Vol 32 No 3 May • June 2018
Die enigste tydskrif vir die aartappelbedryf • The only magazine for the potato industry
Effek van stikstofbestuur op knolinisiasie
Waterkwaliteit maak die wêreld se verskil
Top Crop’s success is based on our strive towards on-time, honesty and efficiency in everything we pursue. Our fleet consists of Tautliner Links and Flatdecks with Goods In Transit insurance of R1 500 000 per load. Our vehicles are neat and clean at all times to ensure that our clients are proud to use us as the face of their business.
CHIPS is die amptelike tydskrif van Aartappels Suid-Afrika. CHIPS is the official magazine of Potatoes South Africa. Redakteur/Editor Gawie Geyer Advertensies/Advertisements Gawie Geyer Sel/Cell: 082 388 0524 gawie@potatoes.co.za E-faks/E-fax: 086 685 6524 Aartappels Suid-Afrika, De Havillandsingel 6, Persequor Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. Tel: 012 349 1906. Faks: 012 349 2641
Potatoes South Africa, 6 De Havilland Crescent, Persequor Technopark, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. Tel: 012 349 1906. Fax: 012 349 2641 Ontwerp en uitleg: Henco Schoeman (HJ Ontwerp) Gedruk deur BusinessPrint vir die eienaar en uitgewer: Aartappels Suid-Afrika, Privaatsak X135, Pretoria, 0001. Design and layout: Henco Schoeman (HJ Design) Printed by BusinessPrint for the owner and publisher: Potatoes South Africa, Private Bag X135, Pretoria, 0001. Die menings wat uitgespreek word is die menings van die skrywers en verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die mening van die redaksie van CHIPS of die mening van Aartappels Suid-Afrika nie. Aartappels Suid-Afrika aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir aansprake wat in advertensies en artikels gemaak word nie. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily portray the opinion of the editorial staff of CHIPS or that of Potatoes South Africa. Potatoes South Africa does not accept any responsibility for claims made in advertisements and articles. Alle regte voorbehou. Geen gedeelte van hierdie publikasie mag op enige wyse gereproduseer word nie.
Effek van stikstofbestuur op knolinisiasie
Waterkwaliteit maak die wĂŞreld se verskil
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form. www.potatoes.co.za
INHOUD | CONTENT ARTIKELS | ARTICLES May | June 2018 Gesprek / Conversation
Vervoerkoste van ‘n 10 kg sakkie aartappels met eie vragmotor 42
Watter kultivars het die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf
International news 10
in 2017 gedomineer? 46
Plaaslike nuus / Local news 12
OR Tambo District Municipality Executive Mayor
Fresh Connections: Southern Africa Conference and
graces the Potato Marketing Information Day with
Trade Show 14
her presence 50
Potatoes as food secure product take centre stage
Potatoes SA awards the first ever Enterprise
during World Hunger Day 2018 20
Development Farmer of the Year 52
Wall Street of Fresh Produce 22
Limpopo kultivarproef onder besproeiing op
Effek van stikstofbestuur op knolinisiasie III 24
Polokwane in 2017 54
Tuber blemish hotline 30 Waterkwaliteit maak die wêreld se verskil 32
KOMMUNIKASIE / COMMUNICATION Potato Industry Forum Report – 2018 64
EKONOMIESE NUUS / ECONOMIC NEWS The impact of increasing plant protection costs, labour
and electricity expenditure on the sustainability of
SAKO Algemene Jaarvergadering – 2018 72
agriculture: A case study in potatoes 36
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PROKON Aartappellewerings aan varsproduktemarkte –
Top Crop Traders
Maart / April 2018 78
Ivanhoe Seed Potatoes
ALGEMEEN / GENERAL Rekord Nampo-bywoning wys landbouers het nog hoop 82 Wat is my regte as werkgewer en hoe pas ek dit toe? 86
Binneblad - voor
Wesgrow 16 Tshwane Fresh Produce Market
RSA Markagente
Uniekum 31
Potato waffles 85
Syngenta 35 RSA Saad Beurs
Africa Transport Solutions
Buckle Packaging
CHIPS (Advertensietariewe)
Markagente – Market agents 90
Dagboek / Diary 88 Skyfie sê – Skyfie says 88 Uit die argiewe – From the archives 89
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Aartappels kan beslis bydra om die Verenigde Nasies se Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik
Tydens die onlangse Aartappelwêreldkongres in Peru (Cusco) waar die aartappel sowat 10 000 jaar gelede “mak gemaak” is, is 'n aantal realiteite wat ons in landbou in die gesig staar, weereens beklemtoon. Hierdie realiteite moet in 'n globale konteks gesien word, en aangesien ons toenemend in 'n geglobaliseerde omgewing leef hou hierdie realiteite ook implikasies vir ons in Suid-Afrika in. Sommige van die beklemtoonde realiteite, alhoewel dit nie al is nie, is: (i)
Die groeiende vraag na voedsel as gevolg van bevolkingsaanwas is veral kenmerkend in Asië en Afrika. Na verwagting gaan die wêreldbevolking byna 10 miljard bereik teen 2050; in Afrika alleen
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gaan die bevolking na verwagting met 40% toeneem. Dit sal 'n toename in wêreld-voedsel produksie van sowat 60% vereis teenoor dit wat tans geproduseer word om in die vraag te voldoen. (ii) Volhoubaarheid sal toenemend belangrik word. Dit moet gesien word teen die agtergrond van die groeiende vraag na voedsel, terwyl die beskikbare bewerkbare grond vir voedselproduksie met slegs ongeveer 25% sal toeneem. Ten einde in die vraag na voedsel te kan voldoen sal produktiwiteit aansienlik moet verbeter. (iii) Klimaatsverandering met inagneming dat temperature wêreldwyd na verwagting met tussen 1.5°C en 4°C gaan verhoog en dat
Gesprek • Conversation
reënval in hoë breedteligginggebiede gaan toeneem en in laebreedteligginggebiede gaan afneem oor die volgende 100 jaar. Die impak hiervan sal verskil van een wêrelddeel na 'n ander. (iv) Die ongerigtheid van owerheidsbeleide om die rol wat landbou kan en moet speel, voordelig in te span. In bogenoemde konteks is die aartappel uiters belangrik. Naas koring en rys is aartappels tans die derde grootste voedselgewas wat wêreldwyd verbruik word en het die aartappel sy prominensie verewig in terme van sy bydrae tot voedselveiligheid, die verskaffing van essensiële voedsaamheid en as inkomste-genereerder. Beteken dit dat ons alles onder beheer het? In kort nee. Daar is steeds baie wat gedoen moet word, veral in die lig van Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte (VODs) wat deur die Verenigde Nasies daargestel is. 'n Aantal van hierdie doelwitte is direk op landbou van toepassing, en sluit onder andere geen armoede, goeie gesondheid, skoon water en sanitasie, verantwoordelike bewaring en beskerming van die planeet in. Die areas wat aandag verg ten einde die volle potensiaal van die aartappel te ontsluit ter bereiking van die VODs sluit in: (i) Die teel van aartappelvariëteite om produksie te verhoog, voedsaamheid te verbeter en klimaatsverandering te weerstaan. Dit beteken variëteite met hoër opbrengs, verbeterde weerstandbiedendheid teen plae en siektes, droogte- en hitte-toleransie en verhoogde kommersiële waarde. (ii) Verbeterde moerkwaliteit, produksie en verspreiding wat 'n geïntegreerde proses insluit om innoverende tegnieke te vind ten einde die produksie van hoë kwaliteit plantmateriaal en op die-plaas metodes te versnel om 'n meer bestendige gebruik van siekte-weerstandbiedende moere te verseker. (iii) Beter aartappelgewas-bestuurspraktyke vir verhoogde produktiwiteit en volhoubaarheid deur middel van besluitondersteuningstelsels en diagnostiese toerusting vir siektebeheer, geïntegreerde plaagbestuur en beter grond- en waterbestuurspraktyke. (iv) Geïntegreerde voedselveiligheid en
waardekettingontwikkeling om toegang tot dinamiese markte te verseker deur ook publieke-privatesektor vennootskappe in te sluit om winsgewende boerderybesighede te verseker.
Afrika beskik oor geweldige potensiaal om by te dra tot die bereiking van die VODs as in ag geneem word dat dit gemiddeld slegs 5.6% bygedra het tot die wêreldaartappelproduksie tussen 1994 en 2016. Aartappelproduksie en -verbruik het oor die afgelope 20 jaar meer as verdubbel. Vir sover dit opbrengs in Afrika betref, met die uitsondering van Suid-Afrika en 'n paar ander lande, draal dit ver agter Europa, die Verenigde State van Amerika en Asië. Dit is indikatief van die potensiaal wat bestaan, maar baie werk in hierdie verband is nodig. Die potensiële uitbreiding in produksie moet saamgaan met 'n verhoging in vraag, en gevolglik moet gelyke hoeveelhede energie en belegging geteiken word ten opsigte verhoogde marktoegang, belegging in dinamiese lae-koste waardekettings en verbruikersopvoeding. Die aartappel is ideaal geposisioneer wat dit betref gegewe die vraag na voedsel en die beperkte potensiaal om bewerkbare grond uit te brei. 'n Geteikende benadering moet dus gevolg word om die voedsame voordele van aartappels bo die van ander gewasse te bevorder (aartappels kan byvoorbeeld drie tot vier keer meer kalorieë per hektaar produseer in vergelyking met graangewasse en is ryk aan mikro-nutriënte). In 'n neutedop, daar is heelwat ruimte om die waardeproposisie van die aartappel te bevorder, maar dit sal die in-koop van alle belanghebbendes regdeur die aartappelwaardeketting verg. Die uitdaging lê nie net daarin om mense te vertel om meer aartappels te eet nie, maar waarom dit belangrik is. 'n Sleuteloorweging in hierdie verband is om 'n emosionele verbintenis met aartappels te skep sodat aankoopbesluite meer outomaties geneem word. Daar is steeds baie werk om in hierdie verband te doen, ook in Suid-Afrika. Aartappelgroete Dr. André Jooste Hoofuitvoerende Beampte
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Potatoes can definitely contribute to reach the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
During the recent World Potato Congress in Peru (Cusco) where the potato was domesticated 10 000 years ago a number of the realities we face in agriculture were emphasised again. These realities should be seen in a global context, and since we increasingly live in a globalised environment these realities also have implications for us in South Africa. Some of the realities highlighted include, amongst others, but are not limited to: (i)
The growing demand for food as a result of population growth, most notably in Asia and Africa. The world population is expected to reach close to 10 billion people by 2050; in
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Africa alone the population is expected to increase by approximately 40%. The will require an increase in food production by around 60% globally compared to what is currently produced to meet the demand for food. (ii) Sustainability will become increasingly important. This should be seen in the context of the growing demand for food, while the available arable land available for food production will only increase by approximately 25%. In order to meet food demand productivity will have to improve significantly. (iii) Climate change where global temperatures are expected to increase between 1.5°C and 4°C
Gesprek • Conversation
and rainfall to increase in high latitude areas and decline in low latitude areas over the next 100 years. The impact of this will be different in different parts of the world. (iv) The non-alignment of government policies to positively harness the role that agriculture can and should play. The potato in the above context is vitally important. Currently potatoes are the third largest crop consumed globally after wheat and rice and has cemented its prominence in terms of contributing to food security, providing vital nutrition and generating income. Does this mean that we are on top of our game? The short answer is no. There is still much to be done, especially in light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. A number of these goals are directly applicable to agriculture, and include amongst others, no poverty, good health, clean water and sanitation, responsible conservation and protection of the planet. The areas that require attention to unlock the full potential of the potato to contribute towards the SDGs include: (i) Breeding of potato varieties to increase production, improve nutrition and withstand climate change. This means varieties with higher productivity, improved resistance to pests and diseases, drought and heat tolerance and better commercial value. (ii) Improving seed quality, production and distribution, which involve an integrated process to find innovative techniques to accelerate production of high quality seed and on-farm methods to ensure a more durable use of disease resistant seed. (iii) Better potato crop management practises for increased productivity and sustainability through decision support systems and diagnostic tools for disease control, integrated pest management and better soil and water management practices. (iv) Integrated food security and value chain development to ensure access to dynamic markets by also embracing public-private sector partnerships to ensure profitable farming enterprises.
Africa has huge potential to contribute towards achieving the SDGs if one considers that it only contributed, on average, 5.6% of global potato production between 1994 and 2016. Potato production and consumption have more than doubled in Africa over the past twenty years. As far as yields are concerned Africa, with the exception of South Africa and a few other countries, lags far behind Europe, the United States of America and Asia. This is indicative of the potential that exist, but much work in this regard is required. The potential expansion in production has to be met by an increase in demand, and hence an equal amount of energy and investment must be targeted towards increasing market access, investment in dynamic lowcost value chains and consumer education. The potato is ideally positioned in this regard given the demand for food and the limited potential to expand arable land. Hence, there must be a targeted approach to promote the nutritional advantages of potatoes over many other crops (e.g. potatoes can produce 3-4 more calories per hectare than grain crops and are rich in micro-nutrients). In short, there is significant space to promote the value proposition of the potato, but this will require the buy-in of all stakeholders throughout the potato value chain. The challenge lies in not telling people to just eat more potatoes, but why it is important. A key consideration in this regard is to create an emotional attachment to potatoes so that the purchase decision comes more naturally. There is still much work to be done in this regard, also in South Africa. Potato regards Dr AndrĂŠ Jooste Chief Executive Officer
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international Concerns regarding Bintje are wellfounded
Romain Cools, general secretary of Belgapom, is a big lover of the Bintje potato but he is concerned about its future. "It could all be over for the Bintje next year. It's too small for the long fries demanded across the globe, and susceptible to disease. I think Bintje will have to move over in favour of other varieties for global export." Source: FreshPlaza
Europatat Congress 2018
At the Europata Congress recently held in Brussels, Gilles Fontaine (Desmazières France), was elected president for the organisation. Three interesting subjects covered at the congress were using social media to reach consumers successfully, health and sustainability going hand in hand in the potato sector and how potatoes contribute to a healthy lifestyle. As far as the use of social media is concerned the emphasis was on educating consumers via social media as consumers love knowledge. Attendees were also encouraged to partner with their consumers by being inspirational, engaging, transparent, easy to follow and emotional. Social media was also seen as the ideal way to establish what people think about products. With regard to health and sustainability going hand in hand in the potato industry the key role potatoes can play to reduce food shortages in developing countries was emphasised as well as the challenges and opportunities facing the production system. During the discussion other important aspects covered were Page 10 |
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caring for the soil as an important resource, the need to implement available solutions to prevent food losses which is everybody’s responsibility, from the supplier to members of neighbourhoods. As far as the contribution potatoes can make to a healthy lifestyle, it was said that it is unfortunate that potatoes have been given a bad reputation by several health experts although the potato itself is not the problem. As have been stressed over and over the problem lies in the way it is prepared. Source: Europatat
Frozen food consumption on the up in the US
Studies in the US indicate that frozen foods are becoming increasingly popular after lagging behind for a number of years. Even millennials are opting for frozen vegetables and meals as it is convenient and a lot less expensive than take-away meals. The latter also indicated that frozen meals are an easy way to control portions, and there is typically very little waste. In addition, as the average millennial does not have time to prepare a complete meal with fresh meat and produce, they are increasingly going for frozen meals as a viable option. The research also found that more shoppers are now buying vegetables. Even vegan shoppers are seen to frequent freezer aisles looking for meat-free products. Sales of frozen vegetables in the US have increased by 4.5% in the last year to about $3.03 billion – a kind of growth that is difficult to find elsewhere in the packaged food industry. Source: FreshPlaza
Nuus • News
Peru exports 500 tons of native potatoes annually
According to Juan Carhuaz, Deputy Chairman of Peru’s National Coordination of Potato Producers (Corpapa), the country exports nearly 500 tons of native potatoes a year, thus becoming the largest producer of this tuber in Latin America. This means that Peru’s annual potato output currently stands at some 4.7 million tons. “More than 3 000 out of the 5 000 potato varieties existing worldwide are grown and produced in Peru. For that reason, we want people to know there are many more potato varieties, besides the classic white and yellow ones," Mr Carhauz added.
The Commission’s reliance on an unapproved regulatory document (The Bee Risk Guidance Document) in order to propose a further ban of neonicotinoids is not sound and will not address the challenges we face in ensuring safe and reliable food supply while also taking care of the environment. In fact, the Bee Risk Guidance Document is so conservative and so far removed from the reality of agriculture that its application would see most, if not all agricultural chemicals banned, including for example, those used in organic agriculture.
On the occasion of National Potato Day, the Invita Peru food festival promoted the consumption of the Andean tuber by presenting three different varieties: the Camotillo potato, the Leona potato and the Qeqorani potato.
We stand by our products and our science. We will continue to help growers put food and habitat for pollinators back into the farming landscape through the development of good technology, supported by programs like Operation Pollinator. Since 2001, Operation Pollinator has positively impacted more than 5 million hectares of arable land globally and we will continue to rely on our more than 100,000 bee hives in Europe and around the world to pollinate our seeds for production.
Source: andina.pe
Source: Syngenta
Syngenta: Neonicotinoid decision takes European farming in the wrong direction BASEL, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today’s decision by Member States to back the Commission’s proposal for further restrictions of neonicotinoids is disappointing, but not unexpected. Syngenta does not believe today’s decision is the right outcome for European farmers or for the environment. What we need today, more than ever before, is for farmers to ensure the supply of safe and affordable food – while minimizing the negative impact and amplifying the positive effects that agriculture has on the environment. The evidence clearly shows that neonicotinoids pose a minimum threat to bee health compared to a lack of food, diseases and cold weather. Technology and other related advances can benefit all farming systems. All farmers, whether large or small, conventional or organic, can be more productive while conserving scarce resources, protecting nature and improving biodiversity. By constantly improving chemistry and developing products such as neonicotinoids, we can help farmers continue to protect their crops from insects and weeds, while minimizing the impact on the environment and on human health.
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plaaslike NUUS
Seil-Safari: nuwe horisonne van hoop vir boere
Laeveld Agrochem se onlangse Seil-Safari, ’n luuksebootreis vanaf Durban na Mosambiek, het nuwe hoop, rigting en visie aan Suid-Afrikaanse boere gegee. Hierdie Eerste Boeredag op die See het bestaan uit lesings, voorleggings en vermaak, wat gesorg het dat boere nie net die nodige kwaliteittyd met kundiges kon deurbring nie, maar ook hul reiskoste en meer kon verhaal deur spesiale aanbiedinge en advies omtrent die terugeis van BTW en dieselkortings. Page 12 |
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Visie word wenresep Volgens mnr. Corné Liebenberg, bemarkingsbestuurder van Laeveld Agrochem was dit die maatskappy se visie met Seil-Safari om ’n ongeëwenaarde platform te skep waar boere – sonder tydsbeperking en ander onderbrekings – blootstelling kon kry aan ’n breë spektrum van kundigheid, asook die geleentheid om vrae te vra en skouers te skuur met kenners en ander suksesvolle produsente. Die feit dat 450 van die 452 gaste wat vraelyste voltooi het gesê het hulle sien ons weer op Seil-Safari 2019, beteken Laeveld Agrochem iets reg gedoen. Waar kennis mag word Die grondslag van die reis was ’n wye verskeidenheid aanbiedings en lesings deur plaaslike en internasionale sprekers van formaat. Op landboukundige front was daar vele hoogtepunte, insluitend dr. Todd
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vraagstukke aangespreek het, insluitend Omri van Zyl, bestuurshoof van AgriSA, se praatjie oor uitdagings in die landbousektor, WA Burger van Instasense se voorlegging oor Sekuriteit en alarmstelsels, en Jaacie Visagie van UAV & Drone Solutions se aanbieding oor die aanwending van hommeltuie in die landbou. Die praatjies en voorleggings is aangevul deur ’n verskeidenheid stalletjies deur belanghebbendes, onder meer Toyota, VAT Recoveries, VOX, Villa, Case IH, Motul en Landbouweekblad. Seil-Safari 2 belowe nóg nuwe horisonne Cardwell (Villa Crop) uit Michigan, VSA, se praatjie oor sproeitoedieningstegnologie, Bernold Kemperink (Agri-Food Oost) uit Nederland se praatjie oor voedseltegnologie en innovasies, en die première van Nisboere Reeks 2, wat eersdaags op VIA, DsTV-kanaal 147 begin. Eweneens aktueel en gewild onder passasiers was ’n aantal lesings wat boere se kommer omtrent huidige
“Afgesien van die topkaliber aanbiedings aan boord, was die kaliber van hoop en onderskraging wat ons gesien het, ’n openbaring. Vanjaar se Seil-Safari was Laeveld Agrochem se eerste, maar beslis nie ons laaste nie. Ons beplan om volgende jaar dieselfde reis aan te pak saam met Landbouweekblad (wat 100 jaar oud word) en VKB”, het mnr. Liebenberg ten slotte gesê. C
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Fresh Connections: Southern Africa Conference and Trade Show – The event for all in the fresh produce industry More than 450 stakeholders in the fresh produce supply chain are expected to attend the Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA’s), Fresh Connections: Southern Africa Conference and Trade Show, scheduled for 15 to 16 August 2018 at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria. The Fresh Connections: Southern Africa conference is the largest fruit and vegetable event in Southern Africa. “‘Themed Connect Local, Grow Global the Fresh Connections conference creates a platform for stakeholders in the fresh produce supply chain to connect and to gain first hand insights into global trends and business opportunities,” says Lindie Stroebel, general manager of PMA Southern Africa. The programme will bring you top local and international speakers from four continents. Speakers will include: Adv. Thuli Madonsela - Keynote at the Women’s Fresh Perspectives luncheon; Whitey Basson, former CEO of Shoprite – Keynote on retail in Africa; Siv Ngesi, award winning actor and comedian – Master of Ceremonies; Cheyo Mwenechanya, Head of Agri Business at First National Bank of Zambia, Mwenechanya will explain the potential for the fresh produce industry in Southern Africa; Mike Riley, CEO of Compac – Future of food in a digital era; Brett StClaire, international professional speaker - Digital transformation journey; Jin Ju Wilder, chairperson of the PMA Board of Directors, and Marketing Director of LA & SF Specialty Produce - Industry insights and trends pertaining to fresh produce; Ed Treacy, Vice President of supply chain efficiencies for PMA - Power of blockchain technology; Lauren Scott, Chief Marketing Officer of PMA - strategic marketing to drive your business growth, as well as consumer preference for fresh produce in Southern Africa and around the world. The conference is supported by sponsors and exhibitors, such as Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market, Chep, Food Lover’s Market, Freshworld, Massfresh, Compac, John Deere Financial, Capespan, Absa, Freshmark, The Fruit Farm Group, PPECB, Prophet, Sensitech, ZZ2 and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in South Africa. Page 14 |
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Nuus • News
About Produce Marketing Association (PMA)
Produce Marketing Association is the leading trade association representing companies from every segment of the global produce and floral supply chain. PMA helps members grow by providing connections that expand business opportunities and increase sales and consumption. For more information, visit www.pma.com.
Date: 15 to 16 August 2018 Venue: CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa Cost: Early bird tickets (extended until 22 June 2018) PMA members: R4 900 Non-members: R5 900 Students: R2 500
CENTER FOR GROWING TALENT BY PMA EVENTS PMA Women’s Fresh Perspectives Event and Lunch: R1 000 PMA Women’s Fresh Perspectives Lunch only: R550 Young professionals breakfast (professionals ages 35 and younger): R 250
REGISTRATION AND TRADE SHOW QUESTIONS Petrie Vogel Association Business Events (Pty) Ltd Telephone number: +27 (0)74 051 3318 E-mail: petrie@abevents.co.za
PROGRAMME AND SPONSORSHIP QUESTIONS Lindie Stroebel PMA General Manager, Southern Africa Mobile: +27 (0)79 497 1594 E-mail: LStroebel@pma.com
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Potatoes as a food secure product take centre stage during
World Hunger Day 2018
Immaculate Zinde, Potatoes South Africa and Mpho Singo, The Riverbed Agency / Photos: Lerato Mabokela
Addressing the hidden causes of hunger in South Africa requires partnerships that are committed to ensuring that hunger is eradicated, and that good health and wellbeing are prioritised. With an estimated 14 million people going to bed hungry every night, Potatoes SA and Meals on Wheels, through the Great South African Potato event, have prioritised nourishment in an era when malnutrition caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, remains without physical symptoms. 24 May 2018 saw media from all walks of communication mediums descending onto the shores of the capital serving the seat of the executive branch of government, Pretoria, in honour of the humble spud as a viable and suited solution to addressing food security in South Africa. The primary objective of the event was for Potatoes South Africa, media and industry supply chain partners to kick-start a dialogue on how hunger & poverty can be curbed. Expert contributors to the dialogues included respected registered dietician, Claire Julsing Strydom whose thought provoking message on potato health and nutrition left guests better armed to defend potatoes in the face of negative publicity. In commemorating World Hunger Day 2018, Potatoes South Africa identified Meals on Wheels Community Services as its beneficiary. Meals on Wheels Community Services South Africa (MOWCS SA) is a fully fledged and recognised non-profit organization Page 18 |
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Immaculate Zinde that believes that hunger is the extreme materialization of poverty and human deprivation. Meals on Wheels Community Services South Africa is currently operating from six Area Offices, serving the Nine Provinces of South Africa through 210 community Kitchens. The prepared meals are delivered with their fleet of 280 Meals on Wheels delivery vehicles. Their aim is to serve the basic needs of the poorest of the poor, the vulnerable, the disabled and the elderly in society. Currently the organisation serves 2 million meals a month to more than 12 million hungry South Africans True to Potatoes SA’s culture of hosting media, was a potato experience with chef Fortunato Mazzone who tantalised guests’ taste buds to an array of potato
Bemarking • Marketing
Chef Fortunato Mazzone
Media Personality William Lehong
based dishes, the intent being, to demonstrate the versatility nature of potatoes.
generations? The answer is not a simple one, but, there’s hope.
Jane Strijdom, representing the RSA Group shared with guests the significance of World Hunger Day as a seller of fresh produce on behalf of producers at national fresh produce markets. The role of potatoes in addressing food security is undeniable, asserted Mrs Strijdom in her speech. "Not only are potatoes the number one seller at national fresh produce markets, but they remain a true classic goodness of the earth – wholesome, nutritious and true value for money."
Global demand for potatoes is growing, potatoes are nutritious and can be prepared in many different ways, in addition, potatoes continue to play a strong role in the global food system of the world as a non-tradable commodity and the fourth most significant crop after maize, wheat and rice.
Reports reveal that the world population is increasing at an exponential rate. 90% of this increase is expected to be from developing countries such as South Africa. The challenge facing the international community relates to ever decreasing arable land and water supplies. With this in the backdrop, the question is: how does the agricultural community ensure that there is sufficient food to feed current and future
Claire Julsing Strydom
In South Africa, where it is reported that over 14 million people go hungry on a daily basis, the potato industry finds it critically important to position potatoes as a food secure commodity. In a country where 26% of the population go hungry, 28,3% are at risk of going hungry and where access to food is a basic human right, it can be concluded that exposure to hunger is a gross human right injustice. Efforts to position potatoes as food secure are largely driven by a Zimbabwean Proverb: “You cannot tell a hungry child you gave him food yesterday.”
Zakhele Kunene and Tembe from Meals on Wheels CHIPS • May/June 2018
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Bemarking • Marketing
Kingklip Murat served with Artichoke, Wine, Mushroom and Potato sauce on a bed of mashed Potatoes with fine stir-fried Vegetables
World Hunger Day: • World Hunger Day is an initiative by The Hunger Project. • World Hunger Day is originally commemorated on 28 May. • World Hunger Day started in 2011, it aims to celebrate sustainable solutions to hunger and poverty. • The South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC) said that 53% of the country does not have enough food. • More than 815 million people in the world do not have enough food. • It’s estimated that 14 million people go to bed hungry every night in this country, and 5.5 million children are suffering from hunger in South Africa. Including the potato in your diet: • •
The potato should be included as a major component in strategies aimed at providing nutritious food for the poor and hungry. It is ideally suited to places where land is limited, and labour is abundant – conditions that Page 20 |
CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
• •
characterise much of the developing world. The potato produces more nutritious food, faster, on less land, and in harsher climates, than any other major crop. Up to 85% of the plant is edible human food, compared to approximately 50% in cereals.
Nutritional Value of the potato: • Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, making them an excellent source of energy • They sport the highest protein content (around 2.1%, fresh weight) in the family of root and tuber crops. • This plant protein is of a high standard, with an amino-acid pattern that is well matched to human requirements. • Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C. • A single medium-sized potato contains approximately half the recommended daily intake, and contains one fifth of the recommended daily intake of potassium. • Potatoes are packed with vitamins B3, B5, B6, as well as fibre. C
Tshwane Fresh Produce Market... where fresh produce, supply and demand meet
www.tshwane.gov.za/tshwanemarket/ Tel: (012) 358 2398 • Fax: (012) 358 2301 24-hours: 082 820 13942018 CHIPS • May/June Page 21 e-mail: tshwanemarket@tshwane.gov.za
Wall Street of Fresh Produce
Being in the fresh produce market agency business is not for the faint-hearted. It is a business that requires long hours, hard work and patience but most importantly trust, for without being trustworthy and reliable, you cannot be an effective market agent. Work for fresh produce agents begins in the early hours of the morning while most people are still sleeping. Fruit and vegetables from farmers arrive during the evening and the early hours of the morning. When the salesmen arrive at the market around Page 22 |
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04h00, they need to check the new stock that has arrived during the night, open the deliveries onto the computer system and walk the market floors to get an idea of overall volume in order to formulate price for the day. The market floors soon become noisy with lots of activity while market agents are kept busy with negotiating prices with buyers, making sales, speaking to farmers and filling orders. Salesmen or traders are the link between the farmer and the buyer as the buyer is actually the farmer’s customer.
Bemarking • Marketing
The RSA Group has been trading for over 30 years at fresh produce markets. They have businesses at six national and two regional markets across the country and employ more than 800 staff. RSA market agents service thousands of buyers both from South Africa as well as from neighbouring countries such as Mozambique, Lesotho and Zambia. For more information on the RSA Group, please visit their website, www.rsa. co.za as well as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @RSAMarketAgents Price discovery requires skilful trading as the farmer wants to sell at the highest price and the buyer wants to buy at the best price possible in order to resell at a profit. Supply and demand also plays a major role in the price determination and it can change accordingly. Andries Erasmus, RSA Potato Section Head and salesman, who has been working on the market floor for over 25 years says on price discovery, “It’s a gut-feeling that every trader has when it comes to price determination. There are no fancy calculations. It’s purely a feeling that comes with experience and from knowing and understanding your industry.” Fresh produce markets have created employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for thousands of people from sales agents to street hawkers and anyone can become a buyer on the market. All that is required is a buyer’s card as no cash is accepted on the market floor. One could never have guessed that these establishments lie deep in cities around South Africa. #ProFreshionals – the Wall Street of fresh produce in South Africa C
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Reeks: Effek van stikstofbestuur op knolinisiasie III Stikstof: Die kleurlose, reuklose sleutel om die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie te manipuleer Chantel du Raan (Aartappels Suid-Afrika) en prof. Martin Steyn (Universiteit van Pretoria)
Agtergrond Alhoewel knolinisiasie reeds oor baie jare bestudeer is, is die presiese meganisme sowel as die faktore wat knolinisiasie beĂŻnvloed, vandag steeds nie heeltemal uitgepluis nie. Elke kultivar het unieke eienskappe as gevolg van sy unieke genetiese samestelling. Telers het oor dekades verskillende Solanum spesies met mekaar gekruis om kultivareienskappe te skep wat aangepas is by verskillende klimate. Byvoorbeeld, die aartappelkultivar Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena wat oorspronklik van die Andesgebergtes afkomstig is, is geneties aangepas tot daardie area en benodig Page 24 |
CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
'n kort kritiese fotoperiode om knolle te inisieer. Aan die ander kant, is die aartappel S. tuberosum spp. tuberosum weer geneties aangepas by gematigde sones en vereis 'n baie langer kritiese fotoperiode. As gevolg van bogenoemde kruisings bestaan daar selfs kultivars wat amper dag-neutraal is, wat beteken dat dit onder sowel kort- as lang-fotoperiodes knolle kan inisieer. Benewens die kritiese fotoperiode, verskil kultivars ook in hul groeiperiode en die vermoĂŤ om voedingstowwe op te neem en doeltreffend te gebruik. Dit lei tot die gevolgtrekking dat elke kultivar sy eie unieke optimale behoefte aan voedingstowwe het.
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Wanneer die aartappelplant gestimuleer word om knolle te inisieer, is dit belangrik om 'n doeltreffende blaaroppervlak te produseer en in stand te hou, aangesien die blare nodig is om koolhidrate deur fotosintese te produseer wat dien as energiebron. Stikstof (N) kan gebruik word om die blaaroppervlak te reguleer, en gevolglik die fotosintetiese produkte, wat die knolinisiasie sal beïnvloed. Die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe, en meer spesifiek N, is dus een van die belangrikste faktore wat algemene gewasgesondheid, knolinisiasie, groei, kwaliteit en totale opbrengs kan reguleer. Dus is die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie 'n belangrike faktor om te oorweeg ten einde hoë opbrengs en winsgewendheid te verseker. Die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie is een van die bepalende faktore wat potensiële opbrengs en knolgrootteverspreiding bepaal. Die aspek wat 'n bepalende faktor is vir opbrengs, sluit in die inisiëring van ‘n optimale hoeveelheid knolle. Die duur van knolinisiaise andersyds bepaal die lengte van die vullingstydperk. Hoewel 'n groot aantal knolle gevorm kan word, kan sommige van hierdie knolle afspeen, selfs al het die knol 'n deursnee van meer as 2 cm bereik. Die inhoud (suikers) van hierdie gespeende knolle word dan na ander dele van die plant vervoer waar dit benodig word. Knolle is egter niks anders as ondergrondse stingels nie (alhoewel gewysig) en daarom kan N toediening, soos egter in die geval van
vrugtebome, nie knolafspening veroorsaak nie. Hierdie studie het ondersoek hoe verskillende stikstofpeile en stikstoftoedieningstye die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie van drie kultivars nl. BP1, Eos en Lanorma beïnvloed. Hierdie drie kultivars is bekend daarvoor dat hulle verskil in knolinisiasie-eienskappe. Kultivareffek Daar was 'n duidelike verskil in die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie by die verskillende kultivars. Eos het een week na 50% opkoms met knolinisiasie begin, terwyl Lanorma en BP1 eers vanaf die tweede week begin het om knolle te inisieer. Wat die duur van die knolinisiasie betref, het beide Lanorma en Eos die meeste van hul knolle vroeg in die seisoen geïnisieer terwyl baie min knolle later afgespeen het. Dit het die vullingstydperk van geïnisieerde knolle aansienlik verleng in vergelyking met BP1 (Figuur 1a). In teenstelling hiermee het BP1 deurlopend knolle in die seisoen geïnisieer, wat die vullingstydperk vir knolle wat laat in die seisoen geïnisieer is, verkort het (Figuur 1b). Daar is ook opgemerk dat Eos en BP1 later in die seisoen meer knolle as Lanorma geïnisieer het, maar teen die einde van die seisoen is baie van hierdie knolle weer gespeen, wat teen die einde van die seisoen gelei het tot geen beduidende verskille tussen die drie kultivars nie (Figuur 1b).
Opsomming van behandelings
• 3 kultivars: BP1 (C1; standaard), Eos (C2) en Lanorma (C3) • 3 verskillende N peile, gebaseer op die grond se klei-inhoud en potensiële opbrengs:
- Lenteseisoen: 160 kg/ha N (R1), 240 kg/ha N (R2) en 320 kg/ha N (R3)
- Herfsseisoen: 140 kg/ha N (R1), 220 kg/ha N (R2) en 300 kg/ha N (R3).
• 3 N toediengstye (dieselfde in beide seisoene):
30% N met plant en 70% na knolinisiasie (T1),
50% N met plant en 50% na knolinisiasie (T2), en
70% N met plant en 30% na knolinisiasie (T3)
Meer besonderhede rakende behandelings asook metodes, is beskikbaar in die eerste artikel van die reeks in CHIPS Vol. 32 No.1 Januarie/Februarie 2017.
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* Punte met dieselfde letter per week verskil nie beduindend by P <0.01 volgens die Tukey-toets nie
Figuur 1: Totale aantal knolle geïnisieer per plant en vullingstydperke vir kultivars BP1, Eos en Lanorma in die lente seisoen.
Effek van stikstofpeile Vorige studies het aangedui dat as te veel N toegedien word, veral vroeg in die seisoen, dit knolisisasie sal vertraag of inhibeer wat opbrengs en winsgewendheid negatief kan beïnvloed. In teenstelling hiermee het die resultate van hierdie studie aangetoon dat hoë N-vlakke nie knolinisiasie beïnvloed nie (Figuur 2). Die tendense ten opsigte van die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie wat in
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elke behandeling gesien is, stem ook ooreen met die neigings wat waargeneem is aangaande die aantal gevormde stolons. Dit kan verwag word aangesien knolle gevorm word wanneer stolonpunte differensieer en swel om knolle te inisieer. Effek van stikstoftoedieningstye Die twee behandelings met die hoogste hoeveelheid stikstof toegedien met plant (50% N met plant en 50%
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Aantal knolle geïnisieer / plant
N peil:
25 20 15
10 5
160 kg/ha N 240 kg/ha N
a a
320 kg/ha N
2de kunsmis toediening
Weke na 50% opkoms
Week 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 11
SE 0.394 0.421 0.502 0.714 0.838 1.185 1.127 0.662
KBV 1.494 1.598 1.904 2.708 3.178 4.686 4.459 2.619
KV% 62.4 20.7 18.4 22.8 24 21.3 20.4 18.2
* Punte met dieselfde letter per week verskil nie beduindend by P <0.01 volgens die Tukey-toets nie
Figuur 2: Totale aantal knolle geïnisieer soos beïnvloed deur N peil (vir kultivars BP1, Eos en Lanorma) in die lente seisoen.
met die laagste hoeveelheid stikstof met plant (30% N met plant en 70% N na opkoms) vir al drie kultivars (Figuur 3).
N na opkoms, asook 70% N met plant en 30% N na opkoms), het vroeg in die seisoen aansienlik meer knolle geïnisieer in vergelyking met die behandeling
Aantal knolle geïnisieer / plant
30 25
a a
10 5
0 0
a a
N toedieningstyd: (met plant; na knolinisiasie)
30%; 70%
a a 2
50%; 50%
Weke na 50% opkoms
70%; 30% 2de kunsmis toediening Week 1 2 3 4 5 12 7 9 11
SE 0.394 0.421 0.502 0.714 0.838 1.185 1.127 0.662
KBV 1.494 1.598 1.904 2.708 3.178 4.686 4.459 2.619
KV% 62.4 20.7 18.4 22.8 24 21.3 20.4 18.2
* Punte met dieselfde letter per week verskil nie beduindend by P <0.01 volgens die Tukey-toets nie
Figuur 3: Totale aantal knolle geïnisieer soos beïnvloed deur N toedieningstyd (vir kultivars BP1, Eos en Lanorma) in die lenteseisoen. CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 27
Interaksie-effek: Kultivar x N peil x N toedieningstyd 'n Betekenisvolle interaksie-effek tussen kultivar, N-peil en N-toedieningstyd op knolinisiasie was vroeg in die seisoen duidelik. Die kultivar BP1 het nie in week 2 gereageer op N-peil en N-toedieningstyd nie. 'n Hoër aantal knolle is wel verkry in die derde week wanneer dit behandel is in kombinasie met die hoogste N-peil en hoogste N-toegedien met plant (70% met
plant; 30% na opkoms). Eos het aansienlik meer knolle geïnisieer wanneer die kombinasie van die twee hoogste N-peile en die hoogste N persentasie met plant toegedien is (70% met plant en 30% na knolinisiasie). In teenstelling daarmee het Lanorma die beste gevaar met die laagste (160 kg / ha N) en aanbevole (240 kg / ha N) N peile, maar geen beduidende verskille is waargeneem ten opsigte van N-toedieningstye nie (Tabel 1).
Tabel 1: Aantal knolle geïnisieer per plant soos beïnvloed deur die interaksie-effek tussen kultivars (BP1, Eos en Lanorma), N peil en N toedienngstyd in die lente seisoen. Aantal knolle geïnisieer / plant Week 2 Tyd van toediening 30% met plant; 70% 3-4 weke na opkoms
50% met plant; 50% 3-4 weke na opkoms
70% met plant; 30% 3-4 weke na opkoms
Week 3 Tyd van toediening
30% met plant; 50% met plant; 70% met plant; 70% 3-4 weke na 50% 3-4 weke na 30% 3-4 weke na opkoms opkoms opkoms
BP1 N peil 160 kg/ha N 240 kg/ha N 320 kg/ha N
6.92 6.08 6.67
defghij efghij defghij
8.67 5.33 1.08
bcdefghij fghij j
3.83 4 2.17
hij ghij ij
5.92 8.25 10.5
e de bcde
11.42 11.17 8.75
bcde bcde de
10.25 10.08 17.25
cde cde abcd
Eos N peil 160 kg/ha N 240 kg/ha N 320 kg/ha N
11.77 13.67 16.58
bcdefgh bcde ab
13.27 13.67 14.58
bcdef bcde abcd
15.58 16.75 22.5
abc ab a
17.25 14.42 14.83
abcd bcde abcde
16.17 19.33 18.17
abcde abc abcd
17.42 20.75 24.25
abcd ab a
Lanorma N peil 160 kg/ha N 240 kg/ha N 320 kg/ha N
Laagste waarde
9.75 12.92 9.5
bcdefghi bcdef bcdefghi
12.17 11.75 13
bcdefg bcdefgh bcdef
15.58 9.42 8.1
abc bcdefghi cdefghij
8.58 15.33 15.37
de abcde abcde
13.33 16.75 13.92
bcde abcd abcde
16.17 14 13.25
abcde abcde bcde
Hoogste waarde
* Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter per week verskil nie beduidend by P<0.01 volgens die Tukey-toets nie. *Week 2: SE = 1.299; KBV = 4.928; KV% = 20.7 *Week 3: SE = 1.629; KBV = 6.248; KV% = 18.4
Opsomming Die effek van N-peil en N-toedieningstyd op die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie van die drie kultivars kan soos volg opgesom word (Table 2): • Daar was 'n duidelike verskil in die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie vir elke kultivar. • Teenstrydig met vorige literatuur, het hoë N-peile nie die aantal knolle, of die aanvang en duur van knolinisiasie geinhibeer of vertraag nie. • N-toedieningstyd met die laagste hoeveelheid
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stikstof met plant (30% met plant en 70% na knolinisiasie) het wel 'n negatiewe invloed op stolon- en knolinisiasie gehad. • 'n Interaksie-effek tussen kultivar x N-peil x N-toedieningstyd gedurende die tweede en derde week na 50% opkoms is waargeneem wat aangedui het dat kultivars verskillend reageer op N behandelings, soos in Tabel 2 opgesom word. In die volgende CHIPS artikel kyk ons hoe stikstofbestuur knolopbrengs kan beïnvloed.
Tegniese Nuus â&#x20AC;˘ Technical News
Tabel 2: Opsomming van die effek van kultivar, N peil en N toedieningstyd op knolinisiasie Kultivar Lanorma
Stikstof peil
*Aanvang: 2
*Aanvang: 2 weke
weke na 50%
na 50% opkoms
50% opkoms
*Duur: Deurlopende
*Duur: Inisieer meeste
inisiasie regdeur die
knolle vroeg in die
meeste knolle
seisoen in vergelyking
* Inisieer meer knolle as Lanorma later in die seisoen maar speen hulle weer af
R2 (Aanbevole) 240 kg/ha N
R3 (Oormaat) 320 kg/ha N
(30%; 70%)
(50%; 50%)
(70%; 30%)
Geen effek
Geen effek
*Aanvang: 1 week na
*Duur: Inisieer vroeg in die
R1 (Tekort) 160 kg/ha N
Stikstof toedieningstyd
Geen effek
met die ander 2 kultivars *Inisieer meer knolle as Lanorma later in die seisoen, maar speen
Geen effek
Vroeg in die
Vroeg in die
hulle weer af
Interaksie effek Kultivar x N peile x N toedieningstyd Lanorma
Verhoogte knolinisiasie Verhoogte knolinisiasie
R1 (Tekort)
R2 (Aanbevole)
160 kg/ha N
240 kg/ha N
R3 (Oormaat)
(30%; 70%)
(50%; 50%)
(70%; 30%)
Verhoogde knolinisiasie Geen effek
CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2018
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WANTED: TUBERS with CORKY CRACKS or POWDERY SCAB If you observe either of these symptoms on your tubers, WhatsApp the following to the number above: 1. Location
2. Your name
3. Cultivar
4. Planting date
5. Previous crop Someone will contact you as soon as possible after receiving your message. The Potato Pathology Programme @ UP (PPP @ UP) requires your help to advance research on corky cracks and powdery scab specifically. Our aim is to exchange knowledge to solve problems with practical solutions, and to share research that will benefit multiple investigators and the public. In alerting us of outbreaks you will supply us with valuable information regarding: susceptible cultivars, effects of previous crop and soil type on disease incidence, and localities where the causal pathogens are present.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Corky cracks (Fig. 1) must not be confused with growth cracks (sandspleet) (Fig. 2). Powdery scab (Fig. 3) should also not be confused with common scab (Fig. 4). We need as many diseased tubers as possible from all growing regions for our research! Thank-you in advance for your time and cooperation!
BE PART OF THE SOLUTION! Alternatively contact Jacquie van der Waals directly on 082 8999 088, or Jacquie.vdwaals@up.ac.za TUBER BLEMISH HOTLINE managed by Prof Jacquie van der Waals, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria
Vra vir die Beste
Hoë kwaliteit kunsmisse vir groente produksie • Multi-K™ - die beste kaliumdraer vir groente • Vinnig en effektiewe plantvoedingstofopname • Nutrigation™ deur spilpunte en druppers
Pioneering the Future Kontak ons gerus vir u naaste verspreider: Haifa Suid-Afrika Posbus 1409, Brackenfell, 7561, Suid-Afrika Tel: 021 982 0309, Faks: 021 981 7637 Epos: Dawie.Fourie@haifa-group.com www.haifa-group.com
CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 31
Waterkwaliteit maak die wêreld se verskil
Francois Viljoen, Syngenta Tegniese Veldkundige: Onkruiddoders
Verskillende faktore dra by tot die stabiliteit en effektiwiteit van plaagdoders. Een van die belangrikste aspekte wat dikwels oor die hoof gesien word, is die impak van die kwaliteit van die water wat gebruik word om die spuitmengsel voor te berei. Ten minste 95% van ’n spuitoplossing bestaan uit water. Navorsing het al keer op keer uitgewys dat water wat ongeskik is, ’n negatiewe effek op plaagdoders en blaarvoedings kan hê en tot
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ongewenste resultate kan lei. Die drie eienskappe wat toediening die meeste beïnvloed, is water pH, waterhardheid en
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
10 11 12 13 14
H+ = OH-
gesuspendeerde vaste stowwe of organiese materiaal. Water pH Water pH is ’n aanduiding van die konsentrasie van H+ ione in die water. Wanneer die water pH afneem, word dit suurder en vermeerder die hoeveelheid H+ ione. Die teenoorgestelde geld vir alkaliese water, naamlik die H+ ione verminder en die OH- ione vermeerder. ’n pH van 7 word as neutraal beskou; laer as 7 is ’n suurbasis en hoër as 7 is ’n alkaliese basis. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat ’n pH van 5 tien keer meer suurvormend as ’n pH van 6 is, en honderd keer meer as ’n pH van 7. ’n Klein verandering in pH kan dus ’n reuse sprong in suurheid of alkaliniteit aandui. Die stabiliteit van aktiewe bestanddele en formulasies word op grootskaal deur water pH beïnvloed. Water pH hoër as 7 skep alkaliese toestande wat kan lei tot die chemiese afbraak (hidroliese) van plaagdoders. Alkaliese mengsels soos hierdie kan ook veroorsaak dat die chemikalieë ’n neerslag op die bodem van die spuittenk vorm (Figuur 1). Insgelyks kan water wat erg suur is, die hidroliese van sommige aktiewe bestanddele veroorsaak. Die optimale spektrum vir meeste produkte is ’n pH van tussen 3.5 en 6.0. By ’n pH tussen 6 en 7, moet die mengsel gespuit word sodra dit voorberei is en moet dit nie vir langer as twee ure in die tenk gelos word nie. Waar pH vlakke hoër as 7 is, moet ’n buffer bygevoeg word. Mesotrioon, byvoorbeeld, begin ontbind teen pH >4, en raak onstabiel in neutrale en alkaliese toestande. Neem dus altyd die water pH in ag wanneer plaagdoders toegedien word en pas die pH aan deur ’n gepaste buffer te gebruik. Waterhardheid Alle waterbronne bevat opgeloste minerale soos kalsium, magnesium en yster. Anders as
Figuur 1. Vorming van ’n neerslag in die spuitmengsel waar water met ’n pH van 9.5 gebruik is. gesuspendeerde vaste stowwe, sak hierdie minerale nie af in die water nie. Minerale in water is ook verantwoordelik vir die “smaak” van die water. Waterhardheid word in dele per miljoen gemeet en uitgedruk as die hoeveelheid kalsium- en magnesiumione in die water. Hoe hoër die konsentrasie, hoe harder is die water. Water word sag wanneer kalsium- en magnesiumione vervang word met natrium- en kaliumione. Plaagdoders het ’n negatiewe lading en verbind met die positief gelaaide ione in harde water. Die gevolg van hierdie interaksie is molekules wat nie in staat is om die teiken binne te dring nie, die teiken stadig binnedring of bloot uit die oplossing presipiteer. Bymiddels soos ammoniumsulfaat verhoog die effektiwiteit van die produk wanneer glifosaat toegedien word, aangesien dit met die ione verbind en sodoende ongewenste interaksie met die glifosaat voorkom. Water wat kalsium en magnesium bevat, kan die effektiwiteit van glifosaat, 2,4D Amien, fluazifop, MCPA en verskeie ander insek- en swamdoders kniehalter.
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Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
Dele per miljoen (Ca en Mg)
Wêreld Gesondheidorganisasie waterklassifikasie
Redelik hard
Uiters hard
Dit is ook baie belangrik om te weet dat daar geen korrelasie tussen waterhardheid en pH bestaan nie. Dié twee probleme moet dus afsonderlik benader word.
koolstofsorpsiekoëffisiënt (Koc) is aanwysers van hoe sterk ’n plaagdoder aan gronddeeltjies en partikels gesuspendeer in water, sal bind. Onkruiddoders met ’n hoë Kd en Koc bind stewiger aan gronddeeltjies in water.
Gesuspendeerde vaste stowwe Water se kleur is gewoonlik ’n aanduiding van die hoeveelheid gronddeeltjies en organiese materiaal wat dit bevat. Die teenwoordigheid van gronddeeltjies en organiese materiaal word troebelheid, of troebel water, genoem. Sommige plaagdoders is meer sensitief vir troebelheid as ander. ’n Belangrike eienskap van plaagdoders is hul vermoë om aan gronddeeltjies te bind. Dit is ’n noemenswaardige indikator wanneer dit by die uitloging van chemikalieë kom. Grond se sorpsiekoëffisiënt (Kd) en organiese
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Water wat gronddeeltjies en organiese materiaal bevat, is bekend daarvoor dat dit onkruiddoders wat dikwat, parakwat en glifosaat bevat, deaktiveer. Skoon en helder water moet altyd gebruik word, veral wanneer bogenoemde produkte toegedien word. Opsomming Maak altyd ’n punt daarvan om skoon en helder water te gebruik. Water pH speel ’n vername rol en moet dienooreenkomstig aangepas word. Waterbronne behoort gereeld getoets te word om te verseker dat water van hoogstaande gehalte gebruik word en toedieningsprobleme voorkom word. C
Tegniese Nuus • Technical News
drieledige beskerming teen Lepidoptera
hoogs aktief
Trippel meganisme van aktiwiteit waarborg effektiewe en langdurende werking met minder toedienings, wat tyd en geld spaar
eierdodende aktiwiteit verhoed dat eiers uitbroei
beïnvloed voortplantingsvermoë larfdodende aktiwiteit
wyfies lê steriele eiers en verhoed 'n volgende generasie
meng in met die vervellingsproses
Effektief ongeag die weer en beheer ook individue wat weerstandbiedend is teen organofosfate, karbamate en piretroïede
SORBA werk hoofsaaklik met inname en is dus veilig vir voordelige insekte
LEES DIE ETIKET VIR VOLLEDIGE BESONDERHEDE. SORBA® bevat lufenuron (Reg. nr. L5343, Wet 36 van 1947) VERSIGTIG. SORBA® is 'n geregistreerde handelsmerk van 'n Syngenta Groepmaatskappy. Syngenta Suid-Afrika (Edms) Beperk, Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685. Tel. (011) 541 4000. www.syngenta.co.za © Syngenta Ag, 2000. Kopiereg op hierdie dokument word voorbehou. Alle ongemagtigde reproduksie word verbied.
CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 35
The impact of increasing plant protection costs, labour and electricity expenditure on the sustainability of agriculture:
A case study in potatoes Potatoes South Africa in collaboration with the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Recent months have seen significant upward pressure in input costs in the potato industry. Some of these costs are considered as being administered costs, e.g. fuel, electricity and labour. The annual increase in input costs for potato farming are higher than inflation, i.e. real input costs are increasing. At the same time real market prices are moving sideways and hence a significant price-cost squeeze effect impacting on the sustainability of potato production. It is noteworthy that Page 36 |
CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ Mei/Junie 2018
the number of potato producers have declined from 2 000 in the early 1990s to 560 in 2017. There are a number of ways in which the impact of increasing costs on the profitability of agriculture can be measured. This includes, for example, measures such as gross and net farm income (NFI ) to measure return on investment. The latter is a more appropriate measure since it reflects the return on investment (ROI)
Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News
in a manner that can be compared with inflation and alternative investment options within a risky environment. Typically return on investment should outperform inflation in order for your money to grow in real terms. Furthermore, a more risky investment typically requires a higher return than a low risk investment, e.g. a bank deposit versus buying shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). Farmers` investment decisions are directly influenced by the investment climate within which they operate and obviously the ROI. In the absence of an enabling environment and low ROI, farmers will not invest adequately in agriculture. Investing in agriculture is one of the most effective strategies for reducing poverty and hunger and promoting sustainability. The regions where agricultural investment has stagnated or fallen during the past three decades are also the epicentres of poverty and hunger in the world today, according to a 2012 report of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (“Investing in agriculture for a better future”). The discussion that follows evaluates the impact of certain scenarios on the ROI for a typical potato farm in the Sandveld and Limpopo regions for 2019. Limpopo is the largest production region and the Sandveld the third largest in South Africa. Cognisance must be taken that potato farming is not only costly in terms of production costs, but it is also
highly capital intensive. For example, the cost structure for a typical potato farm in Limpopo is as follows: total cash expenses total R23.5 million and total investment in land, irrigation infrastructure, machinery and pack-house facilities total R44.1 million. Annually 165 hectares of potatoes are being planted on the farm. The cost structure for a typical potato farm in the Sandveld is as follows: total cash expenses total R33.4 million and total investment in land, irrigation
120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
Graph 1: Limpopo and Sandveld typical potato farms - Baseline Net Farm Income (Index: 2016 = base year) CHIPS • May/June 2018
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The following factors are putting NFI and ROI under pressure; namely the demand for higher wages, the sharp increase in the expected prices for plant protection chemicals and the expected hike in the electricity price. An external shock was used to test the impact of a 34% rise in electricity costs for 2019. This will lead to an increase of almost R400 000 in the electricity costs for 2019 for the Limpopo farm (Graph 2) and almost R600 000 in the Sandveld (Graph 3). The yearly average nominal return on investment for 2019 for the Limpopo farm will therefore decrease to 9.1% in comparison with the 10.0% of the baseline (Graph 4) and to 3.6% in the Sandveld (Graph 5) in comparison with the 5.1% of the baseline.
infrastructure, machinery and pack-house facilities total R38.4 million. Annually 214 hectares of potatoes are being planted on the farm. The aforementioned provides an indication of the amount of money that is required to produce potatoes that are generally considered as a risky crop due to, for example, it being prone to disease attacks. More than 2.2 million tons of potatoes are being produced annually in South Africa. The baseline scenario that represents the status quo without any major external shocks indicates the yearly change in NFI from 2016 (base year) till 2019 (Graph 1). The NFI is down significantly in 2017 due to lower market prices for potatoes.
R-R200 000 -R400 000 -R600 000 -R800 000 -R1000 000 -R1200 000 -R1400 000 -R1600 000 -R1800 000 -R2000 000
Cognisance must also be taken of other cost drivers that, together with the proposed electricity price hike, will also have an effect on the sustainability of potato production. It is expected that plant protection chemicals may increase by 30% in 2019 as a result of recent developments in China. This will result in the total plant protection chemicals for the typical farm in Limpopo for 2019 to increase by more than R500 000 (Graph 2) and consequently the NFI will decrease by the same amount. A lower NFI means the â&#x20AC;&#x153;margin for errorsâ&#x20AC;? is getting smaller. According to Graph 3 the NFI for the Sandveld farm will decrease by more than R1.2 million. The yearly nominal return on investment for 2019 for the Sandveld farm will accordingly decrease to 1.9% in comparison with the 5.1% of the baseline (Graph 5). If the assumption is made that the daily wage of farm labourers is increased by 17% in 2018 and 11% in 2019 to comply with the implementation of the National Minimum Wage, the total labour cost for the
-R505 890
-R505 890
-R1 451 200 -R1 778 754
Minimum wage scenario
Electricity tariff scenario
Plant protection scenario
Combined difference: 2018 & 2019
Combined: Wage, electricity & chemicals
Graph 2: Effect of different scenarios on the Net Farm Income of a Limpopo potato farm
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Ekonomiese Nuus â&#x20AC;˘ Economic News
Limpopo typical farm will increase by R409 000 from 2017 to 2018 and by more than R500 000 towards 2019 (Graph 2). This includes an increase in the permanent labourers' wages as well. The assumption is also made that no workers are being laid off. The yearly nominal return on investment for 2019 will decrease to 8.7% in comparison with the 10.0% of the baseline (Graph 4). However, the yearly nominal return on investment for 2019 for the Sandveld farm will decrease to 4.7% in comparison with the 5.1% of the baseline (Graph 5).
R 0 -R 200 000 -R 400 000 -R 600 000 -R 800 000 -R 1000 000 -R 1200 000 -R 1400 000 -R 1600 000 -R 1800 000 -R 2000 000
The combined impact of sharp increases in plant protection chemical prices, the costs of electricity and labour is also depicted in Graphs 2 and 3, as well as Graphs 4 and 5. The low NFI for 2019 for the Sandveld farm results in a 0.1% ROI. The NFI is almost R21 000, meaning there is no money available for family living costs, principal debt payments and taxes. It is clear that the financial performance of the Sandveld typical potato farm is under severe pressure. The farm will experience a negative cash flow for 2019, given the three external price shocks
-R 1 210 535
Minimum wage scenario
Electricity tariff scenario
Plant protection scenario
-R 1 210 535
Combined difference: 2018 & 2019 Combined: Wage, electricity & chemicals
Graph 3: Effect of different scenarios on the Net Farm Income of a Sandveld potato farm
12% 10%
ROI in Percentage
8% 6,7%
6% 4% 2% 0%
ROI: Baseline
ROI: Minimum wage
ROI: Electricity
ROI: Plant protection
Combined effect: Wage, electricity & plant protection
Graph 4: Limpopo farm - Return on Investment for 2019
CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2018
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Ekonomiese Nuus â&#x20AC;˘ Economic News
mean they cannot easily pass on inflated costs to the consumer. Clearly sharp increases in costs can have a tremendous impact on the sustainability of agriculture, and for that matter also food security. In conclusion, the return on investment in agriculture (which is already low compared to other investment opportunities such as the JSE) will be a vitally important variable that will determine the future investment in agriculture. Demand growth for agricultural products over the coming decades will put tremendous pressure on the natural resource base. Eradicating hunger and expand rural development will require a significant increase in agricultural investment. The higher the ROI the more investments will flow into agriculture. Governments are responsible for creating the legal, policy and institutional environment that enables investors (farmers) to respond to market opportunities.
in chemicals, electricity and labour. Continuous negative cash flows are the first step to bankruptcy as the farm cannot generate enough cash to pay all expenses. Unfortunately farmers are price-takers which
Sub-optimal investment in agriculture will put to risk the ability of the agricultural sector to produce sufficient food in general and certain commodities in particular, the ability of agriculture to earn foreign exchange and provide jobs, and finally to play its rightful role in rural development, poverty elevation and economic growth. C
6% 5%
ROI in Percentage
3% 1,9%
2% 1% 0%
0,1% ROI: Baseline
ROI: Minimum wage
ROI: Electricity
Graph 5: Sandveld farm - Return on Investment for 2019
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ROI: Plant protection Combined effect: Wage, electricity & plant protection
Voeding volgens plantontwikkeling MIDDEL VEGETATIEF
KynoPop®/ KynoPop® vir Aartappels Vir ‘n vinnige wegspring en groeikragtigheid.
KynoPlus®-NPKSplantermengsels soos Zest®, Blitz en Finesse® Plantermengsels met verhoogde doeltreffendheid om veral in die vroeë behoeftes, maar ook in die latere voedingbehoeftes van die aartappelplant te voorsien.
Met Kynoch se innoverende en pasmaakprodukte kan jy bemesting toedien volgens jou aartappelplant se behoeftes en groeistadiums. So verseker Kynoch dat jou aartappels kry wat hulle nodig het, wanneer hulle dit die nodigste het.
CalciBor™, GreenGold 30® Achilles™, Seniphos, CalciBor™ , GreenGold 30® Foli-Grande® en Achilles™, Foli-Grande®, Foli-Plus® Gebruik in kombinasie as top- Foli-Plus® en Unika Calcium™ bemesting om knolinisiasie en opbrengs te bevorder.
Veggie Oemff® Starter
’n Blaarvoeding om vroeë wortelontwikkeling te help en om knolinisiasie te verbeter. Zintrac or Zink Sulfaat kan ook gebruik word.
Veggie Oemff® Grow
Gebruik in kombinasie na knolinisiasie vir opbrengs en aanleg tot beter kwaliteit.
Gebruik in kombinasie as topbemesting om opbrengs en kwaliteit te bevorder.
Veggie Oemff® Fruit
Gebruik gedurende knolgroei vir verbeterde werkverrigting wat lei tot beter opbrengs en kwaliteit.
Kynoch – verbeterde doeltreffendheid deur innovasie. uppe marketing A16340
011 317 2000 | info@kynoch.co.za www.kynoch.co.za
KynoPop® Reg. No: K9101, KynoPop® Aartappels Reg. No: In proses, KynoPlus® is geregistreer as kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024, GreenGold 30® Reg. No: K8034, Achilles™ Reg. No: K8967, Foli-Grande® Reg. No: K8045, Foli-Plus® Reg. No: K9397, CalciBor™ Reg. No: K9739, Seniphos Reg. No: K7682, Veggie OEMFF® Grow Reg. No: K9090, Veggie OEMFF® Fruit Reg. No: K9091, Veggie OEMFF® Starter Reg. No: K9088, Blitz Reg. No: K10049, Zest® Reg. No: K10048, Finesse® Reg. No: K10051, Unika Calcium™ Reg. No: K6641 (Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947)
Farmisco (Edms) Bpk. h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. No. 2009/0092541/07
Landswye Verskaffers Van : Gesertifiseerde Moere | Aartappelsakkies | Plakkers | Paletnet | Polipropsakke bk cc
Countrywide Suppliers Of : Certified Seed Potatoes | Potato Pockets | Labels | Pallet Netting | Polyprop Bags T +27 12 809 4000 | F +27 12 809 4003 | www.rsaseeds.co.za | admin@rsaseeds.co.za
CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 41
Vervoerkoste van ’n
10 kg sakkie aartappels met eie vragmotor Eugene Strydom, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
Die vervoerkoste model van Aartappels Suid-Afrika is aangepas met die jongste inligting beskikbaar tot Maart 2018 om as ’n standaard (benchmark) vir die produsent te dien. Produsente wat tafelaartappels produseer, bemark gemiddeld meer as 60% van hulle opbrengs deur middel van die nasionale varsproduktemarkte. Met vervoerkostes wat wissel van R15 000 tot R20 000 per hektaar is dit ’n koste-item wat aandag moet geniet en so doeltreffend moontlik bestuur moet word. Die metodologie wat in hierdie model gebruik word om vervoerkoste te bereken, kan verskil van die metodologie wat deur ’n produsent gebruik word. Eers wanneer die produsent sy eie data in die geel gekleurde gedeeltes van die model ingetik het, sal dit Page 42 |
CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
hom in staat stel om sy syfers en berekeninge met die standaardsyfers (benchmark figures) te kan vergelyk. Die volgende aannames is in die model gebruik om dit so verteenwoordigend moontlik vir die bedryf te maak. • •
Berekenings in hierdie model veronderstel dat die vragmotor nie net gebruik word om aartappels na die markte te vervoer nie. Die model maak voorsiening dat vyf verskillende produkte vervoer kan word gedurende ’n 12 maande tydperk. Slegs kostes word bereken en geen voorsiening word gemaak indien die produsent ’n inkomste met sy vragmotor verdien nie. ’n Opname wat gedurende 2012 onder
R 0,61 R 1,67
R 0,94
CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2018
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R 0,61 R 1,61
R 0,86
R 13,33
R 1,01 R 0,39 R 0,20 R 11,08
R 0,19 R 0,67
R 1,05 R 0,40
R 5,82 R 0,29 R 0,45 R 1,45
R 1,53 R 0,62 R 0,10 R 2,24
per km
5% 12%
44% 2% 3% 11%
R 3 300
R 18 664
R 415 R 4,15 R 14 516
7 910 ton 246 200 km
R 3 280 690 100%
R 1 431 653 R 71 583 R 110 368 R 356 990 R 258 510 R 98 480 R 211 211 R 45 764 R 165 446 R 150 000 R 396 251 R 249 376 R 97 000 R 49 875 R 2 728 056
R 376 574 11% R 152 060 5% R 24 000 1% R 552 634 17%
Augustus 2017
R 0,61 R 1,75
R 0,86
R 14,00
R 1,10 R 0,43 R 0,22 R 11,76
R 0,19 R 0,67
R 1,12 R 0,31
R 6,31 R 0,32 R 0,48 R 1,43
R 1,52 R 0,62 R 0,11 R 2,24
per km
R 3 392
R 19 612
R 436 R 4,36 R 15 253
7 910 ton 246 200 km
R 3 447 276 100%
4% 11%
40% 2% 3% 19%
R 373 196 11% R 153 250 4% R 25 968 1% R 552 414 15%
R 1 552 291 R 77 615 R 118 094 R 352 000 R 276 800 R 75 200 R 212 949 R 47 502 R 165 446 R 150 000 R 431 914 R 271 820 R 105 730 R 54 364 R 2 894 862
Maart 2018
E:\HJ Design\ASA\CHIPS\2018\CHIPS Mei Junie 2018\CHIPS 3 2018 Mei Jun Arts\10 Wat kos dit Vergelykende modelle Mrt 17, versus Aug 17 versus Mrt 18.xlsx
* Die koste indien die vragmotor in die stoor staan en dus nie werk nie.
R 3 350
R 19 412
7 910 ton 246 200 km
Totale gemiddelde vervoerkoste per hektaar aartappels
Staankoste* per werksdag (Vaste koste + Bestuurdersloon)
4% 12%
45% 2% 3% 10%
R 3 412 184 100%
R 1 529 727 R 76 486 R 103 148 R 356 990 R 258 510 R 98 480 R 232 505 R 74 150 R 158 356 R 150 000 R 410 920 R 261 600 R 97 000 R 52 320 R 2 859 777
R 378 335 11% R 152 060 4% R 22 012 1% R 552 407 16%
R 431 R 4,31 R 15 098
R 13,86
R 1,06 R 0,39 R 0,21 R 11,62
R 0,30 R 0,64
R 1,05 R 0,40
R 6,21 R 0,31 R 0,42 R 1,45
R 1,54 R 0,62 R 0,09 R 2,24
per km
Totale gemiddelde vervoerkoste per ton (uitgesluit palette) Totale gemiddelde vervoerkoste per 10kg Totale gemiddelde vervoerkoste per rit (heen-en-weer)
Aantal tonne wat vervoer word Aantal km wat vrag vervoer word
Totale loopkoste (B)
Brandstof Aanvul-olie Tolgeld Herstel & Onderhoud: Perd Sleepwa Bande: Perd - voorste 2 Perd & sleepwa (behalwe bo) Onvoorsiene uitgawes & Admin Arbeidskoste: Bestuurdersloon Assistenteloon Reis & oornagtoelaag
Lopende koste
Totale vaste koste (A)
Kapitale & rentekoste (paaiement) Versekering Lisensiegeld
Vaste koste
Maart 2017
Tabel 1: Vergelykende vervoerkoste vir `n twaalf maande tydperk gebaseer op `n enkele gevallestudie.
Ekonomiese Nuus â&#x20AC;˘ Economic News
Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News
Tabel 2: Drie scenario’s se effek op die totale beraamde vervoerkoste per jaar 1
Maart 2018 opdatering: Vervoerkoste per 10 kg sakkie per jaar
75% van terugvragte is leeg in plaas van 100% (meer produk word dus vervoer oor dieselfde afstand)
Brandstof is R1 per liter duurder as begroot
Voertuig word ’n derde minder gebruik (minder kilometers dus per jaar)
aartappelprodusente gedoen is, het aangedui dat ’n vragmotor maklik 95% van die terugritte leeg vanaf die markte terugkeer. Voorsiening word gemaak dat daardie persentasie van die ritte wat die vragmotor leeg vanaf die markte terugkeer, ingevul kan word in die model. Produsente kan dus maklik bereken wat die verskil is tussen ’n vragmotor wat leeg terugkeer en een wat volgelaai (met ander produkte) terugkeer. Verskeie ander scenario’s kan ook met die model getoets word. • Die vragmotor wat in die model gebruik word, is ’n ''7-as Tautliner Interlink''. • Vyf produkte word vervoer, naamlik aartappels en uie asook insette, soos byvoorbeeld moere. • Aartappels en uie word na vyf markte gedurende die seisoen gestuur. • Alle terugvragte is leeg. • Totale kilometers per jaar afgelê is 246 200 km. • Totale tonnemaat vervoer per jaar is 7 910 (100% van terugvragte is leeg) In Tabel 1 word ’n kostevergelyking gedoen tussen die Maart 2017-, Augustus 2017- en Maart 2018-model. Al wat in die Maart 2018-model verander het, is die onderskeie koste-items (Die model se koste-items is dus net weer in Maart 2018 opgedateer). Volgens Tabel 1 is die totale beraamde jaarlikse koste vir die drie datums van opdatering (Maart 2017, Augustus 2017 en Maart 2018) R3.412 miljoen, Page 44 |
CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
Nuwe vervoerkoste per 10 kg sakkie per jaar per scenario R3.49 (20% daling)
R4.52 (4% styging) R5.66 (30% styging)
R3.280 miljoen en R3.447 miljoen onderskeidelik. Vir die gegewe totale afstand van 246 200 km wat per jaar afgelê word, is die koste per kilometer gery R13.86, R13.33 en R14.00 onderskeidelik. Die gemiddelde vervoerkoste per 10 kg sakkie kom dus te staan op R4.31, R4.15 en R4.36 onderskeidelik. Indien die produsent 4 500 sakkies (10 kg) per hektaar sou realiseer, is die totale vervoerkoste sowat R19 600 per hektaar, ingevolge die Maart 2018 model. In Tabel 2 word drie scenario’s se effek op die totale beraamde jaarlikse vervoerkoste per 10 kg sakkie uiteengesit. Die effek is duidelik sigbaar wat beklemtoon dat die vervoer-aksie so effektief as moontlik uitgevoer moet word. Staankoste van ’n vragmotor is ook belangrik om in ag te neem en moet so ver moontlik deur goeie bestuurspraktyke beperk, en selfs vermy word. Die staankoste bestaan uit die vastekoste en die bestuurdersloon wat uitgedruk word as ’n koste per werksdag en beloop R3 392 per dag (Maart 2018). Dus kos die vragmotor die produsent R3 392 per dag indien die vragmotor in die stoor sou staan en nie werk nie. Die vervoerkoste model is op die volgende web-adres beskikbaar: • http://www.potatoes.co.za/industry-information/ transport-cost-model.aspx C
Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News
Verhoogde opbrengs Beter kwaliteit Groeikragtigheid Betroubare vroeëroesen aalwurmbeheer Gunstige omgewingsprofiel Verhoogde winsgewendheid
CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 45
Watter kultivars het die
Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf in 2017 gedomineer? Laryssa van der Merwe en Pieter van Zyl, Aartappels Suid-Afrika
’n Kultivar wat uitstaan bo die res en ook sy posisie van ’n gesogte kultivar behou, is Mondial. Mondial is nie net ’n merkwaardige kultivar nie, maar ook die kultivar wat die afgelope paar jaar die meeste geplant word in die aartappelbedryf. Hoe het Mondial vergelyk met die ander kultivars in 2017?
Fianna, Markies en FL2108 met ’n gesamentlike markaandeel van 10%. Sifra se markaandeel het jaarliks toegeneem vanaf 14% in 2015 na 18% in 2016 en 20% in 2017. Mondial se markaandeel het egter konstant gebly op 42% van alle hektare geplant vir dié drie jare.
In Figuur 1 was 42% van alle hektare (tafel- en moerproduksie en ook verwerkingsaanplantings) vir 2017 Mondial-aanplantings, gevolg deur Sifra (20%) en in die derde plek Lanorma met ‘n 7% aandeel. Let ook op die aandeel van die top verwerkingskultivars
In 2007 het die prentjie heeltemal anders gelyk. Mondial was ook die meeste aangeplant (33% van alle hektare), maar gevolg deur BP1 (21%) en Up-to-Date (10%), aldus Figuur 2. Die vyf primére verwerkingskultivars in Figuur 2 se markaandeel was
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CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
Ekonomiese Nuus â&#x20AC;˘ Economic News
Markies UTD 3% Valor 3% 4%
FL2108 5% Lanorma 7%
Sifra 20%
Fianna 2%
Innovator 2% Avalanche 2% Ander 10%
Mondial 42%
Figuur 1: RSA - Vernaamste kultivars geplant in 2017-oesjaar
L/Roset 5% P/Dell 5%
BP13 3% Fabula Darius Fianna 3% 2% Hermes 4% 2% Ander 12%
UTD 10% Mondial 33%
BP1 21%
Figuur 2: RSA - Vernaamste kultivars geplant in 2007-oesjaar
19% van alle aanplantings. Indien dit vergelyk word met Figuur 1 hierbo is dit duidelik dat Pentland Dell en Lady Rosetta nie meer onder die vernaamste kultivars tel nie. Genoemde twee kultivars word feitlik nie meer aangeplant nie. Sien ook Figuur 3 wat die hektare geplant vir die vernaamste kultivars aandui. Mondial se aanplantings het met 37% gestyg vanaf 2007 tot 2011. Vanaf 2012 tot 2014/2015 beweeg hektare geplant sywaarts, maar daal met 5% tot sowat 22 000 hektare in 2017. Let ook op in Figuur 4 dat die totale plaaslike hektare geplant in 2017 daal, maar dat Mondial se markaandeel konstant gebly het op 42%. Gedurende 2009 is nie meer hektare onder Mondial aangeplant nie, maar die totale RSA-anplantings het met sowat 5 000 hektaar gedaal. Mondial se markaandeel het dus gestyg, nieteenstaande `n sywaartse beweging in totale aanplantings (sien ook Figuur 4). Vanaf 2009 tot 2011 het Mondial se hektare met 27% gegroei (Figuur 3), waartydens sy markaandeel 42% was in 2009, 43% in 2010 en 46% in 2011 in terme van alle hektare. Mondial se hektare het egter in 2012 met 1 167 hektaar gedaal, maar Sifra se styging het meer as vergoed hiervoor aangesien 4 637 hektaar in 2012 geplant is teenoor 10 217 hektare in 2017, wat â&#x20AC;&#x2122;n 55% styging vir die betrokke jare aandui. Let op Sifra se styging in hektare geplant sedert 2010 toe byna niks kommersieel aangeplant is nie.
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24 000
totale hektaar geplant
22 000 20 000 18 000 16 000 14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000
Figuur 3: Vernaamste kultivars se hektare geplant (2007 - 2017)
56 000
totale hektaar geplant
54 000
54 037
53 933
53 594
52 722
52 568
52 000
51 435
50 771
50 393
51 722
49 952
50 000 48 000 46 000
44 974
44 000 42 000 40 000
Figuur 4: Totale hektare geplant oor tyd (alle streke)
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Ekonomiese Nuus • Economic News
Valor 4%
Up-To-Date 2%
Lanorma 8%
Sifra 25%
Panamera 0,9%
Electra 1,4%
Savana 0,8%
Avalanche 0,7% Ander 4%
Mondial 54%
Figuur 5: Kultivars op VPMe 2017 kalenderjaar
BP1 14%
Buffelspoort Up-To-Date 4% 5%
Vanderplank 2% Darius 2%
Fabula 2% Avalanche 1% Valor 1% Ander 3%
BP1 se aanplantings het aansienlik gedaal vanaf 11 472 hektare in 2007 tot 630 hektare in 2017 ('n daling van 95%). Up-toDate se aanplantings het verminder vanaf 5 529 hektare in 2007 tot 2 219 hektare in 2017 ('n daling van 76%). Fianna weer het gestyg vanaf 1 608 hektare in 2007 tot 4 627 hektare in 2012, maar toe gedaal tot 1 075 hektaar in 2017. Sifra het oor dieselfde tydperk die meeste groei getoon vanaf geen aanplantings in 2007 tot 7 625 hektaar in 2015, en 10 217 in 2017. Lanorma se hektare het toegeneem vanaf bykans geen aanplantings in 2012 en 2013 na 3 730 hektaar in 2017. Valor se aanplantings het met 82% toegeneem vanaf 2009 se 407 hektaar na 2 252 hektaar in 2017. In Figuur 6 verskyn die vernaamste kultivars op die varsproduktemarkte vir 2009 met Mondial (65%), BP1 (14%) en Up-to-Date (5%) die vernaamste kultivars. In 2017 (Figuur 5) was Mondial (54%) en Sifra (25%) die vernaamste twee kultivars, gevolg deur Lanorma met 'n 8% markaandeel. Samevatting
Mondial 65%
Figuur 6: Kultivars op VPMe 2009 kalenderjaar
Huidig domineer Mondial nog die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf, alhoewel Sifra al hoe meer ’n gesogte kultivar word. Lanorma, Valor, FL2108 en Markies ding mee om die derde plek. C
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O.R. District Municipality Executive Mayor graces the Potato
Marketing Information Day with her presence Nomvula Xaba, Potatoes South Africa / Photos Louis Pretorius, Potatoes South Africa
It has become a norm that every year one of the 15 or so projects funded through the Small Grower Development program of Potatoes SA is visited. This year was no different, over 200 farmers descended on Umtata with their produce (potatoes) to come and showcase what they have been doing in terms of potato production in the past few months.
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The highlight this year, however, was having the Executive Mayor, Councillor N. Meth, attending the information day and pledging her support to the whole initiative which is championed by Potatoes SA. She praised Potatoes SA for being consistent in working with the communities and ensuring that no household go to bed hungry in her district. She also
Transformasie • Transformation
The visit to Vuyani was also attended by the commercial farmers in the area and one of the commercial farmers, Mr Rob Ferrington, gave a talk to everyone present about potato production. The information days in the Eastern Cape are speedily gaining momentum. The community project beneficiaries find this platform informative and also gives them a sense of pride when they have to showcase what they have been doing with the support of all the different role players. The different communities value the support that they receive and they are developing ambitions of becoming successful commercial farmers in the future. C Potatoes SA’s Transformation Manager, Nomvula Xaba with the O.R. District Executive Mayor Cllr N Meth
requested all the role players present to work together to ensure that the district realises its full economic potential. Other speakers included Potatoes SA’s Transformation Manager, Ms Nomvula Xaba, who spoke about the support being provided and also gave an insight on why Potatoes SA deem the Small Grower Development Program as being crucial in combating food insecurity. Mr Louis Pretorius gave a review of the projects that have participated and also the tonnage that they were able to achieve. Potatoes SA’s long time partners, Eastern Cape Development Cooperative (ECDC) through Mr Simphiwe Ntsweni, also voiced their appreciation at the partnership which is starting to bear fruit. The ECDC were the main funders of the seven cooperatives with Potatoes SA only providing training and mentorship. Other presentations were made by the following institutions:
Farmers in attendance
• Ntinga Development Agency • Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency • SEDA • Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries • Masisizane Fund The previous day saw the different stakeholders visiting Vuyani Kami at Ugie. Vuyani Kama is also a farmer participating in the Enterprise Development Program of Potatoes SA. The purpose of the visit to Vuyani was to showcase what he has achieved, thus encouraging and motivating the farmers and also assuring them that it is possible to reach a commercial scale of potato production. There was a harvesting demonstration on the farm which highly inspired all the upcoming farmers.
Inside the Pack house
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Potatoes South Africa awards the first ever
Enterprise Development Farmer of the Year
Hanrie Greebe, Potatoes South Africa / Photo, Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
fltr: Nomvula Xaba, PSA Transformation Manager, Dr AndrĂŠ Jooste, CEO PSA, JF van der Merwe, Chairperson PSA, Phophi Raletjena, PSA Enterprise Development Farmer of the Year and Bernhardt du Toit, Chairperson PSA Transformation Committee
The first ever Potatoes South Africa Enterprise Development Farmer of the Year was announced at the Gala Dinner of the Potatoes South Africa Transformation Symposium held at the Saint George Hotel in Pretoria on 07 June 2018.
Candidates must participate in industry meetings and events organized by Potatoes South Africa. Candidates must also participate in the expansion programme or be able to expand without Potatoes South Africa support.
The criteria for selecting the three finalists are that that the candidate must be a Potatoes South Africa Enterprise Development Programme producer who has been on the programme for at least 3 years or more. The candidate must plant a minimum of 5ha of potatoes, be a levy payer and have the ability to pay the required own contribution towards the programme.
The finalists were Vuyani Kama from Ugie in the Eastern Cape. He started out with 5 hectares of potatoes and expanded to 30 hectares. He plants predominantly Mondial and Sifra cultivars on dryland. David Phike from Welkom in the Western Free State started out with 5 hectares and expanded to 7 hectares. He predominantly plants Mondial under
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Transformasie • Transformation
irrigation. Phophi Raletjena from Vivo in Limpopo started out with 5 hectares and expanded to 30 hectares. He plants Mondial under irrigation. Through an audited evaluation process Phophi Raletjena as announced as the Potatoes South Africa Enterprise Development Farmer of the Year. Phophi Raletjena started farming 15 years ago on communal land, planting cabbage. He was assisted by a commercial farmer, Auwke Jongbloed who was approximately 30 km away from him. They decided to start planting a quarter hectare of cabbage and marketing it aggressively in the local village with a target market of 5000 households at that time. The venture was successful and grew to twenty hectares. As the demand grew, Phophi expanded by renting another 100 hectares on nearby private land when Auwke Jongbloed introduced him to potato production. Phophi started potato production in earnest in 2010 on a small scale of 5 hectares, renting machinery from his mentor, Auwke. He grew from strength to strength and required more land for crop rotation. A successful application to the Department of Rural Development enabled Phophi to lease the farm in Vivo where he has been farming with potatoes for the last six years. Phophi joined the Potatoes South Africa Enterprise Development Programme, starting out with five hectares under potato production and has now expanded to 30 hectares under irrigation. Following a four-year rotation cycle, Phophi alternates his potatoes with animal feed and maize. He also has a breeding stock of 100 Bonsmaras. Having heavy soil with a high percentage calcium which is an advantage, but which is highly deficient in phosphorous which have to be augmented before planting, Phophi has soil analysis done every time before planting. As erosion is a problem in the area, Phophi builds contours to protect his soil. Phophi buys only certified seed and plants mostly Mondial. His fertiliser programme is based on the soil analysis and recommendations from the laboratory. All his potato fields are under centre pivot irrigation. Usually the early crop is planted in February and the late crop in June/July. Phophi is vigilant against pests and diseases by inspecting his fields on a daily basis. He says: “The
leaves are the factory and potatoes rely on the leaves for photosynthesis especially during the bulking stage. Once you lose your leaves to a disease or a pest, you may lose your crop. That is why it is important to treat your seed for preventative purposes and you need to control your soil and air borne diseases.” To Phophi, yield is the key to success. He aims for 50 tons per hectare as a benchmark on Mondials, but sometimes he harvests 55 tons. The bulk of the potatoes produced by Phophi is sold to Mozambican buyers unwashed in 10 kg bags. He recently developed the branding of his own bags with information in both English and Portuguese, and in three colours for the various classes. What is key to marketing is customer satisfaction. Phophi understands the needs of his target market and explains that unwashed potatoes have a longer shelf life than washed potatoes. He says: “When you wash potatoes then you compromise on shelf life, whereas the latter is a requirement of the Mozambican buyers”. Keeping in mind that he is also producing other crops, Phophi employs 12 permanent labourers and an average of 60 seasonal workers when it is potato harvesting time, packing between 10 000 and 11 000 bags per day. Phophi stays abreast of the latest information on potatoes and eagerly increases his knowledge by reading articles, attending courses presented by Potatoes SA and the Transformation Symposium as well as attending workshops presented by fertiliser and chemical companies. Articles on technical production, marketing and finance in CHIPS magazine is one of his sources of expanding his knowledge and he is grateful to still be on the Potatoes SA Enterprise Development Programme. As the farm is reliant on underground water which is a limited resource, making better use of water optimisation is an area in which Phophi would like to see more research done. Phophi ascribes his success to the fact that, firstly by increasing his yield and secondly by the ability to source and access information and to learn from others. He says that how you sell and price your product is very important as well as the relations with various stakeholders in the industry. Phophi says: “In comparison to my peers I’d say that I have seen many who have started and failed on account of farming as a second option, not as the main source of your income. You want your livelihood to come out of it and you must make it work, that propels one to succeed.” C
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Limpopo kultivarproef
onder besproeiing op Polokwane in 2017
Frans Brits (produsent), Albert Boneschans en Chantel du Raan (Aartappels Suid-Afrika)
Opbrengsbepaling en sortering tydens die reën (Gradering was nie moontlik in die modder nie) Die Limpopo produksiestreek produseer sowat 20% van die totale aartappelproduksie, wat die hoogste in Suid-Afrika is. Hierdie streek plant aartappels vir die tafel- en verwerkingsmark onder besproeiing. Die streek se bydrae tot die verwerkingbedryf beloop sowat 8% (hoogste van al die streke in Suid-
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Afrika). Die hoofkultivars vir die tafelmark sluit in Mondial, Valor en Sifra terwyl die populêre keuses vir verwerking Hertha, Fianna, Markies en Innovator insluit. Die proef is op Polokwane, uitgevoer. Limpopo is
Bedryfsdienste • Industry Services
in die mees noordelike provinsie van Suid-Afrika en word verdeel deur die Steenbokskeerkring. Een van die redes waarom hierdie streek so groot bydrae kan maak tot die aartappelbedryf is die feit dat die streek twee seisoene het. Dit sluit 'n vroeë aanplanting in wat gedurende Januarie tot Maart geplant word en vanaf Mei tot Augustus geoes word, asook die hoofaanplanting wat vanaf April tot September geplant word en tussen September en April geoes word.
Figuur 1: Ligging van Polokwane in Limpopo produksiestreek.
Tabel 1: Opsomming van tegniese inligting rakende proefperseel en uitleg. Plaas:
Duk en Dun Boerdery
Mnr. Frans Brits
4 Augustus 2017
7 Desember 2017
Besproeiing / Droëland:
Dubbel- of enkelrye:
0.8 m
0.30 m
Proefperseel per eenheid:
17.5 m2
41 666 plante / hektaar Bemestingsprogram: Voedingswaarde:
N (kg/ha)
P (kg/ha)
K (kg/ha)
Polokwane is in 'n tropiese somerreënvalgebied geleë met 'n jaarlikse gemiddelde reënval van tussen 495 en 598 mm (Figuur 1). Matig tot baie warm somerdae kan verwag word, terwyl die winters weer baie koud is met ryp wat in Junie en Julie voorkom. Die proefperseel het bestaan uit 'n sandleemgrond en is geplant in 'n ewekansige blokontwerp met drie herhalings. Verdere tegniese inligting rakende die proefperseel en uitleg is opgesom in Tabel 1. Verteenwoordigende grondmonsters is ook voor plant geneem en ontleed om die grondvoedingstatus van die proefperseel te bepaal. Die resultate van die grondontleding vir hierdie proef word aangedui in Tabel 2. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat groeiperiodes
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Tabel 2: Grondontleding resultate vir Polokwane (2017) kultivarproef voor plant.
pH (KCl)
% of KUK1
Brutodigtheid (kg.m-3)
Ammonium asetaat
KUK = Katioon-uitruilvermoë
Klei (%)
Silt (%)
Sand (%)
die oesopbrengs van kultivars kan beïnvloed. Groeiperiodes word gedefinieer as die aantal dae van opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen. Die presiese tydsberekening van die
vyf groeifases (spruitontwikkeling, vegetatiewe groei, knolinisiasie, knolvulling en volwassenheid) hang af van die omgewing en die bestuurspraktyke wat wissel tussen lokaliteite asook kultivars, onder andere as gevolg van verskillende groeiperiodes (Tabel 3). Oesopbrengs en knolgrootte word ook beïnvloed deur die aantal hoofstamme per area en dus deur die aantal moere geplant asook die aantal halms per moer. Die aantal halms per moer is andersyds afhanklik van die aantal ogies, die aantal spruite per
Totale reënval per maand 2017
Langtermyn gemiddelde reënval
Kumulatiewe reënval 2017
Langtermyn kumulatiewe reënval
140 120
Reënval (mm)
100 80 60 40 20 0 Augustus
Datum Figuur 2: Reënval gedurende die groeiseisoen (2017) asook die langtermyn gemiddelde reënval. Page 56 |
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Tabel 3: Karaktereienskappe rakende groeiperiode, plantgereedheid, stand (%) en halmtellings vir elke kultivar in 2017. Kultivar
Groeiperiode (Dae)1
Stand (%)
Halms per plant
Halms per hektaar
Medium tot lank
249 996
291 662
220 830
Crop 34
Medium tot lank
191 664
Kort tot medium
304 162
El Mundo
Kort tot medium
233 330
Medium tot lank
191 664
220 830
179 164
Medium tot lank
233 330
262 496
Kort tot medium
179 164
179 164
149 998
Medium tot lank
316 662
274 996
Kort tot medium
166 664
Medium tot lank
208 330
Kort tot medium
149 998
233 330
Kort tot medium
233 330
95 832
Algemene riglyne en kategorieë (dae van opkoms tot natuurlike loofafsterwe, afhangend van die seisoen): Kort = 70-90 dae; Kort tot Medium = 80-100 dae; Medium = 90-110 dae; Medium tot Lank = 90-120; Lank = 90-140 dae. 2 Plantgereedheid van moere 1 – Vars; 2 – Effens vars; 3 – Plantgereed; 4 – Effens oud; 5 – Oud. 1
ogie en die aantal halms per spruit. Die aantal ogies per knol is kultivar-afhanklik, terwyl die aantal spruite per ogie en die aantal halms per spruit beïnvloed word deur die plantgereedheid van die moere. Die kultivars, plantgereedheid van moere, stand (%) en
halmtelling van hierdie proef word aangedui in Tabel 3. Temperatuur, dagliglengte en water is die belangrikste abiotiese faktore wat die groeipatroon, opbrengs en
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kwaliteit van aartappels beïnvloed. Om te bepaal wat die aanpassingsvermoë van nuwe kultivars in die Polokwane-omgewing is, is dit belangrik om hierdie faktore in aanmerking te neem wanneer die prestasie van verskillende kultivars geëvalueer word. Dit is ook belangrik dat die kultivars vir 'n aantal seisoene geëvalueer word omdat klimaat van seisoen tot seisoen verskil. Die daaglikse- en langtermyn-weerdata is verkry vanaf die LNR se Turffonteinstasie (-24.05829, 29.2597). Die area het gedurende die 2017-groeiseisoen laer reënval as die langtermyngemiddeld ondervind met die uitsondering van Oktober waartydens dit aansienlik meer gereën het (tydens knolvullingsperiode) in vergelyking met die langtermyn-data (Figuur 2).
van hitte-eenhede. Daar word dus aanvaar dat die plant 'n sekere aantal hitte-eenhede moet versamel om 'n ontwikkelingsfase te voltooi. Die hitte-eenhede van die 2017-groeiseisoen was effens hoër vroeg in die seisoen. Verder in die groeiseisoen het dit egter verander en was hitte-eenhede effens laer in vergelyking met die langtermyn gemiddelde hitteeenhede (Figuur 4). Aan die einde van die seisoen was die langtermyn-data se kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede 13.05% laer as die kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede. Die opbrengsdata is statisties verwerk met behulp van die GenStat® program en die gemiddelde was geskei deur gebruik te maak van die Tukey KBV-toets. Die kultivar-effek gedurende die 2017-proewe (Figuur 5) was statisties beduidendend (p<0.05) ten opsigte van opbrengs terwyl die koëffisiënt van variasie (19.7%) aanvaarbaar was. Dit dui dus aan dat die proewe goed uitgevoer en die resultate betroubaar is. Die proefgemiddeld van al die kultivars word as 100% geneem. Die opbrengs van die individuele kultivars word dan deur die proefgemiddeld gedeel en elke kultivar se opbrengsprestasie word as 'n persentasie van die proefgemiddeld uitgedruk (opbrengsindeks).
Die minimum- en maksimumtemperature (Figuur 3) vir die 2017-groeiseisoen het dieselfde patroon as vorige jare gevolg met die uitsondering dat die maksimumtemperature vanaf einde Oktober tot die einde van die groeiseisoen laer vertoon het terwyl die minimumtemperature effens hoër was in vergelyking met die langtermyn-data regdeur die seisoen. Vroeg in die groeiseisoen het die temperature gedaal tot 0°C. Hitte-eenhede is ook 'n belangrike faktor om in ag te neem aangesien die ontwikkeling van die plant hoofsaaklik gebaseer is op die versameling
Ten opsigte van die 2017-proewe (Figuur 5) het die kultivars Mondial, Valor, Mondeo, Lanorma,
Maksimum temperatuur 2017
Minimum temperatuur 2017
Langtermyn gemiddelde maksimum temperatuur
Langtermyn gemiddelde minimum temperatuur
Temperatuur (°C)
35 30 25 20 15 10 5
01-Aug-17 06-Aug-17 11-Aug-17 16-Aug-17 21-Aug-17 26-Aug-17 31-Aug-17 05-Sep-17 10-Sep-17 15-Sep-17 20-Sep-17 25-Sep-17 30-Sep-17 05-Oct-17 10-Oct-17 15-Oct-17 20-Oct-17 25-Oct-17 30-Oct-17 04-Nov-17 09-Nov-17 14-Nov-17 19-Nov-17 24-Nov-17 29-Nov-17 04-Dec-17 09-Dec-17 14-Dec-17
Figuur 3: Minimum- en maksimumtemperatuur (°C) gedurende die 2017-groeiseisoen asook langtermyn. Page 58 |
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Bedryfsdienste â&#x20AC;˘ Industry Services
Totale hitte-eenhede 2017
Langtermyn gemiddelde hitte-eenhede
Kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede 2017
Langtermyn kumulatiewe hitte-eenhede
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Augustus
*Totale hitte-eenhede spesifiek bepaal vir aartappels (drumpeltemperatuur = 5°C) as gewas [bereken vanaf uurlikse data]. Figuur 4: Hitte-eenhede gedurende die groeiseisoen (2017) asook langtermyngemiddeld. Bemarkingsindeks (%) 139.2 a 132.9 ab 129.3 a-c 115.0 a-d 114.0 a-e 111.8 a-f 109.7 a-g 108.2 a-h 102.4 b-i 98.7 c-j 97.5 c-k 97.3 c-l 97.3 c-m 95.1 d-n 93.1 d-o 90.5 d-p Proefgemiddeld 90.1 d-q = 46.7 t/ha 87.1 d-r 84.8 d-r 81.7 e-r p < 0.05
Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie
Opbrengs van kultivars verskil nie statisties nie
Opbrengsindeks (%) Mondial Valor Mondeo Lanorma Moonlight Panamera Allison Mette Labadia Joly Fandango Georgina Bonnata Electra Jelly Sifra El Mundo Crop 34 Hanna Rumba Libertie Challenger
67.6 j-r 56.7 r
KBV = 32.4 KV% = 19.7
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Opbrengs- en bemarkingsindeks as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%) vir 2017
*Waardes gevolg deur dieselfde letter is nie beduidend verskillend van mekaar nie. Figuur 5. Totale opbrengs en bemarkingsindeks per kultivar as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld. CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2018
Page 59
Groot medium
Grootteverspreiding (t/ha) in 2017/2018
60 50
2017 = 46.7 t/ha Proefgemiddeld van vorige 3 jaar = 46.7 t/ha
40 30 20 10 0
Figuur 6. Groottegroepverspreiding van elke kultivar tydens finale oes. Moonlight, Panamera, Allison en Mette die hoogste opbrengste gelewer. Libertie se swak prestasie kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan 'n stand van 45%. Hoër opbrengste as die proefgemiddeld (46.7 t/ha) was behaal deur die kultivars Mondial, Valor, Mondeo, Lanorma, Moonlight, Panamera, Allison, Mette en Labadia.
onderskeie kultivars aangetoon. Dit is egter opmerklik dat daar bykans geen groot aartappels ingevolge die groottegroepverspreiding in die sorteringresultate was nie wat moontlik aan klimaatstoestande toegeskryf kan word. Weens reën tydens die oes was dit ongelukkig nie moontlik om die besmeerde knolle te gradeer nie.
Ten einde die prestasie van die kultivars in terme van opbrengs en kwaliteit te bepaal is die opbrengs, groottegroepverspreiding en klas gebruik om teen die gemiddelde markpryse vir die betrokke dag 'n bemarkingsindeks te bereken. Die opbrengs, vermenigvuldig met die heersende prys wat bepaal word deur die groottegroepverspreiding en gradering, gee die bemarkingsindeks (Figuur 5). Valor en Mondial gevolg deur Mondeo en Moonlight het die hoogste bemarkingsindeks behaal wat toegeskryf kan word aan hoë opbrengste en 'n hoë persentasie groot aartappels ingevolge die groottegroepverspreiding (Figuur 6) wat die kultivars gelewer het. Sifra en Libertie het die laagste bemarkingsindeks getoon hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die kultivars se lae opbrengs. Groottegroepverspreiding en gradering is ook van die faktore wat gebruik word om aartappels te klas daarom is dit belangrike faktore om in ag te neem om optimale ekonomiese bemarkbare opbrengs te verseker. In Figuur 6 word die groottegroepverspreiding van die opbrengs van die
Die LINTUL-POTATO-DSS plantgroei-model is gebruik om potensiële opbrengs van die kontrole kultivar (Mondial) te bereken. Potensiële opbrengs was gedefinieer as die teoretiese boonste opbrengsgrens in 'n situasie waar water, voedingstowwe en biologiese faktore optimaal is vir die seisoen waarin die proef gegroei het. Die inligting stel ons in staat om te evalueer hoe die werklike proefopbrengs behaal vergelyk met gesimuleerde potensiële opbrengste. Die verskil tussen die potensiële en werklike proefopbrengs verwys na die opbrengsgaping. Dit illustreer hoe optimaal produsente gebruik maak van hul omgewing en beskikbare hulpbronne om hoë opbrengs te behaal. Die verhouding tussen werklike opbrengs (64.9 t/ha):potensiële opbrengs (85.2 t/ha) is 72% en het dus 'n klein opbrengsgaping wat daarop dui dat die beskikbare omgewing doeltreffend benut word.
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Dit is ook belangrik om te let op die kultivars se vermoë om konsekwent te presteer, ongeag fluktuasies
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Tabel 4. Kook- en prosesseringseienskappe en interne kwaliteit van opbrengs vir 2017 (Uitgevoer deur LNR-Roodeplaat). Skyfie- kleur1
Droë materiaal (%)3
Holhart (%)
Bruinvlek (%)
Crop 34
El Mundo
Skyfiekleur met waarde >50 en sonder defekte is aanvaarbaar vir die droëskyfiebedryf. 2Soortlike gewig van >1.075 is aanvaarbaar vir die prosesseringsbedryf. 3Die persentasie droë materiaal is 'n berekende waarde: DM% = 24.182 + 211.04 * (SG-1.0988) Die werklike persentasiewaarde sal effens verskil tussen variëteite uit hierdie berekeningswaarde.
in die klimaat oor tyd. In Figuur 7 word die driejaar data aangetoon vir die kultivarproewe in die Polokwane produksie-area.
≥ Norm (Aanvaarbaar vir prosessering)
< Norm (Onaanvaarbaar vir prosessering)
Voorts is dit ook belangrik om op die interne kwaliteit van die produk te fokus om 'n ekonomies-optimale bemarkbare opbrengs, en dus winsgewendheid,
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Opbrengs as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld (%)
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Electra
Figuur 7. Prestasie van kultivars oor drie jaar uitgedruk as persentasie van die proefgemiddeld.
te verseker. Dit sluit belangrike faktore in soos die prosesseringseienskappe, soortlike gewig (SG) asook inwendige defekte (holhart, bruinvlek en vaatbundelverkleuring) wat opgesom is in Tabel 4. Gedurende die vervoer van die monsters is die monsters van Allison, Bonnata, Electra, Mondeo en Moonlight ongelukkig gesteel en het ons dus nie resultate vir die betrokke kultivars nie. Gedurende die 2017-groeiseisoen het al die kultivars behalwe vir
Challenger, Georgina en Joly, aan die skyfiekleurnorm van >50 vir prosessering voldoen. Wat soortlike gewig (SG), betref het die kultivars Challenger, Crop 34 en Rumba aan die norm van â&#x2030;Ľ1.075 vir prosessering voldoen. Ten opsigte van inwendige defekte, het holhart onderskeidelik by Fandango en Sifra voorgekom (Figuur 8). Geen bruinvlek het voorgekom by enige van die kultivars nie (Figuur 8). C
Figuur 8: Vleeskleur en interne kwaliteit van opbrengs vir 2017 in Polokwane
Allison Page 62 |
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Crop 34
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El Mundo
Valor CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2018
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Potato Industry Forum Report Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
The 2018 meeting of the Potato Industry Forum under the chairpersonship of Prof Johan Kirstenn of the Stellenbosch University was held on 16 May 2018 in Pretoria. The main aim was to give feedback to industry role players on the activities of the Potato Industry Development Trust as well as on that of Potatoes South Africa with the emphasis on the organisationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research and development core business. At this year forum meeting reports were also delivered on Project Rebirth and the handling of organic waste on fresh produce markets from the angle as to whether it is a problem or whether it offers an opportunity.
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Kommunikasie • Communication
Research Highlights – 2017/2018 (Mr André Coetzee, Chairperson of Potatoes South Africa’s Research Committee) The Potatoes South Africa Research Committee strives to remain relevant and therefore revises the potato research strategy from time to time in so far as the focus areas are concerned with the necessary inputs from potato producers in all the production regions. At present the focus is on the evaluation of cultivars, soil health, water usage, soil-borne diseases, virus and aphid control, nematodes, insect pests, quality, foliage diseases, plant nutrition, bursary allocation and knowledge transfer. The funding of research on foliage diseases was also added to the list of focus areas during the current financial year. As funding for research is limited the continuous evaluation of the focus areas is that more important to ensure that the available funding is properly appropriated. The importance of the work done by the research partners, which include professional researchers and research institutions cannot be stressed enough, especially in terms of their contribution to assist in ensuring the sustainability of the potato industry and creating a pool of knowledge within the industry. In respect of the 2017/2018 highlights the evaluation of cultivars, ecologically sustainable potato production in South Africa with the emphasis on water usage, CO2 , the water footprint and managing the potato virus and finally the impact of climate change were at the forefront. As far as the evaluation of cultivars is concerned the main aim is to identify cultivars best suited for local environmental conditions in order to supply the table and processing markets. The success of the cultivar evaluation program can be ascribed to the strict rules applied and it being a team effort between participating industry role players such as Potatoes South Africa, regional potato workgroups, potato farmers, seed houses as well as other input suppliers. During the past three years 46 cultivar trials were conducted with the emphasis on yield, quality and adaptability. In terms of the ecological sustainability of potato farming in South Africa the importance of optimal
water use was stressed as South Africa is known as a water scarce country. For example in the Sandveld groundwater is used to irrigate more than 7 000 hectare potato plantings as well as to supply the towns with water. Because of fears that potato farming could severely deplete ground water resources and that seawater could then infiltrate aquafers with disastrous consequences for the economy and people of the area, Potatoes South Africa has been funding research to monitor borehole water levels and quality in the region for the past 13 years. Through research it was possible to, inter alia, managed the water quality of boreholes as well as to identify the two water hotspots. As far as potato production’s water footprint is concerned it largely depends on yield, soil type climate and irrigation practices. In South Africa it takes on average 43.5 litres of water to produce a 150 gram potato which compares well with overseas statistics and other foodstuffs. In respect of the carbon (CO2) footprint is concerned it is primarily determined by the fertilisers used, the irrigation practices followed and especially by the transportation of potato consignments to markets. Studies have shown that South African potato industry’s carbon footprint compares well with overseas values for both dryland and irrigation production practices. In view of the importance of managing the industry’s carbon footprint a study is currently being conducted to determine how much water leaches past potato roots and with it, wasted nitrogen fertiliser. The potato industry is continuously engaged in a battle against the potato viruses because of the havoc it can cause to a potato planting. It is said that a virus infection can lead to a decrease in yield of up to 50% if infected tubers are planted. Unfortunately no chemical cure is available once the plants have been infected, and even worse, the virus can quite effectively spread from one plant to another as well as from one potato field to another. As a result virus vector flight patterns are continuously being monitored through a suction trap network. The data obtained allows seed potato growers the opportunity to manage the risk of virus infections from emigrating aphids pro-actively. It is a fact that climate change is taking place, but it is not all doom for potato production in South Africa. A study on the effect of climate change on potato production by the year 2050 has revealed that the average temperature will increase by 2°C which will result in a shift in planting seasons and yields. It is also estimated that the carbon concentration will increase to 550 ppm in 2050 compared to the 235 ppm level CHIPS • May/June 2018
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in 1960. This will, fortunately, lead to more efficient photosynthesis and water usage. Project Market Rebirth (Mr Standford Manthata, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) Project Market Rebirth was launched to improve service level standards with those municipalities that own fresh produce markets. Markets identified were that of Buffalo City (East London), Port Elizabeth, Matlosana (Klerksdorp), eMalahleni (Witbank), Matjhabeng (Welkom), Sol Plaatjes (Kimberley), Mangaung (Bloemfontein) and Kei (Mthatha). Unfortunately, only the municipalities responsible for the Buffalo City Fresh Produce Market and the Kei Fresh Produce Market responded positively. Some of the challenges facing these markets are a lack of continuity and stability at management level, inability and/or unwillingness of municipalities to reinvest a portion of the market revenue for market infrastructure refurbishment and municipalities not recognising the market as a core business, the fact that the South African Union of Food Markets are not well-enough organised to successfully implement the codes best practices on markets, the necessity of market agents and their sales personnel to uphold ethical trading practices and maintaining the integrity of the commission system, the failure of BEE market agencies to survive due to lack of product supply and lack of cooperation by municipalities and continuity in participation from COGTA as a key-stakeholder in the affairs of Project Market Rebirth. To ensure that Project Market Rebirth continues to move forward the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is involved in talks with the University of Pretoria in offering a national qualification in fresh produce marketing in an effort to attract young people to the industry and is liaising with Prokon regarding the challenge to conduct inspections on all regulated fruit and vegetables, especially on the smaller markets, to ensure that it is on par with the inspections on potatoes. As far as the ethical trading investigations on the fresh produce markets by the Competition Commission is concerned the latter has requested more time to complete the investigation in view of the
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vast amount of data and information to be analysed. As far as the way forward is concerned Project Market Rebirth will continue facilitating the implementation of codes of best practice on those markets which management and municipal authorities are willing to cooperate. To ensure the future of small and medium sized markets, it will intensify its efforts to encourage the municipalities to review its ownership and management model, e.g. by entering into a long term lease agreement with a private operator to run the business without relinquishing ownership of the market. In the case of the bigger markets the emphasis will be on encouraging the municipalities / metros to convert their markets into independent business entities. The implementation of the mentorship and coaching programs on markets will also be continued with, but it will depend on whether there are continuity, stability and permanency at market management level to assist with the implementation of the standard operating procedures, the codes of best practice and service level agreements. To give further impetus to resolving the service delivery problems on markets the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will facilitate the gazetting of the codes of best practice to serve as official norms and standards for the fresh produce industry as well as start the process of drafting a new Bill that will include the establishment of a National Fresh Produce Development Agency to oversee and manage the operations of the national fresh produce markets. Organic waste at fresh produce markets: Problem of opportunity? (Mr Francois Knowles, Tshwane Fresh Produce Market) Organic waste or otherwise biodegradable waste can be broken down in a relatively short period of time into its base compounds by microorganisms and other living things, which in the fresh produce environment includes packaging material, and on the upside has value. As the main aim of Tshwane Market is to ensure that good quality produce are offered for sale, produce
Kommunikasie • Communication
that are no longer fit for human consumption are either voluntary surrendered by the sales personnel of a market agency or are seized if it is declared as such by the environmental health inspectors six days a week. The aforementioned actions are governed by the Health Act (Act 63 of 1977), the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (Act 54 of 1972) and the City of Tshwane’s market by-laws that were promulgated on 13 December 2017. To facilitate the handling of discarded produce and packaging material on the market a condemnation facility was erected which is conducive to deal with waste, has a proper drainage system and ensures that infected produce are being walled-in. In support of its waste handling activities random residue testing is done, with sometimes scary results which places a huge burden on the market authorities to prevent such produce reaching the consumer. As far as best practices are concerned a study conducted by the University of Pretoria on behalf of the market, has shown that from the farm to the consumer the product is on average handled 15 times which could have a huge adverse impact on quality and appearance. The market has recently established a food safety and quality control unit that will work closely with Prokon in terms of profiling consignments received on the market floor to obtain a better understanding of the quality thereof. As far as the discard baseline is concerned is was established in 2006 and is set at 1.52% which equates to 6 740 tons of produce per annum with the most waste being handled in January/February and October/November/December which can primarily be ascribed to the prevailing hot weather conditions during the two periods. There are several opportunities available to deal with and minimise organic waste such as recycling, composting, waste to energy (bio-gas, hydro thermal carbonisation and methane gas), drying of over ripe products, changing consumption patterns by e.g. buying less more regularly, partnerships with the emphasis on job creation and combinations of all available opportunities. It is a fallacy to think that discarded produce can be used as animal feed – if it is not good enough for humans it is not good enough for animals as proven by the Pretoria Zoo that only buys good quality produce for their animals. As far as actual activities are concerned the market conducted a methane trial in 2011, a compost trial in cooperation with Conradie Organics in 2014, an Earth Probiotic trial in 2015 and a Bio2watt trial
in 2016. Although the above trials all proved to be successful, it is unfair to expect the waste reduction effort as a whole to be successful if the Tshwane Market is the sole participant. It must also be accepted that all of the activities are costly and/or require a huge space to be executed properly. As far as farmers are concerned it is paramount that their consignments comply with the necessary quality standards and that they take cognisance of the need for an equilibrium in respect of supply and demand on the market floor in order that the market can successfully fulfil its role in terms of the price discovery mechanism. Simultaneously the proper transportation of produce needs to be looked at in order to prevent product damage that could lead to it being classified as “no longer fit for human consumption”. It must also be accepted that contaminated products, and consequently a contaminated market floor, not only pose a health risk to market personnel, but also to all other people who work on the market or frequent the market to purchase produce. In 2016/2017 it did cost the market about R3.98 million to remove discarded produce from the market – money that could have been spent more wisely elsewhere. In terms of commitment to deal with organic waste, it is the aim of the Tshwane Market to send zero products to landfill, especially because of the diminishing capacity at landfill sites. In addition a special effort is being made to manage the process in conjunction with market agents with special emphasis on the turnaround time to deal with discarded produce. Since July 2015 all discards are being quantified in terms of product and agency sales personnel for accountability purposes as well as to determine the overall cost of handling such produce and to make suppliers aware of the losses associated therewith. For 2016/2017 the loss in sales due to discards amounted to R130 million of which about 79% was the farmers’ loss. For the market to attain its goal in successfully dealing with organic waste it is paramount that the process is managed throughout the market value chain which include the real participation of all role players in the fresh produce value chain, including farmers. Recyclables would also have to be removed from the “organic waste” in order to reduce the volumetric space consumed and therefore reduce costs that normally would be incurred. It is foreseen that all organic waste should be transported to a bio-gas facility as the preferred option and alternative to fill up
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landfill sites. If implemented successfully R2.4 million per annum could be saved, which represents cost reduction of about 60%. Report of the Potato Industry Development Trust (Mr Ernst Yzel, Chairperson of the PIDT) The current statutory period (2015 – 2019) is the fourth statutory period since the then Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries approved Potatoes South Africa’s original application for a statutory levy and measures in 2004. In terms of the Statistics of funds appropriate APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Retained funds at the beginning of the year Total Income Levies received Interest & Other Income Total appropriation for 2018/2019 budget Market development
appropriation of the statutory funds, the Minister has stipulated that 70% is to be allocated to the core businesses, at least 20% to transformation and not more than 10% to administration. As far as the 2016/2017 financial year is concerned more than the prescribed percentage was spent on transformation and less than what was prescribed for administration, as can been seen in the table. It is endeavoured to allocate a similar percentage of the available funding to Market Development and Generic Product Promotion versus Research and Development. However, because of uncompleted projects less than the budgeted amount was spent on Research and Development.
In respect of the appropriation of the statutory funds earmarked for transformation 50% thereof is spent for the enterprise development program, 20% for bursaries and small farmer development and the remainder for operational expenses. In addition to increase Potatoes South Africa’s 2015/2016 transformation footprint the R7 182 955 assistance and inputs R42 526 813 of various industry R42 463 090 role players are R63 722 obtained. R41 910 548
R10 895 501
Industry Information
R7 548 170
Research and development
R9 832 258
R3 551 604
R10 083 016
Provision for bad debts, etc.
R344 915
Retained funds at the end of the year
R7 454 305
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Transformation 24,1%
Administration 8,5%
Market development 26,0%
Research and development 23,5% Industry Information 18,0% Page 68 |
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The statutory levy it is primarily collected at the packaging manufacturers and the processors. In respect of the current financial year (1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018) year it is anticipated that slightly more than the budgeted amount of R41 113 888 will be collected from the packaging manufacturers and R3 668 183 from the processors. As far as the next statutory period is concerned (2019/2023), it was decided at the Potatoes South
Kommunikasie • Communication
Managing the decrease in levy tariffs
Africa Congress – 2017 to apply for the continuation of the statutory levy and measures. The Congress also decided that in respect of the first year of the said statutory period the levy will be less than the levy applicable to the last year of the current statutory period because of the difficulties experienced by potato farmers during the last few years due to the drought and accompanying lower yields and income. This will naturally create a challenge for the Trust as well as Potatoes South Africa as its Administrator to fulfil their obligations towards the potato industry with less funds available. The levy applicable to the 2015/2019 statutory period and the one applicable to the 2019/2023 statutory period is set out in the table below: Potatoes South Africa business report (Dr André Jooste, Chief Executive Officer, Potatoes South Africa) Overview of the market With regard to the size of the potato crop, it showed a steady growth from 159 million 10 kg bags in 2000 to 209 million 10 kg bags in 2010. From 2010 onwards it was continuously above 200 million 10 kg bags with 250 million 10 kg bags in 2015 and 245 million 10 kg bags in 2017. The crop size unfortunately took
a drop in 2016 as a result of the drought and extreme heat conditions, but the general feeling is that crop sizes in excess of 240 million 10 kg bags could well be the future trend. This can primarily be ascribed to better adapted cultivars, improved cultivation practices and increased cultivation under irrigation. As far as sales on fresh produce markets are concerned it increased in line with the increase in crop sizes. However, potato producers find themselves in a cost price squeeze situation because of the fact that average real market prices have been moving sideways for quite a number of years whilst the industry has experienced escalating production and marketing costs. This holds dire consequences for the sustainability of potato production. In view of the seriousness of the matter the Potatoes SA Board of Directors has appointed a task team to find a solution as a matter of urgency. To make some profit potato producers have to earn at least between R35 to R40 per bag on the fresh produce market. Potatoes SA core businesses Transformation In respect of the 2016/2017 financial year in excess of R10 million was spent on Transformation compared to R562 897 in 2004/2005 with the bulk of the funding going to the Enterprise Development Program. Whereas the initial strategy was to continuously increase the number of farmers being assisted, the emphasis is now on fewer farmers and expanding the number of hectares planted in order to attain the set goal of developing black farmers to produce potatoes
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Dr Jooste also commented on the impact of the introduction of trade remedies (safeguard remedies and anti-dumping) that has gone a long way to regulate the importation to frozen French fries and thereby protected the local production and processing of potatoes, the impact of dispensations obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the financial benefits it held for the potato producer as well as the harmonisation of the regulations pertaining to the grading, packing and marking of potatoes with the emphasis on aspects such a size groups, classes, weight loss and wash versus unwashed potatoes. As the latter matter is still the subject of negotiations between industry stakeholders, it would be incorrect commenting on it at this stage. Some of these aspects were nevertheless addressed to some extent in the article In gesprek met dr. André Jooste in CHIPS March/April 2017.
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commercially in a sustainable way. In 2016/2017 about R5.58 million was allocated towards the program with 20 farmers being assisted in terms of certified seed, mentorships, technical support and training and exposure to the commercial potato industry such as visits to the fresh produce markets. In an effort to ensure a high success rate the identification of candidates for the program, is followed by a soil analysis of the farm, a feasibility study, identifying a suitably dedicated mentor, compiling a comprehensive business plan and partners / input suppliers are identified. The program are already bearing fruit with some farmers exiting the program as they are now in a position to plant potatoes in a sustainable way. Because of limited statutory funding being available partnerships are becoming increasingly important. At this stage Potatoes SA has managed to enter into, or are in the process of entering into agreements with industry and governmental institutions. As far as the Small Grower Development Program is concerned R149 482 was spent on 19 projects during 2016/2017. The purpose of the program which is conducted in partnership provincial governments, is to disseminate production and business information through potato trials, to provide the farmers with practical training on good potato production practices and thereby assist in creating a source of food security and a way of generating income. The third pillar of the Transformation core business is based on providing farm based training and workplace experience and awarding bursaries for the development of young talent through educational institutions. With the assistance of the AgriSeta bursaries were awarded to 29 students in 2017. In addition nine interns were placed to gain valuable workplace experience. Based on the latest guidelines received from the National Agricultural Marketing Council 60% of statutory funding earmarked for transformation will be spent on enterprise development
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program, 20% for bursaries and small farmer development and the remainder on operational expenses. Market development and generic product promotion In respect of the 2016/2017 financial year about R10.9 million was spent on market development and generic product promotion. As far as the latter is concerned the strategy is primarily aimed at reaching the LSM 4 - 7 consumers through various communication channels such as television, radio, printed media and social media which includes Potatoes South Africa’s website. The strategy is evaluated and adapted on a regular basis to ensure optimum exposure and reach. Of special importance the endorsement of potatoes by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa as part of the latter’s healthy eating plan. The endorsement will be included in Potatoes South Africa’s promotional strategy in an effort to boost potatoes as a versatile, nutritional and healthy product that is a must in every consumer’s diet. Research and Development See report on Research and Development by Mr André Coetzee earlier in this article. Industry Information In respect of the 2016/2017 financial year about R7.5 million was spent on industry information related activities with the emphasis on collating data and information and converting it into valuable market intelligence with a view to add value for potato industry role players . The core business is also increasingly concentrating on developing new technology. An example thereof is the development of a mobile app in cooperation with Technofresh which will make it possible to receive real-time information in the near future on Potatoes SA’s market statistics as well as information on prices and stock levels on four products on four fresh produce markets on a
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cellular phone. This will allow the potato producer e.g. the opportunity to measure the performance of his consignments to that of other producers delivering produce to the same markets. As far as the creation of market intelligence is concern Potatoes SA is involved in projects such as the potato industry and farm level models to determine returns on investment, Agribenchmark to compare the performance of local potato farmers with overseas farmers, water and energy efficiency, pack house research (weight loss and quality parameters, labour efficiency, market prices and check lists) and optimising production through satellite monitoring. (These matters are regularly reported on in CHIPS.) Communication The Potatoes SA website (www.potatoes.co.za) is one of the most comprehensive documentation storage site on potatoes and contains a wealth of information with its more than 3 000 documents. Other communication mediums used to keep role players informed are the annual Potato Industry Report, CHIPS (which is also electronically available on the website in a page turner format), the Newsflash / Nuusflits, potato information on AgTAG and WhatsApp (market commentary in video format on your smart phone). South Africa Vegetable Industry Forum It is a known fact that the vegetable industry is relatively fragmented compared to the industry bodies in other agricultural sub-sectors. This puts the vegetable industry, including the potato industry, at a disadvantage when a united front is needed when, for example, speaking to government on issues of common concern. Potatoes South Africa hence took the lead together with prominent stakeholders in the vegetable industry to establish the South Africa Vegetable Industry Forum. This Forum acts as a discussion platform to get common ground on issues that affects the industry. The Forum also decided to approach the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) to establish the Vegetable Industry Value Chain Round Table (VIVCRT), which was approved by the Acting DG of DAFF. The purpose of the VIVCRT is to provide a platform for industry stakeholders and government officials to address issues of importance for the vegetable industry in South Africa. The first formal meeting of the VIVCRT must still be scheduled. C
Feedback from the floor • It is imperative that the potato workgroup trials also include cultivars that are specifically bred for the processing industry. • Consideration should be given to conduct research on improving potatoes’ ability to keep and preventing it from sprouting. • The failure of BEE market agents can to an extent be ascribed to their unfavourable positioning on the market floor. In addition municipalities offer no support to these agencies in terms of aspects such as training and mentorships. Established market agencies also has a role to play. • The future existence and sustainability of fresh produce markets depend on municipal authorities recognising the importance of the markets in the fresh produce value chain and consequently making funds available for the upkeep of the market and service delivery to market agencies, sellers and buyers. • As there is no consequence should municipalities refuse to attend to the upkeep of their market, they will not invest in these facilities. It is therefore important that clarity be obtained whether municipalities could be forced to act through e.g., government intervention. • The demise of service delivery on markets has forced retailers to start contracting farmers directly and is one of the main reasons for the significant drop in produce being sold via the fresh produce markets. • It is impossible to improve the potato farmers’ return on investment by passing-on increases in production costs to buyers and consumers because the price of potatoes is determined by supply and demand and potato farmers are therefore price-takers. • As a result of a shortage of white paper for bag manufacturing, the demand for brown paper has escalated to such an extent overseas paper manufacturers are unwilling to provide quotes in respect of paper orders in 2018. This could possibly impact negatively on potato bag prices and availability in future. • The quality of some potato bags is inferior and the bags tend to tear which is costing the potato farmer money and also lead to quality problems because of increased handling. • Shelf-life of potatoes remains a bone of contention with consumers. • Prokon has commenced with DNA testing in the whole supply chain to verify cultivars as in some instances the content has differed from what was indicated on the bags.
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SAKO Algemene
Jaarvergadering – 2018 Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
Die reuse bywoning van die onlangse algemene jaarvergadering van SAKO op Velddrif is sprekend van die produksiegebied en dui net weereens daarop dat ʼn indrukwekkende sakelys nie al rede is waarom aartappelboere sulke vergaderings bywoon nie. In die geval van die Sandveld se aartappelboere gaan dit wel oor terugvoering en om te hoor wat gassprekers te sê het, maar meer belangrik om dié jaarlikse geleentheid te gebruik om op meer persoonlike vlak met mekaar, markagente en ander insetverskaffers te skakel.
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Kontreinuus • Regional News
Bykomend tot die verslag deur die voorsitter, mnr. Jan van Zyl, het die program ook voorsiening gemaak vir 'n verslag deur mnr. Julian Conrad oor die watersituasie in die streek, terugvoering deur mnr. Philé van Zyl oor verwikkelinge op die Kaapstad Mark en 'n praatjie deur die motiveringspreker, mnr. Jannie Putter. Voorsittersverslag: Mnr. Jan van Zyl Die Sandveld lyk droog, vaal en word deur die wêreld as semi-woestyn gesien. Vir ons is dit egter huis en mooi. Dit het 'n skoonheid wat anders is. Jy moet die lang droë somers kan verduur en die reën in wintermaande waardeer. Dit is 'n plek wat die mooiste aartappels en groente lewer, maar teen 'n duur prys. Die prys is duur, want dit verg die hoogste koste per ton aartappels geproduseer in Suid-Afrika. Die natuurlike siektedruk in die grond is laag weens die warm droë lang somers en die baie lae klei-inhoud in die grond en derhalwe moet daar gewaak word teen knolgedraagde siektes. Die moontlikheid vir uitbreiding is ook beperk weens die beskerming van die natuurlike plantegroei. Die kosteknyptang se greep raak al stewiger wat daartoe lei dat produsente al minder raak en die oorblywende produsente al groter boer om te oorleef. Ten spyte van droogte, politieke onsekerheid, oproerigheid, onsekerheid oor veiligheid, 'n sukkelende ekonomie en lae winsgrense, produseer die Sandveld nog steeds voedsel elke dag, 12 maande van die jaar, vir die monde wat moet eet. Daar is 'n verantwoordelikheidsin in ons mense wat al word die paaie versper, trokke aan die brand gesteek en ons voortbestaan bedreig, sal ons nie faal in ons doelwit om voedsel te voorsien nie. Die lojaliteit, uithouvermoë, innovasie en deursettingsvermoë verstom my as ek stil word en oor al hierdie uitdagings besin. Die mooiste aartappels ter wêreld word in Suid-Afrika, en spesifiek in die Sandveld geproduseer. Ons verkoop nie aartappels nie, maar wel kunswerke. Die skil moet spierwit en glad wees en die aartappel moet 'n mooi vorm hê. In die res van die wêreld is 'n
aartappel net 'n aartappel – niemand gee om hoe hy lyk nie. Gewas is net om die grond te verwyder en nie om hom mooi te laat lyk nie. Dit maak die uitdagings vir die teling van nuwe verbeterde kultivars nog moeiliker en die kriteria vir seleksie raak net al groter. Ons grootste uitdaging huidig is die knellende droogte wat nie sy greep wil los nie. Die afgelope jaar het ons minder as 50% van ons langtermyn-gemiddelde reën gekry, en in sommige plekke heelwat minder. Ongeag kon die Sandveld met baie innovering nog steeds 80% van die normale aartappelproduksie lewer. Daar was oor die afgelope paar jaar in-diepte aandag deur rolspelers geskenk gee aan wat gedoen kan word om water te bespaar. Idees is uitgeruil en projekte is geloods soos byvoorbeeld, die aanbied van kursusse vir skedulering van besproeiing, hulpbronbenutting en die optimale verbruik van beskikbare energiebronne. Wat besproeiing betref is dit belangrik dat oorweging geskenk word aan: • Besproeiing in die nag aangesien verdampings verlies en energiekoste laer is. • Vervanging van spuitkoppe op spilpunte om groter druppels te lewer aangesien dit minder verlies tot gevolg het. • Installering van VSDs (Veriable Speed Drive ) om energie te bespaar en die gewenste druk te reguleer. • Aanbied en bywoning van kursusse oor be sproeiingskedulering om oorbesproeiing te verhoed. • Evaluering van besproeiingstoerusting op optimale effektiwiteit te verseker. Virusdruk in die Sandveld was aansienlik laer in die laaste jaar. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die droogte en beter sanitasie deur produsente. Hierdie uitdaging kan die hoof gebied word indien ons produsente die nodige sanitasie toepas. Vir die pad vorentoe sal ons sukses en vooruitgang afhang van die mate waartoe ons kan saamwerk. Ons moet waak teen gedagtes, persepsies en idees wat kan lei tot die ondergang van ons mense en ons streek. Dit wat in ons gedagtes omgaan sal ons koers en ons uiteinde bepaal. Ons moet elke dag onsself ondersoek en seker maak dat dit wat ons mee besig is, nie net tot ons eie voordeel is nie, maar ook ons CHIPS • May/June 2018
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streek insluit. Voorts moet ons ook daarteen waak om net altyd probleme te identifiseer sonder om die oplossings te probeer vind. Dit is baie belangrik om die realiteit daar buite raak te sien en die nodige wysheid aan die dag te lê om die regte besluit vir die toekoms te neem. Dit is elke individu se verantwoordelikheid om te waak dat die negatiewe ons nie oorskadu nie en ons dan verval in 'n plek of toestand van negatiwiteit en wanhopigheid. Mark Zuckerberg het gesê: “ Ek is 'n realistiese optimis wat glo in wonderwerke. “ Wanneer omstandighede moeilik raak is dit juis met die begrip van eenheid en kollektiewe belang dat ons mekaar moet ondersteun, help en bemoedig en saam moet werk om probleme en uitdagings te oorkom. Baie van die probleme wat ons het, se oplossings lê in samewerking. Ek sluit af, Albert Einstein het gesê: “ We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. “ Sandveldwater – ons lewensaar: Mnr. Julian Conrad, GEOSS Die Nasionale Waterwet, 1998 is daarop gemik om die gebruik van water te reguleer tot voordeel van alle gebruikers en gevolglik moet daardie gebruikers wie se watergebruik vir ander gebruikers 'n risiko inhou, aansoek doen vir 'n watergebruikslisensie. Die doel is om volhoubare gebruik te verseker, te voorkom dat 'n bepaalde gebruiker se watergebruik die wetlike waterregte van ander gebruikers benadeel en ook dat dit nie 'n negatiewe impak het op akwatiese ekosisteme nie.
Die goedkeuring van 'n aansoek om 'n watergebruikslisensie kan solank as 300 dae neem en sluit in die validasie van die geregistreerde watergebruik en verifiëring van die gebruik om die wettigheid daarvan onder die vorige wetlike voorskrifte te bepaal. Voorts moet dit vergesel wees van onder andere boorsertifikate, opbrengs-toetsresultate ingevolge SANS10299 en 'n waterkwaliteit-analise. Om sy/haar huidige watergebruik te verhoog sal die produsent dit nou slegs mag doen nadat aansoek daarvoor gedoen is, en die nodige lisensie uitgereik is ingevolge die Nasionale Waterwet. Om die waterkrisis in die Wes-Kaap te bestuur is daar op 12 Januarie 2018 verskeie waterbeperkings in die Staatskoerant afgekondig. Dit sluit in: • 'n 45% inkorting van water uit grondwaterbronne vir huislike en industriële gebruik en 'n 60% inkorting vir landbougebruik in die Berg-Olifants en Breede-Gouritz-waterbestuursareas wat enorme risiko’s vir die betrokke gebruikers inhou in terme van uitsette en voedselproduksie, en wat verbruikers direk gaan affekteer. Hierdie inkortings sal gemeet word teen gebruikers se gemiddelde waterbehoeftes gedurende die voorafgaande vyf jaar. • Dat alle partye wat water vanuit enige waterbron in genoemde bestuursareas onttrek nou verplig is om 'n elektroniese metingsinstrument te installeer ten einde die onttrekking, berging en gebruik deur bestaande gewettigde gebruikers te kan meet en rekord daarvan te kan hou. Sodanige rekords moet op 'n weeklikse basis aan die Departement verskaf word. Dit moet gesien word teen die feit dat die betrokke departement bankrot is en met personeeltekorte sit. Die nie-voldoening aan genoemde beperkings en vereistes moet in 'n uiters ernstige lig beskou word aangesien dit wetlike implikasies vir die oortreders inhou wat boetes en tronkstraf insluit. Daar 'n beduidende toename in die verbouing van
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groentes en vrugte, bykomend tot aartappels, in die Sandveld wat uiteraard verdere druk kan plaas op beskikbare bogrondse- en ondergrondse waterbronne. Die aanvul van bogrondse waterbronne is ook onder druk as in ag geneem word dat die jaarlikse reënval oor die afgelope drie seisoene onder die gemiddelde langtermyn-reënval is. 'n Voorbeeld van die lae bogrondse watervlakke is die watervlak van die Volerenvlei wat se water hoë soutvlakke toon en 'n leë Verlorevleipan. Wat die ondergrondse waterbronne betref wys beskikbare data daarop (Sandberg) dat gebruik vir die periode 2003 tot 2017 relatief konstant gebly het terwyl die aanvulling (recharge) 'n afwaartse tendens toon. Om op die hoogte te bly word ondergrondse water gemonitor by 78 boorgate met die klem op watervlakke en waterkwaliteit. Voorts word reënvaldata ook deur middel van reënvalstasies versamel. Die data wat so versamel word, word op
GEOSS se Sandveld-databasis gestoor en gereelde terugvoering word aan plaaseienaars verskaf ten einde hulle deurgaans op die hoogte te hou van die watersituasie, d.i. die vlakke en kwaliteit daarvan in die Sandveld. Indien 2018 se data met die van 2017 vergelyk word, het ondergrondse watervlakke met 0.23 meter gedaal (n = 28) en die kwaliteit met 20 mS/m (n = 56) verswak. Sedert daar 14 jaar gelede met die monitering begin is, het ondergrondse watervlakke met 3.2 meter gedaal en het die kwaliteit daarvan met 38 mS/m verswak. Die boodskap wat in die Sandveldse aartappelboere se midde gelaat is, is dat die gebied steeds oor groot volumes opgeberge watervoorrade beskik, maar dat dit nie verewig sal hou nie. Dit is ook 'n feit dat wydverspreide verlaging in watervlakke en waterkwaliteit 'n gegewe is. Dit is gevolglik
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noodsaaklik dat die monitering van vlakke en kwaliteit voorgesit moet word, dat ondergrondse waterbesparing noodsaaklik is en dat aartappelboere die nodige goedkeuring verkry word om grondwater vir die verbouing van aartappels aan te wend. Verwikkelinge op die Kaapstad Mark: mnr. Philé van Zyl Sedert die oorname van die Kaapstad Mark in 2015 het dit in 2016 en 2017 goeie besigheidsjare beleef en was die nuwe eienaars in staat om al hul finansiële verpligtinge na te kom. Die doelwit van die aandeelhouers is om genoeg finansiële hulpbronne te genereer om 'n nuwe mark te bou, maar om terselfdertyd die huidige markperseel te bly gebruik weens die ideale ligging daarvan. Aangesien verhoudingsbestuur as uiters belangrik geag word, is die vestiging van verhoudinge met die mark se kliënte van groot belang. Aan die een kant is daar die aartappelboere as kliënte en aan die ander die koperkorps as kliënte aan wie beide groepe
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kwaliteitdienste gelewer moet word met die klem op die fasiliteringsrol van die mark om met behulp van die markagente, die betrokke dienste te lewer. Aangesien die mark op stadsraadgrond geleë is, het die markbestuur 'n groot verpligting om bestaande goeie verhoudinge met die stadsraad in stand te hou, veral as in ag geneem word dat die huurooreenkoms oor 'n langtermyn strek. Wat die personeel betref is personeelomset besonder laag wat daarop dui dat die markbestuur daarin geslaag het om gesonde verhoudinge met eersgenoemde te vestig. Voorts is dit ook belangrik dat verhoudinge met die handelaars op die mark se “voorstoep” te vestig, asook met die handelaars en ander handelsgroeperinge wat hul besighede op die markperseel bedryf – iets waarmee goeie vordering reeds gemaak is. Die ontwikkeling van die nuwe mark op die bestaande perseel is 'n ingewikkelde proses, maar die ondersteuning van die stadsraad is reeds verkry wat 'n reuse stap in die regte rigting is. Aangesien daar genoegsame finansiële bronne bekombaar is, sal dit nie vir die aandeelhouers nodig wees om addisionele finansiering elders te bekom nie. 'n Beroep is om die Sandveldse aartappelboere gedoen om die Kaapstad Mark te ondersteun aangesien dit daargestel is as betroubare platform vir verkoop van varsprodukte. C
Buckle Packaging – synonymous with bag closing excellence When Buckle Packaging started in 1979, it was with the aim of supplying the agricultural sector with quality end of line packaging machinery. As sole agents for Fischbein – Saxon from the USA and UK, this family run packaging company was able to supply a solution to the bag closing needs of the agricultural industry. Within the potato farming fraternity, one of Buckle Packaging’s most sought after items is the Fischbein range of bag stitching machines. From portable hand held units for lower production runs, through to the heavy duty high speed in-line stitchers, this equipment is sturdy, durable and designed for working long hours. The high speed stitcher is adaptable to all makes of carousel units, and uses a self-lubricating system which makes it reliable and sturdy for the tough job of packaging potatoes daily. The machine comes standard with a variable speed pulley which allows for easy synchronisation to the speed of the conveyor or carousel. The stitch length is also adjustable depending on the specific bags being used. This packaging system is designed to work at high speeds, making sure the volumes of potato pockets are closed securely and within the fastest time. The Fischbein stitcher is completely sealed in oil against dust and dirt allowing for smooth operation.
Buckle Packaging also has years of experience in helping and advising farmers on the best system to solve their individual bagging problem. They have a large range of premium quality bag sewing thread. This ring spun polyester product is available in various cone sizes for portable bag stitching machines, as well as industrial sewing systems with cones up to 10 kg. The standard colour range is white with an option of six other colours. Any potato farmer will know the importance of using premium quality thread to ensure trouble free bag closing. Inferior quality thread with knots and flaws leads to machine downtime and low productivity. This also poses the danger of product loss during transportation and handling. Buckle Packaging offers installation of their systems, machine servicing and repairs, and provides spare parts needed to maintain these important machines. "As a pack house manager for a large potato farming organisation I have been privileged to work with the Buckle Packaging team for the past eight years", says Theuns van der Merwe. "As far as service delivery is concerned I have had only the best, and they continue to go the extra mile to make sure their clients are well serviced. Fischbein is a quality stitcher and we have improved on our production since installing these units on all our lines. I will gladly recommend them to any new potential client”.
STITCHING MACHINES Designed to close a wide variety of industrial packaging materials including paper, plastic, woven polypropylene and jute bags.
Call us today on: BUCKLE PACKAGING (PTY) LTD Bag Closing Technology
+27 11 613 8024 email: info@bucklepack.co.za • www.bucklepack.co.za
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Prokon Nuus Gedurende Maart en April 2018 het 16 aartappelproduksiestreke asook nie-produserende verskaffers aartappels aan die varsproduktemarkte landwyd gelewer STREEK
Sifra (52.67%) Mondial (11.94%) Lanorma (9.94%)
Verbruining (55.35%) Nerf-af/los (15.31%) Te groot (9.95%)
Avalanche (70.40%) Vanderplank (18.73%) Mondial (10.86%)
Mondial (74.95%) Sifra (13.14%) Lanorma (11.89%)
Te groot (55.55%) Meganiese beskadiging (27.77%) Verbruining (16.66%)
Sifra (67.65%) Lanorma (27.74%) Mondial (4.59%)
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Mondial (43.61%) 49,089 Sifra (34.48%) Fabula (18.22%)
Aalwurm (32.03%) Verbruining (20.51%) Bruinskurf (11.29%)
Lentiselbeskadiging (55.41%) 9.14% Bederf (24.52%) Nerf-af/los (17.16%)
Valor (53.09%) 16,034 Mondial (38.66%) Savana (8.23%)
Mondial (59.03%) 910,492 Sifra (31.96%) Lanorma (2.93%)
Vergroening (20.60%) 4.59% Meganiese beskadiging (16.98%) Aalwurm (15.82%)
Sifra (69.63%) 3,199,597 Mondial (25.92%) Savana (1.60%)
Meganiese beskadiging (14.82%) 7.53% Aalwurm (14.54%) Aartappelmot (14.44%)
Mondial (89.87%) 6,559,581 Sifra (3.74%) Up-to-Date (2.67%)
Aartappelmot (21.62%) 10.28% Meganiese beskadiging (17.64%) Aalwurm (12.61%)
0.00% Geen
Sifra (81.91%) 593,426 Mondial (16.91%) Inova (0.59%)
Verbruining (17.39%) 7.27% Nerf-af/los (14.81%) Meganiese beskadiging (14.09%)
Mondial (58.03%) 1,002,834 Valor (13.43%) Lanorma (10.05%)
Vergroening (30.38%) 3.47% Meganiese beskadiging (18.06%) Bederf (12.32%)
Mondial (69.04%) 343,500 Lanorma (14.65%) Markies (6.37%)
Meganiese beskadiging (28.94%) 12.64% Bruinskurf (12.17%) Silwerskurf (11.73%)
Mondial (92.55%) 111,962 Sifra (3.14%) Inova (1.47%)
Sifra (90.25%) 603,152 Mondial (6.04%) Lanorma (1.40%)
Bruinskurf (26.40%) 4.69% Vergroening (23.25%) Meganiese beskadiging (14.87%)
Mondial (63.61%) 319,838 Sifra (19.03%) Lanorma (14.84%)
Sandsplete (17.73%) 22.73% Meganiese beskadiging (15.92%) Vergroening (12.57%)
4,040 Sifra (100%)
Mondial (39.03%) 1,275,633 Sifra (26.66%) Markies (10.20%)
Silwerskurf (18.53%) 12.19% Bederf (16.01%) Aalwurm (9.93%)
0.00% Geen Bederf (18.46%) 14.51% Meganiese beskadiging (16.83%) Aalwurm (11.06%)
Relevante statistiek ten opsigte van lewerings gedurende Maart / April 2018 is soos volg: • 16 456 083 sakkies vanuit 16 streke asook die nie-produserende verskaffers is aan die varsproduktemarkte landswyd gelewer. • 227 465 sakkies het nie aan die voorgeskrewe merkvereistes voldoen nie. Dit was 252 856 sakkies minder as gedurende Januarie / Februarie waartydens 480 321 sakkies nie voldoen het nie. • 40 715 sakkies het nie die nodige kultivar aangedui nie, wat 66 921 sakkies minder is as die 107 636 sakkies vir Januarie / Februarie 2018. • Die verslag toon 'n effense verhoging in die gemiddelde persentasie afmerkings van 8.88% aan teenoor die 8.85% vir Januarie / Februarie 2018.
Totale aantal sakkies gelewer in Maart / April 2018 = 16 456 083
Gemiddelde persentasie afgemerk 8.88%
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6,57% 3,67% 2,09%
1,94% 7,75%
ANDER: CERES (0.19%), SUIDWES-KAAP (0.15%), OOS-KAAP (0.30%), SUID-KAAP (0.10%), LIMPOPO (0.68%), LOSKOPVALLEI (0.02%).
13,50% 9,14%
12,19% 10,28%
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4,90% 6,89%
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Rekord NAMPObywoning wys landbouers het nog hoop Gawie Geyer, CHIPS
Foto: Graan SA
Die bestaande rekord-bywoningsyfer het gespat tydens NAMPO 2018 en die terugvoering van uitstallers is dat hulle oorwegend goeie besigheid gedoen het. Volgens mnr. Jannie de Villiers, uitvoerende hoofbestuurder van Graan SA spreek dit boekdele van die landbousektor se optimisme ongeag al die onsekerhede wat die Suid-Afrikaanse produsente in die gesig staar.
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Die aartappeltoerusting en -insetverskaffers met wie daar tydens die oesdag gesels is, het dit beaam en gesĂŞ dat baie van die besoekers wat hul uitstallings besoek het beslis nie daar was om net te kyk nie. Volgens hulle stuur dit 'n positiewe sein uit oor die stand van die Suid-Afrikaanse aartappelbedryf. Kaartjieverkope dui daarop dat 82 817 besoekers
Algemeen • General
deur die hekke beweeg het om die 746 uitstallings te besoek en die familie-atmosfeer en plaasgasvryheid wat so eie aan die Oesdag is, saam te kom geniet. NAMPO Park se private vliegveld het 361 ligte vliegtuie en helikopters – wat ’n verskeidenheid van besoekers daar besorg het – met gemak hanteer. “Die groeiende belangstelling in die NAMPO Oesdag is bemoedigend en dit bewys dat die landbou nog lewendig en aan die gang is. Dit is ook opmerklik dat die aantal nielandboubesoekers en talle mediaverteenwoordigers van buite die landboumedia toegeneem het. Uit formele en informele gesprekke is dit duidelik dat hulle ook NAMPO toe kom omdat dit vir hulle lekker is. Die groeiende belangstelling van swart boere in die skou is ook vir Graan SA ’n definitiewe pluspunt,” het mnr. De Villiers gesê. Buitelandse uitstallers se belangstelling in NAMPO as ’n platform om die res van Afrika te bereik, duur voort. Nagenoeg 76 internasionale uitstallers vanuit Israel, Pole, Engeland, Amerika, Argentinië, Indië, Frankryk, Italië, Denemarke, Sjina, Turkye en Rusland het vanjaar aan die Oesdag deelgeneem.
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Graan SA poog deurlopend om NAMPO se uitsluitlike fokus op die landbou te behou. Die seleksie van uitstallers en die items op die program word getrou hiervolgens gerig. Vanjaar het die Nasie in Gesprek-forum ’n sterk bydrae tot die gronddebat gelewer. In pas met die 30ste jaar wat die Boerepatentekompetisie aangebied is, het Graan SA en Omnia die tydskrif, Landbouweekblad, as bykomende vennoot verwelkom. 2019 se NAMPO Oesdag is geskeduleer vir 14 tot 17 Mei. C Van Zyl Staalwerke se nuwe generasie hoë kapasiteit massabak en sterroller-skoonmaaksisteem. Die sisteem akkommodeer beide tonsakke en tipwaens. Al VZS Potato se toerusting is modulêr ontwerp om verskillende toepassings te vergemaklik.
Uniekum se uitstalling is gemik om die boer maniere te wys hoe om arbeid in pakstore meer effektief te kan aanwend. ’n Voorbeeld is die pak van aartappels vanuit 'n bunkerstelsel na 'n multikopskaal wat 'n konstante produkvloei verseker en lei tot die optimale benutting van paktoerusting.
Dormas se Grimme Varitron 220, selfaangedrewe uithaler wat direk in die sleepwa aflaai sonder om te stop wanneer sleepwaens omruil. Rubber “track” en hidrouliese spoedbeheer op alle matte is ook ideaal vir nat toestande. Page 84 |
CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
Bestbier SA se Allan lae koste en betroubare tweery aartappeluithaler en op linkerkant die nuwe "livebottom" sleepwa. Hy hanteer aartappels sagter en kan as tapkar of kalkstroeier aangewend word.
Agri Drainage se nuutste in dreineringstoerusting vir die meganiese installasie van dreineringspype wat die koste van dreinering drasties verlaag. Hiermee kan versuipkolle en verbrakking maklik gedreineer word.
Algemeen â&#x20AC;˘ General
Potato Waffles Makes 6
250 g potatoes, peeled and cut into
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
250 g flour 10 ml baking powder 150 g icing sugar 225 ml milk 50 g desiccated coconut 3
egg whites, beaten to stiff peak
Oil for brushing
Place the potatoes in a saucepan, add water and salt and then bring to the boil. Boil for about 15 minutes until cooked. Drain the potatoes in a colander and leave to cool to room temperature, place in a large bowl. Mash the potatoes and sift the flour on top. Add the baking powder, icing sugar and milk and stir to form a smooth batter. Stir in the coconut. Fold the egg whites in carefully. Heat the waffle pan and brush lightly with oil. Use a small ladle to pour the batter into the waffle pan. Cook the waffles until they are a light golden colour. Serve with ice cream and fresh fruit salad or fruit compote. CHIPS â&#x20AC;˘ May/June 2018
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Arbeidswetgewing stel streng vereistes waaraan werkgewers moet voldoen. Om aan wetgewing te voldoen is nie onderhandelbaar nie en hou ’n besigheidsrisiko in vir werkgewers. In hierdie hoogs gereguleerde omgewing met betrekking tot arbeid, voel werkgewers dikwels dat hulle aan die kortste ent trek. Werkgewers moet egter besef dat hulle baie regte in die werksplek het, maar ook die verantwoordelikheid het om hierdie regte toe te pas. Werkgewers kan aanspraak maak op die volgende regte in die werksplek: 1. Werknemers se fidusiêre verpligting om deurlopend in belang van die werkgewer op te tree Die verhouding tussen 'n werkgewer en werknemer is gebaseer op wedersydse voordele en respek. Met indiensname onderneem die werknemer om deurlopend in goeie trou op te tree en die werkgewer se besigheidsbelange te bevorder. Page 86 |
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Enige aktiwiteit wat 'n negatiewe impak het op die werkgewer-werknemer vertrouensverhouding moet in ’n baie ernstige lig beskou word. Tipiese wangedrag wat hiermee verband hou sluit in korrupsie, afpersing, valse getuienis, valse verklarings, bedrog, diefstal, ongemagtigde besit of wanaanwending van eiendom en die openbaarmaking of verskaffing van konfidensiële inligting. Elke werknemer het die verpligting om enige afwykings in terme van die werkgewer se dissiplinêre kode dadelik te rapporteer. Indien die werknemer bewus is van ongerymdhede in die werksplek en dit nie rapporteer nie, kan die werkgewer dissiplinêre stappe neem teenoor hierdie werknemer. 2. ’n Vasgestelde standaard in terme van kwaliteit en kwantiteit Dit is die werkgewer se reg om kontrole in die werksplek uit te oefen met betrekking tot werksprestasie en is dit belangrik dat die werkgewer
Algemeen • General
duidelike standaarde in terme van kwaliteit en kwantiteit daarstel waaraan werknemers moet voldoen. Alle dienskontrakte impliseer deur die aanvaarding daarvan dat die werknemer onderneem om op te tree volgens die werkgewer se redelike, wetlike en haalbare standaarde. Werkgewers moet werknemers deurlopend evalueer sodat enige swak werksprestasie dadelik geïdentifiseer en aangespreek kan word.
moet daarop let om dissipline konsekwent toe te pas om diskriminasie te vermy.
3. Implementering van duidelike reëls in die werksplek Duidelike reëls en riglyne beperk wrywing en misverstande, wat produktiwiteit en 'n positiewe werksomgewing bevorder. Die meerderheid van reëls in die werksplek word deur die dienskontrak geïmplementeer, met verwysing na werksure, verlof, verpligtinge, ensovoorts. Elke werksplek is egter uniek en ontstaan daar dikwels ’n behoefte aan spesifieke reëls om orde en struktuur te verleen in die werksplek. Hierdie reëls word geïmplementeer deur beleide en prosedures: • Beleide word nie onderskryf deur arbeids wetgewing nie, maar stel die werkgewer se eie reëls in die werksplek. Hierdie reëls moet redelik wees. Tipiese beleide sluit in ’n rookbeleid, selfoonbeleid, siekverlofbeleid, higiënebeleid, alkoholbeleid, ensovoorts. • ’n Prosedure is ’n vasgestelde of amptelike manier om ’n situasie te hanteer, wat in plek gestel word om werknemers en werkgewers in te lig rondom die nodige stappe wat gevolg moet word wanneer ’n spesifieke insident plaasvind. Tipiese prosedures sluit in ’n appèlprosedure, grieweprosedure, verlofprosedure, dissiplinêre prosedure, ensovoorts.
6. Aanpassing van diensvoorwaardes Operasionele vereistes kan werkgewers noop om diensvoorwaardes aan te pas ten einde ’n kosteeffektiewe omgewing te skep en te verseker dat die besigheid mededingend in die mark kan bly. Hierdie veranderinge mag onder geen omstandighede eensydig gemaak word nie en is daar ’n streng prosedure wat gevolg moet word.
4. Toepas van dissipline in die werksplek Elke werksplek moet ’n relevante dissiplinêre kode hê wat verseker dat daar duidelike reëls (met toepaslike sanksies) in die werksplek is wat werknemers kan volg. Wanneer werknemers hierdie reëls oortree, het die werkgewer dan die reg om op te tree. Daar is verskillende tipes wangedrag in die werksplek wat wissel van minder ernstige oortredings tot baie ernstige oortredings. Die erns van die oortreding word beïnvloed deur die werknemer se tipe werk en verantwoordelikheid, die (moontlike) gevolge van die oortreding, asook die impak van die oortreding op die werkgewer-werknemer vertrouensverhouding. In gevalle van minder ernstige oortredings moet die werkgewer progressiewe dissipline toepas deur skriftelike waarskuwings. Waar die oortredings van ’n ernstiger aard is, moet ’n formele proses gevolg word en ’n dissiplinêre verhoor gehou word. Werkgewers
5. Om “nee” te sê Werkgewers het die reg om versoeke te weier op grond van operasionele vereistes. Hierdie versoeke verwys na die aansoek om verlof, asook vergunnings soos byvoorbeeld ’n lening. Die werkgewer moet egter billik wees en nie aansoeke onredelik afkeur nie.
Vele besigheidsrisiko’s moet dus daagliks deur die werkgewer bestuur word. Ons beveel sterk aan dat werkgewers proaktief optree deur duidelike reëls in die werksplek te implementeer en korrekte prosedures te volg met betrekking tot alle arbeidsregtelike aangeleenthede. C
arbeidswetgewing --LWO, LWO,spesialiste specialists in in arbeidsreg labour lawvir fordie thewerkgewer employer
lid by die LWO en ontvang gemoedsrus:
Gebruik vir spanning gekoppel aan: Swak werksprestasie, Waarskuwings (personeel), Dissiplinêre verhore, KVBA (”CCMA”) sake, Diefstal en misbruik van die werkgewer se eiendom, Herstrukturering, Personeelvermindering, Stakings, Vakbondonderhandelinge, Departement van Arbeid ondersoeke, ens.
Jy as werkgewer voldoen aan arbeidswetgewing EN het 24/7 ondersteuning. Die LWO bied ‘n doelontwerpte oplossing vir werkgewers in die landbousektor. Kontak ons VANDAG vir lidmaatskap opsies!
CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 87
Dagboek / Diary
Aartappels Suid-Afrika / Potatoes South Africa Aartappelnavorsingsimposium / Potato Research Symposium: 24 – 26 Julie / July Vivo Bemarkingsdag / Vivo Marketing Day: 17 Augustus / August Korkom AJV / Korkom AGM: 28 Augustus / August
Potato Industry Development Trust
Potato Industry Development Trust
Trustee-vergadering / Trustee meeting: 6 Desember / December
Ander PMA Fresh Connections Conference and trade Show: 15 & 16 Augustus / 15 & 16 August
Skyfie sê / Skyfie says Message from the Tshwane Market to producers at the Potato Industry Forum The market is NOT a hospital for sick (rotten) and dilapidated fruits and vegetables – we cannot make it better and have no option but to throw it away! Global warming and Bethlehem At the Potato Industry Forum one of the speakers quipped that he does not understand the concept of global warming nor does he care, because he is from Bethlehem in the Free State where temperatures regularly dip below 0°C.
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CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018
Uit die argiewe From the archives CHIPS Mei/Junie 1988 Uittreksel uit die verslag oor die Derde Nasionale Aartappelkongres
Voorsittersrede Mnr. Johan Minnaar het in sy voorsittersrede gesê, “die kreet wat in die aartappelbedryf in die laat tagtigerjare uitgaan, is makgerigtheid met nog ʼn eggo van privatisering en deregulering.” Wat die haalbaarheid van markgerigtheid in die aartappelbedryf betref, het hy gesê dat die aartappelbedryf nie net in ʼn gunstige posisie is nie, maar in baie opsigte ander bedrywe voor is. Vir markgerigte produksie is dit noodsaaklik dat alle inligting rondom vraag en aanbod beskikbaar is en daar moet genoegsame kommunikasie bestaan om sinvol oor hierdie inligting te kan besin.
• om hom positief te spreek tot verantwoordelike besinning deur alle moerkwekers en -organisasies rakende prioriteite met betrekking tot produksie en bemarking van moere aan die bedryf; • dat persoonlike kontak op ʼn deurlopende basis tussen moerkwekers en kommersiële aartappelkwekers, individueel maar ook op ʼn gesamentlike grondslag, aangemoedig moet word ten einde tendense en behoeftes vroegtyding te kan bepaal; • dat navorsing op alle terreine van moerproduksie, byvoorbeeld die teling van kultivars met beter teenstand teen virus- en swamsiektes, ʼn hoër opbrengs en beter houvermoë, in belang van die totale bedryf voortgesit moet word.
CHIPS Mnr. Minnaar het voorspel dat CHIPS in die toekoms ʼn sleutelrol in die bedryf gaan speel. “Die persone wat CHIPS nie lees nie, gaan verseker uiters belangrike inligting mis”, het hy gesê. Hy het verder ʼn beroep gedoen op alle instansies wat belange in die bedryf het om die tydskrif te ondersteun en ook produsente versoek om hierdie instansies te ondersteun.
Voorsiening van gesonde plantmateriaal In die lig van die belangrikheid van die voorsiening van gesonde plantmateriaal aan die bedryf en die rol wat dit ten opsigte van dissipline en stabiliteit in die aartappelbedryf speel, besluit Kongres:
CHIPS • May/June 2018
Page 89
REGISTERED FRESH PRODUCE AGENTS BLOEMFONTEIN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Bloemfontein Market Agency Modise Market Agency RSA Bloemfontein Market Agency Subtropico Bloemfontein Market Agency Vrystaat Market Agency CAPE TOWN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Boland Market Agency Fine Bros Market Agency Rhoda’s Market Agency RSA Cape Town Market Agency Subtropico/Spes Bona Market Agency CAPE TOWN Laeveld Somerset Market Agency DURBAN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Delta Market Agency Hanly Market Agency Port Natal Market Agency RSA Durban Market Agency Wenpro Durban Market Agency EAST LONDON FRESH PRODUCE MARKET AA Market Agency Border Farmers Market Agency Martin & Scheepers Market Agency Subtropico East London Market Agency GEORGE Garden Route Fresh Express Market Agency Maverick Market Agency JOBURG FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha Roodt Johannesburg Market Agency C L de Villiers Market Agency Catu-Fresh Market Agency Citi Deep Waatlemoen Market Agency Citifresh Market Agency Dapper Market Agency DW Fresh Produce Johannesburg Market Agency Egoly Johannesburg Market Agency Exec-U-Fruit Market Agency
Marco Market Agency Matla Market Agency Metro Market Agency Pula Nala Market Agency RSA Johannesburg Market Agency Subtropico Johannesburg Market Agency Swartberg Market Agency Target Market Agency Wenpro Johannesburg Market Agency KEI FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Farmers Direct Market Agency KING WILLIAM’S TOWN FRESH PRODUCE MARKET King William’s Town Market Agency KIMBERLEY FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Kimberley Market Agency Squires & Sons Market Agency Subtropico Kimberly Market Agency KLERKSDORP FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Garfield Market Agency J Frances & Son Market Agency Matlosana Market Agency Subtropico Klerksdorp Market Agency W.L. Ochse & Kie Market Agency LIMPOPO PROVINCE RSA Limpopo Market Agency RSA Mooketsi Market Agency NELSPRUIT Laeveld Nelspruit Market Agency Nelspruit Market Agency NOORDEINDE FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Noordeinde Market Agency PIETERMARITZBURG FRESH PRODUCE MARKET G.W. Poole Market Agency Natalia Market Agency
Nkosi Market Agency Peter & Co Market Agency Subtropico Pietermaritzburg Market Agency PORT ELIZABETH FRESH PRODUCE MARKET African Market Agency Algoabaai Market Agency Gouws & Co Market Agency Lansdell Market Agency W Finlayson & Co Market Agency SPRINGS FRESH PRODUCE MARKET AM Meyer Market Agency New Africa Market Agency RSA Springs Market Agency Springs Market Agency (Vegetables) Subtropico Springs Market Agency TSHWANE FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha Roodt Pretoria Market Agency Du Plessis & Wolmarans Market Agency DW Fresh Produce Tshwane Market Agency Egoly Tshawane Market Agency Farmers Trust Market Agency Fresh Way Market Agency Noordvaal Market Agency Prinsloo & Venter Market Agency RSA Tshwane Market Agency Subtropico/Protea Market Agency Tshwane Green Market Agency VEREENIGING FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Impala Market Agency Subtropico Vereeniging Market Agency WELKOM FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Botha & Roodt Welkom Market Agency Opkoms Market Agency Subtropico Market Agency WITBANK FRESH PRODUCE MARKET Subtropico Witbank Market Agency Witbank Market Agency
VISIT APAC’S WEBSITE REGULARLY Do you know if your fresh produce agent practise sound financial management? Did your agent received an audit qualification on his last audit report? Does your agent submit their monthly trust reconciliation timeously and has no trust account shortages? Ensure that you visit our website monthly as it is updated regularly with information on the financial status of agencies.
SUITE NUMBER 69, PRIVATE BAG X 9, EAST RAND, 1462 Page 90 | CHIPS • Mei/Junie 2018 TEL: (011) 894-3680, 0870951335, FAX: (011) 894-3761,www.apacweb.org.za
2018 CHIPS
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