2 minute read

Unplug From Brain Drain


Summertime presents a great learning opportunity for kids who are drinking from a fire hose of digital content. It’s a special time when families can shake off some of the constraints of the school year routine and sneak in some educational light bulb moments with all the fun. “Summer slide” and “brain drain” are real risks for school-aged children, but living on the Treasure Coast allows curious kids to break out of the classroom walls and use all of their senses to deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Wondering why the setting sun is in a different place on the horizon every night? Eat dinner in the backyard and create a map over a few nights and figure it out. Whose eyes glow red at night on the lagoon? Let’s grab some flashlights and stay up late to answer that question! Does the white concrete of the Barber Bridge look different as the sun sets? There’s one way to find out—grab a camera and see this town landmark from a totally new perspective. Why not stay up until midnight to spy a mama sea turtle lumber up the beach to lay a nest full of eggs?

Jack MacMullan, Head of the Upper School at Saint Edward’s

School, is a big believer in using our unique location as a canvas for 24/7 learning. He says, “True learning has never been confined to the artificial constraints of the school day. We strive to provide students with opportunities to learn about themselves and our world that transcend the physical boundaries of our campus and the standard 8am to 3pm allotment of class time.” Visit steds.org to learn more.



Monica Jennings

Photography provided by St. Edwards School

Peace of Mind

YOUR MAIL AND PACKAGES DELIVERED TO OUR SECURE LOCATION make daily deliveries and pick ups at our store. Mailbox customers can provide our address to their friends, family, and businesses to send packages to. We’ll know it’s yours by your name and designated mailbox number. Once received, you’ll be notified via email that you have a package ready for pick up. Having something important delivered that needs a signature? We’ve got you covered!

Do you need somewhere to receive mail, but don’t want to deal with a P.O. Box? How about a physical address to have packages from a variety of carriers delivered safely? We have the perfect option for you! Pakmail Beachside provides physical mailboxes with these services and more!




Not only do we receive and send mail via USPS, but carriers like Fedex, UPS, and even DHL

Setting up a mailbox is a detailed process, but our friendly team is knowledgable and ready to make it simple! If this seems like a service that you would benefit from, just come on in with two forms of ID, one with your photo and current address. The most common IDs we accept are a driver’s license, passport, voter or vehicle registration, or utility bill. And of course, they must be up to date and not expired! Feel free to give our store a call with any questions or clarification before coming in!

We’ve had the pleasure of building relationships with many of our mailbox customers over the years as they come in for their daily mail pick up. We take handling their mail seriously, and are honored to have earned their trust. We’d love to serve and support you in whatever way we can with our mailbox rentals.

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