Pontio, Bangor Dydd Sadwrn / Saturday, 22.6.19 2-6pm
Dod a’r celfyddydau a gwyddoniaeth ynghyd Carnifal ar Adenydd Amser-Araf
Bringing the arts and science together Carnival of Flight Slow-Time
“It made me look with fresh eyes at both the arts and science.” Audience feedback
What is ‘Synthesis 19’? Synthesis is a fund to encourage scientists and artists working in the performing arts to develop ideas together which bridge two different worlds. Following the success of the initial pilot project in 2016, applications were again invited earlier this year and this will be an opportunity to share the two selected arts/science collaborations’ work in progress. Gain an insight into the collaborative process at the heart of Synthesis by visiting the exhibition in the glass case and screen on Level 0.
Where? Pontio, Bangor Saturday, 22 June 2-6pm
We’d love it if you could join us!
Beth yw ‘Synthesis 19’? Cronfa yw Synthesis i annog gwyddonwyr ac artistiaid sy'n gweithio yn y celfyddydau perfformio i ddod ynghyd i ddatblygu syniadau a phontio rhwng dau fyd gwahanol iawn i'w gilydd. Yn dilyn llwyddiant y project cychwynnol nôl yn 2016, gwahoddwyd ceisiadau eto yn gynharach eleni a bydd hwn yn gyfle i rannu'r ddau gynllun cydweithio celfyddydau/gwyddoniaeth a ddewiswyd ac sydd ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd. Cewch olwg ar y broses gydweithredol sydd with wraidd Synthesis trwy ymweld â’r arddangosfa yn y cas gwydr a’r sgrin ar Lefel 0.
Ble? Pontio, Bangor Dydd Sadwrn, 22 Mehefin 2-6pm
Dewch i ymuno â ni!
“Edrychais o’r newydd ar wyddoniaeth a’r celfyddydau drwy lygaid y projectau yma.” Adborth cynulleidfa
Slow-Time #SlowTime
Rachel Rosen (Interdisciplinary Artist) & Dr Vera Fitzsimmons-Thoss (Sustainable Chemistry)
Take an everyday substance and looks it under the microscope, what do you see? Watch it and see how over time it slowly changes…. Enter the fascinating world of salt crystals with Scientist Dr Vera FitzsimmonsThoss and Artist Rachel Rosen and go on a visual journey into the atomic world. Become a chemical catalyst in the crystallisation process by helping them make giant crystals that will grow over and encrust part of the Pontio building! The Studio Theatre and the area outside it will become a participatory installation for the afternoon, with a display of artefacts from the experimental process that the team have been working on, including salt crystals and salt-encrusted or corroded objects. There will be models, images and projections that explore crystallisation at a variety of scales and time intervals, including a special time-lapse projection of crystals growing. Listen in on the hour for ‘Science on the Sofa’ conversations about some of the research and technology involved in this project and join them at half-past every hour to take part in a ‘Catalyst Lab’ making crystals. Participatory installation runs throughout the afternoon. with support from
Carnival of Flight
#CarnivalofFlight Colin Daimond (Musician and Movement Artist) & Dr Kristen Crandell (Avian Scientist)
We invite all ages to “drop-in” and explore our multi-station activity zones introducing the Anatomy, Physics, and Beauty of how birds fly in their natural environments. The “Carnival of Flight” (“Carnifal ar Adenydd”) project is a symbiosis between arts and science and champions the study, respect and beauty of nature. International avian scientist Dr Kristen Crandell is a current lecturer in the School of Natural Sciences at Bangor University. Movement artists Colin Daimond and Peter Powell have years of experience in collaborative work on educational and professional carnival, choreographic and puppetry performance projects. The team, alongside dancers, drummers and puppeteers from local carnival band “Bloco Sŵn” are using birdlife as an inspiration to develop new dramatic performances for carnivals in the local area. Visitors can construct models based on actual bird anatomy from recycled materials and take on the physical challenges of Airflow and flocking patterns. Join them for the take off of the first “Carnival of Flight”! Workshops run throughout the day, with work-in-progress/ participatory performances at 3:30 and 5.30pm, see timetable. with support from
Amser-Araf #AmserAraf
Rachel Rosen (Artist Rhyngddisgyblaethol) & Dr Vera Fitzsimmons-Thoss (Cemeg Gynaliadwy)
Cymerwch rhywbeth yr ydych yn ei ddefnyddio bob dydd ac edrychwch arno o dan feicrosgop, beth welwch chi? Gwyliwch, ac fel welwch dros gyfnod sut y mae'n newid... Darganfyddwch fyd swynol crisialau halen gyda'r gwyddonydd Dr Vera FitzsimmonsThoss a'r artist Rachel Rosen ac ewch ar daith weledol i mewn i'r byd atomig. Dewch yn gatalydd cemegol yn y broses o grisialu drwy eu helpu i wneud crisialau mawr fydd yn tyfu dros ran o adeilad Pontio! Bydd y Theatr Stiwdio a’r ardal o’i gwmpas yn troi i mewn i fewnosodiad rhyngweithiol am y prynhawn, gydag arddangosfa o arteffactau o’r broses o arbrofi, gan gynnwys crisialau halen a gwrthrychau wedi eu gorchuddio gan, neu eu cyrydu gan halen. Bydd modelau, delweddau a tafluniadau sy’n archwilio crisialiad ar raddfeydd a chyfnodau gwahanol, gan gynnwys tafluniad arbennig ar dreigl amser o grisialau’n tyfu. Gwrandewch ar yr awr ar sgyrsiau ‘Gwyddoniaeth ar y Soffa’ am dipyn o’r gwaith ymchwil sydd wedi ei wneud fel rhan o’r project, ac ymunwch ar yr hanner awr mewn ‘Lab Catalydd’ i wneud crisialau. Bydd y mewnosodiad rhyngweithiol yn rhedeg drwy’r prynhawn. gyda chefnogaeth
Carnifal ar Adenydd #CarnifalarAdenydd
Colin Daimond (Cerddor ac Artist Symud) & Dr Kristen Crandell (Gwyddonydd Adar)
Rydym yn gwahodd pobl o bob oedran i ddarganfod ein gweithgareddau gwahanol sy’n cyflwyno anatomi, ffiseg, a harddwch sut mae adar yn hedfan yn eu hamgylchfyd naturiol. Mae’r prosiect yn symbiosis rhwng y celfyddydau a gwyddoniaeth ac yn annog astudiaeth a pharch at harddwch natur. Mae’r gwyddonydd adar rhyngwladol Dr Kristen Crandell yn darlithio yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Naturiol Prifysgol Bangor. Mae’r artistiaid symud Colin Daimond a Peter Powell wedi cydweithio ers blynyddoedd ar brojectau addysgiadol a phroffesiynol ym myd carnifal, coreograffi a phypedwaith. Mae’r tîm, ynghyd â dawnswyr, drymwyr a phypedwyr o fand carnifal ‘Bloco Sŵn’ yn defnyddio adar fel ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer datblygu perfformiadau dramatig newydd i garnifalau yn yr ardal leol. Bydd ymwelwyr yn medru adeiladu modelau yn seiliedig ar anatomi adar go iawn wedi eu gwneud allan o ddeunydd wedi ei ailgylchu a wynebu heriau llif aer a phatrymau heidio. Ymunwch wrth iddynt gynnal eu ‘Carnifal ar Adenydd’ cyntaf! Gweithdai’n rhedeg trwy’r dydd, gyda perfformiadau rhannu/ cymryd rhan am 3.30pm a 5.30pm, amserlen ar y daflen hon. gyda chefnogaeth
Amserlen Timetable Amser-Araf Slow-Time
2.00pm 2.30pm
‘Labordy Catalydd’ yn gwneud crisialau allan o bapur ‘Catalyst Labs’ making crystals from paper
Gwyddoniaeth ar y Soffa Science on the Sofa All About Salt with Alison Lea-Wilson from Halen Môn Stiwdio / Studio
‘Labordy Catalydd’ yn gwneud crisialau allan o bapur ‘Catalyst Labs’ making crystals from paper
Gwyddoniaeth ar y Soffa Science on the Sofa Scales in Crystallisation with Dr Leigh Jones, Lecturer in Chemistry, Bangor University Stiwdio / Studio
‘Labordy Catalydd’ yn gwneud crisialau allan o bapur ‘Catalyst Labs’ making crystals from paper
Gwyddoniaeth ar y Soffa Science on the Sofa
Arddangosfa rhyngweithiol ‘Amser-Araf’ ‘Slow-Time’ Interactive Exhibition Interactive exhibition area and creation of paper crystal installation running throughout the afternoon Arddangosfa rhyngweithiol a chreu mewnosodiad crisialau papur yn rhedeg drwy’r prynhawn Stiwdio / Studio
Rachel Rosen, Artist and Dr Vera Fitzsimmons-Thoss, Scientist on collaboration and the creative/ experimental process Stiwdio / Studio
Mae’r digwyddiadau i gyd AM DDIM a ‘galw i mewn’ – does dim angen tocyn. Fe’ch cynghorir i gyrraedd yn fuan i osgoi siomedigaeth o ran y digwyddiadau ‘Gwyddoniaeth ar y Soffa’. Efallai y bydd rhaid cyfyngu ar y niferoedd sy’n medru cymryd rhan ym mherfformiad Carnifal ar Adenydd. All events are FREE and drop-in – no ticket required. We advise you arrive early to avoid disappointment for the ‘Science on the Sofa’ events. We may have to limit numbers that can take part in the participatory performance of Carnival of Flight.
Carnifal ar adenydd Carnival of Flight Galw i mewn Gweithdy Creu Adar a Mecanyddiaeth Hedfan Drop-in Bird Making and Flight Mechanics Workshops Ystafell Cemlyn Jones Room Lefel / Level 2
Cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn perfformiad o ‘Carnifal ar Adenydd’ Participatory Performance of ‘Carnival of Flight’ Tu mewn a thu allan i adeilad Pontio / Inside and outside of Pontio building
Galw i mewn Gweithdy Creu Adar a Mecanyddiaeth Hedfan Drop-in Bird Making and Flight Mechanics Workshops Ystafell Cemlyn Jones Room Lefel / Level 2
Cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn perfformiad o ‘Carnifal ar Adenydd’ Participatory Performance of ‘Carnival of Flight’ Tu mewn a thu allan i adeilad Pontio / Inside and outside of Pontio building
Dewch i fwynhau cipolwg ar brojectau celf a gwyddoniaeth cyffrous! Come and gain an insight into some fascinating arts and science projects!
#Synthesis19 #AmserAraf #SlowTime #CarnifalarAdenydd #CarnivalofFlight @TrydarPontio @PontioTweets
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