Portland Monthly Magazine September 2022

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COVE STREET ARTS 71 Cove Street, Portland ME • (207) 808-8911 Experience the rich diversity of contemporary art in Maine COVESTREETARTS.COM

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CABOT LYFORD Photo credit: Stacia Brooke Davies ROBERT ANDREW PARKER Photo credit: Rachel Walls DAHLOV IPCAR Photo credit: Charles Ipcar WWW.RACHELWALLSFINEART.COM | 207.266.5411 Exclusive Representative of the Estates of Dahlov Ipcar, Robert F. Kuhn and Cabot Lyford

ROBERT F. KUHN Photo credit: Rachel Walls Exclusive Representative of the Estates of Dahlov Ipcar, Robert F. Kuhn and Cabot Lyford CABOT LYFORD Photo credit: Rachel Walls SUSAN DEGRANDPRE Photo credit: Rachel Walls WWW.RACHELWALLSFINEART.COM | 207.266.5411

Bridgton, Maine

The water it is magic, the sunset it is mesmerizing, the people they are generous to a fault, the landscape ever changing, the atmosphere it is a rarified experience filled with the scent of pine, and the loons they are the gift you will always fall back on to lift your spirits and sooth your soul. We Live, Work, and Play here for the quality of life and the neverending story of this magical place.

And then you are here again, not remembering how or why but keenly aware of how it has grown on you, captured you, surprised you that such destinations remain untouched and yet evolve and reinvent themselves through time; that such a destination has lured you back year after year. It has inspired you and you find yourself no longer from away but here now where you too have staked a claim.


Image by Bryan Steele Photography Sometimes on a lazy summer afternoon I pick up the old history books of my favorite little town in western Maine. Sometimes it does me good to remember how this little town emerged from the lakes and foothills, woods, and water. This town that grabs people as they drive through, that sticks in your mind as you pass by, that entices you to return.

For casual but cool dining anytime, try our seaside Sun & Surf! On the beach across from The Anchorage Inn. 207.363.2961 Over 200 rooms & suites, 2 indoor & 2 outdoor (in season) pools, oceanfront dining, and more, just 45 minutes from Portland and one hour from Boston. From Off-Season rates starting at just $89 per night, to peak Summer rates starting at just $259, there’s something for everyone at The Anchorage. 2-Night Stay and Dine Packages also available.* IT’S TIME TO GET AWAY!

Trusted, Local & Family owned www.dowfurniture.com 280 Atlantc Highway, Waldoboro, ME 04572 - SINCE 1955 -

• Guided tours of the historic Cottage • Hiking, biking, and driving trails in 2,800-acre Park • On-site Café • Daily programs likeTea with Eleanor • Open now through October 15, 2022 • 9a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT; Admission FREE • rooseveltcampobello.org

TM MAINE’S CITY MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER TM MUTUALARTSTAFF;GALLEY;MAKERSPARDINIPHOTO;ADOBESTOCK;LEFT:TOPFROMCLOCKWISE BOONE’S”ANDPORTHOLETHEOUTSIDECROWDNIGHT“STARRYHENZE:SIONABYCOVER 54 Maine Made 15 From the Editor “Eye Contact” By Colin W. Sargent 17 Letters MAINE LIFE 19 Chowder A tasty blend of the Fabulous, the Eyebrow-Raising, and the Just Plain Wrong. 45 Sky Society Top oor, please. From Sta & Wire Reports 59 Sliding Scales A global perspective on cannabis in Maine. By Colin W. Sargent ARTS & STYLE 21 Maine Artists at Auction Highlights from a wild and woolly year. From Sta & Wire Reports 63 Between the Sets With lead guitarist Kiko Loureiro of Megadeth Interview by Milena Calcagni 67 Fall Guide Maine fairs & festivals, arts & entertainment. 71 Opus Focus Sure, he can act. But did you know he also writes and directs? Interview by Gwen ompson FOOD & DRINK 85 Brew Review “Point Break” Bissell Brothers are rst in thirst on ompson’s Point. By Jason Singer & Pete Lyons 91 Restaurant Review “Maker’s Smart” Maine cuisine is the palette at Maker’s Galley. By Nancy English 93 Dining Guide HOMES & DESIGN 95 Talking Walls “Mad About Sa ron” A Revolutionary hero’s retreat sparks a bidding war in the Kennebunks By Colin W. Sargent 102 Maine Real Estate LAST WORDS 112 Border Patrol By Lorry Stillman 19 91 21 67 95 SEPTEMBER 2022 13

Readers & Advertisers

Portland Magazine writers. No establishment is ever covered in this magazine because it has advertised, and no payment ever infuences our stories and reviews. EXTRAORDINARY PERSPECTIVE Colin W. Sargent Founding Editor & editor@portlandmonthly.comPublisherART&PRODUCTION Nancy Sargent Art Director Jesse Stenbak Associate staff@portlandmonthly.comPublisher Hanna Flewelling Design hanna@portlandmonthly.comDirector Mercedes Villeneuve Design Cameron Yarumian Design Associate ADVERTISING Per Lofving Advertising per@portlandmonthly.comExecutive Andie Ewing Advertising andie@portlandmonthly.comExecutiveEDITORIAL Gwen Thompson Associate gwen@portlandmonthly.comEditor Sofa Voltin Contributing Editor sofa@portlandmonthly.com Colin S. Sargent Special Features & Archives Jason Hjort Special Projects Luca Antolini, Sofe Brown, Natalie Foster, Siona Henze, Lily Randall Writing Associates ACCOUNTING Jennifer Lord jennifer@portlandmonthly.comControllerSUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe please send your address and a check for $35* (1 yr.), $58* (2 yrs.), or $68* (3 yrs.) to Portland Magazine, 68 Bishop St., Suite 3, No. 1 Portland, ME 04103 *Add 5.5% if mailed to a Maine address. or subscribe online at portlandmonthly.com/portmag/submit-an-event/EVENTSwww.portlandmagazine.comPORTAL

Portland Magazine is proudly printed in the USA by Cummings Printing. Portland Magazine is the winner of 75 American Graphic Design Awards presented by Graphic Design USA for excellence in publication design and won two National Association of Real Estate Editors medals for editorial excellence.

The Trailing Yew MONHE GAN ISL AND, MAINE WWW. TRAILINGYEW. COM (207) 596 044 0 A Q UINTESSE NTIAL NE W ENGLA ND ROOM & BOARD STYLE INN C ATERI NG TO AR TISTS & TRAVELERS FOR 90 YE ARS JOI N US … FOR A ME AL, A NIGH T, A CH ANGE OF PA CE 14 PORTLAND MAGAZINE ART MART MAINE .COM Art Supplies 512 CONGRESS STREET (207)775-4244 Specials40%off ART MART MAINE ART.COM MART MAINE .COM Art Supplies 512 CONGRESS STREET (207)775-4244 Specials40%off Art Supplies 512 CONGRESS STREET Locally owned and operated for 25 (207)775-4244years.Discountedinventory!HugePrices! SARGENT PUBLISHING, INC. 68 Bishop Street, Suite 3, No. 1, Portland, ME 04103 Phone: (207) www.portlandmagazine.com775-0101www.portlandmonthly.com Portland Magazine, aka Portland Monthly Magazine, is published by Sargent Publishing, Inc. Note: All correspondence should be addressed to 68 Bishop Street, Suite 3, No. 1, Portland, ME 04103. Repeat Internet rights are understood to be purchased with all stories and artwork. For questions regarding advertising, invoicing, and payments, call Jennifer Lord. Newsstand Cover Date: September 2022, published in August 2022, Vol. 37, No. 6, copyright 2022. Portland Magazine is mailed at third-class mail rates in Portland, ME 04103 (ISSN: 1073-1857). Opinions expressed in articles are those of authors and do not represent editorial positions of Portland Magazine Letters to the editor are welcome and will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as subject to Portland Magazine’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Responsible only for that portion of any advertisement which is printed incorrectly. Advertisers are responsible for copyrights of materials they submit. Nothing in this issue may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publishers. Submissions welcome, but we take no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All photography has been enhanced for your enjoyment.

The opinions given in this magazine are those of

www.forgetmenotsfalmouth.com 240 U.S. Route One Falmouth,207-781-8252Maine


Where Recycling Has Always Been In Style

Clothing and AccessoriesNow Accepting Seasonal www.forgetmenotsfalmouth.com

Forget Me Nots Where Recycling Has Always Been In Style 240 U.S. Route OneFalmouth, Maine207-781-8252

Forget Me Nots Colin W. Sargent, Editor & Publisher Contact R omantic movies really should have ve big “looks” between the two lov ers a er the meet-cute for the ending to be believable. is late summer is a big moment in the movie of your life. Where can you go to get the looks from the state of Maine, the eye contact? Even though this is our Fall Guide, it’s still o cially summer until September 22. One of my rst big looks this season was from a harbor seal playing near some rocks about 1,000 yards from shore. ey all ducked underwater as we approached in our 13-foot Boston Whaler, but then, one by one, they surfaced and stared. e rst one was a real Romeo. Seals are very private individuals, you see. ey guard the sunless depths. So when they do condescend to give you the look, they’re going to make it count. at’s right, keep the camera on me. You’ve enjoyed your fun, and you’re going to be leaving now Back away slowly. Turn your boat around, and don’t tell anyone you were here. It was seals who invented the Jedi mind trick. What part of this summer will stay with you? It isn’t only wildlife that catches your eye. At the top of Mt. Katahdin or Mt. Aga menticus, forever gives you the eye. Or is it the ear? On top of Mt. Battie, Ed na St. Vincent Millay closed her eyes to better hear the “ticking of Eternity.” Where did I learn the trick of needing ve big looks for a romance to really take hold? e Big Lebowski taught it to me— the hard way. I wish it weren’t true. e in spiration for Je Bridges’s character in the movie is a screenplay guru. At the time, my screenplay Out of the Blue only had three big looks in it, so the Dude didn’t abide. Now my screenplay has seven hundred big looks. It’s available to read on request. Everything I love, everything that is forever, keeps a steady gaze. Here’s looking at you, Maine. e best look for me ever? e seals won’t tell you. Forty-three years ago, my future wife Nan cy turned and looked at me across the Breezy Point O cer’s Club in Norfolk, Virginia. ere was no one else in the entire room. Her eyes were the color of the Blue Grotto in Capri. My heart thumped. Everything else disappeared. We were married in the fall.


Where Recycling Has Always Been In Style



Clothing and AccessoriesNow Accepting Seasonal

Forget Me Nots

240 U.S. Route OneFalmouth, Maine207-781-8252

Now Accepting Seasonal Clothing and Accessories

Gateway to THE LAKES REGION After a day of play, enjoy dining & shopping locally! Dundee Park Mountain Division Trail Windhamrecreation.com 16 PORTLAND MAGAZINE

Tassel mocc in tan suede Unlined vamp Handcrafted on the Leydon last Single oak leather outsole White mocc and foxing thread 360 degree flat welt, natural Made in New England since1884 For these, and more “Good Shoes”,shop with us in-store in Portland’s Old Port - and online at davidwoodstyleshop.com. See you soon. Est. 1884 229Commercial St. Portland, Maine davidwoodstyleshop.comdavidwood.com THE byAldenxDWCHEBEAGUE SEPTEMBER 2022 17 LETTERS editor@portlandmonthly.com MAGAZINEMONTHLYPORTLAND YACHTSPOTTING • D.C. IN K’PORT • FESTIVALS • GRAND DELUSIONS Goin’What’sOn118BreakthroughShoreAttractionsMaine’sCityMagazine 38th Annual Car Show at Home Depot Food Festival at Harbor Park Union River Boat Rides Citywide events, Sales, Children’s activities Jumbo Jackpot Drawing $2,500 A ut umn Gold Days S ep t em b er 22-25 Fo r m ore in fo rmat ion www. Ell sw o rt hCh am be r. org

HONORABLE MENTION I loved your “On Your Honor” story [Sum merguide 2022]! One year I had an hon or-system self-serve cucumber table at the head of my driveway. Bertha Parquette, my ancient-widow neighbor, called me up and said that someone told her about the stand. She asked if I could drop o some cucum bers and onions so she could make pickles. Needless to say, I didn’t charge her a penny. Amanda Russell, Edgecomb YOU DECIDE I am reaching out to touch base about the “Private Lives” article in [Summerguide 2022]. I was aware of the article before hand, of course, since Victoria Mansion was contacted for photos. ough Charisse [Gendron]’s article was fascinating, I was a little saddened, to be honest, with the al tered Morse portrait, which is a c. 1855 da guerreotype in Victoria Mansion’s collec tions. I’ve written a brief response, which I hope you will consider publishing in the “Letters” section of the next issue. anks in advance for your consideration. Timothy Brosnihan, Executive Director, Victoria Mansion, PortlandMANSIONVICTORIAOFCOURTESYLEFT:

Malawi Mail Identify with flying ob jects and join Maine Ul timate’s Frisbee league Games are held at Wain wright Sports Complex in South Portland, but “we have post-games on Thursday nights from places like Arcadia to The Portland Club,” says Lily Randall.



—So e Brown

—Lily Randall

“Opposing teams are supposed to have the same number of men and women play ers, but my team isn’t a fan of being that gender binary, so we call men-matching players ‘Millers’ after the beer and womenmatching players ‘White Claws.’”

Try on the artist’s life in the former studio of Charles Woodbury, the American Impressionist whose plein-air painting classes sparked the Ogunquit Art Colony. Ogunquit is stunning in the fall, and his studio overlooks picturesque Perkins Cove, where the master held sway 1898–1940. Among his lessons: “Don’t paint oating rocks!” Suggest instead the power and mass that lie below the surface. Not a bad place to practice “ e Art of Seeing” for $2,350-$3,900 per week, plus cleaning fee and 9 percent Maine lodging tax. “A lot of amateur artists love to bring their easels and paint,” says Debbie Marathon of Ogunquit Rental Properties.


Made in France, Based on Maine Lady Liberty, this one’s for you. Freshwater Stone of Orland is supplying 1,000 pieces of individually distressed granite to restore the inner parapet wall of Fort Wood, the Stat ue of Liberty’s star-shaped base. e 250,000 pounds of stone are traveling from Maine to Liberty Island via seven atbed trailers, sev eral cranes, and a barge. So much for New Hampshire being the Granite State.

Five thousand miles in, this ground breaking gift from Sanguo Ventures Limited [co-owned by Mainer Colin S. Sargent] to the Don Bosco Cath olic Parish in Lilongwe (see “From Malawi with Love,” Feb./March 2022) has “really cut my travel times and helped me reach out to a greater number of community members,” says Gervais Kajadu, 47, pictured, a graduate of the local teacher’s col lege serving as a catechist [an ad junct member of the ministry] to 12 outposts in a 30-square-mile area. “We’ve only had one service call, to patch a punctured tire tube,” says mechanic and electric-motorcycle builder Elida Mwanza, 25. “That bike just goes and goes,” saving the Par ish 540,000MK ($720USD) over 6 months—all without an oil change. Evan Liu We’ve written about vagabond birds, but look what’s landed on Maryland’s Eastern Shore to decorate American Legion Post 93 in Pocomoke! When the Cold War was in the deep freeze, this Lockheed T-33A Shooting Star ew above us in Maine while assigned to the U.S. Air Force’s short-lived (1957–1966) Bangor Air Defense Sector in Topsham

Ghost Rider


Maine Artists AT A UCTION A Catalogue Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons: a “proud and meaningless association.” FROM STAFF & WIRE REPORTS Rising hemlines and the smoking-hot cost of a Maine lobster are classic indicators of a world gone mad So are these incredible images, culled from 2022 auction results for Maine artists—in a year like no other. SEPTEMBER 2022 21 TRENDS MUTUALART.COM:VIAPHOTOSALL CHICKENSOFEMPEROR CANVAS.ONOIL36”,X46”,ISLAND)(1946-,MONHEGANWYETHJAMIEBY SOLD SOTHEBY: ’ $529,200.2O,MAYYORK,NEWS

22 PORTLAND MAGAZINE TRENDS Jewelry...FineArt...Crafts& Gifts... 1082 Main Street, Center Lovell, Maine (207)925-6502 www.harvestgoldgallery.com EXQUISITELY AMERICAN CRAFTED ARTISTIC NECESSITIES Alex Katz (1927–, Lincolnville) Rackstraw and Pamela, 77.75" x 90.5", oil on canvas. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May 19, $2,470,000. Harrison Bird Brown (1831–1915, Portland) Rumford Point, 21" x 36", oil on canvas. Sold: Skinner, Malborough, Jan. 28, $4,375.

Berenice Abbott (1898-1991, Monson) Sixth Ave Elevated Train Line, 20" x 16", gelatin silver print. Sold: Millea Bros., May 18, $700. Vivian Milner Akers (1886–1966, Norway) Stormy Sky, Mt. Katahdin, 23" x 20", oil on canvas. Sold: Barridoff Galleries, Mar. 19, $1,500. SEPTEMBER 2022 23 Stephen Morgan Etnier (1903–1984, Harp swell) The Fleet. 24" x 20", oil on canvas. Sold: Barridoff Galleries, Mar. 19, $2,250.

24 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Lynne Mapp Drexler (1928–1999, Monhegan Island) Herbert’s Garden, 63.625" x 83.5", oil on canvas. Sold: Christie’s New York, May 13, $1,500,000. David Clyde Driskell (1931–2020, Falmouth) Masked Forest, 21.75" x 16.5", mixed media. Sold: Swann Auction Galleries, Mar. 30, $10,000. Marsden Hartley (1877–1943, Lewiston) Songs of Winter, 9" x 12", oil on board. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May 18, $227,200. David Clyde Driskell The Maid, 7.5" x 6", linocut on paper. Sold: Hindman, Chicago, May 12, $813. Robert Henri (1865-1929, Monhegan Island) La Mora, 41" x 33", oil on canvas. Sold: Bonhams New York, May 26, $409,875. Boothbay Region Art Foundation One Townsend Avenue, Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04538 www.boothbayartists.org • boothbayartists@gmail.com Open daily May through October We are a non-profit gallery, showcasing 120 regional artists in four major shows. Boothbay Region Art Foundation One Townsend Avenue, Boothbay Harbor, www.boothbayartists.orgMaine Open daily May through October We are a non-proft gallery, showcasing 120 regional artists in four major shows.

SEPTEMBER 2022 25 POLSONCHRIS Twisted inches72x72Linen,Oil20170n Contemplative,Unexpected,Exciting NEW WORKS August through October 2022 Receptions August 26 & September 30 5pm 8pm 63 Main www.apertofineart.comBridgton,StreetMaine thegallery@apertofineart.com(207)291-4245 Brought to you by Kidder & LaCroix FineApertoArt Through October 16, 2022 Andrew Wyeth: Life and Death Through December 11, 2022 Sarah Cain: hand in hand Through August 14, 2022 Act of Sight: The Tsiaras Family Photographywww.museum.colby.eduCollection Above: Ralph Eugene Meatyard (American, 1925–1972), Untitled, ca. 1959. Gelatin silver print, 9 ¾ × 10 in. Gift of Dr. William and Nancy Tsiaras. 158.2020; Installation view of Sarah Cain: hand in hand; Andrew Wyeth, John Olson’s Funeral, 1945. Watercolor on paper. © 2021 Andrew Wyeth/Artists Rights Society (ARS). New Britain Museum of American Art, Charles F. Smith Fund, 1945.26. free and open to all

26 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Jill Hoy Gallery 80 Main Stonington,StreetMaine Open 11-5 daily through Labor Day. Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday & by appointment (and by chance) into the fall. Contemporary landscapes of Coastal Maine Gallery (207) 367-2777 Home (207) Jahoy1@gmail.comwww.JillHoy.com367-2368 Western Maine’s hub for outdoor recreation, entertainment, & environmental education Coming Soon! COMEDIAN IAN STUART “Welcome to Maine” THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 lakesidenorway.com@lakeside_norway

SEPTEMBER 2022 27 TRENDS Leon Kroll (1884–1974, Monhegan Island) Portrait of Hayden Tucker, 32" x 43.25", oil on canvas. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, Mar. 4, $6,300. Richard Estes (1932–,Mount Desert Island) Broadway Still Life, 19" x 13", oil on wood panel. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, Mar. 11, $107,100. Stephen Morgan Etnier The Wreck, Basin Point, Harpswell, 16" x 20", oil on canvas. Sold: Barridoff Galleries, Mar. 19, $6,000. Rockwell Kent (1812–1971, Monhegan Island) Detail fromThe Cabins, 2.875" x 6.625", pen and ink on wove paper. Sold: Swann Auction Galleries, June 30, $8,125. Lynne Mapp Drexler To Seed, 23" x 17", oil on canvas. Sold: Barridoff Galleries, Mar. 19, $25,000. Marsden Hartley Apples in a Basket, 13.25" x 18.5", lithograph on light tan wove paper. Sold: Swann Auction Galleries, Mar. 10, $1,625. N.C. Wyeth (1882–1945, Port Clyde) Christ mas Tree, 41.75" x 31.25", oil on canvas. Sold: Christie’s New York, May 17, $478,800.

28 PORTLAND MAGAZINE B ayview 58 Maine Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011 www.bayviewgallery.com G allery High Paddock by Sam Vokey, oil on linen, 24” x 48” PORTLAND | WESTBROOK (207) harmonsbartons.com774-5946584CongressSt,Portland,ME04101

SEPTEMBER 2022 29 TRENDS Winslow Homer (1836–1910, Scarborough) Startled, 14" x 19.75", gouache and charcoal on paper. Sold: Christie’s New York, Jan. 19, $187,500. Waldo Peirce (1884–1970, Bangor) Earl Grindell’s Lumber Mill, 37.25" x 49.25", oil on canvas. Sold: Thomaston Place Auction Galleries, Feb. 27, $7,000. William Zorach (1887–1966, Georgetown) Ethel and Street Scene, 31.25" x 25.24", oil on canvas Sold: Heritage Auctions, Dallas, May 10, $25,000.





John Marin (1870–1953, Marin Island, Small Point, Maine Series No. 16.25" x 20.75", watercolor on Sold: Shannon’s, Apr. 28, $105,000. Welliver (1929–2005, Lincolnville)

Alfred Chadbourn (1921–1998, Yarmouth) of Pemaquid, 24" x oil on linen. : Skinner, Marlborough, Jan. 28, $2,375. Peirce Bowl of with x Barridoff Mar. 19, $800.




17", oil on can vas. Sold:

Maiden’s Cliff, 36" x 36", screenprint. Sold: Ro Gallery, May 26, $3,400. Kuniyoshi (1893–1953, Ogunquit) Life with Columbine and Yellow Flower 20.75" x 14.625", Sold: Rago and Auction Center, May 24,$15,000.


Nude Figures in Background, 12"









SEPTEMBER 2022 31 De’ Bramble Gallery 16 Middle Street / Freeport, Maine 207-865-3373 / Debrambleart.com 1 Old Firehouse Lane, Northeast Harbor, Maine artemisgalleryme.com 207.276.3001 Lyle Salmi

TRENDS 866 936 Georgetowngeorgetownpottery.com7687|Woolwich|Freeport Visit any of our three coastal showrooms or outlet barn to nd gifts for every occasion. Explore pottery for every room of your home, as well as our collection of local and American crafts and jewelry. Open 7 days. Kitchen | Dining | Home | Garden | Jewelry | American Crafts Since 1972, the Georgetown Pottery has been handcrafting pottery on the coast of Maine with a balance of beauty and function. From mugs and place settings to lamps and one-of-a-kind wedding gifts, a trip to Maine isn’t complete without a visit to one of our three showrooms, working studio, or outlet barn. Visit Us is Summer! Maurice Prendergast (1858–1924, Brooks ville) Montparnasse, 13.75 " x 20", water color and pencil on paper. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May 18, $189,000. Georgia O’Keeffe (1887–1986, York) Water fall, No. 2, Īao Valley, 24" x 20", oil on canvas. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May 18, $2,470,000. Alex Katz Sara Mearns, 8.26" x 8.26", Limoges porcelain plate. Sold: TGP Auction, Jun. 12, $94.

SEPTEMBER 2022 33 Eric Hopkins (1951–, North Haven) Looking Far and Over, 26.5" x 33", mixed media on paper. Sold: Thomaston Place Auction Gal leries, Feb. 27, $4,500. Louise Nevelson (1899–1988, Rockland) Rain Forest Column XXI, 92" x 13" x 12", painted wood. Sold: Phillips New York, May 19, $630,000. Andrew Wyeth (1917–2009, Cushing) Drift ing, 23.75" x 29.5", tempera on panel. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May 20, $882,000. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME We are always seeking quality items for our auctions, from exceptional singular items to entire collections and estates. We also purchase estates, silver, gold and antique items. Contact us today to learn more! 147 MAIN STREET, FREEPORT, CASCOBAYAUCTIONS.COMMAINE Andrew Davis, Auctioneer Lic. 1654 207.370.4746 S old for $49,725 S old for $5,405 S old for $14,040 S old for $5,781 S old for $5,040 773.7210 375 Fore Street in the old Port Facebook.com/bullFeeneyS @bullFeeneyS After a lengthy slumber... WE ARE OPEN AGAIN! Scratch-made • Nice People • Authentic Bull Feeney’sportland’s pub www.portlandmonthly.com775-0101

OCTOBER 28, 2022 – MARCH 18, 2023

Louise Nevelson I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside, from the album Façade, 22" x 17", screen print with collage on acetate. Sold: Hindman, Chicago, May 12, $594.

Robert Indiana LOVE (Right), 3" x 3", alumi num. Sold: Uniques & Antiques Auctioneers, June 14, $175.

Maurice Prendergast Waterfall, 24.125" x 20.125", oil on canvas. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May 18, $88,200.


OCTOBER 28, 2022 – MARCH 18, 2023


Pedagogy Art selected from the collection for its potential to be integrated into a wide array of courses across academic disciplines by faculty and students. Pedagogy will interest the general public, too, since these works–and others like them in the collection–are points of departure for explorations of a world of ideas for museum visitors of all ages.

75 RUSSELL STREET, LEWISTON, MAINE 04240 VISITING HOURS Mon, Wed 10am-7:30pm Tues, urs, Fri, Sat, 10am-5pm, Open by appointment. Closed during college holidays and between exhibitions 207.786.6158 BATES.EDU/MUSEUM

Robert Indiana (1928–2018, Vinalhaven) Cho sen Love (Left), 95.28" x 96.46", skein dyed, hand carved and hand tufted archival New Zea land woolen rug, with natural latex backing. Sold: Phillips London, June 14, $8,455.

Expressions of Compassion: Selections from The Barbara Morris Goodbody Photography Collection With this exhibition, the museum celebrates a generous gi of over 100 photographs that focus on compassion and the human condition, from Barbara Morris Goodbody.

Title from " e Royal Love Child", a 1904 poem by Hartley

And So Did Pleasure Take the Hand of Sorrow and They Wandered Through the Land of Joy Eric Aho Jack Balas Katherine Bradford Jennifer Coates Lois Dodd Mark Milroy John O'Reilly Dan Schein and drawings by Marsden Hartley A group exhibition of artists whose work engages with the work of Marsden Hartley, and drawings by Hartley selected by the artists.

Kaitlyn Miller Martha Miller Store and Gallery Hours Wednesday and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 386 Main Street, Rockland, ME • (207) 596-0701 eArchipelago.net

THE POEM READS: “There is no moment of my life when you are not a part of me; you hold my heart; you guard my soul; youguide my dreams so tenderly. And if my will might be done,and all I long for could come true, with perfect joyI would choose to share eternity with you.”

Fairfeld Porter (1907–1975, Great Spruce Head Island) Portrait of Edith Schloss in Por ter’s Southampton Parlor, 40.25" x 33.25", oil on canvas. Sold: Sotheby’s New York, May. 20, $252,000. Andrew Wyeth a fgure carrying a pine tree, 5.25" x 3.5", pen and ink on cardstock. Sold: Caza Sikes, Jun. 16, $1,000.

36 PORTLAND MAGAZINE TRENDS DearTheReader,drawing you see above is called For Now and Ever. It is completely composed of dots of ink. After writing the poem, I worked with a quill pen and placed thousands of these dots, one at a time, to create this gift in honor of the love of two of my dearest friends. Now, I have decided to offer For Now and Ever to those who have known and value its sentiment as well. Each litho is numbered and signed by hand and precisely captures the detail of the drawing. As an anniversary, wedding, or Valentine’s gift for your husband or wife, or for a special couple within your circle of friends, I believe you will find it most appropriate. Measuring 14" by 16", it is available either fully-framed in a subtle copper tone with handcut double mats of pewter and rust at $145*, or in the mats alone at $105*. Please add $18.95 for insured shipping. Returns/exchanges within 30 days. My best wishes are with you. Sextonart Inc. • P.O. Box 581 • Rutherford, CA 94573 (415) 989-1630 All major credit cards are welcomed. Please call between 10 A M -5 P M Pacific Standard Time, 7 days a week. Checks are also accepted. Please include a phone number. *California residents please include 8.0% tax Please visit our website at www.robertsexton.com

For Now And EverA Most Unusual Gift of Love

SEPTEMBER 2022 37 146 Middle St., Portland, ME (207) info@greenhutgalleries.com772-2693 G reenhutGalleries.com September 1 – October 1, 2022 JOEL BABBForest Murmurs - The Maine Woods “A lake…is the earth’sHenryeye.”DavidThoreau See it aboard the Katahdin. Katahdin Cruises on Moosehead Lake. Sailing late June through mid-October Tel: (207) 695-2716 Fax: (207) 695-2367 PO Box 1151 Greenville, ME 04441 www.katahdincruises.com 1945 Congress St, Portland Call or email for a tour or quote 207.773.6939 ext. 301 k_mcdonough@yahoo com www.portlandelks188.org NEWLY RENOVATED Ballroom accommodates up to 250 for Wedding PackagesCompleteReceptionsWeddingincludingcatering,florals,linensFullServiceAmpleFreeParkingUnbeatablePricing


Dahlov Ipcar (1917–2017, Georgetown) Detail from Brazilian Jungle, 24” x 31”, oil on canvas. Sold: Barridoff Galleries, Mar. 19, $27,500.

See our story “Natural Woman,” May 2022.

Speaking of Dahlov Ipcar, at press time Gallery X claims that “another forgery” of a Dahlov Ipcar painting in their pos session “is being highlighted” in a cata logue at Auction House Y. We inquired about this and were told: “Ipcar was known to do similar paintings. We’ve sold quite a few, and this is the first time anything like this has come up.” Re: Ipcar forgeries in general, Gallery Z says they “don’t know of any” and that forgers “follow the market and generally go after higher hammer prices.”

38 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Quality Custom Picture Framing The Village Framer Conservation ❧ Design ❧ Preservation 438 Route One, Yarmouth www.thevillageframer.com207-846-0444

SEPTEMBER 2022 39 TRENDS William Zorach Female Nude, 12"x 8.25" x 27", marble. Sold: Clarke Auction Gallery, Feb. 6, $850. William Stanley Haseltine (1835-1900, Mount Desert Island) Bald Face Cliff, Ogun quit, Maine, 12" x 15.75", oil on board. Sold: Nye and Company, Jan. 19, $1,000. Marguerite Thompson Zorach (1887–1968, Georgetown) The Zorach Family in a Land scape and Floral Still Life: A Double-Sided Painting, 23.75" x 19", oil on canvas. Sold: Christie’s New York, May 17, $214,200. n

SEPTEMBER 2022 41 Brush WITH NATURE A PLEIN AIR PAINTING EVENT AND ART AUCTION Join us for a live auction event Sept. 29, 2022 at Gilsland Farm Audubon Center, Falmouth 26+ new paintings created at Maine Audubon sanctuaries Tickets & maineaudubon.org/brushwithnatureInfo: Let’s Talk. “ We were driving the coast, so to speak, I think maybe in a station wagon. He fell in love with wherever we went, and now he’d fallen in love with Maine. We talked excitedly in the car. We were looking for a house on the water. We did examine the place! We kept driving north along the water until I don’t really remember the name of the town. We went quite a ways up, actually, because it was so beautiful. To John, each place was more beautiful than the last." —Interview with Yoko Ono by Colin W. Sargent, Summerguide 2003. 207-775-0101

Bucksport—Bucksport—Bucksport—Bucksport Penobscot Narrows Bridge Fort Knox Waterfront Walkway Lighthouse Gallery, 86 Main St, Bucksport, ME 04416 www.LighthouseGalleryMaine.com 207 702 9135 Lighthouse Gallery ofers art lovers unique paintngs, jewelry, woodworking, cards, and more by local Maine Artsts. Enjoy views of the Penobscot Narrows Bridge, historic Fort Knox, and wander the Waterfront Walkway. Visit Port O ’Call for beautful imports from the U.K., then browse the shops and restaurants of Bucksport!

Bucksport—Bucksport—Bucksport—Bucksport Enjoy the variety of artwork of the 70+ Maine artsts at the Lighthouse Gallery, open Wednesday through Saturday. Jane Gilbert, Acrylics & Oils Ron McHugh, Photography ClaireAuthorAckroyd, Jane Harvey Meade, Author Lois Gopin, Oils Barbara Stainman, Mult media Paul Teigeler, Photography JoAnne Wilkinson, Jewelry Judy Graebert, Acrylics Nancy Earle, Acrylics Barbara Shelley, Oils Carol Lata, Acrylics & OilsNancy Culver, Pastels

You Make the Memories We Manage the Maintenance Enjoy maintenance-free boating with the nation’s largest boat club. Multiple, afordable membership plans available with unlimited boat usage at 6 locations in Maine including Boothbay, Yarmouth, Naples, Sebago Lake, Portland & South Portland. Boating Made Simple® FreedomBoatClubMaine.com | 207-331-5374 | infoMaine@freedomboatclub.com Find Your Freedom PLUS FREE access to boats at 350+ locations across the U.S., Canada & Europe.

T hey’ve blown the roof off at Portland Harbor Hotel. Just look up. From your table above the wa terfront you have views of the Milky Way, re-imagined. Harbor Bistro + Terrace is a novel way to add a new dimension to your distancing, not to mention romance. A Yu zu Whiskey Sour ($14) seems like a good SEPTEMBER 2022 45 AFTER DARK HENZESIONABOTTOM:RANDALL;LILYTOP: Sky Society Make your evening a celestial event. Dine under the stars. FROM STAFF & WIRE REPORTS Bayside Bowl Luna

46 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Merrell | Keen | Teva | Sperry | New Balance | Birkenstock | Brooks | facebook.com/colburn-shoe-storeDanskoinstagram.com/colburnshoe 79 Main Street, Belfast | 207-338-1934 AMERICA’S OLDEST SHOE STORE COLBURNSHOE.COM

idea up here, a zig of citrus exploding ziggurats of stars. Just add Bulleit Bourbon and simple syrup. Or cast your eyes on the heavens above Rí Rá, Flatbread SEPTEMBER 2022 47 AFTER DARK HENZESIONA Flatbread Company & Rí Rá 5 PORTL AN D PI ER, P ORTL AND | (2 0 7) 772- 4 82 8 Your table is ready Come Out of Your Shell

Courthouse Gallery Fine Art 6 Court Street, Ellsworth, Maine 207 667 6611 courthousegallery.com Courthouse Gallery Fine Art JON I MBER AUGUS T 7 – SEPTEM BE R 7, 2022 Tiger Lily 2009, oil on canvas, 62 x 66 inches

The late abstractions are Jon Imber’s full-throated affirmation of his being as an artist—about leaving a mark. His sure and gentle touch in the formative subject of his paintings, along with an exquisite sense of line and color that is seemingly born of Maine and, one imagines, of his memories growing up on the South shore of Long Island near Jones Beach where Brooklyn and Manhattan multitudes flocked during the summer months to escape New York heat waves. The jostling forms against the airy ground are a Billy Joel or Harry Chapin ballad of melodic, visual harmonies. Cats and cradles, and uptown girls. — Chris Crossman, excerpt from the exhibition catalog

Company, and Boone’s. Stars and harbor re ections make the perfect pairing. Coming attractions for sky lovers in clude the Top of the East lounge on the roof of the Westin Portland Harborview. SEPTEMBER 2022 49 AFTER DARK CALCAGNIMILENA A third generation of contemporary American jewelry & product design Eleven Elm Street • Camden, Maine 04843 • 207-236-2708 THOMASMICHAELS.comP2022©THOMASMICHAELSHOTOCREDIT:THOMASMICHAELSANDWILLIAMTHUSS TMichaels500hPortlandMag2205.qxp 3/11/22 3:35 PM Page 1 DiMillo’s on the Water

50 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Our daily struggle with digital over-stimulation is continuous and real. With emails, pop-up ads, and notifications, we are often in sensory overload. Reading a print publication is a focused experience outside of the digital realm. Printed content has tested better with brand recall than digital, and is easier on the eyes. Bottom line: printed publications provide readers with a meaningful and memorable experience. Cummings Printing is a third-generation family-owned company specializing in printing high-quality, shortrun publications. At each phase of the print process, they provide a human-touch that is unmatched by the competition. We help you create compelling publications so your readers truly understand the allure of the printed word. NOTIFICATIONS cummingsprinting.com 4 Peters Brook Drive | P.O. Box 16495 | Hooksett, NH 03106-6495 | 800-647-0035 http://www.facebook.com/CummingsPrinting @CummingsPrint info@cummingsprinting.com See us at BigfootofMaine.com © Copyright Lee Valley Tools Ltd. Overmarriages5000 saved!/1 BIGFOOT MADE IN THE USA The Original Urban... ... Indoor Overshoe™ Dermatologist Wanted for Luxury Waterfront Medical O ce Kennebec Dermatology 2239 Atlantic Highway, Lincolnville, ME Contact Us for More Information (207) 877-9562 • kennebecmedical.com — Additional O ce Space Available for Lease — Competitive Wages, Generous Sign-On Bonus, 401K, Health Insurance, Scheduling Flexibility, On-Premise Apartment Available

Left: “Indoors” below the stars at the Portland Harbor Hotel’s Harbor Bistro + Terrace, a hidden gem. Photo courtesy of Kayak.com Westin Harborview Hotel, Top of the East Photos by Hanna Flewelling It’s just been revamped, and why wouldn’t it be? Not only is it at the top of Congress Square, it’s at the top of Northern New England. From the new drinks menu: a playful laven der lemonade mocktail. More starry nights with breezy distancing await at DiMillo’s on the Water, Novare Res Bier Cafe, Portland Lobster Company, Terlingua Restaurant & Market, e irsty Pig, The Treehouse Restaurant, Via Vecchia, Yosaku Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar n SEPTEMBER 2022 51 AFTER DARK 9 Center Street | Portland, Maine 04101 | 207.791.5000 | canopyportlandwaterfront.com

MANY THINGS LEAD TO ADDICTION. WE CAN LEAD YOU OUT. The caring, compassionate sta at Camden’s Borden Cottage o er world-class addiction treatment in a luxurious, private location far away from the stresses of everyday life. At Borden Cottage, you can finally focus on learning the skills you need to maintain a drug- and alcohol-free life. Recovery isn’t easy, but it is possible. 877.973.3532 mclean.org/borden

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BARBICANPRESS.COM/BOOK/RED-HANDS/ FEBRUARYCOMING2023 “Death to the Dracu grandson!” In terror, Iordana Ceausescu of Romania disappeared in secret to Old Orchard Beach with her son while the world searched for them. She lived a buried life among us for fve years. Drawn from 800 hours of unique interviews with Iordana. Colin W. Sargent’s Red Hands—“an astounding account of the Romanian revolution in the voice of Ceausescu’s daughter-in-law.” –Martin Goodman in the Morning Star “Brilliant. If the novel is Macbeth then it is Romeo and Juliet too, for the pounding heart of the book is a great love story that never fails to move. A tale from last century and a warning for this one, Red Hands is a novel of rare power that teaches us much about Romania and even more about ourselves.” –D. D. Johnston

3.1. Visit our galleries, craft shows and webshop to purchase from these Maine artists, plus the work of 500+ more. Your purchases support individual craft artists and the Maine Crafts Association!ShopMaineCraft.com Creator of the original Front Pocket Wallet with unique leathers, now offering women's totes • rogue-industries.com2. ROGUE INDUSTRIES Beautiful jewelry handmade in my Maine island studio • mozellefinejewelry.com4. MOZELLE FINE JEWELRY Handcrafted in Kennebunkport. A socially responsible eco-conscious small business since 1997 • jakdesigns.com1. JAK KENNEBUNKPORT Ergonomic body focused furniture and custom designs • owlfurniture.com3. OWL FURNITURE, A WING OF GEOFFREY WARNER STUDIO 4.2. Made by hand, Made in Maine

Maine Made 56 PORTLAND MAGAZINE MAINE STATE PRISON SHOWROOM Craftsmen Rebuilding Their Lives — Since 1824 QUALITY HANDCRAFTED FURNITURE, TOYS, ARTS & CRAFTS 358 Main Street (Route 1), Thomaston, Maine 04861 · 207-354-9237 · Open Daily, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. · On Facebook at MSPShowroom For an exciting and rewarding career in corrections contact, by phone call or text, the Maine State Prison at (207) 816-1173. Wells Jr High 1470 Post Rd (Route 1), Wells am–4 pm • Free Parking & www.SummerSolsticeCraftShows.comAdmission207-967-2251 September 10 & 11 S ummer Solstice Craft2022Show SummerSolstice ofLeagueMaine H ILLTOP B OILERS pure maple www.hilltopboilers.com159ElmStreet,New field, Maine 04056 Our Maple Store is open every Saturday 10AM-4PM Wholesale orders / Restaurant Supply, please call 207-793-8850 FREE US shipping over $50- Enter discount code “bestofmaine”

Maine Made MAPLE PEPPER ® Made with 100% pure maple sugar— savory with a touch of sweetness. Try it once. You’ll come back for more! Highland Foods, Newcastle, Maine Order online www.MAPLEPEPPER.comat SEPTEMBER 2022 57 ARTDESIGNCRAFT 263 WA TER S TREE T, G A RD I NER , MAI NE 207 512 4679 WW W .M ON KI TREE . CO M Central Maine Clay Artists offer artistic & functional designs that are inspired by all the state has to offer.

South Portland 29HighNorthWestern Ave. @Capshore Portland Wellness Connection 685 Congress St. Gardiner Wellness Connection 31 Maine Ave. Brewer Wellness Connection 221 Dirigo Dr. Maine is Rec! Recreational cannabis. You must be 21 years or older. Keep product out of the reach of children. License #AMS338. Free Parking | Med Card highnorthmaine.comDiscounts


B eing an Olympic gold medalist and an international hoop star gives you a free pass just about anywhere. That’s what some of us no doubt jealously thought. But Sheremetyevo International Air port outside Moscow isn’t exactly just about“Russiananywhere.customs o cials said a U.S. bas ketball player had vape cartridges containing hashish oil in her luggage. A Russian news agency identi ed the player as [Brittney] Griner,” the New York Times reported. e Phoenix Mercury WNBA star, who possessed a medical marijuana card issued to her in Arizona, was carrying less than a gram of cannabis oil, illegal in Russia e prosecutor asked for nine and a half years out of a maximum of ten, and Griner was sentenced to nine. She’s also been ned one million rubles (about $16,300 USD).

“Is that like what Brittney Griner was carrying?”“Itwould basically be a couple of these.”“I’m still trying to get it through my head. She's facing frightening consquences in a strange land a er six months in the slammer away from her family—but if she were here, no problem.” “Yeah, I know. It’s legal in Maine. You’re allowed to leave our store with ve grams of concentrate. Every single day.”

DIFFERENT STROKES It’s a slam-dunk irony that she’d be in no trouble whatsoever if this had happened in Maine “For vaping, cartridges range between $44 and $55 with tax,” I learn from a quick call to Sweet Dirt on Forest Avenue. “ at’s half a gram in a cartridge.”

60 PORTLAND MAGAZINE CBD The Highest Quality CBD Products on the Market! Face Cream CBG Flower CBD Sparkling Tea Massage Oil VG CloudEdiblesTinctures Body Lotion Canine Tinctures CBD WaterOmega3SolubleCandy Pet HempMassageBathProductsBombsGummiesLotionSoapwithCBD&More! THE MOST POWERFUL CBD HEMP OIL AmericanCBDAVAILABLEPRODUCTSShaman TM Visit Us! www.CBDSouthernMaine.com207-406-2875 Veterans, public safety personnel and those aged 65 or older receive a 10% in-store discount. Healing without the high. We don’t make claims, our customers do. 117 Maine Street, Brunswick ME

Your destination for adventure. Experience the dramatic beauty of the White Mountains when you drive yourself or take a guided tour on the 7.6 mile Mt. Washington Auto Road. Explore family-friendly Great Glen Trails on a bike or take a guided wildlife kayak tour. Stay at the award winning Glen House Hotel with full service bar and restaurant. 1 Mt. Washington Auto Road, Gorham, NH mt-washington.com | (603) 466-3988 Legendary.

Between the Sets


Get ready for Megadeth swoop ing into Maine Sav ings Amphithat er on September 17. We caught up with lead guitarist Kiko Loureiro, who’s brought his own amenco air to Megadeth’s signature sound. e Brazilian na tive details his journey from the crowd to the world stage to a sensa tional fall performance in Bangor How’d you join Megadeth? Dave Mustaine and Megadeth’s manage ment reached out and asked me to send some videos of me playing. I wanted to re spond as fast as possible to prove I was able to play and deliver quickly, so I had the weekend to learn four songs. I memorized them. I didn’t just want to read the sheet music—I wanted to play from my heart. I tried to learn by ear so I wasn’t playing the songs the same way they were recorded on the albums. When I got the job and met Dave, he showed me the right way to play. It was only a er having seen Dave playing in front of me that I understood those nuances way better. Favorite/most challenging songs? “Holy Wars” and “Tornado of Souls” are amazing songs, but they’re di cult to learn, especially in two days, so you need some guitar skills to play them! Does the classical/flamenco guitar you played as a child influence the metal you play now? De nitely yes! It’s easy to play Vivaldi or Paganini with distortion—it just works perfectly! It’s cool to connect those two worlds, and it’s easy because there are a lot of similarities. Classical guitar is more mellow, but we play with a lot of pasion and energy. You play fast and in minor keys. Deep Purple and so many other bands made those connections in the 1970s, and we do it in songs like “Conquer or Die.” I love to play classical guitar when I want to relax, and it feels very natural to bring that to Megadeth. What makes a good riff? It has to be catchy and have some energy. We’re always playing things that sound familiar, but with some twist and some thing special. It’s about the feeling and the heart.


A guitar hero climbs onstage with his own guitar heroes


Music classes, lessons, ensembles, and much more for music lovers of all ages. Sign up today! 317 CommunityMainMusicCenter Main Street, Yarmouth www. main.org ( )The Cumberland Fair is celebrating our 150th Fair with a great week of agriculture, entertainment, food, Professional Rodeo, history and all the “Fair Fun” you can manage! Full schedule available on Facebook or at www.cumberlandfair. com! Cumberland Fairgrounds - 197 Blanchard Rd., Cumberland, ME. Join us for the 150 th Cumberland Fair! THE OGUNQUIT PLAYHOUSE AT THE MUSIC HALL PRESENTS NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 18 PRESENTING HOLIDAY SPONSOR: The Historic Theater 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth | The Lounge 131 Congress St., Portsmouth /MusicHall @MusicHall /MusicHallNH | /MusicHallLounge /MusicHallLounge TheMusicHall.org • 603.436.2400 DANCE PAUL TAYLOR DANCE COMPANY Sat., September 10 • Historic Theater MUSIC THE ROBERT CRAY BAND Tue., September 13 • Historic Theater WRITERS ON A NEW ENGLAND STAGE HUMA ABEDIN Tue., September 27 • Historic Theater COMEDY EDDIE B Sat., October 22 • Historic Theater UPCOMING FALL SHOWS SPONSORS:SERIESMUSIC HAMP TO N HAMPTON SPONSORS:SERIESCOMEDYMEDIA PARTNER:WRITERS ON A NEW ENGLAND STAGE IS A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN:SPONSOR:PRESENTINGDANCE 64 PORTLAND MAGAZINE

What goes into the writing process? e compositions are really based on ri s. It starts as improvisation—just playing dif ferent ideas with di erent tempos, keys, and moods. You record those ideas and go back to select the best ones to re-record and ne-tune. Once you connect them, you write the lyrics and melodies and start building the whole song. You imagine your self on the concert stage, imagining your in uences and heroes. How does it feel to play with the band? I’ll never forget my rst concert playing with Megadeth in 2015. I could still re member Dave Mustaine on the stage when I rst saw him play at Rock in Rio in Brazil when I was 19. [ irty] years later, I’m play ing with the band! What’s it like to see the band's legacy being passed on to other young fans like you? At concerts we see parents bringing their kids, and di erent generations of fans all wearing matching T-shirts. It’s so cool! With sports, you support a speci c team and pass that on to the next generation. Megadeth is exactly that, and we see it all over the world. e music creates this bond between parents and their kids. e power of music is amazing! n

See full schedule SacoRiverTheater.orgonline: Novel GaelicSUN,AmericanSeptetJazzJazzNOV13•3:00PMKyleCareyAmericanaSinger/GuitaristSAT,SEPT17•7:30PM Erica Brown and the ConnectionBlugrassSAT,NOV26•7:30PMMetaBeatBeatlesTributewithaTwistSUN,SEPT18•7:30PMThe Originals present The Holdup a play by Marsha Norman OCT 28–NOV 5 207-929-6473 | SacoRiverTheatre.org | 29 Salmon Falls Rd, Bar Mills, ME WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THIS FALL! Marine Room, Ocean Terrace and The Porch Live Music thursday, friday & saturday 5-7pm Dining noon - 9:30 pm 207-967-3331 thecolonyhotel.com 140 Ocean Ave, Kennebunkport, ME Oceanfront Lodging, Dining & Gatherings



Maine Lobster Week, state wide. The state’s frst week long celebration of lobster. Lobster shacks, diners, food trucks, & restaurants across the state will prepare Maine lobster in dishes ranging from classic lobster rolls to fne dining multi-course meals, mainelobsterweek.com.Sept.19–25.

DamariscottaPump-kinfest&Regatta , downtown Damariscotta. Pumpkin-boat regatta & derby, pumpkin catapulting, giant pumpkin art, pumpkin-pie eating, & parade, Oct. 7–10. 380-3160. Eliot Festival Day, Ham mond Park & Eliot Elemen tary School, 1298 State Rd. Community event featuring a 5K road race, outhouse race, crafts, food, live music, dancing, parade, & colonial reenactment, Sept. 24. eliot festivaland5k.com. Fall Foliage Festival, Rail way Village, 586 Wiscas set Rd., Boothbay. Artisan demos, food trucks, music, & children’s corner, Oct. 8–9. 633-4727. Family Harvest Days, Rail way Village, 586 Wiscasset Rd., Boothbay. Celebrate the bounty of autumn at this old-fashioned, family friendly festival, Oct. 1. 633-4727.

Festivals Acadia Night Sky Festival, various locations in Bar Harbor. Offering presentations, gath erings, & activities to be fnal ized, Sept. 21–25. 801-2566. Camden International Film Festival, online & in person at venues in Camden, Rockport, & Rockland. Filmmakers will be in attendance, the Points North Pitch will return as a live event, & over 50 flmmaker fellows will be on the ground for the fest, Sept. 15–25. 200-3171. Common Ground Country Fair, 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity. Celebrate the organic and rural version of the good life and learn new things about farming. Agricultural demon strations plus pro duce & crafts ven dors, food, & music, Sept.568-4142.23–25.

Sting performs at Maine SeptemberinAmphitheaterSavingsBangoron11.

Maine Lakes Brew Fest, 261 Point Sebago Rd., Casco. The area’s largest mainelakesbrewfest.com.Craftfood,micro-brews,madefeaturessamplingannualeventMaine-beers,&wine;withlivemusic,&ArtisansShow,Sept.24.

New Portland Lion’s Fair, 280 School St., New Portland. Demolition derby, truck & tractor pulls, cornhole, & on-site camping, Sept. 16–18. 628-3171.

Freeport Fall Festival, L.L. Bean, 95 Main St. Over 150 of the best New England art ists, craftsmen, & local food producers, with live music, Sept. 30–Oct. 1. Freeportfall festival.com. Fryeburg Fair, 1154 Main St. Features livestock, agriculture & farming exhibitions, live en tertainment, skil let & anvil 2–9.way,FieldWoodsmen'sthrow,Day,mid&food,Oct.935-3268. Harvestfest, Short Beach,SandsYork. Lo cal food vendors, kids 15.&marketold-fashionedjuriedactivities,crafters,vendors,livemusic,Oct.363-4422.


Old Orchard Beach Car Show, 11 First St. One of New England’s largest car shows highlighting cars in many different categories & classes, Friday Night Show case, & live music, Sept. 16–17. 934-2500. Oxford County Fair, 67 Pottle Rd. Livestock shows, horse pulling, traditional farming & crafting demon strations, live music, food, & woodsmen day competi tions, Sept. 14–17. 739-2204. Southern Maine Steam punk Fair, Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St., Kennebunk. Maine’s only steampunk fair with vendors of Victorian-futuristic arts & crafts and Victorian lawn games, Sept. 17. 985-4802. Strung Together Campout, Searsport Shores Ocean Campground, 216 W. Main St., Searsport. Old Time, Americana, & Bluegrass jams, workshops, & performances for musi-cians of all together.ersguildmaine.org/strung-16–18.retreat,Bendaties.abiliWithGee’sQuiltingSept.mak Swine & Stein Brewfest, Water St., Gardiner. All-day sampling of Maine beers, wines, & spirits with great music, food vendors, and fun games, Oct. 8. 582-3100. Theater Belfast Maskers, 17 Court St., Belfast. The Lady in the Van, Oct. 6–16. 619-3256. Carousel Music Theater, 196 Townsend Ave., Booth bay Harbor. The Marvelous Wonderettes, through Sept. 24. 633-5297. City Theater, 205 Main St., Biddeford. Sylvia, Oct. 7–23. 282-0849. Good Theater, St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St. The Lifespan of a Fact, Oct. 5–30. 835-0895. Lakewood Theater, 76 The ater Rd., Madison. Anything to Declare?, Sept. 15–18 & 21–24. 474-7176. Mad Horse Theater, 24 Mosher St., South Portland. When We Were Young and Unafraid, Seot.


Fall Guide


CountyberlandCumFair, 829-5531.nessdemolitionlivestock,shows,tionRodeo,Rd.197Fairgrounds,CumberlandBlanchardAllAmericanexhibihalls,animalmidway,animalpulls,derby,&harracing,Sept.25–Oct.1.

68 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Inn & Restaurant Est. 1899 Lodging & Dining at Water’s Edge 16 PICKFORD ROAD, RANGELEY, ME 207-864-LOON (5666) www.loonlodgeme.com October 2-9, 2022 8 Full Days Sunday to www.fryeburgfair.orgSunday Agriculture & Livestock Woodsmen’s Field Day Exhibitions & Museums Tractor & 4WD pulls Harness racing Night Shows & Fireworks Grand www.fryeburgfair.orgMidwaySpectacularParadefood&RidesCampsites



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Billy temberAuraperformsOceanatonSep30. 29–Oct. 23. 747-4148. Ogunquit Playhouse, 10 Main St. Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, Sept. 15–Oct. 30. 646-5511. Penobscot Theatre Company, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main St. Clarkson, Sept. 15–Oct. 2; Ready, Set, Go!, Sept. 25 & Oct. 30. 942-3333. Portland Ovations, Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. Broadway National Tour: Chicago, Oct. 7–8. 842-0800. Portland Stage, 25A Forest Ave. The Great Leap, Sept. 14–Oct. 2. 774-0465. Public Theater, 31 Maple St., Lewiston. Morn ing After Grace, Sept. 16–25 (on-demand Sept. 20–25). 782-3200. Theater at Monmouth, Cumston Hall, 796 Main St. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Sept. 15–25. 933-9999. Waterville Opera House, 1 Common St. School Show: The Emperor’s New Clothes, Oct. 4; School Show: As You Like It, Oct. 12. 873-7000. Dance Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. Farruquito | Flamenco Íntimo, Oct. 26. 842-0800. Portland Ballet, Westbrook Performing Arts Center, 471 Stroudwater St. Giselle, Oct. 28–29. 857-3860. Music Aura, 121 Center St. Panorama, Oct. 1; Clannad Farewell Tour, Oct. 2; Dirty Deeds: The AC/DC Ex perience with Bad Marriage, Oct. 8. 772-8274. Blue, 650A Congress St. Choro Louco, Sept. 16; Way It Works, Sept. 24; Michael Beling, Oct. 1; Tracy McMullen, Oct. 15; Jazz Sesh, every Tue; Irish Session, every Wed. 774-4111. Cadenza, 5 Depot St., Freeport. Anni Clark, Sept. 17; Bess Jacques, Sept. 24; Blues on Sunday with Nelson Checkoway, Per Hanson & Jon Ross, Oct. 2 & 30. 560-5300. Celebration Barn Theater, 190 Stock Farm Rd., South Paris. The Gawler Family Band, Oct. 1. 7438452. Denmark Arts Center, 50 W. Main St. Will Wood son & Caitlin Finley, Sept. 23. 452-2412. Jonathan’s Ogunquit, 92 Bourne Ln. Catie Cur tis & Mark Erelli, Sept. 18; Cris Williamson, Oct. 7; Suede with Fred Boyle & Rich Hill, Oct. 8; Jim Brickman, Oct. 12; Moondance, Oct. 14. 6464777. Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ, Merrill Audi torium, 20 Myrtle St. Orff’s Carmina Burana, Oct. 2 (on-demand Oct. 10). 553-4363. Maine Savings Amphitheater, 1 Railroad St., Bangor. Five Finger Death Punch, Sept. 17; REO Speedwagon & Styx, Sept. 18. 358-9327. Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo St. Symbio, Oct. 8. 879-4629. Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. Héritier Wata nabe, Sept. 30. 842-0800. One Longfellow Square, 181 State St. Portland Jazz Orchestra, Sept. 22; Funkationland, Sept. 23; Emilia Dahlin & Sorcha Cribben-Merrill, Sept. 30; Mary Gauthier & Jaimee Harris, Oct. 7; Mindy Smith, Oct. 14; David Mallett, Oct. 15. 761-1757. Opera House at Boothbay Harbor, 86 Townsend Ave. James Montgomery & his band with Deric Dyer, Sept. 16; Genticorum, Sept. 24; Donna the Buffalo, Oct. 1; Hot Club of Cowtown, Oct. 8. 633-5159. Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St. Enter the Haggis, Sept. 17; The Infamous Stringdusters, Sept. 20; Tessa Violet, Sept. 21; Superorganism, Sept. 27; Maine Dead Project, Sept. 28. 805-0134. Portland Symphony Orchestra, Merrill Audito rium, 20 Myrtle St. Opening Night: DANCE, Sept. 20. 842-0800. Saco River Theater, 29 Salmon Falls Rd., Buxton. Kyle Carey, Sept. 17; MetaBeat, Sept.18. 929-6473. | 207-827-2010

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In your collaboration with composer Wayne Barker, who received a Drama Desk Award and a Tony Award nomination for Best Original Score for the play Peter and the Starcatcher, was there ever any thought of adapting Mr. Holland’s Opus as a straight play with music rather than as a musical? ere wasn’t for us. We were looking for a property to make a musical out of, so we went chasing this all over the place because it was the perfect vehicle. Sometimes movies get bought up by other movie companies and peo ple don’t always keep track of them, so there was a bit of an Easter egg hunt to locate it.

How did your own musical background studying violin before the acting bug bit shape your vision for this musical about a music teacher? I don’t access my sensibility for music in that way anymore, because my performing life has taken on di erent colors, yet coming into this, my a ection for music enhanced by a lit tle bit of knowledge that was dormant came alive. I know how music teachers talk to stu dents, because I’ve had a music teacher, so I know how to write dialogue for this teacher that’s authentic. Wayne is a world-class composer, and we’re sur rounded by real musicians who know much more than I do about music, so it’s part of the fun to see how right can we get it.


You and Ogunquit Playhouse Artistic Director Brad Kenney were in the middle of casting Mr. Holland’s Opus in March 2020 when the pandemic hit. Two years later, were many of the same cast available? A lot can happen in show biz years in 2 years—primarily we had to start over from scratch. I wasn't expecting younger people playing high school students to come to us because they were fond of the 1995 movie and wanted to be part of its adaptation, but hundreds of people auditioned. Did the extended worldwide ban on group music-making change what this story means to you or how you approached it? We’ve taken such pains to retain the avor of the original. You owe it to the creators, but you can’t always be faithful to ev erything, because times change. e nal scene of the mov ie in which everybody comes together is probably the most well known, and that sense of community has emerged as a recurring theme in the show that I didn’t expect it to be when we set out. ese past three years when we dipped our toe in the water of vir tual performance showed us its value as well its shortcomings. It was profoundly palpable in our rehearsals, this collective feeling of appreciation for being in a live room together in real time with out the burdens of technology.

You rarely read a Playbill bio without Law & Order listed among an actor’s screen cred its. Is it fair to say theatergoers owe Law & Order a debt of gratitude for subsidizing the stage careers of so many actors over the course of its 30-year run? I could not have said that better. Kudos to you, because that is abso lutely true for me. To have a contract on a long-running TV show is the dream for an actor, because you don’t have to worry. In 2000 my



BD Wong’s lifelong dream comes true in Ogunquit

SEPTEMBER 2022 71 THEATER Hey, I’m going to change right now—you can go have a cigarette if you want.

L ongstanding Law & Order regular BD Wong wrote the book and lyrics—and now directs—the world premiere of the musical Mr. Holland’s Opus at the Ogunquit Playhouse through September 10.

72 PORTLAND MAGAZINE 196CarouselMusicTheater.orgTownsendAveBoothbay Harbor, Me 04538 | (207) 633-5297 Find Us Aug 30th - Sept 24th “TheWonderettes”Marvelous Upcoming Shows... 207.415.8493 | WWW.FOGGSWATERTAXI.COM Give us a call today to schedule your charter! 207.415.8493 We offer a variety of vessels to accommodate anything your small to midsize group might need. Our fleet includes intimate private charter boats for groups of six and under to our larger Casco Bay Cat for groups of 49 and under. Explore the bay in your own way. All charters are B.Y.O.B and food is welcomed. We also offer water taxi services between the mainland and the many islands of Casco Bay. • Sunset Charters • Lighthouse Charters • Wedding Parties • Bachelorette Parties • Bachelor Parties • Water Taxi Fogg’s Water Taxi PRECAST CONCRETE STEPS Lots of People Take Us for Granite! Beautiful Affordable Steps in One Day 192 Biddeford Rd. • Alfred, Maine Manufactured in Alfred, ME www.stepguys.com • 888-433-6010

How often do you ask yourself Mr. Holland’s question to himself: “Have I made the right choice about what to do with my life?” Always! I’m doing it now—I’m writing a musical. I’m over 60 and I’ve always wanted to, and it’s nally something I’m able to do. Golly, this really took you a long time , I say to myself. But it’s not quite the same as Mr. Holland, because I have a great sense of satisfaction in my life and the path I chose, and I’m aware of why it happened. I concentrated with every ber of my being on being an actor, and it took me to a place that was—no denying it—good for my life. I can’t com plain about that! n

Have you spent time in Maine before? Any cast parties at Law & Order creator Dick Wolf's place on Mt. Desert Island? No, I've never been there. But Wayne lived in Portland for about a year, so I visited him there. What do you most enjoy doing while you're here? I didn’t have enough lobster in Portland, so I'm going a er the lobster this time—I re ally am. When I’m trying to seduce people to come and see the show, I say: You know there will be lobster.

SEPTEMBER 2022 73 THEATER son was born, and I didn’t want to go to L.A. I stayed on that show for 11 years not having to leave town while my son was in preschool, elementary school, and middle school. I did start going away when he was in high school, just for a week or two at a time. You’re the only actor in Broadway history to win 5 awards simultaneously when you originated the role of the opera diva Song Liling in M. Butterfly, which ran for almost 2 years. Does starring in an eight-showsa-week play where the same cast performs the same show hundreds of times present different challenges from the constant change from one episode to the next on a long-running series like Law & Order? A lmost incomparable, actually. One of them feels like a job to me where the content actually does change, but I didn’t change and the character I played didn’t change—it was almost like Groundhog Day. On a television show you walk onto the set and you rehearse it the same way you perform it. In a theatrical production you work for four or ve weeks putting it all together until the show opens, and that’s when the repetition starts—when the show is what we call frozen. Other people nd this completely boring, but I love how the theater empties out every night and you’re telling the same story to all new people the next night. Community is at the heart of a theatrical experience in a way there’s not when you’re sitting at home watching a television show. We’ve all sat through plays that are vehicles for film stars struggling to navigate playing to the house vs. playing to the camera. How does your experience as both a stage and film actor inform being a stage director? We’re not really dealing with anybody more used to lm than stage here, but you do have to use techniques speci c to stage acting to convey the same feelings from the lm in a theatrical way. In a lm you would control what the audience perceived and what the storytelling was through camera angles and editing. When you have a stage full of 30 people telling the same story, it’s up to the director to control the focus of the action with di erent tools like lighting and set pieces that obfuscate or reveal things, so the audience’s eye naturally follows what it’s supposed to look at. With “they/them” gaining currency as a gender-neutral pronoun, it seems incredible now that you started using your initials as your stage name in the 1980s in order to keep the gender of the actor playing the gender-bend ing role of Butterfly on Broadway a mystery. How well did that actually work? Oh God, more than you can even imagine! Women to this day tell me, “I brought my husband and didn’t tell him and he com pletely freaked out.” During intermission my character told the audience, “Hey, I’m going to change right now—you can go have a cigarette if you want.” e house lights came on, and in 650 times not one person ever got up and le ey just sat there voyeuris tically as I took my makeup o and attendants came and helpedblindsbecausedeception,theing”so.andhappenwouldshock.spondinghearyouclothes—andchangememycouldthemreinatnevernow,rightly“Othercreatesabilityforityou.


74 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Harbour Towne Inn 71 Townsend Avenue Boothbay Harbor, Maine 207.633.4300 | www.harbourtowneinn.com Discover our historic Victorian B&B on the waterfront in lovely Boothbay Harbor, one of Maine’s prettiest harbors. Steps away from acclaimed shops, galleries, boat trips and restaurants, the Inn is an ideal launching point for several days of coastal specials.forgenerations.uniquetrueWelcomingexploration.visitorswithMainewarmthandstylefortwoPleasecallseasonalrates& Discover our historic Victorian B&B on the waterfront in lovely Boothbay Harbor, one of Maine’s prettiest harbors. Steps away from acclaimed shops, galleries, boat trips, and restaurants, the Inn is an ideal launching point for several days of coastal exploration. Welcoming visitors with true Maine warmth and unique style for generations. Please call for seasonal rates & specials.

Sunday2-10•Saturday–Tuesday6-10 311, Sept. 24; Testament, Sept. 28; Héritier Watanabe, Sept. 30; King Prin cess, Oct. 6; Hippo Campus, Oct. 15. 956-6000. Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dugway Rd., Brownfeld. Cowboy Junkies, Sept. 16–17; Beau Soleil avec Michael Doucet, Sept. 23; Steve “n” Seagulls, Sept. 24; Sonny Landreth & Cindy Cash dollar, Sept. 30; Shawn Colvin, Oct. 5; Joe Henry, Oct. 7; Ruthie Foster, Oct. 9; Tim O’Brien with Jan Fabricius and Chris Smither, Oct. 14. 935-7292. Stonington Opera House, 1 School St. Halcyon String Quartet, Sept. 17. 367-2788. Strand Theatre, 345 Main St., Rockland. BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet, Sept. 22; Tim O’Brien with Jan Fabricius and Chris Smither, Oct. 15. 594-0070. Thompson’s Point, 10 Thompson’s Point. Gary Clark Jr., Sept. 15; State Theatre Concert Series: Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Sept. 17. 956-6000. Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick, 1 Middle St. Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations, Sept. 17; Mr. Harley: Kids Music for Children of All Ages, Oct. 2. 729-8515. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, 53 Old Post Rd., Arundel. Live Bullet: Bob Seger Tribute, Sept. 17; Piano Men: The Music of Elton and Billy, Sept. 23; Livingston Taylor, Sept. 24; Deep Blue C Studio Orchestra, Sept. 30; The Hit Men, Oct. 1; Paula Cole, Oct. 9. 985-5552. Waterville Opera House, 1 Common St. Richard Thompson Solo Acoustic, Sept. 16. 873-7000. Comedy Collins Center for the Arts, 2 Flagstaff Rd., Oro no. Comedian Bob Marley, Oct. 1. 581-1755. Denmark Arts Center, 50 W. Main St. Jody Sloane, Sept. 16. 452-2412. Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. Joe Gatto, Sept. 17. 842-0800. Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St. Stand Up For Reproductive Rights: Comedy Hosted By Cindi Brown, Sept. 24. 805-0134. State Theatre, 609 Congress St. Taylor Tomlinson, Oct. 7; Daniel Howell, Oct. 11. 956-6000. Waterville Opera House , 1 Common St. Lewis Black, Sept. 17; Paula Poundstone, Sept. 30. 873-7000. Art Arundel Farm Gallery, 76 Arundel Rd. Season long exhibit featuring Contemporary Art, Ameri can Craft, & American Folk Art, through Oct. 15. 561-702-6396. Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 245 Maine St., Brunswick. At First Light: Two Centuries of Artists in Maine, through Nov. 6; Masks of Memories: Art and Ceremony in Nineteenth Century Oceania, Oct. 6–Jan. 15, 2023; Antiquity & America: The An cient Mediterranean in the United States, through Feb. 5, 2023. 725-3275. Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St., Kennebunk. Sea of Stories: History Through Art & Archives, through Dec. 31. 985-4802. Castine Historical Society, 17 School St. Abbott School Exhibition Gallery, through Oct. 10; Clark Fitz-Gerald: Castine’s Celebrated Sculptor-in-Resi dence, through Oct. 10. 326-4118. Center for Maine Contemporary Art, 21 Winter St., Rockland. Ian Trask | Mind Loops, Oct. 1–Jan. 8,


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Square Gallery, 374 Main St., Rock land. Flight Risk: Fine Art For The Birds, through Oct. 31. 594-8700. Kittery Art Association, 2 Walker St. Seacoast Moderns, Sept. 15–Oct. 16; En Plein Air, Oct. 20–Nov. 27. 451-9384. Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress St. Cosmopolitan Styling of Mildred and Madeleine Burrage, through Sept. 24; Northern Threads: Two Centuries of Dress at Maine Historical So ciety, Part II: Clothing circa 1890–1980, through Dec. 31. 774-1822. Maine Maritime Museum, 243 Washington St., COMMONSWIKIMEDIAVIA<HTTPS://CREATIVECOMMONS.ORG/LICENSES/BY-SA/2.0>,2.0BY-SACCRINALDI,EVA


First Friday Art Walks, Creative Portland, 84 Free St. Oct. 7. 370-4784. Fine Art, 31 Townsend Ave., Boothbay Harbor. Andrea Peters: Painting from the Heart, through Sept. 20. 633-6849. Galleries, 146 Middle St. Joel Babb Solo Exhibition, through Oct. 1; Tom Paiement Solo Exhibition, Oct. 6–29. 772-2693. Harbor

Stevie performsNicksat Maine Savings Amphithe ater in Bangor on September 22. 76 PORTLAND MAGAZINE 2023; Elijah Ober | Calcium/Your Future Ex Squir relfriend, Oct. 1–Jan. 8, 2023. 701-5005. Colby College Museum of Art, 5600 Mayfower Hill Dr., Waterville. Andrew Wyeth: Life and Death, through Oct. 16; Sarah Cain: hand in hand, through Dec. 11; Alex Katz: Theater and Dance, through Feb. 19, 2023. 859-5600.

Cove Street Arts, 71 Cove St. Jim Nickelson’s Annals of the Former World, through Sept. 24; Elizabeth Awalt: Coming Up For Air, through Oct. 1. 808-8911. Dowling Walsh Gallery, 365 Main St., Rockland. Madeline Morlet, through Sept. 24; Betsy Eby, Will Sears, Jordan Seaberry, through Oct. 29. 596-0084. Farnsworth Art Museum, 16 Museum St., Rock land. Andrew Wyeth: Early Temperas, through Oct. 16; Andrew Wyeth: Islands in Maine, through Oct. 16; Farnsworth Forward: The Farn sworth Collection, through Dec. 31; Ashley Bryan: Beauty in Return, through Dec. 31; Betsy’s Gift: Works By N.C. and Jamie Wyeth, through Dec. 31; The Geography of Ideas: Wyeth Per spectives of Maine, through Dec. 31; Leonard Baskin: I Hold the Cracked Mirror Up to Man, through Jan. 15, 2023. 596-6457.


First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination

LighthousesLodgingDryersWashers,TrailsWoodlandKayakingBicycling,Eagles,NatureDestination1,DistricttownseafaringQuoddyWestCoast,BoldbeautynaturalaforStationgoeagles,decks.ourofQuoddy CalltoBookonline!orvisitus

Lubec Narrows South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 by Booking.com Maine's Maine

Point in

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec



Lubec Narrows South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine U.S.

Selected by Booking.com as

Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec, Maine Easternmost Point in

Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation.

personal Quoddy


Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

Questions? Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine Easternmost Narrows

Questions? Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination

Easternmost Point in

Point in

Easternmost Point in

Selected by Booking.com as

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec Narrows


South Lubec Road 823 South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay.

West Quoddy Station Maine Easternmost Point in U.S.

Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

Easternmost Point in

Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec Narrows

Questions? Call

LighthousesLodgingDryersWashers,TrailsWoodlandKayakingBicycling,Eagles,Seals,NatureUnspoiledDestination1,DistricttownseafaringQuoddyWesttoCoast,BoldMaine’sbeautynaturalaforStationgoeagles,anddecks.ourofoneQuoddyWest CalltoBookonline!orvisitus LighthousesLodgingDryersWashers,TrailsWoodlandKayakingBicycling,Eagles,Seals,NatureUnspoiledDestinationPhotography1,District1,townseafaringhistoricQuoddyWesttowalkCoast,BoldMaine’sbeautynaturalaforStationQuoddygoeagles,andsealsdecks.ourofonefromQuoddyWestVacation.

Selected by Booking.com as

Selected by Booking.com as Maine's Most Unique U.S.


Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec Narrows

Selected by Booking.com as Maine's Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec, Maine Easternmost Point in U.S. First Sunrise Open Year

South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 by Booking.com Maine's Most Unique

Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 by Booking.com Maine's Maine U.S. life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your Vacation. Eagles,NatureDestinationtownQuoddyCoast,agodecks.CalltoBookonline!orvisitus LodgingDryersTrailsWoodlandKayakingEagles,NatureDestination1,townseafaringQuoddyCoast,beautyaforgoeagles,decks.ourQuoddy CalltoBookonline!orvisitus

Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station


Questions? Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine Easternmost U.S.

Lubec Narrows South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. email: 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine U.S.


Selected by Booking.com as



Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine U.S. Narrows


Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

Selected by Booking.com as

Questions? Call or

Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714

Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

Selected by Booking.com as

Selected by Booking.com as Maine's Most Unique Maine

Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,


Lubec Narrows South Lubec Road 823 South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine U.S.

Point in U.S. First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec

Easternmost Point in

Lubec Narrows

Lubec Narrows South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine's Maine U.S.

South Lubec Road 823 South Lubec Road

South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation.



Lubec Narrows South Lubec Road West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or enjoy the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation. Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Maine Easternmost U.S.

Lubec, Maine West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of life. You can plan your stay at West Quoddy Station for a comfortable itinerary. Visit lighthouses, sight and photograph seals and eagles, go on a whale watch, hike, birdwatch, picnic or the vistas from one of our decks. There are opportunities for art, music, photography and yoga. West Quoddy Station offers many ways to create your personal Quoddy Vacation.

Easternmost Point in U.S. First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec Narrows

Selected by Booking.com as Maine's Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination


Easternmost Point in


First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination Lubec Narrows 46732 South Lubec Road 823 South Lubec Road Lubec, Maine West Quoddy Station is an adaptive reuse of ex-USCG Station 1, District 1, located on West Quoddy Head in Downeast Maine in the historic seafaring town of Lubec. It’s adjacent to Quoddy State Park with a 5 minute walk to West Quoddy Light. Guests can enjoy the cultural and nautical heritage of Maine’s Bold Coast, and Passamaquoddy Bay. Travelers from all over the world visit Downeast Maine for its natural beauty and relaxed quality of

Easternmost Point in

Questions? Call or email: info@quoddyvacation.com 1-877-535-4714 Buoy Barn Crew’sPort/StarboardQuartersStationHouseCabinCampKeeper’s Cottage Meeting House Lodge 1st Jefferson,2ndFloor–Yeaton,KimballFloor–Washington 2 3 7 6 5 8 1 4 Office PicnicDeck MermaidSophie’sCalltoBookonline!orvisitus LighthousesLodgingPrivateDryersWashers,TrailsWoodlandKayakingBicycling,Eagles,Seals,NatureUnspoiledDestinationPhotography1,District1,StationtownseafaringhistoricQuoddyWesttowalkCoast,BoldMaine’sbeautynaturalitsaforStationQuoddygoeagles,andsealsdecks.ourofonefromQuoddyWestVacation. CalltoBookonline!orvisitus LighthousesLodgingDryersWashers,TrailsWoodlandKayakingBicycling,Eagles,Seals,NatureUnspoiledDestinationPhotography1,District1,townseafaringhistoricQuoddyWesttowalkCoast,BoldMaine’sbeautynaturalaforStationQuoddygoeagles,andsealsdecks.ourofonefromQuoddyWestVacation.toBookonline!visitus DryersTrailsKayaking

CampCabin Selected by Booking.com as

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination


Most Unique Lodging!CalltoBookorvisitusonline!www.QUODDYVACATION .com West Quoddy Station West Quoddy Station Ex-USCG Station 1 Lubec,

Easternmost Point in U.S. First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination

First Sunrise Open Year Hiking,www.quoddyvacation.comRound877-535-4714LighthousesPrivateLodgingKitchens,Washers,DryersSeaside&WoodlandTrailsBicycling,KayakingWhales,Seals,Eagles,&UnspoiledNaturePhotographyDestination

Compiled by Bethany Palmer

SEPTEMBER 2022 79 EXPERIENCE Bath. Uncharted: Maine Artists: Maine Waters, through Sept. 18; Looking for Winslow Homer, through Nov. 27; Sustaining Maine’s Waters: Understanding the Changing Gulf of Maine, through Dec. 31; Shipwrecks & Salvage, through Dec. 31. 443-1316. Maine Sculpture Trail, Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium. Outdoor exhibit of 34 sculptures spanning 273 miles along the Downeast coast. schoodicsculpture.org. Moss Galleries, 100 Fore St. Phoebe Porteous & Alice Jones, Sept. 23–Oct. 15. 804-0459. Moss Galleries, 251 US-1, Falmouth. Liz Hoag & Morgan Cameron, through Oct. 15. 781-2620. Ogunquit Museum of American Art, 543 Shore Rd., Jim Morin, Drawing and Painting; Virginia Overton: Untitled (Cardinal C-80); The View from Narrow Cove; I’ll Bring the Luck with Me: Hunting and Fishing with Henry Strater; Robert Laurent: Open Studio; Hopeful: A Project by Charlie Hewitt; Sue Miller: Personal Voyage; John Walker: From Low Tide to High Tide, all through Oct. 31. 646-4909. Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Sq. Sur realist Play Gone Astry, through Oct. 23; The Draftsman in Society: German Expressionist Prints, through Dec. 11. 775-6148. Portsmouth Historical Society, 10 Middle St., Portsmouth, NH. Imagine That!, through Sept. 25; Captain, Celebrity, Cliché: The James C. and Judith R. Bradford Collection of John Paul Jones Memora bilia, through Oct. 10. (603)436-8433. Richard Boyd Art Gallery, 15 Epps St., Peaks Island. From a Woman’s Perspective: Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture; through Sept. 29; Scenes of Maine, Oct. 1–30. 712-1097. River Arts, 36 Elm St, Damariscotta. Abstract, through Oct. 15; Artist’s Choice, Oct. 15–Nov. 19. 563-6868. Saco Museum, 371 Main St. Pastel Painters of Maine Juried Exhibition, through Oct. 21. 283-3861. University of New England Art Galleries, UNE Art Gallery, 716 Stevens Ave. The Lives of the Jew elers, through Oct. 9; Camera Lucida, Oct. 21–Jan. 22, 2023. 602-3000. University of New England Art Galleries, Jack S. Ketchum Library, 11 Hills Beach Rd., Biddeford. Hands to Work: Women, Craft, and Radical Experi ment, through Sept. 22; River to the Sea: UNE Faculty Exhibition, Oct. 7–Jan. 6, 2023. 602-3000. Film Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, 53 Old Post Rd., Arundel. Drive-In Movie: Pretty Woman, Sept. 16; Movies in the Barn: Little Shop of Horrors, Oct. 14; Movies in the Barn: The Addams Family 2, Oct. 15. 985-5552. Don’t Miss Celebration Barn Theater, 190 Stock Farm Rd., South Paris. Mike Miclon’s The Early Evening, Oct. 15. 743-8452. Cross Insurance Arena, 1 Civic Center Sq. The Price is Right Live, Sept. 29. 791-2200. Merrill Auditorium, 20 Myrtle St. Wheel of For tune Live!, Oct. 13. 842-0800. To submit an event listing: com/portmag/submit-an-event/portlandmonthly.

New England’s NEWEST Winnebago Motorized Dealer -New RVs Arriving Weekly729 Portland Road Saco, Me 04072 “Creatingwww.seacoastrv.com207-282-3511FamilyFunonRoute One” • Warranty Claims • Oil & Lube • Tire & Wheel Service • State of Maine Inspection • Generator Service • General RV Maintenance Authorized Winnebago Service Center Factory Trained & Certified Featuring: Ekko,MinnieWinnie,Revel,Solis,SolisPocket, Travato & View The Downs, Scarborough is Southern Maine's most exciting place to live, work, and play. This 524 acre mixed use community is an enviable array of living options set in natural surroundings, including a vibrant Town Center and a truly integrated Innovation District. For more information about The Downs, visit ScovilleFoleyHomes.com or contact Amy Foley at (207) 730-3071 80 PORTLAND MAGAZINE

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The Lodge at Kennebunk 207-985-9010 • Exit 25 off I-95 • www.lodgeatkennebunk.com877-918-3701 Kennebunk’s Affordable Alternative • FREE Deluxe Continental Breakfast • FREE Wifi and Wired Internet • FREE Worldwide Calls • FREE Beach Passes • FREE 129 Channels Plus 14 Movie Channels • 20,000 FREE Movies on Demand • FREE Bike Rentals Open Year Round! The Lodge at Kennebunk is set on a quiet 8 acres of land, and has convenient highway access. It is also minutes away from shopping, dining, and beach options. Our facilities include a 40' outdoor heated pool, a conference room, a game room, a playground, picnic tables, and gas barbecue grills. Our amenities include extended cable television, air conditioning, phones, refrigerators, and microwaves in every room.


W hen Noah and Peter Bissell sought a loan in the early 2010s to turn Noah’s home-brewing passion into a busi ness, the bank turned them down, so they raised half their initial stake from private sources and in 2013 moved into the space on In dustrial Way previously occupied by Maine Beer Company. e Bis sells gave bartenders and servers around Portland free T-shirts with their nowiconic logo, as well as the occasional tast ing to drum up excitement. “We realized we were part of this sea change of people turning industrial compounds into places to visit and drink and eat,” Peter Bissell says. “We made an e ort to secure a food truck every day we wereButopen.”with production growing by 200-plus percent per year, “We said, ‘We can’t settle in here. ere’s no space to grow.’”Developers for ompson’s Point still only vacant buildings and a dream— showed them an 112-year-old hub of the Maine Central Railroad Company. It was dilapidated. It had dirt oors. Noah and Peter took a chance on the space anyway, and 15 months later opened in their cur rent location. STICK TO THE POINT ompson’s Point—the peninsula o the peninsula that juts out into the Fore Riv Bissell Brothers serves up the magic elixir for the music crowds at Thompson’s Point.

BY JASON SINGER & PETE LYONS er—has always been integral to Portland’s economy. Lumber and products like masts, barrel parts, and box parts were shipped from the point in the 1600s and 1700s. In the early 1800s, with canals all the rage, the state authorized a fundraising lottery and chartered a bank to run the Cumber land and Oxford Canal from ompson’s Point all the way to the far end of Long Lake, a distance of 38 miles. In the 1850s, when the canal fell into disuse as railroads became central to Portland’s economy, ompson’s Point reinvented itself again as a train repair and storage facility. e good times ended in the 1960s, when I-295 ripped through the surround ing Libbytown neighborhood, cutting ompson’s Point o from the rest of Port land. e area quickly fell into disrepair, and a 40-year downturn ensued. But today ompson’s Point is once again central to Portland’s economy and identity, and Bissell Brothers is the center piece, sharing the former train depot with Stroudwater Distillery, Rwanda Bean Co ee, Rosemont Market & Wine Bar, and the quirky International Cryptozool ogy Museum. Portland’s Children’s Muse um + eatre of Maine is across the park ing lot, and there’s a 3,000 to 8,000-seat outdoor concert venue that has hosted the likes of Brandi Carlile, Wilco, Alabama Shakes, Lake Street Dive, e Lumineers, and every American Nobel Prize-winning musician (read: Bob Dylan). When the concerts stop for winter, the space becomes an ice-skating rink. A distinctive structure at the concert venue is a fragment of the train shed that once stood close by at the now-demolished Union Station.

STYLE WITH SUBSTANCE e original development plans for ompson’s Point involved demolition of old structures to build anew, prompting concerns about style over substance. But the brewery’s vast space is vibrantly color ful and inviting, with multiple levels and outdoor seating, the tables spaced for pri vacy, with conversation from neighboring tables unobtrusive. Ordering is easy, with one-stop shopping for all your food and beverage needs. e drinks come immedi ately, and a buzzer lets you know when the food is Bissellready.Brothers’ agship beer, e Substance (6.6% ABV), is the poster child for New England IPAs: fruity and avor ful, with a dry-hopped nish that kicks up the haze and mellows the bitterness. Swish (8% ABV) is a double IPA that hits you like more of a slam dunk. Shoot the moon with their Sigil (10–14% ABV) blended stout series aged in bourbon and rum barrels or


86 PORTLAND MAGAZINE cool down with Lux (5.1% ABV), a solid pale ale brewed with Maine-grown rye. Initially Bissell Brothers typi ed “the tasting-room revolution and food-truck re naissance that was going on [in the twentyteens]. It was a blast,” says Peter Bissell. “But a er a while, you have standards, and you can’t count on others to maintain them. Customers want familiarity, but they also want to be wowed by new things, and you have to deal with that duality with both beer and food.”

NOUVEAU SHISHITO T he brewery now has staff who’ve worked in Michelin and James Beard-recognized restaurants, and a large farm-to-table menu that showcases local farms and produce, in corporating high-end flavors and tex tures into traditional brewpub food like vegetarian (mushroom) and non-veg etarian (spicy braised pork) taquitos, burgers, and beer brats. Here the ubiq uitous charred shishito peppers stand

Maine Made https://www.newenglandcraftfairs.comCraftsWe are always looking for Artistsquality & lookingCraftsmen!forqualityArtists&Craftsmen! 2022 ARTS & CRAFT SHOWS Augusta Armory 179 Western Ave., Rt. 202 (I-95 Exit 109) Oct 22 & 23 | Dec 17 & 18 Fireside Inn & Suites 81 Riverside St. , Portland, ME 04103 Nov 5 & 6 | Dec 3 & 4 Wescustago Hall & Community Center 120 Memorial Highway, North Yarmouth Nov 12 & 13 Waterville National Guard Armory 74 Drummond Ave Nov 19 & 20 | Dec 10 & 11 Augusta Civic Center 76 Community Drive, (I-95 Exit 112) Nov. 26 & 27 (Thanksgiving Weekend) For more information or to join the Arts & Crafts Fair season please call Steven Taylor 207-946-7079 or Lois Taylor 706-843-9188 Email us at ltpromo@aol.com SEPTEMBER 2022 87 BREW REVIEW out with lemon aioli, preserved-lem on vinaigrette, and pine-nut crumble; a honey miso butter glaze ramps up the umami of the High & Tight Fish San do; and the Brussels sprouts are dressed up with arbol honey vinaigrette, queso fresco, and tortilla-lime crumble.(That said, be forewarned that the Nashville hot chicken sandwich ain’t kidding around.) There’s even ice cream, a kids’ menu, wine, and cider. e walk to Bissell Brothers isn’t sce nic, but once there you’re well-placed to explore the natural and human history of the area. Portland Trails’ Fore Riv er Trail has a trailhead at ompson’s Point. Hike a mile out along the river to reach the Fore River Sanctuary, where much of the trail is on the old canal tow path. Boardwalks through wetlands and trails through woods bring you to Jew ell Falls , Portland’s only waterfall. When your energy ags or your thirst grows, retrace your steps to the brewery to eat, drink, and take in a spectacular sunset. n

THE UMBRELLA FACTORY SHOP ’N SAVE SUPERMARKET AND UFO DISCOUNT BEVERAGE STORE TWO UNIQUE STORES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN THE SAME SHOPPING CENTER Yourshopone-stopforallyourneeds. Thethisisselectionouttaworld! WINELIQUORCRAFT BEERHARD CIDER 1,900 choices1,800 choices800+ choices400 choices 639 Roosevelt Trail (Rte. 302), Naples, Maine 04055 207-693-3988 · theumbrellafactorysupermarket.com Supermarket Open Daily, 7 a.m.–8 p.m. U.F.O. Beverage Store Open Daily, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. Catch our weekly ad on our website! Locally Owned & Operated by David & Gail Allenson


RESTAURANT REVIEW Skordo, a Brunswick spice compa ny with retail outlets in the Old Port and at the Maine Mall, supplies the blueberry spice rub that makes the tender chicken on two generous skewers mildly fragrant and col ors the accompanying yo gurt violet ($16). is is not a doctrinaire menu but one that embraces what’s good from elsewhere as well as nearby, with inventive twists on local sh and seafood from Upstream in Portland. Scallop ceviche ($22) showcases Maine water’s purity with sweet, barely translucent bites of scallop marinat ed with citrus, garlic, ginger, Aleppo pepper, and fennel. Hake came perfectly steamed on a purée of squash, under a cap of pumpkin seed brittle ($18), and while I may quibble that these parts did not cohere, each was excellent in itself.eabundance on the menu persuades diners of the vigor of the local food world. May it sustain us for years to come. n


Andy’s Old Port Pub…Best traditional lob ster roll on Portland’s waterfront, extraordinary pizza (even create your own!) and pub fare. Local fresh seafood. Live acoustic music. Never a cover. Local brews and waterfront style cock tails, 94 Commercial Street, Portland, 874-2639

Anthony’s Italian Kitchen 30 years of Old World recipes. Best meatballs in town. Mile-high lasagnas, fresh-filled cannoli pastries, 54 sandwiches, pizza. A time less great family spot. Beer and wine. Free parking. 151 Middle St., Portland, Antho nysItalianKitchen.com, 774-8668. Bandaloop has moved into a restored 1700s barn on Route 1 in Arundel. Since 2004 we have offered locally sourced, globally inspired, organic cuisine. Our new home has plenty of space, parking, out door seating, takeout, and an event space in the loft. We continue to offer something for every palate—from vegans to carnivores and everything in between. bandaloopres taurant.com Bull Feeney’s authentic Irish pub will re open soon! Hearty Irish fare, from-scratch sandwiches, local seafood. Maine craft beers and premium imported brews. Maine’s most extensive single malt, bour GUIDE


Portland Lobster Company “Maine’s Best Lobster Roll,” lobster dinners, steamers, fried claims, chowder. Enjoy live music daily w/ ice-cold local beer or fine wine on our deck overlooking gorgeous Portland Harbor. 180 Commercial St., portlandlobstercompany.com.775-2112, Profenno’s has been fixture on Main Street in Westbrook since established in 1962. Whether it’s good food you crave, a kid’s menu for the family, or some good enter tainment, Profenno’s is the place to be! 934 Maine Street, Westbrook, 856-0033 SEPTEMBER 2022 93 Maria’s Ristorante – Portland’s Traditional Italian Restaurant –Named one of the 50 Best Old-School Italian Restaurants in America! Open Tuesday–Saturday | www.mariasrestaurant.com | 1335 Congress Street, Portland | 772-9232 Six ItalianCourseDinnerforTwo (Including a bottle of wine!) $29.95 Per Person


bon, and Irish whiskey selection. 375 Fore St. 773-7210, bullfeeneys.com DiMillo’s On the Water Now’s the time to enjoy everything DiMillo’s has to offer: fabu lous dishes prepared by Head Chef, Melissa Bouchard, voted one of Maine’s Chefs of the Year, plus Certified Angus Beef, Italian and the best lobster around. Our outside dining is unparalleled. Open Monday thru Saturday at noon, Commercial St., Old Port 772-2216. Always FREE PARKING while aboard. El Corazon Mexican food from the heart. Au thentic family recipes passed down through generations & “oversized tequila selection.” Try our “Marisco”—a Mexican seafood cock tail of shrimp, bay scallops, clams, octopus & Maine lobster. Lun. & din., Mon.–Thurs. 11–10. Fri.-Sat. till 11. Sun. 9–9. 190 State St. 5361354, elcorazonportland.com. Flatbread Company Portland Tucked be tween two wharves with picturesque wa terfront views. Family-friendly restaurant w/ signature pizzas, weekly carne & veggie specials. Made w/ local ingredients, baked in wood-fired, clay ovens. Everything’s homemade, organic, and nitrate-free. 24 local drafts & cocktails showcase all-local breweries & distilleries. 72 Commercial St., 772-8777, flatbreadcompany.com. Oyster Premier seafood destination & locals’ favorite w/indoor & seating on a scenic Portland pier. Since 1977, classic favorites, friendly service. Named by Coastal Living one of “America’s Best Seafood Dives 2016.” 722-4828. Maria’s Ristorante Portland’s original classic Italian restaurant. Greg & Tony Napolitano pre pare classics: Zuppa di Pesce, Eggplant Parmi giana, Grilled Veal Sausages, Veal Chop Mila nese, homemade cavatelli pastas, Pistachio Gelato & Maine’s Best Meatballs. See our own sauce in local stores. $11.95-$22.95. Open at 5 Wed.-Sat. Catering always avail. 1335 Con gress Street 772-9232, mariasrestaurant.com.

Po’ Boys & Pickles..Small, easygoing joint con structing oversized po’boy sandwiches along with other hearty cajun eats!

outdoor waterfront

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RABBLE IN ARMS Captain Hubbard marched to Massachu setts against the Redcoats with a group of Kennebunk and Kennebunkport irregu lars under his command. “All our records say he died a short time a er his arrival at Cambridge ere is no mention of a spe ci c battle,” Hayden says. “We know his company had enlisted for an eight-month about


Saffron Just sprinkle in a Revolutionary War hero, and you’ve got one helluva saltbox. BY COLIN W. SARGENT MORNEAUG.PETER L ooking for the oldest house in Kennebunk? It depends on which cocktail party you’ve been to most recently. In 1751, architect/builder James Hub bard (we called them joiners then) built this classic manse at 56 Summer Street. e land his saltbox surveyed included 27 acres near the Kennebunk River, where shipyards and mansions would one day earn this stretch the nickname Captain’s Row. By 1775 he’d become so in uential that on October 3, “our records state [that] a pe tition addressed to the general court…and signed by Col. Ephraim Doolittle asked that Hubbard, along with certain other of cers, be commissioned, and on the fol lowing day the petition was read and com mitted by the General Court, and James Hubbard o cially became a captain in Colonel Doolittle’s regiment,” says Leanne Hayden, collections curator at the Brick Store Museum in Kennebunk . Likely he was ru ed by the high taxes the King was exacting in the Kennebunks and beyond. (Some of us know the feeling.)

A LION IN A DEN OF SAVAGE DANIELS Igrew up spending summers in the Kennebunks, and whenev er we drove past this house in our Ford Falcon painted a cool shade of cop per, my mother used to look at it wistful ly. Remember Mad Men and the Drapers’ kitschy knotty pine kitchen? In the wild 1960s, in a world of “authentic” Colonial Revival copies, 56 Summer Street stood out as the real thing. “If I could just get my hands on it,” Mom said and laughed. If she hadn’t passed away so young, I bet she would have. he wasn’t alone in loving it. In the ear BE PART OF A COMMUNITY YOU WANT TO CALL HOME. Welcome to The Cottages at Pheasant Knoll, a thoughtfully designed, close-knit 55+ community in Gorham, Maine. With bright and spacious open concept floor plans, our cottages are perfect for casual living and easy entertaining. From the beautifully designed kitchen to cozy great rooms and first floor master suites, we invite you to experience the warmth and charm of this unique home. For more information, visit ScovilleFoleyHomes.com or contact Carrie Scoville at (207) 409-9378

TALKING WALLS 96 PORTLAND MAGAZINE 45 Min Tour Learn aboutHistoryKennebunkport's Explore Art, Artifacts, & Antiques collected by the town's wealthiest family Engage in private stories as told by diaries Tour White Columns of Kennebunkport Step Back in Time: 1853 For More Information: www.KPortHS.com service in 1775.” e length of the hitch is signi cant that early on. Many might have guessed that Captain Hubbard disappeared in a ash at the Battle of Bunker Hill, but no—the records mysteriously insist on Cambridge. e manner of his death is lost to history, but the post-and-beam saltbox at 56 Summer Street elegantly survives.

SEPTEMBER 2022 97 some hippies named Tom and Kate Chap pell who founded Tom’s of Maine as the 1970s bloomed. WHERE WERE YOU IN THE SUMMER OF 2022? is past summer, a er more than one res toration, de ly painted a deep mellow yel low and listed for $649,000, the James Hubbard House was host to forty show ings the rst few days it was listed by re al-estate agent Randal Simon. e saltbox showedHere’swell.some context across time: September 4, 1998: $205,000 September 19, 2005: $429,000 March 30, 2021: $555,000 MASSIVE EVIDENCE “Do you see these [enormous hand-adzed beams that support the ceilings on the rst oor]?” Simon says. “ ey’re not decora tive. ey’re real.” Visitors can’t help but gawk at the four fireplaces, including the mam moth floor-to-ceiling beauty in the sa lon. In particular, the palette of Colo nial color choices impresses. The per fect green on the paneling—a sea green you’d drive a hundred miles to see. So often there are near misses. But these shades are dead on. We wrote to the sellers, who bought the house in March, 2021, and asked about the interior selections. ly 1960s, it was owned by Jon Milligan, the hotelier and collector of Louis Norton pas tels that glowed on the walls of his lobby and dining room at the Sea Spray Motor Inn and Motel on Gooch’s Beach. Color was important to him too. Before that it was owned by the station keeper of the Kennebunk Railroad De pot across the street, which was restored byMORNEAUG.PETER Visit vinhillmusic.com for the full schedule! Outdoor Concerts | Performances in the Barn Summer Drive-In Movies | Saturday Garden Series SEPT 23 Music of Elton & Billy Joel PIANO MEN SEPT LIVINGSTON25TAYLORMASTERCLASS OCT 1 Legendary Rock Supergroup THE HIT MEN SEPT 24 Singer/Songwriter/Educator LIVINGSTON TAYLOR SEPT 10 Comedian TODD BARRY OCT 9 Grammy-Winning Artist PAULA COLE SEPT 30 DEEP BLUE C STUDIO ORCHESTRA SEPT 17 Bob Seger Tribute LIVE BULLET SEPT 2 Country Legends GATLIN BROTHERS OCT 22 Live Music, Food Trucks, Kids' Activities FALL FESTIVAL


“ e exterior trim is a custom mix from Sherwin-Williams ere was a ti ny bit le in an old can in the basement. It didn't have the mix recipe on the old can. e Sherwin-Williams dealer came up with the original recipe that was per fect. It's a dark tan bu and is the perfect counter to the dark yellow of the house. It truly stands out, especially from the road, because most yellow houses are painted with white trim (a later Colonial Revival combination).

Andrew Besemer replies: My partner, [former Syracuse, New York, real-estate executive] Tim Cassavaw…asked if I would respond to you regarding our house. e house was built in 1752 and is in the Ken nebunk Historic District. I'm afraid we can't take credit for many of the interior trim colors. ey were chosen by the previous owners, who took loving care of the house. Tim and I changed out the bedroom trim colors on the second oor to a warm toasty charcoal color.

InquiriesDealerInvitedMade in Amer ca Since 1816 OVPaint@gmail.com • www.old-village.com Call or text: 215-817-3796 • Fax: 215-234-4601 P.O. Box 130 • Perkiomenville PA 18074 Historic Quality & Authenticity ZILLOW.COM

“All of the interior walls of the house are nished in what was a Benjamin Moore Historic Williamsburg nish called whitewash. e walls are plaster, so the whitewash is perfect for the pe riod. It's not as thick as latex paint, and has a wonderful matte nish to it. is works with the ow of the plaster and [enhances the patina]. I had to hunt far and wide to nd a Benjamin Moore deal er that would take the time to re-create this expired nish for me.

SEPTEMBER 2022 99 “One of the largest projects we tackled was redesigning the side steps to the house and incorporating a large brick courtyard between the house and the garage. ere was a lot of demolition involved here, and removal of the crumbling old brick steps and walkway. is had to be approved by the Historic [Preservation] Commission. All of this work was accomplished by George Burr and his very able sta right here in Kennebunk. We were thrilled with the results.” Mr. Besemer credits Ernest and Mary White, the previous owners, for the curatorial-level color selections that predate him. It’s a joy to see what at least two caring sets of owners in a row can do for a house like this. STEP INSIDE Wend your way through 2,350 square feet encompassing three bedrooms, three full baths, a dining room with replace, and more on the 3-D virtual tour: me-04043/1073131281878736249/.listing/56-summer-street-kennebunk-compass.com/ So, is it really the oldest? “As with anything like this, it’s still up for debate,” says Hayden. “For a long time it was believed that the Tobias Lord House on Water Street was the oldest, but as more people are researching the history of their homes, the Butland House on Sea Road and the Colonel Storer House on Hovey Street are also in the running, apparently. It’s di cult to say ‘exactly’ when you’re dealing with the mid-18th century. To be honest, they were all built around the same time as the Hubbard House.” n Taxes are $6,371. 274 St John St Portland, me 04102 207-773-5604 sun 9am-5pm mon-fri 7am-6pm sat 8am-6pm $5.00 OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE OF $50 OR MORE! IN-STORE ONLY - VALID 9/01/22 - 9/30/22 COUPON CODE: PM22SEP Valid on regular-priced merchandise. One coupon per customer. Coupon is not transferrable and must be surrendered at the time of purchase. Offer excludes Benjamin Moore, Stihl, Big Green Egg, Ego equipment, Weber grills, lawn mowers, appliances, snowblowers, power tools. Other exclusions may apply. Cannot be combined with any other sale or coupon. EST 1934 BUY ONLINE ASSELECTWWW.ACEHARDWARE.COMBUYASSELECTWWW.ACEHARDWARE.COMATMAINEHARDWAREYOURSTOREONLINEATMAINEHARDWAREYOURSTORE proudlyINDEPENDENTINDEPENDENTFIERCELYHELPFULHELPFULWICKEDlocallocal WWW.MAINEHARDWARE.COM

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Homes & Living 102 PORTLAND MAGAZINE Portland Old Port $720,000Condo 2 Bed 2 PortlandBath East Bayside $519,000Condo 2 Bed 1 Bath Portland West End Multi $1,895,000Family 4 Residential Units | 1 Professional Unit Portland New Construction Condo $825,000 2 Bed | 2 www.218washington.comBath www.thgmaine.com(207)775-2121 John Hatcher • The Hatcher Group 6 Deering Street, Portland, Maine 04101 207-775-2121 • jhatcher@kw.com • www.thgmaine.com John Hatcher A House SOLD Name ®

Homes & Living SEPTEMBER 2022 103 It would be my honor to help you buy or sell your home. The right real estate agent makes all the difference! The Official Real Estate Company of the Boston Bruins Mary Sue Mainella Realtor lic # SA921002 48 Free Street, Portland, Maine marysue@c21ne.com207.233.4686 marysuerealty.com Gilbert D. (Specs) Eaton III (207) 491-5150 specseaton@gmail.com MLS#1406473 (Land) MLS#1406283 (Land & House) Rosewood Lane (Lot 36), Cobb Bridge Commons, New Gloucester, ME Cobbs Bridge Commons is an upscale community close to Brunswick, L/A and Portland. The subdivision offers privacy, walking trail to the Royal River and is close to Fox Ridge Golf course. The land is listed for $59,900 or with a new home for $379,900 33 Bluff Head Rd, Chebeague Island, ME Beaches, Mooring, and Views! Cottage sited atop Bluff Head Rock outcropping. Motivated seller, recent favorable interest rates, and charming location make this sweet spot worth strong consideration. $449,500 2018 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An Independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity.

Kelly Wentworth-Lowe Sales Freeport,ManagerMaine(207)831-4934


Street Market. $195,000


freplace in the

pad, power, sewer and water are in place. A home design has been created by Waltman Architectural. Create a unique living style (condo living) without the associated fees. Located on Morse Street, you can walk to Main Street for shopping, theater, dining, schools and parks and the


Terrifc location in one of Yarmouth’s desirable neighborhoods, village of top school in Maine. Three bedrooms, two baths, custom kitchen with area, living room in the basement. Generous outdoor spaces, decks, porch. $560,000

and bonus rooms

minutes to the

Kelly Wentworth-Lowe Sales kelly@kellywentworth.com(207)Freeport,ManagerMaine831-4934

Freeport - Building Lot This 50 x 50 lot is in the VC zone (Village/Commercial). There are several upgrades to the lot; foundation, garage Bow

©2018 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An Independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Bennett Road, Yarmouth, Maine

Well maintained with recent upgrades.

Millinocket – Year Round Home Sweeping of the Katahdin Range on the shores of South Twin Lake. Private sandy beach with over 250’ feet of crystal clear water front. The cottage offers an open floor plan on the first floor with two bedrooms and two baths on the second floor. One side of the cottage has a three season room and on the lake side a covered porch. $395,000 Island Falls – Waterfront Lot Pleasant Lake 1.7 acre lot with 152-feet of pristine clear spring fed waterfront on Pleasant Lake. Over 1800 acres with a depth of 60” and home to many types of fish. Year round adventure for all—swimming, kayaking, fishing, ATV, snowmobiling and more. $250,000

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Homes & Living 104 PORTLAND MAGAZINE MLS#1531831 | What a gorgeous peaceful setting with 400 ft of shared waterfront on Rangeley Lake. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1676 sq ft – $450,000 MLS #1531862 | New Dock and Stairs right down to 400 ft of owned on Wilson Lake, Wilton. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 672 sq ft –MLS # 1529740 | Fly Fishing – Hunting Camp with 322 ft of owned WaterFront on the Magalloway River. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 672 sq ft – $299,000 Jamie Jamie@Noyesrealty.com508-667-6967Mandell Earl Earl@Noyesrealty.com207-670-8837Bowen Aimee Aimee@Noyesrealty.com207-890-9444Danforth MLS#1523124 | A beautiful home on the Kennebunk River. 5 Bedroom, 4 Bath, 2788 sq ft – $4,275,000 MLS #1510541 | Beautiful Log Cabin, 290 ft of owned waterfront on Aziscohos Lake. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2006 sq ft – $549,000 MLS # 1535033 | Brand New Camp with 327 ft of shared waterfront on Rangeley Lake. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 880 sq ft – $415,000 Aimee Aimee@Noyesrealty.com207-890-9444Danforth Earl Earl@Noyesrealty.com207-670-8837Bowen Earl Bowen / Chris Botka Earl@Noyesrealty.com207-670-8837 259 MAIN STREET, KINGFIELD CSMREALESTATE.COM | JANET@CSMREALESTATE.COM207-265-4000 259 MAIN STREET, KINGFIELD CSMREALESTATE.COM | CSMREALESTATE.COM259JANET@CSMREALESTATE.COM207-265-4000MAINSTREET,KINGFIELD|207-265-4000 Assisting people buy and sell properties in the beautiful Western mountains of Maine since 1985 Enjoy Maine’s Vacation-land! Beautiful western mountains of Maine. Cape on 80 acres of fields and forest! Dead end road in Salem Township. Fish Hatchery Rd. Fireplace. 3 bed, 2 baths plus additional large sunroom. Garage and building/ workshop. Fruit trees and berry bushes. $395,000 LOOKING FOR WATERFRONT? waterfront listings. 4 bd 3 bath with ROW to water and near boat launch and public beach. $380,000.CSM has water front homes, camps and land in the beautiful western mtns of Maine. Spring Lake, Flagstaff Lake, Embden Pond and rivers and streams. KINGFIELD. Riverfront home. In a lovely ski village on the way to $325,000ofbutandgreatbarnattachedfullRiver.CarrabassettfrontagewithfarmhouserenovatedFurnishedSugarloaf.90ftofonthe3bd2baths.An3storythatisstorageworkshophasloadspossibilities.

contemporary lakefront home w/beach, detached garage AND

Road –

SPRING LAKE – 6 Spring Lake Rd - Escape to nature and a wonderful waterfront property on a great remote body of water. Off grid w/generator, year round building, detached garage, Ice fish, hunt, enjoy all seasons! $495,000.

RANGELEY LAKE VIEWS – 21 Pine Grove - 4 Beds, 3.5 Baths, Fully Furnished, SW facing views w/LOTS of sun, Snowmobile and ATV from your doorstep, Detached 32x32 garage fully heated, a must see! $639,000.

Homes & Living SEPTEMBER 2022 105

Under Contract, 34 Hammond Street, Portland. Two more units coming available soon! Introducing Hammond Heights, a new, welldesigned condominium development near to all the Washington Ave. amenities and many other hot spots that this location offers.

RANGELEY LAKE – 2582 Main St - Wonderful commercial business on Main Street w/ 105' on Rangeley Lake, Marina/ Convenience Store, 25+ Slips, Gas, Shop, Downtown Commercial Zoning, High Traffic Location, $965,000.

249 Bald Mountain Road Mooselookmeguntic Lake - A rare ofer ing on Bald Mountain Road. This won derful lakeside compound is situated on 5 private acres with elevated, unimped ed west views of forever-wild protected shore across a three-mile span of open water. Property features two fully winterized and newly renovated homes. – the main house with 5 bedrooms and 2.5 baths plus a 1076 square foot, twostory guest cottage. Quality throughout with Sub-Zero/Wolf/Miele kitchen appliances as well as high efciency heating and central air cooling. Property also ofers two-car garage and storage house.

RANGELEY LAKE VIEWS – 100 Proctor Rd - Shadow Pine, a one of a kind property with 48.32 acres, Saddleback Mtn Views, Rangeley Lake Views, 6 beds, 6 baths, 5+ car garages, addition 40 acres available for purchase! $1,495,000.

SPRING LAKE – Escape to nature and a wonderful waterfront property on a great remote body of water. Off Mtn. MOOSELOOK LAKE 4.5 bath private island w/2 bedroom guest cottage, 3.56 Acres! $1,899,000.

RANGELEY LAKE – Lakeside Marina & Convenience - Wonderful business opportuinty in downtown commercial zoning, convenience store, 25 boat slips, gas, boat rental business, great waterfront location! $965,000.

The permanent pier-dock extends out 150 feet with a deep water ''drive-in'' boathouse plus 575 square feet of additional lake-facing dock space at the end for entertainment, outdoor living and spectacular sunsets. The waterfront is 264 feet of sandy beach frontage at the edge of one of the deepest parts of the lake. Enjoy long days and cool evening breezes thanks to the west facing orientation on the lake. You will not fnd a more meticulously restored property on the lake, call today and set up a private showing! $2,399,000 ''Camp Sleepy Pines'' on Mooselookmeguntic Lake Ed Gardner, Broker Gardner Real Estate Group 511 Congress Street Portland, ME ed@gardnerregroup.com04101207.415.4493

For Sale, 185 Fore Street, #202, Portland. This unit is steps away from the Old Port and waterfront with 10' ceilings, spacious rooms, and an extralarge deck with water views. $850,000 For Sale, 130-132 Pleasant Street, Portland c.1804 This completely restored, historic, multi-use building in the West End is a beautiful, ready-to-go opportunity. $975,000 Respected Committed Experienced

grid w/generator, year round building, detached garage, Ice fish, hunt, enjoy all seasons! $495,000. PROCTOR ROAD – Gorgeous VIEWS overlooking Rangeley Lake and Saddleback Ski Area, wonderful estate property located just outside the Rangeley village, 48.32 Acres,4 bed,4.5 bath home w/ guest quarters. $1,495,000. PINE GROVE LANE – Located close to the village with expansive southwest views of Rangeley Lake, 4 beds, 3.5 baths, very close to Saddleback Ski Area, snowmobile and ATV from your doorstep, heated garage! $639,000. www.Morton-Furbish.com James L. Eastlack, Owner Broker 207-864-5777 or 207-670-5058 | JLEastlack@gmail.com 1322 Main Street – BEAVER MTN. LAKE – A park like setting, extremely private location, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 596 feet of waterfront, attached garage, detached garage, potential guest cottage. $775,000. 20 Vista Lane – RANGELEY LAKE – A rare offering, the Buena Vista Estate on 567 feet of deep water frontage,53 private acres w/south facing exposure, total privacy, development potential. $2,650,000. 277 Stephens Road – MOOSELOOK LAKE – West facing Sandy Beach frontage, 4 bed, 3 bath home w/attached 3 car heated garage and detached 3 car garage w/large bonus room! $850,000. 631 Bald

– A rare offering, 4 bed,

Homes & Living 106 PORTLAND MAGAZINE

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Exclusively o ered at $699,000 Chamberlain Waterfront on Muscongus Bay Round Pond Waterfront on Muscongus Sound




Welcome to Salt Pond House where the sea’s drama continually unfolds. This is the best of “Bold Ocean:” First Light, Soaring Surf, Island Views, Brewing Storms, Sailing Ships and Fishing Boats. This home’s spacious comfort offers 5 bedrooms, multiple levels, separate guest quarters, observation decks and beach area abutting nature conservancy land! Exclusively offered at $899,000



Welcome to sunrise: Character abounds in this traditional cottage-style, home designed with today’s conveniences and amenities: first floor master suite, traditional fireplace, separate dining, oversized guest bedrooms and baths, attic, wrap around porch, basement space, water views of Loud’s Island and sailable Muscongus dock. Very quiet with the exception of shorebirds, sounds of surf and the rumble lobster boats ...exciting in all of weather. Exclusively offered $750,000 Road, New Harbor, Maine 207-677-2978 rentals@ldchase.com 207-677-2100


Gracious cape on 1.3 acres high upon a ridge with 360 degree sunrise and sunset views. Perennial gardens contained by stone walls and patios. This home o ers a lovely footprint with open and light- lled living and dining areas, breakfast nook overlooking the patio and leading to the thoughtfully designed kitchen. Entry from the garage to a spacious, attractive mud room, laundry/half bath. The master suite on the rst level; second and third bedrooms with skylights, shared bath and sitting area are located on the second level. Close to Pemaquid Beach and all area amenities. Welcome you and yours to to this treasured and much loved home!

On The Hill – Pemaquid, Maine 92 Granite Hills Road, Bristol, Maine

Welcome to sunrise: Character abounds in this traditional cottage-style, waterfront home designed with today’s conveniences and amenities: first floor master suite, traditional fireplace, separate dining, oversized guest bedrooms and baths, attic, wrap around porch, basement garage space, expansive water views of Loud’s Island and sailable Muscongus sound, deepwater dock. Very quiet with the exception of shorebirds, sounds of surf and the rumble of lobster boats ...exciting in all types of weather. Exclusively offered at $750,000

2568 Bristol Road, New Harbor, Maine | info@ldchase.com | 207-677-2978

Rentals: rentals@ldchase.com 207-677-2100 on Muscongus Bay Round Pond Waterfront on Muscongus Sound to Salt Pond House the drama continually This is the best of “Bold First Light, Soaring Surf, Island Views, Brewing Storms, Sailing Ships and Fishing Boats. This home’s spacious comfort offers 5 bedrooms, multiple levels, separate guest quarters, observation decks and beach area abutting nature conservancy land! at $899,000




West Subdivision! 1.8 Acre Parcel w/Direct Snowmobile Trail Access, Minutes to Oquossoc Amenities. Abutting Lot Also Available For Purchase. $115,000 for each on Quimby Pond! Seasonal 1BR Cottage Loaded w/North Woods Charm Offers Comfort able Living All on One Level! Fabulous Pond/Mt Views, Spacious Deck. Level Lawn to 100’ Frontage w/ Dock. Peaceful, Quiet Setting. $245,000 Wooded, Level 1 Acre Building Lot in Private/Quiet Setting. Nice Spot Ideally Located for 4-season Adventures, Saddleback Lake & Saddleback Mt. are Nearby. Snowmobile Friendly, Short Drive to Rangeley Amenities. $40,000 Tucked Away Off the Beaten Path and Yet Handy To Everything! Generous 7 Acre Wood Lot in Quiet Setting. Build Here and Be Minutes To Public Boat Ramps, Oquossoc Amenities. $62,000 Well Wooded 2+ Acre Parcel Offers Potential Views of Beaver Mt Lake! Several Possible Build ing Sites To Choose From. Located Directly Across the Street From Deeded Lake Access w/Small Boat Launch. $95,000 RANGELEY PLT RANGELEY SAN dALLAS PLT DALLAS PLANTATION Million Dollar Views From This Hillside Lot in Desirable Rangeley West Subdivision! 1.8 Acre Parcel w/Direct Snowmobile Trail Access. Surveyed, Soils Tested. Minutes to Oquossoc Amenities, Rangeley, Saddleback. $114,900 Very Private Building Parcel in Desirable Manor Woods Subdivision. Gently Sloping 3 Acre Lot Has Rough Driveway In, Potential Rangeley Lake Views. Handy to Town Ameni ties, Saddleback, ATV/Snowmobile Friendly. $139,900 RANGELEY BEAUTIFUL, REMOTE, PRISTINE! 3 Season 2BR Lakeside Gem with Knotty Pine Interior. Off Grid with Gas Lights/Appliances, Indoor Shower/Toilet. Lovely Setting with Elevated Lake/Mt & Sunset Views. $249,900 AZISCOHOS LAKE Well Wooded 2+ Acre Parcel Offers Potential Views of Beaver Mt Lake! Several Possible Building Sites To Choose From. Located Directly Across the Street From Deeded Lake Access w/Small Boat Launch. $79,900 RANGELEYRANGELEY PLT SANDY RIVER PLT SANDY RIVER PLT RANGELEY PLT Successfully bringing buyers and sellers together since 2004 2012 Realtor of the Year Mountains Council of Realtors 2013, 2014 President Mountains Council of Realtors 2011-2014 MAR Board of Directors

HALEY CIRCLE - 1.99 Acre Building Parcel Offers Potential Mountain/Rangeley Lake Views. Surveyed, Soils Tested, Power at Street. Snowmobile Friendly Location Close to Town, Saddleback, 4-Season Recreation. $53,500

Homes & Living SEPTEMBER 2022 107 “Your Real Estate Source for The Rangeley Region” Sun Filled Chalet Brimming with North Country Charm! Spacious 4BR, 2.5BA Home Offers Custom Chefs Kitchen, Living Area w/ Gas FP w/Rustic Rock Surround, Spring Fed Heart Shaped Pond. All On 14 Private Acres. $689,000 Bemis Road, ATV/Snowmobile Right From This Building Lot! Level, Well Wooded 1.84 Acre Parcel Has Been Surveyed, Soils Tested, Power at the Road. Close to Oquossoc Amenities, Public Boat Ramps. $83,000 LAKEVIEW HIGHLANDS – Well Wooded 4.06 Acre Lot Improved with Shale Driveway, Cleared Building Site, Underground Power, Association Maintained Roads. Deeded Access to Association Waterfront on Rangeley Lake. Close to 4-season Recreation. $98,000 Behind the Gate on Red Moose Lane - 31.77 Acre Wooded Timber Tract Offers Seclu sion and Privacy on Semi-Remote Road Not Plowed in Winter. Deeded Access to Associa tion WF on Beaver Mt Lake. $100,000 Fantastic Opportunity to Own 10 Acres on the Bemis Road. Build Here and ATV From Your Door, Explore Miles of Back Roads, Hike the AT. Surveyed, Soils Tested, Power at Street, Town Maintained Road. $79,900 PHILLIPS Caryn Dreyfuss Broker (207) 233-8275 caryndreyfuss@morton-furbish. com 2478 Main Street • P.O. Box 1209 Rangeley, Maine 04970 www.realestateinrangeley.com “Your Real Estate Source for The Rangeley Region” Niboban Sporting Camps on Legendary Rangeley Lake! Cabin #4 End Unit Abutting the Woods, Fully Year-Round, Private Flag Stone Patio. Once You Arrive, You’ll Never Want To Leave! $279,900 GREAT HOME, GREAT LOCATION! Lodge Style 3BR Home with Light Filled Great Room, Professional Kitchen, Master Suite. Attached 4-Car Garage, Generator, ATV/Snowmobile from Your Door, All on 10 Acres. $425,000 Savor the Panoramic Rangeley Lake and Sunset Views From This Gently Used 4BR, 2BA Condo. Well-Appointed Tri-Level Unit w/Spacious Open Living Spaces, Easy Sled Trail Access, 1-Car Garage, Sold Furnished. $319,000 Neat as a Pin Ranch Style Home w/ 2BR, Comfortable Floor Plan, Covered Car Port, Metal Roof, On-Demand Generator. Roomy Farmers Porch, Quiet Country Setting, Close to No-Motors Quimby Pond. $239,000 Beautifully Crafted Log-Sided Chalet w/ 3-BR, Cook’s Kitchen, Open Floor Plan. Sited on 9 Private Acres w/Deeded Access to Pond Brook. Fish/Paddle the Magalloway River, Umbagog Lake, Sturtevant Pond. $282,500 Super Mountainside Rock Pond Condo Appointed 3BR, 2BA Unit with Sun Filled Floor Plan, Mt./Saddleback Lake Views. Plus Rangeley Lake Resort Time Share Week Included. $329,000 RANGELEY LAKE RANGELEY PLANTATiON THE LOdGES SAddLEBAcK iS BAcK! RANGELEY

Million Dollar Views From This Hillside Lot in Desirable Rangeley

Homes & Living 108 PORTLAND MAGAZINE P.O. Box 1557 • Located on the south corner of Route 1 & Flood Ave. • Wiscasset, ME 04578 Toll-Free (800) 215-8117 • Phone: 882-9100 • Fax: 882-9111 www.cromwellprop.com Helping Buyers and Sellers throughout Midcoast Maine! © ©CCP CromwellCoastalProperties Wiscasset This well maintained 4-bedroom Colonial offers plenty of space for entertaining, working from home or just relaxing. A gourmet chef’s kitchen awaits along with private back deck and screened porch. Sits back from the road and shielded by trees this also offers a sense of privacy but just a short distance to all local amenities either by car or foot. House has large, finished breezeway connector to 2 car garage. Plenty of space for work and play. $425,000 P.O. Box 1557 • Located on the south corner of Route 1 & Flood Ave. • Wiscasset, ME 04578 Toll-Free (800) 215-8117 • Phone: 882-9100 • Fax: 882-9111 www.cromwellprop.com Helping Buyers and Sellers throughout Midcoast Maine! Included is a drilled well, a bunkhouse with deck that can be expanded 30% and a perfect spot for a boat ramp (with proper permits). Call Julie direct for pricing and more information at 207-208-9311 Former lobsterman pier ready for YOUR boating enjoyment! Rooted in Family. Nourished by Care. Enriched with Experience. What more could you ask for? Life enrichment programs, tastefully prepared everything...in-house.programmingwellnessmanagement,hourUNEcare,transportation,dining,memoryandrespitecare.MatureCare,24-nursing,medicationadvancedandfitnessallavailableReally...WorryFree. EVERYTHING You Need. Ask WorryAboutFreePricing Call Lori today. (207) 885-5568 600ScarboroughTerrace.comCommerceDr|Scarborough, ME 04074

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LAST WORDS Border Patrol (continued from page 112) tries, would place orders with her for their own tables. Her cinnamon babka and on ion rolls rivaled all others, and Mrs. Rice was the chief competitor in the contest of Jewish“Andbakers.what will it be today?” she rasped, brushing the our from her hands. is was my moment. I pointed to a rainbow-decorated star cookie—the sole allotted item of store-baked goods. Mrs. Rice impatiently put the lone cookie into a waxed paper bag. We both felt the insult of this meager sale, but my mother would not be shamed into a more generous purchase. Our next stop was Seavey’s, for thick slices of salami and tongue that would be fried with farm-fresh eggs whose shells were covered in feathers. Two brothers owned the two kosher meat markets across the street from each other. ey were rivals during business hours and members of the same minyan at the Etz Chaim Synagogue one block away. Another meat market pro prietor—“from away”—was a renowned ganef, a thief who kept his thumb on the scales as he weighed the Delmonico steaks. Our community su ered a terrible trau ma when we discovered that this butcher was selling chickens that had not been rit ually slaughtered. Cast-iron pots and pans that had been carried in carpet bags across the ocean were buried in backyards to be kashered, removing any trace of the forbid den food. e butcher le Portland in in famy, but this transgression and moment of repentance was the fabric that held our people together. We found comfort in our shared sorrows and uncertainties. A s Portlanders, we knew that “local” meant chickens raised in the dark basement of our house and taken to the butcher for ritual slaughter; local was the farmer’s market in Lincoln Park where my mother bought milk in glass bottles and eggs in straw- lled baskets; local was glass jars of homemade spicy dill pickles fermenting on the back porch; local was tiny blueberries bought at the side of the road on the way to the lake; and local was knowing who stood in line beside you—the familiar and safe. As I grew older, my feet longed to move beyond these shops and the way of life they embodied. My walk home from school in cluded a visit to a forbidden non-kosher

SEPTEMBER 2022 111 Famous for SEAFOODS Since 1927 Family Dining & Full Bar Pine Point Road, Scarborough • www.facebook.com/KensPlace1927883-6611 PLACE Open Late March to Late Fall 207-789-5188 • WindsorChair.com bakery for éclairs and double-decker lemon cupcakes with lard-laden frosting. I feared the baker behind the counter, who was a stranger, yet I longed to discover a Port land that was unfamiliar to me. When I ate white-bread bologna sandwiches smeared with mayonnaise at my friend’s house, I su ered the betrayal of assimilation and lost allegiance to my life’s foundation. ese storefronts on India Street remain, their freshly painted signs catering to cur rent cravings, overshadowed by the rising towers of downtown condominiums. e bakery hosts a cannabis store; Seavey’s is a defunct organic market; thick butcher’sblock tables have been replaced with shiny laminates that support artfully cra ed portions of locally harvested foods. And the people who walk these streets are from away—a population of transplants and weekend visitors with no memory of the community that once surrounded these streets.

Now I carry my reusable shopping bags to the downtown market and to Deering Oaks in search of the same fresh vegetables and fruit my mother bought. I do not know the people who crowd the pavement seeking artisanal breads and cheeses. Yet I’m brought back to my childhood hearing voices from foreign lands in the proprietors of the market carts. ese are the new “locals,” who, like my grandparents, are nding a home that feels familiar in the new. eir landscape is the Portland Museum of Art rising from the foundation of the Libby Building, its exhibitions representing this city’s diverse communities. Maine College of Art & Design occupies the oors of Portland’s oldest department store, now a home for the hopes of visual and performing artists who attend from afar. “Local” may now mean “from away,” but these new locals bring with them the same promise my family held before them when they claimed Portland as their own. I hear their voices around me, and I embrace the changing landscape they’re creating in my native city. As I knead my own bubka in my Bubbie’s ceramic bowl and serve the steaming hot rolls to my grandchildren, I know that “local” is the smell of my kitchen, the breaking of bread together, the memories of then and now. n

LAST WORDS (Continued on page 110) 112 PORTLAND MAGAZINE

that became the rst spring bouquets I brought my mother; the shadow of the former Porteous, Mitch ell and Braun building where I climbed the gilt-edged marble stairs in search of lacy handkerchiefs; the elevator of the Libby building with a tiny, uniformed man who wore white gloves to operate the spinning wheel that li ed me to my piano lesson in the h- oor garret. I o en wandered alone, cradled in the recognition of a familiar doorstep or the call of the rehouse horns at noon on Sun days. is was my city, where I was born and raised—a place where I never met any one who wasn’t local. My family, friends, and teachers knew the safety of deep roots too, and as natives we con dently claimed the landscape and traditions. e borders of my wanderings expanded walking with my mother and grandparents along the cobblestones of India Street— in the 1960s, the meeting place for Port land’s ethnic communities. Italian special ty shops sold the thickened ricotta cheeses and cured meats that graced the tables of lower Congress Street. Church steeples rose above the city skyline, and the stained-glass windows of the synagogues lit the paths be tween the stores. e signs were in Yiddish, the lost language of my family, and in Eng lish, the language that ushered us into this new world. e same smells of abandoned towns in Eastern Europe wa ed through the morning air as my Bubbie and others of her generation viscerally recognized the feel of the same cobblestone that shaped the streets of the old country through the soles of their shoes. is was the day my mother tucked last week's brown paper bags in the back seat with me and my older siblings as we journeyed from the diaspora of the new Woodfords intoneighborhoodCornerbacktheOldWorld at the base of the Eastern Promenade, reenacting the horse carts traveling from the side streets of the shtetl into a hub of safe withcasesstoodamongcommerceourpeople.EachSundayIbeforetheglassofthebakerymyfacepressed into my mother’s coat. e air was fogged with the steam of hot, sugar-encrusted kichel and golden loaves of challah e bakery line was the place to exchange re views of the Saturday sermons delivered by the rabbis in Portland’s temples and syna gogues. Measured approval, requisite cri tiques, hushed gossip, and celebratory Ma zel tovs! echoed in the small store. As we moved closer to the counter, I could see Mrs. Rice enter from the back of the bak ery. She was a graying, buxom blond whose apron was coated with jam from lled cookies. Her large breasts acted as a shelf for the tray of pastries she carried, and I shrank from her critical gaze. I do not re member her ever smiling. My mother was a master baker in our Jewish community. Other mothers, not as adept at baking the traditional holiday pas

This was my city.

T here is a iarfamilfeel and smell to hood.tocallsofneighborhoodsthePortlandthatmebackmychildeswayofthetreesonLongfellowStreetthatshadowedmywalkoneshortblocktoPortlandHebrewDaySchool;thecrunchoffallenacornsundermyfeet;theskatingpondonDevonshireStreetwherewesippedscaldinghotchocolatefromaslimthermosandcapturedspringpolliwogsingreatmetalpails,hopingtoseethemsprouttheirlegs;thesmelloftheearlylavenderonthefringeofBackCove


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