Vol 33 No 2 Maart • April 2019
Die enigste tydskrif vir die aartappelbedryf • The only magazine for the potato industry
The state of potatoes in the South African informal market
Potato production in sandy soils: are farmers over-irrigating?
The powdery scab roadshow CHIPS • March/April 2019
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BRAVO klou om te hou ®
na 40 jaar
steeds die grootste kontak swamdoder in die wêreld.
wye spektrum kontakaksie
Speel ’n belangrike rol as meng- en wisselmaat vir inokulumbeheer en weerstandsbestuur
grootte maak saak
Kleiner aktiewe partikels in die formulasie verseker beter bedekking vir meer effektiewe beskerming
klou om te hou
WeatherStik™ tegnologie verseker langdurende beskerming ongeag van die weer
LEES DIE ETIKET VIR VOLLEDIGE BESONDERHEDE. BRAVO® bevat chlorothalonil 720 g/l (Reg. nr. L7005, Act No. 36 of 1947). VERSIGTIG. Syngenta Suid-Afrika (Edms) Beperk, Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685, Tel: (011) 541 4000, www.syngenta.co.za © Syngenta Ag, 2000.
CHIPS is die amptelike tydskrif van Aartappels Suid-Afrika. CHIPS is the official magazine of Potatoes South Africa. Redakteur/Editor Gawie Geyer Advertensies/Advertisements Gawie Geyer Sel/Cell: 082 388 0524 gawie@potatoes.co.za E-faks/E-fax: 086 685 6524 Aartappels Suid-Afrika, De Havillandsingel 6, Persequor Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. Tel: 012 349 1906. Faks: 012 349 2641
Potatoes South Africa, 6 De Havilland Crescent, Persequor Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. Tel: 012 349 1906. Fax: 012 349 2641 Ontwerp en uitleg: Henco Schoeman (HJ Ontwerp) Gedruk deur BusinessPrint vir die eienaar en uitgewer: Aartappels Suid-Afrika, Privaatsak X135, Pretoria, 0001. Design and layout: Henco Schoeman (HJ Design) Printed by BusinessPrint for the owner and publisher: Potatoes South Africa, Private Bag X135, Pretoria, 0001. Die menings wat uitgespreek word is die menings van die skrywers en verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die mening van die redaksie van CHIPS of die mening van Aartappels Suid-Afrika nie. Aartappels Suid-Afrika aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies en artikels gemaak word nie. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily portray the opinion of the editorial staff of CHIPS or that of Potatoes South Africa. Potatoes South Africa does not accept any responsibility for claims made in advertisements and articles. Alle regte voorbehou. Geen gedeelte van hierdie publikasie mag op enige wyse gereproduseer word nie. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form. www.potatoes.co.za
The state of potatoes in the South African informal market
Potato production in sandy soils: are farmers over-irrigating?
The powdery scab road show
Vernaamste redes vir afmerkings op varsproduktemarkte: 2018-kalenderjaar 52
Transport in the potato industry 58
International news 10 Plaaslike nuus / Local news 14
TRANSFORMASIE / TRANSFORMATION Phophi Raletejena – Eight years later 60
BEMARKING / MARKETING The state of potatoes in the South African informal market 20
Oos-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder droëlandtoestande
op Warden in 2017/2018 62
Potato production in sandy soils: are farmers
Wes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op
over-irrigating? 22
Bultfontein 2018 48
Characterization of the Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab lesions on potato tubers 28
The powdery scab roadshow 34
James Leslie – Eastern Free State Potato Farmer of the Year 84
Publikasies – 2019 43
Aartappels Suid-Afrika span speel Petrus Steyn gholfdag
Wat kos dit om ‘n sakkie aartappels te verpak en
aan die brand
te bemark? 44
Oos-Vrystaat inligtingsdag se nuwe format werk
Watter kultivars het die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf
uitstekend 88
in 2018 gedomineer? 46
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CHIPS Maart/April 2019
RESEP / RECIPE Lamskenkels bedien saam met kapokaartappels 91 AARTAPPELSERTIFISERINGSDIENS / POTATO CERTIFICATION SERVICE Top Seed Grower, leading the industry to new heights 92 PROKON Potato deliveries to fresh produce markets – January / February 2019 94
Binneblad - voor
EDE FARMING (PTY) LTD 17 Ivanhoe Seed Potatoes
Wesgrow 18 ALGEMEEN / GENERAL Villa Answer Plot
– die ideale plek om kennis in te win 98
Aartappelprodusente baat by die InteliGro Intelekt Solutions Aartappeldag 100 Meet produktiwiteit 102 Uit die argiewe / From the archives 104
RSA Saad Beurs
Buckle Packaging
Werner Brushware
Uniekum 83
Skyfie sê / Skyfie says 104
InteliGro 101
Dagboek / Diary 105
CHIPS (Advertensietariewe)
Markagente – Market agents 106
CHIPS • March/April 2019
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Eenheid en vertroue gaan die fondasie moet wees om ’n volhoubare landbousektor te verseker
Dit is nie alombekend dat daar in die laat 1980s en vroeë 1990s meer as 2 000 kommersiële aartappelprodusente in Suid-Afrika was nie, en dat hierdie getal gedaal het tot om en by 550 in 2018. Die hektare onder aartappelproduksie het gestabiliseer tussen 50 000 en 54 000 oor die laaste tien jaar, wat minder as 1% van die grond is wat gebruik word vir landboudoeleindes. Terselfdertyd het die oorblywende aartappelprodusente daarin geslaag om in 2015, 2017 en 2018 rekord aartappeloeste te produseer. 2016 is gekenmerk deur swak landboutoestande wat aartappelproduksie betekenisvol laat daal het. Dit het maar net weer bewys dat alhoewel die meeste aartappels onder besproeiing verbou word hierdie bedryf steeds kwesbaar bly vir ongunstige klimaatstoestande. Die punt is egter dat aansienlik minder produsente die vermoë ontwikkel het om hulle produktiwiteit sodanig te verbeter om steeds die produksie van aartappels uit Page 6
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te brei met dieselfde hulpbronne tot hul beskikking, of selfs minder. Daarvoor moet hulle ’n veer in die hoed kry! Die realiteit is egter dat dit nie ’n maklike taak is nie en die vermoë om aartappels (insluitend die saadpyplyn) winsgewend te verbou al moeiliker raak; dit terwyl die risiko’s vergeleke met ander skakels in die aartappelwaardeketting aansienlik hoër is. ’n Misoes in een seisoen kan baie maklik ’n heel goed gediversifiseerde boerdery se ondergang beteken. Dit is nie asof die druk enigsins verlig word nie. Die stygings in arbeids-, elektrisiteits- en vervoerkostes is maar enkele voorbeelde wat ’n winsgewende aartappeloes in een seisoen na ’n verliesmakende vertakking in die volgende seisoen kan verander (dit is bo-en-behalwe die klimaatsrisiko’s waarna vroeër verwys is). En dit is nie asof die wet van vraag en aanbod wat aartappelpryse bepaal op
hierdie kostefaktore van toepassing is nie. Nee, as die pryse van elektrisiteit styg beteken dit nie die aartappelprodusent gebruik bloot minder daarvan nie, want die spilpunte moet beweeg en die pakhuise kan nie ophou aartappels pak nie. Die kostes moet geabsorbeer word; dit sluit nie eens die koste van beurtkrag in nie, wat nie veronderstel is om plaas te vind nie! Ja, daar kan gekyk word na alternatiewe bronne van elektrisiteit, maar dit is baie duur investerings wat in ieder geval geabsorbeer moet word en nie noodwendig op die oomblik kosteeffektief is nie. Die hartseer is dat in ’n land waar armoede en werkloosheid hoogty vier, tegnologie ’n al belangriker rol gaan begin speel om kostes oor die medium- en langtermyn te bekamp met onder meer gepaardgaande werksverliese. Aartappelprodusente versprei regoor Suid-Afrika, is een van die grootste indiensnemers van permanente en seisoenale arbeid in die landbousektor – in baie gevalle die enigste werksgeleenthede wat hierdie mense in landelike gebiede het. Die lone wat betaal word, is in baie gevalle die lewensaar van kleiner dorpe as gevolg van ander ekonomiese aktiwiteite wat geskep word vir ander potensiële werklose en armoedige mense. In kort, as die druk van kostes lei tot groter investering in tegnologie, byvoorbeeld meganisasie wat arbeid uitskakel, en dus meer mense in armoede begin lewe, sal dit lei tot groter sosio-ekonomiese onstabiliteit en verstedeliking. Ja, die stedelinge is nie afgesluit van wat in landelike gebiede gebeur nie en dit is hoogtyd dat stedelinge hiervan begin kennis neem. Daar is reeds inisiatiewe in dié verband, soos die toenemend gewilde Food for Mzansi-webtuiste wat aktief daarvan werk maak om ’n nuwe en vriendeliker gesig van landbou vir die breër Suid-Afrikaanse publiek te wys. Dit is ’n inisiatief van Ivor Price en Kobus Louwrens, die stigters van die Farmers for Change-projek. Aartappels SA ondersteun hulle poging om ook die onbesonge landbouhelde te vereer. Daar kan egter soveel meer gedoen word om stedelinge te begin sensiteer oor die uitdagings wat ons landbouers in die gesig staar. Dit moet net nie treurmare-gerig wees nie, maar eerder uitdagings en probleme in ’n positiewe lig nuanseer om die stedeling te kry om te verstaan dat die landbouer die olie is wat die SuidAfrikaanse ekonomiese masjien aan die gang hou, en selfs vinniger kan laat ry. Dit is egter nie iets wat oornag kan gebeur nie en ook nie ’n eenmalige aksie kan wees nie, en is dit dus belangrik dat reguleerders/ beleidsmakers, politici en nie-regeringsorganisasies dieselfde boodskap indringend moet kry – meer belangrik, hulle moet inkoop daartoe.
Laasgenoemde is egter waar een van ons grootste uitdagings is, naamlik die gebrek aan eenheid en dus weet reguleerders/beleidsmakers, politici en nieregeringsorganisasies nie vir wie om te luister of wie om te glo nie. Die uitdaging word selfs groter as ons na die breër bevolking verwys, en dit is juis hulle wat agter die landbouer in hierdie land moet staan want hulle is blootgestel aan die risiko van hoë kospryse en armoede as landbou faal. Die stadige pas van transformasie, om watter rede ookal, help ook nie hierdie saak nie en daaroor kan baie gedebatteer word. Die fout wat ons maak is juis om daaroor te debatteer en nie met goedgesindheid oor hierdie kwessie in gesprek met mekaar te tree nie – daar is steeds te veel geraas in die sisteem en dit is maar seker menslik om eerder aan die geraas aandag te gee as aan die ware feite en toedrag van sake. Elke belanghebbende moet indringend hieroor nabetragting hou. Dit maak nie saak op watter skaal daar voedsel geproduseer word nie, solank as wat onstabiliteit die oorhand het benadeel dit almal in die landbousektor – dit maak nie saak of dit boerderye is wat oor geslagte heen opgebou is en of dit nuwe era- of bestaansprodusente is nie. Die landbouer voel dit eerstehands, maar die ander rolspelers in die landbouwaardeketting wat ietwat wegstaan van die realiteit op plaasvlak moet kennis neem en betrokke raak om die volhoubaarheid van primêre landbou te verseker. Die res van die bevolking staan nog verder verwyderd en as hulle nie nader gebring word aan die realiteite wat landbouers elke dag in die gesig staar en die waardeproposisie wat landbouers bied nie, gaan hulle die skuld op landbouers pak as dinge verkeerd loop. ’n Feit soos ’n koei is egter dat solank as wat daar nie eenheid in landbou-geledere is nie, gaan ons voortploeter op dieselfde pad. Iets om oor na te dink is watter mandate landbouers hul verkose landbouleiers gee om eenheid te verseker? Eenheid en die gepaardgaande vertroue gaan die fondasie moet wees om ’n volhoubare landbousektor te verseker, en dus ook te keer dat meer en meer produsente die sektor verlaat en nuwe toetreders ’n regverdige kans gebied word om suksesvol te wees. Aartappelgroete Dr. André Jooste Hoofuitvoerende beampte
CHIPS • March/April 2019
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Unity and trust will have to be the foundation to ensure a sustainable agricultural sector
It is not generally known that in the late 1980s and early 1990s there were more than 2 000 commercial potato farmers in South Africa, and that this number dwindled to about 550 in 2018. The hectares under potato production stabilised between 50 000 and 54 000 over the past ten years, which is less than one percent of the land used for agricultural purposes. At the same time the remaining potato farmers managed to produce record crops in 2015, 2017 and 2018, whilst 2016 was characterised by poor agricultural conditions which caused potato production to drop significantly. It once again proved that although the bulk of potatoes are cultivated under irrigation this industry remains vulnerable under unfavourable climatic conditions. What matters, however, is that the significantly fewer producers developed the ability
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to improve their productivity to such an extent to still extend the production of potatoes with the same resources at their disposal, or even less. For that they deserve a feather in the cap! The reality, however, is that it is no easy task and the ability to cultivate potatoes (including the seed pipeline) viably is becoming increasingly difficult; that whilst the risks compared to other links in the potato value chain are significantly higher. A failed crop in one season can easily be the demise of a rather well diversified farming operation. It is not as if the pressure is in any way alleviated. The increases in labour, electricity and transport costs are but some examples that can change one season’s profitable potato crop to a loss-making operation in the following season (this
is over and above the climatic risks referred to earlier). And it is not as if the law of supply and demand which determine potato prices applies to these cost factors. No, as the price of electricity increases it does not mean the potato farmer can just use less, because centre pivots must continue to spurt out water and pack houses cannot stop packing potatoes. The costs must be absorbed; it does not even include the cost of load shedding that is not even suppose to take place. Yes, one can look at alternative electricity sources, but it is extremely expensive investments which in any case must be absorbed and it is also not cost effective at this point in time. It hurts that in a country where poverty and unemployment are at the order of the day, technology is going to play an increasingly key role to curb costs in the medium and long term with, inter alia, accompanying job losses. Potato producers throughout South Africa are one of the major employers of permanent and seasonal labour in the agricultural sector – in many cases the only job opportunities these people have in rural areas. The wages paid are in many cases the life blood of smaller towns as a result of the various economic activities created for other potential jobless and poor people. In short, if the pressure of costs leads to increased investment in technology, for example mechanisation that do away with labour and more people start living in poverty, it will lead to increased socio economic instability and urbanisation. Yes, the urbanites are not excluded from what is happening in the rural areas and it is high time that they take notice of this. There are already initiatives in this regard such as the increasingly popular Food for Mzansi website that is making a serious effort to proffer a new and friendlier face of agriculture to the broader South African public. It is an initiative of Ivor Price and Kobus Louwrens, the founders of the Farmers for Change project. Potatoes SA supports their efforts to also honour the unsung agricultural heroes. However, so much more can be done to start sensitising urbanites about the challenges facing our agriculturists. It should definitely not be sad tiding orientated, but rather at nuancing challenges and problems in a positive light to get the urbanite to understand that the agriculturist is the oil that keeps the South African economic machine going and can get it to move even faster. However, it is not something that can happen overnight nor can it be a once-off exercise, and it is therefore important that regulators/ policy makers, politicians and non-governmental organisations get the same message incisively – more important, they must buy into it.
The latter is, however, where one of our biggest challenges lie, namely the lack of unity and that regulators/policy makers, politicians and nongovernmental organisations therefore do not know who to listen to or who to believe. The challenge becomes even more severe if we refer to the broader population, and it is precisely them who must be behind the agriculturist in this country as they are exposed to the risk of high food prices and poverty if agriculture fails. The slow pace of transformation, for whatever reason, does not help this cause and can be debated about at length. The mistake we are making is exactly to debate the matter instead of having a positive discussion with one another – there is still too much noise in the system and I suppose it is only human to rather afford attention to noise rather than to the true facts and state of affairs. Every stakeholder should hold an incisive postmortem. It does not matter on what scale food is produced, as long as instability reigns it wrongs everybody in the agricultural sector – it is immaterial whether it is farming operations that were built-up over generations or New Era or subsistence farmers. The agriculturist experiences it first hand, but the other role players in the agricultural value chain who are somewhat distanced from the reality on farm level, must take note and get involved to ensure the sustainability of primary agriculture. The rest of the population are even further removed and if they are not brought closer to the realities faced by agriculturists on a daily basis as well as the proposition offered by agriculturists, they will lay the blame on agriculturists if things go wrong. The fact remains that as long as there is no unity in agricultural ranks, we shall continue plodding on the same road. Something to think about is what mandate agriculturists are giving their elected agricultural leaders to ensure unity? Unity and the accompanying trust will have to be the foundation to ensure a sustainable agricultural sector, and therefore also to prevent more and more producers from leaving the sector as well as to give new entrants a fair chance to be successful. Potato regards Dr André Jooste Chief Executive officer
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international Potato most imported vegetable for Namibia Potatoes were Namibia’s most imported vegetable in 2018, according to last year's trade statistics on fruits and vegetables. Of N$748 million worth of fruits and vegetables imported into Namibia in 2018, potatoes took up the largest share: N$169 million at about 26 000 tons. The figure includes sweet and frozen potatoes. Potato exports to countries like Angola stood at N$4 million. In 2018, Namibia was a net exporter of fruits and vegetables, with N$876 million worth of exports. Dates and grapes were the most exported fruits, at N$63 million and N$658 million, respectively. According to a report by First Capital Ltd. titled Food Prices' Review and Outlook 2018, potatoes, apples, onions and tomatoes had the most demand on the local market. Last year, about 64% of fresh garden produce was imported into the country, with the local market covering the remainder. This year, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) said vegetable imports had dropped to 50% due to local import substitution, but local produce to cover on fruits still needs supplementation. FreshPlaza.com
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Potato 'Revolution' underway in China Dr Peter VanderZaag, of Sunrise Potato in Ontario, who has been working in China for the past 33 years, was the keynote speaker at the recent Manitoba Potato Production Days in Brandon. He surprised his audience with the announcement that ‘a potato "revolution" is underway in China. "They [China] now produce 20 times more potatoes than Canada; 100 million tons a year. They have a target of going to 150 million tons and that will make almost half the total global production. They see the potato as food security, as a staple food for the people in all the western and northern parts of the country." He says China has a difficult time producing the right varieties for the French fry industry, which creates greater opportunities for Canadian producers. According to pembinavalleyonline.com, VanderZaag added that there is a short supply of potatoes globally, which means good things for local producers, both that the price should go up and the demand for more should also be there. FreshPlaza.com
Kenya: German firm to set up seven potato packing plants
Potatoes have lower water content, but important ingredients are retained
The potato sector in Nyandarua county has received a major boost after an international German firm has committed to set up seven potato pack houses. The officials of BASF, a leading chemical company, visited Nyandarua governor Francis Kimemia, where they pledged to support the project estimated to cost over Sh500 million (€4.4 mln).
Stock potatoes that are now on the market are often a bit softer than usual. This is due to the hot summer of 2018. But the quality of the tubers are not affected by this, according to the Association of Organic Potato Growers.
The county and the company are set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in April of this year. BASF Vice President for Africa, Michael Gotsche, expects the construction work to commence in October: “Through BASF’s Performance Material Solutions, Nyandarua farmers will be able to store their produce under hygienic and optimum storage conditions in packhouse facilities currently being developed.” He noted that a technical committee whose activities would be coordinated by Kenya Investment Authority had been formed to see to it that the project run smoothly.
Almost 80% of potatoes are water, which is what makes them firm. In storage, the tubers lose some of their water content over time due to evaporation or aeration, and they slowly soften. This is usually noticeable only when spring is near. But this year already, tubers are coming onto the market that feel somewhat softer. "Due to the prolonged hot weather last year, these processes have started much earlier and they are affecting the potatoes faster," stated Bio Kartoffel Erzeuger e. V. The cause is that these potatoes already came to the warehouse with a lower water content than usual. "But that does not change the taste or the nutritional value of organic potatoes; the important ingredients are preserved," the producers will emphasize.
Source: capitalfm.co.ke / FreshPlaza.com
Geslote Variëteite: Lanorma, Taisiya, Mondeo, Labadia, El Mundo, Markies. Oop Variëteite: Mondial, BP1, UTD, Hertha, Fianna.
CHIPS • March/April 2019
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On many organic potatoes surface scurf and small dark spots can be found, the association declared. These are stress reactions to last year's drought. Silver scab and Black Scurf would also be more common. "All these factors do not compromise the quality of the intrinsic values. Making this clear to the consumer will be the main challenge for the rest of the season." Source: Bio Kartoffel Erzeuger e.v. / FreshPlaza.com Venezuela: Trying to rescue Andean potatoes The seventh “EcoFestival of the Native Potato Seed� came to an end in early January this year. This festival is an annual event, held for the last seven years in the Venezuelan Andean community of Gavidia, in Merida State. The annual event highlights the struggle for the rescue of the ancestral potato and other Andean produce, in favour of food sovereignty in Venezuela. This event showcases the many accomplishments made in research, production and organization around native potato seeds and other Andean tubers; demonstrating the great social and productive potential of this products while inciting interest and increased participation despite having to challenge the deeply rooted stigmas designed to facilitate the cultural imposition of foreign seeds. The economic crisis that has accompanied falling oil prices as well as US and Canadian economic sanctions have severely limited Venezuela’s capacity to import many food items which the country has grown to depend on over the last century since oil has become the number one product for exportation. The response to this situation has been a push to increase national agricultural production. However, the agricultural industry has also been affected by a lowered capacity for imports, as most production still depends on the importation of foreign commercial seeds and other agricultural inputs.
The clear challenge in Venezuela, apart from the struggle against networks of smuggling and price speculation, is to establish a different agricultural model, which does not depend on foreign imports. The Andean community of Gavidia has already taken steps forward with their active organization around the native potato seed. Research has shown that the conservation and reproduction of the native potato has an important role in soil conservation. These potatoes also possess an extended storage life, as well as exceptionally high nutritional content for human and animal consumption, and offer many possibilities for the production of derivatives of a value-added nature. As reported on potatonewstoday.com there remain tremendous challenges and years of work ahead before these native varieties can eventually substitute imported seeds, but the Andean communities have demonstrated that they have the drive and patience to push forward what could be a fundamental contribution to national food sovereignty. Source: potatonewstoday.com / FreshPlaza.com
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Die hele seisoen is op die spel
Rugby 10 ME ®
Die beste verdediging teen aalwurms in aartappels begin in die voorseisoen. Rugby® 10 ME word reeds wyd en syd vertrou om ‘n betroubare, beskermende groeisone vir die gesonde ontwikkeling van aartappels te skep. Toediening met Rugby® 10 ME voor plant skop die seisoen reg af, en gee jou gewasse die heel beste kans om te presteer. Rugby® 10 ME bevat kadusafos (organofosfaat) Reg. Nr. L6368 Wet Nr 36 van 1947, skadelik. FMC Chemicals (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 44, Postnet Menlyn, Waterkloof Glen, 0181, Republiek van Suid-Afrika. Tel: +27 12 003 2938. Rugby® is die handelsmerk van FMC Corporation of sy affiliate. Datum: 01/2019. TD 19/023
plaaslike NUUS
Amendment to regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of potatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa / Wysiging van regulasies met betrekking tot die gradering, verpakking en merk van aartappels wat vir verkope in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika bestem is
Geagte aartappelbedryfsrolspeler
Dear potato industry stakeholder
Die Wet op Landbouprodukstandaarde, 1990 (Wet No. 119 van 1990) maak voorsiening vir regulasies rakende die gradering, verpakking en merk van aartappels wat in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika vir verkope bestem is. 'n Proses om die genoemde regulasie te hersien, meer spesifiek Regulasie No. R 1031 wat op 12 November 2010 in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer is, het in 2015 begin. Dit het 'n proses van omvattende samesprekings met belanghebbendes behels rakende verskeie wysigings van die regulasie. Van die kwessies wat oorweeg is, is onder andere:
The Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990) makes provision for regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of potatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa. A process to review the mentioned regulation, more specifically Regulation No. R 1031 that was published in the Government Gazette (no. 33735) on 12 November 2010, commenced in 2015. This entailed a process of comprehensive stakeholder engagement to consider several amendments of the regulation. Some of the issues that were considered included, amongst other things:
1. Harmonisering van die definisies tussen die plaaslike en uitvoerstandaarde; 2. Wysigings aan die groottegroepe; 3. Wysigings op geselekteerde kwaliteitsfaktore; 4. Insluiting van ongewaste aartappels. Die eerste konsep van die gewysigde regulasies is op 12 Junie 2018 vir openbare kommentaar vrygestel. Die tweede en laaste konsep van die gewysigde regulasies is op 12 Julie 2018 vir openbare kommentaar vrygestel. Die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye (DLBV) het die voorlegging en die teks onderteken vir kennisgewing aan die WĂŞreldhandelsorganisasie (WHO) / Tegniese Handelsbeperkinge (THB) op 3 Desember 2018. Die lidlande is 'n Page 14
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1. Harmonization of the definitions between the local and export standards; 2. Amendments to the size groups; 3. Amendments to selected quality factors; 4. Inclusion of unwashed potatoes. The first draft of the amended regulations was released for public comment on 12 June 2018. The second and final draft of the amended regulations was released for public comment on 12 July 2018. The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) signed the submission and the text for notification to the World Trade Organisation (WTO)/ Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) on 3 December 2018. Member
NUUS NEWS verpligte tydperk van 60 dae (tot 3 Februarie 2019) gegee om kommentaar te lewer. Die gewysigde regulasie is op 1 Maart 2019 in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer.
countries were given a mandatory 60-day period (that was until 3 February 2019) to comment. The amended regulation was published in the Government Gazette on 1 March 2019.
Dit beteken dat alle toepaslike belanghebbendes vanaf 1 Maart 2019 aan die nuwe regulasie moet voldoen.
This means that all applicable stakeholders will have to comply with the new regulation as of 1 March 2019.
Belanghebbendes word daarom aangemoedig om die nuwe regulasie noukeurig te bestudeer. Een van die belangrikste aspekte waarvan kennis geneem moet word, is die wysigings in groottegroepe. Aangeheg vir u gerief is die nuwe regulasie met wysigings uitgelig.
Stakeholders are therefore encouraged to carefully study the new regulation. One of the most important aspects to take cognisance of is the changes in size groups. For your convenience the new regulation is attached with highlighted changes. C
VORIGE GROOTTEGROEPE / PREVIOUS SIZE GROUPS Groottegroep / Size Group Baby Klein / Small Groot Medium / Large Medium Medium / Medium Groot / Large
Minimum gewig per knol / Minimum mass per tuber
Maksimum gewig per knol / Maximum mass per tuber
90g 250g
170g ** +
** Opsionele groottegroep van – minimum 90g – maksimum 120g wat duidelik gemerk moet wees KleinMedium / Optional sizing of minimum 90g – maximum 120g which shall be clearly marked Small-Medium.
Minimum gewig per knol / Minimum mass per tuber
Maksimum gewig per knol / Maximum mass per tuber
Ekstra klein / Extra Small
50g **
Klein / Small
Klein Medium / Small Medium
120g **
Medium / Medium
Groot Medium / Large Medium
250g **
Groot / Large
Ekstra groot / Extra Large
+ **
** Opsionele groottes wat dienooreenkomstig gemerk moet word / Optional sizing which shall be clearly marked as such. Uitgereik deur / Issued by: Aartappels SA se Departement: Kommunikasie / Potatoes SA’s Departement: Communication
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Potatoes South Africa appoints Bernice Manana as Chief Operating Officer Bernice Manana comes with a wealth of experience from various industries. She has worked in both the private and the public sector and has solid leadership and commercial banking experience. Bernice has a passion for finance, strategy, operations and people development. She has a strong business acumen and has spearheaded SMME development for the bank and business chambers in the Mpumalanga province. Her experience on executive level includes being Head Management Accountant in the private sector and CFO in the public sector.
toegang gee tot nuwe markte en addisionele produksiekapasiteit. Hierdie ooreenkoms is in lyn met Kynoch se besigheidsmodel om verbeterde doeltreffendheid deur innovasie te verseker. Sidi Parani sal deur ’n proses van beplanning en integrasie gaan en gedurende die periode sal elke besigheid individueel voortgaan. Dit sal verseker dat waardevolle belanghebbendes gemaklik is met die veranderinge en dat werknemers ten volle geïntegreerd is met die besigheidsmodel. Volgens Bruce Shuker, Kommersiële Bestuurder van Kynoch, is daar ruimte om ’n aansienlike posisie in die Suid-Afrikaanse- en Afrika-kunsmismark te bou. Profert Kunsmis Farmisco (Edms) Bpk, wat handeldryf onder die naam Kynoch Kunsmis, het ook Profert Kunsmis aangekoop wat 'n groot rolspeler in die korrel- en vloeibare kunsmisbedryf is. Hierdie aankoopooreenkoms sal Kynoch toegang gee tot addisionele produksiekapasiteit om voort te bou op hulle leuse: verbeterde doeltreffendheid deur innovasie.
Until she joined Potatoes SA in March this year, Bernice has been head of Absa commercial banking in Mpumalanga. Her banking portfolio included both commercial and agricultural clients where she developed strong stakeholder relationships. Bernice has a BCom Accounting degree obtained from RAU (now UJ). She speaks five different languages. Kynoch kondig die aankoop van Sidi Parani en Profert Kunsmis aan Sidi Parini Kynoch Kunsmis, ’n afdeling van Farmisco (Edms) Bpk en ’n toonaangewende plantvoedingvervaardiger en verspreider, het op 26 Februarie toestemming van die Kompetisie Kommissie ontvang vir die suksesvolle verkryging van die oorblywende 51% in Sidi Parani. Dit beteken dat Kynoch deur middel van die houermaatskappy, EIHL, nou die 100% aandeelhouer in Sidi Parani is. Sidi Parani is ’n invloedryke rolspeler in vloeibare kunsmis in die Noord-Kaap, Noordwes en WesVrystaat. Kynoch sal met die verkryging van Sidi Parani ’n meer fokus gedrewe en ekonomiese volhoubare kunsmis besigheid verseker. Die aankoopooreenkoms sal die maatskappy ook
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Four tech trends impacting agriculture in 2019 Technology continues to play a prominent role in the development of agriculture globally while helping the industry to break into new frontiers. Dawie Maree, Head of Information and Marketing for FNB Agriculture, says agricultural technology innovation is evolving at an unprecedented pace, leaving farmers with no choice but to adapt and reinvent themselves in order to compete, grow and sustain their businesses. “The agricultural industry globally is successfully overcoming some of its prominent environmental and food production challenges through the use of new and advanced technologies, and South Africa is no exception,” says Maree. He points out key tech trends to shape agriculture in 2019: • Big Data – the industry is increasingly using data analytics to improve operational efficiency and yield prediction.
Farmers are now able to implement complex systems that assist them with equipment management. This is also combined with data on weather patterns, soil conditions as well as crops to be planted, to develop a formula to determine the best time and place to plant and harvest.
EDE FARMING (PTY) LTD Middelburg Mpumalanga
Big data is also useful for forecasting demand for crops, yield on crops, as well as potential land size and usage of land. • Drip Irrigation – given the recent drought conditions which cost South African farmers billions of Rands in losses, there’s a lot of investment in the development of advanced drip irrigation technology, which allows farmers to limit wastage by efficiently delivering the exact amount of water to the soil, needed by their crops to grow. • Vertical farming – this modern form of farming used to produce food in a smaller controlled environment through vertically stacked layers to save on water and fertilizer – is no longer just a ‘buzz word’, but reality. A number of farmers in South Africa are already successfully using this technology as part of their farming practices.
Requirements • Ability to manage staff • Responsible for all aspects of potato division and warehouse • Tertiary qualifications - work experience will be an advantage • Must have a passion for potatoes Salary : Market related / Accommodation on farm Send your CV with contactable references to 086 6301 692 E - mail : karin@edefarming.co.za Closing date for applications : 30/5/2019 If you were not contacted two weeks after the closing date you may assume that your application was unsuccessful
• Mobile apps – smartphones are no longer just used for multimedia purposes and accessing information through the internet. Farmers are now actively using apps to monitor their crops via GPS, calculate feed, save water, get access to networks and markets, etc. Maree says mobile apps have become a major disruptor in the agricultural industry. Developers globally are working around the clock to introduce app innovations that were once unimageable – there are now apps that are able to spot over 430 weed species and identify their characteristics, at a click of a button. “Farmers are urged to regularly research and educate themselves on new technological developments in the industry to avoid being left behind. Those who are still pessimistic, do so at their peril,” concludes Maree. C
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The state of potatoes in the South African informal market Xolisiswe Potelwa, Potatoes South Africa
Potatoes that are sold on the South Africa’s national fresh produce markets are marketed through different channels. These channels include exports, the formal market (typically retailers and wholesalers), the informal market (consisting of hawkers and informal retailers) and the processing industry with shares of 5%, 23%, 65% and 6% respectively in 2018. The market share of the informal sector has been on the rise since 2013 in terms of percentage growth in potato sales. This can be ascribed to an increase in the number of people entering the informal trade sector to make a living from the trade in vegetables and fruits. Table 1 presents buyers’ profile on the national fresh produce market in South Africa.
During 2014/ 2015 Potatoes South Africa commissioned a study on the informal sector with the emphasis on hawkers and their clientele. The study discovered that potatoes are a top selling
product since it is easy to sell, attracts consumers and lasts longer compared to other fresh
Table 1: National fresh produce market’s buyers’ profile Market segment
Growth %
Source: PROKONSA Page 20
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produce. Although it was clear that hawkers play a vitally important role as intermediaries to sell potatoes, they reported facing numerous challenges such selling space, storage facilities, transport and cash flow management. From a consumer perceptive, hawkers represent an important link in the value chain because the venues utilised by hawkers to operate their businesses are on the routes consumers use to get home, as well as offering value for money and quality. Other studies pertaining to the informal sector reaffirms the aforementioned. Potatoes South Africa recently conducted a pilot study in four areas of the Gauteng Province, i.e. Atteridgeville, Mamelodi, Tembisa and the Nelson Mandela Market. This was done to determine the top selling products among the hawkers, including the most popular size of potatoes that is bought by consumers; the challenges facing hawkers to sell more potatoes as well as the factors that drive their sales and enticing customers to buy more. The pilot study revealed that potatoes are the highest selling fresh product. It was further discovered that about 53% of business operations that were interviewed are expanding their operations. The rest cited price fluctuations in the market place, limited resources and weather conditions as reasons that restrict them from expanding their businesses.
• Sifra and Mondial are the most preferred cultivars by the hawkers because of continuous availability on the fresh produce markets and consumer preferences. The hawkers are currently facing several challenges such as market price instability, lack of storage facilities, rotting of the produce, poor cash flow situations and the general structure of the informal trade. Hawkers, however, indicated that they are motivated to increase their sales/ capacity to ensure that they can provide food for their families, generate an income, maintaining a certain lifestyle and sustain their daily livelihoods. C
Hawkers confirmed that they need to sell good quality potatoes at all times because consumers want good quality potatoes at an affordable price. Through interviews with hawkers during the pilot study it was also discovered that: • Hawkers prefer medium, large and mixed (specifically large-medium) size potatoes; • Potatoes are repacked into one kilogram bags; • Potato prices range from R5.00 to R8.00 per kilogram depending on the location. For example, in Tembisa a kilogram of potatoes sells for R5.00.
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Potato production on sandy soils: are farmers over-irrigating? Authors: Prof. Linus Franke (University of the Free State), Prof. Martin Steyn (University of Pretoria), Mr. Malcolm Kayes (University of Stellenbosch)
Automatic weather station (photo: Martin Steyn) Introduction Water is a scarce resource in South Africa and the optimum use of water in potato production is a crucial aspect defining the sustainability of potato production. Water use efficiency of potato production, that is the amount of potato tuber produced for a certain amount of water applied, indicates how efficient the water supplied to the crop through irrigation or rainfall is used to produce potatoes. A high use of water can lead to water losses through deep drainage, which also leads to losses of nutrients such as nitrogen.
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A survey among potato growers in South Africa (Steyn et al., 2016) highlighted large differences in water use efficiency among potato growers in South Africa. Such large differences can be anticipated between production regions, as each region has unique soil and climatological characteristics. However, also major differences in water use and use efficiency were observed between growers within regions where farming takes place under relatively homogenous agro-ecological conditions. Most likely, these differences within regions can be attributed to differences in crop management. To explain this wide variability in water use and use efficiency and to derive optimal ways of managing water resources during potato production, we measured water inputs (rain and irrigation) and losses (evapotranspiration and drainage) on a daily basis in a range of potato fields. The field activities focussed on potato farms in North West (Louwna region) and the Sandveld, as both regions have mostly sandy soils, with a low water holding capacity and therefore a high risk of losing water through deep drainage, and both regions depend mainly on borehole water for irrigation, being particularly susceptible to over-use. As far as we are aware, this is the first time that drainage rates are measured and published in irrigated field crops on commercial farms in South Africa. Methodology To derive a soil water balance, the inputs and losses of water in the soil need to be quantified. Water is added to the soil primarily through irrigation and rainfall, while water is lost from the soil primarily through evapotranspiration (ET) and deep drainage. Water inputs from irrigation were quantified through pressure transducers installed at the centre of the pivot
TEGNIESE NUUS TECHNICAL NEWS Results Table 1 shows characteristics of the six potato fields that were monitored. In the Sandveld, the crops were planted in May, July and October, giving crops growing in winter, spring and summer, respectively. Due to differences in radiation, the potential yield of a crop growing in summer is higher than that of a winter crop, provided that excessive heat stress can be avoided in summer. The actual yields reflect this difference in available radiation. Rain in the Sandveld primarily occurs in winter. This, combined with lower ET rates in winter, implies that the irrigation requirements of a winter crop are considerably less than those of a summer crop. In North West, the ideal planting window for potato is narrower and crops were planted between late August and early October. Although most rain falls in summer, the crops in North West received only little rainfall.
Drainage lysimeter installation (photo: Martin Steyn) measuring the time when the pivot is irrigating. This, combined with a measurement of the flow delivered by the pivot allows for an accurate quantification of the amount of water applied. The amount of rainfall was quantified with automatic rain gauges. Deep drainage beyond the potato roots was assessed with the help of a lysimeter (Decagon G3) measuring the drainage that passed beyond 1 m soil depth. We assumed that water draining below 1 m depth is not accessible to the potato crop anymore. Drainage was quantified through a pressure sensor at the bottom of the lysimeter and by pumping out and measuring the volume of the water collected by the lysimeter. ET is difficult to measure directly and was derived from weather data collected by nearby weather stations. The calculated grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was assumed to be representative of the crop’s ET. However, in case the crop is stressed for water, the actual ET may be less. This set of measurements was done in 4 potato fields in North West and 8 fields in the Sandveld during the 2017/18 cropping seasons. In North West, the crops following potato are currently being assessed in a similar manner, while in the Sandveld additional potato fields are being monitored. In this article, we show the results from a selection of six fields and highlight some general principles that we can derive from these results at this stage.
To understand the figures showing the daily irrigation and rainfall, the daily ETo, as well as the accumulated drainage over time for each field, we need to compare the daily inputs (water + irrigation) with the ET of the crop. As sandy soils have a poor ability to store water and the rooting depth of potato is relatively shallow, drainage can be expected to occur soon when the water inputs into the soil exceed the ET of the crop. On Field 1 (winter crop in the Sandveld) between 13 June and 4 July, frequent rainfall implied that water inputs were considerably above ETo values, with substantial drainage as a result, especially after the heavy rainfall of 1 July. Also, after 4 July, occasional rain showers and irrigation rates that were above daily ETo rates led to additional drainage, giving a total drainage over the season of 313 mm. In Field 2, ETo
Extractions of drainage water collected by the lysimeter (photo: Martin Steyn)
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Table 1 field characteristics, yield, the accumulated rain, irrigation, the potential evapotranspiration (ETo) and drainage over the season, as well as the water use efficiency (WUE) based on irrigation + rainfall and irrigation water only for six different potato crops. Field
Planting date
Yield (t ha-1)
Water inputs Rain (mm)
Water losses
Irrigation (mm)
ETo (mm)
Drainage (mm)
(kg tuber mm-1 rain + irrigation)
(kg tuber mm-1 irrigation)
Field 1
May 2
Field 2
July 31
Field 3
Oct 11
Field 4
North West
Aug 29
Field 5
North West
Oct 3
Field 6
North West
Oct 4
values were higher than Field 1, as the crop in Field 2 was growing during the warmer spring period. In Field 2, irrigation rates were well in line with daily ETo rates and rain was scarce in this growing season, with the exception of one major shower on 22 October. As a result, almost no drainage was recorded for this field. For Field 3, the crop was growing through the middle of the warm summer months, and ETo was even higher than for Field 2. While rainfall was scarce in this growing season, irrigation rates often exceeded ET rates, which resulted in substantial drainage. In North West, the farmer at Field 4 generally irrigated less than the potential ET of the crop. It is therefore likely that the crop somewhat suffered from water stress because actual ET values were less than the potential. As rain was almost non-existent in this season, no drainage was recorded in this field. Field 5 could be considered a special case. As a result of a power failure on 23 Nov, the irrigation boom probably came to a standstill above the lysimeter and the automatic rain gauge recorded 104 mm of water overnight (23-24 Nov). This obviously led to a major surge in drainage. As the soil in this field consisted of coarse sand with a very low water holding ability and no limiting layers in the profile, drainage continued to be substantial during the growing season, although
irrigation did not exceed ET for most of the season. In Field 6, irrigation rates did somewhat exceed ET rates for most of the growing season, but nevertheless no drainage was recorded in this field. This was the only field that did not have a freely draining, sandy soil. Instead, it had a loamy soil with a better water holding ability and a chalky layer at 0.8 – 1.0 m depth that impeded vertical water flow. This explains the lack of drainage observed in this field. Soils with a water table are considerably less susceptible to drainage, although water logging can be a problem when rainfall is excessive. Water use efficiency (WUE) was calculated based on total amounts of rain and irrigation applied, or based on irrigation amounts only (Table 1). It is more common to calculate WUE based on both rain and irrigation. However, farmers have no control over rainfall, while irrigation water is scarce and should be used as efficiently as possible. The winter crop in the Sandveld produced a relatively low yield, which is typical for a winter crop. Due to the high rainfall and low irrigation amounts, this crop achieved a low WUE based on both rainfall and irrigation, but a high WUE based on irrigation only. Field 3 and Field 4 both achieved high WUEs, but for different reasons. Potato Field 3 achieved a very high yield (118 t/ha),
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which led to a high WUE, despite a high irrigation amount (913 mm) and substantial drainage. So for this field there was an opportunity to further save irrigation water by matching irrigation amounts with measured daily ETo values and achieve even higher WUE. In Field 4, the farmer achieved a fair yield with a low irrigation use, giving a high WUE. This is a sensible strategy in a water-scarce environment.
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Conclusions The results show that in case a farmer is able to irrigate the potato crop in line with the daily ET of the crop, drainage can be kept to a minimum, even on sandy soils with little water holding capacities. On half the studied fields almost no drainage was recorded, indicating that many farmers manage their irrigation
rates well in accordance to the crop’s needs. The results suggest that ETo (the grass reference evapotranspiration, which is often generated by weather stations) is a good indicator of the actual ET of a well-watered potato crop. Farmers can therefore use ETo values as a tool to schedule their irrigation rates, possibly in combination with soil moisture probes. The differences in ET between a winter crop (Field 1) and a spring / summer crop (e.g. Field 2 and Field 3) in the Sandveld indicates that water requirements of a winter crop are relatively low and it is easy to overirrigate a winter crop. Rainfall is a major cause of drainage and farmers have little control over this. Furthermore, rainfall can often not be reliably predicted under South African conditions. As the water holding capacity in the root zone of a sandy soil is so limited, it is difficult for a farmer to adjust irrigation amounts based on rain forecasts. In case the rain does not realise but the farmer already reduced irrigation, the crop may quickly run into water stress. Fields that have a water table are much less susceptible to drainage than freely draining unstructured soils, but face a higher risk of water
logging during periods of high rainfall, especially when the limiting layer is shallow (<0.8 m) in the profile. There are two strategies possible to maximise WUE. In Field 1 and Field 4, farmers achieve reasonable yields with low irrigation amounts by either growing a crop in winter when ET rates are low and rainfall occurs (Field 1), or by carefully irrigating the crop at or just below the potential ET rates (Field 4). Under high yielding conditions (Field 3, summer crop in the Sandveld), a farmer may copiously irrigate a crop and yet achieve a high WUE, provided that the very high yield potential in this season is reflected by the actual yield. C
Acknowledgements This work has been made possible through funding from Potatoes South Africa, Yara Africa Fertilizer (Pty) Ltd and Simba (Pty) Ltd. The authors would like to thank the farmers in the Sandveld and North West for their collaboration.
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Characterization of the Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab lesions on potato tubers Dr Michele Cloete, Dr Elsie Cruywagen and Ms Kgothatso Chauke, Agricultural Research Council
In South Africa common scab. is caused mainly by Streptomyces scabiei and to a lesser extent by S. europascabiei, S. stelliscabiei and S. caviscabiei. Since early 2010 a distinct atypical symptom was observed in some production regions in South Africa. Longitudinal fissures 3 to 12 mm deep containing scab-like lesions were observed on tubers of several potato cultivars. The symptoms differed from growth cracks in that the surface inside growth cracks is smooth, whereas the surface of atypical cracks is covered by corky tissue. Since symptoms were first noticed, samples were sent to various specialists in South Africa to determine whether these symptoms were caused by one or more pathogens or whether it is caused by other factors such as herbicides.
In 2012 Gouws and McCleod reported that Streptomyces species were isolated from these atypical lesions and named the lesions ‘fissure scab’. The Streptomyces species were identified using conventional and molecular techniques by comparing DNA sequences to those of known species on GenBank. (www.ncbi.nih.gov) Gouws and McCleod reported that 'fissure scab’ is caused by a unique Streptomyces and that the isolates may be related to S. werraensis, S. pseudogriseolus or S. gancidicus. To confirm that these unique Streptomyces isolates are indeed pathogenic and the cause of fissure scab, disease-free plants were inoculated with these isolates and at the end of the season, the same isolates were again isolated from the fissure scab lesions on daughter tubers (Koch’s postulate).
Figure 1 Typical fissure scab lesions (left) and a typical growth crack (right) Page 28
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TEGNIESE NUUS TECHNICAL NEWS Following this first report a number of questions still needed to be answered, such as the identification of the unique Streptomyces species and the role of Rhizoctonia, the National Seed Potato Committee requested a diagnostic test to assist Potato Certification Service to correctly identify fissure scablike symptoms on seed tubers. In addition, pathologists in other countries are of the opinion that corky crack symptoms are caused by Rhizoctonia. Research on fissure scab was resumed by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in 2015 to find answers to the questions. Is fissure scab caused by a single Streptomyces species, or is it a species complex? A total of 142 Streptomyces cultures were isolated from potato tubers displaying fissure scab symptoms that were collected from the KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, East Free State, Western Free State, Northern Cape and Gauteng production regions in 2010-2018. The isolates were characterized using PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA, and five housekeeping genes followed by sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. Three main distinct groupings were obtained and named species 1, species 2 and species 3. A total of 60% of the isolates obtained from fissure
scab lesions belong to three Streptomyces spp. (Figure 2). Research was therefore focused on Streptomyces species 1, 2 and 3. The other species consist of 37 other Streptomyces species that need to be investigated further to determine if they are pathogenic and able to cause fissure scab symptoms. Are the Streptomyces isolates from each of species 1, 2 and 3 pathogenic? A glasshouse trial was carried out to determine if the isolates from the three main species were pathogenic. Potato cultivars Mondial and Innovator, which are susceptible to fissure scab, was infected with three isolates from each species. The results are shown in Figure 3. All the isolates from the three species were pathogenic, albeit at different degrees. Do the Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab all contain the genes known to be involved in common scab disease development? Streptomyces species associated with common scab require specific pathogenicity island genes (PAI) to cause disease on potato tubers. The three PAI genes required for disease development are Thaxtomin AB (txtAB), Tomatinase A (tom A) and necrotic factor 1
Strepomyces species associated with fissure scab
Other species 34%
Species 1 17% Species 2 18%
S. scabiei compl. 6% Species 3 25%
Figure 2. A representative view of the percentage of isolates belonging to each species. CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ March/April 2019
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Figure 3. Results of the pathogenicity trial with three isolates from each species on inoculated Mondial and Innovator. (nec 1) genes. These genes are critical for disease development in the case of common scab. The question arose whether the isolates of the three main Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab would also harbour the PAI genes. The isolates were thus screened for presence or absence of the three PAI genes and the results are summarized in Table 1.
associated with fissure scab implies that there must be another mechanism of disease development in these species. The disease mechanism of these species need to be investigated further.
None of the isolates from species 1 and 2 contained any of the PAI genes. Only 14 of the 60 isolates tested from species 3 contained the Nec 1 gene, but not any of the other PAI genes. The Streptomyces scabiei complex isolates contained all three the PAI genes. Of the other 37 species that might play a role in fissure scab, 16 isolates contained the tom A gene and 2 contained the nec 1 gene. The absence of the PAI genes in the species
Questions were raised if fissure scab can be transmitted from mother to daughter tubers (vertical transmission) and it fissure scab is indeed a soil-borne disease. Figure 4 shows the results for the first and the second transmission trial.
What is the mode of transmission of fissure scab?
These results indicated that mother-to-daughter transmission occurs (VT), and that fissure scab is indeed a soil-borne disease (HT).
Table 1: Number of Streptomyces isolates that tested positive for Pathogenicity island (PAI) genes. tomA
Species 1 (60 isolates)
Species 2 (60 isolates)
Species 3 (60 isolates)
Isolates grouping with S. scabiei
Other Streptomyces species (minor clades)
Positive control (S. scabiei)
Negative control (water)
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Do cultivars differ in their tolerance to fissure scab? Common scab is effectively managed by planting of resistant/tolerant cultivars. Since both common scab and fissure scab are caused by Streptomyces species, control of fissure scab should also be achieved by the planting of cultivars tolerant to Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab. The field trials were conducted over three seasons in a field that was previously inoculated with fissure scab isolates. The most susceptible cultivars were Mondial, Innovator and Eos. The most tolerant cultivars were Arizona and Up-to-Date. Was it possible to develop a diagnostic test to specifically detect the major pathogens of fissure scab? A diagnostic test was developed by qPCR
amplification of a hypervariable region of the 16S rDNA, followed by High Resolution Melting Point (HRM) analyses of the products. The qPCR-HRM test was able to distinguish between the three Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab, as well as three species in the Streptomyces scabiei complex that is associated with common scab in South Africa. Figure 5 shows the results of the diagnostic test.
Is Streptomyces the only pathogen isolated from the lesions? Isolations for both bacteria and fungi were done from 199 tubers. The fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani was isolated along with Streptomyces from five tubers. Streptomyces only, was isolated from 174 tubers and Rhizoctonia only, was isolated from 20 tubers. (Figure 6). It thus seems that co-infection of the two pathogens rarely occurs.
Are there differences in the symptoms observed where the various pathogens are isolated? Figure 7 shows potato tubers where the various Streptomyces species were isolated as well as Rhizoctonia.
There is a lot of overlap in the symptoms observed. It is therefore not possible to predict which pathogen is responsible for the symptoms before isolations and identifications are done. Conclusions
Figure 4. Mode of transmission trials in 2017(A) and 2018 (B). C is uninfected negative control. HT treatments consisted of disease free Mondial tubers, planted in infected soil from previous glasshouse trials. VT treatment consisted of daughter tubers, from an infected glasshouse trial, that were planted in sterile soil.
The symptoms of fissure scab on potatoes are caused by a complex of microorganisms that include both various Streptomyces species as well as Rhizoctonia solani. The mechanisms of disease development of the Streptomyces species should be investigated further
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to common scab, is very susceptible to fissure scab. Currently none of the cultivars evaluated have shown tolerance to both common scab and fissure scab. Newly developed cultivars should be evaluated for tolerance to both these pathogens in order to provide farmers with the best possible options to obtain maximum disease-free yields. Figure 5. qPCR-HRM diagnostic test that can detect all the fissure scab clades as well as S. scabiei, S. stelliscabiei and S. caviscabiei.
References Gouws, R. and McCleod, A. (2012) Fissure Scab, a New Symptom Associated with potato Common Scab Caused by a Streptomyces sp. in South Africa. Plant Disease 96 (8): 1223 Acknowledgements We thank Dr Rene Sutherland for assistance with field trials and statistical analyses and Mr. Nthako Supu for assisting with the field trials and glasshouse trials. C
Figure 6. Isolations for both Streptomyces sp. and Rhizoctonia solani were done from potato tubers with fissure scab symptoms. as the typical pathogenicity genes of pathogenic Streptomyces species are not present in most of the isolates obtained from fissure scab symptoms. The 37 species (49 isolates) that comprise 34% of the isolated Streptomyces cultures should also be investigated further to determine if these species are capable of causing fissure scab on potato tubers. Initial results show that Up-to-Date, Arizona and Sifra are cultivars that may provide good tolerance to infection by Streptomyces species associated with fissure scab. Further field trials are needed to confirm these findings. Mondial, Innovator and Eos should not be planted in fields with a history of fissure scab as they tested susceptible in trails at Roodeplaat. It is unfortunate that Mondial, that has good tolerance
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Streptomyces and Rhizoctonia
(clade 1)
(clade 2)
(clade 3)
Streptomyces (other)
Figure 7 CHIPS â&#x20AC;¢ March/April 2019
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The powdery scab roadshow Gawie Geyer, CHIPS, Dr Fienie Niederwieser and Chantel du Raan, Potatoes South Africa
Sandveld seminar
As a result of an increase in the incidence and consequently the negative impacts of powdery scab on potato yields and quality in South Africa, Potatoes South Africa has invited Prof Richard Falloon from the New Zealand Institute for Plant and food Research Limited, who is a well-respected, international expert on powdery scab, to share his knowledge with potato producers and chemical agents in Limpopo, KwaZuluNatal and the Sandveld production regions. As part of his introduction, Prof Falloon mentioned that powdery scab is found virtually wherever potatoes are cultivated, although no official records of the disease
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exist from some countries without active research. In his presentation Prof Falloon concentrated on the diseases of potato caused by Spongospora subterranea, the biology of the pathogen, the effects the pathogen on crop yields and the prospects of disease management. Diseases of potato caused by Spongospora Spongospora is known to cause three diseases on potatoes: i.e. root hair infections that affect plant
TEGNIESE NUUS TECHNICAL NEWS growth, root galls that enhance the multiplication of the pathogen, and powdery scab on tubers that severely reduces tuber quality. Root hair infections are difficult to see, as they can only be observed with a microscope, but the impact on the plant growth can be severe. These infections affect the normal function of roots (water and nutrient uptake), and therefore affect growth and disease susceptibility. Root gall infection can also be difficult to see, but also affect normal root functioning. However, it is the powdery scabs on potato tubers that have severe effects on the saleability of potatoes, particularly when they are for seed production, for processing purposes or for fresh market sale. Biology of Spongospora
KwaZulu-Natal seminar
A single powdery scab lesion on a potato tuber could contain many hundreds of sporeballs, and each sporeball can contain between 200 and 6 000 resting spores. These can survive in the soil for long periods. In the presence of host plants, such as potato, and with cool, moist conditions, the resting spores geminate to release zoospores that require little water around soil particles to swim, and these zoospores penetrate root and stolon cells (including developing tubers) to form root galls and tuber powdery scab. The zoospores inject their content through the host cell walls and then multiply to release many more zoospores. This cycling of the pathogen can greatly increase inoculum to infect more host plant tissues. Root infections can later develop as root galls, and these as well as tuber scabs develop into masses of resistant spore balls which in turn infest the surrounding soil. The new sporeballs can survive for many years. Effect of Spongospora on crop yields Prof Falloon summarized New Zealand research (in glasshouse experiments and field trials) which determined effects of Spongospora on plant growth and productivity. A field trial to determine the impact of soil applied pesticides in a Spongospora infested field (in 1993)
Potato tubers treated with fluazinam were planted in a trial where the soils was infested with Spongospora. The resulting plants produced tubers of which only 3% had powdery scab and the tuber yield was equivalent to 57.3 tonnes per hectare. Where untreated tubers were planted, 36% of harvested tubers had powdery scab and the yield was 44.7 tonnes per hectares. This 28% decrease in yield demonstrated the negative impacts of Spongospora (powdery scab) on tuber quality and on tuber yield. (The increase in incidence of Spongospora in New Zealand before these studies were instigated was possibly due to the banning of the use of mercury seed tuber treatments.) A field trial to determine the impacts of Spongospora diseases on water uptake of infected plants (1995) This trial used the highly susceptible New Zealand cultivar ‘Iwa’ planted into a field site where potatoes had not been grown. Half of the planted tubers were inoculated with Spongospora (minced powdery scab infected tubers applied to the planning holes). Drip irrigation was used to keep the soil moist. There was a clear distinction between the yields from the noninoculated and inoculated plants, again illustrating the impacts of Spongospora on yields (see table below):
Plant status
Kilograms tubers per plant
Number of tubers per plant
Weight (g) per tuber
No pathogen
Spongospora inoculated
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greater than 90 t/ha are possible. A multi-year project has endeavoured to identify the causes of this “yield gap”, the difference between actual and modelpredicted yields. During New Zealand’s 2016/2017 growing season, 25 potato crops were surveyed in detail. The crops were all received optimum management (including irrigation, weed control and adequate fertilizer). All 25 crops developed Rhizoctonia stem canker, with 17 crops having severe stem canker. Seventeen of the crops had Spongospora root galls, with 12 crops having severe root galling. Tom Burke seminar Soil moisture for some of the non-inoculated and inoculated plants was measured (using time domain reflectometry), to determine the uptake of the available water. This showed that water and nutrient uptake by the inoculated plants were reduced, which reduced plant growth and tuber development. Glasshouse experiment to determine effects of Spongospora plant water uptake. A follow-up experiment measured water uptake (root function) by eight cultivars with different susceptibilities to tuber powdery scab (from very resistant to very susceptible). Plants of each cultivar were either non -inoculated or inoculated with Spongospora. The plants were grown in coarse river sand to which nutrient solution was applied. The results showed that Spongospora root infection severely inhibits water and nutrient uptake, and consequently adversely affects potato plant growth and productivity of tubers. These effects on root function occurred for all of the cultivars, including those that are very resistant to tuber powdery scab. Severity of root galling was also measured, but again, numbers of root galls was not related to susceptibility to tuber powdery scab.
In respect of crops the crops with severe Rhizoctonia stem canker and Spongospora root galling, crop losses of up to 36 t/ha were measured, based on the computer model prediction of potential yields greater than 90 t/ha. It was difficult to determine the individual effects of the two diseases, but together they were responsible for considerable yield depletion in these well-managed potato crops. Prospects of disease management Plant disease control strategies attempt to break the life cycles of disease-causing pathogens. In the case of Spongospora disease of potato, disease management aims to prevent the pathogen from entering potato host plants, particularly roots or tubers. However, soil-borne diseases, such as those caused by Spongospora, are complex and intractable because of the long term survival capabilities of the pathogens, the complexity of the soil environment and because epidemics develop in the soil making it difficult to disrupt (break) pathogen life cycles. Measures that should be considered in an integrated management program for Spongospora diseases can be divided into three stages in the potato crop cycle: pre-planting, at seed tuber planting or during crop growth.
This experiment clearly demonstrated that disrupted root function (resulting from root hair infections), root galling and tuber powdery scab are three distinct and separate diseases caused by Spongospora. These diseases occur on different parts of potato plants, and at different stages during plant growth. Potato “yield gap” research In the New Zealand, the average potato yield per hectare is between 45 and 55 t/ha under irrigation, which is regarded as marginal for profitability. A verified computer model has indicated that yields
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Dendron seminar
Diseases of potato caused by Spongospora
Root hair infections
Galls on roots
Pre-planting control methods • Introduce and maintain long term crop rotations with preferably ten or more years between potato crops. • Apply suitable nutrients (e.g. ammonium nitrogen fertilizers) to prevent root and tuber infections. • Have soil tests done to ensure the soil is free from Spongospora infestation. • Apply soil fumigation (if available). • Prevent soil contamination by ensuring that effluent such as manure from animals that have been fed discarded/diseased potato tubers, or potato processing factory waste, are not spread on fields to be used for potato crops. Control methods applied at planting • Use a cultivar that is resistant or tolerant to powdery scab and Spongospora root galling. • Plant certified seed potatoes.
Powdery scab • Plant seed potatoes that have been treated with pesticides that are known to be active against Spongospora. • Treat the soil by administering a registered anti-Spongospora pesticide, as an in-furrow application. Control methods applied during crop growth • Manage irrigation (and possibly soil temperature) to avoid the optimum conditions for development of Spongospora diseases. Susceptibility of cultivars to root galling and tuber powdery scab The tables present results from studies conducted by Prof Jacquie van der Waals and her team from the University of Pretoria. These researchers have assessed the susceptibility of South African-available cultivars to root galling and tuber powdery scab.
Moderately susceptible
Ronaldo Up-to-Date Valor
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Moderately susceptible
POWDERY SCAB Powdery scab is a classic soil-borne disease caused by Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Powdery scab is known for occurs under cool and wet soil conditions. This could be the reason why, until relatively recently, the disease was thought to hold no major risk for potato production in South Africa. However, as in many other parts of the world, (e.g. Great Britain, Europe, Israel, North America, Chile, Australia, New Zealand) powdery scab has spread to South Africa and increased in incidence and severity in recent decades, causing mounting problems and degradation of potato quality for fresh produce markets and for seed potatoes. Although most regions in South Africa do not have cool and wet climates, potatoes are often planted and irrigated in early spring. In regions where potatoes are planted during winter, the risk of powdery scab exists throughout the growing season. The damage caused by powdery scab is visible in the form of unsightly blemishes on tubers surfaces. However, the pathogen also infects potato plant roots, causing galls, and root infections can lead to reduced water and nutrient uptake, and subsequent yield reductions.
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Managing powdery scab is a challenge, as Spongospora spore balls can survive in the soil for decades. There are currently no plant protection products registered in South Africa for treatment of seed potatoes or soil against Spongospora. The only means of managing the disease once the soil is infested, is through an integrated disease management strategy, based on: • the use of resistant or tolerant cultivars; • management of soil moisture; • planting at times when conditions are unfavourable for the development of disease; • crop rotations with non-hosts of Spongospora; and • application of fungicides registered for use on potato against powdery scab. (Extract from the fact sheet on powdery scab compiled by Potatoes South Africa’s the Department: Research and Development.) It is important to ensure that soils not infested with Spongospora are kept free from contamination. C
Grondtoegediende kalsium word vanuit die grond opgeneem deur die hoof wo elstelsel en deur die plant versprei tot by die blare. Hierdie kalsium is belangrik vir plant groei, maar word nie opgeneem deur die knolle nie.
Blaa oegediende kalsium bly hoofsaaklik in die blare. Dit beweeg slegs na die knolle wanneer dit tydens die knol-ontwikkelingsfase toegedien word, en hierdie opname is minimaal.
Die stolon en knolwo els neem kalsium op vanuit die grond wat in die knolle gestoor word.
KALSIUM BEÏNVLOED ONDER ANDERE: Spanningsverdraagsaamheid
• Vinnige vrystelling van kalsium VERKURKING
• Beter oppervlak bedekking
NexusAG gebruik ‘n hoë kwaliteit ultrafyn gipskorrel (<40 mikron) wat toediening en optimale opname deur die stolon en knolwoels bevorder. Onlangse proewe het getoon dat kalsiumvlakke hoër ontleed in die knol met die toediening van die Microlife Groen Gipskorrels. Na toediening beweeg die gips, wat bestaan uit kalsium en sulfaat-ione, met behulp van reën of besproeiing na die dieperliggende grondlae. Dit bevorder afwaa se beweging na die aa appelknol waar die kalsium opgeneem word. Microlife Groen Gips bevat 27% kalsium, 18.4% swael en minder as 1% vog, teenoor standaard gips wat 30% vog bevat!
Kontak gerus u naaste gewasadviseur vir meer inligting oor ons Microlife Reeks wat deel vorm van ons geïntegreerde gewasbestuursprogramme!
Professor Richard E Falloon Richard Falloon has worked as a plant pathologist for 45 years, studying diseases that cause problems in pasture, arable and horticultural crops. His research has included characterisation of fungus and protozoan plant pathogens, determining their effects on quality and quantity of crop production, and evaluating methods for disease control. For the last 25 years he has focused on soil-borne diseases of potato, and particularly those caused by Spongospora subterranea. These studies have emphasised the importance of the root infection stages of this pathogen, causing harmful effects on potato plant growth and productivity. He has also worked to determine the status of soil-borne diseases in potato cropping, and to establish appropriate strategies for practical disease management. Prof Falloon currently leads a project to examine soils that are “suppressive” to Spongospora subterranean
diseases of potato, funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia. This study includes collaboration in Plant Pathology, Soil Science and Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics. The project aims to characterise soil physical, chemical and/or biological characteristics of different soils that affect expression of root galling and tuber powdery scab, caused by Spongospora subterranea in potato crops. This knowledge may indicate appropriate practical manipulations that can enhance disease suppression. Prof Falloon has held key leadership positions in plant protection learned societies, including President of the New Zealand Plant Protection Society (NZPPS), President of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) and President of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP). He is a Life Member of the NZPPS, and Fellow of the APPS, the ISPP and the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science (NZIAHS). He has recently been awarded the NZIAHS Jubilee Medal, that Society’s most prestigious award. Prof Falloon is currently Senior Research Fellow in the New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research and Honorary Professor (Plant Pathology) at Lincoln University. C
Powdery scab seminars – Answers by Prof Richard Falloon to questions from the floor 1. Can you see symptoms at tuber initiation? How long before you can see the first symptoms? Symptoms are not evident at tuber initiation. However, when you look closely at young developing tubers, you can observe pimple-like lesions on the skins. These later develop to typical powdery scab lesions after the tuber skin breaks. 2. Can you assume that if you have root galls that you are going to have tuber infection? Tuber infection depends on a number of factors.
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One factor is the cultivar. Some cultivars are more susceptible to tuber infection than others and show a lot of infection compared to very little root galls. The opposite is also true where other cultivars develop many root galls, but have few powdery scab lesions on their tubers. Prof Jacquie van der Waals commented that the reaction to Spongospora diseases by different cultivars are influenced by the environment. Prof Falloon cautioned that more research is required in this regard.
TEGNIESE NUUS TECHNICAL NEWS 3. Do we know what the physical characteristics of the variety are that makes it susceptible? Too little is known about the characteristics of the pathogen to make a firm conclusion. It will go back to the zoospores that are infecting host tissues at the cellular level. One possibility is the physical characteristics, for example the thickness of the cell membrane, which might hamper the ability of the zoospores to penetrate the cells. There are also likely to be biochemical reactions between zoospores and host plants which may have an influence. Prof Jacquie van der Waals also commented that it appears that russet skin varieties are generally more tolerant to powdery scab on tubers than non-russet varieties. 4. Can we assume that both Rhizoctonia and Spongospora thrive under cold conditions? Wet conditions definitely aid the proliferation of Spongospora, but not necessarily cold. When looking at temperature we have to consider the actual temperature (in the soil) and not air temperature. For example, in Australia there are areas where daytime temperatures reaches 35+°C, but the farmers irrigate which cools down the soil to approximately 20°C. There is buffering occurring in the soil. The optimum temperature for powdery scab ranges between 16-18°C, but infections do occur at 20°C. Optimum temperature for Rhizoctonia is slightly higher at approximately 23°C. 5. Did you use Dithane as a treatment? Dithane-M45 was tested in our trials in the mid1990s, but it showed little effect. 6. Ammonium sulphate where the source comprises of 21% ammonium and 24% sulphate is often used in South Africa. Can sulphur play a role in controlling powdery scab? Both ammonium nitrogen and sulphur could play roles in the control of powdery scab. During trials in the 1990s with sulphur as an in-furrow treatment at planting gave some reduction in powdery scab. However, nitrate nitrogen gave little to no affect when compared with ammonium nitrogen in a detailed glasshouse experiment. 7. Is it possible that the acidity of the ammonium nitrogen has an effect in comparison with nitrate? This is unlikely, since the pH affect is probably not
the reason for the disease. Studies in Switzerland have shown proved that Spongospora can infect potatoes across a broad range of pHs. 8. Can it be possible that the manganese release can have an effect? The micro-nutrients (manganese, zinc and boron) are known to have an effect – it is possible. The effects of these micro-nutrients have, again, been demonstrated in glasshouse experiments. 9. Regarding biological control, are there any parasitic fungi or bacteria that can be used to attack the pathogen, especially in the root hairs? Research on biocontrol treatments is still in its infancy, and various controls/treatments have recently been assessed for effectiveness. The one drawback of a biocontrol agent is that it is a living organism, which needs particular soil conditions (temperature, moisture, nutrients and physical characteristics) for survival and biocontrol activity. It will probably be necessary to re-apply these agents every season, or even after exceptional weather conditions. Another alternative is bio-fumigation. Researchers and growers in Australia in particular, are investing a lot of effort into this. Their focus is on brassica trials, where plants such as radish and mustard are incorporated into the soil. These crops can release chemicals which are toxic to Spongospora, or these crops could stimulate the release of zoospores, acting as >\”catch”. However, bio-fumigation has shown mixed results for reduction of soil-borne diseases of potatoes. 10. The infection beginning in the root hairs is quite interesting, I didn’t realize that this was happening. Spongospora not only infects the root hairs. It also infects the root epidermis cells, and sometimes you can also see infections in the epidermis of stolons. There are several areas (plant roots, stolons and underground stems) that can be infected. At the microscopic level, each zoospore penetrates host cells by injecting a tiny spear through the cell wall. Once inside a root cell, the pathogen does move to the vascular tissues to be distributed to other parts of the plant. Once inside the root cell, the zoospore multiplies as an amoeba-like organism. Newly formed zoospores are then released into the soil and are available to infect more plant tissues.
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11. Does the heat generated during the composting process kill Spongospora spores? No. The temperature in compost heaps rises to around 60 or 70°C. Studies in Switzerland have shown that Spongospora can survive 100°C. Compost made with infected plant residues can thus serve to spread the disease. Anecdotal evidence suggests that steam at a temperature of 200°C applied to tubers for a few seconds to remove the skin does not kill the resting spores from these tubers. 12. Unmarketable potatoes are commonly fed to cattle in South Africa. Are Spongospora spores killed by the enzymes in the digestive track of these animals? No. Spongospora spore balls are extremely resilient. The disease can thus be spread in manure while cattle are grazing to non-infested fields, even to virgin soil. Research in Switzerland has shown that the pathogen survives after passage through domestic animals. Spore balls adhering to the hooves of the animal may also be sources for inoculum spread. Farmer: To limit spread of the disease on my farm, I am going to feed sheep in a confined area and not allow grazing on potato fields. 13. When is the best time to apply pesticides for control of powdery scab? At seed tuber planting and (possibly) during tuber initiation, if pesticides can be introduced into the soil. The idea is to limit infection. Once the plant is infected no effective chemical cure is known. Application of pesticides is one aspect in the integrated approach to management of Spongospora diseases. These products may not be effective if the soil inoculum level is high, if susceptible cultivars are planted, or when the soil environment is conducive to disease development. 14. How do we know that soil is suppressive to Spongospora? Scientists do not know why some soils are suppressive to Spongospora diseases. We do know that some soils, for example some soils are suppressive in the vegetable production region south of Auckland in New Zealand, where potatoes are planted in very short rotations with other vegetables. The Australian and New
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Zealand potato industries currently fund a project in New Zealand to try to identify some of the factors playing roles in the suppression of Spongospora diseases. 15. What is the structural difference between root knot nematode and Spongospora? The galls caused by root knot nematodes have a more roundish smooth structure, whereas Spongospora galls have “cauliflower”-like from, and are usually 1-2 mm in diameter (sometimes larger). 16. Is it possible for infection of tubers to take place elsewhere, but in the soil? No. Infection of tubers only takes place in the soil, from zoospore infections at early stages of tuber development. 17. Are potatoes the sole host for Spongospora? No. Potatoes are not the sole host for Spongospora. Other Solanum spp (tomato, nightshade weeds) and several other plants (including common weeds) have been shown to host the pathogen. 18. Do cultivars get tuber infections as well as root galls? Some cultivars develop tuber infections, but not root galls, while others get few tuber infections, but develop many root galls. Some cultivars develop severe infections, both as root galls and as tuber powdery scab. 19. Are some cultivars more resistant to powdery scab than others? Yes, this is well established. Varieties with russet skins, such as Russet Burbank, are more resistant to powdery scab on tubers than other smoothskinned varieties. However, some smooth-skinned varieties are also very resistant to tuber powdery scab. C
2019 TIPE
Titel Handleiding vir Aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika @ R300
(BTW ingesluit en posgeld uitgesluit)
Beskrywing van 16 aartappelplae in Suid-Afrika Junie 2017
Beskrywing van 16 aartappelpeste in Suid-Afrika (2017)
Beste praktyke-reeks
Bundel CHIPS-artikels
Beste praktyke vir die hantering van moere (2015) Verantwoordelike gebruik van gewasbeskermingsprodukte (2016) Na-oesverrotting van aartappels / Post harvest decay of potatoes (2015).
Opslagaartappels / Volunteer potatoes (2017). Besproeiing van aartappels (2018) Plakkaat
Intene kwaliteit (2016)
Saamgestel en gepubliseer deur Aartappels Suid-Afrika (Departement: Navorsing en Ontwikkeling) September 2016 Kopiereg. Die inligting vervat in hierdie publikasie mag slegs vir eie gebruik, navorsing of studie gebruik word. Die kopiereg (geheel of gedeeltelik) van hierdie publikasie mag nie vir enige kommersiĂŤle of ander doelwit gekopieer, gereproduseer, oorgedra of gewysig word, sonder die uitdruklike geskrewe toestemming van Aartappels Suid-Afrika nie en dit mag slegs gedoen word onderhewig aan die voorwaardes ingevolge waarvan sodanige toestemming verleen word. Voorgestelde verwysing: Aartappels Suid-Afrika. 2016. Feiteblad: Alternaria-siektes. http://www.potatoes.co.za/research/factsheets.aspx Vrywaring ten opsigte van publikasies. http://www.potatoes.co.za/contact/disclaimer.aspx
Aartappelblaarmyner (2015) Aartappelmot (2015) Alternaria siektes (2017) Bakteriese verwelk (2015) Bruinskurf (2015) Fisiologiese knolafwykings (2016) Feiteblaaie
Fussaruim siektes (2018) Na-oesverlies (2017) Interne kwaliteit (2016) Poeierskurf (2016)
Verantwoordelike gebruik van gewasbeskermingsprodukte Junie 2016
Sagtevrot-swartstam (2015) Silwerskurf en swartspikkel (2015) Verticillium verwelk (2018) Virussiektes en plantluise (2016) Beskikbaar by kantore van Aartappels Suid-Afrika. Met die uitsondering van die Handleiding vir Aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika, is al die publikasies elektronies beskikbaar op www.potatoes.co.za/research Opslagaartappels Volunteer potatoes
2017 CHIPS
Wat kos dit om ’n sakkie aartappels te verpak en te bemark? Pieter van Zyl, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Elke tafelprodusent bedryf sy eie pakstoor waarvandaan hy dan ook sy aartappels bemark. Watter bydrae maak sy pakstoor tot sy totale koste en wat is sy pak- en bemarkingskoste per sakkie?
per hektaar gerealiseer word. Indien net 4 500 sakkies sou realiseer, verander die totale koste na R13.95 per sakkie. Teen 'n opbrengs van 6 500 sakkies is die ooreenstemende koste R13.34 per sakkie.
In die meegaande tabel word die volledige koste betrokke by ’n pakstoor uiteengesit, asook om die aartappels tot op die markvloer te besorg. Dit is van toepassing op Limpopo. Ook is markkommissie (markowerheid en markagent) van 12,5% in ag geneem, gegewe die streek se gemiddelde markpryse die laaste drie seisoene (alle grade, alle groottes en alle markte). Die totale koste, vanaf die pakstoor tot op die markvloer, net nadat die markagent dit verkoop het, beloop R13.59 per sakkie, aldus die tabel. Die arbeid op die land (losarbeid en eie arbeid) is nie in ag geneem nie. Indien die koste van R13.59 per sakkie afgetrek word van die gemiddelde markprys die afgelope drie seisoene, dan realiseer die produsent dus net R25.99 per sakkie tot voor die pakstoor. Alle koste op die land en om die aartappels na die pakstoor te vervoer, asook ondernemersloon, grondvergoeding en kapitale uitgawes moet hieruit vergoed word.
Uit die tabel is dit duidelik dat markkommissie en vervoer na markte 62% van die genoemde koste uitmaak. Vir 'n boerdery-eenheid van 160 hektaar onder aartappels, beloop die twee koste-items gesamentlik meer as R7 miljoen, aldus die tabel. Die totale bemarkingskoste per hektaar beloop sowat R74 700.
Die aanname word hierbo gemaak dat 5 500 sakkies Page 44
CHIPS Maart/April 2019
Volgens Aartappels Suid-Afrika se berekeninge is die totale koste van aartappelproduksie vir 'n 55 ton opbrengs vir die afgelope seisoen (Limpopo) meer as R230 000 per hektaar. Dit sluit letterlik alle kostes in (ook ondernemersloon en grondvergoeding), behalwe ’n voorsiening vir wins/risiko en kapitale uitgawes - daar is dus nog nie voorsiening gemaak sou die produsent byvoorbeeld volgende jaar sy pakstoor wil opgradeer nie. Die koste om aartappels te verpak en te bemark lewer dus ’n groot bydrae tot die totale koste van produksie. Die koste in die tabel maak sowat 32% uit van die totale koste van produksie van meer as R230 000 per hektaar. Dit is
dus belangrik dat die pakstoor, en gepaardgaande bemarkingsaksies, soveel waarde as moontlik tot die aartappelvertakking moet toevoeg. Aartappels Suid-Afrika se berekeninge toon dat teen 5 500 sakkies per hektaar die gelykbreekprys op die markte baie naby aan R42 per sakkie beloop. Dan is nog geen voorsiening vir byvoorbeeld kapitale uitgawes gemaak nie. Ook geen reserwes word opgebou nie, want volgende jaar is dalk 'n moeilike jaar. Die benodigde gelykbreekprys is hoër as die vorige drie jare se gemiddelde pryse. Teen 'n opbrengs van 5 000 en 6 000 sakkies per hektaar is die gelykbreekprys onderskeidelik sowat R45 en R39 per sakkie.
Die vraag is hoeveel tyd spandeer die produsent aan sy pakstoor- en bemarkingsaksies? Is dit in die omgewing van 32% van sy beskikbare tyd? Gesels jy met markagente is dit duidelik dat bitter min produsente die moeite doen om markbesoeke te doen. Daar kan hy sien hoe sy aartappels met ander produsente s'n vergelyk. Hoekom anders dat op 'n gegewe dag dat die gemiddelde markprys vir Klas 1 Medium maklik met R10 tot R20 per sakkie kan varieer tussen die beter en swakker pryse? Iemand het eenkeer die opmerking gemaak dat 'n aartappelprodusent se wins eintlik in die pakstoor gegenereer word. C
Limpopo: Bemarkingskoste - pakstoor tot markvloer na verkope - 2018 Limpopo: Marketing cost - pack store to market floor after sales - 2018 Hektaar geplant Opbrengs
Hectares planted Yield
160 55
ha ton/ha
Koste per 10 kg sakkie / Cost per 10 kg bag
Koste per ha / Cost per ha
Koste per plaas / Cost per farm
% van kostes / % of costs
R 0,04
R 220
R 35 200
Vervoer na VPMe
Transport to FPMs
R 3,50
R 19 250
R 3 080 000
Leë 10 kg sakkie
Empty 10 kg bag
R 2,01
R 11 055
R 1 768 800
R 0,30
R 1 650
R 264 000
R 0,04
R 220
R 35 200
R 0,06
R 330
R 52 800
R 0,11
R 594
R 94 976
Kommissie (VPMe)
Commission (FPMs)
R 4,95
R 27 212
R 4 353 994
R 1,68
R 9 215
R 1 474 382
R 0,12
R 662
R 105 917
Voorsiening vir vervanging (pakstoortoerusting)
Capital recovery (pack store equipment)
R 0,62
R 3 437
R 549 861
R 0,16
R 886
R 141 806
R 13,59
R 74 731
R 11 956 936
Gemiddelde prys per sakkie voor die pakstoor (Markprys minus bogenoemde kostes) / Average price per bag before pack store (Market price minus above costs)
R 25,99
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Watter kultivars het die SuidAfrikaanse aartappelbedryf in 2018 gedomineer? Laryssa van der Merwe, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
’n Kultivar wat uitstaan bo die res en ook sy posisie van ’n gesogte kultivar behou, is Mondial. Mondial is nie net ’n merkwaardige kultivar nie, maar ook die kultivar wat die afgelope paar jaar die meeste in SuidAfrika geplant is. Hoe het Mondial vergelyk met die ander kultivars in 2018? In Figuur 1 was 42% van alle hektare (tafel- en moerproduksie en ook verwerkingsaanplantings) gedurende 2018 Mondial aanplantings, gevolg deur Sifra (17%) en in die derde plek Lanorma met ‘n 9% aandeel. Let ook op die aandeel van die top verwerkingskultivars Fianna, Markies, Innovator en FL2108 met ’n gesamentlike markaandeel van 15%. Sifra se markaandeel het toegeneem vanaf 14% in 2015 na 18% in 2016, 20% in 2017 en dan gedaal na 17% in 2018. Mondial se markaandeel het egter
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konstant gebly op 42% van alle hektare geplant vir die afgelope drie jaar. In 2007 het die prentjie heeltemal anders gelyk. Mondial was ook die meeste aangeplant (33% van alle hektare), maar gevolg deur BP1 (21%) en Up-to-Date (10%), aldus Figuur 2. Die primêre verwerkingskultivars se markaandeel was 19% van alle aanplantings, aldus Figuur 2. Indien vergelyk word met Figuur 1 word dit duidelik dat Pentland Dell en Lady Rosetta nie meer onder die vernaamste kultivars tel nie. Laasgenoemde twee kultivars word feitlik nie meer aangeplant nie. Sien Figuur 3 wat die hektare geplant vir die vernaamste kultivars aandui. Let ook op in Figuur 4 dat die totale RSA-hektare geplant in 2017 daal maar
FL2108 7%
Valor 4%
Innovator 3%
Markies 4%
Avalanche 1%
UTD 2%
Fianna 1% Ander 10%
Lanorma 9%
Sifra 17%
Mondial 42%
Figuur 1: RSA - Vernaamste kultivars geplant 2018-oesjaar
Darius 4%
L/Roset 5%
Fianna 3%
P/Dell 5%
BP13 3%
Fabula 2%
Hermes 2%
Ander 12%
UTD 10% Mondial 33%
BP1 21%
Figuur 2: RSA - Vernaamste kultivars geplant 2007-oesjaar
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24 000
totale hektaar geplant
22 000 20 000 18 000 16 000 14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0
Figuur 3: Vernaamste kultivars se hektare geplant (2007 - 2018)
56 000
totale hektaar geplant
54 000
54 037
53 933
53 594
52 722
52 568
52 000
51 435
50 771
50 393
53 011 51 722
49 952
50 000 48 000 46 000
44 974
44 000 42 000 40 000
Figuur 4: Totale hektare geplant oor tyd (alle streke)
weer styg in 2018, maar Mondial se markaandeel het egter konstant gebly op 42%. Gedurende 2009 is nie meer hektare onder Mondial aangeplant nie, maar die totale RSA aanplantings het met sowat 5 000 hektaar gedaal. Mondial se
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markaandeel het dus gestyg, ongeag 'n daling in totale aanplantings (sien ook Figuur 4). Vanaf 2009 tot 2011 het Mondial se hektare gegroei (Figuur 3), waar sy markaandeel 42% was in 2009, 43% in 2010 en 46% in 2011 van alle hektare. Mondial se hektare het egter in 2012 met 1 167 hektaar gedaal,
Valor 3%
Up-To-Date 2%
Lanorma 9%
Sifra 24%
Avalanche 1,1%
BP1 1,6%
Panamera 0,8% Savana 0,8% Ander 4%
Mondial 54% Figuur 5: Kultivars op varsproduktemarkte - 2018 kalenderjaar
BP1 14%
Buffelspoort Up-To-Date 4% 5%
Vanderplank 2% Darius 2%
Fabula 2% Avalanche 1% Valor 1% Other 3%
Mondial 65%
Figuur 6: Kultivars op varsproduktemarkte - 2009 kalenderjaar
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maar Sifra se styging het meer as vergoed hiervoor aangesien 4 637 hektare geplant is in 2012 teenoor 10 217 hektare in 2017 wat ’n 55% styging vir die betrokke jare aandui. Let op Sifra se styging in hektare geplant sedert 2010 toe byna niks kommersieel aangeplant is nie.
In Figuur 6 verskyn die vernaamste kultivars op die varsproduktemarkte vir 2009 met Mondial (65%), BP1 (14%) en Up-to-Date (5%) die vernaamste kultivars. In 2018 (Figuur 5) was Mondial (54%) en Sifra (24%) die vernaamste twee kultivars, gevolg deur Lanorma met ‘n 9% markaandeel.
BP1 se aanplantings het aansienlik gedaal vanaf 11 472 hektare in 2007 tot minder as 600 hektare in 2018 (nie aangedui in Figuur 3). Up-to-Date se aanplantings het verminder vanaf 5 529 hektare in 2007 tot sowat 'n 1 000 hektare in 2018. Fianna weer het gestyg vanaf 1 608 hektare in 2007 tot 4 627 hektare in 2012, maar toe gedaal tot 1 075 hektaar in 2017 en 690 hektaar in 2018.
Figuur 7 dui die maandelikse markaandeel van kultivars gelewer aan varsproduktemarkte vir 2018 aan. Gedurende Maart tot Junie 2018 is gemiddeld 4.8 miljoen Mondial sakkies per maand gelewer en gemiddeld 5.5 miljoen sakkies gedurende Oktober en November op alle markte. Vanaf Januarie tot Mei is gemiddeld 2.8 miljoen Sifra sakkies per maand op alle markte gelewer.
Sifra het oor dieselfde tydperk die meeste groei getoon vanaf geen aanplantings in 2007 tot 7 625 hektaar in 2015 en 10 217 in 2017 maar in 2018 het die hektare geplant met Sifra egter met 12% gedaal. Lanorma se hektare het toegeneem vanaf bykans geen aanplantings in 2012 en 2013 na 3 730 hektaar in 2017 tot 4 616 hektare in 2018, wat ‘n 24% groei verteenwoordig. Valor se aanplantings het met 82% toegeneem vanaf 2009 se 407 hektaar na 2 252 hektaar in 2017 maar het in 2018 ‘n 9% daling in hektare geplant getoon.
Samevatting Huidig domineer Mondial nog die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf met Sifra en Lanorma wat die tweede en derde plekke beklee. Die drie kultivars se gesamentlike markaandeel is bykans 70%. Valor, FL2108 en Markies is die volgende vernaamste kultivars met ’n gesamentlike markaandeel van slegs 15%. C
Figuur 7
100% 90%
80% 70% 60% 50%
40% 30% 20% 10%
Apr Sifra
Mei Valor
Figuur 7: Maandelikse markaandeel - Kultivars gelewer op alle markte (2018)
Res van kultivars
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Landswye Verskaffers Van : Gesertifiseerde Moere | Aartappelsakkies | Plakkers | Paletnet | Polipropsakke bk cc
Countrywide Suppliers Of : Certified Seed Potatoes | Potato Pockets | Labels | Pallet Netting | Polyprop Bags T +27 12 809 4000 | F +27 12 809 4003 | www.rsaseeds.co.za | admin@rsaseeds.co.za
STITCHING MACHINES Designed to close a wide variety of industrial packaging materials including paper, plastic, woven polypropylene and jute bags.
Call us today on: BUCKLE PACKAGING (PTY) LTD Bag Closing Technology
+27 11 613 8024 email: info@bucklepack.co.za • www.bucklepack.co.za
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Vernaamste redes vir afmerkings op varsproduktemarkte: 2018-kalenderjaar Pieter van Zyl en Laryssa van der Merwe, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Meganiese beskadiging, vergroening en mot was die algemeenste redes vir afmerkings deur Prokon op varsproduktemarkte gedurende die 2018-kalenderjaar. Die redes vir afmerkings wissel uiteraard in die onderskeie streke vanweĂŤ, onder andere, verskillende omgewingsgroeifaktore asook verskillende weersomstandighede. Figuur 1 dui die vernaamste redes vir afmerkings aan op alle varsproduktemarkte vir die 2018-kalenderjaar. Meganiese beskadiging (24%) was die vernaamste rede vir afmerkings deur Prokon. Vergroening (11%), motbeskadiging (9%) en aalwurm (6%) is ook redes
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vir baie afmerkings. Die vier vernaamste redes vir afmerkings is verantwoordelik vir sowat 50% van alle afmerkings. Meganiese beskadiging kan tydens alle stadia van die oes- en hanteringsproses opgedoen word. Verskillende tipes beskadiging kan opgedoen word, byvoorbeeld snye, krake en kneusplekke. In Figuur 2 word daardie persentasie van elke maand se lewerings aangedui wat deur Prokon afgekeur is. Dit is duidelik dat Februarie, Maart en Junie relatief baie afmerkings gehad het, naamlik sowat 10% van alle lewerings. Vir die kalenderjaar is 8% van alle lewerings op varsprduktemarkte afgemerk, bykans
Meganiese Beskadiging 24%
Ander 29%
Vergroening 11%
Bruinskurf 4%
Lentiesel 4% Bederf 4% Sandsplete 4%
Mot 9%
Aalwurm 6%
Verbruining 5%
Figuur 1: Vernaamste redes vir afmerkings: 2018-kalenderjaar
% afgemerk
10% 9% 8%
7% 6% 5%
4% 3% 2%
Figuur 2: Persentasie van lewerings elke maand afgemerk: 2018-kalenderjaar
sewe miljoen sakkies. Die genoemde drie maande se redes vir afmerkings word hieronder bespreek. Sien ook die volgende twee artikels wat onder andere tegniese data bevat insake voorkomingsmaatreëls: • ‘’Vernaamste redes vir afmerkings op markte vir sekere streke – 2015/2016’’; CHIPS; November/ Desember 2016.
• ‘’Verbruining, vergroening en meganiese beskadiging van aartappelknolle van nader bekyk’’; CHIPS; Maart/April 2017. Figuur 3 dui die afmerkings vir Februarie aan waar meganiese beskadiging (27%) en mot (9%) die vernaamste redes vir afmerkings was, gevolg deur bruinskurf en bederf met elk (7%).
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Gedurende Maart was 17% van alle afmerkings as gevolg van meganiese beskadiging, gevolg deur mot (14%) aldus Figuur 4. Aalwurm (11%) en bederf (7%) was ook redes vir afmerkings gedurende hierdie maand. Meganiese beskadiging (30%), vergroening (18%) en sandsplete en mot (elk 7%) was die vernaamste redes vir afmerkings in Junie, aldus Figuur 5.
Insek beskadiging 2%
Nie net word daar gedurende sekere maande meer aartappels afgemerk as ander nie, maar die totale afmerkings per streek verskil ook van mekaar. Limpopo, Oos-Vrystaat, Wes-Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap se afmerkings vir 2018 word hieronder uiteengesit. Figuur 6 dui die totale afmerkings aan vir Limpopo. Meganiese beskadiging (22%) is die vernaamste
Ander 18%
Meganiese beskadiging 27%
Nerf af/los 3% Sandsplete 4% Misvorm 4% Vergroening 4% Silwerskurf 4% Lentisel 5% Verbruining 6%
Mot 9% Bruinskurf 7%
Bederf 7%
Figuur 3: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: Februarie 2018
Silwerskurf 3%
Ander 13%
Insek beskadiging 4%
Meganiese beskadiging 17%
Bruinskurf 4%
Mot 14%
Nerf af/los 5% Sandsplete 5% Misvormd 5%
Aalwurm 11% Verbruining 6%
Vergroening 6%
Figuur 4: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: Maart 2018
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Bederf 7%
EKONOMIESE NUUS ECONOMIC NEWS rede vir afmerking, gevolg deur vergroening (13%) en lentisel (8%). Meganiese beskadiging (29%), mot (16%) asook insekbeskadiging en aalwurm (6% elk) was die mees prominente redes vir afmerkings in die Oos-Vrystaat vir 2018, soos gesien in Figuur 7. Die Oos-Vrystaat streek ‘’stoor’’ hulle aartappels vir baie lank onder
Stingelent 2% Verbruining Hol hart 2% 2% Lentisel 3%
die grond. Hoe langer die aartappels onder die grond gelaat word, hoe groter word die risiko vir motprobleme. Die Wes-Vrystaat se redes vir afmerkings word in Figuur 8 aangetoon. Meganiese beskadiging (22%) en vergroening (18%) is die vernaamste rede vir afmerkings, gevolg deur mot (9%) en sandsplete
Ander 12%
Meganiese beskadiging 30%
Bruinskurf 3% Aalwurm 4% Silwerskurf 5% Insek beskadiging 5%
Mot 7%
Vergroening 18% Sandsplete 7%
Figuur 5: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: Junie 2018
Ander 23%
Meganiese Beskadiging 22%
Gemengde groottes 4% Aalwurm 5%
Vergroening 13%
Mot 5%
Bruinskurf 6%
Nerf af/los 7%
Verbruining 7%
Lentiesel 8%
Figuur 6: Limpopo: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: 2018-kalenderjaar
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(8%). Sandsplete kom, onder andere, voor tydens wisselende grondvog en -temperature. Sommige kultivars is dan ook meer vatbaar vir sandsplete as ander. Figuur 9 dui die totale afmerkings vir die NoordKaap streek aan. Meganiese beskadiging (24%), vergroening (17%) en aalwurm (11%) was die vernaamste redes vir afmerkings.
In Figuur 10 word die seisoenale tendense van meganiese beskadiging, vergroening en mot oor â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n tydperk (2015-2018) uitgebeeld. Afmerkings word uitgedruk as die gemiddelde persentasie van alle afmerkings op varsproduktemarkte vir elke maand. Byvoorbeeld, gedurende Julie vind gemiddeld bykans 35% van alle afmerkings plaas weens vergroening, aldus die Figuur. Meganiese beskadiging kom sterker na vore vanaf Mei tot Desember vir die tydperk.
Ander 22%
Meganiese Beskadiging 29%
Vergroening 3%
Sandsplete 3% Lentiesel 4% Silverskurf 5%
Mot 16%
Misvorm 6% Insek Beskadiging 6%
Aalwurm 6%
Figuur 7: Oos-Vrystaat: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: 2018-kalenderjaar
Ander 22%
Meganiese Beskadiging 22%
Bederf 3% Stingelent 3% Silverskurf 4% Lentiesel 5% Aalwurm 6%
Vergroening 18%
Sandsplete 8%
Figuur 8: Wes-Vrystaat: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: 2018-kalenderjaar
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Mot 9%
EKONOMIESE NUUS ECONOMIC NEWS Dit is duidelik dat vergroening meer prominent word gedurende Mei tot Oktober. Dit kan, onder andere, vermy word deur deeglik op te erd, knolle dieper te plant in goed voorbereide grond, asook verpakkingsmateriaal te gebruik wat lig voldoende
Holhart 3%
afskerm. Motafmerkings vind deurlopend plaas, maar effens minder aan die einde van die winter. Gedurende Februarie en Maart, asook in die Oos- en Wes-Vrystaat, was motbeskadiging een van die top drie afmerkings. C
Ander 15%
Bruinskurf 3%
Meganiese Beskadiging 24%
Verbruining 4% Bederf 5% Mot 8%
Vergroening 17%
Insek Beskadiging 10%
Aalwurm 11%
Figuur 9: Noord-Kaap: Persentasie van lewerings afgemerk: 2018-kalenderjaar
Persentrasie van alle afmerkings
35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
Mei Mot
Meganiese beskadiging
Figuur 10: Seisoenale tendense in meganiese beskadiging, vergroening en mot oor tyd op alle markte (2015 - 2018) E:\HJ Design\ASA\CHIPS\2019\CHIPS Maart April 2019\Chips 2 2019 Mrt Apr Arts\12 Belangrikste redes vir afmerkings.xlsx
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Transport in the potato industry Max Braun, Max Braun Consulting Services
Just days ago, I walked into Pick n Pay down in Somerset West; as I approached the cabinet holding fresh vegetables, including potatoes, I was shocked to find a 2 kg bag of medium-large potatoes at R30. Having typical current road transport costs at the top of my mind it suggested to me the present cost to transport a 10 kg pocket of potatoes could easily be more than R7 or even R8 that is nearly R2 per kilogram. I am very much aware that in practice there are various factors to consider when determining a precise cost to transport 10 kg of potatoes. These factors include: total distance travelled, payload tonnage transported, size, age and condition of the Page 58
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vehicle and if it is properly driven and maintained. It is now common knowledge the fuel price will continue to rise over the next two months regardless of what happens to the oil price and/or strength of the Rand. This is due to increases in the fuel levy, road accident fund and the introduction of Carbon taxes, all recently announced by the Minister of Finance. Additionally, toll fees have increased and vehicle licences will follow soon as well as driver wages as per the wage agreement agreed with the national bargaining council. Largely dependent on the strength of the Rand, equipment, parts prices and tyres could also continue moving northwards. Whether potato
producers use their own vehicles or rely on brokers or “karweiers”, it will be helpful to stay in touch with the Potatoes South Africa transport cost model as and when it is updated and published. With this as background I am very much aware of the daunting challenges confronting potato producers in order to retain a sustainable price for their produce. Given the number of times potatoes are picked up and put down as they move from farm gate to food processors, then on to distribution centres and then again on to retail outlets the overall logistics costs hold a significant impact on the price of potatoes. The cost of fuel remains the major cost as it applies to road transport representing more than 40% typical trucking costs before recovering toll fees and administrative expenses. Government is presently giving thought to reviewing how the price of liquid fuels is currently determined and calculated. The notion is to consider capping fuel prices. Various economists and analysts advise against subsidising fuel prices as over time it becomes extremely difficult to restore an equitable situation in terms of the country’s overall economic health as the withdrawal of fuel subsidies has proved very unpopular in countries that have travelled this road. Taking note of the impending introduction of low sulphur fuels for the shipping industry there is likely to be some pressure on the availability of diesel fuel used by road vehicles depending on the extent the marine industry opts for exhaust scrubbers or LNG, both these fuels are acceptable substitutes instead of using the lower sulphur bunker oil. Given the uncertainty as to whether the USA/China trade wars, as it is often described, is settled soon and to the satisfaction of both sides and other brooding geo-political issues such as the USA sanctions on Iran, Venezuela and others continues to influence energy industry analysts. There may well be a universal reduction in demand for crude oil. In that event the production of tight oil by the USA will be maintained at the exceptionally high levels as recently achieved. The overall view indicates an average oil price of $65 - $75 going forward in 2019. Following the DOT’s (Department of Transport) failure to update its road safety strategy for most of the UN’s decade of road safety strategy 2011 – 2020 compiled by governments of the world to reduce road deaths the RTMC (Road Traffic Management
Corporation) announced a National Road Transport Legislation Enforcement Code. The envisaged code has far reaching implications to address the problem of road accidents and consequent loss of life as it applies to drivers, passengers and pedestrians. The Code will introduce a comprehensive set of steps to improve the selection, training and capability of law enforcement officers. Performance assessments at local, provincial and national levels will assist in achieving the sustainability of intended standards, better data collection and firm action to combat noncompliance with transport regulations. Simplification and implementation of long outstanding amendments to existing regulations is a prominent feature of the working document. The Code embraces the need to address the serious problems associated with drinking and driving and much better speed monitoring. When it comes to roads government has announced its decision to maintain the user pays principle. This implies the open road tolling system will not be abandoned and is likely to result in the long promised road user charge based on mass and distance. Large commercial vehicles will attract the top end of the scale of charges as is the case in many SADC and SSA countries. Yet another input cost for road transport to absorb. On the back of all this gloomy news I would like to offer a few suggestions that producers can apply to ensure they achieve more cost-effective transport, whether they use their own vehicles or make use of outsourced “karweiers” to get their produce to the markets, processors or bulk buyers. Explore ways to reduce traffic delays, excessive loading and unloading times by paying particular attention how loads are routed to final delivery. Keep firm control over kilometres travelled to eliminate all illegal trips and deviations from agreed routes and schedules. Monitor driving habits to identify unnecessary acceleration and harsh braking, maintain acceptable average speed, identify idling and take steps to reduce as much as practical. Properly maintained trucks and trailers is an important element in keeping fuel costs at a minimum, Adopt the American slogan and practice “go further on less” a growing number of operators in the USA take this seriously and have achieved a healthy increase in the amount of fuel saved over long distances. It relies on being totally committed to identifying and eliminating any practice that contributes to waste. C
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Phophi Raletjena Eight years later Nomvula Xaba and Rotondwa Rathogwa, Potatoes South Africa
Phophi Raletjena started on the Potatoes South Africa (PSA) Enterprise Development (ED) Programme eight years ago with just five hectares of potatoes and various other vegetables on a farm at Vivo, Limpopo. Due to the commitment that Phophi has been showing over the years, PSA has been gradually increasing his hectares under potato production from the mere five hectares eight years ago to the current 33.4 hectares! Phophi has now gracefully exited the programme because one of the aims of the Enterprise Development Programme is to assist black farmers to become commercial farmers. During his years on the programme he has shown commitment and enthusiasm towards potato production of which he reaps the success today. He exited the ED programme in 2018 as a commercial farmer with the aim of the
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programme thereby being fulfilled. He has become a mentor for other local farmers on the ED programme. Through his years of production he has developed so much that he now has a fully equipped potato pack house at his farm. This has opened a market to him as he can now send his potatoes to the fresh produce markets. He also assists fellow farmers who want to wash, sort and pack potatoes for the market. He has developed the branding of his own 10 kg potato bags. Phophi is now one of the commercial farmers in the Limpopo Province who plants not only potatoes, but also other commodities such as butternuts and cow candy that are being used as rotational crops with potatoes and would like to add onions to his product basket. He is also planting piquantĂŠ peppers
currently leasing. He will be planting 48 hectares of potatoes starting from May 2019 and he is aiming for a higher yield than in the 2018 season. Besides crop production, Phophi also generates income from his livestock, which include 100 breeding stock with four bulls and he sells an average of 90 weaners per year. (peppadews) and tomatoes on other fields. Phophi plants potatoes under irrigation and managed to get an average of 55 tons per hectare during the previous season. Most of this produce were sold to the Mozambican buyers who collected them straight from the farm. Phophi is also making contributions in the community in terms of food security and job creation. He employs 16 permanent labourers and an average of 72 seasonal workers during potato harvesting time. Through his hard work and dedication Phophi managed to access funding from AECI for a period of three years. Phophi is so thankful for this opportunity which will help him increase his production and in turn will generate more income to help him buy land he is
Phophi mentioned that if it wasn’t for the assistance he received from PSA in terms of seed, mentorship and the training, both for business and technical knowledge, he wouldn’t be where he is today. He has also acknowledged the assistance he received from the Landbank in buying all the equipment and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform who assisted him with the potato pack house and 30 years lease agreement on 1 400 ha with an option to buy. At the PSA Transformation Symposium – 2018, Phophi was the first farmer to receive the Enterprise Development Farmer of the Year award. C
Potato Washers, Polishers and Dryers US design Locally Manufactured Want to up your Quality? “We have experienced a sizeable improvement on the cleaning quality with a WERNER Polisher”
Brush Tunnel
Contact us for all your pack house brush needs
200 dia Square Drive
WERNER +27 11 835 2136 Sales@wernerbrushware.co.za
cnr 1st & 2nd Avenue Booysens Reserve Johannesburg 2091
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Oos-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder droëlandtoestande op Warden in 2017/2018 Sesisonke Boerdery span (Produsent), Chantel du Raan en Enrike Verster (Aartappels Suid-Afrika)
Die Oos-Vrystaat produksiegebied produseer sowat 21% (gebaseer op 2016-groeiseisoen) van die totale aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie streek plant aartappels vir die moer-, tafel- en verwerkingsmark. Die streek se enorme bydrae aan die verwerkingbedryf beloop sowat 22% (hoogste van al die streke in Suid-Afrika). Die hoofkultivars vir tafel- en verwerkingsaartappels is Mondial, Up-to-Date en Sifra terwyl die populêre kultivars vir moerproduksie Mondial, Lanorma, Sifra, Markies, Almera en Up-toDate is. Aartappelproduksie in die Oos-Vrystaat, wat hoofsaaklik uit heuwelagtige grasvlaktes bestaan en met weivelde besprinkel is, geskied hoofsaaklik onder droëlandtoestande. Aartappels vir die tafelmark
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word hoofsaaklik in Augustus – Desember geplant en in Desember – April geoes. Die Oos-Vrystaat is 'n somerreënvalgebied (Figuur 1) met 'n relatief gunstige klimaat vir aartappelverbouing. Matige tot warm somers word afgewissel met baie koue winters met strawwe ryp (middel April - Oktober). Die proewe is uitgevoer in die Warden-omgewing (Figuur 1) met ’n jaarlikse reënval van tussen 700 tot 750 mm, maar ongereëlde reënvalverspreiding moet in ag geneem word. Grond in die OosVrystaat is oor die algemeen sandleem, met ’n onderliggende kleilaag, sowat 0.750 m – 1.0 m diep. Vogbewaringstegnieke het tot gevolg dat
BEDRYFSDIENSTE INDUSTRY SERVICES grondvog aan die begin van die seisoen voldoende is. Die standaardkultivars in die Oos-Vrystaat is mediumgroeiers, maar daar is toenemende belangstelling in die streek vir kultivars met ’n kort groeiperiode om grondvog aan die begin van die seisoen maksimaal te benut, veral as droogtetoestande later in die seisoen voorkom. Kortgroeiers speel ook ’n belangrike rol aangesien dit die produsent in staat stel om vroeër te oes en te bemark wanneer die vraag hoog en aanbod laag is. Kortgroeiperiodekultivars stel die produsent ook in staat sy risiko’s beter te versprei. Die proef is geplant in 'n ewekansige blokontwerp met drie herhalings. Verdere tegniese inligting rakende die proefperseel en uitleg is opgesom in Tabel 1.
Figuur 1: Ligging van Warden in die Oos-Vrystaat produksiegebied
Tabel 1: Opsomming van tegniese inligting rakende proefperseel en uitleg. Plaas:
Sesisonke Boerdery
James Leslie, David Leslie, Oupa Tsabalala
2 November 2017
11 Mei 2018
Besproeiing / Droëland:
Dubbel- of enkelrye:
Enkelrye – ”trapsgewys”
1.8 m
Proefperseel per eenheid:
18 m2
18 519 plante /hektaar
Verteenwoordigende grondmonsters is voor plant geneem en ontleed om die grondvoedingstatus van die proefperseel te bepaal. Die resultate van die grondontleding vir hierdie proef word aangedui in Tabel 2.
P-Bray 2 P
% of KUK1
Ammonium asetaat
pH (KCl)
Organiese materiaal
Brutodigtheid (kg.m-3)
Tabel 2: Grondontledingsresultate vir Warden kultivarproef (2017/2018)voor plant.
KUK = Katioon-uitruilkapasiteit
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Totale reënval per maand 2017/2018
Langtermyn gemiddelde reënval
Kumulatiewe reënval 2017/2018
Langtermyn kumulatiewe reënval
600 500
Reënval (mm)
400 300 200 100 0 November Desember Plant
190 dae
Datum Figuur 2: Reënval gedurende die groeiseisoen (2017/2018) asook die langtermyn-gemiddelde reënval.
Maksimum temperatuur 2017/2018
Minimum temperatuur 2017/2018
Langtermyn gemiddelde maksimum temperatuur
Langtermyn gemiddelde minimum temperatuur
Temperatuur (°C)
35 30 25 20 15 10
0 -5
01-Nov-17 08-Nov-17 15-Nov-17 22-Nov-17 29-Nov-17 06-Dec-17 13-Dec-17 20-Dec-17 27-Dec-17 03-Jan-18 10-Jan-18 17-Jan-18 24-Jan-18 31-Jan-18 07-Feb-18 14-Feb-18 21-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 07-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 28-Mar-18 04-Apr-18 11-Apr-18 18-Apr-18 25-Apr-18 02-May-18 09-May-18 16-May-18 23-May-18 30-May-18
190 dae
Datum Figuur 3: Minimum- en maksimumtemperature (°C) gedurende die groeiseisoen (2017/2018) asook langtermyn.
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BEDRYFSDIENSTE INDUSTRY SERVICES Tabel 2: Karaktereienskappe rakende groeiperiode, plantgereedheid, stand (%) en halmtellings vir elke kultivar in 2017/2018. Kultivar
Groeiperiode (Dae)1
Almera Ariata Bonnata Essenza Fandango Labadia Lanorma Ludmilla Markies Mondeo Mondial
Kort Kort tot medium Medium Medium tot lank Kort tot medium Kort Kort Medium Medium Kort tot medium
Panamera Rumba Sifra Taisiya Tyson Valor
Kort tot medium Medium Kort tot medium Kort tot medium Kort tot medium Medium
(85) (100) (90-110) (120) (100) (80-90) (70-80) (110) (90-110) (95-100)
Plantgereedheid2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 3
Stand (%) 100 99 99 98 98 100 85 70 100 98 85
Halms per plant 2.4 2.2 4.2 2.5 3.5 2.7 2.4 3.8 3.8 3.1 3.5
Halms per hektaar 44 446 40 334 77 002 45 372 63 520 50 001 37 779 49 261 70 372 56 261 55 094
(95-100) (90-110) (90-100) (100) (90-100) (100-110)
3 3 2/3 4 3 1
98 98 100 98 100 95
2.6 6.9 3.6 3.4 2.8 2.3
47 186 125 225 66 668 61 705 51 853 40 464
Algemene riglyne en kategorieë (dae van opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen): Kort = 70-90 dae; Kort tot Medium = 80-100 dae; Medium = 90-110 dae; Medium tot Lank = 90-120; Lank = 90-140 dae. 2 Plantgereedheid van moere 1 – Vars; 2 – Effens vars; 3 – Plantgereed; 4 – Effens oud; 5 – Oud. 1
Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat groeiperiodes die oesopbrengs van kultivars kan beïnvloed. Groeiperiodes word gedefinieer as die aantal dae vanaf opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen. Die presiese tydsberekening van die vyf groeifases (spruitontwikkeling, vegetatiewe groei, knolinisiasie, knolvulling en volwassenheid) hang af van die omgewing en die bestuurspraktyke wat wissel tussen lokaliteite asook kultivars, onder andere as gevolg van verskillende groeiperiodes (Tabel 2). Oesopbrengs en knolgrootte word ook beïnvloed deur die aantal hoofstamme per area en dus deur die aantal moere geplant asook die aantal halms per moer. Die aantal halms per moer is andersyds afhanklik van die aantal ogies, die aantal spruite per ogie en die aantal halms per spruit. Die aantal ogies per knol is kultivar-afhanklik, terwyl die aantal spruite
per ogie en die aantal halms per spruit beïnvloed word deur die plantgereedheid van die moere. Dit is egter belangrik om daarop te let dat die ogies tussen kultivars varieer. Die kultivars, plantgereedheid van moere, stand (%) en halmtelling van hierdie proef word aangedui in Tabel 2. Temperatuur, dagliglengte en water is die belangrikste abiotiese faktore wat die groeipatroon, opbrengs en kwaliteit van aartappels beïnvloed. Om te bepaal wat die aanpassingsvermoë van nuwe kultivars in die Warden-omgewing is, is dit belangrik om hierdie faktore in aanmerking te neem wanneer die prestasie van verskillende kultivars geëvalueer word. Dit is ook belangrik dat die kultivars vir 'n aantal seisoene geëvalueer word omdat klimaat van seisoen tot seisoen verskil. Die daaglikse en langtermyn-weerdata is verkry vanaf die LNR se Warden-weerstasie
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Totale hitte-eenhede 2017/2018
Langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede
Kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede 2017/2018
Langtermyn kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede
1600 0.7%
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 November
Figuur 4: Hitte-eenhede gedurende die groeiseisoen (2017/2018) asook langtermyngemiddeld. *Totale hitte-eenhede spesifiek bepaal vir aartappels (drumpel temperatuur = 5°C) as gewas [bereken vanaf uurlikse data].
(-29.12421, 25.51239). Die kumulatiewe reënval gedurende die 2017/2018-groeiseisoen was meestal heelwat laer in vergelyking met vorige jare (langtermyn-gemiddelde). Wat die gemete reënval betref, het dit minder gereën as in vorige jare met die uitsondering van Desember en Januarie (knolinisiasie en vegetatiewe groei) en Maart (vullingstydperk) waartydens ietwat meer reën ontvang is (Figuur 2). Die minimum- en maksimumtemperature (Figuur 3) vir die 2017/2018-groeiseisoen het dieselfde patroon as in vorige jare gevolg met die uitsondering dat die maksimumtemperature gedurende Februarie en Maart (vullingstydperk) ietwat laer was (moontlik het reënval ook 'n rol gespeel). Gedurende April was die minimumtemperature effens hoër. Lae temperature was twee weke na plant asook aan die einde van die seisoen (skilset) ondervind. Hitte-eenhede is ook 'n belangrike faktor om in ag te neem aangesien die ontwikkeling van die plant hoofsaaklik gebaseer is op die versameling van hitte-eenhede. Daar word dus aanvaar dat die plant 'n sekere aantal hitte-eenhede moet versamel om 'n ontwikkelingsfase te voltooi. Die hitte-eenhede van
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die 2017/2018-groeiseisoen het bykans dieselfde patroon gevolg as die langtermyn-gemiddelde hitteeenhede en word aangedui in Figuur 4. Aan die einde van die seisoen was die groeiseisoen-data se kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede slegs 0.7% laer in vergelyking met die langtermyn-data. Die opbrengsdata is statisties verwerk met behulp van die GenStat® program en die gemiddelde was geskei deur gebruik te maak van die Tukey KBV-toets. Die kultivareffek gedurende die 2017/2018-proef (Figuur 5) was statisties hoogs beduidend (p<0.01) ten opsigte van opbrengs terwyl die koëffisiënt van variasie laag (11.4%) was. Dit dui daarop dat die proef goed uitgevoer en die resultate betroubaar is. Die proefgemiddeld van al die kultivars word as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele kultivars word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke kultivar se opbrengsprestasie word as 'n persentasie van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk (opbrengsindeks). Die gemiddelde opbrengs (31.08 t/ha) vir die 2017/2018-groeiseisoen was omtrent dieselde as die gemiddelde opbrengs van die vorige twee jaar
Bemarkingsindeks (%) 125.9 a
Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie
Essenza Mondeo Panamera Mondial Valor Markies Taisiya Fandango Sifra Ariata Lanorma Bonnata Tyson Labadia Almera Rumba Ludmilla
124.5 a-b 122.7 a-c 112.0 a-d 107.2 a-e 105.9 b-f 102.9 d-g 102.1 d-h 101.5 d-i 100.6 d-j 95.3 d-k 95.2 d-l 92.6 e-m 91.7 e-n
Proefgemiddeld = 31.08 t/ha
89.3 e-o p < 0.05 KBV = 18.9 KV% = 11.4
76.1 m-p
Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie
Opbrengs (%)
54.4 q
20 40 60 80 100 120 Opbrengs- en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%) vir 2017/2018
Figuur 5. Totale opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks per kultivar as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. *Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie.
Groot medium
Grootteverspreiding (t/ha) in 2017/2018
Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = = 31.1 t/ha 2017/2018 = 31.08 t/ha
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Figuur 6. Groottegroepverspreiding van elke kultivar tydens finale oes.
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Klas 3
Klas 2
Klas 1
Gradering (t/ha) vir 2017/2018
Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = = 31.1 t/ha 2017/2018 = 31.08 t/ha
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Figuur 7. Gradering van elke kultivar tydens finale oes.
Opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)
0 Almera
Figuur 8. Prestasie van kultivars oor drie jaar uitgedruk as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. Page 68
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Tabel 3. Kook- en prosesseringseienskappe en interne kwaliteit van opbrengs vir 2017/2018 (Uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat). Kultivar
Droë materiaal (%)3
Bruinvlek (%)
Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die
≥ Norm (Aanvaarbaar vir prosessering)
Soortlike gewig van >1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf.
Die persentasie droë materiaal is 'n berekende waarde:
< Norm (Onaanvaarbaar vir prosessering)
DM% = 24.182 + 211.04 * (SG-1.0988) Die werklike persentasiewaarde sal effens verskil tussen variëteite uit hierdie berekeningswaarde.
(31.1 t/ha). Gedurende die 2017/2018-proef (Figuur 5) het die kultivars Essenza, Mondeo, Panamera, Mondial en Valor die hoogste opbrengste gelewer. Hoër opbrengste as die proefgemiddeld (31.1 t/ ha) was behaal deur die kultivars Essenza, Mondeo, Panamera, Mondial, Valor, Markies, Taisiya, Fandango, Sifra en Ariata. Ten einde die prestasie van die kultivars in terme van opbrengs en kwaliteit te bepaal, is die opbrengs, groottegroepverspreiding en klas gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir die betrokke dag 'n bemarkingsindeks te bereken. Die opbrengs,
vermenigvuldig met die heersende prys, wat bepaal word deur die groottegroepverspreiding en gradering, gee die bemarkingsindeks (Figuur 5). Dit is opvallend dat Mondeo die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal wat toegeskryf kan word aan 'n kombinasie van 'n hoë persentasie groot groottegroepverspreiding (Figuur 6) en klas 1 gradering (Figuur 7) wat die kultivar gelewer het. Ludmilla het die laagste bemarkingsindeks getoon, hoofsaaklik omdat die kultivar 'n lae opbrengs en persentasie klas 1 aartappels gelewer het. Aangesien groottegroepverspreiding en gradering ook gebruik word om aartappels te klas, is dit belangrike faktore om in ag te neem ten einde 'n optimale ekonomies-
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Opbrengs (%)
Bemarkingsindeks (%) 112.4 a 104.2 a 103.0 a
Chemiese behandelings
Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie
102.5 a 102.1 a 99.7 a 99.1 a 97.6 a 96.8 a Proefgemiddeld = 43.6 t/ha 96.2 a 93.6 a
p > 0.05 No significance KV% = 10.1
20 40 60 80 100 120 Opbrengs- en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%) vir 2017/2018
Figuur 9. Totale opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks per chemiebehandeling as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. *Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie.
Dit is ook belangrik om te let op die kultivars se vermoë om konsekwent te presteer, ongeag fluktuasies in die klimaat oor tyd. In Figuur 8 word die drie-jaar data aangetoon vir die kultivarproewe in die Warden produksie-area. Dit blyk dat kultivar Lanorma die minste variasie toon vir hierdie area.
aan die norm van ≥1.075 vir prosessering voldoen. Geen defekte het voorgekom nie. Moontlike redes hiervoor is dat wanneer temperature baie hoog is funksioneer wortels nie optimaal nie met die gevolg dat onvoldoende water en Ca opgeneem word. Gedurende hierdie groeiseisoen was die temperature meestal onder 30°C en het selde tot 35°C gestyg. 'n Kombinasie van hoër reënval vroeg in die groeiseisoen (tydens knolinisiasie), minimale hittestres en goeie bemesting het moontlik daartoe gelei dat geen defekte voorgekom het nie.
Verder is dit ook belangrik om op die interne kwaliteit van die produk te fokus om 'n optimale ekonomiesbemarkbare opbrengs, en dus winsgewendheid, te verseker. Dit sluit belangrike faktore in soos die kook- en prosesseringseienskappe, soortlike gewig (SG) asook inwendige defekte (holhart, bruinvlek en vaatbundelverkleuring) wat opgesom word in Tabel 3. Gedurende die 2017/2018-groeiseisoen het al die kultivars, met die uitsondering van Almera, Essenza, Fandango, Labadia en Taisiya aan die skyfiekleurnorm van >50 vir prosessering voldoen. Wat soortlike gewig (SG) betref het die kultivars Ariata, Bonnata, Essenza, Rumba, Tyson en Valor
Die proefgemiddeld van al die kultivars word as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele chemiebehandelings word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke chemiebehandeling se opbrengsprestasie word as 'n persentasie van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk (opbrengsindeks). Ten einde die prestasie van die chemiese produkte in terme van kwaliteit te bepaal, is die opbrengs, groottegroepverspreiding en klas gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir die betrokke dag 'n bemarkingsindeks te bereken. Die opbrengs, vermenigvuldig met die heersende prys wat bepaal word deur die groottegroepverspreiding en
bemarkbare opbrengs te verseker. In Figuur 6 word die groottegroepverspreiding aangetoon en in Figuur 7 die gradering van die opbrengs van die onderskeie kultivars.
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CHEMIEPROEF 2017/2018 Die proef is geplant in ʼn ewekansige blokontwerp met drie herhalings met die kultivar Mondial. Behandelings rakende die chemieproef was as volg: Behandeling
Bayer 1
Velum Prime
Aalwurm en swammiddel vir Alternaria Solani
Bayer 2
Bayer 3
Bayer 4
Emesto Silver
Negatiewe kontrole
Geen behandeling
Die plaas se standaard praktyk
Mosvito 1
Toegedien met plant: 25 l/ha Mos Phito. 20 l/ha Mos Nema
Mosvito 2
25 l/ha Mos Phito 20 l/ha Mos Nema 25 l/ha Mos Woema 20 l/ha Mos Tricho
gradering, gee die bemarkingsindeks (Figuur 9). Die opbrengsdata vir die chemiebehandelings is statisties verwerk met behulp van die GenStat® program en die gemiddelde was geskei deur gebruik te maak van die Tukey KBV-toets. Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskille by 5% gewees nie al was die koëffisiënt van variasie baie laag (10.1%). Dit dui daarop dat die proef goed uitgevoer en die resultate betroubaar is (Figuur 9). 'n Moontlike verduideliking vir die afwesigheid van statistiese verskille, is dat die produsent uitstekende agronomiese praktyke toepas (soos byvoorbeeld baie organiese materiaal wat ingewerk word asook ander mikrobiese toedienings), soos gesien kan word in die grondontleding (Tabel 2). As gevolg van die goeie agronomiese eienskappe, is die plante reeds gestimuleer vir 'n natuurlike siekteweerstand. Dit word bevestig deur die feit dat die negatiewe kontrole (geen behandeling) dieselfde presteer het as die chemiese
*MOS PHITO Grondgedraagde siektes, soos Phytopthora en Pythium asook 'n wortelstimulasie-effek en stimuleer die plant om phito-alexiene te vervaardig vir natuurlike siekteweerstand. *MOS PHITO Nematode beheer *MOS WOEMA Om bio-diversiteit in grond te skep, as 'n komposaktiveerder op te tree en organiese materiaal in gronde te ontbind. Bestaan uit bakterieë, Trichoderma sp., Azotobacter, Pseudomonas Fluorescans en amino / fulvic suur. *MOS TRICHO Swam inokulant vir plantgroei bevordering. Bevat Trichoderma harzianum.
produkte wat toegedien is. Voorts is meeste van die chemiese produkte gemik om aalwurms en swamme te beheer. Geen aalwurm en swamme was tydens die groeiseisoen in die proefperseel waargeneem nie. Aangesien groottegroepverspreiding en gradering ook gebruik word om aartappels te klas, is dit belangrike faktore om in ag te neem ten einde 'n optimale ekonomies-bemarkbare opbrengs te verseker. In Figuur 10 word die groottegroepverspreiding aangetoon en in Figuur 11 die gradering van die opbrengs van die onderskeie chemiebehandelings. Dit is opvallend dat die chemiese produkte (behalwe vir Mosvito 2 en Mosvito 1) wel 'n aansienlike hoër persentasie klas 1 aartappels gelewer het in vergelyking met die kontrole (Figuur 11) Die Warden-proef het bestaan uit 'n kultivar-, chemieen kunsmisproef wat op 'n proefperseel van ongeveer 1.4 ha uitgevoer is. As gevolg van die grootte van
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Tri-Cure (Trichoderma harzianum)
Tri-Cure (Trichoderma harzianum) Pseudomonas fluorescens 5% kalsium, bio-stimilante, aminosuur
MBFi 2: Potato Mix Rizofos Potato X-Press Technical
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Tri-Cure (Trichoderma harzianum) Beheer van fungus
Tri-Cure (Trichoderma harzianum) Pseudomonas fluorescens
MBFi 4: Potato Mix Agri-Cure
MBFi 5: Potato Mix Rizofos Potato
MBFi 3: DroĂŤland Aartappel program Produk Teiken Potato Mix Tri-Cure Rhizoctonia,Fusaruim,wortelontwikkeling Rizofos potatoes Beskikbaarmaking van fosfaat, wortelontwikkeling X-Press Technical Kalsuim 5%, polysaccharides, aminosuur Instructor Brassinolde, mikronutriente X-Press Functional Mn, Zn, B, Mo, Cu, S, N CAB Kalsuim, Boor Aminex Aminosuur, organiese koolstof, N Rezist Zn, Mn, Cu, salisynsuur X-Press MOB B, Mo, Zn, N, S, Twister Benatter, verspreider, anti-evaporant Max 357 pH buffer
MBFI Behandelings:
Proef MBFi 1: Potato Mix Potato Mix
Page 72 200 ml 25 ml
2L 200 ml
200 ml 25 ml
200 ml 25 ml
Rhizoctonia,Fusaruim, wortelontwikkeling Beskikbaar making van fosfaat, wortelontwikkeling
Rhizoctonia,Fusaruim,wortelontwikkeling 300 g/100 L water
Plant week1 1,5 kg/ton 1,5 L + 0,3 L
200 ml 25 ml
1,5 kg/ton moere @ Plant 3 L/ha
1,5 kg/ton moere @ plant
200 ml 25 ml
1,5 kg/ton moere @ plant 1,5 L/ha 1 L/ha
1,5 kg/ton moere @ plant
Rhizoctonia,Fusaruim,wortelontwikkeling Beskikbaarmaking van fosfaat, wortelontwikkeling Kalsuim 5%, Polysaccharides, aminosuur
200 ml 25 ml
300 g/100 L water
200 ml 25 ml
200 ml 25 ml
200 ml 25 ml
3L 200 ml 25 ml
300 g/100 L water
200 ml 25 ml
Groot medium
Grootteverspreiding (t/ha) in 2017/2018
2017/2018 = 43.6 t/ha 40
Bayer 1
Bayer 2
MBFi 1
MBFi 2
Bayer 3
MBFi 3
Neg kontrole
Kontrole (Boerdery standaard)
MBFi 4
Mosvito 2
Mosvito 1
MBFi 5
Figuur 10. Groottegroepverspreiding van elke chemiese behandeling tydens finale oes. 60
Klas 3
Klas 2
Klas 1
Gradering (t/ha) vir 2017/2018
2017/2018 = 43.6 t/ha 40
Bayer 1
Bayer 2
MBFi 1
MBFi 2
Bayer 3
MBFi 3
Neg kontrole
Kontrole (Boerdery standaard)
MBFi 4
Mosvito 2
Mosvito 1
MBFi 5
Figuur 11. Gradering van elke chemiebehandeling tydens finale oes. die proewe het daar vermenging in die kunsmisproef voorgekom. Data is wel geneem om te kyk of vermiste waardes gebruik kan word om data te herwin, maar ongelukkig was daar nie genoeg vryheidsgrade nie en kon dit nie statisties verwerk word nie. Dit word
aanbeveel dat die kunsmis- en chemieproef geskei word van die kultivarproef om sulke foute uit te skakel. 'n Ander perseel vir die kunsmis- en chemieproef word ook aanbeveel na aanleiding van die verduideliking oor die chemie-resultate. C
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Wes-Vrystaat kultivarproef onder besproeiing op Bultfontein in 2018 Izak Cronjé (produsent), Enrike Verster en Herman Haak (Aartappels Suid-Afrika)
Die Wes-Vrystaat is ‘n groot aartappelproduksiestreek waar nagenoeg 40 produsente op 7 292 ha 14% van die land se aartappels produseer. Die mees prominente kultivars geproduseer vir kommersiële verbruik (tafel- en verwerkingsaartappels) is Mondial (62%), Sifra (16%) en Up-to-date (14%). Bultfontein val in Suid-Afrika se somerreënvalgebied (Figuur 1) en ervaar die afgelope 13 jaar ‘n gemiddelde reënval van ongeveer 452 mm. Die matige klimaat van die streek sluit baie warm somers in (warmste in Januarie) tot koue winters met ryp wat vanaf Aprilmaand kan voorkom.
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Hierdie betrokke kultivarproef te Bultfontein is uitgevoer in sandleemgrond en die proef is uitgelê in ‘n ewekansige blokontwerp met drie herhalings per kultivar. In Tabel 1 word ander tegniese inligting rakende die proef gegee. Ingesluit in die kultivarproef is kultivars met kort- en langgroeitydperke en derhalwe kan groeiperiodes die uiteindelike opbrengs van sekere kultivars beïnvloed. Die lengte van groeiperiodes is onderhewig aan die aard van die seisoen, maar word gesien as die hoeveelheid tyd wat verloop vanaf opkoms tot
natuurlike loofafsterwe. ‘n Aartappelplant se leeftyd word verdeel in vyf groeifases, naamlik spruitontwikkeling, vegetatiewe groei, knolinisiasie, knolvulling en volwassenheid. Tabel 2 sit uiteen hoe hierdie groeiperiodes verskil van kultivar tot kultivar. Omgewingsfaktore en bestuurspraktyke beïnvloed ook die verskillende groeifases en wanneer dit aanvang neem. Figuur 1: Ligging van Bultfontein in die Wes-Vrystaat produksiegebied (Chantel du Raan).
Tabel 1: Opsomming van tegniese inligting rakende proefperseel en uitleg. Plaas:
Mnr. Izak Cronjé
18 Januarie 2018
1 Augustus 2018
Besproeiing / Droëland:
Dubbel- of enkelrye:
1.00 m
20 m2
25 000 plante / hektaar Bemestingsprogram: Voedingswaarde:
N (kg/ha)
P (kg/ha)
K (kg/ha)
Stand en aantal halms per moer beïnvloed knolgrootte en opbrengs. Die aantal ogies per knol is kultivarafhanklik en bepaal die hoeveelheid spruite wat per knol voortgebring word. Plantgereedheid van moere is baie belangrik in hierdie verband, aangesien beter plantgereedheid gewoonlik veroorsaak dat moere beter spruit en meer stamme per spruit voortbring. Plantgereedheid van moere ten tye van plant van die proef, sowel as standpersentasie en halmtelling wat later in die groeiperiode waargeneem is, word aangedui in Tabel 2. Verteenwoordigende grondmonsters is voor plant geneem en ontleed om te grondvoedingstatus van die proefperseel te bepaal (Tabel 3). Die evaluering van nuwe kultivars soos in die Bultfontein kultivarproef verskaf resultate rakende onder andere opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks. Die bemarkingsindeks van die
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Tabel 2: Karaktereienskappe rakende groeiperiode, plantgereedheid, stand (%) en halmtellings vir betrokke kultivars. Kultivar
Groeiperiode (Dae)1
Almera Fandango Ludmilla Markies Mondial Panamera Sifra Taisiya Tyson
Kort Medium Kort Medium Kort tot medium Medium Kort tot medium Kort tot medium Kort tot medium
(85) (110) (110) (95-110) (90-110) (90-100) (100) (90-100)
Plantgereedheid2 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 2
Stand (%) Halms per plant 76 2.8 88 4.2 100 5.0 100 5.0 100 6.6 100 4.0 100 3.4 100 5.8 100 4.8
Halms per hektaar 53 200 92 400 125 000 125 000 165 000 100 000 85 000 145 000 120 000
Algemene riglyne en kategorieë (dae vanaf opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen): Kort = 7090 dae; Kort tot Medium = 80-100 dae; Medium = 90-110 dae; Medium tot Lank = 90-120; Lank = 90-140 dae. 2 Plantgereedheid van moere: 1 = Vars; 2 = Effens vars; 3 = Plantgereed; 4 = Effens oud; 5 = Oud. 1
Totale reënval per maand (2018) Kumulatiewe reënval 2018
Langtermyn gemiddelde reënval Langtermyn kumulatiewe reënval
Reënval (mm)
0 Jan
Plant tot uithaal: 18 Januarie - 1 Augustus
Figuur 2: Reënval (2018 seisoen) en langtermyn-gemiddelde reënval. betrokke kultivars word bereken deur elke kultivar te klas en sorteer volgens kwaliteit en groottegroepe (byvoorbeeld: klas 1 groot of klas 2 groot-medium). Dienooreenkomstige prysvergelykings word dan gemaak met markpryse soos verkry ten tye van oesdatum. Die prestasie van nuwe kultivars kan nie net op die resultate van een bepaalde seisoen geskoei word nie omdat klimaat van een jaar na ‘n volgende
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kan wissel. Juis daarom word die kultivars verkieslik oor ‘n aantal seisoene getoets. Soos met enige gewas is die temperature, beskikbaarheid van water (hetsy goeie besproeiingskedulering of reënval), sowel as dagliglengtes belangrike faktore wat wesenlike invloed uitoefen gedurende die aartappelplant se
Temperatuur (°C)
Langtermyn gemiddelde maksimum temperatuur
Maksimum temperatuur 2018
Langtermyn gemiddelde minimum temperatuur
Minimum temperatuur 2018
Temperatuur (°C)
Plant tot uithaal: 18 Januarie - 1 Augustus
18-Jan-19 23-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 02-Feb-19 07-Feb-19 12-Feb-19 17-Feb-19 22-Feb-19 27-Feb-19 04-Mar-19 09-Mar-19 14-Mar-19 19-Mar-19 24-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 03-Apr-19 08-Apr-19 13-Apr-19 18-Apr-19 23-Apr-19 28-Apr-19 03-Mei-19 08-Mei-19 13-Mei-19 18-Mei-19 23-Mei-19 28-Mei-19 02-Jun-19 07-Jun-19 12-Jun-19 17-Jun-19 22-Jun-19 27-Jun-19 02-Jul-19 07-Jul-19 12-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 22-Jul-19 27-Jul-19 01-Aug-19
Eerste ryp
Plant tot uithaal: 18 Januarie - 1 Augustus
Figuur 3: Minimum- en maksimumtemperature (2018 seisoen) sowel as langtermyntemperature.
Totale hitte-eenhede 2018
Langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede
Kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede 2018
Langtermyn kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede
1400 1200
800 600
400 200 0 -200
Plant tot uithaal: 18 Januarie - 1 Augustus
Figuur 4: Hitte-eenhede (2018 seisoen) asook langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede. *Totale hitte-eenhede spesifiek bepaal vir aartappels as gewas (drumpeltemperatuur = 5°C). Bereken vanaf uurlikse data.
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groeitydperk. Hierdie faktore word dus in aanmerking geneem wanneer die prestasie van kultivars geëvalueer word. Toepaslike daaglikse en langtermyn weerdata word verkry vanaf ‘n gekose LNR-weerstasie wat so naby as moontlik aan die proefperseel geleë is. Die reënval vir die seisoen het ‘n hoër as normale (langtermyn gemiddeld) getoon vir Januarie en Februarie tydens opkoms en vegetatiewe groei. Die daaropvolgende maande is gekenmerk deur ondergemiddelde reënval in vergelyking met langtermyn reenvaldata; noemenswaardig so in April waar bykans geen reënval aangeteken is nie (Figuur 2).
Minimum- en maksimumtemperature word uiteengesit in Figuur 3. Vanaf einde April tot Augustus blyk minimum temperature om effens onder die langtermyngemiddelde temperature te lê. Tydens hierdie betrokke tydperk, is temperature onder vriespunt gereeld aangeteken tot en met 1 Augustus wanneer die proef uitgehaal is. Temperature onder vriespunt het in 2018 vroeër begin as wat die langtermyn gemiddelde temperature aandui. Dit mag ‘n invloed gehad het op knolvulling en vandaar die relatiewe klein opbrengs van groot aartappels uit hierdie proef. Die voortdurende temperature onder vriespunt vanaf Meimaand beteken ryptoestande en daarmee saam natuurlike loofafsterwe. Versameling van hitte-eenhede gedurende ‘n groeitydperk is ‘n kardinale faktor in die ontwikkeling van ‘n plant. Die tendens van hitte-eenhede beskikbaar vir die kultivarproef van hierdie betrokke seisoen te Bultfontein, blyk baie na aan die tendens rakende langtermyndata van hitte-eenhede te wees (Figuur 4). Opbrengsdata versamel tydens oesdag word onderwerp aan statistiese verwerking met behulp van die GenStat® program. Die Tukey toets van kleinste betekenisvolle verskille (KBV) is gebruik om
Opbrengs (%)
Bemarkingsindeks (%) 127.1 a
119.4 a-c
113.9 a-d
Geen statistiese verskil in opbrengs van kultivars nie
121.6 ab
103.2 b-e
Sifra Markies
94.9 d-f
94.7 d-g
Ludmilla 56.5 hi
Geen statistiese verskil in opbrengs van kultivars nie
68.7 h
Proefgemiddeld = 52.56 t/ha p < 0.05 KBV = 19.38 KV% = 11.2
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Opbrengs- en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)
Figuur 5: Totale opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks per kultivar as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. *Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie. Page 78
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X Klein
Groot medium
70 Proefgem. van laaste 3 jaar: 58.62 t/ha
Grootteverspreiding (t/ha)
60 50
Proefgemiddeld 2018 = 52.56 t/ha
40 30 20 10 0 Mondial
Kultivar Figuur 6: Groottegroepverspreiding van elke betrokke kultivar.
Klas 2
Klas 1 Proefgem. van laaste 3 jaar: 58.62 t/ha
Gradering (t/ha)
Proefgemiddeld 2018 = 52.56 t/ha
40 30 20 10 0 Mondial
Kultivar Figuur 7: Gradering van elke betrokke kultivar.
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Tabel 3: Hoofredes vir afgradering.
x x x
x x x x x x x x x
Panamera Sifra Taisiya
Hoofredes vir afgradering
x x
Opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)
0 Almera
Figuur 8: Prestasie van kultivars oor drie jaar (uitgedruk as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld).
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BEDRYFSDIENSTE INDUSTRY SERVICES Tabel 4: Vleeskleur en interne kwaliteit van alle kultivars
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die gemiddelde te skei. Die kultivareffek gedurende hierdie betrokke proef (Figuur 5) was statisties beduidend (p<0.05) en die koefisiënt van variasie was laag (11.2%). Hierdie faktore dui daarop dat die proef goed uitgevoer is en die resultate derhalwe betroubaar is. Die opbrengs van elkeen van die kultivars word deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel (die proefgemiddeld van al die kultivars word as 100% geneem). Hierdeur word ‘n opbrengsindeks geskep en word elke kultivar se prestasie in terme van opbrengs as ‘n persentasie van die proefgemiddeld gelees. Die gemiddelde opbrengs van die proef vir die 2018seisoen is 52.56 t/ha en derhalwe 4.64 t/ha laer wanneer vergelyk word met die proefgemiddeld van die 2017 seisoen (57.2 t/ha). Die kultivars Mondial, Panamera, Taisiya, Tyson en Sifra het die hoogste opbrengs gelewer en hierdie kultivars was ook die kultivars wat met opbrengste bo die proefgemiddelde 52.56 t/ha presteer het. Almera en Ludmilla het die swakste opbrengste gelewer. Mondial het ook die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal en dit kan toegeskryf word aan ‘n effens beter opbrengs in groot knolle. Panamera het die tweede beste bemarkingsindeks behaal ten spyte van meer klas 1 knolle (Figure 5, 6 en 7).
Groottegroepverspreiding en gradering is onontbeerlike evaluasies wanneer daar gekyk word na ‘n kultivar se bemarkbaarheid. Hoofredes vir afgradering van elke kultivar (Tabel 3), sowel as interne kwaliteit (Tabel 5) van elke kultivar is ook belangrike faktore en moet dus ook ondersoek word. Soos die aard van seisoene is, fluktueer die prestasie van kultivars van seisoen tot seisoen – bloot omdat klimaat van een seisoen na ‘n volgende nooit eenders is nie. Derhalwe is dit belangrik om konsekwente prestasie van kultivars oor ‘n aantal seisoene in ag te neem. Sifra, Mondial en Markies toon tans die minste variasie vir die Bultfontein streek van 2016 tot 2018 (Figuur 8). Laastens, wanneer daar gekyk word na interne kwaliteit van aartappels (Tabel 5), kan kook- en prosesseringseienskappe ook geëvalueer word. Om te voldoen aan prosesseringsvereistes, moet kultivars aan ‘n skyfiekleurnorm van >50 en ‘n soortlike gewig (SG) van ≥1.075 voldoen. Geen kultivars het voldoen aan die SG vereistes nie, maar helfte van die kultivars het voldoen aan die regte skyfiekleur (Tabel 6). Almera, Fandango, Mondial en Sifra het tekens van holhart getoon. Geen bruinvlek of vaatbundelverkleuring is waargeneem nie. C
Tabel 5: Kook- en prosesseringseienskappe van kultivars (uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat). Kultivar
Almera Fandango Ludmilla Markies Mondial Panamera Sifra Taisiya Tyson
43 45 54 52 47 50 55.0 42 52
1.0553 1.0670 1.0742 1.0687 1.0715 1.0658 1.0619 1.0590 1.067
Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die droëskyfiebedryf. Soortlike gewig van ≥1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf.
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Vra vir die Beste
Hoë kwaliteit kunsmisse vir groente produksie • Multi-K™ - die beste kaliumdraer vir groente • Vinnig en effektiewe plantvoedingstofopname • Nutrigation™ deur spilpunte en druppers
Pioneering the Future Kontak ons gerus vir u naaste verspreider: Haifa Suid-Afrika Posbus 1409, Brackenfell, 7561, Suid-Afrika Tel: 021 982 0309, Faks: 021 981 7637 Epos: Dawie.Fourie@haifa-group.com www.haifa-group.com
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James Leslie - Eastern Free State Potato Farmer of the Year Hanrie Greebe / photo Mea Botha, Potatoes South Africa
James Leslie from Sesisonke Farming, near Harrismith, was announced Eastern Free State Potato Farmer of the Year at the Eastern Free State Information Day on 7 March 2019. James has been involved in mixed farming since 1993 and says that his dad has always planted potatoes. In fact, his great grandfather already planted them in 1904 in the same region in the Eastern Free State. Potatoes is a high-risk high-input crop, yet James says with a twinkle in the eye “I plant potatoes because it is a challenge. You always think that next year you are going to get it right, so it is always a trick”. Sesisonke was started in 2005. According to James, they were looking for a name that encompasses the whole of who they are. Sesisonke in Zulu means “all of us” and hence the name, Sesisonke, which means “we are now all together”. The main crop income-wise is potatoes with maize planted on the biggest hectares. At Sesisonke
approximately 6000 ha is planted, resulting in about 60 000 tons of produce harvested off the land. Mondial is the main cultivar planted both under irrigation and dry land. Table potatoes are sent to some fresh produce markets with a small element of chip potatoes produced for processing. James attributes his success to “Staying positive, that’s the most important thing”. He says “Everything comes with a team, I just sit at the head of the team. I don’t actually do all that work. It is the guys of Sesisonke that makes it work, not just me”. The title of Eastern Free State Potato Farmer of the Year is valid for two years and runs concurrently with the Potatoes SA biennial Congress. James Leslie is automatically a finalist in the Syngenta National Potato Farmer of the Year: 2019 – 2021 of which the winner will be announced during the Potatoes SA Congress on 18 September 2019 at the Tsogo Southern Sun, Sun Hotel, Cape Town CBD. C
Eastern Free State Potato Workgroup; James Leslie, Sesisonke Farming, Abrie van Zyl, Sesisonke Farming; Nicolaas Lourens, Chairperson Eastern Free State Regional Management and member of Potatoes SA Board of Directors; André Jooste, Chief Executive Officer at Potatoes SA. Page 84
CHIPS Maart/April 2019
Moerkwekersforum “Kwaliteit plantmateriaal as grondslag van 'n kompeterende aartappelbedryf”
17 September 2019
Seed Potato Growers’ Forum “Quality plant material as the foundation of a competitive potato industry”
Aartappels SA Kongres “Gerat vir 'n veranderende omgewing om 'n volhoubare aartappelbedryf te verseker”
18 September 2019
Potatoes SA Congress “Gearing up for a changing environment to ensure a sustainable potato industry”
Tsogo Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel 23 Strand St, Cape Town CBD Enquiries: Association Business Events on behalf of Potatoes SA +27 74 051 3318 petrie@abevents.co.za
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Aartappels Suid-Afrika span speel Petrus Steyn gholfdag aan die brand Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
Laerskool JA Malherbe op Petrus Steyn het vanjaar vir die 14de keer met sukses hul jaarlikse gholfdag op die plaaslike gholfbaan aangebied met die finansiële steun van rolspelers in die aartappelbedryf.
Die Aartappels SA span bestaande uit Stephan Fourie, Christoff Jacobs, Pieter Becker en Dries van Tonder
Soos in 2018 het 30 spanne, wat die volle spektrum van die aartappelbedryf verteenwoordig, vir die toernooi ingeskryf – dit is dan ook die maksimum wat die baan kan akkommodeer. Volgens die skoolhoof, mnr. Bokkie Bosman, is daar ook ander maatskappye en instansies wat finansieel bygedra tot hierdie fondsinsamelingsaksie, maar nie aan die toernooi self deelneem nie. “As skool en gemeenskap kan ons nie genoeg dankie sê vir alle betrokkenes wat jaar na jaar nie skroom om hierdie aksie ruimskoots te ondersteun nie. Dit is ou nuus dat die fondse wat die
skool van die Departement van Onderwys ontvang net nie genoeg nie om te verseker dat leerders die beste moontlike onderrig ontvang en sportgeleenthede gebied word. Dit is veral die minderbevoorregte leerders wat deur middel van fondsinsameling die geleentheid gebied word om hulle volle potensiaal te ontdek en te ontwikkel. Voorts gebruik ons ook van die fondse wat, onder andere, met die gholfdag gegenereer word om die skool se sportgronde in stand te hou en in pas te bly met rekenaartegnologie wat 'n moet is vir die ontwikkeling van ons leerders.”
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KONTREINUUS REGIONAL NEWS Daar is heelwat aartappelprodusente in die omgewing wie se kinders in Laerskool JA Malherbe is of was, en dit was dus lekker om hul insetverskaffers en markagente op die gholfbaan te sien wat tydens hierdie dag besigheid vir sosiale skakeling verruil het. Soos gewoonlik was die aartappelboere van die omgewing ook ten nouste betrokke ten opsigte van, onder andere deelname, verskaffing van produkpryse en dan ook toerusting en arbeid om die baan op toernooi-vlak te kry. Wat meeste boere se gholfvermoëns betref is dit duidelik dat hulle min geleentheid kry om in die aartappellande te oefen ten einde die Ernie Els of Retief Goosen van môre te word. Aartappels Suid-Afrika was vanjaar ook by die gholfdag betrokke en het die eerste gat geborg en ook pryse geskenk. Volgens van die aartappelboere was Aartappels SuidAfrika se betrokkenheid, as hul verteenwoordigende organisasie, 'n welkome gesig en wys dit op die organisasie se bereidwilligheid om ook by boeregemeenskapaksies betrokke te raak wat nie verband hou met organisatoriese aktiwiteite nie. Die kersie op die koek was natuurlik die feit dat die Aartappels Suid-Afrika span die Petrus Steyn gholfdag aan die brand gespeel het met hul neon-groen hemde en was dit geen wonder dat hulle die wen-trofee om hoog gelig het nie – wys net wat pure aartappelvernuf kan vermag! C
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Oos-Vrystaat inligtingsdag se nuwe formaat werk uitstekend Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
Die Oos-Vrystaat Aartappelwerkgroep het vir etlike jare dieselfde resep gevolg wat betref die aanbied van die jaarlikse inligtingsdag, d.i. formele aanbiedings in die Distriksboere-uniesaal op Warden gevolg deur die besigtiging van die proewe, mits die weer dit natuurlik toelaat. Ongelukkig het die aantal boere wat die dag bygewoon het oor tyd begin taan wat die lede van die werkgroep genoop het om vars te dink oor 'n alternatiewe aanbiedingsformaat wat aartappelboere se belangstelling sal prikkel om weer die betrokke dag by te woon. Na oorweging van verskeie alternatiewe is daar besluit om vanjaar die formele verrigtinge direk langs die proefperseel in 'n markiestent aan te bied met 'n beperking op die omvang en tydsduur van die formele verrigtinge. In werklikheid het vanjaar se formele verrigtinge slegs bestaan uit die verwelkoming
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deur mnr. Nicolaas Lourens, voorsitter van die OosVrystaat gebiedsbestuur en lid van Aartappels Suid-Afrika direksie, 'n kort verduideliking wat die proewe behels deur mnr. Stephan Fourie, voorsitter van die Oos-Vrystaat Aartappelwerkgroep en laastens die bekendmaking van die Oos-Vrystaat se Aartappelboer van die Jaar wat later vanjaar aan die nasionale kompetisie gaan deelneem. Dit het nie net die logistieke probleme uitgeskakel wat ondervind is met die vervoer na en van die proefperseel nie, maar ook meer tyd gebied vir die besigtiging van die proewe en aanbiedings deur die maatskappye wat by die onderskeie proewe betrokke is. Die Aartappelinligtingsdag wat op 7 Maart gehou is, het beslis wyer belangstelling uitgelok as die getal aartappelboere, insetverskaffers en markagente in ag geneem word. Wat veral verblydend is, is die
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feit dat 29 aartappelboere die dag bygewoon het wat sê dat die Oos-Vrystaat Inligtingsdag se nuwe formaat uitstekend werk. Die uitstallers en die maatskappye wat deelneem aan die proewe het almal hul tevredenheid uitgespreek oor die alles-opeen-plek aanbieding, veral aangesien dit gelei het tot verhoogde interaksie met aartappelboere. Die perseel vir die uitvoer van die proewe is op die plaas Geelbekpan digby Eram in die Harrismith-omgewing geleë en het bestaan uit 'n kultivarproef wat onder droëlandtoestande geplant is, 'n kunsmisproef en ook 'n chemie-proef wat alles onder toesig van mnre. James Leslie en Abri van Zyl uitgevoer is. Oos-Vrystaat Aartappelwerkgroep Wat die kultivarproef betref is die boerderyprogram gevolg ten opsigte van aanplantingstyd asook die toediening van kunsmis en chemiese plaagbeheermiddels om dit te kan korreleer met die kommersiële aartappelaanplantingsaktiwiteite. Die aanplanting wat uit drie herhalings bestaan sluit 13 kultivars in. Die kultivars en hul eienaars is soos volg: Kultivareienaars
GWK Aartappels
Lanorma en Taisiya
Sifra, Mondial, Fandango, Sabada, Tyson, Joly en Panamera
FPD 3000 en FPD 3001
Labadia en Mondeo
maak die produsente van môre deel van die Inligtingsdag Mnre. Gert Bester en Steve Terblanche het tydens die inligtingsdag die landbou-leerders van die Hoërskool Voortrekker en die Hoërskool Witteberg, beide van Bethlehem asook Hoërskool Reitz ingelig oor die noodsaaklikheid van grondgesondheid en korrekte toediening van plantvoeding om optimale opbrengs te verseker.
Die aartappelboere het die geleentheid gehad om eerstehandse inligting te bekom oor die potensiële prestasie van die verskillende kultivars onder droëlandtoestande asook oor die impak van die toediening van kunsmis en chemiese plaagbeheermiddels op die proefaanplantings. Ook in die geval van die kunsmis- en chemiese proewe het dit uit drie herhalings bestaan. Wat die kunsmisproef betref het Atlas Kunsmis en VS Agri daaraan deelgeneem en in die geval van die chemiese proef was Adama, Madumbi, MBFi, Mos Produkte, Real IPM en Villa Crop betrokke. Die proefresultate sal later in CHIPS gepubliseer word en ook tydens die Aatappelnavorsingsimposium – 2019 voorgedra word. C
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Foto van die manne van Bayer en Sesisonke Boerdery Mnre. André du Toit (links) en Hentie Minnaar (regs) van Bayer wat as hoofborg vir die Inligtingsdag opgetree het saam met die Oos-Vrystaat Aartappelboer van die Jaar, mnr. James Leslie (middel regs) en mnr. Abri van Zyl (middel links) van Sesisonke Boerdery.
Lamskenkels bedien saam met kapokaartappels Bedien 4 – 6 / Voorbereiding 3 ure 30 minute
125ml (½ koppie) olyfolie 2 kg lamskenkels, trimmed 80 gr koekmeel 4 preie, gekap 4 selderysstingels, grof gekap 4 wortels, geskil en grof gekap 3 rooi uie, geskil en grof gekop 8 knoffelhuisies 2 vars lourierblare 2 vars tiemie spriete 2 of vars roosmaryn spriete spring 5 peper korrels 250ml (1 koppie) rooiwyn 250ml (1 koppie) hoenderaftreksel Seesout na smaak
• Voorverhit oond tot 150°C. • Verhit olie in 'n braaipan. Skud die skenkels in die meel tot dit goed bedek is en skud oormatige meel af. • Verbruin die skenkels aan beide kante in die olie. Verwyder en plaas eenkant. • Gooi die prei, seldery, wortels, uie en knoffel in braaipan en kook totdat die groente sag en effens verbruin, roer aanhoudend vir ongeveer 5 – 10 minute. • Roer die lourierblare, peperkorrels, tiemie en roosmaryn in. Gooi die wyn en aftreksel in en verhoog die hitte totdat dit prut. Sout na smaak. • Plaas die skenkels bo-op die groente, bedek met foelie en bak totdat die vlies sag is en van die been afval, ongeveer 2 – 3 ure. • Om die kapokaartappels te maak. Kook die aartappels tot sag, plaas in 'n vergiettes en dreineer goed. Plaas dit terug in die pan droog dit oor 'n baie lae hitte vir ongeveer twee minute. • Verhit die melk en botter in 'n klein kastrolletjie en gooi oor die aartappels. Verwyder vanaf die plaat en maak die aartappels met 'n aartappelfynmaker. Meng met die crème fraîche en sout. Klits met 'n hout lepel totdat dit fyn en romerig is. • Verwyder die lourierblare en spriete voordat die skenkels opgedien word saam met die groente en kapok aartappels.
Romerige kapokaartappels 1,5 kg aartappels, geskil en gekap 125 ml (½ koppie) melk 30 ml (2 eetlepels) botter 50 gr crème fraîche Sout na smaak
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Top Seed Grower, leading the industry to new heights André Wessels and Rolindie de Klerk – Potato Certification Service
The Bayer Top Seed Potato Grower of the Year has everyone waiting in anticipation as we approach the build-up to the final announcement at the South African Seed Potato Growers’ Forum on 17 September 2019. This highly sought-after award will be presented at the Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel in Cape Town during an elegant gala dinner hosted by Bayer. Winners of the past 14 years of outstanding merit have received this prestigious award by means of a nomination process in the early 90s. The criteria for the award have progressed to a sterner approach from 2010 where all records were used to calculate the deserving Seed Potato Grower of the Year. This year the criteria to determine the Seed Potato Grower of the Year were scrutinized and refined to a greater extent ensuring that the most-deserving Seed Potato Grower is a worthy ambassador and role model. Potato Certification Service (PCS) collaborated with IT developers specializing in custom software, to develop a program ensuring that results could easily be verified and that the process to determine the Seed Potato Grower of the Year is objective and can be audited. Actual certification data recorded by certification officials throughout the certification process plays the main role in determining the top seed potato grower. All certification aspects are considered which include all field inspections, bacterial wilt results, field sample virus results, tuber inspections, post-control virus and post-control variety results. Based on all deviations, as set out in the South African Page 92
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Potato Certification Scheme (Scheme), a point for each deviation is determined based on a weighted value. The weighted value is calculated by dividing 100 with the tolerance for each deviation according to the generation planted. The points earned are then calculated by multiplying the difference between the respective findings and the tolerance for each deviation with the weighted value. Finally, an average is then calculated per deviation for all Generations planted. Balanced results will also be maintained between inspection types by applying correction factors for each certification criterion thus giving each inspection type the rightful contribution. The grower’s improvement or deviation from the respective tolerances determines each Grower’s success. Growers could earn a maximum of 100 points when performing better than the allowed tolerance but could be penalized by as much as 7 500 points for poorer performance. Where no deviation is detected, 100 points are earned. Not complying with the tolerance could therefore have a more severe impact on the Grower, but where material stays clean and a grower performs better than the minimum standards in compliance with the Scheme a grower will be favoured as indicated in the table. From these calculations the top seed growers are ranked according to the most points earned during the certification process where the finalist will be identified. All growers qualifying for the 2019 Seed Potato Grower of the Year Award must have registered an average of 30 hectares for three
% Deviation
Figure A: Scoring chart according to the Generation planted.
consecutive planting seasons (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2018), which shows consistent contribution and performance. If registered units have been withdrawn from certification, the hectares will be deducted from the registered hectares and no calculation will be done on these units. Disqualification from the award will be applied to growers with cases of positive results for Ralstonia solanacearum, Globodera rostochiensis and Synchytrium endobioticum, prohibited organisms not allowed under the Scheme. Non-compliance to the Scheme will also result in disqualification of a grower which may include cases where special permission was required to successfully continue the certification process such as planting Table 1 crops in the isolation area, insufficient rotation period or own planting material not being certified. In addition to aforementioned measures, industry leaders will evaluate the finalists on criteria addressing sustainability and the use of technology during their farm visits to the finalists. These leaders include representatives from Bayer, Potatoes South Africa (PSA), the Independent Certification Council for Seed Potatoes (ICCSP) and Potato Certification Service (PCS).
2012 S 011 Niekie Visser
2013 L 002 Frans Engelbrecht
Finalists will be evaluated on aspects such as effective rogueing, volunteer control, store hygiene, sorting, management of staff and involvement in the Industry. This year a new criterion was proposed by Bayer to include the evaluation of the growersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; application of new technology such as new chemical formulations, precision farming, water scheduling, etc. Based on the calculations and the outcome of the farm visit the Seed Potato Grower of 2019 will be crowned. With every passing year the precision farming and related technology advance to keep abreast with producer requirements. This, together with the fact that the official Scheme and protocol are keeping pace with the needs of the seed potato growers, ensure that the latter are in a position to produce and deliver certified quality seed potatoes to the ware potato industry. We look forward to further amplifying the scrutiny on evaluating the best of the best as the prestigious frontrunner in leading our industry to greater heights. We wish all our fellow seed potato growers the best of luck and look forward to announcing the finalists in the run for the title of the Bayer Top Seed Potato Grower of 2019. C
2015 N127 Craig MacFarlane
2014 | 2016 | 2017 L 017 JP van den Berg CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ March/April 2019
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Prokon News
During January - February 2019, 15 potato producing regions as well as non-producing suppliers delivered potatoes nationally to Fresh produce markets. Prokon are still in the process of switching over to the new Dipar system, which will make the inspections on the floor more efficient. We will be able to create a greater variety of statistics to Potatoes South Africa and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The following markets started capturing data on the new Dipar system from: Tshwane - end of 2018
Bloemfontein - end of February 2019
Joburg - end of 2018
Mpumalanga/Nelspruit - end of February 2019
Durban - middle of January 2019
Klerksdorp - middle of January 2019
Cape Town - end of February 2019 Markets that will be added during March / April 2019 are: Welkom - middle of March 2019
Springs - end of March 2019
East London - end of March 2019
Springs - end of March 2019
Pietermaritzburg - end of March 2019
Kimberley - beginning April 2019
Average percentage downgraded
Total bags delivered from 15 regions as well as nonproducing suppliers to the fresh produce markets. during January â&#x20AC;&#x201C; February 2019
12 029 336
1116 658
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CHIPS Maart/April 2019
288 355
88 092
29 250
172 315
111 117
74 572
369 274 3 800
11 770
3 600
41 640
200 000
181 796
600 000 400 000
440 676
800 000
209 934
1000 000
824 289
697 438
606 101
699 128
549 844 49 503
145 594
5 612
13 462
64 461
33 249
847 106
1047 530
1800 000 1600 000 1400 000 1200 000 1000 000 800 000 600 000 400 000 200 000 -
1623 457
11,08% 1,57%
CHIPS â&#x20AC;¢ March/April 2019
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11,36% 2,56%
20,00% 15,00% 10,00% 5,00% 0,00%
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60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00%
50,00% 40,00%
5 968 750
3000 000
239 928
1000 000
3 060
2000 000
8216 062
2000 000 -
1 780
4000 000
12 134
6000 000
655 763
8000 000
CHIPS â&#x20AC;¢ March/April 2019
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Villa Answer Plot – die ™
ideale plek om kennis in te win
Die Villa aartappel-aanbiedingspan bestaande uit Willem Groenewald, Charla Meyer, Voltan Senekal en Marius Boshoff Dit is ’n erkende feit dat oesbeskerming ’n kernrol speel om kwaliteit en daarmee saam ’n optimale oes te verseker. Volgens Marius Boshoff, Villa se Nasionale Bemarkingsbestuurder, is die maatskappy se mikpunt die verskaffing van produkte, ondervinding en insigte om uitdaging die hoof te bied vir sover dit oesbeskerming en plantgesondheidbestuur betref. Dit sluit in aspekte soos die regte produk of program wat toegedien word met die regte toerusting op die regte tyd, met inagneming van kostes versus voordele
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“Volgens ons is die optimale werking van landbouinsette ewe afhanklik van presisie-besluitneming en kwaliteitprodukte. Verskeie sleutelbesluite tydens die groeiseisoen ten opsigte van onder andere rotasie gewasse, variëteitseleksie, nutriënt-behoeftes, toedienings toerusting en kalibrasie, instandhouding, finansiële modelle en begrotings, kostevoordeelanalises, arbeidsverhoudinge en die toediening van die korrekte en tydige oesbeskermingsprodukte. Ons mikpunt is om die ideale vennoot vir die boer te wees in die besluitnemingsproses waar ons 'n rol kan speel ten einde sukses op die plaas te verseker”, het hy gesê. Deel van Villa se kennisoordragingsaktiwiteite wat in samewerking met hulle VSA vennoot, Winfield United, aangebied word, is hul unieke program getiteld Answer Plot®. Uitgesoekte proefpersele wat verskillende produksietoestande landswyd tipeer, word deur hulle gebruik word om die jongste
oplossings vir die beheer van plaaslike onkruide, peste en siektes asook plantvoedingsvereistes te demonstreer. Die program wat verlede jaar meer as 800 boere, agronome, konsultante en vennote gelok het, het vanjaar op Winterton afgeskop en aartappels is vir die eerste keer daarby ingesluit. Die ander twee gewasse wat deel van die Winterton-proefaanplanting uitgemaak het, was mielies en sojabone. Wat die aartappelsessie betref het die Villaaartappelspan hul kennisoordrag toegespits op onder andere die: • Noodsaaklikheid van tydige toediening van die korrekte chemiese beheermiddels in die regte kombinasies met veral klem op toediening regdeur die seisoen. • Die gebruik van weerdata en siekte modelle om optimale toedieningstye en intervalle te bereken. • Gebruik van byvoegmiddels om bedekking en penetrasie te bevorder terwyl drywing van die druppels verminder word. Die demonstrasie is ondersteun deur twee toedieningsapparate naamlik n balkspuit met spuitpunte sowel as n luggedrewe kousbalkspuit met en sonder Villa se Interlock byvoegmiddel. • Noodsaaklikheid dat die produk optimale blaardekking bied. Die klem is op die bereiking van die laagste dele van die blaardak aangesien
dit dié deel is wat meeste blootgestel is aan plae en siektes. • Besluitneming ten opsigte van voeding gedurende die groeiseisoen te ondersteun deur blaarmonsterneming en dan spesifieke mikroelemente spoedig aan te vul gedurende kritiese groeistadiums van die plante. Die sisteem staan bekend as die Nutrisolution S360 diens deur Villa en bevat 'n gepatenteerde formulasie van voedingselemente en sogenaamde Cornsorb™ formulasie-tegnologie Marius Boshoff het verder gesê dat die Die Answer Plot® proewe gesien moet word as Villa se aktiewe buitenshuise laboratoriums waar verskeie plantvariëteite geplant asook getoets word. Dit is voorts gekoppel aan die evaluasie van oesbeskerming- en plantvoedingtegnologieë met die oog op die deurlopende versameling van data om agronomiese kennis uit te brei en dit dan beskikbaar te stel aan boere wat soortgelyke toestande op die plaas ervaar. “Die aanplantings is in effek 'n opelugklaskamer aangesien dit die ideale geleentheid bied om wortels oop te grawe en te ontleed, te soek vir insekte en/of siektes, of om net terug te staan en die verskil tussen verskeie behandelings waar te neem.” C
Om boere, agronome, konsultante en vennote se ondervinding te optimaliseer het die Villa Answer Plot™ program op Winterton ook 'n uitstalling van toerusting, produkte en dienste ingesluit.
CHIPS • March/April 2019
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Aartappelprodusente baat by die InteliGro Intelekt Solutions Aartappeldag Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
Aartappelprodusente van regoor die land het baat gevind by die InteliGro Intelekt Solutions Aartappeldae wat op 5 en 6 Februarie 2019 in die Sandveld gehou is. Tydens die dae kon produsente met mekaar en met InteliGro skouers skuur en kennis uitruil oor die geleenthede wat aartappelproduksie in Suid-Afrika bied, asook die uitdagings wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Volgens InteliGro is dit 'n realiteit dat die aartappelbedryf as geheel innoverend moet optree, om te verseker dat die beleggingsrendement volhoubaar sal bly. Wat egter baie positief is, is dat daar reeds baie uitvoerbare planne in plek is en
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CHIPS Maart/April 2019
gesamentlik kan rolspelers met die regte ingesteldheid baie van die uitdagings die hoof bied. Daar is voorts beklemtoon dat effektiwiteit deur die hele ketting van kardinale belang is, d.i. reeds voor plant, regdeur die groeisiklus, tot selfs na verpakking en bemarking van die aartappeloes. Waardetoevoeging is eweneens belangrik. 'n Goeie voorbeeld van waardetoevoeging en effektiwiteit is gesien tydens die besoek aan Stef Stephan van Stephan en Seun se moderne, ten volle geoutomatiseerde, aartappelverpakkingsaanleg op hul plaas Saamstaan, wat maar net weereens die
belangrikheid onderstreep om met tegnologie tred te hou. Die dag het ook veldbesoeke ingesluit aan die aartappelaanplantings op Saamstaan en Taaiboskraal wat aan ieder en elk 'n voorsmaak gegee het van die omgewing en uitdagings waarmee die Sandveld aartappelboere te doen het. 'n Voorbeeld hiervan is die mikroklimaat wat in die Sandveld binne enkele kilometers drasties kan verskil. Tydens die veldbesoeke het die temperatuur tussen die twee lokaliteite van sowat 40°C gedaal tot ongeveer 20°C, om en by 15 kilometers nader aan die see. Die Sandveld se sand het sy voordele en nadele wanneer dit kom by aartappelverbouing, maar
waaroor almal eens is, is die aartappel se besondere wit voorkoms en dat dit natuurlik regdeur die jaar op die winkelrakke beskikbaar is. Volgens InteliGro streef hulle daarna om deur middel van ’n geïntegreerde benadering en in noue samewerking met kliënte en ander rolspelers, lang termyn, koste-doeltreffende oplossings daar te stel. Die fokusprojekte wat alreeds in plek is (onder andere die InteliBio Solutions benadering), ondersteun hierdie strewe en die maatskappy glo dat hulle goed geposisioneer is om saam met kliënte die uitdaging aan te spreek, asook die geleenthede te benut wat steeds in die aartappelbedryf en landbou in SuidAfrika as `n geheel bestaan. C
CHIPS • March/April 2019
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Meet Produktiwiteit Christo Bester, LWO
Personeel is ’n besigheid se belangrikste bate, maar word personeelkoste ook streng deur arbeidswetgewing gereguleer en bied dit spesifieke uitdagings aan die werkgewer. Die ekonomie en ander eksterne faktore wat dikwels buite die beheer van die besigheidseienaar is, verg dat die werkgewer al meer moet fokus op die verbetering van die onderneming se winsgewendheid. ’n Bekende gesegde lui: As jy wil weet, moet jy meet. Daar is verskeie aspekte waaraan die werkgewer kan aandag skenk ten einde produktiwiteit in die werksplek te kan meet, wat die werkgewer dan in die posisie stel om daarop te verbeter.
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CHIPS Maart/April 2019
Daar moet ’n duidelike standaard in die werksplek wees in terme van kwantiteit en kwaliteit waarteen prestasie gemeet kan word. Hierdie standaard word deur die werkgewer gestel en moet duidelik gekommunikeer word aan die werknemer. Maak seker die volgende is in plek: • Pligstaat ’n Pligstaat is die geskrewe dokument wat die take en pligte wat van die werknemer verwag word uiteensit. Hierdie dokument vorm gewoonlik deel van die dienskontrak as ’n aanhangsel. Die pligstaat vorm die basisdokument vir gereelde prestasiebeoordelings wanneer daar gekyk word
ALGEMEEN GENERAL na verhogings en/of prestasiebonusse, asook met die hou van swak werksprestasie konsultasies. Wanneer daar ’n duidelike pligstaat in plek is, kan die werknemer nie aanvoer dat hy nie bewus was van sy verantwoordelikheid om sekere pligte uit te voer nie. • Duidelike doelwitte Duidelike doelwitte moet gekoppel word aan spesifieke take. Hierdie doelwitte moet meetbaar en bereikbaar wees. Hoe meer spesifiek die doelwitte is, hoe makliker is dit om prestasie te meet. Dit is die werkgewer se reg om kontrole in die werksplek uit te oefen met betrekking tot ’n vasgestelde standaard en werksprestasie. Dit is krities dat die werkgewer die werknemer se werksprestasie deurlopend evalueer. Hierdeur word enige swak werksprestasie dadelik geïdentifiseer en aangespreek, wat ’n direkte invloed het op produktiwiteit en winsgewendheid. Dit is baie belangrik dat die werkgewer rekord hou van hierdie evaluering as bewys dat die werkgewer billik opgetree het wanneer daar besluite rondom bonusse en/of verhogings geneem moet word al dan nie.
oortreding op die werkgewer-werknemer vertrouensverhouding. Implementeer ’n grieweprosedure om eerstens ’n harmonieuse werksomgewing te skep wat werknemers in staat stel om ontevredenheid of ’n gevoel van onreg intern op te los. Tweedens beskerm die grieweprosedure die werkgewer in gevalle van konstruktiewe ontslag (wanneer ’n werknemer bedank as gevolg van onuithoudbare werksomstandighede). • Beloon prestasie Bonusse kan handig te pas kom om werknemers te beloon vir puik prestasie, of te motiveer en aan te spoor om deurlopend te verbeter. Dit is belangrik om die terme en voorwaardes van bonusse duidelik aan werknemers te kommunikeer om moontlike toekomstige dispute en ongelukkigheid te vermy. Arbeidswetgewing stel streng vereistes waaraan werkgewers moet voldoen. Arbeidswetgewing is nie onderhandelbaar nie hou ’n besigheidsrisiko in vir die werkgewer in. Spesialiskennis is gevolglik noodsaaklik om te verseker dat daaraan voldoen word. C
Verhoogde produktiwiteit is in almal se belang en speel die volgende aspekte ’n belangrike rol om produktiwiteit te verbeter: • Reguleer die werksomgewing Duidelike reëls en riglyne beperk wrywing en misverstande, wat produktiwiteit en ’n positiewe werksomgewing bevorder. Die meerderheid van reëls in die werksplek word in die dienskontrak vervat, met verwysing na werksure, verlof, verpligtinge, ensovoorts. Elke werksplek is egter uniek en ontstaan daar dikwels ’n behoefte aan spesifieke reëls om orde en struktuur te verleen in die werksplek. Hierdie reëls word geïmplementeer deur beleide en prosedures. Elke werkgewer moet ’n relevante dissiplinêre kode hê wat verseker dat daar duidelike reëls (met toepaslike sanksies) in die werksplek is wat werknemers kan volg. Wanneer werknemers hierdie reëls oortree, het die werkgewer dan die reg om op te tree. Daar is verskillende tipes wangedrag in die werksplek wat wissel van minder ernstige oortredings tot baie ernstige oortredings. Die erns van die oortreding word beïnvloed deur die werknemer se tipe werk en verantwoordelikheid, die (moontlike) gevolge van die oortreding, asook die impak van die
arbeidswetgewing --LWO, LWO,spesialiste specialists in in arbeidsreg labour lawvir fordie thewerkgewer employer
lid by die LWO en ontvang gemoedsrus:
Gebruik vir spanning gekoppel aan: Swak werksprestasie, Waarskuwings (personeel), Dissiplinêre verhore, KVBA (”CCMA”) sake, Diefstal en misbruik van die werkgewer se eiendom, Herstrukturering, Personeelvermindering, Stakings, Vakbondonderhandelinge, Departement van Arbeid ondersoeke, ens.
Jy as werkgewer voldoen aan arbeidswetgewing EN het 24/7 ondersteuning. Die LWO bied ‘n doelontwerpte oplossing vir werkgewers in die landbousektor. Kontak ons VANDAG vir lidmaatskap opsies!
CHIPS • March/April 2019
Page 103
Uit die Argiewe / From the Archives Potatoes South Africa – in the service of the industry From time to time the question arises whether there is still a need for commodity organisations. The question is especially relevant at a time when the belittling of existing structures is the order of the day. Potatoes South Africa is one of the few commodity organisations which successfully weathered the winds of change. This does not, however, means that there is time for complacency. The foundations will still be rocked from time to time to test the stability of the organisation. The change in the potato industry which resulted in the merging of the Potato Board, the National Potato Commodity Organisation and the National Potato
Seed Growers Union and the further liberalisation of into the present Potatoes South Africa is already old news. It is, however, still important to reflect time to time whether the commodity organisation is still meeting the needs of producers. The only manner in which potatoes can determine this is to gauge performance in relation to its vision, mission and values. • Vision – leading role in food security • Mission – supporting the industry to perform optimally • Values – striving for excellence (Extract form the Conversation, CHIPS: March / April 1999.) C
Skyfie sê / Skyfie says Henk en Helisna se tweeling-dogters, Inalie en Danél, het die varkie summier Pennetjie gedoop. Volgens ouer boere van die omgewing het hulle meer as 30 jaar gelede so 'n krimpvarkie in die gebied gesien. As jy moet bid, dan bid jy in jou eie taal
Page 104
Pennetjies word geklassifiseer as 'n groot-medium
Tydens die Villa dag is die maatskappy se Juta Mentz op kort kennisgewing gevra om die verrigtinge op die proefperseel met gebed in Engels te open.
Henk van Zyl se verbasing was groot toe 'n baba krimpvarkie onlangs saam die aartappels op die sorteertafel uitgerol het.
Sy gebedsopeningswoorde was – “Dear Lord, I will be praying in Afrikaans or otherwise You will not know who is praying.”
Dié skaars krimpvarkie is saam met die aartappels geoes en het verniet saamgery na die pakstoor. Daar aangekom het hy/sy homself/haarself toegerol, is gewas en toe gesorteer – die krimpvarkie is as 'n grootmedium geklas.
Laat my dink aan die ouderling wat bidbang was en deur die dominee gevra is om die kerksraadvergadering te open. Sy gebed was – “Vader daar is mense soos ek wat wil bid maar kan nie, en dan is daar mense wat kan bid maar wil nie. Amen.” C
CHIPS Maart/April 2019
Dagboek / Diary 2019 Aartappels SA / Potatoes SA Tom Burke Bemarkingsdag / Marketing Day: 6 Junie / June Navorsingsimposium / Research Symposium: 23 – 24 Julie / July Vivo Bemarkingsdag / Marketing Day: 16 Augustus / August Korkom AJV / AGM: 27 Augustus / August Moerkwekersforum / Seed Potato Growers' Forum: 17 September Potatoes South Africa Congress / Aartappels Suid-Afrika Kongres: 18 September Noordwes Inligtingsdag / North West Information Day: 7 November Suidwes-Vrystaat Groentoer / South Western Free State Green Tour: 21 November
Ander / Other NAMPO: 14 – 17 Mei / May PMA Fresh Connections: Southern Africa Congress &Trade Show: 30 – 31 Julie / July
CHIPS • March/April 2019
Page 105
REGISTERED FRESH PRODUCE AGENTS BLOEMFONTEIN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Bloemfontein Market Agency Modise Market Agency RSA Bloemfontein Market Agency Subtropico Bloemfontein Market Agency Vrystaat Market Agency CAPE TOWN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Boland Market Agency Fine Bros Market Agency Rhoda’s Market Agency RSA Cape Town Market Agency Subtropico/Spes Bona Market Agency DURBAN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Delta Market Agency Hanly Market Agency Port Natal Market Agency RSA Durban Market Agency EAST LONDON FRESH PRODUCE MARKET AA Market Agency Border Farmers Market Agency Martin & Scheepers Market Agency Subtropico East London Market Agency EPPING MUNICIPALITY Laeveld Somerset Market Agency GEORGE MUNICIPALITY Garden Route Fresh Express Market Agency Maverick Market Agency JOBURG FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha Roodt Johannesburg Market Agency C L de Villiers Market Agency Catu-Fresh Market Agency Citi Deep Waatlemoen Market Agency Citifresh Market Agency Dapper Market Agency DW Fresh Produce Johannesburg Market Agency Egoly Johannesburg Market Agency Exec-U-Fruit Market Agency Marco Market Agency Matla Market Agency Metro Market Agency Pula Nala Market Agency RSA Johannesburg Market Agency
Subtropico Johannesburg Market Agency Swartberg Market Agency Uni Dev Market Agency Wenpro Johannesburg Market Agency KEI FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Farmers Direct Market Agency KING WILLIAM’S TOWN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET King William’s Town Market Agency KIMBERLEY FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Kimberley Market Agency Subtropico Kimberly Market Agency KLERKSDORP FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Garfield Market Agency J Frances & Son Market Agency Matlosana Market Agency Subtropico Klerksdorp Market Agency W.L. Ochse & Kie Market Agency LIMPOPO PROVINCE RSA Limpopo Market Agency RSA Mooketsi Market Agency NELSPRUIT MUNICIPALITY Laeveld Nelspruit Market Agency Nelspruit Market Agency NOORDEINDE FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Noordeinde Market Agency PIETERMARITZBURG FRESH PRODUCE MARKET G.W. Poole Market Agency Natalia Market Agency Nkosi Market Agency Peter & Co Market Agency Subtropico Pietermaritzburg Market Agency PORT ELIZABETH FRESH PRODUCE MARKET African Market Agency Algoabaai Market Agency Gouws & Co Market Agency Lansdell Market Agency W Finlayson & Co Market Agency
SPRINGS FRESH PRODUCE MARKET AM Meyer Market Agency New Africa Market Agency RSA Springs Market Agency Springs Market Agency (Vegetables) Subtropico Springs Market Agency TSHWANE FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha Roodt Pretoria Market Agency Du Plessis & Wolmarans Market Agency DW Fresh Produce Tshwane Market Agency Farmers Trust Market Agency Fresh Way Market Agency Mabeka Market Agency Noordvaal Market Agency Prinsloo & Venter Market Agency RSA Tshwane Market Agency Subtropico/Protea Market Agency Tshwane Green Market Agency VEREENIGING FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Impala Market Agency Subtropico Vereeniging Market Agency WELKOM FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha & Roodt Welkom Market Agency Opkoms Market Agency Subtropico Market Agency WITBANK FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Subtropico Witbank Market Agency Witbank Market Agency OTHER Core Fruit Comfy Fresh Farm Fresh Direct Farm Market Federated Farmers Freshly Blessed Fruitways Green Network Lucerne Fresh RSA Beyond Stargrow Westfalia
VISIT APAC’S WEBSITE REGULARLY Do you know if your fresh produce agent practise sound financial management? Did your agent received an audit qualification on his last audit report? Does your agent submit their monthly trust reconciliation timeously and has no trust account shortages? Ensure that you visit our website monthly as it is updated regularly with information on the financial status of agencies.
SUITE NUMBER 69, PRIVATE BAG X 9, EAST RAND, 1462 TEL: (011) 894-3680, (087) 095 1335, Page 106 CHIPS Maart/April 2019 FAX: (011) 894-3761,www.apacweb.org.za
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Editor: Gawie Geyer • Advertising: Gawie Geyer Contact Details: Mobile: 082 388 0524, E-fax: 086 218 3462, E-mail: gawie@potatoes.co.za
Lekker Lanorma: Lekker Lanorma: ‘n Kultivar vir óns ‘n Kultivar vir óns wêreld. wêreld. GWK Trading GWK Trading
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2018/04/06 16:24
CHIPS Maart/April 2019
Landbouweekblad Story Board Ads.indd 5
2018/04/06 16:24