Maphetle wéér in die rooi stoel
PEST CONTROL Professionals cc
1 Maart 2013 Prys: R4.40
086 111 4103 018 293 2261
Waterkrisis Webblad:
• Waterbeperkings geld nou
Inwoners in die stad moes dié week bakhand hou om water uit ’n kraan te drink soos Cecelia Hudson. Krane in dele van Potchefstroom, Ikageng, Mohadin en Promosa het dié week opgedroog. Mobiele watertenks is inderhaas by verskeie waterpunte in die stad daargestel om inwoners en ondernemings en instellings van water te voorsien. Die waterkrisis kan dalk tot die naweek duur. Lees meer op bl 2 en 3 Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Geldig vanaf 25 Januarie 2013
R995 Vanaf
R1 095 Vanaf
R1 195
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Na aanleiding van die waterkrisis het die stadsraad 'n mobiele beheerpunt op die hoek van Govan Mbekirylaan en Offenbachstraat daargestel. Watertenks voorsien van Sondagmiddag af al water aan Potchefstroom-hospitaal en van Maandag af na nagenoeg 20 ander waterpunte in die stad. Die stadsraad verrig die dienste sonder dat daar 'n risiko is indien daar 'n brandgevaaar sou ontstaan.
Water is skaars in Potch
Cobus Groenewald
Superspar op die Bult het binne drie ure Maandagoggend hul week se bestelling water uitverkoop. Kliënte het letterlik met vier tot ses vyf liter kanne water by die winkel uitgestap. Toe daar nie meer 5 liter houers oor was nie het die drie liter houers deurgeloop. Selfs die 1 liter en 500ml houers het nie die aanslag van die kliënte vrygespring nie. Intussen het Spar weer voor-
raad gekry, maar hulle verwag om vir die tweede keer dié week weer water te bestel. Oasis op die Bult het Maandagoggend10 000 liter water gehad, maar teen 15:00 het die voorraad opgedroog. Oasis kry water van die munisipaliteit af en suiwer dit weer vir die publiek en kliënte. ’n 2 500 liter tenk by Oasis neem omtrent 3-4 ure om vol te maak, maar met die min druk wat in die Bult-omgewing is, neem dit nou nog langer om vol te kom.
Water tankers dispatched Water tankers have been dispatched to the following points: •Kanana Caravans •Dan Tloome School •Ikageng Stadium •Mogolodi Str. (Sarafina Taxi Rank) •Devil’s Corner / Ikageng Stadium •Top City Clinic •Municipality Offices in Ikageng •Sesulu and Mithame Ext 11 Eskom •Ext. 6 Taxi Rank •Greenfields •Sonderwater (Next to the Reser voir) •Mandela & Nkosi Streets •Boikie Tlhapi Clinic •Potchefstroom Hospital •Correctional Services •Witrand Hospital •Tshupane School •Assegai Street •ALS – Next to N12 •Mediclinic •Mooimed Clinic •Mohadin Clinic •Promosa Old Age Home •Mohadin and Promosa Road •Promosa Clinic •Ext 7 Clinic
“Ons suiwer 600 liter water ’n uur, dus moet ons elke 3-4 ure eers dieselfde tyd wag voordat ons weer kan begin as die tenk leeg is,” het Abrie Erasmus, bestuurder van Oasis, aan die Herald gesê. “Ons kan nie eens water aan ons gereelde kliënte voorsien nie, want die publiek oorval ons.” In die sowat 15 minute wat die Herald by die winkel was, is tussen vyf en tien kliënte met leë bottels weggewys. Daar is net nie water nie!
Almal stort rond Sonika van Wyk
Die hele Potchefstroom is in rep en roer oor die watertekort. Plaaslike inwoners en studente is raadop en sommige keelvol vir die onplesierige toestande waarin hulle tans geplaas is. Studente sê hulle probeer water spaar, maar ly ook swaar onder die chaos wat die watertekort veroorsaak. “Ek het vanoggend gaan gim en het gedink die water by die koshuis sal al reg wees en besluit toe om eerder by die koshuis te gaan stort. “Toe ek die stortkraan oopdraai kom daar toe ’n straal water uit met ’n skerp toksiese reuk. “Die water is vol chemikalieë en het my vel effens gebrand. “My ma-hulle was die naweek hier en het vir my borrelwater saamgebring. Ek drink nie borrelwater nie en
het toe maar ’n borrelstort geneem,” vertel ’n Eikenhof inwoner. ’n Jong man van Ratau sê sommige van die manne in die koshuis het twee dae laas gestort en dra so ’n ekstra klankie saam hulle. “Dis belaglik! “Ons lewe maar van Oasis. Ons probeer maar water spaar waar ons kan. Daar is ’n klein bietjie water, maar dit ruik snaaks. “Dit het ’n sterk chemikalie-reuk.” Daar is emmers water in verskeie koshuise se badkamers geplaas waarmee toilette gespoel kan word. Die meerderheid koshuis sowel as dorpstudente gaan stort by vriende en vriendinne buite die dorp. Dorpstudente op die Bult sê die waterdruk is swak en twee jong vroue sê dat hulle water met rukke bruin by die krane uitkom. Hopelik nie meer lank nie!
Die DA se kantore was Woensdagmiddag vol bottels water wat hulle ingesamel het om na uitbreidings te versprei waar mense moeilik by waterstasies kan uitkom. Die bottels is behoorlik gewas met inligtingsplakkers daarop. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Puk se waterplan Die NWU-Puk het sedert Maandag ook ’n nooddiensplan in werking om die universiteit van water te voorsien. Kiewiet Scheppel, woordvoerder van die NWU-Puk, sê dat hulle uit die aard van die saak ook sukkel met bad- en stortwater, maar dat daar wel voorsiening gemaak word vir water om toilette te kan spoel. “Op die grondvloer van die koshuise is daar toilette wat die studente kan gebruik. Daar word water in groot konkas beskikbaar gestel waaruit studente dan
kan water skep om die toilette te spoel.” Sy het voorts gesê dat daar sekere geboue op kampus is waarheen studente kan gaan waar toilette wel van water voorsien word. “Ons het ook tans gradeplegtighede aan die gang waar ons chemiese toilette beskikbaar het.” Die universiteit leen by die weermag ’n watertenk en maak ook van kontrakteurs gebruik. Die universiteit beskik wel oor ’n boorgat in die botaniese tuin, maar dié water word vir die eetsale gebruik.
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Herald Potchefstroom
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1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Record queues gathered at Ikageng stadium after Potchefstroom's reservoirs ran dry on Monday morning
Photo: Victor Boqo
Water crisis expected to continue
Cheryl Botha Tlokwe municipality has introduced immediate water restrictions after taps ran dry for the second time on Wednesday. Willie Maphosa, spokesperson for council announced on Wednesday that the water crisis will continue until this weekend at the earliest.
On Tuesday reservoir water levels were rising at a rate of 2 feet per hour and it was expected that the situation would be resolved within 36 to 48 hours. All areas west of the city, including Dassierand, Bult, Promosa, Ikageng, industrial area, prison and Potchefstroom Hospital will be affected. The municipality is appealing to all
Could water supply have been sabotaged? down water to the township”. The DA had an opinion of its own, The DA is investigating allegations of however. The incident occurred on the dirty tricks after Potchefstroom’s re- eve of Helen Zille’s visit to the City of Expertise and just a few days servoirs ran dry over the weebefore the ANC was planning The fact that kend. Not one, but seven munici- municipal workers to table a motion of no confidence in the DA mayor. neglected to pal water pumps were bled si“If the disruption of the multaneously on Friday, cau- notify manage sing a catastrophic water ment gave rise to water supply in Tlokwe is the result of a deliberate and suspicions ... shortage . This is the first time planned process it will in Potchefstroom’s history that this situation has arisen and it has amount to a serious offence and a “terbeen established that there was no rorist activity” as defined in Protection of Constitutional Democracy Aagainst malfunction of equipment. The fact that municipal workers ne- Terrorist And Related Activities Act glected to notify management gave rise 2004,” warned DA councillor, Hansto suspicions that this was an act of sa- Jurie Moolman. The social media has been abuzz botage. A facebook post by one McMillan with updates and speculation since the Dlutu at 10:44 on Feb 25 accused the news of the water crisis broke on MonDA Government in Tlokwe of “shutting day. Cheryl Botha
Potchefstroomers to be considerate and use water very sparingly until further notice. Residents are asked not to water their gardens, fill swimming pools or wash cars. He warned that these activities will be monitored by meter readings and fines of up to R2 000 will be imposed for ignoring restrictions.“Tlokwe City Council deeply
regrets the situation and is working around the clock to normalise it,” he said. Water bowsers from SAPS, SANDF, the local fire brigade, Als and Fuller Civils have already transported 1.2 million litres of potable (fit for drinking) water from the Boskop, Ventersdorp and Vyfhoek reservoirs since Monday.
Dry reservoirs make waves at institutions, businesses Cheryl Botha Big business in Potchefstroom has been dealt a severe hammering since the beginning of the week. John Fourie, MD of Chubby Chick reports that the brand had lost an amount of R6.5 million in sales from Monday to Wednesday. Under normal circumstances the water consumption of the two factories totals 200 000 litres per hour. For every day that the crisis continues, the factory loses an additional R2,7 million, he said.
The spokesperson for Tiger Brands was not available for comment but management did confirm that the factory had incurred huge losses in the last few days as the production process is heavily reliant on clean water. Potchefstroom Mediclinic has been sourcing emergency water from its borehole. Patients are given bottled water. The provincial hospital however is reported to be badly affected as there is not enough water to carry out basic housekeeping functions.
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Maphetle back in the mayoral hot seat Victor Boqo Former Tlokwe executive mayor, iMaphetle Maphetle, is the seat. A motion of no confidence against Prof. Annette Combrink was passed by 30 votes to 22 in a council meeting on Tuesday. Maphetle received a standing ovation and applause from ANC supporters after the speaker, Ms Barei Segotso announced the results. Mr Hans-Jurie Moolman of the DA, in his party’s defence, said, “According to the rules of order, no new motion can be put forward against the mayor. This comes after ANC councillors, David Kham and Lucky Tsagae failed to attend the last Council meeting in January. Their absence made the motion
to lapse. Moolman said the DA had approached the North Gauteng High Court. The court order was sent to the office of the speaker just before the Council meeting. The order was aimed at Council not to proceed with the removal of Combrink.” But instead the ANC turned a blind eye to the order. The ANC’s Dakota Legoete said, “Council cannot cannot ta-
Maphetle Maphetle happily smiling after his re-election as Tlokwe executive mayor. Photo: Victor Boqo
ke that into consideration as what they got was just an application to the High court. He said the major constituents within the jurisdiction of the Tlokwe City Council voted for the ANC and, therefore, expect the executive mayor to abide by the national, provincial and local policies, and manifestos of the ANC. They are implemented for pur-
poses of service delivery.” It is untenable for the Tlokwe City Council, which has the majority of councillors representing the ANC, to be led by a member of the DA in the executive.” said Legoete. In a turn of events, outside there was a handful of community members protesting against reinstatement of Maphetle. The room was filled to capacity and there was a tight police presence. It was attended by national ANC deployees and provincial officials led by Mr Supra Mahumapelo. The DA also brought their top officials such as Ms Juanita Terblanche, DA member of parliament and DA provincial leader, Mr Chris Hattingh.
Dit is vir die DA ’n groot teleurstelling Die herverkiesing van rdl. Maphetle tydens die vergadering van 26 Februarie is vir die DA ’n groot teleurstelling, sê mnr. Chris Landsberg, leier van die DA-koukus in Potchefstroom. “Hoewel ons dit te wagte was, is die teleurstelling geleë in die feit dat die mosie wat tot Maphetle se herverkiesing gelei het, deur die ANC aanvaar is bloot deur die raad se ordereëls te ignoreer. “Die verklarende bevel wat by die Hooggeregshof in Pretoria geliasseer is, en waarvan die koste deur die DA-raadslede en ons koalisievennote gedra word, was nie
eers goed genoeg om die ANC te dwing om die reglement van orde en die wet te eerbiedig nie. “Nietemin wil ek namens my koukus baie dankie sê aan prof. Annette Combrink wat vir die afgelope drie maande dag en nag gewerk het en die totale gemeenskap soos ’n ware burgemeester tot diens was. “Sy het baie bereik, maar ongelukkig was daar belangrike onafgehandelde sake wat waarskynlik nou in die slag gaan bly.” Landsberg sê die belangrikste hiervan is die aanstelling van senior bestuurders en ’n munisipale bestuurder asook ondersoeke na kor-
rupsie. Landsberg sê die sake het ver gevorder, maar hy sal nie verbaas wees indien dit nou gestaak word sodat ANC-kaders in die posisies aangestel kan word nie. Dit kan ook gebeur dat die korrupsie-ondersoeke gestaak word, sê hy. Volgens Landsberg is nog ’n onafgehandelde saak die goedkeuring vir die velodrome (fietsrybaan). Hy sê dit sou vandeesweek goedgekeur word en weereens sleep die ANC voete met die verskoning dat die publieke deelnameproses nie voldoende was nie. Landsberg sê na alle waarskynlik-
heid is Potchefstroom nou hierdie projek kwyt. Dit sou ’n enorme ekonomiese inspuiting met baie geleenthede vir Potchefstroom en al sy mense beteken het. “Die DA is ook vasberade om vas te stel wie verantwoordelik is vir die moontlike sabotasie van die waterpompe wat veroorsaak het dat die westelike gebiede van Potchefstroom reeds vir dae sonder water is. “Meer as ooit tevore is die DA vasberade om die ANC vorentoe met elke misstap tot verantwoording te dwing,” sê hy.
New infantry unit an asset to Potchefstroom Cheryl Botha The newly-established SAASIC (SA Army Specialised Infantry Capabilities) unit is determined to restore its reputation and brand itself positively within the Potchefstroom community. SAASIC made headlines in December when the Beeld reported that horses at the unit were being neglected. The NSPCA were denied access to the unit when they tried to conduct an in-
vestigation. Lt Col JJM Mlotshwa, officer commanding of the unit, addressed the Potch/Tlokwe Business Chamber and met with the executive mayor, Prof. Annette Combrink last week. His intention was to put the situation at the unit into pespective. In a sense SAASIC, which opened its doors on 20 April 2011, is a reincarnation of what used to be 12 SAI Battalion, comprising horses, dogs and motorcycles. It is the only
unit of its kind in Africa, according to Mlotshwa, providing training in horseriding, motor cycling and dog handling. 12 SAI was shut down in 2003 and soldiers were withdrawn from the border. In 2009, however, the minister issued a directive to reopen the unit as part of the national advance group. The first deployment to Messina in 2011 boasted a company strength of 165 infantrymen. By the second deployment, from March to September
The officer commanding of SSSIC, Lt Col JJM Mlotshwa, says the unit has established a good working relations hip with the National SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). The organisation offers ongoing support and advice in the care of the 250 horses belonging to the unit. It also provided oversight when the last platoon of horses was deployed to Messina three weeks ago.
2012, the company had grown to 234. The third group is scheduled to return to base in March, making way for the next one. On a national level SAASIC is responsible for border patrols in Messina, the Zimbabwe border. So far it has been responsible for the arrest of some 50 000 illegal immigrants, an average of 15 000 per deployment. It has also been instrumental in seizing cigarettes, copper, alcohol, weapons and other goods worth in excess of R2 million. In addition it has recovered stolen vehicles and bodies from the Limpopo and has assisted in flood rescue operations. From a local perspective the unit of 3 788 members will offer disaster management services, support to the SANDF in internal unrest situations, community outreach programmes and assistance with Aardklop. It also means an economic boost in terms of providing accommodation for the families of members. The unit is committed to becoming an active member of the business chamber and sourcing services and goods locally.
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Dogtertjie is nou verlief op haar oupa Abrie Bronkhorst ’n Verkragter kry ’n vonnis en dien dit uit. ’n Slagoffer ontvang ’n lewenslange emosionele vonnis wat nie uitgedien kan word nie. Veral as die slagoffer ’n dogtertjie is wat nog skaars puberteit bereik het. Die Herald het in 1 Februarie se uitgawe berig oor ’n oupa wat sy 12-jarige kleinkind gemolesteer het. Die slagoffer se worstelende kinderlewe het nou ’n onaangename, hartseer wending ingeneem. Sy moet nou hulp en berading ontvang. Haar kindwees is van haar beroof. “Haar grootmenslewe is ook verwoes. Daar is geen salf aan te smeer nie. Permanente skade is klaar gedoen.” Die Kinderhof het Dinsdag finaal besluit: Berading is al uitweg. Volgens die slagoffer se ouers sal sy nou by Abraham Kriel-kinderhuis oor ‘n tydperk van drie maande lank geëvalueer word
waarna daar dan ’n verslag oor haar vordering ingedien sal word. Maar vir een keer ’n week sal sy onbepaald by Witrand sielkundige sessies moet ontvang. “Dit voel nou of haar kop uitgehaak het. Ons kon nie meer met haar huishou nie. Sy het onmoontlik geraak. Sy was besig om uit te rafel. Dis glad nie lekker om haar so te sien nie.” Nog kind maar emosioneel onstabiel. Sy weet nie hoe om uiting aan haar seer te gee nie. Sy het begin steel, jok. Alle negatiewe dinge begin doen. En toe kom dit uit… Volgens die ouers het die oupa glo al met haar begin lol vandat sy nege jaar oud is. En sy het dit mondelings teenoor haar ouers erken en dit in ’n boek beskryf. Alles het begin sin maak. Haar ouers het haar die eerste keer in 2009 vir behandeling geneem toe sy begin het met haar buie. “Ons het nie geweet wat fout is met haar nie. In 2011 is sy die eerste keer vir drie weke in Witrand opgeneem. Toe het sy al begin hand-uit
ruk en ons het nie verstaan waaroor nie.” Maar die behandeling het nie gewerk nie. Nou het die ondenkbare gebeur. Sy het verlief geraak op haar oupa. “Sy soek nie skoon liefde nie maar sý liefde wat hý haar gegee het. Sy het verlief op hom geraak en omdat dit uitgekom het en ons hulle twee geskei het, haat sy ons. Vir haar voel dit soos ’n liefdesteleurstelling. En nou blameer sy ons. “In haar boek kon mens sien hoe hy haar manupileer het. Hy het haar deur manipulering en beloftes gereed gemaak vir haar vonnis.” Sy wil nie tussen ander vroue wees nie. Sy wil tussen mans wees waar sy die middelpunt is. Haar kinderlewe is van haar weggeneem voordat sy van beter kon geleer het. “Ons soek haar terug om net weer kind te wees, om kindergoed aan te jaag. Stout te wees. Sy is nog nie klaar met kindwees nie. Sy is uit haar wêreld gehaal grootmens-
wêreld toe.” In laat Desember verlede jaar was daar ’n oomblik wat sy vir ’n week lank wéér kind was. “Ons het gedink ons kind is terug. Dit was wonderlik gewees. Daar was geen rusies, niks. Sy en haar jongste sussie van ses het selfs saam gebad.” Kindergoed gedoen. Geen pa skryf dit sy dogter toe nie. “Dis klaar erg genoeg. Ons het óók hulp nodig. Om self hierdeur te werk en om te verstaan hoe om háár te help.” En ook te verwerk. “Dit raak die hele gesin. Hele familie. Ons lewe is ook verwoes.” Die 74-jarige oupa het skuldig gepleit in die hof en is tot ses jaar gevangenisstraf gevonnis maar wat vir vyf jaar opgeskort is. Die reg se hamer het gepraat. Maar die seer is lank nie verby nie, die skade het ’n letsel gelos. “Dis ’n lang proses. Nie net ’n jaar nie. Sy gaan nog selfs in haar huwelik eendag die gevolge moet dra. Maar sy verstaan nou dat sy hulp nodig het.” Daar was ’n week van kindwees. ’n Week van lag. ’n Week van hoop…
Oupa se onsedelike dade Die Kinderhof in Potchefstroom het vandeesweek beslis dat die 12-jarige meisie wat deur haar oupa onsedelik aangerand is nou berading moet ontvang. Die beskuldigde van Potchefstroom, wat ’n tuindienste bedryf, is in Desember verlede jaar skuldig bevind op aanklagte van verkragting en seksuele aanranding op sy kleindogter. Die 74-jarige oupa is tot ses jaar gevangenisstraf gevonnis wat vir vyf jaar opgeskort is op die voorwaarde dat hy nie weer enige soortgelyke misdryf sal pleeg nie. Sy naam sal ook in die register van seksuele oortreders aangeteken word. Die oupa het dié dade in die tydperk van 11 tot 13 September verlede jaar gepleeg. Die meisie, wat in Potchefstroom skoolgaan, woon by haar pa op dieselfde kleinhoewe as wat haar oupa woon. Sy het in die aande na haar oupa se huis oorgestap om water uit ’n watersuiweraar te gaan haal toe die molestering glo plaasgevind het. Dit het vandeesweek aan die lig gekom dat die oupa glo al met sy kleinkind lol “sedert sy nege jaar oud is”, het haar ouers gesê. Al wat oor was na 'n brand Woensdagoggend, 27 Februarie, ontstaan het in die Top City Kliniek in Ikageng. Weens die watertekort was omstanders magteloos om hulp te verleen. Die Tlokwe City brandweer, sowel as die weermag se brandweervoertuie, is ontplooi maar daar was nie veel te red nie. Gelukkig is niemand beseer nie. Die oorsaak van die brand is nog onduidelik. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Potchefstroom Herald
Skelm huiskopers ‘n Vriendin van Ore wat in die eiendomsmark is, sê hier’s alweer skelms wat huise met te koop-borde besteel. Sy sê hulle het twee huise getakel wat sy in die mark het. Dit wissel, of twee swart vroue en ’n man wat in die kar, ’n wit BMW met Gauteng nommer bly sit, of die man klim saam uit as daar net een vrou is. Dan vertel hulle die huishulp of eienaar dat hulle die eiendom wil bekyk, want hulle is kontantkopers. In die huis split hulle op en die eienaar volg net een. Hulle steel dan
met sy jong seun in ‘n klein bakkie op die hoek van Retief- en Rivierstraat oor die vierrigtingstop asof dit nie bestaan nie. Die enigste spoed wat hy verminder het, was om die draai te kon vat.
skootrekenaars, kameras, selfone, en juwele! Ore kan nie glo dat hulle elke keer daarmee wegkom en mense bly val vir dié skelmstreek nie.
Net toe Ore begin dink dat Potchefstromers tog inderdaad ’n idee begin kry hoe vierrigting-stopstrate werk, is hy wreed ontnugter. Maandagmiddag net so skuins voor een ry ’n pa
Combrink het verskil gemaak Die DA was vanaf 26 November 2012 in beheer van die munisipaliteit. Nieteenstaande die vakansieperiode van Desember en die “stadige” tempo wat normaalweg met Janua rie gepaard gaan, het prof. Annette Combrinck as bur gemeester en die nuut verkose burgemeesterskomi teelede skouer aan die wiel gesit en deur hierdie perio de hard gewerk om ’n verskil te maak. Die “Skoon voor Kersfees”veldtog, waar met die gulhartige ondersteuning van plaaslike kontrakteurs, ingeklim is en ‘n skoonmaakinisiatief in die munisipa liteit, soos nog nooit vantevore gesien nie, geloods is en wat ‘n massiewe impak op die omgewing waaraan groot getalle van ons inwoners daagliks mee moet omgaan, gemaak het. Dit was nie ‘n vinnige in en uitveldtog nie, maar wat ook die implementeringstelsels van gereelde oprui ming, gereelde vullisverwydering, die plasing en diens van 2 – 3 ton vullishouers op strategiese plekke ingesluit het. .Verskeie kritieke poste, wat in sommige gevalle vir jare vakant was , is gevul en daar is planne en stelsels opgestel en geïmplementeer waardeur Pot chefstromers die voordeel van waarde vir geld en ‘n meer effektiewe munisipaliteit gaan hê. Dit uitdaging is nou op die ANCadministrasie om hiermee vol te hou. Prof. Combrink het geweet dat sy nie lank in die stoel gaan wees nie, maar het van die begin af gesê dat sy graag vir die ruk wat sy daar is ‘n verskil wil maak. Niemand kan ontken dat sy ‘n verskil gemaak het nie. Sy het nie gevra wie stem DA toe sy stappe gedoen het om dienslewering te verbeter nie. Sy het ‘n standaard gestel wat bo politiekery verhe we is.
1 Maart 2013
Eers vra nogal
Baie goeie voorbeeld vir sy seun. Waar is spietkops? Is
daar spietkops in Potch? Ore kan nie glo dat daar eers vergaderings met die volk gehou moet word oor die bou van ’n Velodrome vir Potch nie. Dis nou so al of die stadsraad ge-
Water vir wie?
reeld vir sy inwoners eers kom vra voordat hulle iets doen. Wie het byvoorbeeld vir die volk kom vra of daar so ‘n duur Mercedes vir die vorige burgemeester gekoop kan word? Gee die grond vir die Velodrome en kry klaar!
Hou die Rand in Potch, nie so maklik en nog menings Nie so maklik skryf:
Petro van Vaaldriehoek skryf:
Hou die Rand in Potchefstroom is makliker gesê as gedoen. Soek jy ’n spesifieke artikel is dit gewoonlik uit voorraad en dit moet bestel word, of dit is nie hier beskikbaar nie. Sekere motorhandelaars en ander ondernemings het ook nie takke hier nie. Dit is dieselfde met mediese spesialiste. Oor die kontrakteurs sal ek maar liewer niks sê nie. Nee wat, dit is ’n ou studentedorpie met ’n hengse geraas, dis al.
My seun Riaan het Vrydag ’n begrafnis in Potch bygewoon en vir ons die Herald saamgebring (ons woon nou in Gauteng) en ek het my verlustig in die koerant en jul sms rubriek wat ons ook in ons plaaslike koerant het. Ek sien Manie Fourie se doodsberig - ons het saam gewerk. Sterkte aan Jeanette. Ek lees oor mev. Helena Daly (wat ’n geseënde ouderdom) - ons was bure in Potch in die jare vyftigs. Doen so voort met jul koerant (is so 7jr nou in Gauteng).
Kan nie wag nie skryf: Robert Schoeman writes: With interest I note many complaints about Potchefstroom. In the 65 years I have been in Potchefstroom , it has never been better, so forget the party squables and lets celebrate our Potchefstroom. Roll on Velodrome and Airport.
Herald, baie dankie vir die vele interessante plasings oor die 1800-vroeë 1900 tydperke. As middeljarige dame geniet ek hierdie antieke kosbaarhede net soveel -indien nie meer nie- as die ‘goue-oues’ onder ons en gewapen met ’n uitknipskêr, raap ek hulle gretig op. Sommige vertel ’n hartseerstorie, ander bring weer ’n glimlag om die mond. En as mens fyn lees, kan jy selfs ’n lewensles of twee wysword. Kan nie wag vir die volgende nie.
Leer om as volwassene vir ware liefde wag Teen die agtergrond van Valentynsdag ’n week of wat gelede het ‘n klompie predikante die voorreg gehad om ‘n projek genaamd “WARE LIEFDE WAG” aan te bied in ons laer-en hoërskole! Jongmense het die reg op die waarheid oor verhoudinge en moet gehelp word om goeie en verantwoordelike besluite te neem. Dit beteken egter nie dat almal hierdie “waarheid” hulle eie sal maak nie. Ons is meesal net gewone ouens wat uit die magdom boodskappe wat na ons kom effens sukkel om altyd reg te kies. Die eerste vraag is : Wat is Ware Liefde? En dan natuurlik is die woordjie “wag” nou nie juis een van ons gunsteling tydverdrywe nie. Ware liefde verskil van mens tot mens, want mense soek antwoorde vir hulle vrae en probleme op verskillende plekke en op verskillende maniere! Verder sal ons definisie ook afhang van wie (Wie) jy toelaat om finale gesag in jou lewe te hê!
Vanuit God se Woord vind ons baie duidelike riglyne. Baie jongmense (ook mans en vroue wat reeds in huwelike is) is vasgevang in baie manipulerende verhoudinge wat meesal sentreer rondom jaloesie, agterdog en die “eie ek”. Wat ek soek, wil ek nou hê! As jy regtig lief is vir my, sal jy mos nie weier dat ek by jou slaap nie. “Ware liefde” het egter grense. Alles wat jy kan doen, het nie altyd ‘n heilsame uitwerking in ons lewens nie. Verder is daar die verskoning “maar almal doen dit!!”. My vraag sou wees: “Sê wie?” As die jong dogter voortydig en onbepland swanger word en die jong seun vat die pad, en al jou maats leef hulle jong lewe voluit, dan het jy skielik die verantwoordelikheid van ‘n baba. Hoewel geen baba ‘n fout in God se oë is nie, moet baie jongmense skielik ‘n verantwoordelikheid dra wat hulle nie veronderstel was om so vroeg in hulle lewens te hê nie. Meesal is hul ook nie geestelik en emosioneel
gereed nie. Maar daar is hoop!! In Job 31:1 lees ons dat Job ‘n verbond met sy eie oë aangegaan het om nie na ‘n meisie te kyk en haar te begeer nie!! In vandag se multi-media wêreld is dit moeilik om nie te sien en te kyk en met gedagtes in jou kop en hart te worstel nie. Dis juis die gedagte-wêreld wat ons meesal laat struikel. En wat van hulle wat reeds spreekwoordelik “oor die tou getrap het” en voorhuwelikse seks gehad het? “Die feit dat jongmense vasgevang raak in ‘n “netwerk van begeertes “ is vanweë die feit dat meeste sondes juis lekker is. Daarom gaan jy kort-kort terug daarheen. Maar onthou, alles wat lekker is en die vlees bevredig, is nie noodwendig op die lang duur goed vir jou nie!! As Satan jou en my voortdurend herinner aan ons verlede, dan moet ons hom herinner aan sy toekoms. Die Satan is reeds aan die kruis op Golgota oorwin en daarom kan en moet jongmense (ook volwassenes) leer om TE WAG VIR WARE LIEFDE!
Daar is ‘n plek vir veilige seks, en dit word die huwelik genoem. Ja, ons weet vandag word huwelike nie hoog aangeslaan nie, want daar is soveel ongelukkige huwelike wat in egskeidings en owerspel opeindig. Dit beteken steeds nie dat dit die bedoeling van die huwelik was nie. Jy en ek sal moet leer om ‘n besluit te neem om seksueel rein te leef. Daar kom ‘n tyd dat jy die Vader vra om jou te help as jongmens (as huweliksmaat) om getrou te bly aan God en aan jouself en aan jou maat. Hoewel ons almal in ‘n sekere sin produkte is van ons verlede, beteken dit nie dat ons gevangenes van ons verlede hoef te wees nie. Neem jou besluit en leef ‘n rein lewe voor die aangesig van die Here. Die besluit is in jou hande!! Jy sal beslis die vrugte daarvan pluk!!
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Mother pleads guilty to murdering her 8 - month - old baby Victor Boqo
A mother and her partner appeared before Potchefstroom magistrates court on 25 February for formal bail application. Both have been charged with attempted murder and the murder of their children, one 5 -years old and the other 8 months old, as reported in last week’s Herald. William Fourie (23), boyfriend of Boinelo Kgosimore (22) from Klipdrift plot were unable to look each other in the
adress. eye when they were in court. ”The matter was postponed for furFourie pleaded not guilty to the charther investigations. ges while Kgosimore pleaand will resume ded guilty. “I can’t link Fourie to the again at E court on Fourie was granted bail but Kgosimore was refu- murder of her child. ‘As for 18 March and The couple were sed bail by magistrate Es- Kgosimore, I am worried for the accused... apparently involtie Jansen. In her reved in an argument marks Jansen said “I can’t link Fourie to the murder of her three days before Valentine’s Day at child. “As for Kgosimore, I am worried their home on a Klipdrift plot. It is allefor the accused’s safety and that of her ged that Kgosimore poisoned corn and child as she might commit suicide. “Al- gave it to her two children, a boy and so, she doesn’t have a fixed physical a girl, to eat after the argument. She al-
Venterskroon Road virtually untrafficable
Cheryl Botha It is virtually impossible for ambulances and other emergency vehicles to travel on the Venterskroon Road (district road 85) these days. According to Mr Frank de Beer, a Venterskroon resident of seventy years, the road has never been worse. It takes roughly twenty minutes to drive on the ten-kilometre stretch to the tarred Schoemansdrif road, if you are willing to take a chance. Residents in and around the World Heritage Site report massive damage to their vehicles, including tyres that are shredded by the sharp rocks that lie exposed on the sub-base layer. Other problems include severe erosion and corrugations. Deep potholes on the road shoulder present a very real hazard. “The road can hardly be considered a public road any more,” says De Beer. Sybrand Botma, owner of Visarends Vreugde Fishing Resort, says the road has cost him more than R40 000 in car repairs. This is just a drop in the ocean
of damage to vehicles. Botma says graders broke storm water pipes years ago and they have never been repaired. With nowhere to drain, rain or storm water gushes down the road, carrying with it any remaining road surface. The residents of the Dome area are pulling their hair out of their heads because of the perceived incompetence of the department of roads and their lack of will to do anything about it. De Beer he has lodged several complaints over the years without success. According to Chris Hattingh, leader of the DA in North West, one of the problems is the lack of qualified leadership. The de- One road user put up a warning sign in desperation Photo: Cheryl Botha partment has been without a head since December 2010. Four dif- ferent people have been acting in that the road will have to be rebuilt from capacity for periods of approximately scratch. “We are caught between a rock and 6 months each. Botma points out that the road is the only access to the Vrede- a hard place,” says Botma. “We are so desperate that we are prefort Dome World Heritage Site, yet there has been no maintenance since the pared to do repairs ourselves, but we are not allowed because it is state profirst talk of proclamation. “This has a devastating effect on tou- perty.” The Herald has been trying to get rism and income,” he says. A stitch in time saves nine, as the comment from the department for mosaying goes. Because of years of neglect re than a month, without success.
Murray & Roberts Cementation
The entire Venterskroon Road will have to be rebuilt because of years of neglect Photo: Cheryl Botha
Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport
State Auctions Conducted by Boitshenolo Auctioneers Venue: Molopo Workshop, Plot No 1138, Ngaka Modiri Molema Road, Mmabatho Date: 13 March 2013 Time: 09:00 Viewing: 12 March 2013 from 09:00-16:30 Number of Items Under Auction: ±104 Enquiries and to Obtain a List of Vehicles on Auction: Ms O Mokolobate, tel. (018) 397-8000 or 082 380 8037 Reference No: 60201281 Venue: Road Camp, N12 Klerksdorp Potchefstroom Road, Potchefstroom Date: 19 March 2013 Time: 09:00 Viewing: from 18 March 2013 from 09:00 -16:30 Number of Items Under Auction: ±167 Enquiries and to Obtain a List of Vehicles on Auction: Ms van Tonder/Lynette Pelo, tel. (018) 293-7660 On Auction: Trucks, LDVs, Sedans, Yellow Fleet Road Maintenance equipment Reference No: 60201282 Registration:
R5 000 refundable deposit as bankers' cheque in the name of the Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport only Conditions: Registration commences at 07:30 on auction day An original ID book must be presented Final payment or balance should be paid by cash or bank cheque, using the above reference number, into the Department’s bank account. No removal of vehicles will be allowed before full payment All vehicles are sold “voetstoots”. Directions to Auction Venues: Mmabatho site: 1138 Ngaka Modiri Molema Road, next to University of North West, Mmabatho dpwrt Potchefstroom site: N12 Klerksdorp Potchefstroom Road Department: Public Works, Roads and Transport North West Provincial Government
Kone Solutions K20257
so ate the corn after giving it to the children. Her boyfriend went out to his usual spot just after the argument. Kgosiemore, holding the poisoned corn informed her neighbour that should it happen that they all die together, she must tell the police that Fourie was the one who killed them.” Her 8-month-baby died on the scene but Kgosimore and the 5 year-old were taken to Potchefstroom Hospital. The 5-year-old boy survived and is currently at a place of safety.
Murray & Roberts Cementation, an equal opportunity company and one of the leaders in underground mining contracting in South and southern Africa, is seeking a suitably qualified candidate to fill the following vacancy at the Mponeng Mine near Carletonville. The successful candidate will report to the Site Supervisor.
REF. MR-2508
Suitable candidates must possess the following minimum qualifications and skills: • A Matric certificate • A recognised Shift Supervisor Certificate • A First Aid Certificate • Computer literacy, including in Microsoft Office packages • Good communication skills in English and at least one of the other official languages. Suitable candidates must have the following work experience: • At least 5 years in underground drilling • Previous working experience as a Diamond Drill Operator or Foreman • Previous working experience with the following machinery: S36 percussion drilling; Kempe U3-9B Air & Electro Hydraulic; LM 75 & 90 Hydraulic; Lib hole drilling; Sealing hi-pressure water fishers and/or intersections. Candidates with a mechanical/engineering background will have an added advantage. The successful candidate will be responsible for, but not be limited to: • Diamond support operations and production • Supervising and maintaining the discipline of working crews • Safety of the crews under his/her control. The company will provide remuneration and benefits relevant and appropriate to the position. Preference will be given to Historically Disadvantaged South African (HDSA) candidates. This post is only open to South African citizens/permanent residents. For detailed vacancy specifications and to apply, please visit: Please note that only applications received through the website will be considered. Closing date: Friday, 8 March 2013
Please visit our eRecruitment website to view more job postings and to register your CV for any future vacancies: Correspondence will only be entered into with candidates who have been short-listed. If you have not received a reply within 2 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Human Communications 96525
Well done to Dent Doctor and your staff. Professional, friendly, good service. Keep it up. From a very happy customer. Are the smoking laws applied at Potchefstroom restaurants? Do people care about these laws and our lung health? What do our top restaurant owners say? Sies aan Lupinestraat-inwoners wat hulle tuinvullis en bourommel op die park oorkant hulle erwe stort! Reageer op sms van belastingbetaler. Die lede van landelike veiligheid SAPD werk vanaf 07:00 tot 19:00 twee dae dag- en dan twee dae nagskofte van 19:00 tot 07:00. Dan is hulle 4 dae af na nagskof. Dan is daar meer as genoeg tyd vir wat hulle wil doen in die af dae. Nie nodig om privaat dinge te doen in werkstyd nie. Ex-polisielid. Dankie weereens aan mnr. Lance Carson (stadsraad Ingenieursdepartement) vir die onmiddellike regsien van my watermeter nadat ek ’n probleem daarmee aangemeld het. Dis boonop nie die eerste keer dat ek dit van hom sê nie! Doen so voort! Rina Meyer. Why are restaurant owners in Potch so ignorant when it comes to Anti-tobacco legislation. It’s quite simple. Smoking is not allowed inside or near a public area such as walkways or doorways. So give the outdoor seating back to non-smokers. Smokers - smoke in your house or car! Watch out for a blue Jetta - drivers almost knocked over Girls’s High Scholars at the pedestrian crossing. I think he may be deaf, dumb and blind. Aanslae raak feller. Satan se tyd min! Lyk of Satan hele wêreld vergiftig. God bly in beheer! Dankie dr. Ruan van die NG Suid-gemeente. Openbaring-dienste was goed! Op soek na saamrygeleentheid, weeksdae asb, sal brandstof betaal. Vanaf Louwstr na Promosaweg Nywerheidsgbied. Ure 7:15 tot 16:45. Kontak Sarie, 072 366 9582. Aardklop! Kan jul asb. die plakkate van Aardklop 2012 nou maar verwyder in Beyers Naude-laan? Dit lyk nie mooi nie! Inwoner wat dorp graag mooi en skoon wil hê. Wat op aarde gaan aan by Pick n Pay middestad? Rakke leeg en geen diens? Almal wat boeke soek, by vlooimark is baie. Hannes. Kan die ‘landlord’ van Reitzstraat 17 asb iets doen. Jou huurders is nie die enigste mense in die buurt nie. Daar is van ons wat vroeg klas draf! Ek is dringend op soek na ’n opregte Jack Russel-reuntjie! (puppy) Indien iemand weet waar ek een kan kry/koop. Kontak my asb. 076 413 0276. Ek is op soek na die nommer van Tageez labels. My nr. is 076 5877 241. Baie dankie. Jy wat raad soek oor jou vrou, sy klink soos ’n engel. Ek het my vrou nie waardeer nie, haar verloor en is tot vandag toe nog bitter spyt. Pas haar op, sy is een uit ’n miljoen. Jesus het gesê: As julle my liefhet, bewaar my Gebooie-Joh.14:15. Hy wat sê: Ek ken hom- en Sy Gebooie nie bewaar nie, is ‘n leunaar en in hom is die waarheid nie. 1Joh.2:4. Daar is menige skrifte om die wet van God te onderhou maar dis soos die Here sê in sy Woord: Tevergeefs vereer hulle my deur leringe te leer wat Gebooie van mense is ! -Mat.15:9. Lees gerus die volgende skrifte en besef dat God gehoorsaamheid vereis om sodoende gered te word. Dankie. My opinie is om so gou moontlik ontslae te raak van die man. Ek is ook ’n geskeide man en meng glad nie met my eks nie al het ek kinders by haar. Ek los dit vir my kinders se stiefma. Sterkte. Stem saam Belastingbetaler. Kan polisiediens minder in hulle werkstye privaat goed doen, al is dit net 5 minute vir hare sny. Daar is baie werk vir polisiediens en ek glo hulle kry hulle af dae. Geskok sien ek hoe twee blanke polisiebeamptes, ’n man en vrou, papiere uit hul gemerkte Golf gooi op die N12 Klerksdorp toe. En natuurlik ook skielik begin jaag in ’n 80 km sone! Sies! Verhewe bo reëls en wette? Kan Gimmies vanjaar gestuit word? Beslis nie en nog minder deur Volkies.
Potchefstroom Herald
Honde-eienaars, hou asb jul honde binne, hek stewig toe, of as jy gaan stap/draf, aan ’n leiband! Weet julle hoe voel ek toe ’n hond vir sy baas weghardloop, in ’n besige straat, besige tyd, en onder my motorwiele beland! Is op soek na 1 Velocity mag rim om te koop. Skakel 082 560 3921. Kan daar nie asb ’n spoedwal met zebra-strepe by Samuel Broadbent-tehuis se robot voetoorgang opgerig word nie? (Om sodoende die jaers se spoed te kan breek) Op 20 Feb. 2013 om 6:15 vm jaag ’n swart polisiebeampte met staatsvoertuig (bakkie), registrasienommer BSC529NW oor stopstraat in Beyers Naude-laan en Joubertstraat. Was nie oppad na ’n toneel toe nie. Van wanneer is die polisiebeampte verhewe bo die wet? Jy is nie ’n goeie voorbeeld nie. Wil net die personeel van MediClinic, Saal A, kamer 8, wat op 14 & 15 Feb. aan diens was, baie dankie sê vir uitstekende diens. Welgedaan! LB. Ek is ’n student. Ek was so geskok toe ek Vrydagaand by GPs was en sien hoe baie ou tannies daar uithang en mans soek. Kry hulle nie skaam nie? Wonder waar is oupa?
ou olie in die proses! Indien daar verpleegpersoneel is wat in Potch woon maar by Wilmedpark werk. Kan u my asb kontak. 079 366 2132. Aandag alle eienaars van oop erwe in Aandblomstr. Grimbeekpark - sny asb jul gras. Ons kry kort-kort slange ens. op ons stoepe. As my klein seuntjie gepik word, sal ek die saak nie daar laat nie. Dankie byvoorbaat. Aan die superselfsugtige couple in Tuscan Heights wie se twee Jack Russels net nooit ophou blaf nie: Is julle bewus daarvan dat julle ’n kompleks met ander mense deel? Ek soek iemand om volgende week (einde van die maand) my trek te behartig - van een area na ’n ander in Potch. ’n 10 ton trok behoort groot genoeg te wees. Kontak my by 082 348 3714. ER 24 - Julle is tops! Spesiale dank aan Grant, Thulani, Gerhard en Corne, ons waardeer julle omgee! Groot, wit kantoortipe lessenaar met laaie gratis beskikbaar. Moet self afgehaal word. Skakel 084 581 2040 na 16:30.
Kan iemand dalk help asb? Ek soek ’n fisioterapeut wat 1 of 2 keer per week my gestremde kind tuis fisio kan gee. Dankie.
Ek vra asb vir enige gordyne, beddegoed en klere as daar mense is wat my kan help ek sal dit waardeer. Kontak my by 083 879 6619. Asb. Praat van goeie diens! Hendrik van Graan, oogkundige & personeel se diens is uiters professioneel. My bril se raam het gebreek en hy het dit gratis vervang. Dit is nou goeie diens veral in vandag se tyd waar jy niks meer verniet kry nie! Nogmaals baie dankie! C.k. Promosa. Wilfred van Parke Stadsraad, ek wag nou al 3 weke dat jul Boshoffstr 8 se straat kom skoonmaak. Dankie. Gee jy om, is jy bereid om hulp te verleen? Ek sal voedsel opreg waardeer. As gevolg van finansiële omstandighede kan ek dit nie bekostig nie. Dankie die Here seën jou. Thea 082 683 2858. Aan al die barmhartige samaritane, duisend dankies vir dié wat gereageer het op my noodroep ’n paar weke terug. Die persone wat gebel en adres gevra en nooit opgedaag het nie. God sal julle ook seën. 082 683 2858. Die Akker Koffiehuis ondersteun ‘n groen herwinningsprojek. Ons koop al jou vuil sonneblomolie @ R2 per liter. Ondersteun asb. die projek en kry sommer iets vir jou
Ek kon my oë nie glo toe ek en my vriendin by Habitat instap. Die diens wat ons daar gekry het, is net onbeskryflik goed. Personeel verdien elke sent van hul salaris. Hou so aan Gert en Fransie Kan die munisipaliteit groot asb. by al die kruisings in Chief Albert Lethuli-straat vanaf Govan Mbeki regdeur tot by die Dassierandkruising se wit strepe en stopteken padmerke verf! Studente weet nie wat die rooi stopteken beteken nie! What a frustration! 80% of cashiers just have all the time in the world,they just need to scan the items but even that’s done o so slowly!!!! They chat,look around and damn the customer. Can the people in charge not do something about that or are they also too slow? Please managers, do something about this. The customer must also get back to work to do their part! Wat gebeur dat water net so “wegraak”? Wie doen nie hul werk nie?! Bekommerde Potchinwoner. Wie moet nou die skuld kry vir die water? Is dit nou amperse taktiek van die hulpelose ANC wat die DA probeer indoen? Ockert.
Just a heart-felt thank you to Monique and the team at Little People Academy for taking such good care of Lente. We will miss you! Wat ‘n verskriklike leemte in jou hart as jou selfoon gesteel word of om dit te verloor! Nie soseer die foon nie.. Dit kan vervang word. Selfs jou 400 telefoon no’s waaraan jy jare versamel het, sal mettertyd vervang word, maar ai!! Al die foto’s, van piepklein baba tot stuitige kleuter. Video clips van jou kleinkinders se 1ste geluidjies tot 1ste strompel treetjies! Priceless maar weg vir ewig! Potch gaan hoogstens 48 uur sonder water wees! Wil net dankie sê aan die volgende mense vir hulle hulp: Raadslid Vincent Clarke, Public Safety, Leroy Pretorius, Brandweer en sy span, die stadsraad se Water Afdeling en al die vrywilligers wat help met die waterprobleem.
Daar is so baie mense wat nie geld het vir kos nie, maar hul het altyd geld vir sigarette? Hoe nou?
To all who have lost hope and feels hopeless. God is still in control and in due time he will answer. ng.
lik van ’n man nie girl, daar is baie visse in die see.
Gluk mt jo vjaarsdag. Loer gou . . . In jou Hart het ek ‘n geskenkie gesit . . . ‘n drukkie en ‘n laggie . . . ‘n happie liefde en arms vol omgee . . . Gebruik dit soos nodig en as dit op is laat weet dan stuur ek dadelik weer :) Lekker vjaar vdag! XXX
Telkom se besigheidslyste is verouderd. Vir die afgelope 18 jr is ons besigheid op dieselfde plek, so kry ons dan ook ons gratis telefoongids. Einde verlede jr was ons naam nie meer op die lys nie, dus geen gids nie. Van die besighede wat WEL op die lys was, bestaan lankal nie meer nie. In Baillie Park het hul by elke huis een oor die hek gegooi. Hoe werk hul stelsel? Cor.
Goeie dag. Kan die dame wat die artikel oor die jeuggevangenis geplaas het vir kinders met dwelmprobleme vir ons inligting verskaf asb. Ons is baie wat met soortgelyke probleem sit. Dankie.
1 Maart 2013
To pee at night is a criminal offence... People get killed for that...! Pie liewer in bed, baie beter... Oscar awards to be banned as it contains dangerous elements... Golden Globe better, at least the lights are on...! Ai is daar regtig nie meer wit verf by paaie dept nie. Hoe moet besoekers wat ons paaie nie ken nie, weet dat daar bane is, veral ’n baie besige pad soos Albert Luthuli en Steve Biko by robot by Spar. Ore help ’n bietjie hier. Die omie met sy bakkie wat die gate op die Mooibank-pad regmaak en so baie betaal word vir elke gat wat hy vul. Dit hou net ’n dag en sê maar hy vul die gat tien keer ’n maand kan hy maar net by die een gat bly die hele maand. Kan ek nie maar ook ’n gat iewers in die pad kry om reg te maak nie. Se maar net. Wonder maar net of die waterprobleem nie dalk sabotasie was nie? Dalk om die DA uit te kry, en die ANC kan voortgaan om belastingbetalers se geld te verkwis? Vra maar net...Marius. Ek benodig hulp met kos. Thia 0826832858 ANC is soos sprinkane wat als opvreet wat in hul sig kom,nie die land help opbou, maar gretig om te vat en verwoes,niks terug sit om bydrae tot maak tot ’n beter lewe vir almal. Shame hahaha. My antw. op Susan se sms van 22Feb is: As jy voel dinge is nie reg tussen jou en jou verloofde wat nog lus is om x-vrou drukkies en soentjies te gee en hy maak jou gevoelens daaroor af as niks, is dit maar tyd om vir hom te sê tata bye.Ek weet nie hoe oud jy is, dalk nog baie jonk, maar luister na jou 6e sintuig wat sê dis nie reg!Ek dink hy geniet jou jaloesie en onsekerheid, dit laat hom meer man voel. Aaag shame! Skop hom by wyse van spreke onder sy agterent en gaan aan met jou lewe.Moet nooit voel jy is afhank-
Ek soek enige afval wol, hekelgare en hout - 079 359 2666. Baie dankie Herald. Baie dankie vir die goeie en vriendelike diens by Spruit Dierekliniek Ansie de Klerk. Aan dr. Omar baie dankie dat jy so mooi na my ma kyk Ansie. Cheryl Botha. Girl you should try your hand at creative writing! Trust me I never flatter people! Piet Venter. Ek wil almal bedank wat my behulpsaam was met nommer vir iemand wat my kan help met restoureer van meubels. Ek is geseend om in Potch te kan woon. Dit is ‘n pragtige dorp met wonderlike mense. Baie dankie Carol. Uit die Woord: Tog sal Ek weer begin om haar die hof te maak. Ek sal haar na die woestyn toe bring en mooi dinge vir haar sê. Wanneer ons daar is, sal Ek weer vir haar wingerde gee, Ek sal die Akorlaagte ‘n poort na ‘n nuwe toekoms maak. Dan sal sy weer my liefde beantwoord soos toe sy jonk was, soos toe sy uit Egipte getrek het. Hos 2:1314. Sien iemand het gekla oor handsak wat verkrummel! Ek het ook ‘n baie slegte ondervinding met ‘n ontsaglike duur handsak gehad, by dieselfde winkel, nie eers om te praat oor die teleurstellende diens nie! Dink asb. mooi voor jy in Potch ‘n duur/’brandname’ handsak koop, jy weet nie wat die kwaliteit regtig is nie. Hoe kry die “opgeleide” mense van die waterwerke(munisipaliteit) dit reg dat die hoof -reservoir leeg geloop het? Dit is pure nalatigheid. Ockert
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Hier is Herald se graad 1wenners vir vanjaar!
Die vingers het getik en die SMSe het ingerol om die Herald se graad 1-wenners te bepaal. Baie geluk aan Tristan Jardim van Laerskool Baillie Park wat die wenner van die kompetisie is. Tweede was Anricke Smith van Laerskool ML
Tristan Jardim - Laerskool Baillie Park.
Fick en derde Lalique van der Merwe van Laerskool Mooirivier. Die Herald bedank elke ouer of oupa en ouma wat hul kleinding vir die kompetisie ingeskryf het. Die wenners sal deur die Herald geskakel word vir verdere reëlings.
Anrick Smith - Laerskool ML Fick.
Lalique van der Merwe - Laerskool Mooirivier.
Desemberbruidspaarwenner Die twaalfde en laaste bruidspaar van die Herald se Bruidspaar-kompetisie vir 2012 is bepaal. Die wenpaar is Dewald en Larisa van Heerden. Die Herald sal met al 12 bruidspaar-maandwenners skakel om reëlings deur te gee vir die finale bekroningsgeleentheid. Intussen kan bruidspare wat in Januarie en Februarie getroud is en wil deelneem aan die Bruidspaar van die Jaar-kompetisie 2013 inskryf. Die sluitingsdatum vir Januarie- en Februarie-bruidspare is Vrydag 29 Maart. Stuur vir ons ’n mooi foto (halflyf) met name en van asook kontakbesonderhede na Geluk aan Dewald en Larisa van Heerden wat die bruidspaarfinalis vir Desember is.
Manne koor Die Potchefstroom Mannekoor tree Vrydag 1 Maart by die Hervormde Kerk Moedergemeente op ten bate van Totius Akademie. Die optrede begin 18:30 vir 19:00. Toegang is R40 vir volwassenes en R10 vir skoliere. Voorskoolse kinders kan gratis ingaan. Port en poeding is by die toegangsgeld ingesluit. Skakel Dries Bloem vir meer inligting 083 379 6540.
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Samekoms vir oudstryders
Verlede Vrydag het lede van Klub 80 en 90 heerlik by ’n samekoms vir oud-polisielede gekuier. Dit was alles ten bate van die polisiehelpmekaar-fonds (PHF) van Potchefstroom. Hierdie organisasie word deur twee vrywilligers sonder enige finansiële bystand of salarisse bedryf. “Ons verleen hulp aan al ons polisie-pensioenarisse van alle bevolkingsgroepe met pensioene, medies en bystand by afsterwe,” sê Wilma Kruger, een van die stigterslede en bestuurder van dié ondersteuningsnetwerk. Die samekoms is by die Mooirivier NG Kerk in Walter Sisululaan gehou. Die PHF is vrywilligers wat graag ’n diens aan hul naaste lewer. “Ons word gedryf tot naastediens vanweë ons
Christelike oortuigings en help alle pensioenarisse, maar veral polisiepensioenarisse en dienende polisielede. “Ons streef daarna om alle persone met probleme te help, veral ons seniors en hoofsaaklik polisiepersoneel van alle rassegroepe. Die PHF is sedert 3 Februarie 2009 op die been en dis gestig met die doel om bejaardes by te staan en om aan hulle hulp te verleen op alle gebiede na aftrede. Dis ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie en Wilma en tant Anne van der Westhuizen behartig al die administrasie. Ons bied ook geleenthede vir vakansie en toere om ons mooi land te ontdek.” Ds. Albert Horn het by die geleentheid vyf egpare wat 60 jaar getroud is weereens hul huweliksbeloftes laat be-
vestig. Hulle was Boontjie en Johanna Booyens, Koot en Nelie Steyn, Jan en Sankie du Preez, Ben en Alida Oosthui-
zen en Sakkie en Anna Horn. Vir enige navrae skakel gerus vir Wilma of tant Anne by (018) 293 0977.
Die oudste lede tussen Klub 80 en 90 wat verlede Vrydag se funksie bygewoon het, is 90 jaar en ouer. Hier is oom Jan Venter, tant Maude McCarthy en tant Bossie van Tonder. Agter is die bestuurslede Wilma Kruger en Anne van der Westhuizen.
Elektrisiteitkrisis dreig Hier sit die oudste lede van Klub 80 en 90. Oud-polisiemanne wat steeds met ’n ferm handdruk groet. Steeds na al die jare trots het en met ’n kritiese oog vandag se polisie kan berispe. Hier sit oud-kol. Jan du Preez, oud-kol. Ben Oosthuizen, kapt. Boontjie Booyens, oud-brig. Dries Miennie, oud-a.o. Henry Collins en oud.-a.o. Koot Steyn.
Daar is reeds baie gepraat oor probleme met voldoende elektriese krag wanneer dit nodig is, maar dit blyk nou dat daar werklik tekorte ondervind kan word. Niemand weet presies wanneer en tot hoe ‘n mate onderbrekings kan plaasvind nie. Al wat u as verbruiker gevra word, is om saam te werk en krag te bespaar waar enigsins moontlik. Elke bietjie help. Plaasboere kan veral daarop let om hulle wateropgaartenks en reservoirs naby aan vol te hou vir ingeval elektrisiteit uitsny. ‘n Goue reël is ook om in die huis ‘n paar kanne water te bêre. Nadere inligting word gegee in die volgende berig ontvang van Eskom: Eskom needs your help to reduce electricity usage from 17:00 to
21:00 each day. Our electricity system is currently operating under constrained conditions and is in red alert. This is due to a high number of technical problems experienced on our ageing generation plant. Eskom is currently using its emergency reserves such as gas and hydropower stations and buying back of power from large industrial customers to manage the system. It is critical that every electricity user switches off all lights and appliances such as geysers, stoves, air conditioners and swimming pool pumps during the evening peak period from 17:00 to 21:00 Every kW hour saved during this period will assist our country to get through this difficult period.
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
20 Jaar gelede Vyf vroue met dagga in bus gevang In die Herald van 2 Maart 1993 is die die Mooirivier skoongemaak. Miskien hoofberig oor vyf vroue wat met dagga is dit ’n goeie idee vir vanjaar!! ’n Baie insiggewende berig verskyn in hul reistasse in ’n luukse toerbus betrap is. Die waarde van die dagga was oor die geskiedenis van die waterwerke in Potchefstroom. Onder meer word nagenoeg R250 000. Die dagga was in plastiese sakke toe- vertel dat water aanvanklik op bykans gedraai en om die reuk daarvan, waar- elke erf uit vlak putte verkry is. Wasskynlik vir polisiehonde, te verbloem is goed is gewas in dammetjies op elke sterk toiletverfrissers daaroor ge- erf. Teen die einde van 1841, met die verskuiwing van die dorp na sy huidige krummel. Die busbestuurder het onraad ver- posisie, is ’n leiwaterkanaal uit die moed toe die tasse vir hom besonder Mooirivier gegrou. Eers in 1899 is beswaar was. Die vroue het kaartjies na sinkingstenks en ’n eerste pompstasie gebou. In 1924 is begin om die eerste Windhoek gehad. Op ’n ligter trant het maats van kol. watersuiweringswerke te bou. Frik Neser, destyds hoof van die gevangenis in Potchefstroom, vir hom ’n donkie vir sy verjaarsdag gegee. Die donkie was pragtig getooi met ‘ strik in die hare! Met water nou sterk in die nuus was dit interessant genoeg gedurende dié week van 1 - 7 Maart Waterweek in Suid-Afrika en waarin inwoners gemaan is om waKlets weer saam hierdie week en ’n koopbewys van R100 is jouter te bespaar. As ne met komplimente van die Steakhouse op die Bult. Wat sou deel van Waterhierdie hondjie hier dink? *Vorige wenners se kletspraatjies sal week het ’n groep nie weer in aanmerking geneem word nie. Potchefstromers
Die bekende digter prof. T.T. Cloete stel sy digbundel “Met die Aarde Praat” bekend. ’n Stel troufotos wat in verskeie vreemde posbusse en in ‘n tuin beland het, is na ‘n jaar terug in die hande van hul eienaar. Dit het ’n gelukkige einde gehad toe die Herald een van die fotos gepubliseer en ’n familielid dit gesien het. “Remember to shop around” was ’n prysvergelyking tussen drie supermarkte in 1993. Die produkpryse maak nogal interessante leesstof. Twee liter Sta Soft het ‘n volle R5,99 gekos.
Cheddar-kaas was R16,59 per kg, ’n witbrood was R1,63, ’n liter melk R1, 39 en 750g Ricoffy R8,99.
In Memoriam
Klets saam
Willie Graaff
Foto: verskaf
Willie Graaff Gebore: 03-02-1929 Oorlede: 18-02-2013. Op die 28 Februarie sou Willie en sy vrou 54 jaar getroud wees.
William van Staden Gebore: 14-051955 Oorlede: 20-022013. Werk by die kantoor van die Ouditeur-Generaal. Laat sy vrou, MaryAnn, en kinders Jac, Marelizé en Robyn, agter.Familie wil graag ds. Marius de Beer, dr. Adriaan Vermooten, dr. John Duminy en verpleegpersoneel van Wilmed Onkologie bedank.
William van Staden. Foto: Verskaf
Johann Combrinck Foto: Verskaf
Om ’n gemaklike aftrede te verseker is makliker as wat jy dink. Met ’n Uittree-Annuïteit van Sanlam kan jy verseker dat jy ’n maandelikse betaling kry om jou pensioen ’n hupstoot te gee. Neem die eerste stap om vir jou toekoms te beplan en kontak my. As ’n ervare finansiële adviseur kan ek jou help om die soort aftrede te hê waaroor jy nog altyd gedroom het. Begin deur my te skakel. Cecil de Villiers
Finansiële Adviseur
Sanlam CI1002RS0095BPA
018 290 7829 083 456 8769
Dr. Johann Combrinck. Gebore: 26-02-1942 Oorlede: 02-02-2013 Oud-dokter en sakeman van Potchefstroom. Dit is met leedwese dat die kinders van dokter Combrink sy afsterwe na ’n kort siekte deurgee. Hy het die laaste 20 jaar in St. Lucia en Prieska praktiseer. Hy sou op 26 Februarie sy 71ste verjaardag vier. Hy laat vier kinders en drie kleinkinders agter. Die diens vind plaas by die NG Kerk Mooirivier, Walter Sisulustraat 235, Potchefstroom, op Maandag 4 Maart om 12:00.
Potchefstroom Herald
Vyfhoek-onder-die-bome bied aan Ta Mossie se show
Potch gesels met
Pearie praat oor Pearie
Die Herald gesels vandeesweek met Pearie Ujdur van Menora lemmetjie-negosiewinkel en drukwerk. Hy is altyd bereid om die ekstra myl met sy kliënte te stap en om gehalte werk te lewer. Hy is altyd vriendelik, sy winkel is altyd besig en hy het altyd tyd vir ’n geselsie. Sy negosiewinkel bied ontspanning vir die siel wanneer jy daardeur stap en propvol oudhede kan raak loop. 1)Wat is jou ideale werk? Om ’n kunstenaar te kan wees. 2)Hoeveel lande in die wêreld het jy al besoek en watter een is jou gunsteling? Ek dink so 10 lande. En Kroasië is by verre my gunsteling. 3)Wat is die mees irriterende uitvindsel van alle tye? ’n Telefoon. 4)Ken jy enige bekende mense? Brümilda van Rensburg, Henry Mylne (regisseur), Chris van Niekerk, Randall Wicomb en André Scholtz. 5)As jy met ’n glas sjampanje in die swembad sit en ontspan na ’n lang dag en die tellefoon lui. Wat maak jy? Ek sal dit net los en nie antwoord nie. 6)As iemand vir jou ’n foon as ’n geskenk gee, wat sal jy doen: Dit vriendelik ontvang, onvriendelik ontvang, dit ontvang en dadelik weer weg-
Braaivleis, bome, musiek en Ta Mossie. Dit is wat Vyfhoek-onderdie-bome vir Potchefstroom aanbied. Laasgenoemde is ’n inisiatief van die vroue van NGVyfhoek in nuwe Bailliepark, in dieselfde straat as ES le Grange. Hulle bring die kunstenaars van “Ta Mossie” om ou volkstreffers en musiek te laat herleef. Hierdie buitengewone nuwe produksie het gedurende Aardklop 2012 op die planke gekom en groot gehore getrek. Dit beloof weereens om ’n lekker informele kuier onder die bome te wees.
gee? My selfoon is nou stukkend, so ek sal dit maar vriendelik ontvang he-he. 7)As jy in ’n fliek sou kon speel? Brokeback Mountain. 8)Wat is volgens jou tipies Suid-Afrikaans? Die Blou Bulbalsak wat agter voertuie hang. 9)Trek jy volgens jou gemoedstoestand aan of haal jy net ’n broek en hemp uit die kas? Volgens gemoedstoestand. 10)Sal jy saam met die koningin van Engeland wil tee drink eendag? Waaroor sal julle gesels? Natuurlik sal ek. Ons sal gesels oor haar inkomste, irritasies, normaliteit en waaraan sy haar uitgawes spandeer. En wat sy wou wees as sy nie die Koningin was nie. 11)Wanneer is jy op jou gemaklikste? Met ’n glas wyn in die hand tussen vriende. 12)As dwergies die land sou regeer, dink jy alle probleme sal ook klein wees? Nee, dit sal nie. 13)Waarvandaan dink jy kom die spreekwoord: “Gooi die kind met die badwater uit”? Van die kinderhuis af.
Wie hou nou nie daarvan om saam te sing as dit ’n lekker opgewekte deuntjie is nie? En op dié manier word die jonger geslag blootgestel aan al die liedjies waarmee ons grootgeword het. Oud is nie noodwendig outyds nie en by hierdie vertonings is kisklere nie nodig nie en kappies opsioneel. Potchefstroom word hartlik uitgenooi om saam te kom kuier. Vir nadere inligting skakel die kantoor by: (018) 290 5988.
Gimmies Eisteddfod
Potchefstroom Gimnasium is baie trots om ’n platform te skep vir leerline van Potchefstroom waar hulle hul talente op kultuurgebied kan ontwikkel. “Daar is vele geleenthede waar leerlinge kan kompeteer en groei as hul musiek en dans as aktiwiteite neem, maar minder geleenthede op die gebied van drama, fotografie en visuele kuns. Daarom het ons besluit om hoofsaaklik te konsentreer op hierdie leemtes.” Leerlinge van graad 1 tot 12 kan deelneem in die volgende afdelings soos voordragte, monoloë, Bybelvoor-
dragte, spreekkore en redenaars. Fotografie en visuele kuns word ook aangebied. Die Gimmies Eisteddfod vind plaas vanaf 15 – 19 April 2013. Alle deelnemers sal ’n diploma (brons, silwer, goud of platinum) ontvang. Trofeë sal per afdeling toegeken word aan die beste presteerders by ’n spesiale prestige geleentheid na afloop van die fees. Enige belangstellendes kan mev Rosemary Fouché kontak per e-pos by vir alle besonderhede rakende die voorskrifte per afdeling en inskrywingsvorms.
Fri,Tue: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sat: 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 17:00, 19:30 Mon,Wed,Thu: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————
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1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Department of Health Healthy Living for All Administration Clerk Grade II
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/1) Bojanala District: • Various Hospitals: * Koster/Swartruggens Hospital * Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital * Moses Kotane Hospital * Brits Hospital • Sub-districts: * Moses Kotane Sub-district * Kgetleng Sub-district * Rustenburg Sub-district * Madibeng Sub-district * Moretele Sub-district • Kgetleng Regional Training Centre Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: • Various Hospitals: * Potchefstroom Hospital * Witrand Hospital * Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex * Nic Bodenstein Hospital * Ventersdorp Hospital • Sub-districts: * Matlosana Sub-district * Maquassi Hills Sub-district * Ventersdorp Sub-district * Potchefstroom Sub-district Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District: • Various Hospitals: * Ganyesa District Hospital * Taung District Hospital * Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital * Joe Morolong Hospital • Subdistricts: * Kagisano/Molopo Sub-district * Lekwa Teemane Sub-district * Mamusa Sub-district * Naledi Sub-district * Greater Taung Sub-district Ngaka Modiri Molema District: • Various Hospitals: * Mafikeng Provincial Hospital * Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital * Thusong/ General Delarey Hospital * Gelukspan District Hospital * Lehurutshe/Zeerust Hospital Complex • Sub-district: * Mafikeng Sub-district * Ratlou Sub-district * Tswaing Sub-district * Ditsobotla Sub-district * Ramotshere Moiloa Sub-district Provincial Office Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ experience • Computer literacy • Good communication and writing skills • Good interpersonal relations. Duties: • Perform general administration work, which includes filing, typing and handling • Compile statistics/reports • Complete VA2 forms for the administration section • Perform any other duties as delegated by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Bojanala District: Mr E Mmusi, tel. (014) 591-9700 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati: Mr GN Maibi, tel. (053) 927-0456 Ngaka Modiri Molema District: Mr K Dibodu, tel. (018) 384-0240 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: Mr PM Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744 Provincial Office: Mr PW Kepadisa, tel. (018) 387-1818
Groundsman II
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/2) • Ventersdorp Sub-district • Swartruggens Hospital (2) • Brits Hospital (6) • Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ experience in the cleaning environment • Ability to use garden equipment • Good interpersonal relations and communication skills. Duties: • Maintain a clean, safe and accurate environment • Ensure clean and attractive garden at all times • Follow procedure of servicing machines • Ensure and maintain therapeutic environment • Manage and control machines and other equipment • Adhere to health and safety, infection prevention and control standards. Enquiries: Ventersdorp Sub-district: Mr P Nape, tel. (018) 264-3251 Swartruggens Hospital: Mr SA Mamabolo, tel. (014) 544-0751 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311 Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Ms KPJ Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4600
Accounting Clerk Grade II
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/3) • Ventersdorp Hospital • Potchefstroom Hospital Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Diploma in Financial Management will be added advantage • Computer literacy • Knowledge of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations • Good verbal and written communication skills • Commercial subjects will be added advantage • Valid driver’s licence will be an added advantage. Duties: • Pay creditors including reconciliation on the VA system • Post creditors cheques • Attend to internal and external queries regarding creditors • Obtain quotes • File keeping contracts up to date • Keep State money safe • Face value forms and patient valuables • Be responsible for daily banking and cash up • Handle petty cash correctly and safely • Bill private accounts on PAAB • Verify correctness of cash balance: actual cash with receipt • Follow up on cash discrepancy • Receive revenue and capture on PAAB system • Complete suppliers claim form daily. Enquiries: Ventersdorp Hospital: Ms NE Buti, tel. (018) 264-2081 Potchefstroom Hospital: Mr P Motsi, tel. (018) 293-4421
Senior Operator (Darkroom)
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/4) Ventersdorp Hospital & Potchefstroom Hospital Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations. Duties: • Register patients in the register • Keep records of request forms and radiologist reports • File X-ray films and X-ray administrative-related duties • Order films, stationery and other materials • Daily and weekly cleaning and basic maintenance of all processing equipment • Carry regular checks on safelight • General maintenance, cleaning and care of processors, cassettes and screens • Implement effective stock control measures for films and chemicals inventory. Enquiries: Ventersdorp Hospital: Ms NE Buti, tel. (018) 264-2081 Potchefstroom Hospital: Mr P Motsi, tel. (018) 293-4421
Registry Clerk Grade II
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/5) • Ventersdorp Hospital • Brits Hospital (4) • Potchefstroom Hospital Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations • Knowledge of recordkeeping and filing system • Ability to maintain confidentiality • Knowledge of the Promotion of Access to Information Act • Knowledge of HR Registry activities as well as the Archives Act and requisitions and guidelines of registry work. Duties: Ventersdorp Hospital and Potchefstroom Hospital: • Record and document files • File documentation and distribute information • Handle all files according to registry procedure • Open mail; keep outgoing and incoming mail register and make entries thereof • Fax and make photocopies • Bind and shred documents • Neatness in the office • Report irregularities and defective equipment • Handle administrative issues and functions • General office administration. Brits Hospital: • Keep the Departmental Filing System up-to-date • Update and maintain files, open post and files, distribute incoming documents • Pend files according to the pending system • Be responsible for operating and control over the franking machine • Dispose of files • Audit files quarterly • Collect and deliver documents (fetch post/parcels). Enquiries: Ventersdorp Sub-district: Ms NE Buti, tel. (018) 264-2081 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311/66 Potchefstroom Hospital: Mr P Motsi, tel. (018) 293 4421
Senior Secretary Grade II
Salary: R108 078 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/6) Provincial Office (Various Directorates) Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) and appropriate qualification in Secretarial course (Diploma) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant office administration • Typing as fully passed subject and any tertiary qualification will be an added advantage. Skills: Accounting • Management • Analytical • Statistical • Computer literacy • Planning and organisational • Presentation • Reporting • Written communication. Duties: Manage the diary and appointment of the Director • Manage the filing system in the office of the Director • Perform general reception duties • Type memorandums, letters and other documents required • Receive and distribute correspondence/documents • Prepare documents for meetings and functions • Serve as appointed Chief User Clerk • Perform various tasks as assigned by the Director. Enquiries: Mr PW Kepadisa, tel. (018) 387-1818
Cleaner II
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/7) Bojanala: • Various Hospitals: * Koster/Swartruggens Hospital * Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital * Moses Kotane Hospital * Brits Hospital • Sub-districts: * Moses Kotane Sub-district * Kgetleng Sub-district * Rustenburg Sub-district * Madibeng Subdistrict * Moretele Sub-district Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: • Various Hospitals: * Potchefstroom Hospital * Witrand Hospital * Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex * Nic Bodenstein Hospital * Ventersdorp Hospital • Sub-districts: * Matlosana Sub-district * Maquassi Hills Sub-district * Ventersdorp Sub-district * Potchefstroom Sub-district Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District: • Various Hospitals * Ganyesa District Hospital * Taung District Hospital * Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital * Joe Morolong Hospital Sub-districts * Kagisano/Molopo Sub-district * Lekwa Teemane sub-district * Mamusa Sub-district * Naledi Sub-district * Greater Taung Subdistrict Ngaka Modiri Molema District: • Various Hospitals * Mafikeng Provincial Hospital * Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital * Thusong/ General Delarey Hospital * Gelukspan District Hospital * Lehurutshe/ Zeerust Hospital Complex • Sub-districts * Mafikeng Sub-district * Ratlou Sub-district * Tswaing Sub-district * Ditsobotla Sub-district * Ramotshere Moiloa Sub-district Emergency Medical Rescue Services College (Orkney)
Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ experience in cleaning services • Ability to read and write • Knowledge of Health and Safety measures • Basic numeracy and literacy • Good interpersonal and communication skills. Duties: • Maintain a clean, healthy, safety and hygienic environment • Ensure effective use and maintenance of cleaning material, machinery and equipment • Maintain housekeeping, cleaning of windows and toilets • Assist and ensure sluicing and cleaning of linen • Ensure cleanliness of linen room • Assist in patient care and staff • Clean offices, boardrooms, wards, sweep, vacuum, dust, polish, remove rubbish from dustbins • Report all broken equipment •Perform any other duties as delegated by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Bojanala District: Mr E Mmusi, tel. (014) 591-9700 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati: Mr GN Maibi, tel. (053) 927-0456 Ngaka Modiri Molema District: Mr K Dibodu, tel. (018) 384-0240 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: Mr PM Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744 Emergency Medical Rescue Services College: Ms M Thubela, tel. (018) 473-0324
Registry Clerk Grade II
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/8) Provincial Office (HOD)
Requirements: • Senior Certificate/ National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience in the Registry environment • Computer literacy • Good interpersonal relations and communication skills. Duties: • Provide access to information in the Directorate. Maintain information system in the Directorate • Monitor flow of records in the Directorate • Submit reports on information input and output • Determine destinations and routes (maneuver into position for loading and unloading) • Provide assistance with loading to ensure goods are arranged for ease of delivery and safety secured to avoid damage • Verify documents when collected and delivered • Arrange and deliver unloading operations and ensure deliveries are signed for • Identify and report vehicle maintenance needs and care for and maintain allocated vehicles through adherence to all prescribed administrative tasks Enquiries: Ms R Tshehle, tel. (018) 387-1963
ABET Educator
(24-month fixed contract) Salary: R72 149 pa (stipend) (Ref. K20216/9) • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Language) • Moses Kotane Hospital (Mathematics Facilitator) • Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital (Mathematics Facilitator) (2)
Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Educators qualification and unemployed • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • Knowledge of Unit Standard and competent in assessment and placement of learners • Insight on Adult Basic Education and Training Aspects • Prepared to work four days a week. Duties: • Recruit and place learners • Draw a Learning Programme and Lesson Plan • Educate adult learners on different ABET learning areas • Conduct both formative and summative assessment of learners • Conduct Outcomes-based Assessment – OBE • Keep an attendance register and monitor progress of learners • Report to the Human Resource Development Coordinator • Offer tuition from level 1 to 4. Enquiries: Boitshoko Mabala & Lucky Sebolao, tel. (018) 387-1804
Staff Nurse (MDR + XDR & Neuro-Surgery Department)
Salary: R106 635 – R185 307 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/10) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex
Final salary will be determined by appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with SANC as a Staff Nurse Requirements: • Qualification that allows for registration with the South African Nursing Council as Staff Nurse • Appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with South African Nursing Council as Staff Nurse • Current proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Staff Nurse must be attached. Duties: • Perform a basic clinical nursing practice in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility • Promote quality of basic nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the relevant health facility • Demonstrate basic communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians • Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure good nursing care • Work effectively, co-operatively amicable with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences • Display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating basic care, including awareness and willingness to respond to patients' needs, requirements and expectations Batho Pele principles. Enquiries: Mr TS Molaoa, tel. (018) 406-4600
Nursing Assistant (MDR + XDR & NeuroSurgery Department) Salary: R82 458 – R143 298 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/11) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex
Final salary will be determined by appropriate/recognisable experience in Nursing after registration as a Nursing Assistant with the SANC in General Nursing Requirements: • Qualifications that allows for registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Nursing Assistant • Current proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Nursing Assistant must be attached. Duties: • Perform elementary clinical standards as determined by the relevant Health facility • Promote quality of elementary nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standard as determined by the health facility • Demonstrate elementary communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians • Work effectively, co-operatively and amicably with person of diverse intellectual, radical and basic care, including awareness and willingness to respond to patients needs • Demonstrate elementary understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practice. Enquiries: Mr TS Molaoa, tel. (018) 406-4600
Staff Nurse
Salary: R106 635 – R185 307 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/12) Bojanala District: • Various Hospitals: * Koster/Swartruggens Hospital * Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital * Moses Kotane Hospital * Brits Hospital • Sub-districts: * Moses Kotane Sub-district * Kgetleng Sub-district * Rustenburg Sub-district * Madibeng Subdistrict * Moretele Sub-district Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: • Various Hospitals: * Potchefstroom Hospital * Witrand Hospital * Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex * Nic Bodenstein Hospital * Ventersdorp Hospital • Subdistricts: * Matlosana Sub-district * Maquassi Hills Sub-district
Kone Solutions K20216
* Ventersdorp Sub-district * Potchefstroom Sub-district Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District: • Various Hospitals: * Ganyesa District Hospital * Taung District Hospital * Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital * Joe Morolong Hospital • Sub-districts: * Kagisano/ Molopo Sub-district * Lekwa Teemane Sub-District * Mamusa SubDistrict * Naledi Sub-district * Greater Taung Sub-district Ngaka Modiri Molema District: • Various Hospitals: * Mafikeng Provincial Hospital * Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital * Thusong/ General Delarey Hospital * Gelukspan District Hospital * Lehurutshe/ Zeerust Hospital Complex • Sub-districts: * Mafikeng Sub-district * Ratlou Sub-district * Tswaing Sub-district * Ditsobotla Sub-district * Ramotshere Moiloa Sub-district Final salary will be determined by appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with SANC as a Staff Nurse Requirements: • Qualification that allows for registration with the South African Nursing Council as Nurse • Appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with South African Nursing Council as Staff Nurse • Current proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Staff Nurse must be attached. Duties: • Perform a basic clinical nursing practice in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility • Promote quality of basic nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the relevant health facility • Demonstrate basic communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians • Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure good nursing care • Work effectively, co-operatively amicable with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences • Display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating basic care including awareness and willingness to respond to patients' needs, requirements and expectations Batho Pele principles. Enquiries: Bojanala District: Mr E Mmusi, tel. (014) 591-9700 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati: Mr GN Maibi, tel. (053) 927-0456 Ngaka Modiri Molema District: Mr K Dibodu, tel. (018) 384-0240 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: Mr PM Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744
Nursing Assistant
Salary: R82 458 – R143 298 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/13) Bojanala District: • Various Hospitals; * Koster/Swartruggens Hospital * Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital * Moses Kotane Hospital & Brits Hospital • Sub-districts: * Moses Kotane Sub-district * Kgetleng Sub-district * Rustenburg Sub-district * Madibeng Sub-district * Moretele Sub-district Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: • Various Hospitals: * Potchefstroom Hospital * Witrand Hospital * Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex * Nic Bodenstein Hospital * Ventersdorp Hospital • Sub-districts: * Matlosana Sub-district * Maquassi Hills Sub-district * Ventersdorp Sub-district * Potchefstroom Sub-district Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District: • Various Hospitals: * Ganyesa District Hospital * Taung District Hospital * SchweizerReneke District Hospital * Joe Morolong Hospital • Sub-districts: * Kagisano/Molopo Sub-district * Lekwa Teemane Sub-district * Mamusa Sub-district * Naledi Sub-district * Greater Taung Sub-district Ngaka Modiri Molema District: • Various Hospitals: * Mafikeng Provincial Hospital * Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital * Thusong/General Delarey Hospital * Gelukspan District Hospital * Lehurutshe/Zeerust Hospital Complex • Sub-districts: * Mafikeng Sub-district * Ratlou Sub-district * Tswaing Sub-district * Ditsobotla Sub-district * Ramotshere Moiloa Sub-district
Final salary will be determined by appropriate/recognisable experience in Nursing after registration as a Nursing Assistant with the SANC in General Nursing Requirements: • Qualifications that allows for registration with the South African Nursing Counsel as a Nursing Assistant • Current proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Nursing Assistant must be attached. Duties: • Perform elementary clinical standards as determined by the relevant Health facility • Promote quality of elementary nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standard as determined by the health facility • Demonstrate elementary communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians • Work effectively, co-operatively and amicably with person of diverse intellectual, radical and basic care, including awareness and willingness to respond to patients needs • Demonstrate elementary understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practice. Enquiries: Bojanala District: Mr E Mmusi, tel. (014) 591-9700 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati: Mr GN Maibi, tel. (053) 927-0456 Ngaka Modiri Molema District: Mr K Dibodu, tel. (018) 384-0240 Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: Mr PM Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744
Artisan A/C (Electrical)
Salary: R118 626 – R203 943 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/14) • Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital • Potchefstroom Hospital
Final salary will be determined by the appropriate years of experience Requirements: • Trade Test Certificate • Valid driver’s licence • Good communication skills, both verbal and written • Ability to work with people • Appropriate hands-on experience • Gained in assembling, installations and maintenance of Provincial facilities fixed assets. Duties: • Supervise Tradesman Aids and other unskilled workers • Maintain fixed assets in respect of electric appliances • Ensure compliance with Occupational Health and Safety • Provide technical advice and support to clients and management in relation to repair renovations and building • Ensure proper usage and safeguarding of safe resources • Compile monthly and quarterly progress reports • Provide in-service training for unskilled workers • Monitor daily performance of subordinates • Order material and equipment and complete documents • Identify and report potential and existing electrical faults. Enquiries: Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital: Ms MT Moche, tel. (018) 383-2005 Potchefstroom Hospital: Mr P Motsi, tel. (018) 293-4421
Emergency Care Officer Grade III
Salary: R105 261 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/15) Tswaing Sub-district
Requirements: • Successful completion of an appropriate Intermediate Life Support (ILS) course that allows registration with the HPCSA as Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA) • Computer literacy • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations • Valid Code EC (10) driver’s licence with Public Driving Permit. Duties: • Treat patients in accordance with ILS protocols and transport patients to hospital, from scene and between hospitals in accordance with the relevant protocols •Maintain best clinical practices in accordance with quality standards • Change and replenish surgical sundries and medical gases and ensure that expired items are disposed of timeously and/or exchange for fresh stock • Maintain the unit in clean condition and good working order at all times • Respond to opportunities that enhance professional development (eg in-service training, attend workshops, forum meetings and update staff accordingly) • Use all equipment and Government property correctly • Assist in maintaining a clean and tidy base • Complete and submit all appropriate paper work to the Shift Senior before the termination of the shift, abide by the Standing Operational Procedures and other EMS policies • Maintain accurate and reliable records at all times • Undertake inter-hospital transfers when requested • Undertake any other duties as allocated by a Shift Senior/Station Officer/Regional Officer/Assistant Director/Deputy Director/ Director. Enquiries: Mr MB Tsatsimpe, tel. (053) 948-0883
Driver II
Salary: R90 396 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/16) • Kgetleng Regional Training Centre • Ventersdorp Hospital
Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ experience relevant experience • Valid Code 10 driver’s licence with Public Driver’s Permit • Good communication skills • Knowledge of the completion of log books and trip authority. Duties: Kgetleng Regional Training Centre: • Transport student to facilities • Perform daily duties as scheduled, according to the roster • Check and report on the conditions of the vehicles • Make daily and weekly checks and report any faults and maintenance requirements to the officer in charge • Complete log sheets on a daily basis • Ensure that the right procedures are followed in the case of an accident • Adhere to Batho Pele principles • Drive State vehicles • Plan, arrange and ensure that vehicles undergo a routine maintenance service • Convey documents for delivery to and from stakeholders • Render chauffer services, where necessary • Ensure that all Sub-district vehicles are always in a roadworthy condition • Ensure that all Sub-district vehicles are correctly allocated and are always clean • Perform any other driving responsibilities delegated from time to
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Potchefstroom Herald
Department of Health Healthy Living for All time. Ventersdorp Hospital: • Transport patients, personnel, goods, etc • Deliver and collect documents to and from different institutions, District Office, Head Office, etc • Drive heavy motor vehicle • Perform daily duties as scheduled according to roster • Routine maintenance and secure parking of vehicles • Daily inspections of pre- and post-trips on vehicles • Timely reporting on minor and major defects • Plan, arrange and ensure that vehicles undergo a routine maintenance service • Correctly complete logsheets and trip authority on a daily basis and monthly submission to Head Office Enquiries: Ventersdorp Hospital: NE Buti, tel. (018) 264-2081 Kgetleng Regional Training Centre: Ms K Mohulatsi, tel. (014) 591-9700
Artisan (Plumbing)
Salary: R118 626 – R203 943 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/17) • Lekwa-Teemane Sub-district • Potchefstroom Hospital Final salary will determined by the appropriate years of experience Requirements: • Trade Test Certificate • Valid driver’s licence • Good communication skills • Computer literacy • Public Driving Permit will be an added advantage. Duties: • Maintain fixed assets in respect of plumbing works • Ensure compliance with standardised instruction, methods and specifications • Provide in-service training and supervision of unskilled workers, draft progress reports and make recommendations when necessary • Provide technical advice, regarding plumbing of new and existing buildings • Install, maintain and repair all water systems • Attend meetings • Attend to care and personal safety • Perform any other legitimate activity as required. Enquiries: Lekwa Teemane Sub-district: Mr MP Mothibi, tel. (053) 433- 1208 Potchefstroom Hospital: Mr P Motsi, tel. (018) 293-4421
Artisan (Electrical)
Salary: R118 626 – R203 943 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/18) Lekwa-Teemane Sub-district Final salary will determine by the appropriate years of experience Requirements: • Appropriate Trade Test Certificate • Valid driver’s licence • Good communication skills, both verbal and written • Computer literacy • Public Driving Permit will be an added advantage • Willingness to be on standby and work overtime • Ability to work with people • Appropriate hands-on experience gained in assembling, installations and maintenance of health facilities fixed assets • Ability to apply electrical knowledge • Plumbing and carpentry skills • Ability to find faults unsupervised • Electrician and knowledge of safety, tools, machinery, norms and standards will be advantageous. Duties: • Mainain fixed assets in respect of electrical works • Ensure compliance with standardised instruction, methods and specifications • Provide in-service training and supervise unskilled workers • Draft progress reports and make recommendations when necessary • Provide technical advice, regarding electrical of new and existing buildings • Tool and equipment repairs. Enquiries: Mr MP Mothibi, tel. (053) 433-1208
Health Promoter (2 Posts)
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/19) Naledi Sub-district Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • Knowledge of issues related to Health Programmes • Flexibility with regard to working hours • Good interpersonal skills • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence will be added as an advantage. Duties: • Health education • Awareness campaigns • Counselling • Group discussion, individual and public health talks • Distribute promotion materials and condoms • Make home visits and monitor NGOs and in-service training • Refer clients • Collect life skills information • Liaise with other departments • Write reports and statistics • Any other duties delegated by supervisor Enquiries: Mr SP Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Salary: R104 796 – R143 253 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/20) Ganyesa District Hospital Final salary will be determined by appropriate/recognisable experience in Occupational Therapy after registration as an Occupational Therapist Assistant with the Health Professions Council of South Africa Requirements: • Appropriate qualifications or prescribed in-service training (with duration of less than two years) that allows for the required registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Occupational Therapist Assistant • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Occupational Therapist Assistant must be attached • Experience in medical waste disposal. Duties: • Monitor medical disposal • Educate and provide in-service training of staff • Monitor the medical disposal contract • Implement the medical waste disposal policies • Work with all internal and external stakeholders. Enquiries: Ms PR Setae, tel. (053) 998-9400
Household Aid II
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/21) • Excelsius Nursing College (Bojanala PHC District) • Moretele Subdistrict (3) Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ experience in cleaning services • Ability to read and write • Knowledge of Health and Safety measures • Interpersonal relations and communication skills. Duties: • Maintain a clean, healthy, safety and hygienic environment • Ensure effective use and maintenance of cleaning material, machinery and equipment • Maintain housekeeping, clean windows and toilets • Clean offices, sweep, vacuum, dust, polish, remove rubbish from dustbins • Report all broken equipment • Perform additional tasks as delegated to by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Excelsius Nursing College: Mr OA Podile, tel. (018) 406-8664 Moretele Sub-district: Mr A Moremi, tel. (012) 717-2079
Laundry Supervisor
Salary: R76 289 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/22) Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 2-3 years’ relevant experience • Good communication and interpersonal relations. Duties: • Provide well-functioning and efficient laundry services • Evaluate working procedures and standards • Do spot check and address deficiencies identity • Assess staff quarterly and monitor staff performance • Draw and submit departmental business plan. Enquiries: DB Mothokgo, tel. (018) 383-2005
Food Service Supervisor
Salary: R76 289 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/23) • Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital (2) • Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 2-3 years’ relevant experience • Good communication and interpersonal relations. Duties: • Supervise staff, monitor complaints and feedback mechanism • Ensure that palatable adequate and nutritional food is supplied/prepared to patients • Compile PMDS report for Food Service Aid (Quarterly and Annually) • Compile checklist for handling storage etc for food services unit and submit for Food Service Manager • Ensure regular update of attendance register • Compile broadsheets for normal and special diets • Monitor adherence to IPC and OHSA in the unit • Be involved in food preparation and serving thereof • Manage and control provisioning contracts. Enquiries: Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital: DB Mothokgo, tel. (018) 383-2005 Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Ms M Ntengenyane, tel. (018) 406-4699
Artisan Foreman
Salary: R189 315 - R290 229 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/24) • Kgetleng Sub-district • Brits Hospital Final salary will determine by the appropriate years of experience Requirements: • Trade Test Certificate of any field in the built environment • 5 years’ postqualification experience as an Artisan • Valid driver’s licence • General knowledge of all artisan fields • Knowledge of technical analysis • Knowledge of legal compliance • Team leadership skills • Technical report-writing skills • Customer focus and responsiveness • Conflict management skills. Duties: • Oversee all artisans’ fields within the Sub-district • Manage unit staff • Compile monthly reports • Manage maintenance of all buildings and repairs and report to relevant stakeholders • Ensure compliance with safety codes and regulations • Manage performance of subordinates • Follow protocols and attend all meetings. Enquiries: Kgetleng Sub-district: Ms SM Modisane, tel. (014) 544-0112 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311
EMRS Shift Leader Grade III (2 Posts)
Salary: R165 507 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/25) Kgetleng Sub-district Requirements: • Successful completion of an appropriate Intermediate Life Support Course • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as Ambulance Emergency Assistant must be attached • Minimum of 3 years’ experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Ambulance Emergency Assistant • Valid driver’s licence (Code 10) plus Public Driving Permit • Computer literacy as an added advantage. Duties: • Provide advice on procedures and policies matters to staff • Ensure that effective communication system at the station is in place • Ensure that fleet management is properly implemented • Analyse trip sheets, control room assessment form and patient assessment form and report discrepancies to the Station Manager • Ensure that effective strategies are implemented for meeting the needs of the community • Ensure effective control over resources. Enquiries: Ms SM Modisane, tel. (014) 544-0112
Senior Porter (2 Posts)
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/26) • Moses Kotane Hospital • Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex (Neuro-Surgery Department) Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ experience • Good communication skills and interpersonal relationships. Duties: • Accompany walking and non-walking patients with wheelchair or walking stretcher to the reception or from the wards to the treatment centre • Direct route or accompany visitors to various destinations • Assist with the loading of patients in and out of ambulance or either vehicles • Render assistance to nursing staff with the transfer of patients to the beds and from beds with trolleys • Carry medical documentation ie files and reports towards treatment outlets • Be responsible for daily cleaning of wheelchairs and stretchers • Physical inspection wheelchairs and stretchers daily • Adhere to Batho Pele principles. Enquiries: Moses Kotane Hospital: Mr TP Radebe, tel. (014) 555-2481 Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Ms K Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4600
General Foreman
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/27) Moses Kotane Hospital Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Ability to find faults unsupervised • Experience in carpentry and painting will be an advantage • Good verbal and communication skills • Ability to do woodwork. Duties: • Be responsible for the general maintenance, repair of buildings and furniture in the Hospital • Ensure correct marking, storage, handling and application of all maintenance material • Assist in general duties • Perform ad hoc duties as they arise • Be responsible for safe operating condition and maintenance of equipment. Enquiries: Mr FP Moeng, tel. (014) 555-2378
Auxiliary Service Officer (Waste Management) (2 Posts)
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/28) Moses Kotane Hospital Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1 years’ relevant experience • Knowledge of Infection Control, Health and Safety measures • Ability to read and write • Good interpersonal relations and communication skills. Duties: • Ensure that waste is collected at different wards • Record collected containers • Ensure that clean containers are provided at different wards • Ensure cleanliness of the store room • Hand over medical waste to the service providers • Ensure that Health and Safety and Infection control are maintained at all times • Perform other relevant duties as delegated by the supervisor. Enquiries: Ms DMP Pitse, tel. (014) 555-2383
Store Assistant (2 Posts)
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/29) • Brits Hospital • Potchefstroom Hospital Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Good communication and interpersonal relationship skills. Duties: • Sort, count and weigh linen before washing • Fold and pack linen for dispatch • Keep record of incoming and outgoing linen • Issue linen according to requisition • Take stock and pack linen on different shelves according to specifications • Perform any other duties as delegated by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311 Potchefstroom Hospital: Mr P Motsi, tel. (018) 293-4421
Lay Counsellor (Art Roving Team) (5 Posts) Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/30) Bojanala (Various Sub-districts)
Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Certificate in Counselling • Computer literacy • Good planning and organisation skills • Telephone etiquette, document tracking and administrative practices • Good communication skills. Duties: • Render effective counselling according to policy guidelines • Render quality care to all patients and clients • Provide health education to clients • Proper recordkeeping in the section. Enquiries: Ms K Mohulatsi, tel. (014) 591-9700
Pharmacist Assistant Basic
Salary: R76 530 - R141 774 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/31) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex Final salary will be determined by the years of experience after registration as Pharmacist Assistant Requirements: • Basic Pharmacist Assistant qualification that allows for registration with the South African Pharmacy Council as a Pharmacist Assistant (Basic) • Proof of current registration with the South African Pharmacy Council as Pharmacist Assistant (Basic). Duties: • Provide pharmaceutical services in an assistant capacity in the Hospital Complex • Assist with the dispensing and package pharmaceuticals under the supervision of a Pharmacist. Enquiries: Dr Dikhing – Mahole, tel. (018) 406-4600
Lay Counsellor (MDR + XDR)
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/32) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Certificate in Counselling • Computer literacy • Good planning and organisation skills • Telephone etiquette, document tracking and administrative practices • Good communication skills. Duties: • Provide counselling to patients • Maintain patient confidentiality and enhance the image of the institution • Health education to patients and in-service programme in the wards • Uphold Batho Pele principles and Patients’ Right Charter • Provide monthly reports and maintain records of counselling activities. Enquiries: Ms KPJ Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4400
Administration Clerk Grade II (Provisioning) (2 Posts)
Salary: R76 278 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/33) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience in Provisioning Administration • Computer literacy • Good communication, administration and organisational skills • Good interpersonal relations • Knowledge of Walker, Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations • LOGIS working experience. Duties: • Assist in the Provisioning section with all related administration functions • Participate/ compile/maintain Asset Management and loss control activities, report thereon as well as barcoding • Check and record relevant documents • Attend to suppliers’ queries • File documents • Book in and out of stock and assist with stock taking • Buy initial equipment for hospital and NTSG • Condemning or redundant equipment • Capture VA2 from the users • Relocate assets from different departments • Compiling, coordination and documentation required for the acquisition of equipment process totality. Enquiries: Ms M Barkhuizen, tel. (018) 406-4735 Kone Solutions K20216
Messenger II
Salary: R63 798 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/34) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex
Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ experience • Good interpersonal relations and communication skills. Duties: • Collect and take documents/files/TTO boxes to and from the various departments on the following routes: Nursing department, Pharmacy department, Administration department eg Discharge Office, Food Service department, Radiology, Outpatient/Admissions, Switchboard, Social Work, Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy, all Patient Wards, Hospital Manager/CEO, other routes and needs arise • Distribute circulars, notices, advertisements, etc to all departments • Handle/distribute confidential documents/files • Attend to other duties that may be delegated by supervisor • Retrieve/file patent files. Enquiries: Ms KPJ Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4600
Senior Network Controller
Salary: R129 780 pa (plus benefits) (Ref. K20216/35) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex
Requirements: • Appropriate tertiary qualification in the Information Technology field with 2 and more years’ experience in a IT Setting or Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with 3-5 years’ experience in IT • Microsoft, Novell, and computer qualifications are an advantage • Experience in wireless networks is an advantage • Driver’s licence • Strong communication skills • Good customer relations • Ability to work independently • Ability to work under pressure and do standby • Interest in IT and telecommunications developments. Duties: • Provide LAN or WAN desktop support • Provide network support • Configure, test and install PCs, printers, routers, switches and other computing peripherals • Troubleshoot PCs and network • Provide software support (antivirus, office automation) • Give basic user training • Advise users on technologies, hardware and software • Configure mobile devices for network resources. Enquiries: Mr TS Molaoa, tel. (018) 406-4615 Note: In line with the Employment Equity Plan of the Department of Health, it is our intention to achieve equity in the workplace by offering opportunities for promotion and fair treatment through the elimination of unfair discrimination. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or and should be accompanied by a detailed CV and certified copies of qualifications. Applicants should state the applicable reference number and the name of the publication in which they saw the advertisement. Candidates requiring additional information regarding the above posts must direct their enquiries to the relevant person indicated. Please Note: • It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) • Applications should be forwarded in time, since any received after the closing date will, as a rule, not be accepted. Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants • The successful candidates will be subjected to security clearance and reference checking. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no correspondence has been received within 3 months of the closing date, they must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right not to make any appointments. Applications, quoting the relevant reference number, must be forwarded to the following addresses: Provincial Office: Department of Health, Private Bag X2068, Mmabatho 2735, for attention: Ms BG Gauta Bojanala District: Private Bag X82090, Rustenburg 0300, for attention: Mr E Mmusi Moses Kotane Hospital: Private Bag X2, Sun City 0316, for attention: The Deputy Director Koster/Swartruggens Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Koster/Swartruggens Hospital, Private Bag X1002, Swartruggens 2835, for attention: Mr K Letsoalo Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital: Private Bag X82079, Rustenburg 0300, for attention: Mr BR Senna Brits Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X5030, Brits 0250, for attention: Mr TW Mhlanga Moses Kotane Sub-district Office: Private Bag X1045, Mogwase 0314, for attention: Mr S Boikanyo Kgetleng Sub-district Office: Private Bag X1017, Swartruggens 2835, for attention: The Subdistrict Manager Rustenburg Sub-district Office: Private Bag X82055, Rustenburg 0300, for attention: Mr L Tlhowe Madibeng Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X5084, Brits 0250, for attention: Mr I Baloi Moretele Sub-district Office: Private Bag X454, Hammanskraal 0400, for attention: Mr D Baloyi, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office: The Chief Director: Private A2, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Mr PM Kolokoto Potchefstroom Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Potchefstroom Hospital, Private Bag X938, Potchefstroom 2531, for attention: Mr MG Chacha Witrand Hospital: Private Bag X253, Potchefstroom 2520, for attention: Mr R Maritz Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Private Bag XA14, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Mr TS Molaoa Nic Bodenstein Hospital: Private Bag X7, Wolmaransstad 2630, for attention: Mr L Abrahams Ventersdorp District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X1007, Ventersdorp 2510, for attention: Mr MM Tlholoe Matlosana Sub-district Office: Private Bag A2, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Mrs Z Motala Maquassi Hills Sub-district Office: Private Bag X16, Wolmaransstad 2630, for attention: Ms ND Sindi Ventersdorp Sub-district Office: The PHC Manager, Private Bag X1007, Ventersdorp 2710, for attention: Mr P Nape Potchefstroom Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X1253, Potchefstroom 2520, for attention: Ms AM Mohutsioa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Office: Private Bag X24, Vryburg 8600, for attention: Mr GN Maibi, Joe Morolong District Hospital: Private Bag x 4, Vryburg 8600, for attention: Dr ZA Esterhuizen Ganyesa District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X528, Ganyesa 8613, for attention: Ms AT Mosedi Taung District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X535, Taung 8584, for attention: Ms NS Mosia Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Schweizer District Hospital, Private Bag X04, Schweizer-Reneke 2780, for attention: Mr DW Fesi Kagisano & Molopo Sub-district Office: Private Bag X533, Ganyesa 8613, for attention: Mrs GM Mampe Lekwa Teemane Sub-district Office/Christiana District Hospital: Private Bag X07, Bloemhof 2660, for attention: Ms S Mziwake Mamusa Sub-district Office: Private Bag X01, Schweizer-Reneke 2780, for attention: Ms KI Bokgwathile Naledi Sub-district Office: Private Bag X14, Vryburg 8601, for attention: Mr VAM Tlhabanelo Greater Taung District Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X1052, Taung Station 8580, for attention: Mrs MG Mashinyana Ngaka Modiri Molema District Office: Private Bag X116, Mmabatho 2735, for attention: Mrs A Govender Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Private Bag X2031, Mafikeng 2745, for attention: Mr BV Tawana Bophelong Psychiatric Hospital: Private Bag X2031, Mafikeng 2745, for attention: Ms MT Moche Thusong/General De La Rey Hospital Complex: Private Bag X6, Itsoseng 2744, for attention: Ms M Lobelo Lehurutshe/Zeerust Hospital Complex Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Lehurutshe/Zeerust Hospital, Private Bag X1326, Zeerust 2865, for attention: Ms R van Wyk Gelukspan District Hospital: Private Bag X25, Radithuso 2738, for attention: Mr DM Moalosi Mafikeng Sub-district Office: Private Bag X127, Mafikeng 2745, for attention: Mr KL Lebotse Ratlou Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag A08, Madibogo 2772, for attention: Mr A Bogatsu Tswaing Sub-district Office: Private Bag X5003, Delareyville 2770, for attention: Mr MB Tsatsimpe Ditsobotla Sub-district Office: Private Bag X12051, Lichtenburg 2740, for attention: Ms N Serobatse Ramotshere Moiloa Sub-district Office: Private Bag X6338, Zeerust 2865, for attention: Ms M Leseyane Emergency Medical Rescue Services College: PO Box 258, Orkney 2620, for attention: Ms M Thubela Excelsius Nursing College: Private Bag A19, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Ms JK Saliwe.
Closing date: 22 March 2013 Health
Department: Health North West Provincial Government REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Sonika van Wyk Volg die Potchefstroom Herald en Gons bladsy op facebook en twitter of besoek ons webtuiste by
Dearest Dahlings The Dahlings is a trio vocal tour de force performing music from the 1920s to date! It’s The Andrews Sisters meets Beyoncé meets cabaret with loads of style, off-beat humour and some more style. With a love for harmonies, jazz and everything vintage, The Dahlings are packing their stillettos and are off to come visit Cachet Kleinteater in Potchefstroom on the 8th and 9th of March.
The Dahlings.
Foto: Verskaf
Mystic Boer: Chicks Night (Thursday, 28 February, 18:00-02:00) Superheroes vs. Villains Fancy Dress Up Party (Skrillex VIP Tickets to be Won!) Friday 1 March 18:00. Free entrance. Impala: Kasteel Party Fest (Thursday, 28 Februarie, 20:00) Entrance R10 Pre-sale ticket from Kasteel Residence from
Monday mid-day. R15 @The Door on the evening. Memphis: Naas Veld en Die See live (Thursday, 28 February) Jan Blohm & Band - ROCK LEGEND Entrance strating from R80. Pre-sale tickets R50 (200 Tickets only.) Pre-sale tickets available 2Memphis.
Pukke doen die Harlem Shake Sonika van Wyk
Partyfest en Lian Fourie het omtrent Potchefstroom se Pukke aan die gons oor die Harlem Shake-kompetisie. Die betrokke koshuise is Karlien, Heide, Kasteel, Huis Republiek, VMN en Minjonet. Partyfest het van elke koshuis ’n video gemaak en dit op YouTube gesit. Die koshuis met die meeste
‘views’ in 48 uur wen. Gaan loer op die Facebook blaaie van ‘Gons Potch Herald’ en ‘Party Fest 2011’ om saam te kan gons en die videos te sien. Dit het reeds Dinsdag 26 Februarie begin en eindig Donderdag 28 Februarie om 21:30. Onthou Party Fest begin amptelik weer Donderdagaand om 20:00 by Impala saam met Kasteel. Hulle tema is “The Prestige”.
Jan Blohm en sy Robyn ’n Robyn is een van die heel hardste edelgesteentes, naas die diamant. Die dikwels donker rooi steen het koninklike kwaliteite en word in sekere kulture selfs in die fondamente van huise gebruik om voorspoed vir die huishouding te verseker. Ruby, die digter-rocker Jan Blohm se sewende solo-album, is ’n harde, donker rock-allegaartjie wat soos ’n aardbewing die fondamente van die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf gaan skud. Met invloede wat wissel van Rage Against the Machine, Jimi Hendrix en wyle Johannes Kerkorrel tot Nirvana is dit ’n vurige kitaargedrewe album wat die blues en folk van sy vorige uitreikings met ’n nuutgevonde robuustheid verdryf. “Die robyn is ’n simbool van adelheid, reinheid, iets onverkrygbaar asook absolute beauty. Maar dit beteken ook gevaar en verleiding. Dit is die twee pole wat ek gebruik het,” vertel Blohm wat reeds die afgelope vier jaar aan die album se liedjies geskryf en geskaaf het. “Ek het karakters geskep om sekere gedagtes neer te lê wat persoonlik of uit ervaring kan wees. Op die oog af klink dit of ek oor dertien verskillende vroue sing. Maar die persoonlikheid van elkeen is vasgevang in ‘n robyn.” Die kitaarspeler Jon Buckley was as mede-liedjieskrywer en –produksieleier aan Blohm se sy met die geboorte van Ruby. “Ek en Jon is musikale broers, so die inspirasie kom blitsvinnig. Jon het ook ’n groter rock-agtergrond – lid van Jo Day en producer van Seether – en ek leer baie by hom. Ons werk soos jin en jang saam. Jon sal die geraamte van ’n song neerlê en ek die lirieke en melodie reghê as hy klaar is. Die proses is dus baie vinnig.” Al het die hele proses vier jaar geduur, bevat die album dertien liedjies. Dertien is Blohm se gelukkige nommer, en voeg hy by “in sommige gelowe ’n simbool van opstanding en rebellie”.
Tussendeur die elektronika-bedrupte Poppie Blou wat die album inlei en “rockpsalms” soos Voodoo Queen, Undercover Lover en Brand die vure verskuif Blohm sy eie musikale grense. Soos Charles Smith onlangs in die Volksblad geskryf het: “Daar is nie nog só ’n rock-outfit in ons bitter taal nie. Vergeet dit. Dis ’n pitch black Cadillac (’n Blohm-metafoor wat deur sy songs zip) vol verrykte uraan. Dis stof vir kernbomme om Die Volk se koppe oop te blaas…” Blohm is ver verby kruispaaie en Damaskus-ervarings. Volgens hom het die skille al lankal soos rowe van sy oë geval. “As daar ’n rigting is waarin die mark beweeg, sal ek altyd stroom-op wees. Ek glo om die publiek uit te daag met iets wat ongewoon is.” Ruby is soos ’n stormram wat die deure van Suid-Afrikaanse musiek uit sy deurkosyne ruk. Blohm tree hier in gesprek met die grootste geeste van die rock-wêreld, maar steek terselfdertyd sy eie kleim af. Dit maak Ruby ’n album wat dekades later nog onthou sal word as die formidabele kopskoot wat met ’n klipharde knal die veiligheid en voorspelbaarheid verdryf het. Jan Blohm tree Donderdag 7 Maart op by Memphis Rock. “Merchandise sal te koop wees!” Kaartjies is R80. Eerste 200 kaartjies verkoop teen R50 per kaartjie. Sms ‘Memphis’ na 45518 en staan ’n kans om ’n kaartjie te wen. Daar is tien kaartjies beskikbaar. Kompetisie sluit Dinsdag 4 Maart.
Department of Health Healthy Living for All The SCM: Notice Board - Health Bids are hereby invited for: Bid Number
Bid Description
Evaluation Criteria
Compulsory PreBid/Site Meeting
Closing Date
NWDOH 13/2013
Conversion of standard ambulances into obstetric ambulances
a) Functionality as specified in bid document
7 March 2013 at 11:00 at Department of Health, Tirelo Building (DBAC Boardroom)
27 March 2013 Administration at 11:00 enquiries: Ms N Segwabanyane, tel. (018) 387-1892 Technical enquiries: Mr BCS Redlinghys, tel. (018) 384-8124
b) 90/10 90=Price 10=Preferential points (points will be allocated according to BBBEE rating)
A non-refundable deposit of R300.00 is payable for each bid document in cash. Bid documents will be available from 5 March 2013 from the North West Department of Health, Room G52, Ground Floor, Tirelo Building, corner Albert Luthuli and Dr James Moroka Drives, Mmabatho. NB: Only those who attended the compulsory pre-bid meeting will be considered. The proposals in a sealed envelope and marked with the bid number, company name and closing date should be deposited in the tender box situated at the Ground Floor, East Wing, Tirelo Building, corner Albert Luthuli and Dr James Moroka Drives, Mmabatho. The North West Department of Health does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid in whole or in part and price alone is not the determining factor. If you do not hear from the Department within 90 days, please consider your bid as unsuccessful. Important Notice: Should the original valid Tax Clearance Certificate NOT be attached by the closing date of the bid, the bid will be regarded as invalid. Points will be allocated to all those who submit their BBBEE verification certificates or confirmation letter. No faxed or e-mailed bids will be accepted.
Kone Solutions K20226
Health Department: Health North West Provincial Government
Jan Blohm.
Foto: Verskaf
Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison Cancellation of Bids
Please note that the following bid has been cancelled, and will be re-advertised. Bid No
DH 10/11A Establishment of a list of approved Service Providers for inclusion in a General Turnkey Developers Database for the Department The Department apologises for any inconvenience this might have caused.
As Advertised on 29 April 2012
With a Closing Date of 30 May 2012
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Internasionale Gehoorsorgdag
As part of National Pregnancy Education Week, Mediclinic Potchefstroom held free information sessions where various specialists in their areas came to speak to moms and dads to be about pregnancy and birth related topics.
Op 3 Maart word daar bewustheid geskep vir persone met oor- en gehoorprobleme. Ongeveer 1 uit elke 10 persone het ’n vorm van oor- en/of gehoorprobleme. Vanjaar se tema is Gesonde Gehoor, Gelukkige Lewe en fokus spesifiek op die bejaarde en hulpverleningsdienste wat vir hierdie mense beskikbaar is. Ons wil ook graag bewustheid skep deur aan alle persone ouer as 60 jaar ’n gratis gehoorsiftingstoets aan te bied gedurende Maart 2013. Skakel vir ’n afspraak en bring hierdie artikel saam om te kwalifiseer. Skakel Elmie Wolmarans, spraakterapeut en oudioloog, by (018) 297 0785 of 084 8404 585. Na die siftingstoets word daar vasgestel of u enige oor- en/of gehoorproble-
me het. Riglyne om u gehoor en ore te beskerm: •Vermy harde musiek en geraas. Klanke bo 85dB is skadelik vir die gehoorsisteem (’n gemiddelde gesprek is ongeveer 60dB). 85dB is nie eers ’n geweldige harde geluid nie. •Moenie vreemde druppels of middels in u oor gooi om was te verwyder nie. Die oorkanaal se vel is dun en word maklik beskadig deur oorstokkies. Die oordrom kan ook beskadig word deur vreemde middels in te gooi. •Indien u oorprobleme begin ervaar, raadpleeg dadelik ’n geneesheer. ’n Infeksie wat gou behandel word, rig minder skade aan die oordrom en oorsisteem aan.
Samancor Chrome is a progressive, innovative company with an enviable reputation for being an employer of choice. We have a clearly defined commitment to provide growth and development opportunities and these are evident at our two mines, three plants and our corporate head office.
The following opportunities have become available at Eastern Chrome Mines in Steelpoort, situated close to the town of Lydenburg, in Mpumalanga.
Guest speakers at Mediclinic’s pregnancy sessions: From left: Tanya Boshoff (psychologist), Manansa Truter (Pilates instructor), Dr Etienne Thomas (gynaecologist) and Blake van Aswegen (Mediclinic hospital manager).
Mine Manager
The incumbent will lead the mining team in the cost-effective optimisation and extraction of the ore body in compliance with the provisions of the Mine Health and Safety Act, Minerals Act and its regulations. Managing the mining processes and ensuring ore body optimisation, strategic planning and tactical planning. Further areas of focus include SHEQ compliance, utilising the information management system, ensuring an enabling climate/culture, managing labour stability and performance against set targets. Conducting career discussions, ensuring customer satisfaction, managing continuous growth improvement and compiling relevant reports. Candidates must hold a relevant Degree or Technikon Diploma. Mine Manager Certificate of Competency coupled with 8 years’ mining experience and 3 years’ managerial experience. A valid certificate of fitness will be a requirement. This is a Mine Health and Safety Act (3.1) appointment. Ref. No. ECM17700
Maintenance Superintendent (Engineer) D-Upper The incumbent will drive the overall management, direction and continuous improvement of the asset capability assurance process through clearly defined strategies and objectives for maintenance of plant, equipment and facilities and shutdowns. This will include SHEQ compliance, managing labour stability, implementing systems and controls to ensure the plant is maintained, maintenance support, documenting and reviewing the plant maintenance strategy annually and ensuring it is aligned with the business plan and contractor management. The selected candidate will hold a BEng/BSc (Engineering) degree or diploma, a Government Certificate of Competency - Mines and Works and be medically fit as per organisational requirements. Ref. No. ECM17701
Mineral Resources Superintendent (Rock Engineer) D-Upper The incumbent will provide mine designs and mining optimisation service and solutions to rock engineering problems with the purpose of maximising safety and profitability within the designated area of responsibility. Ensure compliance with the provisions of the Mine Health & Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996) and ensure safety and health standards are maintained. Ensuring SHEQ compliance, utilising the Information Management System (IMS), and identifying, reviewing and making recommendations to reduce or limit potential hazards. Reduce or eliminate rockfall hazards, manage the GPR system, undertake monitoring and investigations, and investigate new rock mechanics/engineering technologies and developments that may influence the safety or economics of the mine. The selected candidate will hold a Chamber of Mines Rock Mechanics Certificate. Ref. No. ECM17702 In making the final selection, consideration will be given to achieving the Samancor Chrome’s employment equity and the mining charter objectives. Candidates may submit their CV by fax to (013) 230-7032 or email to quoting the relevant Ref. No. Closing date: 8 March 2013. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful. The Working Earth 2-17700
Potchefstroom Herald
NWU betrokke by nuwe-generasie lugvaartuie
van gebeure
* Die NWU-Potchefstroomkampus Botaniese Tuin is elke weeksdag oop tussen 08:00 en 16:00 en toegang is gratis. Bespreek asb vroegtydig vir groepe meer as twintig persone. Kontak 018 299 2753. Donderdag 7 Maart Die bestuur van die Werkgemeenskap Potchefstroom van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns nooi die publiek uit na ‘n paneelbespreking by hul volgende ledevergadering. Die sprekers is proff. Annette Combrink, André Duvenhage en mnr. Theo Venter met die onderwerp “Uitdagings vir plaaslike regering - soos in die geval van Potchefstroom”. Die bespreking vind plaas om 18:00 by Konferensielokaal 204, Teologiegebou (K23), Molenstraat, NWU-Potchefstroomkampus. Bevestig asb bywoning teen 4 Maart per e-pos by of per faks by 086 620 5113. 5-8 Maart Gevorderde Projekbestuursopleiding (NKR vlak 6) aan die Potchefstroom Besigheidskool: Kontak vir Anthea Gaanakgomo: 018 299 1413. 9 Maart Die Klerksdorp Bonsai Kai stal hulle lede se bome vanaf 09:00 tot 13:00 by die NWUPotchefstroomkampus se Botaniese Tuin uit.
1 Maart 2013
Toegang is gratis en belangstellendes sal klein boompies en bakke kan aankoop. 13-14 Maart Opleiding in Emosionele Intelligensie aan die Potchefstroom Besigheidskool. Kontak vir Morné van den Bergh: 018 299 1636. 13-15 Maart Opleiding in Projekbestuur (NKR vlak 5) aan die Potchefstroom Besigheidskool. Kontak vir Anthea Gaanakgomo: 018 299 1413. 14 Maart - 30 Mei Kursus in Arbeidsverhoudinge aan die PBS. Hierdie program het ‘n praktiese aanslag. Kontak vir Morné van den Bergh: 018 299 1636 28 Maart - 6 Junie
Ingenieurstudente aan die NWUPotchefstroomkampus het die hoogs gespesialiseerde bul by die horings gepak en is nou deel van ‘n unieke navorsingspan wat ‘n nuwegenerasie helikopter en vliegtuig, in samewerking met Denel Aviation, ontwikkel. Die eerste projek behels dat ‘n onbemande helikopter ontwikkel en gebou moet word. Denel Aviation se hoof van Ingenieurswese en Kwaliteit, Shalan Chetty sê dit is ‘n hoogs gespesialiseerde projek waarvoor ‘n reuse behoefte in die mark bestaan, juis omdat dit beslisde voordele vir verskeie industrieë inhou. Volgens die NWU-Puk se voorstel, sal die Prawler die mees ekonomiese onbemande helikopter tot op hede wees. Dit kan tot voordeel wees vir moderne weervoorspellings, mediese vervoerdienste, polisiëring, grenspatrollie, digitale
kaarte en brandbestryding. Hulle beplan ook om ‘n tegnologies-gevorderde 19-sitplek turboaangedrewe skroef-vliegtuig te ontwikkel, wat ‘n diens vanaf die publiek se voorstoep bv. kleiner vliegvelde kan lewer. Volgens Chetty sal die South African Regional Aircraft (SARA) sorg dat vlugte aansienlik goedkoper aangebied word. André Hattingh van die Innovasiesteunkantoor by die Fakulteit Ingenieurswese, NWU, sê die Ingenieursfakulteit het sowat R32miljoen van die regering ontvang vir verskeie industrie-projekte. Die “Technology and Human Resource for Industry Programme” (THRIP), is spesifiek ontwikkel deur die regering om samewerking tussen universiteite en die industrie te bevorder. Vir meer inligting hieroor, besoek
Kursus in Mensehulpbronbestuur aan die PBS. Hierdie program het ‘n praktiese aanslag. Kontak vir Morné van den Bergh: 018 299 1636
Kontak asb vir Johan van Zyl by om dagboekinskrywings te plaas. Prof. George van Schoor, Dr. Kenny Uren, Dr. Charl du Rand, Mnr. Zurich Terblanche, Mnr. Louw Hager, Mnr. Martin Terblanche, Mnr. Gustav Otto, Mnr. André Hattingh.
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Mnr. en Mej. Ferdies is tydens 'n glansgeleentheid op 6 Februarie by Hoërskool Ferdinand Postma gekroon. Hier is Tyler Schaap (2e prins), Hardus Louw (1e prins), Elijah Djan (Mnr. Ferdie), Bianca Vogel (Mej. Ferdie), Aretha Herbst (1e prinses) en Andrea Appel (2e prinses). Foto: Picture Café
Hoërskool Ferdinand Postma se eerste netbal-, rugby- en hokkiespan vir 2013 word geborg deur Daly Potchefstroom. Tydens die oorhandiging was mnr. Jacques Geldenhuys (sporthoof), me. Mariëtte Liebenberg (netbalorganiseerder), mnr. A.J. Labuschagne (hoof) mnr. Emile Pitout (Daly Auto) en André Pretorius verteenwoordig. Saam met hulle, in die voorste ry is Jean van der Merwe (VRL-Sport), Lana Kruger (netbaldrag), Johan Erasmus (rugbydrag), Nicole Vivier (hokkiedrag) en me. Annelize Oppel (hokkie-afrigter). Foto: Nico Snyman Daniel Wentzel (gr.9) van Ferdies het onlangs sy NWkleure vir tweekamp ontvang.
Hoërskool Ferdinand Postma se eerste netbal-, rugby- en hokkiespan se klere vir 2013 is geborg deur Daly Auto. Die skool is met reg trots op die keurige sportdrag asook die positiewe verbintenis met Daly Potchefstroom. Lana Kruger dra die netbaldrag, Johan Erasmus die rugbydrag en Nicole Vivier die hokkie-klere. Foto: Nico Snyman
Ferdies' Helping Hands committee is committed to raising R55 000 for a new wheelchair for Selouna (front left). Next to her is Nondumiso Sangweni. In the back row are Mariska Labuschagne, Anneen Labuschagne, Zané Labuschagne, Ms Yolanda Rosin and Michelle Barnard.
Dian de Villiers het 'n eersteplek in hoogspring vir Laerskool President Pretorius gekry tydens die distrikbyeenkoms in Wolmaransstad. Hy gaan nou aan die Noordweskampioenskappe deelneem.
and Anja Boucher Fourie, Hardus Louw ka dri Ja e, ek stma yn Re Antache nships. Ferdinand Po ls swimming champio oo mee sch nz bro NW 5 d the an in partcipated gold, 5 silver ls. Antache won one k six oo too sch ja An 25 s. of t ord ou rec 6th w came two ne e gold medals and set ces. dals. Hardus won fiv dal and two 4th pla me e nz bro a ed iev ach ka dri Ja d an 4th places
Dié leerlinge van President Pretorius Laerskool het tydens die distrikbyeenkoms in Wolmaransstad goed presteer. Dian de Villiers o.12 (spiesgooi en hoogspring), Melinda Coertzen o.13 (hoogspring) en Kagiso Lesenyego o.12 (100m en 150m).
Michelle Jerling (regs) is aangestel as die adjunkhoof by ES le Grange-skool en Hetta Barnard (links) is aangestel as departementshoof .
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Central School held its annual inter-house gala on 20 February. Learners who came out victorious were Megan Stevens (junior victrix ludorum), Kyle Isherwood (junior victor ludorum), Lauren van der Linde (senior victrix ludorum) and Dylan Isherwood (senior victor ludorum).
Girls High won the Spirit Cup at the inter-high athletics 2013. Thelma Mosehle from Girls High won the u.19 triple jump at the inter-high athletics on Saturday.
Potchefstroom Central School’s bronze medal winners for hurdles are Mohale Thekiso, Katlego Maroga, Tshegofatso Lekgetho and Likhaya Matiwane.
Angela Strydom from Girls High won the Girls u.16 400m at the inter-high on Saturday.
Neo Seroalo of Potchefstroom Central School won a gold medal for high jump during the district athletics.
Lauren van der Linde from Altius and Jonathan Hattingh from Citius are Potchefstroom Central School's representatives of the winning houses.
Boys High hosted the inter-high athletics 2013. The following boys from the school achieved gold medals. Thando Dlodlo (record-breaker: u.14 100m and 200m), Phetogo Sebanego (u.15 400m), Boikobo Batantshe (u.15 800m), Paballo Maimane (record-breaker: 100m hurdles and 300m hurdles), Tumelo Onkaetse (u.16 long jump), Obakeng Molekane (u.17 triple jump) and Thabang Tsheko (u.19 triple jump).
Phetogo SebaPaballo Maimane (u.14 100m), Obakeng Moand m) nego (u.15 100m and 200 silver medals ived rece p) jum long lekane (u.17 Saturday. on s during the inter-high athletic
The cheer-leaders of the Potchefstroom High School for Girls helped the school to win the spirit cup at the Prestige Athletics on Saturday. From left to right are Lebo Ramosime, Naledi Nkopane, Thuli Kone, Tammy Hinckley, Rorisang Molope, Morongwa Mangope, Zinhle Zwane and Mathapelo Mokonyane.
Paballo Maimane from Boys High broke two records at the inter-high athletics on Saturday. He completed the u.14 100m hurdles in a time of 14,62 seconds and the 300m hurdles in 42,89 secs. Karabo Kambikambi , David Asiwe and Keo Leping of Potchefstroom Central School won silver medals during the district athletics for shot put, long jump and high jump respectively.
The following Boys High learners achieved bronze medals during the inter-high athletics on Saturday. Paballo Maimane (u.14 200m), Afrika Jikwana (u.16 400m), Gomotemo Mmusi (u.14 1500m), Ramokgare Thage (u.15 100m hurdles), Itumeleng Thobedi (u.15 long jump), Thapelo Motsikwa (u.17 triple jump) and Thabang Tsheko (u.19 discus).
Thando Dlodlo from Boys High broke two records during the interhigh athletics on Saturday. He completed the u.14 100m in a time of 11,77 seconds and the 200m in 23,27 secs. Foto’s: Sonika Wyk
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald Twaalf atlete van Laerskool Baillie Park is opgeneem in die Suidstreekspan vir NW kampioenskappe in Rustenburg op 8 Maart. Voor is Ané Strydom wat 1e plek in hoogspring behaal het; Anina van Zyl (2e in 150 m hekkies) en Karmen Fouché (1e in 100 m, 80 m en verspring). In die tweede ry is Marizelle Coetzee (1e in gewigstoot en spiesgooi, 2e in diskus); Elmarie Myburg (2e in diskus) en Jordan Durand (1e in verspring). In die derde ry is Marionique Wentzel (1e in hoogspring en verspring); Alyssa Manders (2e in gewigstoot) en Dané Holtzhausen (1e in 800 m, 2e in 1 500 m). Agter is Luhan Dreyer (1e in gewigstoot en spiesgooi); Zander Labuschagne (1e in 200 m hekkies en 80 m hekkies) en Jonette Labuschagne (2e in spiesgooi. Foto: Cheryl Botha
Twee atlete van Die Wilge Hoërskool het by die LSEN-skole interhoër in Wolmaransstad goed presteer. Simël Martin is aangewys as junior Victor Ludorum en Kagiso Matsheka het die trofee vir die beste middelafstand-atleet ontvang.
First installment after 60 days
Corner of Nelson Mandela & OR Tambo Avenue, Potchefstroom. Tel: (018) 294-6169 Fax: (018) 297-0673
Please visit our other showroom c/o Peter Mokaba + Nelson Mandela Drive Potch. (018) 293 2220/1 Shan 071 423 3750 • Noshi: 082 558 4000 • Faeez 079 579 9957 • Jimber: 071 265 0808 • Rehan 082 457 2001 • Sandile 083 507 6756 • Leon: 074 173 5638 2006 audi a4, 1.8t ................................................................... r149 990 2006 audi a6 3.0 tdi low km, sunroof ............................ r199 990 mercedes-benz e250 cgi conv./ low km ...............r649 990 2005 audi a4 2.0t fsi...............................................................r139 990 mercedes-benz c320 cdi, a/t ..................................................... 2004 audi a4 1.8t avante, multitronic ..... ......................r119 990 mercedes-benz c63 amg, low km, sunroof ........r529 990 2002 audi tt 1.8t.....................................................................r149 990 mercedes-benz c200 new shape avantgarde ....r219 990 TOYOTA mercedes-benz sl 65 amg 42 000km.........................r899 990 mercedes-benz c320 cdi ............................................r279 990 2011 toyota corolla 1.3 imaculate............................... r173 990 mercedes-benz e200 mags ........................................r229 990 2011 toyota yaris zen ........................................................ r139 990 mercedes-benz ml 63 amg, 57 000km ext, m/p ......r549 990 2010 toyota rav 2l, vx, 40 000km...................................... r334 990 mercedes c55 amg, black, s/r, a/t,p/s....................r299 990 2010 toyota corolla 1.3 advanced................................ r189 990 mercedes benz a170 new spec m/plan..................r129 900 2007 toyota auris d4d..................................................r134 990 mercedes benz c200k, a/t ..........................................r149 990 2005 toyota verso 180 sx a/t, sunroof, pdc............... r139 990 mercedes benz ml 270 cdi .........................................r159 990 mercedes-benz c200k silver....................................r119 990 OPEL mercedes-benz clk 320, very low km, fsh..........r209 990 2011 opel astra 1.6 essentia, 30 000km ........................r219 990
2012 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2004 2002 2001
2009 opel corsa 1.4 essentia..........................................r109 990
2010 bmw 120i convertible. a/t, s/pack ...........................r349 990 2008 opel cosa 1.7 lots of extras ............................... r119 990 2010 bmw 750i (f01) m/plan, full house ...........................r699 990 2008 opel astra 1.8 gtc sport (3dr) .............................r159 990 2010 bmw 120i diesel coupÉ a/t, s/pack, s/roof ...........r299 990 2008 opel astra 1.9 cdti 76 000km, black gtc ...........r189 990
MAZDA 2010 mazda 3 1.6 low km, s/plan (sedan) .......................r169 990 2009 mazda 5 1.6, 7 seater, 58000km.................................r199 990 2005 mazda 6 2.5 sport lux................................................r109 990 PEUGEOT 2010 peugeot 207, 1.4 urban, 3dr, 26 000km, s/p ..........r134 990 2007 peugeot 207 3dr, black ............................................r109 990 2006 peugeot 407 3.0 v6 s/r, r/cd, leather, e/seats..r139 990 RENAULT 2007 renault megane 1.6 gold sedan, a/c, p/s, c/l.... r119 990 2007 renault scenic 16 exp ..............................................r 99 990 2006 renault cleo iii 1.6 dynamiqe .................................r107 990 2005 renault grand scenic 2.0 7 seater a/c, mags ..r104 990 VOLVO 2009 volvo s40 d5. powershift .......................................r219 990
2010 bmw 120i convertable, m/plan.................................r339 990 2006 opel astra 2.0t 130 000km, leather, a/c, p/s ......r149 990 2010 bmw 325i a/t coupe lots of extras........................r349 990
2011 chev captiva 3.0 l7z 4x4 a/t, 20000km.....................r399 990
2009 bmw 320(a) a/t m/plan ..................................................r269 990
2010 isuzu kb 250 d-tec d/c, canopy...............................r239 990
2009 bmw 320i m/plan .............................................................r249 990 2009 bmw 330i a/t m/sport pack, s/roof, m//plan..........r349 990 2008 bmw 335i a/t .....................................................................r299 990 2008 bmw x3 2.0 a/t, sports pack, m/plan, p/roof........r309 990 2008 bmw 120d a/t, sunroof ................................................r199 990 2007 bmw 750i, lots of extras, m/plan ...........................r499 990 2007 bmw 550i a/t, m/s/pack, s/roof, m/plan....................r399 990 2007 bmw 335 conv, silver, m/plan, a/t (50 000km) ........r449 990 2007 bmw x3 3.0 si new shape, lots of extras ............r379 990
2012 vw polo vivo 1.6 ............................................................... p.o.a 2012 vw golf 6 gti, d/g, s/roof, new spec........................ p.o.a 2011 vw polo vivo 1.6 ........................................................ r149 990
2006 bmw 320i e90 ....................................................................r149 990 2006 bmw 330ci convert, full spec m/plan, 49000km .r299 990 2006 bmw 525i a/t, m/sport, sunroof................................r229 000 2005 bmw x3 2.0 d.....................................................................r149 990
2010 suzuki 2.0 sx4 cvti ......................................................r199 990
2008 chev captiva diesel 65000km, black .............r239 990
2010 vw polo 1.6 comfortline, low km...................... r169 990
2008 chevrolet captiva suv 3.2l v6 77 000km .......r269 990
2009 vw scirocco 2.0 t fsi. 46 000km ............................ r314 990
2008 mitsubishi 2.4, d/c, tritron ...............................r219 990
2009 vw citi rox 1.4i, mags .............................................. r 99 990
2008 kia sorento 2.5d 4x4............................................r209 990
2008 vw beetle 2.0 cabrio ............................................... r199 990
2008 mitsubishi pajero 3.2 did gls, s/w fsu ..........r165 990
2008 vw golf 5 gti, dsg, s/roof, xenon...................... r219 990 2008 vw polo 1.4, a/c, p/s, c/d.......................................... r107 000
2007 vw jetta 1.9 tdi. comfortline .............................. r129 990 2007 bmw 320i (e90)..................................................................r164 990 2006 vw polo 1.9 tdi sportline 120 000km, .................r119 990 2007 bmw x5 3.0 m/plan lots of extras ..........................r379 990 2006 vw touareg tdi a/t, v10........................................... r299 990 2007 bmw 325i a/t, sunroof..................................................r199 990 2006 bmw x5 4.8 is a/t, f/h, lots of extras .....................r399 990
2011 daihatsu terios 4x4, 38 000km ................................r209 990
2007 chrysler grand voyager 3.3 lx a/t ..............r199 990 2007 sanyong musso 290 s sport a/t, d/cab .........r129 990 2007 isuzu kb 300 lx, d/c ...............................................r179 990 2007 toyota fortuner 4.0 v6......................................r199 990 2007 jeep cherokee 3.7 ltd ........................................r169 990
2012 chev optra 1.6 l. 18000km ..........................................r149 990 2006 hyundai tuscon 2,0i gis. 111000km. ................r139 990 2011 gwm florid 1.5 superlux......................................... r114 990 2006 range rover 4.2 v8 sc, all extras,...............r449 990 2011 nissan qashqai low km ............................................r269 990 2006 nissan marano 3.5 v6, a/c, r/cd excellent .r199 990 2011 mini cooper 5 chilli-pack, mags............................r269 990 2006 jeep cherokee, srt 8 .........................................r269 990
2005 bmw 320i e90, leather, a/c, p/s, c/l, charcoal.....r149 990
2011 proton gen 1.6, low km............................................r139 990 2005 nissan hardbody 2.7 d/cab ...............................r 89 990 2011 chev spark 1.2 ls 5 door, mags, ...........................r107 990 2005 mitsubishi outlander 2.2l, s/r, leather .....r134 990 2010 ford focus st 5dr 26 000km, s/roof....................r309 990 2002 chrysler voyager 3.3 le lwb, limited ................r134 990 2010 chev cruise 1.6 ls. low km ......................................r169 990
2004 bmw x5 4.4l, s/pack, s/roof ......................................r249 990
2010 hyundai i20, 1.4, mags.................................................r139 990
2004 bmw x5 3l i low km navigation lots of extras .r229 990
2009 chev captiva 2.4 lt......................................................r189 990
2005 bmw 320i exclusive, pack...........................................r139 990 2005 bmw 320d a/t, sunroof (e90) ......................................r154 990 2005 bmw 318i, individual......................................................r119 990
2004 bmw x3 2.5 a/t..................................................................r129 990
AUDI 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007
audi a5 sportsback 2.0 fsi, multitronic ............ r389 990 audi a3 2.0 fsi t............................................................. r299 990 audi a3 1.8t, 3 door, s/roof, mags ......................... r249 990 audi a6 2.0t fsi, 27 000km ........................................... r349 990 audi q5 3.0 tdi, pdc...................................................... r479 990 audi a3 2.0t fsi, m/plan .............................................. r279 990 audi a4 1.8t, b8 ambition, 1.8t ................................... r239 990 audi q7 3l tdi, diesel, 7 seater .............................. r399 990 audi b8 2l tdi, ambition m/plan ............................... r229 990 audi tt , like new ....................................................... r239 990
2009 nissan 370z new level, 31 000km, m/fl ...........r424 990 2007 ford ka 1.3, mags, a/c......................................... r 64 990 2009 ford fiesta 1.6 titanium 5 door ......................r159 990 2006 renault megan 2.0 dynamiq, r/cd, a/c, p/s .. r 99 990 2009 lexus is 250 a/t, 50 000km...........................................r339 990 2005 honda civic 150 i, gold, a/c, p/s, c/l, r/cd......r 99 990 2009 kia rio 1.6 hs, low km.................................................r154 990 2004 2009 hyundai tiburon, 2.0 gls ..........................................r169 990 2003 2009 honda accord 2.4 exec (low km), like new .......r259 990 2003 2007 ford focus 1.6 trendline .......................................r 99 990 2002 2007 ford ka...........................................................................r 59 990 2006 honda civic 1.8i v tec vxi,hatch............................. r119 990 2001
vw polo 1.9 tdi, white highline, mags...........r 89 990 mini cooper 1.6 gold black, a/c, e/w ............ r 99 990 ford fiesta, white ..............................................r 54 990 volvo s60 2l turbo.....................................................r 99 990
bmw 320d, red.........................................................r 79 990
2003 jaguar 3l se x-type a/t awd....................................r134 990 2000 bmw 330i e46, grey, a/c, r/cd, a/t, e/w............. r 99 990
Potchefstroom Herald
ORG: 082 565 5360
R3800 Suid 2 slpk. R3800 Studente w/s 2 slpk
Groot 5 slpk huis met 70% voltooide woonstel.
Splinter nuut!!! 3 Slpk voltitel meenth. 1 Motorh. SENTRAAL R1.2 MILJOEN OHB
Pragtig oorgedoen 3 slpk huis. Hout vloere. Staalplafon
STUDENTE 2 SLPK - R450 000
800m van Kampus
Ruim 1 slpk oopplan 1 motorafdak.
ERF - R340 000
815m² in nuwe deel van Grimbeekpark.
1 Maart 2013
EiendomsGIDS Property GUIDE
BULT - RUIM FAMILIE HUIS Ongeveer 1 km vanaf NWU se suidelike toegangshek. Erf: 1428m². Tans res 1 (kan hersoneer word) Massiewe vertrekke waarin meubels verdwyn. Pragtige groot bome in ‘n gevestigde tuin.
Prys: R1 250 000
1 Maart 2013
RRENTOE IENDOMME Besturende agente
1 2
4 5
Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide
WOONSTEL TE KOOP – SENTRAAL Ruim 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, gastetoilet, netjiese kombuis. Prys R435 000 MEENTHUIS TE KOOP - BAILLIEPARK 2 Slaapkamers, dubbelgeriewe, toesluitmotorhuis. Prys R690 000 2 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe, nuutgebou, baie mooi kombuis R630 000 PRYS VERLAAG – VAN DER HOFFPARK Rus en vrede in pragbuurt. Pragtige gesinswoning, 3 slaapkamer, dubbelmotorhuis, groot tuin met swembad en braai-area. R1 790 000 STUDENTEWOONSTEL TE KOOP - BULT 2 Slaapkamer, netjiese kompleks, Prys R470 000 SPOGAREA Pragtige 3 slaapkamerhuis met swembad. Rooshoutkombuis, dubbelgeriewe, pragtige tuin. Prys R2,3 miljoen.
Kantoor Tel: (018) 293-1845, Faks: (018) 293-3163, Prinsipaal Annelize (B SOC. SC. CEA)
STILFONTEIN 4 Slaapkamer, dubbelgeriewe, 3 motorhuis, pragtige tuin. Prys R895 000 Annatjie 082 320 3847 Petro 083 694 1864 TE HUUR – WOONSTEL SENTRAAL 1 Slaapkamer, 24-uur sekuriteit prys R3 500 Bachelor Prys R2 950 2 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe sekuriteitskompleks Prys R4 200 per maand WOONSTEL BULT 1 Slaapkamer loopafstand van Universiteit R3 850 per maand 1 Slaapkamer, naby universiteit R3650 per maand MEENTHUIS TE HUUR - BAILLIEPARK 2 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe met motorhuis, sekuriteitskompleks. Prys R5 000 per maand 3 Slaapkamer, dubbelgeriewe, afdak R5 750 Santie 082 364 8076 018 786 2524
082 739 5901
R1,68 milj. Moderne 4 slpk woning, 2½ badk, studeerk, 3 motorhuise, wask, bediendekwartiere, swembad, besproeiing, alarm. C/ville. R1,85 milj. 4 slpk huis, 2 badk, luuks, siersteen, ruim, netjiese tuin, besproeiing, boorgat ±11000 l/u, sementdam, aangeplante weiding, vrugteboord, store, 8,5 ha. Haaskraal Potch. R6,3 milj. Goeie beesplaas, 520 ha, 2 netjiese woonhuise, plaas ten volle ontwikkel vir ±120 koeie, ‘n “geel meel plaas”, vleiweiding, store, ens. Potch. R2,94 milj. 205 ha - heuwelagtig, goeie beesplaas,10 ha lande-kampe, 50 ha aangeplante weiding, 35 ha Bonnox omhein - boerbokke, netjiese huis en store ens. Plaas ten volle ontwikkel vir ±60 koeie. Potch. TE HUUR: Potchefstroom. Industriële area, krag en water ingesluit voorwaardes - alarm, sekuriteit. R4 300. Sinkgebou, ±7 x 12 m, en erf (werks/w of stoor erf). R3 300. 1 Slpk woonstel. R2 300. “Bachelor” woonstel.
u BAILLIE PARK o Sk Uitstekende koop!!!
“Face brick” 3 Slpk, 2 badk met gesellige oopplan leefarea.Baie kombuiste
Vir ontwikkeling:
(N/Sentraal. Naby ou Pick a Pay)
Huis met 2186m²ALLEENMANDAAT erf. Ideaal om nog 3/4 meenthuise te bou. Huis kan ook in 2 w/s verander word. R1 908 000
Meenthuis in B/Park:
R1 284 000
Prag 3 slpk, 2badk in kompleks. Groot braai en leefarea met Splash Pool asook buitekamer. Luukse ruim 1 slpk (42m²)BYALLEENMANDAAT PUK Ideaal vir onthaler.R1 390 000
met toesluit motorhuis
2 Slpk Kolgans 2 Slpk C@H
R650 000 R470 000 R460 000
2 Slpk C@H R486 000 2 Slpk C@H (met sitk) R535 000
Bach Roodeberg
R380 000
Vir PUK Dosente: By Mooirivier, Gimmies en Puk.
Erwe Tuscany Ridge: 1100m² R476 150 0 0 00 5 R802 500 DamRerf 2 , 1 Linda 082 785 3951
Wonderlike gesinsoase. Ekstra ruim 3 slpk, studeerkamer in puik area. Boorgat + besproeïng. R2 300 000 & VERHURINGS
Lukestr. 1
(oorkant Pick ‘n Pay)
Tel : (018) 297 8338
Skakel Gert 082 377 1313 Vir meer inligting besoek ons web nl: SKAKEL GERT VAN ASWEGEN 082 377 1313 OF ANELL STEYN 079 565 4888 VIR MEER INLIGTING BESOEK ONS WEB NL:
TE HUUR STUDENTEBEHUISING 2013 Beyers Naudestr (Kamers) R 1 550 Vyfhoek plot (Bachelor) R 1 800 Eleaserstr 46 (M/kamer) R 1 800 Eleaserstr 46 (S/kamer) R 1 800 Campus @ Home R 1 870 Nottinghill (seunskamer) R 2 000 Campus @ Home (1 Slpk.) R 3 025 Beukeslaan (Bachelor) R 3 700 Villably (2 Slpk) R 4 950 Villa Renea (3 Slpk.) R 5 280 Majories Place (3 Slpk.) R 5 500 2 SLPK WOONSTELLE TE HUUR Bailliepark (1 Maart 2013) R 4 125
TE KOOP 2 SLAAPKAMERWOONSTELLE Potch Towers (Sentraal) R 405 000 Villa de Bell (Dassierand) R 420 000 Willemien (Sentraal) R 425 000 Villa Perez (Sentraal) R 450 000 Majuba (Sentraal) R 480 000 Barrish Place (Sentraal) R 483 000 Campus @ Home R 490 000 Tramonto (Sentraal) R 580 000 1 Slpk. met ingeboude kaste. Kombuis Caruso (Bult) R 595 000 netjiese ingeboude kaste en plek vir R 620 000 wasmasjien. Sitk. Badkamer (Stort, toilet, Daisy’s (Dassierand) wasbak) Afdak, braaiarea. AfstandbeCambridge (Bult) R 620 000 heerde hekke voor kompleks. Inni Hartjie R 640 000 KYK NA DIE PRYS EN BESLUIT GOU !!! Lanquedoc 103 R 700 000 R 370 000
TE KOOP TE KOOP: 1 SLAAPKAMERWOONSTELLE Barrish Place (Sentraal) Campus @ Home (Bult) Caruso (Bult) Tramonto (Sentraal) Varsity Lodge (Kanonierspark) Onder die Randjie (Dassierand) Villa Renea (Bult) Janitahof (Miederpark)
R 313 000 R 370 000 R 399 000 R 425 000 R 450 000 R 475 000 R 490 000 R 510 000
1 Slaapkamer met ingeboude kaste. Oopplan sitkamer, Kombuis met ingeboude kaste. Badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak) Afdak vir motor, braai area, swembad, lapa, waskamer in kompleks. Afstand beheerde motorhekke voor kompleks met 24 uur sekuriteitswagte. BAIE GOEIE KOOP VIR SLEGS !!! R 450 000 !!!
Ruim 2 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste. Sitkamer, badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak en plek vir wasmasjien) Heffing R 360.00 afstand beheerde motorveiligheidshek voor kompleks BAIE GOED GEPRYS VIR SLEGS !!! R 490 000 !!!
Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide
Property Profile Group
• Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, 2520 • Tel: (018) 293-2883 Vir al u eiendoms • Posbus 20606, Noordbrug 2520 Irma-082 347 5555 • behoeftes
Johnny-082 562 8156
Sentraal: Goeie 3 slaapk woonhuis met enkel geriewe, afdak en geleë op groot erf R 720 000 Miederpark: Netjiese 3 slaapkamer woonstel met toesluit m/huis met tuintjie in veiligheids kompleks. R 650 000 Wilgeboom Hoewe: 9.7 Ha hoewe met baie goeie 3 slaapkamer woonhuis, asook 1 slaapk woonstel met stoor en buite geboue. R 1.3 Milj Miederpark: 4 slpk huis met 2 badk, 2 leefareas swembad boorgat, nuut geverf. R 1 260 000
Bult: 4 slpk woonhuis met enkel geriewe baie naby NWU. Geskik vir studente huis. R 790 000 Miederpark: Ruim 4 slpk, 3 badk, 2 leefareas, lapa, swemb met baie parkering. R1 390 000 Studente woonstelle Tramonto Ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel, 61m². R 430 000 Kolgans 2 slaapkamer woonstel R 430 000
Irma - 082 347 5555
Noord Sentraal;
Hoewe: 4 slpk woning met dubbel m/huis Puik eiendom! 8.5 ha hoewe met bediendekamer en groot afdak netjiese woonhuis pragtige tuin en vir die nutsman. Naby NWU Stil store. omgewing. R 950 000 R 1 850 000 OHB Noord Sentraal Hoewe/N12: Netjies en ruim. 3 slpk woning 3 ha hoewe teen die hoofweg. op 2200m² erf. Ideaal vir verdere Goeie woonhuis met groot woonontwikkeling / meenthuise of stel.Stoor met huur inkomste van kantore R 1 850 000 R 18 000.00 p/m, R 3 200 000 Sentraal/Besigheid: Hoewe Kromdraai: Karaktervolle ou woning. Genoeg11ha hoewe met 100m Vaalriviersame parkeerplek. Idiaal vir kantore front. Hengelparadys. R 850 000 R 1 380 000 OHB
1 Maart 2013
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide
Saam kan ons ’n verskil maak
NG Welsyn Potchefstroom het op 14 Februarie vanjaar Valentynsdag op ‘’n ander wyse gevier. Tydens ’n heerlike welwillendheidsontbyt by Kumkani Lodge is plaaslike borge en vrywilligers bedank vir hulle
onbaatsugtige bydrae van geld en kosbare tyd. NG Welsyn bedank ook die gemeenskap van Potchefstroom vir hulle groot harte en oop hande met die deurlopende bydraes van kos en klere.
Verskeie vrywilligers help gereeld om kos voor te berei en die klerekas van NG Welsyn in stand te hou. Van links: Ingrid Jooste, Liezel van der Merwe, Jessica Kok, Alida Bekker, Hanlie Trauernight en tannie Babs Fleschig. Foto: Verskaf
Verskeie van NG Welsyn se donateurs het die ontbyt bygewoon. Van links: Alta Avenant (Mooirivier Makelaars), ds. Anton Mocke, besturende direkteur van NG Welsyn Noordwes asook Marietjie en Dries Coetzee van Printing Things. Foto: Verskaf
Twee juffrouens het hulle onlangs by Tjokkerplaaskleuterskool aangesluit. Links is Karin Huyzer. Sy is verantwoordelik vir middagdiens en Hannie du Plessis is verantwoordelik vir die junior groep - Mamma-se-liefies.
Studente uit Kanada het onlangs besoek afgelê by Kekkel & Kraai-kleuterskool om te kom kyk hoe Vroeë Kinderontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika aangebied word. Hulle het die besoek baie geniet en ook baie geleer. Van links: Marisa v.d. Heever (hoof), dr. MaryLouise Vanderlee (Brock Universiteit, Kanada) Brock Universiteit-studente, heel regs dr. Audrey Klopper (NWU). Foto: Verskaf
Nuwe bestuurslede van Leeuharttak
Leeuhart VLU-tak het onlangs hul nuwe bestuur aangewys. Hulle is voor: Flo Groenewald (voorsitter en registrateur), Santie Scheepers (sekretaresse) en Jacoba Ras (aktuele-sake). Agter is Konnie Yssel (beoordelaar, tesourier, opvoeding en kultuur), Elsie Buijs (admin. beampte en leefstyl), Daleen Smith (beoordelaar, eerste visie, kunste en handvlyt), Elize Oothuizen (skakelbeampte en gesonheid) en Hillet Linde (lanbou en tuinbou)..
Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison Extension of Validity Periods
Notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Human Settlement Branch) is extending the validity periods of the undermentioned bids to bidders who have submitted bids by the closing date and time, in order to allow for finalisation of the processes. Bidders are requested to respond to this notice on/or before 5 March 2013 by fax or e-mail. Bid No
Closing Date
Prospective service providers are invited for the development/construction of 200 Units for Community Residential Units (CRU), Rustenburg Local Municipality, 26 November North West Province 2012 DH 26/12 Prospective service providers are invited for the development/construction of 100 Units for Community Residential Units (CRU), Matlosana Local Municipality, North West Province DH 27/12 Prospective service providers are invited for the development/construction of 100 Units for Community Residential Units (CRU), Mahikeng Local Municipality, North West Province DH 09/12 Appointment of qualified, experienced and accredited/registered with Department of Education Training Service Providers to conduct in-house training in Mahikeng for 29 Employees on Adult Basic Education Training (ABET) Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the North West Province DH 16/12 Construction of 1300 Low-cost Houses in Wolmaransstad Extension 13, Maquassi Hills Local Municipality in the North West Province DH 17/12 Construction of 66 Low-cost Houses in Jouberton Extension 13, Matlosana Local Municipality in the North West Province DH 18/12 Construction of 45 Low-cost Houses; 50 Remedial Works and 1 Completion of 5 December House at foundation level in Kanana 2012 Extension 7, Matlosana Local Municipality in the North West Province DH 19/12 Construction of 62 Low-cost Houses and 1 Remedial Work in Jouberton Extension 7, Matlosana Local Municipality in the North West Province DH 22/12A Review of Municipal Housing Sector Plans for 3 Municipalities (Naledi, KagisanoMolopo and Ratlou) in the North West Province. DH 22/12B Review of Municipal Housing Sector Plans for 2 Municipalities (Greater Taung and Mamusa) in the North West Province DH 22/12C Review of Municipal Housing Sector Plans for 2 Municipalities (Kgetleng and Moretele) in the North West Province
Validity Period Extended To
DH 25/12
Kone Solutions K20234
26 March 2013
Contact Details
Mr Casper Mbombi, tel. (018) 388-2947, fax: 086 549 0900 or e-mail: Ms Elna Kepadisa, tel. (018) 388-4435, fax: (018) 388-1156, e-mail:
Mr Casper Mbombi, tel. (018) 388-2947, fax: 086 549 0900 or e-mail: 5 April 2013 Ms Elna Kepadisa, tel. (018) 388-4435, fax: (018) 388-1156, e-mail:
Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Nazalene Struben It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media 24 does not accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein.
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Die V en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelik aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetge-wing in die plasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media 24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie
te kooP / For sale 52. Algemeen te koop / General for sale 53. Te koop gevra / Wanted to buy 55. Rekenaars / Computers 56. Kantoortoerusting / Office supplies 57. Selfone/Cell phones 58. Pandwinkels / Pawn shops 59. TV / Elektriese toebehore/ TV / Electrical Appliances 60. Boeke/Versamelitems Books / Collectors items 61. Kuns / Oudhede/ Artwork/Antiques
62. Juweliersware / Jewelery 63. Veevoer / Animal Feeds 64. Diere & Pluimvee Animals & Poultry 65. Plaastoerusting / Farm Equipment 66. Motors 67. Bakkies 68. Vragmotors / Trucks 69. Motorfietse / Motorbikes 70. Woonwaens / Caravans 71. Bote / Boats
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TEL: (018) 291-1048/9 SEL: 082-453-0195.
SKAKEL: ELIZE. 072 187 2754
Tuinmengsel, Tuingrond, Bousand, Riviersand, “Filling”, Crushersand, Buildersmix
Onderrig / Education
QUEEN ACADEMY OF MODELLING ART For professional affordable training in all modelling facets including pageantry, interview skills and more. Afrikaans and English classes. All ages. Studio in Evans Street, Potchefstroom. Call Nadine 084 266-8818
• Waterboorgate • Waterleweringstoetse • Voorsien en installeer van pompe • Prospecting boreholes • Groundwater pollution study boreholes • Foundation stabilization grouting
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Lugversorgers / Aircons
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SKaKEl: KOEKiEMat WaSSERS (081) 370 9114 (018) 784-4705 Of 083 541 9983 Of 082 939 3899
Algemene Dienste
Plaagbeheer / Pest Control
slamlock/std. lock & key alike features
Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693
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a1 loans
up to R150 000 Blacklisted and GaRnished 079 397 8938 Masiza Finance carletonville PerManent eMPloyed ?
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Swembaddens / Swimming Pools
Deon Van Zyl
Landlyne weer in werking
90. Hoewes & Plase te huur / Small Holdings & Farms to let 91. Hoewes & Plase te koop / Small Holdings & Farms for sale 92. Besighede te koop / Business for sale 93. Kamers te huur / Rooms to let 94. Gastehuise / Guest-Houses 95. Vakansie Akkomodasie / Holiday Accommodation 96. Bestuurskole / Driving Schools 97. Betrekkings gevra / Vacancies Wanted 98. Betrekkings / Vacancies 99. Volwasse Vermaak / Adult Entertainment
cell: 082 7755 754 FREE QUOTES!! fax: 018 293 1425
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DROOGTE’S VERVOER Wil u verhuis? Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgeriewe teen billike pryse? Skakel Droogte vir ‘n gratis kwotasie! 082-553-8226.
Tot en met R 120 000. *I.D *Payslip *3 Maande Bankstate *Bewys van adres WYE REEKS MOTORS EN BAKKIES OOK BESKIKBAAR!!! Konsolideer jou skuld deur net een paaiement te betaal, Ons kan jou help om ‘n voertuig te besit! Die beste gehalte diens en tevredenheid word gewaarborg! SKAKEL dAdELIK: Connie 083 699 4485 Rina 083 940 2649 Johannes 072 7000 989
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
RadiogRafis benodig
North-West University / Noordwes-Universiteit Your future awaits at NWU / Jou toekoms wag by die NWU
in privaat praktyk in Carletonville. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Mev M fouche by 011 692 4070
Technician (12-month temporary position) All previous applications for this position in the previous advertisment round will automatically be reconsidered. Responsibilities Maintenance and repair of atmospheric equipment Field work Client service
Ad hoc tasks.
Minimum requirements Grade 12 and a diploma in Electronics Proven experience in handling laboratory equipment Computer literacy in MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and internet The ability to provide support to international students and researchers Proven experience in and skills to handle analytical equipment The ability to do research in the library and on the internet Proven knowledge of laboratory safety regulations The ability to update laboratory books meticulously Proven experience or training in electronics and data sourcing for both analogue and digital signals An aptitude to learn to handle and maintain specialised equipment The ability to identify, investigate and solve problems where necessary The ability to promote sound interpersonal relations A positive and proactive attitude with regard to client service and telephone etiquette The ability to function effectively as part of a team and individually Willing to travel internationally A valid driver's licence Willing to work independently Demonstration of language proficiency in order to function optimally in the various multilingual environments of the NWU.
The following vacancy exist at MooiVaal Media an affiliate of Media24, in our Potchefstroom offices for a
The following responsibilities are associated with this position: * Sub / editing of English and Afrikaans text * Page layout on Eidos * English and Afrikaans text sub, edit for print in newspaper. Checking for legal implications / liability in text as well. * Proof reading of advertising material. * Knowledge of Eidos Methodé will be advantageous Must have: * A relevant degree (journalism) * Above average knowledge of English and Afrikaans. * Experience in page layout / journalistic principles.
NB: There is the possibility of the contract being renewed after 1 year. Closing date: 13 March 2013. Commencement of duties: As soon as possible. Enquiries: Mr Roelof Burger, tel.018 299 4269. For Application Forms, please contact the Human Capital Department, tel. 018 299 4961, or send an
email to Application forms are also available at Room G25, C1 Building, Institutional Office. Completed application forms must either be handed in at the Human Capital Department on the campuses as specified on the application form, or sent via email to, or faxed to 018 293 5308.
The University subscribes to and applies the principles of the Employment Equity Act and is committed to transformation. All applications will be considered.
Closing date for application: 8 March 2013. Applicant with the relevant qualifications may mail their CV, of no more than 5 pages to Pennelope van Vuuren at
Tegnikus (12-maande tydelike pos)
Please consider your application as unsuccessful if you have not heard from us within 1 month after application. Media24 is an equal opportunity company.
Alle vorige aansoeke vir die pos in die vorige adverteringsrondte, sal outomaties heroorweeg word.
Verantwoordelikhede Instandhouding en herstel van atmosferiese toerusting Veldwerk Kliëntediens
Ad hoc-take.
STRENG VEREISTES: • Rekenaarvaardig / boekhouding ondervinding / Pastel • Volledig tweetalig - Engels & Afrikaans ‘n streng vereiste • Matriek & 3 jaar ondervinding • Motorlisensie • Dinamiese persoon met goeie mense verhoudings & administratiewe vaardigheid • Moet onder druk kan werk • Hoë vlakke van akkuraatheid word vereis • Slegs applikante woonagtig te Potch sal oorweeg word. • Applikante moet onmiddellik beskikbaar wees vir die pos.
VERKORTE CV NA Of fAKS NA 018 293-1656
Minimum vereistes Graad 12 en 'n diploma in Elektronika Bewese ervaring in die hantering van laboratoriumtoerusting Rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Office (Word, Excel en PowerPoint) en internet Die vermoë om ondersteuning te bied aan internasionale studente en navorsers Bewese ervaring in en bekwaamheid om analitiese apparaat te hanteer Die vermoë om navorsing te doen in die biblioteek en op die internet Bewese kennis van laboratoriumveiligheidsregulasies Vermoë om laboratoriumboeke noukeurig bygewerk te hou Bewese ervaring of opleiding in elektronika en datawerwing vir analoog- sowel as digitale seine Aanleg om duur gespesialiseerde apparaat te leer hanteer en in stand te hou Die vermoë om probleme te identifiseer, te ondersoek en op te los waar nodig Die vermoë om gesonde interpersoonlike verhoudinge te bevorder 'n Positiewe en proaktiewe houding met betrekking tot kliëntediens en telefoonetiket Die vermoë om effektief in spanverband en individueel te funksioneer Bereid om internasionaal te reis 'n Geldige rybewys Vermoë om onafhanklik te werk Demonstrasie van taalvaardigheid sodat daar optimaal gefunksioneer kan word in die onderskeie meertalige omgewings van die NWU. gear advertising
LW: Daar is 'n moontlikheid dat die kontrak hernu gaan word na 1 jaar. Sluitingsdatum: 13 Maart 2013. Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik . Navrae: Mnr. Roelof Burger, tel.018 299 4269. Vir Aansoekvorms, skakel die Departement Mensekapitaal by tel. 018 299 4961, of stuur 'n e-pos aan Aansoekvorms is ook beskikbaar by kamer G25, C1-gebou, Institusionele Kantoor. Voltooide aansoekvorms moet óf by die Departement Mensekapitaal op die kampusse ingehandig word soos op die aansoekvorm gespesifiseer is, óf per e-pos aan gestuur word, óf aan 018 293 5308 gefaks word.
Die Universiteit onderskryf en pas die beginsels van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming toe en is verbind tot transformasie. Alle aansoeke sal oorweeg word.
Potchefstroom Herald
KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES LIQUIDATION – AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In the estate of late WILLIAM CLIFFORD CURLE-WIS ( Identity number 560103 5025 089) RESIDING AT 2 UMTATA STREET CARLETONVILLE, who passed away on 10 July 2011 (estate number 4054/2012). The First and Final Liquidation – and Distribution Account in the Estate will be open for Inspection for a period of 21 days of the office of the Master of the High Court, PRETORIA, and magistrate district, CARLETONVILLE, as from 01/03/2013. NAME AND ADRESS OF AGENT: SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 1061, Potchefstroom, 2520 ------------------------------------------------------------p063 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES LIKWIDASIE – EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING IN BESTORWE BOEDEL WATTER INSAE LÊ. In die boedel VAN WYLE WILLIAM CLIFFORD CURLEWIS (Identiteitsnommer 560103 5025 08 9) woonagtig was te 2 UMTATA STRAAT, CARLETONVILLE, wat oorlede is op 10 JULIE 2011 (boedelnommer 4054/2012.). Die eerste en finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening in die bogenoemde boedel sal ten kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, PRETORIA, en die Landros , CARLETONVILLE, ter insae lê vir ‘n tydperk van 21dae vanaf 01/03/2013. NAAM & ADRES VAN AGENT: SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS Posbus 1061, Potchefstroom, 2520 ------------------------------------------------------------p062 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION Notice is hereby given that an application for environmental authorisation in terms of the EIA Regulations of 2010 (Regulations in terms of Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act of 1998, as amended) has been lodged with the North West Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT). The activity requires an application subject to a Basic Assessment Process as required by Sections 21 to 25 of Government Notice R. 543 of the EIA Regulations. Ref. Number: NWP/EIA/110/2012 Applicant: Fouries Poultry Farms (Pty) Ltd. Trading name: Chubby Chick Enterprises Project Name: Expansion of the Roodekraal free-range chicken farm Project Location: Portion 2 of the farm Roodekraal 454 IQ. The project site is located approximately 16.6km to the south-east of Potchefstroom. Project Description: The proposed expansion project will entail the following: • An existing free-range chicken farm (situated outside of an urban area) will be expanded through the construction of an additional cluster of chicken houses. • The cluster will consist of ten (10) free-range chicken houses. Each house will accommodate 15 000 chickens per production cycle. The new cluster will therefore house 150 000 chickens per production cycle. • The development footprint of the new cluster will be approximately 5.5ha. • An existing access road to the proposed site will be expanded and upgraded. Activities applied for: • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2010 (R544), Activity No. 32(ii) • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2010 (R544), Activity No. 47(ii) • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 3 of 2010 (R546), Activity No. 12 • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 3 of 2010 (R546), Activity No. 13 • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 3 of 2010 (R546), Activity No. 19 Invitation to participate: Should you wish to be included in the register of Interested and Affected Parties, please submit your name, contact information, and interest in the matter in writing to the below address not later than 15 April 2013. Independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd. PO Box 74726, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, 0040. Contact Person: Miss. L. Crous. Tel: (012) 807 7036, Fax: (012) 807 1014, Fax to E-mail: 086 643 5360, E-mail:, For Online Participation, go to and click on Public Documents. ------------------------------------------------------------p065 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
EKSEKUSIE VERKOPING Ter voldoening van ‘n Vonnis van die Landdroshof te Potchefstroom en die daaropvolgende beslagleggingsbevel gedateer 16 November 2012 word die goedere hierin uiteengesit per geregtelike veiling verkoop te die kantore van die Balju van die Laerhof Potchefstroom, op 13 Maart 2013 om 11:00 vir kontant sonder reserwe aan die hoogste bieër, naamlik: 1 X SUZUKI DINLI 50CC MOTORFIETS 1 X MOTORFIETS SLEEPWA CA864618 (GET) P M SCHUTTE AWIE WRIGHT PROKUREURS DU PLOOYSTRAAT 69 POTCHEFSTROOM POSBUS 1200 POTCHEFSTROOM 2520 TEL: (018) 297-5575/6 VERW: CS/AB/P.3563 ------------------------------------------------------------p061 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
1 Maart 2013
Regskennisgewings Hiermee wil ons graag al ons lesers inlig dat alle Regskennisgewings voortaan in die regsafdeling gepubliseer sal word.
legal notices
Herewith we would like to inform our readers that all legal notices will be published in the legals department.
Date: 2 March 2013
PRIVATE ENTRIES wELComE TEL: (018) 771-3141 FAX: (018) 771-7927 CELL: 082-829-7183
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION Notice is hereby given that an application for environmental authorisation in terms of the EIA Regulations of 2010 (Regulations in terms of Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act of 1998, as amended) has been lodged with the North West Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT). The activity requires an application subject to a Basic Assessment Process as required by Sections 21 to 25 of Government Notice R. 543 of the EIA Regulations. Ref. Number: NWP/EIA/109/2012
TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES TENDER 6/2013: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TWENTY (20) 4M³ SKIP CONTAINERS TO TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM. Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for the supply and delivery of a tractor to Tlokwe City Council. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12H00, FRIDAY 15 March 2013
Applicant: Fouries Poultry Farms (Pty) Ltd. Trading name: Chubby Chick Enterprises
Only tenders from registered service providers will be accepted.
Project Name: Expansion of the Sun Valley broiler facilities
20 Points for functionality will apply for this tender.
Project Location: Portion 31 (remaining extent) of the farm Welgegund 375 IQ. The project site is located approximately 17.2km to the north-west of Potchefstroom. Project Description: The proposed expansion project will entail the following: • An existing broiler chicken farm (situated outside of an urban area) will be expanded through the construction of an additional broiler house cluster. • The cluster will consist of eight (8) broiler chicken houses. Each house will accommodate 30 000 chickens per production cycle. The new cluster will therefore house 240 000 chickens per production cycle. • The development footprint of the new cluster will be approximately 6ha. • An existing access road to the proposed site will be expanded and upgraded. Activities applied for: • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2010 (R544), Activity No. 32(ii) • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2010 (R544), Activity No. 47(ii) • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 3 of 2010 (R546), Activity No. 12 • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 3 of 2010 (R546), Activity No. 13 • EIA Regulations Listing Notice 3 of 2010 (R546), Activity No. 19 Invitation to participate: Should you wish to be included in the register of Interested and Affected Parties, please submit your name, contact information, and interest in the matter in writing to the below address not later than 15 April 2013. Independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd. PO Box 74726, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, 0040. Contact Person: Miss. L. Crous. Tel: (012) 807 7036, Fax: (012) 807 1014, Fax to E-mail: 086 643 5360, E-mail:, For Online Participation, go to and click on Public Documents. --------------------------------------------------------------p066 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693
The 20 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows: Functionality table: Number of years of providing similar service
Points allocated
Up to 5 years
5 Points
Between 5 and 10 years
10 Points
Between 10 and 15 years
15 Points
Between 15 and 20 years
20 Points
Proven track record of the number of years of supplying similar skips must be submitted. Tenderers must obtain a minimum of 50% (10 points) of the functionality points for their financial proposal to be considered. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with, “Tender 6/2013:” “SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TWENTY (20) 4 M3 SKIP CONTAINERS TO TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM” must be placed in the tender box in room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Buildings, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520.Tenders will be received until 12h00, 15 March 2013 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Assistant Manager: Environmental Management, Department Community Services, Sol Plaatjie Avenue, Potchefstroom, upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R200 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract regarding any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette, 27636, dated 30 May 2005 Tlokwe City Council supply chain management by-laws will also be applicable BG MOUMAKWE
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
The North-West University invites all interested parties who have the necessary skills, experience and resources to tender for work on the following project : NWUTR 014 / 2013 PC – F5 : EXTERIOR UPGRADING OF LAW BUILDING, POTCHEFSTROOM CAMPUS Tenders for the following trades, are requested: • External paintwork and waterproofing: NWUTR 014 (a) / 2013 PC Tenderers will be requested to attend a compulsory tender briefing. Tender Documentation will be issued at the tender briefing. A non-refundable tender deposit of R150-00 per tender document will be payable prior to the issuing of tender documentation. Tenderers are requested to make a compulsory tender reservation before 12:00 on Wednesday, 6 March 2013. Register for tenders by e-mailing company name, contact details and tender number to Elza Moorcroft (12245739 A compulsory tender briefing will be held at 10:00 on Monday, 11 March 2013 at Building G14, Physical Infrastructure and Planning Department, Potchefstroom Campus. Technical Enquiries: Hester Klein (018-299 1010) Closing Date for Tender Reservations: 6 March 2013 at 12:00 Tender Closing Date and Time: 18 March 2013 at 12:00 Please take note that: 1. The lowest or any specific tender will not necessarily be accepted. 2. A Contributor Recognition Level of 5 and higher will be a recommendation 3. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation as issued by the University.
THOMAS NOTIFICATION FOR THE WATER USE LICENSE APPLICATION FOR THE IRRIGATION OF WASTE WATER FROM THE MERAFONG CITY LOCAL MUNICIPALITY: KOKOSI WWTW ON THE FARM ELANDSFONTEIN 144 IQ, PORTIONS 16 AND 35, NORTH WEST PROVINCE This notice is issued in terms of Section 40 of the National Water Act (Act No. 36 of 1998). ELANDSFONTEIN 144 IQ, PORTIONS 16 AND 35, NORTH WEST PROVINCE is in the process of applying for a Water Use License Application (WULA) for authorisation from the Department of Water Affairs (DWA). PROJECT AREA The farm ELANDSFONTEIN 144 IQ, PORTIONS 16 AND 35, is situated approximately 4.3 km east of Fochville in the North West Province. The project site includes portions 16 and 35 of the farm Elandsfontein 144 IQ. WATER USES TO BE APPLIED FOR The following water uses will be applied for, and will require authorisation as per Section 21 of the National Water Act (No 36 of 1998): (e) Engaging in a controlled activity.
Posbus 5170, Kockspark,2523 Nelson Mandela Rylaan 23 Potch Industria
In opdrag van die Likwidateur in die Insolvente Bestorwe Boedel Edward Smith Verkoop ons Op 6 MAART 2013 Om 11h00 Te PLAAS WELGEMOED
LIGGING: Vanaf Migdol volg Vryburgpad oor die brug ± 300m. Draai links op Defence pad, ry ± 11km. Opstal links Sien aanwysingsborde. Migdol is geleë tussen Schweizer Reneke & Delareyville EIENDOMME: A. Ged 3 (Welgemoed – ‘n Ged van Ged 1) van die Plaas LOT 39, 268 Registrasie Afdeling IQ Provinsie Noordwes. GROOT: 342,6128ha 21ha Spilpunt – Agrico 4 toring. 156ha Lande, 120ha Natuurlike weiding. ± 44ha Smutsvinger, Spruit. 5x Toegeruste boorgate, Reservoir, Eskomkrag. Verbeterings: Netjiese woonhuis: 4 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Aparte toilet, Onthaalarea, Swembad, Buitegeboue, Store, 6 Werkershuise, Sekuriteitsheining, Voerkraal - ±2000 skape, 2 Hoenderhokke 1500 en 500 toegerus, 3 Varkhokke B. Ged 4 (‘n Ged van Ged 1) van die Plaas Rietpan 254, Registrasie Afdeling IQ Provinsie Noordwes, GROOT: 171,3064ha 160ha Lande, Nie toegeruste boorgat.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Geo Soil and Water cc has been appointed as consultants to undertake the WULA for this project. A Public Participation Process (PPP) is a legally required component for this application and notification and provisions for objections and comments must be undertaken.
VOORWAARDES VASTE EIENDOM: 10% Deposito by toeslaan van bod. GEEN KOPERSKOMMISSIE Bankwaarborge 21 dae na bekragtiging. Bekragtig binne 14 dae.
VOERTUIE: Toyota Hilux 3.0, Toyota Hilux 2.4 Bakkies
Should you have any issues, concerns or questions regarding the ELANDSFONTEIN 144 IQ, PORTIONS 16 AND 35 WULA; you are welcome to contact Delia Maré in writing, telephone, fax or e-mail at:
TREKKERS: 1990 Landini 880 (Nie lopend), 1986 JD4440 Dak/Dubbelwiele, 1986 JD4040, 1989 JD4650, 1986 JD3141, 1983 Frod 6600,
Geo Soil and Water cc Attention: Delia Maré Postnet Suite C319, Private Bag X18, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040 Tel: 081 837 6638 Fax: 086 691 5753 Email:
IMPLEMENTE: 1980 New Holland Malcomess Stroper, Malcomess Sonneblomtafel, Gerringhof 3ry 7vt Mielietafel, 3x Slattery Stropes, 2x 3ry 7vt MF Planters, 2x Gifspuite op wiele, Agrico 5m 36skottel Snyeg, Selfgeboude Ripper met 3 super 18 tande, Selfgeboude Ripper raam met Super 18 tand SLEEPWAENS: 10T & 6T waens – Self gebou LOSGOED: Agrico 4toring Spilpunt met pompe (Sal afsonderlike opgeveil word)
Regskennisgewings Hiermee wil ons graag al ons lesers inlig dat alle Regskennisgewings voortaan in die regs-afdeling gepubliseer sal word.
legal notices
Herewith we would like to inform our readers that all legal notices will be published in the legals department.
Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
BTW is betaalbaar. Sertifikaat & ID Dokument. FIS WET: Bewys van adres. Volledige verkoopsvoorwaardes op die dag van veiling. Onderhewig aan veranderings Kontant, Tjek, Internet. (Internet fasaliteite beskikbaar) BETALING OP DAG VAN VEILING
GERRIT THOMAS 082 859 7232 ROBERT THOMAS 083 626 9216 KANTOOR: 018 294 5616 FAKS: 018 297 6240 E-pos:
Potchefstroom Herald
PUK Penguins Win League PUK Penguins has achieved the remarkable accomplishment in its 1st season of the Gauteng Waterpolo League by winning the 4th Mens League in their 13 games (31 Points: with 10 wins, 1 draw ; I loss & 1 cancelled due to inclement rain/thunderstorms with 121 goals scored for and 59 against). This bodes well for the teams ultimate intention to be rated as one of the best University waterpolo teams in the country and build the number of PUK Penguins teams playing in the Gauteng League. This achievement and progress has been made with the commendable commitment and motivation of stalwart key players such as top goal scorer RJ Haagner and strong forward support players Jacques Bezuidenhout, “Mot” Bezuidenhout, Esmond Pienaar, Andrew de Villiers, Dean de Jager and Victor de Beer. The strong attack has also been ably balanced and supported by the midfield/back combination of steady defen-
ce provided by Michael Daly, Colin Jacobs, Gustav Boshoff and Wessel Schuurman. Of special note has also been the consistency and reliability of goalkeepers Johnny van der Merwe and JP Engelbrecht in ensuring that the opposing team’s goal attempts were saved. The team is now currently building depth and is able to field and practice with 2 full teams. It has already identified a fresh new intake of players which coach Murray de Jager feels, with the planned winter off-season progamme, will allow both teams and its players to start the new season at the end of year to be registered in the Gauteng League. Future plans are to launch a Women’s “Pennys” team given the interest shown. For the remainder of this season the Penguins have been invited to attend the UOFS Waterpolo tournament on the weekend of 9-10 March and to a prestigious Champions League in Johannesburg of about 40 teams on 1617 of March.
Promotion article
1 Maart 2013
Pretorius maak die verskil in Rustenburg
Dit was die André Pretorius en Andrew van Wyk-skouspel Saterdag in Rustenburg teen die Valke toe die Luiperds XV maklik 47-15 teen die Oosranders in ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd geseëvier het. Die Springbok-losskakel is na halftyd opgestuur en hy het dadelik die vonk in die agterlyn verskaf wat aan Van Wyk drie pragdrieë besorg het. In die eerste helfte het die Luiperds van vroeg af die bo-toon gevoer en die woelige haker, Akker van der Merwe, die eerste van sy twee oordryfdrieë gedruk het. Hy was die groot uitblinker in dié helfte en het daarna amper nog twee keer gaan druk, terwyl Adriaan Engelbrecht ook aandag getrek het met sy sterk lopies in die middelveld waar die Valke met tye groot gate gelos het. Maar dit was die tweede helfte wat die skare laat regop sit het toe Petoors dadelik sy teenwoordigheid laat geld het en Van Wyk met ’n slim wegsteekaangee weggestuur het. Kort daarna het hy die heelagter Danie Dames op spoed weggestuur met die bal en Van Wyk het gaan afrond. Nog is het einde niet en die laaste drie van die dag was danksy ’n slim Pretorius-lugskoppie in die hoek wat Van Wyk gejaag en weereens netjies af-
gerond het. Die Luiperds het ’n paar eksperimente gedoen met jong spelers waarvan sommige gewerk het en ander nie. Die vonds van die dag was ongetwyfeld Van der Merwe op haker, die voorry Ian Gregorowski het ’n paar regmerkies gekry en so-ook Jacques Olivier op skrumskakel. Die ander voorrye het nie beïndruk nie. Ou manne soos Brendon Snyman, Robert Kruger en Danie Dames het ook hul waarde as seniors gewys op wie se knoppies gedruk kan word. Die Springbok Jongi Nokwe was vir ’n kort wyle op die veld vir die Valke maar hy is nie ’n skadu van die speler wat hy eens was nie. Hy is ook gou af met een of ander besering. Punte: Luiperds XV: Drieë: Andrew van Wyk (3), Akker van der Merwe (2), Adriaan Engelbrecht, Robert Kruger. Doelskoppe: Warren Gilbert (3), André Pretorius (3). Valke: Drieë: Marco van Eeden, Wesley Kotze. Doelskop: Kotze •Intussen is die Luiperds se eerste tuiswedstryd in die Vodcombeker op 15 Maart teen Limpopo deur SA Rugby as ’n gemeenskapswedstryd geoormerk en is dit geskuif na die Oppenheimerstadion in Orkney.
Ladies pool trials
'Save the earth: The Roots is going green. They installed a 13 kW Photovoltaic (PV) System on their roof. The system uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. Above is the Roots Team with owner, Selmarie Grobler and the German team.'
KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES IN DIE BOEDEL VAN WYLE ANTIONETTE MARÉ FOURIE (Identiteitsnommer 480424 0099 096) WIE OP 27 JUNIE 2011 OORLEDE IS, EN WAT GEDURENDE HAAR LEEFTYD GETROUD WAS BINNE GEMEENSKAP VAN GOED MET CORNELIUS CHRISTOFFEL BOTMA FOURIE (Identiteitsnommer 400513 5082 084), WOONAGTIG TE WELVERDIEND, CARLETONVILLE. BOEDELNOMMER : 15324/12. KENNIS GESKIED HIERMEE dat die EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE- EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING ter insae sal lê vir ‘n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan te die kantore van die MEESTER VAN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOËRHOF te PRETORIA en te die LANDDROSKANTOOR te OBERHOLZER, CARLETONVILLE. (get) JJ Swart____, ACKERMAN SWART ING, PROKUREURS VIR DIE EKSEKUTRISE Posbus 125, Losberglaan 48, FOCHVILLE, 2515 Tel: (018) 771 3359, Faks: 0866 225 341, Verw: JJS/ ps/15324/201 ------------------------------------------------------------c401 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) CARLETONVILLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 213/2012 We, DE JAGER & MEDEWERKERS BK [REG NO. 1990/021605/23] t/a PLANCENTRE TOWN PLANNERS, being the authorized agent of the owner of Portion 37 of the farm Welverdiend 97, Registration Division I.Q., Gauteng Province hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, that we have applied to the Merafong City Local Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Carletonville Town Planning Scheme, 1993, as amended, by the rezoning of the above mentioned property, located next to 10th Avenue, Welverdiend, from “Industrial 3” to “Business 1” with Annexure 202 to accommodate a workshop. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipality of Merafong at the above address or posted to him at P.O. Box 3, Carletonville, 2500, within a period of 28 days from 27 February 2013. Objection to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to him at P.O. Box 3, Carletonville, 2500, within a period of 28 days from 27 February 2013. Address of authorised agent: PLANCENTRE PO Box 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Tel: (018) 297-0100 Reference: 201311 -----------------------------------------------------------------c399 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
The North West 8-Ball Pool Ladies Trials took place at Pretzels in Klerksdorpon Saturday 23 February 2013. This was the largest turnout for the ladies event in recent years with players from as far as Krugersdorp, Delareyville and Lichtenburg pitching up. Nicola Rossouw from Outcasts Pool Club in Klerksdorp ended at the top of the log. This is Nicola’s first year with North West 8-Ball. She is playing a strong game and the public can look forward to seeing a lot more of her during the year. This was the first phase of the selection process for the North West ladies team that will play in the South African Championships at the end of April. Players pulled out all the
KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) CARLETONVILLE WYSIGINGSKEMA 213/2012 Ons, DE JAGER & MEDEWERKERS BK [REG NO. 1990/021605/23] h/a PLANCENTRE STADSBEPLANNERS, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 37 van die plaas Welverdiend 97, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Gauteng Provinsie, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ons by die Merafong City Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Carletonvile Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1993, soos gewysig, deur die hersonering van bogenoemde eiendom, geleë langs 10de Laan, Welverdiend, vanaf “Nywerheid 3” na “Besigheid 1” met Bylae 202 om ‘n werkswinkel te akkommodeer. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kamer G21, Grondvloer, Munisipale Kantore, Halitestraat, Carletonville, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 27 Februarie 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 27 Februarie 2013 skriftelik en in tweevoud tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 3, Carletonville, 2500, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtige agent: PLANCENTRE Posbus 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Tel : (018) 297-0100 Verwysing: 201311 ---------------------------------------------------------------c398 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
stops to show that they have what it takes to represent North West at Nationals. The top 3 players are: 1.Nicola Rossouw (Outcasts Pool Club Klerksdorp), 2. Thereza Enever (Outcasts Pool Club Klerksdorp) and 3. Gina Labuschagne (Feathers Pool Club Klerksdorp). The next tournament is the Senior Trials which will take place at Pretzels in Klerksdorp on 2 and 3 March , starting at 09:00. Anyone who is interested in playing 8-Ball Pool can contact Neville Davids – chairman of North West 8-Ball Pool on 081 348 3300 or Hardy Huisamen – development officer on 079 212 4975. KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH WEST HIGH COURT, MAFIKENG) CASE NO; 1542/2012 Held at MMABATHO on this the 31st day of JANUARY 2013 BEFORE the Honourable Mr. Justice LANDMAN. In the ex parte application: TECHNICHEM CROP PROTECTION (PTY) LTD APPLICANT And J J THERON & SEUN (PTY) LTD RESPONDENT
HAVING HEARD ADV. SCHOLTZ on behalf of the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record; IT IS ORDERED THAT: The Respondent company be and is hereby placed under Provincial Liquidation in the hands of the Master THAT: All persons who have a legitimate interest be and are hereby called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order the final liquidation of the Respondent Company on the 14th day of MARCH 2013, at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard. THAT: A copy of this order be forthwith served on the Respondent Company at its registered office and be published in the Government Gazette and the Sellalander and the Potchefstroom Herald newspaper. THAT: A copy of the order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post. THAT: Costs of this Application be costs in the liquidation. By the Court Registrar ------------------------------------------------------------p064 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES
1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Pukke goed op Varsitybeker-koers Bertie Jacobs Stadig nou, hokaai. Kry die wa voor die os weg, kruip behoorlik voor jy probeer hardloop en drink eers lemoensap, dán borsel, jy jou tande. Dít was naby genoeg waarvoor Hannes Esterhuizen, die NWU-Puk se hoofafrigter, verheug is ná sy span se 29-26 Varsitybeker-sege oor Ikeys op die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein Maandagaand in Potch. Nie net was dit die NWU-Puk se derde oorwinning in vier probeerslae nie, maar ook ’n bonuspunt-triomf wat die Noordwesters derde op die punteleer plaas. Lekker, ja, dog om dit in ’n Potchefstroomse konteks te stel moet daar nog baie water in die reservoir loop voor
Pukke op hul louere kan begin rus. “Ons moet net nie te gerus raak nie en dit steeds wedstryd vir wedstryd neem. Ons eerste doelwit bly om die halfeindronde te haal en om dit te vermag moet ons ten minste twee van ons volgende drie wedstryde wen,” het Esterhuizen gesê. Volgende week moet Kovsies in Bloemfontein getem word, daarna ’n NMMU-span wat ’n oplewing beleef voor Maties in Stellenbosch aangedurf word. “Daar is nie een maklike wedstryd oor nie. Ons het gesien wat NWWU vanjaar kan doen en Kovsies kan nie afgeskryf word nie. Albei hierdie spanne gaan speel vir lewe en dood.” Op daardie lewe-en-dood-noot, Pukke moes behoorlik hul lywe op die spel teen Ikeys plaas om sodoende ’n lelike
wen deur tot op die einde te baklei,” aldus Esterhuizen. Name soos dié van heelagter Hoffmann Maritz, die seepgladde Sylvian Mahuza asook Jaco Grobler verdien om van melding gemaak te word, maar dit is twee manne in dieselfde posisie wat tonge aan die gons het: JC Oberholzer en Marius Fourie. Hierdie twee hakers, eersgenoemde fisiek, intimiderend en soms doodeenvoudig wreed, laasgenoemde vaartvlugtig, ’n baljagter en spelbreker, is tans die Puk se twee groot troefkaarte. Gee vir Oberholzer so 60-minute om die sagmaakwerk te doen en die res vir Fourie om amok te maak en dis glimlag al die pad bank toe. Esterhuizen en sy afrigtingspan gaan voorwaar nog goed rente trek uit dié belegging.
wen eerder as ’n mooi verloor af te dwing. ’n Swetterjoel desperate plettervatte deur die tuisspan was uiteindelik dit wat die Kapenaars se ondergang bemeester het, hoewel die besoekers se hande hulle op kritieke tye in die steek gelaat het. “Ons moes vreeslik baie duikslae uitgevoer het. Dit was net duik en duik en duik. Ikeys het met alles gekom en ons het geweet hulle gaan. Daar was dalk mense wat gedink het ons behoort die wedstryd maklik te wen, maar ons het geweet dit gaan alles behalwe die geval wees. “Daar was ook baie aan ons verdediging gewerk wat ’n deurslaggewende rol gespeel het. Die ouens het hope karakter gewys om die wen deur te trek, hulle het ge-
Underwater hockey goes to nationals
Natal, Gauteng, Northen Gauteng and Southern Gauteng. North West Potchefstroom will be sending three teams: an under 19A, under 19B and a development team to participate. Four players from the under 19A team will be attending trials for the S.A National Underwater Hockey Squad. Should these sports boys be selected for the National Squad, they will be awarded the opportunity to tour Hungary from the 20th to the 31st of August, where they will be representing South Africa at the World Championships.
Action at the bottom of the pool during an underwater hockey match.
JWT 62050/AL
The Northwest Junior Underwater Hockey teams will be participating in the junior national underwater hockey championships, which will be held in Hill Crest, Pretoria on the 1st and 2nd of March. There will be 26 teams from all over country that will be competing against each other. There are an estimated 300 learners participating. This tournament has been listed as one of the biggest to be held in South Africa. The following provinces will be participating: North West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, SWD, Boland, KwaZulu
Die nakoming van jou Nuwejaarsvoorneme was nog nooit so opwindend nie. Jy was vanjaar van voorneme om meer stylvol te wees en meer spasie te geniet, om jou meer op veiligheid en tegniese kundigheid toe te spits, en ook om die planeet te red. Met die nuwe FOCUS 1.6 Ambiente, kan jy dié beloftes nakom.
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Potchefstroom Herald
1 Maart 2013
Republiek vergroot voorsprong Cobus Groenewald Die Pukke het almal Maandagaand naels laat kou, maar Huis Republiek is besig om ’n voorsprong in die dameskoshuise se rugbyraai-kompetisie op te bou wat hulle binnekort met die kompetisie sal laat weghol. Republiek loop voor met 19 punte gevolg deur Eikenhof, LaVaria en Wanda wat elk 14 punte het. Alles is darem nog nie verlore vir die ander koshuise nie, soos Annelie Stoker die sport HK van Karlien bewys het toe sy hierdie week die naaste aan reg geraai het. Maandagaand speel die Puk weg teen Kovsies en dis net Kasteel en Wanda wat nie hulle gewig ingooi teen die tradi-
sionele aartsvyande nie. Die twee koshuise is egter so ver weg van die res van die kampusbewoners, dat ’n mens wonder of hulle nie weet wat die afgelope paar seisoene tussen die twee instellings gebeur het op die rugbyveld nie. Pukke moenie hulle kwalik neem nie, ons hoop dat hulle na Maandagaand weer verkeerd bewys gaan word en nooit weer die fout maak nie. Soos almal by die tyd reeds weet, was die wedstryd teen Ikeys op die Fanie gewees, en dit beteken dat drie gelukkige toeskouers ’n eetbewys wen net omdat hulle kom ondersteun het in die Is dit jy kompetisie. As jou foto omkring is, kan jy Cindy Emms skakel by (018) 299 2168 om jou prys af te haal.
Is dit jy?
Is dit jy?
Foto: Cobus Groenewald
Is dit jy?
Foto: Cobus Groenewald
Foto: Cobus
Office of the Premier Request for Proposals Bid No
Bid Description
Briefing Session & Bid Evaluation Criteria Contact person Documents Availability Ubbo Kraak, tel. Preference point RFP: 005/02/2013 NWPG Information A compulsory briefing session will be held on system 90/10 will be (018) 388-4010 Gathering Project, as follows: Phase 3: Spatial Data 5 March 2013 from 10:00 to 12:00. Warehouse and Price: 90 points Maintenance Venue: DG Boardroom, B-BBEE status level 3rd Floor, Garona of contribution: 10 Building points Documents dealing with the Scope of Work may be collected from the Supply Chain Management Office of the Premier, Third Floor, Garona Building, University Drive, Mmabatho (tel. (018) 388-3385). Bids will be evaluated in accordance with the two envelope system, whereby functionality, technical proposals and price will have to be submitted in separate sealed envelopes. A non-refundable deposit of R200.00 is payable for bid document. Closing date: 25 March 2013 at 11:00 Kone Solutions K20241
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1 Maart 2013
Potchefstroom Herald
Nr. 22 vir Gimmies by inter
Gimmies het nie die victor en victrix ludorum-atlete nie, maar hulle het letterlik hakskene vir die opposisie gewys in die algehele puntestand. Gimmies het die interhoërkroon vir die 22ste keer in 23 jaar, met 31 punte voor Volkies weggeraap, met Volkies wat ’n verdere 30 punte voor die derdeplek, Lichtenburg, geëindig het. In die B-afdeling het dieselfde drie skole die eerste drie plekke in dieselfde volgorde gekry. Volkies het die onderskeiding op die dag gekry dat hulle die junior (Sherman Rayners) sowel as die senior (Jandré Breet) victor ludorums en die junior (Odette Dreyer) en senior (Christelle
Scholtz) victrix ludorums opgelewer het. Gimmies se trots was ongetwyfeld hulle aflosse wat die punte vir die span laat instroom het, toe hulle 8 uit die moontlike 10 aflosse gewen het. Vanjaar wil Gimmies weer aflosspanne na Pennsylvania in die VSA stuur, die verskil gaan net wees dat hulle nie net een span soos verlede jaar wil stuur nie, maar ’n o.19 dogters sowel as ’n o.19 seunspan stuur. Saterdag het die seunspan ’n puik tyd van 42.51 gehardloop, wat een van die vinnigste aflosse nog in die Noordwes se geskiedenis is. Soos gebruiklik was die pawiljoene ook gehul in kleur met die dirigente en
Die o.19 seuns- en dogtersaflosspanne van Gimmies: Stiaan Boshoff, Megan Weyers, SP Grobler, Elaine Snyman, Donovan Bezuidenhout, Nicole van der Walt, Roman Slambert en Chanté Joubert. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Girls High ontvang die trofee vir die skool met die beste gees tydens die Interhoër. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Elaine Snyman en SP Grobler die kapteins van Gimmies se atletiekspan met die wennerstrofee. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Odette Dreyer is Saterdag aangewys as die junior victrix ludorum tydens die interhoër. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
toeskouers wat vir die atlete die nodige ondersteuning gebied het. Die skool wat vanjaar die meeste gees van die baan gehad het, was Girls High, wat etlike kilometers ver gehoor kon word met hul ondersteuning. Puntestand: A-Afdeling 1. Gimmies 412 2. Volkies 381 3. Licthenburg 351 4. Boys High 118 5. Girls High 108 B-Afdeling 1. Gimmies 407 2. Volkies 362 3. Lichtenburg 351 4. Boys High 117 5. Girls High 89
Die junior victor ludorum tydens die Interhoër is Sherman Rayners van Volkies. Foto: Alexander du Plooy
Christelle Scholtz van Volkies is die senior victrix ludorum tydens die Interhoër. Foto:
Jandre Breet van Volkies is die senior victor ludorum tydens die Interhoër. Foto: Alex-
Alexander du Plooy
ander du Plooy
1 Maart 2013
Wêreldklas atleet Elroy Gelant het Saterdag die vinningste binnelandse tyd nog in Suid-Afrika gehardloop toe hy die 3 000 m in 7:47:50 afgeblits het.
Cobus Groenewald
Hoendervleis! Dis waarmee elke toeskouer Saterdag gesit het tydens ’n 3 000 m vertoonwedloop na afloop van die Interhoër. Elroy Gelant van die Traumeel NWU Pukke het gesorg vir die vinnigste binnelandse tyd ooit in die geskiedenis van SA Atletiek en ook die vinnigste tyd ter wêreld vanjaar nadat hy die 3 000 m in wêreldklas tyd van 7:47.50 afgeblits het. Verlede Woensdag het Gelant gewaarsku dat groot dinge op pad is toe hy dieselfde afstand stoksielalleen aangedurf en ’n 7:54.13 gehardloop het, maar met die pasaangeewerk van Jerry Motsau (oefenmaat) en André Olivier
(Olimpiese 800 m atleet) in die laaste twee rondes, het Gelant hierdie beste tyd verpletter. “Die toeskouers het my deurgetrek, ek het moeg geword, maar as ’n paar duisend mense jou aanmoedig, dan kan ek mos nie teleurstel nie,” het die langasem dankbaar vir die toeskouers se ondersteuning gesê. “Dit was wonderlik om in Suid-Afrika voor so baie toeskouers te hardloop, ek wens dit gebeur meer gereeld, dan sal die standaard vinnig baie hoër word.” New Balance en die Sweat Shop het Saterdag hierdie wedloop moontlik gemaak, iets wat hulle beoog om meer gereeld te doen by skolebyeenkomste om die kinders en ouers weer aan ons plaaslike helde bekend te stel.
“Kinders kort rolmodelle en wedlope soos dié kan help om die sport weer in ere te herstel,” het Allan Smith van New Balance gesê. Gelant wil nou graag ’n wedloop in die Kaap gaan hardloop om te kan kwalifiseer vir die wêreldkampioenskappe wat in Augustus in Rusland is. “Hoe gouer Elroy kan kwalifiseer, hoe gouer kan ons al die aandag bepaal by die voorbereiding vir Rusland,” het Jean Verster, die Puk se middelafstand afrigter, gesê. Behalwe vir die 3 000 m vir mans was daar ook ’n 1 000 m vir mans en vroue. Stephan Mokoka (2:23.18) het die mans wedloop naelskraap teen die NWU Pukke se Theodore Nothling (2:23.91) gewen. In die vroue wedloop was Mapaseka
Foto: Cobus Groenewald
Makhanya (CGA) net te sterk vir Anuschka Nice (Tuks). Uitslae: (Eerste drie plekke word genoem) 3 000 m mans: 1 Elroy Gelant Puk) 7:47.50 2 Armin Botha (Puk) 8:08.77 3 Jeremy Andreas (CGA) 8:09.42 1 1 2 3
000 m mans Stephan Mokoka (AGN) 2:23.18 Theodore Notling (Puk) 2:23.91 Duran Faro (Puk) 2:25.72
1 000 m vroue 1 Mapaseka Makhanya (CGA) 2:42.69 2 Anuschka Nice (Tuks) 2:46.70 3 Marlise Jordaan (Puk) 2:51.58
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