ho pe
h omeless o utreach, p romoting e mpathy
You can make a difference.
We are student organization Lorem ipsuma dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis who aims to help the homeless of the Los area.magna hendrerit lorem in fermentum posuere.Angeles Maecenas
Homeless Outreach Empathyauctor (HOPE) velit, gravida in tellusPromoting lobortis, euismod est. is Mauris based California State University Dominguez Hills sed eratinnon justo hendrerit consectetur sit amet non velit. In
W ho A re W e?
(CSUDH), and we striveMaecenas to serve as an avenue for eu all faciligravida semper sagittis. molestie et lacus whoNunc wishsit to reach out and help. WeSuspendisse are compromosied sis. amet convallis augue. porta lectus of student andviverra staff volunteers who want euismod risus tempus a egestas diam.to make a difference in our community.
t he f acts Los angeles is considered the homeless capitol of america and this is a staggering issue that many people are not aware of. Part of our philosphy and duty is that we try to promote awareness and empathy to people that are unaware or have misconceptionsd of this issue.
100 %
77 %
L.A. : the homeless capitol more than 25% are of america mentally ill
32% have bachelor’s degree or higher
homelessness has gone up 13% IN THE LAST 2 YEARS
How can you get involved? HOPE offers many ways for our volunteers to get involved. Every 3rd Sunday of the month, we head out to the 1st Congregational Church in Long Beach, where we personally deliver hygiene kits to the homeless. Joining HOPE will lead to may opportunities that will
meetings, where we assemble our hygience kits, and
allow you to engage in helpful opportunies. Our
engage in discussion about potential ideas that we can
outreaches to Long Beach serve as a unique and
initiate to benefit the homeless. Volunteers can also
rewarding experience because volunteer get to reach
help spread the word by passing out informative
out hands on. Volunteers can also attend our weekly
flyers, and you can donate with goods or cash to help.
We will always try to act as an avenue for both help and information. By contacting us, you will find out more about what resources are available and learn what way best suits you to help. Any type of help or donation is truly appreciated, and HOPE will always continue to reach out and give.
contact/DONATION information For more information, please feel free to contact us Phone: (310)-243-3197 Email: csudh_hope@gmail.com
“Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give.�