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KING GEORGE, Author Diamond Thoughts
Diamond-Poem #1
Chosen Ones-Poem #2
Melanin-Poem #3
Where are you going? -Poem #4
Quote 1- “A God Given Gift is meant to be shared and spread amongst the world in order to Promote change”.
Music- Poem #5
Developer-Poem #6
Itʼs Time -Poem #7
Blue -Poem #8
Quote2- “The Belivers are Loverʼs of Truth and The Disbelivers are Lovers of Lies
The Ant -Poem #9
A Brown Boyʼs Reality -Peom #10
Choice -Poem #11
She Lied -Poem #12
Quote #3- Only a Good Man can Lead a Good Woman the Right Way
Iʼm Not -Poem #13
Propaganda -Poem #14
Contents 2
Kyrie Chant-Poem #15
What Have We Come To? -Poem #16
Quote #4
Mistreated Children-Poem #17
FATHER-Poem #19
To My Son-Poem #20 A Kid's Way-Poem #21
Quote #5
he Blue Flower & �e Red Flower-Poem #22
Quote #6
Poetry to Me-Poem #23
Diamond Thoughts
Born -May 22 1991, Philadelphia, Pa
Interest- Love, Wisdom, Justice, Community, Education, Power, Poetry, Truth, Music, Plays, History, Science, Reality, Spirituality, Creativity, Philanthrophy, and Success.
Intro Quote
To the Diamond Chosen Ones
Melanin Says
Where are you going? Music Developer Its time Blue, to ask the Ant about a Brown Boy’s Reality
What is a choice? When she lied I’m not propaganda I’m Kyrie
So what have we come to? As Mistreated Children Money aint Nothing, Father.
A Message to my Son - a kids way is the Blue�lower and the Red�lower Which is Poetry to me.
A-bout M-an 0-N N-ational D-escent
D-elicate I-deas
I open my eyes entering a deep meditation.
I see more than other individuals.
I was chosen since Day One..
I tried to share my wisdom but only 1/3 see What I see.
�e one who reads observing every commandment.
�e one who loves Yahweh God
�eir eyes are open, and their minds are closed to drama.
Lovers of spiritual Elevation believers of Education
Move forward as they evaluate their environment.
�e Chosen Ones Stand Out
I don’t think this is for me; we are not perfect in the early days.
Satan delivered his dish my way. I ate it like a fool because it smelled, and, honestly, it tasted smelled to us, but it was never meant for my soul.
I became constipated, sick of accepting mental abuse, entering never-lasting relationships that made beautiful kids but I’m over it.
Of course, not my kids for them I’ll jump over a bridge.
I’m talking about throwing away with ignorance if respect is no longer here,
I disappear without fear of losing love because that’s not love.
Love should be healing souls not destroying them.
Accountability many don’t have so, they grasp to the past, use others reasoning to value trash, most people don’t spend enough time alone, to study themselves, to learn their social tolerance, they’re hypnotized by women’s eyes and digital clocks on a bitten apple.
�e New World Life: No Faith in Christ, No search for Goodness
�e Devils chain shackles their consciousness. False promises are prominent in the Hood, Man’s belief in money, sex, and religion caused Global Division.
Gave us every crooked sign and in the middle, I draw the line.
I reiterate to the youth: don’t give up, Try Harder to be Greater. Your Light shines brighter so impeccable, heterosexual.
God Told Us to eat Fruits and Vegetables for Understanding of Health
Wealth is in the bodily Temple not material.
Love is Imperial, sight is direction voice is re�lection of you.
Speak life into your Art it blossoms like a sun�lower, which is beauty in that exact hour.
Lead the Unrighteous to righteousness. But also leave the unrighteous if they don’t seek righteousness.
A True-life Lesson - Never just care for Yourself:
�e World needs your water. It nourishes the Land of the Village
Your Mark is predestined. �e light of God remains inside.
I love my Creator.
The Ink on my skin is so beautiful. The ink on my skin offends people.
The Color is natural like Tree Bark
Even though the skin is hereditary .
The Ink has covered my entire body
The Ink showed me where my roots are And it protects me from the sun I value the Ink so I must take care of it
�e coolest thing, even when I shower it doesn’t come o�f When I clothe it, It still shows on my hands, face and feet I’ve come to realization that the Ink is apart of me
Not my Tattoos but my Beautiful Brown Skin.
Where are you going?
A question a parent may ask a child as the child responds they say Iʼm going here or there. But there could be anywhere.
Iʼve seen a car driving so fast that it ran through a redlight and almost struck an old lady.
Iʼve seen a close friend go from hustling in the streets to dying in the streets.
Iʼve seen men disrespect their own women.
Iʼve seen Women disrespect their own Men. Iʼve seen drugs hit a person system so quick they couldnʼt even stand to speak.
Iʼve seen family members separate so far from one another that invisible silence is how they greet.
Iʼve seen people inherit disrespect, teach disrespect, then act like disrespect donʼt exist.
Iʼve seen hate in the eyes of men for his own brother and also, Iʼve seen hate in the eyes of woman for her own sister.
Iʼve seen video games change the mind of a man to join the Army.
And Iʼve also seen how television could manipulate the mind of the masses.
Ultimately, I see death being released on our people in little capsules, bullets, hospital needles.
And last but not least I seen the Movie Forst Gump as he kept running and running.
You notice he kept running with no sense of Where To.
Please be aware of your direction because most people or influences are going Somewhere but Nowhere fast and thatʼs not a race not worth running because it leads to everlasting destruction.
Music is a shi�t in our daily lives
Which Music create an amazing sound especially when it’s good
Music help you visualize the soul of a person
Music is a Widespread Universal Language
Music is the great combination of Words, Instruments and Sound
Music is a Melody without an Ending Music is Education when used properly
Music is the Note written about life
How much music do you intake? Are you aware of the frequencies in music?
Are we talking content or beat driven music?
What type of music are you listening to?
Good music is Conducted by a Pro-fessional
Destructive thoughtless music is promoted by a Con-Artist
So my advice is enjoy music but be very careful of what you allow your ears
To hear because Music is more Powerful than you think.
The Key word is Develop
If you are making choices based on others thatʼs a follower
But if youʼre designing through your own Creation thatʼs a Developer
To be a Developer
You must develop the mind to become a better thinker
Develop the heart to have love for yourself and others
Develop the Soul to become a better Musician
To build muscle you must develop the body on what things to eat
To be an Author Develop your thoughts, more reading is key
To be an Architect you must develop your design
To be a singer you must develop your rhythm and sound
To be a Boxer you must develop good technique
And to be the best parent, best version of you develop yourself and your children
Developers should have Discernment to know what and what not to do
So in knowing that: Ask yourself Are you a Follower or a Developer?
Itʼs Time
The moment you realize that time matters and always have Time is valuable because your mind consumed it
The Action of Completion to obtain a goal means everything to you
Enough sitting down its time to stand UP Itʼs time to be Great! Itʼs time to show your Art
Iʼs time to display your gifts and talents to be placed on notice
Now, I mean right now is the Time to show yourself
That you have embraced time and refuse to be defeated by it With Time comes age and wisdom
Donʼt be afraid knowledge have lived through many times
So, If you havenʼt came to this point in life of Creating with-in
Then I believe Itʼs Time that you are wasting.
Blue is not just a color
Blue has a Heartbeat, Arms, Legs and a Brain.
Blue is most definitely not just a person
Blue is more Blue than an Ocean And even more Bluer than the sky
Who is Blue? My Last born baby Girl
The Ant
Listen up lazy one
Have you ever visualized the ways of an Ant
Did you know they have Superpower with ability to li�t 50 times their own body weight
Ants are far from lazy Insects
�e Fastest Insect in the Animal Kingdom
�ey travel in everywhere in colonies on concreate, grass, trees, asphalt: You name it
No road is too bumpy or impossible for the Ant
�ey work together like no other, moving in harmony
�ey place No I in team
�e greatest thing to see is the Ant Million-man march
Showing the unity between nature and God given ability
A Brown Boyʼs Reality
A Brown Boyʼs Reality
The young teen Brown Boy who killed that old man who looked like him
He was suffering from abuse at home from his own mother
So, he decided to take all his hurt and anger outside the house
Without thought he struck a man old enough to be his grandfather
While other friends watched and never stopped him
This Reminds me of the Physical whipping
Slave masters performed on the people of color
While their wives stood there and watched
The pain hurt so bad because A whip & white hands separated our Unity
And Turned us against one another
In this New Era ask the Boy how he feels about his actions ?
Silence………….No One Cares
What is a choice? A decision that will be made with or without thought I wont turn left I know Godʼs Direction is right
In life we all have choices, will you embrace whatʼs good or will you follow the bad
Realistically thereʼs only 2 sides to everything, every story, every person even everyday turns into nigh
Choices are made frequently more than people expect
Itʼs a choice to lie, cheat, steal, kill, or even heal the weak
I chose to write this Poem for Understanding
Just like you chose to listen to this poet
No oneʼs obligated to do anything, itʼs all a choice Kanye said our people chose to be slaves
Look at us Now is he wrong for thinking that way
Look at the choices being made by the people in power today meanwhile
The media chose to publicize this Outcry, people chose to speak their thoughts
Just like we chose to not raise these children Correctly
And now their choosing death over life
He chose to kill that man who had drugs and now heʼs doing Fed Time
She chose to solicit her body for profit and now sheʼs fully engaged in prostitution
On the other hand, you have a man who chose to reach his goals finish school And open a business
The woman chose to be a full-time wife, mother, chef while pursuing her dreams
What a beautiful Choice?
In life everyday choices will be made but only very few are valuable to sustain love
The Choices we make as people can be detrimental even though you still have a choice
To be what you want to be
God have already chosen my path, my choice to understand is all in Me
To make choices are normal which comes with life but just make sure that youʼre developing the Right 0ne
She Lied
�e First Love I have was precious to me, we were two young people without direction
We engage in physical sensations through attraction for one another.
Protection at the time never crossed our minds She was only 15 years old and I was 16.
We were young her family said but she listened to everything I had to say.
We began to see each other more and more during the day, late nights sneaking out just to kiss
We were in love on my Prom night I found out she was 3 months pregnant with a boy. Her sisters, started to interfere I guess them being unhappy chose their decision making at the time.
Now I admit we were very young to be having a child but didn’t give her family the right to say to her that I wouldn’t take care of my child. See they viewed me as other men who le�t out lives not knowing that this life right here, Is not there life
I couldn’t stop it form happening either her sisters or me, so she started to listen to her family
Less to me a�ter she got pregnant 6 months later in time she got scared had doubts inside.
I wanted her to keep the baby meanwhile her family thought Hell No!
�is one summer night she comes over to see me, we talk we ate then I ask her
And then she asked how do I feel about keeping the baby, what should we do?
I said lets keep it I’m here for you love. We spoke, laughed, kissed, and agreed both on keeping Our Babyboy. A�terward I walked her home and I felt at peace because we now we having a boy. I was so happy I went home and went sound to sleep.
�e next morning, I woke about 8am and I called her. No Answer.
I called her 2 more times and on the second ring she answers sounding very sad, I replied whatʼs wrong baby she revealed that she Had a miscarriage. And very much I was hurt but I was sadder for her, so I wanted to comfort her over the phone
I decided to speak with her mother about her daughter having the miscarriage and What could I Do.
She revealed to me some serious saddening information that she did not have a miscarriage She had an abortion about 6 months pregnant. I was so hurt.
Why? because I believed her and I thought
We agreed on keeping our child
But No, she Lied And My First Unborn Son Died.
KG 2024
Iʼm Not
Iʼm Not
Iʼm not Black, Iʼm Brown from all regions of the world
Iʼm not white, Iʼm European from Europe
Iʼm not Puerto Rican, Iʼm Latino from Puerto Rico
Iʼm also not Black, Iʼm Indian from India
Iʼm not a Chino, Iʼm Chinese from China
Iʼm not any label you place on me
But Iʼm a human being Who was given life to walk in faith that someday Our Creator will return to end
This Genocide on Man, Woman, and child
Is the Advertisement or Promotion of Events and Gossip With Maximum Purpose of changing the Minds of the Masses
In order to financially mislead the people to spend More money on a cause
Meant to Spread Global Destruction
Kyrie -Poem #15
The man so talented with a basketball
Had time to rest during the pandemic
He decided to Research our history
Different feelings were sparked but also knowledge of knowing
So, he decided to speak on the Jewish Ownership Respectfully
So, that same Ownership Made a decision
to suspend kyrie from the NBA
Confusing his comments with hate instead of wisdom and realization
The 12 tribe of Judah has risen through him
Black Israelites out for the fight
This is bigger than Basketball
The lost needs to know
Why I stand with Kyrie
And not Nike the slave brand
Kyrie is learning about the history of the people
Nike took money from the people
So, my choice is easy on who and what I support
Letʼs All Chant
Kyrie. Kyrie!
WHAT HAVE WE... COME TO? We accepted Man as Woman and Woman as Man Denouncing God’s Commandments
What Have We Come to?
What have we come to when we no longer have love for one another
Why must war come about, or Blood be Shed? Is this truly for the People
No, I don’t believe that
Man giving up his faith is like not even participating in the race and that’s not Us
The defeat of Past times you hold onto Why? When the future is what’s important
The Biggest lie ever told is that Our Ancestors died to vote, Not True
Our Ancestors died trying to liberate us all from this system, haven’t you seen
Judas and the Messiah
This thing changes over generations not by one man,
The land of people became selfish at heart by not guiding the children
We allowed music frequencies to corrupt the soul because we promote it
We accepted Man as Woman and Woman as Man denouncing God’s Commandments
We are praying for politicians to change our own neighborhoods Why?
Gentrify the Hood Immediately don’t get mad now
You all played a part in this destruction giving children violence, drugs, sex, and disrespect
Now the Government is giving them guns, so what’s the difference
We have drawn so far away from God that all we do is fornicate with satan
Every word every picture taken expresses sexual preference
Killing Yourself does nothing but absolutely hand yourself over to the enemy
But It’s 2023, so who cares this era is taught do what you want!
And in this world, we all know that’s a myth in plain sight, thanks to Instagram
Look Good by any means I wish that applied for Education too,
So, I continue to dream
Haven’t you seen What We Have Really Become 2.
"Man is at his Stongest
When He Follows God"
KG 2024
Mistreated Children
For many years Children have been the steppingstone for mistreatment --Moment of Silence Rip to Emmitt Till-- Overtime children have been mistreated at home, school, and misled in Society from People, Tv, drugs, and music It seems that both Man and Woman have mistreated children who were once boys and girls raising boys and girls
All adults where once children so just imagine how they were treated growing up Talked down to, Disrespected
Children were not allowed to voice their opinions
Mistreated children caused misery to others in a beautiful world Just like that kid who convinced another kid to shoot that other kid No one thinks anymore; they fail to love themselves and thy neighbor
The pain reveals that these children have been beaten, molested, burned, given false direction or even killed
America donʼt value children they lie to them with simple things like Christmas, Halloween
Giving thanks to man for life he didnʼt give alone
But nowadays kids make decisions for themselves which is mistreatment in Itself
Because children need guidance throughout this walk of life The truth is this, Children are celebrated, castrated, humiliated, and then have their human rights violated
We all have this from adults who forgot they were once children.
Money Aint Shit
Money got my brother killed
Money made her leave
Money became a temporary replacement for love
Money made entertainers not even speak on social injustice
Even the exchange of money is dirty
Money control our entire thinking as a people
Money is the immediate sibling of evil
Money caused many places to be built then destroyed
Money caused the entire stock market to crash
Money caused dysfunction in many of families
Money caused parents spend less time with the children
Money caused music to change drastically
Money caused her to advertise her body for coins
Money caused his car to get repossessed
Money caused this entire country destruction
Money turned health into a medicine without a cure
And money caused many doctors to not follow proper procedures
Money is apart of the corporate game
Money is connected to everyone
You wonʼt move without money
Imagine a green piece of paper with a serial number guiding you
To an unknown place without backing from its own government
So therefore, I Say Money Ainʼt Shit.
In Everyday
Much Depends On the Discipline of a Father Because itʼs a part of his Everlasting Job
Society The Man Who Look Like Me.
To My Son
This Piece of Art was specifically made for “The Man Who Look Like Me”
I want you to carry these words with you
First treat yourself with love
Respect the woman but lead her
Look for no one to make you happy thatʼs something in you to find
Pray daily, walk a narrow path to eliminate distractions
Be Inspired by YHWH and trust Yourself
Youʼre a unique individual pass down through bloodline
I want you to never forget why you are here my son
You have an ultimate purpose, and that purpose is to transcend all the knowledge
Given to you from me and ful-fill your destiny
To conquer change in this lost world of bigotry.
A Kid’s Way: Children make everything fun .
A kids life is Price-less
The Energy they possess is Limitless
The Ambition to complete a task is Immeasurable
The Universal love they receive is Unconditional
Children make everything fun
Fun to have life, fun to smile, and fun to be happy everyday
Children can teach parents on how to appreciate life
Children are naturally honest little People
Children are huge candy Fanatics
Children are not afraid to be themselves
Children donʼt give up; they ask Many Questions to find an Answer
Children without though love and care for one another
And last but not least children motivate you always seeking to do something better than yesterday
Now we know life not all about fun but
When you approach it with a fun attitude
You tend to get a lot of things done while having fun
We can all Learn from the Way of a Child!
”Your Fruit is a Reflection of how You raised them”
The Blue Flower and the Red Flower
Originally the Blue Flower was appointed to be the Leader. The Blue Flower was given these specific instructions To never Enter the Garden and eat it’s Purple Fruit.
Blue said Of course while yearning for love, he asked God for Love. He sent a Red flower formed from Blue himself.
The Red flower was so attracted to Blue and So was Blue too feeling the same. Blue Fell in love with his match. Both were given eternal life.
Based on 1 thing and that’s following those instructions given.
One day The Red Flower was looking stunning and feeling curious. She walked outside and was amazed by a beautiful Green landscape Garden, Full of Big Juicy Purple Fruit Inside
Red was Entertained she wanted to see more, Then a Green Bug with Red eyes appeared and said,
“Hey Beauty Red, join me in the Garden. I know you would like some Fruit.
Red said “No, I can’t eat it.”
The Bug replies “Yeah you can. Its perfectly healthy, you’ll be fine. What do you think I eat to survive?
Red was Convinced so she ate it. Blue Spotted her from Outside the Garden and walked over.
“What are you doing? We are not allowed to eat that.”
Red said, “It’s fine love. I’m eating it, it’s healthy it’s good and we are allowed.
See, we are here, A beautiful place like this why you think it was Created?
“Yes, but I gave you Specific Instructions to follow.
Blue Finally engaged in Eating the Purple Fruit Immediately transformation began & a loud voice from the heaven said “Blue you did not listen to my Instructions. You chose to follow the Red.”
Blue said, “But Red told me its okay, She’s my match you made her for me.
Your Punishment is that all the plants are now Cursed Forever but the Land Stays.”
order to love you must open your heart But be wise who you open your heart to Because open hearts get broken too." KG 2024
Poetry to Me
Poetry is something I felt once before I was born It lives inside the heart of a Writer
Poetry is the romance within writing a Novel Pen and Pad is like Man and Woman: the Ideal Match
�e sensations of Art, Fruitful words produce fruitful songs And to be fruitful with writing is the beauty in Creating what inspires you daily
I absolutely fell deep in love with her, the moment I heard her sweet voice
On Paper I visualized each word I want to speak, through her
Ocean Breeze Autumn leaves so beautiful is she, Everything I need for it to be, the reason God gave me eyes: to see... You
Every line, every couplet, every simile, every metaphor is much more to me
All I do is think and breathe Poetry, the mind is the Golden Key I �e Greatest moment of Peace within your Power
�e Flower of Words blossoming on every page calms the writer
Exciting the brain of the reader, Poetry is simply Love and Music
I’m Married to Poetry and all my Music is created from Poetry
My Everlasting love