Potchefstroom Herald 15 Februarie 2013

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Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

Women sue municipality for R2,5m in sexual harassment case

Victor Boqo

Taxpayers may have to foot the bill if an official and two former interns succeed in their sexual harrassment claim. The women are suing the municipality for R2,5m for alleged sexual harassment. Eric Louw attorneys, representing the three women, Mmes Mathapelo Motshoane, Baby Mokhuane and Agnes Ngo gave Tlokwe municipality four days to pay and if they do not comply he will approach Labour Court. The civil claim in the Herald’s possession states that “As a result of the conduct on the part of the Council’s employee, my clients suffered sexual abuse, humiliation, pain and an infringement of their personal dignity of

gargantuan proportions. The conduct is strictly prohibited either in terms of the common law but also specifically by the promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination act.” The trio alleged that a senior official who is still working, sexually harassed them on several occasions while on duty in corporate services in his office in 2011. Tlokwe municipality has to date not taken any disciplinary actions against the official since the alleged harassment occurred. Instead, it has fired two of the complainants as reported in last week’s Herald. Mr Willie Maphosa, municipal spokesperson didn’t want to confirm that the municipality was handed a letter informing them of a lawsuit

amounting to R2,5m. In his response, he said, “The acting municipal manager, Mr Shuffel Moumakwe has instituted an independent internal investigation into the serious allegations of sexual harassment. The municipality will only act after completing this initial process of uncovering facts.

Consequently, all parties will be afforded an opportunity to make submissions to the investigation team without any fear for victimisation or intimidation. Furthermore, we believe the investigation should be accorded the confidential space it deserves. “

The mayoral Mercedes Benz that made news headlines in both local and national media. Photo: Victor Boqo.

Mayoral vehicle, luxurious or not? Victor Boqo The controversial new Mercedes Benz of the Tlokwe mayoral office still gives the DA sleepless nights. The DA said the vehicle, which costs R736 300, has luxurious customisation such as rosewood interiors and leather seats. When the Herald investigated the vehicle only had leather seats and a sunroof, no rosewood interiors. “The DA does not yet know what personalised customisation was fitted in the vehicle by the former executive mayor, Maphetle Maphetle,” said Chris Hatting, DA leader in the province. “We are still waiting for the invoice from the car dealer. If it was not customised, it would have cost less.” A local car dealer said Mercedes

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The interior of the controversial R736 300 Mercedes Benz. Photo: Victor Boqo

Benz vehicles are fitted with leather seats and some with sunroofs. Any specialised customisation causes the vehicle to lose market value.”

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15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

Just safe, functional and trafficable for now – Sanral Cheryl Botha Sanral (SA National Roads Agency Limited) has inherited a number of regional roads previously under the control of North West Public Works Department. Mr Ismail Essa, regional manager for the northern region, recently reported that some 1 400 kilometres of these roads were handed over to Sanral in November last year. This follows a study as far back as 1997 which indicated that strategic roads should fall under the control of a single authority. While this is good news for commuters and motorists who have witnessed the disintegration of infrastructure over a number of years, Essa warns that it will take a few years to catch up the backlog. “The neglect was largely the result of inadequate funding,” he says, appealing to road users for patience and adherence to reduced speed limits.

One of the roads in question is the N12 from Johannesburg through to Potchefstroom, excluding the section within the Gauteng province, which remains under the management of the Provincial Department of Roads and Transport. This is currently under construction. Sanral rehabilitated the section between Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp two years ago. The cost of the current road works is estimated at R145 million. The R53 from Parys to Ventersdorp also forms part of the Sanral network from the Free State /North West border to Ventersdorp. Routine road maintenance has been implemented and is also underway on this stretch. This is also true of the R501 from Carletonville to Ramolotsi, Viljoenskroon, and the R54 Vereeniging. According to Essa the stretch of road from the Parys R53 to the Johannesburg N1, also known as the infamous Vanderbijlpark Road, does not fall within the

network managed by Sanral and he could therefore not comment or forecast any programmes or schedules. He says Sanral has implemented the basic maintenance actions which started in the middle of November 2012 in order to make the roads safe, functional and trafficable in the interim. The rebuild actions will start within 2 to 3 years depending on the funding available. While road-works on the N12 have been the source of much frustration in the past few months, road users are relieved that something is being done at


last. Essa says work on this section involves a combination of rebuilding and resurfacing, depending on the condition of the area in question. Asked whether the 46 kilometres of single carriageway between Johannesburg and Potchefstroom would be widened in the foreseeable future, he explained that funding is a challenge and there are no plans on the table at present. “These funds must come from the fiscus,” he said. There is currently no talk about tolling the N12 any time soon.

Kar brand uit Abrie Bronkhorst

’n Portuguese egpaar se kar het Sondagaand sowat 50 kilometer op die N12 op pad na Johannesburg uitgebrand. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie. Volgens die bestuurder het aankomende verkeer vir hul ligte geflits waarna hy onraad vermoed het en van die pad wou aftrek, maar die kar se remme wou egter nie werk nie en hy moes die kar glo met die handrem tot stilstand bring. Die egpaar was glo van Potchefstroom in die rigting van Johannesburg onderweg toe die kar begin

vlamvat. Motoriste het langs die pad stilgehou om die brandende kar met brandblussers te probeer red maar kon egter nie daarin slaag nie. Die Gholf het binne 15 minute uitgebrand en die egpaar kon slegs ’n handjie vol besittings red. Die voorval het omstreeks 18:50 gebeur. Die man het op die toneel gesê dat hy sy seun geskakel het wat hulle sou kom help. Die oorsaak van die brand was teen druktyd nog onbekend. Na van wat afgelei kan word is die egpaar van Potchefstroom. Besoek ons webtuiste by potchefstroomherald.co.za vir nog foto’s en video.

Motoriste het stilgehou en die vlamme vergeefs probeer blus.

Foto: Alexander du Plooy.

Sanral is conducting welcome routine road maintenance on the R 501 to Carletonville Photo: Hennie Stander

‘Houe met krieketkolf nie so erg’- koshuisseuns Sonika van Wyk Gimmies se koshuisseuns sê die voorval waaroor verlede week in die Beeld berig is, word oordryf en is glad nie so erg nie. Die berig: “Seuns in koshuis glo geslaan” het aangevoer dat matrieks in Potchefstroom Gimnasium se seunskoshuis, Brandwag, glo jonger seuns tydens ’n ‘seremonie’ met ’n krieketkolf geslaan het. Volgens die berig is daar glo kussingslope oor die seuns se koppe getrek en is daar ook blykbaar sokkies

in hul monde gedruk, aldus een van die seuns se ma. Die seun het glo ’n foto aan sy ma gestuur van sy rooi boude met bloed wat glo plek-plek deurgeslaan het. Mnr. Roelof Oosthuizen, hoof, het aan Beeld gesê dat hulle sulke gedrag veroordeel en ondersoek sal instel oor wat presies gebeur het. “Daar sal ingevolge die skool se tugkode opgetree word.” Daar is glo reeds vergaderings oor die voorval gehou en die tradisie is blykbaar nou heeltemal verban.


Potchefstroom Herald

Onvriendelike wag Iemand vertel nou die dag vir ’n vrind van Ore hoe belangrik vriendelike diens is - veral by die ontvangs van ’n besigheid. En partykeer is die ontvangs van ’n besigheid sommer al by die hek waar mens inry. Soos by die Puk. Die vriend vertel dat hy by die sekuriteitshek aangekom het met oorsese gaste. Hy het vriendelik gegroet en gevra hoe dit gaan. Al wat hy terug ontvang het, was ’n norse kyk. Die gaste het net kop geskud. Maar newwermaaind dat hulle oorsese gas-

be geword het, of dalk heel iets anders nie, maar Malherbe is nou Wilgen. As jy dus Malherbestaat toe wil gaan, soek vir Wilgen. En as jy Wilgen toe wil gaan, weet Ore nie. Dalk is Wilgen ook steeds Wilgen.

te was. Dit moenie so wees met enigiemand nie. Die sekuriteitswagte is die eerste gesig van die Puk. Gee ’n prys weg vir die vriendelikste een!

Nuwe name

Straatnaamveranderinge is, helaas, nie verby nie. Malherbestraat het intussen Wilgenstraat geword. Ja, daar is ’n straatnaambord in Malherbestraat wat sê dit is Wilgenstraat. Ore het nie oor die brug gery om te kyk of Wilgen dalk nou Malher-

Hoe dan nou?

As Ore nou die dag ’n kamera of ’n selfoon by hom gehad het, het hy foto’s geneem van twee karre wat soos hulle bestuurders se agterente geparkeer is. So oor twee parkeerplekke dat die parkeer-

15 Februarie 2013

streep in die middel van die agterwiele is. Wie kan so stupid stilhou? Volgende keer neem Ore foto’s met hul registrasienommers en sit dit in die koerant. En natuurlik was een ’n groot 4x4!

Pasop, sy stop nie

En dan kan Ore nie anders nie. Die jonge dame wat Dinsdagoggend omstreeks agtuur so lekker oor die vierrigtingstop op die hoek van Retief- en Rivierstraat gery het met haar swart motortjie. Haar registrasienommertjie is HKZ 866 NW. Pasop, sy stop nie.

Police complain about article Brigadier ST Ngubane, provincial head: Corporate Communication, writes:

Hou die Rand in Potchefstroom Jare gelede het die destydse Potchef­ stroomse Afrikaanse Sakekamer ‘n projek gehad met die naam “Hou die Rand in Pot­ chefstroom.” Dit het gevra dat Potchefstromers nie na buurdorpe ry om inkopies te doen nie. Die Adviesburo vir Kleinsake het toe ge­ toon dat Potchefstromers byvoorbeeld duisende in Klerksdorp bestee. Weliswaar het Potchefstroom toe nog nie die groot in­ kopiesentrums gehad wat daar nou is nie. Ook motors en ander duursame items is buite Potchefstroom gekoop. Die redes vir die besteding buite die dorp was verskeidenheid, beskikbaarheid, prys en diens. Dit sal interessant wees om nou weer so ‘n navorsing te doen. Hou die Rand in Potchefstroom het egter ook ‘n ander been gehad en dit was sake­ ondernemings. Daar is ook gevra dat sa­ keondernemings mekaar ondersteun. Vingers is veral destyds na groot organi­ sasies soos die universiteit en selfs die stadsraad gewys wat dikwels van kontrak­ teurs en leweransiers van buite die stad gebruik gemaak het. Die rede vir Hou die Rand in Potchef­ stroom was eenvoudig. Hoe meer geld plaaslik in sirkulasie is, hoe voordeliger gaan dit vir almal word in terme van be­ skikbaarheid, prys en diens. Waar staan ons vandag hiermee? Ry maar gerus in die stad en kyk byvoorbeeld­ vanwaar kom kontrakteurs wat groot ge­ boue in die stad oprig, terwyl daar kontrak­ teurs in die stad is wat sukkel om werk te kry. Ja, daar is baie keer goeie redes voor, maar dikwels hou dit nie langtermynvoor­ dele in nie. Dit is tyd om hierdie inisiatief weer van vooraf te dryf!

I am referring to the article “Brigadier stort ineen” printed in the Potchefstroom Herald, dated 8 February 2013, on page 4. On Friday 18 January 2013 Capt Myburgh received a telephonic enquiry from Abrie Bronkhorst at about 09:30 about the illness of Brig Molate, station commander of Potchefstroom. During the conversation Capt Myburgh mentioned that if a member is ill, it is regarded as a private matter and that she is not going to comment. Mr Bronkhorst also wanted to know

what was the cause of Brig Molate’s illness and again he was informed by Capt Myburgh that only her doctor would know what is wrong with her and that it is a private matter. Capt Myburgh was phoned again by Mr Bronkhorst, enquiring about Brig Molate’s illness and she repeated that the matter is private and not a police matter. The South African Police Service is saddened by the article that was published in the Herald, mentioning that Brig Molate had a nervous breakdown. This allegation is a rumour, published without making contact with Brig Molate or respecting her privacy.

We would like to urge the Herald to publish a formal apology to Brig Molate, for publishing rumours about her and belittling her in the Potchefstroom Herald. It is articles of this nature that hampers relationships between the media and the South African Police Service and it is not appreciated. (The Herald apologise, but wish to make it clear that there was no intent to belittle her. As a station commander she is a public figure and it is well-known that the police work under extreme stress. Abrie Bronkhorst said he asked for her telephone number to talk directly to her but it was not given to him. Ed)

Tlokwe City Council in shambles Lerato Gambu writes:

In the past three months there has been media hype by the anti-majoritarian offensive within the City of Potchefstroom, particularly within the Tlokwe City Council. This media frenzy has taken advantage of the challenges and failures which squarely fall on the indecisiveness of the ruling organisation (ANC). We have seen the DA, which happens to be minority party within Council assume executive mayorship and change the mandate bestowed by the electorate. The DA did not hesitate to ensure exclusiveness in its appointments of the mayoral committee. Obviously this would have been an indictment if the DA had included the ANC in its collective. Besides that it would have defied the ideological underpinning of the movement and its principle. It could have exposed an open secret of members of the ANC (i.e. deployed councillors) that cooperate with the opposition against their

own organisation. Having noted the internal divisions and fighting, there’s a subsequent motion of no confidence against the city council Speaker. The silence of the movement on the matter as proposed suggests that there is no plan of action. We must try to establish fundamentally the reasons for this lack of leadership. Would we agree that factionalism within the party itself or petty squabbles could be reason for this state of political disarray, and if so, what is to be done? Since the newly appointed executive mayor the organization has laid bare its fracture and the DA is using that to its benefit. They have successfully used this short tenure as a strategy to dislobby the ANC from the masses of our people. They have seen this moment as a merry moment to begin their campaign to take over the city. Today they have come out gun blazing against the mayoral car, cleaning campaigns and pronounced themselves on their plans to fight cor-

ruption and fraud. At a media statement they even suggested that they are investigating 247 cases thereof. Can this be real or just a populist gesture? Apart from the political environment of the institution there is also presumed deep seated crisis in the administration, which has equally hit a blow with several allegations and reports on the conduct of the council officials. Three of the almost top officials have been on media alert albeit the dictum suggests- he who alleges must proof. This heightened campaign to present our institution as a mockery is actually a campaign by the DA to present a view that the ANC-led government is failing to deliver to its constituency and engulfed with corruption and fraud. But because media is not class conscious, we are expecting such reporting. (Lerato Gambu is an administrative assistant at the Tlokwe City Council, Potchefstroom. He writes in his personal capacity.)

Die gelykenis van die onvrugbare vyeboom - dis nog genadetyd Ds. Koos Mouton. Gereformeerde Kerk Potchefstroom- Mooirivier. Lees Lukas 13:1-9. Sommige van ons het die idee dat as iets goeds of sleg met jou gebeur, dit die gevolg is van jou goeie of slegte dade. Die blinde sambok het die ou mense gesê. As jy byvoorbeeld jou vinger sny, of jou been breek, het jy êrens iemand te na gekom of sonde gedoen. Mense (ons weet nie wie) het Jesus kom vra of Hy gehoor het van Pilatus se nuutste gruweldaad. Hy het ’n klomp Galileërs doodgemaak. Hy wou van hulle ’n voorbeeld maak omdat hulle ’n betoging (deur offerdiere te slag) gehou het, en so die

Romeinse gesag uitgedaag het. Jesus verwys verder na ’n ander “nuusberig” van die dag: 18 mense wat dood is toe die toring van Siloam op hulle ingestort het. Nou sê Jesus: Die “blinde sambok”, die “straf” kom nie as gevolg van sonde of verkeerde optrede nie. Vir Jesus is daar eintlik net twee “soorte” mense: (1) Mense wat reageer op God se genade en vrugte dra en, (2) mense wat nie vrugte dra nie. En dan vertel Hy die gelykenis van die onvrugbare vyeboom. Toe die vyeboom weer geen vye het

nie, kom die opdrag om dit uit te kap. Die Tuinier pleit vir die vyeboom. Gee nog ’n jaar kans, Ek sal bemes en water gee, snoei, alles doen wat nodig is. As dit dan nie vrugte dra nie, kan U dit maar laat uitkap. So pleit die Tuinier. Tuinier met ’n hoofletter geskryf, omdat dit duidelik is dat Jesus Christus na Homself verwys as die groot Tuinier. God, die Vader, is die Eienaar. Die vyeboom is die beeld van die Joodse volk van Jesus se tyd – en van elke mens tot vandag, van wie verwag kan word om vrugte te dra, omdat

God se genade en liefde aan hulle verkondig word. Daar is nog genadetyd. Die oordeel (uitkap) sál gebeur by die wederkoms. Intussen bemes en versorg die Tuinier die vyeboom met sorg. Intussen word die Woord van God aan ons vertel, gepreek, verkondig. Geen mens kan sê dat hy of sy nie die geleentheid gehad het om God se Woord te hoor nie. Maar as die vyeboom uiteindelik (na genadetyd verby is) nie vrugte dra nie, sal die Eienaar kom en die boom, “wat die grond uitput”, uitkap. Jesus sê: Bekeer julle! Dra goeie vrugte anders kan dit gebeur dat by die wederkoms, of jou dood, genadetyd verby sal wees.

15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

Velodrome - is it just a pie in the sky ? Victor Boqo The NWU’s initiative to build a multimillion indoor wooden track velodrome at Potch Dam might be just a pie in the sky. This comes after Council failed to approve the proposed notarial agreement of a long-term lease of 99 years for the development to kick start during its special meeting on 13 February. Time is not on the council’s side as it has only until the end of March to begin with the construction. If not the donors such as IDC (Industrial Development Corporation) and the Lotto will withdraw their funds. “In principle we are not opposing, but we are supporting the velodrome development.” said Dakota Legoete, ANC caucus leader. The ANC caucus said: “Before council approves the velodrome, it must first be subjected to public participation. Council must also seek advice from the National Treasury as a lease agreement of 99 years in council’s land has financial implications.” Chris Landsberg, DA caucus leader, said “If council is serious about the city we cannot let this opportunity slip

through our hands. This is the time to show that indeed we are a world class city as stipulated in our mission.” Council resolved to urgently appoint a monitoring committee that will amongst others address the concerns that were raised by the ANC caucus and will report back in the next council meeting on 26 February. NWU earmarked Potch Dam as far more suitable to build a velodrome as it will be more accessible to the community. The university’s land was not suitable to build a velodrome and would have necessitated huge expenses in terms of groundwork. Prof. Annette Combrink, the then chairperson of velodrome said, “The velodrome will be the only indoor track with a wooden track on the African continent. “This is the only opportunity for Potchefstromers to build a velodrome of this magnitude. Other big cities will take this chance to build it if council fails to make use of this opportunity.” As reported in the Herald of 16 November last year, Potchefstroom is an ideal city to build a velodrome as there is very little air pollution. So far twelve major international

teams have indicated that they want to come and do extended training camps in Potchefstroom. This will necessitate major investment in accommodation and other tourist facilities as the present ones are fully extended through international athletes and other visitors. The velodrome will be 250 m An example of what Potchefstroom Dam indoor wooden track velong, six levels lodrome will look like if Council can approve it before the end of high with 1500 March. seats. Another additional 1500 seats It is also stated that more than 30 are also planned. 000 visitors will flock to Potchefstroom The infield of the velodrome centre during the course of a year. A large perwill include other sports such as net- centage of these visitors will be internaball, basketball, volleyball, handball, tional guests. tennis, table tennis, wrestling, boxing, The construction of the velodrome weightlifting, fencing and archery. The will bring direct jobs, estimated beinfield will also be used as venues for tween 900 and 1000, to the city. It now concerts and exhibitions. lies in the hands of council.

Top ANC officials intervene to reclaim the Tlokwe mayoral position Victor Boqo

appeal. North West needs special attention as there are a lot of challenges.” The marathon meeting follows after the DA took over the mayorship on 21 November. Prof. Annette Combrink was elected as the executive mayor and beat the rival ANC factions by 20 votes against the 19 of Lucky Tsagae as reported in the Herald of 30 November 2012. Despite the visit of the higher structure, the two rival factions within the ANC council were clearly still not united after the meeting. It is not certain if the anti-Maphetle group will obey the NEC’s instructions to reinstate the former mayor or not. The anti-Maphetle group prefer Tsagae as the mayor.

Top NEC (national executive committee) officials, including President Jacob Zuma, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, Gwede Mantashe (secretary general) Ms Baleka Mbethe (chairperson) and Zweli Mkhize (treasurer), visited Potchefstroom to reclaim the mayoral position. The ANC held its two day marathon meeting at the Tlokwe chambers on 10 and 11 February. Their aim was to reinstate the former executive mayor, Maphetle Maphetle. The NEC gave councillors clear instructions. They must, amongst others, elect Mr Dakota Legoete as the council’s chief whip. “All councillors apologised for their unbecoming behaviour and expressed regret for having let down the organisation. “A council meeting is scheduled on 26 February to reinstate the ANC mayor to correct the wrongs that were created by the ANC councillors,” says Mantashe. After this meeting, the NWC (national working committee) will investigate all the matters that were presented in the meeting regarding the removal of Maphetle. Ms Bathabile Dlamini will head the committee. “It is expected that following the We offer value for money meals investigation a decision will be & warm hospitality come try us! taken by the NWC based on the conBREAKFAST SERVED ALL DAY stitution and polBreakfast from R19.95 icies of the ANC. The NWC will reGreat Coffee for only R10 turn to Tlokwe to conclude all HOUSE SPECIALS these matters on 3 and 4 March,” BILTONG PATE, SMOKED CHICKEN SALAD, FISH says Mantashe. & CHIPS, CHICKEN SCHNITZEL, POT OF THE DAY, The NEC also BURGERS & STEAK, PIZZA, BOBOTIE, PANCAKES, looked at the BELGIUM WAFFLES & MUCH MORE state of affairs in all municipalities SPOIL THE FAMILY WITH OUR of the province SUNDAY POTJIE BUFFET and the disband11.00am to 14.00pm ing of the REC (Regional ExecuTHE BEST SUNDAY LUNCH IN TOWN tive Committee) 2 FARM POTS, RICE or POTATO, 2 FARMHOUSE of Dr Kenneth VEGETABLES, 2 SALADS - For only R 75pp Kaunda. “The REC apTel: 018 2970708 pealed against It’s not good it’s great, come experience it! the decision by the provincial exwww.cafefiori.co.za ecutive commitCnr Steve Biko & Borcherd St - Bult tee to disband Open 7 Days a Week 8 am to 9 pm them and the NEC has not yet dealt with their


President Jacob Zuma shares a joke with his deputy president, Cyril Ramaphosa, during the NEC meeting in the Tlokwe Council chambers. Photo: Victor Boqo

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15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

Potch’s first servant driven by conscience

Staff Associations were invited to visit the ANC in exile in Lusaka. She spent The ANC’s chief whip recently accused a week there, meeting stalwarts of the organisation. the Democratic “It was very inteAlliance of trying resting. It was fasto score “cheap cinating to get political points” their perspective – through the mayto see how homesor’s refusal of an ick they were. I official vehicle. put myself in their While Dakota position and witLegoete suggests nessed the human that Annette face of the organiCombrink’s actisation first hand,” ons are politically she says. Perhaps motivated the Hethe visit empowerald’s investigatired her to engage ons reveal that with various comher social conscimunities with reence dates back lative ease. long before her The visit had political aspiratisuch an impact on ons. The executive Right: The mayor, Prof. Annette Combrink, her that she decimayor jokes that comforts a little boy in Extension 11 Photo: ded to publicise the event – a decishe has always Cheryl Botha sion that irked the been known as a “bleeding heart liberal”, often to the Puk and the security police at the time. Combrink’s willingness to take up vexation of fellow students and acadethe office as the first servant of Potchefmics. “Maybe it was because my mother stroom came from a deep conviction to was progressive and I studied humani- oppose poverty, injustice and inequalities that I have always been concerned ty. In 1980 she joined the fledgling Stuabout people’s suffering,” she says, chuckling at the memory of being dente Gemeenskapsdiens, eager to known as the “‘resident lefty” at the make a difference. More than thirty years later she remains the patron of the University. Since the eighties Combrink has SJGD, an updated version of SGD. As a former teacher and academic been slightly left of centre and has been associated with the progressive parties she realised that her greatest contribuupon which the DA was founded. Inte- tion was to be made in the area of social restingly, she put her ex on a ballot pa- upliftment within education. When the first informal Saturday per for the first time in 1994. In 1989 she and other members of School initiative came to NWU in 1988 the Union of Democratic University she was director of the School of LanCheryl Botha

guages and Arts and threw her weight solidly behind it. The project was aimed at improving the science, maths and English marks of learners in grades 10, 11 and 12. The programme has since gone from strength to strength and has developed into the highly successful Ikateleng (Empower Yourself) programme, yielding an average pass rate of 93 percent. As campus rector of NWU she enthusiastically supported the University’s Sediba project to improve teaching in science and maths. In the late nineties


she took over the chairmanship of the Western Transvaal Education Foundation from the former mayor, Satish Roopa. Roopa was the first chairperson of the Section 21 company to raise funds for bursaries. Her commitments, as the first woman to become dean of any faculty at the university, forced her to step down in 2001. In her private time Annette Combrink finds time to be a Rotarian, chairperson of Cansa’s Relay for Life and serves on the board of the Service Centre for the Aged (Dienssentrum).

Join the fight against cancer Become part of the Kansa Relay for Life by forming your own team, becoming a donor or sponsor or by joining honorary guests in the survivors’ lap. For more information phone Ronell Blom 082 464 4839 and Johan van Deventer 082 894 3775 (teams); Loraine Joubert 079 836 3695, Jean le Roux 082 883 8275 (survivors) or Jacques Rousseau 073 811 6774 (donations). Teams already on track: 1.Als no 1 2.Als no 2 3.Ampath 4.Anker Gemeente 5.Baillie Park Spar 6.Bezuidenhout & Crafford 7.Biokinetika 8.Boeremark 9.Certain T-Shirts no 1 10.Certain T-Shirts no 2 11.Christieco Express 12.Dischem

13.Dischem & Dulsé Café 14.FNB Potchefstroom no 1 15.FNB Potchefstroom no 2 16.Heels for Cancer 17.Helpende Hand VIA 18.Hoëveld Eierkooperasie 19.Ivy Line Technology 20.Leana Swart en Vriendinne 21.Lords & Ladies 22.Medi Clinic Potch 23.Medi Cross 24.Mooimed Potchefstroom 25.Nedcare 911 26.Nellie Cloete en Vriende 27.NW Independent 28.PH Jonker 29.Ploeg Health no 1 30.Ploeg Health no 2 31.Profert 32.Rotary Potch 33.Rotary Potch Mooi 34.Seeff Potchefstroom 35.Stone Dynamics 36.Veri-Cred

A Local Guide for Potchefstroom

Potchefstroom is a wonderful city and we have a lot to be proud of. We boast with world class sports facilities, schools reckoned in the top ten in the country and well known tertiary educational institutions. Potchefstroom is the first city on the N12 entering from Johannesburg, an ideal position to form a gateway to the Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, the mining industries of the Free State & North West Provinces as well as the N12 Treasure Route. Add to this the many national companies with head offices in Potchefstroom, our cultural heritage and the diverse population that calls our city “Home”, and you have a place where people want to live and invest. The down side to Potchefstroom is the unfortunate fact that we are not an easy place to visit and to shop. Locals shop in other towns even though the same products are available on their doorstep simply because they do not know where to find things. Our City Council markets Potchefstroom at the International Tourism Indaba in Durban year after year with very little tangible results. It is with this in mind that an urgent need for a comprehensive source of information about our town and surrounding areas was established. A guide that tourists and visitors to Potchefstroom can use to find their way and also to help them to make informed decisions on where to eat, shop, play and sleep, so to speak. Potchefstroom Tourism Association in collaboration with the Tlokwe City Council and the Potch-Tlokwe Chamber of Commerce have therefore decided to embark on a non-profit project to introduce

Potchefstroom to the world through a high quality glossy guide. The Potchefstroom Local Guide will include the History of our City, Tourist attractions, Amenities and Businesses in and around Potchefstroom. The Guide will be distributed at the International Tourism Indaba, guesthouses, information packs for conference delegates and at the Tourism Information Offices situated at Corners Walter Sisulu Street and Nelson Mandela Road. The complete booklet will also be available online on the websites of the Tlokwe City Council, Potchefstroom Tourism Association and the Potch-Tlokwe Chamber of Commerce. This is only the beginning of a large promotional campaign that has the potential to extend to the Dr KK District and the rest of the N12 Treasure Route. Even smaller towns than Potchefstroom at least have a local guide. After many years without one Potchefstroom, and you as business owner, can no longer do without it. The success of this project depends on advertisers and the sooner we reach our target, the sooner it will be available. Advertising is very affordable ranging from only R250 for a listing to R2000 for a full page. Can you afford not to be in the Potchefstroom Local Guide? Please contact Annalize at 083 628 3861 for an appointment or more information. The application form is available on homepage of www.potchefstroom.co.za just open the banner!!!

15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

20 jaar gelede in die Herald Student-wees is duur en huise is skaars op Potch Die eerste boeremark wat gehou is, was ’n reuse-sukses. Die omset van die Vrydag en Saterdag waarop dit gehou is, was meer as R24 000. Volgens mnr. Sarel van Rensburg, voorsitter van die Distrikslandbou-unie (DLU) was van die vars produkte minute nadat dit uitgestal is, uitverkoop. Geriewe by die mark gaan nou opgeknap word, beter staaltafels gaan aangebring word en stootwaentjies waarin produkte geplaas kan word. Talle inry-teatergangers moes teleurgesteld omdraai toe die inryteater, op Potchefstroom nie soos geadverteer is, oopgemaak het nie. Volgens die eienaar van die teater, mnr. Johan Kritzinger, het hulle die Vrydagoggend, voor die aand se vertoning, gehoor dat Cinema Services van Pretoria wat verantwoordelik was vir die installasie van die projektors nie betyds klaar sal wees nie. Kritzinger het gesê die openingsdatum sal net aangeskuif word. ’n Verlowingspartyjie van ’n Indiërpaartjie van Ventersdorp in die stadsaal moes verskuif word omdat traanrookgranate in die saal geslinger is. Mnr. Yousuf Mohammed van Moosapark het die saal vir die onthaal vir sy dogter, Ashiya, gehuur. Na die traanrookgranate in die saal geslinger is, is ’n vrou glo beseer en die kos was oneetbaar. Die jaarlikse interhoër-atletiekbyeenkoms geniet wye aandag en die Herald ondersoek elke deelnemende skool se vermoëns om as moontlike wenner daaruit te stap. Die koste van student-wees word in

die soeklig geplaas. Om net ’n graad van drie jaar na jou naam te skryf, sal sowat R45 000 kos. Die koste van een jaar op universiteit is dieselfde as wat ’n splinternuwe luukse kar 10 jaar gelede gekos het, naamlik R15 000. Klasgeld word per vak bereken en vir ’n BAgraad is dit R4 200, farmasie R5 780, B.Com. R5 060, B.Juris R5 750 en B.Sc. R4 750. Koshuisinwoning kos R2 995 per jaar. Gemiddeld bestee studente R16,20 per dag aan etes. Dit sluit in drie etes wat by hul koshuise of die studentesentrum genuttig kan word. Volgens ’n steekproef wat gedoen is, kry studente gemiddeld R200 sakgeld per maand. Boeke-uitgawes beloop uiters konserwatief geskat ongeveer R800 per jaar en skryfbehoeftes en diktate sowat R200. Potchefstroom Onderwyskollege (POK) open sy deure vir kleurlinge en

tussen 30 en 40 onderwysers van kleurlingskole sover as Lichtenburg het geregistreer vir ’n na-uurse diploma vir laerskole by die POK. ’n Drielingdogtertjies, ’n eerste vir Promosa, word in die Kalie de Haashospitaal gebore. Die trotse ouerpaar, Seun en Agnes Sey, het aanvanklik volgens sonaraanduidings ’n tweeling verwag, maar is verras met die opwagting van ’n derde pienkvoet. Daar bestaan ’n groot aanvraag na huise in Potchefstroom sê plaaslike eiendomsagente. Dit is veral in die prysklas tussen R70 000 en R100 000 dat daar ’n tekort is. ’n Eiendomsagent sê verder die groter vraag na huise kan as gevolg wees van inflasie en rentekoerse wat gedaal het en ook moontlik omdat studente, veral getroude studente, huise soek. Verder bou niemand meer huise nie, want dit is te duur.

Woordekennis: Die Herald plaas weekliks ’n Afrikaanse woord en sy betekenis. Dit is woorde wat nie altyd in die omgangstaal in gebruik is nie. Iewers in ’n berig in hierdie uitgawe sal hierdie woord verskyn. Hierdie week se woord is: Benepe. Volgens HAT (Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal 5de uitgawe) benepe bw. en bnw. Benoud, beklemd: ’n Benepe stemmetjie. Met ’n

benepe hart iets aanpak. SMS die woord - benepe - gevolg deur die bladsynommer waarop die berig verskyn wat die woord benepe bevat na 45518, (Voorbeeld: benepe - bl.2) en jy kan R100 wen. * Geluk aan Miempie Kruger wat verlede week se woordekennis gewen het. Die woord amikaal het op bl. 33 verskyn.

van gebeure

Die Studente Jool Gemeenskapdiens (SJGD) van die NoordwesUniversiteit se Potchefstroomkampus het die jaar met hernude verbintenis tot sowat 92 projekte in die Potchefstroomomgewing afgeskop. SJGD is sedert 2006 die grootste

* Prof Paul Schutte se tekstieluitstalling genaamd “BooMenSlik” is in die hoofgalery om 19:00 te sien. Toegang is gratis. * Die NWU-Potchefstroomkampus Botaniese Tuin is elke weeksdag oop tussen 08:00 en 16:00 en toegang is gratis. Bespreek asb vroegtydig vir groepe meer as twintig persone. Kontak 018 299 2753. 18-22 Februarie * Program in Gevorderde Sakebestuur aan die ABKS. Kontak vir Elma Senekal by 018 299 1379. Maandag 25 Februarie Die NWU-Puk en Ikeys meet weer kragte op die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein in wat beloof om ‘n fassinerende Varsitybeker-kragmeting te wees. Toegang is gratis. Kom geniet die aand en die NWU-Puk se unieke voorprogram saam met ons. Afskop is 19:00. 5-8 Maart * Gevorderde Projekbestuursopleiding (NKR vlak 6) aan die Potchefstroom Besigheid-

Klets weer saam hierdie week en jou pittige sêding kan jou ’n koopbewys van R100 van die Steakhouse op die Bult in die sak bring. Wat sou jy sê dink hierdie apie?

JOOL gee mildelik


Donderdag 14 Februarie * Amptelike 2013-opening van die NWUPotchefstroomkampus Kunsgalery vind plaas in die vorm van ‘n personeel-kunsuitstalling in die Botaniese Tuin om 17:30. Toegang is gratis.

Klets saam

skool: Kontak vir Anthea Gaanakgomo: 018 299 1413. 13-14 Maart * Opleiding in Emosionele Intelligensie aan die Potchefstroom Besigheidskool. Kontak vir Morné van den Bergh: 018 299 1636. 13-15 Maart * Opleiding in Projekbestuur (NKR vlak 5) aan die Potchefstroom Besigheidskool. Kontak vir Anthea Gaanakgomo: 018 299 1413. 14 Maart - 30 Mei * Kursus in Arbeidsverhoudinge aan die PBS. Hierdie program het ‘n praktiese aanslag. Kontak vir Morné van den Bergh: 018 299 1636 28 Maart - 6 Junie * Kursus in Mense Helpbronbestuur aan die PBS. Hierdie program het ‘n praktiese aanslag. Kontak vir Morné van den Bergh: 018 299 1636

Kontak asb vir Johan van Zyl by johan.vanzyl@nwu.ac.za om dagboekinskrywings te plaas.

geregistreerde studente-welsynsorganisasie ter wêreld en het ook ‘n prys van die Taillories Network - ‘n internasionale universiteitsvereniging, ontvang vir hul goeie werk. SJGD het boonop vanjaar weer sowat R1.4-miljoen aan projekte en individue geskenk, wat tydens JOOL ingesamel is.

Nicus Boshoff is ‘n tweedejaarstudent wat by die Tshwaraganang Dagsorg vir gestremde kinders betrokke is. Hier speel hy met die skool se sonstraal, Amogelang Setole.

MelanieSnymanis‘ntweedejaarstudent van Minjonetdameskoshuis. Hulle is al verskeie jare by die Ntsamaisengkleuterskool betrokke met gemeenskapdiens. Hier is hulle besig om saam met die kleuters handverf te doen.

Jean-Marc Stidworthy, ‘n werknemer van die NWUPuk, was in 2010 en 2011 op die studenteraad en het die SJGD-portefeulje beklee. Hy is sedertdien steeds van tyd tot tyd betrokke. “Kinders het nét liefde en aandag nodig. Sonder die res, kan hulle baie goed klaarkom.”

15 Februarie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

NWU-dosent gee tree vir tree noodsaaklike boeke aan behoeftige studente Sonika van Wyk ’n Dosent van die NWU het onlangs van Potchefstroom na Parys en terug gestap om geld vir boeke vir ’n behoeftige student in te samel. Dawie Mong het Vrydag 1 Februarie om 02:00 alleen sonder enige hulp met 8 kg se vloeistof en kos met die staptog begin. Hy is van mening dat studente in die algemeen baie uitdagings moet oorkom, waarskynlik baie meer as toe hy nie te lank gelede nie ’n student was. “Daar is so baie slim en talentvolle studente wat gedwing word om ou handboeke met verouderde inligting te gebruik. “My graad 4-onderwyser het altyd gesê: “Hoe kan jy oorlog toe gaan sonder jou geweer?” met verwysing na my wat

nie my potlood byderhand gehad het in klastyd nie. “Ons sien baie studente sonder hul ‘wapens’(handboeke), nie omdat hulle te lui is om hulle handboeke saam te dra nie, maar bloot omdat hulle dit nie kan bekostig nie. “Die projek of idee wat ek gehad het, was om op ’n baie klein manier te probeer om daardie studente wat nie handboeke kan bekostig nie te identifiseer en te ondersteun. “Dit was alles die moeite werd omdat dit waarskynlik die mooiste sonsopkoms was wat ek al gesien het.” Hy het teen ’n gemaklike spoed geloop maar 10 km voor Parys het sy voete verskriklik begin pyn. Op pad terug na Potchefstroom, ongeveer 15 km buite Parys, het ’n blaas op sy voet oopgeskeur en het die staptog tot stilstand gekom.

New free support groups in the Potchefstroom area

Support groups offer anyone suffering from mental illnesses or substance abuse problems, as well as their partners, a place of warmth, understanding and support. According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) such support groups are operating in Potchefstroom and urge people with such needs to contact them. To attend the free depression support groups, call

support group leader Sophy on 073 683 4108. And for a free substance abuse support group,call support group leader, Michael on 083 731 0308. You may also contact the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) on 0800 12 13 14 or send an SMS to 32312. For more information, video clips, as well as local and international articles or to download brochures please visit www.sadag.org

NUTRI Feeds is a leader in the manufacture of animal feeds in South Africa and needs to make the following appointment:

Training Officer

“Ek het ongeveer 70 km van die beplande reis voltooi voordat die blase begin oopskeur het. Daarna het ek baie advies ontvang oor onder meer die gebruik van die verkeerde skoene. Wat weet ek? Ek is net ’n dosent. Hierdie avontuurtipe-dinge en om op my voete vir 20 uur te wees is nie iets wat ek baie van weet nie.” Hy sê sy uithouvermoë is aan die lae kant, maar hy het steeds daarin geslaag om ongeveer R35 000 vir die projek in te samel. Met dit is hy in staat gestel om ’n paar studente te help om die nodige boeke vir die jaar te kry. Dawie vertel dat baie vriendelike motoriste stilgehou het om hom te vra wat hy doen. “Dankie vir almal se ondersteuning en vir die borge se bydrae. Ek beplan reeds aan volgende jaar se uitdaging.”

Department Bid No SAC125/2012





Salary is commensurate with the position.

Should we not have contacted you within 6 weeks of the closing date, please assume your application was unsuccessful.



Web: www.nutrifeeds.co.za The Working Earth 1-17607

Admin Manager

Mahikeng Processing Plant Supreme Poultry, with its Head Office in Potchefstroom, is the third largest broiler meat producer in South Africa. We wish to make this appointment at our Mahikeng Processing Plant. The ideal person will be in possession of at least a Grade 12 with Mathematics and a minimum 2 years’ office administration experience. An Accounting qualification would be preferable, as will other relevant administration or PA courses. Advanced computer literacy skills (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) are essential. Reporting to the General Manager, responsibilities will include, but not be limited to, the following result areas: • General PA function to the General Manager • Weekly and monthly reports • Daily production figures • Creditors control • Budget control • PowerPoint presentations. Written applications can be directed to: The HR Department, Postnet Suite No. 73, Private Bag X2230, Mafikeng South, 2791, by fax to 018 381-4059, or e-mail hrmafikeng@supremepoultry.co.za Closing date: 19 February 2013. We would welcome applications from designated groups in line with our Employment Equity Policy. Note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted. The Working Earth 2-17628

Sport, artS



Invitation to tender Description

Compulsory Site Meeting and/or Briefing Meeting Date and Venue Provisioning of Briefing meeting will be held Human Security per at the New Library Archives District at the Building Auditorium, corner Department of Sport, University Drive and Dr Arts and Culture Albert Luthuli Drive on Offices for a period of 19 February 2013 at 10:00 in two years the morning Electronic Security Briefing meeting will be held Systems in Four at New Library Archives Community Libraries Building Auditorium, corner University Drive and Dr Albert Luthuli Drive on 19 February 2013 at 12:00 in the morning Renovations and Site meeting will be held at Repairs of Donkervliet Donkervliet Recreation Recreation Centre Centre at Corner Parys Road from Potchefstroom and Koptjeskraal Road on 20 February 2013 at 11:00 Renovations and Site meeting will be held at Repairs of Noyons Noyons Recreation Centre on Recreation Centre 20 February 2013 at 14:00

Reporting to the Managing Director and based in Potchefstroom, the successful candidate will take responsibility for training at all levels in Nutri Feeds.

Please fax your CV, quoting Ref. NFD17607, to The Working Earth on 0866 963 074 or e-mail to cv@theworkingearth.com Closing date: 21 February 2013.

to: Verskaf.

The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, North West would like to invite tenders as follows:


Candidates must hold an appropriate degree or equivalent and have at least 5 years’ relevant experience in a similar position. Experience in the animal feed industry will be a strong recommendation. The ability to travel is essential.


Dawie Mong het vanaf Potchefstroom na Parys en terug gestap om geld in te samel vir boeke vir behoeftige NWU-studente. Fo-

Renovations and Repairs of Mafikeng Museum

Preference Points

12 March 2013 at 11:00

90/10 The bidder must EJ Mngomezulu at Breakdown of be registered with (018) 388-2749 or 90/10 PSIRA 083 991 1001 90-Price 10-BBBEE

12 March 2013 at 11:00

80/20 Breakdown of 80/20 80-Price 20-BBBEE

12 March 2013 at 11:00

Bidder must have a proven track record of supply, delivery and installation of library security systems 90/10 2GBPE/3GB or Breakdown of higher 90/10

Ms Rosa de Klerk at (018) 388-3964/ 7/8 OR Kabelo Phelwane at (018) 388-3967 MR Boeti Krisjan, tel. (018) 388-2769

90-Price 12 March 2013 at 11:00

Location: From Potchefstroom to Klerksdorp, turn left at Railway Station and cross. Follow environmental Survey Centre Road. On your right enter gate 2 to Reception Site meeting will be held at 12 March 2013 Mafikeng Museum, corner at 11:00 Martin Street and Carrington Street, opposite Post Office on 21 February 2013 at 11:00

Renovations and Site meeting will be held at Repairs of Lebotlwane Lebotlwane Library Moretele Library Local Municipality, Zone 9 Lebotlwane next to Thulare High School on 22 February 2013 at 12:00 Renovations and Site meeting will be held at Repairs of Orkney Orkney Library Patmore Library Street on 25 February 2013 at 12:00


Contact Person for Specifications

Closing Date

12 March 2013 at 11:00

10-BBBEE 80/20

2GBPE/3GB or Breakdown of higher 80/20

(018) 388-2769

80-Price 20-BBBEE


2GBPE/3GB or Breakdown of higher 80/20

MR Boeti Krisjan, tel. (018) 388-2769

80-Price 20-BBBEE 90/10 Break down of 90/10

2GBPE/3GB or higher

90-Price 12 March 2013 at 11:00

MR Boeti Krisjan, tel.

10-BBBEE 90/10

2GBPE/3GB or Breakdown of higher 90/10 90-Price 10-BBBEE

MR Boeti Krisjan, tel. (018) 388-2769 OR Kabelo Phelwane, tel. (018) 388-3967 MR Boeti Krisjan, tel. (018) 388-2769 OR Kabelo Phelwane, tel. (018) 388-3967

More information will be included in the bid document. For further enquiries in relation to the specifications of Bid SAC125/2012, please contact Mr EJ Mngomezulu at (018) 388-2749 or 083 991 1001. For further enquiries in relation to the specifications of Bid SAC126/2012, please contact Ms Rosa de Klerkl at (018) 388-3964/7/8 or Kabelo Phelwane at (018) 388-3967. For further enquiries in relation to the Specifications of Bid SAC127/2012-SAC131/2012, please contact Mr Boeti Krisjan at (018) 388-2769 or Kabelo Phelwane at (018) 388-3967. For general enquiries, call Mr J Tembo at (018) 388-2689 during office hours only. Tender documents should be deposited in a closed envelope, clearly marked with a relevant “SAC No”, and deposited in the tender box at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Head Office Tender Box, 760 James Moroka Drive, Gaabomotho Building, Mmabatho. Tender documents will be available on 15 February 2013 at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Head Office, Office No 30, Gaabomotho Building, 760 James Moroka Drive, Mmabatho, tel. (018) 388-2689/2663 for amount of R200.00. Only cash will be accepted. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid as a whole or in part. Important Notice: Bidders should expect the Department to visit their sites anytime before and after the tender is awarded. Should the following documents not be attached, the tender and/or bid will be considered invalid: • A valid, original Tax Clearance Certificate with VAT registration number on • Certified copy of company registration certificate with status of the shareholders • Certified copies of Identity Documents of company owners and/or directors • Original banking details • Bidder must attach a detailed profile with traceable references • Proof of having done the same work previously • Certified copy of BBBEE Certificate issued by verification agency accredited by SANAS or Registered Auditors, approved by IRBA or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA • Valid certified copy of PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulation Authority) certificate of company and company owners/directors • Valid certified UIF certificate (certified not more than two months) • Indemnity Insurance of not less than R2 000 000.00 • For SAC127/2012, SAC128/2012, SAC129/2012, SAC130/2012 and SAC131/2012: Certified copies CIDB 2GBPE/3GB or higher. In case of joint venture: Joint venture agreement signed by both parties to the joint venture needs to be attached plus all the documents that are stated above. Bidders are required to submit a detailed profile with track record and proven experience in similar services previously. Should all SBD document stated in the bid document not be completed in full and attached to the bid document, the bidder’s bid will be declared invalid. Kone Solutions K20110


Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

Uit die skatkis van Erhardt Grobbelaar Alexander du Plooy As daar na Dinsdagaand se galeryopening gekyk word, was Erhardt Grobbelaar sekerlik een van Potchefstroom se mees geliefde kunstenaars voor sy dood in 2012. ’n Groot aantal genooide gaste het 12 Februarie by die Fokuspunt-kunsgale-

ry bymekaargekom ter ere van Erhardt. Die huldigingsuitstalling bestaan uit ’n baie diverse versameling werke wat Erhardt deur die laaste paar jaar geskep het en wissel van olie op doek skilderye tot komplekse houtsnee en collagrafie drukwerke. Die uitstalling sluit ook skilderye in

wat nog nooit uitgestal was nie, asook werke wat al internasionaal uitgestal was. Die besondere collagrafie drukwerke wissel van klein ikoon-agtige werkies, getiteld “enkel seënbede”, tot veel groter werke. Byna al sy werke het ’n sterk Christelike verbintenis.

Selfs in die styl van sommige werke is daar duidelik ’n invloed van gebrandskilderde glasvensters en selfs Keltiese motiewe, wat die religieuse tema versterk. Die uitstalling duur tot 31 Maart by Fokuspunt-kunsgalery, West Acres/ Pick n Pay Sentrum, en moenie misgeloop word nie.

Jeanette Malan was Erhardt se buurvrou en goeie vriendin. Saam met haar is Corrie en Hessel Turkstra.

At Haasbroek en sy vrou Rita Bleske was goeie vriende van Erhardt.

Sanet Ras, Marlize Drinkwater, Atha Swart en Retha van Wyk lag en gesels en geniet 'n glasie wyn saam.

Erhardt se gebruik van plat geometriese vlakke teen driedimensionele houtsneewerk is baie besonders

"Die boom van lewe" en "Solo vlug" is twee van die werke wat nog nooit uitgestal was nie. Die subtiele gebruik van kleur en die sensitiewe kwaswerking tesame met die byna surrealistiese beelde gee aan die werke 'n droomagtige gevoel. Die religieuse temas is baie duidelik in die werke.


Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison




Learnership Programme for 2013/2014 Reference No: 1/2013

The Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison Branch) invites applications for the Traffic Officer’s Diploma Learnership, which seeks to capacitate unemployed youth with knowledge and skills in Traffic Law Enforcement. Details of the Learnership Programme are as follows:

WRECK-IT RALPH - 3D ˛ Ç ∂ Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Mon,Wed,Thu: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15

Learnership Programme Number Basic Traffic Officer’s 30 Diploma (NQF Level 4)



Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00 Mon,Wed,Thu: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00 Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00, 22:30




English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45 Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Mon,Wed,Thu: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45




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Terms & Conditions Apply


Requirements • Grade 12 (Matric Certificate) • A valid driver’s licence • Between 18-35 years of age • A certificate from the SAPS indicating that the applicant does not have a criminal record NB: People with disabilities and females are encouraged to apply

A monthly stipend of R1 800.00 per month will be offered for the duration of the Programme, as stipulated in terms of the DPSA’s guide on Intern and Learnership Programmes. NB: Learners who have previously been in a Learnership Programme in the Public Service will not be considered. Successful candidates will be expected to enter into a 12-month contract with the Department and, upon successful completion, learners will receive a diploma in Basic Traffic Officers: NQF 4. Telephonic enquiries should be directed to Mr Gilford Moshito Malotane at (018) 388-1049. The Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from all Public Service Departments, and must be accompanied by a recently updated comprehensive CV, originally certified copies of qualifications, driver’s licence and Identity Document. Failure to submit requested documents will result in the application not being considered. All qualifications will be verified. Faxed applications will not be considered. It will be expected of candidates to be available for a selection interview on the date, time and place as determined by the Department. The Department reserves the right not to make an appointment and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. Application forms, stipulating or quoting reference no: 1/2013, must be forwarded to: The Acting Director: Human Resources Management, Private Bag X19, Mmabatho 2735, for attention: Mr Gilford Malotane. The applications may also be hand delivered to the Department of Human Settlement, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison Branch), Office Number 130, Administrative Wing, New Head Office, Old Parliament Building Complex, Ngaka Modiri Molema Road. Closing date: 8 March 2013


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15 Februarie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Sonika van Wyk

Volg die Potchefstroom Herald en Gons bladsy op facebook en twitter of besoek ons webtuiste by www.potchefstroomherald.co.za

Trotse Potch-band

Sonika van Wyk

Snowing Down South, is ’n vier-stuk Rock-band van Noordwes. Die stad is omtrent aan die gons oor dié groep. Snowing Down South? South? Hoe het julle op dié naam naam be beslu sluit? it? Paul: Na ’n lang gesukkel het Gust iewers die naam op Google opgespoor en ons almal het daarvan gehou omdat dit nogals stout klink. Hoe het julle as b band and ontstaan? ontstaan? Lihan: Goeie vriende, goeie musieksmaak en ’n bottel Jack. Gust: ...en ’n bottel Spiced Gold. Wat is julle genre? Wie Wie is julle groo groottste invloe invloede? de? Lihan: Dis baie moderne Rock, ons invloede wissel van plaaslike kunstenaars soos Fokofpolisiekar, aKING tot internasionale bands soos Brand New, Kings of Leon en Queens of the Stone Age. lank ken julle almal Hoe lank almal mek mekaar? aar? ontmoet? Hoe het julle ontmoe t? Simeon: Ons almal het mekaar al raakgekuier, van wakker word langs Paul in ’n random buitekamer, by ’n house party in Klerksdorp tot saam Lihan 15km-stap net vir vroue en ’n matriek-afterparty! Sal nooit gedink het ’n paar jaar later sal ons saam in ’n band speel nie, maar ons is al vriende vir so 5 jaar. Hoeveel o Hoeveel optre ptredes des het julle al gehad? gehad? enige ko Het julle enige komen mende de o optre ptrede des? s? Gust: Ons het al om en by so 15 shows agter die blad, waar ons saam met bands soos Holiday Murray, Fokofpolisiekar en Van Coke Kartel gespeel het. Ons het ’n paar pencil gigs wat vir ons wag. Hou maar net Facebook en Twitter dop. Wie skryf julle lie liedj djie ies? s? Waaroor Waaroor gaan die mee meeste ste van julle llie iedj djie ies? s? Simeon: Paul Anthony Siebert skryf die lirieke vir al ons liedjies en dit gaan meestal oor al die “Smiggles” wat mens in die lewe teëkom, uit sy oogpunt vir iemand anders se lewe of net wat hy in sy eie lewe teëkom. “Smiggles” is die bynaam van Paul se ex. Het julle al ’n CD u uit? it? Hoe kan kan aanhangers en toeko toekomstige mstige aanhangers aanhangers toegang tot julle musiek toegang musiek kry? Paul: Ons beplan om middel hierdie jaar ’n vier-song EP vry te stel, maar tot tyd en wyl is almal welkom om ons video op youtube te kyk. http://www.you-

tube.com/watch?v=ZlssUUwwtxw Wat w was/ as/is is julle grootste grootste uitdag uitdaging ing as ban and? d? Hoe oorkom mens so iets? iets? ’n b Paul: Dis nogals uitdagend om jouself en jou band uit die gemaksone uit te hou. Ek dink as dit kom by enige iets is dit belangrik om net nie jouself te verveel nie. Wat is die u uite itein indel delike ike rrig igting ting van julle b ban and? d? opsoek psoek na roem en rykdo rykdom? m? Is julle o Lihan: Net om soveel as moontlik mense te kry om ons musiek te hoor en ons passie saam met ons te deel. Simeon: Dit is ons werk en ons eerste liefde so ek dink dis normaal om die beste te wil wees en die verste te wil kom in wat ons doen. As dit dan “fame and fortune” inhou vir ons dink ek nie iemand gaan kla nie. Watter advies het julle vir diegene wat gr graag aag ’n band band wil wil beg begin? in? Simeon: Wees reg om jou gat af te werk en die beste tyd van jou lewe te hê. Lihan: Oefen, oefen tot jy nie meer wil of kan oefen nie, dan oefen jy nog so bietjie. As jou songs goed genoeg is, sal jy met enige iets kan weg kom. Beskryf julself Beskryf julself in een woord. woord. Gust: Passievol. Het julle as ’n b band and al ’n groot verleen leenthe theid id gehad? gehad? Wat Wat het gebeur? Gust: Simeon is nogals geneig om sy dromme om te stamp iewers in ’n belangrike deel van die show, wat nogals dinge ongemaklik gemaak het, maar ek is seker die ergste is nog oppad. Simeon: Gust, jy raak net vinnig ongemaklik. Wie is julle “idol “idols”? s”? Jul gunstel gunsteling ing musieklegen des? s? musieklegende Gust: John Lennon, Jack White en Flea. Lihan: Fokofpolisiekar is een van ons hele band se grootste invloede. Simeon: Brand New, Rise Against, Foo Fighters. Coolste ervar Coolste ervaring ing as ’n band band so sover? ver? Lihan: Vir my persoonlik was dit die show saam met Fokofpolisiekar in die nuwe Memphis in Potchefstroom, daar was ’n rekord gebreek met meer as 900 mense in ’n live venue. Dis belaglik! Wys daar is nog hoop en dat mense goeie musiek waardeer en baie Jagermeister of course... Gust: Ek stem saam. Die Fokofpolisiekar-show was mal, maar die toer saam met Van Coke Kartel was ook een vir die boeke.

Lekker kuier saam Van Coke Kartel wat verlede week by Memphis opgetree het. Dit was ’n awesome show. Foto: Verskaf.

Simeon Kriel, Lihan Puren, Gust Greyvenstein en Paul Siebert van Snowing Down South. Foto: Verskaf

Julle is ’n trotse trotse Potch Potch b ban and. d. Volgens julle, w wat at maak Potch Potch awe aweso some? me? Lihan: Die studente maak dit ’n unieke dorpie.

Gust: Die studente, goedkoop drank en die mal partytjies. Simeon: Alles wat klaar gesê is. Potch is net te mooi.


Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

Uncertain future for tenants on Mooibank plot Cheryl Botha It may not be the Ritz, but it is home, and now a community of pensioners and low wage earners face an uncertain future. Oom Hans van der Berg, well known in athletics circles, passed away towards the end of last year. For years he took the destitute under his wing and provided a place to stay. Last year was a sad one for the Van der Bergs. A month before his death he lost his daughter. The responsibility of the 13-hectare smallholding in Mooibank was too much for his 76-year-old widow. That was when his son, Jakes

Stone, decided to sell and convert his mother’s home in town into student accommodation. Jake lives in Johannesburg and cannot look after the plot. Friday 15 February is D-Day, when the place goes up for auction. While Jake says there has been a lot of interest from the surrounding community, the thirty or so tenants for whom this is home, are worried that a developer will buy the land for RDP housing. Uncertainty and hopelessness hang as thick in the air as the stench of blocked drains and rotting carcass. The derelict old buildings should have been condemned long ago, but you cannot expect much for between R600 and

It's not a lot but for Mooibank poor whites it is the only home they know

R1 200. Oom Hannes was well aware of the shortcomings but always argued that he would have to increase the asking price if he made any improvements. Cornelia Pieterse has been in an old store, converted into a dwelling, for 11 years. She lives with her daughter, nephew and cousin, Corrie, and looks after a six-year-old boy who can neither hear nor speak. The place is clean and neat and she tries to make it cheerful. She does not complain about the toilet that frequently gets blocked and overflows. Her neighbour is pensioner, Elize Baardman. She arrived here with her unschooled son, Theo, five years ago. Between them they bring in R 4 700 a month, R600 of which is spent on rent. Luxuries are few and far between. The ‘geyser’ is an immersion element in a 25-litre bucket and the bath tub was bought at a plastic shop for a couple of bob. The toilet is a chipboard commode over a bucket. Water trickles out of a tap connected to a hosepipe from outside. The ceiling has all but collapsed, propped up by a length of wood. A crude black extension spans across it linking four light-bulbs in the house. The only hinged window opens onto a fly-infested pigsty.

“I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the place but I was hard up and couldn’t refuse” she says. It is the same for all the people here who agree to tell their hard luck stories, - hoping with all their heart that it may help. Themba, who lives in a shack, will also have to move but doesn’t have money to buy “sinke” (corrugated iron). He has been here since 1994 and has no idea what he is going to do. Willem Pieterse and seven other families live behind the houses on the same property. Suddenly the fact that their shacks are more often flooded than not, doesn’t seem to matter. Oom Hans used to give him R400 a month and free accommodation and a bag of mielie meal. Now he has nothing. The cheapest accommodation in town is anything upwards of R3 000 and some of the tenants say they will have no alternative but to squat. A mother, with tears brimming in her eyes, says that is not an option for her. “Mydaughter is going to high school next year – how can we be on the street?” The pain is etched all over Cornelia’s face. “We are not hobos. We don’t want to stand on street corners with bits of cardboard begging for charity, but I really don’t know where to go,” she say.

Phto: Cheryl


Vulnerable. Like this young boy who cannot hear or speak, tenants find themselves among society's most vulnerable group.

Life on the Mooibank smallholding is short on luxury and cheer. Photos: Cheryl Botha

Left: Elize Baardman's face is etched in pain at the thought of life after 15 February.

The only hinged window opens onto the fly-infested pigsty.

Petro and her husband survive on their state pensions - rental for this income group in Potchefstroom is non-existent.

Headlines on potchefstroomherald.co.za... Asteroid to make a close fly-by on the 15th DA says Zuma’s visit won’t stop warring factions Gegradueerdes moontlik binnekort meer belas Jobseeker’s Corner Tlokwe misspent R143 million under ANC Modise commits further ethics violations says DA ...and more!

15 Februarie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Laaste graad 1inskrywings Die Herald plaas dié week die laaste inskrywings vir die graad een-kompetisie. Volgende week verskyn al die inskrywings in ’n graad een-bylae in die Herald. Lesers, ouers, familie en vriende

kan dan stem vir die oulikste/gunsteling graad een-foto. Die graad eens in die drie top-plekke gaan elk opwindende pryse wen waarvan die grootste prys die wenner se skoolgeld is, wat aan sy of haar skool betaal sal word.

Laetitia van Zijl- Laerskool Mooirivier.

Elizna du Plessis - Laerskool ML Fick. Mariné Jacobs - Laerskool Mooirivier.

Mbali Moepeng - Potch Primary.

Lesedi Bowen - Laerskool Mooirivier. Nosipho Moletsane - Ditaelong Primary School.

Sunel Dupper- Laerskool Baillie Park.

Wenique van Zyl - Laerskool Baillie Park.

Arline Labuschagne - Laerskool Mooirivier.

Janko Steenekamp - Laerskool Mooirivier.

Shadiya Delawala - Mohadin Primary School.

Teresa Oosthuizen - Laerskool Baillie Park.

El'Ad Fransman - Potch Central.

Chanté Weideman - Laerskool Baillie Park.

Calanthea Fortuin - Potch Central.

Benrie Fourie - Laerskool ML Fick.

Jason Allison - Laerskool Baillie Park.

Loné Fourie - Laerskool Mooirivier.


Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

These athletes from Potchefstroom Boys High participated in the Volkskool Prestige athletics event. Thando Dlodlo came first in the u.14 100m and 200m, Paballo Maimane came first in the u.14 100m hurdles, Tumelo Onkaetse came second in u.16 long jump, Obakeng Mclekane came first in the u.17 long jump and Thapelo Motsikwa came second, Thabang Tsheko came first in the u.19 triple jump.

thew RauNeo Seleheb (headboy) and Mat h were inHig s Boy m bach from Potchefstroo key trihoc ity vers Uni t Wes th Nor vited to the unithe for play to als. Raubach was selected versity.

Sewe nuwe onderwysers het vanjaar by Hoër Volkskool aan gesluit. Voor van links: Myra du Plooy, Zanel Marx, Sanri Joubert , Stephanie Huystek, Ewie Erasmus en Wilma Bornman. Agter: Le Roux Kruger. These athletes from Boys High School participated in the cross country event. Boik obo Batantse came first in the junior cate gory and Oratile Gaomphe was first in the sen ior category. Atlete van HTS Potchefstroom het aan 'n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms by Hoërskool Wonderfontein deelgeneem. Skole wat deelgeneem het was HTS Potchefstroom, Hoërskool Wonderfontein, HTS Rustenberg, Hoërskool Die Fakkel, Hoërskool Koster, Hoërskool Westonaria, Goudwes en Die Adelaar. Meisieatlete van HTS wat goue medaljes by die byeenkoms verwerf het is van links: Kgomotso Mogale (100m, 200m, verspring o.14); Sindiswa Khimbili (gewigstoost o.14); Naledi Chabanku (400m o.17) en Ntobane Teme (100m, 200m o.17). Senior seunsatlete van HTS Potchefstroom wat goue medaljes by 'n vriendskaplike byeenkoms by Hoërskool Wonderfontein ingepalm het is voor van links: Ezekiel Phet (800m o.19); Vuyani Ngutha (1500m, 400m, 800m o.16) en Gasego Pitiri (800m, 400m, aflos o.17). Agter: Gorata Kodisang (aflos, hoogspring, spiesgooi o.17); Ofentse Mogapi (aflos, 400m hekkies o.17); Alex Meyer (100m, verspring, aflos o.17); Kagiso Wessie (800m, 200m, aflos o.16) en Agiosanang Maboe (100m, 200m, aflos, o.16).

te s is hierdie atle letiekbyeenkom at ein ig el et M : Pr or se Vo s By Volkie n die skool. ers presteerders va yn n Re tie pan to e m di er r Sh onde oot), esgooi/gewigst Agter: di Delport (spi (800m/1500m). er ey Dr te et Pyper Od ), n m ha 00 Jo (100m/2 /1500m), m 00 (8 nt (s ha l Olip ne van Zy pies George (gewigstoot), Sa l Sa ri An ), . 0m g) (800m/150 oi/versprin eynhans (spiesgo gooi) en Juan Kl

om van HTS Potchefstro Dié junior seunsatlete eatl ke pli ka ds en vri 'n het goue medaljes by lo no ho n. Van links: Lehlo tiekbyeenkoms gewe 4); , spiesgooi, aflos o.1 0m 20 , Mpedi (100m ver, os afl , 0m 20 , om Thami Mtshiselwa (1o rRamphore (100m, ve spring o.14); Tshidiso o pis he Ts en 5) o.1 400m spring, hoogspring, 5). o.1 0m 20 , ies kk he Kgaole (100m, 300m

Nuwe onderwysers wat sedert die begin van die nuwe jaar by Hoërskool Die Wilge aangesluit het, is van links: Mnr. Johann Boshoff (hoof), Eon van Wyk, Wilri Minne, Lourens Horn (berader) en John Barnard.

Hoërskool Die Wilge se hoofleiers vir 2013 is sittende van links: Lebogang Tau (hoofdogter), mnr. Johann Boshoff (hoof) en Ofentse Moiiwa (hoofseun). Agter van links: Thato Shuping, Refiloe Magodielo, Casseddi Pieterse, Fortunate Ncobela en Eléshe Booysen.

off the start of the term with The Daygirls at Girls High kicked school. From Left to right: at t kfas a French Cafe themed brea sim, Dimpho Legodi, GabriZafeerah Hassim, Yaseerah Has Bernadette Nunes. elle Klassen, Kinah Willemse and Javiera Molinos Matus (front cen tre) from Curicó, Chile is a Rotary Exchange Student and will be spending the year in Potchefstroom. Here she is with her Grade 12 class at Girls High.

Left: Enjoying the Grade 8 gala at Potch Girls High are Jade Penney and Nikita Waite. At the back are Madison Wolstenchroft, Cayla Cilliers and Nqobile Ndebela.

15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

SJGD skenk R1.4 miljoen aan verskeie liefdadigheidsorganisasies in die stad Bertie Jacobs Nie eers ’n eetlepel vol kasterolie sou Saterdagaand 9 Februarie by Crista Galli die glimlagte van die NWU-Puk se Juaan Taute en Sancha van der Merwe (onderskeidelik SR: SJGD en SR: JOOL-voorsitter) se gesigte kon afvee nie. Want, saam met hul spanne en hul voorgangers was daar tydens ’n spoggerige Pukki Liefdadigheidsfunksie meer as R1.4 miljoen aan verskeie welwillendheidorganisasies, behoeftige individue, skole en vele meer uitbetaal. Daar is niks wat hierdie twee studente-organisasies so gelukkig maak soos om met ywer en daad ’n verskil in be-

hoeftiges se lewens te kan maak nie. “Dit is wonderlik om so ’n bedrag aan die gemeenskap te kan uitbetaal. Deur die jaar word daar klein bedrae ingesamel en om dan die eindtotaal te sien is ongelooflik,” het Juaan Taute gesê. Verlede jaar het SJGD net meer as R1.3 miljoen uitbetaal. Taute het ook verwys na die drie grondbeginsels van SJGD naamlik: volhoubaarheid, bewusmaking en bemagtiging. “Dit is een ding om ’n verskil te maak deur donasies, maar wat vir ons die belangrikste is, is volhoubaarheid. “Ons probeer verseker dat ons projekte in die gemeenskap vol-

Sancha van der Merwe, Mej. Jool Persoonlikheid, Chanel Streicher, en Juaan Taute. Foto: Verskaf

houbaar is, want hierdie projekte moet aangaan vir nog baie jare nadat ons die universiteit verlaat het. “SJGD se strewe is, soos ons leuse sê: Giving hope and inspiring change. Ons probeer deurentyd alles in ons vermoë om dit te vermag,” het Taute gesê. Taute het ook die besonderse werksverhouding tussen SJGD en JOOL onderstreep. “Dit is iets waarop ons almal baie trots is.” Die uitstaande werk van SJGD en JOOL het verlede jaar wêreldwyd opskrifte gehaal toe SJGD die tweede prys in ’n internasionale kompetisie vir

SJGD saam met Mej. Jool Persoonlikheid, Chanel Streicher.


studentegemeenskap-diensorganisasies gewen het. SJGD het die MacJannet-prys vir wêreldburgerskap, en $5 000, ontvang. Die eerste prys is aan ’n studente-organisasie in Mexiko toegeken en die derde prys vir ’n organisasie in China. Geen ander universiteit in Suid-Afrika het gedurende die 2012-kompetisie ’n toekenning of eervolle vermelding ontvang nie. Die MacJannet-prys word jaarliks toegeken aan studente-gemeenskapsprojekte van universiteite wat deel is van die Talloires Internasionale netwerk, waarvan die NWU ’n lid is.

Foto: Sonika van Wyk

Valentynsbasaar by sentrum Sonika van Wyk Potchefstroom Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes het Dinsdag hulle Valentynsbasaar gehou. Familie en

vriende het heerlik die oggend gekuier. Gaskunstenaar, Hannes van Tonder, het lekker saamgekuier. Hulle het onder meer pannekoek,

worsbroodjies, jaffels, kerrie en rys, hoenderburgers en chips, poedings, gebak, handwerkprodukte en vele meer verkoop. Daar was ook ’n wit olifanttafel en verskeie uitstallers. Die wit olifanttafel het R3 000 ingesamel en die chips en burger-stalletjie het ongeveer 240 burgers verkoop. Die Dienssentrum is baie tevrede met die goeie verkope.

Jordi Terblance, Sarie Labuschagne en Annatjie Etsebeth by hulle poedingstalletjie. Foto’s: Sonika van Wyk

Jaco de La Rey en Chrisna van der Walt het lekker saam basaar gehou.

Ina Hattingh en Sandra Mans by Ouma se spens het die mense laat terug verlang na hulle jong dae.


Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

Stem vir jou gunsteling-bruidspaar Lesers kan diÊ week stem vir hul gunsteling-bruidspaar vir Desember. Die bruidspaar wat die meeste SMS’e ontvang, sal as die Desember-bruidspaarfinalis aan die finale ronde van beoor-


deling deelneem om die Herald se Bruidspaar vir 2012 te bepaal. SMS bruid gevolg deur die nommer van die bruid vir wie jy wil stem na 42502. Die SMS-lyn open Donderdag


Sidney en Liezl Robbins.



Stefan en Alta Swartz.



Dewald en Larisa van Heerden.

Jaco en Liesl Goosen.

Christiaan en Miempie Cloete.


Japie en Nadia Hattingh.

Christo en Ralie le Roux.


Ettienne en Tharina Bezuidenhout.


Japie en Jacklyn Kruger.



Dwyne en Portia Smith.


Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 29 Maart. Die Desember-bruidspaarwenner sal in volgende week se Herald aangekondig word.


Chris en Jacqueline NaudĂŠ.


Craig en SimonĂŠ Bohr.

15 Februarie en sluit Dinsdag 19 Februarie om 12:00. Bruidspare wat in Januarie en Februarie 2013 getroud is, kan nou hul foto’s instuur.

Herman en Marietjie Swart.


Riaan en Jeanique Seebeck.

Daniel en Elzet Kirstein.

Geluk aan ons liefdesduifies Die gelukkige wenners in die Herald se Valentynsdag-fotokompetisie wat op die web gehou was, is Lizaan en Henri (eerste) en Jacques en Arien (tweede).

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Eerste plek gaan aan Lizaan en Henri. Hulle wen 'n Oudrift Riverside Lodgepiekniekmandjie ter waarde van R299.

Jacques en Arien wen die tweede prys. Twee R100-geskenkbewyse by Ocean Basket/Steakhouse

Skool vir Verpleegkunde reik uit Die NWU Skool vir Verpleegkunde hou Dinsdag 19 Februarie ’n uitreikaksie. Dit is die jaarlikse Swangerskap Voorligtingsweek en hulle sal in die MooiRivier Mall wees om toetse en voorligting saam met die susters van

Dischem te doen. Die uitreikaksie sal vanaf 09:00 tot 18:00 duur. Dit is ook ’n leergeleentheid vir drie van die studente om direk met vroue oor swangerskap te praat.

15 Februarie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Kwikfit nou onder Lombard-bestuur

Martina van Wyk (regs) en me. Kosie van der Merwe saam met me. Stienkie de Wet (links) wat vir hulle die maak van chiffon-blomme, wat met ’n kers gebrand word, gedemonstreer het tydens die onlangse Huisvlyt-vergadering.

Die nuwe bestuur van Kwikfit Bande is baie opgewonde oor hul heropening. Lombard het Kwikfit oorgeneem, wat dit nou hul sewentiende tak maak. Saterdag was dit Super Saturday waar die span gratis boereworsrolle, koeldrank en weggeepryse aan die kliënte gegee het. Daar is promosies op verskeie bande en en dit duur tot en met 16 Februarie.

Kwikfit Bande is nou onder Lombard-bestuur. Hier is die span by die Super Saturday. Foto: Sonika van Wyk


First installment after 60 days

Corner of Nelson Mandela & OR Tambo Avenue, Potchefstroom. Tel: (018) 294-6169 Fax: (018) 297-0673 finance@nbcarsales.co.za


Please visit our other showroom c/o Peter Mokaba + Nelson Mandela Drive Potch. (018) 293 2220/1 Shan 071 423 3750 • Noshi: 082 558 4000 • Faeez 079 579 9957 • Jimber: 071 265 0808 • Rehan 082 457 2001 • Sandile 083 507 6756 • Leon: 074 173 5638

MERCEDES-BENZ 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2004 2004 2002 2001 2010 2010 2010 2010

mercedes-benz clc 200 a/t sun roof m/plan .....r309 990 mercedes-benz slk 200 mobilo-plus.....................r339 990 mercedes-benz c320 cdi, a/t ..................................................... mercedes-benz c63 amg, low km, sunroof ........r529 990 mercedes-benz c200 new shape avantgarde ....r219 990 mercedes-benz sl 65 amg 42 000km.........................r899 990 mercedes-benz c320 cdi ............................................r279 990 mercedes-benz e200 mags ........................................r229 990 mercedes-benz ml 63 amg, 57 000km ext, m/p ......r549 990 mercedes c55 amg, black, s/r, a/t,p/s....................r299 990 mercedes benz a170 new spec m/plan..................r129 900 mercedes benz c200k, a/t ..........................................r149 990 mercedes benz ml 270 cdi .........................................r159 990 mercedes benz slk, 350, new shape, 69 000km....r259990 mercedes-benz c200k silver....................................r119 990 mercedes-benz clk 320, very low km, fsh..........r209 990

audi a3 2.0 fsi ................................................................ r179 990 audi q7 3l tdi, diesel, 7 seater .............................. r399 990 audi b8 2l tdi, ambition m/plan ............................... r229 990 audi tt , like new ....................................................... r239 990 audi a4, 1.8t ................................................................... r149 990 audi a6 3.0 tdi low km, sunroof ............................ r199 990 audi a4 2.0t fsi...............................................................r139 990 audi a4 1.8t avante, multitronic ..... ......................r119 990 audi tt 1.8t.....................................................................r149 990


2003 Jaguar 3l se x-type a/t awd....................................r134 990 MAZDA 2010 mazda 3 1.6 low km, s/plan (sedan).......................r169 990 2009 mazda 5 1.6, 7 seater, 58000km.................................r199 990 2005 mazda 6 2.5 sport lux................................................r109 990 PEUGEOT 2010 peugeot 207, 1.4 urban, 3dr, 26 000km, s/p ..........r134 990 2007 peugeot 207 3dr, black ............................................r109 990

2011 toyota corolla 1.3 imaculate............................... r173 990 2006 peugeot 407 3.0 v6 s/r, r/cd, leather, e/seats..r139 990 2011 toyota yaris zen ........................................................ r139 990 RENAULT 2010 toyota rav 2l, vx, 40 000km...................................... r334 990 2007 renault megane 1.6 gold sedan, a/c, p/s, c/l.... r119 990 2010 toyota corolla 1.3 advanced................................ r189 990 2007 renault scenic 16 exp ..............................................r 99 990

2007 toyota auris d4d..................................................r134 990 2006 renault cleo iii 1.6 dynamiqe .................................r107 990 2005 toyota verso 180 sx a/t, sunroof, pdc............... r139 990 2005 renault grand scenic 2.0 7 seater a/c, mags ..r104 990




2011 opel astra 1.6 essentia, 30 000km ........................r219 990 2009 volvo s40 d5. powershift .......................................r219 990 bmw 120i convertible. a/t, s/pack ...........................r349 990 2009 opel corsa 1.4 essentia..........................................r109 990 COMMERCIAL (SUV, D/CAB) bmw 750i (f01) m/plan, full house ...........................r699 990 2008 opel cosa 1.7 lots of extras ............................... r119 990 2011 chev captiva 3.0 l7z 4x4 a/t, 20000km.....................r399 990 bmw 120i diesel coupÉ a/t, s/pack, s/roof ...........r299 990 2008 opel astra 1.8 gtc sport (3dr) .............................r159 990 2011 daihatsu terios 4x4, 38 000km ................................r209 990 bmw 1 series 3 door, s/roof, mags leather ......r199 990 2008 opel astra 1.9 cdti 76 000km, black gtc ...........r189 990

2010 bmw 120i convertable, m/plan.................................r339 990

2010 bmw 325i a/t coupe lots of extras........................r349 990 2009 bmw 320(a) a/t m/plan ..................................................r269 990 2009 bmw 320i m/plan .............................................................r249 990 2009 bmw 330i a/t m/sport pack, s/roof, m//plan..........r349 990 2008 bmw x3 2.0 a/t, sports pack, m/plan, p/roof........r309 990 2008 bmw 120d a/t, sunroof ................................................r199 990 2007 bmw 750i, lots of extras, m/plan ...........................r499 990 2007 bmw 550i a/t, m/s/pack, s/roof, m/plan....................r399 990 2007 bmw 335 conv, silver, m/plan, a/t (50 000km) ........r449 990 2007 bmw x3 3.0 si new shape, lots of extras ............r379 990 2007 bmw 320i (e90)..................................................................r164 990 2007 bmw x5 3.0 m/plan lots of extras ..........................r379 990 2007 bmw 325i a/t, sunroof..................................................r199 990 2006 bmw x5 4.8 is a/t, f/h, lots of extras .....................r399 990 2006 bmw 320i e90 ....................................................................r149 990 2006 bmw 330ci convert, full spec m/plan, 49000km .r299 990 2006 bmw 525i a/t, m/sport, sunroof................................r229 000 2005 bmw x3 2.0 d.....................................................................r149 990 2005 bmw 320i exclusive, pack...........................................r139 990 2005 bmw 320d a/t, sunroof (e90) ......................................r154 990 2005 bmw 318i, individual......................................................r119 990 2005 bmw 320i e90, leather, a/c, p/s, c/l, charcoal.....r149 990 2004 bmw x5 4.4l, s/pack, s/roof ......................................r249 990 2004 bmw x5 3l i low km navigation lots of extras .r229 990 2004 bmw x3 2.5 a/t..................................................................r129 990 2004 bmw 120i (e87) mags leather.....................................r119 990

AUDI 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008

2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2006 2005 2004 2002

audi a5 sportsback 2.0 fsi, multitronic ............ r389 990 audi a3 2.0 fsi t............................................................. r299 990 audi a3 1.8t, 3 door, s/roof, mags ......................... r249 990 audi a6 2.0t fsi, 27 000km ........................................... r349 990 audi q5 3.0 tdi, pdc...................................................... r479 990 audi a3 2.0t fsi, m/plan .............................................. r279 990 audi a4 1.8t, b8 ambition, 1.8t ................................... r239 990

2006 opel astra 2.0t 130 000km, leather, a/c, p/s ......r149 990

VOLKSWAGEN 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2006

vw polo vivo 1.6 ............................................................... p.o.a vw golf 6 gti, d/g, s/roof, new spec........................ p.o.a vw polo vivo 1.6 ........................................................ r149 990 vw polo 1.6 comfortline, low km...................... r169 990 vw scirocco 2.0 t fsi. 46 000km ............................ r314 990 vw citi rox 1.4i, mags .............................................. r 99 990 vw beetle 2.0 cabrio ............................................... r199 990 vw golf 5 gti, dsg, s/roof, xenon...................... r219 990 vw polo 1.4, a/c, p/s, c/d.......................................... r107 000 vw Jetta 1.9 tdi. comfortline .............................. r129 990 vw polo 1.9 tdi sportline 120 000km, .................r119 990 vw touareg tdi a/t, v10........................................... r299 990


2010 Jeep cherokee 2.8 ltd,a/t, s/roof, t/bar.............r379 990

2010 Jeep wrangler sahara 2,8 crd,a/t.......................r329 990

2008 chev captiva diesel 65000km, black .............r239 990 2008 chevrolet captiva suv 3.2l v6 77 000km .......r269 990 2008 kia sorento 2.5d 4x4............................................r209 990 2008 mitshubishi paJero 3.2 did gls, s/w fsu .......r165 990 2007 chrystler grand voyager 3.3 lx a/t ............r199 990 2007 ssanyong musso 290 s sport a/t, d/cab.......r129 990 2007 Jeep cherokee 3.7 ltd ........................................r169 990 2006 hyundai tuscon 2,0i gis. 111000km. ................r139 990 2006 range rover 4.2 v8 sc, all extras,...............r449 990

2012 chev optra 1.6 l. 18000km ..........................................r149 990 2006 nissan marano 3.5 v6, a/c, r/cd excellent .r199 990 2011 gwm florid 1.5 superlux......................................... r114 990 2006 Jeep cherokee, srt 8 .........................................r269 990 2011 nissan qashqai low km ............................................r269 990 2011 mini cooper 5 chilli-pack, mags............................r269 990 2011 proton gen 1.6, low km............................................r139 990

2005 nissan hardbody 2.7 d/cab ...............................r 89 990 2005 mitsubishi outlander 2.2l, s/r, leather .....r134 990

2011 chev spark 1.2 ls 5 door, mags, ...........................r107 990 2002 chrysler voyager 3.3 le lwb, limited ................r134 990 2010 ford focus st 5dr 26 000km, s/roof....................r309 990 2010 kia proceed 2.0i, 3dr, sunroof, low km..............r209 990 2010 hyundai i20, 1.4, mags.................................................r139 990

CARS UNDER R100 000 2007 ford ka 1.3, mags, a/c......................................... r 64 990 2006 renault megan 2.0 dynamiq, r/cd, a/c, p/s .. r 99 990

2009 nissan 370z new level, 31 000km, m/fl ...........r424 990 2009 ford fiesta 1.6 titanium 5 door ......................r159 990 2005 honda civic 150 i, gold, a/c, p/s, c/l, r/cd......r 99 990 2009 lexus is 250 a/t, 50 000km...........................................r339 990 2005 chev aveo 1.5 lt 5 door ......................................r 69 990 2009 kia rio 1.6 hs, low km.................................................r154 990 2004 vw polo 1.9 tdi, white highline, mags...........r 89 990 2009 hyundai tiburon, 2.0 gls ..........................................r169 990 2003 mini cooper 1.6 gold black, a/c, e/w ............ r 99 990

2009 honda accord 2.4 exec (low km), like new .......r259 990

2007 ford focus 1.6 trendline .......................................r 99 990 2007 ford ka...........................................................................r 59 990 2006 honda civic 1.8i v tec vxi,hatch............................. r119 990

2003 ford fiesta, white ..............................................r 54 990 2002 volvo s60 2l turbo.....................................................r 99 990

2001 bmw 320d, red.........................................................r 79 990

2005 kia sportage 2.0 gls, a/t...........................................r139 990 2000 bmw 330i e46, grey, a/c, r/cd, a/t, e/w............. r 99 990



Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

EiendomsGIDS Property GUIDE

Skakel Gert 082 377 1313 Vir meer inligting besoek ons web nl: properties4all.co.za SKAKEL GERT VAN ASWEGEN 082 377 1313 OF ANELL STEYN 079 565 4888 VIR MEER INLIGTING BESOEK ONS WEB NL: www.landlink.co.za

TE HUUR STUDENTEBEHUISING 2013 Beyers Naudestr (Kamers) R 1 550 Vyfhoek plot (Bachelor) R 1 800 Eleaserstr 46 (kamer) R 1 800 Campus @ Home (s/k) R 1 870 Nottinghill (seunskamer) R 2 000 Campus @ Home (1 Slpk.) R 3 025 Beukeslaan (Bachelor) R 3 700 Villably (2 Slpk) R 4 950 Villa Renea (3 Slpk.) R 5 280 Majories Place (3 Slpk.) R 5 500 2 SLPK WOONSTELLE TE HUUR Barrish Place (Onmiddelik) R 3 705 Bailliepark (1 Maart 2013) R 4 125




TE KOOP 2 SLAAPKAMERWOONSTELLE Potch Towers (Sentraal) R 405 000 Villa de Bell (Das/rand) R 420 000 Willemien (Sentraal) R 425 000 Villa Perez (Sentraal) R 450 000 Majuba (Sentraal) R 480 000 Barrish Place (Sentraal) R 483 000 Campus @ Home R 490 000 Tramonto (Sentraal) R 580 000 1 Slpk. met ingeboude kaste. Kombuis Caruso (Bult) R 595 000 netjiese ingeboude kaste en plek vir R 620 000 wasmasjien. Sitk. Badkamer (Stort, toilet, Daisy’s (Dassierand) wasbak) Afdak, braaiarea. AfstandbeCambridge (Bult) R 620 000 heerde hekke voor kompleks. Inni Hartjie R 640 000 KYK NA DIE PRYS EN BESLUIT GOU !!! Lanquedoc 103 R 700 000 R 370 000



Barrish Place (Sentraal) Campus @ Home (Bult) Caruso (Bult) Tramonto (Sentraal) Varsity Lodge (K/park) Onder die Randjie (Das/r) Villa Renea (Bult) Janitahof (Miederpark)

R 313 000 R 370 000 R 399 000 R 425 000 R 450 000 R 475 000 R 490 000 R 530 000

Ruim 2 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste. Sitkamer, badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak en plek vir wasmasjien) Heffing R 360.00 afstandbeheerde motorveiligheidshek voor kompleks BAIE GOED GEPRYS VIR SLEGS !!! R 490 000 !!!



R 425,000 1 Slaapkamer 1 Badkamer 1 Afdak Sit/eetkamer



Baie voete Puik ligging Goeie omset


Ongeveer 2200m geleë in stil straat in CBD R 1,950,000


R 1,295,000

Kontak: Marietha 083 232 1831 CEA NQF

3 Slaapkamers 3 Badkamers Ooplan sit-en-eetkamer kombuis met aparte opwas Dubbel motorhuis Nuwe ontwikkeling



2 Slaapkamers 1 Badkamer 2 Afdakke 700m vanaf die Puk

Kontak: Adele 079 512 2109


Kontak: Thinus 072 482 6523



2 Afdakke. Netjiese meenthuis met pragtige tuin in goeie area.

Di 0828593437 CEA




0828079954 CEA NQF



NUUT: 2 x 2 Bachelors @ R 3,100 pm in Wilgenstraat 8 x 2 Slaapkamer @ R 4,800 pm in Wilgenstraat 5 x Groot 1 slaapkamers in Hoffmanstraat @ R 3,780pm 1 x 2 Slaapkamer in Goudstraat met wasmasjien asook nuwe yskas @ R 5,800pm 1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel @ R 3,000 pm 1 x 1 Slaapkamer in Malherbe straat @ R 3,900 pm 2 x 1 Saapkamers by Kareelaan R 4,450 pm



is die nuwe

www.willowspropertygroup.co.za 018-293 1610

Rudo Rentals Prinsipaal


1 Slaapkamer met ingeboude kaste. Oopplan sitkamer, kombuis met ingeboude kaste. Badkamer (Stort, toilet, wasbak) Afdak vir motor, Braai-area, swembad, lapa, waskamer in kompleks. Afstandbeheerde motorhekke voor kompleks met 24 uur sekuriteitswagte. BAIE GOEIE KOOP VIR SLEGS !!! R 450 000 !!!


... Gelukkige Valentynsdag!

Slegs drie eenhede oor onder R 500,000


GROOTSTE WINSKOOP IN V/D HOFFPARK VOLTITEL MEENTHUIS - BAILLIEPARK R 1,250,000 Luukse voltitel meenthuis, baie privaat tuin, 2 vol badkamers met gaste toilet, 3 slaapkamers en studeerkamer of vierde slaapkamer, patio met braai, dubbel ekstraKontak: Marlene ruim motorhuis. 082 859 7915 R 1,6 Miljoen JA, JY HET REG GELEES!! CEA NQF




Pragtige huis met ongelooflike kuierarea.

Kontak: Liza 083 256 9799 CEA NQF

Voltitel meenthuis Kontak: Hanlie 3 Slaapkamers 082 784 0204 Netjies en lae onderhoud CEA NQF Oopplan kombuis en leefarea 2 Badkamers Dubbel motorhuis Groot agtertuin

KLERKSDORP GROND - UITSTEKENDE GELEENTHEID 5 Hektaar grond in goeie gedeelte. Uitstekende geleentheid vir ontwikkeling. R 3,700,000 2 Hektaar grond in besigheids gedeelte. Nuwe uitbreiding in Wilkoppies. Met Besigheidsregte. R 3,700,000

Kontak: Rita 076 080 2800 CEA NQF

15 Februarie 2013


ORG: 082 565 5360



Potchefstroom Herald

MODERNE MEENTHUIS Van der Hoffpark R1950 000. 3 Slpk, 2 badk en 2 motorhuise + swembad. Hout vloere.

R3800 2 slpk woonstel Suid.


R3.2 MILJOEN Groot deel aangeplant weiding sterk boorgate vleiwieding. 2 Groot sinkstore.



Mooi 3 slpk huis 2 badk. Motorhuis afdakke groot erf.

VYFHOEK 1 HA R1050 000


4 Slpk huis, 3 afdakke groot Erf R315 000. Bailliepark nuwe woonwerkswinkel 3 boorgate. buurt 727m². Gewilde area

Pragtige gerestoureerde 3 slpk huis. 2 Mooi badk. Pragtige komb. Motorh, Afdakke groot erf.

FREDDIE DE BEER EIENDOMME debeer38@telkomsa.net

018 786 2524 082 739 5901

R1,68 milj. Moderne 4 slpk woning, 2½ badk, studeerk, 3 motorhuise, wask, bediendekwartiere, swembad, besproeiing, alarm. C/ville. R1,85 milj. 4 slpk huis, 2 badk, luuks, siersteen, ruim, netjiese tuin, besproeiing, boorgat ±11000 l/u, sementdam, aangeplante weiding, vrugteboord, store, 8,5 ha. Haaskraal Potch. R6,3 milj. Goeie beesplaas, 520 ha, 2 netjiese woonhuise, plaas ten volle ontwikkel vir ±120 koeie, ‘n “geel meel plaas”, vleiweiding, store, ens. Potch. R2,94 milj. 205 ha - heuwelagtig, goeie beesplaas,10 ha lande-kampe, 50 ha aangeplante weiding, 35 ha Bonnox omhein - boerbokke, netjiese huis en store ens. Plaas ten volle ontwikkel vir ±60 koeie. Potch. R328 000. “Bachelor”, 30 m² R383 000. 1 Slpk, 37 m R438 000. 2 Slpk, 44 m² TE HUUR: R6 500. ±9 ha plot op Mooibank, 2 x 3 slpk huise, netjies, ruim, melkstal, stoor, lapa, lande, werkershuise, ens. Potch.



STUDENTEWOONSTELLE 1 Slpk R430 000 ALLEENMANDAAT BY PUK: 1 Slpk + toesluitmotorhuis 60m² R650 000

2 Slpk, C@H

R460 100


Nuwe moderne oopplan 3 slpk. Min instandhouding, steen ALLEENMANDAAT R1.6 milj afwerking. Klein erf (600m²) R1 284 000

Ultra moderne meenthuis, WOONSTELLE: splinternuut. “Lock up and go”. Sentraal 1 Slpk R395 000 3 Slpk + studeerkamer. 235m² Sentraal 2 Slpk ERWE R510 000 grondvloer Tuscany Ridge: Tuscany Ridge 2 Slpk R800 000 R476 000 1100m² Dam erf: Mooivalleipark:

Linda 082 785 3951

R800 000 R380 000




Suid - naby hospitaal en skole

1 Slpk 2 Slpk


Lukestr. 1

R475 000 R695 000

(oorkant Pick ‘n Pay)

Linda 082 785 3951

Tel : (018) 297 8338



Kantoor Tel: (018) 293-1845, Faks: (018) 293-3163, Prinsipaal Annelize (B SOC. SC. CEA)

Besturende agente





WOONSTEL TE KOOP – SENTRAAL Ruim 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, gastetoilet, netjiese kombuis. Prys R435 000 MEENTHUIS TE KOOP - BAILLIEPARK 2 Slaapkamers, dubbelgeriewe, toesluitmotorhuis. Prys R690 000 2 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe, nuut gebou, baie mooi kombuis R630 000 PRYS VERLAAG – VAN DER HOFFPARK Rus en vrede in pragbuurt. Pragtige gesinswoning, 3 slaapkamer, dubbelmotorhuis, groot tuin met swembad en braai-area. R1 790 000 SPOGAREA Pragtige 3 slaapkamer huis met swembad. Rooshoutkombuis, dubbelgeriewe, pragtige tuin. Prys R2,3 miljoen.


STILFONTEIN 4 Slaapkamer, dubbelgeriewe, 3 motorhuis, pragtige tuin. Prys R895 000

Annatjie 082 320 3847 Petro 083 694 1864 TE HUUR – WOONSTEL SENTRAAL 1

Slaapkamer, 24 uur sekuriteit prys R3 750

Bachelor Prys R2950 2 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe sekuriteitskompleks Prys R4 200 per maand WOONSTEL BULT 1 Slaapkamer loopafstand van universiteit R3 850-per maand 1 Slaapkamer, naby universiteit R3650 per maand 2 Slaapkamer, loft, dubbelgeriewe, R5 060 per maand Santie 0823648076


Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

15 Februarie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Property Profile Group

• Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, 2520 • Tel: (018) 293-2883 Vir al u eiendoms • Posbus 20606, Noordbrug 2520 Irma-082 347 5555 • info@propertyprofile.co.za behoeftes

Johnny-082 562 8156

Wilgeboom Hoewe 7 Ha met 5 slk woning, perde stalle, store en baie meer.Puik eiendom wat selde in mark kom. R 3 800 000 Wilgeboom Hoewe: 9.7 Ha hoewe met baie goeie 3 slaapkamer woonhuis, asook 1 slaapk woonstel met stoor en buite geboue. R 1.3 Milj Miederpark: Netjiese 3 slaapkamer woonstel met toesluit m/huis met tuintjie in veiligheids kompleks. R 650 000 OHB Miederpark: 4 slpk huis met 2 badk, 2 leefareas swembad boorgat, nuut geverf. R 1 260 000

Irma - 082 347 5555

Van der Hofpark: Baie netjiese 4 slpk woonhuis, 2 leefareas lapa/braai swembad, bediende kwartiere, dubbelm/huis. R 2 100 000 Van der Hofpark: Netjiese 3 slpk, 2 badk, sitk, TVkamer,eetkamer dubbel m/h en swemb. R 1 880 000 Miederpark: Ruim 4 slpk, 3 badk, 2 leefareas, lapa, swemb met baie parkering. R1 390 000 Sentraal: 3 slaapkamer woning met sit, eet, 1 badkamer en enkel m/huis plus afdak op groot erf. R 740 000

Noord Sentraal;

Noord Sentraal 4 slk woning met dubbel m/huis be- Netjies en ruim. 3 slpk woning diendekamer en groot afdak vir die op 2200m² erf. Ideaal vir verdere ontwikkeling / meenthuise of kannutsman. Naby NWU Stil omgewtore. R 1 800 000 ing. R 950 000 Hoewe/N12: Hoewe: 3 ha hoewe teen die hoofweg. Puik eiendom! 8.5 ha hoewe met Goeie woonhuis met groot woonnetjiese woonhuis pragtige tuin en stel.Stoor met huur inkomste van store. R 1 850 000 OHB R 18 000.00 p/m, R 3 200 000 Sentraal/Besigheid: Hoewe Kromdraai: Karaktervolle ou woning. Genoeg11ha hoewe met 100m Vaalriviersame parkeerplek. Idiaal vir kantore front. Hengelparadys. R 1 380 000 OHB R 850 000




Ruim 2 slpk 70m studente woonstel. Naby opvoedkundige NWU hek. Woonstel op hoek van kompleks R735 000 met balkon.




Tel: (018) 293-3235/7/9 • Fax: 086 567 4361 17 Goetz Street, Potchefstroom www.bigrealestate.co.za

R2,160 mil 4 BED • 3 BATH • 2 GAR

Pragtige familiehuis, uitstekende ligging. Boomryk, ruim kamers met gastekamer eie badkamer. Toegeboude kuierlapa & swembad. Ekstra 3 vertrek wendy huis in tuin. Lae onderhoud.




R1,350 mil

VE SI TE 903 U 9 L A C ND 0 2 3 EX A . M O


R450 000



Naby alles geleë en sy geld werd.

4 BED • 2 BATH • 2 GAR


. O N 28 EF 59 7 R 0 3

R626 000 2 BED • 1 BATH • 1 GAR

Lieflike veilige m/huis. Sentraal geleë in stil area.

TERSIA 084-408-9877

MELINDA 072-023-7759



E 010 EW S N EA 064 L E .3 R O

. O N 19 EF 9 25 R 9 2


R2,030 mil

R1,285 mil

Netjiese voltitel woning in baie veilige sekuriteits kompleks. Moderne styl gebou in gewilde area + toegeboude braai. Tuin uitgelê met besproeiing.

BRENNON 082-568-7713

BRENNON 083-794-2619

STUDENTE BEHUISING 1 Slaapkamer: Le Quartier R4 600 Kareelaan R4 400 Waterberry Heights R3 600 Carmen R3 960

2 Slaapkamer: Kareelaan R5 900 Willow Manor R4 200 Tamboti R5 000 Urban Living R5 600

ROSEMARY 082 8670 188 CHIMONÉ 079 4949 655 . O N 82 EF 59 9 R 0 3

DEO VOLENTE 3 BED • 2 + 2 x ½ BATH • 1 GAR

Pragtige vol titel hoek erf. Spring nou. Fase 1 het geen klip nie.


Tramonto Bach R2 950 Immediatedly Available


3 BED • 2½ BATH • 2 GAR

SHOW VRY 15 FEB: 15H00-17H00 Little Swift 8

Pragtige splinternuwe woonhuis in baie gewilde area teen billike prys.

TERSIA 084-408-9877


Pragtige nuut geboude voltitel m/huis met puik moderne afwerkings. Oopplan kombuis, klein tuintjie. Naby Pukke en Gimmies. Geen hereregte. ANNATJIE 082-654-5999


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

15 Februarie 2013

Jy leef net een keer . . . kom ons wys jou waar

90 Eiendomme in een maand verkoop Laat die professionele span van Engel & V枚lkers Potchefstroom omsien na al u eiendomsbehoeftes Residensieel Kommersieel Verhuring

Potchefstroom路 Tel. +27(0)18 297 5777 路 Potchefstroom@engelvoelkers.com www.engelvoelkers.com/za/potchefstroom 路 Real Estate Agency

15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide



Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

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Berading / Counselling


Die V en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelik aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetge-wing in die plasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media 24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie


Blindings / Blinds expandable security products!

slamlock/std. lock & key alike features

cell: 082 7755 754 FREE QUOTES!! fax: 018 293 1425 tolliemaritz@gmail.com www.lcsequ-door.co.za

Vervoer & Berging

DROOGTE’S VERVOER Wil u verhuis? Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgeriewe teen billike pryse? Skakel Droogte vir ‘n gratis kwotasie! 082-553-8226.





(018) 294-8546


SKAKEL: ELIZE. 072 187 2754

Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693



Onderrig / Education 37 Plaagbeheer / Pest Control

Attention all

Social workers, Educationalists, Occupational Therapists & Pshycologists. Enrol for the ever popular Level 1 and Level 2 courses in PLAY THERAPY presented by Dr. Hannie Schoeman of the Centre for Play Therapy and Training. CPD accredited.


Matte / Carpets

Skakel vir Kwotasies 079 499 9930


Diepreiniging van: Matte en Meubels Pest en

Venue: Potchefstroom

Termite Control en Weed Control

For more info: Tel: (028) 388-0348 Fax: 086 648 1038

MOEG GESKROP? OnS Sal dit viR jOu dOEn: - Matte. - Teëls. - Voertuie. - Leerbekleedsel. - Woonwaens en matrasse. - Scotchguard.

Dates: Level 1: 4 - 7 March 2013 Level 2: 8, 11 and 12 March 2013

e-mail: playtherapy@worldonline.co.za

SKaKEl: KOEKiEMat WaSSERS (081) 370 9114 (018) 784-4705 Of 083 541 9983 Of 082 939 3899


This is a 50 hour (6 days) professional training course for mediators, attorneys, advocates, social workers, psychologists, and allied professionals who provide dispute resolution services to families before and after divorce/separation. The course includes the legal, cultural, psychological and financial implications of divorce as well as mediation skills, and conflict resolution.


Algemene Dienste / General Services


Tot en met R 120 000. *I.D *Payslip *3 Maande Bankstate *Bewys van adres WYE REEKS MOTORS EN BAKKIES OOK BESKIKBAAR!!! Konsolideer jou skuld deur net een paaiement te betaal, Ons kan jou help om ‘n voertuig te besit! Die beste gehalte diens en tevredenheid word gewaarborg! SKAKEL dAdELIK: Connie 083 699 4485 Rina 083 940 2649 Johannes 072 7000 989 52

Algemeen te koop


Ons koop: Breekgoed, meubels yskaste ens. Wat het u? Skakel gerus



Diere & Pluimvee

Weeksdae: 08:00 – 12:00 en 16:00 – 18:00 Saterdae: 10:00 – 12:00 en 17:00 – 17:30 Sondae: 10:00 – 12:00 en 17:00 – 17:30

WHEN: Wednesday – Friday 27-28 February and 1 March 2013 Wednesday – Friday 6 – 8 March 2013 VENUE: FAMSA Potchefstroom – 3 Singer Street, Potchefstroom.

CONTACT FAMSA POTCHEFSTROOM FOR ANY ENqUIRIES: (018) 293-2272/3 Faks / Fax: (018)2971316 or 086 531 9574 E-pos/mail: potch@famsa.org.za


Centraal troeteldierarts retiefstraat 22, sentraal PotChefstroom. na-ure 018 297 1846

20 CPD points will be obtained.

COURSE LEADER: Melindi van Rooyen – Mediator (BA (Social Work); Hons BA (Psych); LLB) Registration forms are to be received before 22 February 2013

Lenings / Loans

SANDMAN Deon Van Zyl

TEL: (018) 291-1048/9 SEL: 082-453-0195.

Landlyne weer in werking


Tuinmengsel, Tuingrond, Bousand, Riviersand, “Filling”, Crushersand, Buildersmix


Pet health food retiefstraat 22, sentraal PotChefstroom. 018 297 1846 Weeksdae: 08:00 – 18:00 Saterdae: 09:00 – 13:00 en 17:00 – 17:30 Sondae: 10:00 – 12:30 en 17:00 – 17:30

foChville Pet vet 2 disa ave, foChville emergenCies: (018) 771-4554

Weekdays: 16:00 – 18:00 Saturdays: 08:00 – 8:15 and 15:00 -15:15 Sundays: 08:00 – 8:15 and 15:00 – 15:15

15 Februarie 2013 Persoonlik /Personal 1. Berading / Counselling 2. Kerke / Churches 3. Gelukwensings / Congratulations 4. Dankbetuigings/ Thank you 5. Memoriam / Grafstene / Tombstones 6. Egskeidings / Divorce

7. Speurdienste / Private Detectives 8. Verlore / Gevind / Lost / Found 9. Saamrygeleenthede / Lifts 10. Vriendskaplik / Friendship 11. Persoonlike kennisgewings / Personal Notices

Dienste / services 12. Dagsorg / Daycare 13. Kleuterskole / Pre-Primary Schools 14. Naskoolsorg / Afterschool care 15. Onderrig / Education


16. Video & Fotografie / Video & Photography 17. Musiek / Music 18. Onthale & Konferensies Functions & Conferences 19. Spyseniering / Catering


20. Wegneemetes & Restaurante / Take Aways & Restaurants 21. Lugversorgers / Aircons 25. Blindings / Blinds 26. Springkastele / Jumping Castle 27. Houtwerk / Carpentry 28. Matte / Carpets 29. Plaveisel / Paving 30. Bouwerk / Building 31. Beton & Palisade / Concrete & Palisades 32. Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk / Electrical Services & Repairs 33. Loodgieters / Plumbing 34. Algemene Dienste / General Services 35. Rommelverwydering Refuse Removal


36. Sekuriteit / Security 37. Plaagbeheer / Pest Control 38. Tuindienste / Garden Services 39. Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage 40. Boorgate / Boreholes 41. Swembaddens / Swimming Pools 42. Grasdakke / Thatch roofs 43. Lenings / Loans 44. Finansiele Dienste / Financial Services 45. Naaldwerk / Needlework 46. Skoonheid & Gesondheid / Beauty & Health 48. Jaggeleenthede / Hunting 49. Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks 50. Massering / Massages

Persele / Premises




R10 000 - R80 000

SKAKEL RIAAN DE LANGE 082 325 9570 67


Eiendomme benodig / Properties wanted

ONS SOEK JOU HUIS! Dringend opsoek na meenthuise en huurhuise vir goedgekeurde huurders. Ons het PUIK studente verblyf vir JOU! Skakel Oeschger by 082 821 2401 of (018) 294-3385

>Wingerd : 1 Slaapkamer R3 850 P/M >Le Quartier: 1 Slaapkamer R4 150 P/M >Urban Living : 1 Slaapkamer R3 900 P/M >Stables: 1 Slaapkamer R3 700 P/M >Mont Serrat: 2 Slaapkamer R5 000 P/M >Abacus: 2 Slaapkamer R4 950 P/M >President Park: 1 & 2 Slaapkamer vir R4600. en R6 500 P/M onderskeidelik >Roseleah : 2 Slaapkamer R5 200 P/M

Craig.Cornforth@ engelvoelkers.com Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Terms and conditions apply. Installments include a 2 years mechanical warranty. Contact Johan Botha 083 400 8009 Auto World


Woonstelle te huur

Skakel Oeschger by 082 821 2401 / (018) 294-3385

2011 Toyota HiLux 3.0D-4D R/B....................... R5 990 pm 72 months. 2008 Ford Bantam 1.3i canopy........................ R1 650 pm 72 months. 2006 Renault Clio III 1.4 Expression ............... R1 830 pm 60 months. 2006 Opel Zafira 1.9 CDTi Elegance................ R3 250 pm 72 months 2010 Nissan NP200 1.6S A/c............................ R2 790 pm 72 months. 2003 BMW 318i R8000.00dep........................... R2 990 pm 60 months. 1974 Mercedes 240D ........................................ R29 900 2010 Toyota HiLux 2.5D-4D SRX R/B .............. R4 250 pm 72 months. 2001 Isuzu KB250D LE D/C.............................. R69 900 2006 Ford Territory 4.0i Ghia AWD.................. R4 190 pm 60 months. 2005 Renault Kangoo 1.4 Multix Authentique R1 680 pm 60 months. 2009 Toyota HiLux 2.5 D-4D SRX 4x4 ............. R4 500 pm 72 months. 2009 Volkswagen Polo 1.6 Trendline A/c........ R2 400 pm 72 months. 2010 Nissan Qashqai 1.6 Acenta..................... R4 760 pm 72months 2005 Nissan Almera 1.8 Elegance................... R1 960 pm 60 months.

Algemeen te huur / To let


62. Juweliersware / Jewelery 63. Veevoer / Animal Feeds 64. Diere & Pluimvee Animals & Poultry 65. Plaastoerusting / Farm Equipment 66. Motors 67. Bakkies 68. Vragmotors / Trucks 69. Motorfietse / Motorbikes 70. Woonwaens / Caravans 71. Bote / Boats

Contact agent Craig: 083 255 3420

3 Joe Slovo, Klerksdorp, 2571, Tel: 018 462 1738, Fax: 018 462 5124


52. Algemeen te koop / General for sale 53. Te koop gevra / Wanted to buy 55. Rekenaars / Computers 56. Kantoortoerusting / Office supplies 57. Selfone/Cell phones 58. Pandwinkels / Pawn shops 59. TV / Elektriese toebehore/ TV / Electrical Appliances 60. Boeke/Versamelitems Books / Collectors items 61. Kuns / Oudhede/ Artwork/Antiques




Berading / Counselling

Janice croft attorneys and debt counsellors debt ProbleMs? Get immediate relief from debt stress & leGal action! avoid black listinG!

call or sMs 071 893 0014 / (018) 294-6951

Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina (Potchefstroom) by (018) 293-0750 of Liz (Carletonville) by (018) 788-6693


• Boedels • Transporte • Huurkontrakte • Testamente • Huweliksvoorwaarde kontrakte • Maatskappy Registrasies (CIPC agente) • Invorderings • Egskeidings Tel: (018) 297 1217



Persoonlike Kennisgewings / Personal Notices

PADONGELUKFONDSEISE. Het u ernstige beserings in 'n motorongeluk opgedoen? Is 'n geliefde / broodwinner dood in 'n ongeluk? Vir professionele advies oor 'n moontlike eis, ( Adele Marais 083-233-9454.

72. Algemeen te huur / To let 80. Losies / Boarding 81. Eiendomme Benodig / Properties Wanted 82. Besigheidsgeleenthede / Business Opportunities 83. Persele / Premises 84. Woonstelle te huur / Flats to let 85. Woonstelle te koop / Flats for sale 86. Meenthuise te huur / Townhouses to let 87. Meenthuise te koop / Townhouses for sale 88. Huise te huur / Houses to let 89. Huise te koop / Houses for sale.



Onderrig / Education


Turn your Domestic into a “Maid-in-Heaven”

GOEIE NUUS! Marvelous Maids kom Potch toe! CLASSY COOKING DIVINE DOMESTICS NURTURING NANNY WHEN: Mon 4 – Fri 8 March 2013 WHERE: NG Kerk Grimbeeck PRICE: R1650 ~ a Massive saving of R950 on the normal price in Bloem! Marna Greyling 079 891 7436 See my web site for more Info

COOLTECH SUMMER Specials, 3 years guarantee on compressor. Best prices. Free quotation. SABS APPROVED ( 082-306-3974 / 072-289-8756


Houtwerk / Carpentry

Houtwerk ingeboude kaste, kombuis, TV & studeerkamer eenhede. ( Kobus 072-192-4059


Matte / Carpets



018 785 5440

Skakel Piet of Johanita ViVierS by Modern auto triMMerS & uPh.

Tel: (018) 294-7459 fax: (018) 293-0785


Bouwerk / Building

BERT’S BRICKS (Potchefstroom)

SEMENT MAXI STENE Gelewer in: POTCHeFSTrOOM CArleTOnVille, FOCHVille, PArYS en OMGewinG. SKAKEl ElAINE (018) 292 1615 www.bertsbricks.co.za.

VOOrwAArdeS Geld.


Opsoek na iemand wat ekstra wiskunde klasse kan gee vir Gr 1 tot Gr 12. teen vergoeding. skakel my vir meer inligting. nico 082 3777 490 18

Onthale & Konferensies / Functions & Conferences

Lyon Paradise Venue TrouES En ALLE FunkSiES Skakel: Willie 076 5135 660 Maureen 083 6020 834 Web:

www.lyon paradise.webs.com Epos: lyonspara dise@mail.com

Aandag alle bruide. Eksklusiewe en stylvolle tafeldekor te huur. Ook tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en lycra-stoelrokke. Events House by The Roots Lifestyle Centre. ( (018) 285-1222. MULTISTYL Eksklusiewe onthaaltoerusting vir troues & funksies. ( Lynette (018) 2907316.www.multistyl.co.za

90. Hoewes & Plase te huur / Small Holdings & Farms to let 91. Hoewes & Plase te koop / Small Holdings & Farms for sale 92. Besighede te koop / Business for sale 93. Kamers te huur / Rooms to let 94. Gastehuise / Guest-Houses 95. Vakansie Akkomodasie / Holiday Accommodation 96. Bestuurskole / Driving Schools 97. Betrekkings gevra / Vacancies Wanted 98. Betrekkings / Vacancies 99. Volwasse Vermaak / Adult Entertainment

Huise te huur / Houses to let


Egskeidings / Divorce

onbEstrEdE EgsKEidings Professionele &bekostigbare regsverteenwoordiging. sKaKEl bEttiE roos proKurEurs 082 415 6502


te kooP / For sale

CommerCial SpaCe for Hire Storage, factory shops, workshops. Various sizes to suit your needs: 150m², 225m² and 750m² R22/m² - R28/m²



Potchefstroom Herald

Kleibakstene is beter!!!! Bert’s Bricks (Potchefstroom). Klei-pleisterstene, klei-sierstene en klei plaveiselstene. Minimum vragte in Potchefstroom: 500 bakstene. Carletonville/Fochville en omgewing 2 000 bakstene. SKAKEL ELAINE (018) 292-1615. www.bertsbricks.co.za

LE ROI CONSTRUCTION. ONS DOEN ENIGE BOUWERK TEEN BEKOSTIGBARE PRYSE. SKAKEL ARNO VIR KWOTASIE 072 730 0911 Kruger Afdakke. Skadunetafdakke, 4 jaar waarborg. Gratis kwotasie. 16 Jaar diens. Potch omgewing. ( 083-493-5876.


Beton & Palissades / Concrete & Palisades


Carpet Kleen

Cleaner, drier, better. Clean carpets or Lounge suites Quick drying and improved chemicals

Skakel Johan






• SCOTCHGUARD Skakel Riaan 083-654-7481

Paving, tiling, palissades, lapas, precast walls & general construction.

(018) 294-5169 082-335-0118.



Deon 082-802-2664 goldenpaving7@gmail.com


ViR BillikE kwOtaSiES Van nUwE wOOnhUiSE, aanBOUiingS, kantOOR Of BESighEidSpERSElE;

SkakEl JOhan 083 236 5484 30 jar in die boubedryf nhBRC geregistreer. VIR ENIGE EN ALLE herstelwerk in en om die huis. Reeds 18 jaar in die bedryf. Geen werk te klein. NHBRC geregistreer. ( 083-229-2978.

Skakel Cilda Viviers Tel: 082-772-7130 Faks: (018) 293-0785

Precast, Palissademure, plaveisel, lapa’s. Gratis kwotasies.

DAVID DAWSON CONSTRUCTION. Building houses, Renovation,Walls, Paving, Tiling.( 078-413-6812

Skadunette & betonmure (018) 294-5169 082 335 0118 32

Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk/ Electrical Services & Repairs

Yskasman herstel vanaf R350. Aankoop van stukkende ys / vrieskaste. ( 079-132-5151


Loodgieters / Plumbing

HALLABY LOODGIETERS Skakel Emile (018) 294-4024 a/u of 082 448 2824


Potchefstroom Herald BOEREMARK REFRIGERATION. Yskasdienste. Kantoor ure


8:00am tot 17:00am. ( 082-821-7592 / 079-572-9458


NUTSMAN - DIENSTE Instandhouding in en om die huis, afdakke gordynkappe. Potch. ( Duimpie 082-334-3760

Gekwalifiseerde loodgieter. Johan 083 328 0292 Kantoor 018 294 8242 VIR BLITSVINNIGE KWALITEIT DIENS TEEN DIE BESTE PRYSE!!

RE-ENAMEL EXPERT. Heremalje van ou staalbaddens. Egte emalje. Werk gewaarborg. ( 071-196-2953 / www.jgexpert.co.za




Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage

Rommelverwydering / Refuse Removal


• Afsaag en uithaal van bome. • Skoonmaak van industriëleen woonerwe. • Aanplant van gras. VOERKRAALMIS • Gesifte mis vir “top dressing” beskikbaar R15 per sak

24/7 Sel: 082-496-8622. of: 082-346-0066.

24 UUR DIENS. Alle loodgietersprobleme, installering van geisers, skoonmaak van geute en alle "handy man" werkies. ( Jaco, 'n gekwalifiseerde loodgieter by 083-462-2560.

Skakel Johan ALLE URE 082-962-3125.

ALLE LOODGIETER herstelwerk en installering, geisers. ( Gerhard 083-283-5700. Plumber Potch bekostigbaar - betroubaar. Gratis kwotasie. Call outs. ( Pierre 083-229-3858


Algemene Dienste / General Services

Tel: (018) 297-1973 Cell: 082-771-6333

EMPI Meubelvervoer Vir alle vervoer o.a. meubelvervoer. Het ook jare ondervinding. Pak self, en hou volle toesig. Pieter 073-525-6536. 076 814-6100 (W) (018) 484-1725 (H)

4-TON TOE TROK. Doen enige vervoer en klein trekke. Billike pryse. ( 082-455-5329. J & H Meubel Vervoer. Profesionele vervoer en stoor. ( (018) 290-6755 Meubelvervoer- Lokaal en landswyd. Verhuisings. kantoorverskuiwings. Kommersiële goedere. Verpakking. Versekering. 18 Jaar ondervinding. Eagle Arms Trans cc.( sel 076-472-3356. Faks 086-561-5820. Vonkpos eaglearmstrans.eat@voda mail.co.za Minitrek + Transport. Stoorplek, rommel en vullis. Beste pryse. (082-332-7554.


Vir die beste pryse op: bande, batterye, uitlaatstelsels, skokbrekers, skakel Supa Quick Potchefstroom (018) 294 - 3297/8 ELEKTRISIëNS. Geregistreer ECA nr. of SNC 1539. Vir alle elektriese herstelwerk, noem dit en ons doen dit!! Uitreik van Certificate of Compliance (COC). ( 076-111-1334.

A A N D A G !!! Whirlpool services, herstel & diens alle outomatiese Top Loader, mikrogolfoonde en tuimeldroërs. ( Nick 082-825-0727. A1 Ceilings & Roof repairs. Vir alle opknapen verfwerk.( Jaco 079660-0902 ALLE HERSTELWERK in & om die huis. Boorgate, besproeiing, drukpompe, loodgieterswerk, geisers.Geen werk te klein.Gerhard ( 083-283-5700. FF Houtwerk Kombuise, kaste, deure algemene nutsman. Gratis kwotasies. ( Francois 071-611-8450

* Nuwe swembaddens * Steppingstones * Sonpanele * Herstel van swembaddens.

New/Reline Fiberglass/ Marbelite Stepping Stones/ Paving Jacuzzi’s/Repairs

1 Jps meubelvervoer persoonlike toesig + bestuur, beste diens gewaarborg stoor. ( 084597-3434/ 083-498-3309

Aandag: Speed Queen Services. Diens en herstel alle Speed Queens, tuimeldroërs, mikrogolfoonde. ( Gert Botha (018) 2948479 /082-967-8267.


Tuindienste / Garden Services



TEL: (018) 294 5711

joygardens@lantic.net PROBLEEM BOME

Afsaag, uithaal en wegry van bome en takke. Installering van: Elektriese Omheining

SKAKEL CAREL: 083 785 0333

Swembaddens / Swimming Pools

Beaver Pools

We specialize in Swimming Pools New Pools Fibreglass Shells Marbelite All Repairs Fibreglass Repairs Solar Heating CONTACT: 076 940 6688 for free Quotation

Jeffs Pools 5mx3m pool+ 5mx3m lapa R36 000 6m x4m+5m x 3m lapa R42 000 8 mx4m pool + 6mx4m lapa R56 000 10m x 4 m pool + 7m x 4m lapa R64 000 12m x 6 m pool + 9m x 5m lapa R72 000 ( Jeff 072-8640526

Finansiële Dienste / Financial Services


Skakel (018) 294-5833 of 082-928-5774.

1. Algemene vervoer. Bourommel, huisvullis en tuinvullis.( Pieter 082-950-8934 (Potch)

Vir alle loodgietersprobleme & gratis kwotasies  Pieter (‘n ten volle gekwalifiseerde loodgieter).


Vir verwydering van tuinafval, skoonmaak van erwe en geute, afsaag van takke en bome, algemene opknap van tuine en ligte vervoerwerk.

Skakel Lappies (018) 290-6906 of 082-684-8982.

15 Februarie 2013


Grasdakke / Thatch Roofs

Beaver ThaTchers

We specialize in: • Lapas • Build of new Lapas • Re-Thatching • Revamp of Lapas • Fix of default construction • Harvey The Thatching • Paving & Smart Stone


076 940 6688 for free Quotation


Lenings / Loans

BRIDGING CASH while waiting for


Payout (lumpsum only) (011) 394-6937

WILLIE JORDAAN DEBT COUNSELLOR We can assist you to reschedule your debts without running the risk of losing your assets. Your monthly payment will be reduced to a affordable level. DON’T DELAY PHONE



Tel 018 297 7580 / 083 271 9345 (Heinricha)

SKULD PROBLEME? Lê u in die aande wakker oor skuld? Beskerm u bates en vermy administrasie en insolvensie met die nuwe kredietwet. Ons is geregistreer en aangestel deur die NCR om jou te beskerm. Skakel Jean by 082 550 7494 of Cherlene by 018 297 8286 vir ‘n gratis konsultasie en word ingelig. U kan ons ook by ons kantoor te Mareestraat 10, Potchefstroom of ons webtuiste www. jordaandebtcounsell ing.co.za besoek. STRENG VERTROULIK


Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks

Manie Sweiswerke Staalkonstruksie en store. Voorsiener en installeerder van veiligheidshekke en afdakke. Optrek van enige planne. Skakel Manie Labuschagne by (018) 297-6316 (k/u) of 082-335-9761

Veiling, Vlooi, motor, promosie-mark elke saterdag om 09:00 by die boeremark,potchindustria

Kontant in u hand by die huis: ons KooP meubels, gereedskap, kombuisware, sleepwaens en alle oortollige items. NIKS te groot of te klein. Kwotasies gratis en vertroulik. skakel die afslaer: Piet 082 800 7321 aankoper Potch: 083 629 3449 aankoper Klerksdorp: 072 181 2360

CANOPYS TE KOOP Ons verkoop 2de handse Canopys vir alle bakkies Skakel Francoise: 083 447 6176 / 018-264 4969


Groot verskeidenheid tweedehandse bande. In baie goeie toestand.


(018) 293-0432/3 (K/U) Ons betaal


vir u OOrtOllige artikels

skakel (018) 294-5503 / 5 Vinnige, vriendelike diens. Transaksies vertroulik.

vlOOiMark PAND + MEUBELS h/v Kerk & du Plooystr. Potch

Lounge Suite 4 sale. 6 Seater modern beige in colour. Brand new R5 500. Afrikaanssprekende dame in alle areas beskikbaar. 24/7 (Zani 079025-8428 EXCLUSIVE VIP Only 40 years plus! Professional, private, secure.( 079-666-0431/ 073-927-9858 Potch

TODAY 082 552 0267

"INDIAN JERUSHA" Has finally arrived, tall and slim, elegant lady. ( 073-388-2114

Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina (Potchefstroom) by (018) 293-0750 of Liz (Carletonville) by (018) 788-6693

Massage Therapist very sensual full body massage private Carletonville. For app (Demi 082-7352646. 9-6

Confidence guaranteed.


Potch. Topklas sport en sensueel. Pvt, TLC. 07:30 - 18:00 VIP. ( 073-9000435 Of 082-210-6230


Algemeen Te Koop / General For Sale

Koninggrootte bed te koop. " Kingsize" R900 en enkelbed met kopstuk R850. ( (018) 293-0700

( 073-220-7444 of 084581-1514 P A N D M A R Verskaffers van antrasiet, steenkool, hout. Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse huisraad en boumateriale. Ons sloop ook huise. Nou ook bousand, riviersand, crucher mix en sement. KLEIN MAAT. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 + 1 m³. Chris Hanistraat 78. ( (018) 2933234 of 082-920-0871. Te koop Trojan, Marathon 200. Treadmill R3000 min gebruik. ( 082-553-4233


TV / Elektriese Toebehore / TV / Electrical Appliances

MULTI CHOICE Accredited installer any, DSTV Services and LCD / Plasma Rep. THE SATELLITE SHACK. ( (018) 2944868 / 084-631-0500

AANDAG! TIP TOP TV Winkel 46, Du Plooyst.



r’s envy, owner’s pride Neighbo

(018) 293-0277 082 8921 315 Andrè Vlok

APPLIANCE CArE & ELECtrICAL. INSTALLATION SPECIAL AIR CON Gespesialiseerde herstelwerk, 7 dae per week aan alle Whirlpool, Speed Queen, LG, Defy, Samsung, KIC en Kelvinator wasmasjiene, yskaste, vrieskaste, skottelgoedwassers, tuimeldroërs, stowe, koelkamers en lugversorgers. Alle installasies en foute. 10% afslag aan persioenarisse. Onderdele, vakmanskap en diens gewaarborg. Gratis kilometers en kwotasies in die Potch Carletonville asook Fochville area. WE ArE OPEN tHE WHOLE FEStIVE SEASON Mobiele werkswinkel: - 078 905 7274 / 072 132 3672 Appliancecare@live. co.za 10% Discount for pensioners


Installering van DSTV Herstelwerk: TV’s, Hi-fi’s, DVD spelers en Naaldwerkmasjiene.

082 302 7995 Mr Satellite tV

Francois 072 434 2790

DSTV Special R599 Extra view Reparasies Klanksisteme Hibrid TV Reparasies 15/02/2013 Gesluit tot 16/02/2013 24 uur beskikbaar We HOlD tHe POWer


Juweliersware / Jewellery


Ons koop alle goue munte, Krugerrande en goue diamant juwelliersware vir kontant.

Skakel LeRoi Diamante: (018) 290 8334

15 Februarie 2013

Venter Juweliers

in west Acer Gebou, winkel 32.

Ons doen herstelwerk aan alle goue juweliersware, horlosies asook batterye. Ons kOOp OOk Ou GOud. Vir enige navrae skakel ons (018) 294-3922 Diere & 64 Pluimvee / Animals & Poultry

2 pitbull tefies. 6 weke GereGistreer, r1 500 082 494 3183 2 Maltese poedels te koop R1 500 ses weke oud die naweek. ( 073-427-2328 BOERBOKKE te koop. Stoet en kommersieël. ( 082-761-3975. Buff Peken Bantons hoenders te koop. ( 076303-8589 Engelse Bulhonde 8 weke oud. Kusa geregistreer. Mikro skyfie. Pa is internasionale kampioen, Janolla Passato of Mervander. Pryse vanaf R6000. ( 072-571-9971 Gorna Altai Bokke 6 vir R4 500 ohb. Fiat trekker 650 special R30 000. ( 074-620-5499 Handmak African Greys R1 500 elk. ( 084-619-6045 Windhondjies te koop R250. ( 079-888-5634 YORKIES. 10 weke oud. 2 Reuntjies en 1 tefie. Klein soort. R1 300 elk. ( Chris by 083-521-1864.



2007 Rooi Polo 1.4, Trendline met 17” wiele. R78 000. Skakel Ferdi 072 122 8390 of Michael 082 212 3892.


Benodig u ‘n voertuig of bakkie!? Finansiering? Geen probleem vir ons!! Groot verskeidenheid om van te kies professionele diens!! I.T.C Kliënte welkom!!

Skakel Welma 081 805 0292 (F) 086 208 0282 Ek koop byna alle 2de handse motors, bakkies, kombi's en dubbelkajuit vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. ( Unis by 082-959-9120 of 072-203-1614.


Potchefstroom Herald

Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina (Potchefstroom) by (018) 293-0750 of Liz (Carletonville) by (018) 788-6693


Best cash prizes paid for your car or bakkie. Tel: (018) 294 3754 Call 082 558 8999.


Hoogste pryse vir u gebruikte VOERTUIG OF BAKKIE.

Skakel Noshi by (018) 294-6169 of 082-558-4000.

Koop voertuie in Lopende of nie Lopende toestand tot en met r50 000. sKaKeL Jan 082 903 5741



072-272-1988 082-575-7531

WE BUY & SELL CARS FOR CASH CALL US AT: 073 123 9269 A A N D A G : Ek koop graag u motor / bakkie vir kontant. ( Raymond Reinecke 082-853-6752. ALLE MOTOREIENAARS. Ek koop graag u motor of bakkie kontant. Beste pryse. ( 082-774-7962 GESOEK. Pensioenaris (dame) soek klein motor in goeie toestand. Tot R40 000. ( 084-666-9889. Mercedes E240, 2000. Puik toestand silwer 12cd shut. ( 084-426-6885



Ons koop bakkies en motors vir KONTANT. Goeie pryse word aangebied. Skakel: 072 126 7886

Kennisgewing Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693


Algemeen Te Huur / General To Let

018 293 1858 072 561 5715 084 561 5703


Ons het ‘n wye verskeidenheid beskikbaar.

NABY NWU: DE REITZ: Reits str. 2½ slk met balkon. 300m van kampushek. R850 000 HARVARD: 3 X bachelors. Grondvloer. Sekuriteitskompleks. R299 000 elk VILLA DE BELL: 3 Slk. Uitstekende prys. R380 000 APPELLIEFIE: 1 en 2 slk. Malerbe straat. 800m van kampushek.vanaf R475000


MANDIEHOF: Ruim 2slk lekker ruim. R380 000!!!! VD HOFF PARK AAN’T VLIET: 2 slk, 2 badk, sek kompl. R860 000 neg

Onmiddellik beskikbaar in Du Plooystraat: 1slaapkamer w/stel R2 800 p/m. skakel: 083 628 2329 Te huur 1 slaapkamer by die bulT huur: r 3 500 per maand skakel (012) 751-6410


ELANDSTR(Miedpr). 3 SLK. R1.02 mil. HOFFSTR.(Miedpr) 3slk met woonstel. R950 000 KLINKENBERG VDHpark: 3 slk, swemb. Mooi onthaalarea R1.83 mil


Persele / Premises


Octron gebou op eerste vloer. H/v James Moroka en Autostraat. Skakel nommer: 018 292 1615 Kantoor-ure 08:00 - 16:30

Offices available

immediately bOltOn arcade, bailliepark

082 567 7241 Bult sentraal: Kantoor persele vanaf R4000 tot R7 500 prysklas. ( 083-704-1000 To Let- Carletonville rental space immediately available in CBD area for offices or admin business. Enquiries UNA-T Properties ( (018) 7886677 WERKSWINKEL / S T O O R : 1 450 vkm @ R12,50 / vkm. Helfte van stoor kan verhuur word. Rossstr., Potchefstroom. ( 072-873-9913.


Woonstelle Te Huur / Flats To Let

1 slaapkamer woonstel koopkrag, r1 800 per maand, mooibank, beskikbaar 1 september. skakel Henk 082 902 0405

Fochville 1 Slk woonstel vir enkel persoon w/l ing. R2 200 (Elize 072-1872754 Groot 2 slaapkamerwoonstel te huur. 1 Maart Sentraal, geen diere. ( (018) 294-4431 / 082-452-3382 Netjiese woonstel naby Universiteit onderdakparkering, goeie sekuriteit. ( 082-413-4192 Potch; Bachelor, sentraal naby Girls High. Onmiddelik besk, R1 500pm. ( 074-368-2546 Potch; Mooi omgewing naby Gimmies / Puk; Vir 2 studente te deel. Elk het eie slpk en sitkamer; deel slegs badk, kombuis. R3000pm per persoon. Krag, water, skoonmaak ingesluit, 1 x per week. Trek in 1 Maart. ( 074-368-25456 STUDENTE WOONSTELLE te huur. 1 Slpk, voorafbetaalde krag. Sekuriteitsomheining. H/v Eleazer en Reitzstraat. R3 000 p/m. 2 Slpk beskikbaar 1 April 2013. R3 800 p/m. ( 083-652-7487.

OMAR STR. 3 bed. Nice intertainm area. Jacuzzi SOOLIMAN STR. 3 slk, beautiful finishes. Lovely indoor garden with pond


CBD: Spacious 2 bedroom flat to rent. 2 Covered parkings, R3 500pm. ( 083-376-8395

1 Slpk w/s enkelpersoon R2 700 + dep, w & l ing geen troeteldiere. Rivierstr 10 Potch. ( Piet 082-648-6639 2 Slpk, Bult: R3 864 p/m. 2 Slpk, Sentraal: R3 630 p/m. 1 Grond w/stel, Bult: R3 630 p/m. Bach, Bult: R2 932 p/m. ( Huizemark by (018) 297-8338. 2 Slpk Granny w/s R2 200 w & l uit. 1 Slpk w/s R2 500 w & l in Vyfhoek kleinhoewes. ( 074-620-5499 2 Slpk, sitk & eetk. 1½ badk woonstel te huur in Bailliepark. Huur R4 500, dep R3000. ( 072-181-8232 2 Slpk studente woonstel te huur: R4 000 p/m. 1 Slaapkamer in Noord Sentraaldorp: R3 600 p/m. Ruim bachelor vir studente: R3 000 p/m. Ruim 3 slaapkamer woonstel te Bailliepark: R4 400 p/m. ( Sukses Eiendomme by (018) 294-8846 / 7. 2 Slpk tuinwoonstel naby Miederpark Spar. 5 km vanaf Puk geen kinders / diere pre-paid stil omgewing, R3 400pm. ( 082-552-6189 2 SLPK VARSITY Lodge @ R4 510 p/m. Marcorina, A Blok: 2 slpk @ R3 800 p/m. Inanda: 2 slpk in Bailliepark @ R3 800 p/m. Heidehof @ R3 600 p/m. ( Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297-5506. 2 Slpk woonstel te huur. Deposito plus huur vanaf 1 Maart. ( Loraine (018) 294-5996 Bailliepark: 2 Slpk @ R4 700. Bult: 1 Slpk @ R3 600. ( 072-433-2822 Bult: 1 Slpk @ R4 460. 2 Slpk @ R4 460. ( 084-961-6123 Bult: 1Slpk @ R3 350. Mooivallei: 1 Slpk @ R4 020. ( 074-241-9577 Bult: 2 Slpk @ R4 800. Bult : Bachelor @ R3000. ( 074-162-9541 Bult: Bachelor loft @ R3 570. 1 Slpk @ R3 900. ( 074-631-9976 Bult sentraal: Ruim 2vertrek woonstel; R4 300pm. Sms na: ( 083-704-1010 BY PUK: gemeubileerde bach (stap afstand) @ R2 900 p/m. ( Huizemark by (018) 297-8338.

Sentraal bachelor w/s R2000pm, pre-paid onderdak parkering. ( 082-552-6189 Woonstel Potch Indust. Veilige plaas atmosfeer. Eenslaapkamer R3000, bachelors R2000 w/l ing. ( 083-996-0320


Woonstelle Te Koop / Flats For Sale

Central: Spacious 2 bedroom flat for sale. 2 Covered parkings. Ideally situated. R380 000. ( 083-376-8395 WOONSTELLE TE KOOP (STUDENTE) Bach, Roodeberg 40: R380 000. 1 Slpk, Driscahof: R430 000. 1 Slpk, luuks en splinternuut vanaf R650 000. 2 Slpk, C@H: R460 100. 2 Slpk, C@H: R486 000. 2 Slpk, Kolgans: R515 000. ( Huizemark by (018) 297-8338.


Meenthuise Te Huur / Townhouses To Let

2 Slpk, 1 ½ badkamer, 1 mh tuin dupleks. Bailliepark. R4 300 water ing, krag uitgesluit, 1 Mrt. ( 082-800-7342 Fochville: 2 Slpk meenthuis, 1 badk, 1 motorhuis, eie tuin @ R3 600, water ingesluit, koopkrag. ( 074-631-9976 Grimbeeckpark: 2 Slpk @ R5 680. Bailliepark: 3 Slpk @ R5 800. ( 082-885-9319 MAROELAPARK. 3 Slpk met dubbelgeriewe. Suiddorp @ R6 400 p/m. ( Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297- 5506.


Meenthuise Te Koop / Townhouses For Sale

Ruim 155m². 2 Slaap, 2 bad, opwas, garage. Erf 255m², naby Spar. Mooi. ( Zelna 082-768-9595


Huise Te Huur / Houses To Let

HUIS TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer met 1½ badkamer met groot woonstel en swembad, lapa en boorgat. Koopkrag. R9 000 p/m + sleuteldeposito. ( Loutjie (Potchefstroom) by 082-573-8741.

Nommer 1 in VERHURINGS

Retiefstraat 018 297 5777 Mooirivier Mall 018 293 2237

Splinternuwe 3-bed, 2-bad SkakelhuiS te huur in tuScany ridge. Dubbelmotorhuis, tuin, ingeboude braai en goeie afwerkings. Alarmstelsel, veiligheidskompleks met 24-uur wagte en elektriese omheining. R9,900 ingesluit water, riool en vullisverwydering, alarmdienste en tuindienste.

Skakel Sabrina by 079 697 5047. 1-STE KLAS EIENDOMME TE HUUR. REUSE VERSKEIDENHEID. ( JUST LETTING (018) 293-1858 OF (018) 468-8446.

Bult sentraal; Ruim outydse huis. Geskik vir 4 werkendes / senior studente te deel of gesin wat nie motorhuise benodig - R7 500pm. (083-704-1000 / 083-704-1010 HUISE TE HUUR: 5 slpk, Dam area: R7 260 p/m. 4 Slpk, Bailliepark: R11 550 p/m. ( Huizemark by (018) 297-8338. Pragtige 3 slpk huis op plaas agter Oos-Drie R3 500 W/L ingesluit ( 076974-1163


Huise Te Koop / Houses For Sale

TE KOOP: HUISE • Suiddorp 3 wonings te koop - 3 Slpk, met dubbelgeriewe. Skakel: 083 286 7873 of 073 133 4544. Vir enige navrae.

Aftree Oord 1 slpk. Vol badk, sit, eetk, kombuis. Privaat geen agente. Navrae; ( 082-254-1773


Ruim netjiese siersteen woonhuis in ‘n stil gesogte straat met 3 slaapkamers, 3½ badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, woonkamer, ruim studeerkamer met brandkamer, kroeg met wynkelder. Ruim kombuis met spens en waskamer, buitekamer met badkamer, 2 motorhuise en 2 motorafdakke. Plus: 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer en sitkamer. Swembad in ‘n gevestigde tuin met ‘n toegeruste boorgat. Prys: R2 950 000 Meyer & Kie : (018) 294-5365 Theo van Niekerk: 082 445 6750

‘n pragtige rivier standplaas van 1ha te koop lapa, boma, krag en water asook 100m rivierfront met opsie om te bou, 20 km buitekant potchefstroom is koelwater ontwikelling geleë teen die oewers van die vaalrivier Skakel Percy 082 460 4885 of Tom 076 569 4515

DWARSSTR. BY DIE Puk. Slegs mans student @ R1 390 p/m. ( Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297-5506. Kamers te huur ten volle gemeubileerd swembad + Dstv. Ontbyt + aand ete enkel R3000pm dubbel R5000pm. ( Elize 082-300-2235

MODERNE WOONHUISE TE KOOP VANAF PLAN Lae onderhoud Teëldak woning 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, Skuifdeure na buite braai Dubbelmotorhuis. Ommuur R995 000 en R1 080 0000 SKAKEL 083 625 7437 91

Hoewes & Plase Te Koop / Smalls Holdings & Farms For Sale


Vakansie Akkommodasie / Vacation Accommodation

Kumkani Country Lodge. Luukse kamers, ontbyt, M-Net, parkering + swembad. Paryslaan 37, Bailliepark, Potch. Tel: (018) 290-7387/9 082-559-8293 n/u Marina Strand / Uvongo. Vanaf 10 nagte vir R2 000, buite seisoen. ( 082-920-4063 tussen 08:00 en 13:00.

35 Ha plaas 15km vanaf Potchefstroom (Boskop). 2 Woonhuise baie buite geboue R2,6 miljoen (Btw uitg). ( 073-089-6334




Potchefstroom Herald

Betrekkings Gevra / Vacancies Wanted

Domestic worker seeks any available work to clean, washing, iron etc. ( Aletta 078-561-0868 Hardworking lady seeks domestic work or waitress work. ( Lydia 076-997-5120 Hardworking lady seeks Hotel or any domestic work available. ( Bongiwe 0604-299-661 Hardworking lady seeks work; clean, washing, iron. ( Hester 073-440-4659 Hardworking lady seeks domestic work. Available Wednesday and Fridays. ( Betty 073-952-4354 Hardworking lady seeks domestic work. Clean, wash, iron. ( Maria 078-824-8276


Betrekkings / Vacancies

A little off the Top is opsoek na 'n haarkapster en naeltegnikus. ( Marli 072-821-4722. AGENTE GESOEK vir gevestigde verhuringsagentskap. Basiese salaris: R3 000 p/m. Moet oor eie vervoer en selfoon beskik. Moet onmiddellik diens aanvaar. E-pos CV na letting@mweb.co.za.

‘n RekenmeesteRen OuditeuRsfiRma in POtchefstROOm benodig PeRsOneel met minstens Rekeningkunde en Wiskunde op matriekvlak. B. Comm studente met Rekeningkunde en Inkomste-belasting sal voorkeur geniet. stuur u cV na kvzrek@ iafrica.com of faks u cV (018) 290 7797 4 Poste beskikbaar te Potchefstroom. 2 Vir Paneelkloppers & 2 vir strip & fitter. Mededingende salaris. ( Nico 083-639-6048 of fax Cv na (018) 297-7646

Ortec Labour urgently require the following qualified persons:


Forward short CV to: 018 – 771 2314

Avon Representatives & Sales leaders needed. Carletonville. Sms name & area to (083-389-1784 today ?

Kroegdame benodig in Potch 18 tot 30 ± R5000pm. ( Chris 082-335-4767 tussen 10 en 5.

BENODIG bemarkers en werwers vir eiendomme. Kommissiebasis. Deeltyds / voltyds. ( Huizemark by (018) 297-8338.

LUTEA PARFUUM: 146 geure om te bemark! Uitstekende kommissie! ( 083-655-0445 / madrigrobbelaar@ mail.com / www.luteaperfume.co.za

"Bemarkers benodig" In SA vir winskopie droom-vakansies werêld wyd. Opleiding + motor aangebied. ( 082-343-9349

Montana Spur is opsoek na junior bestuurders, moet bereid wees om skofte te werk. ( Josef 082-776-1408

Benodig meubelverkoops dame vriendelike en goeie menseverhoudinge. ( (018) 294-7053 Potchefstroom Betrekking aangebied: Just Residential Potchefstroom benodig die dienste van vriendelike, professionele en hardwerkende eiendomsagente om by hulle aan te sluit. Verdien goeie kommissie. Moet beskik oor eie vervoer. E-mail CV's na potchefstroom @justresidential.co.za Blokman benodig. ( Pieter (018) 294-6530 IT TECHNICIAN (018) 294-4664). Network, hardware, telephone systems, back up, software supp. ORYX PERSONNEL (018) 294-4664. Registreer by ons en word oorweeg vir vele vakatures.

Security Company in Potchefstroom is looking for a Grade C Site Supervisor and a Vehicle Supervisor valid drivers licence sober habits (082-878-8805 Verdien ekstra inkomste word 'n Acornkid's Agent.


Produkte ook te koop. ( Martie 083-795-5721 of www.martie.acorndealer. co.za Young lady needed at Micro Lender fax cv to; ( 086-236-4225

Kennisgewing Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Trellidor benodig die dienste van ‘n betroubare, akkurate persoon om so spoedig moontlik diens te aanvaar. Toepaslike kwalifikasies en deeglike praktiese kennis en ervaring van Pastel ‘n vereiste. Vergoeding sal onderhandel word met aanstelling.

epos CV’s:


Winkel assistant benodig vir Juwelierswinkel in Potchefstroom. Vereistes: Verkoopsondervinding, goeie kommunikasie, afrikaans en engels magtig. stuur CV na investmentdiamonds@ telkomsa.net WC PANEELKLOPWERK ONS BESKIK TANS OOR POSTE VIR:





MET ONdERVINdING Om Onmiddellik diens te aanvaar skakel 083 5211 864 Chris. POtCherstrOOm aansOekvOrms te FOrsmanstr. 2


Reaksie OffisieR/ ReactiOn OfficeR

• AfrikAAns / EngEls • PsirA gErEgistrEEr / PsirA rEgistEr • WAPEn BEvoEgdhEid sErtifikAAt / ComPEtEnCy CErtifiCAtE • BEstuurslisEnsiE / drivErs liCEnsE • C grAAd En rEAksiE / grAdE C And rEACtion fax: 086 500 0359 EmAil: hr@PArsEk.Co.zA AttEntion: mAgdA Closing dAtE: 22 mArCh 2013 PEoPlE on short list Will BE ContACtEd

e-mail: ortec@mweb.co.za

RekenmeesteR / Admin Assistent – hAlfdAg pos.

15 Februarie 2013

VACANCY: RECEPTIONIST / SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR To start ASAP - Engineering company (Potchefstroom): Support Department - Remuneration package: available on request Min. qualification/experience requirements:  Matric (receptionist related qualification would be an advantage).  1+ years’ experience in corporate environment. Skills/competencies:  Skilled communicator (verbal and written, Eng. & Afr.).  Skilled in MS Office (MS Word, Excel, Outlook)  Prepared to perform routine tasks. M-Tech is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment. For an application form, please contact Siphiwe Nobatana at sn@mtechindustrial.com or (018) 297-0326. Closing date: Tuesday 19 February 2013 @ 17h00


15 Februarie 2013

Earn R800 in your first week guaranteed Data hub needs some workers to fill out forms with or without computer. Easy step by step Tutorials own hours SMS Name, Postal or email address to 073 3748 703 or datahubb@yahoo.com

Voldagpos Vir ontVangsdame

• Dinamiese persoon word benodig met goeie mensekennis. • Puik telefoonetiket • Rekenaarvaardig, bestuur van dagboeke op outlook en gmail. • Algemene kantoor administrasie • Behartig van ontvangs en skakelbord. • Moet onder druk kan werk. • Vereiste persoon moet 33 en ouer wees en gevestig wees in Potchefstroom. • Ondervinding in die versekerings bedryf kan tot voordeel wees.

CV moet per hand afgelewer word te Totiusstraat 26 blok D, Potchefstroom. Sluitingsdatum 21 Februarie 2013. Indien u nie van ons hoor nie was u aansoek nie suksesvol nie.

Centraal Pet Vets en Pet HealtH Food. VerkooPsdame en VerPleeg-assistent. ‘n Intree-vlak pos. Weeksdae tot 18:00. Elke tweede naweek: 10 werksure. Aanbevelings: matriek, bestuurslisensie, passie vir honde en katte, en vlot in Afr. en Eng. Die vreugde van die pos is: die versorging, verpleging en gee van liefde aan diere en die dankbaarheid en meelewing van mense wat lief is vir hul troeteldiere. CV. met foto en kopie Van bestuurslisensie na pet HealtH food, retiefstr. 22, potCH.

GTG Fouries PiGGery

GTG Fouries PiGGery

Has a vacancy available for a

Beskik tans oor ‘n vakature vir ‘n

Required to work in the maternity section of an intensive pig farm. She must have her own transport, a love for animals and will be required to work one weekend a month. Training will be provided. Management and good record keeping skills is required. Fax CV: 018 291 1620 or e-mail: gtgpork@lantic.net

tussen die ouderdom 30-45 om in die kraamafdeling van ‘n intensiewe varkeenheid te werk. Moet eie vervoer hê en lief wees vir diere. Moet bereid wees om een naweek per maand te werk. Opleiding sal verskaf word. Bestuurs en akkurate vaardighede is ‘n vereiste.

mature hardworking lady.


Potchefstroom Herald

getroue hardwerkende dame

Faks CV na 018 291 1620 of e-pos: gtgpork@lantic.net

Fochville hospitaal het ‘n vakature vir ‘n Gevalle studie Bestuurder. vorige ondervinding is ‘n vereiste. Geskikte kandidate moet ‘n verantwoordelike persoon wees wat oor eie vervoer beskik en bereid is om bystand te doen en oortyd te werk indien nodig. Ten volle tweetalig. Salaris onderhandelbaar. As u binne 2 weke nog niks van ons gehoor het nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol. aansoekvorms is beskikbaar by: Mev. J.M. kruger ontvangstel: 018 771 2021\2\3 Faks: 018 771 2029 cv’ s kan na amostert@lantic.net gestuur word. oO o

Fochville hospital has a vacancy For a case ManaGer. previous experience is essential. Eligible candidates must be a responsible person with own transport and able to do standby and do overtime when needed. Fully bilingual. Salary is negotiable. If you are not contacted in two weeks’ time, your application was unsuccessful. application documents are available at: Mrs. J.M. kruger receptiontel: 018 771 2021/2/3 Fax: 018 771 2029 cv’s can be faxed or emailed to amostert@lantic.net.

Dynamic SaleS RepReSentative required for a local Wholesale and Beverage Company. The applicant must have previous experience in Sales and Marketing, be bilingual, and have good communication skills. Must have own transport. The remuneration package will depend on the applicant’s qualifications and experience.



RepResentatives needed to maRket ouR FuneRal & legal BeneFit plan in the noRth West & gauteng aReas. We offer top commission structure, performance bonusses and travel allowances. Don’t miss this chance of a lifetime. Act now, as our product is in high demand. Only 15 vacancies available. phone: (018) 294-8785 (potcheFstRoom) 073 723 0706 mR. gRoBleR (caRletonville, RustenBuRg,West Rand) 073 012 8954 mRs. maseko (kosh)

HABiTAT Verwe, Hardeware & Elektries Habitat beskik tans oor die volgende vakatures vir hardwerkende individue:

1. SEkuriTEiTSBEAmpTE Werksure: Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 17:15 Saterdae: 07:30 – 13:00

2. VErkoopSpErSoon

Werksure: Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 17:15 Saterdae: 07:30 – 13:00 Vorige ondervinding sal as aanbeveling dien. Handig u CV in te James Motokastraat 69-71, Potchefstroom. Sluitingsdatum: 18 Februarie 2013. Aansoekers wat na 25 Februarie 2013 nog nie terugvoering ontvang het nie, se aansoeke was onsuksesvol.

EngElsE ondErwyspos (EErstE addisionElE taal gr 4 – gr 7) dringEnd bEnodig. Diensaanvaarding dadelik tot einde 2013. skakel Elmien 018 771 2070/1 by laerskool losberg.

Potchefstroom: 1 x skoonheidsteraPeut: itec / cidesco / saahsP 1 x nael tegnikus: gel & akriel, dringend benodig skakel charmaine 086 177 7379 / charmaine@tvcconsulting.co.za

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Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693


Potchefstroom Herald



Tenders word hiermee gevra ingevolge Artikel 83 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels 2000, (Wet 32 van 2000), vir “GEÏNTEGREERDE AANVRAAG-BESTUUR: STRAATLIGTE RETROFIT & GEBOUE BELIGTING RETROFIT VIR TLOKWE STADSRAAD”. SLUITINGSTYD EN -DATUM: 12:00 OP 8 Maart 2013 Verseëlde tenders wat duidelik gemerk is “Tender 58/2012: GEÏNTEGREERDE AANVRAAG-BESTUUR: STRAATLIGTE RETROFIT & GEBOUE BELIGTING RETROFIT VIR TLOKWE STADSRAAD” moet in die tenderbus in die Kantoor van die Speaker, Kamer 315, Derde Vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, h.v Sol Plaatjielaan en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, geplaas word of gestuur word aan: Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders sal tot op 12:00 op 8 Maart 2013 ontvang word en sal in die openbaar in die Komiteekamer, Derde Vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, h.v. Sol Plaatjielaan en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, oopgemaak word. Telegrafiese, faks of e-pos tenders sal nie aanvaar word nie. FUNKSIONALITEIT – (50 PUNTE) Funksionaliteit Sub-kriteria (Bewyse tesame met Tender ingehandig word)

Maksimum Punte (1 Punt vir elke item ter

5 punte

(4 Punte vir elke soort-

20 punte

Ondervinding en vaardigheid van kern personeel – verwysing na soortgelyke projekte (1 Punt vir elke jaar)

15 punte

Bekwaamheid/vermoë om werk te doen – verwysing na beskikbare hulpbronne (1 Punt vir elke 2 persone op personeel *maksimum 5 punte) (1 Punt vir elke voertuig *maksimum 5 punte. Bewys van registrasie moet aangeheg word vir elke voertuig)

10 punte

Kern besigheid van organisasie – verwysing na soortgelyke projekte bevestiging van kern besigheid) Bewese rekord – verwysing na voltooiing van soortgelyke projekte gelyke projek)

15 Februarie 2013

Geen tender sal beskou word as aanvaarbaar as die tender nie die minimum kwalifiserende punte (70%) vir funksionaliteit, behaal nie. Om te verseker dat u tender nie aan ongeldigverklaring blootgestel word nie, moet dokumente voltooi word volgens die voorwaardes en tenderregulasies soos vervat in die tenderdokumente verkrygbaar van die Departement Infrastruktuur: Elektrisiteit, Luitinghstraat, Potchindustria, teen betaling van ‘n R300,00 nie-terugbetaalbare dokumentsfooi, betaalbaar aan die Stadstesourier, wat vooraf inbetaal moet word by die belastingkantoor te Dan Tloome Kompleks, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom. Die Stadsraad behou die reg voor om enige tender of tenders of gedeelte(s) daarvan te aanvaar of geen tender te aanvaar nie. Volgens die diskresie van die Raad sal die laagste tender nie noodwendig aanvaar hoef te word nie. Tenderaars moet die nodige inligting verstrek ten einde te voldoen aan die bepalings van Artikel 83 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels 2000, (Wet 32 van 2000) en onderworpe aan die bepalings van die Wet op die Raamwerk vir Voorkeurverkrygings-beleid 2000, (Wet 5 van 2000) asook die Voorkeurverkrygingsregulasies, uitgevaardig kragtens die Wet op die Raamwerk vir Voorkeurverkrygingsbeleid Raamwerke (soos gewysig). Daar moet ook aan die Voorsieningskanaalbestuursregulasies, afgekondig in Staatskoerant 27636 gedateer Mei 2009. Die Voorsieningskanaalbestuursverordeninge van die Stadsraad van Tlokwe sal ook van toepassing wees. ‘n Verpligte terrein inspeksie vergadering sal op 20 Februarie 2013 om 10:00 gehou word by Departement Infrastruktuur: Elektrisiteit, Luitinghstraat, Potchindustria. Navrae: Mnr Chris Lombard, Cell 079 694 5811. Kennisgewing no. 28/2013 B G MOUMAKWE WAARNEMENDE MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for INTEGRATED DEMAND MANAGEMENT: STREET LIGHTING RETROFIT & BUILDING LIGHTING RETROFIT FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12:00 ON 8 March 2013 Sealed tender, duly endorsed “TENDER 58/2012: INTEGRATED DEMAND MANAGEMENT: STREET LIGHTING RETROFIT & BUILDING LIGHTING RETROFIT FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 8 March 2013 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. FUNCTIONALITY – (50 POINTS)

Functionality Criteria (Proof is required to be submitted with tender)

Maximum number of points

Core business of organisation - reference to similar projects Point for each item confirming core business)


5 points

Proven track record - reference to the completion of similar projects Points for each comparable project)


20 points

Experience and expertise of key staff - reference to similar projects Point for each year)


15 points

Capacity to do the work - reference to the resources (1 Point for every 2 persons on staff *maximum 5 points) (1 Point for each vehicle *maximum 5 points. Proof of registration required to be attached for each vehicle)

10 points

Bidders that score less than 70% on the above criteria will be excluded from further participation in this bid. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria, upon payment of a non-refundable, deposit of R300,00 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The City Council reserves the rights to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. At the Council’s discretion, the lowest tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (as amended). It must also comply with the Supply Chain Management Regulations as published in Government Gazette 27636 of May 2009. The Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Law will also be applicable. A compulsory site inspection meeting will be held on 20 February 2013 at 10:00 in the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria. Enquiries: Mr Chris Lombard, Cell 079 694 5811. Notice No. 28/2013 B G MOUMAKWE ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER

15 Februarie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES NOTICE In the estate of the late THAMSANQA ELIAS MAKHOBA, ID No. 650904 5593 08 8 who died on 14 February 2010 and who in life resided at POTCHEFSTROOM. ESTATE NUMBER 3447/2011. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29 of Act 68 of 1965 to all Debtors and Creditors to lodge their claims against and in favour of this estate, within 30 (THIRTY) days of publication hereof at the address hereunder. LEGAL AID SOUTH AFRICA, POTCHEFSTROOM JUSTICE CENTRE, P.O. Box 1447, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tel: (018) 293 0045, Fax: (018) 297 7425. Ref S VAN WYK. ------------------------------------------------------------P052 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWING In die Boedel van wyle KARL HERMANN DU PREEZ, (Identiteitsnommer 400331 5004 08 5), gebore op 31 MAART 1940 en oorlede op 27 OKTOBER 2012, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met, CORNELIA JOHANNA DU PREEZ, (Identiteitsnommer 390110 0073 08 5) van Plot 15, Riastuine, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531. BOEDEL NR 000585/2013. Skuldeisers in bogemelde Boedel word versoek om hulle vorderinge in te lewer en skuldenare om hulle skulde te betaal by die ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 15 FEBRUARIE 2013. GEDATEER te PARYS op hierdie 4de dag van FEBRUARIE 2013. COETZEES IN GP rokureurs vir Eksekutrise/Eksekuteur Buitenstraat 25 Posbus 5 PARYS 9585 (VERW. J P COETZEE/adt/P1840) ------------------------------------------------------------p047A KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES BOEDELKENNISGEWING Kennis geskied hiermee dat ingevolge Artikel 35(5) van Wet 66 van 1965, die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in die boedel van wyle, MIEMIE RENEE BISSCHOFF met boedelnommer: 13865/2007 en identiteitsnommer: 261223 0001 08 3, ‘n pensioenaris in lewe en woonagtig te Huis Eikelaan, Potchefstrooom, Noord-Wes Provinsie, ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Landdros te Potchefstroom, en die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria vir ‘n tydperk van 21dae vanaf datum van hierdie kennisgewing. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die Meester van die Hooggeregshof ingedien is nie, gaan die Eksekuteur/Gevolmagtigde Agent oor tot uitbetaling en oordrag ingevolge die rekening. GETEKEN te POTCHEFSTROOM op hierdie 31STE dag van JANUARIE 2013. Eksekuteur: Me. E Van der Walt P/a Danie van Vuuren & Kie Rekenmeesters, Posbus 1725, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520, Tel: (018) 294 3722 Faks: (018) 297 8925 ------------------------------------------------------------P047 B KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWING IN DIE BOEDEL VAN WYLE: ELLEN REYNOLDS IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 131026 0018 08 2. BOEDEL NR:1337/2013. IN LEWE WOONAGTIG TE PLAAS LEEUFONTEIN, DISTRIK, POTCHEF-STROOM. INGEVOLGE Artikel 29(1) van Wet nr 66 van 1965 word alle Krediteure in bovermelde boedel hiermee versoek om hulle vorderings in te dien by die ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae gereken vanaf 15 FEBRUARIE 2013. DATUM VAN PLASING: 15 FEBRUARIE 2013. CAREL ERASMUS-GAISFORDS, OCTRONGEBOU, Lombardstraat 62, Posbus 71, POTCHEFSTROOM, VERW: C ERASMUS ------------------------------------------------------------p048 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES ADVERTENSIE AAN KREDITEURE EN DEBITEURE In die boedel van wyle Ismail Ebrahim (ldentiteitsnommer 280302 5063 08 7), wewenaar wie oorlede in op 19 Januarie 2012 (Boedelnommer 8635/2012). Krediteure en debiteure word hiennee versoek om bulle eise in te dien en bulle skulde te betaal binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae gereken van datum van verskyning van hierdie advertensie. MARIUS DE VILLIERS INGEL YF POSBUS 1673, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520 . TEL.: (018) 297-2090 ------------------------------------------------------------p050 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle DAYA ROOPA (Identiteitsnommer 241116 5075 08 3), wewenaar wie oorlede is op 10 Julie 2008 (Boedelnommer 2815/2008). GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening ter insae lê by die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te MAFIKENG, en die Landdroshofte POTCHEFSTROOM, vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (Een-enTwintig) dae gereken vanaf datum van publikasie. MARIUS DE VILLIERS INGELYF, POSBUS 1673 POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520, TEL: (018) 297-2090 ------------------------------------------------------------p049 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VEILING In opdrag van die Trustees in die Insolvente boedel Land Breez Trading 650 cc, met Meesterverwysingsnommer B97/2012 bied ons die volgende meenthuis op die perseel per publieke veiling te koop aan op DINSDAG 19 FEBRUARIE 2013 om 11:00 EENhEID 78 BEkEND AS DEUR B213 URBAN LIvING, 52 mALhERBE StRAAt, PotChEFStRoom * Die eenheid bestaan uit 1 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer en enkelparkering Afslaersnota: Afskrif van ID asook adresbevestiging nodig vir registrasie 10 % Deposito asook 7 % kommissie, plus BTW op die kommissie, met die val van die hamer Vir Besigtiging, navrae of volledige voorwaardes skakel kantoor 056-515 1181 of Denise 082 416 7838

VEILING – WINKELSENTRUM, KOMMERSIËLE GEBOUE, PLOTTE - POTCHEFSTROOM In opdrag van Adriaan van den Berg wie woonagtig is in Australië en finaal besluit het om te emigreer, verkoop ons OP WOENSDAG, 27 FEBRUARIE 2013 om 11h00 te WEST ACRES SENTRUM (PICK ‘N PAY SENTRUM) h/v Retief Str & Walter Sisulu laan, Potchefstroom Erf No. 1. Erf 3056, Potchefstroom 2. Erf 2981, Potchefstroom 3. Ged 1 Erf 1587, Potchefstroom 4. Erf 354 vd Hoffpark 5. Erf 258 Baillie Park 6. Erf 826 Baillie Park 7. Plot 1021 Vyfhoek 8. Plot 1022 Vyfhoek 9. Erf 325 Leeudoringstad




Verhuurbare m² Gebou & Straatadres in Potchefstroom 10,853 West Acres, Pick ‘n Pay, Walter Sisululaan 57 7,611 713

Royal Gebou, James Marokalaan 42 JD Gebou, Walter Sisululaan 132

Maandelikse Inkomste R736,748

Vakante m² 1,190




0 0 60 0 0

760 260 4,972 1,2257 ha 1,5777 ha

Adrina Gebou, Klinkenbergweg 34 Vyfhoek Gebou, Holtzhausenstr 32 Jatruka Woonstelle, Marlstr 4 2 woonhuise, woonstel, kantoorblok, store Woonhuis en motorhuise

R44,362 R30,462 R155,000 Geskik vir ontwikkeling. Grens aan N12


FNB Gebou, Georgestr 10, Leeudoringstad


0 0

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Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

Proprioception - Making your body smarter

Tjaart van der Merwe We don’t usuallythink of our bodies in terms of them being “smart.” For example, we walk to the corner store without giving a single thought to the complex mechanics involved in getting to and fro. But behind the scenes there’s plenty going on and your body’s “IQ” has a lot to do with its ability to accomplish everyday tasks. Proprioception is one of those background physical processes that make up your body’s total IQ. Proprioceptors are specialised nerve endings located in your muscles and joints that inform your brain about your body’s position in three-dimensional space. You’re able to write legibly because proprioceptors are sending instantaneous data about the angles of the small joints of your fingers and wrists as your pen moves across the page. You’re able to run on the beach because proprioceptors are continuously sending signals to your brain about the changing shape of the uneven surface of the sand. Without these specialised nerve endings, we’d never be able to hit a baseball, throw a frisbee, or drive a car. But proprioceptors can be smart or feeble. It all depends on how well-trained they are. One person out for a stroll might trip over a crack in the pavement and suffer a sprained ankle. Another person might trip over the same crack, slightly hurt their ankle, and keep on walking without so much as a trace of a limp. The difference between injury and non-injury is the level of proprioceptor training, and this level is usually related to whether you’re doing regular exercise. Exercise trains your muscles and joints to adapt to varying kinds of

stresses (weight-bearing loads) throughout a variety of positions (the full range of motion of those joints). As a result, trained proprioceptors can withstand a high degree of stress (such as a sudden twisting of an ankle). The untrained ankle, possibly the ankle of a person who hasn’t done much walking, running, or bike riding in the last 5 years, will be damaged by unusual and unexpected stress. The result is an ankle sprain or possibly a broken ankle. Similarly, it is well known that senior citizens experience more frequent falls than middleaged or younger adults. Part of the explanation involves proprioception. Many senior citizens don’t engage in regular exercise. Proprioceptive function decreases, changes in level or surface aren’t recognised quickly by the person’s feet and ankles, and the person falls. It’s easy to see that the effort to maintain your body’s IQ is time very well spent. The fastest way to boost this skill set is by doing regular exercise. All kinds of exercise provide benefit, so the best exercises are the ones that have some interest for you personally. Optimally, a person is doing both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. As always, the key to long-term health and wellness is consistency. Chiropractic care helps your body be smarter Chiropractic care helps keep your body free of nerve interference. By correcting spinal misalignments, chiropractic care helps remove nerve interference and ensures a free flow of information from the brain, to the spinal cord, to all the body’s cells, and back again. Optimal health and well-being

are the results. Your body’s awareness of where it is in three dimensions is critical to your ability to function effectively in the world. This awareness depends on proprioceptors. These specialised nerve endings are part of your nervous system - your body’s master system. Nerve signals are transmitted from proprioceptors in joints and muscles, along nerve pathways, to spinal nerves. Spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord, and from there signals are transmitted to the brain.

But spinal nerves are a potential bottleneck to the free flow of information. These nerves may become irritated or inflamed, blocking accurate information from reaching the brain and accurate instructions from reaching the rest of the body.


regskennisgewings KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES NOTICE In the estate of the late NDABAYITETWA DAVID DAMOYI, ID No. 671203 5765 08 4 who died on 10 January 2011 and who in life resided at POTCHEFSTROOM. ESTATE NUMBER 2017/2011. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29 of Act 68 of 1965 to all Debtors and Creditors to lodge their claims against and in favour of this estate, within 30 (THIRTY) days of publication hereof at the address hereunder. LEGAL AID SOUTH AFRICA, POTCHEFSTROOM JUSTICE CENTRE, P.O. Box 1447, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tel: (018) 293 0045, Fax: (018) 297 7425. Ref S VAN WYK. ------------------------------------------------------------P053 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

In pursuance of a judgment and a Writ of Execution of the abovementioned Court, a sale in execution of the undermentioned property is to be held without reserve at the MAGISTRATES OFFICE, VAN ZYL SMIT STREET, OBERHOLZER on FRIDAY, 1 MARCH 2013 at 10:00. Full conditions of sale can be inspected at the Sheriff of CARLETONVILLE, AGNEW STREET, CARLETONVILLE and will also be read out prior to the sale. No warranties are given with regard to the description and/or improvements.

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWING In die boedel van WYLE JOHANNES LODEWICKUS MEINTJES, Identiteitsnommer 501122 5155 08 6, ‘n pensionaris in lewe, gewoonlik woonagtig te 6 Oranjestraat, Carletonville en wat oorlede is op 9 Oktober 2012 te Carletonville, met Boedelnommer 17302 / 2012. GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die Eerste- en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê in die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria en te die Landdroskantoor Oberholzer vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (een en twintig) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. GEDATEER te Oberholzer op hierdie 15de dag van Februarie 2013. PIET VAN STADEN PROKUREURS, EGGO JANSTRAAT 62, POSBUS 6013, OBERHOLZER, VERW:PVS/jh/ BOE65/0001, TEL NO.: (018) 7886528/9 ------------------------------------------------------------c397 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

ERF 393 CARLETONVILLE TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION : I.Q. GAUTENG PROVINCE MEASURING : 1 039 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T 127633/2002 STREET ADDRESS: 3 NICKEL STREET, CARLETONVILLE, GAUTENG PROVINCE Zone : Residential IMPROVEMENTS: Dwelling consisting of : 1 x lounge, 1 x kitchen, 3 x bedrooms, 1 x bathroom with separate toilet, 1 x garage, 1 x back room Take note of the following requirements for all prospective buyers:

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWING INGEVOLGE Artikel 35(5) van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee dat die EERSTE EN FINALE Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in die Boedel van Wyle COENRAAD FREDERIK STOLTYZ (Identiteitsnommer: 180217 5007 08 5] in lewe van ARENDSTRAAT 1, POTCHEFSTROOM, BOEDELNOMMER: 3886/2012), ter insae sal lê vir ‘n periode van 21 dae vanaf 15 FEBRUARIE 2013 by die Landdroskantoor te POTCHEFSTROOM en die Meesterskantoor te MMABATHO. INDIEN gedurende genoemde tydperk geen beswaar daarteen by die Meester ingedien word nie, gaan die Eksekuteur oor tot uitbetaling ingevolge die gemelde rekening. GEDATEER te WELKOM hierdie 5E dag van FEBRUARIE 2013. (get) A STYGER, NEUMANN VAN ROOYEN ING, NEUMANN VAN ROOYEN GEBOU, HEERENSTRAAT II, POSBUS 4, WELKOM, 9460 [AS/ch/BI5549] ------------------------------------------------------------p051 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES



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15 Februarie 2013

Uitslae van oral

Rugby Sharks 71, Luiperds 8 Varsitybeker UJ 37, Pukke 20 Bert’s Bricks se tydtoets-uitslae 4km: Andries Kana 14:45, Elton Rennie 15:10, Courtney Cooper 17:28, Zack van der Merwe 19:03, Sonja van der Merwe 19:03, Ryno Verster 19:21, Jacques Vosloo 19:55, Janika Richards 19:58, Matshida Mochobo 20:02, Bronwen Verster 20:02, Hendrik van Graan 20:16, Marcel de Canha 20:16, Victor Viljoen 20:46, Jonathan Baron 20:11, Maudene de Jager 22:11, Janina Ackerman 22:14, Marinda Claassen 22:30, Koos Burger 23:02, Kobus Kemp 23:03, Theo Coetzee 23:02, Suzette Geldenhuis 23:11, Jaleen de Wet 23:33, Sanette Duvenhage 23:41, Lee

Pieter van Niekerk van Impala Krieketklub het geskitter met 102* met die kolf en 2/11 met die bal. Foto: Verskaf

Potchefstroom Herald

Cooper 23:41, Gerald van der Merwe 23:51, Michael Rosini 23:53, Marina Ackerman 24:13, Dirk de Bruin 24:25, Anneke Smit 24:25, Bonita Enslin 24:30, Sumarie van Wyk 24:39, Drienie Kriel 24:52, Dirk Niesing 25:15, Sannie Niesing 25:15, Sandra du Toit 26:40, Dienkie Derbyshire 26:41, Ernst Vermeulen 26:55, Francois Botha 30:17, Salome Lucas 30:24, Corne Schutte 31:04 en Nahan van der Merwe 31:04. 8km stap: Alet Jooste 1:10:20, Chris de Bruin 1:02:00, Helene van der Walt 1:10:20, Bruce du Plooy 1:10:20, Hillary Clinton 1:10:20 en Zelma Olivier 1:20:00 8km: Calvin Lekopa 28:24, Shadrack Mokorane 28:55, Dean Rosin 31:53, Johan Matabela 31:53, Elias Mafunjo 32:53, Leko Molefe 33:00, Gerhard Kruger 34:24, Renier Mulder 34:27, Solly Tueng 35:15, Wouter Smit 34:35, Hennie Schutte 35:15, Israel Stamier 35:26, Martien Heymans 35:32, Jaco Barnard 35:42, Chene Pieterse 36:00, Rolandt le Roux 36:30, Werner Mulder 36:55, Willem Scholtz 37:04, Johan Kriel 37:15, Johan Olivier 39:41, Sandra Lucas 39:41, David Koch 39:55, Okkie Cilliers 40:36, PC Meyer 41:17, Johnny Janse van Rensburg 41:35, Jurie de Wet 42:02, Rudolf de Wet 42:43, Chris Kok 42:50, Don van der Merwe 43:02, Frances Nel 42:03, Normen Mosjane 43:06, Mokheromeso Mokotsolane 42::07, Christine Bronkhorst 43:21, Nimrod Finger 43:37, Attie Barnard 43:43, Pertro Swanepoel 44:45, Peter Mpolokeng 45:45, Werner Kirstein 46:33, Carna Mari van der Merwe 46:33, Helani Snyman 49:47, Tilla Dalhouzie 50:08, Riaan van Dyk 51:43, Jacky Kock 51:28

en Jannie Kock 51:28. Noordwes klubkrieket - Premierliga Saterdag, 9 February 2013, het die tweede rondte van die Noordwes Premier A-65 beurt klubliga plaasgevind. Pieter van Niekerk (102*) was die beste kolwer vir die naweek met Wayne Kylander (7/37) wat die meeste paaltjies gevat het. Altwee spelers is van Impala Krieket Klub. Opsomming van wedstryde van die naweek is soos volg: Potch Dorp I teen Taurus (op Witrand) Potch Dorp I het die loot gewen en besluit om te boul. Taurus 232/10 in 64 beurte. Rupert Viljoen (61), Nic Linde (52), Pretorius Vermeulen (48), Divan Beytel (4/58), Dwaine Fielding (3/26). Potch Dorp I 233/6 in 59.2 beurte. Wynand Schmitt (80*), Dwaine Fielding (33). Taurus 4 in 4 beurte. Spel gestop weens swak lig. Divan Beytel (1/0). Potch Dorp I wen eerste beurt. Impala I teen NWU Vaal (op Olympia Park) Impala I het die loot gewen en besluit om te boul. NWU Vaal 131/10 in54.1 beurte. Dewald Erasmus (32), Pieter van Niekerk (2/11) sipho Mosele (2/39). Impala I 206/6 in 64.4 beurte. Pieter van Niekerk (102*), Bennie Ferreira (2/30). NWU Vaal 48/3 in 18 beurte Tweede Beurt. Impala I wen eerste beurt. NWU Pukke teen Ibbies (op Puk Oval) Ibbies het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. Ibbies 119/10 in 45.3 beurte. CJ Ferreira (32), Ian Opperman (3/23), Stefan Gericke (3/58). NWU Pukke 255/4 in 38 beurte.

37 Wimpie Viljoen (93), Ludwig Roos (58), Marinus lazenby (2/56). Ibbies 79/3 in 34 beurte. Tweede beurt. Theo Maré (28*), CJ Ferreira (28*), Stefan Gericke (2/39). NWU Pukke wen eerste beurt. Impala II teen Lichtenburg (op Fields) Lichtenburg het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. Lichtenburg 85/10 in 35.5 beurte. Ruan Pretorius (36), Wayne Kylander (7/37), Flip van Niekerk (2/18). Impala II 193/6 in 56 beurte verklaar. Hannes Erasmus (76), Carl Moralo (42), Ruan Pretorius (3/37). Lichtenburg 62/5 in 38.2 beurte. Herman Hatting (4/10). Impala II wen regstreeks. Merafong City teen Potch Dorp II (op Gimmies) Potch Dorp II het die loot gewen en besluit om te boul. Merafong City 199/10 in 53 beurte. Armand Strydom (70), Francois van der Merwe (31), Grant Small (31), Robin Brandley (3/62), Attie Claassen (2/36), Marno Pretorius (2/26). Potch Dorp II 67/10 in 26.4 beurte. Marno Pretorius (28), Mario Rademeyer (4/16), Grant Small (3/1), Jacques Strydom (3/26). Potch Dorp II 90/5 in 23.2 beurte Tweede Beurt. Marno Pretorius (37), Francois van der Merwe (3/16), Paul Viljoen (1/3). Merafong City wen regstreeks. Vaal Reefs teen Matlosana I (op Victory Park) Vaal Reefs het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. Vaal Reefs 171/10 in 48 beurte. Morné Mitchell (34*), Andreas Joubert (30), Lesego (3/30) Matlosana I 86/10 in 27.1 beurte. Rudolf Heymans (5/18), Xander Cornelius (3/40). Vaal Reefs wen eerste beurt.


Potchefstroom Herald

15 Februarie 2013

Eikenhof steeds voor Cobus Groenewald Eikenhof het hulle voorsprong behou na die tweede ronde van die Varsitybeker se rugbyraai-kompetisie, maar Republiek blaas in hul nekke. Republiek se HK sport, Alida O’Kennedy, het haar koshuis stewig in die saal met een punt agter Eikenhof en het die beste gedoen met die afgelope week se raaiskote.

Alida O'Kennedy, die sport HK van Republiek Foto: Verskaf

Luiperds hou gholfdag Skoonheid en die ondier span op 15 Februarie saam wanneer die Luiperds Rugbyunie en die Potchefstroom Akademie/SAAHST hul gholfdag by die Potchefstroom-buiteklub aanbied. Die skoonhede van die Akademie gaan daar wees om fleur aan die dag te verleen en by stalletjies uit te help terwyl van die Luiperd-spelers gaan stokke swaai en van die ander by die onderskeie watergate gaan diens doen. Daarby sal die bekende ‘Trickshot’-kunstenaar, Michael Scholz, sy wêreldbekende toertjies kom wys. Kom kuier lekker saam met die Luiperds se twee oud-Springbokke, Jorrie Muller (afrigter) en André Pretorius (speler), asook die Vodacombekerspan van die Luiperds. Daar is nog vierballe beskikbaar vir die gholfdag teen R1 200 per vierbal. Om ’n gaatjie te borg beloop R 1000. Kontak Henry Stewart by 084 587 6369 om jou vierbal te bespreek. Die Luiperds XV speel twee vriendskaplike wedstryde voor

So lyk die rugbyraai-puntestand.

Die Luiperds se losskakel André Pretorius en Michelle Grobler (21), ’n tweede jaar binnenshuisversierder-student aan die Potchefstroom Akademie, oefen solank vir die groot gholfdag. Foto: Verskaf

die Vodacombeker ’n aanvang neem. Op 8 Februarie reis hulle na Pietermaritzburg waar hulle teen die Sharks XV te staan kom en op 23 Februarie kruis hulle swaarde met die Valke in Rustenburg. Die Vodacombeker skop op 9 Maart af en die Luiperds se eerste wedstryd is in Johannesburg teen die Leeus.

Nuwe Presidentsliga vir vyf van die voorste Luiperdklubs Vyf van die voorste Luiperdklubs gaan mekaar in ’n nuwe Presidentsliga die stryd aansê. Die twee senior klubs, NWU-Puk en Impala, sal Klerksdorp, Vaal Reefs en Potch-Dorp aandurf met onderskeidelik die Ibbies en Impala se naasbestes wat mekaar pak. Die nuwe liga, wat sy ontstaan te danke het aan ’n inisiatief om klubrugby in die Noordwes te bevorder, skop

op 16 Februarie op Klerksdorp se velde af. Die tuisspan speel dan teen PotchDorp en Vaal Reefs speel teen die Puk se Rugbyinstituut. Impala tree die volgende naweek tot die stryd toe wanneer hy in Rustenburg teen die Puk te staan kom in ’n voorwedstryd vir die vriendskaplike wedstryd tussen die Luiperds en die Valke. Die eindstryd op 23 Maart op Olën-

park is ook ’n voorwedstryd vir die Luiperds se Vodacombekerstryd, weer teen die Valke. Die bepalings: 16 Februarie op Klerksdorp: Vaal Reefs teen NWU-Pukke Potch Dorp teen Klerksdorp 23 Februarie op Impala: Potch Dorp teen Vaal Reefs Impala teen NWU-Pukke Luiperds teen Valke (Vriendskaplik)

2 Maart op Olënpark: Klerksdorp teen Impala NWU-Pukke teen Potch-Dorp 9 Maart op Vaal Reefs: Klerksdorp teen NWU-Pukke Impala teen Vaal Reefs 16 Maart op Impala: Potch-Dorp teen Impala Vaal Reefs teen Klerksdorp 22 Maart op Olënpark: Eindstryd

15 Februarie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald


Harde werk bring sukses vir atlete Deelname aan die Olimpiese Spele is nie genoeg vir twee van Suid-Afrika se top atlete nie. Sunette Viljoen en Willem Coertzen is reeds besig om die bane by die Fanie du Toit-stadion aan die brand te oefen. Viljoen moes verlede jaar tevrede wees met die vierde plek in die spiesgooi en Coertzen het negende geëindig in die tienkamp. Albei die atlete is 30 jaar oud, maar voel dat hulle nog baie medaljes vir hulself en die land kan inoes. Sukses kom nie maklik nie, harde werk is die wagwoord. Viljoen gaan haar seisoen vanjaar op 9 en 16 Maart in Australië afskop, waarna sy tydens die Puk se prestigebyeenkoms op 20 April hier in Potchefstroom in aksie gaan wees. Haar eerste Diamond league-byeenkoms gaan vanjaar in New York wees waar sy verlede jaar koning gekraai het met ’n indrukwekkende 69.35m. Daardie gooi het haar nommer-een gemaak op die 2012-

wêreldranglys. Coertzen wat die afgelope paar jaar in Londen gevestig was, is nou weer permanent terug in Suid-Afrika en die mense van Potchefstroom kan maar hulle oë oophou vir dié Olimpiese ster. Atletiek Suid-Afrika (ASA) maak dit baie moeilik vir die meerkamp atlete omdat die SA-kampioenskappe vir meerkampers geskei is van die SuidAfrikaanse baan-kampioenskappe. Dit vind nou byna ’n maand vroeër plaas. Meeste van die atlete is pas klaar met hul winterprogramme, wat gaan veroorsaak dat hulle nie op hulle beste sal wees tydens die kampioenskappe nie. Gelukkig het ASA vir Coertzen die versekering gegee dat hy later deur die jaar kan kwalifiseer vir die wêreldkampioenskappe wat in Augustus in Rusland plaasvind. Ons jong atlete raak so gou mismoedig wanneer alles nie gaan soos hulle dit graag wil hê nie, maar Olimpiese sterre soos Viljoen en Coertzen bly positief. Dis nou helde wat nagevolg kan word!

Sunette Viljoen besig met voorbereiding vir die nuwe seisoen wat vir haar op 9 Maart in Australië afskop. Foto: Cobus Groenewald

Gimmies are once again the North West Coca-Cola Schools T20 champions. North West Cricket hosted the final of the North West provincial of the Coca-Cola Schools T20 Competition on 4 February at Senwes Park. The Underdogs Lichtenburg High School took on the favourites, Potchefstroom Gimnasium. Gimmies won the toss and was elected to bat first. Rudolf Lemmer was the pick of the

batsmen in the finals as he thumped an impressive 86 runs off 56 balls (scoring 8 fours and 3 sixes). He was supported by Ruan Haasbroek whom scored 41 runs off 23 balls (scoring 5 fours and 1 six). The pair shared a 50run 5th wicket partnership. Potchefstroom Gimnasium ended with 188 for the loss of 6 wickets. Franco Kruger and C.R. Botha took two wickets each for Lichtenburg High School.

Lichtenburg High School’s batsmen needed to get out of the starting blocks quicker than Potchefstroom Gimnasium’s bowlers, but it wasn’t to be as Lichtenburg High School were restricted to 138 for the loss of 9 wickets. Ruan Haasbroek and Arthur Vivier each took 2/10 and 2/29 in 4 overs respectively. Potchefstroom Gimnasium’s cause was assisted by some erratic running from Lichtenburg High School as three

Cobus Groenewald

Gimmies once again the T20 school champions

Gimmies’ winning team celebrates their win over Lichtenburg.

Photo: Supplied.

Lions teen Cobras

Cobus Groenewald

Die Lions gaan Sondag wil voortbou op hulle eendag-sukses van die afgelope seisoen teen die meerdag kampioene, die Cobras. Die twee spanne pak mekaar in ’n T20-wedstryd. Die wedstryd begin Sondag om 14:30 op Senwespark en sal omstreeks 17:30 verby wees.

Kaartjies kan by Computicket, by die kantoor en die hekke gekoop word. Die Cape Cobras het verlede naweek die Sunfoil vierdagreeks beklink, wat hulle op die kruin van die golf laat ry. Die Lions sal graag die T20-wedstryd wil gebruik om hul verloor in die Momentum-eendagwedstryd, wat hulle op dieselfde veld in Desember gely het, wil wreek.

Laaste kans vir Wildebeest Cobus Groenewald

Saterdag vind die tweede Wildebeestwedloop by Manzini Wildsplaas plaas en alle avontuurlustige atlete word uitgenooi om deel te neem. In dié weergawe van die wedloop is daar ’n paar nuwe hindernisse deur die organiseerders in die roete ingebou, wat weer vir nuwe uitdagings sorg. Terwyl ma en pa deelneem is daar

genoeg vermaak vir die jongspan wat nie aan die wedloop deelneem nie. Deelnemers word gemaan om genoeg geld saam te neem omdat daar nie ’n OTM op die plaas is nie. Daar is baie te koop na afloop van die wedloop. Dit is nog nie te laat om vir die wedloop in te skryf nie, Donderdag 14 Februarie is die sluitingsdatum en daar kan op die webwerf ingeskryf word by www.wildebeest.co.za.

of their batsmen were run out only contributing one run between them. Potchefstroom Gimnasium won the match by fifty runs. It is their second consecutive win. They hope to be the first school from North West to beat a Gauteng school in the Franchise Final. The winner in the fFranchise Final will book a spot at the National Finals of the Coca-Cola Schools T20 Competition which will be held in Stellenbosch.

15 Februarie 2013

Puk struikel teen UJ JC Oberholzer loop vir UJ se Justin Wheeler in ’n sopnat Johannesburg

Bertie Jacobs

Hannes Esterhuizen dra nie sy hart op sy mou nie. Die hoofafrigter van die NWU-Puk is ’n man wat sy emosies vir homself hou, maar nie eers hy kon sy teleurstelling wegsteek ná sy span se 37-20 dragslae teen UJ Maandagaand in ’n reëngeteisterde Johannesburg nie. Wat dié pil soveel meer bitter maak om te sluk is dat die NWU-Puk net ’n week gelede op die kruin van ’n euforiegolf was na hul skouspelagtige, en naelbyt, 26-23 sege oor die verdedigende Varsitybeker-kampioen, Tukkies. Teen UJ het dit gelyk of die besoekers dit twee uit twee in net soveel weke gaan

Foto: Duif du Toit/Gallo

maak toe die rustydtelling 10-5 in die Noordwesters se guns gelees het. Dit was egter UJ wat met vier drieë kort op mekaar daarin kon slaag om die uitklophou te plant en hoewel twee drieë deur onderskeidelik Hoffman Maritz (sy tweede vir die aand) en Marius Fourie die eindtelling getooi het, was ’n geval van twee mosterdsaadjies ná ’n hengse UJ-maal. “Daardie eerste 20 minute na rustyd is vir ons ’n groot kopseer en ek weet daar is vrae oor ons fiksheid en verdediging. Dit is iets wat ons dringend sal moet aanspreek,” het ’n verslae Esterhuizen gesê. “Net soos teen Tukkies speel ons strategies verkeerd in daardie periode. Ons moet besin oor in watter areas ons

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wil speel want ons besluitneming kos ons op die oomblik.” UJ het van meet af hul bedoelings duidelik gemaak toe hul voortreflike haker, Malcolm Marx, kort na afskop oorgeduik het vir die eerste van sy twee drieë voor die besoekers ’n kwartier later op die telbord gekom het danksy ’n puik drie deur Maritz. Pukke kon daarin slaag om in moeilike omstandighede beheer oor die wedstryd te neem en genadelose verdediging in die laaste tien minute van die eerste helfte het UJ weerhou van wat keer op keer na ’n seker drie gelyk het. Halftyd, toe breek die damwal. Manne soos JC Oberholzer, SJ Niemand en Hoffman Maritz kan tereg

voel dat hulle met eer uit die stryd getree het, maar daar hang ’n paar vraagtekens oor die koppe van sommige van hul spanmaats. Daar is geen salf te smeer nie en hulle weet dit. Komende Maandagaand teen Wits in die Goudstad moet reputasies herstel word. “Die ouens se ego het ’n knou gekry, en nie hul selfvertroue nie en dit is ’n goeie ding. Op hierdie oomblik is ons ons eie grootste gevaar en ons sal na onsself as ’n span moet kyk. Elke wedstryd is ’n nuwe een, dit gaan nie oor ons teenstanders nie, maar oor hoe ons die wedstrydplan deurvoer,” aldus Esterhuizen. “Dit was een goeie wen en een swak verloor. Dis nou ’n kop-ding.”

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