Architectural Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO Selected works

Ponciano Castro Oliveira












“Recuperación de un lugar histórico mediante una nueva conexión entre el Carrer Nou y el Passeig de Mossén Joan Riba de Cardona.” El tejido histórico de Cardona ha sufrido un grave proceso de deterioro de su borde, así como una pérdida de la relación que el casco tenía con el territorio circundante. La destrucción progresiva de la muralla medieval, los tejidos urbanos posteriores realizados a lo largo del siglo XX y el desarrollo de nuevas infraestructuras viarias, han provocado que ciertos espacios urbanos, antes vinculados de forma directa, ahora se muestren fragmentados e incomunicados entre sí. El espacio público periférico al casco antiguo se encuentra totalmente ocupado por el vehículo privado, llegando incluso a ocupar espacios del tejido medieval, generando una barrera entre el espacio público y los lugares de interés, e incluso entre el paisaje y la ciudad. Ante esta situación, la conexión del Carrer Nou con el Passeig de Mossén Joan Riba, constitullle una oportunidad para relacionar de forma directa mediante un ascensor, el ámbito de acceso a la ciudad con sus activadores, y el nodo de dotaciones conformado por la Residencia, el CAP y el Instituto situados en la cota superior. Este atajo permitiría llegar de forma accesible desde la entrada del pueblo al punto más alto del tejido histórico sin necesidad de utilizar el coche. El hecho de situar la nueva conexión en este lugar, tensiona el espacio público generando nuevas dinámicas que potencian el uso del mismo, tanto en su base, con las últimas huertas históricas en estado de abandono, como en su cota superior, donde aparecen sendos puntos de observación del paisaje productivo y patrimonial. El proyecto se convierte en el germen de un plan maestro, que consiste en generar una centralidad en torno a este lado de la ciudad vinculada al valle productivo de Cardona, a su entrada y a su patrimonio construido. Los condicionantes del emplazamiento y la sucesión de construcciones históricas, muy vinculadas a la topografía y al lugar, sirven como referencia para la nueva conexión, materializada en un plano que se incrusta en el terreno de forma perpendicular a la pendiente y que aúna la pasarela de acceso y la torre del ascensor en un único gesto. La masividad de la pieza se resuelve mediante un muro de tierra compactada reutilizando el material local, proveniente de la propia excavación. La formalización del proyecto, junto con su sistema constructivo, ofrece la oportunidad de incorporar unos acumuladores de agua en los escalonammientos de la cimentación, que servirán para potenciar y mejorar el ámbito de las huertas urbanas actualmente en deterioro. La nueva conexión, en resumidas cuentas ,ofrece una alternativa a la movilidad, dotando de accesibilidad al encuentro entre dos puntos de gran actividad urbana y recuperando dos lugares de encuentro, tanto de forma pasiva mediante las nuevas agua de lluvia.

[ Institution: ETSAV Proyect: New Conection Seat: Cardona, Cataluña ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira Tutor:Roger Joan Sauquet Llonch Year: 2019-2020 ]


The stream and the road constitute a main axis at the conurbation between Viladecans and Sant Climent, towns which belong to the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona but that Whereas one of them is metropolitan and linked to the capital, the second one, more isolated by its noticeable topography, is linked to the nature. Braiding axes aspires to establish a bidirectional synergy between both localities, an axis that braids the distinct programmatic stripes around it, arising key encounters that create third spaces, inserted between the dwellings, the production and the public spaces. The intervention proposes environmental character strategies,

[ Institutiรณn: EUROPAN 15 Proyect: Urbanizatio [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira, Mikel

on Seat: Sant Climent de Llobregat, Barcelona ] Sainz de Rozas, UxĂ­a Varela Year: 2019 ]

Step 1

between both areas. Therefore, the walking and cycling axis needs to be

Step 2

Secondly, Sant Climent needs to highlight its value in the conurbation, by starting its cultural and leisure activities in relation to Can Molins, so that it will activate a biderectionality in the town to town relationship.

Step 3

Eventually, this area will be built up linked to the existing industry as an activator and creaiting new third spaces. Also, it will be a step in order to change the kind of industry located in Sant Climent. At the same time, the new space will be a proper start for the pedestrian and cycling routes.

SYNERGY AND COEXISTENCE The project, at urban scale, is understood as a succession of convergences between the programmatic stripes, key encounters that create third spaces, inserted between the dwellings, the production and the public spaces. The disposition of the built mass rises as an answer to these convergences, correlations. Streets and squares of pedestrian character, in relation with the mount and the stream, that give response to the domestic scale for the neighbours, to he need of certain services for the surrounding industry and to the reality of conurbation, as it is the closest part to Viladecans and, therefore, the start point of healthy routs for the visitors on foot or on bicycle.

in a controlled way through an adapted bridge, only for the service or parking. Eventually, the linear blocks are low buildings with urban character that hold a mixture of uses; productive and housing. The productive cores complement the existent industry and provide it with exposition spaces distribution centres. Some foot- bridges located to the north make the entrance accessible to the habitable bars, of passing typology and located at the tail of these blocks.

Relationship between the existing and new dwelling spac two footbridges

ces by

The back path in the existing industrial buldings becomes public guarantying synergyes with dwellings, pedestrians and new uses.

The walls facing the stream are treated with vegetation and vegetal slopes to improve the ecological exchage.The section of the existing


transversalidades físicas e do posterior desenvolvemento de aquela que presenta máis coincidencias coa folla de ruta anteriormente presentada. Despois de observar as dinámicas de cada un dos eixos transversais, recoñecemos coma caso de estudo o eixo-espiña antigas lonxas, o mercado, Rúa Galicia, Praza España, Rúa Mendiño, ata chegar á parcela onde se construirá o novo auditorio e a subida cara o Parque Periurbano. Establecemos entón tres novos temas transversais de traballo, se poidan exportar a toda Ribeira. Na nosa estratexia tamén redactaremos un documento ou folla de ruta, que cremos que pode ser útil para que se poidan levar a cabo acción que consideren estas observacións. - Identidade, que proporá estratexias de protección de patrimonio material e inmaterial, así como de promoción da indentidade local coma garantía de futuro públicos existentes e a proposta de actividades que respondan a necesidades da vila - Espazo público, que buscará a creación dunha nova dirección de conexión entre o espacio cidade e o seu entorno natural

[ Institutión: Fundación Ría Proyect: Masterp [ Team: Multidisciplin

plan WSeat: Santa UxĂ­a de Ribeira, Galicia ] nar team Year: 2019 ]


The Elviña campus and the Zapateira campus have almost all the UDC’s faculties.The topographic jump between both causes that they are understood like two independent campuses. In the following exercise a reordering of the place is proposed with the creation of a polyvalent building, and the development of an element that solves the great existing topographic leap. For this project it is proposed to combine both needs and a [runway building] is designed.This building is molded with the existing topography and its supports are inspired by the ancient Celtic settlements [Castros]. The proyect has two footbridges, the one that resolves the topographic jump, and the other, that connects the future metropolitan park with the old rural settlements. The relationship with the topography and vegetation are fundamental to insert a public building of large dimensions with traditional settlements. This vegetation also perform 3 fundamental functions: It diminishes the scale of the piece and helps to link itself with the existing buildings, it controls the entrance of light by vegetation of expired leaf turb the landscape. The main uses of the building are cafeteria work

[Image of castros]

[ Institutión: UDC Proyect: Connector building Seat: A Coruña, Galicia ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira Year: 2018 ]

[Site plan]

[ Institutión: UDC Proyect: Connector building Seat: A Coruña, Galicia ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira Year: 2018 ]







The project for the competition of the arquia foundation consists in the design of a lay chapel in the Future Square of Glories in Barcelona, designed by the UTE studio Agence Ter & Ana Coello de Llobet. The chapel consists of an abstract space not related to the historical symbolism of religions, and uses ancestral concepts such as the prehistoric menhir or the meditation space. The studies of the vacuum of Jorge de Oteiza are based on conceptual, generating a piece that envelops the space that born and dies on the ground. The piece adapting to the conditions of the place, where it is located, and ending with a covered space in which to enjoy of silence and light.

“Space is the place that is dislodged, the void that is made to itself statue“ Jorge de Oteiza

[ Institutión: Arquia Fundation Proyect: Competition, Lay chapel Seat: Barcelona ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira Year:2016 ]


The project consist to design a small museum and interpretation center in the coastal city of Izmir (Turkey). The restoration of the Roman agora located in the heart of the city, attracts large numbers of tourists, and the city begins to demand a museum that can house part of the archaeological discoveries, as well as the restoration and maintenance works. The project is planned outside the agora zone, this is due to the ambiguity of the excavation processes and the non-determination of the archaeological limits. The proposal is based in the territory where before there were a series of houses attached to the edge of the old agora. The volume not only complements the empty space but also dialogues with the environment and generates two well as a new front that recomposes and consolidates the archaeological space of the Agora,materializing a new great square in which the ancient ruins of the Agora are included. The building pretend to establish a relationship with history, reinterpreting the historical concepts of basilical and stylobate space used in the roman agoras.

[ Institutiรณn: UAH Proyect: Museum and interpretation center Seat: Izmir, Turkey ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira Year:2016 ]







We are located in Oberalteich, Boguen. A place characterized by it being an important pilgrimage point of old Bavaria. The disentailment provoked the loss of the image of the place, organized by a succession of cloisters.It is requested an urban intervention at a global level, and the implementation of a large university exchange area.The main program consists of a main auditorium,study rooms, museum, public spaces and shelter. The proposal pretend to recover part of the oldest cloisters of the church, that have been fragmented throughout history.The least number of buildings is eliminated. Those that are rehabilitated are used to locate the most public parts of the program, activating the public space.The corner of the old cloister is reinterpreted due to the change of entrance of the city. It is perceived as a closed corner, but it really opens diagonally to the old church. These arms communicate underground, so as not to interrupt the connection with the public space of the main cloister.

[ InstitutiĂłn: E.T.S.A, O.T.H, E.S.N.A Proyect: University space and urban regeneration Seat: Oberalteich, Germany ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira,Adrian LĂłpez RancaĂąo Year:2015 ]

[Site plan]





The following project requests the execution of a spa in the surroundings of the historic Rovel with respect to the river, the scale of the adjacent buildings and the roads that surround it. The program consisted of a large space destined to a spa and some areas of public use, such as reception, administration, and cafe. The project is divided in two parts, a lower part in which the spa is located. This space is conceived as The upper public zone, which resolves the encounter with the urban space, conforming to the site, closing on itself and generating a small square. With this strategy the building turns its back on the unwanted elements and opens up to the river connecting with the future river walk.


[ Institutiรณn: UDC Proyect: Spa and public space Seat: Ourense, Galicia ] [ Team: Ponciano Castro Oliveira Year:2015 ]

[Site plan]



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