2017 NC Spot Festival Official Program

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SEPTEMBER 23rd & 24th, 2017 Official Program of the 54th Annual North Carolina Spot Festival

A Special Publication of the Pender-Topsail Post & Voice

Ed Ricciardelli, MD Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Roger Sica Mohs Surgeon

Lynn Baker, PA-C Dermatology

Margene Tranter, PA-C Dermatology

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Get Your Free Spot Koozie Stop by our tent!



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Darden Insurance Agency limitations is eligible to become the Spot Festival view. The winner is decided by best cumulative Richard Case Jt's Brick Oven Pizza Ruth P. West *#2-+': : #4: 2#&8 .140/ +.: : #4*8: #$'--# Freds Beds score. The interview is weighed more heavily than queen or princess. Page 2 2017 NC Spot Festival September 21, 2017 Frank & Doris Castellano Lawngevity Landscaping

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Gale & Associates, Inc Albert & 2')028: : 3*-'8:!00&(+-Joy Cheese Soundside Woodworks Hampstead Furniture *0.#3: #442#33 NC SPOT FESTIVAL Richard & Kathleen Croson Team Goldfish Sneads Ferry Platinum LL Grace PAGEANT Dan Ellis Tiger Transport McDonalds Of Hampstead Fred & Dolli Albrecht COMMITTEE Auto Services, Inc Austin & Amanda Fisher OEM Supply & Service, LLC James & Anne Dowling 1330 Highway 172 , (just off Highway 17 Bobby Millis - CHURCH Pender County Farm Bureau Carolyn Justice Christie Robinson • Complete Auto & Truck Services J.F. Newber • A/C Service • 24 Hour Towing Platinum Pierpan Family Dentistry David & Sally Piepmeyer Martha Canady George & Alice Pinkston • Up To Date Diagnostic Equipment #.'3: : -#+/': &4 Prism Custom Painting Fellowship Charles Rowan #5-: : #42+%+#: #-5.$0 BurnsGlenn Smith Mitch Barnes, DVM Father's Heart • NC Insp Sta. 7881 • RV Tow Package & Kay Piver Quatermaster’s Restaurant George Spazaini -#11204* Mitch Barnes, DVM Manhollow Missionary • Trailer Hitches & Wiring "#6#44+'2+ Maggie Sevek Kathy Smith Maria Sorg, DVM Sea LawnSorg, MemorialDVM Baptist Church Chester Ward Maria +--'2 Mary Spiller OFFICIAL Ann Kirby Surf City Ocean Pier,17 Inc. St. Jude The Apostle Charles & Carolyn Wilson 16350 Hwy NC SAFETY/ John & Jan Taylor Melissa EMISSIONS The Boatyard At Hampstead Catholic Church Gold September 25, 2013 2013 NC Woodcock Spot Festival Page 13NC Hampstead, 28443 16350 Hwy 17 Val Trofimoff INSPECTION Topsail Dental St. Mary Gate of Heaven George & Leslie Andrews Larry Hucks STATION 7881 910-329-121 Steve Underwood Hampstead, NC 28443 Tri-County Pest Control Catholic Church Wayne & Barb Batts Corie Hammonds Marilyn Wagner OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTOR OF TOYO TIR




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September 21, 2017

2017 NC Spot Festival

Page 3

The North Carolina Spot Festival Celebrating 54 Years By Andy Pettigrew Post & Voice Editor/Publisher Welcome to one of the great long-standing traditions held for 54 years in the Village of Hampstead – The North Carolina Spot Festival. This year’s event will be Sept. 23 and 24 in the same spot where it has been for years, the field on Hwy. 17 across from the Deerfield subdivision The festival has survived all types of economic conditions and many types of weather and in its 53 years: booms, busts, winds, and rain. The North Carolina Spot Festival began years ago as a way for the local fire departments to raise money – back in the day when community volunteer fire departments were funded by barbecues, chicken dinners, and in this case, a big fish fry. Today, the festival has grown and money raised still goes to help the local fire departments, which provide volunteer labor to cook the spots. Also, a portion of the funds are divided between schools in the area using a formula based on the number of volunteer hours representatives from the individual schools work at the festival. So the more volunteers a school has working at the festival, the more money goes to that school. For many people the Spot

Festival is about that sound of the celebrated fish sizzling in a deep fryer, and is only matched by the crispy, but tender flavor on their plates. Opening ceremonies will begin at 10 a.m. Sept. 23. Check the festival schedule for more information on what’s happening and when. Spot dinners will be sold Saturday and Sunday for $8. Beer and wine will be available. Pets and coolers are still not allowed, however. Admission is $3. Arts and Crafts booths will open Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m., and spot dinners will begin serving at 11 a.m. both days. The festival grounds will close at 5 p.m. on Sunday. Children will enjoy the many games available, including giant bouncy castles & slides, pony & camel rides and gem mining.

Have a Great Time and Enjoy the Festival.

Artwork by Katie Preo and Total Image

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D & D GLASS COMPANY INC. Custom Shower Enclosures - Framed & Frameless Insulated Glass Replacements, Mirrors & Tabletops Door & Bath Hardware, Closet Shelving Dan or Debbie Bossio 2445 Hwy 210 West Hampstead, NC 28443

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Page 4

2017 NC Spot Festival

September 21, 2017

The Newly-crowned N.C. Spot Festival Queens for 2017 are Baby Miss Madison Raper, Mini Miss Summer Hunt, Tiny Miss Porter Grace Richardson, Little Miss Kimber Jayde Rinko, Young Miss Sydney Morin, Teen Miss Mary Beth Childress, Miss Alison-Dulaney Ennett and Mermaid Miss Sydney McCoy.

September 21, 2017

2017 NC Spot Festival

Page 5

N.C. Spot Festival crowns new queens The 23rd N.C. Spot Festival Pageant was held Sept. 11, saying farewell to the six 2016 Spot Festival queens and crowning a new group of young ladies to serve this coming year. Last years queens were Baby Miss; Lillianna Hill, Mini Miss; Cambri Lankas, Tiny Miss; Bailey Smith, Little Miss; Ava Harris, Mermaid Miss; Josie Boyd, and Teen Miss; Chloe Castles. Eight new queens were crowned to serve as the 2017 Spot Festival queens, including Baby Miss; Madison Raper, Mini Miss; Summer Hunt, Tiny Miss; Porter Grace Richardson, Little Miss; Kimber Jayde Rinko, Young Miss; Sydney Morin, Teen Miss; Mary Beth Childress, Miss; Alison-Dulaney Ennett and Mermaid Miss; Sydney McCoy.

A total of 13 lovely ladies competed in this years pageant. The pageant rehearsal was Saturday Sept. 10 after our luncheon sponsored by, Hwy 55, Hardees, Hooters, Texas Roadhouse, Dominos, Subway inside the BP station and Dunkin Doughnuts inside the Hampstead Speedway. Sunday interviews began at 11 a.m. followed by the pageant at 3 p.m. The first official outing took place Sept. 17 at Rucker Johns for the contract signing dinner and for the girls to receive all of their gifts and prizes. The first Spot Festival and Pageant was held in 1963. The N.C. Spot Festival Scholarship Pageant continues to provide educational scholarships and prizes to eight young ladies who are selected to rep-

resent the Hampstead community as Public Relations Queens. The Queens attend functions at neighboring community festivals and celebrations such as parades, coronations, community functions and visiting dignitary luncheons. Volunteerism is stressed by helping local businesses and civic groups with fundraising and public relations promotions. During the past four years alone the Festival and Queens raised more than $100,000 that was donated to the local Topsail schools, Pender EMS and Fire, Hunger NC, Wilmington Teen Suicide Prevention, The North Carolina Aquarium Foundation and Clean Water, Pink Heals for Breast Cancer, Make A Wish Foundation, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, The Fallen Fire Fighter

Association, Canines for Service, Hampstead Kiwanians, Cape Fear Equine Rescue, Missing Our Mermaid Suicide Prevention, Wade Pregnancy Center, The Good Shepard Center, NHRMC Foundation, C.H.E.W feeding children, Anchor of Hope, Friends of Animal Services. Joining with the South Topsail PTO, the Spot Queens provided complete Christmas’s for five children and four adults in 2014 and for six children and five adults with the North Topsail PTO in 2015. In 2016, the Festival was able to provide Christmas for 11 families that lost their homes or experienced major damage. Many Spot Festival contestants have echoed the sentiment “competing in Spot is an amazing experience

and ultimate honor.” Festival organizers have worked very hard to uphold some of the same traditions that have carried on with the Spot Festival for the past 54 years. This year’s Spot festival Queen’s represent Hampstead when traveling to other community events and continue to raise money for our organization throughout the year. These young ladies will become experts in public speaking and interviews and learn a vast amount of community knowledge and proper etiquette skills. They will also get a chance to take part in important local and surrounding community events. Through this organization, these ladies will better themselves and the community.

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*The WellsNational FargoBank, Home credit cardSpecial is issued Wells Fargo Financial Bank, an Equal terms to qualifying charged with *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial an Projects Equal Housing Lender. termsbyapply to qualifying purchases National charged with approved credit. Housing The specialLender. terms APRSpecial will continue to apply apply until all qualifyingpurchases purchases are paid in full. Theapproved monthly payment for this purchase will be credit. The special terms APR will continue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in

*The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Special terms to qualifying purchases charged withAPR approved credit. The special APR fees will continue applypayment until all fee qualifying purchases are paid in full.transactions. The monthly payment this purchase the amountisthat will pay the purchase in fullHousing in equalLender. payments during theapply promotional (special terms) period. payments The for Purchases willpromotional apply terms to certain suchterms) as toa late or if you use the card forwill other For new for accounts, the APRwillpayment forbePurchases If for youthe arecard charged in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charg equal during the (special period. isThe APR apply certain such asinterest a late or28.99%. ifThis you use forinterest other transactions. purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such as a late payment feefull or ifinyou use the card for other transactions. For new accounts, the APR for Purchases 28.99%. Iffor youPurchases are charged interest in anytobilling cycle,fees the minimum charge will befee $1.00. information Forwith new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charged interestareinpaid anyinbilling cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. This information is accurate as of 7/1/17 is accurate as Offer ofSpecial 7/1/17 and is apply subject change.12/15/2017. For currentcharged information, call us at 1-800-431-5921. Offer starts 9/15/2017and 12/15/2017. is accurate ascredit of 7/1/17 and is subject to change. currentNational information, callanusEqual at 1-800-431-5921. starts 9/15/2017and expires *The Wells Fargo Home Projects card is issued Wells FargoFor Financial Bank, Housing terms totoqualifying purchases approved credit. The special terms APR will terms continue toexpires apply until alltoqualifying purchases full. are Thepaid monthly payment for thispayment purchase will bepurchase the amount that willamount pay forthat the will pay for the *The Wells Fargo Home Projects creditby card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Lender. Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit. The special APR will continue apply until all qualifying purchases in full. The monthly for this will be the and is tosubject to change. For current information, call us at Offerare starts 9/15/2017and expires 12/15/2017. **See your independent Dealer program **See your independent Dealeran for(special complete program eligibility, dates, details and**See restrictions. Special fees financing offers OR trade-in from up $1,000 valid on terms qualifying equipment only. Offers vary equipment. All salesfrom must beare touphomeowners in the States. Void where prohibited. *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by in Wells Financial National Bank, Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply qualifying purchases with credit. The special APR will continue to apply until allis1-800-431-5921. qualifying paid in full. The monthly payment for purchase will beThis theinformation amount that willinfor pay for theStates. purchase full inFargo equal payments during theTrane promotional terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply certain suchDealer as a late payment fee orapproved if you use$100 the card for other transactions. For new accounts, the APR forby Purchases 28.99%. If purchases you charged interest inUnited any billing cycle, the minimum interest will be All $1.00. yourtotoindependent Trane forcharged completeallowances program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade-in allowances $100 to $1,000 valid on qualifying equipment only. Offers varythis bycharge equipment. sales must beTrane to homeowners thecomplete United Void where prohibited.

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purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such as a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. This information

eligibility, dates,For details restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade-in allowances $100 $1,000 validthe onminimum qualifyinginterest equipment only.will Offers vary by equipment. All sales must purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APRForfor will call apply certain fees such a late payment or if12/15/2017. you expires use the12/15/2017. card for other transactions. newand accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charged from interest in up anytobilling cycle, charge be $1.00. This information is accurate as ofis 7/1/17 andasisofsubject change. current information, us atto1-800-431-5921. Offeras starts 9/15/2017and expires accurate 7/1/17toand is subject to Purchases change. For current information, call us at 1-800-431-5921. Offer starts fee 9/15/2017and be tovalid homeowners in the United States. Void wherevary prohibited. your independent Trane Dealer forTrane complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offersfinancing OR trade-in allowances from $100 up tofrom $1,000 on$1,000 qualifying equipment only.equipment Offers vary by equipment. All must be homeowners the United States. where prohibited. is accurate as of 7/1/17 and is subject to change.**See For current information, call us at 1-800-431-5921. Offer starts 9/15/2017and expires 12/15/2017. **See your independent Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special offers OR trade-in allowances $100 up to valid on qualifying only. Offers by sales equipment. Alltosales must be toinhomeowners in the Void United States. Void where prohibited. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade-in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qualifying equipment only. Offers vary by equipment. All sales must be to homeowners in the United States. Void where prohibited.

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*The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit. The special terms APR will continue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full. The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will apply to certain fees such as a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest charge will be $1.00. This information is accurate as of 7/1/17 and is subject to change. For current information, call us at 1-800-431-5921. Offer starts 9/15/2017and expires 12/15/2017. **See your independent Trane Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade-in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qualifying equipment only. Offers vary by equipment. All sales must be to homeowners in the United States. Void where prohibited.

*$ Q "332 /"% 41' *38

*$ Q "332 /"% 41' *38

September 21, 2017

2017 NC Spot Festival


Page 7

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Page 8

2017 NC Spot Festival

September 21, 2017

Schedule of Events Sunday September 24, 2017

Saturday September 23, 2017

9:00 AM – Festival Opens​​ 9:00 AM – Festival Gates Open 11:00 AM – Spot dinners are served 10:00 AM - Opening Ceremonies 12:00 PM – Beer & Wine sales open ​Presented by the 2017 Spot Queens 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Band of Oz! ​10:00 AM – Beer & Wine sales open ​4:30 PM – Beer & Wine sales close ​10:15 AM - 10:35 AM- Topsail Middle School Band 5:00 PM - Spot Dinners close 10:40 AM - 11:00 AM- South Topsail Elementary Chorus 11:00 AM – Spot Dinners are served Admission:$3.00, ​11:30 AM- Visiting Queen Performances Children 12 and Under are Free. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM- Coastal Worship Band New this Year: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM- Chillin Dixie VIP Admission - $45.00 ​6:00 PM - Spot dinners close Includes Admission, Festival T-shirt, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM - The Carolina Band Spot Dinner, 6 beers and 9:00 PM - Fireworks! by Zambellis! access to our VIP Tent 10:00 PM - Beer & Wine Sales Close right next to the stage! 10:30 PM – Festival Closes!

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September 21, 2017

2017 NC Spot Festival

Page 9

ATTRACTIONS: 1. Stage 2. Dance Floor 3. Drinks and T-Shirts 4. Beer Tent 5. ID Check and Beer Ticket Sales 6. VIP TENT 7. Food Vendors 8. Restrooms 9. Arts & Crafts and Sponsor Vendors 10. Dining Tent 11. Spot Plate Sales 12. Tea Booth 13. Baked Good Tent 14. Drive up To-Go Tent 15. Inflatables/ Children’s Activities 16. Gem Mining 17. Camel Rides $ - ATM


PLEASE NO PETS OR COOLERS • Bring your Lawn Chair!

Spot Dinners $ 8.00 per plate Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Plate Includes •

2 Spot Fish, Hushpuppies, Coleslaw and French Fries!

Page 10

2017 NC Spot Festival

September 21, 2017

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#2+#: 02) '#/: 5-& *#2-'3: : '#//#: '//'44 #20-: #2$'2 : 5//+/) PLATINUM BRONZE 03#//': '//'&8 +%*#2&: : //': 2#5 Joe and Angie Ferguson, Chuck #2)#2'4: : 02&0/: #.140/ and Carolyn Wilson , Vickie Spencer, Larry and Linda Lake, Stephen and Janet Underwood, Har *#2-+': : #4: 2#&8 +.: : #4*8: #$'--# 2#/,: : #28: 023'8 Usagi Family, Linton Tillman, Nelson Family old and Georgia Sill, CY and Gail Panipinto, Mrs. William Smith, Charles 2 : : 23 : #26'8: '13,8 2')028: : 3*-'8:!00&(+-and Deanna Bennett, Ed and Shirley Holland, Bruce Pease, ! +3%*'2 GOLD Rose Kennedy, Marion Gedz, Tammy Proctor, Bill and Leeann Carothers, *0.#3: #442#33 #4259/+%,: #.+-8 OEM Supply and Service LLC, Michael and Glenda Nadeau, +--: : 02+3: /#&4 Thomas and Judith Taylor, John and Ann Busher, Susan Hoffman, Mark Dodds, Larry Dodds, Larry (Rooster) Price, Curtis and Susan Vardaro, Evelyn Carpenter, Charles Brady, Rita Cielo, 0$: : +#/': #..0/& Florence Brinkhouse, Amy Grydzien, Michael Carter Mal and Elanine Myers, Lee and Barbra Hedrick. Bill and Doris Gnadt, &2+#/: : #/%8: #/3+/)

2017 NC Spot Festival Contributors

SILVER : +--8'2 : Mary Anne Opaski, JE Krummanacker, Barbra Jeffrey, Sue Pascarella, +%*#'-: : #42+%+#: 0.# 8//: : #/'4: 0'&4 Midway inspection and U-Haul, Richard and Anne Bray, John and Judy ')'2 Vick, Bill and Mollie Wallen, Italot Isabella Rastelli, Russell and Joan Painter : : : 25..'/#%,'2 #6': : #20-: '+&.+--'2

" $ 2017 N.C. Spot Festival Committee Classes offered & Chairman – Keith Ramsey in Ballet, Tap, Vice Chairman – Billy Sanders ! ! Jazz, Clogging, Festival Secretary and Scholarship Pageant Co-director – Dedicated to a ! tradition of caring Contemporary, Irish, Kelly Jelley

Shannon Templeton, Mark and Ray Guimond. Kimberly Dempsey, Rob Wagner, Edward Weingart, Donald Bray, Kathleen Sabella, Rudolph Hrubala, Thomas Tohill, Charles Wedemeyer, Joe and Angie Ferguson #.'3: : -#+/':


September 25, 2013

Food Vendors – Pete Pallas Hip-Hop, OPEN SOON: Crafts Director – Jenny Merritt Lyrical Arts andand Preschool

Stonebridge at Woodbury Assisted Living Facility

Volunteer Coordinator High School – Miranda Wells ALL AGES, Citizen Representative, Sales and Marketing, Social Media – David Crooks ALL LEVELS Scholarship Website & New:Pageant Director, ! & &

& " ! $& " & &%& Graphic Design Coordinator, Social Media – 2 Year Old Classes

&%&### # " $# Shannon Rinko Adult Jazz/Ballet Treasurer/CFO – Kelly Futrell Jacobson

Just for Kicks

Hip-Hop The 2017&Festival Committee would likeStudio to thank Dance

Lynn, Tammy and Courtney Lanier for there many years of 14880 US Hwy. 17 • Hampstead Crossing Center • 910.270.2525 service with the N.C. Spot Festival, Lynn, Tammy and Courtney Website: www.justforkickshampstead.webs.com retired E-mail: from the Festival at the end of the 2016 year. justforkickshampstead@yahoo.com This years festival is in honor of them.


#5-: : #42+%+#: #-5.$0 "#6#44+'2+

OTHER Annette Scott, Ines Cuadrado

2013 NC Spot Festival

Page 13



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“Your needs

Page 12

2017 NC Spot Festival


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September 21, 2017




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