Dislocated World Future Thinking Report NTU FMB

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DislocateD World

Future Thinking Report Poppy West N0731532 Word Count: 3,300





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poppy west




contents Introduction........................................................................................8 Aim and Objectives............................................................................9 Methodology......................................................................................10-11 What is Dislocated World?................................................................12-13 Evolution of the Trend.......................................................................14-15 Drivers................................................................................................16-23 Digital Connectivity........................................................................18-19 Climate Change.............................................................................20-21 Political Uncertainty........................................................................22-23 Consequences....................................................................................24-33 Impact on People...........................................................................26-27 Fear Culture....................................................................................28-29 Activist Culture...............................................................................30-33 Industry Implications..........................................................................34-45 Consumer Behaviour......................................................................36-37 Impact on Fashion Industry............................................................38-41 Impact on Health and Beauty Industry...........................................42-43 Impact on Food and Drink Industry................................................44-45 What is the Future?...........................................................................46-51 The Future......................................................................................48-49 Reccomendations and Insights......................................................50-51 Conclusion..........................................................................................52-53 Appendix............................................................................................54-57 References..........................................................................................58-61 Bibliography.......................................................................................62-70 Image References..............................................................................71-75

“We live in a superdiverse and supermobile world which is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA)� (Jordaan & Kok, 2019) 6


introduction This report will focus on the macro trend, Dislocated World, and analyse the impact it is having on modern society. It will assess the societal shifts driving the trend, the consequences occurring and how it is manifesting in society within various industries. There will be a specific focus on the way digital connectivity has paved the way for consumers to be more aware of the dislocated world they are living in, and the way this is resulting in the fear culture seen today. The report will ultimately conclude with a look into the future of the trend and provide insights into how consumer behaviour will change, resulting in recommendations for industries on how to successfully move forward in this macro environment.


aims The main aim of this report is to gain a comprehensive overlook of the trend to understand the impact it is having on industry and wider society. This will ultimately lead to the formation of insights into the future of the trend and act as a springboard to the formation of the Stage One Report.

Objectives • Conduct in-depth research from reputable sources to fully understand the trend and its place in society. • Evaluate the evolution of the trend in order to see where it may go in the future. • Assess the key drivers of the trend and the consequences the trend is having. • Delve into the various industry implications the trend is having and how they are dealing with the impact. • Form recommendations that can be taken to deal with the trend manifestations, ensuring they are non-industry specific and provide wide scope of adaptability for brands to engage with.

aims and objectives


methodology The research conducted included a detailed exploration into a wide range of secondary sources, that allowed for an extensive view into the trend. Using secondary sources permitted a multitude of accessible information to be gained without the issues of time and cost occurring. Secondary research allowed for both quantitative and qualitative research to be gained. Quantitative research can be accumulated through surveys, with sources such as Deloitte and Edelman conducting insightful research. Secondary quantitative research means utilising the scope a professional company can gain on their research, that can never be achieved through primary investigations. Similarly, secondary qualitative research can be gained, although more difficult use as there is a question of “whether data collected for one (primary) purpose can be re-used for another (secondary) purpose� (Heaton, 2008, p. 40). In order to combat these limitations, information was collected from reliable sources such as peer-reviewed journals, reports and books where the credibility of the sources is apparent. However, to get a broad view of the topic, one that cannot be gained through academic sources alone, documentaries, videos, podcasts and articles will also be reviewed. This permitted for a greater understanding of the trend from a personal side and presented discussions that wasn’t found in academic content.


ls:n global deloitte

the guardian telegraph ted talks

edelman wgsn stylus

future cast the

times pr week the future laboratory

marketing week Reuters

vogue business panorama trend watching

of fashion


maslow jung good morning britain the huffington post



what is the trend “We are existing in a climate of fear and worry…this is being driven by uncertainty around Brexit, the turbulent Trump administration, combined with rising policies of nationalism amid the emerging impacts of climate change” (Gividen, 2018) We are currently living in a Dislocated World. In order to understand this trend, the term ‘dislocation’ needs to be assessed. Dislocation can be defined as “a situation in which something such as a system, process, or way of life is greatly disturbed or prevented from continuing as normal” (Collins, 2018), this shows how the world is potentially not running as it should. The Dislocated World trend looks at how there is an overwhelming sense of fragmentation in the modern world. According to Mickiewicz & Szymanska, “public trust in government, the financial sector and brands is at an all-time low and racial division, climate change, inequality and terrorism dominate news headlines” (Mickiewicz & Szymanska, 2016), which is acting as a catalyst for the disrupted world we live in.


Evolution of the Trend

The world we live in has always been dislocated with wars and societal issues being seen throughout history. To understand how the world is disrupted in modern society and where it may go in the future, it is crucial to explore key moments in history that may have led to this overwhelming fragmentation today. This timeline looks at the last two decades of events. However, there have been many moments prior to this that have shaped the modern world such as the Suffrage Movement, the First and Second World Wars, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall and the 1970’s Liberation Movements. These events have had significant impact on society today, the way we see the world surrounding us and the subsequent events that come after.



President Bush elected


Twin Towers Terrorist Attack


Iraq War begins


London bombings


Global Financial Crash


Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting


Trump elected as President of US


Brexit Referendum Vote


Manchester bombing


London Bridge attack


Donald Trump withdraws from Paris Agreement


MSD School Shooting


El Paso Shooting

Although history is full of events that incited fragmentation and fear, the recent decades have seen this feeling of dislocation amplified to become what we know today. The catalyst of this being the way we are digitally connected. What once would have been front page news a day later, is now seen instantly. In 2001, millions watched the Twin Towers attack live on their televisions across the world, “news of the disaster in New York spread around the globe within minutes, via television, radio, telephone and the internet� (BBC, 2005). Years before, this would have not been possible, people would have heard the news the next day and not been immediately affected.


trend drivers TREND trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers trend drivers DRIVERS trend drivers trend drivers


It is important to look at the drivers of the trend in order to fully understand where it will be going in the future. The key drivers of the trend are digital connectivity, climate change and political uncertainty and these are analysed in depth in this report. To look at the wider drivers of the trend a PESTLE analysis was created, this can be found in the appendix and allowed for a broader understanding of the trend.





In a world that is digitally connected all the time, the way people consume news has changed, this has led to a surge of global engagement with news, with engagement rising by 22% (Edelman, 2019, p. 6). Social media has become the main source of news online with more than 2.4 billion internet users, “nearly 64.5% percent receive news from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram instead of traditional media” (Martin, 2018). We live in an era where live footage of shootings, assaults and hate crime events are broadcast instantly to thousands through platforms such as Facebook Live. Digital publishers and social media platforms repurpose this, often graphic content, in order to gain page views. This is allowed due to “social media platforms not having the same rules and regulations as traditional media outlets, who have to advise viewer discretion when violent or obscene content is about to be aired” (Mickiewicz & Szymanska, 2016). The constant, overwhelming negativity shown on news outlets and social media platforms is creating an era of ‘media fatigue’ which is forcing people to “turn off their screens and unplug their headphones because the news is too much” (Chakrabarti, 2019). Another aspect of digital connectivity that drives the dislocated world we live in is the manner in which global leaders can now communicate. Global leaders such as Donald Trump are now able to communicate their opinions instantly on platforms like Twitter. Trump’s presidency has “underscored how we’re in an era where, through social media, politicians have access to the public without any sort of filter in the form of journalistic commentary, fact-checking, context, or vetting by staff” (Kozlowska, 2019). This content can instantly be shared among people, creating anger and distrust in the figure as their content is driven by their personal agendas. The backlash on tweets made by Trump has led to Twitter making movements to censor content from figures in power in an effort to combat the anger it causes consumers (Wong, 2019). Although many say that the way Trump has instant communication with the masses is a negative thing, this communication format has been used by previous leaders such as Barak Obama with apparent success; this brings into question if the negativity the tweets bring is formed on people’s original opinions on the President. Digital connectivity is driving the uncertainty and fragmentation of modern society as consumers now have global news instantly through social media and can react to an event that is happening across the world that they have no power to control, leading to additional, and unnecessary, stress over something they are powerless to help.



change The second driver of the Dislocated World we know today is climate change. Climate change is the “longterm shift in average weather patterns across the world…Since the mid-1800s, humans have contributed to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air; this causes global temperatures to rise, resulting in long-term changes to the climate” (Met Office, 2019). Recently climate change has dominated the news with fears for the future and the concept of ‘climate anxiety’ rising. ‘Climate anxiety’ or ‘Solastalgia’ is the distress that is produced by environmental change impacting on people while they are directly connected to their home environment (Albrecht, 2007, Kenyon, 2015). People feel powerless to prevent climate change and fear what is to come. As a result, there has been a rise in activist groups, like Extinction Rebellion and the #FridaysForFuture school strike movement, started by 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, that give individuals the power to act. These two movements have “exploded into the mainstream…In April 2019, Extinction Rebellion forced London to a standstill with a ten day protest, with more than 1,100 people arrested; and more than a million pupils participated in a Greta-inspired school strike in March, and many have continued to strike weekly as part of the #FridaysForFuture movement” (Yeo, 2019).






The final driver of Dislocated World is the political uncertainty within modern society. 2016 saw the United Kingdom referendum vote to leave the European Union and as a result the people of the UK became greatly polarised, with the ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ voters taking strong sides. Since 2016 there has been an overwhelming sense of political uncertainty, from three changes of Prime Minister to continuous extensions to leave, people have been left without a clear idea of what is going to happen in the future and many becoming ‘bored of Brexit’ (Harris, 2019). This disenchantment with politics is leading people to avoid the subject altogether and as a result “more than a third of people now avoid the news, citing Brexit as the main reason” (Reuters, 2019). This political uncertainty can also be seen in America with Trump’s Presidency. Prior to Trump’s election in 2016 and since he has come into power, there have been many allegations of homophobia, racism and sexual assault, leading to much of the US and many people around the world citing that he is not fit to be one of the most powerful people in the world (Lucas, 2018, Ashford, 2019) . The political uncertainty that arises from global issues such as Brexit, Trump, cross government arguments and trivial issues amongst leaders, has led to consumers feeling “disenchanted with capitalism and political leadership” (Wharry, 2019, p. 16) and alienated from traditional societal institutions. As a result, public trust in the government and societal institutions has reached a low level at only 36%, with the majority feeling as though their views are not represented in politics today (Edelman, 2018, p. 22).


consequences TREND consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences DRIVERS consequences consequences



impact on PEOPLE The Dislocated World we live in has a significant impact on many generations as issues do not discriminate by age, having the power to greatly dominate anyone’s life. However, there is a significant impact on Millennials and Generation Z as they fear for their future and feel they have been left to deal with issues created by the generations before them. They have been “perpetually caught in the crossfire of social, political, and economic commotion” (Deloitte, 2019, p. 2) . As a result of this, Generation Z and Millennials, coined ‘Generation Disrupted’, have seen an intense deterioration of optimism, with macroeconomic concerns and day-to- day anxieties weighing on their minds. The trend impacts people significantly as it pushes the basic human need of safety and security. This human necessity for safety was been set out by Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who created the human Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1943). He said that the needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to the higher up needs. This means that until a person feels secure and safe, they will never be able to reach the self-actualisation stage and be truly happy (see appendix). This is important for the trend as according to Deloitte, “personal safety is a top-of-mind concern” for consumers (Deloitte, 2019, p. 7). The world we live in contends with the basic need for safety as it is inciting a level of fear among people and making them feel their futures are ‘unsafe’.



fear culture


One example of fear culture in today’s society is the way people react after a horrific event and how they turn their fear into anger. This is seen in the rise of racism and Islamophobia being a consequence of terrorist attacks. In 2001 the Twin Towers attack occurred that killed 2996 people in New York. Subsequently after the attack there was a surge of nationalism among Americans, with this mindset seeing “Islamophobic attacks increase by 1,700% in 2001. Prior to 9/11, the FBI recorded just 28 hate crimes against Muslims. The following year it increased to 481” (Rose, 2013). This has continued since with recent events in the UK. After the 2017 Ariana Grande concert bombing, Islamophobic attacks increased by 505% in Manchester (Halliday, 2017). This shows how within modern society there is an issue with how people deal with the fear a terror attack brings and how, in many cases, this fear is turned into anger “aimed at minority communities who are facing hate crimes even when the terrorist attacks occur far from where they live” (Ivandic, et al., 2019). Another example of how fear culture has escalated is the immense fear for the future generations. This has come as a consequence of climate change, with many saying the future generations are left with the burden of the implications (Barnatt, 2019). One movement that has come as a result is the rise of Birth-Strikers, “A movement of women who have decided not to procreate in response to the coming climate breakdown and civilisation collapse” (Hunt, 2019). This shows that women are so fearful for what is to come that they feel they should give up having children in order to save on future resources and prevent themselves from adding to population of people who are adding to climate change.



Jung’s Archetype Theory, 1990

activist cultire As global anxieties overflow, “a countermovement of resilience is breaking through” (Bishop, et al., 2019) and “we are now living in an age of protest, where people take to the streets to protest against governments and to Twitter to protest against brands” (The Future Laboratory, 2016). There is a sense that people are fulfilling their deep desires by joining this activism culture. Jung outlines that everyone fits a particular archetype and that each archetype has specific desire they want to achieve (Jung, 1990). By using Jung’s Archetype Theory (see appendix), it is clear that activism culture is attracting many archetypes by meeting their key desire, such as The Innocent who desires safety, The Explorer who desires freedom and The Everyman who desires belonging. By meeting these desires activism culture has grown quickly and is continuing to grow. For years people have been protesting issues that they feel strongly about, and many listen to these protests. However, Heller argues that protesting is not actually a productive use of our political attention as historically the government does not listen and incite the change being asked for (Heller, 2017). An example of this is the Women’ March in 2017 where millions gathered to protest female empowerment and the inauguration of Trump. It was the “largest single-day demonstration in the history of the United States” (Heller, 2017), yet US government didn’t make movements of action.


Even though many believe protesting doesn’t create change, the younger generations are still standing up. Generation Z is a particular generation that are deciding to take a stand despite their age, creating a wave of youth activists such as 16-year-old Greta Thunberg who has taken over the conversation on climate change and the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas School who took a stand against American gun laws, after 17 people were killed in a school shooting in 2018. However, their young age has created the debate on whether they can and should cope with the pressure of these issues. Greta Thunberg has had many people question her age and how she is not fit to be a global figure due to her being diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and having a background of mental health issues (Good Morning Britain, 2019, Mazzoni & Zaczek, 2019). On the other hand, Thunberg claims having Asperger’s Syndrome is her superpower (Lee, 2019) and she is the first to say that the responsibility should not have to be placed on the shoulders of younger generations, this is apparent in her speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit in 2019 where she said: “This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!” (Thunberg, 2019). Whether it should be their responsibility or not, it is clear that the younger generations are standing up for what they believe in and fighting for their future.



industry implications TREND industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications industry implications DRIVERS industry implications industry implications






It is important to look at the change in consumer behaviour so that the knock-on effects on industries can be assessed. Consumers now have doubt in traditional pillars of trust such as government. With only “19% of millennials seeing political leaders as having a positive impact” (Deloitte, 2019, p. 8) the trust consumers had in these people and institutions of power needs to be placed elsewhere. This trust has been relocated to brands with the trust in brands now higher than that in the government (Edelman, 2019, p. 2). Consumer trust in brands is crucial for sales, as 81% of people say that trust in the brand is a “deal breaker” in their brand buying decision (Edelman, 2019, p. 8). However, there has been a backlash with consumers accusing brands of being ‘all talk, no action’. This has meant consumers are more sceptical with the brands they are trusting and when they do find a brand they trust; they are loyal to it. Additionally, consumers are now wanting the brands they shop from to take a brand stand, “where companies join a political dialogue or solve a community problem” (WGSN, 2018, p. 6). This desire for brand to take a stand is rising, with 53% of consumers feeling that “every brand has a responsibility to get involved in at least one social issue that does not directly impact its business” (Edelman, 2019, p. 13). The need for brands to take action is stemming from the rise in activist culture as consumers want brands to stand with them, rewarding the ones that do.


the impact on



The fashion industry has always been connected to wider society, whether taking inspiration from or driving the conversations, the industry makes efforts to be socially aware of the fragmentation around it. The fashion industry has a close connection to activism culture and throughout history clothing has been symbolic to activist movements, from the sashes worn by the Suffragettes, to the rise of slogan T-shirts. The industry has always pushed freedom of speech and brands have taken this, using it not only in their products but also their campaigns. In 2017, high-street retailer Jigsaw used its voice to highlight the issue of immigration with their campaign ‘Jigsaw Loves Immigration’. At the time the campaign was being run, the UK was incredibly polarized on the topic of immigration. This came in response to Brexit and the news coming from the ‘Calais Jungle’, where thousands of immigrants were being “held in dire conditions without access to toilets, running water, showers or shelter” (Gentleman, 2017). The campaign was incredibly successful, being voted Campaign of the Year 2017 by Marketing Week (Hobbs, 2017); showing how the industry has the opportunity to run successful campaigns and tackle an important issues at the same time.


Another issue surrounding the fashion industry is sustainability. Luxury brand, Stella McCartney, has always had a strong value of sustainability and is widely seen as a brand who cares about the environment. In 2019, they took a leap with their Winter campaign by featuring members of the activist group, Extinction Rebellion. The campaign “focuses on its use of recyclable and sustainable materials such as organic cotton, “fur-free fur,” and a new recycled thread which uses melted plastic to create a synthetic fabric” (Kushwaha, 2019) and aims to bring the climate change debate directly to the fashion industry. On the other hand, many consumers argue that fashion brands are ‘green-washing’, “conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are more environmentally sound than they actually are” (Kenton, 2019). Many high-street brands have been accused of green-washing when they release ‘sustainable’ product ranges just to seem more environmentally conscious than they are. However, the industry is making the changes towards a more sustainable future. Whether they base their entire brand on the subject like Stella McCartney or are a brand accused of green-washing, the industry is inciting the conversations among consumers and preparing for a more environmentally conscious future.



the impact on


health & beauty

In recent years the health and beauty industry has seen significant change with consumers now demanding inclusivity and a brand that cares. This has led brands to take action and create campaigns that tackle societal issues. Dove has always been at the forefront of creating campaigns that make a difference from their ‘Real Beauty’ campaign in 2014 to their 2018 Dove Men + Care campaign ‘#DearFutureDads’. This campaign “champions greater access to paternity leave policies to enable men around the world to be the parents they want to be” (O’Brien, 2018) and in 2019 the brand created The Paternity Leave Fund,” a $1 million commitment to make paid paternity leave the new standard and support real dads who aren’t able to take meaningful time off during this important life moment” (Dove, 2019). The fund offers soon to be dads, who don’t get paid paternity leave, grants of $5,000 so that they can take the time off work to look after their new children. This is an example of a brand not just saying they care but taking action and inciting real change in their customers lives. On the other hand, many brands have been accused of ‘trust-washing’, “a term to the feeling consumers have when they realize a brand is crossing its fingers behind its back” (Jankowski, 2019). According to Edelman, 56 percent of people say that “too many brands are using societal issues as a marketing ploy and using trust-washing” (Edelman, 2019). One brand accused of this is Gillette with their 2018, ‘We Believe’ campaign, which calls on men to change their behaviour in light of the #MeToo movement, it challenges men to be better and to stop excusing bad behaviour with “boys will be boys” (Bradley, 2019, Iqbal, 2019). There was a large backlash on this campaign with thousands of complaints; many believing they were “commercialising a social, political movement for profit” (Iqbal, 2019).


The food and drink industry has also been accused of trust-washing, with brands like M&S becoming LGBT+ activists around the LGBT Pride season. In 2019 M&S created their ‘LGBT sandwich’, a variation of the classic BLT, and made singular donations to LGBT+ charities to mark the launch of the product. Many customers complained saying the brand “was exploiting LGBT+ culture to make money” (Young, 2019). Conversely, numerous brands within the industry have successfully introduced campaigns that aim to tackle important issues in today’s society. In 2019 Guinness created their ‘Guinness Clear’ campaign, which aims to tackle the issue of responsible drinking. As the main sponsor of the Rugby Six Nations, the campaign was released to coincide with the 2019 games, the brand enlisted the players to hand out water to fans at games and released an advert that didn’t feature any alcohol. The brand stated that: “We want to make sure that ordering water, no matter the context, is an active and positive choice by the millions of fans” (Diageo, 2019). This campaign shows how a brand can put forward an important message and still, while eliminating the brand’s product entirely from the campaign, earn the respect of consumers.


the impact on food & drink


what is the future TREND what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future what is the future whatDRIVERS is the future what is the future what is the future



the future The future of the modern world is unclear, with political uncertainty continuing, fears of climate change and what it means, leading worries among people. The fear of the unknown is leading consumers to want brand transparency and brands to take a stand against issues. They want stability where they can achieve it, meaning they may become more loyal to certain brands as they crave what they know and trust. As political confusion grows, from the threat of impeachment of President Trump to the delays to Brexit and more general elections looming, consumers will be expecting brands to make their values known and make an effort to communicate it.




reccomendations and insights 'Don't just say, do' As consumers become more wary of their brands using green-washing and trust-washing to get their attention, they will be expecting brands to not just say they care about societal issues but to actually put in place initiatives that will make an impact in solving it. Brands will need to ensure they do this in order to retain their customers and gain their loyalty.

Rise in Youth Activism In recent years there has been a rise in activism culture but moving forward this will change to include the young generations. Although, in many cases, they are not old enough to vote, the younger generation will still make their voices known and demand change. They are fighting for their future and will expect brands to fight alongside them.




This report set out to analyse the impact the macro trend, Dislocated World, is having on industry and wider society. The key findings where that the rise in digital connectivity is acting as a catalyst for the evolution of the trend and fast-tracks the negative news surrounding us to be placed instantly into the consumers hands. This is leading to consumers having an overload of information and having to find ways of processing the information; as a result, there has been a rise in activism culture as consumers are taking action in dealing with the issues surrounding them. These consumers not only want to stand up and incite change, but they want the brands they use to do the same. They want brands to use their platforms to promote change and put initiatives in place that create action. Although the future of the world is unclear, with implications of climate change and political changes nearing, the analysis of the future of the trend has led to clear insights that will act as a springboard into the Stage One Report.




pestle analysis



maslow Hierarchy of needs

jung's archetypes




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