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The Pender-Topsail
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Blueberry Pancake Breakfast Saturday
By Andy Pettigrew Post & Voice Publisher
Staff photo by Andy Pettigrew
Forest Service says fire season could be active from the mainland to Topsail Island.
By Jefferson Weaver Special to the Post & Voice
Despite a handful of rainy days in recent weeks, officials are concerned this year’s fire season could be an active one. “We are at the start if fire season,� said Shane Hardee of the N.C. Forest Service District Headquarters in Whiteville, “and it really doesn’t take more than a few days of dry weather for all the rain we’ve had to disappear.� Further complicating matters is the forecast by the National Weather Service for a drier spring and summer, as well as fuel covering the floors of timberlands across the area. Some areas have not been cleaned since Hurricane Matthew in 2016, which downed thousands of trees throughout the region. Piles of flood debris above the usual high water marks have also made for excellent wildfire fuel. Most fires start innocently enough, Hardee said.
Pender County School officials say safety is a top priority. In a statement last week, school spokesperson Miranda Ferguson said in a email to the Post & Voice “student safety is our first priority at Pender County Schools. We work closely with local law enforcement and investigate every concern which threatens the safety of our children; however by law we cannot discuss the outcomes of any investigations involving students.� A comment on Snapchat suggesting a school shooting would occur in Pender County prompted a flurry on social media Tuesday. Capt. James Rowell of the Pender County Sheriff ’s Office said there was no credible threat found to the message. In 2017, Pender County Schools formed a safety committee including local law enforcement, school officials, emergency management, Pender County Fire Marshall, and Pender EMS and Fire. “We are fortunate to have such support from these com-
munity agencies. The safety committee has completed several safety walkthroughs of school campuses and will complete every school by the end of the school year,� Ferguson wrote. “The new Pender School school superintendent is really on top of school safety,� said Sheriff Carson Smith. “We have really been working well with him.� Rowell, who supervises the county’s school resource officers, says training of school staff and SROs is vital. “We were doing staff training at North Topsail Elementary when the news of the Florida shooting came in. We sit down with the teachers and review the schools response protocols,� Rowell said. “The biggest problem we have is many times information is known about a student and there is a lack of sharing with law enforcement.� Rowell says the SRO serves as a liaison between the school community and law enforcement. “We want the students to realize law enforcement is
Continued on page 2A
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firefighting tools, a water source and a cell phone nearby. Never let a fire burn without someone nearby watching it the entire time. “If a fire starts to get out of control, call 911,â€? he said. “The sooner it’s caught the less damage is likely to be done. If you wait too long, we could have a major fire Push Mowers • Lawn Tractors • Zero Turn Mowers event and property damage. That’s when Trimmers & Chainsaws people can be cited or fined.â€? Basic fire safety rules always apply, Hardee said. “It’s never okay to burn trash and non-vegetative material,â€? Hardee said. “We will write a citation for that, as will the fire marshal, and the fines can be expensive.â€? Staff ďŹ le photo Legislation in 2013 allowed for vegetaA N.C. Forest Service air tanker makes tive debris to be transported to a burn a drop on a wildďŹ re in western Pender site, as long as the site is used no more Photo contributed County in 2011. than four times a year, and piles are no Former N.C. House District 16 Representatives Carolyn more than 20 feet in diameter. Only two Justice and Chris Millis, along with current Representa“People want to get ready for spring piles may be maintained at such locative Bob Muller stand in support of Pender County Sheriff planting, and a fire just gets out of conCarson Smith as he ďŹ les for the seat. Smith is joined by trol,â€? he said. “You should always have Continued on page 13A
& & &! "&!
• The Trask Titans took the Coastal 8 basketball tournament crown. Read more in Sports on page 7A.
School officials, law enforcement talk about school safety
The new Surf City bridge across the Intracoastal Waterway continues to advance
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• The robotics program in Pender County schools is getting a ďŹ nancial boost. Read more about it on page 1B.
How safe are our schools?
Surf City bridge work
By Lori Kirkpatrick Post & Voice Staff Writer
Continued on page 13A
In This Edition...
The Media of Record for the People of Pender County
Volume 48, No.20
Pancake batter will be bubbling on griddles, sausage will sizzle and politicians will be shaking hands Saturday in Burgaw at the annual Blueberry Pancake Breakfast. One of the community’s favorite local traditions, the breakfast will run from 8 until 11 a.m. Feb. 24. Pancakes, sausage, and a beverage will be provided. As always, the event will be held at the Burgaw Fire Station. Dine in or take out options are available. Tickets are available for purchase from the festival office or at the door. The cost per ticket is $7. Children ages four and under can eat for free with a paying ticket. The North Carolina Blueberry Festival Annual Blueberry Pancake Breakfast is an annual tradition that began shortly after the festival was started. The community event jump starts the festival each year. It involves the help of many volunteers each year, as well as students from the local high schools and early college. The pancake breakfast helps raise funds for the festival’s scholarship program. The breakfast is an opportunity to have delicious blueberry pancakes while visiting with many others from the community,
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Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 2A
Pender County Arrest Report Information in this report is provided by the Pender County Sheriff’s Department, which is responsible for the content. An arrest does not always result in a conviction in court.
Pender EMS & Fire Report Feb. 11-17
Pender EMS and Fire Data Total number of Patient Contacts: 217 Calls per Station Burgaw Station 1 46 Sloop Point Station 14 28 Hampstead Station 16 37 Surf City Station 23 31 Topsail Beach Station 4 6 Union Station 5 18 Rocky Point Station 7 29 Atkinson Station 9 19 Maple Hill Station 13 3 Scott Hill Station 18 0 Hwy 421 Station 29 0 Type of Calls Cancelled: 23 Refusals: 60 Stand By: 0 Transported: 129 Treated/released: 5 Fire Department Reports Total Calls: 54 Calls per Station Rescue Station 1 Burgaw 4 Fire Station 13 Maple Hill 4 Fire Station 14 Sloop Point 16 Fire Station 16 Hampstead 11 Fire Station 18 Scotts Hill 3 Fire Station 21 Long Creek 12 Fire Station 29 Hwy 421 4 EMS St. 4 Topsail Beach 0 Fire Call Type Summary Fire 6 Motor Vehicle Crash 10 Search and Rescue 0 EMS First Response 33 Cancelled 5 Ocean Rescue 0
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POST Voice The Pender-Topsail
The Hampstead Women’s Club donated more than $47,000 to Pender County schools and charities during 2017. Pictured is Patricia Truscelli, HWC president.
Continued from page 1A there to help them and the SROs address the safety and security of the school,� Rowell said. Pender County schools have installed locks on the school doors to limit access to the buildings. Those entering the building have to alert the office employees through a buzzer system in order to gain access to the building.
However, access to school grounds are not controlled. While students are outside the buildings during activities, a threat possibility exists. School officials urge students to be aware of possible threats and report anything they may see on social media that could pose a threat to schools. Rowell said with past school shootings, there is evidence of the instability of the shooter on social media – information that either was not passed on to officials or was not taken seriously.
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Pender-Topsail Post & Voice
Opinion Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 3A
Jefferson Weaver Contested races show concern for the community Where history hides beside the highway With the start of campaign filing season, it’s obvious we have a lot of folks interested in seeking political office. This is an excellent bellweather for our community. There are those who say that an unopposed incumbent must be doing a good job; likewise there are those who say it’s no use, since all elections are rigged. We have a big secret to reveal – all elections are indeed rigged. They are decided by A responsible voter the candidate who gets the will see past the hype and most votes. How crooked the party politics and all is that? That’s right. The candidate with the most votes the trigger-words to find wins. the meat within the politiAll joking aside, the fact cal walnut. The American that we have contested races electoral process can and means that there are people will emerge victorious over concerned enough about rhetoric and hyperbole if their communities to put we as voters cast our baltheir personal lives on hold lots. and on display, for the opportunity to make less than minimum wage. There are notable exceptions, of course, but most elected posts are basically part-time jobs with full-time responsibilities. When people are willing to sign up to run, that means they have a concern that things need to be done differently, or they feel it can be done better. Contested races also tend to bring out more voters, and we sincerely hope that will be the case this year. Mid-term elections (referring to the middle of the presidential and gubernatorial terms) tend to lag sometimes in turnout, unless there is a real controversy. There’s never a good excuse for any American citizen to not cast a ballot if he or she is legally registered to vote. The results of every election have an effect on our daily lives, and there’s no such thing as a wasted vote. We all should stop for a moment and consider folks who think the key to victory is preventing the opposition from turning out to vote, as opposed to working harder to gather votes for their candidate. That’s one reason it is so important for all citizens who are legally eligible to vote to cast a ballot in the manner of his or her choosing. We as taxpayers spend millions of dollars every year making sure the election process is as untainted as possible. We can do nothing about those trying to affect it from the outside except vote with our pocketbooks and ballots. Indeed, that’s why a well-thought-out vote for a well-researched candidate is important. A responsible voter will see past the hype and the party politics and all the trigger-words to find the meat within the political walnut. The American electoral process can and will emerge victorious over rhetoric and hyperbole if we as voters cast our ballots. The fact that we have contested races means we have more people who love their community, and want to see it advance for all people. Regardless of platform, we need concerned citizens to be concerned voters for competent candidates and competent leaders. The candidates signing up for local, state and federal offices are doing their parts. We have to do ours. Listen. Research. Read. Pay attention. And evaluate the response when the hard questions are asked. There are plenty of outside factions trying to influence your vote. When the time comes to cast your ballot in May, make sure the only thing affecting your decision is a your desire to see what you think is best for your community tomorrow, next year and in the years to come. The candidates willing to submit themselves to the scrutiny and sometimes nasty nature of political arena deserve an honest vote, along with the promise to hold them accountable both before and after the elections.
The Point
Notes from the Field
Birdin’ in the ‘hood
Bill Messer Once in a while, out exploring the wild places in Holly Shelter, the 50,000 acre Wildlife Management Area operated by the NC Wildlife
Resources Commission, I run across serious ‘birders’, bird watching enthusiasts, with camera, tripod and long lenses. Some of these lenses cost as much as a car. They’re easy to spot, walking around with binoculars pointed up toward the tree canopy. When I’m in the woods, I’m usually looking for wildflowers, head down, a lot easier on your neck, and you can see what you’re about to step on or into. I wish I had one of those
Continued on page 4A
There are times I simply cannot resist an old dirt road. I do not mean the random dirt road running through a field. I mean the kind that is barely a whisper at the edge of the pavement, and not even a memory at the woodline. Roads that go places people once found important, people as forgotten as the roads they built. I reckon I could be accused of being an inveterate trespasser, due to my love of old roads. I rarely if ever take anything with me on these semi-legal visits; perhaps I pick up a nail, a piece of glass, or similar piece of debris. On the rare occasions I find a structure safe enough to enter (as long as there are no posted signs, of course) I will go inside, but I’d never take anything, tempting as it may be, wasteful and tragic as it seems to leave a treasure behind to rot and rust. Whether or not the owner would know or care is beside the point. Every chipped greenglass jar or forgotten kitchen knife is the property of those named on the deed. Under some circumstances, if I know the owner, I’ll fetch a certain item and let them know. I can recall only one rusted axe head that actually stayed with its
Missy (Gail) Ostrishko Post & Voice Columnist www.gailo.com
Jefferson Weaver family when I did so. Most of the time, people really don’t care that much about the bits of their history lying forgotten beside their old roads. Another axe head – one which I tripped over in the middle of a state-maintained dirt road – has a special place in my collection. It is stamped “CCC”, for the Civilian Conservation Corps. A little bit of investigation led me to those who remembered the Great Depression, when the CCC worked those woods and even built a railroad there. That history was forgotten – as was the history of the original residents of that section of high ground, one of whom was unearthed
during the railroad project. The signs of those native people still turn up there, too: points from arrows and spears, occasional beads, and pottery. I admit, I have far too many such treasures made of rusty iron and broken glass and tarnished tin. My wife has long since despaired of keeping my pockets clean. I once found a trash pile abandoned since the 1940s and went as crazy as a drunken sailor on payday. The owner appreciated my scavenging, but couldn’t care less about the soft drink and patent medicine bottles, nails, hardware, and sundry parts of the lives of a family of sharecroppers. I
Continued on page 4A
Create a ‘safe age in place’ home Dear Savvy Senior, My husband and I are thinking about making some modifications to our home so we can remain living there for as long as possible. Can you recommend some good resources that can help us with aging in place ideas? Staying Put Dear Staying, Many retirees, like you and your husband, want to stay living in their own house for as long as possible. But being able to do so will depend on how easy it is to maneuver your home as you get older. Here are some helpful resources you can turn to, to get an idea of the different types of features and improvements you can make that will make your house safer and more convenient as you grow older. Home evaluation A good first step in making your home more age-friendly is to do an assessment. Go through your house, roomby-room, looking for problem areas like potential tripping or slipping hazards, as well as areas that are hard to access and difficult to maintain. To help with this, there are several organizations that have aging-in-place checklists that point out potential problems in each area of the home, along with modification and solutions. Rebuild Together, for example, has a two-page “Safe at Home Checklist” that’s
created in partnership with the Administration on Aging and the American Occupational Therapy Association. Go to AOTA.org and search for “Rebuilding Together Safe at Home Checklist.” The National Association of Home Builders also has an “Aging-in-Place Remodeling Checklist” that offers more than 100 suggestions to can help homeowners age 50-plus live safely, independently and comfortably. Go to NAHB.org and search for “Aging in Place Remodeling Checklist.” Also check out AARP’s excellent resource called the “HomeFit Guide” that’s filled with 28-pages of tips and diagrams to make your entire home safe and easier to live in as you age. You can access it at AARP.org – search for “HomeFit,” or call 888-687-2277 and ask them to mail you a free copy. Personalized advice If you want more personalized help, consider getting a professional in-home assessment with an occupational therapist. An occupational therapist, or OT can evaluate the challenges and shortcomings of your home for aging in place, recommend design
and modification solutions, and introduce you to products and services to help you make improvements. To find an OT in your area, check with your physician, health insurance provider or local hospital, or seek recommendations from family and friends. Many health insurance providers, including Medicare, will pay for a home assessment by an OT if prescribed by your doctor. However, they will not cover the physical upgrades to the home. Another option is to contact a builder who’s a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS). CAPS are home remodelers and design-build professionals that are knowledgeable about aging in place home modifications, and can suggest ways to modify or remodel your home that will fit your needs and budget. CAPS are generally paid by the hour or receive a flat fee per visit or project. To find a CAPS in your area visit the National Association of Home Builders website at NAHB.org/ capsdirectory where you can search by state and city. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
Letters to the Editor Public opinion is welcome. Send your Letters to the Editor to P.O. Box 955, Burgaw, 28425 or to posteditor@post-voice.com. Please include your address and phone number with your letter. We reserve the right to edit letters for content, clarity, and length. Unsigned letters will not be published. The views expressed on the Opinion pages do not necessarily represent the views of The Post & Voice, Post Voice LLC, or its sponsors. Patience rewarded, a sparrow sits still long enough for a portrait
On Island Time
Purge, prune plan and prepare It’s the New Year, and though nearly two months have already passed, I am still in New Year mode: purging things that no longer serve me, pruning activities, experiences and relationships that no longer feel reciprocal, and planning to be more efficient and effective by practicing prevention in the year to come. I do this every year, of course, but this year I am really getting serious, out of necessity and desire. I know that I am a collector of things; the “queen of stuff ” as my soul sister affectionately accuses. It’s all good stuff, she acknowledges, but it takes up space, and more importantly, it saps energy. Letting go is liberating, it’s just annoying when I finally get rid of things and think I need them the following week. I didn’t realize how much energy clutter consumes until I made a consistent practice of purging. I do so intermittently, and sparingly, as I realize my attachments are often emotional. I find that pruning plants is an intuitive spiritual discipline for me, and I am generalizing this habit to nonliving objects. Though clearing out a closet is cleansing, even short bursts of removing one or two things from the kitchen counter, bookshelf or dresser is encouraging and energizing. My mother always said ‘a place for everything and everything in its place.’ Problem is, I don’t have enough places for everything so some of it must go. Somehow parting with some things makes it easier to let go of others. I have learned the art of rehoming beloved objects that still have value and meaning. Friends have done this for me with things they still love but know belong better in my home. I enjoy identifying some of my trinkets and treasures that are better suited for my loved ones as well. Even if they don’t want them, they can pass them on or donate to someone else who does I bought the book Love it or Lose it, years ago, and the few parts I read were helpful. Written by colleagues, this practical guide to purging and pruning things that no longer bring joy to your life is a great guide, if only I could follow their advice consistently. My new plan is practicing prevention. The fewer things I buy or bring in to my home, the less clutter I collect. Sounds like a no brainer, I know, but being the avid thrift shopper I am, and regular recycler of everything, piles compound quickly. My new criterion is “can I live without it” and the answer most of the time is undoubtedly yes. What are you ready to let go of ? And what can you live without? Here’s to purging, pruning, planning and prevention as you prepare for a productive and successful New Year. Please let me know how it goes at gailo@gailo.com.
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 4A
Moores Creek Battlefield anniversay events this weekend The Moores Creek National Battlefield, in collaboration with the Moores Creek Battleground Association, will be commemorating the 242nd Anniversary of the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, one of the first Patriot victories of the American Revolution. The event will be held Feb. 24-25 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. each day. More than 150 living historians dressed in 18th Century clothing will fill the battlefield and demonstration area, spending the weekend demonstrating and educat-
ing the public on military and civilian life in 18th Century North Carolina. Patriot and Loyalist soldiers will be encamped in the battlefield as well as the opposite side of Moores Creek, giving a glimpse into what life was like for soldiers who fought during this battle. Demonstrations will include an interpretive demonstration of the battle with cannon and musket fire; musket and sword program; artisan demonstrations, including blacksmithing, woodworking, candlemaking, glass making;
colonial foodways demonstrations; children’s toys and games; live music; educational programs, including 18th Century astronomy, surveying, militia drills, musket cartridge making, colonial medicine, and much more. The weekend’s events will commence with a wreath laying ceremony to honor those that fought, and for some, died, so that we may be free. This ceremony begins at the Visitor Center at 10 am and ends at the Grady Monument, where more than 50 wreaths will be placed in honor of
those brave soldiers. Food will be for sale by the Atkinson Volunteer Fire Department. Local DAR and SAR groups, as well as other local organizations will be set up in Patriots Hall, providing information on how you can get involved in events such as this or to help you work on your ancestry. The event is free and open to the public. For a full listing of event details, please stay connected to us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/moorescreeknps or visit our website at www. nps.gov/mocr.
the digital zoom, which is like a magnifying glass, making larger pictures but fuzzier and fuzzier the more you zoom. Birds are often in the treetops, which means you can wind up with lots of bird feet and bottoms, and there’s an added problem of tree limbs, which autofocus cameras will likely choose for the focus point instead of the bird. Here’s how the world’s laziest bird photographer does it. I arranged my bird feeder and birdbath to be in direct line of sight from my easy chair. With the front door open, and the screen door’s glass panel freshly cleaned, I can shoot through the glass from inside without spooking the birds. Shooting through double pane window glass isn’t the best technique, but it might let you get a picture you wouldn’t otherwise be able to get. For whatever reason, the dominant front yard bird this season seems to be a nondescript LBB (little brown bird) with patches of color, a yellow-rumped warbler. When I lived in Raleigh, I had a large resident population of house finches used to having company on the back porch, and watching their interactions was always interesting. Same with hummingbirds, they can get quite used to the presence on humans, and come to the feeder even when I’m sitting in the chair only a few feet away. Taking pictures of birds on a feeder is easy, but sometimes the presence of a plastic flower jars the natural
scenic beauty of the picture. I always have small twigs attached nearby for perches around the feeder. Often birds will rest, or wait their turn at the feeder, on the twigs, and offer a good opportunity for a natural looking picture. In midsummer when the mosquitoes swarm, a large dragonfly often called a mosquito hawk will also come to the roost stick I set out by the hummingbird feeder. They can get to be pretty tolerant of me poking a camera in their face, even to the point of me bumping them in the head as I try to see just how close I can get. Once in a while I run across a picture of someone feeding birds out of hand, but I wonder if the birds are park birds, used to people, like pigeons. Favorites? The Carolina wrens are frequent visitors, exploring the lattice porch supports and the hanging wind chimes. And a caution: years ago someone gave me a cat, and when I was away, I’d leave the garage door cracked open a few inches, and then one day I heard a tiny little noise, baby wrens in a nest. From then on until they fledged I had to leave the garage door open enough for the parents to come and go, and then when the babies fledged, they stayed in the garage a couple of days until I opened the door all the way, and they were off. And then I did it again the next year. And then I learned to keep the door fully closed in early spring. The best bird feeder I use is easily 25 years old and
I replaced the wood perch with a piece of PVC water pipe. It’s old and rusty and features a weight sensitive snap down door activated by anything heavier than a bird, like a squirrel, thus supposedly ‘squirrel proof ’. Not my squirrels, who learned to hang on the pole and reach around into the seed tray. I delighted to see a multicolored bird one day, almost Disney-like in its colors, a male painted bunting. Then I realized I had been seeing female painted buntings for some time, about the size of a bluebird, but overall olive greenish. I learned about the PBOT people, the Painted Bunting Observer Team, at UNC-Wilmington, and sent in an observation notification, and they in turn sent out a student to do a habitat survey of my front yard. PBOT has a website, but isn’t taking observations any more. Technology and social media make it possible to share bird pix with other enthusiasts, and there are many local birding groups, and if you want to see just how many, Google ‘nc birdwatching’ and follow the links. There’s even a group for my neighborhood on Facebook, Topsail/Hampstead Area Birdwatchers, that is very helpful for me so I can find out just what kind of birds are in this area. About 95% of my bird IDs are known as LBBs, little brown birds, but I’m learning. Another thing I learned is there are more birds around when you don’t have your camera with you.
teacher who admitted that he, his brother and two other buddies sneaked into the pantry one night and stole what they thought were two jars of pear brandy. My mentor always laughed when he recalled the rebellious teenagers’ faces as they gulped a drink of their clandestine liquor – only to discover the jars held nothing more Presbyterian than canned pears. Sometimes we forget that life goes on after momentous events. I have a small collection of relics from the Averasboro battlefield, where we used to pick up bullets by the pocketful after a hard rain. For years I though I’d found a real treasure – a fancy brass harness buckle. Was it off a gallant officer’s horse equipment as he led his troops, either blueclad or gray, in a final charge? I was a little disappointed when I found a true expert who almost sorrowfully told me that no, the buckle I had treasured was actually from around the turn of the century, and of a kind typically used on mule harness. I had forgotten that time doesn’t stand still when something
big happens. Fields are plowed again the next year after a battle. The bed where a famous person slept is made and remade. Trees regrow where a forest fire stretched from river to river. The history before and after “historic events” is even more important, in my opinion. It’s a really big deal that Cornwallis and his men ended up fighting a series of running battles from the Bladen-Cumberland line to outside of Wilmington. But the history of the folks who plowed and tilled and fought and nurtured and despaired and celebrated over that land, their story has a much longer-lasting impact than that of the uppity commander who spent a few hungry weeks along the Cape Fear back in the spring of ’81. What was supposedly one of Cornwallis’ camps, by the way, was also a stopover for both Indians and explorers before colonists found it. Later on, it became the last stand of the Confederate Navy in North Carolina. A steamboat blew up there as well, in 1884 or thereabouts. What matters most, however,
was the family who opened their home to me one cold, rainy day and shared generations of folks who far outlasted Redcoats, rebels and riverboats. The entrance to this popular piece of real estate looks like nothing more than a forgotten dirt road. It’s just another path disappearing into just another forest, where history hides beside the highway. Jefferson Weaver is a columnist with the Post & Voice. Contact him at jeffersonweaver@nrcolumbus.com.
Continued from page 3A big lenses, but my cameras tend to be point-and-shoot for ease of use, and easy to carry, and are a lot more affordable. They are handy to use when taking pictures of the exquisite and often rare wildflowers, which is my major interest, though not the best for taking pictures of small birds far up a tree. Every spring starts off with pursuit on iris verna, the dwarf blue iris, and the season lasts through the blooming of autumn gentian, which lasts well into December. That leaves three or four months of winter, but there is a good side, the leaves are off the hardwoods, and that makes it easier to find birds. That’s the time when my serious birding efforts are the birds I see in the front yard, and encounter on my afternoon walks around the neighborhood. When you don’t have an expensive telephoto lens, it’s more difficult to get a fullframe picture of a small bird. I have been lucky enough to find egrets fishing, large birds to begin with, and when they are concentrating on lunch they don’t seem as likely to suddenly fly off. Pelicans and seagulls are easy at the beach. Birds on a bird feeder are easier to photograph than birds in the wild. Some of my inexpensive cameras have modest zoom lenses, and they can work pretty well so long as you stay in optical zoom and don’t use
Weaver Continued from page 3A think he kept a Quaker soda bottle, but the rest of the plunder joined my stash. Few of my discoveries have real significance. Usually there is no back story, save a general recollection of those who lived there decades ago, and perhaps an anecdote about them. For example, I have a jar from the floorless pantry of a home where two old maids and their bachelor brother lived by kerosene lamp years after rural electrification. The three siblings were gracious to the rare visitor, but they were popular for gossip. None had dentures, nor did the ladies cut their hair. They wore long black dresses made by their mother sometime in the 1890s. The combination of the ladies’ stalagmite chins and stalactite noses, long white hair and wardrobe naturally bred whispers that they were witches. No one seemed to recall the brother’s clothing preferences. I had a Sunday school
Come meet
ALAN CUTLER Candidate for Pender Sheriff
Friday, February 23 from 6 PM - 9 PM Pender County Government Annex, 15060 US-17, Hampstead (across from McDonalds)
2EFRESHMENTS 3ERVED s &AMILIES 7ELCOME Paid for by Alan Cutler for Sheriff.
1822 NC Hwy. 53 West Burgaw, NC 28425
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Four County Electric Membership Corporation is OF HUMAN RESOURCES the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department Agriculture The Seeking executiveoflevel candidates(USDA). for the position of Vice President of Human in Resources. OverUSDA prohibits discrimination all its programs sees employee recruitment, compensation, perforand activities on the basis of race, color, national mance management, benefits, safety, loss control origin, age, disability, and security systems. and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, reliGo to our website gion,www.fourcty.org/AboutUs/Employment sexual orientation, genetic information, for more details about this political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of great opportunity and how to an individual's income is derived fromapply! any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866)3778642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
East Coast Medical, PLLC Lisa K. Yocum, P.A.-C. George Thomas Holland, M.D.
22545 B. Hwy. 17 N. Hampstead, NC 28443
Phone (910) 329-0300 Fax (910) 329-0307
D E A D L I N E for News & Advertising is Friday at Noon.
GOP Convention Pender County Republican Party Saturday, March 3, 2018 Registration 9:30 A.M. Convention Begins at 10:00 A.M.
All Registered Republicans are Invited 100 Main Street, Suite One, Holly Ridge, NC 28445
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Keynote Speaker: ROBERT MULLER Pender County Annex Auditorium 15060 Hwy 17N, Hampstead
For more information call Norm Gopsill, Chair, 910-520-0587 or email: pender.GOP@gmail.com Paid for by the Pender County Republican Party.
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 5A
Sea Turtle Hospital News By Karen Sota Sea Turtle Hospital Special to the Post & Voice We take them all, big and small, and everything in between. Our admits over the past few months have ranged from quarter-sized hatchlings to the last lady to enter our building, a 160-pound loggerhead with the name Eugenie. Eugenie stranded north of here in Rodanthe Dec. 3 with obvious shark bite injuries. STAR, the Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation Center at the N.C. Aquarium on Roanoke Island, took her in and named her Eugenie after Eugenie Clark, known by many as The Shark Lady. Clark spent much of her life researching sharks in an effort to rehabilitate their public image. Sharks, she believed, had gotten a bad rap. She and underwater explorer Sylvia Earle were role models and mentors for future generations of female marine biologists. But back to Eugenie. When STAR asked if we could take Eugenie to alleviate their overcrowding situation we were happy to do so. STAR is the northern most rehab unit, and they are still caring for many cold stuns. The trip down from Roanoke Jan. 10 was iffy – as Eugenie had not been eating and was very fragile. Her shark bites were already beginning to heal, but she was exhibiting what we call living dead syndrome. It’s just what it sounds like: pieces of flesh decaying and sloughing off; lots of loose gelatinous tissue; exposed bones where the flesh had already disintegrated and one of the softest plastrons (belly) that we had ever dealt with. Moving her into the building took five volunteers who very carefully got her settled into a tank in our isolation room. After making sure she was as comfortable as possible we left her resting quietly overnight on a betadinesoaked towel hoping that she would unwind from the stress of the trip. T h e n e x t d ay E u g e n i e was put in enough water to
float and was offered some soft-shell crab, because who doesn’t like soft shell crab. She devoured them, and an eating turtle is generally a turtle that will recover and be released. We found that she liked a little variety in her meals so in addition to the crab we added squid and fish. These days she’s getting three pounds in her breakfast bowl and is definitely putting on some weight. But all of that food has resulted in us finding some disturbing treasure in Eugenie’s tank: bits and pieces of very hard plastic which have been passing through her digestive tract. Could that have been part of the reason Eugenie got so sick in the first place? Unfortunately many sea turtles ingest the trash that ends up in our oceans and they pay the consequences. Caroline Balch, our 2017 summer intern who has continued working with us while waiting to hear back on her vet school application is Eugenie’s primary caretaker. And congrats to Caroline who recently found out she’s headed to N.C. State’s vet school later this summer – we’re so proud of you! Caroline spends hours every day making sure her patient always has sparkling water, the tastiest food and the best care. After breakfast Eugenie gets a gentle soapy scrub followed by a betadine soak. After a soft rinse Caroline applies SSD (a salve often used to treat burn patients that also works great on traumatized turtle tissue) to all of the exposed wounds and necrotic areas. Caroline says Eugenie is happiest when she’s in water, and being dry-docked for over an hour could make for one agitated lady who might cause further injury to her very fragile body. So Caroline parks herself next to Eugenie’s tank the entire time, keeping her calm and sending positive vibes. She has a long road ahead of her even before she can move from isolation into our Sick Bay area. Just this past week Eugenie had two special visitors,
Amber and Maddie, two staff members from STAR who helped to care for Eugenie during her time there. With all of the TLC and positive energy she is getting from our volunteers and her former caregivers at STAR she will continue her long journey to recovery. Our hospital is still closed for tours for the next few months, but stay tuned for not only an April opening date but also information on Topsail Turtle Project training. Although it’s unlikely that a turtle could have survived the winter with record cold temps it’s still possible. If you see a turtle on the beach or in the marshy area that is not moving please do not assume that it’s dead; it could be cold stunned. If it’s a little guy gently pick it up and relocate it to a car, garage or other unheated area of your home. Do not try to warm it up – the shock of a quick temperature change could send it into shock. We’ll send our staff out to rescue any and all turtles, big and small when you give us the word. Call one of the following numbers if you suspect you’ve come across a local cold-stunned turtle: Hospital contacts are Terry Meyer at 910-470-2880 and Jean Beasley at 910-470-2800. We will also pick up on the hospital line (910-329-0222) if the call comes into us early in the day. The state has a stranding hotline that picks up 24/7: 252-241-7367
Photo contributed
Courtney Bumgarner and cow pal, Wheezer, with Southland Dairy Farmers visited Cape Fear Elementary Feb. 16. Geared up and ready to go with their mobile classroom, the children learned all about different kinds of cows and their basic needs to survive and produce milk. Courtney demonstrated how to milk a cow and explained the process of how the milk comes from the cow all the way to our refrigerators at home. This unique and innovative program brought the dairy farm right to the CFE students’ back door and may have even inspired a few future dairy farmers.
Library book gifting program expands in Pender Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library book gifting program expands to Pender County Smart Start of Pender County and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) are working together with community partners to get books into the homes of children. The program is free for children under the age of five. The mission of the program
their zip code and enroll their child at www.smartstart.org/ dpilregistration. For questions or concerns about the program, please contact Angel Parker, Early Literacy Consultant at Smart Start of Pender County (910) 2599978 or by email at aparkerpc@ bellsouth.net.
The Pender County Board of Education approved a student reassignment plan for the Topsail Area elementary and middle schools during its regular meeting on February 13, 2018. The plan includes creating new attendance areas for Surf City Elementary and Surf City Middle as well as attendance area reassignments for the following schools: North Topsail Elementary Topsail Elementary Topsail Middle South Topsail Elementary
Hampstead Cub Scout Pack 270 Fundraiser and Raffle Saturday, February 24 6:30-8:30 p.m. American Legion Post #167 16660 US Hwy-17 Adults: $8 Kids: $5 Children under 5 years old are free Spaghetti, Italian Bread, Salad and Dessert Beverages will be served Raffle gifts donated by local businesses, including Salty Turtle Brewery, Yoga Divine, Surf City Surf School, Ama Spa, Bagel Bakery and more Thank you for your support!
is to foster a love of reading in preschool children and ensure that every child born has specially selected books, regardless of their family’s income, delivered straight to their home. Children enrolled receive a book every month. All you have to do is enroll the child. Families can find out about availability of the program in
The 2018 ADOPTED STUDENT REASSIGNMENT PLAN can be viewed at the Pender County Board of Education Building. It can also be accessed on the district website www.pendercountyschools.org under “Announcements,” or at the following link: http://bit.ly/2o1XfB7. If you are interested in applying for reassignment to remain at your current school, Reassignment Request forms are available at your child’s school or at the Pender County Board of Education building, located at 925 Penderlea Hwy. Burgaw, NC 28425. REASSIGNMENT REQUESTS MUST BE COMPLETED AND RECEIVED BY YOUR CHILD’S CURRENT SCHOOL NO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, MARCH 12. All transfer requests will be reviewed in accordance with Board Policy 4150 Student Assignment.
Proud Sponsors of the
A:6GC HE6C>H= Savannahland Farms F. D. Rivenbark
Rev. James H. Faison, III District Court Judge Pender & New Hanover Counties
Por favor dales mis saludos a tus padres. Please give my greetings to your McGowen parents. Bruce Quinn
& Cheryle Williams
In Memory of Savannahland Farms Geraldine F.D. Gore Rivenbark
Bruce & Cheryle Williams
Carolyn H. Justice
Burgaw Area Chamber of Commerce
Funeral Written by Maria Isabel Segovia
Christopher & Mary Debnam
Proud Sponsors of the
Representative Carolyn H. Justice
Van Reid & Patricia Casaw
BILINGUAL SPANISH/ENGLISH BOOK FOR ALL AGES $13.00 Includes Tax, Handling and First Class Shipping. Send Order to Author: Maria Isabel Segovia 1808 Rooks Road • Atkinson, NC 28421 Telephone: 910-283-6242
-NC House District 16-
Rev. James H. Faison, III & Family In Memory of
Our Dear Mothers, Geraldine Gore Woodard and Mary Royals Faison, Our Dear Father James H. Faison, Jr. and Our Dear Uncle McKinley Gore, Jr.
Burgaw Area Chamber of Commerce Van Reid & Patricia Casaw Quinn McGowen Funeral Home
Christopher & Mary Debnam
Pender Sports
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 6A
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In My Opinion
Titans win conference tournament By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer It is often said that it is hard to beat a team twice in one year. It is especially hard to beat a team three times in a season. The Heide Trask men’s basketball team had to do exactly that last week when they embarked on the second leg of what they hope will be a season full of championships. Last week Rodney Orr’s battle tested Titans rolled through the Coastal 8 Conference tournament unscathed just one week after winning the regular season championship. Trask finished the tournament off with a hard fought 48-42 win over East Carteret. The Rocky Point crew opened the week with a date with Dixon. All tournament games were played at Richlands. Coach Orr’s squad made quick work of the Bulldogs behind the play of senior big man Tiyaun Ballard’s 21 points.
When the final buzzer sounded the Titans were 74-48 winners. Sophomore standout Jujuan Carr had 19 points, seven assists, six rebounds and four steals for the Titans. Jaylin Mashack chipped in 11 points. The Titans had 17 steals in the contest while turning the ball over just 11 times. Next up was the Southwest Onslow Stallions. The Onslow County squad has good size and strength, things that the Titan detractors say will give Coach Orr’s team trouble. Trask had beaten the Stallions just eight days earlier by four points. This time the Pender County squad wasted no time in showing the conference who the best team was. The Titans took a 13-point lead after one quarter of play and raced off to an 84-55 win. Trask held a 22-point lead at the half and cruised through the second half on their way to the Coastal 8 Conference
tournament finals. Jaylin Mashack led the Titans with 25 points while Jujuan Carr chipped in 18. Ballard had 13 points as the Titans had four players in double figures. The final game of the week was another contest where the Titans were facing a team they had beaten twice during the year. East Carteret has improved immensely throughout the season and were primed the give the Titans a run for their money. A close game ensued with the Titans taking a 48-42 win along with a sweep of the Regular season and conference tournament titles. Trask had only trailed after one quarter of play three times all year before this game. East Carteret took a 15-7 lead after the first quarter with the Titans finding the baskets at Richlands unkind during the first eight minutes.
Continued on page 7A
Pirates welcome new women’s soccer, men’s track coaches By Lee Wagner Post & Voice Sports Writer As the winter sports’ season fades into memories, the spring season is already underway with practices in all the sports officially beginning last Wednesday (Feb. 14) in preparing for a regular-season that begins in just over a week (Feb. 28) for softball, baseball, and girls’ lacrosse, with the other sports (girls’ soccer, boys’ golf, girls’ tennis) following shortly thereafter. All but two of the teams will enjoy the familiarity of returning coaches, while two – girls’ soccer and boys’ track – will be led by a pair of newcomers singing the refrain, Getting to Know You, from the 1951 Rogers and Hammerstein musical, The King and I.
Dan Leighlitner Dan Leighlitner (26) came to Hampstead from Pittsburgh Pa.) where he was a sprinter on the Deer Lakes High School track team.
Jennifer O’Connor Leighlitner received a degree in Health & Physical Education at Lock Haven (Pa.) University. Leighlitner taught in Harrisburg the last two years
where he met his fiancée Heather Ames. They decided to move to this area to be near the beach. Leighlitner was familiar with the area as he had family in Wilmington. Ames was quickly employed as a kindergarten teacher at the Coastal Prep Academy, while Leighlitner started sending resumes. He saw the posting for the track coach’s job at Topsail but did not apply for a specific reason. He applied for a teaching position. “I was not going to apply as a track coach,” Leighlitner said. “I felt I needed to teach where ever I went before I got into coaching. He interviewed at Topsail for a relatively new position as a Distance Learning Teacher. Pirate Athletics
Continued on page 9A
Pender cagers out in first round of conference tourney By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer The Pender Patriot men’s basketball team drew the Lejeune Devil Pups in the first round of the Coastal 8 Conference tournament last week. The Pats finished the season as the third-place team out of the newly formed Coastal 8 Conference while Lejeune had finished sixth. On paper this should have been a Pender win. However, the Devil Pups have been a
Topsail Basketball Association report By Bob Willard Special to the Post & Voice With the regular TBA game schedule on Saturday
thorn in the Pats side this year. Lejeune had beaten the Patriots by four points in mid-January after falling to Pender early in the year. The Devil Pups had lost six in a row coming into the firstround game while Pender had split their last four contests. The Devil Pups brought their best game to the tournament and walked away with a hard fought 84-79 win. Lejeune got off to a fast start. The Devil Pups took an 18-11 lead after one period
and stretched their lead to 41-31 at the half. The Lejeune lead reached 17 points in the third frame. The Pats were on the ropes and needed an offensive explosion to earn the win. They almost got that. Khalil Marshall and the upstart Pats came out of the third quarter ending huddle on fire. Pender used a 33-21 final quarter surge to cut the deficit to four points. However, the early Lejeune lead stood and the Pats were eliminated from the tournament.
with 22 games, and 12 more games on Sunday as makeup from Jan. 20 snow cancellations, the two gyms at Topsail Middle School were humming this past weekend, as the season winds down with the final regular season games scheduled for this coming Feb. 24. in the Co-Ed division, Dick’s Sporting Goods win over the Darden Agency sealed a number 1 seed in the year end tournament as Kellan Coleman helped by tossing in 15 points for Dicks. Dwyer Electric toppled Coury
Science & Engineering in the Girls 3rd-5th division led by a14 point performance by Jersie Lawrence. Fans were treated to four great games played by the 3rd-4th grade boys and saw a great contest between Hwy 55 and Coury Science and Engineering with Hwy 55 prevailing 30-27. Mason French led the Hwy 55 scoring parade with 14 counters, while Turner Lee contributed 13 for the Coury squad in a losing cause. Topsail Island Maintenance gave 1st place and un-
The spring sports season is officially upon us. The hustle and bustle of athletes running and jumping, hitting and swinging and kicking is here and the coaches of these sports are evaluating their talent. I was talking to a friend of mine early last week who is a coach and a parent. We talked about the student athletes of today verses the athletes of yesterday. We also talked about the work ethic of todays athletes and why it is so important to come into your respective sport in shape. We concluded that the athlete of today just does not have the work ethic of the athletes of yesteryear. The athletes of today have so many more options on how to stay in shape verses what the older athletes had. This day and time the high school weight rooms are so much more advanced. There are travel ball teams, AAU teams and summer league teams available for an athlete that wants to work on their craft. A high school coach hopes that on opening day he has a team full of student-athletes that have worked throughout the offseason in hopes being the best that they can be. He wants to see athletes in shape and determined to win a spot on the team.
By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer
More often than not a coach is forced to keep players that he or she would not normally keep because the numbers are just not there. It all comes down to dedication and commitment. Either you are dedicated to becoming the best that you can be or you’re not. Either you are committed not only to making yourself better but to making your teammates better or you’re not. It is that simple. Those two words describe a successful studentathlete. If you want to become the best you can be you have to commit yourself to the chore at hand and dedicate yourself to becoming better at every facet of the sport you choose. Otherwise, you are wasting your coach and teammates time. Although this is my opinion I bet that most of the coaches in the area agree.
Post & Voice Top Performers By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer Last week was the final week of regular season play for the area basketball teams. The area wrestlers finished up as well as did the local winter track athletes. The Topsail boys finished a disappointing season with a loss to Hoggard. Brandon Lofton ended his high school career with a double – double He had 11 points and 11 rebounds. The Topsail girls fell to West Brunswick in a close game decided by what some would consider a bad call by the officials. Peyton Little scored 16 points with Lauren Caveness adding six. The Pender girls fell to Dixon and as a result was left out of the state playoffs. Senior Kam Thompson scored 12 points with fellow senior Taylor Marshall adding eight points. Junior Ratavia Merritt had eight points as well. The Pender boys lost a tough one to Lejuene despite 24 points and seven assists by freshman Khalil Marshall. Senior Latrell Brown had 20 points, eight rebounds and five assists in the game. Pender played at Southeast
Marshall led the Patriots with 24 points and seven assists while senior Latrell Brown chipped in 20 points, eight rebounds and five assists. Javon Corbett had 11 points. The Patriots finished the regular season with an 11-13 record including a 9-5 conference mark. They made By Lee Wagner the state 1A playoffs. They Post & Voice Sports Writer played at Southeast Halifax of the Tar Roanoke ConferIt took the Topsail girls’ ence on Tuesday. The winner basketball team 31:47 to get in will play at John A Holmes. a position to win its Mid-Eastern 3A/4A Conference Tourdefeated Isla Skin & Hair and nament opening-round game real run for the money, only against West Brunswick beto fall short 23-19. fore an unusual – and highlyDiscovery Place Child controversial – referee’s call Care continued their winning stymied their rally. ways on Saturday out-scoring The loss, however, did not ECS Controls 33-14. Andrew end Topsail’s entry into the Zak hit the rims for 14 points NCHSAACHSAA3A State to lead his team to victory. In Playoffs. The Lady Pirates the Saturday finale for the ju- will make the 131-mile journior division of TBA, House ney to Cameron (NC) Tuesof Raeford tripped up Break- day where they will face off away Fitness & Performance against the Lady Vikings of 27-19. Barrett Swinson led the Union Pines (19-7) – the TriRaeford attack with 15 scores, [County 3A Conference champions. Continued on page 9A Tuesday Lady Trojan se-
Halifax in the state 1A playoffs on Tuesday. The Trask boys won the Coastal 8 Conference tournament on Friday, just a week after winning the regular season conference title. The Titans won three games last week. Tiyaun Ballard scored 21 points in the Titans win over Dixon. Sophomore standout Jujuan Carr had 19 points, seven assists, six rebounds and four steals for the Titans. In the win over Southwest Onslow two days later Jaylin Mashack had 25 points while Jujuan Carr chipped in 18. In the championship game against East Carteret, Defensive specialist B.J. Jordan led the Titans with 13 points while Carr tallied 11 points. The Titans placed four players on the all-tournament team. B.J. Jordan, Jaylin Mashack, Tiyaun Ballard, and Jujuan Carr were named to the all-tournament team while Carr was named the tournament ‘s most valuable player. This weeks top Performer is Jujuan Carr. The super sophomore was named the MVP of the conference tournament and has been named the conference player of the year.
Questionable call gives Lady Trojans win over Topsail nior Jaida Allen scored 16 point, including a perfect 8-for-8 from the free-throw line in the fourth quarter, and junior Breanna Mercer added 10 points and 13 rebounds to lead West Brunswick to a 45-42 win over Topsail in the conference tournament’s opening-round game. Coming back from a 3326 deficit with 4:31 left in the game, Topsail (15-10) tied the score at 41-41 on a basket and a free throw by junior Payton Little (16 points) with 13.0 seconds left in regulation. The Topsail bench erupted in joy and a player inadvertently stepped about two feet onto the court. One of the officials blew
Continued on page 9A
By Bobby Norris and Lee Wagner Post & Voice Sports Writers Three Topsail wrestlers, sophomore Noah LaValle, junior Nathan Bray, and junior Ethan Rivenbark each participated in the NCHSAA 3A Individual State Championships in the Greensboro Coliseum. While no medals came back to Hampstead, the Pirate boys represented their school and community well, and served notice they would
On the Mat
most likely be back next year. The Pirates, with just three participants, finished 39th (10 points) out of 79 teams in the competition won by Piedmont. Bray (113 pounds) dropped out of championship contention and into the consolation round when he dropped a 15-6 major decision to Enka’s Corbin Dion. Bray won an 8-2 decision over Person’s Logan Bates (26-13) before being eliminated from the competition with an 8-2 loss
to North Henderson’s Kyle Randall (34-16). Bray finished the year with a 40-6 mark. LaValle (182) was awarded a win by forfeit over Mount Airy’s John Ciaramella (38-6) but lost 10-3 to Cedar Ridge’s Colin Davis (22-9) in his next bout. LaValle opened the consolation round with a 1:34 pin of Southern Durham’s Zatay Lindenay (24-16) but was eliminated with a 7-6 loss to St. Stephens’ Dakota Metcalf (58-9), who came in as the weight class’s No. 1 seed. Metcalf finished fifth in the
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 7A
weight class. LaValle’s year ended with a 38-7 record. Rivenbark (120) was pinned in 4:26 by Southeast Guilford’s Carson Smith (50-3) – the eventual 120pound 2018 state champion – in his first bout. Rivenbark won by forfeit over Forestview’s Aidan Smith (32-12) to open the consolation round, then defeated West Johnston’s Gavin McKendrick (34-7) 5-4 to advance to round three. Rivenbark lost there by a 4-2 score to Rocky Mount’s Rashaun Lawrence
(50-9) in his next bout. Rivenbark ended his season with a 35-14 record. Pender’s Andrew Ocampo lost in the semifinals of the championship bracket to eventual state champion Christian Decatur by fall. Ocampo then lost in the semifinals of the consolation bracket to Austin Vernon of East Surry. Bray named Post &Voice wrestler of year. Junior grappler Nathan Bray has been named the Pender-Topsail Post & Voice
wrestler of the year. Bray won the Mideastern Conference championship at 113 pounds and then won the 3A regional at the same weight class. He represented Topsail High School well at the state meet. He finished the year with a 40-6 record.
Post & Voice Sports Update From Staff Reports s/RR NAMED #OASTAL #OACH OF THE YEAR Heide Trask boys’ basketball coach Rodney Orr was named the Coastal 8 Conference men’s coach of the year recently. The Titans won the regular season championship with a 13-1 record and then swept their way through the conference tournament. The Titans are 25-2 overall and finished 13-1 in conference play. s#ARR NAMED #OASTAL PLAYER OF YEAR sophomore guard Jujuan Carr has been
named the Coastal 8 player of the year. The standout guard averages 17 points and five rebounds a game and also contributes 3.5 assists and 2.5 steals a contest. s4ITANS PLACE FOUR ON #OASTAL 4OURNAMENT TEAM The Titans won the coastal 8 Conference tournament last week and placed four players on the all-tournament team. Tiyaun Ballard, Jaylin Mashack, B.J. Jordan and Jujuan Carr were named to the all-tournament team. Carr was voted the
most valuable player of the tournament. s0OST SEASON PLAY Pender county has three teams in the state playoffs this week. The Topsail girls are a 24 seed in the east and will play at Union Pines on Tuesday as the only lady’s team out of Pender County to make the playoffs. The Heide Trask men hosted Southwest Onslow on Tuesday while Pender traveled to Southeast Halifax. The Titans are the number seven seed in the east and will be playing the Stallions
for the fourth time this year. Trask swept them this season. Coach Orr’s squad will get at least two home games providing they beat Southwest. s3PRING 3PORTS. With the end of the high school basketball regular season officially over and the state playoffs beginning this week the spring sports teams have officially began practice. Both Trask and Pender’s softball teams will play at Jacksonville High School on Saturday in the school’s annual jamboree.
Topsail season ends with tourney loss to Vikings By Lee Wagner Post & Vopice Sports Writer Topsail High School boys’ basketball Jamie Rochelle knew there would be holes to fill with the graduation of four starters – Alec Baker, Johnny Tartaglione, Owen Ellis, and four-year varsity player Kodiak Nestor Dowling – and that it would take time for the upcoming newcomers to jell with returnees Brandon Lofton, Caleb Bloodworth, Jacob Floyd, Jarris Long, and Greg Unger. The hope, of course, was
that it would happen quickly, but the truth is it never really happened with any consistency, and that resulted in a somewhat lost season that ended last Monday night on the basketball court at Brunswick Community College. Viking junior Chris Toudle erupted for 19 points and pulled down 15 rebounds, several of them on the offensive boards, and sophomore Jhamir Shaw added 10 as Hoggard sent Topsail packing with a 61-42 win in the first round of the MidEastern 3A/4A Conference
postseason tournament – the third win in three outings for the Vikings over the Pirates this year. After trailing 15-10 after the first period, the Pirates (5-20, 2-12 in conference) were really never able to mount any sustained offense, despite a season-low six turnovers, and the rebounding and scoring outside of senior Brandon Lofton (11 points, 11 rebounds) was negligible as Hoggard outscored Topsail 23-8 in the second period in establishing a 38-18 lead at the halftime break. Sophomore
Jarris Long (nine points) hit three treys as the Pirates’ second-leading scorer with senior Jacob Floyd and junior Christopf Wolf each adding six points. No Pirate outside of Lofton had more than three rebounds. In the second period at the other end of the court, Toudle was going off for 11 points – several of his baskets coming on offensive rebounds that also led to free throws where he was 5-for-6 in the quarter. Hoggard sophomore Camer-
Continued on page 13A
Lady Patriots, Titans out in first round of tourney By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer The Pender Lady Patriots seemed to get a first-round opponent to their liking when the seedings for the Coastal 8 Conference tournaments were announced. The Pats had split with the Lady Bulldogs this year and matched up well with the Onslow County team. The Lady Patriots jumped on the Bulldogs early and led 27 -24 going into the fourth quarter. However, the Bulldog pressure defense enabled Dixon to overtake and pull away from Pender in the final eight minutes, eliminating the Pender county squad 44-36. The Lady Titans drew the East Carteret Mariners in the first round of the tourna-
Foy set to carry Lady Titan softball By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer As a freshman Brittany Foy came to a Trask softball team that was stacked with a bevy of all conference performers. She earned her way onto the field and began what has been a very good high school career. Last year the Lady titans found themselves in a rebuilding mode. The one constant was the play of Foy. She did the majority of the pitching and also led the way with the bat. This year the Titans are even younger. Foy is the lone senior on the team and will be counted on to provide leadership as well as numerous innings in the circle. The Titans are in a new conference this year. With a bevy of young talent on the roster, Brittany Foy will be counted on to be the leader of the team. She is set to carry the Titans in 2018.
ment. The Lady Titans were no match for the Lady Mariners, falling 76-48. The Lady Patriots played Dixon tough in the early going. Coach Andrienne Bannermans squad led 11-4 after one quarter of play and took a 16-12 lead into the break. Pender seemed to be in control in the second half. They led by three going into the fourth period. Dixon turned to its pressure defense in the final period of play. That resulted in a 20-9 advantage for the Lady Bulldogs and the win. Senior Kam Thompson led the Patriots with 12 points while Taylor Marshall chipped in eight. Junior Ratavia Merritt also had eight points for the Patriots. The Pats, (10-14,7-7) were omitted from the state 1A playoffs.
Intrepid Hardware presents this week’s
Athlete Spotlight
Brittany Foy
Trask High School
INTREPID HARDWARE Intrepid Square 8206 Hwy. 117 Rocky Point, NC 910-675-1157
The Lady Titans were coming off of a two-game stretch in which they beat Pender handily and played the second place Croatan Lady Cougars tough before falling 46-40 in the final regular season game. The Lady Mariners made quick
work of the Titans in the first round of the conference tournament, beating them by 28 points. The Titans finished the year with a 7-17 record after being winless in the prior two seasons.
Staff photo by Andy Pettigrew
Trask coach Rodney Orr was named the Coastal 8 Conference Coach of the Year.
Titans Continued from page 6A The Titans tied the score at the 2:20 mark of the second quarter but East Carteret rallied with a 4-2 run to take a 2119 lead into the half. Trask played the Mariners tough in the third frame. The score was tied at 32-32 going into the fourth quarter. The Titans took a fourpoint lead midway through the fourth period. East Carteret called time in an attempt to slow the Titans down. It did not work with the Coastal 8 champion Titans taking the win and the sweep of the brass. Defensive specialist B.J. Jordan led the Titans with 13 points while Carr tallied 11 points. East Carteret held the high scoring Titans to 30 points less than what they average. The Titans (25-2) are now
the reigning Coastal 8 Conference regular season and tournament champions. They played Southwest Onslow for the fourth time this year in the first round of the state 2A playoffs. Notes: The Titans placed four players on the all-tournament team. B.J. Jordan, Jaylin Mashack, Tiyaun Ballard, and Jujuan Carr were named to the all-tournament team while Carr was named the tournament ‘s most valuable player.
Interested in umpiring Dixie Softball this spring in Burgaw? Contact William Rivenbark, 910-602-2173 wgrivenbark@ hotmail.com
It’s Burgaw Dixie Youth Sign-Up Time... February 10th and 24th at the Pender County Agriculture Building 801 S. Walker St. Burgaw, NC 28425 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Online sign-ups are open now thru February 28, 2018.
Jordan brings speed to Pirate softball By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer The game of softball is a very hard sport to conquer. It takes many hours of hard work to become an efficient player. For some it comes easy. For others it takes nonstop work. For Topsail Lady Pirate sophomore NeeNee Jordan she relies on both hard work and athletic ability. Miss Jordan brings a ton of athletic ability to the table. She has speed and strength along with a very good work ethic. NeeNee batted .410 as a freshman a year ago. She had 25 hits and six runs batted in along with 18 runs scored. She will be counted on to be even better this year. The Topsail Pirate softball team is gearing up for another run for a conference title and beyond. NeeNee Jordan will give the Hampstead crew another bat along with an outstanding glove in their quest for perfection.
The Pender-Topsail Post & Voice presents this week’s
Athlete Spotlight
NeeNee Jordan
Topsail High School
The Media of Record for the People of Pender County 108 W. Wilmington St. • Burgaw, NC 910.259.9111 www.post-voice.com e-mail: posteditor@post-voice.com
Harrell a true leader for the Lady Patriots By Bobby Norris Post & Voice Sports Writer Being a leader at the high school level can be described in many ways. Some leaders are very vocal. They are sometimes described as a coach on the field. Other student-athletes lead by example. One of those athletes is Pender lady Patriot dual athlete Jenna Harrell. Miss Harrell was a starter on the Patriot volleyball team. While she was not a vocal leader she led by the way she played every serve and return as if her life depended on it. She always set a good example much like she set the volleyball. Jenna is a very good softball player as well. She plays second base but can also play other positions. She works hard on and off the field. The Patriots will be young this year. However, with the leadership of layers like Jenna Harrell they will surely be successful.
A River Runs by Me Photography presents this week’s
Athlete Spotlight
Jenna Harrell
Pender High School
910.470.9561 910.470.9561
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 8A
Heidi Jo Boehmer FORT WORTH -- Heidi Jo Boehmer, 33, passed from her earthly life Jan. 25, 2018 in Ft. Worth, Texas. She was born Jan. 10, 1985 in Anchorage, Alaska, where her dad served in the U.S. Coast Guard. She was the daughter of Marty Boehmer and the late Carol Storch Boehmer. Heidi was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Leo and Lois Boehmer; and maternal grandparents, Merrill and Thelma Storch. Heidi leaves behind her son, Haiden Boehmer; father, Marty Boehmer and his wife, Paula Hand Boehmer; three sisters, Greta Speak, Maggie Bays and Ariel Boehmer; nephews and niece, Hunter Bays, Maggie Speak, Carter Bays and Gavin Speak. A private service was held in Cape Coral, Florida Feb. 17, 2018 where her family spread her cremated remains in the same place where her mother, Carol, and grandparents, Merrill and Thelma Storch were laid to rest. The family suggests that anyone who would like to send flowers may do so to the home of Greta Speak where the family will be gathering, 15366 Queen Angel Way, Bo-
nita Springs, FL 34135. Heidi is in our hearts, never to be forgotten. Shared memories and condolences may be sent to the family at www.quinnmcgowen.com. The family was served by Quinn-McGowen Funeral Home and Cremation Center of Burgaw.
Herbert John Erne CURRIE -- Herbert John Erne, Jr., 74, of Currie passed from his earthly life Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018. He was born June 2, 1943 in Philadelphia, PA, the son of the late Herbert John Erne, Sr. and Alva Moriesi Erne. Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Mary B. Erne; children, Herbert J. Er ne III (Terri), Nicole E. Knotts, and Christopher Lee Erne; and g randchildren, John Erne, Violet Knotts, Megan Erne, Ethan Erne and Lesley Knotts. To celebrate his life and remember the good times a gath-
ering of family and friends will be held at his home at a later date. In lieu of flowers memorial gifts may be given to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Shared memories and condolences may be sent to the family at www.quinnmcgowen.com. The family was served by Quinn-McGowen Funeral Home of Burgaw.
Priscilla Katherine Murphy BEAUFORT -- Priscilla Katherine Murphy, 65, of Beaufort and formerly of Atkinson died Sunday, Feb. 11, 2018, at Vidant Medical Center in Greenville. She is survived by numerous friends, extended family and her beloved pets, Molly the Corgi and Persian cats Tallulah and Caesar. Born in Wilmington Oct. 25, 1952 to the late Alice Hill Reeves Murphy and the late
February is Heart Month
Ashley Monroe Murphy, Priscilla grew up in Atkinson in Pender County. She was proud of her father’s service in the North Carolina House of Representatives which sparked her life-long interest in politics and social issues. After high school graduation from Vardell Hall, Priscilla graduated from North Carolina State University in Political Science and also obtained a degree from East Carolina University in Health Infor mation Management. She moved to Carteret County in 1980, soon settling in Beaufort. She loved her little yellow house and her garden which she was pleased to share several times on the Beaufort Old Homes and Gardens Tour. A graveside service was held Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018 at 2 p.m. at the Black River Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Ivanhoe, North Carolina. Her many, many friends will be invited to a local Celebration of Life in Beaufort to be held this spring and announced at a later date. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Amyloidosis Foundation. Website is amyloidosis.org Colby Murphy Infant Colby Murphy passed away Wednesday Feb. 14, 2018 at New Hanover Regional Medical Center surrounded by his loving family and is now in the arms of angels in the
presence of The Lord. Colby is survived by his m o t h e r B ro o ke M u r p hy ; a brother, Lucas Beddard; Grandparents, Richard and Charity Collins; two Uncles, Randy Murphy and Dakota Murphy; and an Aunt Desseray Myers. Services are pending and will be announced as soon as plans have been finalized. Shared memories and condolences can be sent to the family at www.harrellsfh. com. The family was served by Harrell’s Funeral Home and Cremation Service.
of Burgaw. Connie loved growing flowers and enjoyed sharing flowers and plants with family and friends. A private family inurnment was held Friday Feb. 16, 2018 at Riverview Memorial Park. Shared memories and condolences can be sent to the family at www.harrellsfh.com. The family was served by Harrell’s Funeral Home and Cremation Service.
Jeremiah Messick
Connie Louise Murray BURGAW -- Connie Louise Murray, age 56 of Burgaw, passed away Wednesday Feb. 14, 2018 at The Laurels of Pender. She was born Dec. 26, 1961 in Pender County daughter of the late Herbert and Mary Miller Murray. She was also predeceased by two sisters, Linda M. Fussell and Janice M. Harrell. She is survived by her son Adam Keith Rivenbark of Texas; four brothers, Larry Murray and wife Dawn of Burgaw, Frank Murray of Fla., Richard Murray of Willard, and Raymond Murray
BURGAW -- T/SGT Jeremiah Messick, age 65, second oldest son of the late Mrs. Pauline Messick Dove, passed away Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018 in Wilmington. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Francesca Messick of Rocky Point; two sons, Curtis Lee Messick of Goldsboro, and Michael Anthony Messick and wife Denise Gratti Messick of Clayton; four grandchildren, four brothers and two sisters, along with a host of other relatives. A visitation with family and friends will be held Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018 from 5-7 p.m. at Dunn Funeral Home, Burgaw. Interment will be in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.
Pender County Health Department staff dresses in red every Friday February for Heart Health Month. By Samantha Murphy Special to the Post & Voice Even though February may be the shortest month of the year, it is a very important month—Heart Health Month. Heart disease, including coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke, is the number one cause of death in the United States. In Pender County, the rate of heart disease is 185.6 per 100,000 residents compared to the North Carolina rate of 179.9 making it the second leading cause of death for Pender County. So, what can you do? The Pender County Health Department has compiled a list of Heart Healthy Hints they like to refer to as the Heart Health ABCs. s4HE ! STANDS FOR !SPIRIN Therapy. Aspirin is recommended for high risk patients; you should ask your healthcare provider if taking aspirin once a day to prevent heart attacks is right for you. s4HE " STANDS FOR "LOOD Pressure Control. High blood pressure is referred to as “The Silent Killer” because of its
lack of symptoms. Have your blood pressure checked regularly. s4HE # STANDS FOR #HOLESTEROL Control. Get your cholesterol checked and if your numbers are high, talk to your healthcare provider about ways to lower your cholesterol. s4HE 3 STANDS FOR 3MOKING Cessation as well as Sodium
Reduction; both are very important. If you smoke, talk to your healthcare provider about how to quit. If you have high blood pressure, talk to your healthcare provider about lowering your salt intake. For more information, call the Pender County Health Department at (910) 259-1230.
!CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The family of the late
Molissa B. Jordan
would like to express their sincere appreciation for the many kind acts extended during their time of sorrow. Your prayers, cards, calls, visits, gifts of food, and other kind deeds have been and are a constant source of strength.
2.15.2018 Edition
February 15th, Crossword Solution:
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 9A
Continued from page 6A Director Barry West talked to Dan about the track position and, since he was now a teacher he took the position, which coincidently became official on Wednesday (Feb. 4) – the first official day for spring practices. While unfamiliar with the team off the bat, Leighlitner has instant help as former Pirate track coach, current crosscountry coach, and Southeastern North Carolina track and cross-country legend, Wayne Rogers will serve as his assistant. “We have a lot of good kids, and a lot of talent including some new athletes,” Leighlitner said. “While my expertise is sprinters I plan, along with
Continued from page 6A followed by Jaxten Lawrence with 10 tallies. Action for the Senior Division of TBA started bright and early Saturday morning with the High School boys showing their skills. White & Johnson Dentistry prevailed over the Topsail Driving Academy led by 14 point output by Jacob Sydes, league leading Sport Shots over Access Glass 63-52 behind a 27 point performance by Caleb Hodges followed by Richie Tarter’s 15 markers, while Jon Roach and Joey Wyckoff both tossed in 13 for Access Glass. In a down-tothe-wire nail biter, Reliant Roofing eked out a 1 point 48-47 victory over the Pender Post/ Voice contingent. Dawson Asbury led the roofers with 14 while Jayce Stevens served up 12 points for the newspaper
Lady Pirates
Continued from page 6A his whistle and called a technical foul on the player for coming on the court – a call this writer hasn’t seen called in some 58 years of involvement in high-school basketball. Allen adroitly connected on the two free throws to make it 43-41. After a Topsail missed shot, Lady Trojan sophomore Autumn Bland deposit a charity toss to make it 44-41 with 9.6 ticks left on the clock. Topsail junior Lauren Caveness (six points) hit a free throw with 6.4 seconds remaining, closing the gap to 44-42. Forced to foul, the Lady Pirates sent Allen to the line and she connected twice for a 45-42 Lady Trojan lead with less than two seconds left –
Coach Rogers, to be actively involved in all the different aspects, throws, jumps, and distance. I am excited to be here at Topsail and I am excited about the prospects of success with this team.” Jennifer O’Connor-Mix will take over as the Lady Pirates’ girls’ soccer coach. The position was up in the air for a while in the late summer months as it was assumed former Coach Jimmy Pyrtle resigned. After many discussions – and amid some considerable controversy – O’Connor-Mix was named the coach. “It was crazy,” O’ConnorMix said. “I did what I was told to do. I was told the position was open and I was one of three or four candidates interviewed. I certainly did not want to step on anyone’s toes, or take their position. Apparently there was some sort of
miscommunication.” O’Connor-Mix came to the area from Oklahoma in 2016 after her husband (T. J. O’Connor) and her, who had been friends since the eighth grade, reconnected and married. O’Connor-Mix, who played soccer in high school and received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Special Education at the University of North Texas. She was hired at Topsail, officially, in October. She has three daughters – Ali (20), Mya (18), and Colby (8). Early on some of the players were rather tentative with their new coach but, eventually, O’Connor-Mix has been winning them over. “These girls, they’re ready,” said Jennifer, who has 13 years of coaching experience. “I love these girls and what I am learning is they have a real passion for the game of soc-
cer. They are open to learning and they want this team to be a sisterhood. Off the field, we have already been involved in a couple of community events, and we have about another six or so set up. “I am trying to teach them more than soccer, how to be young ladies on and off the field. On the field we have some very talented girls out there and I understand, after basketball is over, there are a couple of more talented girls ready to come and try out.” The girls’ soccer team has a home scrimmage Wednesday (Jan, 28) against Jacksonville and one on the road Friday at West Carteret before opening the regular season with a road game at Trask (3/2) The first track meet is on the road against Ashley, New Hanover, and West Brunswick on Thursday (3/1).
guys. The girls 6th-8th grade division , Coastal Realty Assoc., Ronel Austin, handed Pierpan Family Dentistry a loss, 1712, while the gals representing Honeycutt Construction topped Homiak Transport, with a well balanced scoring attack throughout their roster. Boys in the 5th-6th grade division took center court at 1:00 p.m. and fans watched Cherubini Orthodontics upend SHIPONSITE 28-23 led by Blake Fisher’s 10 points, Tyler & Roth Executive Search outscored Otero Family, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry 22-17 with the help of a 12 point effort from Ryder Willcox, Cape Fear Seafood Company hold onto their 1st place position in this division by out scoring The Paint Store behind the scoring of Griffin Frazee, Caden Wilson, and William Hobson, each contributing 10 points, and Renovation
Church outlasting a scappy R J Miller Construction squad 31-22. Isiah Gibson hit for 13 points for Renovation Church. Connor Hinson was high man for the construction crew with 14 counters. As the final division, boys 7th-8th grade, took stage, Patriot Tree popped Jenkins Vinyl Siding & Windows 3626 behind a well balanced roster scoring attack led by Sam Johnson with 10. Ethan Humphries led the Vinyl Siding aggregate by popping the nets for 14 in a losing cause. Prism Painting continued the search for a regular season league championship by upending Coastal Fitness Center 40-29. Hayden Naylor led his team with 14. 4K Investments virtually put a lock on a regular season divisional championship by downing Palmetto Brick 55-39, behind a 23 point scoring performance by Cannon Keziah, and to wrap up the Saturday play, in an excel-
lently played contest, Builders First Choice came out on the long end of the stick by outlasting VRBO #967800 47-41. Carlos Vazquez led the victors with 16 points, while Blaine Joye of VRBO #967800 put on an almost unbelievable shooting performance by hitting the nets for seven(7) 3 pointers, 5 in the final quarter of play, in a gallant effort attempting to rally his squad to a 4th quarter comeback, only to fall short as time expired. Needless to say, the stands were filled, and the fans cheered on every shot attempt. Sunday’s snow make-up games were concluded too late to make this edition of the Post & Voice, but TBA would like to remind all fans that this coming Saturday is the final day of regular season play, tournament play starts on Sunday the 25th, and tour nament seatings will be calculated and announced after game play on Saturday.
game, set, and match. Rule 10 of the high-school rules book accounts for aggressive entering the court – not in a celebratory action – and a former area official who requested anonymity said, while he was not in attendance at the game, he believed the call should never had been made. “I don’t understand how he can sleep tonight knowing you just took it away from the kids,” Topsail Coach Andrew Ellington said. “Call a technical on me, or call it on the bench, but to call it on a kid who was just displaying emotion when a teammate made a shot we all know, anyone watching that game, there was no foul, there was no anger, she was excited for her teammate. “Did she jump off the bench and land on the court, sure,
but you can‘t make that call in that situation. It was a dead ball and nothing changed after that. Sometimes the letterof-the-law gets us in trouble. You have to use common sense sometimes.” The Lady Pirates led 10-7 after the first period but a disastrous second quarter where they shot 1-for-12 from the field and scored just two points put them in a 14-10 hole at the intermission. It was 27-22 at the end of the third period and the Lady Pirates trailed by as many as seven (37-30) with 1:30 remaining. A deuce and a trey by Caveness, a three-point shot by senior Carmen Pyrtle (seven points), and Little’s conventional three-point play around four free throws by Allen created the 41-41 deadlock before the unconventional – and controversial – ending. “All through the games they
kind of picked their poison when we played against them,” said Ellington, in reference to Topsail’s three losses to West. “Credit to (No.) 21, she made all her free throws at the end, hit the ones her team needed. We missed 12 free throws and that hurt. We committed turnovers in the first half and missed free throws, and that’s basketball. In a close game you need to look at that stuff. We understand there were things we didn’t do. “It has been a good season. These girls couldn’t have done more than what I have asked of them. Did we have off nights, sure, could the record look a little better, yes. But I never got into coaching for, or cared about, the record. I’ve always looked at did they get better and played hard, and I feel we did all year long.”
Town of Burgaw Government News February 22, 2018
The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Burgaw has authorized the sale by auction on the GovDeals website of the following property: One (1) 1993 Ford F600 VIN# 1FDMF60JPVA24719 Odometer: 28,209 Two (2) Mosquito Sprayers One (1) 1998 Ford F700 VIN# 1FDNF80C9WVA29842 Odometer: 94,562 One (1) 1996 Chevy S10 VIN# 1GCCS14X6TK122794 Odometer: 91,836 One (1) Huber Technology Bar Screen The Town will accept bids for the property, via the website, until 3:00 PM, Monday, February 26, 2018. Please visit www.govdeals.com to view property details and submit bids. The Town of Burgaw reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time and the right to reject all bids. Inspection of the property can be made at the Town garage, Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm, located at 213 S. McRae St., Burgaw, NC. CALENDAR March 1 Board of Commissioners Budget Retreat 9:00AM March 13 Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting 4:00PM TOWN OF BURGAW Phone 910.259.2151 Fax 910.259.6644 Email: townofburgaw@townofburgaw.com Web: www.townofburgaw.com
Town of Surf City Government News February 23, 2018
MEETING TIMES 1st Tuesday of the month at
Surf City Town Council 6:30pm Planning Board 5:30pm
2nd Thursday of the month at
Bulk Item Pickup March 19th – 23rd This is a bulky item pickup for appliances, mattresses, household items, and other items not picked up with regular curbside service. This is NOT a vegetation debris pickup. Please place all items out by the curb prior to March 19th. March 16 @ 2:00pm National Arbor Day Celebration Watts Landing Road Island At the Intersection of Hwy 210 & Watts Landing Road
Co m e help us celeb rate ou r 16th year r ecei vin g the Tr e e City US A A war d.
WANTED! A FEW GOOD MEN & WOMEN! VOLUNTEER! The Pender County Board of Commissioners will consider appointments to the following Boards/Commissions/Committees: # of Name of Board Vacancies Positions/Categories Advisory Board of Health 3 Dentist***, Engineer***, Optometrist*** Animal Shelter Advisory Committee 1 Veterinarian Board of Adjustment 5 Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4, Alternate Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Auth. 7 Business/Insurance/Attorney/Banking Library Board 1 District 1 Nursing/Adult Care Committee 3 Public Citizen Pender Memorial Hospital Board 2 District 1, District 2 (BOTH Unexpired Terms) Southeastern Economic Development Commission 1 Citizen Representative Tourism Development Authority 1 Collector District 1 = Upper Topsail; Surf City District 2 = Scotts Hill; Lower Topsail District 3 = Rocky Point; Long Creek
District 4 = Union; Penderlea; Grady; Columbia; Caswell; Canetuck District 5 = Burgaw; Holly
*** These positions can be temporarily filled by someone associated with this field who may not be currently licensed. Applications can be completed on-line at www.pendercountync.gov or write or call Melissa Long, Clerk to the Board, PO Box 5, Burgaw, NC 28425 (910) 259-1200, and complete an application.
Waiting Lists for Income-based Apartments are open to new applications The Pender County Housing Department is currently accepting applications for the Waiting List for our Project-based rental assistance programs including Country Court Apartments at 10260 Highway 421, Currie, North Carolina and Seven Oaks Apartments in Burgaw, North Carolina. Eligible families will pay a portion of rent based on their household’s income. Applications are available online at www.pendercountync.gov/hse. Complete applications may be submitted in person to our office at 805 South Walker Street, Burgaw, NC between 9 am and 4 pm on any business day. Applications may also be mailed to P O Box 1149, Burgaw, NC 28425. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. See our website or call (910) 259.1208 or TDD 1(800)735-2962 for more information. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 10A
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice
+ ) ) , +
CNA’s NEEDED We are hiring for the Pender County area. Please contact the Nurse Aide Office at 910-259-9119, option 2.
Carpentry & Renovations Home Improvements & home repairs inside & out including: Carpentry, tile, drywall, painting, flooring, docks, pressure washing, deck railing. All small jobs are welcome!! Call 910-934-3937 for free estimates, ask for Robert.12/7-3/7/2018 (P) (E)
6/8/2017 (TFN) (PAS)
FULL TIME CARPENTER WANTED FOR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WORKING ON TOPSAIL ISLAND. Must have 2 years experience minimum, drivers license, transportation, and hand tools. Send resume to: P.O. Box 2391, Surf City, NC 28445 2/15-3/1/2018 (C) (P) (C)
) - .
)(/ 0 1 #(( #2 !3 !"" !'"#$ 4 /3#" #3$ 2"& 3" 5 %5 "1 6#"7 ! 2" %38 3"!( 7#2"% 1 %38"#& %63 2 "# #38
Use Happy JackÂŽ Mange medicine to treat horse mane dandruff & lice. NEW HAMPSTEAD ACE HARDWARE (270-3237) (kennelvax.com)
2/15-3/8/2018 (P) (G)
Mobile home for rent 2 Bedroom,1 Bath, Watts Landing area close to Surf City water access. Please call 910-540-0528. 7/13/2017 (TFN (B) (P)
!"#$ %&& '#!( )#*
For sale- 4 cemetery plots at Riverview Memorial PaRK Garden: Hillside II, Lot 10c, spaces 1,2,3,4. $4800.00 Call 910-512-1384 2/15-3/15/2018 (B) (W)
602-E U.S. 117, Burgaw, NC 28425 Pender Landing Shopping Center, Next to Subway
910.259.7156 Website: www.serealestate.net Rentals: www.serealestate.us
We are the Key to Your New Home! Vicki Foster
1468 Herrings Chapel Rd, Multi Family, $141,000
Investors dream. Two income producing rental homes on 1.22 acres. Larger house is a 2 bedroom 1 bath. New stove refrigerator, freshly painted, new blinds, and has central heating and air. Enclosed laundry area on back deck. Large storage building. Large house has termite bond. Smaller house is a 1 bedroom 1 bath and address is 26 Lucilles Place. Has window unit for heating and air. Both have fenced in back yards and gutters. Both houses are tenant occupied.
Resale & Consignment Store
OnSite Ag Services in Onley, VA is accepting referrals through the State Workforce Agencies for 30 farmworkers. The job includes duties associated with the harvesting of tomatoes. This work can require standing, walking, stooping, bending, and lifting up to 100 pounds for long periods of time outdoors in all weather conditions. This is a temporary position from 2/24/18 to 6/29/18. Three-fourths of an avg. of 40/hrs/wk guaranteed. Work tools, supplies and equipment provided at no cost. Housing will be provided without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. If applicable, expenses for subsistence & transportation to the worksite will be provided. Employment eligibility checked on all applicants. Wage rate $11.46/hr and/or piece rate. Apply for this job at your nearest State Workforce Agency or the 359 S. Commerce Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870 job order #1264296.
STOREWIDE SALE Saturday from 10:30 to 3:00 5,000 Sq.Ft. Showcase Items (Furniture, Antiques, Clothes, Etc.)
102 US Hwy. 117 N. Burgaw, NC 28425
Be a Home Instead Senior Caregiver!
Operated by Pender Humane Society
Rewarding, refreshing and great work/life balance! Home Instead Senior Care is hiring Senior caregivers for our great clients in the Hampstead, Porters Neck and Surf City area. If you are friendly, professional and have a passion for giving back to Seniors, then please apply for this great position. We are a caring, supportive and professional team that A Job That Nurtures will train you and show you a career the Soul that is very rewarding. We have wonderful opportunities for career growth. We are a growing, busy company! Come the growlives with us! Help brighten of aging adults in our Apply online at www. homeinstead.com/386 or call 910-342community. Provide non-guide, support 0455 for a interview this week! We will train, medical companionship and Ask about and help you become a Home Instead caregiver. our training and home great team. care services to help seniors remain at home as CoordinaTraining is every week by our RN’s and for Training long as possible. Looking for tors. Qualifications: Must be 21years of age, able to pass in and home background check drug aides screen in (no Pender Exceptions!), have a County flexible clean driving record and passwith a in person interview with our schedules as well as evening Recruiter. and weekend availability. We offer salary compensation for experience, bonuses for dedication and hard work. Home Instead Senior Care *$50.00 Sign-On Bonus for Apply online: Applicants Hired and Scheduled. www.homeinstead.com/386
Lookin’ for Love... Hi! They call me Tinsel.
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Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 11A
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Sarah Carter Koeller, deceased, of Pender County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, Sarah Carter Koeller, to present them to the undersigned on or before May 10, 2018 at 350 Knollwood Drive, Hampstead, NC 28443 or be barred from recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of February, 2018. Gregory M. Koeller 350 Knollwood Drive Hampstead, NC 28443 #8075 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22/2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: WANDA DEAN PHELPS The undersigned having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Wanda Dean Phelps deceased, late of Pender County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against this estate to present such claims to the undersigned C/O Terry B. Richardson, Attorney at Law, 209 Princess Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 on or before the 7th day of May, 2018, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of your recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of February, 2018. John Graziano, Executor Terry B. Richardson Attorney for the Estate 209 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone No.: (910) 763-7420 Fax No.: (910) 762-4176 #8080 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUNTY OF PENDER SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 18 E 46 Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Emmett Morris Sniff of Pender County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Emmett Morris Sniff to present them to Burl John Sniff, 2067 Watts Landing Road, Hampstead, NC 28443, Executor by May 9, 2018 or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of February, 2018. R. V. Biberstein, Jr. Attorney for Burl John Sniff, Executor P. O. Box 428 Burgaw, NC 28425 #8081 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Wilma U. Duncan, deceased, of Pender County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, Wilma U. Duncan, to present them to the undersigned on or before May 17, 2018 at 206 Basinside Way, Alameda, CA 94502 or be barred from recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment. This the 8th day of February, 2018. Becky A. Doi 206 Basinside Way Alameda, CA 94502 #8103 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of William David Morgan, deceased, of Pender County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, William David Morgan, to present them to the undersigned on or before May 24, 2018 at 220 Buckeye Lane, Burgaw, NC 28425 or be barred from recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of February, 2018. David William Morgan 220 Buckeye Lane Burgaw, NC 28425 #8109 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-893 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff, v. ALLEN LANSING, owner et. al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: VENSON LAMB Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly
described as 0.74 acres, Parcel ID Number 4303-18-9181-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than March 26, 2018. This date: February 8, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman N.C. State Bar ID #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel); scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8085 2/8, 2/15, 2/22/18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-893 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff, v. ALLEN LANSING, owner et. al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ALLEN LANSING Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.74 acres, Parcel ID Number 4303-18-9181-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than March 26, 2018. This date: February 8, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman N.C. State Bar ID #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel); scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8086 2/8, 2/15, 2/22/18 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK FILE# 18 E 000035 Having qualified as EXECUTOR of the Estate of ROLAND VICTOR GODWIN, deceased, of Pender County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby give notice to all persons, firms, or corporations having claims against the said Estate to present them by giving evidence of same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of May 2018, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased or said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 7th day of February, 2018 EBE W. GODWIN, JR. Executor of the Estate of ROLAND VICTOR GODWIN PAUL A. NEWTON, ATTORNEY 107 N. 2nd Street, Suite C Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 910-769-2896 #8104 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Joseph Council Wallace, deceased, of Pender County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, Joseph Council Wallace, to present them to the undersigned on or before May 17, 2018 at 10980 Hwy. 117 South, Rocky Point, NC 28457 or be barred from recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment. This the 8th day of February, 2018. Jonathan H. Wallace 10982 Hwy. 117 South Rocky Point, NC 28457 #8105 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Sadie Esther Edwards Dobson, deceased, of Pender County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, Sadie Esther Edwards Dobson, to present them to the undersigned on or before May 24, 2018 at 230 Hughes Road, Hampstead, NC 28443 or be barred from recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of February, 2018. Linda Ann Dobson Bryan Carol Sue Dobson Batson 230 Hughes Road, Hampstead, NC 28443 #8108 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-893 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff, v. ALLEN LANSING, owner et. al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: ALLEN LANSING Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.74 acres, Parcel ID Number 4303-18-9181-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than March 26, 2018. This date: February 8, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman N.C. State Bar ID #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel); scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8087 2/8, 2/15, 2/22/18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-893 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff, v. ALLEN LANSING, owner et. al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF VENSON LAMB Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.74 acres, Parcel ID Number 4303-18-9181-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than March 26, 2018. This date: February 8, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman N.C. State Bar ID #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel); scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8084 2/8, 2/15, 2/22/18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-1270 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. JESSIE ANTONIO STANLEY, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: JESSIE ANTONIO STANLEY Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.46 acres more or less, Parcel ID Number 3224-46-2015-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 2, 2018. This date: February 15, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8115 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Bryan Ventin Roles, deceased, of Pender County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, Bryan Ventin Roles, to present them to the undersigned on or before May 24, 2018 at 710 N. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28405 or be barred from recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of February, 2018. Martha Sue Roles 710 N. College Road Wilmington, NC 28405 #8107 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-588 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EARNEST WALKER A/K/A ERNEST WALKER, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EARNEST WALKER A/K/A ERNEST WALKER, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-588, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Located in Columbia Township, Pender County, North Carolina adjacent to and South of the paved centerline of SR 1216 and being more fully described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a steel nail in the centerline of SR 1216 said nail being located along said road centerline at a point that is the following courses and distances from a nail in cap located in ther center of a bridge that accommodates the waters of Cypress Creek beneath the roadway: South 81 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds West 490.61 feet and North 86 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds West 397.16 feet to the Beginning; and running thence from the Beginning, so located, South 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 240.70 feet to an iron pipe in Riegel Paper Company’s line; thence with said line North 86 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds West 200.00 feet to an iron pipe inline; thence North 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 240.85 feet to a steel nail in the paved centerline of SR 1216; thence with said road centerline South 86 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds East 200.00 feet to the Beginning, containing 0.968 acres, more or less after exclusion of that portion of SR 1216 (60 foot right of way) contained within the above described boundaries as surveyed by Thompson Surveying Company PA Burgaw NC in August 1989. Reference is made to deed recorded in Book 777 at Page 40 from Ivey Thomas Walker and wife Lila M. Walker to Earnest Walker, filed June 3, 1991. Pender County Registry. Also being all of Lot 7 on map entitled” Division Map for Ivey Thomas Walker” recorded in Map Book 25 at Page 147, Pender County Registry. (PID: 2289-78-5027-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8096 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT PLAINTIFF Siyeicea S. Jackson VS. DEFENDANT Myron Richard Gurganious NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION To: Myron Richard Gurganious Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is a petition for a change of name of minor child and sole custody of minor child. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than March 17, 2018, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 9th day of February, 2018 Siyeicea S. Jackson #8106 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-800 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. OAKWOOD MOBILE HOMES, INC., owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. OAKWOOD MOBILE HOMES, INC., owner, et. al., 17-CVS-800, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: BEING all of Lot 1, BATTLEGROUND ESTATES, as shown on a map of said subdivision recorded in Map Book 30 at Page 29 of the Pender County Registry. Subject to the restrictive covenants for Battleground Estates,
Section 1, as attached Exhibit A in Deed Book 1196 at Page 286 of the Pender County Registry. (PID: 2266-21-6379-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8100 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-630 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. GREENVILLE PROPERTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA, LLC, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. GREENVILLE PROPERTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA, LLC, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-630, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Being the remnant of Tract E as shown on Plat entitled ”Bent Tree at Middle Point” recorded in Map Book 34 at Page 53, LESS AND EXCEPT, the lots as shown in Map Book 36 at Page 107 and Map Book 35 at Page 56. (PID: 4213-18-2238-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8098 2/15, 2/22/2018 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS ACTION BROUGHT PURSUANT TO THE POWER AND AUTHORITY contained within that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Susanne K. Hudgens dated March 19, 2009 and recorded on April 1, 2009 in Book 3602 at Page 200 in the Office of Register of Deeds of Pender County, North Carolina. As a result of a default in the obligations contained within the Promissory Note and Deed of Trust and the failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements contained therein, the holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust made demand to have the default cured, which was not met. Therefore, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale that parcel of land, including improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in the City of Rocky Point, County of Pender, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described in the heretofore referenced Deed of Trust. Said sale will be a public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the usual place of sale at the Pender County Courthouse, Burgaw, North Carolina, on February 27, 2018 at 10:00 AM. Address of property: 104 Oak Hills Drive, Rocky Point, NC 28457. Tax Parcel ID: 3233-33-4941-0000. Present Record Owners: Susanne K. Hudgens. The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. The successful bidder will be required to pay revenue stamps on the Trustee’s Deed, any Land Transfer Tax, and costs for recording the Trustee’s Deed. The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold subject to all superior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, and other encumbrances. Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids, as by law required. The sale will not confirm until there have been ten (10) consecutive days with no upset bids having been filed. If for any reason the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property, or if the sale is set aside, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the bid deposit. Furthermore, if the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may declare
the sale to be void and return the bid deposit. In either event, the purchaser will have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Mortgagee’s attorney, or the Trustee. Additional Notice Required for Residential Real Property with Less Than Fifteen (15) Rental Units: An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Albertelli Law Partners North Carolina, P.A., Substitute Trustee By: Albertelli Law Partners North Carolina, P.A. David W. Neill, Esq. N.C. Bar Number 23396 205 Regency Executive Park Drive Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28217 T: 704-970-0391 A-4646953 #8113 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-669 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO GEORGE EDWARD KEA, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO GEORGE EDWARD KEA, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-669, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Beginning at a spike at the intersection of centerline of SR 1104 and centerline of SR 1105, a common corner to Lots 5A, 7, and 8, according to map of “ Lonnie H. Kea Estate” by Willis and Walker, RLS dated May 12, 1972, recorded in Map Book 11, Page 73 of Registry of Pender County, and running thence with centerline of SR 1104, South 45 degrees 52 minutes East 110 feet to a spike; thence with line of Lillie Jane Swartz, North 41 degrees 13 minutes East 305.15 feet to an iron pipe just beyond Old Beatty’s Bridge Rd; thence South 18 degrees 42 minutes East 221.24 feet to an iron pipe just beyond the old Beatty’s Bridge Road; thence with line of Luberta Kea Powell, crossing the old road and SR 1104, South 43 degrees 57 minutes West 435.31 to an iron pipe in D. J. Corbett Estate line; thence with that line North 55 degrees 52 minutes West 404.85 feet of centerline of SR 1105; thence with centerline of 1105 North 63 degrees 32 minutes East 319.66 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 3.15 acres, more or less, described according to the map referred to above to which map reference is made for more particular description and being Lot 8 on said map. (PID: 2234-55-1610-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner Posted: February 2, 2018. #8099 2/15, 2/22/2018
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Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 12A
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-589 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EARNEST WALKER A/K/A ERNEST WALKER, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EARNEST WALKER A/K/A ERNEST WALKER, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-589, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Located in Columbia Township, Pender County, North Carolina adjacent to and South of the paved centerline of SR 1216 and being more fully described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a steel nail in the centerline of SR 1216 said nail being located along said road centerline at a point that is the following courses and distances from a nail in cap located in ther center of a bridge that accommodates the waters of Cypress Creek beneath the roadway: South 81 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds West 490.61 feet and North 86 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds West 197.16 feet to the Beginning; and running thence from the Beginning, so located, South 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 240.55 feet to an iron pipe in Riegel Paper Company’s line; thence with said line North 86 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds West 200.00 feet to an iron pipe inline; thence North 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 240.70 feet to a steel nail in the paved centerline of SR 1216; thence with said road centerline South 86 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds East 200.00 feet to the Beginning, containing 0.967 acres, (60 foot right of way) contained within the above described boundaries, and is as surveyed in August 1989. Reference is made to deed recorded in Book 766 at Page 234 from Lillie Walker Jacobs to Earnest Walker, filed January 15,1991, Pender County Registry. Also being all of Lot 6 on map entitled” Division Map for Ivey Thomas Walker” recorded in Map Book 25 at Page 147, Pender County Registry. (PID: 2289-78-3017-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8097 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-923 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. JERRY T. BUTLER, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. JERRY T. BUTLER, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-923, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: All of Lot 23 of Green Acres, as shown upon that map of said subdivision recorded in the Pender County registry in Map Book 23 at Page 84. Subject, however, to easements of record, and to those restrictions recorded in said Registry in Book 678 at Page 247, in Book 694 at Page 231, and in Book 769 at Page 35. (Note: By that instrument recorded in said Registry in Book 955 at Page 117, the above-named restrictions were made inapplicable and said amendments upon the lot hereby conveyed.) (PID: 3283-35-7732-000L) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8102 2/15, 2/22/2018
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-1263 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. TIA MICHELLE TOOMER, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF TIA MICHELLE TOOMER Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.52 acres more or less, Parcel ID Number 2299-77-5336-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 2, 2018. This date: February 15, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8118 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-1263 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. TIA MICHELLE TOOMER, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: TIA MICHELLE TOOMER Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.52 acres more or less, Parcel ID Number 2299-77-53360000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 2, 2018. This date: February 15, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8117 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 18-CVS-108 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EDGAR ALLEN THOMAS, et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EDGAR ALLEN THOMAS Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as Lot 8 King’s Estates, Parcel ID Number 2277-95-0746-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 2, 2018. This date: February 15, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8114 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-801 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. RAYMOND EARL JONES, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. RAYMOND EARL JONES, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-801, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as:
BEGINNING at a nail in cap in the paved centerline of Secondary Road No. 1216, said nail in cap being located along said road centerline at appoint that is the following courses and distances from the point of intersection of the paved centerline of US hwy 421 with the paved centerline of Secondary Road No 1216; South 84 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds East 4,903.65 feet, South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 200.00 feet to the Beginning; and running thence, from the Beginning, so located, 1. North 25 degrees 41 minutes 34 seconds East 615.82 feet to an iron pipr inline; thence, 2. South 83 degrees 54 minutes 26 East 421.24 feet to an old iron pipe inline; thence, 3. South 24 degrees 16 minutes 55 seconds West 211.08 feet to an old iron pipe inline; thence, 4. South 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds West 385.52 feet to an old railroad spike in the paved centerline of Secondary Road No 1216; thence, 5. With said road centerline North 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 514.17 feet to the Beginning, Containing 5.72 acres, more or less, after the exclusion of the portion of Secondary Road No. 1216 (60 foot wide right of way) contained within the above described boundaries and is as surveyed by Thompson Surveying Co. P.A., Burgaw, North Carolina in July 1990. LESS AND EXCEPT: Tract One: Located in Columbia Township, Pender County, State of North Carolina. BEGINNING at a P. K. nail in the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Road) Annie Ruth Jones’s Southeast corner which said P. K. nail beginning corner being located South 84 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds East 4,903.65 feet and South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 200.00 feet from a point in the centerline intersection of SR No. 1216 and US Hwy No 421 and from said Beginning corner so located running thence with Annie Ruth Jones’s line North 25 degrees 41 minutes 34 seconds East 615.82 feet to an existing iron pipe in R. G. Johnson’s line; thence with R. G. Johnson’s line South 83 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds East 19.05 feet to an iron stake; thence a new line South 16 degrees 33 minutes 28 seconds West 236.63 feet to an existing iron stake; thence South 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds West 350.94 feet to an PK nail in the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Road); thence with the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Road) North 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 139.17 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 1.00 acre, more or less, as surveyed by William G. Moore, RLS, April 1,1996 with all lines shown correct in their angular relation and relative to the magnetic meridian as shown in Deed Book 757 on Page 918 and being part of the 5.72 acre tract of land described in Deed Book 757 on Page 918 of the Pender County Registry. Tract Two: Located in Columbia Township, Pender County, North Carolina. BEGINNING at a PK nail in the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Rd) a new corner which said PK nail beginning corner being located South 84 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds East 4,903.65 feet and South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 464.17 feet from a point in the centerline intersection of SR no. 1216 and US Hwy 421 and from said Beginning corner so located running thence a new line North 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds East 350.94 feet to an iron stake; thence a new line South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 125.00 feet to an existing iron stake; thence South 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds West 350.94 feet to a PK nail in the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Rd); thence with the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Road) North 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 125.00 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 1.00 acre, more or less, as surveyed by William G. Moore, RLS, December 20.1995 with al lines shown correct in their angular relation and relative to the magnetic meridian as shown in Deed Book 757 on Page 918 and being a part of that 5.72 acre tract of land described in Deed Book 757 on Page 918 of the Pender County Registry. Tract Three: Located in Columbia Township , Pender County, North Carolina, BEGINNING at a PK nail in the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney Woods Road) a new corner which said PK nail Beginning corner being located South 84 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds East 4,903.65 feet and South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 339.17 feet from a point in the centerline intersection of SR No 1216 and US Hwy No. 421 and from said Beginning corner so located running thence a new line North 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds East 350.94 feet to an iron stake; thence a new line South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 125.00 feet to an iron stake; thence a new line South 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds West 350.94 feet to a PK nail in the center of Secondary No. 1216 (Piney Woods Road); thence with the center of Secondary Road No. 1216 (Piney
Woods Road)North 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 125.00 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 1.00 acre, more or less, as surveyed by William G. Moore, RLS, December 20.1995 with all lines shown correct in their angular relation and relative to the magnetic meridian as shown in Deed Book 757 on Page 918 and being a part of that 5.72 acre tract of land described in Deed Book 757 on Page 918 of the Pender County Registry. Tract Four: A portion of Tract 2 from Deed Book 1910 at page 246. (PID: 2279-78-2790-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8101 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 17-CVS-1270 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. JESSIE ANTONIO STANLEY, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JESSIE ANTONIO STANLEY Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.46 acres more or less, Parcel ID Number 3224-46-2015-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 2, 2018. This date: February 15, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8116 2/15, 2/22, 3/1/2018 17 SP 155 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Irene Wooten and James Wooten to Data Search, Inc., Trustee(s), which was dated November 26, 1997 and recorded on December 3, 1997 in Book 1288 at Page 136, Pender County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on February 27, 2018 at 11:30AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Pender County, North Carolina, to wit: The parcel of land situated in the Holly Township, Pender County, North Carolina, the “Premises” and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing I.P. in the northern Right of Way line of SR 1530, said point being 6-tenths of a mile from SR 1529 as measured along the centerline of SR 1530 in an easterly direction; said point also being the southeast corner of a tract of land recorded in Book 344, Page 214; thence North 76 degrees 07 minutes west along the northern right of way line of SR 1530 100 feet to an I.P.; thence North 16 degrees 30 minutes east 200 feet to an I.P.; thence South 76 degrees 7 minutes east 100 feet to I.P.; thence south 16 degrees 30 min. West 200 feet to the point of beginning. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 595 Wooten Road, Maple Hill, NC 28454. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and con-
veyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Walter Irene Wooten a/k/a Irene Wooten and All Lawful Heirs of James Wooten. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 4521.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 14-17929-FC01 #8083 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:14-CVS-933 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. MATTHEW BONEY, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. MATTHEW BONEY, owner, et. al., 14-CVS-933, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: BEGINNING at an old spike located in the paved centerline of Secondary Road #1412, said spike being located along said road centerline at a point that is directly above the center of concrete culvert that accommodates the waters of a ditch beneath the roadway and said culvert being located 1.15 miles Eastwardly along said road from the intersection with Highway #117, and running thence from the beginning, so located, with the paved centerline of Secondary Road #1412 North 79 degrees 15 minutes West 197.59 feet to an old spike inline; thence, With the center of a 30 foot wide roadway easement South 02 degrees 10 minutes West 133.58 feet to a subsurface iron pipe in the center of said 30 foot wide neighborhood roadway easement, South 78 degrees 26 minutes East 160.16 feet to a point in the center of a ditch, thence up said ditch North 18 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds East 135.50 feet to the Beginning, containing .42 acres, more or less, after the exclusion of Secondary Road #1413 (60 foot right of way) contained in the above described boundaries and is surveyed by Thompson Surveying company, P.A. of Burgaw, N.C. in September 1984. (PID: 3237-66-4337-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8088 2/15, 2/22/2018
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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-25 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. JAMES HOLMES, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. JAMES HOLMES, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-25, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Being all of Lot #1 as shown on that certain map entitled “Family Division for Randolph Holmes and wife, Olivia Holmes”, dated May 1, 2007, recorded May 22, 2007 in Map book 4, page 123 of the Pender County Registry. (PID: 3245-23-2618-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8090 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:15-CVS-1171 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. GREATER 17 OPPORTUNITY, LLC, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. GREATER 17 OPPORTUNITY, LLC, owner, et. al., 15-CVS-1171, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Commencing at the centerline intersection of NCSR 1533 (Shepards Road) with US 17 at a found PK Nail, and following the centerline of US 17 N43d35’50” E a distance of 532.45’; thence leaving said centerline S44d50’51” E a distance of 50.01’ to a found iron stake on the southern right of way of US 17; thence along the southern right of way of US 17 N43d35’50” E a distance of 689.78’ to a found concrete monument; thence S 12d47’33” E a distance of 1098.42’ to a found iron pipe, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S53º45’49” E a distance of 1029.28’ to a found iron pipe; thence S39º21’17” W a distance of 575.48’ to a found iron axle; thence N42º52’33” W a distance of 417.44’ to a found iron pipe; thence S45º32’27” W a distance of 59.37” to a found iron pipe; thence N45º28’26” W a distance of 174.11’ to a found iron pipe; thence N45º19’34” E a distance of 145.60’ to a found iron pipe; thence N46º11’22” W a distance of 370.92’ to a found iron stake; thence N10º01’22” W a distance of 43.08’ to a found iron stake; thence N30º35’34” E a distance of 308.31’ to the point of beginning, containing 10.64 acres by coordinates and is a portion of Deed Book 1224, Page 215. (parcel id 4226-95-7786-0000) Commencing at a set PK Nail in the median of US 17 at a point where the extended centerline of NCSR 1533 (Shepard Road) intersects and running along the centerline of NCSR 1533 South 44 degrees 57 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 784.11 feet to a set PK Nail over a 24-inch culvert. Thence along said centerline South 44 degrees 49 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 79.09 feet to a set PK Nail; thence along said centerline South 45 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 158.78 feet to a found nail; Thence leaving said centerline North 48 degrees 24 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 30.01 feet to a found iron stake on the northeast right of way of NCSR 1533, the southwest corner of the Rossie Lee Mitchell property as recorded in Deed Book 725 Page 124 and THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence from said beginning and along said northeast right of way of NCSR 1533 North 45 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 53.98 feet to a found iron stake. Thence leaving said right of way North 48 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 210.68 feet to a found iron stake in the eastern line of Rossie Lee Mitchell; Thence along the eastern line of Mitchell South 44 degrees 56 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 54.90 feet to a found iron stake. Thence along the southern line of Mitchell South 48 degrees 17 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 209.79 feet to the beginning. Containing 0.26 acres by coordinates and is a portion of Deed Book 725 Page 124. (parcel id 4226-95-1814-0000) (PID: 4226-95-7786-0000; 422695-1814-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8089 2/15, 2/22/2018
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 13A
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-287 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. ASHANTIA VICE, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. ASHANTIA VICE, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-287, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Parcel of land located in Topsail Township, Pender County, North Carolina, and being more particulary described as Tract Two as shown on the map titled “Family Division for Helen R. Sidbury Heirs” and recorded in Map Book 49, at page 125, of the Pender County Registry. (PID: 4214-27-7236-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8092 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-434 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. FRANKLIN WILLIAMS, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. FRANKLIN WILLIAMS, owner, et. al., 17-CVS434, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Located in Long Creek Township, Pender County, North Carolina adjacent to and North of the Northern line of Cherry Street ( now Secondary Road No. 1406) and being more fully described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a reset disturbed iron pipe in the Northern right of way line of Cherry Street (now Secondary Road No. 1406) said pipe being located at a point that is the following courses and distances from an existing “P.K.” nail located in the intersection of the paved centerline of NC No. 210 with the centerline of Secondary Road No. 1406; South 11 degrees 14 minutes 42 East 901.05 feet, South 79 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 716.58 feet and North 10 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds West 30.00 feet to the Beginning; and running thence, from the BEGINNING, so located, 1. With the Northern right of way line of Cherry Street (now Secondary Road No. 1406) South 78 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West 100.01 feet to an iron stake inline; thence, 2. North 10 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West 212.51 feet to an iron stake; thence, 3. North 80 degrees 08 minutes 07 seconds East 100.66 feet to an iron stake in Bonnie Parker’s Western line; thence, 4. With said line South 10 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 210.00 feet to the Beginning, containing 0.49 acres, more or less, and is as surveyed by Thompson Surveying Co. PA of Burgaw, NC during July 1996. As a reference to the above described tract see Deed Book 608 at Page 203 of the Pender County Registry and Deed 1154, Page 139 of the same registry. (PID: 2295-82-1529-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8094 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-66 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. CHERI B. GALT, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. CHERI B. GALT, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-66, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: BEING all of Tract No. 1, containing 12.641 acres, as shown on Map entitled “Map for Cheri B. Galt and husband Leland L. Galt and Randall M. Bostic and wife, Marietta Devane Bostic” recorded in Map book 51
at Page 143 of the Pender County Registry. (PID: 3255-15-9334-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8091 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-408 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. LAVONE DEWAYNE SMITH AKA LARONE DEWAYNE SMITH, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. LAVONE DEWAYNE SMITH AKA LARONE DEWAYNE SMITH, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-408, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: Beginning at a concrete monument at the intersection of the West line of U.S. #117, said line being 75 feet from center of pavement, and the North line of a dirt road leading from #117 to the Watha to Willard road, said line being 30 feet from the center of dirt road and running thence with the West line of #117 North 37 degrees 15 minutes West, 230 feet to an iron stake; thence South 53 degrees 45 minutes West, 143 feet to an iron stake in the center of a ditch; thence with the ditch South 14 degrees 22 minutes East, 130 feet to an iron stake in the North line of the above mentioned dirt road; thence North 83 degrees 08 minutes East 220.8 feet with the North line of the dirt road to the Point of Beginning, containing one acre more or less and being part of the old J.R. Jones property. (PID: 3314-53-8316-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Posted: February 2, 2018. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner #8093 2/15, 2/22/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #:17-CVS-527 PENDER COUNTY et. al., Plaintiff(s), v. RAYMOND EARL JONES, owner, et. al., Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with an Order entered in Pender County v. RAYMOND EARL JONES, owner, et. al., 17-CVS-527, (Pender County, North Carolina), the undersigned shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the western door of the Pender County Courthouse in Burgaw, North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, 02/23/2018, that property located in Pender County, North Carolina, described as: BEGINNING at a nail in cap in the paved centerline of Secondary Road No. 1216, said nail in cap being located along said road centerline at appoint that is the following courses and distances from the point of intersection of the paved centerline of US hwy 421 with the paved centerline of Secondary Road No 1216; South 84 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds East 4,903.65 feet, South 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds East 200.00 feet to the Beginning; and running thence, from the Beginning, so located, 1. North 25 degrees 41 minutes 34 seconds East 615.82 feet to an iron pipr inline; thence, 2. South 83 degrees 54 minutes 26 East 421.24 feet to an old iron pipe inline; thence, 3. South 24 degrees 16 minutes 55 seconds West 211.08 feet to an old iron pipe inline; thence, 4. South 13 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds West 385.52 feet to an old railroad spike in the paved centerline of Secondary Road No 1216; thence, 5. With said road centerline North 83 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 514.17 feet to the Beginning, Containing 5.72 acres, more or less, after the exclusion of the portion of Secondary Road No. 1216 (60 foot wide right of way) contained within the above described boundaries and is as surveyed by Thompson Surveying Co. P.A., Burgaw, North Carolina in July 1990 and being that real property described in Book 757 at page 918 of the Pender County Registry. Less and excepting all that property more particularly described in Deed Book 1150 at Page 291, Deed Book 1120 at Page 256,Deed Book 1120 at Page 254, Deed Book 1910 at Page 246 and Deed Book 1136 at Page 162 and all other “out” convey-
ances recorded in the Pender County Register of Deeds. (PID: 2279-78-3485-0000) This sale shall be for cash and a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This sale shall be subject to any encumbrances which have priority over the tax liens of Pender County, all deferred taxes, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not delinquent as of the filing of the confirmation of sale, and all outstanding city and county taxes and improvement assessments not included in the above order. Richard T. Rodgers, Jr., Commissioner Posted: February 2, 2018. #8095 2/15, 2/22/2018 18 SP 5 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, PENDER COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Luby Wallace (Married) and Cathy Wallace (Married) and Beulah Adell Culbreth to K. Cole, Trustee(s), which was dated May 6, 2008 and recorded on May 7, 2008 in Book 3457 at Page 314, Pender County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on March 6, 2018 at 11:30AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Pender County, North Carolina, to wit: REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED: LYING AND BEING IN TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA; ADJOINING JOE BESSLEY, INTERNATIONAL PAPER REALITY CORPORATION AND OTHERS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIPE BURIED IN THE CENTERLINE OF TRADERS NECK ACCESS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, CORNER NO. 2 ON DRAWING NO. 1407 ENTITLED, MAP OF LUBY WALLACE ET UX LOT ATTACHED HERETO WHICH IS MADE APART OF THIS DESCRIPTION, SAID BEGINNING CORNER NO. 2 BEING LOCATED NORTH 41 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 350.68 FEET, NORTH 52 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 227.75 FEET, NORTH 49 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST 1023.66 FEET, NORTH 60 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WEST 198.84 FEET, NORTH 54 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 50 SECONDS WEST 527.78 FEET, NORTH 50 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 350.27 FEET, NORTH 61 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WEST 255.63 FEET, NORTH 73 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 853.17 FEET AND SOUTH 76 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST 71.52 FEET FROM A POINT IN THE CENTERLINE OF THE PAVEMENT OF U. S. HIGHWAY 17 AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE CENTERLINE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF TRADERS NECK ACCESS ROAD; RUNNING THENCE FROM BEGINNING CORNER NO. 2, SO LOCATED, WITH SAID ACCESS ROAD CENTERLINE SOUTH 76 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST 303.66 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIPE LOCATED IN THE CENTERLINE OF SAID ACCESS ROAD, CORNER NOT. 3 ON ATTACHED MAP THENCE WITH SAID ACCESS ROAD CENTERLINE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 07 SECONDS WEST 208.96 FEET TO A NEW IRON PIPE SET IN THE CENTERLINE OF SAID ACCESS ROAD CENTERLINE, CORNER NO. 4 ON ATTACHED MAP AND BEING A CORNER OF THE WILLIAMS LAND, THENCE LEAVING SAID ACCESS ROAD WITH SAID WILLIAMS LINE NORTH 23 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 32 SECONDS WEST 31.13 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIPE IN SAID WILLIAMS LINE; THENCE THE SAME COURSE CONTINUED WITH SAID WILLIAMS LINE NORTH 23 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 32 SECONDS WEST 755.20 FEET TO AN EXISTING IRON PIPE A CORNER OF SAID WILLIAMS LAND AND, JOE BEASLEY LAND, CORNER NO. 6 ON ATTACHED MAP, THENCE WITH SAID BEASLEY LINE NORTH 88 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST 379.67 FEET TO A NEW IRON PIPE IN SAID BEASLEY LINE, CORNER NO 6 ON ATTACHED MAP; THENCE A NOW LINE SOUTH 36 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 32 SECONDS EAST 698.48 FEET TO THE BEGINNING CONTAINING 6.92 ACRES MORE OR LESS AS SURVEYED DURING JUNE, 1992 BY CHARLES L. MATTHIS SURVEYING, P.A. WITH ALL LINE CORRECT IN THEIR ANGULAR RELATION AND RELATIVE TO THE NORTH CAROLINE GRID COORDINATE SYSTERM (NAD 83). LESS AND EXCEPT ALL THAT PROPERTY CONVEYED TO THE WILLIS GROUP, LLC BY LUBY WALLACE AND WIFE, CATHY WALLACE, BY DEED DATED 02/06/2007 AND RECORDED 02/05/2007, IN BOOK 156: PAGE 110. ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE CITY OF HAMPSTEAD, PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEING ALL OF LOT 1 AS SHOWN ON A SURVEY FOR THE WILLIS GROUP PREPARED BY MARK A. SMITH P.L.S., KNOWN AS THREE LOT SUBDIVISION ON AN EASEMENT, PROPERTY OR LUBY WALLACE, AS SAME IS SHOWN ON
MAP RECORDED IN THE PENDER COUNTY REGISTRY IN BOOK 43, PAGE 146, SLIDE 590, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS MADE FOR A MORE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. BEING THE SAME FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY CONVEYED BY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED FROM INTERNATIONAL PAPER REALTY CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, BY L.H. RONNIE, JR, AS PRESIDENT TO LUBY WALLACE AND CATHY WALLACE, DATED 06/22/1992 RECORDED ON 06/25/1992 IN BOOK 840, PAGE 266 IN PENDER COUNTY RECORDS, STATE OF NC. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is commonly known as 796 Traders Neck Road, Hampstead, NC 28443. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Luby Wallace. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 4521.16A(b)(2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 17-18026-FC01 #8110 2/22, 3/1/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 18-CVS-144 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. CHRISTOPHER JAMES MEREDITH, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO JOHN H. HENRY Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.69 acres, Parcel ID Number 2341-38-3774-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 9, 2018. This date: February 22, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8122 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018
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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate of Glenn Rochelle, deceased, of Pender County, North Carolina are notified to present the same to the personal representative listed below on or before May 23, 2018, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All debtors of the said estate are asked to make immediate payment. Tyson Rochelle, Administrator c/o Lanier Fountain & Ceruzzi 114 Old Bridge Street Jacksonville, NC 28540 #8121 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15/2018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 18-CVS-144 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. CHRISTOPHER JAMES MEREDITH, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO EDNA HENRY MEREDITH Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 0.69 acres, Parcel ID Number 2341-38-3774-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 9, 2018. This date: February 22, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and Through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8123 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COURT FILE #: 18-CVS-139 PENDER COUNTY Plaintiff(s), v. UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO B.C. LAMONT, owner et. al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND/OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO B.C. LAMONT Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-titled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: foreclosure sale to satisfy unpaid property taxes on your interest in the property sometimes briefly described as 5 1/2 acres, Parcel ID Number 2257-71-1788-0000 more fully described in the complaint. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than April 9, 2018. This date: February 22, 2018. PENDER COUNTY, By and through its Attorney Scott G. Sherman State Bar #: 17596 ProTax, A Division of Sherman & Rodgers, PLLC PO Box 250 Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-2615 (tel) scott@shermanandrodgers.com #8124 2/22, 3/1, 3/8/2018
of the small town of Burgaw. It has been estimated that more than 30,000 people have attended the event, held on the third Saturday in June each year. The North Carolina Blueberry Festival is listed as one of Southeaster n North Carolina’s Premier Family Events and was voted one of the Top Twenty Events in both 2016 and 2017. More than 100 volunteers are needed to stage more than 20 events that include: entertainment, a car show, a street fair, recipe contest, barbeque cook-off, a 5K run, special exhibits, and a variety of other events. For more information about the upcoming pancake breakfast or to purchase tickets, please contact the North Carolina Blueberry Festival (910) 259-2007.
Continued from page 1A friends and neighbors. Festival Coordinator said, “This year the festival will celebrate its 15th year. As always, plan to come in your best shade of blue, and bring your dancing shoes for more of your favorite beach music bands along with all things Blueberry!” This year’s Blueberry Festival is scheduled for June 15 and 16. The annual event celebrates the historic, economic, and cultural significance of blueberries in the southeastern region of our state. It gives local residents and visitors a chance to enjoy a full day of family entertainment along with the southern hospitality
Continued from page 1A tions, which must be a minimum of 500 feet from occupied dwellings, according to the Division of Environmental Quality. “You can find all that information online, or contact the local Forest Service office,” he said. “We would much rather answer questions and prevent a possible problem than have to go fight a major fire.”
Continued from page 7A maining in the third quarter – and that was as close as they could get the rest of the way, trailing by 20 at halftime and by 18 entering the final eight minutes of the game. “The second period we gave up 23 points and throughout most of our games this year we’d get those quarters where we were just out of sync on offense, then we get out of sync on defense,” Rochelle said. “It’s kind of like a double whammy. I felt we played hard for the most part but we hit too many rough patches. The offense, for the most part struggled. I thought Brandon played well but all of them could have done a little bit more. I thought, in the first quarter, the offense wasn’t too bad but after that we struggled as lot.” Rochelle mention the fact he lost four starters last year, especially his two leading offensive threats in Baker and Tartaglione. With the end this campaign, Topsail losses Lofton, Bloodworth, Jarris Long, Floyd, and Unger. Lofton, Bloodworth, Long, and Floyd
Burning permits are required for most types of debris fires, Hardee said, and the free permits are often overlooked by property owners. “You can get them from a number of businesses around the area, as well as online,” he said. “In just a few minutes on your computer or smart phone, you can have all the information you need and be legal. Without the permit, if we have to respond to your fire, you will be cited. For more information, log on to ncforestservice.gov. accounted for a large portion of the Topsail offense – and rebounding efforts – for the year, and Unger was laying well of the bench before a late injury ended his season. “I knew this season would be a little bit of a challenge with losing four starters including Kodiak, a four-year starter.” Rochelle said. “I think it took us a little longer than I expected to jell as a team. We definitely had some games we could have, and should have, won but we weren’t able to pull them out at the end. Unfortunately, we have to replace four starters next year but I think we’re in a little better shape with the young guys coming up and with what we have coming back. “I think the range and depth of the talent we have moving forward gives us room for optimism. The junior-varsity team was 19-2 and they will have to learn what is expected at the varsity level, and find a way to jell, hopefully quicker, with the guys coming back.” Key returnees next year include rising juniors Jamison Long and E. J. Carr, and rising seniors Christopf Wolf, Jonathan Ward, Brandon Warrick, Brandon Lofton, Andrew Facciolini, and Jonah Stevens.
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 10A
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice
+ ) ) , +
CNA’s NEEDED We are hiring for the Pender County area. Please contact the Nurse Aide Office at 910-259-9119, option 2.
Carpentry & Renovations Home Improvements & home repairs inside & out including: Carpentry, tile, drywall, painting, flooring, docks, pressure washing, deck railing. All small jobs are welcome!! Call 910-934-3937 for free estimates, ask for Robert.12/7-3/7/2018 (P) (E)
6/8/2017 (TFN) (PAS)
FULL TIME CARPENTER WANTED FOR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WORKING ON TOPSAIL ISLAND. Must have 2 years experience minimum, drivers license, transportation, and hand tools. Send resume to: P.O. Box 2391, Surf City, NC 28445 2/15-3/1/2018 (C) (P) (C)
) - .
)(/ 0 1 #(( #2 !3 !"" !'"#$ 4 /3#" #3$ 2"& 3" 5 %5 "1 6#"7 ! 2" %38 3"!( 7#2"% 1 %38"#& %63 2 "# #38
Use Happy JackÂŽ Mange medicine to treat horse mane dandruff & lice. NEW HAMPSTEAD ACE HARDWARE (270-3237) (kennelvax.com)
2/15-3/8/2018 (P) (G)
Mobile home for rent 2 Bedroom,1 Bath, Watts Landing area close to Surf City water access. Please call 910-540-0528. 7/13/2017 (TFN (B) (P)
!"#$ %&& '#!( )#*
For sale- 4 cemetery plots at Riverview Memorial PaRK Garden: Hillside II, Lot 10c, spaces 1,2,3,4. $4800.00 Call 910-512-1384 2/15-3/15/2018 (B) (W)
602-E U.S. 117, Burgaw, NC 28425 Pender Landing Shopping Center, Next to Subway
910.259.7156 Website: www.serealestate.net Rentals: www.serealestate.us
We are the Key to Your New Home! Vicki Foster
1468 Herrings Chapel Rd, Multi Family, $141,000
Investors dream. Two income producing rental homes on 1.22 acres. Larger house is a 2 bedroom 1 bath. New stove refrigerator, freshly painted, new blinds, and has central heating and air. Enclosed laundry area on back deck. Large storage building. Large house has termite bond. Smaller house is a 1 bedroom 1 bath and address is 26 Lucilles Place. Has window unit for heating and air. Both have fenced in back yards and gutters. Both houses are tenant occupied.
Resale & Consignment Store
OnSite Ag Services in Onley, VA is accepting referrals through the State Workforce Agencies for 30 farmworkers. The job includes duties associated with the harvesting of tomatoes. This work can require standing, walking, stooping, bending, and lifting up to 100 pounds for long periods of time outdoors in all weather conditions. This is a temporary position from 2/24/18 to 6/29/18. Three-fourths of an avg. of 40/hrs/wk guaranteed. Work tools, supplies and equipment provided at no cost. Housing will be provided without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. If applicable, expenses for subsistence & transportation to the worksite will be provided. Employment eligibility checked on all applicants. Wage rate $11.46/hr and/or piece rate. Apply for this job at your nearest State Workforce Agency or the 359 S. Commerce Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870 job order #1264296.
STOREWIDE SALE Saturday from 10:30 to 3:00 5,000 Sq.Ft. Showcase Items (Furniture, Antiques, Clothes, Etc.)
102 US Hwy. 117 N. Burgaw, NC 28425
Be a Home Instead Senior Caregiver!
Operated by Pender Humane Society
Rewarding, refreshing and great work/life balance! Home Instead Senior Care is hiring Senior caregivers for our great clients in the Hampstead, Porters Neck and Surf City area. If you are friendly, professional and have a passion for giving back to Seniors, then please apply for this great position. We are a caring, supportive and professional team that A Job That Nurtures will train you and show you a career the Soul that is very rewarding. We have wonderful opportunities for career growth. We are a growing, busy company! Come the growlives with us! Help brighten of aging adults in our Apply online at www. homeinstead.com/386 or call 910-342community. Provide non-guide, support 0455 for a interview this week! We will train, medical companionship and Ask about and help you become a Home Instead caregiver. our training and home great team. care services to help seniors remain at home as CoordinaTraining is every week by our RN’s and for Training long as possible. Looking for tors. Qualifications: Must be 21years of age, able to pass in and home background check drug aides screen in (no Pender Exceptions!), have a County flexible clean driving record and passwith a in person interview with our schedules as well as evening Recruiter. and weekend availability. We offer salary compensation for experience, bonuses for dedication and hard work. Home Instead Senior Care *$50.00 Sign-On Bonus for Apply online: Applicants Hired and Scheduled. www.homeinstead.com/386
Lookin’ for Love... Hi! They call me Tinsel.
That sounds more like a Christmas name but I can still be your Valentine! I am a Lab mix who is almost 2. I was brought to a kill shelter as a very pregnant stray. I had my 12 babies on Nov 19th. The humans from the Humane Society came and got us all so we could be warm and safe. All my babies have found homes so now I‛m ready for mine. I am a little afraid of strangers until I know they won‛t hurt me. I know some commands and walk on a leash. Will you be my Valentine?
Find an adoption form at www.penderhumane.org or call us at 910-259-7022 and Please LIKE us at Facebook.com/ PenderCountyHumaneSociety
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February 22, 2018
Section B
(Formerly Huntington Health Care)
311 S Campbell St. Burgaw, NC 28425 (910) 259-6007 www.laurelsofpender.com
Pender Schools Robotics featured at Chamber banquet By Andy Pettigrew Post & Voice Publisher
The Burgaw Area Chamber of Commerce will have a guest speaker at its Annual Banquet Feb. 27. Jeff Hansen, Ph.D., Director of Technical Sales and Service at Nutriquest, is expected to present a $2,000 donation to Pender County Schools to benefit its robotic classes. He will also give a presentation of the program. Robotics Coach Jared Pinkston and Penderlea Seaperch Coach Elaine Linke are expected to attend and accept the donation. “I am really excited to have this opportunity to showcase our students and how others are reaching out to help them,” said BACC Executive Director Emily Baker. Robotics Coach Jared Pinkston said that the funds will be used particularly for parts and travel fees. “I think in the next month we need to raise another $3,000 to make sure all the kids can go to competitions. We go to two competitions that are each three days and two nights. We have already covered the actual registration. It’s kind of an exciting program. It’s a “FIRST” team. We run out of FirstInspires.org. It’s for inspiration and recognition of science and technology. It gives children a chance to compete in various parts of the program. We have a business development team, a marketing team, an animation team, a design team and then of this all culminates around a robotics team,” said Pinkston. The money will be donated to the Pender County Booster Club, which supports robotics. Pinkston said that there are about 14 students on the All County Robotics team. There are 12 members of Pender High School’s newly formed team, which has recently qualified for nationals. The Topsail team calls themselves the Robirates. They are all preparing for a big robotics competition March 16-18 in Pembroke; then they will go again March 23-25 to UNC-Ashville. If they win or rank high enough, they could be invited to states in April. SeaPerch is one of the programs students participate in. It is an innovative underwater robotics program that provides teachers and students with resources to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). They build the ROV from a kit consisting of low-cost, easily accessible parts. The program teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. While participating in the project, students also learn problem solving, teamwork, and technical applications. “There’s a lot of innovation that goes into it. We meet Saturdays as a group, all three teams. Then we meet separately during the week. We have done enrichment programs throughout the county. We went to the elementary school and we taught kids about robotics at the Topsail library,” said Pinkston. “We go out to pretty much every STEM event. We go to the elementary and middle schools, bring our robot and show kids how we build all our robots. We have hosted a variety of science-related events. In April we are hoping to go to an Pender County robotics team PHEnix attended the Thundering Horde of Robots (THOR) in Raleigh in November. The event electric vehicle competition with the All County team.” Pinkston added that they are always looking for mentors with a background in both engineering and non- gives new recruits a chance to see what the robotics team is engineering fields. They need mentors with experience in art and animation, as well. Those interested in all about as they learn professionalism and cooperation at the event. becoming a mentor should contact Pinkston by email at jared_pinks ton@pender.k12.nc.us.
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Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 2B
Planning and planting By Dr. Ray W. Mendenhall Contributing Writer And Jesus told them many things in parables saying: “A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where there was not much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched; and since they had no root they withered away. Other seed fell upon thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. Other seed fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. The one who has ears, hear!” Matthew 13: 3-9 If you are going to plant a garden, you don’t just plant it anywhere. You assess your ground. You seek the right spot. You identify the place the richest and most productive ground. Then you prepare your garden spot. You break up the ground. You check the PH balance. You add nutrients. You cut the rows even and the proper distances apart. Then you set the seed one at a time, with measured care. You give your crops
every chance to grow up and strong and full. Now it strikes me that prayer requires the same kind of diligence and care. You want to plant your prayers in fertile ground. A farmer goes out to sow some seed or so the story goes. He is not very scientific about it or intentional. He uses what is known as the broadcast method, that is, he throws seed everywhere, hither and yon hoping some of it will find ground good enough to grow in. It requires a lot of seed to do this and it is very wasteful. Yet in Jesus’ day before people knew much about modern agricultural practices, this was the common way of growing crops. And it worked, after a fashon, some fell on fertile ground and grew wonderfully well. But again it was wasteful and time consuming and limited in its harvest. I think we can learn something crucial about prayer from the parable of the seed. We can learn how to approach it and how not to approach. Prayer calls for careful preparation and intentional action. It calls for a plan that plants it in the right place so it can become fruitful. A sower sow the seed and some fell on hard ground…it
could not put down roots. If ones plants his or her prayer in the hard ground of little faith and lost hope. It cannot take root. It will not grow well or strong. Prayers need faith and a healthy sense of hope to grow strong. Some seed fell on rocky ground, it put down roots but the ground was too shallow and it withered. If one prays from a crowded life filled with too many other things taking up all the space, there is little room for the prayer to breathe. The prayer gets crowded out. It has no room to truly take root and grow. Some seed fell on the thorny ground. It sprung up but the thorns and the weeds grew up and choked it out. If one prays from a life filled with distractions, with endless cares and concerns. Soon the cares and concerns will clutter up the prayer and choke it off.
But some fell on good soil and there was a bumper crop. When one plants his or her prayer in the soil of the spirit, alongside the holy things of God, then the prayer wings its way into the fertile ground of God’s ear and God’s heart. Nothing hinders it. Nothing binds it. Nothing gets in its way and the prayer harvest is rich. So how do we plant our prayers in good soil, in a way and in a place where it can grow bountifully? Some years ago I went to a seminar led by Dr. Al Winn. You may not know that name, but at the time Al Winn was a well-known pastor and prominent church leader in the old Southern Presbyterian Church. He served as Moderator of the General Assembly of the church and was revered for his compassion, intellect and wisdom. I remember lamenting in the
class about how I wanted to spend more time in devotion and prayer but that I found it hard to find the time. Dr. Winn in his wise and gentle way said this, “I find that when I want to set aside time for God, I put it on my calendar just like any other important appointment.” Prayer needs to be planned to be well planted. As you come to prayer, follow this path of preparation. Set aside specific times for prayer. Plan them ahead of time to get the most out of your time with God. Clear your calendar. Clear your heart. Clear your mind. Let nothing linger in you or your prayer space that will distract you during your time of prayer. Prepare the rich ground of your prayer with scripture. Read and reflect on
God’s Word constantly. Study the prayer patterns of the Psalms. Seek God’s guidance for the words and the way of prayer. Then, like a garden well planned and prepared your prayers will grow in you to full bloom and will grow in the heart of God . And the rich harvest? It will be filled with the fruit of God’s blessings. It will be plentiful in the goodness of God.
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Church Calendar •Pre-installation service three night revival for Watha Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 7:30 nightly. Feb. 21 Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Willard, Feb. 22 with Dr. Arthur Kornegay Pike Creek Baptist Church Burgaw. Feb. 23 Willard Chapel Baptist Church Willard with Rev. Jimmy Beatty. •Pastoral Installation for Rev. James D. Jackson, Watha Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Feb. 22 ,3:30 p.m. Kemba Headquarters 860 N. Pine St. Warsaw.
4 C’s Food pantry in Hampstead The Christian Community Caring Center distributed food locally to those in need. The food pantry is generously supported by local churches, businesses and individuals. The 4C’s Food Pantry is open Monday, Wednesday, and
THE FISHING EXPERTS Located in The Fishing Village 409 Roland Avenue Surf City, NC 910.328.1887 www.eastcoastsports.com
Thursday from 9 a.m. until noon. Additionally, the 4C’s pantry will be open the last Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. until noon. The 4C’s Food Pantry is located in the Jones Plaza, 15200 U.S. Hwy. 17 N. in Hampstead.
Burgaw Vape
Located inside Southern Printing 203 S. Dudley St. • Burgaw, NC 910.259.4807
Quinn-McGowen Funeral Home 308 W. Fremont Street Burgaw, NC 910-259-2364 612 S. Norwood Street Wallace, NC 910-285-4005
Riverview Memorial ew Park eginning Watha, NC of910-285-3395 corner Fremont & Wright Street Riverview Crematory Burgaw, 910-259-2364 or 910-285-4005
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
Duplin Memorial Park Wallace, NC 910-285-3395
(Courthouse Square) N.C. • 910-619-8063
All are welcome! Pastor Bill Howell
Friendly Community Baptist Church
Rockfish Memorial Cemetery 1730 US 117 N. Wallace, NC Hwy. 910-285-3395
Wallace, NC 28466
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FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Service
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Your Ad Could Be Here. Call 910.259.9111 for more information.
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Intrepid Hardware
• Burgaw, NC 28425 910-259-3046
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m., 6 p.m. www.facebook.com/downeastdisciples/
St. M ary’s Church
An Episcopal - Lutheran Community 506 S. McNeil Street, Burgaw, NC 28425 910.259.5541 Sunday Worship Service with Holy Eucharist: 11 a.m. www.stmaryschurchburgawnc.org
Burgaw Presbyterian Church
200 E. Fremont St. • Burgaw, NC 28425
Sunday School: Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 a.m.
Riley’s Creek Baptist Church
19845 NC Hwy. 210, Rocky Point, NC 28457 910-675-2127
Jim Herchenhahn / Pastor Worship Services: 8:30 a.m. & 10:50 a.m. Youth each Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evenings: Meal at 6:00 p.m. / Study for all ages 7:00 p.m.
Westview United Methodist Church
5610 Hwy. 53 W • Burgaw, NC 28425 (Across from Pender High)
Pastor Fred Roberts Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Church Directory
212 S. Dickerson St. • Burgaw, NC 28425 910.259.2136 www.harrellsfh.com
Centerville Baptist Church
18577 NC 53 E, Kelly, NC • 910-669-2488
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Discipleship Training: 6:00 p.m. Pastor Lamont Hemminger
Currie Community Baptist Church
28396 Hwy. 210 W. • Currie (1/2 mile from Moores Creek Battlefield) Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Children’s Church begins at 11:15 Community Bible Study, Wednesdays from 6-7:00 P.M.
Watha United Methodist Church
160 Camp Kirkwood Road, Watha, NC
Pastor John Fedoronko
Adult Bible Study: 9:30-10:15 a.m. Children’s Biblical Studies (ages 3-12) from 10:45-11:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30-11:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast, 2nd Sunday of Each Month, 8-9 a.m. Ladies’ Circle, 2nd Monday of Each Month, 6:30-8 p.m. Choir Practice & Bible Study, Tues., 7:30-9 p.m. Youth Group Every Other Wed. 6-7:30 p.m.
Rocky Point United Methodist Church
located at the intersection of Hyw. 117 & 210
Services: Sunday at 10 a.m.
Pastor Mark Murphy
Bible Study: Tuesday at 6 p.m.
Calvary Chapel Community Church
54 Camp Kirkwood Rd. • Watha, NC 28478 • 910-448-0919
Mission Baptist Church
Pastor: Tony Fontana Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sun. Worship: 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 7 p.m. Youth Group: Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Dinner at 6:00 p.m. and classes at 6:45 p.m.
Jordans Chapel United Methodist Church
Faith Harbor United Methodist Church
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.
607 S. Walker Street • Burgaw, NC 28425
14201 Hwy. 50/210 • Surf City, NC 28445 • 910-328-4422 Services: 8 a.m. and 9:20 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. http://faithharborumc.org
4670 Stag Park Rd. • Burgaw, NC 28425 • 910-259-5735
The Church at Wilmington
110 E. Bridgers Street, Burgaw, NC 28425 • 910-259-2295
Bible Based Community Fellowship NEW Pender County Location 16660 Hwy 17 N. • Hampstead, NC 28443 (American Legion Building) 910-526-7890 Pastor: Monte Suggs
Barlow Vista Baptist Church
Burgaw Baptist Church
Burgaw United Methodist Church
Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
“The Church on the Hill” (910) 329-3761 22340 US Hwy 17 N Hampstead, NC 28443
Sunday School 9:45 a.m . • Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Youth & Young Adults Recharge Group - Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Services Sunday at 10 a.m. and Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
100 E. Bridgers Street • Burgaw, NC 28425 • 910-259-4310 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m. Wednesday evenings: Meal at 6 p.m. Prayer and Bible study for children, youth and adults 6:45 p.m. www.BurgawBaptistChurch.org
Moores Creek Baptist Church
3107 Union Chapel Rd. • Currie, NC 28435 Pastor Roger Barnes
Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Service & Children’s Bible Study: 6:30 p.m.
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church 1303 Hwy. 117 • Burgaw, NC • 910-259-2601
Rev. Roger Malonda Nyimi, Pastor Sunday: 11 a.m., 1 p.m. Mass Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. Mass Thursday 8:30 a.m. Mass
Cape Fear Community Fellowship (CF2) 10509 US Hwy. 117 S., Rocky Point Business Park Rocky Point, NC • 910-232-7759 www.CF2.us Worship Hours: Sunday Morning, 11 a.m. Wednesday Night, 6 p.m. Pastor: Dr. Ernie Sanchez
All Saints Catholic Church
18737 Hwy 17 North, Hampstead • 910-270-1477 Rev. John Durbin, Pastor
Weekend Mass Schedule: Hampstead - SAT 5 p.m., SUN 9 a.m. Surf City - SAT 5 p.m., SUN 9 & 11 a.m. (through Labor Day) Daily Mass - Hampstead: TUES & WED 4p.m., THURS & FRI 9 a.m. Confessions SAT 4-4:30 p.m. or by appt. www.allsaintsccnc.org
Chapel by the Bay in Lanier’s Campground 216 Michigan Avenue • Holly Ridge, N.C. 28445 910-328-6252 Pastor: Don Myers Associate Pastor: Nathan Swartz Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study 5:45 p.m. Children’s Church 6:15 p.m. Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. Thursday: Youth Group 6:30 p.m.
Blake’s Chapel Advent Christian Church 88 Blakes Chapel Road • Hampstead, NC 28443 910-270-2576 Rev. Steve Spearing, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. www.blakeschapel.org Find Us on Facebook E-mail Prayer Requests to: shareinprayer@gmail.com
Hope’s Cooking Corner
By Hope Cusick Contributing Writer Here’s a mid-winter treat of recipes to help keep the winter doldrums at bay. The chicken piccata is a simple and quick tasty dish and is very easy to prepare. I’ve used this recipe with pork cutlets and with shrimp. They may be served with pasta, sautéed with olive oil and smashed, chopped garlic, or rice and frozen peas (thawed) with sautéed chopped onions on the side, or with vegetables. The asparagus with prosciutto works very well with this dish, also sautéed string beans. The herbed bread makes a delicious complement to the dinner. Of course, chocolate cake may be the most desired part of the meal. Pre-cutting parchment paper for round cake pans and cookie sheets, then store in parchment paper box will save a lot of time when preparing pans. Enjoy! Chicken piccata This dish cooks up quickly so have any side dishes ready to serve with the chicken. Serves 4 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in half and pounded into cutlets Salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste All-purpose flour Nonstick vegetable spray ¼ cup canola oil ½ cup dry white wine 2 cloves garlic, minced then smashed 1 cup chicken broth 3-4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons capers, drained (optional) 4 tablespoons butter Fresh lemon slices Fresh parsley, chopped Season cutlets with salt and pepper. In a shallow pie dish put flour and dredge cutlets in it. In a skillet add oil, and heat over medium high. Sauté cutlets for about 2-3 minutes on one side. Turn over and sauté the other side, covered, 2-3 minutes. Transfer cutlets to a warmed platter and pour off fat from the skillet. Deglaze the skillet with white wine, add smashed garlic and stir scraping up cooking bits. Cook until garlic is slightly brown and liquid is
nearly evaporated, about 2 minutes. Add chicken broth, lemon juice, and capers. Return cutlets to skillet and cook on each side for 1-minute. Transfer cutlets to warm plates. Add butter to the sauce in the skillet, layer lemon slices over melting butter and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Pour sauce over cutlets with lemon slices. Garnish with chopped parsley and serve immediately. Prosciutto wrapped roasted asparagus Serves 4 to 6. 12 trimmed asparagus spears ¼ cup boiling water 4 ounces or 6 slices prosciutto, cut in half lengthwise ¼ c u p g r at e d Pa r m e s a n cheese Place trimmed asparagus spears in boiling water in a large roasting pan covered with foil. In a preheated 400degree oven, steam asparagus until tender about 10-15 minutes, transfer asparagus to paper towels to drain. Wipe roasting pan dry. A s s e m bl e 6 s l i c e s o f prosciutto, each cut in half lengthwise, making 12 slices. On a sheet of waxed paper place one thin strip of prosciutto and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, roll prosciutto with Par mesan cheese on the inside, around asparagus spear, overlapping to cover the entire spear. Place in roasting pan. Repeat with remaining asparagus, prosciutto, and Parmesan. Roast in a 400 degree oven until asparagus is heated through and prosciutto just begins to brown, about 8-10 minutes. Serve hot. Herbed garlic bread 1 loaf Italian bread, cut in half lengthwise 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2-3 cloves garlic, minced then smashed 1 teaspoon dried sweet basil crushed ¼ teaspoon dried oregano, crushed 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes, crushed ¼ c u p g r at e d Pa r m e s a n cheese ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese Preheat oven to 375 deg rees. Lay two-halves of Italian bread on a large sheet
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 3B
Tasty winter Recipes
of aluminum foil. Evenly drizzle or brush olive oil over both halves, sprinkle smashed garlic over halves. In a cup mix together basil, oregano, parsley, and Parmesan cheese. Sprinkle this mixture over bottom half of bread, evenly spread mozzarella cheese over this. Place top half on top, wrap with foil and bake for 10-12 minutes, open top of foil and bake another 5-7 minutes to lightly brown and toast. Remove from oven and slice, serve hot Chocolate almond cake Make 2 8-inch layers 3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 2 cups granulated sugar ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 teaspoons baking soda Pinch of salt 2 cups hot water 2/3 cup canola oil 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar 1 tablespoon instant coffee granules 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon almond extract Preheat oven to 350 degrees with rack in the center. Grease 2 8-inch round cake pans and line with parchment paper sprayed with vegetable spray. Set aside. In a large bowl whisk together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt.
In another bowl whisk together water, oil, vinegar, instant coffee, vanilla, and almond extract. Add to the dry ingredients and whisk just until combined – do not over mix or the cake will be tough. Divide batter between cake pans. Bake in a 350-degree oven until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 35-40 minutes. Cool cakes on a rack for 15 minutes, then turn out cakes face down and cool on rack. Leave cakes upside down so the cake tops become flattened, cool completely then frost. Chocolate frosting ¼ cup margarine, melted Pinch of salt ½ cup cocoa 1/3 cup evaporated milk – add more milk by drops if needed 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 box confectioners’ sugar 1/3 to ½ cup raspberry jam (optional) In a bowl whisk together all ingredients, except jam, combining well. Spread frosting on bottom cooled cake and spread raspberry jam across the top of frosting leaving half inch edge around outer edge. Place top layer over this and frost top and sides of cake.
!"#$%&!'()#*%+'(,+-.(/01( /0002(3456789(/1(':(38;<=>?8@(( "##$%&'!(#)!*!+"*,-!.#!/#"0!*!1--.%&'2! 34!5674!3568!9:;<=4!>::?@AB!C:=! *>>!@A!D>@E684!D:A8=:>>4F!=::EGH! #;=!(6D@>@89!(468;=4GI! • A Smoke Free Environment (smoking area is available outside.) • Padded folding chairs and round tables are provided for all! • Large Parking area • • Podium & TV with CD available for training purposes! • • WI-FI available if requested in advance.!
Rental Rates! Main Room $40.00 hour (Maximum Occupancy 38)! Center (closed door) Lounge Meeting Area $25.00 hour (Maximum Occupancy 16)! Center (open area) Meeting/Dining Room $25.00 hour (Maximum Occupancy 29)! Long-term lease - Multiple Nights $250 a month! ,6>>!J=6F!68!KLKMNOKMPQRO!:=!4E6@>!ST=6FCUAD6>V:G8WXPH:=BY!! 8:!G48;V!F684G!6AF!8@E4G!676@>6T>4
The Pender Count y Republic an Party will host a Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner Fe b. 22 at the Cl ub Nin eteen Rest aur ant in Ol de Point Clubhouse,H ampste ad. Social Hour will be at 6 p.m. wit h Dinner at 7 p.m. The Guest Spe aker will be the Stat e Treasur er Dale Folwell. Cash B ar. Ticke ts may be purchased from Jack Sw ann ( 270-45 68) or Norm Gopsill (270-0509).
Thursday, February 22 •The Kiwanis Club of Hampstead meets every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at the Sawmill Grill on Hwy. 17 in Hampstead. •Alcoholics Anonymous will meet from noon-1 p.m. at the Surf City Community Center. Call 328.4887 for more information. •Pender County Museum is open to the public for free (donations are welcome) every Thursday and Friday from 1-4 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Group tours are available at other times by contacting the Museum at 259-8543 by email at penderhist@hotmail.com. •Women in Networking meeting every Thursday from 9:3010:30 a.m. at Olde Point Country Club. •The Burgaw Rotary Club meets at 7 a.m. every Thursday at Heritage Place in Burgaw •The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Captain David Williams/Holly Shelter Volunteers Camp 2267 meets on the fourth Thursday each month at Holland’s Shelter Creek Restaurant, N.C. 53 East. at 6 p.m. Friday, February 23 •Pender County Museum open 1-4 p.m. •The Marine Corps League, Detachment 1321 meets for breakfast at the Sawmill Grill in Hampstead at 8 a.m. each Friday. •The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Commander Joe Henson, Pender County Grays Camp 2174 meets the third Friday of each month at the Pender County Library, 103 S. Cowan Street in Burgaw at 6 p.m. Tuesday, February 27 •AlAnon meets at Hampstead United Methodist Church every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room 9. The meeting is for family and friends of alcoholics. Everyone is welcome. •The Knights of Columbus, Council 12281 meets the second and fourth Tuesday each month at 7 p.m. at All Saints Catholic Church, 18737 Hwy. 17 in Hampstead. Wednesday, February 28 •Alcoholics Anonymous will meet from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the Surf City Community Center, 201 Community Center Dr. Call 328.4887 for more information •The Coastal Pender Rotary Club meets each Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. at the Belvedere Country Club, 2368 Country Club Drive in Hampstead. Thursday, March 1 •The Kiwanis Club of Hampstead will meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Sawmill Grill on Hwy. 17 in Hampstead. •Alcoholics Anonymous will meet from noon-1 p.m. at the Surf City Community Center. Call 328.4887 for more information. •Pender County Museum is open to the public for free (donations are welcome) every Thursday and Friday from 1-4 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Group tours are available at other times by contacting the Museum at 259-8543 by email at penderhist@hotmail.com. •Women in Networking meeting every Thursday from 9:3010:30 a.m. at Olde Point Country Club •Northeast Ruritan Club meets the first Thursday of each month with breakfast for supper from 5-8 p.m. at The Pink Supper House NC 41, Wallace Friday March 2 •Pender County Museum open 1-4 p.m. •The Marine Corps League, Detachment 1321 meets for breakfast at the Sawmill Grill in Hampstead at 8 a.m. each Friday. Tuesday March 6 •The Burgaw Lions Club meets at 6:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month at Burgaw Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Members do not have to live in Burgaw to be a member of this service organization. For more information, call Alan King at 910-789-1074.
Send community news to posteditor@post-voice.com
ArtBeat Community Center
Next Monthly Meeting Thursday, March 1st – 7:30 pm ArtBeat Community Center Come join us!!
Rose Wrye Gourd Workshops
Name: ____________________________
“Love is in the Air”
Saturday February 24th
Mixed Media by Emerge Studio Art
$35 includes all materials For info contact: Wrye.rebekah@gmail.com Or text: 910.789.0835
GRITS GROVE DESIGNS Sign Painting Workshops held at ArtBeat Community Center. $40 per person includes all materials for a farmhouse sign. For more information contact Marti Smith @ 910.508.2952 Like me on FACEBOOK @ GRITS GROVE DESIGNS
Located in the old EMS Building at 108 East Wilmington Street in Burgaw, ArtBeat is the new headquarters of the Pender Arts Council. ArtBeat offers arts programs to the community through classes, events, and workshops. The Pender Arts Council mission is to increase awareness and access to the arts in Pender County. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the community of Pender County. ArtBeat is sponsored by the Town of Burgaw. Memberships are $15 for individuals and $25 for families.
Come join us for a relaxed, informal evening workshop, held on Friday nights starting at 6:00 pm, ending at 9:00 or whenever we are ready to stop. In this basic mixed media workshop we will learn step-by-step methods for starting a mixed media canvas and building it through to the finished piece. Current themes … Home Sweet Home, LOVE, and Pineapples!!! Workshop fee of $40.00 covers all supplies and instruction. Workshops are held at the ARTS @ Burgaw Antiqueplace.
Friday February
23rd 6:00
To register call or text Cheryl Hardie Holt 910.271.0433 Like me on Facebook “Emerge Studio Art”
Address: __________________________
Sunshine Studio Stained Glass
Beginner stained glass workshops with Jim Shapley from Sunshine Studio Stained Glass. All supplies, tools, instruction for only $80.
Workshops are from 10am-4pm Next Workshop
Saturday March 3rd Saturday March 10th Call Jim at 910.916.9426 or e-mail
SunshineStudioStainedGlass@gmail.com Workshops held at the ARTS @ Burgaw Antiqueplace
Gift Certificates available!
__________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________ Please mail your membership form and payment to:
Pender Arts Council PO Box 661 Burgaw, NC 28425 The Pender Arts Council meets monthly at ArtBeat Community Center at 7:30. Come join us!
LIKE us on Facebook ArtBeat of Burgaw Sunshine Studio Stained Glass RoseWrye Emerge Studio Art Grits Grove Design The Arts at Burgaw Antiqueplace Kidz Klub of Burgaw
Pender-Topsail Post & Voice, Thursday, February 22, 2018, Page 4B
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RESTAURANT IN SURF CITY FOR SALE JT’s Brick Oven Pizza on mainland Surf City has been in operation since 2011. This turn key business seats 22 inside and offers delivery and carry out. Located in the Harris Teeter Center, this restaurant serves both Hampstead and Surf City.
This beautiful restaurant has earned a reputation for quality family dining over the last ten years. Fully equipped and coming off its best year ever, the complete package is now for sale, including the real estate. CALL HENRY NADEAU AT (910) 524-7184 OR MIKE NADEAU AT (910) 620-1237 CREATIVE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES WWW.CreativeCommercial.biz
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Visit our new Information Center beside Lowes Foods in Hampstead!