Frisør Konference Program

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Welcome to a conference on

Sustainability and Health &Safety in Hair and Beauty

The conference is part of an ERASMUS+ project:


"Future Skills Sustainable Development in the Green Salon". The conference is organised by AARHUS TECH and our European project partners: IES El Palo, Spain • IGS, France • Stivako and ROC van Amsterdam, Holland • Bridgwater College from England

Program Expert meeting, Green Salon 23rd of June 2016 9:00 – 9.30

Registration and coffee

9.30 – 9.45

Welcome and short introduction to the project

9.45 – 10.15

Working as green certified hairdresser, DK Bonnie Sørensen, owner of Haarfein in Aarhus, DK Short break


Health and safety - Protection and prevention Presenting the major H&S issues and prevention measures in Hairdressing, based on years of research. Ulrik Fischer Friis, Allergy Research Centre, DK Short break


Hairdressers for the Future A project in Belgium by Ecolife with hairdressers, schools and the sector: making sustainability part of daily practices. Ans Rossy, ecolife, BE

13.00 – 13.45



Green Salon certification in Denmark The presentation will focus on the certification process as one part and energy reduction combined with H&S requirements for lighting, ventilation etc. as the second part. Johan Galster, Green Salon certification, DK Coffee break

15.05 – 15.45

Certification of sustainable salons How can experiences from the graphic industry inspire the development of level model for sustainability in hair and beauty salons? Peter Tegel, SCCI (Stichting Certificatie Creatieve Industrie), NL

15.45 – 16.15

Panel Discussion

16.15 – 16.30

End of conference

Bonnie Sørensen, DK Hairdresser for 30 years. Employed in conventional salons until 2005, where I opened haarfein-økologisk frisør ( organic salon ) in Jægergårdsgade in Aarhus. Haarfein-økologisk frisør has been certified Green Salon since it was possible in Aarhus in 2008. From the beginning I followed the rules of Green Salon. Today I have 4 employees of which 2 are students.

Ulrik Fischer Friis, DK I am educated from DTU in 2008, in biotechnology. I started working at the National Allergy Research Centre in 2010 and in 2014 I defended my PhD in occupational contact dermatitis. In 2014 I was employed in the Research Center for Hairdresser and Beauticians, where I work with counseling of hairdresser and beauticians, upgrading the educational materials, teaching students and hairdressing teachers at hairdressing schools and updating our website.

Ans Rossy, BE I have a Mcs of Social Sciences (University of Groningen, NL) and a post-graduate diploma in Cross-Sector Partnerships for Sustainable Development (Cambridge University-Programme for Industry, UK). Professional training in ISO 26000, The Natural Step, and in Nature & Environmental Interpretation. I have longstanding experience in Sustainable Development, CSR and ecological multi-actor change processes. Since 2013, I am Project manager at Ecolife in Belgium - an ngo specialised in different forms of footprinting and ecological behavioural change. Previously, I have worked as senior consultant in CSR, as SD-expert for the Interdepartmental Commission on Sustainable Development (CIDD) of the federal Belgian government and for the Brussels Regional Government. I developed, in a large participatory process with stakeholders, the Belgian CSR Framework. I was also the Editor-in-chief of the Belgian CSR e-magazine, Alter Business News.

Johan Galster, DK B. Chem. Eng., Founder of Green Salon Scandinavia.

Peter Tegel, NL I am educated environmental engineer. These days I work on new business models for SME’s in the creative industry, making this rather complex topic as practical as possible and lead to a change in business attitude. One of the business aspects I am currently working on is the ‘translation’ of the new High Level Structure of ISO, into a tailor made system description for SME’s in the creative industry.

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