Portland State University Admissions Handbook 2022

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MUST. TABLE OF CONTENTS Admitted Student Checklist.........................................................4-5 Financial Aid & Scholarships......................................................6-9 New Student Orientation............................................................ 10-11 Advising.................................................................................................. 12-13 Undergraduate Graduation Requirements...........................14 General Education Requirements...............................................15 Registering for Classes Online...............................................16-18 Degree Audit Reporting System..................................................19 Health Insurance............................................................................. 20-21 Housing & Residence Life.......................................................22-23 Campus Life.......................................................................................24-25 Contact...................................................................................................26-27 3



SET UP YOUR PSU STUDENT ACCOUNT Additional instructions on how to activate your account: go.pdx.edu/activate. C O N F I R M YO U R E N R O L L M E N T AT P S U If you are ready to commit you can confirm your enrollment, log in to your application status page (apply.pdx.edu/status) and follow the steps to confirm. C O M P L E T E T H E M AT H P L A C E M E N T T E S T ( I F R E Q U I R E D ) Students in certain majors need to complete the math placement test prior to signing up for Orientation. pdx.edu/math/placement C O M P L E T E P R E - O R I E N TAT I O N A N D O R I E N TAT I O N Complete Pre-orientation to register for classes and attend an in-person or virtual Orientation. Required for all first year students. pdx.edu/admissions/orientation SUBMIT FINAL TRANSCRIPTS Contact your school office to request official copies of your final transcripts to be sent to Portland State. V E R I F Y C OV I D -1 9 VAC C I N AT I O N S TAT U S As a student at PSU, you are required to satisfy PSU’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement. If you DO NOT fulfill this requirement a registration hold will be placed on your account prior. This will affect your ability to register for your first term of classes. pdx.edu/covid-vaccine-requirement



OTHER CHECKLIST ITEMS A P P LY F O R F I N A N C I A L A I D A N D S C H O L A R S H I P S Apply for financial aid by submitting your FAFSA and add PSU to your list of schools using code 003216. A P P LY F O R O N C A M P U S H O U S I N G You must set up your student account before you apply for housing. pdx.edu/housing/contract C O M P L E T E T H E R E Q U I R E D U N D E R S TA N D I N G S E X U A L M I S C O N D U C T A N D AVA I L A B L E R E S O U R C E S C A M P U S MODULE Log in to Canvas, PSU’s Learning Management System, to complete the module. R E V I E W Y O U R H E A LT H I N S U R A N C E O P T I O N S

PSU requires all students enrolled in five credits or more per term maintain comprehensive health insurance to ensure that students stay healthy and in the classroom. go.pdx.edu/insurance S U B M I T M M R VA C C I N E F O R M Oregon law requires students to show evidence of immunity to measles before registering for their second term of enrollment. pdx.edu/health-counseling/measles GET YOUR PSU ID CARD

You can get your new student ID card in-person once you are registered for fall term courses. No appointment needed.




To verify and finalize your award we may need additional documents from you. For students starting in the fall term, all documents must be received by August 1. Documents received after that date may delay your financial aid or result in the loss of an award.

Apply for financial aid by submitting your FAFSA and then use PSU’s Scholarship Universe to find other sources of funding. Portland State University students should use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be submitted by February 1 for priority consideration for our aid programs for the following academic year (fall term).


Set Up Your Student Account


Log In to Your Student Account


Review Documents

Go to pdx.edu/oit/activating-yourodin-account to get started.

Go to banweb.pdx.edu to log in.

Select the “Student Finances” tab and review any Outstanding Documents.


Accept Your Financial Aid Award


Make an Appointment with a Financial Wellness Center Coach

Select the “Student Finances” tab and “View and Accept My Award.”

Schedule an appointment: pdx.edu/ student-finance/financial-wellnesscenter



Be sure to add Portland State University as one of your schools. School code: 003216 If you are not eligible to submit the FAFSA, you can submit the Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA). The ORSAA is an alternative to the FAFSA for undocumented Oregon students, including students who have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or Temporary Protected Status (TPS). C O S T O F AT T E N D A N C E : D I R E C T C O S T S ( PA I D T O T H E COLLEGE) T U I T I O N / / The cost of courses; usually charged by the credit. This number can vary based on how a college defines full-time and part-time. At Portland State full-time enrollment is 12 credits or more; most students need to take at least 15 credits per term to complete their degree. Students majoring in programs in The School of Business, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, College of the Arts and University Honors College pay a higher rate per credit. F E E S / / Students are required to pay a number of fees and, depending on your major and the courses you take, you may also have to pay additional fees. These include fees for the health center, building maintenance fees, campus rec fees among others. Online course fees, lab fees, and art fees could also be included. H O U S I N G & M E A L S / / Sometimes referred to as “Room & Board,” this includes your cost to live on campus and your meal plan, or rent if you live off campus.

I N D I R E C T C O S T S ( PA I D I N D I V I D U A L LY ) B O O K S & S U P P L I E S / / These are materials you’ll need for your classes including textbooks, lab materials, art supplies, software, notebooks and pens and pencils. You can save money by using the PSU library, renting books and supplies, or finding deals. T R A N S P O R TAT I O N / / Your transportation costs will vary depending on whether you live at home, on campus or off campus. This can include the cost of public transportation to get to and from campus, costs to get around Portland, or costs to park on campus and pay for car maintenance. If you are from outside the Portland metro area your costs might also include an estimate to go home for breaks. P E R S O N A L E X P E N S E S / / Personal expenses could include things like toiletries, clothes, eating out or other entertainment.

OTHER POSSIBLE E XPENSES H E A LT H I N S U R A N C E / / PSU requires all students enrolled in five or more credits per term to have comprehensive health insurance. If you already have comparable health insurance, you can waive the PSU Health Insurance Plan. Students who do not apply to waive it are automatically enrolled in the PSU Health Insurance Plan. It is major medical health insurance that provides preventative, routine and specialized health benefits. go.pdx.edu/insurance COVERING COSTS G R A N T S & S C H O L A R S H I P S / / The grants and scholarships listed on your award letter are based on your academic record, FAFSA or ORSAA, and state residency. Grants and scholarships are calculated using the information we have available. If your final academic records or your aid application change, your eligibility for financial aid programs could change. You do not have to repay these funds. ◉

rants listed are awarded to you based on your family’s financial need as determined by your FAFSA or ORSAA. Grant eligibility and/ G or amounts can change each year based on your EFC or enrollment (full time or part time) according to your FAFSA or ORSAA.

Scholarships listed are usually based on academic merit (GPA or test scores). The scholarships included in your award are PSU Scholarships and/or external scholarships you reported to us.

L O A N S / / Federal student loans listed on your award letter are based on your FAFSA and grade level at PSU. Federal student loans are low-interest loans that require repayment after you are no longer enrolled at PSU. Loans can help you to cover the difference between your grants, scholarships and personal financial resources and what you need to pay for college. Federal student loans offer a variety of repayment plans to incorporate into your short- and long-term financial goals. Financial Wellness Center coaches are a great resource to discuss options before taking on loans. S T U D E N T E M P L O Y M E N T / / Federal Work Study funds are not guaranteed; you earn Work Study if you are hired for a student job on campus that is designated as a Federal Work Study job and can help offset your total cost of attendance. Whether you receive funds for Federal Work Study or not, when you get on campus we encourage you to look at PSU’s on-campus job opportunities at pdx.edu/careers. A C A D E M I C S E R V I C E S & R E S O U R C E S / / PSU offers several opportunities for academic services and resources. Multicultural Retention Services (MRS) provides academic support, advising, referrals, and advocacy to students who are first generation, low income and/or from diverse and multicultural backgrounds: pdx.edu/multicultural-retention-services. TRIO Student Support Services provides academic support, advising referrals, advocacy to students who are first generation, low income and/or from diverse backgrounds, and strives to ensure academic success, retention and graduation through structured programs pdx.edu/trio-student-support-services. Visit their websites to learn more about their programs and to apply.


Each bill you receive will include what you owe per term. Payment of your bill (tuition, housing and other fees) must be paid by the 6th of the month at the start of each term. Your first bill will include one term of tuition, housing and any other fees associated with your account. You can set up a payment plan that will allow you to pay your tuition each term in three monthly installments throughout the term. 7



EFC is calculated using the information you submit in your FAFSA. EFC determines how much federal student aid you are eligible for and is reported to you on your Student Aid Report (SAR).

Financial aid that is awarded based on academic, leadership or


The FAFSA is administered by the U.S. Department of Education. You must fill this out annually so the federal government can determine your eligibility for federal student aid and communicate this information to the schools you include in your application. We encourage ALL students to submit the FAFSA as soon as it is available (October 1). F I N A N C I A L A I D AWA R D

A notification from a college or university that details your federal, state and institutional (school-specific) financial aid. If you have reported outside scholarships you’ve received to the institution, these might also be included. FINANCIAL NEED

Your total cost of attendance minus your EFC. GIFT AID

Financial aid that doesn’t have to be paid back (scholarships and grants). GRANTS

Grants are funds you receive based on your academic record, FAFSA or ORSAA, and state residency. You do not have to repay these funds. Grant eligibility and/or amounts can change each year based on your EFC or enrollment (full-time or part-time) according to your FAFSA or ORSAA. INTEREST

Money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt. Interest is calculated as a percentage of the outstanding (unpaid) principal balance of a loan. LOANS

Federal student loans are low-interest loans that require repayment after you are no longer enrolled in college. Federal student loans offer a variety of repayment plans to incorporate into your shortand long-term financial goals. Private loans are also an option, but typically have higher interest rates and fewer repayment options. L O A N F E E ( O R I G I N AT I O N F E E )

A fee charged for each federal student loan you receive that is a percentage of the total loan amount you’re borrowing. The loan fee is deducted proportionately from each disbursement of your loan.


artistic talent, or other criteria. Merit-based aid may consider a student’s grades, test scores, special talents, or extracurricular activities to determine eligibility. N E E D A N A LY S I S

A process of reviewing a student’s FAFSA to determine the amount of financial aid eligibility. NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID

Financial aid that is awarded based on your financial circumstances. Need-based aid can be awarded in the form of grants, loans or Work Study. SCHOL ARSHIPS

Scholarships are funds you receive usually based on academic merit (GPA or test scores). You do not have to repay these funds. SUBSIDIZED LOAN

A federal student loan for which a borrower is not responsible for paying the interest while in school, or in a grace or deferment period. The federal government pays the interest for Subsidized Loans while you are in college or while the loan is in deferment. STUDENT AID REPORT (SAR)

A summary of the information you submit on your FAFSA, including your EFC. After you submit your FAFSA, you’ll get a Student Aid Report that summarizes the information you provided on your application. It’s a paper or electronic document that gives you basic information about your eligibility for federal financial aid. It also lists the answers you gave on your FAFSA. TA X R E C O R D T R A N S C R I P T

A form from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that is a record of processed tax forms submitted. UNSUBSIDIZED LOAN

A federal student loan for which a borrower is responsible for any interest the loan accrues while in school, or in a grace or deferment period. Interest begins accruing for unsubsidized loans as soon as the loan is taken out. WORK ST UDY

Federal Work Study funds are offered to students who qualify for it based on financial need. You can earn it if you are hired for a student job on campus that is designated as a Federal Work Study job. This can help offset your total cost of attendance. Federal Work Study funds are not guaranteed.

OFFICE OF STUDENT FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIPS The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships is here to guide you through the financial aid process. Our role is to help you understand college costs and apply for financial aid programs. Our goal is to make a degree from PSU affordable and the financial aid and scholarship processes as simple and straightforward as possible. C O N TA C T U S 503-725-3461 800-547-8887 (toll free) askfa@pdx.edu go.pdx.edu/financial-aid If you receive any non-PSU scholarships, you should report them to PSU at askfa@pdx.edu to ensure they are calculated and available for use.

SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT portlandstatefinaid.youcanbook.me




New Student Orientation is an essential part of your undergraduate college experience, provides a foundation for success, and is required for all incoming undergraduate students. New Student Orientation will provide you with details about campus life, student services, degree requirements, and, upon completion, will provide you with course registration access for your first term.



Confirm Enrollment


Activate Student (ODIN) Account


Submit COVID-19 Vaccine Form

All newly admitted students must confirm enrollment to guarantee your spot at PSU.

New Student Orientation consists of two requirements: 1.

Students at PSU are required to satisfy PSU’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement.


Complete Pre-Orientation


Register for Classes


Attend In-Person or Virtual Orientation

After completing the online module, you’re ready to register for courses.

You will receive access to online registration within one hour of completing Pre-Orientation.

See detailed steps at


Pre-Orientation In order to register for classes and attend an in-person or virtual orientation session, you are required to first complete Pre-Orientation, an online course that provides essential information about PSU, including details about your graduation requirements that will prepare you to choose courses for your first term at PSU. The course is self-paced and can be completed at any time that works for your schedule. If you have confirmed enrollment, activated your student account, submitted your COVID-19 form, and completed the math placement exam (if needed), you will receive your unique link to the course at your @pdx.edu email address when available. See dates at pdx.edu/orientation.

In order to complete orientation you must have an active PSU Student (ODIN) Account.

New students are required to attend an In-Person of Virtual Orientation.



Once you complete Pre-Orientation, you will receive access to online course registration within one hour of completion. 2.

In-Person or Virtual Orientation New students are required to attend either an In-Person or Virtual Orientation session after completing Pre-Orientation. Attend either an in-person or virtual orientation session where you’ll be able to connect with an advisor and attend sessions to prepare you for your first term at PSU. In-person Orientation Sessions include: community-based and informational breakout sessions, academic advising meetings to review your schedule and arrange further advising appointments, the opportunity to get your student ID, campus tours, and resource center open houses. Virtual Orientation Sessions are an opportunity for you to meet with academic advisors and get tips for being a successful student at PSU. You’ll have the opportunity to attend virtual sessions with information on remote learning, academic success strategies, campus resources, and more. Students will sign up for an Orientation session prior to completing PreOrientation, but the Pre-Orientation online module will need to be completed before attending an Orientation session.


O R I E N TAT I O N A N D R E G I S T R AT I O N A S S I S TA N C E pdx.edu/orientation V I R T U A L R E G I S T R AT I O N L A B S Once you have finished Pre-Orientation, you’ll have access to register for your first term courses. However, you may still have questions about your degree map and selecting courses. Academic advisors and student Orientation Leaders are ready to assist during any of the drop-in Virtual Registration Lab dates. V I R T U A L O R I E N TAT I O N H E L P D E S K Student Orientation Leaders are available to answer your general questions about orientation and registration. For assistance with registration, please have your classes picked prior to visiting the Virtual Orientation Help Desk. VIRTUAL GROUP ADVISING Sessions are available for Pathway or Non-Pathway specific advising sessions. PSU has seven Advising Pathways that group similar majors together based on common major-changing patterns. Learn more about Advising Pathways on the following pages. MAKE A 1:1 APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR ADVISOR If you need help choosing courses for your first term at PSU, make an appointment with your advisor. If you aren’t sure who your advisor is or how to make an appointment, contact orientation@pdx.edu or visit the Virtual Orientation Help Desk. P R E PA R E F O R Y O U R F I R S T T E R M pdx.edu/admissions/orientation/prepare S U B M I T F I N A L O F F I C I A L T R A N S C R I P T S / / Final transcripts are not required in order to sign up for or attend orientation, but we recommend you submit official transcripts from all schools attended as soon as possible. Request an official transcript be sent from your school to PSU’s Admissions Office as soon as final grades are available. If you do not submit final transcripts from all schools attended, a registration hold will be placed on your account and you will not be able to register for your second term of courses. U N D E R S TA N D P S U ' S G E N E R A L E D U C AT I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S / / All PSU undergraduate students complete general education requirements in addition to courses related to their major. General education requirements are met by completing the University Studies or Honors College curriculum. Online Orientation provides an in-depth look at how you’ll complete your General Education requirements alongside your degree and major requirements. The University Studies and Honors College Overview modules may be helpful in continuing to explore this topic. R E V I E W D E G R E E A N D M A J O R R E Q U I R E M E N T S / / In addition to general education courses, your class schedule will also include courses related to your major and degree requirements. C O N N E C T W I T H T H E P S U C O M M U N I T Y / / Explore the Student Activities and Leadership Programs database of upcoming campus events, online service projects, and student organizations. Connect with PSU’s Admissions Instagram (@go2psu) for up-to-date details about incoming student programming and more.


ADVISING pdx.edu/advising

PSU has seven Advising Pathways that group similar majors together based on common major-changing patterns. Pathways give students the opportunity to stay with the same advisor and advising team as often as possible if they change their major. You will be assigned an advisor from the Pathway that advises your major or pre-professional track; if you are undecided about your major, you will select any Pathway that interests you and work with your assigned Pathway advisor as you explore majors. S O C I E T Y A N D I D E N T I T Y PAT H WAY Fariborz Maseeh Hall, 360 503-725-3822 | sipathway@pdx.edu You will think and learn critically about human behavior and

social forces, with analysis of how people create, maintain, and are affected by definitions of race, gender, class, culture, disability, and other social locations. You learn about theories and methods that inform research and practice, and gain academic experience through exploration of historically underrepresented narratives. Using the knowledge and skills from your education, you pursue a broad range of careers working with individuals, families, and larger communities, in direct practice, business, policy, advocacy, research, and education. Majors: Black Studies, Child, Youth & Family Studies, Indigenous Nations & Native American Studies, Psychology, Sexuality, Gender & Queer Studies, Social Science, Social Work, Sociology, Special Education, and Women’s Studies Pre-professional Programs: Pre-Education (Elementary), PreEducation (Secondary), and Pre-Special Education D E S I G N , C R E AT I V I T Y, A N D P E R F O R M A N C E PAT H WAY 360 Fariborz Maseeh Hall 503-725-3822 | arts.advising@pdx.edu This pathway provides students with the opportunity to explore the many diverse ways to engage in a creative life. Students will be immersed in an environment of creative inspiration, interaction, and study. They will develop their craft by building skills and techniques to deepen their engagement with their individual artistic practices. Majors: Architecture, Art Practice, Art History, Cultural History of the Arts, Graphic Design, Film, Music, and Theater Arts





URB AN, PUBLIC , AND GLOB AL AF FAIR S PAT H WAY 540 Urban Center 503-725-9210 | upgap@pdx.edu You will explore the ways urban planning, governance, public administration, economics, and international studies can impact the daily lives of individuals and communities. Our programs encourage you to imagine original solutions to modern challenges and implement them through experiential classrooms and hands-on internships. You will be prepared to defuse and de-escalate conflict, create social change, and impact policy, economics, and systemic injustice at local and global levels. Majors: Community Development, Conflict Resolution, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, International & Global Studies, International Development, Political Science, Quantitative Economics, Urban & Public Affairs, and Pre-Law (Pre-professional track) B U S I N E S S PAT H WAY 220 Karl Miller Center 503-725-3712 | sbinfo@pdx.edu We believe in the potential of business leaders to courageously face today’s challenges and change the world for the better. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, you acquire skills in communication, sustainability, decision-making, problem-solving, and integrated learning so you can seamlessly move into the workplace and succeed. We’re in the business of building leaders —innovative thinkers, global collaborators, fearless entrepreneurs, and selfless philanthropists. Concentrations: Accounting, Advertising Management, Business Technology Analytics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management & Leadership, Marketing, and Supply & Logistics Management




ENGINEERING, COMPUTER SCIENCE, M AT H E M AT I C S , A N D P H Y S I C S PAT H WAY 100 Engineering Building (Student Services Office) 503-725-4631 | ecsmp.advising@pdx.edu

L A N G U A G E , C U LT U R E , A N D M E A N I N G PAT H WAY 360 Fariborz Maseeh Hall 503-725-3822 | lcmadvising@pdx.edu

In the Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics Pathway, you will build a strong foundation in math and science, which will prepare you for a career of learning and invention. You will work with faculty, fellow students, and community members to tackle problems of significance to the community and the world. In addition to classroom and structured laboratory experiences, you can participate in research, internship, and community engagement experiences.

The Language, Culture and Meaning Pathway invites you to explore the many ways in which humans communicate with one another, create unique cultures together, and formally document their life experiences. Through critical examination of the languages we speak, the cultures we construct, and the stories we tell, you will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse ways in which the human condition is experienced, communicated, and expressed.

Majors: Biomedical Informatics, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics

Majors: Anthropology, Applied Linguistics, Arts & Letters, Communication, Creative Writing, English, History, Judaic Studies, Liberal Studies, Philosophy, Speech & Hearing Sciences, and World Languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish)

H E A LT H , S C I E N C E , A N D T H E E A R T H PAT H WAY 360 Fariborz Maseeh Hall 503-725-3822 | hse.advising@pdx.edu In the Health, Science, and the Earth Pathway, you work toward academic and career goals in natural and earth sciences, clinical health occupations, and public health. Whether studying plant and animal life, molecules and chemical phenomena, or the Earth's environment (including water, climate, and natural hazards) and other planetary bodies, you will think critically about human interaction with the world around us. Students interested in health will learn about approaches and strategies that increase health opportunities for all people. You gain problem-solving skills to address illness and disease, facilitate wise use of our planet’s resources, and develop sustainable ecosystems, human societies, and economies. Majors include: Applied Health & Fitness, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Geography, Geology, Public Health Studies (5 concentrations available: Healthy Aging, Community Health Promotion, Health Services Administration, Pre-Clinical Health Science, or School Health Educator), Science Pre-professional Programs: Pre-Chiropractic Medicine, Pre-Dental Hygiene, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Medical Laboratory Science, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Naturopathic Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Radiation Therapy, and Pre-Veterinary Medicine


UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Students are required to complete at least 180 credits with a minimum of 62 upper-division credits (300- and 400-level courses). Students must also complete the requirements for the three components of a baccalaureate degree (see diagram). Transfer credits can be applied towards these requirements. Some degrees have specific course requirements not listed below. Be sure to work with your Academic and Career Advisor.

ACADEMIC DISTRIBUTION AREAS FOR BACHELOR 'S DEGREE REQUIREMENTS A R T S & L E T T E R S / / American Sign Language, Applied Linguistics, Architecture*, Art*, Art History*, Arts & Letters, Black Studies (221, 351-3, 421, 424-427 only), Communication, Conflict Resolution, Design*, English, Film*, Judaic Studies (325, 431, 435 only), Music*, Philosophy, Speech & Hearing Sciences, Systems Science (421 only), Theater Arts*, World Languages & Literatures, Writing. (*denotes Fine & Performing Arts) S C I E N C E S / / Anthropology2, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science/Studies, Geography2, Geology, Physics, Science (SCI), Systems Science (330, 332, 334, 411, 414, 431, 435, 440, 445 and 452 only)

DEGREE REQUIREMENTS (CHOOSE ONE) Bachelor of Arts (BA)—23 credits minimum1 ◉

credits minimum in 203 or a more advanced level course 3 OR language waiver

3 credits minimum in Fine & Performing Arts

7 credits minimum in Arts & Letters

3 credits minimum in Science or Math (100-level or higher)

7 credits minimum in Social Science, Science or Math (100-level or higher)

Bachelor of Science (BS)—23 total credits minimum ◉

3 credits minimum in Math (100-level or higher)

1 0 credits minimum in Science (must include two courses with lab or fieldwork)

10 credits minimum in Arts & Letters and/or Social Science

For information on Bachelor of Music (BM) or Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), see your major advisor for specific requirements.


S O C I A L S C I E N C E S / / Anthropology2, Black Studies (except 221, 351-53, 421, 424-427), Chicano/Latino Studies, Child & Family Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography2, History, International Studies, Judaic Studies (except 325, 431, 435), Native American Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Social Science, Social Work (310, 320, 340, 341, 350, 351, 384, 375, 399, 416, 430, 431, 432, 450 and 451 only), Sociology, Systems Science (336, 340, 342, 338, 350, 413, 418 only), Urban Studies & Planning, Women's Studies Language Requirement for Bachelor of Arts (BA): Students with no previous knowledge of a foreign language will need to complete two full years of a foreign language at the college level for a Bachelor of Arts (101-103 and 201-203 in the same language). Students who already possess competence in a foreign language should discuss their options with the World Languages and Literatures Department at PSU. 1

2 Certain Anthropology and Geography courses will apply to either Science or Social Science, but not both. Please see the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science requirements page at pdx.edu/advising for a full list of courses from these departments to determine which are considered science and which apply to the social science distribution.

GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS All universities have a general education curriculum included as part of the baccalaureate degree requirements. The general education curriculum differs at each institution and is typically titled differently. The goal of general education curricula is to assure that all graduates have a common set of coursework designed around the university's educational goals and gain skills that employers seek: communication, critical thinking, teamwork and collaboration. General education curriculum is also designed to assure that graduates have a breadth of coursework from across the university's curricula. At PSU, University Studies and the Honors College are the two options for general education. Both programs include unique requirements over in a four-year pathway. Transfer students are placed based on the credits upon entry to PSU. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS A major is a primary field of study, an in-depth academic focus; you develop a significant level of knowledge in a specific academic area. In order to graduate, you must complete the requirements for one of the majors offered by PSU. The number of credits required for each major vary. Details about the specific requirements for the undergraduate majors offered by PSU are located on each academic department's website and in the PSU Bulletin. Search for majors on the Undergraduate Programs page to view an overview of the program and degree planner. G PA R E Q U I R E M E N T You must have a minimum of 2.0 cumulative grade point average (G.P.A) in all PSU coursework at the completion of your degree. You also need at least a 2.0 in the courses in your major. Some majors require higher than a 2.0 in the major courses, and some require that you maintain a minimum G.P.A. in order to avoid a probationary status in the department. ELECTIVES Electives are courses that do not directly apply toward general education, degree, or major requirements. Most students need elective credits to meet the 180 total credit and/or 72 upper-division credit requirements for graduation. PSU does not require a specific number of electives; the number varies.

WRITING REQUIREMENT Students must complete 2 college-level composition courses or their approved equivalents for their baccalaureate degree requirements. This requirement may be satisfied in one of the following ways: 1.

tudents admitted to PSU as freshmen (0-29 credits) meet the S requirement by completing the first two years of University Studies or University Honors (both approved equivalents of composition courses).

2. S tudents admitted to PSU having earned 30-89 credits meet the requirement with WR 121 (required for transfer admission) and the requisite number of Sophomore Inquiry or Honors sophomore courses determined by placement into University Studies or University Honors. 3. S tudents admitted having earned 90 or more credits have four options for meeting the requirement: ◉

Transfer into PSU with an approved equivalent of WR 121 plus one approved composition course for which WR 121 (or its approved equivalent) is a pre-requisite.

Transfer into PSU with two approved composition courses for which WR 121 (or its approved equivalent) is a pre-requisite.

Complete WR 121 plus one additional course from the following PSU course list: WR 200, 222, 227, 228, 300, 301, 323, 327, 333, 394, 400, 420 or a 4-credit Writing Intensive Course (WIC) course. HON 399 and HON 403 are approved WICs. Composition writing courses transferred into PSU may also be considered.

Complete any two courses from the list above.


Total credits required to graduate with a bachelor’s degree = 180 Total upper-division credits required = 62 Minimum credits required in residence at PSU = 45 of final 75, 150 total Maximum number of two-year college credits allowed towards degree = 124 Maximum number of Pass/No Pass (P/NP) credits allowed towards degree = 45 Maximum number of vocational/technical, PE, cooperative education credits allowed towards degree = 12 each Learn More: pdx.edu/advising/general-education-requirement


REGISTERING FOR CLASSES ONLINE Before registering for classes, review the Course Planning Guide (CPG) and Class Schedule to see what classes are available. Check that you do not have any registration holds, and make sure you know when to register. One way to avoid holds is to answer all requests from PSU via email or letter in a timely manner. Banweb Registration Hub: pdx.edu/registration/banwebregistration-hub Course Projections Guide: The Course Projections Guide (CPG) is a projected list of courses to be offered during specific quarters of the academic year. Listings are subject to change throughout the year, and you should check back periodically for the latest projections. The CPG can be viewed at cpg.sa.pdx.edu. Class Schedule: Class schedules for future terms are available online approximately two weeks before registration for the term begins. You can view the class schedule by program or category, or you can search by class or instructor name. The class schedule is available at banweb.pdx.edu.

Registration Deadlines: The Academic Calendar lists deadlines related to adding and dropping classes, making grade option changes, withdrawing from classes, and refunding percentages. These dates are important because they determine the extent of financial obligation incurred by registration activity, and they determine if and how a class registration will be recorded on a student’s transcript. HOW TO REGISTER FOR CL ASSES pdx.edu/registration/how-register Registering for classes at PSU is done through banweb.pdx.edu. Follow these steps to register for classes: 1. Open a web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox) and type banweb.pdx.edu into the address bar. 2. Type the Username and Password you created in the Odin/OAM computer account creation process.

Registration Holds: Registration holds are placed on student records for past-due accounts, missing measles documentation, missing admissions data, or other reasons. Information about holds and how to clear them is available at banweb.pdx.edu. When to Register: Students begin registering for classes during the pre-term registration period and may make changes to their registration well after the term begins. Pre-term registration dates are prioritized according to student class standings (starting with Graduate students), determined by the number of credits, earned as follows: Standing Graduate Postbaccalaureate

Credits earned/completed Fully admitted to a graduate program Students hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and formal postbaccalaureate admission

Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman

135+ 90–134 45–89 1–44

To increase the chances of securing a place in your preferred classes, you should register as soon as possible once your registration queue opens. Online Registration Hours: Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. for each registration group. Subsequently, registration is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the last day to add classes each term. Priority registration schedule: pdx.edu/registration/calendar.


After you have entered your username and password, click the Sign In button. The Banweb home page will open. 3. Once you're logged in to Banweb, select the Student Services tab, then select Registration and Class Schedule. 4. Update student information if appropriate, then click on Continue to Registration Menu. This step only occurs the first time each term that you log in to the PSU Information System. 5. To search for courses, select Register for Classes.

HOW TO REGISTER FOR CL ASSES USING THE C L A S S S E A R C H F E AT U R E 1. The Advanced Search feature allows you to search for courses according to subject, course number, title, credit hours, part of term, instructor, attribute type, start and end times, and days of the week. Choose one parameter or several, then click on the Search button.

4. Once you have selected your courses, click the Submit button at the bottom of the pane. Any errors will pop up in a window at the top of the screen.

Errors include the following:

2. Select or type your search criteria into the necessary fields. Then click the Search button. A list of sections found will load.

Closed Classes: A class that is full will say “Full” in red in the status column. However, seats on the waitlist may be available.

Available Seats: Hovering over the information in the Status column will show you how many seats are available in the class

CLOSED SECTION: The class is full, but you may be able to register for the class with a departmental override if there is no waitlist. Contact the department for its override procedure.

CORQ PH 107 REG: The class has a required co-requisite for which you must register at the same time that you register for this class.

PREQ: The class has a prerequisite that has not been completed.

MAJOR RESTRICTION: You may only register for this class if you are majoring in this department.

TIME CONFLICT: The class for which you are trying to register overlaps with another class for which you already registered.

7. If there are no errors, once you click Submit, the Status will update to read Registered.

or on the waitlist.

The number of people registered for a class and the number of seats remaining in a class are not always accurate based on real-time registration and should only be used as an estimate. 3. After you have reviewed the course listings, click the Add button in the far right column to register. The course will appear in Pending status in your registration Summary pane.


HOW TO REGISTER FOR CL ASSES USING CRN (COURSE REFERENCE NUMBER) 1. If you already know the CRN for a course you want to take, you can add the class directly by CRN. 2. On the Register for Classes page, enter the CRN for the class and click Add to Summary.

H O W TO G E T O N A C L A S S WA I T L I S T Getting on a class Waitlist can help you get into a closed class if someone drops the class. This option permits a department to obtain a chronological list of names of students who wish to be considered for the next available seat in the class.

3. Follow the steps to submit your registration from the

1. If you receive a message that a course is full, but a Waitlist is available, select Waitlist WEB from the drop down menu.

Summary pane.

2. Click the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the screen. Once on a Waitlist, you will not be automatically registered for the class if a seat becomes available. Once a seat becomes available, a notification will be sent to the first person on the Waitlist via their PSU email account, letting them know they can register for the course. You have exactly 24 hours from the time this email is sent to register for the reserved seat. Instructions on how to add a course from the Waitlist when a seat becomes available will be contained

HOW TO DROP A CL ASS Dropping a class may be necessary if you register for the wrong class or section by accident. Students must initiate all drops and withdrawals from a course. It is your responsibility to drop or withdraw properly by the deadline dates in the Academic Calendar: pdx.edu/registration/calendar. You may drop a course online with no record of the course on your transcript up to the end of the second week of the term during Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. (As a courtesy, you should notify the instructor that you intend to drop.) From the beginning of the third week up to the end of the seventh week, you may withdraw online or by using a Special Registration form, but a “W” will be recorded on your transcript.

Follow the steps below to drop a class: 1. In the Register for Classes page, locate the Action dropdown menu. 2. Click the Action dropdown menu, select Drop Course WEB, Withdraw Course WEB, or Drop/Delete Pre-Term Web depending upon the available options, then click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

When you choose to drop or withdraw a class and click Submit, you do not get a chance to cancel the submission. If you mistakenly drop a class, you must completely re-register for it before the add deadline.


in the notification email. Once 24 hours have elapsed, you will automatically be dropped from the Waitlist. If you still need the course, you will need to put yourself back on the Waitlist. It may be beneficial to re-check the schedule to see if there is availability in other courses. S P E C I A L R E G I S T R AT I O N In certain cases, you may find that you need or want to take a course but cannot register for it online. pdx.edu/registration/how-register A C A D E M I C S TA N D I N G P O L I C Y All undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 to remain in Good Academic Standing with the university. pdx.edu/registration/academic-standing

DEGREE AUDIT REPORTING SYSTEM The Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) is a valuable tool which aids in tracking degree progress and in understanding requirements. This report applies your completed courses, including transfer courses accepted to PSU, to the PSU's graduation requirements. Transfer Evaluation Reports are provided to all transfer students upon admission to Portland State. This report shows how the classes you have taken at other colleges/universities have transferred to PSU and lists the equivalent PSU courses. HOW TO RUN A DEGREE AUDIT 1.

Login to banweb.pdx.edu and click on the Student Services tab


Click on Run Degree Audit (DARS)


Click on Submit an Audit


Click on Portland State University PSU Undergrad/Postbac, then click the Continue button


Select your Degree Program (for example, Architecture Bachelor of Arts)


Select the Catalog Year


Select Run Audit

DARS audits are used as unofficial advising tools and are not intended to be a promise or guarantee of progress toward a degree, major, minor, or certificate. Any PSU advisor can help you interpret this report and understand where you stand in completing your requirements to graduate. If you have further questions, visit the DARS website at pdx.edu/registration/dars.


HEALTH INSU go.pdx.edu/insurance

All students taking five or more credit hours per term at PSU are required to maintain comprehensive health insurance to ensure that students stay healthy and in the classroom. Students can either use the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan (major medical health insurance providing preventative, routine, and specialized health benefits) or, for those with comparable outside health insurance, apply to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan.



If you are covered by the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan, you will be enrolled automatically and charged each term (visit the website for rates). You will be charged this rate on your PSU student account each term, as long as you are taking five or more credit hours AND do not submit the health insurance waiver application.


The PSU Student Health Insurance Plan is operated through PacificSource which offers premium benefits for students and more.

Portland State University (PSU) requires all international students with F-1 and J-1 visa status, and taking 1 or more credits, to have adequate medical insurance coverage. These students must purchase year-round health insurance coverage through the University even during vacation terms or while out of the country. WA I V E R C R I T E R I A

STUDENTS WITH INSURANCE PSU requires any student taking 5 or more credits per term to maintain comprehensive medical insurance coverage. If a student has their own health insurance, including the OHP, they can submit an application to waive the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan for the current academic year. Waivers must be done every academic year. STUDENTS WITHOUT INSURANCE All students taking 5+ credits term are required to have comprehensive medical insurance coverage. If you do not have health insurance or your health insurance does not meet the criteria for the waiver application, you will automatically be enrolled in the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan and charged $1,009 to your student account. All students who have their own private insurance are required to submit a new waiver every academic year in the Fall. PSU's Student Health and Counseling will send email reminders to your @pdx.edu email address starting in August.


A student wishing to waive the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan must have a private health insurance plan with the following benefits in order to be approved for a health insurance waiver: ◉

No more than a $2,500 deductible

◉ At least 70% in-patient hospitalization coverage O R E G O N H E A LT H P L A N / / Students covered by the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) meet the University's requirements to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. UNSURE IF YOUR PL AN MEE TS THE CR I T E R I A? If you are not sure if your private insurance plan meets PSU's waiver criteria, contact the Student Insurance Team by emailing insurancehelp@pdx.edu.



HOUSING & RE pdx.edu/housing

One of the best ways to experience PSU is to live in one of our residence halls. First year students who live on campus are part of a First Year Experience (FYE) community. You will live exclusively among students who are in a similar place in their lives—transitioning from high school to university. All of our first year housing options are furnished with a dresser, desk, desk chair, and bed for each resident. All utilities and high-speed Internet are included.



There are so many reasons. Getting to live in downtown Portland. Walking distance to class. Five minutes from a million late-night snack options. Here are a few more: CONVENIENT AND COST-EFFECTIVE // You’re a short walk to faculty offices and campus resources. No commuting or parking necessary—take public transportation to run errands and explore the city. No separate utility bills— electric, water, gas and wireless Internet are included in your campus housing costs. We make payment easy, you can set up a payment plan option in your student account. A C A D E M I C S U P P O R T / / Students who live on campus have higher GPAs and are more likely to graduate on time. This is because students have access to in-hall, afterhours academic support, and are integrated into a large campus support network. C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T / / You will meet PSU students from all over the world, Our residents come from Portland, out of state and other countries. We help you build community by organizing hundreds of residence hall activities and events each year! A S A F E P L A C E T O L I V E / / With on-site professional management and Residential Life staff available 24/7, there's always support nearby and residents get electronic building access 24/7. FOOD & DINING

Campus residents have many options when it comes to dining on campus. All first year students living on campus are required to register for a meal plan. pdx.edu/housing/dining


The studio units in our Broadway building feature a private bathroom and a kitchenette with a stove top and mini fridge. The first floor of Broadway consists of retail space—currently home to Chipotle and other dining options. The second floor has classrooms, a computer lab, and the Housing and Residence Life office. Broadway is Silver LEED Certified, which recognizes that it was built and is maintained with environmentally friendly practices.



Ondine is a 15-story high-rise with spectacular views of Mt. Hood and downtown. Many students choose to live in Ondine because it is home to Victor’s, the on-campus dining space, so you won’t need to leave your building for all-you-care-to-eat dining. Each studio in the building has a private bathroom either in-unit or shared with the adjacent unit. This building has it all: classrooms, a convenience store, a television lounge, building parking option, University Success for after-hours academic support, and free printing.

The Honors Community is housed in Stephen Epler Hall. Epler’s studios have private bathrooms and kitchenettes with a stove top, oven, and mini fridge. The Honors Community provides students admitted to the Honors College with the opportunity to participate in a close-knit community with other high achieving and highly motivated students. This community integrates classroom and experiential learning into the residential experience to form a dynamic learning community.


CAMPUS LIFE pdx.edu/student-life

WE ' VE GOT YOUR BACK Your health and wellness are our top priority. We ensure you can engage fully in and out of the classroom. If you face challenges, we back you up with drop-in counseling, legal and financial services. Whatever your identity or background, you will find the support to succeed and the community to belong at Portland State. RESOURCE CENTERS pdx.edu/student-life/resource-centers C U LT U R A L R E S O U R C E C E N T E R S / / The Cultural Resource Centers (CRCs) provide students resources, leadership, employment, and volunteer opportunities. • La Casa Latina Student Center • Middle East, North Africa, South Asia Initiative • Multicultural Student Center • Native American Student and Community Center • Pacific Islander, Asian and Asian American Student Center • Pan-African Commons D I S A B I L I T Y R E S O U R C E C E N T E R / / The Disability Resource Center works to make university life accessible to students with disabilities. They identify, evaluate, and reduce or eliminate barriers to student access and equity. They foster community and create opportunities to promote disability culture.


Q U E E R R E S O U R C E C E N T E R / / The Queer Resource Center provides students along the sexuality and gender spectrum with the support they need to persist to graduation. RESOURCE CENTER FOR STUDENTS WITH C H I L D R E N / / RCSC offers integrated services that support students’ goals to be effective parents while succeeding in their academic pursuits. V E T E R A N S R E S O U R C E C E N T E R / / The Veterans Resource Center serves as a baseline of support for student veterans, active duty service members and dependents in order to meet their unique academic, professional and personal needs. W O M E N ' S R E S O U R C E C E N T E R / / We provide meaningful engagement opportunities for students who want to establish collaborative, feminist-centered leadership skills that will help them advance toward graduation and life outside PSU.

MEE T YOUR NE W COMMUNIT Y Explore all Portland State’s campus life has to offer, from live music and food carts in the tree-lined Park Blocks to student rec activities in the modern Urban Plaza. Our student health and counseling center, 10 cultural and resource centers, 200 student groups, and support services are here to ensure you thrive. You’ll discover a campus with people who’ve traveled a few bus stops or a few airports to get here. As a PSU student, you get to eat, study, play, and learn beside people from 90 countries and all 50 U.S. states. Get together with friends and start exploring all our campus life has to offer. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jobs and Internships Student Government Student Leadership Student Clubs & Groups Advising & Career Services Student Health & Counseling Campus Recreation Outdoor Program Intramural Sports 15 Division I Sports Teams Multicultural Retention Services Cultural & Resource Centers Diversity & Multicultural Student Services

T R A N S P O R TAT I O N Portland is routinely ranked among the best transit cities in the United States. TriMet is Portland’s public transportation system. TriMet consists of bus, MAX train, Streetcar (free with a PSU ID) and WES Commuter Rail.


PSU offers discounted TriMet transit passes through our Transportation and Parking Services. Transportation and Parking Services also sells parking permits for the parking garages on campus and bike parking permits for the bike garages. Pricing can be found at pdx.edu/transportation.

ISSS welcomes the world to PSU by providing advising, programming, and support to international students. Visit our site to learn more about how to get involved with your international community at PSU.

Biketown is Portland’s city-wide bikeshare system. PSU students receive free memberships through biketownpdx.com.


You will see the orange bike stations around Portland.



Join a student group, build your leadership skills, volunteer, get a job, or find something to do on campus. PSU offers a variety of ways to stay connected with other students and stay active while you're a student.

As the living room of our urban campus, the Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU) brings together students and the campus community by providing a center for ideas, programs, services and engagement that enriches the social, cultural and educational environment of Portland State University.

AT H L E T I C S goviks.com PSU has 15 NCAA Div. I programs that are members of the Big Sky Conference. Students receive FREE admission to all athletic events, including basketball and volleyball inside the state-ofthe-art Viking Pavilion and football at Hillsboro Stadium. 25



ADMISSIONS pdx.edu/admissions admissions@pdx.edu 503-725-3511 or 800-547-8887 ADVISING pdx.edu/advising askacs@pdx.edu 503-725-5555 FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIPS go.pdx.edu/financial-aid askfa@pdx.edu 503-725-3461 or 800-547-8887 HOUSING & RESIDENCE LIFE pdx.edu/housing housing@pdx.edu 503-7254375 ID SERVICES pdx.edu/student-finance/id-cards idservices@pdx.edu 503-725-3440 R E G I S T R AT I O N pdx.edu/registration registrar@pdx.edu 503-725-3220 STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES pdx.edu/student-finance studentfinancialservices@pdx.edu 503-725-3440 S T U D E N T H E A LT H & C O U N S E L I N G (S HAC) pdx.edu/shac askshac@pdx.edu 503-725-2800 T R A N S P O R TAT I O N pdx.edu/transportation 503-725-3442




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