The Active Voice November 2016

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Active Voice

November 2016






Portage County Business Council

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Don’t just bank


Looking for a different way of banking? Become a MEMBER-OWNER of CoVantage Credit Union! Our mission is to provide value to the people and businesses who bank at CoVantage – the owners of the credit union. We distribute some of our profits back to you, the member-owners, by offering better loan rates, lower fees, higher deposit rates, and a patronage program that over the past 5 years returned $8.5 million to account holders. Just as you own your business and reap the rewards of your hard work, member-owners of CoVantage benefit from the credit union’s financial growth and success. To experience the benefits of owning a credit union, visit CoVantage Credit Union today!

800-398-2667 • 1200 Badger Ave., Stevens Point • 715-344-2110

Portage County Business Council, Inc. 5501 Vern Holmes Drive Stevens Point, WI 54482 715-344-1940 Todd Kuckkahn - Executive Director Karen Schanock - Director of Programs & Events Kayla Rombalski - Director of Talent Development Kari Thompson - Director of Operations Tonya Kowalski - Director of Business Engagement Angel Whitehead - Marketing Communications Coordinator Portage County Business Council



@PoCoBiz Portage County Business Council

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CONTENTS 4 Thankful month No matter how good or bad we think we have it, there is always something to be thankful for in our community. You can always be thankful for others, too. Portage County has a lot to offer.

5 2016 Economic Development summit What do we need to do to fullfill all of the “NOW HIRING” needs that exist across all business sectors?

»» p. 5

11 what are the ambassadors up to? »» p.12

Are you looking for a way to get involved in your local community? As a Portage County Business Council Ambassador, you would be part of a team that attends events and represents both your company and PCBC.

12 Three of the worst kind of networkers Networking. A word that strikes fear into almost anyone–right up there with public speaking. “Blah, do I have to walk up to strangers and try to not look like a loser?”

13 Associate celebrates 50 years »» p.11

The year was 1966, Lyndon Johnson was President and Stevens Point resident, Dennis Adamski was 19 years old. Barely out of high school, he took a job with Schierl Tire & Service.

16 thank you, from wines of the world A crowd of nearly 375 people gathered on October 28th for our 15th Annual Wines of the World event held at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center!

18 Business to education connection

»» p.18

While attending the Business/Education After Hours, a couple of teachers took some time to tell us why they love our community and what makes it great.


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HANKSGIVING IS IMPORTANT in our personal lives and business world. No matter how good or bad we think we have it, there is always something to be thankful for in our community. You can always be thankful for others, too. Portage County has a lot to offer. PCBC is thankful for the new strategic direction, recently approved by our Board of Directors; Where Economic Vitality Meets Quality of Life. PCBC’s priorities for our members and the community are retention and attraction of businesses and employees. PCBC must be the preeminent leader in economic development and community growth. PCBC values: ENGAGEMENT, by listening to the important priorities from members and engaging change; GROWTH, by sharing member, community, regional and statewide resources to enhance our partnerships; INNOVATION, through a creative economy and entrepreneurial culture supported by a vibrant work ethic; LEADERSHIP, by taking the initiative for positive, proactive opportunities; NETWORK D E V E LO PM E N T, by connecting member employees and promoting the interaction of those networks; and PARTNERSHIPS, through teamwork with business, education, government, visitors, arts and our citizens. As a community, please let us know when we are and/or are not meeting this strategic direction. Being a 4

member organization, we need to be responsive to the needs of the community. That community includes working with our municipalities, who all support us with committee and board volunteers, as well as financial assistance. Because of that support, I was able to attend a recent conference put on by the International Economic Development Council. The topic was Business Retention Expansion. Being international, you would think I would have traveled to Aruba or Monaco. I drove to Madison. PCBC began a business retention expansion (BRE) initiative about a year ago and it is one of the SMART goals for 2017. Additionally, through our valuebased tiered membership individual meetings, we are learning a lot about the challenges and opportunities in the community. That information will help drive change and create more to be thankful for. It is no surprise we have heard that we need to retain and attract more employees. That comes through loud and clear during our BRE conversations with the business community. You can see “Now Hiring” signs up across our community. No business sector is immune to this challenge. Our efforts with New ERA and our upcoming

ALONE we can do so little; TOGETHER we can do so much -Helen Keller

economic development summit (Nov. 10) are specific examples of working towards solutions. We are also partnering with our regional chamber friends and Centergy for specific strategies. In some instances, businesses are holding off on their own growth due to the talent attraction challenge. Data shows that it isn’t going to get any better and may be worse than originally predicted. Our community, region and state need to continue to focus our energy in this area. Kayla Rombalski and I recently attended a ypSummit focusing on young professional talent. Our community has done a lot and must do more. What can you do to make a difference? Tell people about the wonderful four seasons we have here. Tell them about our exceptional assets. Share the great Wisconsin work ethic stories. Let them know we have a vibrant K-16 educational system, both public and private. The Wisconsin River and Green Circle Trail are two of the countless examples that differentiate us from others. Our arts and entrepreneurial spirit can be held up against communities with much larger populations. Some say we are the Silicon Valley of the Midwest. Most of all, Be Thankful!

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Economic Development Summit Where’s The Talent? The Portage County Business Council invites the public to learn more about the challenges and opportunities of talent development. What do we need to do to fulfill all of the “Now Hiring” needs that exist across all business sectors?

November 10, 2016; 7:30 AM -1:15 PM

SentryWorld Atrium

Featuring • Guest Speaker Craig Culver, Culver’s Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board • New ERA (Employee Retention & Attraction) panels • Addressing the challenges and opportunities of retaining and attracting talent to keep our local economy growing. Event Agenda 7:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast 7:45 AM Welcome 8:00 AM CHALLENGE: Where’s The Talent? 8:30 AM Young/New Professionals 9:10 AM Marketing & Awareness 9:50 AM Bio-Break 10:00 AM Entertainment & Recreation 10:40 AM Housing & Infrastructure 11:20 AM Education & Innovation 12:00 PM Network Development Break 12:15 PM Lunch 12:45 PM Craig Culver, Culver’s Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board 1:15 PM Closing Panelists/Presenters include (as of Oct. 18): Craig Culver (Culver’s) Eric Kundinger (River Cities Bank), Kelsey Corrigan (Sentry), Caleb Guilliams (UWSP student), Max Trzebiatowski (UWSP), Greg Wright (CREATE), Ray Ackerlund (Skyward), Todd Penske, (PeopleFirst HR Solutions), Sara Brish (Convention & Visitor’s Bureau), Mike James (SentryWorld), Ann Huntoon (Central WI Symphony Orchestra), Rachael Gadbois (The Pineries Bank/Children’s Museum), Dan Mahoney (Village of Plover), Mike Wiza (City of Stevens Point), Jami Gebert (Portage County), Richard O’Sullivan (MSTC), Jenny Resch (UWSP), Craig Gerlach (Stevens Point Area Public Schools), Lee Peek (Manpower), and Eva Donohoo (UWSP).

You may submit questions for any panel to be considered at the event to: PCBC will review all questions. Cost:

$36 all inclusive

To register and for more information: then Events; Todd Kuckkahn; 715-344-1940;


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won’t get much done.

11.9.16 \\ 7:30AM - 8:30AM PCBC FOUNDATION ROOM NO COST TO ATTEND. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST IS INCLUDED. What is the Business X-Change? A roundtable presentation which allows business owners and their employees the opportunity to discuss pertinent topics, learn from local industry leaders and, most importantly, learn from each other. While there is no cost to attend, the value of the information may be priceless.


Before you complete your business planning for 2017, have you taken into account a solid total compensation plan for employees, as this plays a big role in attracting and retaining the workforce you want and need? Key Points Learned as a Result of Attending this X-Change: 1. Competitive compensation trends. 2. Are your company’s base pay and incentive pay strategy aligned with your business environment? 3. Current local and national compensation trends. 4. Techniques for developing attractive compensation packages. 5. What are other companies using in addition to base pay and incentive pay strategies?

Marc R. Harding, Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) Affiliate Consultant at PeopleFirst HR Solutions, Inc. & Principal, The Harding Group LLC

About our Speaker:

Marc R. Harding is a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in human resources and general management. He spent fifteen years in the technology development industry for Cray Research, Inc. where he was part of a team instrumental in helping grow the business from a 400-employee site to a 3000-employee site in an eight-year time frame. Since 1995 he has led a regional management consulting practice. During this time he has worked with a number of small to medium sized industry-leading businesses including start-up operations in a variety of contract Human Resource and General Management roles. His areas of expertise are Total Compensation System Design, Executive and Professional Search, Human Resource Management System Development, Organizational Design and Effectiveness, Career Transition, Executive and Business Coaching, Business Development and Planning and Performance Management Systems.

REGISTER HERE Special THANK YOU to PeopleFirst HR Solutions, Inc. for their sponsorship of this program.

For questions on this X-Change please contact Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or 6

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Business after


November 14, 2016 5:00PM - 7:00PM Sponsored by: CoVantage Credit Union, 1200 Badger Avenue,Stevens Point

Our host for the November event will be offering a variety of complimentary hot and cold appetizers, beer, wine, soda & water, and door prize giveaways, including a wine/cheese/chocolate themed gift basket and a movie night themed basket. A 50/50 raffle will also be played. Parking: Available in front of the building, and on the street behind the building. What is Business After Hours? A social event designed for and hosted by Business Council members to give business professionals an opportunity to network, share ideas, and have their facility seen by other members. The member host furnishes refreshments and hors d’oeuvres for the evening. A different Business Council member hosts Business After Hours every month. Members are welcome to co-host the event with another Business Council member. Please call Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or email at to book the month you are interested in. RSVP by Friday, November 11, 2016.



The Ambassadors are.... .....getting in the Christmas spirit! The Ambassadors are kicking off their annual holiday basket program in November. They work in collaboration with Operation Bootstrap to help a Portage County family have a great Christmas season by purchasing items for their holiday meal and gifts for children in the family. Additionally, the Ambassadors will be once again coordinating Letters from Santa. A small committee will be assisting Santa Claus with sending personalized letters to individuals. If you would like a special person(s) in your life to receive a letter from Santa, along with a small trinket, please send their name(s) and $3.00 per letter to:

Letters from Santa c/o Portage County Business Council 5501 Vern Holmes Drive Stevens Point, WI 54482 Checks can be made payable to PCBC. They are taking orders now, but letters will not be sent prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. In order for letters to be received by Christmas, our deadline for ordering will be December 12th. All proceeds will benefit the children at the Salvation Army and Crisis Center during the holiday season.


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M B A I n f or m a t i o n S e s s i on s Thursday, Nov. 10 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Portage County Business Council 5501 Vern Holmes Drive, Stevens Point Wednesday, Nov. 16 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Virtual Session

Reg i s t e r at u w o s h. ed u/c o b/ m ba / ev ents


Notice of Nondiscrimination: UW Oshkosh is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC):

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Willow Brooke Point Senior Living 1800 Bluebell Lane Stevens Point, WI 54481 (715) 343-9530

Mission Coffee House 2860 Post Rd Plover, WI 54467 (715) 544-0730

WELCOME PCBC’S NEW COMMUNICATIONS INTERN EMILY PRZYBYLSKI! I am so excited to have the opportunity to work with everyone at the Portage County Business Council this fall! The experience I’ve gained so far is fantastic and I can only imagine it will get better. I am a senior at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point and I am studying Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. As graduation nears, I’ve realized my passion lies in event planning and I hope to have a career in it someday. Some of my favorite things are being around friends and hosting game nights at my house. I really enjoy being outside whether I’m on the boat, hiking or around the campfire, and I love to bake.


• • • • •

Your b usi ne ss re p r e se nt a t i v e s a re i nv i t e d t o e d uca ti o n a l a n d n e t w or ki ng e v e n ts L i st your ow n bu s i n e s s ’ e v e nt s, j ob s, a n d d e a l s o n por t a ge c ount y b i z . co m Re c e i v e r e f e r r a l s fro m o th e r PC B C m e mb e r s B e c ome a sp e ci a l e v e n t s p onsor t o p r o m o te y o u r busi ne ss Di sp l a y your m a rk e ti n g m a t e r i a l s i n t he PC B C l o bb y a nd on t he P C B C w e b s i te Pa r t i c i p a t e i n y o u r l o ca l comm uni t y

For more information on membership, contact our Director of Business Engagement, Tonya Kowalski, at 715-344-1940 or

With our headquarters here in Stevens Point and another location in Appleton, Wildcard Corp. is your local information technology company. We specialize in cybersecurity, web development, and IT solutions from social media management to web design. We build custom solutions for organizations of any size, whether it’s government, business, or nonprofit.

We have expert staff in a wide variety of disciplines: programming, system administration, graphic and user interface design, content development, and social media management. We have all the in-house expertise necessary for any information technology need. Even still, we are rapidly expanding. In the last 12 months, we have nearly doubled in size, and we’re still growing. Our current office is running out of space for everyone, so this year we will be upgrading to a larger headquarters building, still located in downtown Stevens Point. Our competitors range from local to national, but what sets us apart and above the rest is our focus on security. We take extra steps from start to finish to make sure your systems are

secure from attacks and hackers. In fact, our flagship product Castle CMS is one of the most inherently secure products of its kind. This security consciousness is what makes our company so inviting to government entities and other businesses where customer data is accessed online. We manage websites for distinguished U.S. Government clients, as well as the website for the Stevens Point Association of Downtown Businesses, for which we provide our services as a donation. Our friendly and expert staff will help you with whatever IT services you or your business needs, whether it’s point of sale equipment or desktop workstations. We’re always striving to become even more involved in the community, and we have found the Portage County Business Council to be a great conduit to help us connect. Wildcard staff members have attended several meetings and have been on the Economic Development Committee since joining the Council. Check out our website at and send your questions to info@wildcardcorp. com . Wildcard Corp. 1100 Centerpoint Drive Ste 101 Stevens Point WI 54481


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Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection is excited to sponsor Women in Business on Thursday, December 8, 2016. Join us that afternoon from 11:15AM to 1:00PM at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center (Expo 1), 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point. Guest Speaker:

Kim Briones, Senior Vice President, Human Resources Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance

Kim is one of the highest ranking female executives of the parent company, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance. She is based in Boston, Massachusetts, and will be flying in special for our Women in Business event. Kim has been in the human resources field in the financial services industry since 1989. Most recently she was the Senior Business Partner responsible for the HR team of AIG Property Casualty for the US Region. 10

Additionally, she has held senior positions in HR and has managed national and international teams. Kim holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. We are honored to have Kim Briones join us for our December Women in Business Event as she presents. AGENDA: 11:15AM Registration and Networking 11:30AM Welcome 11:45AM Luncheon 12:15PM Guest Speaker, Kim Briones 1:00PM Door Prize Giveaways & Closing Vegetarian or Gluten Free Options available upon request

A Special thank you to our Presenting Sponsor Berkshire Hathaway travel protection

To register online, Click Here. You can also call the Business Council office at 715-344-1940. Cost is $25/person for members and $30/person for prospectivemembers.

Save the dates and mark your calendars for these 2017 Women in Business Events: •

Thursday, April 20, 2017 (Fashion Show) at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center – Presented by Girls in Pearls Boutique

Thursday, June 22, 2017 – Presented by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017 – Presented by CoVantage Credit Union

Opportunities are available to Business Council members wishing to play a greater role in our Women in Business events for 2017. Contact Karen Schanock at for all the exciting details

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On a quarterly basis, the Ambassadors Club takes the opportunity to recognize one of its members for outstanding commitment. This commitment is measured by their participation in meetings, events, ground breaking ceremonies, grand openings and ribbon cutting ceremonies during a three-month timeframe. During the third quarter of 2016, Dorothy Pientka was named the Ambassador of the Quarter. Dorothy is currently Vice President, Community Relations Officer at Community First Bank, but will be retiring soon. Her last day at the bank will be November 29th. Please be sure to wish her well! Dorothy has been an Ambassador since 1992 and will be continuing her role as an Ambassador even after her retirement from the bank. Congratulations Dorothy on your recent achievement. The Business Council Board of Directors, Ambassadors Club and staff appreciate your efforts!



AMB A S S AD ORS SH OW THE IR SU P P ORT Steel King Industries, Inc. welcomed members of our Ambassadors Club and PCBC staff for a tour of their facility on October 13th. Steel King Industries is a leading manufacturer and integrator of material handling products and systems. They are located at 2700 Chamber Street in Stevens Point, and have additional locations in New London, WI and Rome, GA. Steel King Industries has been a member of the Portage County Business Council since 1977.

AMBASSADORS! Are you looking for a way to get involved in your local community? As a Portage County Business Council Ambassador, you would be part of a team that attends events and represents both your company and the PCBC.


• • • • •

Ambassador Rob Wyman presents Dan Ladd and Jay Anderson with a certificate of appreciation

Goodwill visits to new PCBC members Assistance in grand openings, ribbon cuttings, open houses and ground breaking ceremonies Strategic monthly meetings Attendance and working at monthly PCBC events Assistance with planning of events Retention and recruitment of PCBC members and more!!!!

To schedule an interview or to receive additional information, please contact Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or at 11

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3 OF THE WOR S T K I ND OF NE T WO R K ER S Networking. A word that strikes fear into almost anyone–right up there with public speaking. “Blah, do I have to walk up to strangers and try to not look like a loser? No thanks, I’ll just stay home.” It’s an understandable reaction if you either a) don’t have a good approach; or b) have had a bad experience with bad networkers. As the holidays approach and you are forced into high gear, do you know what good networking looks like? Let’s learn a bit about networking by examining a few types of networkers that you don’t want to emulate. The Egomaniac: You’ve studied up on your networking. You know that it’s about them not you. Ok, not a problem. So, you go in with a little “tell me about yourself” and they are off. Twenty minutes later, you are acutely aware that they are perfect and wonderful and have zero interest in anything you have to say. Remember, when someone asks you about you, return the favor. Don’t monopolize the conversation. Networking is about building relationships. The Clinger: This is the person that won’t leave the group that they know to meet people that they don’t. When I started networking, my co-worker literally told me I wasn’t allowed to talk to her. At the time, I thought it was unduly cruel but she was right, and it changed my networking going forward. I network to build relationships with people I otherwise might not meet. On the flip side, clinging to a pack is intimidating to someone and may prevent them from approaching you. Make sure you are not missing out on your next great contact. The Salesperson: This is the networker who doesn’t understand networking. They approach networking from a “what can you do for me?” standpoint. Unfortunately, this is the fastest way to make sure someone doesn’t want to help you. You wouldn’t walk up to a stranger on the street and say, “I am looking for a job; can you help me?” A relationship needs to be established before favors are requested. Gather information, ask them about themselves and look for common interests. It’s really just relationship building 101. So remember, when you are networking through the holidays, engage in polite, give-and-take conversation. Break away from the group you came with to open your world. Finally, look at networking as a way to create new relationships, not as a way to make a sale or get a job. http://oiglobalpar of-the -worst-k ind- ofnetworkers/


Wildcard Corp. Announcing New Product Wildcard is excited to announce that we now have our own product too. Introducing the Castle content management system, or Castle CMS. A content management system is a type of software that allows you to organize websites easily without needing to know code. It allows the average person like you or me to do extraordinarily complex things with just a click. We’ve already put it to the test powering a major US federal government website, and it has shown itself to be a runaway success. Castle was developed over the course of more than a year by our expert team of software engineers. But the truth is, Castle isn’t really a new thing at all. It was built using a similar, open source software called Plone that’s been around since 2000. Many of the engineers and programmers on our team are deeply familiar with Plone, having helped develop it themselves for several years. We’ve taken a good thing and made it even better. With perhaps more than 100 unique improvements (we haven’t counted), Castle is quickly becoming the pinnacle of website building technology. Castle CMS is a great fit for government agencies of all sizes, medium to large businesses (we have other solutions for you small businesses out there), and nonprofit organizations. If you have a website but are interested in an upgrade, give us a call. If you’re thinking about building a website but don’t know where to start, we can help with that too. If you’re just curious and want to take a look at it yourself, check out the Castle website at https:// . You can see some of the amazing features Castle can offer, and we encourage you to schedule a short demo of the software by clicking the “Book a Demo” button. The team here at Wildcard loves to help out local businesses and organizations, so don’t hesitate to ask us a question or two to see what we can do. Email us at or visit our website at and have a look around at the other products and services we offer. for more information go to



Stevens Point Noon Optimist Club Honors Club Members The Stevens Point Noon Optimist Club honored Pete Theisen with the 2015-2016 Optimist of the Year award on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at an installation ceremony. The award is presented to a person that best exemplifies the Optimist spirit in giving their time and talents for the good of the Club and to the community. Sworn in as incoming officers of the Club included Tina Vera as President, Aleese Fielder as Vice President, Hayley Marschke as Past President, and Pete Theisen as Secretary/Treasurer. New board members are Mary Grace Keene, Paula Balke, and Jann Van Dreser.

The year was 1966, Lyndon Johnson was President and Stevens Point resident, Dennis Adamski was 19 years old. Barely out of high school, he took a job with Schierl Tire & Service. Little did he know, his career would span many positions within Schierl Tire and that he would celebrate 50 years of service in 2016. Dennis began his career with the Schierl Tire and Service Centers as an auto technician at the first & original location in Stevens Point. As the family-owned company grew, Dennis‘s talents and ability to “fix anything” were quickly recognized and he soon was called upon to serve as the team leader in the maintenance of company vehicles, transports, car washes, and heavy trucks. He was a key contributor in the development of the Schierl Tire and Service Centers Commercial and Farm division where he continues to thrive and service key accounts to this day. Dennis was recently honored with a luncheon celebration attended by company CEO’s, fellow Associates, many friends and family members including his wife, Shirley, and their children and grand children. “It is nearly unheard of for any company to have someone work with them for 50 years. It is a wonderful accomplishment we are proud to been a part of.“ stated Tim Schierl, Co-CEO of Team Schierl Companies (Schierl Tire is a division of Team Schierl Co). During the luncheon, Tim spoke of the wonderful example of dedication and hardwork that Dennis put forth for all these years. When not busy at work Dennis does enjoy hunting, fishing, working in his shop and spending time with family and friends. Go to for more information.

Brant Bergeron Joins DigiCOPY Brant Bergeron is the newest member of the Digicopy executive team, starting October 1, 2016 as VP of Marketing and Communications. In his new role, Bergeron will oversee corporate marketing and PR/Communications efforts for the eight Wisconsin DigiCOPY locations and their 100+ co-workers. Corporate sponsorships, internal and external communications, web site and social media management, quarterly retail promotions, sales and operations support, and service quality all fall under the umbrella of the newly created position. “I am very excited to join the DigiCOPY family and look forward to supporting the efforts of co-workers across the state as they fulfill the promises we make to our customers, each other and the communities we serve,” Bergeron said. “I’ve worked with DigiCOPY in prior professional roles and was aware of their mission to build long-term relationships with customers, co-workers and communities at each of their locations. It is a privilege to now be part of the team committed to that mission,” he added. Bergeron is a 1985 graduate of UW-Stevens Point, with a degree in Communications. He has background in broadcast journalism and corporate communications, in addition to 13 years in Alumni & University Relations at UW-Stevens Point and the past 13 years at Ministry Health Care, serving as Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Director of Hospitality Services and most recently as Clinician Services Medical Education Program Manager. He and his wife Jill live in Plover and have two grown daughters..

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SAVE THE DATE Thursday, February 2, 2017 Registration is now open.


Annual Dinner & Silent Auction 5:30 – 8:30pm Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point The Portage County Business Council invites you for an evening of dining, socializing, recognition and education. The annual dinner features the presentation of the Ambassador of the Year Award, Small Business of the Year Award, Decree of Excellence Award, and the President’s Award. Opportunities are available for our members wishing to play a greater role in our Annual Dinner. Sponsorships are limited and handled on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Karen Schanock with your commitment at 715-344-1940 or Thank you for your support.


Promote Your Products and Services at Annual Dinner Silent Auction T h e A c t i v e Vo i c e | N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6

You have a unique opportunity to promote your business at the 23rd Annual Silent Auction fundraiser event. The Business Council is currently seeking unique products and services to be auctioned at the Annual Dinner and Silent Auction on Thursday, February 2, 2017. Proceeds from the event benefit member programs and new Business Council initiatives. As a Silent Auction donor, the Business Council promotes both your business and the merchandise and/or service in all printed promotional material. Your business and donated item will also be promoted during the Annual Dinner to over 350 business people. Each donation will be recognized with a display at the Silent Auction, highlighting your business name. Contribution ideas could be a specialty product and/or a service your business offers. Ideas might include a monthly floral delivery, one year hair care or dry-cleaning, oil changes, consulting services, golf lessons, artwork, jewelry, clothing or cellular phone services. Need more ideas? How about a weekend get-away package, home/office cleaning, a photography session or dining out certificates.

Be creative…

Don’t miss this chance to promote your business to the business community.

For more information, or to register a Silent Auction contribution contact Karen Schanock at the Business Council Office: 715/344-1940 or

Small Business of the Year Award Nominations Sought

The Portage County Business Council is seeking your nominations for the annual Small Business of the Year Award. A streamlined nomination form for the Small Business of the Year Award is available by clicking below. Your nominations are due Monday, November 28th. Self nominations are encouraged. The Small Business of the Year Award is presented during the Business Council’s Annual Dinner on Thursday, February 2, 2017.

CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information on this award and past recipients, please contact Karen Schanock at 344-1940 or


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A crowd of nearly 375 people gathered on Friday, October 28th for our 15th Annual Wines of the World event held at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center! The event featured 112 wines from around the world for sampling, along with some specialty cocktails, bourbons and whiskeys by The Bottle Stop, fine cuisine by the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center and Rockman’s Catering, Wisconsin artisan cheeses by Ski’s Meat Market, delicious desserts by PJ’s at SentryWorld and Rockman’s Catering, soft live jazz music by The Pointer Jazz Quintet, a Silent Auction, a Beer Bar and Ciderboys Mimosa by the Stevens Point Brewery, other craft beers, and handcrafted spirits by Great Northern Distilling. An equally exciting part of the event was the announcement of the prize winners including Maria McKay from Remedy Intelligent Staffing who won the stunning pendant designed by Thomas Dailing and donated by Lee Ayers Jewelers; and to Kim Whelan from Ki Mobility who won the catered dinner for 6 people donated by Rockman’s Catering.

We would like to thank the following sponsors and contributors for their support of our Wines of the World event. Presenting Sommelier Master Food Sponsors Wine Sponsor Level Media Sponsors


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Sponsors and contributors continued

Wine Distributors/Suppliers Allstate Liquor and Wine Company Breakthru Beverage L'eft Bank Wine Company M Shiraz Wines Purple Feet Wines Sunset Point Winery

Beer Sponsor Stevens Point Brewery

Handcrafted Spirits Great Northern Distilling

Print Sponsor Dolce Digital Imaging & Printing

Centerpiece Sponsor Bev’s Floral & Gifts

Cheese Sponsor Ski’s Meat Market

Dessert Sponsors

Innovative Services, Inc. Lands’ End Marjorie’s Steakhouse Notable Impressions Point Insurance Say Vino Services SentryWorld Slumberland Furniture of Stevens Point Stevens Point Brewery Stevens Point Country Club The Boldt Company The Bottle Stop The Pineries Bank Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network


Craft Beers

PJ’s at SentryWorld Rockman’s Catering

Beechwood Distributors

Corkscrew Sponsor

Central Waters Brewing Company

CoVantage Credit Union

Bordeaux Table Sponsors

Wine Charm Sponsor

Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics Delta Dental of Wisconsin Donaldson Company Sentry Insurance Wildcard Corporation

Investors Community Bank

Advanced Neck & Back Care Center Compass Properties – John & Patty Noel Dolce Digital Imaging & Printing Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center Rockman’s Catering Sentry Insurance The Pointer Quintet

Wine Stopper Sponsor

Planning Team

Coldwell Banker, The Real Estate Group

Brewery Table Sponsor

Rating Sponsor

Stevens Point Brewery

R-Stores / Riiser Energy

Chardonnay Table Sponsors

Cocktail Napkin Sponsor

CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Ministry Health Care, part of Ascension Skyward

Great Lakes Educational Loan Services

Chianti Bistro Table Sponsors

The Boldt Company

Nancy Dolce Dolce Digital Imaging & Printing “Chicago Bill” Dunham Say Vino Services Juany Heck Advanced Neck & Back Care Center Matt Lazarski The Bottle Stop Jill Liebergen Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center Nicole Meeks Sentry Insurance Scott Rockman Rockman’s Catering Denny Rosenthal The Worth Company Karen Schanock Portage County Business Council Michelle Sedlak Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center

First Weber Realtors – Bill Bayba Steel King Industries

Stage Sponsor Heartland Farms Inc

Jewelry Sponsors Lee Ayers Jewelers with Thomas Dailing Designs

Dinner Napkin Sponsor Silent Auction/Door Prize Contributors Adventure 212 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Wisconsin Blenker Companies Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra Comfort Suites Duraclean Specialists Girls in Pearls Boutique Grazies Italian Grill Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center

Mark Your Calendars for our 16th Annual Wines of the World to be held on Friday, October 20, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & 17 Convention Center!!!

Portage County Busniess Council Foundation

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The Business to Education Connection On October 5, 2016 PIE (Partners in Education) and Skyward hosted a special Business After Hours event specific to educators. Attendees were new teachers to the districts in our community and business representatives. Connections were strengthened between business and education. Many thanks to Skyward for sponsoring this event! While attending the event, a couple of teachers took some time to tell us why they love Stevens Point and what makes it great. Check out their responses in this video. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO (courtesy of Skyward) Teachers featured are: Luke Abbrederis, Roosevelt Elementary School, Kelly Zywicki, SPASH, Rebecca Johannes, SPASH, Craig Gerlach, Superintendent of Stevens Point Area Public School District

A “Real World” Experience Picture this. One room, tables all around, 100 students clambering to buy the the nicest car, the best house and the most popular luxury items. Later, frustration, groans, and furious erasing. It must be a Reality Workshop! Every semester PIE (Partners In Education) hosts Reality Shops for high school students across the community. This experience gives students a brief experience of what it is like in the “real world,” after they have moved away from their parents, attended college, and/ or entered the workforce. Real World based on students’ chosen career and educational goals, they are assigned a wage (using median wage data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics) and a family situation. Some students discover they are single without dependents, others may be married with a couple 18 of children, and still others may find themselves divorced. Each of these situations

affects the student’s budget differently. Using their net monthly income from their yearly wage, students work though their monthly budget; purchasing all necessary expenses without going over. Students with higher wages (physicians or astrophysicists, perhaps) will find themselves with higher student loan repayments than students entering the workforce directly after college or a technical degree. Students who initially buy the most expensive 2016 Cadillac may have to rethink that decision later in the process when they realize how much child care costs. A “chance card” table is included where students may draw a card to discover they now have a $400 car repair to add in their monthly budget. The experience is eye opening for the students, giving them some insight into what

their parents or family members experience when budgeting for a family. Students often comment on the appreciation they have for their parents and how they didn’t realize things (especially child care, taxes and insurance) were so expensive. Volunteers are crucial to the Reality Shop experience. Without car salespeople, housing brokers, insurance agents, bankers, etc. the Reality Shop would not be possible. If you’d like to be part of this important exercise and work with students, please volunteer at the Reality Shop at SPASH on Wednesday, November 9. Three shifts are available – 8:32-10:21am, 10:26-12:17pm, 3rd: 1:02-2:58pm. Interested volunteers may work one, two, or all shifts. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Contact if interested.

Portage County Busniess Council Foundation

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to the agenda of the meeting. Shannon also recommended ending earlier than the scheduled end time if possible. She reminded us that when speaking during a meeting where there are remote attendees on the phone, it is important to say your name before saying anything so that all attendees know who is talking. Shannon promoted having snacks and moving around, if possible, at longer meetings.


began our day with an introduction of the day’s session leaders, Paula Cummings and Jeff Schuler from Portage County Planning and Zoning.

Tom Davies, and the Chair of Portage County Town Associations and Chairperson of the Town of Lanark, Michael Pagel. Mike Wiza talked about the meaning of his campaign slogan “commonsense”. Michael Pagel talked about some of the issues that he has to deal with in his Town, such as neighbor fence disputes. Tom Davies talked about the exciting new developments in the Village of Plover. Patty Dreier discussed her efforts to make budget information to Portage County residents more accessible and readable.

Presentations by Kelly and Eva. Kelly presented on Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Eva presented on Ignite Portage County.

We also heard from Wisconsin State Senator Julie Lassa and Representative Katrina Shankland. They discussed their ideas and thoughts regarding training the Wisconsin workforce.

Kathy Davies presented on Building Better Boards. We learned some important information regarding what nonprofit organizations expect of their board members. Some key questions to ask ourselves before joining a board include: (1) do I understand and support the mission of the organization; (2) am I knowledgeable of the nonprofit organization; (3) am I able to assist in fundraising, including contributions from myself; (4) am I able to understand the financial statements of the organization; (5) am I able to prepare and participate in each board meeting; (6) will I positively represent the organization in the community.

We concluded the day with another round of small-table discussions with Portage County Supervisor Jeanne Dodge, Town of Pine Grove Clerk/Treasurer Paula Cummings and City of Stevens Point Alderperson Mary McComb. Jeanne spoke about getting involved and staying involved, even when your focus changes. Paula talked about the group she is involved with in addition to her elected post. Mary spoke about getting involved with government/community issues at any stage in life.

Shannon Lewis from Lands’ End presented on Effective Meetings. She stressed the importance of testing equipment beforehand, respecting the start and end times of the meeting, and sticking

Session leaders Jeff Schuler and Paula Cummings led a discussion regarding our interim assignments. Those who went to the Farmer’s Market could not be more enthusiastic about the farmer who sells garlic. Those who went to Great Northern highly recommended the tour. Jeff Schuler presented on the importance of proper community planning, emphasizing the importance of members being informed, involved, and in touch with their elected leaders. We had small-table discussions with representatives from the Portage County Government. These representatives included the Mayor of Stevens Point, Mike Wiza, the Portage County Executive, Patty Dreier, the President of the Village of Plover,


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Women in Business, 11:15AM, Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center

Economic Development Summit, 7:30AM, SentryWorld Atrium


Business X-Change, 7:30AM, PCBC

Business After Hours, 5:00PM, CoVantage Credit Union


Business After Hours, 5:00PM, Heartland Hospice Home Care & Sunset Point Winery

17 SalesNet Meeting, 11:45AM, PCBC










Business X-Change, 7:30AM, PCBC

10 14

Did you update your contact information yet? Be sure to update your contacts, number of employees and general information with PCBC!

PORTAGE COUNTY GIFT CERTIFICATES Purchasing Portage County gift certificates continues to be a successful way to “Buy Local”. Portage County gift certificates make great gifts. Gift certificates can be purchased at most area banks, credit unions, the Convention and Visitors Bureau or at our office. They can be used at most businesses with a Portage County address and are available in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 & $100. The PCBC would like to thank everyone who participates for helping make the program successful. We would also like to thank BMO Harris Bank for their financial support of the gift certificate program.


ADVERTISE WITH US For questions on advertising, please contact Angel at 715-344-1940 or

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