Porch Reader Winter 2010

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Winter 2010

THE PORCH READER Financial and Gift Planning Ideas for Donors and Friends of Portsmouth Abbey School

12 Months to a Well-Planned Estate If you’ve put off writing your will or

jointly or, in certain states,

making plans for how your estate

as community property).

will be distributed after you’re gone, you’re not alone. Estate planning is a chore. But it’s a task that, once completed, feels great.

2. List all obligations and other liabilities. 3. A list of life insurance policies indicating the insured, the owner, and the beneficiary of each policy.

Getting started is often the hardest part,


Having an effective estate plan ensures that the people and causes you care about benefit after you’re gone.

• Do You Want to Help Continue Our Work, But Can’t Right Now? • Creating Your Will: Costs And Considerations

4. Details about deferred

so we’ve put together a simple plan to

compensation, such as from a

help you begin right now. Every few

401(k), including the beneficiaries.

months, tackle the next step in the plan.

5. The names of those parties or

If you keep at it, by year’s end, you will

agencies who you would like

have the peace of mind that comes from

to benefit from your estate.

having a solid plan for protecting yourself and your loved ones.

MONTH 1: Tally your assets.

6. The location of your will, securities and other valuable papers.

The first step in creating your estate

MONTH 4: Make decisions about your will.

plan is the preparation of an inventory

An up-to-date will serves as the bedrock

of personal data. You should include

of your estate plan by expressing your

the following:

current intentions and creating tax-

1. A list of your assets that

saving opportunities. If you do not

shows current value as well

have a will, state law will divide your

as title (whether held in your

estate according to a rigid formula

name, your spouse’s name,

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• Agent for health care power of

that’s unlikely to reflect your wishes. To

attorney. This person makes health

ensure that your personal and family

care decisions on your behalf if you

needs are met, take these three steps:

are unable to make them.

1. Decide which people and charities you’d like to benefit through your will. 2. Determine what (and how) to leave

• Estate planning attorney. This person ensures that your wishes are accurately and clearly

your belongings to your heirs. The

documented in your will and legal

gifts in your will can take various


forms. They can be cash or specific be shares of the residue of your estate.

MONTH 10: Meet with your estate planning attorney.

They can be held outright or in trust.

Review all the decisions and lists you’ve

personal and real property. They can

3. List each person and each charity’s

made so far. Bring them with you when

name, the gift you’d like each to

you meet with your attorney. These

receive, and other information about

lists will help your attorney evaluate

how you’d like the gifts completed.

your unique circumstances and suggest ways to avoid paying unnecessary

MONTH 7: Pick your team.

taxes during your lifetime and at death.

Think about and list whom you’d like

If you’re considering remembering

to fill these roles.

Portsmouth Abbey School in your will,

• Executor. This is the person you

we’d be happy to meet with you and your

name to carry out the terms of your

attorney to help answer any questions

will. Choose someone who will be

you may have, with no obligation.

comfortable dealing with your finances


Hall Manor Society If you have made a provision for Portsmouth Abbey School through your estate plan, we would like to thank you and recognize you as a member of The Hall Manor Society. If you would like more information on becoming a member of The Hall Manor Society, please contact us at 401.643.1269.

and investments, taxes, and record

MONTH 12: Finalize your plans.

keeping. Consider their availability,

Follow through with any additional

general health and diplomacy as well.

steps resulting from your meeting with

• Guardian. If you have minor children,

your attorney.

you should name a guardian for each child and their property, in case your spouse doesn’t qualify or doesn’t survive you. Otherwise, the court will appoint someone who you may not approve of. • Agent for durable power of attorney. Choose someone to act on your behalf in financial matters should you become unable to manage your own affairs.

Congratulations! You have taken the time to ensure that your family and favorite causes are cared for after you’re gone. Continually review your estate plans every three years, or whenever major life changes or tax law changes occur, to make sure it’s still the best plan for you and your family.

Do You Want to Help Continue Our Work, But Can’t Right Now? Consider including a gift to Portsmouth

amount of money, make the gift

Abbey School in your will or living trust.

contingent on certain events, or leave

Called a charitable bequest, this type

a percentage of your estate to us.

of gift works well for people who want to make a significant gift but can’t do that today. Plus, it has these benefits:

Why Leaving a Percentage Makes Sense When planning a future gift, it’s

• Simplicity. Just a few sentences in

sometimes difficult to determine

your will or trust are all that is needed.

what size donation will make sense.

Here is sample language you can share

Emergencies happen, and you need to

with your attorney when remembering

make sure your family is financially

Portsmouth in your will: I give to

taken care of first. Including a bequest

Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth,

of a percentage of your estate or a

R.I., (the sum of $_____ or _____

percentage of your residual estate

percent of the rest, residue and

ensures that your gift will remain

remainder of my estate) for its

proportionate to your estate size, no

general purposes.

matter how it fluctuates over the years.

Your Will Uniquely You

• Flexibility. You can change your mind at any time because you are not actually making a gift until after your lifetime. • Versatility. You can structure the bequest to leave a specific item or

Contact us at 401.643.1269 or ajones@portsmouthabbey.org today to learn more about remembering us in your will.

To learn more about gift planning quickly and easily from the comfort of your own home, visit us online at www.portsmouthabbey.org/plannedgiving.

© Portsmouth Abbey School and The Stelter Company

recycled paper

The information in this publication is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to income tax apply to federal taxes only. Individual state taxes, estate taxes and/or state law may impact your results.

Does Your Will Cover Your Particular Situation? Our FREE guide, Your Will: Uniquely You, shows you how to address your specific needs and goals, whether you: • Are single. • Are remarried. • Have grandchildren. • Have a child with a disability. • Intend to make charitable gifts. Return the enclosed reply card to receive your complimentary copy today!

Creating Your Will: Costs And Considerations The benefits of creating a will far outweigh the emotional pain and financial disarray that can result from not having made the effort.

The process of creating a will doesn’t need to be overly time-consuming or expensive. The peace of mind you’ll feel once you’ve clearly and legally articulated your final wishes, is priceless.

Timetable Your personal circumstances will dictate

several times that amount. Whatever the

the amount of time it takes to draft your

going rate in your area, resist the urge to

will. A simple will might require little

look for a “deal”—or use do-it-yourself

more than an hour-long discussion with

forms. Enlist the services of a qualified

an attorney, plus a return visit to sign

estate planning attorney, whose

the finished paperwork. Obviously,

knowledge and experience will ultimately

more complicated estates will require

save your estate money and eliminate

increasingly careful planning and execution.

heartache in the long run.


Learn more about creating an effective will and how to remember the School in your plans by visiting us on the Web at www.portsmouthabbey.org/ plannedgiving.

The cost of drafting a simple will depends largely in part on where you live. People in some parts of the country have created simple wills for a few hundred dollars. For the same services elsewhere, you might pay

Action List What You Can Do Today Patrick J. Burke ’86 Assistant Headmaster for Development 285 Cor y’s Lane Portsmouth, RI 02871 401.643.1269 Fax 401.643.1377 pburke@portsmouthabbey.org www.portsmouthabbey.org

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Return the reply card to receive our

FREE guide, Your Will: Uniquely You.

Discover other charitable giving options by requesting a free eBrochure from our Web site, www.portsmouthabbey.org/plannedgiving. Complete your estate planning checklist. If you’re interested in giving within this calendar year, make sure you know what date it has to be completed and how to properly document it to receive your earned benefits. Thank you for your support! Your gift, large or small, helps us carry out our mission.

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