3 minute read
Carrion Stalker

Through rituals combining alchemy, necromancy, and grim surgical precision, the brain of a mortal being is encased in a glass jar filled with preserving fluids and the liquefied goop of their body's flesh. The transformation renders the brain ageless and imbues it with psionic power, so that it can spend eternity plotting and executing its desires.
A brain in a jar can speak without vocal cords, psionically projecting its disembodied voice outward for all to hear. It enjoys conversation so much that it is prone to talking for hours on end, sometimes to itself if there are no others with whom it can speak. It also likes to think out loud and reflect on the events and decisions that led to its great transformation.
The brain floats i n a jar of solution, pulsating as it reacts to its surroundings. Some brains have been known to thump against the walls of their containers when excited or vexed. A jar's metal casing might be rusty but serviceable, or an elegantly wrought masterwork, depending on its creator. Still other brains desire nothing more than to regain a body. This might be the brain's original body, another frame they covet, or some more elaborate design of their own diabolical creation. While disembodied, a brain in a ja r weighs roughly 1 25 pounds.

BRAIN IN A jAR Small Undead
Armor Class 1 1 (natural armor) Hit Points SS ( 1 0 d 6 + 20)
Speed 0 ft. , fly 10 ft. (hover)
STR 1 (-S)
DEX 3 (-4)
CON lS (+2)
I NT 1 9 (+4)
WIS 10 (+O)
CHA lS (+2)
Saving Throws I nt +6, C h a +4 Damage I m m u nities poison
Condition I m m unities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned, Senses b l i ndsight 1 20 ft. ( b l i n d beyond this radius), prone passive Perception 10; see also " Detect Sentience" below Languages the languages it knew in l i fe Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Detect Sentience. The brain can sense the presence and location of any creature withi n 300 feet of it that has a n I ntel ligence of 3 or h i gher, regardless of i nterposing barriers, u nless the creature i s p rotected by a mind blank spell . Magic Resistance. The brain h a s advantage on s aving throws against spells a n d other magical effects. Unusual Nature. The brain doesn't require air, food, d ri n k , or sleep. AC T I O N S
Chill Touch (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: + 6 to hit, range 1 20 ft. , one creature. Hit: 1 3 (3d8) necrotic d a m age, and the target can't rega i n hit points until the start of the brain's next turn. If the target i s U ndead, it also has d isadvantage on attack rolls against the brain until the e n d of the brain's next turn. Mind Blast (Recharge 5-6). The brain magically emits psychic energy i n a 60-foot cone. Each creature i n that area must succeed on a DC 14 I ntel l i gence saving throw or take 1 7 ( 3 d 8 + 4) psychic d a m age a n d be stun ned for 1 m i nute. A stun ned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Innate Spel/casting (Psionics). The brain casts one of the fo l l owi n g spell s , requ i ri n g no components a n d u s i n g I ntelligence as the spellcasting a b i l ity (spell save DC 1 4) :
At w i l l : detect thoughts, mage hand, zone of truth 3/day each: charm person, hold person l /day each: compulsion, hold monster, sleep ( 3 rd -level version),