Landscape Architecture Portfolio
Popescu Christian Patriciu
Popescu Christian Patriciu
My life path has followed a trajectory that combines art, design, community and ecology. As a landscape professionist I strive to create diverse, integrated and dynamic spaces that improve the quality of life, incorporating the principles of sustainability. These designs seek to complete the role humans play in nature and how people interact through space and time. I ďŹ nd inspiration from nature, mimicking patterns and processes that are in balance with the whole ecosystem.
Theoretical projects Protection and restoration - Tourism development protecting the habitat DELTA LANDSCAPES Through this project I aimed to recreate the landscapes as they were initially formed before the arrival of the communism era that altered it through repeated interventions wich followed only the economyc part of developing the area. My aproach on the Danube Delta involves an ecologycal point of view wich helps the restoration of the natural meanders.
Rebuilding the city using natural elements FROM GREY TO GREEN These posters revolve around the lack of consistency in the green spaces and beaches that are present in the city of Mangalia and the fact that they are getting smaller every year and how we can redirect people on the shore to use the important factor wich is present: water.
Amplification of the blue-green link in Bucharest WATERFRONT PARK By reorganising the way in which the two main rivers of Bucharest are being used, the sole purpose of this project was to redefine as so they form a touristic circuit at the end of which there will be an unique village in which people spend their spare time and relax using the facilities that are provided
Practical projects
Water is life
This design was made simple in order to fulfill the owner’s desires and needs as to have his green patch of nature in his backyard.
The big in the small
This was the first garden that I made, a very small one in which the owners wanted to have access to nature in the little space they had in the back of their home.
Protection and restoration
Tourism development protecting the habitat
Reasoning - Contact with the Black Sea, Danube river and the surrounding lands -2.5 % of Romanian territory - area in decline - the river logic and the delta (natural) - administrative logic
Terminology Objectives. Challenges History Location
Ostrovul Bobină, Danube Delta, Romania Kissemme River, Florida, USA Biesbosch Stad, Rotterdam, Netherlands Mekong Delta, Vietnam
CASE STUDIES Synthesis socio-economic
SUMMARY OF SYNTHESIS © Ionel Onofras, Danube Delta, Romania
Mezzo Strategy Mezzo Concept Macro Strategy
Cold season Amplification of existing natural elements Planting waterways Landscaping routes Development plan Ecological reconstruction Regulations ZUP
CONCLUSIONS © Ionel Onofras, Danube Delta, Romania
Thematic Introduction
Thematic Introduction Location - the richest delta in Europe from the fauna point of view; - the biggest reservation of compact reed on the globe; - most preserved delta in Europe: - the only delta in the world that got the title of biosphere; - 22% on Ukraine territory; - the limit of UNESCO reservation only includes the romanian territory;
Thematic Introduction History 1850 - restructuring approach management and rivers - intensity economic development - naval traffic control, flood protection, development of agriculture / fisheries 1860-1880 - remodeling of Danube canals (Sulina 95km - 63km)
Sulina canal, Systematization plan 1885
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Profile section
1860-18801900 Canals: Sulina, Chilia - before sistematization
Thematic Introduction History
1980 - unclogging 1/4 of delta for agriculture and pisciculture (the only natural habitat that controls floodable surfaces; which acts like a sponge and absorbs the surpluse of water and eliberates it gradually); - annealing actions made in Danube Delta; - phenomenon found throughout the Danube meadow; in 2006 more then 90% of the delta suffered of severe floods;
so ci al re ist c Bo veg log bi eta gin na ti g an on d isl en C an er d pr din no s oc g vc es the s m a on ito rin se g ve re flo od in g de ec lta Ba on st om ro ic ie c ca ry na sis l
1 - systematized area of lakes and channels that have unbalanced the natural ecological system 2 - major canal portion of the main rectification - works with the addition agricultural / fishery 3 - portion correcting main canal - with major focus on agricultural activities / fishery 4 - significant landscape character unit - current protection and high ecological importance
1980 1994
2004 2006
2016 9
Thematic Introduction Assumptions. Challenges. Danube Delta Different goals
Actors involved:
economic development scenario
National Institute of Research “Delta Dunarii” WWF World Wildlife Fund UNESCO National Institute of Research - Development for urban areas and planning (PATZ) -Urban Project
UNESCO objectives:
biodiversity conservation scenario
- biodiversity conservation - improving the quality of life - conservation delta
- understanding how the nature hosts humans - natural and cultural context of the population living in the delta - conflict administrative logic and logic river and delta (natural)
Methodology Research
- Research - new tools for research - Review - understanding the landscape scale (using satellite maps) - Synthesized - understanding the complexity of the site
- process planning as the landscape in the oďŹƒce - ďŹ rst step towards responsible use of ecological landscape
- Vision
- Actions - Actors - Implementation
- the project can be improved - Monitoring
Case studies
Case Study Ostrov Bobina, Danube Delta, Romania - the first ecological reconstruction project in Europe - project had success
- return to the structures similar to those of natural landscape - a model for other moist areas of the human transformed - Utricularia vulgaris grown at the reed extremities that makes a natural filter
- monitoring - at least 10 years - identifying time frames: hydrologic regime (3 years after the introduction breaches the pier), habitats and native plants (2 years after the introduction breaches the pier), additional measures to improve water circulation (4 years after the introduction of breaches in dam )
- positive effect on fauna and wild life - encourages use of natural resources for the benefit of locals - development of tourism through wetland with high impact project
Case Study Kissemme River, Florida, SUA.
- started in 1999 and completed in 2012 - 1999-2009 creation of models, prototypes, testing to predict river behavior after intervention - 11 000 ha restoration in 4 stages - removal of the canal and restoring river meanders - keeping channels around towns - expensive project ($ 576 million) - restricted navigability
Case Study Biesbosch Stad, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- ooding from rivers Rhine and Meuse - damming and draining for agriculture - former mark has sandy rivers - builted - breaking dams for nature restoration - reusing dams material foundation for creating new buildings - the importance of using satellite maps for understanding the structure of the archipelago landscape
Case Study Mekong Delta, Vietnam.
- 39 000 sqm - the main objectives of the project - economic development and improving the quality of life of local people - increasing pressure from population growth - expanding arable land - the leading cause of habitat loss - pressure on wetlands, lakes and ponds delta - negative impact on biodiversity in areas dammed
Synthesis analysis
Š Ingo Arndt Corbis, Delta sarata Peninsula CapeMay, New Jersey, SUA
Synthesize analysis Natural potential - >78% reed and freshwater (344,553 ha) - fisheries and agriculture (101,050 ha) - non-productive areas (7.563 ha) - integral protection areas (50 901 ha) - buffer areas (120 000 ha) - use of natural capital for the benefit of the local population
Zona umeda - lunca
Hydrological system
Industrial activities
settlements agriculture
Total area 580 000 ha full protection area 50 901 ha economic areas: ecological reconstruction areas 15 712 ha farm design 39 947 ha pisciculture 39 507 ha management planning 6 442 ha buffer areas: delta buffer 119 996 ha marine buffer zone 103 000 ha
Transition area meadow-forest
Natural resources
waters wetland forests dunes transition area meadow-forest
Pasture area
Synthesize analysis Tourism
Birds, ďŹ sh - colonies
Natural heritage - anthropogenic
Accommodation - trails
tourism diversity underdeveloped tourism management high tourism potential
Š George Steinmetz / Corbis, Rapa River Delta, National Park Sarek, Switzerland
Vision Macro Strategy
Poly activity- hierarchy and economic growth through tourism Tipologii de peisaje
Ax tourism development (cultural tourism). C. Sulina - economic importance Tipologii de peisaje propus
The proposal for modifying the morphology of the system landscape of the Danube Delta: '' break '' large units of agricultural landscape by encouraging revegetation and forest system extend along channels hydrologically
Vision Concept
- structural organization - the concept of descentralization - higher organizational model - poly center - localities - ribs - interest areas natural / semi-natural
Shaul I, Kaiser G (1995), A Paradigm for Decentralized Process Modeling
Vision Mezzo Strategy - gradually Built environments
1 Anthropic - development services 2 Ecological reconstruction of decorations produced after 1980 (Agricultural and fishery areas non-functional) 3 Reconnect former agricultural areas in the natural hydrological system (Public open - agricultural parks and fishery parks) 4 Creating an infrastructure for visitors
Joint development pole
development and tourism promotion
develop and promote cultural tourism anthropogenic develop and promote ecotourism
Distribution and Correlation tourism
Areal tourism development (facilities, sustainable infrastructure) Links distributive type of tourist routes and polarities, transversal to the main arms of the Danube.
Natural enviroment
Ecological vision ○ Agricultural and fishery premises reintegrated in an economically efficient sistem ○ Restoration of functions specific to wetlands ○ Hydrologic balance and ecological restoration ○ Renovation of traditional fishing activities, harvesting of reeds, livestock and ecotourism.
expanding forest fund related to the hydrological system
rice fields in agricultural park planning regime
Intervention ZUP regulations for ecological restoration area
- phasing in the reconstruction process by ecological principles - creating meandering edges - high structural diversity (flora and fauna) - creating small areas (biodiversity) between different types of limits - administrative (ATU) and the natural limit (channels) to create a buffer zone
serpentine edge encourages flora
meandering movement promotes cross
use area within the limits substandard
development of different widths edge
serpentine edge encourages fauna
small areas = diversity Dramstad W.E., Forman R.T.T., Olson J.D. (1996) Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning, Island Press, Cambridge, England.
Intervention Ecological reconstruction
natural forms
fish channels
- the intervention steps - reuse principles used for ecological reconstruction of premises "Ostrov Bobina” 1. Areal agricultural / fishery disposed in Danube Delta
forest fund
2. Proposal for breaches in the levee in relevant points
dam break
3. Treating border islands
new islands with reinforced edges
4. Plantations reed marshes to filter water and newly created
system of existing channels
masses of vegetation - emphasizing natural forms
reed plantations monitored dig
5. Creating water trails and cycling and pedestrian promenade overland tourist route
water tourist route
rest and recreation type of tourism activities
channel system proposed
habitat natural regeneration
Intervention Development plan
- lane wooden for promenade (0.5m) - observation towers - areas pontoon - boat route boat - dry areas - habitat areas - use of the reeds as a biologically ďŹ lter - mosaic rivers freestanding (refreshing water)
Legenda c - zona de campare p - ponton trazitie uscat - canal h - habitate de interes t - turnuri de observatie s - sport si activitati navale
Intervention Landscaping route
Canal refreshing water
Round Lake
Wooden promenade alley Observation tower
Intervention Planting waterways
Channels circulated by boats
ooded area favorable for fauna and ora
Intervention AmpliďŹ cation of existing natural elements highlighting existing natural forms
Promenade cycling / pedestrian Consolidated shore islands
34 Examples of landscapes created
35 Examples of landscapes created
Intervention Cold season - bird-watching - naval routes - routes on the ground (proposed)
Fictional scenario Macro Strategy - ďŹ ctional hypothesis
- premise: C. Sulina comply annealing course meanders its natural systematization of interventions before 1860
Ecological Ideal scenario: Regaining initial rate of Sulina arm regeneration ecological systems of the same type. Morphology of the territory according to the next Delta scenarios can tabulate as follows:
Organic 'A'-lakes and wetland system with increased biodiversity, the protection type buers. Organic 'B'- ecological system with strict protection, extremely high biodiversity. Organic 'C' - agricultural system integrated in the channels hidologic historical renaturalizate. Organic 'D' - renaturalizate ďŹ sh ponds system. Organic 'Habitat type F'- sea beach with access controlled tourism.
Fictional scenario Settlements developed on dams
Macro Strategy - ďŹ ctional hypothesis
Principle of developing settlements on dammings Existing situation Settlement Protection now
Sulina Canal
Settlement Protection Proposed situation Settlement Sulina Canal
Protection proposed Floodplain
Houses on dams Protection
Fictional scenario Macro Strategy - fictional hypothesis Lacustrine dwelling in an area of ecological revegetation
Simple form so as to minimize exposure to winds
Ability to float in case of floods
pontoons linking houses and boats Rigid structure
external routes
forest system
Fictional scenario Raw model
- understanding the logic of the river - source of food, ora, fauna, natural resources - provision with services - correlating landmarks - natural, human and cultural (ethnographic) - regaining tourism potential by visiting open design (integrated tourist routes in the Delta)
Lighthouse,Sulina, Danube Delta, Romania
FROM GREY TO GREEN Rebuilding the city using natural elements
This project is trying to help the city of Mangalia to became a more suited holiday destination by implementing new tourist attractions(beaach voleyball elds, beach boardwalk concert area etc.) and help reconstruct the shorline that’s shrinking constantly (use methods to expand the beach and protecte it with the help of breakwaters) and by raising more awarness for the environment (creat underwater maritime museum, increase the procentage of planted spaces in the city. Currently, even thought the city has potential, because of the lack of interest, Mangalia is not a proper place for spending the summer vacation. But before taking care of that aspect we must focus on the danger that threatens the surrounding nature (oods and shrinking beaches caused by the impact of human activity).
Flooding risk present
Flooding risk IF NOT
“We have to consider that if we continue in this rate in the near future we will end up with no beaches at all. In the past few years, even thought the autorities knew that the beaches are shrinking, they ignore it and they did’t take any kind of measurements toprevent it.”
AmpliďŹ cation of the blue-green link in Bucharest
Analiza si propunere Macro-teritoriala CENTURA VERDE BUCURESTI
Waterfront park - pantelimon
Sinteza situatia existenta la nivel urban si periurban
Sistemul hidrograďŹ c existent
stud. peisagist Popescu Christian Patriciu indrumator COnf. dr. arh Cerasella Craciun
Strategie de centura verde la nivel de periferie
Sistem verde existent si zone protejate
Zone destructurate existente in zona periferiei
Schema de dezvoltare policentrica generata de raul Dambovita
Schema de dezvoltare alveolara generata de Salba de Lacuri
Reglementari urbanistice
Partiu urban
Waterfront park - pantelimon
Plan urbanistic zonal
Schema sistem verde al centurii
Schema concept poli verzi atractori
stud. peisagist Popescu Christian Patriciu indrumator COnf. dr. arh Cerasella Craciun
0m 10 20
scara 1:1000
Plan urbanistic de detaliu Schema regim jur ridic
domeniul public domeniul privat trecere in domeniul public schimb de parcele in n domniul privat
Propunere peisagera
Waterfront park - pantelimon
Plan amenajare general
stud. peisagist Popescu Christian Patriciu indrumator COnf. dr. arh Cerasella Craciun
Sectiune 1
Plan de vegetatie
Legenda Primavara Acces principal
Accese secundare
Vegetatie existenta
Vegetatie de aborbori propusa
Vegetatie de abusti propusa 8
Vegetatie de plante taratoare proupusa Vegetatie joasa/gazon
1 2
Lacul Pantelimon
Suprafata de apa Constructii 7
Circulatie parc Ponton
ZoniďŹ care functionala 1 Zona acces principal 2 Restaurant 3 Zona lacuri evenimente 4 Lacuri ecologice 5 Sere 6 Pontoane 7 Peluze 8 Structuri belvedere 9 Gradina plante aromate 10 Gradina plante alpine 11 Loc de joaca copii 12 Zona agrement 13 Gradina Livezi
Vara Vara
3.6m 13
6 6
Sectiune 2
8 8
8 0m
50 m
7.7m 5.6m
10 3 8
9 13 7
8 8
13 2
7.7m 5.6m
Desfasurata mal de lac Circulatie
Plan plantare
Detaliu tehnic vegetal
Detaliu tehnic Mineral
TopograďŹ e
Trasee nautice
Waterfront park - pantelimon
Obiect de arhitectura - sera
Agrement Gradina livezi Gradin
stud. peisagist Popescu Christian Patriciu indrumator COnf. dr. arh Cerasella Craciun
Zona Lacurstra Zona Evenimente
Turn belvedere Ponton P onto n Restaurant
Fatada principala
scara 1:50
Fatada Falateraa t ada l at er aa
acces principal
scara 1:50
Zona Lacurstratra
Plan Pl an
Sectiune Sec t i une
scara 1:50
Perspectiva intrare sera
Exemplificare ponton 1 - tip Banca
Exemplificare ponton 3 - spatiu de relaxare
Exemplificare pasarela pietonala - punct de belvedere
Exemplificare ponton 2 - debarcader
GARDEN II Water is life
GARDEN I The big in the small
Popescu Christian Patriciu Landscape Architect +4 0748 240 648