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ISSUE NO. 1 Pony Anarchy is aimed at creative, fun and curious folk who enjoy Art, Photography, Fashion, Music and all things lovely! Editor Kristie Webster Contributing photographers Sophie Van der Perre, Hanna Kristina, Kristie Webster Cover Photographer: Sophie Van der Perre Submissions: we welcome submissions from new writers, photographers, illustrators and makers of pretty bits and pieces. Email your submissions to ponyanarchy@gmail.com with all your relevant details in the form of lo-res jpeg attachments, pdfs and/or links to websites, flickr or similar file-sharing sites. Advertising: for rates and information on advertising, sponsored posts, giveaways, text links and product reviews please contact us for a media kit. Contact Website: www.ponyanarchy.com General enquiries: ponyanarchy@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ponyanarchymagazine Twitter: @ponyanarchy Copyright is reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited. Email addresses are published for professional communications only.

CONTENTS Fabled & True

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Sarah McNeil

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Tuesday’s Child by Hanna Kristina

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Amy Blackwell

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Anabel Navarro Llorens

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Hanna Kristina

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I’m drawing you a dream by Sophie Van der Perre

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Gloria Marigo

Page 28

Hello, beautiful people! As we say goodbye to the cold weather and welcome the warm summer ahead I can’t help but feel a little excited. Excited for time off to photograph, play, listen to fabulous music, drink, eat and everything else that comes with summer! Forget sunburnt skin, terrible fake tans, sweaty thighs and dying from lack of air conditioning on public transport; it’s time to drink up those slurpees, hit the beach and look fabulous in the sun. This first issue of PONY ANARCHY features a bunch of creative photographers, illustrators and designers that will hopefully inspire you to create something fabulous this summer! I’d like to say a big thanks to all the fabulous creatives that contributed to this issue, you are truely amazing - so enjoy Issue No.1 and have a bangin’ Christmas! Kristie x





We love crochet. So naturally when we came across attachable crochet collars, we wet our pants a little. Yeah, yeah they’re pretty easy to do yourself if you happen to be an awesome crochet wizard but if not, Alice Nightingale has a lovely peach collar going for $20 on her etsy store. www.etsy.com/shop/alicenightingale

Illustrator and designer, Sarah Golden from Crafty Folk is a maker of brooches, stickers, necklaces, magnets and cups, functional and fun hand drawn design. Using paper, ink, fabric, wood, sticker paper, and vinyl Sarah creates fun wearable art. We especially love the Polaroid brooches! Find more at www.etsy.com/shop/craftyfolk

JulyS is a collective shop run by three lovely ladies - J, K and M. The line was originally started by J in 2010. Each item in the store is unique and very well made. J even accepts custom orders! Prices range from $20 to $200 Check out their stuff at www.etsy.com/shop/julys

19-year-old Melbourne based designer Tiffany, loves sewing and creating unique pieces for herself and friends. Her designs are simple and beautiful. If you like cute dresses, skirts and tops etc head over to her Etsy store www.thegirlwithafeather.etsy.com





Movember is upon us and most of you guys don’t have to worry about not being able to grow a ‘stache (unless of course, you haven’t hit pubity yet.) But for us girls it’s physcially impossible. Never fear! Here’s the alternative mo’s on shirts, totes and necklaces from www.etsy.com/ shop/depeapa

Crowns Clothing is a small, independent Wellingtonbased label that started in 2009. Every item is carefully handmade; Morgan makes limited runs of my designs but also creates garments in custom sizes and fabrics. Crowns Clothing uses a combination of vintage, re-purposed and new fabrics. www.etsy.com/shop/CrownsClothing

Beginning Boutique is an online store that sells women’s clothing from labels like One Teaspoon, Bec & Bridge, Living Doll, Talulah, Mouille, Miss Unkon, five & two, Style Stalker and other established and up and coming women’s designers. They’ve got some killer items in store at www.beginningboutique.com.au

ANDWHATELSEISTHERE specialise in tailor made clothing - high waist pants, capri trousers, shirts, dresses, tank tops, singlets, blouses, cardigans, blazers, bags, tote bags, rings - pretty much everything you’d ever want in one shop. Have a look for yourself ar www.etsy.com/shop/ andwhatelseisthere

FABLED & TRUE WE CHAT TO JAYE FROM EMERGING BRISBANE LABEL, FABLED & TRUE, ABOUT HER FEMININE DESIGNS AND LOVE FOR VINTAGE FABRICS. Tell us a little about what you do. I’m a lover of all things vintage and I make pretty things out of vintage fabrics in my little sewing room in Brisbane. How did Fabled and True come about? I studied fashion design quite a few years ago and went travelling straight after College so didn’t do anything with it for a long time. When I came home I did bits and pieces under the label Miss J Wolfe while working and in between trips overseas and finally started Fabled and true a bit over 2 years ago when we decided we were done with travelling and home for good. I’ve been working on F&T full time now for about a year and a half and absolutely love it. Your designs are so so beautiful. Where do you get your inspiration from? The fabrics or the trimmings I find are usually the inspiration. Sometimes I pick up a piece of fabric or lace and I can see a dress straight away...sometimes I’m inspired by an old movie or a picture and I’ll spend a few hours doing little sketches and work from those. My designs themselves are really quite simple and feminine... lots of sweetheart bodices and simple silhouettes but it’s the gorgeous vintage fabrics and lace that make them so special. How important is it for you to use vintage or pre-used fabrics for your pieces? I love that they have already lived a life and the fact that I can only get a few dresses out of each piece. I didn’t set out to be a green label as such, I just prefer to use them because I’m a vintage lover, they’re beautiful and you just can’t get them anywhere. The fact that it’s environmentally friendly fashion is just a massive bonus! You appear to be doing really well for yourself and of course your label. How do you feel about it all? Things have just suddenly gotten very busy so I’ve had a crazy few months with not much sleep but it’s all worth it. It’s a bit stressful at times but I am so lucky to be doing what I love. Any advice for other young designers? Be good to the people that are good to you, You will meet some wonderful people along the way…Stylists, photographers, models, bloggers, makeup artists and store owners who are all willing to help you when you’re starting out, so do what you can in return. Where do you see the label in 5 years? Hopefully a little more organised! But I’m very happy with how it’s all going at the moment, I’ll be working more on my online store and the dream is to one day soon have a little Fabled and true shop/ cafe with my machines out the back.

SARAH MCNEIL WE CHAT TO THE LOVELY SARAH MCNEIL ABOUT HER BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGS AND WHAT SHE HAS PLANNED NEXT. Tell us a little about yourself. I’m an artist/illustrator, 24, living in a tiny apartment in Wellington, New Zealand. I really like plants and animals, reading, drawing and cooking. Nice things. When did your passion for drawing and art begin? I have pretty much always drawn and made little things. When I was 5 years old I used to make these little lizard puppets and wolf masks for people in my class at school. I was really really shy until about age 21, so art has been a good way of me to express myself to other people. Are you working on anything particular at the moment? Last week I finally put some time into figuring out how to use Adobe illustrator, so now I am drawing a monkey hand on my computer as a commission for an element for a website. I’ve been sick this year and so haven’t been working all that much, but I’m feeling better now so I am also starting work on a new series of drawings for a show later next year. What was the last song you listened to? Woody Guthrie - Philadelphia Lawyer. What inspires you and your work? Science, nature, female illustrators from the early 20th century and eerie installation art pieces. Is there a purpose or message that you’re trying to convey in your images? Mostly subtlety I guess. I just want to say that everything doesn’t have to be loud and that people should look at things more closely and think about small details a bit more sometimes. You can be confident and quiet at the same time. How do you feel when people interpret your work differently to the way you intended? I don’t really mind too much. I like to make art that a lot of people can enjoy for their own different reasons. As long as they don’t think it looks “goofy” or that kind of funny then I am fine with it. Are there any other artists or creatives that you admire? There are so many great and inspiring people... I really like people who are motivated to do their own thing and go out and do it, despite the boundaries they might be facing. If you were an animal what kind of animal would you be? Human is probably the best animal to be... maybe a cat I suppose? Or one of those terns that live on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean and live for 60 years. What do you think is your biggest accomplishment so far? Getting over being so shy, having a few good friends. What do you think sets you apart from other artists? I’m not sure if I’m that different from other people... I try to be sincere in everything I do, and not to get too wrapped up in a fantasy world. All my work (and titles) have something to do with real things and experiences from my life. What advice do you have for other young aspiring artists? Try really hard, nothing should ever be “good enough”, drink lots of coffee, go for a walk or run every day even if it is raining. See more of Sarah’s work at www.400pencils.com

CASPER&PEARL MEET STACEY HENDRICKSON, AN EXTREMELY TALENTED YOUNG FASHION DESIGNER FROM ADELAIDE AND GIRL BEHIND CASPER&PEARL. How did casper&pearl come about? I have always loved making my own clothing and jewellery so it was just a natural progression after I realised I could make a living off of it. I began reproducing my designs for my friends, and then their friends, and then at the start of this year I had a market stall under the name of casper&pearl, after that there was no turning back. What’s the latest collection all about? My collections are very small collections made of vintage or vintage inspired fabrics. They are mostly one offs or very few offs, and I make these collections especially for upcoming events like festivals or concerts, or sometimes especially for a store. At the moment I’m busying myself with our first official collection for S/S 2012/2013, but I’m keeping the details a bit secret for now. What inspires you to keep creating? Definitely my customers and stockists, they are always wanting more and more from me, which I think is great motivation. I’m aiming pretty high and want to be very successful in the industry so you have to keep on creating new and exciting ideas to get noticed and to keep your customers happy. What’s the best thing about your job? Ah, everything. It’s just a great feeling to be able to get up in the morning and do what you love all day! It definitely doesn’t feel like work at all. My favourite part of the job is when a customer tells me how good they felt wearing one of my pieces and how many compliments they got, I also love it when they send me photos! This part definitely makes up for all of the nitty gritty book work I have to do! Are there any designers that influence you? My favourite label is Chloe, I can always look to that brand for a major inspiration rush, as well as Jill Stuart and Alexander Wang. I also adore Alice McCall and aim for casper&pearl to be that popular and sought after one day. What’s next for casper&pearl? I’m taking every day as it comes, and taking every opportunity that I get. I have great things planned for my label and hope that I can make all of my wildest dreams come true. Where can the ladies snap up some of your beautiful pieces? They can have a flick through the Facebook page where they will see all of my newest designs, then email me at casperandpearl@hotmail. com with their order and we can go from there! I also stock in some pretty great boutiques in Australia and the USA, details can be found on the website Check out stacey’s designs at www.casperandpearl.com

Photos by Claire Alice Young

TUESDAY’S CHILD Photographer - Hanna Kristina Model - Lizzie @ Profile Model Management Makeup - Carley Burke

amy blackwell We chat to amy blackwell about her quirky illustrations and her crazy obsession with cats.

and a violin out of cardboard - What drove you to do such things? I got given a glue gun for Christmas when I was about 10 or 11 and I wanted to see what it could do with it. At the time I wanted a violin and then after watching some cartoons on TV I wondered if I could make myself a pair of Mickey mouse style shoes out of brown cardboard - so I did. I used to make lots of random stuff like that. The plastic and card recycling went into a large basket by my table and I would just turn it into stuff. I made chairs, dolls, ray guns and me and my mum even tried to make a life sized dalek out of cardboard and paper mache. I once got banned from using scissors for a whole month because I cut a hole in my dress. That was one of the hardest months of my childhood... But I did end up with a pretty patch on my dress :) Do you ever have trouble generating new works? Definitely. I do lots of knitting and crochet projects too and if I can’t get in the mood for drawing or painting then I’ll bury myself in something different. I work in stages and this means I have a lot of projects on the go - I like to dip in and out of them. If I’m in a drawing mood I’ll sketch out as many pictures as possible so that when I’m in a colouring mood I can just sit back and colour things in. If I can’t think of anything new to do then I usually just sit back with my crochet and the radio and let my brain have a rest. What’s this “Makeover Mission” all about? Sounds pretty fun! I’m at war with my wardrobe. I got up one day and got dressed, not really thinking about what I was wearing just finding clean things, and looked in the mirror to see chubby Amy circa 1999. So I made a decision to have a big clear out and in the process have a little revamp. I’m challenging myself to add different colours, different shapes and layers to my outfits. Hopefully the result will be a bit more feminine and exciting. I might even progress towards making and properly altering items of clothing... baby steps for now though. I’m blogging about the ups and downs as I go along so the archive will work as a bit of a journal, which hopefully will motivate me to “keep calm and carry on” as well as add a more personal side to my site. What do you hope to accomplish with your artworks? I love making them and if people like owning them then that’s even better. I would love to branch out into illustrating books and writing stories though.

Apart from being a notorious doodler, who is Amy Blackwell? By day I doodle and by night I work in Nottingham’s independent cinema, Broadway. I’m 5’ 4” ish, I’m a Sagittarius, my favourite colour at the moment is petrol blue, I have a cat named after Illya Kuryakin (from the man from U.N.C.L.E), I have too many shoes and not enough socks. Do you remember what made you start painting and drawing? My mum and dad encouraged creativity from day one. Both are artists/photographers and so were a lot of their close friends and work colleagues when I was younger - it’s what I grew up with. What fabulous art shenanigans have you been up too lately? I curated a little exhibition this summer called “Looking for trouble” at The Malt Cross Gallery in Nottingham. I invited other lovely doodlers to take part - Lizzy Stewart, Gemma Correll, Helen Entwistle, Gemma Latimer and Jen Collins. I also did some big wall paintings up at Nottingham castle as part of the Street art and graffiti exhibition which also took place this summer. How did this cat obsession come about? I love it. I love them and their grumpy attitudes. I had cats from day one as well so it just made sense to group them in with the art. What materials and supplies can be found in your studio? All sorts. I’m a hoarder. I tried to edit my arty stuff when I moved house a couple of months ago but I’m still certain the “art supply” and “every day object” ratio is about 3:1. I have lots of paints, LOADS of frames, card, paper, stuff, things, beads, fabric, pens, scissors that cut a “torn edge” look (why!? who knows, but I own some). What’s your favourite song at the moment? I have 5 favourite songs at the minute. I love “Thunderbolt” from Bjork’s new album. “Allan Dellon” by Vitalic. “Blue Steel” by Bot’Ox. “Actor out of Work” by St Vincent. “The Plan” by Nada surf. Lots of bleepy stuff and I’ve recently rediscovered my love for 90s Nada Surf. Do you have any weird habits? I boil my eggs for 12-15 minutes - that’s pretty weird right? So I hear you once made a pair of shoes See more of Amy’s work at www.amyblackwell.co.uk

Anabel Navarro Llorens We chat to Anabel navarro llorens about her journey into photography & her hopes for her career.

of the moment I take it… when something calls my attention, I don’t know why, but do it, so I take a picture! I like it because it’s a way to pause the time, and a simple moment that can be another insignificant moment, you take it, save it, becoming a special moment. How do you feel when people interpret your work differently? It’s very interesting! Because I’m the one that lives the moment through the lens when I take a picture, I know what is happening at that moment, the situation… And each person can understand the picture, the moment in his way… they are more objective and can know which is the main feeling of the picture, and I can’t do it! Because I’m influenced by everything that surrounds it. Are there any photographers you look up to and why? I like to check out all the photographers that I can, because it’s a way to learn. To learn what you like and what you dislike, or colors, technique... But there are many photographers that I love because they teach me a new way to understand the photography and surprise me every time I see new pictures of them, like Lina Scheynius, Cass Bird, Tim Barber, Marlene Marino… and many more! If you were an animal what kind would you be? This question is funny because my friends call me Ardilla (squirrel)! So I guess I’ll be a free squirrel, jumping from tree to tree, never in captivity, but with the character of a lion haha! Is photography something you see yourself doing as a career or just a passion? Now it’s more a passion, but I’m working hard for it to become a career. It’s what I really want, and I’m trying, it’s hard but I have hopes of it. What advice do you have for aspiring artists? Just take pictures. Take bad pictures and learn from your mistakes. Take pictures until you know what kind of photos you want to do, which is what you like and what you don’t like. Is the only thing I can say!

Tell us a little about yourself. I’m Anabel Navarro, from Alcoy (Alicante, Spain). Five years ago I moved to Valencia for study Law. The change opened my mind, and the truth is that before that I was interested in photography, but in Valencia, with my new friends in new places, I started to develop my passion of take pictures. Later, a friend showed me flickr, and it’s when I changed my concept of photography, limited to fashion magazines, and I started to learn by the work of people around the world. Now, I’m an Erasmus in Coimbra, Portugal, but at the same time I’m working too. What initially made you interested in photography? I always been interested in photography in the way that I always love take pictures of everything for don’t forget the moment. From an early age I have been concerned by the passage of time, at my 10 years old birthday I cried because I felt very old! And when I was 17 I saw a documentary about Peter Lindbergh, and I always remember the feeling of discovering a new world and think: I want to do that! What was the last song played on your iPod/iTunes? The last songs… Fine Steps - The heat, Lana del Rey - Blue Jeans, Party Talk - Craft Spells. What/who inspires you? Everything, it’s very typical but the truth is that a song, a movie, a book, a sunset, colors of things at some punctual hour… people… feelings… everything can inspire me. Beauty can be everywhere. Is there a purpose or message that you’re trying to convey in your images? Each picture depends To see more of Anabel’s work head to www.anabelnavarrollorens.tumblr.com

HANNA KRISTINA MEET HANNA KRISTINA, A SUPER TALENTED YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHER FROM ENGLAND WITH BIG DREAMS & HIGH HOPES. Tell us a little about yourself. I am Hanna, a twenty-year-old photographer based in the South East of England. I am currently studying in my second year at university towards a photography degree. I use both digital and film to capture bright souls. What do you love about photography? Ultimately the creative freedom, and the way I can convey emotion and mood in so many different ways. The way I can capture natural beauty and use beautiful clothing in the process. Getting to work with brilliant creative teams and meeting a lot of different people. What does a normal day in Hanna’s life involve? At the moment I am studying at university so during the week I am attending lectures or workshops and working towards my degree. At the weekends I am either planning or shooting magazine submissions, client work or personal work. You’ve established a pretty good fan base online and you’ve been featured in a variety of publications. How does that make you feel? I am so grateful for the support I get online! It’s nice to know that people enjoy what I do and it gives me the motivation to continue. What inspires you to create? Anything! Music, books, dreams, clothes, nature, magazines, poems, models, drawings. What are you looking forward to in the next few months? I have some magazine submissions I will be shooting into the New Year which I am looking forward to. I am also collaborating with some up and coming clothing designers and clothing companies to create Look Books with some very exciting concepts! What has been the best advice you’ve been given? “Be yourself.” Where would you like to be in 10 years? I would love to have been in many more magazines and publications. I would also love to have been signed by a photographic agency so I get to work with some amazing clients! You can see moe of Hanna’s work at www.hannakristina.co.uk

I’M DRAWING YOU A DREAM Photography - Sophie Van der Perre Model - Sarah Van Rij


WE CHAT TO ITALIAN PHOTOGRAPHER, GLORIA MARIGO ABOUT HER LOVE FOR PHOTOGRAPHY AND HOPES FOR THE FUTURE. Tell us a little about yourself. I am a girl of 22 years who dreams of becoming a photographer. In July, I finished working in a graphic studio, it was a nice experience, I learnt many interesting things. Now I am looking for a new job. I love, beyond photography of course, music, pizza, shopping and everything that is art. Are you working on anything exciting at the moment? I recently received a fantastic proposal! To take pictures of the autumn / winter collection of a Spanish fashion designer! It’s great! I cannot wait to start this work. What does a normal day in Gloria’s life involve? This question is pretty. If I can, I like to sleep late. My summer’s day is like: if I can, I like to sleep late, and if during the night I had photographic ideas, i write it immediately on my moleskine. During the afternoon depends, to kill these super hot days (I hate the summer) I go in the pool, if I plan to take pictures, I cancel everything and I devote myself completely to shoot. In the evening I have dinner with my family and if I go out I like to watch movies or series (I am a true addict). Film or digital? Principally, I shoot in digital photos. In the last two years, however, I discovered the magical world of analog photography, which I must say, I have a lot of passion for. I became a fan of the Polaroid! In fact, at this time, I would take only snapshots! (and I would do if it was not a passion so expensive!) Do you want photography to be your career path from now on? Yes, it’s my greatest desire. I hope that photography will eventually become my job. I hope to establish myself in this area. I hope to be able to open my own studio, maybe in Paris. Favourite thing to photograph? I’m especially interested in artistic photography and fashion. I like photographing models, people, just to have something that attracts me. But I also like the compositions, which are objects, flowers, furniture or plastic animals. Do you remember the first time you fell in love with photography? I was in a bookstore, a couple of years ago, I was trying to photograph a book and turning, inside the store, I came across a book of photographs by Tim Walker. It was love at first sight. What do you think your work inspires? I hope that it inspires curiosity and a pinch of a magic. Many of your photographs involve masks and butterflies, are there any particular reasons you incorporate them or is it obsession? The masks, the butterflies are all things I love and I like to photograph. I go through periods: a period with flowers, another with bicycles, and another with maps. You’ve got more than 100,000 views on your Flickr, how does that make you feel? It makes me excited and proud of my works. Knowing that many people, look at my flickr portfolio is incredible! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who love my work and for supporting me! To see more of Gloria’s photography visit www.gloriamarigo.com

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