Miti Desai pg 30 | Photographed by Selvaprakash L RIP Mathursaab 03 Vaishali and Nikita Shah 4 Jalpa Shah 12 Kashmira Sarode 17 Parul and Mooshir Vahanvati 24 Anoop V Chalil 44 Sanket Avlani 52 Kriti Tula and Divisha Kashyap 58
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Editor in Chief | sudhir@indidesign.in
October 2014 | # 52
Design in India A detailed look at the call from our Prime Minister to 'Make in India' (and especially the section on New Infrastructure), makes the government policy towards Design very clear. It is true that Manufacturing is a sector with the potential for large mass employment. Given our population that is definitely something to be taken care of. I heard a lot of noises from the design community when this call to 'Make in India' was made public. But think of this: Design will never be a mass employer sector. Even today there are more designers than the industry can employ. Design as a profession is highly unorganized and unrecognized, and has extremely poor infrastructure.
Though it would be glorious and ego-boosting for Design to be the center of an economic revival for India, we are not ready yet. A strong Manufacturing sector would give opportunities to deserving design set-ups, and design infrastructure would move up. And yet, the Government has not forgotten Design. Mention of Design under New Infrastructure shows that the Government is aware of the centricity of Design in Manufacturing. Though the Prime Minister's call doesn't explicitly say so, the keen and observant eye will see the subtext: Design in India.
Miti Desai pg 30 | Photographed by Selvaprakash L RIP Mathursaab 03 Vaishali and Nikita Shah 4 Jalpa Shah 12 Kashmira Sarode 17 Parul and Mooshir Vahanvati 24 Anoop V Chalil 44 Sanket Avlani 52 Kriti Tula and Divisha Kashyap 58
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Designindia was founded in 2002. It was started as a platform for interaction for the design community in India and abroad. Over the years it has grown into a forum spread over many social and professional networking domains, linking design professionals into an active, interactive and thought leading community.
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font design
STATE OF ART Jalpa Shah’s Babuchak font is a tribute to the rich and colorful culture of the state of Gujarat
What excites you about typography? JS: It’s not only about creating fonts and expressing them; it’s also about bringing balance between art, design and type. There is a lot to experiment with. The most amazing part is that every alphabet has a visual character to it. Typography looks its best when accompanied by bold colors and graphics.
Design Studio, where I experimented with miscellaneous designs. I always let myself experiment with new mediums - exploration has played a major role in whatever I have done. Every project has always been a challenge for me. I currently work as a Junior Visualizer with Ogilvy & Mather in Mumbai. I have also been an independent freelance designer/ illustrator/typographer for over a year now. Tell us about the Babuchak font you designed.
JS: I have always been interested in brightly colored illustrations, hand drawn type, doodles, etc. Every time I visualized something I would quickly grab a pen and paper to sketch it out - this was my favorite pastime. Being an art enthusiast I pursued a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts – Applied Art) from Rachana Sansad College of Applied Art & Craft, Mumbai. I specialized in typography.
JS: This was my final year elective (Typography) project at Rachana Sansad. Gujarati culture was the biggest inspiration to create Babuchak. I always wanted to create something unique and iconic for the state of Gujarat, something that had never been done earlier. After a lot of research I came up with the thought of creating a display font. Being a Gujarati I could relate to the project and express my love and gratitude for Gujarat’s culture. In Gujarati slang, the word ‘babuchak’ means a nerdy villager.
During the course I explored an array of ideas and designs that helped me choose a career in design and advertising. For a year I worked as an associate designer at Yellow
Babuchak was created in a month and half. The characters are inspired by the lively and vibrant culture of Gujarat, including religion, festivals, wedding culture, paintings,
Why did you choose a career in design?
12 POOL #52
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Final layout of the font
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cover story
For Miti Desai, there’s a very fine line between dance and design. Both are forms of expression she revels in. Founder and Creative Head of Bangalore-based Miti Design Lab, she finds that classical Indian dance has reintroduced her to traditional design, culture and esthetics, which are key players in her design practice. How would you define design? MD: Design is all-pervasive. I see design as not only esthetics, but much beyond that. To me it is a way of thinking; a way of life. It is an ongoing quest and study. It is a deep experience of moving from the form to the formless, from the micro to the macro, and vice versa, which takes me towards the exploration of holistic design. My journey is towards understanding the core existence of design, which I feel can principally be investigated through the medium of nature. This journey, I believe, will lead me to understanding the true power of holistic design. The investigation is of both material and dematerialized practice - where the definition of material is nature, and dematerialized exploration is the examination of thought and concepts - penetrating further into the medium of pure energy space. 30 POOL #52
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cover story
'Nepathtya' - Book Design & Book Art; Makeup and Costume Traditions of Kerala Arts
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Brand & identity
Silk Route Escapes, an experiential travel outfitter based in New York and India, offering luxury, offbeat and custom-crafted expeditions through India. Logo : Inspired form Airavata a mythological elephant that carries the God Indra. Elephant is one of the symbols that can easily portray India, luxury and travel simultaneously.
first presentation, Caroline Kunst Wergeland - one of the key persons at Super Helse - was not sure about me; after the presentation she was so happy! The project was selected by www.thedieline as one among hundred of 2013. The works were also featured on many blogs. Jeevan S Nair did beautiful illustrations for the packaging. Right now we are in discussions on revamping the packaging. What are you currently working on? AVC: Currently I am working on an identity system for a multi-functional club called The Hill District Club; and a juice packaging project for a Hyderabad-based startup company called Naturlich Beverages P. Ltd. Recently I signed a contract with an upcoming resort in Wayanad, Kerala; the project will take off soon. 48  POOL #52
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