1 minute read


Dear Metz: My saga follows: Still making mouldings in a (new in 1938) straight-line production deal here in Portland. It is the only such plant in the East. Has been considerably expanded since the war, but I still work less, having a nice comfy crew of assistants arranged in a neat pile that forms a buffer for me against the long hours and the tedium of bringing on coronaries.

I get to California each winter or spring for two months, which is caused by the need to buy lumber there, and we usually find lots of it around La Jolla, Coronado, and Carmel. My two dotters are 20 and 24, the former being a Junior at Skidmore and rapidly on the way to a cold garret room in the line of making the lights on Broadway. The latter has been married four years plus, and we have two grandchildren, one of each brand, two and three years old, and of course the best such in captivity. I put in almost five years in the Navy, winding up as Asst. Navigator on a baby carrier in the not Pacific.

I missed the 25th due to the marriage on that date of a nephew. I shall be on hand, I hope, for all future seances.

Best regards to you, Metz, and cheerio.

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