October 12, 2017
Ghost Sightings in Burgaw On Oct. 13-14 ghosts of Pender’s Past will haunt the Historic Train Depot, Courthouse Avenue, Wright Street and the county courthouse grounds. Attendees to the annual Ghost Walk: Ghost of Pender’s Past will meet the spirits of the historic prisoner exchange, ghosts from Poplar Grove Plantation, and pirates. Ghosts from the Gullah Geechee heritage
will feature a boo hag. There’s also the story of a woman slapped to death by a ghost. The Ghosts of Pender’s Past legal minds ZLOO JDWKHU LQ WKH FRXUWKRXVH IRU D JUDQG ¿QDOH Meet the ghosts of Pender’s Past during one of the four shows, starting Oct. 13 at 6 or 8 p.m. or Oct. 14, at 6 or 8 p.m., rain or shine. The shows begin at the Historic Burgaw Train Depot.
Haints in Pender County? How do we know?
The Pender County Tourism and the 1 & %OXHEHUU\ )HVWLYDO RI¿FHV DUH ORFDWHG in the historic jail at 106 E. Wilmington Street in Burgaw. Occasionally in our of¿FH ZH KHDU GRRUV RSHQ DQG IRRWVWHSV :H go to meet our visitors and there’s no one there. Sometimes we hear dragging from upstairs in the jail. Sometimes our conference room doors will open and close all by themselves.
That’s when we decided, we need a Ghost Walk. Last year’s event was a sell-out. This year we have doubled the number of tickets we can sell. We hope this event continues to grow. Our ultimate goal is to attract visitors to Pender County. We’re rich in history – even the spooky kind – and we love sharing our wealth with our visitors.
A Gastly Conspiracy
Many groups and individuals conspired together to make the Ghost Walk happen. It is the united effort of Moores Creek National Battlefield, Pender County Library, the Historical Society of Topsail Island, Pender County Museum and Historical Society, Poplar Grove Plantation, Pender County Tourism, the Town of Burgaw, the NC Blueberry Festival, and the Pender Arts Council. Special thanks to the students and educators from Pender High, Pender Early College, and Heide Trask High S c h o o l . , B u rg a w P a r k s a n d R e c
Department, Pender County Sheriff’s Department, Loggerhead Designs, the Burgaw Downtown Businesses, and the Burgaw Police Department. Special thanks to the Pender County Tourism Development Authority who have attended countless meetings and planning sessions. And last, but not least, you would not have this limited edition Pender Ghost & Voice without the support of our hometown newspaper, the Pender Post & Voice, Andy and Katie Pettigrew, owners.
Some of Your Neighbors May not be Who they Seem
The scenes played out in the 2017 Ghost Walk just may be your neighbor, your lawyer, your favorite business owner, or your county commissioner. Here are the actors who have participated in this year’s Ghost Walk: Ghost of Pender’s Past: Debbi Johnson, Judy Herring, Austin Gaskins, Linda Lashley, Kemberly Renelt, Julian Scobber, Jim Murphy, Chip Davis, Camden Paluck, Shelby Battle, Steve Smith,
Edna Smith, Rick Stidley, Janine Stidley, Jim Shapely, Mariah Martin, Josie Mae Treadwell, Logan Manns, Gilbert Burnett, Zachary Rivenbark, Bob Hugh Corbett, Vernon Harrell, Jackie Newton, Ross Harrell, Tollie Mitchell, Noah Harrel, Jason Aycock, Jeffery Williams, Timothy Patram, and Rochelle Whiteside. Keep a close watch on the actors. We just may add a few more talented folks while the Pender Ghost &
Voice goes to print.
Tour guides We could not host the Ghost Walk without tour guides. We extend our special thanks to Jake Arthur, O.B. Battel, Sandy Blake, Jackie Davis, Holly Horton, Jeanette Jones, Josie Mae Treadwell, Janet Rivenbark, Debbie Shukiser, Sally Spainhour, Lynda 6WHYHQV -DQHW 7HZ 6RÂżD :HOOV DQG 'HE .HVHFNHU
A Few of the Favorite Haunts Around Town While you’re in town be sure to visit a few of our local haunts. Burgaw AntiquePlace is famous for their homemade fudge. Did you know that if you eat fudge standing up the calories don’t count? That’s what the Ghost of Calories told us. Harrell’s Department Store will be open Friday night. Step into this more than a 100 year old family business and take in the atmosphere of what downtown shopping. Harrell’s might feel familiar. It has been the backdrop for television and movies. Freemont Antiques has a vast selection of antiques and unique items. Don’t go upstairs though. It’s haunted. Brown Dog Coffee Company will offer a discount if you present your Ghost Walk ticket to the cashier during the Ghost Walk, Oct. 13-14. They roast their own beans. Visit them for coffee, smoothies and more. Olde Carolina Eatery is a favorite place for Francis’ famous soups and sandwiches. On Ghost Walk night stop by for cider or ice cream. Bandana’s Restaurant and Grill, located in the Pender Landing Plaza on Hwy 117 and Hwy 53, will offer Ghost Walk specials. They have a bar in the Wagrub room (that’s Burgaw, backwards). Great piz- za, great entrees. Piggly Wiggly, located behind the Historic Burgaw Train Depot, offers a deli counter with their famous chicken and specials. There’s a dine-in area to enjoy the home cooked goodness. Carolina Sisters is a wonderful shop with beautiful fashions. They make shopping personal with monogramming your purchase. They offer a selection of purses, jewelry and more. Harvey’s Deli and Tavern offers sandwiches and drinks. Visit for a night cap or a meal. Memaw’s Chicken and Ribs is located in the Pender Landing Plaza at the intersection of Hwy 117 and Hwy 53, wants to know if you’re chicken. If you’re not a chicken, come on over and enjoy their delicious specials.
––Stops on the Ghost Walk––
&Prisoner Exchange at the Historic Train Depot – the site of a historic and horrific exchange of Union and Confederate soldiers. &Mattie Bloodworth – This Burgaw Emily Post scared the daylights out of Burgaw residents with her scolding ways. &Poplar Grove Plantation was torn asunder by the Civil War. &Mary Slocomb’s intuition told her that her beloved husband was wounded in the Battle of Moores Creek. She rode her horse at night to reach Moores Creek. &Boo-Hag, a Gullah Geechee ghost story, is the story of a young newlywed whose wife vanishes in the middle of night. &Water-logged Preacher is a Pender story of ghostly proportions. &The Historical Society of Topsail Island shares the tale of the Gold Hole and the pirate’s curse. *Did you know Bigfoot has been sighted in Pender County twice? Here’s the true story of a Bigfoot sighting. *A haunting story of a lady who was slapped to death by a ghost in Pender County. Better think twice before you mistreat someone. They could come back to haunt you. *The finale is the Courthouse Drama. The finale is a Perry Masonlooking set of cases that will tickle your funny bone.
Harrell’s Department Store will have cider and cookies during the Friday evening Burgaw Ghost Walk Special thanks to the Pender, Onslow and Brunswick Pirates