不僅僅是家具本體,更是主人個性的體 現。作為書房重器,其製作亦被格外注重,傳世的黃花梨 畫桌有如此大的寬度非常罕見,此例應為文人雅士為書齋 特別訂製之器,透過選材,設計等可見為匠心之作。 類似案例可參考:王世襄,《明式家具研究》,香港, 1989年,頁95,圖乙79。

3410 明晚期  黃花梨四出頭官帽椅 來源 香港私人收藏 L 63.5cm W 56cm H 123cm HK$ 1,200,000 - 2,200,000 US$ 154,000 - 283,000 A HUANGHUALI HIGH YOKE-BACK ARMCHAIR LATE MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection 黃花梨高靠背四出頭官帽椅以平切式製作,全身光素,造 型簡約雋永,形製修長而挺拔,突顯座上者的權威和地 位。整器選料精良,靠背板以木紋順直的獨板構成,當中 螢光水波紋遍佈,紋理縱橫交錯。 搭腦弧度大如繃弓,彎弧有力,用料極度奢侈,兩端往上 翹,形如幞頭。 C形靠背與後腿上段後彎體現曲線之美, 充分貼合人體脊椎弧度,以達至最佳舒適感。前後腿一木 連做貫穿座盤,連接搭腦與扶手,扶手三彎向外撇,與後 腿以飄肩榫接合,接前腿鵝脖,中間安上細下粗的圓材聯 邦棍,與搭腦風格和諧統一 。座面為罕見的板面而非常見 的藤面,以格角榫攢邊框,裝獨板坐面,四角包銅鞏固結 構,下安兩穿帶支承,加強支撐力。椅盤下安素牙子,左 右採相同做法,後方則裝素牙條。 座盤上部為圓材,下部外圓內方,蘊含了方圓結合的大智 慧,把剛柔並濟體現得淋漓盡致。 腿間施步步高趕棖,即 管腿棖由前至後步步高升,除了結構上避免榫眼集中,亦 同時表達了主人對仕途的祈願。

明 徐複祚 《紅梨記第二十九出:宦游》

官帽椅因搭腦與古代官員帽子相似而因此得名,一直是精英階級的正式 坐具,常設於文房及正式場合,垂直的座面設計要求座上者正襟危坐, 無時無刻自我約束著。官帽椅已聯繫著文人的精神層面,每處精巧的設 計均體現著個人的思想追求。由簡約的設計,以及搭腦和座盤的獨特 性,此官帽椅應為訂製之作,類似的存世例子非常罕見。別類案例可參 考《 Classical Chinese Furniture in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts》, Art Resources Ltd,1999,頁48-49,編號7。

3411 明十七世紀  黃花梨如意紋翹頭案 來源 1. Alice Boney 收藏 (根據標籤) 2. 紐約蘇富比,1978年5月11日,編號308 3. H. Woods Wilson,倫敦 4. 紐約蘇富比,2016年3月16日,編號285 5. 少雪齋,香港 L 113.5cm W 42.3cm H 85cm HK$ 1,200,000 - 2,200,000 US$ 154,000 - 283,000 A HUANGHUALI 'RUYI' ALTAR TABLE, QIAOTOUAN MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

1. Collection of Alice Boney (according to label) 2. Sotheby's New York, 11 May 1978, lot 308 3. H. Woods Wilson, London 4. Sotheby's New York, 16 March 2016, lot 285 5. Collection of Chamber of Young Snow, Hong Kong 此翹頭案案面攢框鑲獨板板芯,黃花梨材質細密,紋理瑰 美和諧,澄淨瑰麗。明代文人文震亨於《長物志卷六》中 這樣形容翹頭:「飛角處不可太尖,須平圓,乃古式。」 巧緻的小翹頭嵌裝板面兩端,末端揚起圓潤尖角,靈動飛 揚,向下延伸至抹頭,冰盤沿上舒下斂至底壓窄平線,下 接牙板,鎪卷雲紋牙頭,以夾頭榫與腿足相接。側面擋板 以整料透雕如意雲紋,雕工俐落,大朵雲紋與牙頭的卷雲 紋相呼應。方材腿足起明線,下承托泥,起明線,下方挖 一段亮腳。 橋頭案小巧但整器用料厚重,造型渾樸。卷雲紋一直是 明式案子的典型紋飾,經歷著不同階段的發展。著名中 國古典家具研究專家張輝在探討卷雲紋牙頭案的形製演 變中提及:「雲紋牙頭盤成一整圈後,由於鎪出的木材 過細,橫茬面大,多數以一枚圓珠作連接加固,以防外 力撞擊、壓迫時折斷。追求新奇的美感同時,兼顧力的 科學性。」此案牙頭以圓珠連接,配以草葉飾,卷雲式 牙頭向內翻卷,幅度婉轉,是從無珠的簡單牙頭雲紋演 變而來的。

3412 清中期  黃花梨雕花草紋炕几 L 86cm W 41.5cm H 30.5cm HK$ 250,000 - 350,000 US$ 32,100 - 44,900 A CARVED HUANGHUALI LOW TABLE MID QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY

此炕桌為束腰三彎腿典型製法,炕面格角榫攢邊打槽裝兩 拼板心,木紋行雲流水,底有穿帶出梢支承,邊抹可見透 榫,結構穩固。冰盤沿上部噴出,逐漸往下內收至底勒一 線。束腰以下牙子和腿足外鼓,牙條至三彎腿起明線,剷 地浮雕花草紋,雕工細膩精湛,花草自然逼真。常見的炕 桌可分類為無束腰和有束腰形製,後者再細分為直足式、 鼓腿彭牙內翻馬蹄式和三彎腿式。三彎腿式,即先向外 翻,繼而轉內,至足底再向外翻,通常一木大料整挖。此 例腿足奇特,似結合鼓腿彭牙和三彎腿,應為變體,彷彿 是在大挖鼓腿彭牙的腿上添加了一截外翻的腿足。三彎腿上 部外鼓,中段鎪內翻馬蹄內縮,下部再外伸成馬蹄腿,形如 漩渦,這是一種罕見的三彎腿,弧度兜轉,遒勁有力。 炕常見於氣候寒冷的北方,是下設灶口燒火的臥具。既是 取暖設施,又是人們基本日常活動的地方,如吃飯、下 棋、閱讀、置物甚至接待客人,均可在炕桌上進行。炕桌 則屬於矮形桌案的一類,面積較小而便於搬動,多在床或 炕上使用,或居中放置,或貼近床沿。

3413 十八世紀  黃花梨小提箱 來源 香港重要藏家私人收藏 L 33cm W 15.5cm H 19.5cm HK$ 80,000 - 120,000 US$ 10,300 - 15,400 A SMALL HUANGHALI PORTABLE CHEST, TIXIANG 18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection 此方形提箱以黃花梨為材,製作精良。上承羅鍋式提梁, 整木挖製,兩頭淺雕卷雲紋回勾,生動活潑。黃銅片加固 提梁與箱體間的結構。箱體兩側面與背板均採用獨板,以 明榫拍合並加銅片鞏固。內設三層抽屜共五具,上層一大 具,中下層各兩小具,附銅吊牌。黃花梨紋理瑰麗,鬼臉 紋遍佈,內以鐵力木製。 此提箱周正穩重,簡約光素,突顯黃花梨木紋之美。一般 提箱為士人游歷、文人趕考時攜帶。常見這類提箱應配有 門板,但此例不帶門板且沒有榫位插入,應為特殊訂製之 作,相信為擱置案頭以收納文房器具之用。類似例子可參 考:中貿聖佳,2019秋季藝術拍賣會 「斫木——明清家具專 場」,編號2802。


3414 明晚期至清早期  黃花梨黃柏木合仙桌 來源 1. 購於Ian McLean,90年代初 2. 香港重要藏家私人收藏 L 71.5cm W 43cm H 83.5cm HK$ 60,000 - 120,000 US$ 7,700 - 15,400 A HUANGHUALI AND AMBOYNA TABLE


1. Purchased from Ian McLean, early 1990s 2. A Hong Kong private collection 此例全身光素,以木紋取勝。桌面攢框打槽裝黃柏木獨板 面心,下安兩穿帶出梢支承,邊抹見明榫。冰盤沿圓弧內 收至底壓平線。束腰下安直牙條,與腿足格角相交,沿邊 起一道圓潤明線。四足方材,馬蹄腿優美俊俏。 腿間鑿眼安橫順棖裝屜板,與桌面做法一致,裝三拼 板心,底安一穿帶支承。但因承重力度有限,僅以置 輕物。亦因屜板佔用腿部空間,應不是配合坐具使 用,或作香桌用途。 合仙桌,為南方叫法,亦稱半桌或接桌,尺寸為方桌 之半。帶屜板的大多為案類,此例為桌類帶屜板,甚 為罕見。 3414

類似例子可參考:中國嘉德2018年春季拍賣會,「清 雋明朗——明清古典家具精品」,編號4504。

3415 商晚期  青銅獸面紋「父己子龍」觚 銘文:「父己子龍」 附日本木盒 來源 日本大阪重要私人舊藏 出版 吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成三編》,卷二,上 海,2020年,頁526,編號875

『子某』之稱,是商人貴族一種習慣稱為方式,對於王室 來說,子某指的是王子,對於非王室而言,則指的是宗族 之長,並且該氏族是與商王室有著密切的關係的高級貴 族。」;王冠英《子龍鼎的年代與子龍族氏地望》認為: 「『子龍』應是商末的王子或宗族,有著自己的軍隊和政 治權力。」綜上研究,「子龍」族器或作為商代高級貴族 祭器,「子龍鼎」更是迄今發現商代最大青銅圓鼎,為國 寶級青銅精品。而除了本件「父己子龍」觚之外,現有記 載的「子龍」族器有4件,2件藏於國家一級博物館,有中 國國家博物館藏「子龍鼎」、上海博物館藏「子蠃(龍) 爵」,可見其珍稀程度及重要性,另有2件為「子龍壺」以 及「子蠃(龍)觚」。

H 30cm HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL, GU


With a Japanese wooden box PROVENANCE

An important Osaka private collection LITERATURE

Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions and images of bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], vol. 2, Shanghai, 2020, p. 526, no. 875



此觚為商代「子龍」族器,銘文與迄今發現商代最大青銅 圓鼎—中國國家博物館藏「子龍鼎」為同族禮器,故非常珍 貴,是可遇而不可求的收藏精品。 觚高30釐米,全器線條優美流暢,銅質厚重,是難得的精 品。觚尖唇,喇叭口,有一周較細的直緣,束頸收腰,圈 足外撇,不甚誇張,足底直緣。腰部飾弦紋兩匝,前後有 十字形穿孔,為鑄造時所留。全器滿工,工分三段。最上 段口部到頸部飾四面蕉葉紋,蕉葉紋內密飾雲雷紋,正中 且飾兩乳丁目,化自蟬紋。蕉葉紋基底還飾有一周陰線鳥 紋,十分精細。其下腹部飾獸面紋,獸角向上向內捲曲, 曰字形眼突出,有四條扉棱做鼻對稱分佈,與下段圈足上 的四條扉棱位置相應;圈足亦飾淺浮雕獸面紋。整器所有 紋飾均由雲雷紋襯底,層次特別分明,立體感異常強烈, 是商代青銅觚中高品級之規格。

英國私人收藏 「子龍壺」

商代晚期銘文內容多數是呈現刻鑄器物所有者或作器者氏 族,又或註明因賞賜而鑄造祭祀先父祖的祭器性質或其他 目的。此「父己子龍」觚的銘文表明做器者是為祭祀自己 的父親「父己」而做此器。 子龍氏族徽,根據多位權威學者研究,殷商時期「子 某」,一種為私名,一種為氏名,而「子龍」應該也存在 著上述兩種可能性。李學勤在《論子龍大鼎及有關問題》 中指出:「子龍應為一個族氏,而非個人。」;朱鳳瀚 《子龍鼎的年代與銘文之內涵》則認為:「作為私名的

出版於《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集 成三編》,卷二,上海,2020年, 頁526,編號875


3416 西周早期  青銅獸面伯揚卣 銘文:「作宗寶尊彝」「邁(萬)年孫子用」「伯(揚) 作寶彝」 來源 台灣私人舊藏 出版 吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,卷二十四,上 海,2012年,頁190,編號13266 H 24.5cm HK$ 700,000 - 1,000,000 US$ 89,800 - 128,300 AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL AND COVER, YOU


A Taiwanese private collection LITERATURE

Wu Zhenfeng, Shang zhou qing tong qi ming wen ji tu xiang ji cheng [Compendium of Inscriptions and Images of Bronzes from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties], vol. 24, Shanghai, 2012, p. 190, no. 13266 伯揚卣,按銘文所記作器者命名,西周早期晚段至中期早 段青銅盛酒禮器。此卣橫截面作橢方形,帶蓋,鼓腹。 蓋頂部作倒高足碗形隆起,捉手作中空橢方形,蓋兩側上 翹成犄角,蓋緣方折明顯,是西周早期晚段至西周中期早 段的典型樣式。器身口沿作子母口,器腹弧線典雅逶麗, 從蓋側至頸部往下斜外侈,器腹微鼓下垂,再向內收於圈 足,腹部最大徑與重心置於卣腹中線以下,予人穩重、沉 實的感覺。圈足外撇有寬邊,足上飾兩道弦紋。器身兩側 頸部有銅扣接連一條拱形提梁,提梁兩端各飾一個大耳貘 首,提梁上飾一帶「S」形卷曲回首龍紋。蓋頂肩部飾一周 凸弦紋,其下前後兩邊各飾一左右相對的變體夔龍紋,夔 龍卷尾,有爪、有耳、有角,「臣」字形目微微凸出,夔 龍前方有顯著的卷曲頭冠,頭冠旁有鰭狀紋飾,冠尾作象 鼻分差。器身口沿下同樣飾左右相對的卷曲回首龍紋,龍 首回望,頭冠卷曲,身作「S」形,眼睛凸起,炯炯有神, 正中以浮雕獸首間隔,其下設一周凸弦紋。通器紋飾均以 雲雷紋襯地,層次分明。蓋內鑄有銘文兩行10字: 「作宗 寶尊彝邁(萬)年孫子用」。器內底部鑄有銘文一行5字: 「伯 (揚)作寶彝」。 形製相近的青銅卣,可參考1976年陝西扶風縣雲堂村M20墓 出土的西周早期作旅彝卣(76FYM20:7、總0436),載於陝 西省考古研究所等編:《陝西出土商周青銅器》,北京: 文物出版社,1980年,第三冊,頁79,第70號;同器又見 於曹瑋:《周原出土青銅器》,成都:巴蜀書社,2005 年,卷七,頁1474-1478。

出版於《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集 成》,卷二十四,上海,2012年,頁 190,編號13266

3417 商晚期  青銅牛頭圓渦紋子媚罍 銘文:「子媚」 來源 1.(傳)日本私人收藏,大阪,約1934年 2. 倫敦蘇富比,1985年12月10日,編號19 3. 紐約蘇富比,2001年9月19日,編號3 出版 1. 京都大學人文研究所1934年藏銘文拓片,編號K.2353 2. Noel Barnard及張光裕,《中日歐美澳紐所見所拓所摹 金文彙編》,卷8,臺北,1978年,編號1216(銘文) 3. 劉雨及盧岩編,《近出殷周金文集錄》,北京,2002 年,圖版980 4. 鍾柏生,陳昭容及黃銘崇等編,《新收殷周青銅器銘文 暨器影彙編》,臺北,2006年,編號1933 5. 汪濤及劉雨,《流散歐美殷周有銘青銅器集錄》,上 海,2007年,圖版331 6. 吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,卷二十五, 上海,2012年,編號13759 H 40.3cm HK$ 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 US$ 193,000 - 257,000

銅罍是從商代早期開始出現的一種大型盛酒器,作為貴族 酒器組合中重要的一類,在商周時期頗為流行。罍的造型 有方有圓,形制多為小口直頸、肩部雙耳、下腹有鼻,耳 多銜環,可以提挈,鼻可鈎提,便於傾倒,擺放時應以耳 為側,以鼻為背。此件銅罍屬於典型的有肩圓罍,口緣較 厚成方唇,頸部較高,上部外侈,中部收束,下部外展, 逐漸過渡為肩部。肩部渾圓微鼓,兩側各有一個半環形 耳。腹部緩緩內斂,腹下部一側有一個半環形牛首鼻,其 上刻「子媚」銘。腹底接略向外撇的矮圈足。全器紋飾簡 潔,肩部有六個突起的圓渦紋,圓渦紋中有圓圈,周圍填 以卷雲紋,肩與腹部交接處飾一周較寬的凹弦紋。 青銅罍的研究,興於北宋,衰於元明,復興於清代之金石 家,發展於民國,繁榮至今。罍之定名,可見於《毛詩正 義.卷第一.二》:「金罍,酒器也。諸臣之所胙人君,以 黃金飾尊,大一碩,金飾龜目,蓋刻為雲雷之象。」,《三 禮通釋.卷一百六十二》云:「罍之製度,鄭康成注《司尊 彝》云:『山罍,亦刻而畫之為山雲之形』,夫酒器得用 金罍,《韓詩》說通其大小之異;毛詩說罍大一碩;《禮 圖》:大一斛;郭注『罍形似壺,大者受一斛』,《詩 經.卷耳》:「我故酌彼金罍,唯以不永懷」,可見罍在先 秦時是極重要且尊貴的盛酒禮器。罍的地域特色大致可以 分為三種中原式的青銅罍、受中原文化影響的青銅罍、地 方特色的青銅罍,而罍的形製大致可以分為圓罍、方罍、 與西周晚期以後的缶霝。


1. A Japanese private collection, Osaka, 1934, by repute 2. Sotheby's London, 10 December 1985, lot 19 3. Sotheby's New York, 19 September 2001, lot 3 LITERATURE

1. Inscription illustrated in Institute of Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 1934, no. K2353 2. Noel Barnard and Cheung Kwong-Yue, Rubbings and Hand Copies of Bronze Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese, European, American and Australasian Collections , vol. 8, Taipei, 1978, no. 1216 (inscription) 3. Liu Yu and Lu Yan (ed.), Jin chu Yin zhou jin wen ji lu [Compilation of recently discovered archaic bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2002, pl. 980 4 . Z h o n g B a i s h e n g , C h e n Z h a o ro n g , a n d H u a n g Mingchong, etc. (ed.), Xin shou Yin zhou qing tong qi ming wen ji qi ying hui bian [Compendium of inscriptions and images of recently included bronzes from Yin and Zhou dynasties], Taipei, 2006, no. 1933 5. Wang Tao and Liu Yu, A Selection of Early Chinese Bronzes with Inscriptions from Sotheby's and Christie's Sales , Shanghai, 2007, pl. 331 6. Wu Zhenfeng, Shang Zhou qing tong qi ming wen ji tu xiang ji cheng [Compendium of inscriptions and images of bronzes from Shang and Zhou dynasties], vol. 25, Shanghai, 2012, no. 13759




子媚罍,倫敦蘇富比,1985年12月10日,拍 品編號19

罍在先秦酒器中具有十分重要的位置,但我們所能收 集到的商周青銅罍方面資料僅240餘件,其中考古發掘 品大約180餘件,公私收藏的傳世品僅60件左右,且 多是博物館藏,私人收藏的商周青銅罍寥若晨星,如 崑山之片玉、桂林之一枝。本件拍品是比較典型的殷 墟二期至三期之形制,即約武丁後期至祖甲、廩辛之 間;此類青銅罍多製式素樸,小口,矮圈足,獸首半 環耳或獸首銜環耳,下腹部有一鼻紐。最為相近的例 子如殷墟戚家莊東出土的爰罍,爰罍所屬的爰族,在 武丁時期就和殷王室有著十分親密的關係,有研究者 認為,墓中隨葬軍事權杖-銅鉞,說明墓主人生前是充 當指揮官的,因此,該墓主不僅是殷王朝統治下某氏 族中的一個顯貴,而且是一個軍事貴族。對比之下子 媚罍較爰罍更大,且銘文在外,其餘構造紋飾均十分 相似;另有一例,載於西清古鑒,尺寸造型皆類似, 可惜未曾錄其銘文。子媚罍十分符合其等級特質,充 分體現武丁後期至祖甲、廩辛之間中央王朝對於罍的 審美與典型的時代特徵。

吳鎮烽,《高周青銅器銘文暨圖像集 成 13758》

人陶德曼藏,《銘文暨圖像集成》00469)、子媚觶 (傳出土於河南安陽大司空村南地,現加拿大多倫多 皇家安大略博物館藏,《集成》06136)、子媚爵九件 (均出自河南安陽,其中三件原藏榮厚中的兩件於上 海博物館,一件於2016年在北京保利拍賣,售價276 萬,均著錄於梅原末治之 《冠斝》)、子媚斝(傳安 陽出土,三代13.49.6)、子媚觚兩件(故宮博物院 藏,集成06898;遼寧省博物館藏,三代14.21.3)、 以及另外一件僅有14.5釐米的弄器子媚小罍(河南 安陽出土,原藏懷履光,現藏加拿大多倫多安大略博 物館)。縱觀其他的這些子媚器,我們大致可以得到 三點信息:一、多是出自安陽,與坑口特徵、銘文特 性、形製款式相吻合。二、器型豐富全面,時代特徵 一致,具有高等級貴族墓葬的特質(配有弄器、九件 爵、斚、鼎、罍等器)。三、除去國內收藏,大多流 失到了日本梅原氏之手,與加拿大安氏博物館。

殷墟二期與三期之間的時期,是金文字形書體的萌發 時期,其時之青銅器僅銘有一字或兩字,多為私名或 族徽文字。媚在金文與甲骨文中,象眼與眼上之毛的 組合,故又稱眉或睸。在甲骨文商王卜辭中,就出現 過「子媚」其人,受到了商王武丁對其生育的關心, 故可知她為商王之女,商王室之公主,而子媚同時作 為為數不多的王室之女,直接參與了王室的重要祭祀 活動。

子媚罍的銘文可與甲骨卜辭互證,器型可與出土實物 比較,是現存為數不多的可確定為商王族的青銅器。 現在見於著錄的同銘罍僅有1件,且無論是造型還是紋 飾,更像是本次拍品的縮小迷你版,這種一大一小的 「列罍」製器物極其少見,也可見其規模等級之高, 而本次拍品的子媚罍更是迄今所見可合法流通的唯 一一件。加之其造型挺拔端莊,體積碩大,逾40多釐 米,且傳承有序,器型更是酒器里高等級的罍;可謂 瑰逸綽姿,驚鴻照影,華茂得衷,窈窕可人,鄴中之 片羽,一瞥而絕世。

因為殷墟特有的坑口,殷商的遺物遺存至今便入鄴中 片羽一般,王室的舊藏更是彌足珍貴,難能尋覓。 最早可見關於本品的記載是在1934年京都大學人文研 究所所藏之拓片,編號K.2353,雲1934年之前由大阪 某氏所藏,值得一提的是時任研究所的所長是梅原末 治先生(於1929-1933年在研究所研究中國古代青銅 器),或此物與其有千絲萬縷的關係。其後又隱匿數 十年,由巴納及張光裕1978年出版的《中日歐美澳紐 所見所摹金文匯編》所發現其銘文並整理,記載於卷 8,編號1216。而其器本身一直雪藏至1985年方現身於 倫敦蘇富比,以及之後的2001年的紐約蘇富比,如今 復現,不可謂不是彌足珍貴了。頗有意思的是,其餘 的幾件子媚器,如:子媚鼎(出土於河南安陽,德國


3418 西周早期  青銅龍紋「丙父乙」貘耳簋 銘文:「丙父乙」 題記:「藏六觀並識」 來源: 日本關西私人收藏 H 14.5cm W 27.5cm HK$ 400,000 - 600,000 US$ 51,300 - 77,000 AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL FOOD VESSEL, GUI EARLY WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, 1050 - 771 B.C. PROVENANCE

A Japanese private collection, Kansai 此件青銅簋侈口束頸,垂圓鼓腹,對稱雙貘耳,貘面刻劃生動寫實。底 承高圈足,上斂下闊。頸部中心浮雕龍首,兩側對稱分佈環柱角爬行龍 紋。圈足中心起脊,對稱裝飾彎角龍紋。簋內底有銘文「丙父乙」,為 西周早期器。其與寶雞魚國墓地BZM13:21,BZM20:4所出土兩件簋形 制、紋飾基本相近或者相同,另相同紋飾在寶雞魚國墓地和山東滕州前 掌大墓地等地出土其他西周早期銅器上多有裝飾。結合形制、紋飾綜合 判斷,此器當屬於西周早期作品。本件青銅簋有清宮舊配紫檀座,配雙 層木盒,內盒有日本知名鑒銅制銅大師藏六題記。 商周時期,簋在青銅禮器中佔有重要地位,它配合鼎組成了先秦獨具特 點的「列鼎制度」。周代的禮制規定:天子用九鼎,諸侯用七鼎,大夫 用五鼎,士用三鼎或一鼎。到了東周,則是天子、諸侯用九鼎,卿用 七鼎,大夫用五鼎,士用三鼎或一鼎。而簋則是以偶數出現,九鼎配八 簋,以此類推。據考古發掘,至遲在西周中期,列鼎制度已經開始流 行。整個西周時期,是簋的種類最多,式樣最豐富的時代。

3419 西周早期  青銅蝸身獸面簋 H 15.2cm W 26cm HK$ 3,000,000 - 3,500,000 US$ 385,000 - 449,000 AN ARCHAIC BRONZE VESSEL, GUI


青銅簋的形製為侈口,直腹,圓底、圈足,兩側有對稱的獸首形 雙耳,雙耳下帶垂勾形珥。腹部兩側對稱飾突起的稜紋,器物腹 部紋飾為左右對稱的大獸面紋,尖牙凸起於簋身表面。圈足飾夔 龍紋,底紋均為細密勾連的雲雷紋,紋飾精美。此簋為西周前期 常見形製,獸面紋突出,立體感較強,保留了商代的裝飾風格, 為殷商後期至西周早期青銅器中的代表作。相似器型及紋飾可參 見紐約佳士得2018年09月13日,西周早期青銅蝸身獸紋簋,編號 1111。 根據文獻的記載,簋是用來盛黍稷稻粱的器皿,是商周時期重要的 禮器,特別是在西周時期,簋和列鼎製度一樣,在祭祀和宴饗時以 偶數組合與奇數的列鼎配合使用。共同成為等級、身份的象徵。 西周早期的青銅簋多飾有帶尖牙的盤龍。類似此圖案可參考北京 中國國家博物館館藏天王簋,載於《中國青銅器全集》第五卷: 西周1期,北京,1996年,編號50。從銘文可知,天王簋鑄於西周 武王時期,是至今出土文物裡,最早期的西周青銅器之一。 此類型的簋腳上飾有兩款紋飾,分別是龍紋和呈「S」形的蛇 紋。可見本器身上飾有的是前者,同類型器物可見國立故宮博物 院一件青銅簋,錄於《商周青銅粢盛器特展圖錄》,臺北,1985 年,頁23。後者可見一件出土於陝西寶雞竹園溝西周墓葬,錄於 《文物》,第2期,1983年,圖版2,圖2。可見另一件售於紐約 佳士得,2010年3月26日,編號1270。

西周早期青銅蝸身獸紋簋 紐約佳士得,2018年9月13日,編號1111

3420 商晚期  青銅婦 告鼎 銘文:「帚(婦) 告」 附日本木盒 來源 1. 梁上椿(1888-1954以後)舊藏 2. 日本重要收藏 出版 1. 梁上椿,《岩窟吉金圖錄》,卷上,北京,1943年,圖7 2. 中國社會科學院考古研究所,《殷周金文集成》,第4 冊,北京,編號01710 3. 吳鎮烽:《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,上海:上海 古 籍出版社,2012年,第2冊,第00967號 H 16.1cm HK$ 700,000 - 1,000,000 US$ 89,800 - 128,300 AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL FOOD VESSEL, DING LATE SHANG DYNASTY, 1600-1046 B.C.

With a Japanese wooden box PROVENANCE

1. Collection of Liang Shangchun (1888-1954 and after) 2. A Japanese private collection

婦 是婦好以外,極少數同時出現在甲骨文和金文的人 名,而出現婦 的甲骨,現在所知不少於四條,都跟婦好 一樣,屬於殷墟甲骨第一期,即商王武丁時期,其中一條 「貞婦 娩嘉」(《甲骨文合集》974正),出現在今見最 多字數的一片完整龜甲上,現藏台灣「中央研究院」歷史 語言研究所,是商王武丁貞問婦 生育是否吉利的命辭。 從其餘的卜辭「婦 示十屯」(《合集》7287臼) 、「婦 來」(《合集》6826反),又可以知道婦 同樣曾經主 持祭祀及領有封地。 郭沫若於1934年撰寫的〈骨臼刻辭之一考察〉中,認為商 王武丁卜辭常見的「帚某」為人名,帚為「婦」之省文, 帚某乃是商王的妃嬪。陳夢家《殷虛卜辭綜述》同意郭沫 若的看法,並認為帚(婦) 雖然跟金文中的姜姓可能有 關,但還是認為帚下一字是名而不是姓。現代的研究已普 遍認為,婦 告屬於「婦+私名+氏族徽號」的排列組合。 梁上椿(1888-1954以後),字羲喬,或作西樵,山西崞縣 人,清末立憲派元老梁善濟(1861-1941)之第三子,早年 留學日本,獲早稻田大學採礦科工學學士學位。歸國後, 歷任晉北礦務局局長、山西旅京同鄉會副會長等職。梁上 椿是商周青銅器、漢唐青銅鏡、善本方志的重要收藏家, 二十世紀四十年代著有《巖窟吉金圖錄》二卷、《巖窟藏 鏡》四集。 根據梁上椿在他為自藏品編纂的《巖窟吉金圖錄》(1943 年)卷上七的記錄,1940年春河南安陽殷墟出土同形同銘 青銅鼎一對,厚質完整,其中一件即為本拍品。按記錄, 銅鼎頸部圍以饕餮紋,四組饕餮均口旁有足,其身有尾作 下捲形,空隙處填以雷紋,腹部為三角雷紋二十組,全面 生綠土鏽,與本器實際情況吻合。


1. Liang Shangchun, Yan ku jij in tu lu , (Catalogue of Auspicious Bronzes in the Yanku Studio), vol.1, Beijing, 1943, pl. 7 2. Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yinzhou jinwen jicheng [Compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze inscriptions], vol. 4, Beijing, 1984-1994, no. 01710. 3. Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions and images of bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], vol. 2, Shanghai, 2012, no. 00967 頸部圍以饕餮紋,四組饕餮口旁有足,卷形空隙處填以雷 紋,腹部爲三角雷紋二十組。鼎內下部有小部翻銅地,似 在土中時曾聚有少許之地下水。


左:婦好 右:婦 《甲骨文合集》 北京:中華書局,1978-1983年,第三冊,編號7287

3421 唐  石雕佛首 來源 香港私人收藏 H 12cm HK$ 100,000 - 150,000 US$ 12,900 - 19,300 A CARVED STONE HEAD OF BUDDHA TANG DYNASTY, 7TH-10TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection 此尊唐代石雕釋迦牟尼佛首像面容慈祥睿智,肉髻輕微隆起,螺 發清晰細緻,眉目修長圓潤,雙目微睜,嘴角略帶笑意,整體氣 質寧靜祥和,溫潤感人。佛像五官刻畫的比較突出而深刻,眼尾 極高的挑起,雙耳長垂,技法嫻熟,時代地區特徵明顯。 此尊石雕造像尺寸較小,儀軌森嚴,工藝高超,非常寫實,給人 親和感,是唐早期石雕藝術的成熟之作。

3422 十七世紀  木雕漆金韋陀像 H 95cm HK$ 160,000 - 200,000 US$ 20,600 - 25,700 A GILT-LACQUERED WOOD FIGURE OF SKANDA 17TH CENTURY

韋陀因釋迦摩尼在入涅時,護佛有功,被視為佛教護法 神,常被供奉於寺廟彌勒佛身後。 韋陀面相若赤子,眉目帶笑,五官立體。頭戴紅纓冠,左 手按金剛杵,右手扶腰站於雲海紋樣的方台之上,雲海之 中龍身竄動,雲龍昴首張口,吞入金剛杵,非常生動。韋 陀身姿挺拔,姿態颯爽,動作瀟灑,帶有武將一夫當關萬 夫莫開的義氣方遒。飄帶纏繞於雙臂間,戰袍下衣擺處亦 微微向上翹起,更顯靈動飄逸。 鎧甲遍布全身,夾片密布細密緊湊,而且各大範圍夾片不 一,鎖子甲遍布整個下擺。甲片製作精良,腰腹處獸頭蹙 眉怒目,威武霸氣,可見匠人工藝之細膩考究,雕刻一絲 不苟。此韋馱護法通身髹金漆,華貴莊嚴,被風拂起的衣 袍柔軟瀟灑,與鎧甲的硬朗乾脆形成藝術上的對比,更顯出 韋馱器宇軒昂。整尊造像氣度不凡,威嚴雄武,不可多得。

3423 明晚期  銅鎏金獅吼觀音 H 43cm HK$ 400,000 - 600,000 US$ 51,300 - 77,000 A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF SIMHANADA AVALOKITESHVARA LATE MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY

此尊觀音菩薩端坐於昴首的獅吼之上,觀音頭戴五葉寶冠, 花葉高聳如塔狀,排列緊湊,前葉正中端坐一化佛(阿彌陀 佛)。觀音面頰豐滿,面形方正,額部寬平,眉如彎月,慈眉 善目,現慈悲祥和之女相。身著雙領式通肩大衣,腰系高束腰 長裙,皆是漢地造像典型裝束。胸前細密繁縟的瓔珞,寶帶狀 項圈,項圈下綴多個U字形連珠式瓔珞,顯示出精湛的雕刻技 法。衣褶輕盈流動,富有韻律感,雙肩披帔帛,帔帛繞過小臂 垂於台座兩側;下身著長裙,衣紋寫實自然,流暢優美,典型 漢地造像注重衣飾刻劃的傳統,具有中原地區明顯審美特徵。 其右手置於膝之上,左手握龍首,靠如意式憑幾而坐,佛光寶 氣,造型別緻。坐騎雄獅雙目圓睜,造型生動,與閒情逸致的 觀音菩薩融為一體,一威一慈,一動一靜,對比強烈。造像下 承蓮座,蓮座異常華麗,為束腰仰俯蓮座。 此尊觀音所倚靠之憑幾,與常見不同,常見多為三足,繞身半 周,此件憑幾為龍身所化,龍首高昂,龍身作憑幾狀,繞過菩 薩左腰,尾部隱入菩薩衣袍之中。此種憑幾裝飾亦多見於宋元 佛造像,如一尊元代中原銅鎏金菩薩像,鑄有類似的瑞獸頭 如意形憑幾,見M.M.Grewenig及E.Rist編,《Buddha: 2000 Years of Buddhist Art. 232 Masterpieces》,弗爾克林根, 2016年,編號62。河南開封博物館亦藏一件元代銅漆金水月觀 音坐像(博物館編號KF100201),其面相、瓔珞及如意式憑幾 之構造可資參考。同樣憑幾亦可參見香港蘇富比2017年10月3 日,明十六世紀鎏金銅獅吼觀音坐像,編號3666;亦可參考香 港邦瀚斯2018年11月27日,元或明 銅鎏金自在觀音坐像,編號 79。此憑幾亦曾見於同時期道教造像。在明代德化瓷造像上, 亦可見類似的如意三足憑幾,見一例清宮舊藏明代德化白瓷老 翁,著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:銘刻與雕塑》,上 海,2008年,頁207-208,編號196。

元或明 銅鎏金自在觀音坐像 香港邦瀚斯,2018年11月27日,編號79

獅吼觀音造像中,該觀音又稱為「阿摩提觀音」,梵文 Abhetri Abetti,亦作阿摩謎,譯曰無畏,即獅子無畏,所以又稱獅子無畏 觀音,是密宗信奉的菩薩之一。「獅吼」本為佛教專用語,在佛教 經典中,獅子吼代表佛法宏大無邊的威力,是無上的震懾力,也是 強勁的傳播力——這是古代亞洲獅生長區域內的人們對獅子吼威力深 刻認識的高度總結。正是因為雄獅吼聲有如此大的威力、震懾力和 傳播力,誕生於印度大陸獅子生長區的佛教才會將獅子吼作為佛法 威猛的一個象徵。按佛教的說法,以獅子為坐騎能降伏一切魔所生 的病苦,使三界眾生脫離苦海,具有極為威猛的力量。獅子是雄猛 和智慧的象徵,觀音菩薩是救苦救難的菩薩,因而,將觀音菩薩的 法力與獅子的雄猛結合起來,是密宗藝術家的首創,那就是獅吼觀 音的出現。觀音菩薩騎獅,降伏獅子,表達了救苦救難的觀世音菩 薩的神功法力,深不可測、悠遠無上。 本尊獅吼觀音般秀美典雅,雕刻線條圓潤,神情尊貴含蓄,整 體保存狀況良好,造形結構嚴謹,法相莊嚴慈祥,氣韻生動雋 永,實乃此期造像難得之精品。

明十六世紀 鎏金銅獅吼觀音坐像 香港蘇富比,2017年10月3日,編號3666

3424 唐  銅鎏金彌勒佛像 來源 日本私人收藏 Overall H 18.5cm HK$ 2,500,000 - 3,500,000 US$ 321,000 - 449,000 A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF MAITREYA TANG DYNASTY, 7TH-10TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Japanese private collection 此尊唐代銅鎏金彌勒佛佛坐像背光、台座已迭,柄納、插 穴仍存;佛面部飽滿圓潤,發髻低圓,飾凹凸螺發,目光 低垂,彎眉直鼻,面帶微笑;佛祖雙足落地坐於蓮花瓣台 基之上,左手於膝上、右手於胸前施無畏印;身著偏衫式 袈裟,內著僧袛支,下著裙並繫於腹前,衣紋簡潔,線條 流暢自然。本像身段俊美,垂足而坐,與山西太原天龍山 石窟的唐代倚坐佛像相似,亦可見陝西彬縣大佛寺石窟。 亦可參見保利香港2018年10月2日上拍唐石雕彌勒佛坐像, 編號3207。 唐代造像較之北朝時期,漸漸向飽滿豐盈發展,面部也漸 露和藹親切的微笑。讓人感到既有出世的超然與神聖, 又有入世的情懷與親近。這主要是因為唐代人們對佛教教 義理解更完善,影響了此時的造像藝術。同樣,世俗情懷 的加入不但使造像的面部更自然,對衣紋的刻划也更加寫 實和細緻。此尊坐佛不論面部或軀體皆肌肉飽滿,充滿張 力,面部肌膚質感細膩具彈性,坐姿挺直,比例勻稱, 是盛唐造像之典型風格。袈裟衣紋立體,線條流轉有力, 柔軟地垂落於膝前,拉出自然之線條,層層堆迭,變化豐 富,厚實有力,且胎質密,與鎏金緊密結合,表面仔細拋

<American Exhibitions Chinese Art> 圖63

光,色澤鋥黃靚麗,銅繡自然,古樸莊嚴,為唐代金銅佛 造像中之精品坐佛。同類風格可參考國立台北故宮博物院 印行《歷代金銅佛造像》圖版七佛坐像。 佛教藝術自漢傳入中土,在歷經了三個世紀的演化,至唐 代,終於在藝術造詣上達到了其發展的巔峰時期,初步實現 了將印度佛教藝術本土化的轉型。初入唐時期,佛造像大多 很明顯的保有隋或稍前的遺風,但已開始將魏晉齊梁時期輕 羸飄逸的藝術風格轉換為唐代包容寬厚的時代風貌。此時出 現的佛像多為釋迦牟尼,彌勒佛和藥師如來也有見到。釋迦 牟尼的形象多面相豐圓,體型均勻,跏趺端坐,通肩大衣自 然飄至台座。這種造型始於北魏,隋化略有變化,但大多平 坦有餘而圓潤不夠,入唐則向身姿曲線,體型圓鼓轉化。 隨著時代審美要求的不斷提高,藝術家們已經開始意識到 徹底擺脫齊梁舊式和隋朝遺風,樹立健美型佛像的必要 性,開始探索如何使佛像在形體姿態方面,向近乎人情, 多一些真實轉換。在佛的面貌造型上就出現一種頭部橢 圓,身體修長,表情憨厚深沈的新特徵,從而昭示著一個 藝術創作新風尚即將來臨。 唐代的金銅佛像以盛唐時期為成就最高。究其原因,首先 是佛教的高度發展和人們對佛教理解的加深,一種表現佛 教精神的理想化形象應運而生了,其實是社會審美觀念的 更新,整個民族充滿了生機和朝氣,人們不再如痴如醉地 去追求虛幻不實的東西,轉而開始肯定現實,創造出反映 現實的真善美。魏晉南北朝時期的那種清羸飄逸的士大夫 情趣,已經不能適應這個時代的精神需要,一種符合現實 真善美的美學規範——雄渾、豐滿、溫和、華麗,一種高度 理想化、典型化的真實形象產生了。以本尊彌勒佛為例, 佛像面部方圓飽滿,眉目上挑,神態端莊,卻溫和安祥, 有典型的唐代「妙相莊嚴」之稱。整個造型亦顯的十分端 莊,姿態舒坦自然,手法寫實、概括、世俗氣息愈益濃 重,過去的那種稜角分明、方正、生硬的形式,已蕩然無 存了。 盛唐佛教的盛行,已走過了簡單的向印度早期佛教學習的 過程,這一時期藝匠在進行佛教造像創作活動中,已開 始在人物的精神狀態方面,注間向世俗轉化的跡象。例如 洛陽龍門石窟中的釋迦牟尼就曾按照武則天的樣子進行雕 刻。而在金銅佛像中,像此本尊造像頸部肉節痕的刻意表 現,就被認為是盛唐「豐圓型」佛像的特殊印記。而這種 審美趣向絕非來自佛界,而是源於現實生活。面龐豐滿, 眉目修長,大耳垂肩,神情刻划細膩,雙目微開,鼻梁隆 直,秀巧稍彎的唇角。和飽滿的面頰,是著意體現佛家思 想,和世俗追求相結合的法相,亦是盛唐佛像新典型風 格。 盛唐時期的金銅佛造像以飽滿富麗、熱情奔放和充滿活力 為特點。具體而深刻地反映了一個時代的精神面貌、社會 風尚和審美情趣。這時期出現的坐佛較多,大多鎏金飽滿 厚重,面相圓潤,腮部尤見飽滿;體態豐肥,袒胸,衣著 刻划逼真,有強烈的輕薄貼體,柔軟飄垂的立體感受。本 尊造像即是如此,全跏趺端坐,袒露上身,著袒右肩式通 肩大衣,腹前系結,左手施無畏印,右手禪定印,最為精 美之處則是袈裟刻划逼真,衣褶自然流暢,自然逼真,不 僅疏朗與繁密相合適度,且有著強烈的輕薄貼體,柔軟飄 垂的立體感,是盛唐金銅佛像中藝術價值極高的作例。這 種衣袍自然下垂,輕柔垂飄、疏朗流暢的寫實手法起源於 北魏,東魏開始流行,唐代則達到頂峰。

唐石雕彌勒佛坐像 保利香港2018年10月2日,編號3207

3425 十四世紀  銅丹薩替四佛女銅板 L 36.5cm W 32cm HK$ 1,200,000 - 1,800,000 US$ 154,000 - 231,000 A BRONZE DENSATIL-STYLE PLAQUE OF FOUR DEITIES 14TH CENTURY

本組四尊供養天女浮雕,以合金銅鑄造;女神均為單面四 臂,右腿彎曲、左腿直立,略呈折姿;面容甜美,體態豐 腴婀娜;頭頂裝飾幔帳、足下為單層仰式蓮台。這組造像 所散髮出地女性軀體之美以及周身配飾的風格樣式,均向 我們傳遞著強烈的尼泊爾藝術特徵,與同期製作於加德滿 都河谷的紅銅鎏金造像具備諸多相似之處,成為紐瓦爾藝 人參與丹薩替寺藝術創作的完美例證。 通過現存的丹薩替寺照片可以得知:相同的供養天女浮雕 均供奉於丹薩替寺多門塔第三層(自下至上),分布於 最遠端,共有八位女神,每四位構成一組浮雕,兩組間有 立柱相隔。與她們同處一層的還有如大隨求佛母、大孔雀 母、大寒林母、葉衣佛母等陀羅尼女神。現存集美博物館 的供養天女浮雕是同類作品中最為完整的一組,她們來 自於同一座多門塔,共十六尊(一側八尊)。在勝樂金 剛曼陀羅中,這十六位女神各司其職,分別象徵著味、 觸、意、樂、舞、歌、花、燈、脂、香等供養形式。在 《三十七堆曼扎供儀軌》中亦對諸供養女神有所記載,她 們被描述為「嬉女」、「鬘女」、「歌女」、「舞女」、 「花女」、「香女」、「燈女」以及「塗香女」。由此不 難看出,這些女神在複雜的密續儀軌中始終扮演著極為重 要的角色。這組供養女神浮雕,雖然由於部分手持物的缺 失,使得四位女神的具體身份難以確認,但通過與集美博 物館藏品進行對比可以確知,此組浮雕作品同樣應出自丹 薩替寺於14世紀左右建造的某座多門塔上。相同造型可參 考烏爾里希•馮•施羅德著《印度與西藏的銅造像》,圖 113G。

明十四/十五世紀 西藏丹薩替寺鎏金銅四供養天女雕刻飾板 香港邦瀚斯,2012年5月27日,編號281

3426 十三世紀  銅鎏金帝釋天與眷屬 來源 1. 周方藏(1971年美國紐約大都會博物館東方藝術部主任) 2. 1988年歐洲私人收藏 3. Rossi & Rossi Gallery藏 展覽 典雅藝博,Rossi & Rossi Gallery,香港,2012年 展覽及出版 周方,《Arts from the Rooftop of Asia: Tibet, Nepal, Kashmir》,大都會博物館,紐約,1971,編號13 參閱 1.紐約佳士得,2015年3月17日,錦瑟華年:安思遠私人 珍藏,14-15世紀因陀羅,成交價人民幣2,435,529; 2.烏爾里希·馮·施羅德著,《西藏佛教雕塑》卷一:印度與 尼泊爾,頁522,圖170A,13世紀尼泊爾(馬拉早期)彌 勒,拉薩大昭寺藏品。 3.香港佳士得2015年秋季拍賣會,《大俱足——經典亞洲佛 教藝術》專場封面拍品,編號2902,尼泊爾馬拉王朝早期 13世紀鎏金銅釋迦牟尼佛立像。 H 19.2cm HK$ 3,500,000 - 4,500,000 US$ 449,000 - 577,000 A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF SAKRO DEVANAM INDRAH AND WIFE


1. Collection of Mr. Fong Chow (1923-2012) 2. A European private collection 3. Rossi & Rossi Gallery EXHIBITED

Fine Art Asia, Rossi & Rossi Gallery, Hong Kong, 2012 EXHIBITED AND LITERATURE

Chow F., Arts from the Rooftop of Asia: Tibet, Nepal, Kashmir, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1971, no. 13 帝釋天,梵文Sakro-devanam-Indra,音譯為釋迦提桓因 陀羅,印度神話中的天神之王、雷雨之神、戰神,主宰 空界。而他的妻子因陀羅尼(Indrani),又稱捨脂,在 《梨俱吠陀》中的相關描述甚少,但在後期的史詩當中, 則被描寫為阿修羅王補盧摩的女兒。帝釋天將詛咒他的補 盧摩殺死後,奪取其女捨脂為妻。帝釋天在佛教中被視為 仞利天之主,為佛教護法神,以六牙白象為坐騎,並常率 諸神與阿修羅戰鬥,在漢譯佛經中稱為「帝釋天」、「天 帝」、「帝釋」。佛經上說,釋尊下生時,帝釋天化現七 寶金階,讓釋尊從忉利天一級一級地下來。下來時,帝釋 天在釋尊的左前方,手執寶蓋,和右前方的大梵天一起侍 候著釋尊,為釋尊引路。釋尊成道後佛教產生,帝釋天成

出版於《Arts from the Rooftop of Asia:Tibet,Nepal,Kashmir》, 1971年,編號13

十二世紀 銅鎏金帝釋天 北京保利,2014年12月4日,編號6676

為釋尊之守護神。佛陀升於忉利天為母說法時,帝釋天手 持寶蓋,任佛陀之侍從。相傳他曾率諸天神以牛頭旃檀樹 為佛陀及諸羅漢建造重閣講堂,並奉獻床榻具及各種飲食 供養佛及弟子。帝釋天常常和諸天在他的居所須彌山善漸 城相聚,商討天下善惡諸事。 這一組精美的造像為帝釋天與因陀羅尼像。帝釋天頭戴華 麗的寬沿寶冠,束高發髻,寶珠頂嚴,面容祥和寧靜,淺 露微笑,五官清晰秀美,額上有平視的第三隻眼。寶冠下 沿正中與左肩上盛開的蓮花中有一金剛杵,這是帝釋天的 身份標識。帝釋天雙腿曲盤呈舒坐,長裙薄衣貼體的表現 手法,依稀可見印度笈多時期薩爾那特式佛像的遺韻。他 的妻子因陀羅尼坐於其左膝上,帝釋天將左手臂輕輕環繞 於女神的腰間,另一手於胸前結安慰印,因陀羅尼左手結 相同的手印,右手支撐身體,左腿交疊於右膝上,二者身 形微側向對方,正是尼泊爾藝術家們最擅長刻畫的優雅、 閒逸姿態。該組像以紅銅鑄造,通體鎏金,由於信眾長年 儀軌的作用,鎏金部分脫落。二神肢體刻畫飽滿結實,姿 態生動優雅,通身裝飾項鍊、臂釧、手鐲、腰帶等,並且 多處鑲嵌寶石,十分精美華麗,為典型的尼泊爾馬拉王朝 造像,其精美程度和完整程度均十分難得。 馬拉王朝是在尼泊爾西部的甘達基河建立的王朝,開始於 1200年前後。1328年阿迪特亞·馬拉佔領加德滿都谷地, 正式建立了在谷地的統治。馬拉王朝最著名的一位國王是 賈亞斯堤提·馬拉(1382—1395年在位),他是一位改革 家,對尼泊爾當時的社會政治、經濟、宗教進行了大膽改 革,為鞏固馬拉王朝的統治作出了重要貢獻。1482年亞克 希·馬拉國王死後,其子在加德滿都谷地各據一方,各自為 政,從此分裂出坎提普爾(現加德滿都)、巴德崗和帕坦 三個王國,此時被稱為馬拉王朝的「三國」時期。因此,

以1482年為界,1482年之前被稱為馬拉王朝早期,這一時 期的造像延續了前期風格,又加進了新的元素。此時期的 造像最為精美,對於身體形態完美和諧的精准把握,洗練 簡潔的雕塑技藝,注重人體美的特點,使佛像洋溢著充沛 的活力,達到生動傳神的藝術效果,這尊帝釋天與因陀羅 尼像便是紐瓦爾藝術家天賦才華的明證。正是這樣優美、 典雅、均衡、高貴的特質使得尼泊爾的藝術作品在喜馬拉 雅佛教世界中一直頗受歡迎,如今又在藝術收藏領域中佔 據重要的地位。該像的材質、工藝與香港佳士得2015年秋 拍的封面拍品,尼泊爾馬拉王朝早期釋迦牟尼立像十分相 似,可資比較。 本件拍品來源清晰,曾經於1970年代,由時任美國大都 會博物館東方藝術部主任的知名華裔收藏家周方(Fong Chow)先生所收藏。1971年,該件作品出借大都會博物 館,並於周方先生親自策劃的《Arts from the Rooftop of Asia:Tibet,Nepal,Kashmir》特展中展出。之後又 由歐洲收藏家所收藏。 在博物館館藏中,以帝釋天與其妻子因陀羅尼為主題的造 像甚為少見。知名的喜馬拉雅藝術學者Jeff Watt,也是 以收藏喜馬拉雅藝術而聞名的魯賓博物館的創館策展人與 重要學者(1997 - 2007),在雪莉與唐諾魯賓基金會所 發起的虛擬博物館「喜瑪拉雅藝術資源(Himalayan Art Resources)」網站上,羅列了全球各大博物館與收藏家藏 品中的傑出作品,此件作品即是所選出的六件傑出帝釋天造 像之一,由此亦可見這尊傑出的馬拉王朝塑像的獨特之處。

3427 清康熙五十四年  銅鎏金交龍鈕「夾鐘」編鐘 款識:「康熙五十四年製」「夾鐘」 來源 香港私人收藏 參閱 1. 故宮博物院編,《宮廷珍寶——故宮博物院藏文物珍品大 系》,2004年,香港,頁6 2.《大清盛世·瀋陽故宮文物展》,國立歷史博物館,臺 北,2011年1月29日至5月1日,頁1583 3. 萬依,王樹卿,陸燕貞主編,《故宮經典清宮生活圖 典》,2007年,北京,頁29 H 31.5cm HK$ 3,000,000 - 3,800,000 US$ 385,000 - 488,000 A RARE IMPERIAL GILT-BRONZE TEMPLE BELL, BIANZHONG


A Hong Kong private collection 鐘圓體,中空,腰部稍大,小口齊平。頂飾交龍鈕,龍背 供起成孔,用於穿系。兩道弦紋把鐘分為三層,上層光素 無紋飾;主體中層分為四個部分,每個部分內有三排鈕, 鈕間高鑄八卦文,鐘腹兩側鑄夔龍拐子,上飾如意雲紋, 正面鑄陽文「康熙五十四年製」銘款,背面一鑄陽文「夾 鐘」楷書律名,上飾八卦圖。鐘下方近口處鑄八個「音 乳」,作擊打之用。保存完好,除少處磨耗外,鎏金整體 金光輝映,令人想象到康熙時祭祀典禮全套齊懸在金漆雕 木編鐘架上時所展現的華貴及莊重。 此鐘鑄於康熙五十四年,即1715 (乙未) 年。鑄造精細、 嚴謹,盡顯皇家氣派。編鐘是中國重要的樂器,也是重 要的禮器。清朝康熙皇帝隆重師儒,以周禮為藍本,設計 了一套用於天地、社稷、宗廟等祭祀大典以及大朝會、宴 享、命將出師、臨殿等朝廷盛事,樂部率和聲署懸樂器於 太和殿或郊壇、太廟、演奏「中和韶樂」,為國家大典禮

清康熙 銅鎏金交龍鈕「夾鐘」編鐘 美國大都會博物館藏

樂之器。禮樂的演奏「以黃鐘為宮,鎛鐘擊以起樂,編 鐘從之」。一組編鐘十六枚,外型和大小相等,分兩層懸 掛於木架之上,它的音色以黃鐘為準,由低至高依次為黃 鐘、大呂、太簇、夾鐘、姑洗、仲呂、蕤賓、林鐘、夷則、 南呂、無射、應鐘,以及四個低音倍夷則、倍南呂、倍無 射、倍應鐘。 康熙年間以四個倍律(低音)、倍夷則、倍南呂、倍無射和 倍應鐘、取代沿用的四個清聲(高音)。於郎世寧等多位宮 廷畫家合繪的清乾隆「萬壽園賜宴圖軸」(見《故宮博物 院藏文物珍品全集14(清代宮廷繪畫)》、1996年、香港、 編號37、或The Field Museum, 《Splendors of China's Forbidden City,The Glorious Reign of Emperor Qianlong》、芝加哥、2004年,編號101)中、可見十六枚 大小相同、但壁厚不一的銅鐘、均分二組八個掛於木製二 層鐘架上作演奏。這種形製的鎏金銅龍鈕「八卦」編鐘, 應有不少於四組曾在康熙朝內鑄製,分別為康熙五十二年 及五十四年之各二組。相信它們是作為北京先農壇祭祀典 禮中奏禮樂使用。 康熙五十四年鑄造的編鐘時常見於拍賣會。香港佳士得2009 年12月1日編號1942的「應鐘」「蕤賓」;紐約佳士得2004 年10月20日Andrey B. Love收藏內兩組各五枚(編號455及 456),這一套之後分散出現香港蘇富比、香港佳士得和 北京保利拍賣;紐約蘇富比1997年3月19日編號25的「太 簇」;及香港佳士得1999年4月26日編號520之「無射」等。 美國大都會博物館藏有一件與本件作品同為「夾鐘」的康熙 五十四年編鐘,應當為另外一套。可以看出,自先農壇流出 的康熙五十四年編鐘應當在兩套或兩套以上。 康熙五十二年鑄造的編鐘亦在蘇富比的拍賣上出現,其中 香港蘇富比2010年4月8日;編號1858的「應鐘」;於康熙 五十二年鑄造的「八掛」紋編鐘亦曾在蘇富比的拍賣上出 現、如紐約蘇富比1975年4月24日之編號240;及兩枚於香 港蘇富比售出例子、包括2007年10月9日之編號1327和1979 年5月17日之編號454。北京故宮博物院內藏一套十六件鑄 雕雲龍紋的編鐘,只其年款略有不同,作「康熙五十二年 審定」。

Lot 3428 - Lot 3430 為北美十面靈璧山居收藏

3428 十七至十八世紀  紫檀圈椅成對 來源 1. Mia Faber收藏,哥本哈根 2. 北美十面靈璧山居收藏,購自藍理捷, 編號EK205.A、 EK205.B L 67.5cm W 63cm H 100cm HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 A PAIR OF ZITAN HORSESHOE-BACK ARMCHAIRS


1. Collection of Mia Faber, Copenhagen 2. The Ten-views Lingbi Rock Retreat Collection, purchased from Eskenazi, no.EK205.A and EK205.B

此對圈椅以精選紫檀製作,靠背板一木連做,呈S形弧度, 符合人體工學方程,坐上者能夠貼合椅背。如意雲紋開光 內浮雕一對卷尾螭龍,左右呼應,神態生動。圈背為五圈 式,以五根弧形圓材攢接椅圈,並以楔釘榫結合。扶手 兩端出頭回轉,成圓鈕形。鵝脖三彎,與扶手間嵌入小角 牙,聯幫棍上細下粗,線條柔美。座面攅框裝藤面軟屜, 冰盤沿至底壓平線。座面下安壸門卷口牙子,正面飾卷草 螭龍紋,兩側雕卷草紋。直腿,腿間施步步高趕棖,下置 拱式牙條。整器沉靜平穩,古樸雅緻。 王世襄指出圈椅古名栲栳樣乃因其形似而得名,「栲栳」, 即用六條或竹篾編成的大圓筐。此器椅圈大而流暢,弧度自 然。類似例子可參考:德國納高2016年亞洲藝術品拍賣會, 編號54。

Lot 3428 - Lot 3430 為北美十面靈璧山居收藏

3429 十七至十八世紀  紫檀圈椅一對 來源 1. 紐約佳士得,1998年9月16日,編號56 2. 北美十面靈璧山居收藏,購自藍理捷, 編號EK25 L 62.5cm W 68cm H 100cm HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 A PAIR OF ZITAN HORSESHOE-BACK ARMCHAIRS 17TH-18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

1. Christie’s New York, 16 September 1998, lot 56 2. The Ten-views Lingbi Rock Retreat Collection, purchased from Eskenazi, no.EK25

圈椅的椅圈有兩種式樣,椅圈沿鵝脖一順而下成椅腿,或 在鵝脖處出頭成扶手,此對圈椅為後者製式。與前例形製 大致一樣,五接式圈背,接法標準,榫頭交接後以楔釘固 定。前後腿穿過椅盤邊框,一木連作。扶手與鵝脖交接處 起花牙。聯邦棍S形上細下粗,靠背板S形雕花,飾如意形 團花,內剷地浮雕草龍紋。椅盤以標準攅框打槽裝軟屜, 下有彎帶兩根。座面外冰盤沿線腳上舒下斂壓一道平線, 抹頭可見頭榫。卷口牙子斜接起燈草線,上刻草龍紋,兩 側牙條僅雕卷草紋。管腿棖屬典型的步步高趕棖,均可見 明榫。下置素刀牙子。圈椅上圓下方,表達了古代中國文 化的宇宙觀。

Lot 3428 - Lot 3430 為北美十面靈璧山居收藏

3430 十七世紀  黃花梨方凳一對 來源 北美十面靈璧山居收藏,購自藍理捷, 編號EK123 L 57cm W 46.5cm H 53cm HK$ 700,000 - 900,000 US$ 89,800 - 115,400 A PAIR OF HUANGHUALI CHAIRS

此對方凳為束腰馬蹄足形製,黃花梨為材。凳面以標準格 角榫攢邊框,下安兩穿帶支承。面心四框內緣踩邊打眼 造軟屜,通過藤編經緯線縱橫交織形成十字紋圖案,透氣 鬆軟且牢固耐用。軟屜面的方凳年份較早,以蘇州地區做 工軟屜居多,如今編藤工藝逐漸衰落,昔日高超手藝甚是 難得。邊抹冰盤沿內縮,中間一道打窪,至底壓平線至束 腰。 此例高束腰,與常見方凳不同,束腰下另有一噴面,安於 牙條腿足上。直牙條沿邊起陽線,與方材腿足內側相連, 兩者以抱肩榫連接,上鏟地浮雕雲頭牙紋,並起明線勾勒 輪廓,用材奢侈。


The Ten-views Lingbi Rock Retreat Collection, purchased from Eskenazi, no.EK123

羅鍋棖微拱,退後安裝於四足間,下至馬蹄足內翻,挺拔 有力。值得留意的是馬蹄下另挖方形木托,以減少觸地面 積,防止受潮腐蝕四足,可見匠心獨具。

3431 十八世紀  黃花梨半桌 來源 香港私人收藏 L 104cm W 48cm H 87cm HK$ 700,000 - 1,000,000 US$ 89,800 - 129,000 A HUANGHUALI SIDE TABLE, BANZHUO 18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection

此例為黃花梨製,可視為有束腰馬蹄腿半桌的標準形製。 桌面格角榫攢邊打槽鑲獨板面心,下安三根穿帶支承, 抹頭見左右兩根透榫,底部有漆跡。冰盤沿造型簡練,上 舒下斂至底壓平線。矮束腰,下有直牙條,以抱肩榫與腿 足、桌面結合,牙條至腿足起明線,作為此半桌唯一裝 飾,為簡約雋永的設計作點綴。牙條下內安羅鍋棖以鞏固 結構,蜿蜒流暢。馬蹄腿足內翻,高挑挺拔腿足斑駁腐 蝕,為陳年風化之佐證。 半桌,因尺寸只有方桌的一半而得名,亦稱接桌或合仙 桌,當八仙桌不夠用時,可接一張較窄半桌,常可用於酒 膳。此例桌面墨跡滿佈,應放置文房書齋作書畫創作之 用。整體簡約至極,原皮殼厚重老辣,滄桑古樸。板心因 幹灰色厚皮殼而被蒙上一層濾鏡,但細看下黃花梨的行雲 流水的華麗紋理仍瑕不掩瑜。原皮殼的家具不加修飾,保 留原始狀態,其原汁原味的魅力而受一部分藏家追捧,當 中以「留餘齋」主人黄定中為佼佼者。類似例子可參考: 中貿聖佳,2016年「斫木——明清家具專場 」,編號1648。

3432 十七至十八世紀  黃花梨如意頭平頭小畫案 來源 香港私人收藏 L 120cm W 64cm H 86cm HK$ 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 US$ 193,000 - 257,000 A SMALL HUANGHUALI 'RUYI' RECESSED-LEG PAINTING TABLE 17TH TO 18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection 平頭案以黃花梨製,案面以格角榫攢邊打槽裝面板,抹頭 可見明榫。面心為三拼,紋理細緻,如山巒疊嶂般雅態 自現。下安三根穿帶出梢支承。抹頭冰盤沿上舒下斂,中 間打窪一道,至底壓一窄平線。夾頭榫結構,牙板沿邊起 圓潤燈草線,牙頭餿挖成如意雲頭紋,刀法俐落,靈動秀 氣。如意雲頭紋常見於平頭案牙條設計,有多種不同變 體。案面下接圓材腿足,以雙榫納入案面邊框底部,腿足 間施圓梯棖兩根,既增強穩固性,又起裝飾作用。王世襄 指出:「畫案的特點在於用材粗碩,邊抹、棖、腿等無不 大於和它尺寸相同的桌案。」 整器尊雅高貴,形製文雅雋秀,包漿自然,色澤紅潤,除 如意雲頭外光素無飾,具明式家具簡約雋永的特點。常見 平頭案寬度大概是40公分,此例超過60公分,屬畫案。案 面寬闊方便展開書畫,自古而來,畫案一直是文房陳設必 備家具,除了實用性高外,優雅的造型亦體現著主人的品 味,為文房增添一份古雅。

3433 十八世紀  黃花梨鵝蛋矮老光身圈椅一對 來源 香港私人收藏 L 61cm W 65cm H 98cm HK$ 1,200,000 - 1,500,000 US$ 153,900 - 192,400 A PAIR OF HUANGHUALI HORSESHOE-BACK ARMCHAIRS 18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection

宋《會昌九老圖卷》(局部) 故宮博物院藏

黃花梨圈椅為五接式,比例勻稱。靠背與扶手一順而下,座 上者不僅肘部有所依托,腋下臂膀耶得以支承。圓弧扶手以 楔釘榫固定接合,弧度舒展霸氣。兩端出頭回轉成鱔頭形, 扶手與鵝脖交接處起花牙,聯邦棍上細下粗蜿蜒成S形。 王世襄指出明式圈椅多為圓材,方才的少見。圈椅的椅圈 是弧形,所以整體使用圓材更顯得協調。靠背板光素無 飾,一木連做程C形,是根據人體脊椎曲線設計,符合人體 工學,坐感舒適感極高。黃花梨背板寬度大,用材奢侈, 紋理細密流暢 。 椅盤以標準格角榫攢邊框,抹頭見明榫,沿邊內緣踩邊打眼 造軟屜,屜下附兩根彎帶,冰盤沿。前後腿貫穿椅盤接入椅 背,腿上部安羅鍋棖,以鵝蛋形卡子花與座面相連,下施步 步高趕棖,正面和側面裝素牙條,除了視覺上締造層次感, 亦避免榫卯過於集中。 圈椅,明代稱太師椅,雛形為唐代(618-907年)月牙櫈。 因簡約雋永、天圓地方的設計,非常符合文人的審美,文 人雅集中常見其影子。常見羅鍋棖式圈椅均加矮老,橢圓 形卡子花甚為罕見。傳世保留完整一對,甚為難得,色澤 沉穆,包漿沉著,造型文氣秀雅,大方雋永。

3434 十八世紀  黃花梨打坐凳一對 來源 香港私人收藏 L 63cm W 63cm H 51cm HK$ 1,200,000 - 1,800,000 US$ 154,000 - 231,000 A PAIR OF HUANGHUALI STOOLS 18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection

此對方凳座盤寬敞,比一般方凳尺寸大得多, 應為打坐 凳。凳面以標準格角榫攢邊框,內緣踩邊打眼造席編軟 屜,既舒緩木頭的冰冷,又強化座面舒適感。抹頭見透 榫,下安兩穿帶支承。 冰盤沿圓潤,上舒下斂至束腰。直 牙板,與方腿足以抱肩榫連結,腿間施羅鍋棖,退後齊頭 碰安裝,彎轉流暢自然,四腿收於內翻馬蹄足,造型敦厚 穩固,美觀實用。 打坐凳,亦有禪椅之稱,因可盤腿而坐而得名,是古代書 齋禪房供打坐的方凳。王世襄把杌凳分為束腰和無束腰兩 大類,前者形製特點為束腰和馬蹄腿,此例便是典型的束 腰馬蹄腿方凳器型,簡素質樸。整器以精選黃花梨製,用 料厚實,包漿醇厚。線條明快,無雕刻裝飾,僅以明線勾 勒牙條和腿足內側邊沿點綴,與禪家思想含蓄古樸一致, 形簡神玩。 成對的凳杌經長年累月,容易四散分離,此例得以成對流 傳,保養得宜且完整度高,實屬難得。

3435 十七世紀  黃花梨螭龍條案 來源 香港私人收藏 L 113cm W 54.5cm H 89cm HK$ 450,000 - 550,000 US$ 57,700 - 70,600 A HUANGHUALI 'CHILONG' CORNER-LEG TABLE 17TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

A Hong Kong private collection 整器黃花梨製,為束腰馬蹄腿形製。桌面以格角榫攢邊打 槽鑲面心,下安三根穿帶支承,抹頭左右透明榫。桌面 邊緣冰盤沿,上部噴出而逐漸向下收斂,中道一道打窪, 至底壓平線。束腰下有直牙條,剷地浮雕雙龍捧壽,牙條 以抱肩榫與腿足、桌面結合,牙條至腿足內沿邊起陽線。 牙條下齊頭安羅鍋棖,蜿蜒流暢。馬蹄腿足內翻,高挑挺 拔。 常見的條桌功能上多拼合八仙桌以增大桌面尺寸,但值得 注意的是此條桌設暗抽屜一具,加上僅正面與側面牙條淺 雕飾紋,背面牙條則光素無飾,可推斷此條桌是單一方向 性的,故用途可能不同。帶抽屜的條桌在同類中較罕見, 相信或放置寺廟或文房放置用具。帶抽屜的條桌例子可參 考:王世襄,《明式家具研究》,香港,1986年,頁151, 圖97。

3436 漢  銅鎏金熊獸瑟枘(四件) 來源 香港重要私人收藏 展覽及出版 戴克成,《Rituels Pour L'Eternite》,倫敦及巴黎,2001 年,編號18 H 5cm - 5.3cm HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 A SET OF FOUR GILT-BRONZE 'BEASTS' STRING ANCHORS HAN DYNASTY, 246 B.C.-220 PROVENANCE

An important Hong Kong private collection EXHIBITED AND LITERATURE

Christian Deydier: Oriental Bronzes Ltd., Rituels Pour L'Eternite, Paris-London, 2001, no.18 本件則呈現博山爐式的形象,通體鎏金,描繪海上仙山, 仙山在波濤洶湧中浮現,有兩只海獸馳騁其上,猶如仙 山的守護者,山上一隻坐熊,海浪之間還有不同的神獸動 物,將海上仙山的形象描繪的如妙如俏,在匠人巧妙的佈 局中,仙山忽近忽遠,具象而充滿神秘。學者指出,博山 爐的造型對於漢代修煉者、文人而言,除了是焚香的載 具,亦有實際的功能,他們借著聞香熏香,邊看著仙山造 型冥想,幻想自己飛行入山,伴著裊裊香煙,穿梭於神秘 的洞窟,訪仙求道。本瑟枘除了裝飾的功能,視覺上的震 撼也給予撫瑟者、聽者更多的遐想。此四件銅胎鎏金熊獸 瑟枘,工藝複雜精湛,鏽色古舊,偶有斑駁,包漿濃厚潤 澤,老化自然。瑟枘以固定弦尾之用,亦有裝飾作用。 瑟為中國古代一種特殊的樂器,瑟枘為固定瑟弦的榫 頭,瑟枘有各種不同的形狀、裝飾,彰顯使用者的地位 和品味,比如徐州東洞山楚王墓發現的銅瑟枘,即有局 部錯金,並且使用各色寶石鑲嵌。


出版於《Rituels Pour L'Eternite》,倫敦及巴黎,2001年,編號18

3437 戰國  純金嵌鬆石雙夔龍璧三隻 來源 1. Eskenazi收藏,倫敦 2. 戴克成,東方青銅器有限公司,巴黎 3. 歐洲重要藏家私人收藏 出版 Eskenazi, 《Early Chinese art: 8th century BC-9th century AD》, 倫敦,1995年6月6日至7月8日,編號1-2 L 7.8cm 48g; L 7.2cm 46g; L 5.7cm 24g HK$ 300,000 - 400,000 US$ 38,500 - 51,300 THREE GOLD 'DRAGON' DISCS


1. Eskenazi, London 2. Christian Deydier, Oriental Bronzes Ltd., Paris 3. An important European private collection LITERATURE

Eskenazi, Early Chinese art: 8th century BC-9th century AD , London, 6 June - 8 July 1995, no. 1-2 三件純金夔龍璧造型相同,大小略有不同,以純金為質,飾兩只咬 尾的夔龍,張口,長角,口中獠犀利長出,非常有特點,龍身凹槽 嵌綠松石,裝飾感極強。本璧造型少見,龍身紋飾起伏,金質鋥 亮,華麗非常。本璧應當為掛飾,級別較高,存世並不多見。

3438 戰國  金鼓釘紋劍柄 來源 香港重要私人收藏 出版 韓偉及戴克成,《中國古代金器》,巴黎,2001年,頁 33-34 展覽及出版 戴克成,《20th Anniversary Exhibition 》,巴黎,2000 年,編號17 L 9cm HK$ 250,000 - 350,000 US$ 32,100 - 44,900 A GOLD SWORD POMMEL


An important Hong Kong private collection LITERATURE

Han Wei and Christian Deydier, Ancient Chinese Gold, Les Editions d'Art et d'Histoire , Paris, 2001, pp. 33-34 EXHIBITED AND LITERATURE

Christian Deydier: Oriental Bronzes Ltd., 20th Anniversary Exhibition , Paris, 2000, no.17 劍柄為金鑄造,喇叭形劍首,實心圓莖,莖上有兩條螺旋 弦紋起線作分隔,分隔內間飾長筒,內裏應該原鑲嵌綠松 石等寶石,其餘位置時纏以蒯緱。劍格為「工」字形,其 內起線勾雷紋,下凹位置同樣應嵌綠松石等裝飾。本件劍 柄現狀綠松石等寶石已失,只剩純金劍柄,但仍可看出其 華麗,可想原有鑲嵌仍在的話則更為華麗,等級極高,應 為王族配劍。類似劍首亦見於陝西省寶雞益門二號墓1992 年5月出土。

出版於《中國古代金器》, Les Editions d'Art et d'Histoire,巴黎,2001年,頁33-34

出版於《20th Anniversary Exhibition 》,巴黎, 2000年,編號17

3439 明  銅梵文「種子符」倭角雙龍耳瓶 款識:「大明宣德年製」 H 39cm HK$ 300,000 - 350,000 US$ 38,500 - 44,900 A BRONZE 'ZHONGZIFU' VASE WITH HANDLES MING DYNASTY, 14TH-17TH CENTURY

瓶身高大,花口倭角,束頸曲線優美,肩部 豐滿,向下逐漸內收,至脛部漸漸外擴。束 頸處梅花鼓釘裝飾,雙肩各攀附一條螭龍, 兩螭龍昂首邁步,器宇軒昂,雙目炯炯平 視,形象生動傳神,造型摹古,神韻十足。 肩部以蓮托梵文「種子符」為飾。近底足處 同樣裝飾梅花鼓釘紋,與口沿對應。整體觀 之端莊典雅,雍容華貴,包漿渾厚,雕花精 細,鑄造精美,雙螭龍耳異常生動,可謂難 得之寶物。 梵文是古印度的一種文字,又稱「悉曇」字隨 著藏傳佛教的傳入,明清兩朝出現書寫梵文的 器物,尤以成化最盛,為禮佛祈福之需。

3440 明晚期  銅螭龍香薰 款識:「天何六年督製」 H 59.5cm HK$ 400,000 - 600,000 US$ 51,300 - 77,000 A BRONZE 'CHILONG' CENSER


此件熏爐呈圓形,板沿口,爐身板沿厚重較 寬,托起爐蓋及屜,下承三獸形足。蓋自上 而下分為三層,兩層屜鏤雕雲龍紋,蓋呈葫 蘆形,下層鏤雕雲龍紋,蓋鈕鏤雕盤龍,龍 首高昂。 熏爐體格碩大,胎體厚重,爐蓋高浮雕鏤雕 雲龍紋立體感極強。 熏爐為宮廷及文人家居重要陳設,通常置於 宮殿內用作燒灰取暖或燃點檀香。宮廷及富 貴人家多有之,傳至後世融入更加豐富的裝 飾因素,不僅愈加美觀,也逐漸跳出實用器 之範疇,兼具觀賞性。故宮博物院各主殿上 仍保存有大量與本件熏爐相似的作品,與本 件熏爐形製相同者並不少見,可作參考。

3441 十七世紀  銅獅吼觀音香薰 H 18.3cm HK$ 200,000 - 400,000 US$ 25,700 - 51,300 A BRONZE 'SIMHANADA AVALOKITESHVARA' CENSER 17TH CENTURY

此類造像深受明代德化窯何朝宗白瓷造像的影響。不見觀 音菩薩的化佛,造像與常人近似,雖然造像世俗化,但 造像氣質更佳,更顯高貴。觀音造型典雅優美,菩薩長髮 結辮,如仕女之髮型,面相豐滿圓潤,雙目微啓,巧鼻櫻 唇,表情略含笑意。發絲刻畫細緻入微,雙目下視,神態 沈靜內斂,寬袍長裙,衣紋流暢,飄逸飛揚,右手撫膝, 呈遊戲坐姿,足踏蓮花,下承岩石座。山形底座代表普陀 洛迦山,山石台階上,一獅吼匍匐於蓮花之上。彷彿聆聽 觀音傳經佈道,五官塑造的深邃立體,神態靈動,與觀音巧 妙搭配,莊重而充滿文雅之氣,為晚明銅雕之中的傑作。 本尊造像設計精妙,觀音與山體分體鑄造,造像之下山體 中空,山石背後鏤空,成出煙孔。總體形象典雅高貴,極 為難得,表面經過特殊工藝處理,質感呈黑漆古色澤,盈 手可玩,是一件不可多得的精美之作。

3442 元晚期或明早期  銅翦銀絲饕餮紋鼎 來源 英國私人收藏 H 21.8cm 2700g HK$ 150,000 - 200,000 US$ 19,300 - 25,700 A BRONZE SILVER-INLAID 'TAOTIE' RITUAL VESSEL, DING LATE YUAN OR EARLY MING DYNASTY, 14TH-15TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

An English private collection

銅方爐,仿自商周青銅鼎,在明·呂震《宣德彝器圖譜》 中即有記載。銅爐方口,折沿,直腹,平底。口沿處有兩 立耳;下有四圓足。爐身正面有淺浮雕饕餮紋,獸鼻為扉 稜。鼻、眼、角、爪等部位均有描繪,結構清晰,獸面威 嚴神秘。主紋飾上為鳥紋,以扉稜為對稱軸兩邊各一隻; 著重表現了鳥喙、羽冠和尾部。另外三側紋飾與此大致相 同。折角處亦有扉稜。扁足為龍紋,龍頭上仰,龍口大張 與鼎底相接,龍尾垂地。鼎身多處銅翦銀絲裝飾,工藝複 雜,存世少見。

3443 清中期  銅鏨胎填琺瑯粉紅地蕃蓮紋多穆壺 來源 倫敦佳士得,2010年5月11日,編號121 H 45.5cm HK$ 150,000 - 200,000 US$ 19,300 - 25,700 A PINK-GROUND CHAMPLEVÉ ENAMEL EWER AND COVER, DOMUHU MID QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY PROVENANCE

Christie’s London, 11 May 2010, lot 121 清代,由於皇室對西藏及藏傳佛教的重視,許多具 有西藏民族特色的器物開始進入宮廷,多穆壺即是 一例。多穆原意為盛酥油的桶。其造型具有濃郁的 民族風格,由於清代大量冊封和法事需要精美的法 器和擺設配合,造辦處生產了許多這類器物,同時 也供清帝賜高僧之用。多穆壺竹筒形,銅胎,頸部 有六稜形流。覆鉢形蓋。與其它乾隆掐絲琺瑯器不 同的是,其外壁施、頸、腹部及蓋面施粉色琺瑯釉 為地,而非天藍琺瑯色釉,並於上裝飾掐絲折枝蓮 紋。口沿和腹壁的銅鎏金仿竹節形圈帶上鏨刻卷草 紋。此件多穆壺銅質精純,器壁厚重,鎏金燦然, 掐絲流暢,填釉飽滿,釉色鮮艷、純正,流與柄線 條優美,宮廷氣息濃重。


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第九條 本公司的決定權

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第十條 未上拍拍賣品

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第十三條 自動受保

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第十五條 保險期間

cú À 9 tä³ À îÁºï ( À ) ÷ ÔÕ²· ¹ ÷ ( ^ ":G "³- ) cú & À ö9 tä³ §u²Ë ø|¹ îºï òA³÷

第十六條 賣家安排保險

c Õ^$#_` | Å ¤9Ü öA Ó Õ 5 Æ× Õ¥¦C× ^D­0 ( ) ÃÜ?01(A¥è ¼ á ¡ u »u Þ ( ) Þ / 01?û 01= -À ¼ Ὸ · R2 á ¸ u R2ì ( º ) j >¸ ÞõTø|Í 01 9¥

第十七條 保險免責

n ¼ íî¼ § §ëì¼ ½ IÛ ¼ Þ¼ Û¼ ¼ 6¼¡¢¼£¤¼H¥ ( ¥¦ ¥§ ) IÛ¼¨P §P I Ü+©I= ^ ½ª¼«¬¼ ®¨¼¯Ã5³¼°»±²¼³´HI¼¿I¼µï¼¶ · ¸¿Å ¹w Áºá àá综à -À 01 ¼ á ^ Ó 01= -À $ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼»­¼ç¶¼ V L' ¼ á ŧ9 Ò ¹ A }Ó Õ

第十八條 保險賠償

' ³ ¸ 9 9 = ½À¸ û ¼ á ¦JKBC 9 ü õ TvÒ § 9 45Ò µ !9 Þ j9 Ñõ ì ( µ ) Ñ Ða Õ

第十九條 競投禁止

ÕÅ!£¤ ÛÅ! ?¥ ݳ£¤ V (Ý Õ^žþ9 z¹z<¯* £¤ s ¹ >õT Õ¦ 5 ¾¦¹ü ­0 µ Þ øa -À R2 á

第二十條 佣金及費用

Õ° Y Tµ Õ¹( z¹ 3¹ïõ Æ×õ Ü+ü ì ¿ Õ ÝÒ¥ ã ÕÆ JK õöÁÉïÀ> õT ÔÕß· Ü+ü ì

第二十一條 未成交手續費

cúp £¤z 9 zX& À ö Õ¹( Üß·& u Èì Ü+ü ì

第二十二條 出售所得款項淨額支付

cÔÕ õöÁÉïÀ> õT Ð R2 Ô zÑ ö ¦ À îºï× Âju̸!Ñ

^C.û` Ð Õ

第二十三條 延遲付款

c õöÁ×ï >õT ÐÑtäòA ô&ß ÔÕ R2 ÔzÑ ö j§ß ÔÕ Ð R2 Ôzѹ îóîïÐ ju̸!Ñ Ð Õ

第二十四條 賣家稅項

Õ¸! u̸!Ñ ¦ ¿À c ü õ T ÝõÝÁ ô jJ©ü õT 5 Õ¦lmGÒ¸ È µ ¾¦ ì

第二十五條 協助收取拖欠款項

Õ§ Ü Æ× ²³¹( (Ý Õ ÔÕ ¾¦ÂhzÑ cÔÕ§ À ( À ) îó & Ð R2 ÔzÑ ( © õöÁ×ï >¹ T ÔÕ Ü¦Ð Ü?ü ì µ º (§ ´³dâ 5 r D q·ì g ( ºâãÅä øþü ÑëS ) l m Õ ÔÕß·Âh Ñ TµÅë Õû 01Áºû ÔÕ ¾¦ÂhÑ (A ºÅÄQ §01r DÝ Õ ÔÕ ¾¦ÂhzÑ ô §01r DŦ ÔÕ& Ð ÔzÑX Õ ¾¦­0

第二十六條 本公司有權決定

(¶· Õ¹( ( Ó Õ Ðì ) µ² 2r STD ( ) Æ ÔzÑ^ ÐÑ>= Ð ( ) ð ¼Åê ¤9 uÌ ( º ) JK õö >Ñ «SÔÕ¡u Õ¡ u ( É ) q·Ü?Ò gß·ÔÕÂh Õ Ñ

第二十七條 拍賣品未能成交

( ) Â Ó ° Õ÷­Ùò¸T 9 zµÝ³ uÌ Ð ÕÅ ^­ 9 zuÌצ Ð u̸!Ñ ( ) ÷­ ì æ-^= ÓÆ T³- ( º ) ·Ë Õ¦ ß ²·ø|¹ îºï ·ËÍ ( º» ðÏì Å ) µ Ð& u Èì Ü ?ü ì ¾þ tä (ß· êì¼9 ì Ü+ÓÒ u º (^ Ü?uÌû ` ´³Óì >=uÌÍ µ (ou̸ !Ñ :õ Á : Õ¦ Ð & u Èì Ü?ü ì Ä Í ¸ ì j Ñ Ð Õ

第二十八條 風險承擔

ð° & & À Õ.¦Ãܾþ õ öõTtä& ·ËÜ X§Ít丧ù A ì 5 ­0 Õ§u²Ë ø|¹ ( ø| ) îÁºï ¥ õö T²· ¹× ( ^ "³- ) & & À A ì Ó Õ c Õ§ õöõT tä lmÜÿË µ% Æ Æ ëT½í A ì Ó Õ Õ ëþµ Ð9 ì ð ôà §Æ ëT½íÂQ^¤9 c Õ l m^ ü¼ Ü?øþÁºû Ï û`ÿËÜ Z j Ð ü¼ ¼Ï 2D¼ Ü i3 ÈÇ ö²³ ÿËÍ Æצ² ³ Õ ²·Í

第三章 關於競投人與買家 第二十九條 競投人及本公司有關出售拍賣品之責任

( ) Ãü ¹´|23JT Õ¡@¹ef ðü Å è 45R#ÃhÖ £¤¥| ø µ Ö ÖÛ = ¹­0 ^ £¤¥A


( ) u̹ü uÌ @£¤¥Ù £ ¤¥ / ÜÝÒ¥¯°£¤ ±²³£¤¥ §£¤ R #ÖÛ µA ¹ Ü/ ¹-¸ç ( º ) £¤¥¸´ÍB Ý C µ | ðë ¸ .^ ×¹ ¾uÌ ( ð °£¤¥ >u£ ) ٠ס @ / §sËr D Ð pq í* nX £¤¥¦ ê§Ü?§ µðþ¸ëu¹íî ( É ) ¡@Q£¤¥ 01 ¹ef ºâ01 ef ( ð°³$# U ) ºâ01 ¸[¹ef¼õ ö Ü? ¼ ° é Í¿efµ d¹ X ¸Ä ¹ ǹQþ Í¿ef Ó Å×R (krST W ( × ) Õ ðè01 >·01)(¸ä ÔÕ > Ô01 ¹)(§u01Qþ 9 ( Ü ) · õöÁ ïÀ ( ) ³ ïÀ ( × ) >¸[ ¸ õä õöÁºï>¸[ TÌ7¸õä ¦ (1) Õ ¡@ ef (2) xy Ôy| ( c ) (3) ¾ ~Õäå¶ ¹ Ç ^ÓÒÙÚ¾P§à ( ï ° õö: г ÝÒ >Ѿ ) [ / ¹þ Qþ

第三十條 對買家之責任豁免及限制

( ) c ² ³贋 j z ÆÔÕ ÿ ¥QÔÕ ( ) · õöÁ ïÀ>¹ ¸õä ·õöÁºï ( ) ºï ( × ) >¸õä ð} (1) à £¤¥^U $#¡@¹ef¹01 $ 56Å­ ð° Ó Ü?= ù Í õö Á ïÀ ( Ü ) >¸["ö µ (2) £¤¥Ðu01 9 9 ï Õ Ô ÕÐu¹þ 9 ^µ¹01Î 9 õö. ë ( Í ü õTÅ 7 ¹Í¿­0 µ ) (3) è uÌ01 ¹01 ä¹ 5I 56 ( ð° Ó Ü?= ù ) 01£¤ ¥Å­ ( º ) w u̹ >öð}è Õ ¹ õöXÅ­ ( É ) §Å.FõöÁºï ( ) >¹r D £¤¥ Õ¡u¹01 ^Í ¹ z ÆÔÕ ³ä Õ§01r D.ð} ÔÕ01¾ ¦XMà á

第三十一條 拍賣品圖錄及其他說明

³ £¤¥ Õ¯M FG HI 7 Ð ^; / ° _` à ¹ 45Ï : ; ¼éz ° Ü+_ ` .*7 )( +@£¤¥¯* µ K Åàþ à ?dç¼z ¼Ü'¼½½ ð ë쿸Р9

第三十二條 圖錄之不確定性

: /.¿Ôy= -À § / Ü+0 1_` .*7 )( : Ü'¼&ܼ% ¼_ ¾¿°= ê§$#" ^= ³- ÜïÐ¥i ÜÝÒ¥Ã01 01û` ( ºâ $¼ ¼! 0¤.¼­1[2¿ ) ¸Ð 34 z .³¯*ç Ç ÅÉÀà 01 9 ÜïÐ¥i ÜÝÒ ¥Ã ¹34 z: Å-¸ 56¹vÅ ­0

第三十三條 保留價及估價

&æþ &æþð9 z .Î 9 z 9 z Å; ] § éz c &Î9 z £¤ >ö \ ( 5STî z ãÅ!; é z §01r D Åà § FG : & 9 zÅÀ X 01­0 s £¤z< 9 z \ ( 5ST^ 9 z z<uÌ ã§øCr D Õ Ð¹Ñ ³ 9 z uÌ × Õ¦ ß·¹ éz§ G × EéTµ ¸T¹Ìz Å ü ¡w 01ézÅ

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第三十四條 競投人之審看責任

£¤¥ / ÜÝÒ¥ ­0 5 « d⠵à £¤p 5³ ü ­0 L÷ Mò £¤¥¦§ ^ T Ü+û`û Ù , £¤ ¹= 5NOÍ >° ^ Ü+_` .*7 )( ¸/ ¾ Ó XÅ ¦J .*7 )( / »uST

第三十五條 競投人登記

øUï ¸( ¹£¤eU ( ð° >£¤¥ ¥ £¤ ¥ ÝÒ¥( ) .²³£¤¥ ¥¸³ £¤¥¦ à Ü5³ ü ­0 £¤¥ ¥ ^ ´ $ #û`I\ª £¤à<:PF ±×øUû` ¾Ã(Aø Ʀ£¤ n 9ê z Ʀ£¤± Ýࣤ¥Æ ÜƦ n ã§01r D c& xy § ͱ×øUï £¤: 01 $ 56 .ÅÅ01­0

第四十三條 委託競投之免責

£¤ ³£¤¥¡@ ݳ( £¤eU 7ì ô ÜïÐ¥iã¤&ÀÁ ÝÒ£¤ þO:u¬ 01 $¼56¼ ¼þá ðüݳ£¤ ¿Å 01­0

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sÕî Õî^ £¤¹£¤¥^¾Æ z ÃÆ uzï ^Íz< À ö j £¤à< "³Í ÔÕ

第三十六條 競投號牌

第四十五條 拍賣官之決定權

JKÅÆ >= û`¿01r § ]GÒ£¤ ¤ >= O`ºâãÅä T£ ¤¥GÒ£¤ ¤ e<>= L÷¡ £¤ ¤ £¤¥¯°¬®£z V ¯ £¤¥¦WX9 Å!j£¤ ¤uY?¥ Zdá ¦e±^ ´ $#û`GÒfá È ð° >¶·£¤¥ Ä£¤ ¤"§ HI: ¸dg £¤5³.²³£¤ ¤ÿ~¥ ¥¸³ £¤¥ ¦ ÃÜ5³ ü ­0 £¤ ¤ÿ~¥ ¥ ^ ´ $#û`§ GҪͣ¤ ¤ fá È

第三十七條 競投保證金

第四十四條 委託在先原則

\ÃD ¾ÃST( ( ) l¾ ¶·01£¤ ( ) ^ÜST¹û`45 ( º ) j01 ÊË 3 j01Õ= B= Ó ( É ) c u ¨ò× Å°§ ¹× ¹Â (STÀÁ£¤"¼ > È ¼·r j ¨ò ÷­ ( × ) \ ^§Ü´³Óì _ £z D v 45£¤ µ (Ýà Õ^£¤ È£¤û` ^Ë ¦Ü?£¤¥ £¤zX£¤ û` Ý Õ£¤ z ( Ü ) q·ÜÓÒ´³ì ¹Ü?5I

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第三十八條 本公司之選擇權

第四十七條 影像顯示板及貨幣兌換顯示板

(krl¾01¥¯M FG HI 4 m ¬® § ¬®45 ©¼ n¼/*¿HI

第三十九條 異常情況緊急處理

§ ¬®u¬ñÚ r D (»uopvÒ c ¬®u¬01¨ò (l'«S

第四十條 以當事人身份競投

p£¤¥§ u $# þµ% $#´ àþÜ g p£¤¥ ÝÒ¥ >ö *£¤ ¥. ²³£¤¥ ¥ Ê £¤¥ß·Ñ

第四十一條 委託競投

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第四十二條 委託競投的競投結果

£¤¥ ݳ£¤ £¤Uú ¾ ü ­0Ó £¤¥ £¤¥c§ £¤à<:à ^Ʀ¿±×øUû`£ ¤ ö¦-¸PF±×øUû`µWX9 ͱ×øUï § · £¤tE £¤¥¦û ͱ×øUï Zdá ðüt ͱ×øUï ¦e±^ ´ $#û`I\ £¤à<:PF ±×øUû` § · £¤tE Ãì uwxy£¤¥ Xͱ×

第四十六條 不設保留價

³û £¤¥ : .*¤á Ü?_ ` ¸ æ+@¯* ð°.*¤á Ü?_` ¸ ¹ ¼ ú ¼ ° ¯*µ ¿eU. u¬$# à ø$#Xû 01 áÅ 01­0

第四十八條 拍賣成交

;£¤z% \ "^Ü? à ÔT û` ¸´× Í£¤¥£¤ÀÁ ±àþÍ£¤¥À³ ÔÕ ºàþ Õ°ÔÕ¹E Ó ¹Ke

第四十九條 佣金及費用

£¤¥£¤ÀÁ ±À³Í ÔÕ ÔÕ¦ Ð ¾ z 3¹ ï Æצ ÐÜ?ÔÕ Å­ ü ì ï JK óôõö õT Õß· Ü? ÕÅ­ ü ì

第五十條 稅項

ÔÕ Ð ¸ Ñ .¦ Å!ºâ01 Ö ¼ ô "Ü? ( Å° ÓBC Ü?½

¸ãß ) c 01ì ÔÕ ì ÔÕ¦JK¬5¾ ü õT 5Å

第五十一條 付款時間

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第五十二條 支付幣種

¸ zѦ^C. Ð cÔÕ^C.^µ Ü?Ö. Ð

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第五十三條 所有權轉移

± j ÐaÔÕ ÔÕô&·! ¹ ¸ ( {³ÔÕÐ ÔzÑ ÔÕhÐ Ñ ³ ÷

第五十四條 風險轉移

£¤ÀÁ A D 01 Cr_§Ã ( ^ G §Ã t³- ) ±ÓÔÕ 5 ( ) ÔÕ¡·¸ ( ) ÔÕ Ð R2 ÔzÑ ( º ) À ( À ) îó òA

第五十五條 提取拍賣品

ÔÕ}§ À ( À ) îºï ½ R ëT¹Ü?½í¡·¸ Ô ÔÕ} 5Å­ A ³ÔÕ³¸ Ô9 sÔÕ & § À ( À ) îºï ¡· ö tÂÃÍ ¾ 9 ¼ðϼ9 ¿ì .ÓÔÕ ïÔÕ¦Ãܸ R2­0 t ± Í ôÓ Ü?Ýҥݳ9 Ü ïÐ¥i ÜÝÒ¥Ã01= ¸ Í ¼ á Å 01­0

第五十六條 包裝及付運

(ST >¶·ÔÕ ¡@ݳº» vÒ ô cú ïÐ¥i¦ÔÕ Ý³º» vÒ Ô º» vÒ+¦²³ ÃÔÕ¡@ ô ø§Ã 01A á.ÓÔÕ Å §01r D à 01= -À ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼»­¼ç¶¼ V L' ¼ áÅÅ­0 cÔÕ lm^ ü¼ Ï û`²·Ü¸ Ô ( º» ¼Ï ì ÓÔ·¥Å ) Z j Ð ü¼ ¼Ï 2D¼ Ü i / 3 ÈÉ ö²³ ÐÍ Æצ²³ÔÕ bÚOÚ²·Í øþO: A ÓÔÕ ÔÕ ëþµÅ 9 ìµ § ü¼ ¼Ï þO : ÅQ¤9 à ÔÕëT ÔÕé º» ü¼ ¼Ï 2D ¸-À $¼56¼ á Å ­0

第五十七條 進出口及許可證

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第五十八條 未付款之補救方法

sÔÕ& © õöõT & ©° lò¹01Ð ÑÑëÈ ÐÑ (q·^D¹ C BC g ( ) À  sÔÕ&§ À ( À ) îó Ð ÔzÑ £¤ÿ~× Ð £¤9 ÅQÿ ¥ Æ×¥¦ © õöõT ¾¦­0 ÔÕ^Æ £ ¤ ¤Æ× !B= À ÂsÔÕ& ©õ T×E Ð0 ÔzÑ öR2£¤9 ÅQÿ ¥ Æ×¥¦ © õöõT ¾¦­0 ( ) § À ( À ) îó cÔÕ& Ð R2 ÔzÑ ( ÁºûÈÉݳ Ô Õ hÐ R2 23 ÔzÑ ( º ) § À ( À ) îó cÔÕô&È Ð ÔzÑ ( À ÂÁ îèÔÕ &ÐÑ23 © V 3¹ºß·AV {³ÔÕÐ R2 Ñ ¹ ÷ ÔÕ° Y lò" µ ( É ) § Ü?½û¤9¼ ñ ê A

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第五十九條 延期提取拍賣品之補救方法

sÔÕ& § À ( À ) îó ¡·Ü ! ö (q·^D¹ C BC g ( ) jÍ ¤9 / ê§ Ü?½û Óø §Ã ì ( ºâãÅä À ( À ) î Áºï î £¤¥ÿ~à< õT ß êì¿ ) / A .ÓÔÕ §ÔÕc ÐR2 ÔzÑ û ¡· ( º» ðÏì ¼Ï 9 ì ¼u´ ì¿ 5Å ) ( ) ÔÕ¦Ãܾþ õöõTtä& ¡·¾ X§ÍtäòA¸§Ã¹ A ì 5 ­0 cÔÕ À ( À )î ºï ô&¡· ö (§ø|ÔÕ ^ Ü? ´³ Óì û` >=uÌÍ vZ¸!§õ øMùR2 á¼ì (º» ðÏì ¼Ï 9 ì ¼ u´ì¼ êì¼ ì¿ )  s Ñ öÓÔÕ 5·Ë Í ÑÅ AV À ÂÕ &·Ë ѧõ ¾ ( ºâü ì ) ÂÓ êmBCü×

第六十條 有限保證

( ) ÃÔÕ¡@¹ 9 c ¸u̹ Ü §¬³Ø JK õö¹>Ñ j·rÍ µjÔÕèÍ ÐQ ¹ z ÆÔÕ ^= ¹Ö.ÿ¥QÔÕ èøXz JK ÓÒ¹ Ç Ø ëÙ7 ÚÛÐ uv¼=M½¼ t¼Mu ¼ t¼;Û nñ¿üû# X ü ¹b¸/ µðß ù æ ( * 01~ Ü ) ¹01 01 ݹÿ= / W ( ºâ÷­Þß §Ü Þß ) Ŧ²³Ø àØ c§Ã^D01 Cr 9 jÅì ù æoJKx" ~Õ ÌÌ t äå¶ ¹ Ç Íù æ Í¿ Ç꧱² ÌÌ t þ Í oØ ¹V ûüµ ×äå ´ z< c; ÑÅ dâ à -À ( J K ÓÒ¹ Ç ) á âáz ¹ûü cJ K ¹/ Í µðâá01÷Hz ( ) 9 ¸õT¹tä³¾ Â× ãä¡ @aÔÕ¹å¢A ïÅ ³01Áºû ³ JK 9 ± ÔÕÒ} : §ß 01û ÔÕ½æ ¹?ç 'ç¹ef îÖ $#ø| µþ ú ¼ ÔÍ ¹ t ´³ Ø ¹ÒÓ

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第六十一條 特殊門類

第六十六條 免除責任

第六十四條 鑒定權

cú ´³ ^Ã 45 T TU°° ÓÆ[þ Å ( I\ "« ÓÆ

第六十五條 版權

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第四章 其他

第七十條 語言文本

第六十二條 資料採集 、錄影

第六十七條 通知

第六十八條 可分割性

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Unless otherwise stated, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited acts as the Seller's agent. ﬔe closing agreement for sale of a Lot shall be a contract between the Seller and the Buyer. ﬔese Conditions of Business and all other terms, conditions and notices contained in the catalogue, announced by the Auctioneer or provided at the saleroom shall constitute the provisions agreed among the Seller, the Buyer and/or Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited as auction agent.

queries or authentication related to the Lot at the request of the Buyer or any additional costs and legal expenses to bring claims against a defaulting Buyer; (14)“Reserve” means the confidential minimum selling price for the Lot that the Seller has confirmed with the Company; (15)“Estimate” means the estimated selling price of a Lot written in the catalogue or other descriptive materials, excluding the Buyer's Commission; (16)“Storage Fee” means the storage fee payable by the Buyer to the Company according to these Conditions of Business. In these Conditions of Business, where the context requires, words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.



In these Conditions of Business, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (1)“Company” means Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited; (2)“Seller” means any natural person, legal person or other organization that consigns a Lot(s) within the scope of these Conditions of Business to the Company for auction. In these Conditions of Business, a Seller shall include any of its agents unless as otherwise specified herein or required in a particular context; (3)“Bidder” means any person, company, body corporate or other organization who or which considers, carries out or attempts to bid in anyway. In these Conditions of Business, a Bidder shall include any of its agents unless as otherwise specified herein or required in a particular context; (4)“Buyer” means the Bidder whose bid or offer for a Lot is recognized by an Auctioneer as the highest bid for that Lot in an auction held by the Company, including the principal on behalf of which such Bidder acts; (5)“Buyer's Commission” means any commission that a Buyer shall pay to the Company calculated at the rate specified herein of the Hammer Price for the Lot that such Buyer purchases; (6)“Lot” means any item consigned by a Seller to the Company for auction and so auctioned in any auction, in particular, any item numbered in any catalogue with certain description; (7)“Auction Date” means the date on which an auction is formally held, as announced by the Company in its public notice. In case of any discrepancy between the actual date and the announced date of an auction, the actual date shall prevail; (8)“Sale Date” means, in an auction held by the Company, the date on which the auctioneer concludes a contract for sale between a Seller and a Buyer by way of hammer striking or any other customary manner publicly confirming the sale; (9)“Auctioneer” means any person designated by the Company to moderate a particular auction; (10)“Hammer Price” means the price for a Lot at which the Auctioneer decides to sell the Lot by striking the hammer or the agreed sale price in the post-auction sale; (11)“Proceeds of Sale” means the net amount due to the Seller, being the Hammer Price less the Buyer's Commission, all expenses and other amounts payable to the Company by the Seller; (12)“Purchase Price” means the total amount payable by the Buyer for his/her/its purchase for each Lot, including the Hammer Price, the Buyer's Commission, other Buyer's Expenses and all Buyer's Expenses arising from its failure to perform its obligations; (13)“Buyer's Expenses” means costs and expenses in relation to sale of the Lot by the Company, including but not limited to insurance policies, packing, moving, storage, custody for the Lot, any expenses of testing, investigation,

All parties participating in any auctions organized by the Company, including the Seller, the Bidder, the Buyer and all other related parties (including but not limited to the agents of the Seller, the Bidder and the Buyer) shall be deemed to accept in full and bound by these Conditions of Business, and shall comply with them in such auctions, enjoy the rights and perform the obligations provided herein. Any Bidder who bids in an auction organized by the Company, whether in person or by authorizing an agent to bid on his/ her/its behalf, whether by raising the paddle, by absentee bids, by phone or by any other means, shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions of Business in full. Any dispute among the parties to auctions organized by the Company shall be settled in accordance with these Conditions of Business.


ARTICLE 4 SPECIAL NOTICE Bidders and Buyers participating in any auctions organized by the Company shall carefully read and be abided by these Conditions of Business; Bidders and Buyers shall read the provisions limiting the Company's liabilities and disclaimers contained in these Conditions of Business carefully. Bidders and/or their agents have the responsibilities to review the original Lot in person, and bear legal liabilities for their acts of bidding the Lot. Upon the Auctioneer confirms the Bidder's bid by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner publicly indicating confirmation of the purchase in any auctions organized by the Company, the contract for sale regarding the Lot shall immediately enter into force and the Bidder shall become the Buyer of the Lot. ﬔe Company, the Seller and the Buyer shall acknowledge the sale of the Lot and its closing, enjoy the rights and assume the obligations provided by applicable laws and/or these Conditions of Business. Any party that fails to perform obligations shall bear its/his/her corresponding legal liabilities. ﬔe Company may amend these Conditions of Business for a particular auction by posting announcements at the auction site or making an announcement at such auction through an Auctioneer.

CHAPTER II THE SELLER ARTICLE 5 CONSIGNMENT PROCEDURE When arranging for the consignment of the Seller's Lot to the Company for auction: (1) The Seller must present a valid identity document with photo issued by the government (e.g. resident identity card or passport) if the Seller is a natural person and sign a consignment auction contract with the Company; (2) A valid certificate of incorporation, proof of shareholding, or a legal authorization document shall be required if the Seller is a legal entity or any other organization, which shall

sign a consignment auction contract with the Company. (3) When the Seller signs a consignment auction contract with the Company, the Company shall be automatically authorized to make pictures, illustrations, catalogues, or other video images of the Lot.

ARTICLE 6 THE SELLER'S AGENT When arranging for the consignment of the Lot to the Company for auction, the Seller's agent shall submit to the Company the relevant authorization certificates including: (1) A valid identity document if such agent is a natural person; (2) A valid certificate of incorporation and proof of share holding if such agent is a legal person or any other organization; and (3) A power of attorney duly executed. The Company has the right to examine the aforesaid documents in a lawful manner.

ARTICLE 7 THE SELLER'S WARRANTIES The Seller hereby makes irrevocable warranties to the Company and the Buyer with respect to the Lot it consigns to the Company for auction as follows: (1) The Seller has absolute ownership or legal right to dispose of the Lot. ﬔe auction of the Lot will not prejudice any legal interest (including copyright interest) of any third party, and will not violate the provisions of relevant laws and regulations; (2) The Seller has, to the best of its knowledge, made full, complete and accurate disclosure and description to the Company with respect to the origin and any flaw of the Lot and notified the Company in writing, without any concealment or fabrication; If the Lot is liquors or teas, the Assignee should truly disclose the defects or flaws about, including but not limit to the packaging, labels, level of wear and tear, corks, etc. (3) If the Lot being consigned shall be imported into Hong Kong, the Seller shall guarantee the compliance with the laws of its origin, and ensure the completion of the export and import procedures and notify the Company in writing; and (4) The Assignee must ensure that the auctioned items do not contravene any laws of Hong Kong (including the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, the Food Safety Ordinance and the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance the Endangered Species of Wild Animals and Plants), ensure and disclose to our Company that it has any license or qualification registration to possess, disposal or sale of the auctioned item required by the laws of Hong Kong. ﬔe Assignee should ensure that if they require our Company to make an additional license or permit to the relevant departments for the auction, display, disposal or possession of the auctioned items, they should notify us in written notice not less than two months prior to the auction. (5) ﬔe Seller shall guarantee that the Lot is authentic. In so doing, the Seller guarantees: (a) ﬔe Lot is not a counterfeit or forgery of: i. ﬔe work of any artist, author or manufacturer, if the Lot is described by the Seller as the work of that artist, author or manufacturer; ii. A work created or produced within a particular time frame or culture, if the Lot is described by the Seller as a work created or produced during that time frame or culture; iii. A work of a particular origin or source, if the Lot is described by the Seller as a work of that origin or source; or iv. A work created or crafted or refined or restored through a

particular process or manner, if the Lot is described by the Seller as a work created through that process or manner. (b) In the case of jewellery and timepieces, in addition to 5(a) above, the Lot is crafted in the manner as described by the Seller, out of the particular materials as described by the Seller, and had underwent no restoration processes other than those stated by the Seller; and (c) In the case of gemstones, in addition to 5(a) above, the Lot had undergone no beautification processes other than those specified by the Seller. If the Seller violates any of the above warranties, the Seller shall fully indemnify all losses, costs and expenses suffered by the Company and/or the Buyer.

and all losses caused by the suspension of auction; (3) ﬔe Company has an objection to the explanation of the Seller or the accuracy of the Seller's warranty mentioned in Article 7 hereof; (4) Any evidence proves the Seller has violated or will violate any provisions of these Conditions of Business; (5) For any other reason, the Company believes that the auction of such Lot shall be suspended; or (6) Whichever situation causes such suspension, if the Company is aware of any ownership or other dispute in relation to the Lot being consigned for auction, the Company shall have the right to refuse to return such Lot until the dispute is settled.

wear, inherent flaws, internal or potential defects, change of substance itself, self-combustion, self-heating, oxidation, corrosion, leakage, rat-bite, worm-bite, change in the atmosphere (climate or air temperature), change in humidity or temperature, or other gradual changes or caused by force majeure such as earthquake, tsunami, war, hostile action, armed conflict, terrorism, coup, strike and social riot, or nuclear radiation or radioactive pollution as well as the damage or destruction of book frames, glass, drawers, bottom pads, trestles, mountings, insert pages, scroll heads or other similar accessories caused by any reason are not within the scope of insurance coverage. ﬔe aforesaid risks should be borne by the Seller.




Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Company and the Seller, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve. ﬔe Reserve shall be determined by the Seller and the Company in writing through consultation, and no modification of the Reserve shall be made without the prior consent of the other party after it is determined by both parties. Following the bidding failure of the Lot authorized by the Seller, the Auctioneer shall have the right to sell such Lot at the Reserve after such auction and the Seller must pay the Commission to the Auctioneer. In no circumstance shall the Company bear any liability for failure to sell the Lot at the Reserve at the auction held by the Company.

The Seller may withdraw the Lot at any time prior to the Auction Date by issuing a written notice to the Company. In the case that the Lot has been listed in the catalogue or other public materials and they have begun to be printed at the time of the withdrawal of the Lot, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to 20% of the Reserve of the Lot and all other expenses. In the case that the catalogue or other public materials have not been printed, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to 10% of the Reserve of the Lot and all other expenses. Any dispute or claim arising out of the Seller's withdrawal of the Lot shall be borne by the Seller and has nothing to do with the Company.

Any damage or destruction of the Lot caused by incidents or disasters covered by the insurance purchased by the Company for the Lot shall be handled in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong on insurance. The Company shall pay insurance indemnities after deducting the Company's expenses (other than the Commission) to the Seller after the Company obtains such indemnities from the insurance company.



The Company may decide the following matters at its absolute discretion: (1) Explanation and/or appraisal of any aspect of any Lot through the catalogue of the Lot and/or news media and/or other carriers; (2) Whether to consult any expert or not; (3) ﬔe illustration of the Lot in the catalogue, the exhibition of the Lot and other forms of publicizing the Lot, the arrangement in the promotional activities as well as the standards of payable expenses; (4) Suitability of a Lot for auction by the Company; (5) Other matters such as the date of auction, the place of auction, the conditions of auction and the manner of auction.

Unless otherwise instructed by the Seller in writing, all Lots will be automatically covered under the insurance policies purchased by the Company after the Seller enters into the consignment auction contract with the Company and delivers the Lots to the Company. ﬔe insured amount shall be based on the Reserve agreed by the Seller and the Company in the consignment auction contract (if there is no Reserve, it shall be the agreed insured amount of the Lot; if the Reserve is adjusted, it shall be the original Reserve of the Lot). ﬔe insured amount is only applicable to insurance and claim for compensation, is not the Company's warranty or guarantee for the value of the Lot, and does not mean that the Lot can be sold for an amount equal to the insured amount through any auction by the Company.



After the Seller has signed the consignment auction contract with and delivered the Lot to the Company, if for any reason the Company believes that the Lot is not suitable for auction by the Company, the Seller shall collect the Lot within thirty days from the issuance date of the Company's notice (fees for packaging and transportation shall be at the Seller's own expense). The consignment auction contract between the Seller and the Company will terminate on the date when the Seller collects the Lot. If during the above-mentioned period the Seller fails to collect the Lot, the consignment auction contract will automatically terminate upon the expiration of such period. If within seven days after the termination of the consignment auction contract the Seller does not collect the Lot, the Company shall have the right to charge the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses, and to dispose of the Lot in a way the Company deems proper. ﬔe Seller is responsible for the collection of, if any, the amount obtained from the disposal after deducting all the fees and expenses incurred by the Company.

If the Lot is sold, the insurance premium payable by the Seller shall be 1% of the Hammer Price unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Company. If the Lot is not sold, the Seller shall as well pay the insurance premium at 1% of the Reserve.

ARTICLE 11 SUSPENSION OF AUCTION The Company has the right to suspend the auction of any Lot at any time before the actual auction in any one of the following situations: (1) The Company has an objection to the ownership or authenticity of the Lot; (2) Any third party has an objection to the ownership or authenticity of the Lot and can provide relevant evidence materials as to the basis of such objection, pays a security pursuant to the Company's requirements and is willing to take the corresponding liabilities for the legal consequences

ARTICLE 15 INSURANCE PERIOD If the Lot is sold in the auction, the insurance period shall terminate at the earlier of the seventh day after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and the date when the Buyer collects the Lot. If the Lot is not sold in the auction, the insurance period shall terminate upon the expiry of thirty days after the Company issues the notice on the collection of the Lot.

ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE BY THE SELLER In the event that the Seller notifies the Company in writing not to insure the Lot, it shall undertake all the risks and the following liabilities at any time (unless otherwise ruled by an arbitration institution): (1) To compensate for any claim or action brought by any other parties against the Company with respect to the damage or destruction of the Lot; (2) To compensate the Company and/or any other parties for all losses suffered and all expenses incurred because of the damage or destruction of the Lot caused by any reason; and (3) To notify the compensation related provisions herein to any insurer of the Lot.

ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE DISCLAIMER The damage or destruction of the Lot caused by natural

ARTICLE 19 BIDDING PROHIBITION ﬔe Seller shall not bid for the Lot consigned to the Company by himself/herself/itself for auction, or authorize any other person to bid on his/her/its behalf. Only the Company has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller at a price not more than the Reserve. The Seller shall bear all legal liabilities and compensate for all losses caused to the Company if the Seller violates this Article.

ARTICLE 20 COMMISSION AND EXPENSES Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Seller and the Company, the Seller shall authorize the Company to deduct 10% of the Hammer Price as Commission and at the same time deduct other expenses. Despite the fact that the Company is the Seller's agent, the Seller agrees that the Company may collect the Commission and other expenses from the Buyer in accordance with the provisions in Article 49 hereof.

ARTICLE 21 SERVICE FEE FOR UNSOLD LOT In case the Lot is not sold because the bidding price is lower than the Reserve, the Seller shall authorize the Company to charge the Seller a service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses.

ARTICLE 22 PAYMENT OF PROCEEDS OF SALE Where the Buyer effects full payment of the Purchase Price to the Company in accordance with the provisions in Article 49 hereof, the Company shall pay the Proceeds of Sale to the Seller thirty-five days after the Sale Date in Hong Kong dollars.

ARTICLE 23 DEFERRED PAYMENT Where the Company does not receive the full payment of the Purchase Price from the Buyer upon the expiry of the payment period under Article 51 hereof, the Company will pay the Proceeds of Sale to the Seller within seven working days after receipt of full payment of the Purchase Price from the Buyer.

ARTICLE 24 SELLER TAXES ﬔe Seller shall pay taxes to the government for the Proceeds of Sale obtained. If the Company has the obligation to withhold and pay taxes according to the provisions of the relevant laws, the Company will follow the provisions of the laws. The Seller shall assist in handling all the formalities and bear the corresponding taxes and expenses.

ARTICLE 25 ASSISTANCE IN THE COLLECTION OF OUTSTANDING PAYMENT ﬔe Seller shall, at the time of its consignment of the Lot to the Company for auction, be deemed to have authorized the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller. Where the Buyer

fails to fully pay the Purchase Price within seven days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company shall have the right to demand the Commission and other Buyer's Expenses according to the provisions of Article 58 hereof. In addition, the Company shall as well have the right to take appropriate actions (including but not limited to resorting to legal proceedings) to assist the Seller in collecting such outstanding payment from the Buyer where it is deemed by the Company to be practicable. ﬔe above provision does not exclude the Seller's right to demand in person or authorize any third party to demand the outstanding payment from the Buyer and does not obligate the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller under any circumstance. ﬔis Company shall not bear the corresponding liability for the Seller because of the Buyer's failure to pay the Purchase Price under any circumstance.

ARTICLE 26 THE COMPANY'S DISCRETION The Company shall have the right to accept the Seller's authorization (at the Seller's expenses) and may determine the following matters as the case may be: (1) To agree on special conditions of the payment of the Purchase Price; (2) To remove, store and insure the sold Lot; (3) To settle claims brought by the Buyer or the Seller in accordance with the relevant articles hereof; and (4) To take other necessary measures to collect the outstanding payment owed by the Buyer to the Seller.

ARTICLE 27 UNSOLD LOT In the event that the Lot is not sold, the Company may choose any one of the following actions: (1) Private sale after the auction The Company may re-negotiate with the Seller on the revised Reserve and sell the Lot in private sale, and pay the Seller the Proceeds of Sales adjusted based on the revised Reserve. (2) Re-auction ﬔe Company may re-auction the Lot. ﬔe Commission and expenses scale set out in the previous consignment auction contract remains applicable. (3) Collection of the Lot ﬔe Seller shall take back the Lot within 30 days upon receipt of the Company's notice on collection (fees for packaging and transportation shall be paid by the Seller) and pay the Company the service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses. ﬔe Company shall, upon expiration of such time limit, be entitled to charge the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses, and to sell the Lot through public auction or other means of sale according to the conditions the Company deems appropriate. The Company shall also be entitled to deduct the service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses payable by the Seller in the first auction as well as all expenses for re-sale of the Lot by auction from the Proceeds of Sale before paying the remaining amount to the Seller.

ARTICLE 28 RISK ASSUMPTION ﬔe Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses that occur after the time limit prescribed herein if the Seller fails to take back the Lot not auctioned or the unsold Lot within such the time limit. ﬔe Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses of the Lot not auctioned or the unsold Lot at the earlier of the thirtieth day after the Company issues a notice on collection of the Lot to the Seller (including the notice date) and the time when the Seller collects the Lot in accordance with these Conditions of Business. Where the Seller requests Company to assist it in the return of the Lot within the time limit provided herein and the Company so agrees, the Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses that occur after the Lot leaves the place designated by the Company. Unless the Seller specifically gives an indication and pays insurance premium in advance, the Company has no obligation to insure the Lot for any period after its departure from the place designated by the Company. Where the Seller requests

the Company to assist it in returning the Lot by means of post, express delivery or other third-party transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have returned the Lot and the Seller shall be deemed to have collected the Lot upon the Company's delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices.

be responsible for any breach of the Conditions of Business by the Seller. 4. Without affecting Article 30 (2) of these rules, any claim for compensation that the Bidder makes to the Company or the Seller shall be limited to the Hammer Price and the Buyer's Commission of the Lot. Under no circumstances shall the Company and the Seller bear any consequential losses incurred by the Buyer.

CHAPTER III THE BIDDER AND THE BUYER ARTICLE 29 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BIDDER AND THE COMPANY IN RESPECT OF THE LOT 1. ﬔe Company's perception of all Lots partly relies on the information provided by the Seller, the Company is unable and will not carry out comprehensive inspection of all Lots. Bidders are aware of this and bear the responsibilities of inspecting and testing the original Lots so that Bidders will be satisfied with those Lots in which they may be interested. 2. All Lots for sale by the Company are available for viewing by Bidders. By bidding, Bidders and/or their agents are deemed to have carried out thorough examination of the Lots, and are deemed to be satisfied with the conditions of the Lots and the accuracy of their description. 3. Bidders acknowledge that various Lots are dated long time ago and of special categories, implying that the Lots are not perfect and not free from defects. All Lots are sold on an“as is” basis at the time of the auction (whether or not Bidders attend the auction). Condition reports may be provided when during the viewing period. Under certain circumstances, catalogue descriptions and condition reports may be used for reference about certain defects of the Lots. Nevertheless, Bidders should pay attention that the Lots may have other defects not clearly stated in the catalogue descriptions and condition reports. 4. Regarding the information about the Lot provided to Bidders, including any forecast information (written or verbal), catalogues and other reports, commentaries or estimated values, such information are not statement of facts, but rather are statements of the opinion that the Company holds. Such information can be altered at the sole discretion of the Company from time to time. 5. ﬔe Company or the Seller has not made any declaration or warranty as to whether any Lot is subject to any copyright or whether the Buyer has bought the copyright of any Lot. 6. In accordance with the matters contained in Article 29 (1) to 29 (5) of the Conditions of Business and the special exemption contained in Article 30 of the Conditions of Business, the descriptions in the catalogue and in the condition reports are written in a reasonably prudent manner (and such should be in line with those terms of the Conditions of Business regarding the Company serving as Auction Agent) based on (1) the information provided by the Seller to the Company; (2) academic and technical knowledge (if any); and (3) generally accepted opinions of the relevant experts.

ARTICLE 30 THE COMPANY'S EXEMPTION AND RESTRICTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE BUYER 1. If the Company considers the Lot as forgery, it shall return the Hammer Price and Buyer's Commission to the Buyer. 2. Subject to the matters contained in Article 29 of the Conditions of Business and the rules in Article 30 (1) and 30 (5) of the Conditions of Business, the Company shall not: (1) be responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the Company to the Bidder verbally or in writing, no matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons, with the exception of provision contained in Article 29 (6) of the Conditions of Business; (2) make any guarantee or warranty to the Bidder, excluding any implied warranty and rules other than the expressed warranty that the Seller has entrusted the Company to make to the Buyer (with the exception of those responsibilities that cannot be discharged according to the stipulations of laws); (3) be accountable to any Bidder for any actions or omissions of the Company regarding the auction or the sale of any Lot (no matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons). 3. Unless the Company owns the Lot to be sold, it shall not

ARTICLE 31 CATALOGUE AND OTHER EXPLANATION OF THE LOT ﬔe Company shall prepare a catalogue of the Lot to briefly introduce the conditions of the Lot with words and/or pictures to facilitate the Bidder and Seller to participate in the auction held by the Company. ﬔe words and Estimate in the catalogue of the Lot, pictures, other images as well as public materials are only references for the Bidder and may be revised before auction. The Company provides no guarantee for the authenticity, value, tone, quality or flawlessness of the Lot.

ARTICLE 32 UNCERTAINTY OF CATALOGUE Where the tone, color, graduation shape or any other feature of the Lot shown in the catalogue and/or any other illustrations, images and public materials differ from those of the original Lot due to printing, photography or other technical reasons, the original Lot shall take precedence. Any introduction and appraisal of any Lot made by the Company and its employees or its agents in anyway (including the certificate, catalogue, slideshow and news media) are only opinions for reference and do not constitute any guarantee for the Lot. The Company and its employees or its agents shall undertake no liability for any inaccuracy or omission in the aforesaid introduction or appraisal.

ARTICLE 33 RESERVE AND ESTIMATE Unless otherwise indicated, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve. Normally, the Reserve is not higher than the lowest Estimate announced before the auction or published before the auction by the Company. If a Reserve has not been set for a Lot, unless there has already been bidding, the Auctioneer, in his or her discretion, may determine the starting price, but this shall not be higher than the lowest Estimate of the Lot before the auction. Under no circumstances shall the Company bear any liability when the bids for a Lot do not reach the Reserve. If the bids are lower than the Reserve, the Auctioneer, in his or her discretion, may sell the Lot at a price lower than the Reserve. However under such circumstances, the amount that the Company shall pay the Seller shall be the amount that the Seller would receive as if the Lot was sold at the Reserve. The Estimate is estimated at an earlier time before the Auction Date, it is not a confirmed selling price, and is not legally binding. Estimates cannot be used as a forecast of the Hammer Price of the Lot, and the Company has the right to revise from time to time the Estimate already made.

ARTICLE 34 BIDDERS' INSPECTION RESPONSIBILITY The Bidder and/or his/her/its agents shall have the responsibility to learn about the actual conditions of the Lot and shall be legally liable for his/her/its bid for a certain Lot. ﬔe Company strongly advises the Bidders to personally inspect the original Lot they intend to bid for before the Auction Date by authentication or other means. Bidders shall judge by themselves whether Lot complies with the descriptions in the Company's catalogue of the Lot and other images and public materials, rather than relying on the catalogue, images and public materials to make decisions.

ARTICLE 35 REGISTRATION OF BIDDERS If the Bidder is a natural person, before the Auction Date, he/ she shall fill in and sign the registration documents with an identity document with photo issued by the government (such as resident identity card or passport), and provide proof of the current address (e.g. utility bill or bank statement); if the

Bidder is a company or other organization, before the Auction Date, it shall fill in and sign the registration documents and collect a paddle with its valid certificate of incorporation and proof of shareholding and legitimate authorization document. ﬔe Company may request the Bidder to present proof of bank details or other proof of financial conditions for payment purposes.

ARTICLE 36 PADDLE The Company can announce before the Auction Date the conditions and procedures of arranging paddle for the Bidder according to different auction conditions and auction methods etc., including but not limited to the qualification and conditions for the Bidder to arrange a paddle. The Company solemnly reminds that a paddle is the only proof for the Bidder to participate in the auction at the venue. ﬔe Bidder shall keep it properly and shall not lend it to others to use it. If it is lost, it shall immediately handle the loss report formalities in a written form recognized by the Company. No matter if the person holding a paddle has been appointed by the Bidder or not, his or her bidding acts at auction are considered as having been made by the registered person himself, and the Bidder shall bear the legal responsibilities for the acts of the former, unless the Bidder himself has already submitted a written report to the Company regarding the loss paddle.

ARTICLE 37 AUCTION DEPOSIT When a Bidder participates in an auction of the Company, he/she shall first pay the auction deposit before collecting the paddle. The amount of the auction deposit will be announced by the Company before the Auction Date, and the Company has the right to waive the auction deposit. If the Bidder fails to buy the Lot and he does not owe the Company any sum, then that auction deposit shall be returned to the Bidder in full without interest within 14 working days after the end of the auction. If the Bidder succeeds in buying a Lot, the auction deposit shall automatically be converted to the payment of the Purchase Price of the Lot.

ARTICLE 38 DISCRETION OF THE COMPANY The Company has the right to forbid anyone from participating in the auction organized by the Company or entering the auction site, or taking pictures or shooting videos at the auction site at its discretion.

ARTICLE 39 HANDLING OF ABNORMAL EVENTS If any abnormal event occurs at the auction site, the Company has the right to take emergency actions. If any dispute arises at the auction site, the Company has right to mediate and settle it.

ARTICLE 40 CONFIRMATION OF BUYER'S IDENTITY ﬔe Bidder must take good care of his/her/its paddle and be cautious not to lose it. ﬔe Bidder shall not lend his/her/its paddle to others, or the Bidder shall assume all legal liability for others' act of bidding for the Lot using his/her/its paddle.

ARTICLE 41 ABSENTEE BIDS Bidders shall attend the auction in person. If a Bidder or its agent cannot attend in person, it can appoint the Company in writing for the Company to bid on its behalf. ﬔe Company has the discretion to accept or not accept the above appointment. Any Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid shall handle the appointment formalities within the period stipulated (no later than three business days), and produce a completed Absentee Bid Order to the Company, and at the same time pay the auction deposit according to the Conditions of Business. If the Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid needs to cancel the absentee bid, it shall notify the Company no later than 24 hours before the Auction Date.

ARTICLE 42 AUCTION RESULTS OF ABSENTEE BID If a Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid, the auction results and the related legal responsibilities shall be

borne by the Bidder. If the Bidder indicates in the Absentee Bid Order that it bids by instant communication methods such as telephone, it shall fill in the instant communication method accurately and keep the instant communication instrument properly, during the period in which the Company is appointed to bid, the Bidder shall use that instant communication instrument itself. Where the instant communication instrument is lost or it cannot be within control, the Bidder shall immediately use a written form recognized by the Company to change the instant communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order. During the period the Company is appointed to bid, it shall make appropriate efforts to contact the Bidder, the bidding information transmitted by that instant communication instrument (whether or not it is transmitted by the Bidder personally or the Bidder's agent) shall be considered as transmitted by the Bidder itself, and the Bidder shall bear legal responsibilities for the actions taken by it. Unless the Buyer itself has changed the instant communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order by a written method recognized by the Company. All telephone bids may be recorded and kept at Poly Auction (Hong Kong)’s sole discretion, by opting for telephone bids, the Bidder agrees that its phone conversation will be recorded. Nevertheless, under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any unsuccessful contact or errors or omissions in the bidding process using that instant communication instrument.

ARTICLE 43 DISCLAIMER OF ABSENTEE BID Since absentee bid is a free service of transmitting bidding information that the Company provides to the Bidder, the Company and its employees shall not bear any responsibilities for unsuccessful bidding or any errors, omissions, negligence, fault or inability to bid on its behalf during the bidding process.

ARTICLE 44 FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVE PRINCIPLE FOR ABSENTEE BID If two or more Bidders appointing the Company to bid on their behalf have bid the same price for the same Lot and eventually that Lot is sold at that Hammer Price, then the one who first submitted to the Company shall be the Buyer of that Lot.

ARTICLE 45 DISCRETION OF THE AUCTIONEER The Auctioneer has the right at his absolute and sole discretion in the following matters: 1. Refusal or acceptance of any bid; 2. Carrying out the auction in such a manner as he may decide; 3. Withdrawal of any Lot, dividing it for auction separately, combining any two or more Lots for auction; 4. If there are errors or disputes, no matter if they occur during or after the auction, he shall have the right to decide the successful Bidder, whether or not to continue the auction, to cancel the auction or place the Lot under dispute for auction again; 5. ﬔe Auctioneer may open and carry out the bidding at a level with bidding increments that he considers suitable, and has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount of the Reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other Bidders; 6. Adoption of other actions that he considers as appropriate.

ARTICLE 46 NO RESERVE For those Lots without a Reserve, unless there has already been bidding, otherwise the Auctioneer, under his own discretion, may decide the starting price. If there is no bidding at such a price, the Auctioneer will, at his own discretion, lower the price and continue the auction until a Bidder starts to bid, then he will continue the auction at that price and then continue up from that amount.

ARTICLE 47 IMAGE DISPLAY BOARD AND CURRENCY CONVERSION BOARD To facilitate Bidders, the Company may use image projector

or other forms of display boards in the auction. ﬔe contents shown are for reference only. It is possible that there are differences in the information such as the amount, reference number of the Lot, images of the Lot or reference foreign currency etc. shown in the image projector or other forms of display boards and the Company shall not bear any responsibilities for any losses caused by such differences.

ARTICLE 48 SUCCESSFUL BID The fact that the Auctioneer confirms the highest bid of a Bidder by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner of publicly confirming the sale shall indicate the conclusion of a sales contract for the Lot between the Bidder and the Seller.

ARTICLE 49 COMMISSION AND EXPENSES After the Bidder has succeeded in bidding, it will become the Buyer of that Lot. A buyer’s premium will be added to the Hammer Price and is payable by the buyer as part of the total purchase price. The buyer’s premium is 20% of the hammer price of each lot and at the same time other Buyer’s Expenses, and recognizes that the Company can charge the Seller the commission and other Seller expenses according to provisions of the Consignment Agreement.

ARTICLE 50 TAXES All the monies that the Buyer pays to the Company are net amounts, which shall not include any tax on goods, tax on services or other value added tax (whether levied by Hong Kong or other regions). If there is any tax applicable to the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear it itself according to the provisions of the relevant laws currently in force.

ARTICLE 51 PAYMENT TIME After the Lot is successfully sold in an auction, unless otherwise agreed, regardless of any stipulations of the export, import or other permits of the Lot, the Buyer shall fully pay the Purchase Price within 7 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), and collect the Lot. If packing, moving costs, and insurance expenses, expenses related to export are involved, the Buyer shall pay them altogether.

ARTICLE 52 PAYMENT CURRENCY All monies shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars. If the Buyer pays in another currency other than Hong Kong dollars, it shall convert it at the exchange rate agreed between the Buyer and the Company or at the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars and that currency type on the previous working day announced by such bank as selected by the Company. All bank handling fees, commission and charges incurred by the Company for converting the foreign currency paid by the Buyer into Hong Kong dollars shall be borne by the Buyer.

ARTICLE 53 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP Even if the Company has delivered the Lot to the Buyer, the Buyer has not yet obtained the ownership of the Lot. This shall pass onto the Buyer only when the Buyer has fully paid the Purchase Price and all monies that the Buyer owes the Company.

ARTICLE 54 TRANSFER OF RISKS After the bidding has succeeded, the risks ofthe Lot shall be borne by the Buyer itself after the occurrence of one of the following events (whichever earlier): 1. ﬔe Buyer has collected the Lot; or 2. ﬔe Buyer has fully paid the Purchase Price for the Lot to the Company; or 3. ﬔe expiry of seven days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date).

ARTICLE 55 COLLECTION OF THE LOT Risk and responsibility for the lot passes to the Buyer at the expiration of thirty calendar days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date). or on collection by the Buyer, if earlier. After thirty calendar days, all expenses incurred, including but not limited to storage, moving, insurance will be for the account of the Buyer. Although the Company

shall use reasonable efforts to take care of purchased Lot and suggest handlers, packers or carriers, the company is not responsibleto any person to whom we have made are commendation for the acts or omissions of the third party concerned.

ARTICLE 56 PACKING, HANDLING AND MOVING If the employees of the Company pack and handle the Lot bought on behalf of the Buyer according to the latter's requirements, this is considered as a service provided by the Company to the Buyer and the Company has the discretion to decide whether to provide this service, if any losses arise therefrom, the Buyer shall bear them itself. Under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any damage of the glass or picture frame, box, backing sheet, frame case, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or similar auxiliary objects caused by any reasons. Where the Buyer requests the Company to assist it in collecting the purchased Lot (the packaging, mailing and transportation expenses shall be paid by the Buyer) by means of post, express delivery or transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have delivered the Lot and the Buyer shall be deemed to have collected such Lot according to the normal procedure upon the Company's delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices. The risks arising from this process shall be borne by the Buyer. Unless Buyer gives a clear indication and pays insurance premium, no insurance is provided in the process of mailing, express delivery or transportation generally. The Company shall undertake no liability for any error, omission, damage or destruction caused by the packaging company and post, express delivery and transportation entities or companies designated by the Buyer or recommended by the Company to the Buyer.

ARTICLE 57 IMPORT, EXPORT LICENSES AND PERMIT ﬔe Buyer shall be responsible for obtaining any import and export licenses, permit for endangered animals or other aspects related to the Lot. Failure or delay in obtaining any permits required shall not be deemed as a reason for cancelling the purchase or delaying in paying the Purchase Price. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for the failure to properly fill in or submit the required import or export documents. If the Buyer requests the Company to apply for the import and export licenses on its behalf, the Company has the right to charge service fees for this service. However, the Company does not warrant that the import or export license will be issued. The Company and the Seller has not made declaration or warranty in respect of whether or not any Lot is subject to import and export restrictions or any embargo.

ARTICLE 58 REMEDIES FOR NON-PAYMENT If the Buyer fails to make full payment according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business or any payment arrangements agreed with the Company, the Company has the right to adopt one or more of the following measures: 1. After the Lot is sold, if the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the auction deposit paid at the time of bidding registration shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same time bear the relevant responsibilities according the provisions of the Conditions of Business; if the Buyer has bought a few Lots with the same paddle, after the Lots are sold, if the Buyer has not paid the Purchase Price of any of the Lots within the time stipulated, then the entire auction deposit shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same time bear the relevant responsibilities according the provisions of the Conditions of Business; 2. If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Prices in full to the Company within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to appoint a third party organization to collect the entire or part of the Purchase Prices that the Buyer owes;

3. If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to charge interest at 0.03% per day on the unpaid portion starting from the 8th day after the Sale Date until the day on which the Buyer has fully paid the monies, with the exception that the Buyer has otherwise agreed with the Company; 4. The Buyer shall bear the risks and expenses of taking out an insurance policy, moving and storing the Lot in the Company or other places; 5. To sue the Buyer or apply to Arbitration Agency for mediation, demand for compensation for all the losses due to the breach of contract by the Buyer including but not limited to economic loss, legal expenses, default penalty and pass due interest caused by the delay in payment or refusal to make payments by the Buyer; 6. To retain that or any other Lot that the same Buyer has bought via the Company, and any other properties or rights to property of the Buyer that the Company holds for any reasons, all the expenses and/or risks incurred during the retention period shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to perform all its duties concerned within the period specified by the Company, the Company has the right to issue a lien notice tothe Buyer and dispose of the items under lien if the Buyer has not yet fully paid all outstanding amounts within 30 days after the issue of that notice. if the items under lien are insufficient to offset all the monies payable by the Buyer to the Company, the Company has the right to claim them; 7. The Company has sole discretion to cancel the sale or agree that the Consignor can cancel the deal, and reserve the right to claim all the losses suffered by the Company due to the cancellation of that deal; 8. ﬔe Company can place the Lot for auction again or sell it by other means according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business with the consent of the Seller, and the Company reserves the right to decide the Estimate and Reserve. ﬔe original Buyer shall pay the commission and other Buyer's Expenses and the Seller in the first auction, and it shall bear all the costs of the second auction or the sale of the Lotby other means. If the price obtained from the second auction or the sale of the Lot by other means is lower than the original auction sum, the original Buyer shall pay the shortfall; 9. To offset any monies related to the Lot that the Buyer owes the Company by any sums that the Company owes the Buyer in any other transactions; 10. ﬔe Company can decide to use any monies paid by the Buyer to repay any sums that the Buyer owes the Company in any other transactions; 11. To reject any bids made by the Buyer or its agent at future auctions, or to obtain auction deposit before accepting any bids; 12. To disclose the information of the Buyer to the Seller, so that the Seller can start a law suit to recover the outstanding amount, or claim damages and claim legal fees for breach of contract by the Buyer.

ARTICLE 59 REMEDIES FOR DELAY IN COLLECTING THE LOT If the Buyer fails to collect the purchased Lot 7 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to adopt one or more of the measures below: 1. All costs (including but not limited to the storage fee calculated and charged according to the provisions of the Bidder Registration Order starting from the 31st day from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and/or risks for the taking out of an insurance policy and/or storing the Lot in the Company or other places shall be borne by the Buyer. Only after the Buyer has paid the full amount of the Purchase Price, it can collect the Lot (packing and moving costs, insurance expenses, expenses related to export shall be at the Buyer's expense); 2. ﬔe Buyer shall bear all the risks and expenses incurred after the deadline as stated in the Conditions of Business if it cannot collect the Lot concerned within that deadline. If the Buyer has not yet collected the Lot within 30 days from the

Sale Date (including the Sale Date), after notifying the Buyer, the Company has the right to sell that Lot in a public auction or by a method and with methods and conditions that it considers suitable. Any proceeds after the deduction of all the losses, expenses (packing & moving costs, insurance costs, expenses related to export, Storage Fee, and notarial expenses etc.) incurred by the Company from the disposal shall be taken back by the Buyer; such balance is noninterest-bearing. If the Buyer fails to take the proceeds back two years after the Sale Date, the balance shall be deposited to a Hong Kong court by the Company after deducting the relevant expenses (including legal fees).

ARTICLE 60 LIMITED WARRANTY 1. ﬔe Company provides general warranty to the Buyer: If the Lot sold by the Company is later found to be a counterfeit, the Company will cancel that deal according to the terms of the Conditions of Business, and will return to the Buyer in the currency of the original deal the Hammer Price together with the Buyer's Commission that the Buyer has paid to the Company for the Lot. In this regard, based on the reasonable opinion of the Company, counterfeits refer to frauds in various aspects such as the source, place of origin, date, production year, duration, culture or sources etc. of the article, and the correct description of the above points have not been recorded in the contents of the catalogue (any special terminologies are taken into consideration). Any damage and/or any type of restored item and/or repaired items (including repaintingor painting on top of it) of the Lot shall not be considered as counterfeit. Please pay attention that if any of the following situations happens, this warranty shall not apply; The contents of the catalogue are based on generally accepted opinion of academics and specialists on the selling date, or contradictions in opinions are shown in the contents of the catalogue; or On the selling date, the only method of proving the Lot is a counterfeit is not a method which can be used in general; which is recognized; which is extremely high price; the usage of such method is impractical; or this method may have caused damage to the Lot or may (according to the reasonable opinion of the Company) have already caused the Lot to lose value; or If the Lot has not lost any material value from the description of the Lot. 2. ﬔe deadline in this warranty is 5 years fromthe Auction Date concerned, these benefits are exclusively enjoyed by the Buyer, and shall not be transferred to any third party. In order to make claims based on this warranty, the Buyer shall:-(1) notify the Company in writing within one month after the receipt of any information which leads the Buyer to doubt the authenticity or attributes of the Lot, specifying the reference number of the Lot, date on which the Lot is purchased and reasons for which it is considered as counterfeit; (2) return the Lot to the Company in the same conditions as it was on the date of sale, and the proper ownership of it is transferrable, plus there are no claims from any third party after the Sale Date. 3. Regarding Southeastern Asian modern and contemporary art, Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy and Chinese ink painting, although at present the academic sector does not permit the making of definitive statements, the Company reserves the discretion to cancel those deals of Lots which are proved to be counterfeit southeastern Asian modern and contemporary arts, Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy and Chinese ink paintings within one year after the Auction Date based on this warranty. Paid sums shall be returned to the Buyer according to this term, however the Buyer shall provide evidences (based on the methods provided forin clause 2 and 4 of this article) to prove that the Lot is counterfeit within one year from the Auction Date; 4. ﬔe Company can, at its discretion, decide to waive any of the above provisions. ﬔe Company has the right to demand from the Buyer two independent specialist reports which are recognized by the specialist sector concerned and which are accepted by the Company and the Buyer at the expense of

the Buyer. ﬔe Company shall not be subject to any report presented by the Buyer, and retains the right to seek additional expert opinion at the expense of the Company. 5. This limited warranty does not apply to auction categories, such as, jewellery, watches, designer handbags, alcohol, tea and other food and beverage items, etc.

ARTICLE 61 SPECIAL CATEGORIES 1. Statements about the status of jewellery items in the auctions are usually set out in the catalogue. However, it does not imply that the auctioned item has no defects, flaws or has not enhanced beautification after processing. (1) Coloured gems (such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds and various coloured gems) may enhance beautification after processing or improved in appearance, including heat-treated, oiling and radiation. ﬔese common practises have been approved by the international jewellery industries. However, the hardness of the treated stones may be reduced and / or need special maintenance in the future. (2) Our Company will not apply appraisal report from professional organisations for each piece of jewellery item in the auction. If an auctioned item has obtained the appraisal report from an internationally recognised gem laboratory, the Company will specify it in the auction catalogue. Due to the difference in methods and techniques used in different laboratories, there may be different views as to whether a gemstone has been treated, degree of treat or permanently treated. Our Company will not be responsible for the accuracy of the appraisal report issued by each laboratory. (3) If you would like to request an appraisal report by a specific laboratory, please submit the request at least 14 working days before the auction date, the Company will apply for appraisal report on behalf of you, and the corresponding appraisal costs will borne by you. (4) ﬔe valuation of an item of jewellery item in the auction is made based on all information being known at the time the item being auctioned, bidders should review the auctioned item or make a detailed understanding of the auctioned item before the auction. Once you have placed a bid, it is deemed that you have accepted all the current status of the auctioned items. (5) Our Company reminds bidders that precious stones or emerald originating from Myanmar may be banned in certain countries. 2. Watches and Timepieces Auctioned items (1) Our Company has stated that the current status of a watch and timepieces auctioned items being known on the auction catalogue, and is for bidder's reference only. Due to the fact that most timepieces have been repaired and maintained during the previous period being used, we do not guarantee that any parts and components of any watch are original, and it is possible that no pendulum, clock hammers or keys are for available for sale. (2) Watches and timepieces generally have a very sophisticated mechanical manufacture that may require general warranty service, battery replacement or further repair works, and these will be all at the buyer's disposal. Our Company does not guarantee that any auction of watches is in good working condition. Unless mentioned in the catalogue, otherwise we do not provide a certificate. (3) Most watches have been opened to check the movement of the models and their quality, so with a waterproof case may not contain waterproof function, our Company recommends that you to ask a professional watch maker to check before use.

CHAPTER IV MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE 62 OBTAINING INFORMATION, VIDEO-TAKING In connection with the operation of the auction business of the Company, the Company may make audio recording, video recording of any auction process, and need to

collect personal information from the Bidder or ask for the information of the Bidder from third parties (such as asking for credit review from banks). Such information will be handled and kept confidential by the Company. However the information concerned may be provided to the Company, its divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries in order to assist the Company to provide comprehensive services to Bidders, carry out client analysis, or in order to provide services that meet the requirements of the Bidder. For the sake of the interest of the Bidder, the Company may also provide some personal information of the Bidder to third party service providers (such as cargo liners or storage houses). By participating in the auction of the Company, the Bidder agrees to all previously stated disclosure. If the Bidder would like to obtain or amend his personal information, please contact the customer service department.




The Company shall be obligated to keep confidentiality for the Seller, the Bidder and the Buyer and protect the legitimate rights of the Seller, the Bidder, the Buyer as well as the Company according to these Conditions of Business and the laws of Hong Kong. With below exceptions: 1.To any related parties as the Company considers appropriate with the obligations to maintain the confidentiality of the information extended; 2.To whom information is requested to be disclosed by any court, jurisdiction, governmental, banking, taxation or other regulatory authority, or by any applicable law or regulation; 3.Being agreed by relevant seller, bidder or buyer.

If any terms or parts of the Conditions are confirmed as void, illegal or cannot be executed, other terms or parts of the Conditions are still valid, the parties concerned shall abid by and execute them.

ARTICLE 64 AUTHENTICATION RIGHT The Company may authenticate the Lot if necessary. In case of any discrepancy between the authentication conclusion and the conditions of the Lot in the consignment auction contract, the Company shall have the right to request modification or rescission of the consignment auction contract.

ARTICLE 65 COPYRIGHT The Seller authorizes the Company to produce photos, illustrations, catalogue, video products and advertising materials in other forms of the Lot that it has appointed the Company to place for auction, the Company is entitled to the above photos, illustrations, catalogue, video products and advertising materials in other forms of the Lot, and has the right to use them. Without prior written consent of the Company, the Buyer and anyone shall not use them. ﬔe Company and the Seller have not made any statement and warranty as to whether the Lot is restricted by copyright or if the Buyer has obtained any copyright of the Lot.

ﬔe Bidder and the Buyer shall inform the Company their permanent and effective correspondent address and contact methods in the bidding registration documents or by other methods recognized by the Company. If there are changes, they shall inform the Company in writing immediately. The notices mentioned in the Conditions of Business only refer to written notices sent by letter or fax formats. A notice shall be deemed as served at the following moment: 1. If it is served by hand, when it reaches the address of the party concerned; 2. If it is sent by post, then it is the seventh day after it is posted; 3. If it is sent by fax, then it is the moment the outgoing fax transmission is confirmed by the fax machine.

ARTICLE 69 LAWS AND JURISDICTION The Conditions of Business and the related matters, transactions, any disputes caused by or in connection with the participation in the auction activities of the Company pursuant to the Conditions of Business shall be subject to Hong Kong laws and shall be interpreted by Hong Kong laws. The Company and the Buyer and the Bidder shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts. Adjudication(s) promulgated by Hong Kong courts on any disputes arising from the Conditions of Business and related matters can be enforced in People's Republic of China.

ARTICLE 70 LANGUAGE The Chinese version of the Conditions of Business shall be the standard texts; the English version is for reference only. Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

ARTICLE 71 OWNERSHIP OF THE COPYRIGHT OF THE CONDITIONS The Conditions of Business is prepared and revised by the Company, the copyright concerned belongs to the Company. Without the prior written approval of the Company, no one shall use any methods or means to use the Conditions of Business to obtain business benefits, and shall not make duplication, of any parts of the Conditions of Business.



Being an agent of the Seller, the Company shall assume no liability for any breach of contract by the Seller or the Buyer. In case of the breach of contract by the Seller or the Buyer, the Company shall have the right to decide to disclose the other party's name and address to the Seller or the Buyer at its own discretion so that the damaged party may receive compensation for damages through legal proceedings. However, prior to the Company's disclosure of such materials to the Seller or the Buyer, the Company shall take the reasonable steps to notify the party whose materials are to be disclosed. Buyers and sellers have to bear liabilities arisen from transactions including but not limited to, economic, legal, tax and settlement and other related responsibilities, and have to ensure transactions not relate to money laundering or other illegal benefit transfers. Any receive or payment instruction must be clear and direct, the Company shall assume no liability for losses arisen from account stolen, misappropriation of funds and other unforeseen circumstances resulting from mismanagement of sellers or buyers.

The Conditions of Business is only applicable for this auction. The Company may update the Conditions of Business from time to time, when the Bidder and the Buyer participate in another auction, the then applicable Conditions of Business shall prevail.

ARTICLE 73 RIGHT OF INTERPRETATION ﬔe right of interpretation of these Rules shall belong to the Company.


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