Pony Quarterly Stallion Issue 2018

Page 1

Promoting Celebrating ShowPonies, Ponies,their theirOwners Owners & & Lifestyle Lifestyle Promoting andand Celebrating Show



lli 2018 StIsasue





Breed Spotlight

Fjord Pony

2018 PQ Stallion GUIDE

Spotlight on Training

DIGBY Next Eventing Star

Basics: SuccessfulFS NO DOUBT Training FS Numero Uno/FS Champion de Luxe/

Postcards from WEF

Golden Dancer) 2015 Bay Stallion, 14h (145 cm)

RoseLane Sporthorses Selling Your Pony?

$5.00 | Spring 2017


Full Moon Farm FMF Angel Lauren Chumley trainer Dressage at Devon, Fall of 2016

>>> Winter 2018




table of Contents

















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GREAT EXPOSURE Monthly Per ad 5,000 VISITORS PER MONTH ponyquarterly@gmail.com


>>> Pony Quarterly



Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle


editor’s Letter It’s that Time...

Breeding season! The prospects are expanding each year, making the opportunities to find “just the right one” easier and easier. The problem is, you never really know if what you have in your mind, will play out in the game of genetic roulette. That gamble is what makes breeding so difficult and yet rewarding!

Our super writer Sara Brooks, took on a big project this issue, “Pony Breeding in North America” and did a remarkable job. We asked her to discover where exactly we are as a community and how we can grow in the coming years. Sara interviewed pony breeders, show organizers, and breed organizations to get their input. The answers were both thoughtful and candid. I encourage you to take a look. It’s a great read! Its an interesting time in the pony industry, as every indicator shows ponies are increasing in numbers and popularity and have garnered more respect in the competition arena than ever before. And yet most breeders, stallion owners and organizers feel the industry is not unified and they feel unsupported. NOW, is the time to work together! To reach across breed lines and disciplines to help one another in our mutual goal of promoting ponies as competition mounts for children and adults alike. As all of us dream about the little super star foals we are expecting this year, creating for next year, or choosing for our next partner, lets also dream about what the pony industry really can be. Then, go out and help make it so! PQ is hoping to be a jump off point for a dialog that will help move the industry forward! Don’t forget to let us know YOUR thoughts on these issues!

Frutiger 45 Light - quarterly Palatino Bold- Pony ITC Franklin Gothic




Editor-in-Chief | AUDREY MASCHUE THE

Right about now, breeders and even trainers are taking stock of what we have in the barn, what we want or need and how we are going to either produce it, or acquire it. We have to look honestly at our ponies strengths and weaknesses, and how to go about producing the very best we can. This process is sometimes painful, but long term, often very rewarding.

Senior Art Director | CLARA TRENT


Contributing Writer | SARA BROOKS

Advertising Managers | SHARON BAKER

For exclusive news and blogs check out... PONYQ.COM Join us on Facebook for contests, connections and fun! WWW.FACEBOOK/PONYQUARTERLY

A proud member of the American Horse Publication.

Address: 16785 88th Rd. North, Loxahatchee, FL, 33470 Audrey Maschue Editor-in-Chief >>> Winter 2018




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>>> Pony Quarterly


B’s Lunar Eclipse 13.1hh Section C Welsh Pony Stallion

-2014 NDPC Champion 2nd Level -Supreme and Grand Champion titles

Whispering Palms Farm We l s h P o n i e s S a l e s a n d B re e d i n g

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Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle

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PQ Spotlight - FJOR

The Naughty Pony

I was ten-years-old the first time someone tried to convince me that ponies were inherently “bad.” I was at my first sleep away riding camp with my pony, Peaches, an aptly-named Haflinger cross who was as sweet as she was rotund, and the dinner conversation among my fellow campers launched into a verbal competition of who had ridden the rankest pony and lived to tell about it. I sat there eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in awe because my pony wasn’t bad in the least. She was, in fact, exactly what every parent wants their child’s first pony to be – a safe, sensible, even-tempered partner who carted me around my introductory-level dressage tests and carefully hopped over the small logs and through the water jumps (read: puddles) on our starter cross-country courses. I didn’t know it at the time but Peaches would also be game to compete through 2nd Level in dressage and even to soar over a few preliminary cross-country questions in our later years together. However, my horse camp peers were describing ponies as fire-breathing beasts and dangerous underlings – even worse; they were wearing them like a badge of honor. I chose to finish my meal at Peachie’s stall and decided then and there that I would never be a part of this “bad pony” conversation again. But it didn’t go away. Years later, after Peaches had been retired (and endured an entirely ridiculous “retirement ceremony” complete with flowers braided into her mane and a homemade carrot cake that she did not enjoy) and I had transformed from the young rider growing up aboard my string of lovely ponies and horses to a newly minted instructor, I heard this “bad pony” nonsense again. I was leading one of my barn’s saintly lesson ponies back to the pasture when the mother of my star student pulled up beside me in her car, rolled down the window and informed me that she wanted to discuss the purchase of a pony for her daughter. I was thrilled for my student and already had a few prospects in mind…until her mother said “I want to get her a nice pony, of course, but it’s got to be naughty, too, or she will never learn to ride properly.” My heart sank as the realization permeated that I would never get away from the “bad pony” stigma – I knew then that at least some formidable population within the equestrian community truly believes ponies are bad and that their only value is centered upon teaching riders to problem solve. I heard the “bad pony” stories again and again throughout the course of my riding career and each time, they made me cringe. I began to wonder what I could do


>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle


to change the conversation and to help ponies enjoy the valued reputation that they rightfully deserve. If you’re reading this then, like me, you know that ponies are so much more than this unfair and narrow-mindedness purports. I’ve had some of my best riding moments with ponies – both in competition and recreational riding – and I’ve seen them do amazing things with others, as well. Ponies are versatile, they’re talented, they’re athletic, they’re wonderful partners in all disciplines, and they matter. They don’t deserve to be devalued by ignorance and prejudice…and it’s up to us to help. In my opinion, the best thing that we, as members of the pony community, can do is to get our ponies out there and show the nay-sayers and not-knowers what they’ve got. I am by no means saying that ponies must compete, by the way – there are enumerable ways to get your ponies out into the world without ever setting foot in the show ring. If you’re a trail rider, take your ponies to the local state or national park and let them show their sure-footedness and even temper on the winding forest trail. If you ride recreationally at home, ask a friend or family member to take some video of you riding your pony and share it on your social media pages with a few kind words. If you know a therapy pony that is helping riders with disabilities, start a fundraiser for the program and feature the pony. And if you do enjoy competition, plan your season carefully and allow your pony to shine in any show ring that you choose. Let’s start a pony movement and prove to the world that a talented, kind-hearted pony is not an anomaly. The old adage that “actions speak louder than words” is true! We may not be able to change what people think about ponies by telling them, but we can surely show them what ponies can do by sharing our experiences and accolades openly.

“We can surely show them what ponies can do by sharing our experiences and accolades openly.”

>>> Winter 2018






Give Even the Hardiest Pony A Leg Up With TheraPlate


>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle

Hannah Irons, Dressage4Kids participant and Pony Champion at 2016 Florida International Youth Dressage Championship “TheraPlate has been a huge help in BoBo’s recovery. By increasing circulation, the TheraPlate reduces pain and speeds up healing. Our vet is very happy with his progress, and BoBo is now back to full work.” Ponies are known for being hardy and very

sound, and while that’s true, sport ponies are also susceptible to the same challenges their larger counterparts face, including arthritis, joint stiffness and swelling, bruised heels, navicular, founder, etc. Luckily ponies also can benefit from the positive effects of standing on a TheraPlate to help avoid and relieve the effects of such conditions. The Theraplate platform gently, and rapidly helps with zero impact; simply standing on the TheraPlate can increase blood circulation, build muscle, decrease inflammation, and contribute a number of health benefits.

Audrey Maschue, FEI Competitor, Pony RPSI Champion, GRP Breeder “My ponies perform at top level. We rely on TheraPlate to keep them feeling thier best! Not only do they feel looser, and recover better, but they also obviously love going on the Theraplate each day.”

TheraPlate manufactures a smaller equine therapy plate that is the perfect size for ponies and smaller horses. The smaller equine TheraPlate measures 2 feet wide and 6 feet long and the sections weigh only 50 pounds each, making it easy to take the TheraPlate to competitions. TheraPlate is the Official Therapy Plate of the US Equestrian and a favorite among competitors for warm up and cool down and keeping ponies relaxed and ready for the show ring. For big advantage for your ponies learn more about the smaller equine TheraPlate at 800-9203685 or visit www.theraplate.com.

>>> Winter 2018




f e w




>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle



2011, 14.2hh Makuba x Brittania x Brynarian Briton (GRP x Welsh Cob Sec. D)

2016 Season Highlights: NDPC Year End Champion at Training & First Levels scores of 76.912% & 76.245% NDPC Year End Champion High Point Open (and overall highest score) 82.462%. NDPC Show Champion Training Level, Reserve Champion First Level, Winner of the Born In The USA Award, High Point Champion Open, and Champion Breed Award for NASPR. USDF Horse of the Year, 9th in the country at First Level and 15th at Training Level with median scores of 73.824% & 75.227%. USDF All Breeds Award Champion at Training & First Level for NASPR. Fresh cooled semen available. Incredible temperament and trainability.


Kathryn Barry | kbcuatx@yahoo.com | 815.541.4953 Klaus Biesenthal | 815.235.4031

Photos by Kirsten Barry

y k s n i j i N

Davidsons Black Shaman

ExcEptional GRp stallion

nortradamus x Gigi aspR- 13.2hh 4/8/2000

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Photos by Judy Woodruff

2009 Licensed Dales Stallion - Two Time Grand Champion M&M Pony - Scores through 76% at USDF dressage shows - Stud Fee- $1,000

Jerry & Jan Mitchell 815-631-8090 815-631-8091


Fairview Sport Ponies

THE NEXT GENERATION OF CHAMPION DALES Adrienne Grasso | 925-980-7358 AdrienneGrasso@yahoo.com facebook.com/pg/Davidsonsblackshaman >>> Winter 2018





>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle


>>> Winter 2018





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Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle

RoseLane Sporthorses

Melissa Mulchahey melissamulchahey@yahoo.com

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E.H. Golden West (HET Golden Dream/Golden Moonlight/Going East) 2011 Cremello Stallion, 14.1 3/4 h (148 cm) Elite Stallion, Champion Stallion Performance Test 2014/2015 German National Dressage Pony Champion (Bundeschampion) 2017 German Res. National Dressage Pony Champion (Bundeschampion) 2016 Bronze Medal World Championships for Young Dressage Ponies Producer of multiple licensed stallions, licensing champions, foal show champions,top dressage ponies FRESH SEMEN

FS No Doubt (FS Numero Uno/FS Champion de Luxe/ Golden Dancer) 2015 Bay Stallion, 14h (145 cm) Res. Champion Stallion Licensing Sire FS Numero Uno was German National Champion in 2013 and has since gone on to sire numerous successful stallions and dressage ponies. The dam line of FS No Doubt is one of the best in all of German Riding Pony breeding. This historic damline is responsible for over 30 licensed stallions, numerous states premium mares and multiple dressage ponies including the European FEI Pony Champion Desert Rose FROZEN SEMEN ONLY

E.H. Golden State (Golden Moonlight/Donchester/Valento) 2009 Palomino stallion, 14.1 1/2 h (147 cm) Elite Stallion, Champion Stallion Performance Test 2012 German National Dressage Pony Champion (Bundeschampion) 2014 USDF Horse of the Year Producer of multiple licensed stallions, licensing champions, German Res. National Dressage Pony Champion (Bundeschampion), States Premium Mares, Verbands Premium Mares, foal show champions, top dressage ponies FRESH SEMEN >>> Winter 2018








g n i r Sp

N O P 16

>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle

• Relieves Pain • Reduces Injuries • Reduces Stress

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Ponies love the TheraPlate too!

The Official Therapy Plate of U.S. Equestrian



The Sound Choice

>>> Winter 2018






>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle



Is He The Next Great Eventing Pony?

By Sara Brooks

It’s safe to say that nearly anything can catch fire on the internet and social media these days – from costumed cats to acts of kindness, it seems like we’ve seen it all. This summer, however, it was not a post-wisdom-tooth-removal video or a cute kid dancing in the backseat that captivated the hearts of Facebook…it was a pony named Digby! Earlier this year, 4-star veteran eventer and social-media maven, Lainey Ashker, shared a helmet camera video of herself riding Digby around the Preliminary cross-country course at Waredaca June Horse Trials. In the video, viewers can take a virtual ride on this wonder pony as Lainey’s words; “what a good pony!” “awesome!” “super!” are framed by Digby’s workmanlike perked ears and steady gallop across the bright summer grass. Viewers later learned that Digby is owned by Lainey’s working student, Carina Erickson of New York City, New York, and that Lainey snagged the ride on Digby while Carina was busy studying for her high school final examinations. Following his second-place finish in the Preliminary at Waradeca with Lainey, Digby competed two CIC 1*s and three more events at Preliminary to finish out the 2017 season with Carina. Carina, a 16-year-old high school Junior, grew up in New York City but her passion for riding developed later when her parents purchased a home in upstate Millbrook, New York. “My riding roots stem from fox hunting, which I took part in for a few years,” she explains. Carina began eventing around the time that she was 14-years-old and her first event pony was a 13.2 hand Welsh named Sparrow. “Even though it was both of our first experiences in eventing, he still managed to be perfect,” Carina says of Sparrow. After gaining experience at the lower levels, Carina realized that Sparrow would not be suitable to compete at the levels to which she aspires and she began searching for a new partner. “While I was browsing Sport Horse Nation, I came across Digby’s ad. Now, a 14 hand pony was not necessarily what I had in mind, but I was short and I just had a gut feeling that he was the one. My trainer-at-the-time and I flew from New York to Rebecca Farm to try Digby. The moment I sat on him I knew he was going to be special,” Carina explains. Soon after, Carina and her family made arrangements to bring Digby from Montana to New York and the two were officially a team!

“Hehasneverlethissmallersizesethim asidefromthehorsescompetinginhis division.Heloveshisjobandheespecially lovescrosscountry!Hemaynotbethe biggestonecompetingbuthesurehasone of the biggest hearts.” ~Carina Erikson

continued on page 26 >>> Winter >>> Winter 2018 2018|

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AUDREY MASCHUE | (561)541-2646

xanadustables@bellsouth.net www.XanaduDressage.com


Highlife’s Bulgari Xanadu Dressage Boy

Digby’s dressage at Millbrook HT (Photo Credit: Jen Garber)

Bodyguard x FS Champion De Luxe, Ht:147cm, LFG, Approved: Weser Em, ISR/NA OLD, RPSI NA Stallion Testing Reserve Champion Pony Stallion 2012, Consistently throws high quality foals. 100% Conception rate on first shipment.

100% Premium Foals


>>> Pony Quarterly


Digby and Carina began competing at the Beginner Novice level in 2015. They later progressed to the Novice level and “Digby still thought the jumps were no sweat,” Carina says. Things began to change for Digby and Carina, and they won their move up to Training Level in October 2016, after relocating to Virginia to train with Lainey. According to Carina, the two met at the Millbrook Horse Trials in 2016 and Lainey “fell in love with Digby after our first dressage lesson there. She sure was right (as always) when she said he was special!” Since Carina has been riding with Lainey, she and Digby have been competing successfully at the Preliminary and CIC 1* levels and Carina hopes to have the opportunity to compete in the 1* at NAJYRC in 2018. “Having Lainey as my coach for the last year has been such an amazing journey,” gushes Carina. “She is such an amazing teacher and always knows the right things to say. I have never had so much confidence in myself and Digby. I am always so thankful to have her as my coach and my best friend.”

Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle

Digby’s dressage at Millbrook HT (Photo Credit: Jen Garber)

Carina’s favorite thing about Digby is that he “has this ‘go go go’ mindset,” she explains. “He has never let his smaller size set him aside from the horses competing in his division. He loves his job and he especially loves cross country! He may not be the biggest one competing but he sure has one of the biggest hearts.” “One of the most memorable moments I have with him was early on in my career with him, when we were still competing at the Beginner Novice level,” Carina remembers. “It was a cold day, in the winter in upstate New York, and I went inside of his stall and sat down near the corner to warm up a little bit. Digby, who was eating hay, turned towards me and actually laid down next to me. It was a special moment because he was still relatively new to me and I thought that was the moment that we bonded together.” It’s been a long time since eventers have had a pony to get excited about; maybe even since the great Teddy O’Connor. Carina and Digby represent not only the hopeful partnership that could catapult them towards the ranks of the legendary, but also the versatile heart of the pony. They are proof that ponies are capable and competitive partners in eventing, and their determination coupled with Lainey’s successful coaching makes this pair one to watch for the future!

>>> Winter 2018





>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle




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Y N O >>> Winter 2018






>>> Pony Quarterly


Promoting and Celebrating Sport Ponies, their Owners & their Lifestyle

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