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The Yearbook Volume I

Pony Anarchy 2011-12 Yearbook

An online magazine about creative folk, for creative folk. Editor Kristie Webster Cover Photographer: Beth Lane Model: Zoe Penman @ Dallys Models Hair/MUA: Paige Florence Stylist: Jaclyn Bethany Contact ponyanarchy@gmail.com Copyright is reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited. Email addresses are published for professional communications only.

Hip hip, hoo ray! Eigh t is s u es and o v e r o ne hu n d red crea t i ve’ s l a t er, a n d w e’ ve off icia lly t ur ne d o ne ye ar o l d! T h i s s p eci a l ed i ti on of Pon y An a rchy is a b ig t h a nk yo u t o e v e r yo ne w h o h a s con tri b u ted a n d h el p ed the ma g a z in e g r o w. T hi s i s s ue f ea t u res every o n e w h o con tri b u ted from our f irs t is s ue t o o ur e i ght h i ss u e; th e p h o t og ra p h ers b eh i n d th e e d it o ria ls , the de si gne r s be hi n d th e fa s h i on a n d of co u rs e, th e a rtists be h in d t h e a r t wo r k s. I’d like t o t h a nk yo u a l l so m uch for y ou r s u p p o rt o ver th e l a s t 1 2 mo n t h s ! Whe n I l aunc he d Po n y An a rch y I h a d n o i d ea i t w ou l d t urn in t o s u ch a n i ns p i r i ng c o m m u n i ty of crea ti ves a n d fol l ow ers t h a t I tru ly a d o re. Kris t ie x

Happy Birthday Photographer - Iris Bjork Model - Georgia @ fm agency Stylist - Toni Caroline Makeup Artist - Violet Zeng

Love le tters. h e r e a r e s o me o f our fav ourite r eviews & lo ve letters from PA f ollo wer s : “ A s s oon as I c ame acro s s Po ny Anarchy, I w a s c om p l e t e l y head o ver heel s , s mitten” – Kim, Made Different I t ho ug h t I ’ d t a k e a mo ment to tel l yo u tha t I f ind y ou ’ re m a gazi ne and w ebs i te a core p a r t o f m y i n spi r ati o n i n my recent s tu d ies. I ha ve be e n f i n d i ng i t hard to fi nd new ma t er i al f or i n spi rati o n and yo ur s i te and ma g a zi n e h as made i t a l o t l es s daunting ta s k. I t ’ s t ru l y beauti ful , many thanks f or ma kin g m y l i f e a l o t s i mpl er − Emi l y “ B y fa r t h e be st o nl i ne magazi ne ever ” − Peace Pendant “ Po ny An arc h y i s pretty much everyth ing I w a nt t o se e i n a magazi ne and I do n’t ha ve t o pay l a m e ex pens i ve pri ces for it. Ya y. G e n i u s” – something and nothing “ T he m agaz i n e gets bi gger and better w it h ev e ry i ssu e ” – Tara, The Whimsical Unicorn Jus t f in i sh e d re adi ng i s s ue tw o and a b s o lu t e l y l ov e d i t. An o therw i s e dreary

Frid a y ha s now b een sp a rk ed with a de sir e to crea te, im a g ine a nd d rea m – Van e ssa “Pony A na rchy is only in its secon d issu e a nd its a lrea d y lov e f or m e!” − Lis s, Daydream Lily I would lik e to sa y how m uch I a d mir e y o u r ma g a zine a nd rea lly a p p recia te how y o u of f ered new ta lent a p la tf orm to sho w th e ir work to a la rg er a ud ience – Ca mill a “I wa s extremely smitten the mome n t m y eyes ha d la id on Pony A na rchy. I t c o n ju r e s the im a g e of a f ierce f eminine reb e llio n . ” – S a shik o, W ishcandy Your m a g a zine is too lov ely f or wo r ds, bu t ev en lov elier in p hysica l p rint! (hin t h in t) − S op hie This issue is ma g nif icent! You g uy s did a sp ecta cula r job ! I a m so b lown a way. I truly think you a re g oing to b low up. I lo v e a b solutely ev erything in the issue – L au r a, L’école des femmes “A f ter g etting lost in the d ig ita l p a ge s (o f Pony A na rchy) I ’v e b ecom e so ins pir e d to g o a nd crea te something , to cha rg e m y Olym p us Pen which ha s b een sittin g in a d ra wer f or months a nd ta k e some be au tifu l p ictures a nd crea te my own p erson al p hotog ra p hy p rojects” − E m m a -Jan e , Emma-Jane Nation

agnieszka chabros photographer

Agnieszka Chabros is a freelance photographer born and bred in Poland. Currently based in Melbourne, Agnieszka loves simple design, music and taking pictures of cute girls. www.agnieszkachabros.com

Aiko Fukawa artist

Aiko Fukawa is an illustrator and designer from Japan. Since graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2005, Aiko has gone on to create art for book covers, stationary and magazines. www.nice-nice-nice.com

Aleksandra KojiC photographer

Aleksandra Kojic is a 23 year old film photographer currently living in Belgrade, Serbia. Aleksandra is heavily inspired by people and places. www.flickr.com/photos/ale_kojic

alexander duvall photographer

Alexander Duvall is a 19 year old aspiring photographer and student from Arkansas, United States. Alexander predominately focuses on portraiture. www.flickr.com/photos/awkwardlyalex

Hanna Kristina

ali mitton photographer

Ali Mitton is a Gold Coast photographer and dreamer specialising in conceptual portraiture and fashion photography. Her work explores the essence of youth culture, with a strong emphasis on the natural world and man-made world. www.alimitton.com

ailera stone photographer

Ailera Stone is a 21 year old photographer from Lithuania. Now living and studying in London, Ailera uses photography to escape and bring her own dreams into this world. www.ailerastone.com

amy blackwell artist

Amy Blackwell is a Nottingham based doodler and artist with a love for cats. She can usually be found surrounded by cold cups of tea and screwed up balls of paper. www.amyblackwell.co.uk

anabel navarro llorens photographer

Anabel Navarro is a portrait photographer based in Spain. Inspired by the people around her, she creates fashion imagery that is dreamy and magical. www.anabelnavarrollorens.tumblr.com

Caitlin Shearer

andrea jankovic photographer

Andrea Jankovic is a Brisbane based freelance photographer with an interest in fashion and live music photography. Andrea also has a Masters in Architecture and works as an architectural assistant. www.andreajankovic.blogspot.com

BERTA PFIRSICH photographer

Berta Pfirisich is a 24 year old librarian and photographer from Barcelona, Spain. Having studied Fashion Stylism at Istituto Europeo di Design, Berta’s work is influenced by the fashion world. www.bertapfirsich.com

Beth lane

photographer + designer Beth Lane is a 24 year-old graphic designer and photographer living and working in Brisbane, Australia. Her work is a mixture of fashion portraiture, still life and personal photographic series. www.bethlane.com.au

BRIANNE WILLS photographer

BriAnne Wills is a Portland, Oregan native and photographer currently living abroad. She graduated from the University of Oregan with a degree in Journalism /Advertising. www.brianne-wills.com

Jordan Drysdale

caileigh kyle photographer

Caileigh Kyle is a photographer from just outside Toronto, Ontario with a passion for creating authentic and interesting work. She is most intrigued and inspired by people and the infinite number of ways to capture them in a photo. www.caileighkyle.com

Caitlin bellah photographer

Caitlin Bellah is a 24 year old photographer from San Francisco, living between Los Angeles and Barcelona. Caitlin’s goal is to make photos that look more like paintings than photographs. www.cbellah.com

caitlin shearer artist

Caitlin is a 23 year old Illustrator and textile designer from Sydney, Australia. Her illustrative work draws heavily upon 1950’s kitsch, longing, obsession and the feminine allure. www.caitlinquiet.blogspot.com

caitlin worthington photographer

Caitlin Worthington is a 22 year old photographer from Perth, Western Australia. Caitlin strives to create images that make the viewer feel as if they are stepping into a dream. www.caitlinworthington.com

Victoria Garcia

carlos cancela pinto photographer

Carlos Cancela Pinto is a 33 year old Geologist and self-taught photographer currently living in Surrey, England. Carlos seeks beautiful natural light and nature-related themes when shooting. www.cargocollective.com/cdcpinto

carly zinga photographer

Carly Zinga is a 17 year old aspiring fashion photographer from Sydney, Australia. Carly strives to show the world brief moments of beauty and unconstrained youth through her work. www.carlyzinga.4ormat.com

cat lane photographer

Cat Lane is a 21 year old fashion and editorial photographer from Bedford in the UK, with a never-ending love for wonderful colour, wonderful light and wonderful people. www.dismantlerepair.co.uk

Cendrine Rovini artist

Cendrine Rovini is a French artist, currently living and working in Aurillac, France. Cendrine’s work deals with Metamorphosis, delicacy and lightness. www.cargocollective.com/cendrinerovini

Book of Deer

claire alice young photographer

Claire A. Young is a self 20 year old photographer currently living in Melbourne, Australia. Claire can be found running wildly through city streets, photographing pretty strangers and capturing lens-bound magic. www.clairealiceyoung.com

claire huish photographer

Claire Huish is a London based fashion photographer with a Bachelor of Photography from Arts University College, Bournemouth. Her aim is to make intelligent, original and innovative fashion imagery. www.clairehuish.co.uk

dania masiero photographer

Dania Masiero is a freelance fashion and portrait photographer from Northern Italy. Mostly focusing on fashion editorials, Dania strives to capture unconventional beauty in her work. www.daniamasiero.4ormat.com

david shama photographer

David Shama is an adventurous swiss fashion photographer living in Paris, France. His photography is all about natural story-telling and conveying work that sparks imagination in the viewer. www.davidshama.com

Lilly Piri

devon smith artist

Devon Smith is an artist from Wellington, New Zealand. Devon indulges in many obsessions – botanical illustrations, magic spells, science fiction novels, tattoos, native birds and English wildlife, all of which often feature in her paintings. www.devonsmith.co.nz

diana catherine photographer

Diana is a twenty-two year old fashion photographer currently living in Wisconsin. Diana likes fashion, coffee, autumn days and has shot for fashion brands like American Apparel. www.dianacatherine.yolasite.com

eilidh ho designer

Eilidh Ho is a Hong Kong born 25 year old fashion designer and illustrator. In 2010 she founded her first label Book of Deer and creates fun, feminine pieces with a distinctive element of cute. www.bookofdeer.com

Ellena deeley photographer

Ellena Deeley is a native of Pontypridd, South Wales. She is currently studying English Literature at the University of Exeter and also dabbles in photography in her spare time. www.flickr.com/photos/51595089@N02

Jennifer Davis

emily mcguire designer

Emily McGuire is a 21 year old Australian fashion designer currently living in New York. Emily enjoys reinterpreting and deconstructing traditional garment construction techniques, especially those that typically define femininity. www.emily-mcguire.com

erika astrid photographer

Erika is a 28 year-old photographer and designer living in Boise, ID. She is addicted to coffee, beautiful photographs and creating beautiful pieces for her fashion brand, Asuyeta. www.erikaastridphotography.com

evie cahir artist

Evie Cahir is a 20 year old artist studying Illustration at NMIT in Melbourne, Australia. Equal portions of her time is devoted to drawing hair, picking up receipts, downing coffee and sketching people on trams. www.cargocollective.com/eviecahir

fiona osborne photographer

Fiona Osborne is a 23 year old still life and portrait photographer from Bournemouth, UK. With a feminine and delicate style, Fiona’s work often explores the subtle relationship between people and their surroundings. www.fionaosborne.com

Sisilia Piring

flora deborah photographer

Flora Deborah is a 28 year old art oriented fashion photographer currently based in London. Flora likes to photograph pretty things, bake chocolate chip cookies and cloud watching. www.floradeborah.com

gabrielle assaf photographer

Gabrielle Assaf is a self-taught Canadian fashion, beauty and commercial photographer currently living in Australia. Gabrielle is inspired by films, books, photos and Tim Walker. www.gabrielleassaf.me

gloria marigo photographer

Gloria Marigo is a 23 year old Italian photographer currently living in Lecco. With her camera, Gloria creates ultra feminine and whimsical imagery often inspired by films, books or memories. www.gloriamarigo.com

hanke arkenbout

photographer + graphic designer Hanke Arkenbout is a 26 year old Dutch photographer and graphic designer from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Hanke loves to capture small details and the moments that people often miss. www.hankearkenbout.com

Lauren Carney

hanna kristina photographer

Hannah Kristina is a 21 year old fashion photographer and student, based near London, UK. With her camera Hannah strives to capture the natural beauty and bright souls of her subjects. www.hannakristina.co.uk

helena perez garcia artist + designer

Helena Perez Garcia is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Spain. Helena’s work combines her love for fine arts as well as graphic design areas such as visual identity, editorial design and packaging design. www.helenaperezgarcia.com

holly leonardson artist

Holly Leonardson is the artist/designer behind Australian illustrationbased jewellery and accessories label, Pannikin. She is happiest in her colourful trinket-filled studio, sitting at her desk creating all sorts of handmade things. www.pannikin.com.au

hsiao-ron cheng artist

Hsiao-Ron is a 26 year old freelance illustrator and artist living in Taipei, Taiwan. Working with pencils, oils, mixed media and her computer, Hsiao-Ron creates whimical, surreal imagery. www.hsiaoroncheng.com

Caitlin Worthington

igor termenon photographer

Igor is a Spanish photographer, currently living in Edinburgh, UK. He’s also the editor of two contemporary photography zines called Girls on Film & Boys on Film. www.igortermenon.com

ingela furustig photographer

Ingela Furustig is a 19 year old photographer from Brisbane, Australia. Inspired by feminity and fairytales, Ingela creates vibrant and accentric fashion stories. shuttermade.com/ingelafurustig

ismay ozga artist

Ismay Ozga is a 24 year old artist, illustrator and photographer living in the UK with her boyfriend and cat. Ismay’s work is largely influenced by fashion and photography. www.ismayozga.com

ivy nine designs photographers

Ivy Nine designs is a collaboration between melbourne based photographers Bekha and Jess Lafrankie. The girls specialize in conceptual and fashion portraiture. www.ivynine.4ormat.com

Justin Lee Williams

jason treloar photographer

Jason Treloar is a 20 year old aspiring photographer currently studying at the Photography Studies College in Melbourne, Australia. modelmayhem.com/JasonTreloar

jaye wolfe designer

Jaye Wolfe is a 34 year old vintage lover and designer behind Brisbane-based label, Fabled & True. All of Jaye’s pieces are made using either preloved, vintage or vintage inspired fabrics. www.fabledandtrue.com.au

jeannie phan artist

Jeannie Phan is an internationally published illustrator based in Toronto, Canada. When she’s not drawing, Jeannie is busy creating zines, doodling comics or delving into the pits of web coding and video games. www.jeanniephan.com

jennifer davis artist

Jennifer Davis is a 37 year old painter from Minneapolis, United States. Jennifer creates works that communicate things that are often unspoken and private, but commonly human. www.jenniferdavisart.com

Hanke Arkenbout

jordan drysdale photographer

Jordan Drysdale is a 19 year old self-taught fashion photographer from Melbourne, Australia. Jordan has shot for labels such as Zara, Top Shop, Pulp Kitchen and Dangerfield. www.jordandrysdale.blogspot.com

justin lee williams artist

Justin Lee WIlliams is a Melbourne-based artist and illustrator. Justin’s work is inspired by the way humans and animals relate to each other, and the similarities we share, as well as the major differences. www.justinleewilliams.net

karin soderquist artist

Karin Soderquist is an illustrator based in Stockholm. Since graduating from Camberwell College of Arts in London 2011, Karin has since then worked as a freelance illustrator. www.karinsoderquist.com

kat cameron artist + designer

Kat Cameron is a freelance illustrator and surface designer based on the Gold Coast, Australia. Kat’s work is inspired by her love of quirky japanese characters, scandinavian folk art, bold colours, cute animals, retro homewares and early childrens illustrations. www.teamkitten.com


katrina filewood fashion designer

Katrina Filewood is a Gold Coast designer and owner of the fun and quirky clothing label, Neverland by Tink. Katrina designs summery vintage inspired handmade garments. www.neverlandclothingbytink.bigcartel.com

keely brightmore designer

Keely Brightmore is the owner and designer of Leeds fashion brand, Kee Boutique. Kee Boutique specialises in beautiful vintage inspired and handmade clothing. www.keeboutique.com

kelsea kennedy photographer

Kelsea Kennedy is a self taught photographer from Brisbane, Australia. Kelsea loves taking different photos that will remain beautiful for years to come. www.facebook.com/kelseakphotography

kelsea kosko photographer

Kelsea Kosoko is a 19 year old fashion photographer based in New York. Her imagery mixes photography with poetic, mythical subjects taken from both literature and historical artistic symbols. www.kelseakosko.com

Kelsey Garrity Riley

kelsey garrity riley artist

Kelsey Garrity RIley is an artist and illustrator working out of her home in Savannah, Georgia. Since graduating in 2010 from the Savannah College of Art and Design, Kelsey has gone on to create work for both personal and commercial purposes. www.kgriley.com

keri-anne pink artist + blogger

Keri-Anne is a 24 year old artist and mother with an obession with fairytales, lace dresses, beaxtrix potter, deers, wax seals, owls, picnics in bluebell woods and cardigans. www.gingerlillytea.blogspot.com

kitty gallanaugh photographer

Kitty Gallanaugh is a 22 year old photographer from London, England. Bridging the realm of whimsical nostalgia to romantic fashion, her work captures the valuable memories which can now never fade. www.kittygallannaugh.com

kristie webster editor + designer

Kristie Webster is a 20 year old design arts student currently living in the heart of Melbourne, Australia. Kristie dabbles in a variety of creative aspects including photography, layout/editorial design and illustration. www.kristiewebster.com

Melanie Martinez

Kyla Hemmelgarn photographer

Kyla Hemmelgarn is a young photographer from Vancouver, CA. Working all around North America, Kyla creates inspiring, fresh, and stylish editorials. www.kylahemmelgarn.com

Laura Castell贸 artist

Laura Castell贸 is a 27 year old illustrator from Valencia, Spain. Using watercolour, acrylics and sometimes Photoshop, Laura creates quirky and whimsical illustrations. www.behance.net/LauraMortadela

laura jayne weeks artist

Laura Jayne Weeks is a young Illustrator and student living in Plymouth, England. Laura Ioves red squirrels, drawing, coasters, sunshine, screen printing and trees. www.laurajayneweeks.com

laura sfez designer

Laura Sfez a French designer and the owner of Los Angeles based fashion label, L’ecole Des Femmes. The label was inspired by Molières famous 17th Centrury comedy, The School for Wives. www.lecoledesfemmes.com

Crowned Bird

lauren carney artist

Lauren Carney is a freelance illustrator based in Brisbane, Australia. Working on paper and digitally, Lauren creates quirky art that is based upon conversations and the exploration of femininity. www.laurencarneyart.com

Lauren Stein designer

Lauren Stein is a Melbourne designer and founder of independent vintage inspired fashion label, HerPony. Born into a family of dressmakers and with a love for fashion, Lauren strives to create playful and bespoke pieces. www.herpony.com

layla amber artist + designer

Layla Amber Rous is 24 year old british artist and owner of Layla Amber handmade creations. She creates fun and wearable pieces of jewellery from her finely detailed illustrations.


lilly piri artist

Lilly Piri is a brisbane-born artist living on the Goldcoast, Australia. The themes of her drawings focus heavily on correspondence, wonder at flora and fauna, migration, and beauty. www.littlegalaxie.com

Melissa Chaib

liss winnel blogger

Liss Winnel is a Brisbane based blogger and writer of Daydream Lily. When she’s not blogging, Liss is taking photos, hugging her pup or hunting for cute vintage bits and bobs for her home. www.daydreamlily.com

louise wright artist

Louise Wright is an Illustrator, crafter and screen printer based in Derbyshire, England. Louise often illustrates childrens books and is a tea addict with a love of good food and the countryside. www.louillustrator.com

Mariam Sitchinava photographer

Mariam Sitchinava is a 23 year old photographer based in Tbilisi, Georgia. Inspired by nature and the tenderness of women, Mariam’s work often focuses on the relationship between people and place. www.mariam.ge

marianne Rutherford blogger

Marianne Rutherford is an English vintage lover and blogger currently living in Melbourne, Australia with her fiance and super fluffy Babycat. Marianne also writes and takes phiotos in her spare time. www.esmeandthelaneway.blogspot.com


melanie martinez photographer

Melanie Martinez is a 17 year old photographer and singer from Baldwin, NY. Melanie is known for her eccentric and bespoke style, as well as her strikingly beautiful imagery. www.flickr.com/photos/forgivetherain

melissa chaib artist + designer

Melissa Chaib is a 26 year old Illustrator and Graphic Designer from Monterrey, MÊxico. Using a mix of mediums including Photoshop, water-colour and ink Melissa’s work reflects her love for music, fashion, adventures and pop culture. www.melissachaib.com

myra callan designer

Myra Callan is the creator of Twigs & Honey, an adornments line as well as the designer of Myra Callan Bridal. She currently resides in Oregon with her husband, Matt, Siberian husky, Indy, and feathered friends, Turkey and Kiwi. www.twigsandhoney.com

Nadia Izruna fashion designer

Nadia Izruna is a British Designer and owner of the whimsical and enchanting fashion label, Nadinoo. Nadia launched Nadinoo in 2009 after only 3 years working in the fashion industry. www.nadinoo.com

Nancy Straughan

Nancy Straughan textile designer

Nancy Straughan is a printed textile designer from North London, UK specialising in fashion fabrics and home ware. Nancy also enjoys dabbling in illustration and photographic styling. www.nancy-straughan.com

NATALIa LOWICKA photographer

Natalie Lowicka is a Polish portrait photographer living and studying in Bialystok, Poland. While Natalie mostly focuses on fashion & conceptual portraiture she also shoots weddings and other special moments. www.natalialowicka.pl

neda rajabi photographer

Neda Rajabi is a 30 year old fashion photographer and product designer based in Berlin, Germany. From a young age Neda found herself intrigued by beauty and the variety of ways to reveal it. www.nedarajabi.de

Nik Dudukovic artist + designer

Nik Dudukovic is a freelance illustrator and designer living and working in Toronto, Canada. Nik is also co-owner of the CoolerThanYou.ca Illustration Agency. www.pilot5.com

ila handbags

paula & brian Bjerketvedt designers

Paula & Brian are the owners of Minnesota label, ila Handbags. With a passion for art history, design and fashion, Paula hand makes each bag in the couple’s home studio while Brian deals with marketing and creative direction. www.ilahandbags.com

Priscilla Barroso fashion designer

Priscilla Barroso is an Austin based designer and the founder of newly launched fashion label, Crowned Bird. Inspired by 1960s childrens books, Priscilla creates bespoke tailor made apparel that celebrates playfulness and wearability. www.crownedbird.com

rebecca louise parker photographer

Rebecca Louise Parker is a freelance photographer based between London and Devon. Concentrating her work towards the fashion industry she strives to create stunning fashion imagery for magazines, look books and designers ect. . www.rebeccalouiseparker.com

Rudy Fig artist

Rudy Fig is a 23 year old, US based, oil painter and Toy enthusiast. When she’s not painting candy coated vixens and magical garden tea parties, Rudy is also a young mother and musician. www.rudyfig.com

Sara Mautone

sara mautone photographer

Sara Mautone is a 21 year old fashion photographer living and working in Florence, Italy. With a background in Art History, Sara observes her environment through the lens of her camera. www.saramautone.com

sarah mcneil artist

Sarah McNeil is an artist/illustrator/maker of things currently living and working in Wellington, New Zealand. After completing a Bachelor in Fine Art from Monash University in 2007, Sarah has been working as a full time artist. www.400pencils.com

Sashiko Yuen artist

Sashiko Yuen is an illustrator from Southern California, USA with a love for retro culture, street fashion, kitsch, beauty, and the grotesque. Sashiko also likes watching films, the night sky, taking photographs, road trips, sewing and baking. www.wishcandy.net

scott laytart photographer

Scott Laytart is a fashion photographer and film maker from Los Angeles, California. With his camera scott creates romantic and feminine editorials. www.scottlaytart.com

Hsiao-Ron Cheng

Shaelah Ariotti photographer

Shaelah Ariotti is a photographer based in Brisbane, Australia. Shaelah aims to create images that capture and celebrate the beauty of the moments we miss and the characters around her. www.shaelahariotti.com

Simon Filip photographer

Simon Filip is a 21 year old photographer living and working in Sacramento, CA. Simon is currently working on a personal project called Afterglow; an image editing app for quick, easy and fast editing. www.simonfilip.com

Sisilia Piring photographer

Sisilia Piring is a freelance photographer based in Los Angeles, CA. After falling madly in love with film and darkroom at an early age, it wasn’t until 2010 that Sisilia passionately pursued photography and it became her life. www.idontdodigital.com

Sofie Olejnik photographer

Sofie Olejnik is a Berlin based photographer and dreamer. Through a lens Sofie creates feminine and unique imagery, reminiscent of a Pre-Raphaelite paintings. www.sofieolejnik.de

Tiffany Dawn Nicholson

sophie chan Andreassend designer

Sophie Chan Andreassend is a Melbourne-based designer and owner of sleepwear label, Remorsk. Sophie’s designs are inspired by a mix of Melbourne’s eclectic culture, sleepovers, vintage wallpaper and colour. www.romersk.com

sophie pellegrini photographer

Sophie Pellegrini is a 19 year old photographer from Potomac, Maryland. She is currently studying a double major in Studio Art and Psychology at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. www.sophiepellegriniphotography.com

Sophie Van der Perre photographer

Sophie Van Der Perre is an 25 year old photographer living in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Sophie works for talent agency, House of Orange and loves shooting people who have the charisma of freedom. www.sophievanderperre.com

stacey hendrickson designer

Stacey is a 20 year old designer from Adelaide, Australia. Stacey also owns the independant label, casper&pearl which is inspired by the 70’s and vintage fashion. www.casperandpearl.com

Remorsk Sleepwear

Stephanie-Lee Moulin photographer

Stephanie-Lee Moulin is a 23 year old freelance photographer form Melbourne, Australia. www.missmoulin.4ormat.com

tabitha shafran artist + designer

Tabitha Shafran is an illustrator and designer from South Golden Beach, Australia. Tabitha’s naturalist philosophy on life translates directly into delicate illustrations and use of water colour. www.tabithashafran.blogspot.com

Tamlyn Rose photographer

Tamlyn Rose is a 19 year old asipring photographer and make-up artist from Auckland, New Zealand. Tamlyn loves using personality, fashion and make-up artistry to show both inner and outer beauty. www.tamlynrose.com

Tara-Lynn Morrison knitter + designer

Tara-Lynn Morrison is a designer and knitter from Ontario, Canada. She is also the founder of independent knits label, Good Night, Day. Tara-Lynn strives to create modern, minimalist and unique handmade pieces. www.goodnightday.ca

Kat Cameron

Teresa Queir贸s photographer

Teresa Queiros is an aspiring photographer from Portugal, Europe. With a strong passion for photography, Teresa hopes to continue shooting and creating for as long as possible. www.flickr.com/photos/teresaqueiros

tiffany dawn nicholson photographer

Tiffany Dawn Nicholson is a fashion photographer based in Chicago, US. Tiffany strives to capture femininity, youth, and intimate moments with her photography and is drawn to the human aspect of beauty and personal identity. www.tdnphoto.com

Ulrika Kestere photographer

Ulrika Kestere is a conceptual photographer and illustrator based in Lund, Sweden. Ulrika’s work is marked by unconventional storylines that play on fairytale themes. www.ulrikakestere.com

Valeria Farinella photographer

Valeria Farinella is a fashion photographer and editor based in Milan, Italy. www.caroprocione.com

Vivienne Mok

victoria garcia artist

Victoria Garcia is an emerging artist, designer and illustrator from Sydney, Australia. She currently works as a textiles designer and creates digital textile print designs for both local and international clients such as Karen Walker and Peter Alexander. www.surrocodelia.com

vikky ivie

photographer + stylist Vikky Ivie is an aspiring photographer and student from the London College of Fashion, UK. Vikky works with analogue cameras and different film to experiment and create unique dreamlike imagery. www.cargocollective.com/vikkyivie

vivienne mok photographer

Vivienne Mok is a stylist and fashion photographer based out of Paris, France. Since graduating from Parsons School of Design in Fashion Design, Vivienne has worked as a photographer as well as a designer/stylist. www.viviennemok.blogspot.com

thank you Contributors Agnieszka Chabros Aiko Fukawa Aleksandra Kojic Alexander Duvall Ali Mitton Ailera Stone Amy Blackwell Anabel Navarro Andrea Jankovic Berta Pfirisich Beth Lane Brianne Wills Caileigh Kyle Caitlin Bellah Caitlin Shearer Caitlin Worthington Carlos Cancela Pinto Carly Zinga Cat Lane Cendrine Rovini Claire Alice Young Claire Huish Dania Masiero David Shama Devon Smith Diana Catherine Eilidh Ho Ellena Deeley Emily Mcguire Erika Astrid Evie Cahir Fiona Osborne Flora Deborah Gabrielle Assaf Gingerlilytea Gloria Marigo Hanke Arkenbout Hanna Kristina Helena Perez Garcia Holly Lenardson

Hsiao-Ron Cheng Igor Termenon Ingela Furustig Ismay Ozga Ivy Nine Designs Jason Treloar Jeannie Phan Jennifer Davis Jordan Drysdale Justin Lee Williams Karin Soderquist Kat Cameron Katrina Filewood Keely Brightmore Kelsea Kennedy Kelsea Kosko Kelsey Garrity-Riley Kitty Gallannaugh Kristie Webster Kyla Hemmelgarn Laura Castello Laura Jayne Weeks Lauren Carney Lauren Stein Layla Amber Lilly Piri Liss Winnel Louise Wright Mariam Sitchinava Marianne Rutherford Melanie Martinez Melissa Chaib Myra Callan Nadia Izruna Nancy Straughan Natalia Łowicka Neda Rajabi Nicola Rowlands Nik Dudukovic Paula & Brian Bjerketvedt Priscilla Barroso Rebecca Louise Parker

Rudy Fig Sara Mautone Sarah Mcneil Sashiko Yuen Scott Laytart Shaelah Ariotti Simon Filip Sisilia Piring Sofie Olejnik Sophie Chan Andressand Sophie Pellegrini Sophie Van Der Perre Stacey Hendrickson Stephanie-Lee Moulin Tabitha Shafran Tamlyn Rose Tara-Lynn Morrison Teresa Queirós Tiffany Dawn Nicholson Ulrika Kestere Valeria Farinella Victoria Garcia Vikky Ivie Vivienne Mok SPONSORS & PR A Skulk of Foxes Dahlia Fashion Ela Hawke Vintage Element Eden Honey Moon Muse House of Maryanne InSeason Vintage Kee Boutique Little Branch Love Mae Miss Patina Mucho Bravado Ohhh Lulu On The Map PR Spring Flavor

Claire Huish

w w w. p o n ya n a r c h y. c o m

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