July Active Voice Digital Magazine 2016

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Local Volunteer Receives Governor’s Award Jennifer Dolan from UW-Extension receives the “Americorp VISTA Participant of the Year Award.”

Talent Development

Leadership Portage County

LPC challenges participants to broaden their understanding of Portage County.


Women In Business Save the Date for September 22, 2016 at the Stevens Point Country Club.


Filling in the Gaps

Programming that supports entrepreneurship and contributes to the talent pipeline.

Portage County Business Council

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By joining a chamber you get member-only perks, exclusive advertising and networking opportunities, and a whole exposure for yourself and your organization

»» p.9

-ChamberMaster »» p.12

»» p.17

Portage County Business Council 5501 Vern Holmes Drive Stevens Point, WI 54482 715-344-1940 www.portagecountybiz.com Todd Kuckkahn - Executive Director Karen Schanock - Director of Programs & Events Kayla Rombalski- Director of Talent Development Kari Thompson - Director of Operations Tonya Kowalski - Director of Business Engagement Angel Whitehead - Marketing Communications Coordinator Portage County Business Council




tkuckkah@portagecountybiz..com kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com talent@portagecountybiz.com kthompso@portagecountybiz.com tkowalsk@portagecountybiz.com admin@portagecountybiz.com Portage County Business Council

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CONTENTS 4 filling in the gaps PCBC recently hosted our annual Business-Education Summit titled “Entrepalooza”, to show case local talent development programs.

7 business after hours What is Business After Hours? A experience designed for and hosted by Business Council members to give business professionals an opportunity to network, share ideas, and learn about the business host.

9 Ambassadors show their support

»» p. 15

»» p.7

Ambassadors Club and PCBC staff joined Simplicity Credit Union, formerly Central City Credit Union, in the celebration of their renaming and groundbreaking ceremony.

12 Local Volunteer receives Governor’s award Jennifer Dolan, AmeriCorps VISTA, Portage County UW-Extension received the 2016 Governor’s AmeriCorps*VISTA Participant of the Year Award!

15 How to be a better leader in business »» p.4

The best place to start is “communicate all that you know.” In my lifetime I have seen two types of leaders; one keeps all his knowledge to himself, and in turn doesn’t want the team to leave him, and doesn’t encourage them to go to the next level. The second....

17 leadership portage county LPC challenges participants to broaden their understanding of Portage County.

19 empty bowls painting challenge An easy way to give back and reconnect with other alumni is to participate in the LPC Alumni Bowl Painting Challenge on July 14. Just stop by PCBC anytime between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM to paint your bowl. »» p.19 3

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FILLING IN THE GAPS   DIRECTOR’S INSIGHT - TODD KUCKKAHN  The Portage County Business Council (PCBC) recently hosted our annual Business-Education Summit titled “Entrepalooza”. The summit offered an opportunity for business, education, government, nonprofits and the community to learn about educational programming that supports entrepreneurship and contributes to the talent pipeline (i.e. our workforce). There were approximately 50 people in attendance ranging from Mayor Wiza to UW-Stevens Point students.

The presentations included;

Besides learning more about specific programming, PCBC is working with Centergy, the regional economic development organization, to asset map the talent development initiatives for business, education, and non-profits. The goal is to eliminate duplication that wastes resources and fill in the gaps as we try to address the talent shortage our community is facing. What is the action step for you? If you know of programs or initiatives not listed below that impact business, education and non-profits in our community, please let us know.

Heavy Metal Tour & NCWWDBDerek Heikkinen


UWSP Small Business Development Center - Mary Wescott Pacelli Catholic Schools 3rd Grade Coding/Computer Science, - Gregg Hansel Scrum Team Exercises at SkywardKlaven Embertson Junior Achievement ProgrammingSerena Sblendorio

IDEA Center, Makerspaces, and CREATE Portage County - Greg Wright World of Business 9th Grade Class Art Greco Boys & Girls Club Programming Danielle Belsky & Jordan Derber Internships/Youth Apprenticeships at Marten Machining - Alan Marten Centergy’s RETAIN (Regional Talent Innovation Network) - Dave Eckmann

Fo l l ow i n g t h e te n m i n u te presentations by each speaker, participants had the opportunity for continued network development with program presenters.

The goal is to fill in the gaps as we address the talent shortage in our Partners in Education (PIE), a program of the PCBC Foundation (PCBCF), provides employability skill development and career awareness opportunities for K-college students. PIE also provides networking, learning and idea sharing opportunities for business, education and community representatives. The PCBCF is a nonprofit organization that oversees educational programming focused on talent development, businesseducation par tnerships and leadership skill development. PCBCF leverages resources and partnerships to create, implement and promote innovative talent development solutions for our community.

Boys Scouts STEM ScoutingDean Bushey

We look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to contact me directly at: tkuckkah@portagecountybiz.com or 715-344-1940.

PCBC Partners In EducationTodd Kuckkahn, Kayla Rombalski

Todd Kuckkahn Executive Director

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*See your chamber for current discounts


Tonya Kowalski learn morethe about the benefits of membership Contact Contact Tonya Kowalski to learn to more about benefits of membership today! today! Contact Tonya Kowalski to learn more about the benefits of membership today! 715-344-1940tkowalsk@portagecountybiz.com tkowalsk@portagecountybiz.com 715-344-1940

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7.13.16 \\ 7:30 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. PCBC FOUNDATION ROOM NO COST TO ATTEND. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST IS INCLUDED. What is the Business X-Change? A roundtable presentation which allows business owners and their employees the opportunity to discuss pertinent topics, learn from local industry leaders and, most importantly, learn from each other. While there is no cost to attend, the value of the information may be priceless. Business X-Change meets regularly throughout the year from 7:30 - 8:30am at the Portage County Business Council office.

TOPIC: “GOODBYE BRANDING, HELLO MESSAGING: HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR CORPORATE MESSAGING IN 4-WEEKS OR LESS” At this X-Change participants will learn: Tom will explain a few of the tips for developing your corporate messaging platforms including why messaging is more important than branding, developing Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Narrative Pitch Flows, and how to develop Proof Points.

About our Speaker:

Tom Marks is the President of Madison-based TMA+Peritus, a 31 year old communications company that specializes in website design and development, content marketing and digital branding. Tom is no stranger to the PCBC having delivered the keynote address at the Small Business Awards Breakfast and speaking at the Business X-Change programs more times than any of us can remember. He has won nearly 60 American Advertising Awards in the last 4 years, more than anyone in Wisconsin, and has developed messaging for McDonald’s, Foot Locker, Granite Peak, CUNA Mutual Group, Nicolet College, Fresh Markets, M3 Insurance, Honeywell and countless others.


Special THANK YOU to TMA+Peritus for their sponsorship of this program.

For questions on this X-Change please contact Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com. 6

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Sponsored by

5:00PM to 7:00PM Located at 300 Division Street North, Stevens Point

Comfort Suites will be offering complimentary refreshments (assorted alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages from The Bottle Stop), delicious food with a picnic theme including grilled chicken breasts, brats, hamburgers, and hotdogs, potato salad, chips, fresh-baked cookies and more, door prize giveaways, and self-guided tours of some of the rooms of the hotel. A 50/50 raffle will also be played. What is Business After Hours? A experience designed for and hosted by Business Council members to give business professionals an opportunity to network, share ideas,

and learn about the business host. The member host furnishes refreshments and hors d’oeuvres for the evening. A different Business Council member hosts Business After Hours every month. Members are welcome to co-host the event with another Business Council member. Please call Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or email at kschanoc@ portagecountybiz.com to book the month you are interested in. RSVP by Friday, July 15, 2016.



SAVE THE DATE Friday, October 28, 2016 for our

15th Annual Wines of the World Event 6:00PM – 9:00PM

Thursday, February 2, 2017 for our

Annual Dinner Awards Banquet and Silent Auction 5:30PM – 8:30PM

Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point, WI Join us for an international journey as we sample a selection of wines from around the world featured by The Bottle Stop. A taste-tempting array of fine cuisine prepared by the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center and Rockman's Catering, a silent auction, beer bars and soft live jazz music to complement the evening.

Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point, WI The Portage County Business Council invites you for an evening of dining, socializing, recognition and education. The event features the presentation of the Ambassador of the Year Award, Small Business of the Year Award, Decree of Excellence Award, and the President’s Award.

Sponsorship Opportunities Are Now Available! Contact Karen Schanock with details at 715-344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com.


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ST E V EN S P O INT FA IRF I EL D I NN & SUIT ES BY MA R R IOTT   MEMBER OF THE MONTH   5317 HWY 10 Stevens Point, WI 54482 Tel: 715-342-9300

WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Spectrum Insurance Group 3273 Church Street Stevens Point, WI 54481 (715)-341-5050

Ingredion Incorporated 3100 Willow Drive Plover, WI 54467 (715) 952-4726


On behalf of my entire team, I am thrilled to have our Fairfield Inn & Suites Stevens Point as the featured Portage County Business Council “Member of the Month.” We have been a proud member of the PCBC since 1994. Our membership has proven beneficial many times over, and their proactive, community-driven approach to business development is vital to our area. We understand it takes a great team to become a successful business. I couldn’t be prouder of my team members – they are always looking toward the future and are adaptable to the many changes that come our way. One ever-changing aspect of the hotel business is meeting our guests’ needs. We make it a priority to manage all features of guest satisfaction, from our rewards system to ongoing trainings to keeping up with social media. Our mission is Impressing Guests® and one way we can maintain our reputation of guest satisfaction is through consistency and awareness of social media. We go where our guests are at – if they’re on social media, so are we. We track our guest comments posted on multiple social outlets and respond to them quickly. Any notso-great comments are opportunities for us to turn around a situation and make it outstanding. The PCBC is an outstanding resource to help us grow our business. We look forward to continuing our relationship well into the future.

W hat ar e t he B ENEFI T S OF M EM B ER SHI P? •

• • • • •

Yo ur b usi ness r ep r esent at i ve s a re inv ited t o educ at io nal and network develo p m ent e v ents L ist y o ur o wn bu s ines s ’ event s, jo b s, a nd deals on p o r t agec o unt ybiz.com R ec ei ve r ef er r als from other PCB C m em b er s B ec o m e a sp ecia l ev ent sp o nso r t o p r omote you r b usi ness Disp lay y o ur ma rketing m at er i als in t he PCBC lobby and o n t he PC BC webs ite Par t ic ip at e in you r loca l c o mm uni t y

For more information on membership, contact our Director of Business Engagement, Tonya Kowalski, at 715-344-1940 or tkowalsk@portagecountybiz.com

8 month the Active Voice features a PCBC “Member of the Month” selected from a list of members that begins with the same letter of the alphabet. Each

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AMBASSADORS On June 9th United States Military Veterans experienced a flight of a lifetime through the Ageless Aviation Dreams Foundation. Members of our Ambassadors Club attended the ceremony at the Stevens Point Municipal Airport.

On June 9th members of our Ambassadors Club and PCBC staff joined Simplicity Credit Union, formerly Central City Credit Union, in the celebration of their renaming with a groundbreaking ceremony. Congratulations!

SHOW THEIR SUPPORT June 9th was a busy day‌we also attended the Grand ReOpening Celebration for the Central Wisconsin Airport. Edward Losinski, former Portage County Board of Supervisors for 16 years cut the official ribbon.

Ambassadors and PCBC staff enjoyed a tour and menu tasting at their visit of Marjorie’s Steak House on June 16th. This newly renovated restaurant located at 4320 80th St S, Wisconsin Rapids (in Kellner), is the perfect place for a cozy casual gathering or an elegant meal. 9

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SAVE THE DATE Thursday, September 22, 2016 11:15AM to 1:00PM Stevens Point Country Club (Club House), 1628 Country Club Drive, Stevens Point Watch for more details about the event in our August digital magazine edition. For questions contact Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com. Photos from the June 25th Women in Business event sponsored by Wisconsin Public Service. Guest Speaker, Roger Seip, CEO of Freedom Personal Development presents “Train Your Brain For Success”

A sell-out crowd of 125 enjoyed the beautiful Grand Hall of SentryWorld 10

COMMUNITY COLLECTS RECORD $12,371 IN DIAPERS AND DONATIONS As part of its fourth annual No Child’s Wet Behind Community Diaper Drive, United Way of Portage County collected $12,371 in diaper and monetary donations to help fill a need in the community. Individuals, businesses, churches, and service clubs participated in the diaper drive throughout the monthlong effort, said Laura Pfeil, United Way of Portage County Community Services Manager. The donation total includes a $3,000 matching grant from the Women’s Fund of Portage County, and physical and monetary donations from Sentry Cares, AIG, Spectra Print, Verso, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, St. Peter Catholic Church, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Church of the Intercession, and Stevens Point Noon and Morning Rotaries. For the fourth consecutive year, NAPA Distribution acted as the major collection site during the wrap-up of the drive. It will continue to store diapers at the facility. Although the diaper drive is over, monetary donations can still be dropped off at or sent to United Way of Portage County, c/o No Child’s Wet Behind Community Diaper Drive, 1100 Centerpoint Dr., #302, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Requests for diapers should be made through Emergency Services. The primary source for distribution of diapers will be Operation Bootstrap. Emergency and holiday distribution will be provided through other programs serving income-qualified families. For more information, visit the United Way of Portage County website at www.unitedwaypoco.org and click on “Community Diaper Drive,” or contact United Way at 715-341-6740 or uway@ unitedwaypoco.org.

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ADVANCE YOUR CAREER Pursue your next career opportunity through online degree options at UW-Stevens Point.

CAP Services receives ADA Foundation grant for Smiles Forever program


CAP Services recently received a $5,000 grant from the American Dental Association (ADA) Foundation to expand the Ministry Dental Center’s Smiles Forever program in Portage and Waupaca counties. Started in 2010, Smiles Forever is an education and advocacy program designed to educate parents and caregivers on the importance of regular dental care for infants and toddlers ages 0-3. The Center first began targeting infants/toddlers after noticing a significant number of young children with extensive decay. Of the patients the Center saw, approximately 90% had chronic decay at 2 years of age or older.

“The program addresses the need by changing the oral health culture of parents and caregivers, many of whom do not have the knowledge of dental care for their very young children,” said Brenda Diamond, Ministry Dental Center Director. “We are grateful to the ADA Foundation for helping us increase the reach of this important work.” Program activities consist of education and outreach

to parents and caregivers at a variety of access points including the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, public health programs and New Mothers groups at Saint Michael’s Hospital. This grant will also support outreach to health care providers and to families using the Boys & Girls Club’s Berard Center in Stevens Point. Diamond said research indicates that if a child remains free of tooth decay through age 5, it will decrease the risk of that child needing extensive and costly dental care throughout his/ her lifetime. The ADA Foundation grant will support program staff time in greater outreach as described and providing families with things like toothbrushes. It is anticipated that 430 children will receive care, and that 54% will return for any follow-up care. For more information, contact Diamond at 715-342-8060 or brenda.diamond@ministryhealth.org. 11

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LOCA L UW- EX TEN SION VOLUNTEER R E CE I VES A G OVER NOR ’S VO L U N TEER AWARD Jennifer Dolan, AmeriCorps VISTA, Portage County UW-Extension received the 2016 Governor’s AmeriCorps*VISTA Participant of the Year Award! This award is given to a VISTA program or member who, over the course of the year, has made significant contributions to Wisconsin through efforts to fight poverty. Jennifer has served as an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer for the University of WisconsinExtension Portage County office since June 2014. Jennifer is a strong advocate for those affected by hunger and poverty in the community. She has the ability to approach community needs through the lens of underserved populations, ensuring inclusiveness for all.

A strong example of Jennifer’s work is Glean Central Wisconsin (GCW). Gleaning is the act of collecting excess fresh foods from farmer’s markets and grocers in order to provide it to those in need. Jennifer helped develop and expand the GCW program, establishing a plan to make the program sustainable for years to come. Through her efforts, GCW collected 3,265 lbs in 2014, and over 7,000 lbs in 2015. Jennifer has also connected youth to gardens at three Boys & Girls Club sites. Through her leadership, all three gardens were maintained and provided with weekly educational programming for the development of life skills. Jennifer’s youth garden sites reached 65 unduplicated youth ages five to eighteen in 2014, as well as 96 youth in 2015. Jennifer played a significant role in the efforts of the Portage County Hunger and Poverty Prevention Partnership (HPPP), helping to re-energize the organization, move it forward, and allow it to explore 12

$11,889 in grant dollars to our community, all supporting efforts to fight poverty and food insecurity..

new directions through a strategic planning effort. Additionally, she has advocated for and created programming about FoodShare usage at the Farmer’s Market. She successfully helped develop and collaborated on a program that engages families in increasing healthy eating habits through evidence-based strategies, “From Yuck to Yum”. She has brought a total of $11,889 in grant dollars to our community, all supporting efforts to fight poverty and food insecurity. Jennifer’s impact and involvement includes over 30 community collaborations and partnerships. Because of Jennifer Dolan, programming to meet community needs have been developed, strengthened, shifted, intersected, and grown to new levels. For further information on Jennifer and her accomplishments, or for an interview, contact the Portage County UW-Extension office, 715346-1316.

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Circuit Style work out for you and your dog Renea L. Dahms from Pawsitively Unleashed! Canine Performance & Aquatic Center, has just returned from a 4 day training session. Renea is now a K9 Fit Club Master Trainer. Community members can now come work out - in a circuit style format WITH THEIR DOGS! Programs will begin in July! Renea L. Dahms is a CDBC, DipCBST, RMT, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant/Behavior & Training Director, Canine Fitness & Nutrition Coach Contact Renea to set up your initial goal setting assessment ... and join Beginner Boot Camp! For more information on programs 715-347-3294 http://www. pawsitivelyunleashed.com/k9-fitclub.html

INVESTORS COMMUNITY BANK NAMED A TOP-PERFORMING COMMUNITY BANK BY ICBA  NEWSROOM  Investors Community Bank has been named a Top 25 Performing Bank in the nation by the Independent Community Bankers Association (ICBA) in their annual “Best of the Best” listing. The recognition was in the category of Subchapter C corporations, $500 million to $1 billion in assets. ICBA published its list of the most o u t s t a n d i n g co m m u n i t y b a n k performers across the nation in their May 2016 edition of ICBA Independent Banker magazine. “Whether serving rural, suburban or large metropolitan areas, community banks operate with a focus on their customers and communities,” said Chris Lorence, ICBA executive vice president and chief marketing officer. “The community banks featured in ICBA’s industry top performers listings know their local markets and thrive because they stay true to the principles of community banking while showcasing drive, ingenuity and community commitment. These high-achieving community banks demonstrate integrity, enthusiasm and inventiveness in the financial industry, and ICBA is proud to recognize them for their outstanding efforts.” According to Tim Schneider, CEO of Investors Community Bank, this year’s ICBA top-performers demonstrate the strength of relationship community banking, which focuses on serving customers and communities first and foremost. “Delivering superior service, following disciplined pricing models and supporting our local communities are key to how we operate. Like many of

the banks featured we strive to adhere to well-known industry fundamentals while embracing a changing industry landscape.” To create its annual performance rankings of ICBA member institutions, ICBA used year-end FDIC call report earnings data to identify the 25 top-performing community banks in six asset-size categories, both for Subchapter C Corporation and Subchapter S corporation banks. Each top-25 listing measures community banks by their return on average assets (ROAA) and return on average equity (ROAE) ratios for 2015.

Investors Community Bank was also recently recognized by American Banker magazine as one of the Top 200 publicly traded community banks and thrifts, as ranked by ROAE (based on three-year average ROAE for 2013 – 2015 for banks with assets of less than $2 billion as of Dec. 31, 2015). For more information please contact Laura Wiegert, Marketing Director lwiegert@investorscommunitybank. com



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The Portage County Business Council is welcoming future students at UWSP with a mailing packet! This will be the only promotional mailing welcoming incoming firstyear students that is sent by the Business Council. This is a limited time offer.

THE COST TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROMOTIONAL EFFORT IS $75 FOR MEMBERS AND $145 FOR NON-MEMBERS. Members must be in good standing with their membership dues.

The “Welcome to UWSP” packet will allow Business Council members to include a one page brochure or promotional flyer to help increase student foot traffic in their place of business.

To participate and for more information CLICK HERE

The Portage County Business Council is a drop off site for your donations!


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HOW TO BE A BETTER LEADER IN BUSINESS    INSIGHT                                   By: Ron Orris


’VE COMPILED SOME of the most valuable leadership lessons I’ve learned over my career and I wanted to share them with you.

Communicate All that You Know The best place to start is “communicate all that you know.” In my lifetime I have seen two types of leaders; one keeps all his knowledge to himself, and in turn doesn’t want the team to leave him, and doesn’t encourage them to go to the next level. The second, and I hope I was this type of leader, communicates all he knows. The biggest thrill in my life was to see people get promoted. I am happy to say that many assistant managers on my Wal-Mart team went on to become store managers. At the chamber the same thing has happened, many of our folks have gone on to great jobs, and although I really wanted them to stay, I was very proud that they were taking the next step to a better career.

Love Your Work If you love your work, you’ll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you – like a fever. I have been so fortunate in my work career. The chamber is my third career, and like my career as a retailer, a store manager, and now an executive director, I can honestly say I loved all three jobs. Some had more stress then others, but I live for the challenge and all three gave me plenty of challenges. Business owners are fortunate

because these entrepreneurs have created something they love and it feels less like work. Pass that passion onto your employees and your business will thrive.

Speak to People Speak to people coming towards you before they speak to you. I always look ahead and speak to the person coming toward me. If I knew them I would call them by name, but even if I didn’t I would still speak to them. I was at St. Vincent’s Hospital a couple of weeks ago walking down a hallway, and a gentlemen was walking towards me. I didn’t know him, but I said, “Good morning.” He returned the sentiment and then asked, “Are you lost?” I was. We both laughed and I said, “Yes I am looking for the elevator.” He showed me the directions to the elevator and we then struck up a conversation about Erie which led to Bradford, and I found out he was doctor at St. Vincent’s. I felt really good after our

talk and went on my way. Try it on Monday morning, and let me know how it goes. If you adopt the idea of never meeting a stranger, and you greet everyone with a warm reception, you might be pleasantly surprised by the opportunities that open to you. _____________________________ Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / harishmarnad Ron Orris is the Executive Director of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce, where he has led the chamber in its adoption of social media and is a strong proponent for blogging as a way to reach your audience. Under his leadership membership has increased 40% over the past two years. He has also served as the city controller for the City of Bradford and as a store manager for Walmart, a position he values as teaching him a lot about customer service.


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uly 11

Business Engagement Committee Meeting, 7:30AM, PCBC


ugust A 3

PIE Committee Meeting 7:30AM, PCBC Office

New ERA Housing & Infrastructure Team Meeting, 1:30PM, IDEA Center


Business X-Change 7:30-8:30AM, PCBC


New ERA Steering Committee Meeting, 3:30PM, IDEA Center


Ambassador Club Meeting 8:00AM, PCBC Office


Business X-Change 7:30-8:30AM, PCBC


Communication Committee Meeting 8:00AM, PCBc Office


Ambassadors Club Meeting 8:00AM, PCBC


LPC Empty Bowls Pottery Painting 9:00AM - 5:00PM, PCBC

15 Business After Hours 5:00-7:00PM BMO Harris Bank & Humane Society of Portage County Held at BMO Harris Bank


Business After Hours 5:00-7:00PM, Comfort Suites Hotel


SalesNet Meeting 11:45AM-1:00PM, PCBC


SalesNet Meeting 11:45AM-1:00PM, PCBC


Nancy Mistele, State Office of Business Development, 8:00AM, PCBC Office


New ERA Marketing & Awareness Team Meeting, 12:00PM, SPACVB


Economic Development Committee Meeting, 7:00AM, PCBC Office


PCBC Board Meeting, 7:30AM, PCBC Office

PORTAGE COUNTY GIFT CERTIFICATES Purchasing Portage County gift certificates continues to be a successful way to “Buy Local”. Portage County gift certificates make great gifts. Gift certificates can be purchased at area banks, credit unions, the Convention and Visitors Bureau or at our office. They can be used at any business with a Portage County address and are available in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 & $100. The PCBC would like to thank everyone who participates for helping make the program successful. We would also like to thank BMO Harris Bank for their financial support of the gift certificate program. 16

Did you know you could post job openings, events and press releases on your membership login? ASK US HOW TO ACCESS YOUR LOGIN

ADVERTISE WITH US For questions on advertising, please contact Angel at 715-344-1940 or admin@portagecountybiz.com.

www.portagecountybiz.com Check out community Job postings HERE!

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LEA D E R S H IP PO R TAGE C O UNTY Now accepting applications for Leadership Portage County’s 2016-2017 class. Why join leadership? 1. Leadership Skill Development – Build leadership skills to use in your workplace through interactive sessions 2. Network Development – Join a network of 400+ LPC Alumni throughout the County 3. Memorable Experiences – Learn about Portage County while having fun, exploring new areas, and meeting new people Listen to Community First Bank’s Radio Ad for LPC. We are thankful to Mary Hansen and Community First Bank for their continuous support. CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO Contact Kayla Rombalski for more information at talent@portagecountybiz.com.

Click here to apply!


T h e A c County t i v e V oBusniess i c e | J Council u l y 2 0 1Foundation 6 Portage

Entrepalooza 2016 Business-Education Summit

The Partners in Education Business-Education Summit was held Wednesday, June 15. Titled “Entrepalooza” the summit invited participants to discover programs or projects that support entrepreneurship and contribute to the talent pipeline. Approximately 50 people attended the summit, ranging from non-profit professionals, educators and school administrators, local government officials, businesses, and interested community members. Through the format of fast-paced presentations, participants were able to learn about several organizations in a short time-frame. PCBC thanks the following speakers for their participation.            

Dave Eckmann - Opening Remarks on Centergy’s RETAIN Mary Westcott - UWSP Small Business Development Center Gregg Hansel - Coding at Pacelli Catholic Schools Klaven Embertson - Skyward SCRUM Teams Serena Sblendorio - Junior Achievement Keaton Schultz & Corey Parris - UWSP Entrepreneur Club Derek Heikkinen - Heavy Metal Tours, North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board Greg Wright - IDEA Center, CREATE Portage County Art Greco - World of Business Class, Ben Franklin Jr. High School Danielle Belsky & Jordan Derber - Boys & Girls Club of Portage County Alan Marten - Youth Apprenticeships at Marten Machining Dean Bushey - STEM Scouts, Samoset Council BSA

As a next step, PCBC is developing an asset map of business-education based programs available. If you know of a program not included above, please contact us to ensure we add it to our list.


Portage County T h e A Busniess c t i v e V oCouncil i c e | JFoundation uly 2016

Leadership Portage County Alumni EMPTY BOWLS PAINTING CHALLENGE Thursday, July 14 ∙ 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Portage County Business Council Foundation Room 5501 Vern Holmes Drive ∙ Stevens Point PCBC is committed to seeing LPC graduates remain involved in the community. An easy way to give back and reconnect with other alumni is to participate in the LPC Alumni Bowl Painting Challenge on July 14. Just stop by PCBC anytime between 9:00 AM 5:00 PM to paint your bowl. We’ll supply all the materials and take care of any clean up. Bring your lunch, bring a friend, or just bring yourself and show up to paint and make a difference! See you there! About Empty Bowls: Empty Bowls is a community project to raise money for local hunger prevention efforts. At the event, attendees purchase a bowl painted by local potters, community members, and students. Attendees then fill their bowls (or a plastic bowl) with soup donated by local restaurants. The meal includes bread, beverage, and dessert. The bowls are each unique and a great keepsake! The 2016 event is Saturday, October 22. 19

Hole Sponsorship Opportunities. Sat., September 10, 2016

Wisconsin River Golf Club



Mike Helgert Scramble Memorial

The proceeds from the golf scramble will assist our Post in supporting area Veteran needs and also help with the continued support of the Fisher House at the Zablocki VA hospital in Milwaukee.

Sponsorship Levels Bronze Silver Gold

$100 $250 $500



Company Name Color Logo Color Logo on Premium Size with Gold Border Color Logo on Premium Size with Black Border

Hole sponsors will have signage on the course. Donors and Hole Sponsors will receive name recognition at our banquet and a “Thank You” ad in the Portage County Gazette. If you would like to make a cash or prize donation, please call the post at 715.341.8414.

4-Person Team

Saturday, Sept 10, 2016 Registration: 11am, Tee time: 12noon Buffet dinner immediately following golf scramble @ Plover VFW


Price: $75/golfer

Wisconsin River Golf Club Members: $55/golfer

Includes door prizes, 2 drink tickets on the course, green fees, cart, goodie bag, and awards dinner. Free soda and tap beer during the dinner.

Awards: 1st Place Trophy • Mulligans • Basket Raffle • Special Hole Events Attending Dinner Only: $15/person

Register @ PloverVFW.org

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