reset T
reflect I
respond N
reset • reflect • respond
Chapter 1: FREEDOM
Chapter 2: FINANCE
Chapter 4: FAMILY
Chapter 5: FAITH
“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.� Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT
I’ve always been a person that thrives on
When you started your first job, I’ll bet
a personal schedule. It’s not a rigid
things in your schedule changed quite
schedule, but it helps me stay on track to
significantly for you. You no longer had
take care of all that I need and want to
the time you used to, and certain things
get done every day. When I was learning
took on less of a priority in your life. It’s
to play the guitar, I carved out at least an
not that you lost interest, it’s just that
hour each day to practice. It seemed easy
things changed. Marriage does much the
because I made the time for it. Right now,
same thing to a person’s rhythms. I
it would seem impossible to have that
invest more money into purchasing
time. But in reality, the time is still there,
pillows for my couch and bed than I ever
it has just been filled with new priorities.
could have imagined necessary, and it
Life has a way of shifting our schedules.
seems that video games became a thing of my youth.
Significant events in our lives change the way we live. Significant events in our lives change the
It has changed how we work, how we
way we live. Getting a job, starting a
interact, our freedoms, and our
relationship, getting married, buying a
priorities. Some have lost jobs, others
house, having children, even getting a
lost loved ones. Each of us has changed,
pet changes how we spend our time and
and probably not just for this season of
money. We settle into a routine of how
we spend our days and invest our dollars for that season of time—until the next
It is generally agreed, that in 21 days, a
significant change comes our way.
new habit can be formed. In countries where the most stringent of lockdowns
When you began 2020, you might have
took place, it was over 60 days of being
made some resolutions or implemented a
self-isolated at home for the majority of
few changes into your life rhythm, but
people. We learned to work from home,
nothing could have prepared you for what
shop from home, socialize without going
was to come with COVID-19. All over the
out, manage finances differently, and
world, lives were impacted by this illness
we even started to attend church online.
in ways we never saw coming.
reset • reflect • respond
No doubt that some of these practices
Some things have been reset. Travel and
went back to normal after the lockdown
financial freedom had been progressing
was lifted, but not everything did. For
forward, pushing the boundaries of
some, the change was subtle enough
what was “normal” in our lives, but all
that you didn’t notice it. But the
of a sudden things have reset back to a
importance that something in your life
place where they haven’t been in a long
had when 2020 started, will be either
time. Will we travel the world the same
greater or lesser now because of how
way we did at the start of 2020, or will
2020 life impacted your way of thinking
we be more hesitant? Will we end up
and being.
with more of life online because we are used to it now, or less of it because we
Reset-Reflect-Respond is going to help
crave human interaction? As the future
you thrive in your new normal. We’re
is still unknown, we won’t know if
going to look at five key areas of our life
things will progress in the same way,
that have been impacted by the fact that
back towards what was “normal.” They
the world around us has changed. Just
might stay where they are or take a
like any other major life event changes
different pathway forward. Either way,
how we function, the COVID-19
things have been reset.
pandemic has done the same thing.
Whenever things reset in your life, you must pause from what's going on around you and reflect. Whenever things reset in your life, you
If in the process of reflecting, you see
must pause from what’s going on around
some changes you’d like to make, the
you and reflect. The reset may do you
most important thing you can do is
some good. Maybe there were ways that
respond. You have to set new patterns
you were functioning that didn’t line up
for yourself to line up with what you
with what you truly value. Maybe some
have decided to change. It might mean a
things that became “normal” shouldn’t
different pace of life. It might mean you
become part of the new you. This reset is
have to spend more time with some
permission for you to reflect and decide
people, and less with others. You might
which parts of your life will be spent
have to intentionally put yourself on
very differently, and that’s okay.
another 21-day journey to build habits in
Remember that it’s very normal to
your life to line up with the “new
significantly change how you will invest
you.” Life change never happens by
your time, energy, or money after a
accident. Only a disciplined response to
major experience in your life. It’s part of
building new routines can get you to
the normal course of growth in your life.
where you want to go.
reset • reflect • respond
That’s what this eBook is all about. We will be examining five key areas of our lives that have gone through a major reset within a very short timeframe:
In Canada, we never imagined a day when we would be fined for meeting another family at a local park for a children’s playdate, or arrested for grocery shopping after only quarantining for seven days. But those were realities that just played out. Do the freedoms we have always taken for granted now change, or can we go back to the way it was before?
When businesses closed down and jobs were lost, the government injected cash into society. What does this mean for our financial outlook going forward? Some people are still struggling to get by, while others worked more hours than they thought possible. Has the financial landscape of Canada changed, and if so, what does that mean for a follower of Jesus?
While we were all socially distanced, we were not socially isolated. We used FaceTime, drive-bys, care packages, and other creative ways to let each other know we were there. Has the importance of a network of friends changed in just two months?
Our families probably spent more time together in two months than we did in the previous 12 months. What did we learn about family time, and what can we take forward from it?
We’ve just spent the last two months meeting as a church only through the use of online services. God has not fundamentally changed, but has the way we connect to the church changed?
All of these resets have taken place in such a short timeframe that it’s almost mindboggling. We’d like to invite you to join PORTICO Community Church as we go on a journey of reflecting and responding to these important areas of our lives. Read this eBook, join our Sunday services, and make sure you get into a growth group with your friends, either in person or online, to discuss how you are reflecting and responding to all these resets in our lives.
reset • reflect • respond
"Christ has set us free to live a free life..." Galations 5:1a MSG
It’s official, they’re calling it a GLOBAL
In Canada, I never imagined a day where
PANDEMIC and with it has come changes
stores would be forced to close, and
that I don’t believe any of us saw coming.
parks, where I used to take my kids to
Every country around the world affected
play, would be covered in caution tape as
by COVID-19 has implemented new rules
if part of a crime scene. I didn’t see it
on how we are to conduct our everyday
coming where there would be no such
lives, internally and globally. Changes
thing as live sporting events or sports in
continue as the world tries to prevent the
general. I miss going to the movies with
spread of this progressive virus from
friends, sitting down for a meal in a
effecting one more life. These changes
restaurant, or going for a walk in the
that we call the “new normal” have
park with my family. Nowadays, you can
forced us to change our rhythms. It has
be fined for meeting with people, even
changed how we exercise our faith every
family, and you can be arrested for
week, how we connect with family and
shopping after traveling across the
friends, and for many it has changed how
border. Even though we are all still free
we view our finances. There have been so
in Canada, freedom looks a lot different
many changes in such a short time that
today. And for many of us, we are
even our definition of “freedom” has
wanting to go back to the “old normal”
way of life with the freedoms we used to indulge in and for many, myself included, take for granted.
There have been so many changes in such a short time that even our definition of "freedom" has changed. In speaking of freedom, I am reminded of incredible moments in history that inspired a generation and a nation, to dream and passionately pursue freedom to its utmost possibility. Moments like Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial, during the March on Washington in 1963, still gives me goosebumps to this day. Or what about David Hasselhoff singing “Looking for Freedom” after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, where he wore that leather jacket that puts any bedazzled outfit to shame? I’m reminded of that moment in the movie “Braveheart” where William Wallace, a man trying to free the Scots from England’s reign,passionately yells out “freedom” before his tragic death. I don’t know if that’s historically accurate but you get the point.
reset • reflect • respond
All these moments in history were of people dreaming or experiencing a higher level of freedom amid crisis—a desire that has never been more real for the majority of us who have never experienced a global shift, or in this case, a global pandemic of this magnitude. Many of us are waiting anxiously as the world heads toward uncharted territories or a kind of a no-man’s-land that our great grandparents used to tell us about as children.
I can only imagine after all of this is over what the world will look like. Will things be different or will they go back to how it used to be? I can only imagine after all of this is over
Looking back to my young adult years, I
what the world will look like. Will things
see now that I was probably the freest
be different or will they go back to how it
I’ve ever been, no curfew, no major
used to be? Will we continue saying hello
deadlines that could get you fired. No
to every random stranger on the street
kids depending on you for a snack or
due to being starved for human
waking you up multiple times a night. As
connection or will we put our heads back
an adult I have freedom, but even so I
down and go back to a pace of life that
have responsibilities to family, work,
has proven to be unsustainable and
government, others, and most
detrimental to the health of the family
importantly to God. Freedom seems to be
nucleus? Will individual rights and
constantly changing and is different for
freedoms continue to be restricted,
everyone depending on location,
restructured, or at the very least
vocation, and age.
restrained? Simply put—I don’t know! Maybe that’s why Jesus was constantly We’ve never been here before to my best
reminding his followers to stay focused
recollection as a history enthusiast. What
on the BIG PICTURE or a deeper meaning
I do know is that freedom throughout
of freedom. He focused less on the
history is like a revolving door of
physical, although we can experience
constant change similar to that of the
that, and more on the spiritual. It was a
different stages of life. When I was a
kind of freedom in which we could now
child, I had very little freedom for fear
attain or experience despite constant
that I may do something that I shouldn’t
past failures, only because “God so loved
do and rightly so. When I was a teenager,
the world that He sent his only begotten
freedom was more apparent even though
Son” Jesus to set the captives free from
when it comes to rules imposed on me, I
death and sin through His death and
naively thought rules need not apply.
reset • reflect • respond
It was not necessarily a desired understanding of freedom at that moment, but one that was quite literally “out of this world,” and when encapsulated in the hearts of its believers, no physical force, power, or presence could take away. Look at the early church in the book of Acts. Even though they experienced a lack of freedom in the form of persecution to the point of death, the freedom that Jesus offered to his followers quite literally changed their lives and was wrapped in pockets of mystery yet overflowing in love, grace, and truth. This kind of freedom that Jesus gives has drastically changed the trajectory of so many lives since its revelation, and still to this day, is far greater than any idea, notion, invention, or philosophy.
What hasn't changed is the freedom that we can find in Christ for those who believe in Him. My point is that society’s definition of
Even though we may experience a new
freedom changes all the time. With the
set of freedoms in our nation over the
global impact that COVID-19 has had on
next number of days, weeks, or years, I’d
various nations and economies, it may
like to see this moment in history as a
change again in our lifetime or our
reminder of the freedom that we have in
children’s lifetime—we just don’t know.
Christ. A freedom that is unshakable,
What hasn’t changed is the freedom that
steadfast, and never changing yet
we can find in Christ for those who
changing lives wherever it’s received.
believe in Him.
Thank God that “whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.”
reset • reflect • respond
"Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full..." Luke 6:38 NLT
It’s highly probable that nothing has changed as much during the past year, and particularly these past few months, than our financial situation. Who would have thought in January 2020, it would be much more profitable to invest in toilet paper than it was to invest in oil? Some people have lost jobs or had their job significantly changed with reduced income, while others have never worked as much in their lives, but their investments sure look a lot smaller than when the year began. Regardless of who you are or where you live in the world, your financial situation has been significantly impacted by the global pandemic. Our budgets and spending patterns aren’t really returning to the exact same place they were last year, so this is a great opportunity to evaluate what is important and has priority when it comes to our finances.
In a perfect world, our wealth will always be increasing, but 2020 is proving to be a great reminder that this is simply not the case. In the parables of the Kingdom of God, Jesus spoke more about finance than any other topic. He often spoke of the priority finances should have in our lives and the dangers we could face if we place too much value on our financial position in life. He spoke of being wise with our finances and making sure we are honorable in all our dealings. Finances were even considered the reason that Judas, one of his closest friends, sold him out to the religious leaders of Jerusalem. Judas could not reconcile how Jesus would allow, what seemed like the squandering of money, on an act of worship when there were so many other things that the money could be allocated to. Many of us are having similar conversations in our homes these days. If we have lost jobs, we are trying to remind each other that money isn’t everything. If we have lost investments, we can have discussions about storing up treasures in heaven. We are discussing the most important ways to use our money and trying to decide if there are ways which we are spending that are wasteful, or at the very least non-essential. These are all valuable conversations to have and are all underscored by the core value Jesus taught in most of His parables about money—the principle of stewardship. At any given time in our lives, we have a certain amount of wealth or influence over the wealth that is at our disposal. In a perfect world, our wealth will always be increasing, but 2020 is proving to be a great reminder that this is simply not the case. here will be seasons when we have more wealth and seasons that we will have less. The principle of stewardship simply asks—how are you using the finances that are at your disposal? [Mark 12:41-44]
reset • reflect • respond
Stewardship assumes that I, as an individual, am not the creator or owner of my financial situation, I am merely the one who manages it. It doesn’t mean that I will not use it for my purposes, but that it’s not solely for my purposes. As a follower of Jesus, I have a responsibility to care for the needs of my family and to use wisdom in how to care for my own needs as well. [1 Timothy 5:8; 5:18] However, the greater focus of my stewardship should be on caring for the needs of others in the world. It’s vitally important to remember what the Bible teaches us: “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” [James 2:15-17]
One of the greatest lessons of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic is that we are much more connected than we ever realized. One of the greatest lessons of 2020 and
the number of billionaires worldwide had
the COVID-19 pandemic is that we are
doubled. The rest of the article went on
much more connected than we ever
to describe how there is enough wealth
realized. We called it a global society, but
in the world to meet the basic needs of
few people assumed that when reports
almost everyone, but it is so unevenly
broke in late 2019 of an illness in Asia
distributed that we see increasing
requiring hospitalization, that it would
amounts of poverty next to the increasing
first lead to a shutdown of a market in
number of billionaires. Predictions
one province, then a whole country, and
coming off the back end of this crisis
then would quickly lead to the majority
project a similar trend, where the gap
of countries across the world putting
between those who have and those who
their citizens into mass lockdowns or
do not will only increase. Predictions
imposing social restrictions. Because of
coming off the back end of this crisis
how connected we are, we need to
project a similar trend, where the gap
remember that we are responsible for
between those who have and those who
each other. My actions can significantly
do not will only increase.
impact the lives of people on the other side of the world.
As a person of faith, what should this mean for you and me? You are probably
In 2019, “The Guardian” reported that the
neither a billionaire nor in extreme
world’s 26 richest people own more
poverty, yet the financial decisions you
wealth than 50% of the world’s poorest
make will impact both groups of people.
population combined. Since the last financial crisis the world faced in 2010,
reset • reflect • respond
The world’s economy has become increasingly self-focused, spending more and more expendable dollars on personal pleasures, while the needs of the poor grow. The money we spend on new phones, personal travel, home upgrades, and other items designed to make one’s life easier or more comfortable, made a profit for the richest and took dollars away from those who needed it most. Here’s the chance to reset your habits. This is the perfect season to do an audit of your new income and measure against anything in your life that you would call a need. You need to pay your rent, buy groceries, have a computer for your kids to do school work, and have some extra for family fun. Every member of your family does not need a new device every year, nor do you need to upgrade your car every two years—especially when compared to the need we hear about for more food banks, health care programs, and other social concerns in society. If one of the lessons of 2020 was that we shifted chunks of spending away from the wants of ourselves into the needs of others, that could be an incredible silver lining of the coronavirus pandemic.
If one of the lessons of 2020 was that we shifted chunks of spending away from the wants of ourselves into the needs of others, that could be an incredible silver lining of the coronavirus pandemic. In one of Jesus’ famous teachings on money, a rich young governor comes to Jesus and asks how he can inherit eternal life. He was a good person and followed all the religious rules. He figured this was enough to qualify him for heaven. Jesus makes this famous statement: “‘There is still one thing you haven’t done,’ he told him. ‘Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’” [Mark 10:21] The man left Jesus disheartened because the desire to hold onto wealth is a very strong desire that lives in each of our hearts. What if you were to ask Jesus the same question in 2020—Lord, I have obeyed all that you have asked me to do, is there anything else that I need to do before I inherit the kingdom of heaven? Would he start the conversation the same way he did with this man 2000 years ago and ask if you would be willing to steward your dollars towards the needs of the people who needed them most, rather than holding onto wealth for yourself? As you reflect on the lessons of 2020, take some time to evaluate your mindset for personal finance. Are you an owner or a steward? Do you focus on needs, or both needs and wants? Will the life you lead going forward be focused on spending for your kingdom or for His Kingdom? These are great questions to discuss with those who you love as you make decisions on how you will respond to the lessons of COVID-19.
reset • reflect • respond
The world’s economy has become increasingly self-focused, spending more and more expendable dollars on personal pleasures, while the needs of the poor grow The money we spend on new phones, personal travel, home upgrades, and other items designed to make one’s life easier or more comfortable, made a profit for the richest and took dollars away from those who needed it most. Here’s the chance to reset your habits. This is the perfect season to do an audit of your new income and measure against anything in your life that you would call a need. You need to pay your rent, buy groceries, have a computer for your kids to do school work, and have some extra for family fun. Every member of your family does not need a new device every year, nor do you need to upgrade your car every two years—especially when compared to the need we hear about for more food banks, health care programs, and other social concerns in society. If one of the lessons of 2020 was that we shifted chunks of spending away from the wants of ourselves into the needs of others, that could be an incredible silver lining of the coronavirus pandemic.
Here's a chance to reset your habits. This is the perfect season to do an audit of your new income and measure against anything in your life that you would call a need. In one of Jesus’ famous teachings on
The man left Jesus disheartened because
money, a rich young governor comes to
the desire to hold onto wealth is a very
Jesus and asks how he can inherit eternal
strong desire that lives in each of our
life. He was a good person and followed
hearts. What if you were to ask Jesus the
all the religious rules. He figured this
same question in 2020—Lord, I have
was enough to qualify him for heaven.
obeyed all that you have asked me to do,
Jesus makes this famous statement:
is there anything else that I need to do
“‘There is still one thing you haven’t
before I inherit the kingdom of heaven?
done,’ he told him. ‘Go and sell all your
Would he start the conversation the same
possessions and give the money to the
way he did with this man 2000 years ago
poor, and you will have treasure in
and ask if you would be willing to
heaven. Then come, follow me.’” [Mark
steward your dollars towards the needs
of the people who needed them most, rather than holding onto wealth for yourself?
reset • reflect • respond
As you reflect on the lessons of 2020, take some time to evaluate your mindset for personal finance. Are you an owner or a steward? Do you focus on needs, or both needs and wants? Will the life you lead going forward be focused on spending for your kingdom or for His Kingdom? These are great questions to discuss with those who you love as you make decisions on how you will respond to the lessons of COVID-19.
reset • reflect • respond
"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need." Proverbs 17:17 NLT
When it comes to relationships, I think
Then COVID-19 happened. In the blink of
most of us would believe that we have a
an eye, we went from stability to chaos.
pretty good handle on how we manage
Our carefully balanced Jenga blocks, that
them, like those in our homes, our
we call relationships, were lying on the
schools, our workplaces, our church, and
floor in a jumbled mess. As we picked up
our social circles. We try our best to
the pieces and tried to rearrange them,
manage the expectations of these
the world around us changed, and we
relationships so that everyone feels
could no longer balance them the way we
valued. Sure, there are times when we
once did. All of sudden, physical
have to adjust and prioritize some
distancing meant we couldn’t spend time
relationships over others. Sometimes the
with our friends. When it came to our
needs at home take precedence over our
jobs, we had to figure out a way to
obligations at work and we have to take
accomplish the same amount of work in
time off to care for loved ones.
the same amount of time without the
Sometimes procrastinating on that school
resources of an office or the proximity of
project means skipping out on friends to
coworkers. Or worse, we were laid off
pull an all-nighter or two to get the job
and now we have to find a way to pay the
done. Sometimes the big deadline at work
bills while still having food on the table
means time away from home and missing
and providing a roof over our heads. With
out on quality time with our families. But
children at home, we’re trying to meet
over time, we would like to think we can
our work deadlines while teaching and
prioritize each friendship thoughtfully
helping our kids with their school work.
and carefully.
In the blink of an eye, we went from stability to chaos. Our carefully balanced Jenga blocks, that we call relationships, were lying on the floor in a jumbled mess. As more and more people get sick, we stress and worry about how to care for loved ones who fall ill and can’t imagine the prospect of having to leave them alone in a hospital because it’s no longer safe to be around them. Whatever our specific circumstances, friendships have taken on a whole new meaning in this new season of isolation and uncertainty. The first days or weeks of isolation were probably the hardest as we tried to maintain different relationships in new ways.
reset • reflect • respond
My family can attest to the fact that I probably wasn’t a fun person to be around that first couple of weeks of isolation. In an instant, I was trying to be fully present, keep up my work responsibilities at home, and had no outlets to socialize. Between work and caring for our children, the day flew by and I was drained of energy. As an extrovert, it was awful. I needed quality time with my friends to recharge, but it felt like there was none to be had. After some time, even my wife, an introvert, was going stir-crazy. What I discovered was that my balance between relationships was askew. Or rather, I knew my relationships were out of sorts but I didn’t know how to balance them again.
Healthy relationships are what we ought to strive for, no matter what the consequences. Humans are social beings. No matter how
As we try to find our way during these
much or how little you may think you
uncertain times, some of us will face the
need, you need proximity to others; we
temptation to eliminate certain
all need one another. Depending on how
relationships to find balance again. If our
you view your family, friends, and
family and work responsibilities are
coworkers, you might consider some
taking more of our time, then we feel we
relationships to be sincere while others
have to sacrifice other friendships. It’s
are “necessary evils.” Take strategy board
not that we want to, but there just
games, for example, my all-time
doesn’t seem to be any other way. I’m
favourite—Settlers of Catan. Each player
reminded of the story of a church
is trying to win by buying and building
member who decided to stop attending
items on the board that earn them points.
services and was visited by the pastor in
To buy and build, you need resources
the hopes of persuading him to
that you collect along the way. But no
reconsider. Try as he might, the pastor
matter what strategy you employ in the
just couldn’t convince the man to change
game, you have to trade resources with
his mind—the member saw neither the
other players to succeed. Yes, trading
value of a relationship with God nor the
with other players helps them in their
importance of fellowship with other
quests to win, but you do it because it
believers. As the pastor and the member
helps your pursuit of victory. Hopefully
sat in silence, there happened to be a fire
the most meaningful relationships in
burning in the hearth. After staring into
your life are ones that don’t require
the fire for some time, the pastor came
board game tactics. However, even if
upon an opportunity to illustrate his
some spheres of your life are borne out
point of view. Without saying a word, the
of necessity, it’s still your job to strike
pastor got up from his seat, walked over
the right balance to maintain those
to the fireplace, and, using a pair of
relationships. Healthy relationships are
tongs, removed a burning ember from the
what we all ought to strive for, no matter
hearth and placed it beside the set of
what the circumstances.
burning logs.
reset • reflect • respond
For a minute or two, the ember
“And let us not neglect our meeting
continued to burn just like the logs in
together, as some people do, but
the fire, but eventually the ember began
encourage one another, especially now
to dwindle until all that remained was a
that the day of his return is drawing
smoking piece of coal. At that moment,
near.” [Hebrews 10:25 NLT]
the church member understood the message the pastor had been trying to
It’s interesting to note that the context
communicate all along: Without God and
of this passage was written in light of
the community of faith, your life will
Jesus’ imminent return. I know for some
burn out.
of us it may feel like the end of the world right now with all that’s going on,
Back in the days of the first-century
but regardless of how you feel, it’s still
church, some thought that relationships
important to be present in each other’s
within the spiritual community weren’t
lives so that we can encourage one
a priority. After all, what could be as
another. It helps put my mind at ease
important as a relationship with God? If
knowing that despite all the uncertainty
I have that, what else do I need? But the
around me, I don’t have to do it alone.
writer of Hebrews reminds us that neglecting the fellowship of believers
With all that has happened in recent
robs us of, among other things, the
days, and as we struggle to maintain
opportunity to encourage one another.
relationships of all kinds, how do we find a healthy balance once again?
The writer of Hebrews reminds us that neglecting the fellowship of believers robs us of, among other things, the opportunity to encourage one another. I am reminded of Jesus’ timeless words: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” [Matthew 6:33] Make sure that the relationship you value above all others is your personal relationship with God and spend quality time with Him. By prioritizing your relationship with God, you will be able to better manage the other important relationships in your life and bring the best of who you are into your relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. As you spend more time at home, don’t focus on the extra work, instead, appreciate the gift of time you’ve been given with others. If the way you work has changed, don’t focus on the challenges with technology and distance, rather look for creatives ways to build and maintain healthy working relationships. If you can no longer meet in person with friends, make it a priority to connect with them with a phone call, video chat, or on social media. What has changed is the way we relate. What has never changed is the importance of these relationships in your life!
reset • reflect • respond
"Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and prayed, 'Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?'" 1 Chronicles 17:16 NLT
One of the memories that will stick with
A positive thing that this crisis has done
me more than anything in this season
to our society was to force families to
will be the images of families out walking
spend countless hours together. For
the trails together. Families that have
better or for worse, we have left a mark
probably not walked together in years
on each other by the way we treated one
now practice the daily ritual of heading
another, the kinds of lifestyles parents
out for hours at a time, walking and
modeled for their children, and the
talking. I’m sure as you have been out,
memories we will carry with us for the
you have seen the same thing. Even
rest of our lives. The question, of course,
people who are not loving the whole
is how many of these memories and
“walk experience” are at least spending
habits were “better” and how many of
this time together that they would
them were “worse”?
normally not have.
A positive thing that this crisis has done to our society was to force families to spend countless hours together. Perhaps what we should reflect on is
But if you were to be honest, there were
whether any of these habits we picked up
some very good times as well.
over the last number of weeks should become part of our regular day to day
If there were genuinely good times being
experience, even when we are no longer
isolated together, then why would we
doing them, because they are our only
trade back to a life where a family was
option? If you were in a home that
less connected? Some of what home
worked hard to make sure that you
isolation taught us is that we have
cooked and ate meals together, read the
probably drifted too far as a society from
Bible together, exercised together, and
leaning on each other for support.
made it through this COVID-19 crisis by
Teenagers who regularly used to choose
leaning on each other for as much
to disclose everything to their friends
support as you possibly could, then you
started to have these conversations with
probably grew closer as a family. You
their parents. Families who rarely spoke
learned new things about each other and
of world issues, not because they didn’t
earned how to function better as a family
have the desire, but because they didn’t
unit. Sure, things were not perfect and
have the time, watched the news together
there were days you spent separated on
every day and discussed what it meant
different levels of the house because you
for them and their safety.
just needed some space from everyone.
reset • reflect • respond
Some parents were home to see their child’s first steps, which they would have missed if they had been at the office. Will we want to invest as much time at work at the cost of removing ourselves from these experiences with our families? We can’t stop working or going to school and live the rest of our lives huddled in homes together, but we might be re-evaluating the importance of shared experiences as a family. Years from now, we will look back at the memories we created during this time, probably shudder a bit to think of how it all felt in real-time, but think fondly of how we got to do it together. Hopefully, there are some traditions that you intend to carry forward coming out of this season that keep a priority on connectedness as a family. Maybe you will be able to work from home so you can be present in the mornings and be home earlier in the afternoon. You can model a good work ethic to your kids. Maybe you will institute family games night, and regardless of where anyone else could go that evening, it is set aside to continue the shared experience you began during this season.
Years from now, we will look back at the memories we created during this time, probably shudder a bit to think of how it all felt in real-time, but think fondly of how we got to do it together. Families were designed to be the
family, we have abdicated too much
dominant, and sometimes the only place,
responsibility that the family unit should
where we learned how to live our lives.
have in teaching these foundational
Faith practices and teaching are best
principles to each other. Hopefully going
learned when it is modeled and delivered
forward into our new realities, we will
by parents, not by youth or children’s
hang onto some of these roles that we
pastors. The way to be a good husband or
passed off in the past.
wife should be modeled by parents and passed down to children. It shouldn’t be
For some people, you were not in a home
something they need to learn in a class or
that functioned well with each other.
pick up from movies. Work ethic,
There were elements of home life that
kindness, compassion, love; all of
made things unsafe or caused anxiety for
these attributes should be learned at
you. Being in home isolation was not a
home, and then practiced in the world.
thing that benefited you. In fact, the
We have so separated our families that
memories you carry forward will not be
many of these lessons are now being
lessons that you build from, but will be
learned from church leaders, coaches,
scars that will remind you of the
after-school mentors, friends, or media.
brokenness going on in your
And while it indeed takes a village to
have enough proper influence into the
reset • reflect • respond
If this is more of your story from the
The greatest stories of the Bible are
COVID-19 crisis, then this season is an
about men and women who recognized
opportunity for you, or potentially you
that how they had been living was not
and your family, to seek help like you
good enough and they allowed the Spirit
never have before. This is not the season
of God to change their hearts and change
to decide you can have space and
their habits. Moses, Sarah, Peter, David,
freedom from each other so you can
and Paul all had times in their lives when
ignore what you all just experienced.
they had to face some bad choices that
This is a season to decide that things
they had made, answer for their
should and can be better if you are
mistakes, and resolve to live differently.
willing to face some of the difficult
It was the process of facing the hard
things you just experienced.
issues that made them into the heroes of the Bible that they are.
The greatest stories of the Bible are about men and women who recognized that how they had been living was not good enough and they allowed the Spirit of God to change their hearts and change their habits. Your story is not finished yet, and if this season highlighted that there is work to be done in your family, then don’t let it remain unfinished. You can write new chapters beyond this season that play out very differently if you are willing to get the support you need. Your reset is going to be about brand-new habits and ways of treating each other that you had not practiced before. It will be hard work, but you are up for it and together you can learn to chart a new course. Whatever your story is, your family learned new things about each other. In this season of reflecting and resolving to live differently, make sure that you take the good you learned in the crisis and carry it forward to the future. Use the struggles you experienced to help you reset some things that had gotten out of hand. What we learned is that in crisis, families truly need each other. Learn to become a new and improved version of yourselves—better than you could ever have imagined possible before all of this!
reset • reflect • respond
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 NLT
I was having a conversation with a former professor of mine, and we were discussing the difficulty many church members feel with singing along to some of the modern music. We discussed the keys they were written in, the verbosity some writers seem to like putting into their lyrics, and the general lack of ability for the average person to join in and sing because of it. For the most part we agreed that at times, worship music is performed from a stage in churches rather than sung by the congregation.
All through the generations, music has been an important part of the liturgy of church worship. His issue was that people used to learn
The style will always change and we will
their theology by singing hymns they
have more or less comfort with a style
knew off by heart…“Whatever my lot,
based on what is familiar to us. Take a
Thou hast taught me to say, it is well with
moment and consider your favourite way
my soul.” As he quoted me more lyrics,
to worship. Is it a certain style of music
there were many that I did not recognize.
or is it in a certain place? It probably
Given that I came to faith later in life,
holds sentimental value to you for any
many of the traditional hymns that we no
number of reasons. It’s great that each of
longer sing in our churches are not
us can have memories that evoke
familiar to me. However, I was able to
powerful emotions and connections
quote several lyrics that were not
with a worship style. But Jesus is our
recognizable to him, but had been
unchanging Saviour, not tied to any
impactful for my faith… “I will praise you
particular style of worship or point of
on the mountain, I will praise you when
time in history.
the mountain’s in my way. You’re the summit where my feet are, so I will
The book of Hebrews was written to the
praise you in the valley just the same.”
Jewish Christians, who were beginning to question whether they could continue in
The point being that all through the
their Christian faith. They wondered if it
generations, music has been an
would be better to move back to their
important part of the liturgy of church
roots of Judaism, and worship God as
worship. However, the style has shifted
they always had. It’s in this context that
from songs in homes to chants in
the author of the book writes these
cathedrals, to choirs with pipe organs
words, “Jesus Christ is the same
large enough to fill a stadium, to choral
yesterday, today, and forever.” [Hebrews
hymns, to a four-piece rock band, and
now even times with singers on stage with backing tracks.
reset • reflect • respond
The God that the Jews had worshiped through the generations, was the same God they were worshiping today. It began with Abraham nearly sacrificing the life of his only son on a mountain top as his act of worship. Moses received the 613 commandments of the Torah, which became the basis of how to honour God. David played his harp for the king and penned 73 of the Psalms which are now found in the Bible. God sent his son Jesus to fulfill the law, ushering in a new age of the church where animal sacrifices were no longer necessary or asked for. Instead, a confession of faith in Jesus as God’s son and his death and resurrection became the ultimate act of worship. The new believers sang songs about their love and devotion to Jesus and their need for him in their lives.
God sent his Son Jesus to fulfill the law, ushering in a new age of the church where animal sacrificies were no longer necessary. This change was hard for the Jews who
Some of you have learned in this season
had been used to worshipping one way,
that you hate online church, and this
and now were faced with the challenge of
reset has reminded you of how much you
worshipping a new way. So, they were
crave regular, personal connection with
reminded, this new way to worship God
other believers. The first Sunday back
doesn’t mean God has changed, it was
will be like a Disney parade and a
just new to them. In the past season,
Superbowl mixed together! Others of you
church and worship have been very
have learned that you can have an
different for us. We have watched on a
enriching church experience with your
screen as different people have led us.
friends and family from your living room.
Some have found it very hard to connect
You still crave human interaction, but
when they can’t be present. Others have
because of technology, you can achieve
loved the ability to hear three messages
that without being physically present.
in one morning without ever needing to leave their living room. They participated
The fact that we cannot attend church in
in corporate worship with thousands who
person on Sundays has made it so that
live-streamed the service, they discussed
you now can attend multiple churches
the message in chat rooms, and it didn’t
each weekend. The availability of online
require the hour-long prep time of
church services and online devotionals
getting dressed up, dusting snow off the
has provided the opportunity to invite
car, and driving to church only to arrive
your friends to a church experience with
late. It was critical to stay home because
ease. All over the world people are
it was protecting everyone’s health.
coming to faith because they are attending online church.
reset • reflect • respond
If this is a way for the gospel spreads quickly, then online church is something we will need to keep a focus on even after the virus gets under control. This is not to suggest that churches will not go back to meeting together in person, but daily or weekly online connections might become an important way for us to reach people.
All over the world people are coming to faith because they are attending online church. Although the message of Jesus never
It is incumbent on those of us who know
changes, the method reaching people
the truth to find the best way to share
with the good news always changes.
the truth. It is not the responsibility of
When Paul was writing to the early
those who do not know Jesus to figure
church, he stated it this way:
out a way to fit into the way that we Christians prefer to worship. When it is
“Even though I am a free man with no
stated plainly like that, it seems obvious
master, I have become a slave to all
that we will need to adjust what we do to
people to bring many to Christ. When I
get the gospel into the places that it
was with the Jews, I lived like a Jew to
needs to be. This will require the Church
bring the Jews to Christ. When I was with
to rethink how we spend our resources,
those who follow the Jewish law, I too
and the kinds of things we place
lived under that law. Even though I am
importance on if we hope to reach a
not subject to the law, I did this so I
society of people who have adjusted to a
could bring to Christ those who are
world that can exist online for months at
under the law. When I am with the
a time, only going out for food and
Gentiles who do not follow the Jewish
occasional sunlight. In this season,
law, I too live apart from that law so I can
Christians need to be open to tapping
bring them to Christ. But I do not ignore
into new creative ways to reach people in
the law of God; I obey the law of Christ.
a world that has shifted its priorities
When I am with those who are weak, I
from the corporate gathering to some
share their weakness, for I want to bring
the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing
God has not changed. Neither has faith in
everything I can to save some. I do
Christ. Where we meet and how we meet
everything to spread the Good News and
is up for discussion.
share in its blessings.” [1 Corinthians 9:19-23]
reset • reflect • respond
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