Viração´s - Annual Report 2017

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Viração’s Annual Report

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Staff Mandate until August, 2017


Elisabeth Cristina Alvarenga


Rafael Silva


Áurea Lopes


Everaldo Oliveira Renata Rosa Rodrigo Bandeira

Mandate August, 2017 – August, 2020


Cristina Paloschi Uchôa de Oliveira


Rafael Silva


Áurea Lopes


Marilda dos Santos Rodrigo Bandeira Vanessa Vieira Camargo


Paulo Lima


Adriano Oliveira


Vania Correia


Ana Hindrikson Saran


Paula Bonfatti, Bruno Sabino, Ethel Rudnitzki e Jefferson Rozeno


Daniel Fagundes, Elisangela Nunes, Marcela Varconte, Thaís Santos e Tulio Bucchioni



Daniele Rabelo e Sérgio Rodrigues


Cleide Agostinho


Gutierrez de Jesus Silva


Laura Ciurletti


Viração Magazine and Youth Press Agency

Ceará (Rones Maciel), Distrito Federal (Webert da Cruz), Espírito Santo (Giselle Soares, Hadassa Nunes, Leandra Barros), Maranhão (Maurício de Paula), Pará (Diego Teofilo), Paraná (Paula Nishizina e Diego Henrique Silva), Rio de Janeiro (Gizele Martins, Clara Wardi e Edda Ribeiro), Rio Grande do Norte (Rodri Nazca), Rio Grande do Sul (Evelin Haslinger, Caroline Musskopf e Araciele Ketzer) e São Paulo (Novaes, Vitória Soares, Ethel Rudnitzki, Wesley Matos, Verônica Mendonça, Moisés Maciel, Karen Santos, Kauanne Santos, Paulo Tankian, Jefferson Rozeno, Gabriel Wagner, Pietra Carvalho, Wender Starless, Ane Melo, Maria Carolina Soares, Mariangela Castro, Júlia Mayumi e Letícia Vidinha) Live Better Knowing Jonathan Santos, Moisés Maciel, Verônica Mendonça Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Letter from the president Every passing year builds up its stories, its joys and its defeats. In Viração, emotions are always more intense because we have the pleasure to always work with adolescents and youngsters. 2017 was very shocking: on the one hand, we experienced some of the worst setbacks in our democratic political context, resulting in reforms that change our future perspective by changing the labor and welfare laws, for example. On the other hand we experienced, among the groups involved in our activities, a hopeful revival. When our worldview is being built, every learning opportunity means a large step forward. There is news of terrific discoveries and the disappointments are staggering. It is a challenge, therefore, to provide not only instruments and ways for people to reflect, debate and understand the events that surround them, but also to provide instruments and incentives to make themselves, as well as their opinion, their demands, protests and celebrations heard by the world, considering the attitude and creativity that each generation brings with it. We are experiencing a global conjuncture in which the authorities expose their affinity for authoritarian regimes and political setbacks. It directly influences the world’s social inequalities and contributes to the silencing of those who struggle for equality, for human rights and for active citizenship for everyone. Therefore, an edu-communication strategy is a political action. In 2018, when Viração celebrates its 15th anniversary, we will celebrate the joy of having created a project with a new vision about the relationship within and between generations, genders and races. We are sure that we will become stronger to resist and re-affirm, with no fear and with more and more voices, the importance of constructing a world in which we can think, speak and live in an autonomous, emancipated, non-violent way, free from the bonds of a culture of domination and submission, doomed to stay in the past.

Cristina Paloschi Uchôa President



About Viração, 5


Youth Press Agency , 9


Vira international, 23


News of the year, 29


Fundraising, 35


Vira in numbers , 7


Projects, 15


Events, 25


Institutional communication, 31

10. Partnerships, 37

11. Balance Sheet, 39


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

1. About Viração Viração is a non-profit organization that, since 2003, has been working with edu-communication and social mobilization projects. The proposed activities encourage adolescents and young people to participate in human rights discussion spaces through processes, interventions and communication products. Viração’s activities are structured in three distinct and complementary axes:

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


The axis of formation, or training of adolescents, youngsters and educators aims both to teach production techniques used in communication, as well as to create awareness and increase the social-cultural repertoire on human rights, politics and citizen participation. The axis of content production by and for adolescents and young people is an important dimension of Viração’s methodology. The production of communication products enables the practice of the content taught during the moments of formation and deliberately exercises the human right to communication and freedom of expression. Through the axis of social mobilization, we can value the action among peers in carrying out activities to mobilize other adolescents and young people. These young people increase their awareness of social issues and are encouraged to participate in public policy debates, as well as to carry out educational coverage of strategic events. Through a unique methodology, Viração has already influenced the lives of more than 5 million adolescents and young people. Prioritizing youth interests, the organization works on themes such as the environment, health, politics, diversity, gender equality and sexuality.

Mission To inspire and to connect adolescents and young people to build a just, participative and multi-faceted society through edu-communication processes and practices.

Vision To have guaranteed rights for adolescents and young people with and have them actively participating in the transformation of the world.


Viração’s Annual Report 2017


+ +



+ + +

+ 14.344

+ +

2. Vira in numbers adolescents and youth participants

followers on Facebook - 33,89% growth


Facebook reach - 88% growth

1.116.355 40 mil

people interacting on social media

website’s users

Virajovens from 9 Brazilian states and DF: CE, DF, ES, MA, PA, PR, RJ, RN, RS e SP

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

3. Youth Press Agency (Agência Jovem de Notícias) Youth Press Agency (YPA) is a news website created and managed by adolescents and youngsters from all over Brazil. It seeks to promote youth active citizenship through educatonal processes that involve participants in the production of social campaigns and communicative materials. This program was created in 2005 during the educational coverage of the 1st World Social Forum and it was consolidated as a continuous activity of Viração. YPA youth correspondents cover the current agenda writing about their life experiences, counting on the tutoring of Viração’s communication and education staff. In addition to the news website, YPA also works using face-to-face training. The meetings involve activities on communication and human rights, and gather adolescents and young people from different zones of São Paulo.

140 publications in the news website

107.000 site users

154.493 site views

17.951 Facebook followers

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Sejam bem viados”, conheça a Casa 1, iniciativa de abrigo a pessoas LGBT Resenha: [musical] LesMiserábles / Os miseráveis Entenda a reforma da previdência e os impactos sobre a juventude

YPA Edu-comunicative event-coverage Edu-communication coverage is one of the Youth Press Agency’s main activities. It is based on journalism techniques, but provides an educational experience to its participants, through collaborative processes. It makes it possible to exercise their freedom of speech, to publicize the youth’s perspective about different issues and to expand their cultural repertoire. Adolescents and youth can experience being reporters, editors, photographers and interviewers. Production resulting from the coverage are published on the YPA, its partners’ websites and social media fan pages. In 2017, YPA produced several event coverages. These ones stand out:

SESC 24 DE MAIO OPENING Viração’s education staff and a group of ten youth covered the activities of the Sesc 24 de Maio opening, in partnership with Sesc São Paulo. They produced 12 articles, three videos and one fanzine.

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


YOUTH AND LABOR SEMINAR AT SESC BOM RETIRO Viração education staff and a group of eight youth covered the activities of “Youth and Labor” organized by Sesc Bom Retiro, also in partnership with Sesc São Paulo. They produced four articles, two videos and one fanzine.

COP23 – UN CLIMATE CONFERENCE In 2017, a Viração member went to Bonn, Germany, to cover the COP23 – the 23rd United Nations Climate Conference, representing the youth from the Youth Press Agency - Brazil. In partnership with youth from YPA international, they produced and published 35 articles and cards for social media, in English, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.

ECOFALANTE ENVIRONMENT FILM EXHIBITION Ecofalante is the main South America film festival that discusses issues related to environment and sustainability. Its 6th edition gathered more than 30 films from all over the world and promoted important debates with film-makers and social activists. The event coverage saw the participation of four adolescents that produced four articles to YPA website.


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


Viração Magazine Viração Magazine was created in 2003 as a monthly publication for youth. It started as a result of the perception that there were no publications produced by and for adolescents and young people, which actually involved them in the production process. In 2015, the magazine’s publication was semi-annual, thematic and distribution free, in order to boost the content impact through the Youth Press Agency. Currently, considering the content production by and for the youth, the project aims at promoting adolescents and young people’s rights and enabling a young people’s network of social mobilization. Publications address issues such as human rights, communication, youth, culture, behavior and the environment. In 2017, Viração Magazine has continued its collaborative process in order to support youth’s local productions. During the year, 40 adolescents and young people from seven Brazilian states (CE, DF, PA, RJ, RN, RS, SP) got involved and produced articles for its editions.

112TH EDITION: “TRABALHAR SEM TEMER” Sponsor: Viração Educomunicação The edition “Trabalhar sem Temer”, published in 2017, addresses issues related to youth and labor, considering the youth’s perceptions and life experiences. It also provides an important understanding of the current political context, public policies and other initiatives that influence the Brazilian educational and labor system, which consequently affect youth’s lives. The theme’s choice made by the Virajovem Network (Viração youth’s network) points to the uncertainty and precariousness of labor in Brazil, which has been one of the issues that most concerns and mobilizes young people. The magazine’s digital publications are available online! Most editions are available for free reading and download on the Issuu Platform. Access: viracao


4. Projects

Youth Press Agency - New Groups (Núcleos da Agência Jovem de Notícias) Sponsor: Ambev and Fundação Telefônica through FUMCAD – São Paulo Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescent’s Rights As previously presented, Youth News Agency is a news website that works with young correspondents throughout Brazil, as well as being a training program which focuses on teaching adolescents and youth about communication and human rights. During 2017, Viração has trained three groups in São Paulo: one in downtown, which has gathered adolescents from different neighborhoods; one in the city’s north zone, in CJ Helena Portugal (youth center); and the third one in south zone, in the non-profit organization Bloco do Beco. These decentralized groups are supported in partnership with social organizations and independent groups. The adolescents and young people took part in a training process that articulates activities on human rights and techniques of media production. Groups experienced the processes of citizen participation, edu-communicative events coverage, the territory’s exploration and the creation of communication campaigns.

Viração’s Annual Report 2017

116 hours of training processes

70 participants

3 groups trained


Live Better Knowing (Viva Melhor Sabendo Jovem) Sponsor: São Paulo City Hall – Municipal Program of STD/Aids Through communication actions and urban interventions through a mobile health unit, Viva Melhor Sabendo Jovem (Live Better Knowing Youth, liberally translated) promotes free HIV testing using oral fluids at regions of LGBTQI sociability, adopting peer education as its methodology. Young prevention agents trained by the STD and Aids department of the city of São Paulo offer the testing. In addition to the activities related to testing and urban interventions, the project includes moments of theoretical-political formation, when participants discuss topics related to HIV/aids, race and sexuality, and LGBTQI memory and history in Largo do Arouche, the region of the city where the testing takes place. The project fosters the creation of communication products, such as planned actions for social media concerning the prevention, testing and treatment of HIV and other STDs. Finally, the work in the mobile health unit also consists of distributing and promoting the use of condoms, as well as guaranteeing the access and adherence of the HIV positive public to the public health system..

1722 people tested

4,59% of HIV-positive cases 30 interventions


9619 followers on Facebook

Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Vira Prevention (Vira Prevenção) Sponsor: Merck Sharp & Dohme Farmacêutica - MSD Vira Prevention seeks to promote HPV (Human Papillomavirus) prevention among adolescents in two public schools from São Paulo. The project featured eight educational workshops at the Sud Mennucci Elementary School and ten educational workshops in Irineu Marinho Elementary School, both in the east of São Paulo. The workshops addressed issues such as youth and human rights, gender and sexuality, reproductive and sexual rights, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and HPV. During the project, adolescents produced informative posters, banners, a radio program, a press conference with a specialist and a motion video about the themes discussed. Also, Viração organized a thematic seminar about gender, sexuality and health, with specialists and young people.

40 participants

18 workshops

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


Youth Generation (Geração Jovem) Sponsor: Enel Greenpower Geração Jovem seeks to contribute to the local development of quilombola communities in the states of Bahia and Piauí, in the northeast of Brazil. The project contributes to the consolidation and maintenance of the political and cultural identity among quilombola’s youngsters. Meetings and workshops took place in the territories of Araçá/Cariacá (Bom Jesus da Lapa/BA), Lage dos Negros (Campo Formoso /BA), e Riacho dos Negros (São João do Piauí/PI). During 2016 and 2017, the project gathered children, adolescents and youth to discuss and to produce, together, communication materials about their communities. The project encourages young participants to occupy political places as an opportunity to debate about public policies and stimulating local development and the appropriation of territory by youth.

129 participants

12 meetings and workshops

9 videos produced

4 shootings

3 community events 3 cartographies produced


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Edu-commucation Workshops in Quilombos (Oficinas Educomunicativas nos territórios quilombolas) Sponsor: Arcadis Brasil This project consists of edu-communicative workshops with children, adolescents and youth from Bom Jesus da Lapa, a quilombola territory from Araçá/ Cariacá – Bahia. The proposal was developed according to the Quilombola Basic Environmental Plan (PBAQ), and specifically related to its second program area “Edu-communication and cultural identity”. The activities seek to nurture the valorization and safeguard of the quilombola cultural identity, guaranteed by the law 10.639 / 2003. During the workshops, participants could discuss the quilombola culture and the teaching of African and afro-brazilian history in schools. Based on the discussions, the groups produced multimedia materials in order to spread the aspects of their culture identity, to strengthen the community’s self-esteem and to involve other actors with their struggle.

5 biographic videos

40 participants

10 workshops

1 videoclip

1 song

4 shootings

Viração’s Annual Report 2017

1 journal murall


UReport Brasil Sponsor: UNICEF U-Report is a tool for online surveys and dialogue with adolescents and young people from Brazil. It seeks to promote political participation, access to human rights’ information and social transformations. Through several surveys with nearly 10,000 young people signed in on the platform, Viração raised relevant issues to promote public policies for youth, and published relevant content for adolescents on social media. The survey’s results are also used as data to guide trainings, debates and other activities with young people. U-Report seeks to reach a large scale, to promote engagement and to provide life changes. It’s goal is to become a legitimate and representative platform for Brazilian youth.

9.293 participants

20 surveys/ infocenters published

12.905 Facebook followers

2.459.168 people reached by Facebook posts

Rainha Educom Sponsor: Rainha da Paz Elementary School Viração implemented an edu-communicative program called “Educom Club” with a group of students from 4th to 9th grades of Rainha da Paz School. The project included the planning, execution and systematization of workshops on edu-communication and media production during seven months. The project seeks to nurture the school’s efforts to improve its communication actions and to transform it into an educative activity with students.

25 participants


11 workshops

2 event coverages

Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Dialogues on School Managements 2017 (Diálogos Sobre Gestão Escolar 2017) Sponsor: Unibanco Institute Dialogues on School Management 2017 are part of Future Youth project (Jovem de Futuro), a Unibanco Institute initiative in partnership with the Education Councils of the states of Ceará, Pará, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Espírito Santo and Goiás. The Dialogues seek to contribute with the understanding that students have the right to participate in their schools’ management. Viração was responsible for gathering more than 100 popular art educators from São Paulo and the other 6 states to tutor workshops with student groups and schools’ manager groups from all the schools involved in the project. The groups participated in several activities: they mapped out school’s places and situations that contribute to or hamper the students’ learning; created intervention proposals seeking to guarantee student’s participation; and presented this proposal through an artistic production chosen previously by the group (poster, fanzine, song, drama sketch or video). The adolescents had the opportunity to report and discuss issues such as racism, LGBTophobia, bullying, drugs, teaching methodologies and other subjects they requested.

Around 3000 students

and 300 school managers

more......... than 100 popular educators

Workshop: Mapping Youth Interests (Oficina de mapeamento de interesses) Financiador: SESC Catanduva The project seeks to map the interests of young people from Catanduva city, in order to raise input to the activities’ planning developed by Sesc. The workshop used an edu-communicative methodology to incite youth to think about their future wishes and their longings for the Sesc’s activities. They produced videos and fanzines to present the discussion about their wishes and the possible solutions for Sesc Catanduva.

Viração’s Annual Report 2017

20 participants



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

5. Vira International Italy Since 2016, Viração operates with a base in Italy, the association Viração&Jangada. It is result of the merge between Viração and the Jangada Association. With headquarters in the city of Trento, Viração&Jangada is one of the promoters of a network and a consortium of associations from Trento working with Brazil and a network of internationalization associations.

LET’S TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET (GIOCHIAMOCI IL PIANETA) In 2017, Viração & Jangada promoted the project Giochiamoci il Pianeta (Let’s Take Care of the Planet), with the participation of young people and researchers from high schools and the University of Trento. It is a global citizenship educational project, which provided training activities on international cooperation and climate justice; edu-communicative coverage of the UN Climate Conference in Bonn (Germany) and workshops in schools and in the university of Trento and Bolzano, with simulation games.

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


Partners: National Research Center of Bologna and Monde Pluriel. Scope: National (regiões do Trentino, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Puglia, Campania e Sicilia) Schools involved: Istituto Comprensivo Isera-Rovereto, Liceo Bertrand Russell, Liceo Martino Martini, Istituto Comprensivo di Taio-Coredo, I.S.S. Giuseppe Greggiati, Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni Pascoli, Liceo Statale Girolamo Comi, Istituto Superiore G. Salvemini, Istituto Comprensivo Foscolo Gabelli”\, Istituto Comprensivo Guicciardini, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Sandro Pertini, ITI Fermi Gadda, 20 Istituto Comprensivo Statale Giovanni Verga, Istituto Comprensivo Dante Alighieri, participants Istituto Comprensivo Fontanarossa, I.I.S. E.Fermi-F.Eredia.

LET’S TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET (GIOCHIAMOCI IL PIANETA) Sponsor: Provincia Autonoma di Trento and Viração&Jangada 1500 students and teachers participants

Since 2010, Viração & Jangada has coordinated the European Youth Conference “Let’s Take Care of the Planet” in Italy, in partnership with the National Research Center of Bologna (CNR). It consists of a global participation process that invites young people from all over the world to discuss sustainable development, to take on individual and collective responsibilities and to implement local actions to mitigate and adapt to climate changes. Partners: Trentino Climate Observatory, Jean Monnet European Research Center, Mazingira Association, In Medias Res Association e IPSIA do Trentino

17 schools

15 cities

Scope: Trentino Participants: Liceo Leonardo Da Vinci, Liceo Bertrand Russell, Liceo Martino Martini, Liceo Galileo Galilei e Universidade de Trento


7 Italian regions (Trentino, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Puglia, Campania and Sicily).

In partnership with CCFD-Terre Solidaires, a non-profit organization that has been working with international cooperation for more than 50 years, Viração & Jangada has promoted an international competition for the educational coverage of the Wellbeing International Forum, which will take place June 6-9, 2018 in Grenoble, France. Twenty young people from different countries will participate to the coverage.


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

6. Events

Promoted by Viração: TALK ON DRUGS This talk on drugs was attended by 25 young people from YPA and included live transmission through Facebook. The specialist Heloisa Dantas presented the history of drugs throughout the history of humanity, discussing its different meanings to the present day. She also spoke about the political action against consumption in cracolândia, São Paulo. When: 06/20/2017 Where: Viração (São Paulo - SP)

MEETING ON EDUCATION, GENDER AND SEXUALITY: CHALLENGES AND GOOD PRACTICES Created by Viração, the meeting aimed to propose a discussion about the challenges and opportunities of promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights among adolescents and young people in different learning contexts. The meeting was attended by 71 people, mostly young people and professionals from health and educational areas. Quando: 8/1/2017 Where: DIEESE (São Paulo - SP)

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


Events joined by Viração: TALK ON YOUTH AND SOCIAL NETWORKS - CJ FILHOS DA TERRA CJ Filhos da Terra organized the event in order to promote a discussion on internet under the perspective of human rights and online security. Viração was invited to make a speech about its experience with the topic. Who participated: Elis Lua When: 04/18/2017 Where: CJ Filhos da Terra (São Paulo - SP)

I INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON YOUTH AND VULNERABILITIES The seminar seeks to promote a critical discussion on the violence experienced by young people in Latin America as a consequential condition of policies of criminalization and stigmatization of poor, black/indigenous youth and residents of marginalized neighborhoods in large urban centers. Who participated: Elis Lua, Vania Correia and adolescents from YPA When: 7, 8 and 9/06/2017 Where: USP Law School

POPULAR EDUCATION DAY Viração was invited to talk about its experience in the path of popular education. The event was organized by Cursinho Mafalda. Who participated: Elis Lua When: 09/30/2017 Where: Cursinho Mafalda


HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND EDUCATION SEMINAR: A DIALOGUE WITH THE YOUTH The HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education Seminar: A Dialogue with the Youth was organized by CASVI - Center for Support and Solidarity to Life, a civil society organization that works to promote sexual health and the right to gender and sexuality diversity in the city of Piracicaba, state of São Paulo. Viração was invited to organize a workshop on gender, sexuality and edu-communication in the morning, as well as to give an institutional speech on the work of Viração and its communication strategy. Who participated: Tulio Bucchioni, Paula Bonfatti and Jonathan Moreira. When: 10/24/2017 Where: Sesc Piracicaba (Piracicaba - SP)

BRITO WITHOUT HOMOPHOBIA Since 2013, the public school Prof. Joaquim Luiz de Brito annually holds the event “Brito Sem Homofobia”, which aims to include the discussion about gender and sexuality diversity, as well as related topics, in the school program. In 2017, Viração was invited to speak with the students about human rights and gender and sexuality inequalities in school. Who participated: Tulio Bucchioni and Elis Lua When: 11/24/2017 Where: State School Professor Joaquim Luiz de Brito (São Paulo - SP).

FORUM AIDS The Forum AIDS, organized by Portal Imprensa, brings professionals and digital influencers together annually to discuss cross-cutting issues on HIV/AIDS in society. Viração was invited to be part of the discussion “health in the nightclub”, dedicated to the topic of gender, sexuality, HIV prevention and other STIs. The debate was broadcasted live on the Portal’s website. Who participated: Tulio Bucchioni When: 12/15/2017 Where: Auditorium of ESPM (São Paulo - SP).

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

7. News of the year BETINHO PRIZE FOR DEMOCRACY AND CITIZENSHIP In 2017, the Viração Magazine project won the Betinho Prize for Democracy and Citizenship, awarded by the São Paulo City Council. This award is a tribute to the sociologist Herbert de Souza, Betinho, recognized for being a great defender of democracy, equality and human rights - especially known for articulating the greatest campaign against hunger in Brazil, as well as for his example on the struggle against AIDS in the country. By being awarded this prize, Viração Magazine has been formally recognized as a symbol and an instrument to the exercise of democratic communication and the promotion of human rights, especially the right to participation!

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


CARDUME – COMMUNICATION IN DEFENSE OF RIGHTS In 2017, Viração participated in the National Meeting of Communicators of Civil Society for the Defense of Rights, held between September 25 and 29 in São Paulo. The meeting brought together 20 communicators from organizations from all regions of the country. The main purpose of the event was to create and foster a network of communicators from the third sector named Cardume, whose main objective is to guide, organize and disseminate to the public content productions on various themes, as well as to promote the exchange of experiences and practical tools aiming to contribute to greater virtual engagement.


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

8. Institutional communication In 2017, Viração’s institutional communication focused on the consolidation of its digital marketing plan, aiming to improve personal fundraising through relationship, by defining the right personas and creating a unique institutional language. Throughout the year, our contents, campaigns and actions reflected our knowledge in a variety of fields, such as gender and sexuality, human rights, edu-communication and youth.

Branding In 2017, Viração redid its visual identity through a collective process involving multiple departments: communication, institutional development and the executive board. The action was part of the branding plan, which included the consolidation of a unique language and visual identity for Viração, in different external communication channels. One of the main rebranding activities included a new institutional website and a blog, with a better and more user-friendly structure, in addition to an integrated digital marketing platform. The new website allowed an interface with the online payment service company PayPal, used to optimized online personal fundraising. The blog is used to distribute relevant content to Viração’s multiple personas, in order to convert all the website traffic into donations or leads. In 2017, we also organized virtual and physical events, through online webinars and forums such as “Education, gender and sexuality: Challenges and good practices”, as a way to ensure Viração’s experience in the theme. Throughout the year, Viração also took a stand on issues such as the

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


dismantling of social policies in Brazil, joining the Women’s March, on March 8th, the general strike, on April 24th, as well as the fight against the pension reform bill. Viração considers it extremely important to take a stand on Human Rights issues which are part of the public and political agenda.

Digital Marketing On May 2017, Viração started automating its digital marketing campaigns through the paid platform RD Station, which enabled the communications team to get leads and build a personal relationship with each lead category. Among the main 2017 digital marketing products, it is important to highlight the e-books Civil Participation Guide for Educators, as well as the Gender and Sexuality Guide for Educators. Together, the two materials got 3.196 new leads. Viração had a total of 50.471 visits in its lead conversion channels, which resulted in 3.740 leads, a conversion average of 7.4% - 3.3% above the average for the non-profit sector. In 2018, the digital marketing strategy is to focus on improving the conversion rate of lead to donator and build a donation culture amongst Viração’s institutional audience. The main marketing campaigns in 2017 also showed how the language and content produced are in alignment with Viração’s institutional audience, formed by educators, teachers, edu-communicators and youth and human rights researchers. Most of the email marketing campaigns have an opening rate over 35% - above the private market average of 20% - and a click rate over 20% - above the private market average of 6%.


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Social Media Throughout the year, Viração has worked to consolidate a unique language and consistent communication with its external audience, especially through the official Facebook page and email campaigns. Viração invested a total of R$789,00 on Facebook ads. The numbers indicate a positive growth, both in page likes and interaction. In 2018, the institutional Facebook page will be the main channel used to generate traffic and lead conversion, in addition to Google Adwords and Viração’s blog.

Facebook Likes: 33,89% growth

Facebook Reach: 88% growth

Facebook Interactions: 83,50% growth

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

9. Fundraising

In 2017, the fundraising department focused on applying to public and private grants and proposals, as well as implementing the personal fundraising plan with the communications department. The digital marketing results of 2017 will subsidize the 2018’s personal fundraising plan.

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


2017 Proposals ratio PROPOSAL STATUS

 

... 





R$ 2.428.244,65

Approved in public funds (to be fundraised by companies through tax deductions for donations)


R$ 3.447.951,55

Waiting for reply


R$ 816.905,31

Not approved


R$ 1.558.545,50



R$ 8.251.647,01

Source of funds raised in 2017** INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION/INSTITUTE












** Resources approved and raised in 2017, to be executed in the same or following years


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

10. Partnerships Sponsors

Ambev - through FUMCAD (São Paulo Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescent’s Rights) Arcadis Chiesa Valdese Rainha da Paz Elementary School Enel Greenpower Fundação Telefônica – through FUMCAD (São Paulo Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescent’s Rights) Unibanco Institute MSD São Paulo City Hall - Municipal Program of STD/Aids Província Autônoma de Trento Sesc Catanduva Sesc São Paulo UNICEF

Viração’s Annual Report 2017


Institutional partners Associação Bloco do Beco CJ Helena Portugal Escola DIEESE de Ciências do Trabalho SudMennucci Elementary School Irineu Marinho Elementary School


Viração’s Annual Report 2017

11. Balance Sheet

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

Viração’s Annual Report 2017



Viração’s Annual Report 2017

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