Carrie 2013
Carrie is a film about a girl called Carrie who finds out she has weird special powers. She lives at home with her mother who is ridiculously religious and forces Carrie to ask for forgiveness over the silliest of things. Carrie gets bullied by certain characters and uses her powers towards the end of the film to seek revenge. It is a very strange film.
At the beginning of the film, Carrie gets bullied in the shower room at school as she started her period and was unaware of what one was and freaked out. At this point in the film, Carrie is the protagonist as she is a victim of bullying.
Towards the end of the film Carrie becomes the antagonist as she takes advantage of her powers and kills and injures a number of people, unfortunately not just the ones she got bullied by but also innocent people to.
Location In this film location was
picked very wisely. Carries home was a great location as inside it was old looking and dark and the look and feel to her house really did symbolise how depressing and miserable her life is. The house created a sinister feel to it and looked incredibly creepy inside.
Location Another good location that
was used was the abandoned city when Carrie was around there killing many people. It was so silent which created a scary atmosphere and also made it more obvious that people were going to get killed as there were hardly anyone about which caused more fear for the audience.
Victim To begin with Carrie is the victim of bulling but as soon as her powers grow, innocent people and also the bullies get tortured and killed by Carrie, which means these people then take on the role of the victims, leaving Carrie as the antagonist.
The helper The helper in the film is Sue. She realises that not helping Carrie out in the shower room was wrong and throughout the rest of the film respects Carrie and tries to help her out.
Sound In the prom scene sound is
used perfectly to fit with what’s happened and what’s going to happen. Carrie uses her powers and breaks all the lights which makes a loud sound which created tension and caused attention to be raised by the audience. Dark, fast paced music is then used when the characters at prom freak out at Carries actions.
This music creates tension and also alarms the audience that the scary, dangerous stuff doesn’t end there. The dark, fast music creates a sense of fear from the characters running away and this gives the audience a better understanding of how frightened they are by using this music. This can be seen on the link below which shows this at the beginning of the clip. This is non-digetic sound.
When Carrie was going mental and began killing people a really good closeup shot was used on her face. This was effective because it really showed her mind messing with her and also it showed how aggressive she was becoming which made it really obvious that bad things were about to happen to the people around her.
Editing Editing in Carrie was used incredibly well. When Billy and Chris are in the car and see Carrie walking over to them, with force Billy speeds up and forces the car to Carries direction so they can run her over. With Carrie being so powerful, as soon as they come really close to her Carrie uses her powers to stop them. This is where the editing is used.
Using slow motion, Carries powers force the two characters forwards in the car banging them into the front window and then back again with blood pouring down their faces. This is so affective because it allows the audience to slowly see the pain and torture that Carrie has put them through, which gives the scene more affect. Below is the link to watch this clip from the film. v=YXwRtXpHNNI
Mise en scene Lighting
Good lighting was used in the scene where Carrie uses her powers on her mum at home. Two lamps are on creating only small amounts of light, leaving the rest of the room in darkness. This creates a dark feel to the scene and almost instantly lets off that something strange and scary is going to happen between Carrie and her mother.
Mise en scene Costume At prom, Carrie wears a beautiful girly pink dress, making her look sweet, innocent and pretty. This costume choice almost is a trick to the audience making them believe as she looks so sweet, Carrie wouldn’t do anything to harm anyone, however, she does.
Carries costume is very different to the way she begins to act, making that sweet, innocent look due to the costume disappear.
Mise en scene Makeup At prom when Chris pours a bucket of red paint over Carrie, it looks ridiculously like blood and makes Carrie look sinister and dangerous. This type of makeup begins to reflect on Carries behaviour and most certainly makes her look more scary and strange.
Mise en scene Casting Casting was picked very well
for this film. For the mother for example, she is a strange woman, possibly not quiet right in the head. To fit with her character she has this certain look, pale skin, no makeup and almost dirty, messy looking to fit with her personality, this look worked very well in the film.
Mise en scene Colour symbolism Colour is very powerful in this film. For example at the end when Carrie has that bright red paint chucked over her it straight away symbolises danger and the fear of something scary and bad happening, which it does.