Teachers Evaluation

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Hotelijersko-turistička i ugostiteljska škola

Nurme kool

I I S Leonardo da Vinci Școala Gimnazială “Silvania”

HOW TO BECOME A TEACHER IN ROMANIA? 1. Initial training, theoretical, in specialty, achieved in universities, within programs accredited under the law

2. Teaching (didactic) master lasting two years

3. Practical training lasting one school year, performed in a school under the supervision of a mentor EXCEPTION: teacher The staff training in early preschool education (children from birth to 3 years), for the children-educator position, is achieved through pedagogical high-schools.

Obtaining the definitive as a teacher in education degree signifies the recognition of the minimal acceptable competences acquired by a person who chose a teaching career and guarantees, in this way, that the person has the necessary skills needed to practice the teaching profession and can enter on a professional route upward.

Obtaining the IInd teaching degree signifies achieving by a teacher of a further professionalization, confirmed by the results obtained at tests specifically designed to highlight the added value acquired in the period of time passed since he/she obtained the definitive as a teacher degree.

Granting the Ist teaching degree means achieving by a teacher of a high level of professional maturity and expertise, which recommend him/her as a generator of good practice in school environment.

EXTERNAL EVALUATION External evaluation is one the main duties of the School Inspectorate.

TYPES OF EXTERNAL EVALUATION 1. Inspection of teachers - 'special inspection' (4 classes per teacher, on teacher's request) - 'current inspection' (2 -4 classes per teacher, at the inspector's decision) 2. Inspection of schools - 'theme inspection' (at least once a month, on topics agreed on by inspectors, schools are allotted to inspectors by inspectorate) - general, 'RODIS' inspection (one-week evaluation of 9 aspects of school-life, 7-8 inspectors involved, in 3 stages: pre-inspection, inspection, post-inspection)





special inspection

evaluation + counselling of TEACHER

current inspe ction

How long



inspector / assistant inspector

3 x 4 classes whenever 2 preteacher needs inspections + it 1 inspection

counselling + evaluation of TEACHER


inspector + assistant inspector

2 - 4 classes

‘theme’ inspection

monitoring + counselling of SCHOOL



RODIS inspection

counselling + evaluation of SCHOOL (9 criteria)



monitoring of TEACHER / SCHOOL


‘every two years’

more than one once a month day

max. 8 inspectors

5 weeks preinspection, inspection, postinspection

‘every four years’

2-3 inspectors

1-2 days

following complaints

INTERN EVALUATION IN ROMANIA • Evaluations for the beginning of the teaching career, annual • Evaluations, applied by methodological panels, regular inspections and class visits • Conducted by the school principal, evaluations applied during continuous training programmes

METHODOLOGY FOR THE ANNUAL EVALUATION OF THE TEACHING AND AUXILIARY TEACHING STAFF • Self-evaluation, peer evaluation (by department/ methodological panel) • Evaluation by the school principal, establishing the score in the administration council‘s meeting.

THE PROCEDURAL EVALUATION STAGES ARE: 1. Filling in an evaluation form by the respective teacher (self-evaluation); 2. Filling in an evaluation form by the direct head (evaluation by peers or, according to case, by the head of the methodological panel, the head of the department, the deputy school principal etc.) And by thehead of the school unit;

3. The evaluation interview – applied by the school unit‘s council of Administration, where the final evaluation form will be filled in by mediating the differences between the three former evaluations; On the basis of the evidence presented, a final score will be established. On the basis of the score sheet for establishing annual marks, teachers may obtain marks falling into three levels: unsatisfactory; satisfactory; well; very well.

THANKS FOR ATTENTION! "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsi-ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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