Portugal Living Magazine/Summer 2022

Page 10

Is knowing Portuguese a requirement to obtain “permanent” residency in Portugal? Yes. According to Regulatory Decree No. 84/2007, Article 64 deals with application for granting a permanent residence permit: The application for granting a residence permit submitted by a holder of a temporary residence permit for at least five years must be accompanied by the following documents: (a) Passport or other valid travel document; (b) Proof of means of subsistence; (c) Proof that you have accommodation; (d) Request for consultation of the Portuguese criminal record by the SEF; (e) Certificate of qualifications issued by a Portuguese official or private or cooperative educational establishment recognized in the legal terms, a certificate of achievement in the basic Portuguese course issued by the IEFP or by an official educational establishment or a legally recognized private or cooperative education institution or, also, certificate of knowledge of basic Portuguese, by taking a test in an assessment center for Portuguese as a foreign language, recognized by the Ministry of Education. Regarding the documents mentioned in subparagraph (e) above, in the case of a person who has attended an official or private or cooperative education establishment recognized under the law in a country where Portuguese is the official language, knowledge of basic Portuguese can be evidenced by a qualification certificate issued by that educational institution. Note: Brits arriving in Portugal now will have to meet the language requirement. https://data.dre.pt/eli/decregul/84/2007/p/ cons/20181231/pt/html Have a question? Contact us at info@ portugallivingmagazine.com and we’ll get the answer(s)! 10 Portugal Living Magazine

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Articles inside

Portuguese with Leo Learn Portuguese more

page 71

Espectáculos Mark your calendars for these concerts and special events.

page 70


pages 67-69

My Story Mike Wasinski sometimes forgets how challenging his first few weeks in a new country were.

page 66

Not All Property Portals Are Alike What to look

pages 62-63

On the Soul of Portuguese Shoes Portuguese

pages 64-65

A Taxing Situation Paying Taxes as an American in Portugal can be complicated.

pages 54-55

Portugal’s Top TV Chefs Henrique Sá Pessoa

pages 59-61

Portrait of an Artist Back from the Brink Nothing

pages 56-58

After Your Pets Arrive Bringing your furry

pages 51-53

Legal Options for Opening a Small Business

pages 49-50

Portugal’s Pride: LGBT in Portugal

pages 38-41

Alentejo Wines The Alentejo is famous for easy drinking, full-bodied, fruity red wines.

page 45

Living Off the Grid Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be off-the-rails to live off-the-grid in Portugal.

pages 46-48

From Madeira with Love

pages 42-44

AFPOP Advances More than 37,000 people have benefitted from afpop membership discounts, information, and services over the past 35 years.

pages 36-37

That Dreaded Language Test How to be prepared

pages 34-35

Q&A Do you need to know Portuguese to be granted citizenship?

pages 10-11

Noteworthy News, condensed and compiled for your information.

pages 12-24

Creepy Crawlers While somewhat pesky, it is extremely rare to be inflicted with serious problems by any of Portugal’s flies, bugs, or creepy crawlers.

pages 28-29

Algarve’s Road Less Travelled Heading down to

pages 30-31

Exploring Portugal by Bicycle Updated annually

pages 26-27

Feedback Your reactions—kudos and kvetches to our contents.

pages 6-9

More Cowbell Third-generation Cowbell Masters operate the last remaining handmade cowbell factory in the capital of cowbell country.

page 25
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