Pomarico Design Studio Summer/Fall 2016

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OUR business is one hundred percent healthcare related. We focus on hospitals, medical office buildings, outpatient facilities, surgery centers, diagnostic and imaging facilities and many other services that make up the healthcare profession. For thirty years Pomarico Design Studio Architecture PLLC (PDS) has provided full Architectural and Interior Design services on a wide range of healthcare projects. Our experience in healthcare architecture is the by-product of extensive hands on planning, design and administrative activities involving additions to and the modernization of many major metropolitan medical centers.

“We will commit all our energies and resources to our c l i e n t , t h e h e a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r. Our exceptional planning, design, documentation and management skills shall be the instruments by which our clients realize success in the delivery of their healthcare vision and mission.�

Accepted best practice standards, deficiency identification, functional program development, analytical studies, LEAN and BIM modeling combined with extensive client interaction produce informative and logical Master Planning processes.

Creating intelligent healthcare environments that exceed the challenging d e m a n d s o f t o d a y ’s c h a n g i n g w o r l d . O u r process involves going one step beyond t h e o r d i n a r y, t o p u s h o u r s e l v e s , e x a m i n e everything and deliver spatial qualities that revolutionize the patient, family and provider experience.

Expanding the boundaries of the healthcare delivery environment by examining every processes to maximize the patient and provider experience.

Working together with our clients to create acute care environments that exceed the expectations of both functional and physical program.

W e a r e a f u l l s e r v i c e N e w Yo r k based healthcare planning and design firm with offices located in Newburgh, a n a r t i s t i c h u b l o c a t e d i n t h e M i d - H u d s o n Va l l e y, a n d o n Fifth Avenue in the heart of New Yo r k C i t y. O u r g e o g r a p h i c r e a c h extends as far west as Southwest Louisiana and we are licensed to practice Architecture in six States.

our c l i e n t s i n c l u d e

CareOne Hackensack University Medical Center Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Memorial Sloan Kettering Nyack Hospital Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Rahway


19 FRONT STREET NEWBURGH, NY 12550 P. 8 4 5 . 5 6 1 . 0 4 4 8 3 0 3 5 TH AV E N U E N E W Y O R K , N Y 1 0 0 1 6

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