Pass It On senior newsletter August 2014

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Helpful information to enhance senior living provided by Pender Adult Services

POST Voice The Pender-Topsail


POST Voice The Pender-Topsail


August 2014

RSVP recognizes volunteer’s work By Barbara Mullins RSVP Coordinator The Retired Senior Volunteer Program had a barbecue catered by Saw Mill Grill to celebrate the huge success of our RSVP Program in Pender County. We are so very proud of our RSVP volunteers for the 9,463 hours they devoted from July 1, 2013 through July 1, 2014. This is an awesome dedication from the best volunteers ever. The Topsail Senior Center provided the perfect atmosphere for this celebration. Volunteers shared their volunteer stories and RSVP also had a chance to honor a special group of young adults from Team Effort. This is the third year Team Effort spent in Pender County and assisted with home repairs for our homebound seniors in Hampstead, Topsail and Maple Hill. Caleb, director of this year’s program, assisted RSVP on last minute requests for handicap ramps, emergency help after hurricane Arthur, and various last minute needs. For seven weeks different mission groups came from all over the country to volunteer. Team Effort plants the seeds in young people to volunteer, give back on local levels, give

aide to seniors that are so in need of this physical and financial help, and to appreciate all we are given each and every day. RSVP promoted our program by providing a site lunch weekly for 1-2 groups. The interaction with RSVP volunteers serving lunch and the youth groups working was amazing. Area residents were very aware that RSVP and Team Effort work together to help our seniors have the means to remain living independently at home. These 11 staff members of Team Effort shared their joys of volunteering and the connections they made with some of our seniors while working at their homes. In addition some of the seniors that received these benefits were at the event to express their appreciation and tell RSVP the impact we have on their lives. Team Effort has left our area now and hopefully will return next year. We thank them for all they have done for us and wish them best in their college endeavors and continuing volunteer programs in other areas of our Country. RSVP is still seeking more volunteers to help with our homebound visits. Contact Barbara at 910-259-9119 (ext 329).

Heritage Place happenings A Crazy Kind of Day was held for Jennifer Mathews, Center Coordinator on June 25. The event was planned by the seniors to show their support by sharing a fun day with her. Seniors brought new hats and jazzy scarves to cover Jennifer’s beautiful balding head. Many of them wore a hat of their own. It was a fun uplifting day for everyone that participated. Trish Berger has been teaching an Arthritis Foundation class on Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m. Seniors have enjoyed a change in pace but look forward to Geri-Fit classes returning soon. Ruby Ballard has been filling in as Jennifer has been out with her treatments. Thank you to Trish and Ruby for helping keep our seniors moving. The Living with dementia

and Alzheimer’s disease workshop held July 21 at Pender Adult Services with 64 people attending. Melanie Bunn, RN, MS, GNP founder of Bunn consulting and dementia training specialist for Alzheimer’s North Carolina in Raleigh led the workshop. The program was sponsored by Lower Cape Fear Hospice & Life Care Center. August is National Watermelon month. So don’t leave this fruit out of your diet. It is taste good and is good for your health. Our fall classes, basket, crocheting, knitting, Line dancing, quilting, and tai chi will get back in full swing after Labor Day, so get out your tools or check out a new activity. The garden is done it’s still hot outside so come inside where the air is and meet some new friends.

The Charleston at Christmas trip registration opens Sept. 15. This three-day, two-night package Includes two nights hotel accommodations with two breakfasts, and two dinners including a wonderful dinner at the Charleston Crab House on beautiful James

Summer safety for seniors By Rebecca Boggs, RN Special to Pass It On The heat of the summer has arrived, making this a great time to review safety tips for seniors. Keep in mind that seniors are especially susceptible to the effects of the summer heat due to: •Aging bodies do not adjust as well or as quickly to changes in temperature as younger bodies •Elderly people often have chronic conditions that affect the body’s response to heat •Medications may impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature With that in mind, summer is still a wonderful time to get out, get active and have fun. Just remember some simple tips and precautions to insure your outing does not end in the ER. Act like a bear. Bears are more active at dawn and dusk. Plan your outdoor activities for early morning or early evening to avoid the hottest time of the day. Dress appropriately. Light colors and loose fitting clothes are ideal. And don’t forget a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen! Drink lots of water or sports drinks and avoid caffeine and alcohol. By the

time an elderly person senses thirst, he or she may already be dehydrated. Common symptoms of dehydration are confusion, irritability, dry or cracked skin/lips, and dry mouth. Of course check with your physician for additional precautions if you take medications that affect fluid balance such as Lasix or other diuretics. Make sure you have a cool place to seek refuge from the heat. Check your air conditioning system to insure it is working properly. Be aware of the warning signs for heat exhaustion and heat stroke, the two most dangerous effects of the summer heat. Heat Exhaustion warning signs are heavy sweating, fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, dizziness, headache, nausea or vomiting, fast heart rate, fast breathing, cool or clammy skin. Heat exhaustion can also develop after exposure to high temperatures if you have not properly rehydrated or cooled your body down. The treatment is to move to a cooler place and/or apply cool, wet cloths to your body. Drink water or sports drinks and rest. Consult your physician if symptoms don’t improve. Heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, which can be life

threatening. Heat Stroke warning signs are little or no sweating, hot/dry skin, headache, nausea, rapid pulse, confusion, chills and even unconsciousness. The treatment is call 911 immediately. Heat stroke can quickly lead to death. If you are with an elderly person suffering from heat stroke, keep the person lying down and as cool as possible. Stay with them until help arrives. Be aware of a few other summer safety precautions as well. Use insect repellent to avoid bites. Seek medical attention at once if you notice a bite that seems abnormal or is not healing. Be extra vigilant when handling food in the heat. Put left overs in the refrigerator or an ice chest as soon as possible. Bacteria grows quickly in hot and humid conditions. Make sure you have an emergency supply kit. Summer storms can cause power outages that may last a few hours or longer. Your kit should include water, a flashlight and extra batteries, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, and a battery operated hand fan. Finally, be aware that summer is a time

Continued on back page

Topsail Senior Center news By Kay Stanley Topsail Senior Center

It has been a busy summer. We are thankful for some volunteers that have filled in for our regulars that have been on vacation. We are so excited to honor our volunteers as we could not carry on daily without their help. We are planning to recognize our PAS Topsail volunIsland. The package includes, teers on Aug. 14 from 5-7 p.m. James Island Holiday Festi- The evening will include food val of Lights, a guided tour from Casey’s Buffet and enof Historic Charleston, the tertainment provided by The Charleston Christmas Special Possum Creek Band. Show, shopping at Charleston’s We enjoyed some assistance Historic Market and much from a youth mission group more. from Pennsylvania that was rained out of their local work Continued on back page project. They came and helped

Upcoming PAS trips

Photo contributed

A crazy hat party was held June 25 at Heritage Place.

with some clean up around the center. They did a variety of tasks including updating the bulletin board. There is another little angel in our midst, Kaye Sanchez, who volunteers for the Pretty in Pink Foundation and makes a variety of helpful items for cancer patients to use – totes, survivor pillows, caps and drain pockets out of donated material and thread. If you have any pieces of material, flannel or otherwise, please call Kay at 270-0708 or bring to the Topsail Senior Center. Kaye has taken on this special project to help cancer patients and is the only sewer for the project. She puts all to good use. We have held the Quilt

Raffle drawing for the beautiful quilt donated by Betty Van Sickle. The proud winner was Maggie Baribeault of Hampstead. Topsail is fortunate to have a new United Way worker, Bobbi Acee, who is able to work at the center and assist for 20 hours per week. We welcome her on our team. Topsail Geri-Fit class continues to grow. The seniors love their teacher, Wesley Davis. They meet at 9:15 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Topsail. Tuesday fun days have been a mixture of crafts and community activities. The group from Grace EPC has come and led music and we have done a variety of craft projects. We look forward to

111 S. Wright Street, Burgaw, NC 28425 • 910.259.2116

the return of Cape Fear Community College Occupational Therapy Department interns this fall. They will be leading crafts/activities on Tuesday mornings. We are considering a new line dancing class on Monday afternoons this fall. We have tried it in the past. If you are interested please let us know. It would most likely be at 3 or 4 p.m. before closing. We have several possible instructors. basket and quilting classes will start back after Labor Day. So dust off your tools or come check out a new activity. Baskets are taught by Peggy Casey on Tuesday mornings and Quilting groups meet on Wednesday morning or Thursday afternoon.

Visit ou Old-Fash r ioned Soda Founta in

Jimmy Wilson, Pharm. D Randy Spainhour, Rph. Krista Strickland, Pharm. D

Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

This store gladly accepts Medicaid, Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, State Teachers Plan and most other third party prescription plans.




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Thank you to all who use Pender Adult Services Transportation (PAS-TRAIN) Attention to seniors ages 65 and up. Attention to person with disabilities (ADA). Call to schedule your ride and for more information to Wallace or Wilmington!! $3 each way!!

! ! !




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Offers assistance in the home for individuals and their families in Pender and Duplin Counties Services include CAP In-Home aide, Personal Care & Private Pay. CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION!

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Phone: 910-259-9119 Fax: 910-259-9144 Contact: Rebecca Boggs, RN

Personal Care, Sitter, Light house keeping, Respite



Caregivers Needed...we are hiring!! Call today to start you new career! Ask for Anna at 259-9119 x 318

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Offering a full staff of certified instructors offering a variety of classes including: people travel or go away on may consider hiring a home


Continued from front when your support system may not be in place as more


Continued from front

vacation. If you rely on neighbors or friends and family that live close by, make sure you know their schedule and have a back-up support system in place when they are away. You

care aide to assist you or your loved one if your usual help is not available. Communicate regularly with loved ones, especially during times of extreme heat or severe storms.

due with registration. Travel protection is available at time of deposit for $51 per person. Make deposit checks payable to Pender Adult Services. Travel protection is payable to PML Tours. You may mail deposit with address and phone number included to PAS, P. O. Box 1251,

Burgaw, NC 28425, attention Jennifer Mathews. We still have a few seats the southern Maine trip. Total Trip Cost of $759 is required now if you are interested. Contact Jennifer Mathews 910 259-9119 Ex 303 or Kay Warner.

Body Pump, Zumba, Fit Over Fifty, Pilates, Yoga & Cardio Blast

903 S Walker St Burgaw, NC 910 259-0422

The trip departs Dec. 11 and returns Dec. 13. The cost is $354 per person, double occupancy. A deposit of $100 is

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Heritage Place Opportunities Monday 8:00—7:00









9:00 Crocheting 9:00 RSVP Perks (1st) 11:00 Geri-fit 12:00 Meals 12:30 Pinochle 1:00 Quilting Group 1:00 Jewelry

9:00 Oil Painting Tai chi 12:00 Meals 1:00 Bid Whist 1:00 Canasta 2:00 Senior Chorus 6:00 Line Dance

9:00 Basket Class 11:00 Bingo 12:00 Meals 1:00 Bid Whist 1:00 Bridge

7:00 Burgaw Rotary 11:00 Bingo 11:00 Geri-fit 12:00 Meals 12:00 Meals 12:45 Rummique/Mexican Saturday—closed Train

1:00 Blind Support Group(2nd)

3:00 Quilting/Sewing Club

Topsail Senior Center Opportunities Monday 8:30 am—5:00 pm 10:00 Modified PILATES 12:00 Meals 12:30 Tree Top Quilters(2nd)

Tuesday 8:30 am—5:00 pm 9:00 Baskets 9:15 Geri-fit Health Checks—(3rd) 10:30 Feel Good Fun 12:00 Meals 2:00 Gentle YOGA 3:00 Adv. Tai Chi

Wednesday 8:30 am—5:00 pm 9:00 Quilting Bee 9:00 RSVP Perks (1st) 10:00 Knitting Group 12:00 Meals 12:30 Caregiver class

1:00 Woodcarving

Thursday 8:30 am—5:00 pm 9:15 Geri-fit 10:00 Vinyasi YOGA 10:00 Bingo (earlier time) 11:15 Tai Chi 12:00 Meals 1:00 Quilting Class

Fitness Fusion Group Fitness Classes Pender Adult Services is committed to providing our community a safe, stable, environment in which individuals can maintain their independence, good health practices, and a healthy sense of self-esteem.

Phone: 910-259-9119

Monday Open 5:30—9:00 8:30 BODYPUMP 9:40 YOGA 10:45 FIT OVER 50

Tuesday Open 5:30—9:00 8:30 CARDIO BLAST 9:40 YOGA 10:45 FIT OVER 50

Wednesday Open 5:30—9:00 8:30 BODYPUMP 9:30 Health Checks (1st) 9:50 PILATES

Thursday Open 5:30—9:00 8:30 ZUMBA 9:40 YOGA 10:45 FIT OVER 50

4:00 Health Checks (1st)


6:30 ZUMBA


6:30 ZUMBA

Facility Available

Phone: 910-270-0708 Friday 8:30 am—2:30 pm 9:00 Wood Carving 10:00 Cribbage 12:00 Meals 12:00 Vitality in Action 1:00 Sign Language Class Saturday –closed

Phone: 910-259-0422 Friday Open 5:30—9:00 8:30 BODYPUMP 9:50 PILATES 5:30 BODY PUMP Saturday Open 8:00—2:30

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