Architecture Profolio Liang Mayuqi (Selected works 2016 - 2022)

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MAYUQI LIANG Architecture Profolio

Selected Works 2016 - 2022

CONTENT 0. CV 1. Design 1.1 Under the Grace

KAIRA LOORO | Culture Center Competition

1.2 Vein: Life Community

Future Urban Design of Qiushui Lake, Yilong

1.3 Concealment

Eight Great Passes Gymnasium Design

1.4 Urban Programming

Performace-Based Optimization Design Method for Urban

2. Robotic Fabrcation 2.1 The Arch

Robotic Hot Wire Cutting with EPS Foam

2.2 Carbon Copies

Bi-material Casting of Functionally Graded Optimized Structural Elements

2.3 Cast Green

3D-printed Clay Formwork for Castable Materials

3. Programming 3.1 Geern Noise

Perlin Noise in Python and C#

4. Other Works





Brith Home Address Email Tel

06/12/1996 Zhuhai China Carrer de Pujades, 102, 08005 Barcelona / +34-657059821

09/2014 - 07/2019

Qingdao University of Technology

10/2020 - 07/2022

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

08/2016 - 09/2016

Hua Fa Construction Company

02/2019 - 03/2019


Bachelor of Architecture (GPA: 3.4 / 4.0)

| Qingdao China

Master of Architecture

Internship as Architectural Assistant

| Barcelona Spain

| Zhuhai China

| Shanghai China

Internship as Architectural Assistant


National University 6th Marine Culture Design Contest


9th China Weihai International Architectural Design Competition


Lafarge Holcim Awards


TSINGERUN Award Students' Paper Competition


Kaira Looro Architectural Competition | Cultural Centre

3rd Prize Personal Role: Main Designer Honorable Mention Personal Role: Main Designer Finalist Award Personal Role: Main Designer Honorable Mention Personal Role: First Author Honorable Mention Personal Role: First Author


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator


Adobe Indesign




Laser Cut







Research of Habitability in Dwelling


Research of Traditinal Dwelling in Qingdao


"Self-Form-Finding" Wind Tunnel to EnvironmentalPerformance Building Design | Beijing China

| Anhui China

Individal Research The research aims at studying the habitability of the traditional dwellings in southern China. The tasks included field visit and performance simulation. Instructor: Ran Cheng

| Qingdao China

As Main Researcher in Team Work The research aims at studying and evaluating the current situations of traditional Qingdao dwellings. The tasks included measurement and data organization. Instructor: Lin Zhao

As Participant in CAADRIA 2018 Workshop The workshop aims at seeking a way for architects to design environmental performance buildings during the early stage. Tasks included prototype design, Arduino progrom and CFD simulation. Instructor: Jiawei Yao, Yuqiong Lin, Philip.Yuan (Tongji University)


Print Fast, Pile High


Performance-Based Design Method for Unbra Ventilation | Qingdao China

| Shanghai China

As Participant in 8th Digital Future Shanghai Summer Workshop The workshop aims at seeking synergies between computational masonry and 3D printing with soft - rigid materials. Tasks included structure design and digital geometry generation. Instructor: Patrik Schumacher, Shajay Bhooshan, Federico Borello, Taole Chen (Zhaha Code)

As Main Researcher in Team Work The research aims at seeking a new workflow for architects to optimaze design during the early stage. Tasks included designing and programming of the whole workflow. Instructor: Xuechuan Geng


Introduction to Robotic Fabrication


Patent: Performance-Based Design Method for Unbra Ventilation | Qingdao China

| Barcelona Spain

As Student Assistant The seminar aims at understanding the capabilities of simple pick and place, learning about robotic manufacturing and designing, and to expand its possibilities. Instructor: Ricardo Mayor, Lana Awad

As Main Researcher in Team Work The research aims at seeking a new workflow for architects to optimaze design during the early stage.


Chinese | English | Japanese

Native TOEFL : 90 | N1

Design Works 08|17

1.1 Under the Grace


1.2 Vein: Life Community


1.3 Concealment


1.4 Urban Programming


Under the Grace Kaira Looro | Cultural Centre Competition Teamwork Project Role in Project: Algorithm studying, Conceptual Design, Sturctural Design, Digital Modeling and Diagram Drawing Instructor: Chibiao Hao, Ran Cheng, Xuechuan Geng April 2018

Hundred-years old Baobabs not only give birth to the prosperity history of Senegal, but also shelter the people who live on this ancient land generation after generation and the resplendent culture they had created via wisdom. Giant Baobabs standing in Africa Forest, a huge green net is generated by dense as well as interwoven canopy. It could protect people from a blistering sun. Under the grace of Baobab, people pass on and preserve the age-old history and resplendent culture by ancient music and dances. Like the tempting rhythm and beautiful dances, the huge canopy of Baobab had already become an important symbol of local culture. The canopy not only provides shelter to residents, but also attracts people from different cultures and religions, promotes cultures' communication invisibly. Thick and strong Baobab trunk also give us inspiration. In the past, people would hold the ceremony inside the hollow trunk of Baobab. We create some tubular structure. They support roof and provides a specific space for residents to learn and inherit their culture. Simultaneously, we extract the spatial sequence of local village, and put this into our design, which means the traditional culture and residents are sheltered by the dense Baobab canopy.

Symbol of Africa Baobab is an important symbol locally. It is not only an endemic species in west Africa, but also a prat of local people's life and culture. Therefore, we believed that baobab is the start point to develop our concept and an important element we need to implement in the design.

Local Villages' Spatial Sequence By researching different kinds of local dwellings and village in the range of Senegal, we extract the main spatial sequence of local villages: several individual buildings enclose a public space that for social activities. Our design is based on this principle and evolve from original.



People Flow

Relationship with Surrounging


Generation Process The generation process includes three parts: initially, determine the relationship between the cultural centre and the statue. Secondly, dividing the site plan by flow. Lastly, reflecting the concept of baobab by blending into environments.

A. Administration Area B. Education Area C. Main Exhibition Hall D. Attached Exhibition Hall

E. Toilet F. Atrium G. Square

Building Plan By diminishing the obstruction of walls as more as possible, the cultural centre will become a public gathering are for residents and visitors for social community.

Thatch Roof Thatch is widely used in local dwellings, say roof, for the reason that it is heat proof and air permeable.

Bamboo Roof Structure Bamboo could be processed easily and firm enough to support the thatch roof. Also, bamboo is basical plant locally .

Rammed Earth Wall The bamboo framework inside the earth wall could strengthen the wall.

Round Log Pillar Local round log is sufficient as well as quality. With simple process, those logs could be used as pillar.

Stone Foundation Compared with other kinds of material locally, stone is the most suitable one which could be applied in foundation.

Cultural Centre The cultural centre is a public place where local resident could celebrate festivals and organize events .

Structure and Construction Technology Limited by the possible local building materials and low developed transform system in Senegal, the cultural centre is built by traditional construction technologies with the materials used in local dwellings.

Relation with Surroundings Through analysing, the connection between new cultural centre is composed of following two portions : Initially, a lion statuary, which is a symbolic symbol of Senegal is nearby the site. Via encircling the lion statuary, a small square without definite boundary will be generated by new cultural centre and statuary, where residents could celebrate traditional events. The other consideration is that fortifying the relation between cultural centre and surroundings. By using discontinuous wall, the connection will be strengthened.

Rain Recycle System The climate type of Sidious is arid climate, which means the evaporation is greatly higher than rainfall. In this case, a simple and efficient rain recycle system is important for new cultural centre. The recycle system includes following three parts: 1. Roof Drain: by adjusting the slope of roof, people could gain rain as more as possible. 2. Slope Drain: surface water will be collected with the help of slope. 3. Water Channels: all water will be transported to cistern via water channels.

Building Section The cultural centre's section originates from traditional African dwelling. By adopting and improving the traditional dwellings ‘design strategy, the cultural centre will adapt to the local climate, which could provide a comfortable shelter for residents.

Ambiguous By using discontinuous wall, the space is divided into intermittent fragment, but the space is continues.

Centripetal A fairground defined by the roof, where residents could organize different events and activities.

Borderless There is not clear boundary to define inside and outside. The cultural centre is open to everyone.

1. Bamboo Lath 2. Bamboo Balk 3. Timber Pin 4. Bamboo Wedge 5. Lath Lat

6. Thatch Dekgras 7. Fire-retarding Membrane 8. Spray Layer Spreilaag 9. Reinforced Bamboo Splint 10. Rammed Earth Wall

11. Bamboo Cane 12. Rope 13. Reinforced concrete footing 14. Water Channel 15. Cement Screed-coat

16. Rammed Earth Flooring 17. Undisturbed Soil 18. Anchor Straps 19. Stone Foundation

Rammed Earth Wall Structure The rammed earth wall is widely uesd in African dwellings for the reason that it could provide a comparatively comfortable environment for people with the most common materials locally.


Vein: Life Community Future Urban Design of Qiushui Lake, Yilong Teamwork Project Role in Project: Data Analysis, Paramatical Design, Sturctural Design, Digital Modeling and Diagram Drawing Instructor: Chibiao Hao October 2017

With the developing od scale and required function, the defects of traditional way in designing modern city become more obvious as well as serious. This project is aim at finding a new method about organizing urban spatial order based on natural landscape such as Karst landform in Guizhou, China. The research of the design methodology might provide designer a sustainable development method for residents and governments. Yilong new district is a national new area with high hopes from government, and it is also a special site with extremely complicated geographical and culture environment. Based on its distinctive humanistic features and reflections on contemporary urban design, the main task of this project is to explore and summary the possibility of future urban how to express the local culture by form. The special landform and villages' texture of Yilong are the sources our concept. The dense river system as well as characteristic landform are the basics of generating urban space. And the new spatial order will connect people with landscape and the city in an organic way, which is similar to vein. Simultaneously, is also embodies the traditional culture influence, which allow the new space approaches local lifestyle. The new city will become a "live" city.

Geomorphology The site is in Yilong Experimental Area, where is famous for Karst landform. On the site, the height difference is 83.1 meters, low-lying district is in the south.

Flood Level Based on the DEM, divided the flood level into two parts: normal level and partial flooding. When the flood line is over 25 meters, south and east district would be submerged.

Hydrology Based on the landform, simulated the catchment lines of the site. According to the diagram, we can find that the catchment zones are distributed on the site averagely.

Slop Most districts of the site area flat. The districts near the rivers and Quishui Lake are flatter than others. Especially in the northeast area, the slop is the steepest on the site.

Research of Villages' Spatial Patterns Based on the design site, divide it into three different scales and research how original dwellings are organized in this different scale. The three main spatial sequence are family, community and county. Extract the activities and the spatial linkage between different scale. The three originally spatial types are enclosure, parallel and linear.

Grid Generation


Road Network

Initially, divide the design site into regular triangle grids. By controlling of parameters, the triangle cells will adapt to the site's context.

One revetment cell will be divided into seven regular hexagon cells, these cells are the based unit of wetland landscape.

The road network system includes three parts: traffic system, walkway system and landscape system. The system scale is decrease stepwise.

Grid Rebuild

Main Road System

Building System

Because the hexagon cells are similar to the villages' spatial forms, combining six triangle cells into one hexagon cell for building planning.

Another group of cells are controlled by route. Based on the demand, the cells will be scaled in different level.

Based on different function, buildings are divided into different groups: dwellings group and commercial building group.

Ecological Reserve Area


Future Urban

Divided the cells close to river into two parts: revetment group and landscape group. Ecological reserve area is planned based on this.

According to the distant between hexagon cells' centres and route system, the cells will be scaled into three different level.

Route system and building system combine with each other become one system. A prototype of future urban is generated.

Topography Parameteric Design Method The traditional method to plan dwellings in Yilong area are usually based on the topography. Thus, the new method to design urban is also following the same principle. The diagrams illustrate the parameteric design method and how different parameters will influence the final result.

Urban Functio

According to the topography of the design site as well as hyd whole area is divided into three parts: living area, ecological r area, where playground and farm is planned for residents' da for walking are constructed. In the area that is inappropri

onal Planning

drology, dividing the demand function into different part. The reserve area and landscape area. The flattest area is for living aily activities. Hill area design as landscape area, where paths iate for construction is designed as ecological reserve area.

Local Climate The climate of Yilong is mild all over the year. However, the relative humidity is in a high level, all year round is wet. The high humidity as well as cloudy will let the ground acquire less direct normal radiation.

Residents' Life Style The research of residents' lifestyle includes two parts: activities and timeline. Understanding the necessary space demand for daily activities of dwelling by analysing the residents’ lifestyles of different generations. The proportion for different function area of the dwelling is generated based on the analysis result.

Dwelling Plans In order to prevent the high humidity, decrease the indoor comfortable level, the building is built on stilts, and the basement is used for cattle breeding. The third floor is used for drying food, which is one of the local traditional customs.

Summer Passive Strategy The cooling south wind will bring away the hot air inside the house, which could lower the indoor temperature effectively. Rain storeroom will collect rain, which can recycle the water.

Winter Passive Strategy Warm sunshine will heat the indoor space of the building, which could reduce the usage of energy for room heating. Cold and dry north wind will be obstructed by clay wall.



Double glazing






Steel is a part of the foundation for strengthen the building.

Concrete wall is waterproof structure for the rain storage room.

Double glazing is soundproof and could keep warm in winter.

The quality of local log is good enough that could be used directly.

The chipboard is produced by using local wood resource.

Main plant of local ecosystem, it’s used in different ways.

The cultural symbolize of local building, which is productive locally.

Using traditional way to build clay wall, which could reduce the cost.

Structure and Materials The whole dwelling is built by locally traditional construction technique as well as local resources, which could decrease the cost and energy consumption as much as possible.


Concealment Eight Great Passes Gymnasium Design Individual Project Instructor: Chibiao Hao, Ran Chen May 2017

The Eight Great Passes scenic site lies south of Qingdao's largest park, Qingdao Zhongshan Park, and north of Taiping Bay, and is bordered to the west by Huiquan Bay while it is bordered to the east by the fork created by the junction of east-bound Zhengyangguan Road and west-bound Xianggang West Road, at the northern apex of Taiping Bay. In this project, I am interest in how to create a different using experience than normal gymnasium. The "Concealment" tries to integrate into surrounding by combining the "street" concept with traditional gymnasium spatial sequence. On the one hand, the using value of "street" is defined by its traffic function. On the other hand, the "street" could also be considered as a place for activities as well as communication. Therefore, the traditional gymnasium's spatial sequence is totally reconstituted under the order of "street". The Eight Great Passes is a famous natural landscape in Qingdao. So, it is important for designer to rethink the relationship between individual building and surrounding scenery. Instead of designing an object isolated from the environment, the whole gymnasium is hidden under the ground, the roof surface will be designed as a public park. The new building wouldn'd intervene the original landscape.

Design Site

People Flow

The design site locates in the entance of Eigth Great Passes, where is famous for natural scenery.

Based on the surrounding traffic flow and people flow, the main streamline inside the gymnasium is decided.

Functional Division


Based on the streamline, the gymnasium is divided into four main functional areas.

Scattered functional areas is not perfectly relate to the surroundings, a cover is needed to unify the form.

Negative Space


A huge cover with scattered functional areas, a negative street like space is generated inside the gymnasium.

According to the surrounding and scenery, adjusting the shape of the gymnasium to avoid the diminish the visibility of tourists.


Roof Park

Adjust the cover based on the people flow to generate a terrain like space to connect to the surrounding.

Roof green could provide a comfortable and lively public park for both residents and tourists.

Generation Process Because the Eight Great Passes is a famous natural scenery in Qingdao, it is important to properly handle the relationship between the new gymnasium with the already exist buildings around the design site.



Hang out




Path System Three types of path system connect three different types of spatial sequence, and these sequences are corresponding to the walk flow of different function.

Structure Design The main structure of the gymnasium is the metamorphosis of the dome structure. The "semi-dome" is consisting of two parts: the concrete pillar part and the timber branch part. By optimize the form of the structure, the cost of the materials could be reduced as much as possible.

Section A

Section B





Overground and

Be buried under the ground, the whole gym a lively natural park open to public is gen intense exercise, above the groun

d Underground

mnasium is totally hidden. Consequently, nerated. Under the ground, is the region of nd, is the world for joyous scene.


Urban Programming Performace-Based Optimization Design Method for Urban Teamwork Research Role in Project: Data Analysis, Paramatical Design and Diagram Drawing Instructor: Xuechuan Geng August 2019

With the development of computer technology, the performance-based optimization design become mainstream. In traditional optimization process, modelling, simulation and the optimization are realized on different software platform, which greatly increased the difficulty for designers to make a decision. Furthermore, limited by the software, most of research about wind environmentbased design are not based on the simulation result of study object, the reliability of the result is low. Therefore, it is significant to find a new optimization method that could realize on one platform. Rhino and Grasshopper are one of the most popular modelling software currently. Using Grasshopper as an interface could transform data between Rhino and other simulation software easily. The research explodes a design workflow that based on wind environment, the process includes city data collection and modelling, parameters set-up for wind tunnel based on climate data, CFD simulation for design site and multi-objective optimization. With the help of new workflow, it will be easier for designer to optimize the environmental performance of their designs in the early stage.

Workflow The workflow for designing includes four different parts: 1. Inflow condition set-up; 2. Geometry generation; 3.CFD Simulation; 4. Optimization. In the first and third parts, the main purpose is using Butterfly to simulate the wind environment of the research site and process the result for further steps. In the second part, the main purpose is to generate the building groups sample for optimization. In the last part, the optimization process is realized by Wallacie.

Inflow Condition Calculation The research selects three representative areas in Qingdao with different functional building groups exist in site already. With Arc-GIS to model the terrain and buildings' digital model and import them into Rhino for CFD simulation. Extract the simulation result of each block from the whole area's result, based on the formula to calculate the wind speed and wind direction of each block. All the data will be stored for later optimization process.

Building Groups Generation Three selected districts are the main traditional buildings district, commercial district and residential district in Qingdao. The spatial sequence in each district is different. Based on the spatial topology of different district, the building groups generation algorithm is designed correspondingly. By changing the input parameters to the algorithm, numerous building groups geometry will be generated for optimizing.

Optimization and Selection Process Multi-objective optimization algorithm is based on Pareto Front, the set of non-dominated solutions, where each objective is considered as equally good. In the research, six objectives are chosen to evaluate the wind environment condition of the building groups' sample. The designer will further refine the design either based on the building blocks' spatial relation or the selected digital models.

Robotic Fabrication Works 50|55

2.1 The Arch


2.2 Carbon Copies


2.3 Cast Green


The Arch Robotic Hot Wire Cutting with EPS Foam Team Project Role in Project: Geometry Design, Robotic Fabrication and Drawing. Instructor: Alexandre Dubor and Ricardo Mayor Luque March 2021

This chapter of the portfolio dedicated to the exploration of new fabrication methods that can be more efficient, sustainable, and customisable thanks to the use of relavely accessible and flexible industrial robotic arms. Architect and Designer full control of these precise and producve tools open new opportunies to design and invent new material tectonics that can be easily scaled at building dimensions. The project investigates and adopts fabrication techniques practiced in the art of 'stereotomy' while utilizing geometrical principles of 'ruled surfaces' to produce a scaled down robotically fabricated prototype by hot wire cutting stardardized blocks of EPS foam. This work is a physical demonstration of a classic self-supporting shape that turns compression into strength by following the form of inverted catenary curve that has been employed in buildings since ancient times. 'The Arch' is an experimental prototype composed of 20 uniquely designed conjoined building blocks, each of them carefully cut out at a specific angle of axis rotation, while demonstrating gradual change in volume, interlocking strategies and surface texture. The robot tool path is following the linear sections of hyperbolic paraboloid, facilitating the diversity of doubly curved geometries and proving that these typed of structures could be up-scaled and realized in full-scale construction.

Stereotomy Etymology of 'stereotomy' stands for the 'art of cutting three-dimensional solids into shapes to be assembled'. In architecture it is restricted specifically to 'the art of stone carving for the purpose of constructing vaults, squinches, cupolas or flights of stairs'.

Catenary Arch The catenary arch, an elegant geometry generated with the simplest physical principle, which has been applied in architectural field since ancient time. With current advances in computational design and the availability to explore hands-on fabrication techniques, it is now possible to re-imagine these shapes and breathe a new life into well-established geometries.

Wcf: Rcf: Tcf: Ocf:

Robot Arm

World Coordinate Frame Robot Coordinate Frame Tool Coordinate Frame Object Coordinate Frame

End Effector Rcf


Tcf EPS Block Ocf EPS Fixed Base Electronic Terminal Based Work Space

Robotic System Set-up The robotic system consists of four main coordinate systems, which define the location of the target position for the robotic arm inside the designated working area. The setup for hot wire cutting includes two parts: the robotic system and the electronic system that was used for heating the wire. For the sake of simplifying the fabrication workflow, that system was being controlled manually.

Step1: Start position.

Step2: Move to start safe plane.

Step3: Terminal turn on, heating the wire.

Step6: Move back to start position.

Step5: Finish cutting, move to end safe plane.

Step4: Cutting the EPS block.

Tool Path Set-up To successfully perform the cut outs from EPS blocks, the tool path for the robotic arm was divided into sequential steps. Firstly, the robot would move to the start 'safe' position and then the electronic terminal would be turned on to heat the wire. Secondly, the robot would move along a series of programmed target planes to cut the block. Finally, the robot would move to the end 'safe' plane.

Lable System





Block A10 Heigth = 745mm

Block A9 Heigth = 709mm

Block A8 Heigth = 666mm

Block A7 Heigth = 585mm

Block A6 Heigth = 513mm

Block A5 Heigth = 407mm

Block A4 Heigth = 326mm

Block A3 Heigth = 205mm

Block A2 Heigth = 116mm

Block A1 Heigth = 0mm

Module Parameters Each module is designed with unique parameters based on the position of that module.

Physical Models: Block B1

Block B1

Block B1

Block B1

Block B1

Block B1

Block B1

Module A2 * 2

Module A3 * 2

Module A4

Module A5 * 2

Module A6 * 2

Block B1

Module A1

Fabrication Parameters:

Block B1

Block B2

Block B3

Block B4

Block B5

Block B6

Time: 4.5min Speed: 5 mm/s Voltage: 9.25V Cut Surface: 4 Material Usage Ratio: 33%

Time: 4.5min Speed: 5 mm/s Voltage: 9.23V Cut Surface: 4 Material Usage Ratio: 26%

Time: 4.5min Speed: 5 mm/s Voltage: 9.24V Cut Surface: 4 Material Usage Ratio: 23%

Time: 5.0min Speed: 5 mm/s Voltage: 9.94V Cut Surface: 4 Material Usage Ratio: 20%

Time: 6.0min Speed: 6.0 ~6.5mm/s Voltage: 9.04V Cut Surface: 6 Material Usage Ratio: 28%

Time: 5.5min Speed: 5 mm/s Voltage: 8.99V Cut Surface: 6 Material Usage Ratio: 28%

Module Documentation The fabrication parameters for each module are documented for later evaluate and assemble process.

The Arch The final model and the hyperboloid models for design exploration.


Carbon Copies Bi-material Casting of Functionally Graded Optimized Structural Elements Team Project Role in Project: Robotic Fabrcation and Geometry Optimization. Instructor: Areti Markopoulou, David Andres Leon, Raimund Krenmueller and Nikol Kirova June 2021 Concrete is the most ubiquitous building material in construction industry. It has withstood the test of time and proved its capabilities by being an exemplary material in terms of general availability and structural performance. Although there are numbers of strong arguments justifying its wide use around the world, it is impossible to overlook the adverse effect that concrete industry has on the environment. The production of cement, key constituent in concrete, is particularly responsible for the growth of a substantial part of global CO2 emissions. Thus, in the last 20 years traditional concrete manufacturing methods have evolved to improve its ecological and economical sustainability by adapting them to digital fabrication, specifically to additive manufacturing. Carbon copies is a project that focuses on the development of a multi-material concrete casting technique within functionally graded design that provides sustainable and material efficient production method for the construction industry. Biochar was selected and studied as partial substitute to concrete, thus facilitating material savings and substantially lowering the amount of embedded carbon in concrete structures. Based on the results of structural optimization of building elements a multi-material casting system operating in conjunction with robotic technologies was developed so concrete can be cast where it is structurally required, while biochar-based mix was used to fill the rest of the formwork.

Carbon Emission of Construction Industry The data based on year 2020 shows that anthropogenic activities has generated 36.44 billion tons of carbon dioxide with the construction sectior being responsible fot 40% of those emissions. In particular, 1200kg of carbon dioxide is emmited in the process of concrete manufacturing every day.

Strategy To reduce the embodied carbon of building elements, the strategy is consisting of two parts: one the one side, introduce carbon negative materials to the concrete recipe; on the other side, decrease the usage of cement directly by optimizing the elements.

Materials Sources: Softwood

Oilseed Rape Straw

Miscanthus Straw

Wheat Straw

Sewage Sludge


Rice Husk


Process: 1.





1. Raw materials from waste organic matter 2. Drying 3. Grinding into smaller pieces 4. Slow pyrolysis processing 5. Output product


Properties: Carbon negative


Light weight






Biomaterials 1. Air decontamination 2. Humidity regulation 3. Electrosmog 4. Structure substitution

Animal Farming 1. Silage agent 2. Feed additive 3. Litter additive 4. Slurry treatment 5. Manure composting

Decontamination 1. Soil additive 2. Soil substrates 3. Preventing pesticides 4. Treating lake water

Soil Conditioner 1. Carbon fertilizer 2. Compost additive 3. Plant protection 4. Compensatory fertilizer



1. Detoxification 1. Fabric additive 2. Cataplasm for insect bites 2. Thermal insulation 3. Carrier for API 3. Deodorant

Biochar Introduction Biochar is a solid material obtained from the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment. It is a material that has draws carbon from the atmosphere, providing a carbon sink on agricultural lands. Although the most common application of biochar today is to act as a soil amendment, during the last decade its attributes and properties have been actively investigated by researches and now it is a material of high interest for architects and construction industry as a whole.

Recipe 1 (Cement + Biochar + Sand + Water):

Recipe 2 (Cement + Biochar + Water):

Materials Testing

Recipe 3 (Cement + Biochar + Fiber + Water):

In order to understand the principal material behaviour and properties of the composite, a setup of different materials recipes casted prototypes is created. In each recipe, different combination of materials and water ratio are tried. After the prototypes were created, a series of measurement for the physical properties of the prototypes were done. And some conclusions were drawn: 1. The sample with the highest ratio of biochar is the lightest composite. 2. Incorporation of biochar did not accelerate or delay the cement hydration. 3. Increased percentage of biochar = higher demand in water content. 4. Increased fibre length = stronger binding behaviour.

Casting Strategy

Current casting strategy that already wreil used in construction industry.

Physical Boundary

Seamless Casting

A techniques that require the use of guiding separators.

A techniques for flat target that doesn't require the use of separator

(Temporary Separators)

Voxel Grid

Mixtures is poured into the mould with the guide of a voxel grid.

Casting Process: 1.


(Planar Approach)

Flexible Strips

One type of mixture is poured into the mould first, and then a flexible strip is set, and the second mixture will be poured.

Casting Process: 3.




Different mixtures are tampered onto the right position individually.

Casting Process: 3.




1. Place the grid on the first level. 2. Cast the mixture based on the voxel. 3. Move the grid to second level and cast.

1. Pouring the mixture into the formwork. 2. Place and shape the strips. 3. Pouring the other type of mixture into the formwork.

1. Mixture is infilled into the catheter. 2. Push out the mixture with pressure. 3. Move away the catheter.

Fabrication Detail:

Fabrication Detail:

Fabrication Detail:

Geometry: Voxel-based

Geometry: Ruled Surface

Geometry: Voxel-based

Additional Required: Yes

Additional Required: Yes

Additional Required: Yes

Materials: Plywood, Acrylic

Materials: Plywood, Membrane

Materials: Plywood

Reforcement: Inavailable

Reforcement: Inavailable

Reforcement: Inavailable

Casting Result:

Casting Result:

Casting Result:

Result Evaluation:

Result Evaluation:

Result Evaluation:

Fabrcation Time

Fabrcation Time

Fabrcation Time































Difficulty Accuracy Equipment Requirement Form Limitation

Difficulty Accuracy Equipment Requirement Form Limitation

Difficulty Accuracy Equipment Requirement Form Limitation







· Result has high accuracy · Fabrication technique is simple

· Time consume · Require additional equipment.

· Adaptable boundary. · Suitable for planar (2D) approach.

· Requires additional pre-fabrication step. · Optimization result cannot be replicated accurately.

· Fast technique with high surface coverage. · No boundary maintenance required

· Not suitable for complex contours. · May require additional equipment .

Seamless Casting (Volumetric Approach)


A techniques for 3D target that doesn't require the use of separators.


Mixtures are poured into the mould based on the manually control.

Casting Process: 1.



Inject one mixture into another mixture based on the manually control.

Casting Process: 3.




1. Pouring the mixture based on required. 2. Pouring one type of mixtures. 3. Pouring another type of mixtures.

1. Infill one type of mixture frist. 2. Inject another type of mixture. 3. Finish the injection, remove the needle.

Fabrication Detail:

Fabrication Detail:

Geometry: No limit

Geometry: No limit

Additional Required: No

Additional Required: Yes

Materials: Plywood

Materials: Plywood

Reforcement: Available

Reforcement: Available

Casting Result:

Casting Result:

Result Evaluation

Result Evaluation

Fabrcation Time

Fabrcation Time





















Difficulty Accuracy Equipment Requirement Form Limitation

Difficulty Accuracy Equipment Requirement Form Limitation





· Requried less equipments. · Faster construction time. · No boundary maintenance required · Hard to precisely control the mixture.

· Less geometry limitation. · No boundary maintenance required

· Hard to precisely control the mixture. · Requried additional equipments.

Fabrication Method Testing For the stage of manual casting a set of fabrication techniques was developed, executed and evaluated within a holistic approach. The proposed fabrication strategies were distributed in two categories: physical boundary (techniques that require the use of guiding separators for clear material deposion) and seamless casting that investigated binding behavior between two mixes. In the end of manual casting stage the decision was made to combine the concepts of voxel grid technique with free bi-material pouring and adapt it for future robotic system.

Move to target point

Vavel on, wait and pour, vavel off

Step 1.

Step 2.

Move to next target point, shift mixture

Vavel on, wait and pour, vavel off

Step 3.

Step 4.

Move to next target point, don't shift mixture

Vavel on, wait and pour, vavel off

Step 5.

Step 6.

End Effector

Tool Path

Target Points

Design Pattern


Robot Prototype

Robotic System Setup

Robot Working Principie

Tool Path Set-up Based on the results of manual casting stage, voxel grid technique helped to achieve higher accuracy of material pouring. The tool path setup for the robot was based ont the results of previous pouring tests.

Extruder Part Vavel Fitting * 2 Cap * 2 Plunger * 2 Cartridge * 2 Hose Clamp * 2

Fixed Part 5mm Nut * 4 M5_L40 Screw * 4

Control Part 5mm Nut * 4 M5_L40 Screw * 4 15mm Mounting Fixture * 2 15mm Pinch Vavel * 2

Output Part 5mm Nut * 4 M5_L40 Screw * 4 10mm Pipe * 2 15mm Mounting Fixture * 2

End Effector Design With the tool path strategy for the robot set up, a custom end effector was developed and fabricated to facilitate the alternate pouring of two material mixes.

Fabrication Process A series of images show how the casting process was done by robotic arm.

Target Geometry

Model Set-up Target Density: 0.26 Smoothing: 0.30 Cell Size: 0.1667 Load: 500N/m²

Expected Result

Optimization Set-up

Optimization Result

Geometry Design Throughout the investigation the goal was to produce a physical prototype based on the structural and material optimization of scaled down beam sample. Based on the input parameters for computational protocol, such as target density, cell size, load and support cases, a target optimization result was acquired.

Formwork Design A series of fabrication testing were done with the consideration of the output result, such as the strength and the binding between materials. Based on the fabrication testing result, a rebar system was chosen as the appropriate reinforcement for the fabrication technique.

Top View

Front View

Left View

Right View

Final Prototype The different views of the final prototype.

Workflow The workflow consists of three parts: computational design, material preparation and robotic fabrication. Firstly, a parametric 3D model of a structural element was designed. Then, based on the results of materials testing, parameters were set up for the elements' optimization. Lastly, the G-code was programmed for robotic fabrication.

Building System Optimization Result

Optimization Model Set-up

Main Beam 1 Load: Ground Floor: 3860 kN First Floor: 3774 kN Second Floor: 3650 kN Support Condition: Fix Support Total Amount: 72 Element Volume: 0.81m³ Pure Cement Mass: 2259.9 kg

Main Beam 2 Load: Ground Floor: 3860 kN First Floor: 3774 kN Second Floor: 3650 kN Support Condition: Fix Support Total Amount: 75 Element Volume: 1.01m³ Pure Cement Mass: 2999.7 kg

Element Catalog First Floor

Ground Floor

Front View

Axonometric View

Front View

Top View

Top View

Top View

Mass: 1740.5kg Biochar Ratio: 28.0% Cement Ratio: 72.0% Embodied Carbon: -170.1kg

Mass: 1582.9kg Biochar Ratio: 29.1% Cement Ratio: 60.9% Embodied Carbon: -176.8kg

Axonometric View

First Floor

Ground Floor

Axonometric View

Second Floor

Front View

Mass: 1326.8kg Biochar Ratio: 41.9% Cement Ratio: 48.1% Embodied Carbon: -254.5kg

Second Floor Front View

Front View

Front View

Top View

Top View

Mass: 2308.1kg Biochar Ratio: 26.7% Cement Ratio: 73.3% Embodied Carbon: -210.0 kg

Mass: 1982.0kg Biochar Ratio: 40.0% Cement Ratio: 60.0% Embodied Carbon: -300.0 kg

Axonometric View

Axonometric View

Top View

Axonometric View

Mass: 1586.0kg Biochar Ratio: 56.0% Cement Ratio: 44.0% Embodied Carbon: -420.0 kg

Elements Types Main Beam 3 Load: Ground Floor: 600 kN First Floor: 597 kN Second Floor: 595 kN Support Condition: Fix Support Total Amount: 240 Element Volume: 0.27m³ Pure Cement Mass: 801.9 kg

First Floor

Ground Floor

Axonometric View

Second Floor

Front View

Front View

Top View

Top View

Mass: 2056.1kg Biochar Ratio: 37.0% Cement Ratio: 63.0% Embodied Carbon: -277.5 kg

Axonometric View

Front View

Top View

Mass: 1858.5 kg Biochar Ratio: 45.0% Cement Ratio: 55.0% Embodied Carbon: -337.5kg

First Floor

Ground Floor

Mass: 1512.7 kg Biochar Ratio: 59.0% Cement Ratio: 41.0% Embodied Carbon: -442.5 kg

Axonometric View

Second Floor

Column Outlook

Load: Ground Floor: 19806 kN First Floor: 13153 kN Second Floor: 6729 kN Support Condition: Fix Support Total Amount: 90 Element Volume: 1.44m³ Pure Cement Mass: 4276.8 kg

Slab Load: Ground Floor: 4804 kN First Floor: 4780 kN Second Floor: 4763 kN Support Condition: Fix Support Total Amount: 60 Element Volume: 7.56m³ Pure Cement Mass: 22453.9 kg

Front View

Axonometric View

Front View

Top View

Mass: 1967.0 kg Biochar Ratio: 40.0% Cement Ratio: 60.0% Embodied Carbon: -277.5kg

Axonometric View

Top View

Mass: 1710.3 kg Biochar Ratio: 51.0% Cement Ratio: 49.0% Embodied Carbon: -382.5 kg

First Floor

Ground Floor

Front View

Top View

Mass: 1438.6 kg Biochar Ratio: 62.0% Cement Ratio: 38.0% Embodied Carbon: -465.0 kg

Axonometric View

Second Floor Front View

Front View

Front View

Side View

Side View

Side View

Axonometric View

Mass: 18860.5kg Biochar Ratio: 16.0% Cement Ratio: 84.0% Embodied Carbon: -120 kg

Axonometric View

Mass: 10777.4 kg Biochar Ratio: 52.0% Cement Ratio: 48.0% Embodied Carbon: -390.0 kg

Axonometric View

Mass: 7858.5 kg Biochar Ratio: 65.0% Cement Ratio: 35.0% Embodied Carbon: -487.5 kg

Showcase The diagram represents an example of developed digital workflow that re-thinks a case of classic structural system made of pure concrete by breaking it down into individual elements for structural analysis based on specific load and support conditions and then performing material optimization, introducing biochar-concrete mix to each element, thus reducing the amount of cement that would be used for manufacturing.

Forward Future application of the fabrication technique for graded optimized structural elements on site.


Cast Green 3D-printed Clay Formwork for Castable Materials Individual Project Instructor: Vincent Huyghe and Gabriele Liuda Jureviciute June 2022

Current concrete construction industry is an established manufacturing system that requires different sub-industries to collaborate with each other. While this complex chain of industries has indeed brought a lot of benefits to humanuty in the past hundred years in terms of economic development and improvement in living environment, it is impossible to deny its negative impact on the environment. Huge amount of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere every year, contributing to global warming. If we dive deeper into the mechanics of concrete construction industry, two major issues related to elements manufacturing come to mind: on one side, a lot of cement quantity inside the elements does not contribute to their structural performance. One the other side, large quantity of plywood thas is used as a formwork material goes to waste after casting. Both of those factors generate substantial amount of CO2 emissions. Is there a solution that could help solve this problem? Cast Green aims to explore the potential of clay as an alternative formwork material for concrete casting. It focuses on the problem of extensive use of plywood formorks in the process of casting that contributes to the generation of C02 emissions and seeks to provide new manufacturing solution for the industry. Furthermore, the project aims to bridge the gap between formwork design and fabrication techniques by formulating the relationship between geometries and fabrication parameters.

Formwork Cost of Concrete Casting Formwork fabrication greatly impact the whole concrete fabrication industries: no matter for the standard elements or the non-standard elements, formworks respond to more than 70% of the entire cost.

Embodied Carbon of Formwork When we zoom in to the embodied carbon of traditional plywood formworks: Assume 1 ton plywood formwork are produced and transported to the site with total 200km travelled by road. The embodied carbon of the materials will be 870kg.

Environmental Impact of Formwork for Casting After the calculation of different perspective and we zoom out to the whole picture, a severe truth shows to us: formwork fabrication takes responsibility to 70% of CO2 emission in the while concrete industry, and 63.45% of CO2 emission is generated in product stage.

Main Goal Since most of the formworks could only be reused for 5-8 times and after the production life circle, them couldn’t be fully recycled, it’s a huge waste. To achieve the 4E main aim: a question is thrown out: Whether there is a material with low environmental impact, low cost, that can be used as a formwork to fabricate castable materials ?

Fabrication Technique for Casting Traditional Method

Digital Metho

A technology of construction of buildings where walls and slabs of the buildings are cast at the site inside the formworks.

Under the digital data directly drive casted sprayed or deposited by the equipment to form various part g

3D Printing

CNC Mould

Concrete is deposited under the computer control to create a three dimensional obkect layer by layer.

Liquid concrete mixture is delivered into a regular shape mold with pre embedded reinforcements.

Geometry: Vertical Formwork Cost: None Materials: None Reforcement: Unavailable Cast Method: Automatically deposite CastOrder: Layered

Geometry: Regular Formwork Cost: Large Materials: Plywood, Steel Reforcement: Available Cast Method: Maunally pouring CastOrder: Globally

Textile Mould


Concrete is sprayed on a formwork consisting of a tensioned cable net covered with a thin membrane.

Concr a hy from

Geometry: Tension only Formwork Cost: Less Materials: Membrance Reforcement: Available Cast Method: Maunally spary CastOrder: Globally









· Formwork free. · Aesthetic. · Output is precisely controled.

· Widely uesd in industry. · Faster construction time.

· Reinforcement is unavailable. · Available geometry is limited.

· Materials cost is huge. · Available geometry is limited.

· Materials saving. · Structure optimazed.

· · ·

· Available geometry is limited.

· ·

Formwork Materials for Casting Traditional Materials The materials are widely used in current construction and have a mature manufacturing process.



Plywood is a manufactured product of timber that used for formworks. It consists of veneer sheets or plies in layers.

Geometry: Regular or simple Materials Cost: Large Fabrication Method: CNC Dimolish Method: Manually removal Recyclable: No

· Size free. · Strong but light in weight. · Easy to fabricate.


· Materials cost is huge. · Carbon footprint is huge.


Steel can also be used as formwork material. It is costly but it can be used for more number of times than others.



The m construct

Ice formwork is a set of original solutions developed to challenge environmental performance of concrete prefabrication.


Geometry: Regular or simple Materials Cost: Large Fabrication Method: Castting Dimolish Method: Manually removal Recyclable: Yes


· Durable and stronger. · Great reusability. · Easy to assemble and demolish.


· Cost is very much higher. · Size and shapes is limited.


Geometry: No limited Materials Cost: Less Fabrication Method: CNC Dimolish Method: Melting Recyclable: Yes


· Geometry free. · Materials is easily access.


· Time consume. · Required special conditions.


es, concrete are manufacturing geometries.

D Printed Mould

Continuous Shaping

rete is sprayed and casted into ybrid formwork system made m 3D-printed and CNC parts.

A continuous robotic slip-forming process that casts concrete structure with a small formwork.

Geometry: No limited Formwork Cost: Large Materials: Plywood, Steel Reforcement: Available Cast Method: Maunally pouring CastOrder: Globally

Geometry: Regular or simple Formwork Cost: Less Materials: PP, Membrane Reforcement: Available Cast Method: Aitomatically pouring CastOrder: Locally





· Materials saving. · Structure optimazed. · Building system is integrated.

· Materials saving. · Formwork saving.

· Formwork cost is huge. · Time consuming.

· Materials requires special care.

Background Research To find out the potential opportunities of developing a new fabrication technique for castable materials. I take concrete as an example, study and conclude the advantages and disadvantages of current fabrication technique and formwork martials.

New Materials

materials are not widely uesd in current tion and the whole fabrication process is still under exploration.



Plastic is a formwork material which is used for small concrete structures or for complex portions of the structure.

A materials human have a lot process experiences already. This few years people start to further explore its' potential.


Geometry: No limited Materials Cost: Less Fabrication Method: 3D-printting Dimolish Method: Manually removal Recyclable: Yes


· Can be easily handled. · Great reusability. · Geometry free.


· Size limited. · Weak in againsting heat.

On the one side, the most traditional and widely used technique nowadays for concrete casting is manually pouring the mixture into the CNC mould. This way for concrete fabrication is cheap. However, this method only available for simple geometries. Most of the materials inside the structure are performance less, which means those materials are wasted. On the other side, there are some other new fabrication technique that could reduce the concrete used, like 3D printing or spreading. However, they also have a lot of limitations in term of economic side or geometry design side.


Geometry: No limited Materials Cost: Less Fabrication Method: 3D-printting Dimolish Method: Manually removal Recyclable: Yes


· Carbon footprint is zero. · Materials is easily access. · Easy to fabricate.


· Weak in mechanics. · Absort water.

About the formwork materials, the traditional materials for concrete formwork are plywood, steel and EPS. Although people already developed a mature fabrication system for them in concrete industries. However, those materials are expensive and non- environmentally friendly. There are also some new materials like ice, plastic and clay. These materials could be fully recycle after used and wouldn’t seriously impact the environment. But compare with the traditional materials, still required further exploration to develop a fabrication system that could implement them into the current concrete fabrication industries. After the compared between different fabrication technique and formworks materials. Pouring and casting is still the best fabrication method for concrete in term of structure performance and cost. And I think that clay will be the best materials to match this fabrication method.

Fabrication Parameters


The shrinkage of the clay will result in the deformation of the geometry when it dry, which further will influence both the strength of the formwork and accuracy of the output.

Relate Parameters Shape Height and radius Printing pattern

Shrinkage Values Collection

Measure the dimension values of the geometries after printed and dried. All the data are collected for the next step analysis.

Data Analyzation

After linear regression analysis, formulas for shrinkage in different direction and geometry's dimension are summarised.


The stability of the formwork makes sure the hydrostatic pressure g from casted mixture wouldn't destroy the formwork before the mix

Relate Parameters Hydrostatic pressure Layer width

Hydrostatic Pressure

Understanding the relationship between forms and hydrostatic pressure, the tes about the stability of formwork will start from those based relationship.

Thickness Calculation

After fabrication testing, some revisions for the universal formula are needed i order to increase the stability.


generated xture cure.



Limited by the moving range of the robot and the materials properties of clay, the formwork of whole geometry will be divide into several parts and fabricate individually.

Relate Parameters Assemble methods

Interlock System

Two types of interlock system are proposed. After the test, the insert interlock was chosen as the interlock system for clay formworks.

Groove Interlock

Insert Interlock


Fabrication Testing After choosing clay as the new formwork materials for casting, testing is required to understand how clay can work as a formwork material. Start from the materials properties of clay, some fabrication parameters are got shrinkage, stability and assemble. For each fabrication parameter, several relate parameters will be tested. And after those tests, some conclusion will be draw, which will be applied to the later prototype fabrication process.

Vertical Geometry Prototypes Bubble exists inside the mixture, which need to be removed.

Ga the ful

Mixture is not properly cure, the concrete piece cracked when remove the clay formwork.

In cas cor

The mixture is not successfully infill the space.

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

Geometry Parameters

Formwork Parameters

Fabrication Parameters

Geometry Parameters

Formwork Parameters

Fabrication Pa

Diameter: 100mm Height: 100mm Height and diameter ratio: 1 : 1 Openning number: 4 Openning diameter: 25mm Maximun slope of openning: 45°

Diameter: 100mm Height: 106mm Layer height: 1.25mm Layer amount: 85 Wall thickness: 5mm

Presure: 2 bar Printting speed: 10mm/s Mixture recipe: Cement and water Mixture water cement ratio: 41.7% Casting Process: One formwork cast in one time Vibrate concrete: No Internal surface of formwork is wet: No

Diameter: 100mm Height: 100mm Height and diameter ratio: 1 : 1 Openning number: 2 Openning diameter: 25mm Maximun slope of openning: 45°

Diameter: 100mm Height: 106mm Layer height: 1.25mm Layer amount: 85 Wall thickness: 5mm

Presure: 2 bar Printting speed: 10m Mixture recipe: Cem Mixture water cemen Casting Process: On Vibrate concrete: Ye Internal surface of fo

Horizontal Geometry Prototypes Concrete is not properly cured in the weaker part.

Wi mi

Cracks and bubble exist in the interface parts between clay and mixture.

Wi pro ag wa

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

Geometry Parameters

Formwork Parameters

Fabrication Parameters

Geometry Parameters

Formwork Parameters

Fabrication Pa

Length: 160mm Width: 160mm Height: 40mm Block Amounts: 8

Boundary formwork: Acrylic Wall thickness: 4mm Individual formwork: Yes Layer height: 1.25mm

Presure: 2 bar Printting speed: 10mm/s Mixture recipe: Cement and water Mixture water cement ratio: 41.7% Vibrate concrete: Yes Internal surface of formwork is wet: Yes

Length: 160mm Width: 160mm Height: 40mm Block Amounts: 8

Boundary formwork: Acrylic Wall thickness: 4mm Individual formwork: Yes Layer height: 1.25mm

Presure: 2 bar Printting speed: 10m Mixture recipe: Cem Mixture water cemen Vibrate concrete: Ye Internal surface of fo

Bubble exist because of the vibration is not enough.

ap still exist because of e formwork crack when it ll with mixture.

The shifting between top and bottom part exists because the interlock part of two formworks is not match.

bigger size openning's se, the accuracy in the rner is low.


mm/s ment and water nt ratio: 41.7% ne formwork cast in one time es ormwork is wet: No

Prototype 3 Geometry Parameters

Formwork Parameters

Fabrication Parameters

Diameter: 100mm Height: 200mm Height and diameter ratio: 2 : 1 Openning number: 2 Openning diameter: 10mm Maximun slope of openning: 45°

Diameter: 100mm Height: 106mm Layer height: 1.25mm Layer amount: 170 Wall thickness: 5mm

Presure: 2 bar Printting speed: 10mm/s Mixture recipe: Cement, water and sand Mixture water cement ratio: 50.0% Casting Process: Two formworks cast in one time Vibrate concrete: Yes Internal surface of formwork is wet: No

ith less water ratio, the ixture cured better.

Casting result is low accuracy because the continuous formwork shrinking dramatically when it getting dry.

ithout waterproof ocessed, crack appearing gain, but less than high ater ratio mixture's case.


mm/s ment and water nt ratio: 30.0% es ormwork is wet: Yes

Cracks exist again with new concrete recipe, additive or reinforcement is need to strength the materials.

Prototype 3 Geometry Parameters

Formwork Parameters

Fabrication Parameters

Length: 160mm Width: 160mm Height: 40mm Block Amounts: 0

Boundary formwork: Acrylic Wall thickness: 4mm Individual formwork: Yes Layer height: 1.25mm

Presure: 2 bar Printting speed: 10mm/s Mixture recipe: Cement ,water and sand Mixture water cement ratio: 50.0% Vibrate concrete: Yes Internal surface of formwork is wet: Yes

Prototype Testing With the data collected in the fabrication testing, I summarised the relationship between the geometries and the fabrication parameters. To prove the correctness of those formulas. I fabricated some prototypes in scale with the formulate I derived from the previous step. The diagrams showed here are the fabrication parameters and result evaluation of two types of geometry. With that fabrication information of scaled prototypes, I will apply them in the 1:1 scale prototype.


Target Geometry

H Clay Formworks

Geometry Parameters Height: 300mm Top Radius: 60mm Bottom Radius: 45mm Openning Amount: 2 Openning Diameter: 10mm



Geometry and Formwork Set-up The target geometry is column with 300mm in height, 120mm in top diameter and 90mm in bottom diameter. The formwork for casting is fully made by clay. Reinforcement is allowed with this fabrication technique.

Formwork 1 Height: 100mm Top Diameter: 120mm Bottom Diameter: 105mm Per Layer Width: 5mm Layer Amount: 2 Wall Thickness: 10mm

Formwork 2 Height: 100mm Top Diameter: 105mm Bottom Diameter: 100mm Per Layer Width: 5mm Layer Amount: 3 Wall Thickness: 15mm

Formwork 3 Height: 100mm Top Diameter: 100mm Bottom Diameter: 95mm Per Layer Width: 5mm Layer Amount: 4 Wall Thickness: 20mm

Formwork Detail The section of the formwork for casting vertical geometry. The chart shows the relationship between the thickness of the formwork and the hydrostatic pressure: the thickness is increased hierarchically with the height of the formwork increased.

Final Prototype The final casted piece with reinforcement bars.

Target Geometry

Infilled Geometry





Infilled Clay Formworks

Geometry Parameters Height: 100mm Length: 1000mm Width: 1000mm Volume: 0.073m Block amount: 56

Traditional Formwork

Targrt Geometry

Formwork System

Geometry and Formwork Set-up The target geometry is a 1m * 1m * 0.1m block with 56 holes inside. The formwork system consists of two parts: the infilled clay formworks which could be totally recycled after used and the traditional formworks that can easily be fabricated.





1000 100 40

Section A-A

100 30



Section B-B

1000 100 20





Section C-C

Plan and Sections The plan and sections shows the detail information of the target geometry.

Final Prototype The formwork for final prototype and the final casted piece.

Programming Works 86|93

3.1 Green Noise


Green Noise Perlin Noise in Python and C# Team Project Role in Project: Algorithm studying, Programming and Modeling. Instructor: Angel Muñoz December 2021

Green noise is a programming project trying to understand and explore the potential of applying math in architecture design. Although current architecture design industry looks like far away from math, it was origin from the same root before. Those elegant ancient buildings like temples or Colosseums were designed based on strong mathematical logics either for structure reason or aesthetics reason. Undoubtedly, as designer, we should rethink the potential of math in designing. The modern powerful computing ability of computer bring people into a new age to explore the world. Even though the complex problem required billion calculations could be solve easily in a second, which means people will have the opportunity to explore the aesthetic value that hidden by a more complex mathematical problem. In this project, we start from one of the most famous problems in both math and computer graphics: the n-dimension continuous random distribution, or noise. Noise is usually used for generating texture in CG field. But with the exploration of noise, different variants were invented, such as Perlin Noise or Worley Noise. In the project, we program and realize the algorithm of those different types of noise in Grasshopper with Python and C#. Play with different parameters of the noise and apply them into geometry generation. At the end, with the advanced fabrication tool to bring our design into real.

Noise and Perlin Noise The noise is generated with a totally random n dimension array of float number. The Perlin noise is generated based on the noise with a smooth interpolation algorithm. After 1983 developed by Ken Perlin, it had been used in CG field a lot already.

Art is Noise The applications of Perlin noise in digital illustration design show the huge aesthetic potential of this algorithm. However, the exploration of Perlin noise's aesthetic value still stays in the 2-dimension now. What if we introduce this excellent formula into 3D geometry design?

1. Domain divided into grid with unit cell.

2. Generate a sample point inside the cell.

3. In the cell corner, generate random vectors.

4. Calculate the vectors from sample point

to the corner.

5. Get the value by dot product.

6. Apply the smoothstep to the value.

Algorithm The algorithm for Perlin noise includes following steps: 1. domain subdivided into grid with unit cells; 2.sample point inside the cell; 3. Generate random vectors in the vertices of the cell; 4. calculate vectors from sample points to cell's vertices; 5. dot product for those corresponding vector; 6. apply smoothstep interpolation to the values.

Pseudo Code The pseudo code shows the workflow that how to generate and apply the Perlin noise into the 3D geometry modelling. By UV mapping the input geometry, the based grid for generating Perlin noise is obtained. Apply the Perlin noise algorithm to generate the random values that later will used for modifying the geometry.

Case1: Bulge



Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 0.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) Octave: 1

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 0.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) Octave: 1

Operation: Plus Function: None Ratio: 1.0 : 1.0

Case2: Trunk

Perlin Noise

Noise Parameters

+ Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 1.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) Octave: 1

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 0.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) Octave: 1

Operation: Plus Function: None Ratio: 1.0 : 1.4

Case3: Zebra

Size: 10 x 10 Sample Points: 10000 Frequcry: 1 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Worley Noise




Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 0.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) Octave: 1

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 0.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(-0.5, -0.5, 0.0) Octave: 3

Operation: Plus Function: Sin(x) Ratio: 1.0 : 1.0

Case4: Turbulence



Noise Parameters Size: 10 x 10 Sample Points: 10000 Cell Number: 17 Output Values: f1, f2, f3 and f4

Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Jitter: 0.0 Align Vector: Vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) Octave: 2

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Cell Number: 17 Output Values: f1 and f2 Function: Sin(x)

Operation: Plus Function: Sin(x) Ratio: 1.0 : 1.0

Case5: Wave



Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Cell Number: 52 Output Values: f1 and f2 Function: f2 - f1

Noise Type: Perlin Noise Cell Number: 52 Output Values: f3 and f4 Function: f4 - f3

Operation: Plus Function: None Ratio: 1.0 : 1.0

Noise Operations With different mathematical operations and combination, different types of texture could be generated with only two based noise texture.

Geometry Case1:

Geometry Case2:



Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Filter Ranger: None Filter Operation: None Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Filter Ranger: None Filter Operation: None Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 2 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³


Geometry: Geometry Parameters

Geometry Parameters

Dimension: 20 * 20 Unit Dimension: 5 * 5 Unit Amount: 4 Resolution: 30 * 30 Amplitude: 0.5

Dimension: 20 * 20 Unit Dimension: 5 * 5 Unit Amount: 4 Resolution: 30 * 30 Amplitude: 0.5

Geometry Case3:

Geometry Case4:



Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Filter Ranger: x < -0.25 Filter Operation: Remap to 1 - 4 Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Filter Ranger: x < -0.25 Filter Operation: Remap to 1 - 4 Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³


Geometry: Geometry Parameters

Geometry Parameters

Dimension: 20 * 20 Unit Dimension: 5 * 5 Unit Amount: 4 Resolution: 30 * 30 Amplitude: 0.5

Dimension: 20 * 20 Unit Dimension: 5 * 5 Unit Amount: 4 Resolution: 30 * 30 Amplitude: 0.5

Geometry Case5:

Geometry Case6:



Noise Parameters

Noise Parameters

Filter Ranger: x > 0.25 Filter Operation: Remap to 1 - 4 Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Filter Ranger: x > 0.25 Filter Operation: Remap to 1 - 4 Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³


Geometry: Geometry Parameters

Geometry Parameters

Dimension: 20 * 20 Unit Dimension: 5 * 5 Unit Amount: 4 Resolution: 30 * 30 Amplitude: 0.5

Dimension: 20 * 20 Unit Dimension: 5 * 5 Unit Amount: 4 Resolution: 30 * 30 Amplitude: 0.5

Geometry Catalog By filtering the values and apply different octaves, functions or mathematical operations, the simple continuous random values also contain infinite aesthetic potentials.

Case1 Geometry Parameters Form: Cylinder Radius: 35mm Height: 120mm

Noise Parameters Noise Type: Perlin noise Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Fabrication Parameters Pressure: 2.5 bar Printing Speed: 25mm/s

Case2 Geometry Parameters Form: Cylinder Radius: 35mm Height: 60mm

Noise Parameters Noise Type: Perlin noise Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 5 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Fabrication Parameters Pressure: 2.5 bar Printing Speed: 25mm/s

Fabrication: 3D

These are some 3D printing clay works done with ABB ro Voronoi noise. By modifying and aligning the random vec be generated. The prototypes show how Perlin no

D-printed Clay

obot. The geometries are generated by the Perlin noise and ctors assigned to the grid corners, different results could oise can bring us interesting application in design.

Case3 Geometry Parameters Form: Cylinder Radius: 35mm Height: 120mm

Noise Parameters Noise Type: Voronoi noise Function: None Frequecy for Function: 0 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Fabrication Parameters Pressure: 2.5 bar Printing Speed: 25mm/s

Case4 Geometry Parameters Form: Cone Radius: 25mm Height: 80mm

Noise Parameters Noise Type: Perlin noise Function: Sin(x) Frequecy for Function: 3 Smoothstep: 6t⁵ - 15t⁴+10t³

Fabrication Parameters Pressure: 2.5 bar Printing Speed: 25mm/s

Other Works 96 | 97

4.1 JINXIUTANG Haabitability Research


4.2 Tea House


4.3 YAKUSHIJI East Pagoda


4.4 TriArch


4.5 Complxe Geometry Identify with ANN


4.6 Plug-in Developing


4.7 3D Print Clay

104 | 105 4.8 Other Works


JINXIUTANG Haabitability Research Habitability of Traditional Dwelling Research Individual Project Instructor: Ran Chen July 2016

Ground Floor Plan 11:00 A.m

3:00 P.m

6:00 P.m

Full Day

3:00 P.m

6:00 P.m

Full Day




9:00 A.m


Sun Path of Hongcun

Second Floor Plan 11:00 A.m







9:00 A.m



Radiation of Hongcun

Radiation of Different Seasons

Radiation Analyze Calculate the indoor radiation level with local climate data. The data is processed already based on local micro weather. The grid size for simulation is 0.1m x 0.1m.

Microclimate Map Visulazation

Adaptive Comfort Chart

Indoor Thermal Comfort Analyze Because there are not HVAC system exist in ancient times, most of tranditional dwellings are designed as passive buildings. Based on the research, adaptive model is more accutate than PMV model in this case. Adaptive model is constructed based on dry bulb temperature, radiant temperature, prevailing outdoor temperature and wind speed.


Tea House Robotic Tectonics Construction Team Project Role in Project: Geometry Design, Drawing and Construction Instructor: Xinyu Shi, Olga Kovrikova, Tudor Cosmtu and Alexandr Kalachev (UNStudio) October 2016

This project is a tea house design in the Qingdao University of Technology' Sifang campus. The design goal is to provide students an open space for relaxing. The project main at understand how advanced fabrication tool can bring designer freedom to explore the potential complex form geometry in architecture design.


YAKUSHIJI East Pagoda Research of Traditonal Architecture Team Project Role in Project: Modeling Instructor: Lin Zhao December 2016

Chinese traditional building has a rich history and glamour. However, most of buildings have disappeared in the long process of history. Fortunately, some of them have been preserved in other countries during the spread of culture. The research main at study YAKUSHIJI east pagoda, one of the representative buildings of Tang style buildings.


TriArch Robotic Pick & Place Team Project Role in Project: Fabrication Assistant and Design Assistant Instructor: Ricardo Mayor and Lana Awad March 2022

Advanced fabrication tool bring designer more freedom to realize their design. Robot arm can precisely and quickly fabricate numerous different block that generated with some logic. TriArch is a project to explode how we can use this benefit of robot to achieve an amazing result from digital to real in one week.


Complxe Geometry Identify with ANN Application of Machine Learning in Architecture Team Project Role in Project: Programming Instructor: Mateusz Zwierzycki April 2022

The goal of this research is trying to train the computer to recognize a complex form building element as human with neural network. By designing the input geometry date process and ANN network set-up, we can further understand how AI could be applied in architectural field.


Plug-in Developing Grasshopper Plug-in Develop Individual Project

I developed and realised a set of Grasshopper plug-in already. This is a plug-in relate to noise values, which is totally based on RhinoCommon. I hope people can explore and enjoy the funny of a more interesting world when there use my plug-ins.


3D Print Clay Robotic Fabrcation Work Individual Project

Traditional clay works required the rich experience in aesthetics and high skill in manufacturing. However, with the development of fabrication technique, the robotic arm brings people the opportunity to experience the interests of this art. Here is some of my works that I done within my master study life.

T.I.T Team Project Instructor: Manja Van de Worp and Raimund Krenmueller

Air Well Team Project Instructor: Rodrigo Aguirre and Ivan Marchuk

Glulam Tension Team Project Instructor: Tom Svilans and Shyam Zonca


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