Boots Live Project - Your Good Skin Innovation Project NTU FMB

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Word Count - 4,400 words


Ethics Clause

We confirm that this work has gained ethical approval and that we have faithfully observed the terms of approval in the conduct of this project. In completing this project and in accordance with the Student IP Policy, all intellectual property rights will be owned by NTU and under the conditions of completing a live project with Boots, ideas will be available for them to use.

Signed___________________________________________Date:________________ Signed___________________________________________Date:________________ Signed___________________________________________Date:________________ Signed___________________________________________Date:________________ Signed___________________________________________Date:________________ Signed___________________________________________Date:________________





Methodology Introduction

6-7 8-9

Part One


Brand Outline Brand Architecture Benefit Ladder YGS In-Store Brand Health The Consumer - Pen Portraits Consumer Insight Market Analysis Trends Brand Positioning Competitors PESTLE SWOT Analysis Key Insight

12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-25 26-27 28-19 30-35 36-37 38-39 4043 44-45 45-47

Part Two


References Bibliography Appendix Image References

78-79 80-81 82-90 91-95

Identifying Opportunity Platforms Prioritising Opportunity Platforms Initial Idea Generation Refined Ideas Prioritising Ideas Hierarchy Of Innovation The Action To Be Taken Insight Map Customer Frustration Developed Concept Risk vs Reward Benefits Size Of The Prize Conclusion

50 51 52-53 54-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73 74-75 76-77


Methodology Methodology

To gain consumer insight, two quantitative online surveys, and one in depth consumer interview were conducted. The first survey, which received 112 responses was distributed online to a Facebook group called ‘Fashion Forward B***h’. This is a community of 30-65 year old consumers, consisting mainly of women. A possible limitation of this however is the nature of the group being focused toward fashion rather than skincare, with a mix of genders on the page. As we had a specific sample age and gender in mind, to overcome this we wrote a post in conjunction to the survey link asking for 35-45 year old females, who have an interest in skincare to respond to the survey. The page in question currently has 13,000 members, this broad scope allows for a diverse sample, giving a well rounded response which gave a clear insight into consumer frustrations and desires. The second survey received 100 responses and was released on the same page as the previous survey as it was a follow up questionnaire. A limitation of this however is that the same people may not have answered so the responses may not have been accurate. To overcome this, questions were not based on the initial survey but were based on gaining insight that was missed from the first one. The indepth consumer interview was conducted with Ellie Hiam, a 30 year old female, who is the president of Ladies Circle, a social group for women, and is a Tropic Skincare brand ambassador. She was chosen as she is the appropriate age, with established knowledge and interest in skincare, a social person with a small child. Although a limitation of this was the participants knowledge on skincare, as it does not reflect the YourGoodSkin consumers lack of awareness on skincare. However, this overall was a benefit, as Hiam could give insight on her own experience with skincare as well as other consumers frustrations and desires from her ambassador meetings, giving a broad spectrum of ideas, despite only interviewing one person. Two store interviews were conducted within Space NK and Lush. These locations were chosen as both are hubs for innovation, with Space NK sitting within high end skincare, and Lush being a leader within sustainability innovations. This provided A final store observation was conducted on the 12/02/2019 from 12:30pm till 13:00pm. This time was chosen as lunch time has a higher footfall due to this a typical lunch break period for workers, which is our target consumer. 4 group members stood in various sections of the store to understand where the highest concentration of the brands target consumer were shopping, and what brands they were drawn too. A conversion from browsing, to picking up, to actual purchase was analysed, as well as main internal competitor No7’s concession to gain appropriate insight on competitors for the brand within Boots.

Written by Vicky and Maggie, Edited by Poppy 6


Introduction This report will be taking an indepth look into the Boots own brand YourGoodSkin with the aim to create an NPD idea for 30-45 year old women. A situational analysis of the brand will be conducted to access where the brand currently is within the market. Both primary and secondary research will aid this analysis in the form of shop safaris, store observations, quantitative and qualitative research, and insight from databases like Mintel, Passport, and WGSN. Consumer frustrations and desires will inform the ideation process to achieve a successful NPD launch that the YourGoodSkin consumer will react positively to. This is in order to increase awareness, consumer loyalty, and ultimately revenue and sales.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 8



PART one


Brand Outline


YourGoodSkin is a Boots owned skincare range founded in 2017. The band focuses on incorporating natural ingredients to restore balance to the skin within a 28-day cycle. YourGoodSkin’s typical consumer is a woman with unpredictable skin who isn’t a “skin junkie” and doesn’t have time for skincare with her hectic life. That’s why the brand focuses on making the use of the product easier for the consumer. The brand holds a hard hitting claim as a key point of differentiation from competitors, they claim their products provide consumers with “healthy skin in 28 days”, which assures the consumer that the product will provide them with all-round healthy skin. YourGoodSkin operates a community forum online for all people who have purchased the product to discuss their experiences and any questions. This has been successful for YourGoodSkin as it allows the brand to connect deeper with the consumer as they are able to provide valuable feedback and insight.

Brand Promise

Gives the certainty of consistently good skin for life.

Brand Essence

Certainty, Clarity, Freedom. They want to be simple and provide products that the consumer instinctively knows how to use.

Written by Vicky, Edited by Poppy 12


Brand Architechture YourGoodSkin’s brand architecture predominantly focuses on skincare for problematic and unpredictable skin. They offer skincare solutions for all of their consumer’s skin needs, with products that solve blemishes, dullness, dryness, oiliness, textured skin and large pores. The brand offers products from every category of skincare that work to give their consumers healthy skin. They have cleansers, scrubs, concentrates, toners, masks and moisturisers; however their hero product is their Balancing Skin Concentrate, which works to improve the 5 key signs of healthy looking skin.

Written by Nicole, Edited by Poppy 14


Benefit Ladder Brand Promise

Focusing on healthy skin, YourGoodSkin positioned themselves within the preventative skin care segment, aimed at 30-45 year old women who had problematic skincare. The brand is based on being reactive to consumers concerns and products are designed around these frustrations.

Market Context

The market is showing a preference toward natural skin care with a specific focus on whole body wellness, and potent single ingredient skincare. Recyclable and reusable packaging, as well as solid formulas have emerged from the sustainability trend.

Target Consumer

The 30-40 YO age bracket. Someone who values effective products at a lower price. Want easy and effective skincare. A current Boots customer, can target them effectively. Want anti-age products. Want to feel like the best version of themselves. Most likely a young mum, and with this busy schedule her skincare is not her top priority. She is not a skincare junky. She is only interested because she has bad skin. As a brand we need to show up to her, she will not have time to look for our brand. Her big passion is her friends and her family. Very social person. YourGoodSkin runs a forum in which consumers can share experiences with the products and other information. This makes the consumer feel a part of a community with other like minded women, this humanises the brand as they feel cared for, with their opinions valued.

Brand Positioning Brand Personality 16

Brand Essence

The products are focused around preventative skin care for long lasting healthy skin. This will give consumers confidence in their appearance, thus making them feel happier than before they used the brand. This positive feeling will then be associated with the brand, encouraging repeat purchases. YourGoodSkin is sold through Boots which has stores across the country, at affordable price points. The brand being widely available will encourage consumer who would not normally invest in skincare to try something new, due to the price range and the volume of Boots stores in the UK. The consumer will feel gratified as they feel more adventurous trying new things which could allow for new elements of her personality to shine. Self exploration of different sides of the self allows for more opportunities for self love and appreciation. A listener. An encourager. Honesty. Knowledgeable.

Certainty, Clarity, Freedom.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy



In Store

The shop safari found No7 was the first brand that consumers saw when walking into 3 out of the 4 Boots stores visited, making it a strong competitor within the Boots environment. One conclusion made from this research was that more obvious shelf marketing should be used to emphasis the healthy skin focus that YourGoodSkin has, in order to differentiate the brand from No7. This could be beneficial to the brand as they were found to be positioned on the top two shelves, in consumers line of vision, yet the shelf marketing was not visible. This is especially important for YourGoodSkin customers who want all of the information in front of them as they aren’t going to reach for their phone for information. During the Boots store visits and customer observations, YourGoodSkin was merchandised next to the following; Olay, Neutrogena, Pixie, Nip&Fab, Boots Lift, Soap and Glory, and L’Oreal. Mintel found “women have high regard for mass market brands, with Olay being considered a brand that provides consistently high quality” (Mintel, 2018). In addition, Olay and L’Oreal had the biggest customer interaction and conversion into actual purchases during a Boots observation, overall implying they’re a strong external competitors.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 18


Brand Health Usage

YourGoodSkin is an exclusive Boots own brand. YourGoodSkin is sold online via the Boots website, as well as in the USA, Ireland, Italy, France, and Spain. Boots have roughly 2500 stores across the UK (Figures from August 2018, ) and has the fourth biggest percentage share of the Mass Beauty and Personal Care market in the UK, 8.6% (Passport, 2018). From this we can assume YourGoodSkin will have a higher exposure compared to competitor Superdrug whom has 800 stores in the UK. However, this also implies a saturated environment the NDP will launch into. To overcome this YourGoodSkin need to differentiate themselves through targeted marketing focused on their healthy skin directive.


In terms of brand awareness, YourGoodSkin has low awareness with 81% of respondents stating they had never heard of the brand. This is possibly due to being placed amongst a crowded market. Additionally, as they are only distributed in Boots, nonBoots shoppers will not be exposed to the brand. However, from the 19% that had heard of the brand, 68% of these respondents had purchased a product, revealing that the conversion of awareness to sales is good. Their social media accounts have a good number of followers considering their older target consumer who don’t typically spend a lot of time on social channels such as Instagram. Their Instagram account has 23.7K followers, it is utilised by followers as an extension of the brand community forum as they are seen providing each other support in the comments.


YourGoodSkin are a brand based on a community built through consumer interaction, both with each other and the brand. They have an online forum where customers can bond and share their experiences with the brand, particularly the claim driven 28-day challenge in which consumers use YourGoodSkin products religiously in order to clear and improve their skin. Overall the reviews were positive, and it seemed that consumers shared the same positive experience. They also included before and after pictures that displayed the drastic change and improvement on their skin. This is good for their brand as it allows consumers to put their trust in the brand and gives them an incentive to try the products. Within the survey conducted it was found that the target consumer felt that the brand had “no discernible differences from other brands”, this suggests YourGoodSkin is struggling to stand out amongst its crowded market. However, some others felt that the brand was “effective” and a “quick fix for the busy person at a reasonable price” showing that once the products have been tried by a consumer their perceptions are changed.

Written by Nicole, Edited by Poppy 20


The Consumer Lucy, 30 Lucy is a busy working mum age 30 with 2 young children. She has recently started back at work as her children are getting older, her daily routine consists of getting the children and family ready for school, before heading off to work in which she has a busy day without. She doesn’t have time in the morning to complete an in depth skin routine however she wants to still be able to look good and feel confident, therefore when she is looking for skincare she want to find simplistic and minimalistic products that are not time consuming. At the weekend she enjoys going on family days out or catching up with her friends for brunch and drinks. She enjoys taking time for herself and wants the opportunity to look and feel good at the weekends. She likes to look and feel good and keeps up with the latest trends, shops at High street stores and department stores such as John Lewis and Debenhams. She likes to spend her money on memories not materials therefore when it comes to skincare she wants a product which is affordable and still good for what she needs. She looks for products that focus on making her look her best and protect her skin.

Written by Ayisha, Edited by Poppy 22


The Consumer Jane, 44 Jane is a full time working woman who lives with her husband and late teenage children. She works full time and has more time in the morning and weekends to herself due to having older children and less responsibility. She wants a skincare routine which focuses on preventing the aging of skin. Lucy enjoys meals out and spending her money on more expensive luxuries, therefore she needs a brand to prove themselves. She enjoys time with friends and family and travelling. She often spends time at sports games which her children take part in and wants to look her best even with those early start matches. She is active and loves taking their family dog, Banjo for a walk in the evenings after work. With more money to spend she is less picky and will buy what she likes the look of, often taking recommendations from friends with similar skincare needs.

Written by Ayisha, Edited by Poppy 24




From analysing the survey results, it was found that the majority of participants were buying skincare both in store and online meaning YGS has potential success in both areas as they are sold through Boots website and their stores. Another key finding was that the consumers were attracted to using a hero product from any the brand they are loyal to meaning that consumers are more attracted to single products than entire ranges. This also allows us to understand that the partakers had a skincare regimen that consists of many different brands, rather than buying every product from one brand. The main motivators for purchase for the respondents was successful anti-ageing properties, price and the option of consumer review. This is showed that the main percentage of the participants were concerned about value for money and effectiveness of the product. From this insight it was clarified that the NPD idea needed to be something that either had direct anti-ageing properties or lends itself to aid other anti-age products they may already use. The second source of primary research that was conducted was a one to one interview with Tropic ambassador Ellie Hiam. Hiam was asked 13 different questions regarding her skin regime, her opinions on the skincare industry and personal experiences with skincare and her customers. What was discovered by the partaker was that there was a preference to brands with a strong ethos and brand message. As a consumer Hiam placed sustainability and cruelty free aspects of products as her top two concerns when buying skincare. However, as an ambassador for a skincare brand, her professional knowledge on skincare allowed her to provide further insight into what other consumers want. She stated that consumers of the 30-45 age bracket respond positively to claim lead products with proven results. This helped to identify that YourGoodSkin should focus on their social media presence to display testimonials from consumers to satisfy this need for proven results. From secondary research it was discovered that the main two skin concerns for women in the UK was sun protection and pollution protection (Khanom, 2018). This explains the high demand for protective and preventive products for women and the frequent ingredient use of SPF in skincare products. It was also identified that education was low with consumers in regard to what ingredients were in the products they were using on their skin, showing an opportunity platform for YourGoodSkin to offer guidance to its consumers in order to reach a demographic that are not “skin junkies� and worry on what to use.

Written by Vicky, Edited by Poppy 26


Market Analysis

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 28

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The current value of the UK Mass Beauty and Personal Care Market is £7.148 million (Passport, 2019) with a predicted increase of the whole UK Women’s Skincare Category to rise 15% to £1.36 billion by 2023 (Mintel, 2018), with mass products rising and prestige declining. Boots itself has the fourth biggest share (8.6%) of the mass beauty and personal care market in the UK, with Boots own brand No7 being the largest brand within this market (Passport, 2019). YourGoodSkin has a strong platform with a well established audience to launch from, but must draw attention to USP of healthy skin to differentiate from No7, identified through primary and secondary research as an internal competitor. However, recent reports show “global profits fell because of tough UK trading conditions.” (Waller-Davis, 2018), YourGoodSkin should be mindful of this when moving forward as it is a relatively new brand, and sales may not be as strong as other Boots own brands. This idea is furthered by primary research observation, with own brand Soap and Glory being second brand interacted (browsed, picked up, bought) from the category observed (See Appendix).

Top Ten Company Shares of Mass Beauty and Personal Care in the United Kingdom, 2017

Beierdorf (5.1%)

The global skincare market is growing 7% annually, with 50% of that growth thanks to APAC segment, with India being highlighted as a key emerging market (WGSN Beauty Team, 2019). During our shop safari Asian, specifically Korean skincare was featured in half the stores visited (See appendix). The popularity of Korean skincare could be linked to the rise in natural, food grade ingredients, and single ingredient skincare, which will be explored in the trend analysis. Korea itself has been described as the ‘hub of skincare innovation’ and the K-beauty products produced are ‘all about innovative science mixed with ancient traditions’ (Keeome, 2017). This suggests that YourGoodSkin could take inspiration from the Korean skincare market in order to produce more innovative products. However, primary research should be carried out to asses consumer interest as Asian skincare is renowned for its complexity, which contrasts to YourGoodSkins consumer who want intuitive, straightforward skincare that based on claims.

Proctor & Gamble (10.7%)


Trends personalisation The first macro trend identified is personalisation. A focus on tailored skincare, which consumers can mix and match, build, or reduce, dependant on their specific needs like Clinique’s moisturisers being a base for new cartridges that tackle a multitude of issues. Boosters and concentrates allow for flexibility within routines, however brands must provide education alongside this as more potent ingredients being brought into consumers regimen too quickly has contributed to a rise in skin sensitivity, Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson explains, “Every couple of years new ingredients become popular – people incorporate them far too quickly into their routine, which is why sensitive skin is now a massive issue.” (WGSN Beauty Team, 2019). YourGoodSkin already provides their consumers with guidance through their 28-day healthy skin challenge, which should be made clearer to calm any consumer concerns over new ingredients they are not sure of. Makeup brands such as Lancome are offering bespoke foundation, claiming a possible 8,000 shades as seen in the shop safari (See Appendix). This is also linked to the sub trend of inclusivity. The industry has seen a rise in melanin-based products, with brand creating wider shade ranges; this has resulted in “the number of new shades available in facial cosmetics rising by 22% in the US from 2012 to 2017” (Smith, Walker, 2018). Understanding all forms of differences and embracing them is the current beauty zeitgeist, consumers are favouring brands who are adaptive to modern ways of thinking. However, the inclusivity trend is more easily adaptable to makeup brands, and although YourGoodSkin could consider this trend, it is not a priority trend within skincare.


An increased awareness built through social media has created this savvy consumer being dubbed ‘Skintellectuals’. This has led to the popularity of single ingredient products and minimalism within skincare as “consumers increasingly give more thought to their purchases, often reading product labels to ensure they are aware of the ingredients used” (Passport, 2018). Brands such as The Ordinary and The Inkey List are providing straightforward, intuitive skin care which the YourGoodSkin consumer favours. The brand could consider refining ingredients to appeal to their time pressed consumers who may feel overwhelmed by current ‘text heavy’ labelling.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 31

Trends zero waste beauty The second trend identified is Zero Waste Beauty. Featuring reusable and refillable packaging, less products working harder coming as a response to the consumer mindset of “buy less, but better” (Yee, 2019). Innovative solid formulas, as seen from Lush, are beginning to replace traditional creams and liquids as the rise in sustainability grows across all markets, and the new ‘waterless beauty movement’ continues to influence innovation. This is supported by L’Oreal who are commiting to a “60 percent reduction in water consumption per finished product by 2020” (Harperz Bazaar, 2018). Less water and less plastic will feature heavily in the new wave of sustainability, likely in the form of dry sheet masks, biodegradable packaging, and brands partnering with initiatives to be seen to be contributing to movements, for example Kevin Murphy partnering with Green Circle Salons (Bailey, 2018). Additionally, the government has set in place initiatives to ban face wipes as they are not biodegradable and “take up to 100 years to break down” (Gil, 2018). “Legislation has already banned microbeads in the US and UK, and this year sees the banning of wet wipes come into play in the UK.” (Bailey, Yee, 2018). This may impact the sales other similarly structured products, so brands such as YourGoodSkin should look into their brand architecture and make adjustments in line with future changes.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 32

Trends preventitive skincare

The last trend identified is Preventative skincare, consisting of the micro trends of holistic wellness and anti-pollution. Ingestible skincare was seen in 3 out of 8 stores visited during the shop safari (See Appendix) showing an interest in taking alternative methods for healthy skin. Due to “wellness and ‘whole-body beauty’ continuing to gain momentum, ingredients traditionally found in foods will become beauty staples” (Sherman, 2019). Many products were found on the shop-safari that are providing the alternative skincare option, from traditional products. Tablets and powders from brands such as Aime, The Beauty Chef and Kiki Health, were seen in many retail spaces. However it was noted that they were seen in higher-end stores such as Selfridges and Liberty London rather than highstreet stores where YourGoodSkin competes. This shows that there is an opportunity for YourGoodSkin to bring health and wellness tablets/powders into the mass skincare market. Coming in liquid or pill form, brands should acknowledge consumers more active approach to wellness, these consumers could be categorised into the ‘Beauty Backlashers’ Tribe. “Beauty Backlashers share an unwillingness to accept the prevailing narratives in the industry, and search for products and processes that enable them to express their love of cosmetics and skincare without compromising on their principles” (Maiki, Maxwell, Smith, 2017). This implies consumers are frustrated with the lack variety within traditional skincare, brands could offer innovation lead products, to satisfy information driven consumer purchasing habits. Mintel identified pollution and sun as the two biggest concerns affecting skins appearance (Khanom, 2018) with many brands releasing anti-pollution products mixed with SPF to combat these areas. There has been a particular rising use of Vitamin C within these types of products possibly due to its anti-pollution properties, Vitamin C was also highlighted at the Cosmoprof Asia expo as a key emerging ingredient (Yee, 2018), this implies there is high interest in this ingredient among consumers and hence is something YourGoodSkin could look into when creating the NPD ideas. Anti-pollution-based products and other protecting ingredients such as SPF should be of interest to the YourGoodSkin consumer. They often live busy lives where they will see the impact of polluted environments on their skin, this is reinforced by the quantitative primary research survey conducted with the target consumer who expressed an interest in SPF (See Appendix).

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy


Trends technology

Packaging trends are being influenced by the previously mentioned trends of inclusivity and Zero Waste Beauty. Packaging is being used to reflect brand message, for example, minimalistic packaging implies purity and honesty, Victorian apothecary labelling implies science focused, innovation driven brands. YourGoodSkin should consider looking into colour that evoke emotions of strength, health, and happiness, for example whites, blues, and blacks, to reflect their brand essence of certainty, clarity, and freedom. Apothecary style packaging was seen throughout the shop safari in response to these consumers favouring straight forward skincare, WGSN Big Ideas 2021 for skin care said consumers are “focusing more on functional, high-performance and results-driven products over Instagram-worthy aesthetics.” (Yee, 2019). YourGoodSkin consumers tend to respond positively to claim lead packaging, so this aesthetic of labelling should appeal to them, which could lead to increased interest in the products in the future.

Trends packaging

Tactile packaging with ergonomic design is being used to reflect ingredient properties “Organic, ergonomic shapes and simple labelling emphasise the product’s efficacy and natural ingredients” (Yee, 2018). ‘Squeeze pouches’ were seen in 3 out of 8 stores visited during the shop safari (See appendix) and throughout secondary research, which is likely influenced by the micro trend of zero waste beauty trend, refillable products. This new form of packaging gives the user a gratifying experience due to the mouldable texture, as the consumer can visibly see how much of the product they are using, evoking an emotional response of pride as they progress toward better skin. This would work for YourGoodSkin’s 28-day challenge as seeing the product diminish will show consumers how close they are to healthy skin.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy

Technological innovations such as light therapy face masks, jade rollers, and facial steamers are providing convenient high-end treatments at home, featured at Cosmoprof Asia 2018, an event displaying the latest product and packaging innovations (Yee, 2018). Linking back to consumers wanting to feel specifically targeted, brands are acknowledging consumers fragmented routines producing solutions to cater to busier lifestyles, evolving from the traditional 9-5. AI technology is expanding the previously mentioned bespoke beauty trend, using apps and facial recognition to provide an alternative to generic ‘off-the-shelf’ formulas (WGSN Beauty Team, 2019), as “consumers want gadgets that can help them understand their bodies and how best to tailor their routines (WGSN, 2019); linking back to the personalisation trend.


Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy


To position the brands accordingly, the appropriate axes were ‘younger, older, mass and premium’. Once the brands were placed in the appropriate position it was clear that the distribution of brands amongst the ‘mass’ and ‘premium’ section is fairly equal. Although, from market research it is noted that there is a stronger appetite for ‘mass’ market brands, as consumers are more aware that the products provided by mass and premium brands are similar, despite the difference in price. Within the positioning graph there is also a clear correlation that suggests that the older the consumer, the more ‘premium’ the brand is. This correlation implies that products for older consumers are normally higher prices. However, older consumers may want more affordable skincare options that they are currently not being offered. This is where YourGoodSkin has entered a less saturated category of affordable skincare for an older consumer, and has the opportunity to grow within this category. Higher end brands such as ‘No7’ and ‘Clinique’ are also strong competitors for YourGoodSkin, even though they are situated outside of the brand’s current category. This is due to their reputation as brands and in turn they are able to push prices to consumers who trust them, want to get the best out of their skin and do not mind paying a higher price for the brands. For YourGoodSkin to overcome these strong competitors they need to push their focus on all-round healthy skin through their preventive products, to provide a contrast to the competitors typical ‘anti-age’ claim approach.


Written by Nicole, Edited by Poppy



Pro-Activ Lush



Clinique Clarins Origins Elemis N0.7 The Ordinary

The Body Shop Neutrogena Garnier B.

Elizabeth Arden Estee Lauder


Brand Positioning


Nip & Fab Olay

Nivea Mass

YourGoodSkin 37


No7 is another Boots own brand. They launched in 1935 and have been at the front of the market ever since. They believe “that when a woman feels her skin is at its best and her make-up is just right, she has the energy and confidence to take on anything” (No7, 2019). No7 are recognised as an innovative brand and were one of the first mass market to successfully bring out a match made service that gives customers a personalised experience in finding the best foundation, blusher or lip colour that suits their complexion. No7 has successfully found their customer who is similar to YourGoodSkin’s target. They have a strong focus on anti-ageing products and innovation within that area. The brand is trusted within the market and by their consumers which is why they have the biggest market share within the UK skincare market (Passport, 2019). As they are Boots best brand they are always situated within the front of Boots stores and have the best spots in store. However, No7 has a higher price point than YourGoodSkin, which may mean the brand isn’t as accessible to some consumers who don’t have a big budget to spend on skincare.

Olay was founded in 1952 and have a strong focus on anti-age products. They have a higher price point to YourGoodSkin with products priced at £20+. They have a scientific approach to their skincare and they believe in “transformation that leaves skin beautifully ageless, so while some things might give away your age…your skin doesn’t have to tell” (Olay, 2019). Olay is a trusted brand within the industry and is well known among consumers, additionally they are easily accessible to consumers through the many distribution channels that they have. Olay has a strong focus on who their customer is and their anti-age needs, from this they have gained many loyal consumers. However, Olay is not seen as an innovative brand as they have continued to produce similar products and does not have any additional services to offer their consumer. Additionally, Olay is seen as an affordable brand, but the prices are similar to higher end brands, which doesn’t fit in with brand’s image. This may put off consumers who want a more affordable brand.

Garnier is a mass market beauty brand that was founded in 1904, they state that they offer “efficient and innovative beauty products for healthy looking hair and skin” (Garnier, 2018). They have a strong focus on natural, kind-to-skin products rather than scientific products, that are priced in the lower price bracket, similar to YourGoodSkin’s prices. As they are part of L’Oreal, they have the accreditation of this brand behind them meaning they are a trusted brand within the market. Additionally, they are easily accessible from many places such as Boots, Superdrug and many supermarkets, meaning they are able to reach out to non-Boots shoppers. However, Garnier is seen as an introductory brand, with less of a focus on older skin. This is good for YourGoodSkin as it shows there is a potential gap in the market for skincare for older women at a lower price point.


B. is a Superdrug own brand. Similar to YourGoodSkin, it is still fairly new to market. They claim they are a brand for all ages and they pride themselves on the vegan nature of brand. they state that their ‘vegan skincare collection cares for all skin types, with simple to understand daily regimes… so, whether you are looking for skincare for the over 50s or you’re a twenty something looking for prevention rather than cure, the B. collection will help you to remember that age is just a number” (Superdrug, 2018). They are a very affordable brand as they have phases within their products for each life phase, allowing for an extremely wide customer base. This could be problematic as they may not have a specific enough focus on who their consumer is. Additionally, as they have makeup products too, they are possibly able to attract even more consumers. However, they are only available in Superdrug, meaning their awareness is not a strong as some other brands.

Clinique was founded in 1968. They are seen as a pioneer within the industry as they were one of the first brands to push the importance of having a skincare regime and they created the 3-step skincare regime still used and followed by many consumers. They are a premium brand, and their prices reflect that, they have a higher price point, but consumers trust the brand completely. Additionally, they were the first ever dermatologist-created, allergy-tested, 100% fragrance-free collection (Clinique, 2018) and they believe that “Great Skin Can Be Created”. They offer products to consumers of all ages and are constantly updating their product line and working on innovative products, such as their Clinique ID range that offer customers a unique personal experience. However, as the brand is used by many generations it can be perceived as being a brand for older women rather than for all, and this may put off younger consumers from shopping with the brand.

Written by Poppy, Edited by Maggie 39




40 Written by Vicky, Edited by Poppy


YourGoodSkin is currently sold in the UK and United States, as well as having distribution channels in many other countries worldwide. For the brand to distribute in multiple countries they have to ensure they follow the political requirements set by each country, such as importation tax, employment laws and any health and safety regulations they have on skincare products. Following the United Kingdom voting to leave the EU in 2016, many businesses and brands are anticipating a potential drop in sales and consumer spending as the UK economy will be moving into unpredictable circumstances. However, “the women’s facial skincare category saw strong value growth in 2017 despite being the year following Brexit. The referendum has had little impact on the category as it continues to rise in value” (Mintel, 2018). This presents how Brexit should have little impact on YourGoodSkin’s market category and sales should continue as they are.

The unemployment rate in the UK is currently at 4%, this is the lowest it has ever been since December 1974 to February 1975 (The Office for National Statistics, 2019). While the employment rate in the UK “reached a record high of 75.6% between January and March 2018” (Office for National Statistics, 2018) and has maintained that improvement to the third quarter where the employment rate was 75.5% (The Office for National Statistics, 2018). The low unemployment rate means that YourGoodSkin’s target consumer is more likely to be in a full-time job and have a healthy income. This suggests that they have a higher disposable income and will hence be more willing to spend money on non-essential items such as skincare. The British economy grew by 0.6 percent on quarter in the three months to September 2018, following a 0.4 percent expansion in the previous period and matching market expectations, a preliminary estimate showed. It was the strongest growth rate since the last quarter of 2016 as household spending and exports rose firmly while business investment contracted at the fastest pace since early 2016 in part due to Brexit-related economic and political uncertainty (Trading Economics, 2018). This growth is a good thing for YourGoodSkin as if the overall UK economy is in a positive position then consumers will be willing to spend money as they may be in a better position to do so. Additionally, the uncertainty that Brexit brings to investments within economy may mean there is less movement towards smaller start-up businesses as it is increasingly risky to start a business. If there are less new entrants in the market, there is less competition and YourGoodSkin will have less new competitors.

“Smartphones and social media have created short-attention-span consumers that brands have increasing difficulty satisfying” (Sterling, 2017), from this skincare brands have to ensure they are producing the best product for the money meeting the consumers expectation and more. This is extremely relevant with YourGoodSkin as the brand currently sits in an oversaturated market that they need to stand out amongst to gain consumer attention.




Ethical 42

The rise in technology is a massive global trend that is greatly affecting retail, as with more consumers shopping online and a decrease in-store purchases, brands are left with a highly competitive and crowded market. YourGoodSkin currently relies on collaborating with influencers and celebrities to endorse its products to the public. This is an effective method of advertising and has seen success with the likes of Sam Faiers who increased product sales by 800% after showing a product on her Instagram story, as stated by Boots. There is a rise in the amount of older adults using social media with “78% of adults aged 30-49 indicating that they use social media” (Pew Research Center, 2018), this is positive for YourGoodSkin as they rely on the online community of users that they have created to market their products and communicate with their consumers.

Being a UK skincare brand means there is certain policies and regulations the products have to follow in order to be sold in stores. These laws include the Cosmetic Products Procedure which explains that everything about the product including ingredients and method of testing has to be shown on the packaging. As well as the Health and Safety Law which applies to what ingredients that are in each product are safe for the consumer to use on their skin. Overall YourGoodSkin needs to adhere to these laws in order to make it to the market.

Ethical pressure is a huge external factor for skincare brands such as YourGoodSkin, with more consumers caring about ethical issues such as animal testing and environmentally conscious ingredients/ packaging. This is supported by The Guardian who states that “customers are demanding transparency as they take an increasing interest in the ethical practices of those they buy from” (Baker, 2015). Large competitors such as LUSH are promoting this message throughout their branding and constantly receiving praise from their consumers. This tells us that being ethically conscious is important to the consumer and is hence something that YourGoodSkin should definitely consider moving forward.


SWOT Analysis

Strengths Boots own brand therefore they are in a good position to gain a loyal consumer base.

Not Boots’ number one priority in their own brands, competing against big name brands such as No.7, Clinique and Olay.

Their use of influencers helped to increase sales by 800%. 28 days to healthy skin, not a concept which skincare brands normally adopt.

In-store positioning is not prominent, not much focus on YourGoodSkin and is often placed on crowded shelving amongst other brands therefore it may be hard for consumers to find them.

The healthy skin market has grown 8% YOY for the last 2 years therefore therefore YourGoodSkin are in the right market for improving.

Packaging is not up to date and can look very dated compared to some skincare packaging trends.

They have an online community that supports each other and brings in new customers who like the community feel of the brand

Opportunities Upcoming beauty and skincare trends which other brands aimed at 30-45 year olds may not adopt, e.g digital trends, packaging trends Marketing and visual improvements (product placement in store). By improving the packaging and in-store marketing and placing the brand in a more prominent front of store position would allow more recognition. Technological advances (app notifications for consumers and updates on products) Consumer is busy young mums and working women, therefore on the go products could be a potential opportunity for the brand.


Weaknesses Threats The skincare and health market is rapidly growing with large competitors and strong incoming trends that YourGoodSkin may struggle to adapt to quickly enough. Therefore many other brands may be ahead of them More established, high-end brands that are popular with the same consumer such as Clinique is available in Boots and other high-street stores as well i.e Debenhams, House of fraser. This makes those brands more accessible to their consumers who shop in these other shops

Written by Ayisha, Edited by Poppy 45

Key Insights The situational analysis conducted has clarified some key areas to look at when moving forward with the creation of the NPD idea. It was found that consumers are now demanding fast, yet effective skincare that fits into their everyday routine. The key motivators for the YourGoodSkin target consumer is price, prevention, hydration and anti-ageing and so these are the key areas that the NPD idea will aim to cater. The YourGoodSkin consumer is looking to achieve all-round healthy skin and the NPD ideas created will support consumers on this journey

Written by Nicole, Edited by Poppy 46



PART two




Opportunity Platforms

Clear, apothecary style labelling to convey simplicity and potency. 100ml product for easy travelling.


Holistic Wellness Zero Waste Beauty Preventative skin Inclusive Products



Application of the market trends with the relevant opportunity platforms allows YourGoodSkins NPD idea a better chance to gain positive initial sales and a higher level awareness. The brand will appear receptive to consumer frustrations, positioning YourGoodSkin to be important to consumers lives. Key opportunity platforms to pay attention to are Minimalist Beauty as the YourGoodSkins consumer requires intuitive products, and Alpha hydroxy acids as WGSN and our primary research showed consumer interest for this ingredient, particularly hyaluronic acid and fruit acids for hydration, and solid formulas as sustainability is still important to consumers.

Written by Maggie and Vicky, Edited by Poppy




Creating a product that can be added into existing routines for convenience.

Ingestible skin care Solid formulas Buildable skincare Protective/anti-pollution Single Ingredient Skincare Minimalist beauty Alpha hydroxy acids

When creating YourGoodSkin’s NPD a key consideration is what macro trends within the beauty market are affecting our target consumers purchase decisions.

Big and Tough

Size of Opportunity

Having a product that fits within the consumers daily lives rather issue based

What should Y GS Travel Beauty

? do

YGS do? n a c at h a natural grade W Featuringingredients

Opportunity Platforms Solid Formulas

Big and Easy

Protective/ Anti-Pollution

Ingestible Skincare

Small and Tough

Buildable Skincare

Small and Easy

Single Ingredient Skincare

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Minimalist Beauty

Difficult Easy Ease of Execution

All of the opportunity platforms shown are viable options to move forward with. The hardest to execute are solid formula products and ingestible skincare, however the size of the opportunity of these platforms are high as they are new and innovative areas that will excite the YourGoodSkin consumer. From the initial survey completed it was found that zero packaging and solid formula products was the top innovation area that consumers stated they were interested in and so this iterates that there is a healthy appetite for these opportunity platforms.

It would be more beneficial for YourGoodSkin to find an opportunity within the ‘Big and Easy’ category as they are a fairly new brand and may not have the scope to create a NPD idea that is difficult to execute. However if they did create a NPD idea within the ‘Big and Tough’ category, this may help the brand to stand out from the crowded market as they will have a product that is exciting to the consumer. Additionally, the NPD product will have less competitors due to competition not want to introduce products that are difficult to create. The opportunity platforms that land in the ‘Small and Easy’ category are ones that YourGoodSkin may want to discount as they are ones that have less of an opportunity for growth. Although easy to create, there needs to be a better opportunity for growth within the area as YourGoodSkin is trying to stand out from competitors and this will not be achieved with opportunities that have low scope for growth. The key opportunity platforms moving forward are protective/anti-pollution products, buildable skincare, solid formulas and ingestible skincare as these are the areas that offer the biggest opportunity for YourGoodSkin. They may not be the easiest to execute but it will aid the brand in standing out from its competition and growing within the market.

Written by Poppy, Edited by Maggie


Initial Idea Generation Ingestible Skincare

Solid Formulas

Single Ingredient Skincare

Protective/ Anti-Pollution

Buildable Skincare

Wellness tablets

Solid toner

The barrier cream

Hyaluronic acid serum

Anti-dryness tablets

Solid moisturiser

High in spf

Skin elasticity tables

Solid serum

Staged skincare, gets stronger over 28 days - prevents skin sensitivity

Melanin based products

Wellness powder

Solid serum stackable tower Solid eye-cream Solid solid cleanser

Serum collection that gets added every week for a month Serum pen - clickable product

Vitamin C Protective mist Anti pollution cleanser

SPF drops Vitamin C serum

Anti-pollution wipes

Written by Maggie and Vicky, Edited by Poppy 52


Refined Ideas Positives The Barrier Collection Wellness Supplement Tablets Solid Toner Stick

• • • • • • • •


Easily accessiable by the consumer, they already use product similar so it is not too far of a brand stretch Fits very easily into consumers lifestyles Offers consumers an easy solution to the top 2 skin concerns, sun and pollution Offers consumers a quick fix to make their skin look the best it can be.

Fits in with the current health and wellness social trend Exciting and new for the consumer Nothing similar on the high-street provided by skincare brands Quick addition to consumers daily life

• •

• •

• • • •

Less waste than a typical toner (cotton pads etc.), so better for the environment Quick and easy solution for consumers who find toners a hassle to use Nothing similar within the mass beauty market Fits in with YourGoodSkin’s current product range as they already have solid products (Moisturising Balm)

• • •

The range may be difficult to implement as it is very specific to a consumer segment e.g the school run mum The range could be overwhelming for the consumer

Consumer can easily forget to take the tablet May be too far of a stretch for YourGoodSkin as consumers want simple skincare solutions As it is ingestible, YourGoodSkin will need to be aware of new regulations neccessary for pharmecutical products Consumers may feel they are not as effective as traditional skincare methods as they may not see immediate results Many consumers do not see toning as a key step in their skincare routines, would rather skip the step for time Consumers who already use a toner are unlikely to change to a solid format, the target consumer tend to stick to products they like and know May be too far of a stretch for the conusmer

The Barrier Cream Collection

The 9-5 barrier The School Run Barrier The Weekend Barrier The Sleep Barrier

“I want to protect my skin but I don’t know where to start, I find skincare overwhelming and confusing and I don’t have time because of my busy life. I want to look good with minimal effort, while caring for my skin” The collection works in your daily lifestyles dependent on your wants and needs working within a current skincare routine or on its own creating a barrier for your skin within your day to day life allowing you to look and feel good without the added complications and time absorption. With ingredients proven to act as a barrier for your skin such as SPF and Vitamins. Other ingredients are proven to work for their designated functionality such as fine line reduction, plumping and glowing skin and to help with discolouration and dark spots giving you the confidence in your skin all day long. Lifestyle based not solution based meaning no complications.

Making it easy to look good and feel good with minimal effort.

Written by Ayisha, Edited by Poppy 54


Gain your desired skincare and wellness routine with one easy and minimalistic step.

Wellness Supplement Tablets

“I want a skincare regime which is minimalistic and doesn’t involve lots of different products and focuses on overall wellness.” The wellness supplement tablets, not only quick and easy to take especially for busy working women, without the fuss of several ingredient packed creams ands bulky packaging. They include not one type of skincare but complete wellness for the body with the tablet targeting your different wellness needs. Creating holistic body wellness is important in growing consumers needs, rather than targeting one area the Wellness supplement tablets ensure you target several areas with one supplement.

Gain your desired skincare and wellness routine with one easy and minimalistic step.


The Solid Toner Stick

“I am so busy getting my children and myself ready in the mornings I have no time to focus on my own skincare and do not feel confident throughout the day. ” This zero waste solid toner enables you to look and feel good without the need of complicated products. With less impact on the environment discarding the use of cotton wool pads and wrapping you can splash your face and apply this toner in one easy swipe; in the office and on the go. Less is more for you and the planet. Zero waste product has proven to improve the fight to save the planet with a rise in dry products giving way to a minimalistic routine for you and also fewer but harder working products meaning its good for the skin and is also doing its part to protect the planet.

Despite the morning rush the solid bar enables you to feel confident throughout the busy day while taking care of your skin


Prioritising Ideas New

Wellness Supplement Tablets Solid Toning Bar

Barrier Cream Collection

Saturated 58

New Horizons

Sustaining Innovation


Degree of Brand Stretch

Brand Stretch

Breakthrough Innovation


Market - Competitive Environment

The Wellness Supplement Tablets would be a stretch for YourGoodSkin as they currently don’t have any products within their brand architecture that is similar to this. However, there currently is not another mass market skincare brand that has created a similar product and so this would easily stand YourGoodSkin apart from their competitors. The idea may be too far of a stretch for their current consumers who go to the brand for traditional, ‘tried-and-tested’ skincare. The Solid Toning Bar is a product that would easily fit into YourGoodSkin’s current product range as they already have their Instant Dryness Rescue balm, a solid moisturising bar. This is not as big of a stretch for the brand as the wellness tablets, and it falls into more of a competitive, saturated market. However, the consumers would be interested in the product due to it allowing them to tone their face without the use of cotton pads and a large bottle, minimising waste and hassle. Alternatively, there was no interest from the target consumer for toning products, so may not be received as well as The Barrier. The Barrier Cream Collection is less of a brand stretch for YourGoodSkin, but this means their consumers would like the products and recognise them as being a YourGoodSkin product. The idea also falls more into a saturated market but the product is providing the consumer a product that works with their lifestyle, which not many brands offer.

Moving forward it has been decided that we are adapting the Barrier Cream Collection into just one product, as it was felt that the collection was to segmented and did not have a wide enough reach due to the fragmented nature of modern women’s lives

Written by Poppy, Edited by Maggie 59

Hierarchy of Innovation Although it would be a new product offering for YouGoodSkin, The Wellness Supplement Tablets are already visible within a different market of the pharmaceutical market, despite this they would fit with the ethos of the brand and the affordable price point of YourGoodSkin. As a more evolutionary idea ‘The Barrier’ would offer consumers a product which no other brand offers, something that does not focus on specific solutions but is a product women can fit into their everyday life meaning the product creates an emotional attachment to the product, while remaining a functional and effective product. It will also work alongside other products YourGoodSkin offers. The Solid Toner Bar is an revolutionary idea which would introduce YourGoodSkin into a market of fast growing trends, with zero waste packaging and a quick application. However this could be expensive for the brand and consumer and runs risks of the consumer understanding where YourGoodSkin fit within this trend and ethos as a brand.

High Price

Mid Price

Low Price

Solid Toner Bar


The Barrier Cream

Wellness Supplement Tablets



Written by Ayisha, Edited by Poppy 60


The Action To Be Taken Novel Winners

Winning Me Toos


The Barrier

Wellness Supplement Tablets Unlikely to Succeed

Breakthrough Innovation

The Solid Toner Bar and Wellness Supplement Tablets are both forward thinking ideas for the brand, however the market is highly saturated with on trend skincare and beauty in which using these products may result in YourGoodSkin being lost amongst other brands who have already perfected these new beauty trends. The Barrier is a product which hasn’t been seen in the market and has a high differentiation. Making it more likely to succeed in the market as well as this it still fits with the brand current products and position and presents high trial rates.

Written by Ayisha, Edited by Poppy 62

Solid Toner Bar



Insight Map I’ve lost touch with my best self


Skincare can be overwhelming


I don’t have time because of my busy life

I want to look good with minimal effort why?

how does that make you feel?

It makes me feel like less of a woman because I don’t understand

I want to have better skin 64

why is that important?

so what?

I am less confident in daily life

I want to value myself as well as my career/ family

I feel like I am unorganised in my life and I am not my own priority why?

so what?

I don’t have time to build a skincare routine


so what?

I want to feel like an individual

Feeling and looking my best is important to me


I feel I am my most productive when I feel my best looks-wise

The key insight found was that consumer want to have better skin but didnt know where to start. This led to the creation of an insight map looking at the possible channels of thought from consumers. The key insights suggested from using this model, were that to the consumer ‘feeling and looking my best is important to me” , that they feel “I am less confident in day to day life when I haven’t taken time to get ready” and that they “ don’t have time to apply skin care because of my busy life ”. This is why the NPD idea is directed at meeting these aims as to reach a current customer frustration.

Written by Poppy Edited by Maggie


Customer Frustration

“Consumer is most likely a young mum, and with this busy schedule her skincare is not her top priority”.

- YourGoodSkin Boots Speaker.

From analysing primary and secondary research conducted we found that consumers main frustration was a lack of time to spend on their skincare which as a result was causing them bad skin when they woke up and the additional stress on how to treat it quickly. That’s why the clear aim for our NPD was to create a potent and easy to use product that will work alongside their hectic lifestyle in comparison to making it more stressful for the consumer. The product ingredients plump and hydrates the skin while also providing preventative protection showing the consumers frustration of waking up with bad skin can be easily resolved.

Written by Vicky, Edited by Poppy 66




The Barrier is a protective cream with key ingredients of Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, and SPF 30 to protect, hydrate, brighten and plump. The Barrier is positioned as a product for a variety of lifestyles for women between 30-45, who see their skin issues first thing in the morning, which the Boots team identified as a frustration from YourGoodSkin consumer. Ingredients were chosen in response to secondary and primary research which identified four key concerns; sun and pollution protection, hydration, anti aging, and brightening. The first key ingredient is vitamin C, which was highlighted as a key emerging ingredient at Cosmoprof Asia to correct skin tone and texture (Yee, 2018). Although this ingredient was specifically chosen for it’s “potent antioxidant and anti-aging benefits that help mitigate problems both before and after they occur” (Begoun, 2019). YourGoodSkin focuses on prevention to achieve healthy skin, vitamin C is a good ingredient for this as it will brighten the skin today, whilst it detoxifies for healthier skin tomorrow, giving the consumer both short term and long term confidence. The second ingredient chosen was hyaluronic acid, which was identified at Cosmoprof Bologna as a key ingredient for 2019 for it’s hydrating and anti aging qualities (Bailey, 2018), as “one gram (or 0.03 oz.) of hyaluronic acid holding up to six LITERS of water” (Begoun, 2019). Hydration and anti-aging were the top two consumer frustrations found through the primary research survey (See Appendix), implying an interest in this ingredient from the target consumer. With The Barrier being intended for morning use, hyaluronic acid’s quick absorption properties will allow for an efficient experience, positioning the product as a helpful tool within their morning routine. As mentioned in the consumer insight, sun and pollution protection are the top two concerns for womens on the appearance of their skin (Khanom, 2018), to address this the last ingredient chosen is SPF 30. Paula’s Choice commented that “Unprotected sun exposure and environmental assault weaken skin’s surface and cause premature aging” (Begoun, 2018). As previously mentioned anti-aging was found to be the top concern, so adding an extra layer of protection will position The Barrier as a vital final protectant layer within their routines.


The Barrier will be housed in a pale blue aluminum plastic tube with the logo and key ingredients on the front on the package, and the ingredient list on the back. This decision was influenced by trends identified through secondary research; Minimalistic packaging, and organic moldable textiles influenced by natural grade ingredients with science lead claims. Consumers are educating themselves on what goes into their products, and how they impact not only their skin but also the environment. This a rise in natural grade ingredients and have used this to inspire packaging to reflect this, using moldable organic textures with “Organic, ergonomic shapes and simple labelling emphasise the product’s efficacy and natural ingredients” (Kilikita, Taylor, Yee, 2018). Aluminium plastic tubing was chosen as each squeeze of the tube will create a unique shape to the user, creating an organic form. A light blue colour was used to reflect the feeling of calmness, creating a feeling of dependability and loyalty. This consumer segment tend to be busiest in the morning, so the packaging need to evoke these feelings to promote happiness, which consumers will then attach to the brand. The minimalistic packaging will not undermine the claim lead style of YourGoodSkin’s products, as this vital information will be reflected through shelf edge marketing to educate highly aware consumers “Whilst awareness of ingredients is high, for example 73% of women who use facial skincare products have heard of retinol, knowledge is low (only 19% know what it is). This highlights opportunities for brands to educate women on the function of different ingredients” (Khanom, 2018). This product is positioned to work in conjunction with the 28 day healthy skin challenge from YourGoodSkin so will fit easily within the brands architecture. It is ideally to be applied after moisturiser, but due to the hydrating hyaluronic acid within the light creamy texture it can be applied as a substitute for those who do not suffer from dry skin.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 69

Risk vs Reward Risk


Your Good skin already has a hero product therefore this could mean that people will not realise the importance of this product.

The Barrier is less concentrated than the hero product that they already have and can be used in conjunction with the Balancing Skin Concentrate

Overall their brand awareness is low which could affect the sales and recognition of the product.

The product could gain recognition from consumers with a heavy skin care routine. The minimalist approach of the barrier could be an incentive for them to try the product.

Online presence is poor, the most significant thing they have online is the Your Good Skin forum on Facebook and their Instagram.

They could promote the forum more on instagram with testimonials of the Barrier. This would promote the product and encourage engagement.

Written by Nicole, Edited by Poppy 70


Benefits Functional


100ml tube means the consumer can travel without worrying about allowances e.g flights.

The consumer can continue with their daily routines, travelling without the concern of repotting the product. They will worry less and have more time to enjoy themselves when going abroad.

Aluminium tube will be sturdy enough and easy to carry day to day without the bulk of a box.

Squeezing an aluminium tube is a tactile experience which visibly shows consumers they are moving toward healthier skin are the product is used. This creates a positive feeling associated with the product and ultimately the brand.

Simple key ingredients create an intuitive product for consumers to use efficiently.

An easy to use product gives consumers gratification as they feel in control of their skins appearance and understand the current beauty market.

Using less packaging will reduce the brands and therefore consumers impact on the environment.

The product is made to be used in as little time as possible.

The drawstring bag will stop the product from becoming dirty.


Consumers will feel happy that they are choosing a brand with sustainability efforts, and will feel they are contributing to a wider issue, making them feel a part of a community. Women can often feel stretched for time in the morning, providing a product to fit into their time frame will make them feel good about themselves as they are finding time to indulge.

Having a chic bag to carry the product creates a gifting opportunity for the product, encouraging the consumer to share with friends, creating conversations, promoting love and affection.

Written by Maggie, Edited by Poppy 73

Size Of The Prize Looking at the competitive landscape the decision was took to retail the barrier cream at ÂŁ12, which is in line with what the consumer is willing to pay for a YourGoodSkin product and also provide a competitive advantage over expensive skin care brands. Looking at Statista (Statista, 2017) it was found that there are 12,810,000 in the UK target audience for YourGoodSkin and although these may not all be skincare users the NPD idea is the perfect opportunity for a product to appeal further to the audience. It was estimated 5 repeat purchases a year as this is an everyday use product therefore would be estimated to be replaced every 2 months if consumer loyalty is gained. This then leaves the annual value of the product at ÂŁ5,376,000.

Written by Ayisha Edited by Poppy 74


Conclusion If the NDP idea is successful and reaches market, shelf edge marketing will substitute text heavy packaging claims as consumers demand honest and clear ingredient lists. This is also beneficial for the YourGoodSkin consumer looking for a product that is intuitive to use and understand. Through the first two weeks, a small white cotton drawstring bag will be provided, with the brand name on the front as a promotional effort. This is in line with multi-use packaging trend under the zero waste beauty trend, which the primary, whilst providing an optional bag can create a gifting opportunity for the product. This optional packaging choice will remain (dependant on success) at the cost of £1 extra to the product. Throughout this report various themes have been explored that influenced our final NPD idea, The Barrier, such as the current market position, competitors, an in-depth consumer analysis and market trends. The NPD idea allows YourGoodSkin to reach their current consumer from a different angle, providing them something different than the typical ‘anti-ageing’ product and fulfilling the two top consumer skin concerns, sun and pollution protection. This will ultimately help YourGoodSkin in improving their awareness and in-turn sales. This will be monitored by the use of social media engagement and use of the Facebook community.

Written by Poppy and Vicky, Edited by Poppy 76



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