12 The Accessible Employment Center (Smart, Complete, Community Design) The aim of this development scenario would be three-fold. First, the site would be developed as a major jobs center with at least one major employer in the site. Second, we would leverage emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, the sharing economy etc. to shape the built environment within the site. This development would serve as a sort of incubator and test case for the smart cities of tomorrow. We would aim to develop a large town center in the area that the Imagine Austin comprehensive plan designates as a town center. Third, the jobs center would serve to anchor areas of mixed use development and a town center. This would generate a livework-play within the study site and allow residents to access myriad services with minimal to no driving. 12.1 THE VISION The essential vision for this scenario is a tech center that anchors a town center and various mixed-use development. This vision situates the site within the context which is why we do not propose high density develop in this scenario. It is unlikely, given the transportation options to the site and the physical location of this area, that the site would be able to support truly high density development.
Figure 25. Scenario 2 zoom
BCPS Associates