NortherN LiGht theAtre 2012/2013 season
northern light theatre would like to thank our generous 2012/2013 sponsors & supporters.
Theatre Garage
Eric and Kathy Newell
“Northern Light Theatre is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres and engages under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of Canadian Actor’s Equity Association.”
our season sponsors : 2012/2013
WheN PeoPLe fiND oUt i AM the ArtistiC DireCtor of NortherN LiGht theAtre theY iNVAriABLY AsK Me you never know what you’ll get from an evening with nlt- because each season we search the international stages for new, unknown and innovative shows and texts from as far away as australia, berlin, the u.k, and our own backyard. the only thing you can always be sure of is the high level of quality in performance and production values. i choose plays that move me- to thought, to emotion, to action. i know that our audiences often tell us that they have passionate discussions after seeing an nlt show- and that they are still thinking of them weeks later. but i’ve attempted to identify some of the mandates that we hold as guideposts for nlt as we move into our 37th season of presenting innovative and challenging works to edmonton audiences.
...outrageous visuals and heightened performance style. the characters transcend their earthly bonds of slapstick comedy and enter clown stratosphere. abigail and marguerite may not get to be angels, but there will be a place for them on the great catwalk in the sky, and later flagellating up a storm in the disco. EDMONTON JOURNAL .... the ecstatics is cheeky, sacrilegious and daring. there is something here to offend everyone. EDMONTON SUN
controVersial and thouGht-proVoKinG plays that are risKy in style, or content- or Both. a perfect example of this mandate is last season’s the ecstatics. by coupling religious fervor with the current media fascination with stereotypical demands made on the female body- all presented in a dark commedia/ clown context, the ecstatics took a deeply unsettling look at some disturbing themes, indeed. and got nominated for outstanding production at the 2011/2012 elizabeth sterling haynes theatre awards.
the play is a brilliant way to kick off Northern Light theatre’s 36th season.... but it’s more than just swashbuckling sailors. heroine is an exploration of gender roles and social expectations. EDMONTON SUN
artistiC DireCtor's notes : 2011/2012
WHAT KIND OF THEATRE DO YOU DO? a stronG representation of women in theatre. last season was a season of women: three plays, each populated by two women locked in some sort of battle- with not a man in sight. women are sorely under-represented on stage, and last season we attempted to even the odds by presenting plays (two by female playwrights) that explored women and their relationships with each other, the society they lived in, and the world that surrounded them. and all three plays were canadian homegrown!
No director in town regularly demonstrates more wit and ingenuity in transforming small spaces into theatrical experiences. that low-tech trevor schmidt magic has happened again with his own new play, cleopatra’s sister...EDMONTON JOURNAL's more lively epic than history page. VUE WEEKLY
roles for new, emerGinG and up-and-cominG artists. this season sees 50% of our performers make their professional debut with nlt. we believe in offering unique opportunities to new talent and consider them as investments in the future of nlt. we try to develop relationships that continue beyond these initial experiences, resulting in the return of much loved nlt favorites such as Jesse gervais and amber borotsik, who grace our stage in this fall’s 6.0: how heap and Pebble took on the world and won.
“how many lawyers does it take to make a farce? that's the giddy proposition by which edmonton's legal community will bring down the house friday night...” EDMONTON JOURNAL
internships for students to worK alonGside estaBlished mentors in a professional production enVironment. nlt is pleased to pair with red deer college theatre performance and creation program by offering internships on productions throughout the year. interns are included in all aspects of production from direction, design, installation, rehearsal and performance. we believe that the interns are an integral part of the production team and this exchange is a valuable learning opportunity for all involved. each year sees us welcome assistant directors on many of our productions, as well. we also offer free previews to all students in theatre programs across the city. we love introducing students to professional theatre! we look forward to seeing you at the transalata arts barns as we present our 2012/2013 season. sex, violence and figure skating. that’s what you can expect. the rest will be a surprise.....
2011/2012 : season review
By Valentina ceschi & thomas eccleshare of dancinG BricK
tooK oN the
WoN Jesse GerVais & amBer BorotsiK preview: november 15, 2012 openinG: november 16 Closes: november 24 loCation: westbury theatre – fringe theatre adventures
part of the Arts at the Barns Presentation Series
It’s been five years since Heap Cruziack and Pebble Adverati last laced up their skates and ice-danced competitively. But now, in spite of the extinction of ice-rinks due to global warming, the world champions are intent on a glorious comeback. ELLEN: For me, 6.0 is simply our kind of show. It’s what we do. We’re the people who take seven adult actors and make them play grieving nine year olds. We’re the people who fill a small swimming pool with shredded white paper or cover an entire set in post-its. We’re the people who read a short 30 page skeleton script and say “hey, there’s something here.... let’s produce it and find out what that ‘something’ is.” LIZ: I think this show is really quirky and represents the lighter side of NLT’s sensibility. It’s funny, but in an unconventional way, and certainly not without substance. Really excited to be partnering with FTA in the Westbury Theatre – I think it will be a new experience for our audience and I know that Trevor will use the space in a surprising and unique way. Generously sponsored by Eric and Kathy Newell
Amber Borotsik, Pebble For NLT:
• The Credeaux Canvas
Freewill Shakespeare Festival • The Tempest, Julius Caesar
• Love
Ghost River Theatre/RedtoBlue Performance • ONE
• The Bride Tania Alvarado/Brian Webb Dance Company laFura Workshop West Theatre • Beowulf
Windrow Performance • Scythe
The Maggie Tree • A Life in the Day
• Backwater
• Hunger Striking
Theatre Series 118th
Firefly Theatre • Duck, Duck Bang
• The Gift Mile Zero Dance • Secret Diary of a Collapsed World Part 1 • Secret Diary of a Collapsed Word Part 2
The Citadel • A Prairie Boys Winter Artistic Fraud Theatre of Newfoundland • Icycle
Jesse Gervais, Heap For NLT:
• Fat Pig
Kill Your Television • Hello Hello
• Urban Tales 10 • Silence
University of Alberta • Rhinoceros
• The 4th Graders Present an Unnamed Love-Suicide
Blarney Productions • Orange Flower Water
• The Beard
Firefly Theatre • Duck Duck Bang
• i google myself
Amber Borotsik & Jesse Gervais: How Heap and Pebble Took On the World and Won
Citadel Theatre • Measure for Measure • Christmas Carol Cowgirl Opera • Pig
Gina Moe, stage manager For NLT: • Heroine • Jailbait • Victoria Martin Math Team Queen • Mo & Jess Kill Susie
Elsewhere: Edmonton Opera
Theatre Calgary
(Assistant Stage Manager)
(Stage Manager)
• Rigoletto • Otello
Teatro la Quindicina (Stage Manager)
• The Oculist's Holiday • Witness to a Conga • Mrs. Lindeman Proposes
• Enchanted April • Trying Citadel Theatre (Stage Manager)
• Three Mo Tenors • Three Mo Divas • Cooking at the Cookery • Einstein's Gift
Dave Clarke, sound designer/composer For NLT:
• The Ecstatics
Surreal/SoReal Theatre • Dog
• The Woman Who Cooked Her Husband
Windrow Performance • Backwater
• Urban Tales • Mo & Jess Kill Susie
Special thanks to Jamie-Anne Ireland for the construction of Heap and Pebble's skating costumes
Gina Moe & Dave Clarke: How Heap and Pebble Took On the World and Won
Message from the Program Director We congratulate Edmonton audiences for Fringing in record numbers during The Village of the Fringed, and we encourage you to keep up the amazing support of Edmonton’s theatre and art yearround! A great place to start is with the eight local performance companies presenting work as part of “Arts at the Barns” 2012-2013 series. These companies represent the best
of the fringe spirit that our festivalgoing audiences love: fantastic familyfriendly options; challenging work for adult audiences; spectacular visual displays; and explorations of music and dance.
ticket offers and updates, and join us for thought-provoking and entertaining “Arts at the Barns” presentations throughout the theatre season. Remember, The Village never really sleeps.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for our regular e-newsletters to received event listings, special
See you at the Barns! Thomas Scott Program Director Fringe Theatre Adventures
Fringe Theatre Adventures (FTA) is a community recognized for theatre evolution. FTA produces the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival and showcases theatre year round in its south side performance arts facility, the TransAlta Arts Barns
Our Mandate The mission of Fringe Theatre Adventures (FTA) is to support the creation of theatre that challenges and celebrates the cultural fabric of our communities and provide a home for developing new and emerging artists, audiences and forums. Our funders:
Thanks Our season presentations would not be possible without generous contributions from our presenting partner: And our media sponsors:
Fringe Theatre Adventures greatly appreciates support from the Government of Alberta’s Community Spirit Program Thank you all.
friNGe theAtre ADVeNtUres Board of directors sam Jenkins, PresideNt ed picard, vice PresideNt donna lemieux, secretary Joe devaney, treasurer marc carnes, director kim frey, director
frinGe theatre adVentures staff Jill roszell, eXecutive director gerald osborn, office maNager thomas scott, Program director debbie buchynski, fuNd deveLoPmeNt director
karen frost, director
tracy connor, voLuNteer coordiNator
crista c. osualdini, director
mike ford, oPeratioNs director
noËl papadopoulos, director
chris kavanagh, actiNg techNicaL director lauren kinney, eveNts services maNager fay purdie accounting, accouNtiNg stratomer i.t. services inc, it services gomez design, website services bottom line productions, marketiNg & commuNicatioNs
CoNtACt Us frinGe theatre adVentures 10330 84 avenue edmonton, ab t6e 2g9 box office: 780-409-1910 administration: 780-448-9000
NAUGHTY OR NICE ONLINE AUCTION noVemBer 15 – 30, 2012 oNe of NLt’s most PoPuLar fuNdraisers, our oNLiNe auctioN is back! oNce agaiN we’re briNgiNg you aLL kiNds of goodies, both Naughty aNd Nice – but this time they’re avaiLabLe Just iN time for the hoLiday seasoN. startiNg NOVEMBER 15, check out our website at NORTHERNLIGHTTHEATRE.COM aNd cLick oN the “auctioN” LiNk. there you wiLL have the chaNce to bid oN theatre tickets, diNNer Packages, art, aNd aLL kiNds of gifts you woN’t be abLe to wait to give to your Loved oNes – or keeP aLL to yourseLf! you caN bid from the comfort of your very owN home, get a head start oN your hoLiday shoPPiNg, aNd suPPort NLt aLL at the same time. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS FOR THEIR DONATIONS TO THIS FUNDRAISER.
BLACK AND BoLD’s fUNKY fAshioN fUNDrAiser! cominG in sprinG 2013 if it's Not bLack, it wiLL be boLd. bright coLors, audacious PriNts aNd Lush teXtures for the girLy girL, edgy rocker gLamaZoN, chic chaNeL Lady, or casuaL tomboy...bLack & boLd suPPLies you with the fashioNs you Need to feed your styLe. from basic t-shirts-aNd-JeaNs bohemiaN or body-coNscious cLub gear, to work frieNdLy busiNess aNd cocktaiL dresses - the boutique is fiLLed with a variety of garmeNts, accessories, JeweLry, aNd shoes- stock that raNges from $30-$300. there is somethiNg for everyoNe- bLack & boLd has somethiNg for you... JoiN the Private Party at bLack & boLd womeN's boutique oN 124th street. a seLect grouP of womeN wiLL JoiN owNer tara Pierce (from the bLog that girL from bLack & boLd) as she LeNds her eXPert styLe coNsuLtiNg iN aN iNtimate oNe-oN-oNe settiNg. NibbLes, cocktaiLs, door PriZes aNd fashioN add uP to the best Ladies’ Night ever! FOR TICKETS AND MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT NLT AT WWW.NORTHERNLIGHTTHEATRE.COM OR 780-471-1586. DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED.
BlacK and Bold is located at 10826 124 street
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Jane Bodie’s
t a X 1
riDe RIDE cole humeny & sereana malani preview: January 31, 2013 openinG: february 1 Closes: february 9 loCation: pcl studio – fringe theatre adventures
A man and a woman wake up in bed togethernaked- and neither can remember how they got there. Or who the other is. In the harsh light of the morning after, they attempt to make sense of what may or may not have happened between them and a complex snapshot of modern relationships gradually comes into focus. ELLEN: I think Ride especially speaks to me because it’s a snapshot of what it’s like to be at the age where you start wondering if there really isn’t anyone or anything else for you out there. There’s kind of a heavy underlying sadness in that – a sadness which I think Jane Bodie’s script really captures.
LIZ: I’ve never been a one-night-stand kind of person (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) but I really connected with the sadness in this play. The characters just seem so real and vulnerable and I think Cole and Sereana will be incredible in these very challenging roles.
TREVOR: I'll admit it. I didn't get the this play the first time I read it. The second time I read it, I wept.
Sereana Malani, Elizabeth For NLT:
• Debut
Exit 22 • The Last Days of Judas Iscariot Studio Theatre • whisper
Surreal/SoReal Theatre • The Survival of Pigeons
• Yellow Moon
Cole Humeny, Joe For NLT:
• Victoria Martin: Math Team Queen • The Fourth Graders Present An Unnamed Love-Suicide
Citadel Theatre • A Few Good Men
Concrete Theatre • Offensive Fouls
Globe Theatre • Peter Pan
• Are We There Yet?
The Maggie Tree • Shatter
Ride : Cole Humeny & Sereana Malani
Mark Vetsch, Assistant Director For NLT:
Blue Sky Productions • The Juvyline Cubangbang Show (actor) Adisi Performance Works • Storyhouse (actor)
HEART MEAT Productions • Brake (director) Skinny Love Productions • Tuesdays and Sundays (director)
Kerry Johnson, Stage Manager For NLT:
• The Ecstatics
Workshop West Theatre • Beowulf
• Three Mo’ Tenors
Citadel Theatre • The Wizard of Oz
Freewill Shakespeare Festival • As You Like It
• A Christmas Carol
• Noises Off
• The Forbidden Phoenix
Brayden Scobie,Field Placement For NLT:
Red Deer College Theatre Performance and Creation Program • The King is the King • Midsummer Nights Dream • Peter Pan
Mark Vetsch, Kerry Johnson & Brayden Scobie : ride
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HARCOURT HOUSE is an artist-run, charitable organization that promotes contemporary visual art by providing education, exhibitions & resources. The gallery is open to the public (no admission fee) from Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm and on Saturdays from 12pm to 4pm. The gallery presents exhibitions, from local, provincial and national artists.
Harcourt House Artist Run Centre
DEC 6 - JAN 18, 2013
Main Gallery
Marie de Sousa: In Material Front Room Gallery
Corey Jennifer Hardeman: Rooted
JAN 24 - MARCH 1, 2013 (Student Art & Design Show) Main Gallery
U of A Visual Arts Student Association Front Room Gallery
U of A Student Design Association
tel. 780.426.4180 fax. 780.425.5523
Marie de Sousa, Stack, insulation foam, glue & acrylic paint, 15”x16”x14”, 2010/11
3rd floor gallery, 10215-112 Street Edmonton, AB, T5K 1M7
MARCH 7 - APRIL 12, 2013 Main Gallery
Steve deBruyn: Of/Off (Course) Front Room Gallery
Laura O’Connor: Little Fears
APRIL 18 - MAY 24, 2013 Corey Jennifer Hardeman, Fox, 30” x 36” oil on canvas, 2011
Main Gallery
Jehra Patrick: title TBA Front Room Gallery
Adam Waldron-Blain: Fantasies
JUNE 13 - JULY 5, 2013
Harcourt House Main & Front Room Gallery
25th Annual Member’s Show Opening Reception Thursday, June 20th Annex Building, Drawing Room
21st Annual Naked Exhibition
Steve deBruyn, Wood for Pushing Open Space, 2011
OCT 24 - NOV 29, 2013 (Artist in Residence Show) Main Gallery
A.I.R. Alexis Marie Chute: title TBA Front Room Gallery
Jehra Patrick Heart of Darkness – Althoff, Gallery 4. Oil on canvas 96” x 60”, 2011
Jason maGhanoy’s
DUst DUST paul sutherland & monice peter preview: april 4, 2013 openinG: april 5 Closes: april 13 loCation: pcl studio – fringe theatre adventures
Abu Ghraib Prison. Jenny works in the office. Jonathan is a prison guard. They meet. They fall in love. And someone takes photos. Dust is a chilling, and ultimately moving examination of torture, decency and the limits of love. ELLEN: I’m quickly becoming a fan of Jason Maghanoy. He’s the kind of playwright who doesn’t pull punches. “Dust” punches your square in the gut, but in the most unusual way. It nudges you softly at first- so you don’t notice, then it keeps punching so you start to get a little uncomfortable and then it hits you so hard that it completely knocks the wind out of you. LIZ: This play scares the hell out of me! It’s definitely a risk – but I think people come to NLT to be challenged and this show fits the bill.
Monice Peter, Jenny For NLT:
Ground Zero Theatre • Race Downstage Theatre • Sia Concrete Theatre • Are We There Yet? (2009, 2011) Alberta Workers Health Centre • Work Plays
Paul Sutherland, Jonathan For NLT:
• Urban Tales 2004
Sage Theatre • Everything is Awful: IGNITE! 2012 Ignition Theatre • The Shape of Things • Tuesdays with Morrie
Dust : Monice Peter & Paul Sutherland
Against The Wall Theatre • Bull Skit : Late night Improv and Sketch Comedy
• The 4th graders present an unnamed love suicide • Pervert • Speech & debate • Urban Tales: Night Nurses in an Insane Asylum • Some Girl(s) • Love
Mayfield Dinner Theatre: • The Super Groovy 70’s (Stage Manager) • Peace, Love and Rock and Roll Two (Sterling Nominated, Costume Designer) Shadow Theatre: • Glorious (Stage Manager)
The Unconscoius Collective (Actress): • Tales From The Hospital • Watermelon Girls • Dainty on the Perils of White Slavery Bownow Productions: • Wind in Her Sails (Director)
Adam Turnbull, lighting designer & production manager
For NLT:
• • • • • • • •
L'UniThéâtre: (Set + Lighting Design) • Le Voyage du couronnement • La Cantatrice chauve • Une Lune d'eau sale • Fort Mac (tour design)
Heroine Cleopatra’s Sister The Ecstatics Jailbait Meat Puppet Pervert i google myself Speech & Debate
Shadow Theatre: (Lighting Design) • Love Song
Teatro la Quindicina: (Lighting Design) • Scent of Compulsion Fringe Theatre Adventures (Site Technical Director)
• Fringe Festival
Alberta Opera • Project Manager
Liz Allison & Adam Turnbull : Dust
at the Timms Centre for the Arts
2012/13 season line-up
The MeMoranduM by Vaclav Havel / Nov. 1 to 10, 2012 Bengal Tiger aT The Baghdad Zoo by Rajiv Joseph / Nov. 29 to Dec. 8, 2012 World PreMiere
sTudenT TickeTs $11 Available at the Timms box office and Tix on the Square.
3 Ticket Student Flex Pass $25 (redeem in any combo at any of the 6 shows) Available at Timms Box Office and SU Info Link Booths in HUB, SUB, CAB and ETLC.
The Missionary PosiTion by Greg MacArthur, U of A Lee Playwright in Residence / Feb. 7 to 16, 2013 sainT joan by George Bernard Shaw / Mar. 28 to Apr. 6, 2013 The lasT days of judas iscarioT by Stephen Adly Guirgis / May 16 to 25, 2013
Only at Southgate Volkswagen* *cannot be combined with any other offer
Shop indoors, year round.
lydia stryK’s
michael penG & melissa thinGelstad preview: may 16, 2013 openinG: may 17 Closes: may 25 loCation: pcl studio – fringe theatre adventures
When a woman is critically injured in an accident, can the same man who almost took her life save her? There are encounters in life that take you somewhere you’ve never been and never meant to go. A relentless two-person drama about guilt, forgiveness and recovery. ELLEN: The more I think about Stryk’s play the more I start to realize that the script completely encompasses what the title describes. “An Accident” is just that-painful, shocking and completely unexpected. As it speaks about the confusing, unfamiliar and, at times, angry road to recovery, the script often leaves me questioning which character is the injurer and which is the injured. LIZ: I loved this script immediately. I wasn’t really sure why. It was a gut thing, completely. Trevor was worried about it, he wasn’t sure if we should do it – but I was thrilled by it.
TREVOR: Every season I program one show that scares me as a director. “An Accident” is that show.
Melissa Thingelstad, Libby For NLT:
• NLT Debut
Edmonton Actors Theatre (Edmonton International Fringe Festival) • Fatboy
Vault! Theatre of Invention • Jane Austin Action Figure • Hedda Gabler at Rutherford House L’Unithéâtre • L’Homme de la Mancha
Michael Peng, Anton For NLT:
• Urban Tales 12: Motel
wishbone theatre • Parlour Song • SHIMMER • Bashir Lazhar Citadel Theatre • The Kite Runner • Sound of Music • Julius Caesar Theatre YES • Race Studio Theatre • Eurydice Kill Your Television • Mourning Dove Freewill Shakespeare Festival • Richard III • As You Like It Drayton Entertainment • The Foursome
An Accident : Melissa Thingelstad
Lost & Found Theatre • The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine, Cotton Patch Gospel, Radio Leacock Touchmark Theatre • Goodnight Desdemona, Goodmorning Juliet • Blessings in Disguise Theatre & Company • Strawberries in January, Einstein’s Gift, How I Learned to Drive, Proof, An Ideal Husband, Problem Child, Cherry Docs, Three in the Back, Two in the Head, Dr. Faustus, Uncle Vanya, Sitting on Paradise.
CAMPS iN august 2011, NortherN Light theatre was deLighted to PreseNt their PerformaNce camPs for youNg PeoPLeedmoNtoN’s oNLy summer theatre camP to combiNe stage work with history for aN uNique bLeNd of educatioN aNd fuN. maraLyN ryaN’s grouP of ghastLy ghosts aNd grim gobLiNs baNded together to Perform the fuNNy aNd frighteNiNg “LegeNd of sLeePy hoLLow”- aNd this year was oNe of our biggest camPs yet, with maNy youNg thesPiaNs eXcited to briNg their youNg sibLiNgs oN a for the ride! registratioN forms for NeXt summer’s adveNture wiLL be avaiLabLe iN aPriL, 2013. check out our website at to fiNd out how you caN get iN oN the actioN! the dates for camP i are tuesday, august 6 to friday, august 9th from 9-12Pm for camP ii, moNday, august 12 to friday, august 23rd with the PerformaNce beiNg oN august 22Nd.
STAFF Trevor Schmidt, Artistic Director Elizabeth Ludwig, General Manager Ellen Chorley, Artistic Associate Flo Schultz, Bookkeeper
Epic Photography, Photography/Video Woodward Design, Graphic Design Oops! Design, Web production & Support
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steven McDougall, President John Quinn, Treasurer Krystina Silva, Secretary
Katrina Beatty, Vice President Maralyn Ryan Ashlee Leible
Mike Ford Christine DeWitt
WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE Getting to Know You Northern Light Theatre would like to get to know you. Would you like to go for coffee? There are many different ways for you to get involved and be a part of our growing theatre community. Buy a Ticket This is the best way for us to have a conversation. Then talk about the show to your friends and family. Tell Us What You Think We love hearing what you think. Send us your thoughts - rant, rave, gush and praise! Bring a Friend Introduce someone new to Northern Light Theatre. Better yet, bring someone who has never been to the theatre. Become a Subscriber We’d love to see you in our audience every show – a reliable friend who shows up for the important bits! Become a Volunteer Throughout the year we rely on volunteer support for bingos and casinos. Volunteering is a great way for you to see an NLT show for free!
Become a Board Member Join this passionate group of volunteers. Their invaluable commitment and contribution, individually and as a group, allows creativity to flourish by facilitating an environment that ensures management strength and financial stability. We are looking for people from all walks of life. If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please call our office 780-471-1586. Become a Donor Any contribution you can offer does make a tremendous difference. Through the support of individuals, local businesses and organizations we have been able to provide quality programming that continues to engage and challenge. Let’s talk about how your gift could double through the Community Spirit program, how many foundations and companies have employee matching opportunities, how you could make an in-kind donation and about your charitable receipt! | 780-471-1586
2011/2012 : staff, board of directors & ways to contribute
VOLUNTEERS We would like to thank all our dedicated and supportive volunteers who have, and continue to, support Northern Light Theatre. A BIG thank you to all of the following (if we missed your name, we apologize): Habiba Alli
Nathan Coppens
Ashlee Lieble
Liz Allison-Jorde
Trent Crosby
Steve MacDougall Dana Rayment
Delia Barnett
Raina Dakus
Alex Mackie
Laura Rezko
Katrina Beatty
Karen Farkus
TJ Mair
Sheiny Satanove
Andrea Beca
Mike Ford
Kalika Martin
Bryan Saunders
Barb Beck
Felicia Gow
Gord McCann
Jenna Shelley
Jim Beck
Shari Haas
Lori Meinhart
Carmela Sison
Danielle Belanger Christina Harbak
Laura Metcalfe
Caley Suliak
Heather Belanger
Jason Hardwick
Rebecca Merkley
Paul Sutherland
Amanda Bergen
Ainsley Hillyard
Anne Neilson
Holly Turner
Rebecca Bissonette
Sarah Hoyles
Alice Oscar
Luc Tellier
Ross Bradley
Lana Michelle Hughes
Kristen Padayas
Sarah Van Tassel
Melanie Brausen
Mary Hulbert
Zachary ParsonsLozinski
Lindsay Walker
Valerie Braiden
Cole Humeny
Cody Porter
John Brisson
Janet Humeny
Elena Porter
Mari Chartier
David Johnston
John Quinn
Heidi CollinsMcCann
Shannon Joyes
Sue Quon
Stephanie Wigston
Faye L’Hironelle
Tatyana Rac
Lindsay Zaraska
Cody Ray
Cat Walsh Tasha Weenk Doran Werner
volunteers : 2012/2013
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OUR PROGRAMS UNDERGRADUATE Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education (After-degree) Bachelor of Environmental Health (AD)
Visit 7128 Ada Boulevard Edmonton, AB T: 780.479.9220 TF: 1.866.479.5200