Potch Herald Edition 09-03-2012

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Herald Potchefstroom

9 Maart 2012 Prys: R4,20


Hultzer-trofeewenner (beste koerant 2001, 2002 en 2006)

Oud-Puk vermoor

Rivier eis lewe

Foto: Abrie Bronkhorst

Polisielede van die Buffelshoek-polisiestasie op die toneel waar ’n 50-jarige man Saterdagmiddag by ’n plesieroord in die Vaalrivier verdrink het.



Kind (7) ontkom Vyf vas oor plaasmoord waterdood S T E E L M E R CH A N T S

9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

Veediewe se kierangs braai Abrie Bronkhorst Dit lyk of die noodlot wel ’n sin vir humor het. Dit volg nadat veediewe se kar verlede Vrydagoggend buite Potchefstoom op die Modderdampad sonder brandstof gaan staan het. Die oorsaak was dat die sleepwaentjie agter die kar waarop vyf Bonsmara-verse gelaai was die agterkant van die kar só laag afgedruk het dat ’n petrolpypie as gevolg van die skuuraksie op die pad deurgeskuur het. Die petrol van die kar het uitgeloop en die kar het sonder brandstof gaan staan. ’n Wakker lid van die plaaslike rampbestuurvrywilligers in Potchefstroom het die verdagte wit Ford Sapphire opgemerk waarna die polisie in kennis gestel is. Danksy dié flink optrede is die twee verdagtes in hegtenis geneem. Volgens kapt. Mvula Chaka, polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval om 05:15 gebeur. Twee mans is in hegtenis geneem. Mnr. Jonas Tshabalala (72) en mnr. Asanda Ntola (27) het Maandag in die landdroshof van Potchefstoom verskyn. Die saak is tot 26 Maart uitgestel. Beide verdagtes is klaarblyklik van Parys. Een van die vermeende veediewe word glo al vir ’n lang tyd in verband met veediefsal gesoek. Teen druktyd was dit nog nie bekend wie die eienaar van die beeste is nie omdat die beeste nie gebrandmerk is nie. Kapt. Chaka sê dat enigiemand wat vee vermis vir a.o. Vosloo in Stilfontein by (018) 484 7600 skakel. Kapt. Chaka het voorts gesê dat die stasiebevelvoerder die polisie prys vir dié flinke optrede. Foto: Abrie Bronkhorst

Polisieduikers maak Sondagoggend vir ’n tweede keer gereed nadat hulle leë suurstofsilinders vervang het.

Waterregter se uitspraak is finaal Abrie Bronkhorst Die Vaalrivier het die afgelope naweek wéér vir groot hartseer gesorg toe dit ’n finale uitspraak oor die lewe van ’n geliefde gelewer het. “Help! Help! Help! Ek sink!” was die laaste hulpelose vertoë van die 50-jarige mnr. Peter Oelsen van Germiston wat angstig om hulp geroep het. “Ons het eers gedink hy maak ’n grap,” sê sy lewensmaat me. Olive Pretorius (61). “Toe draai hy op sy rug en dit het gelyk of hy wil agteruitswem. Maar toe skree hy vir die tweede keer ‘Help! Help!’ en ons besef dis wel dringend. Daarna het hy onder die water in verdwyn,” sê Pretorius Sondag terwyl polisieduikers onverpoos na haar lewensmaat se lyk in die Vaalrivier gesoek het. Kapt. Aafje Botma, Provinsiale Polisiewoordvoerder, het later bevestig dat Oelsen se lyk Maandagmiddag gevind is. “Ek het dadelik iemand met ’n kano gesoek om te help. Maar niemand het ’n kano nie. Later het ons wel een gekry maar ons kon niks meer doen nie. Dit was hopeloos té diep vir ons,” sê Pretorius hartseer en kyk in die rigting waar sy haar lewensmaat vir die laaste keer gesien het. Oelsen het Saterdag om 15:00 by die ontspanningsoord Constantia Rus op Lindequesdrift naby Parys verdrink nadat hy in die water gaan swem het. “Hy het in die water ingeloop om sy visstok se lyn los te haak. Hy doen dit nooit nie. Hy trek altyd aan die vistok tot die lyn breek.” Oelsen het op die klippe geloop tot dit later so diep geraak het dat moes swem. “Kom nou uit,” het

Pretorius gesê. Maar hy het haar ignoreer. “Hy het op ’n stadium nader na ons geswem en ek het gedink hy gaan uitklim, maar hy het nie en het net verder geswem.” Oelsen wou na die anderkantse oewer swem toe die voorval plaasvind. Sy beste vriend van die laaste 27 jaar, Arthur Ackerman (57), het ook die voorval aanskou. “Hy het in trane uitgebars toe die polisie met hom praat,” sê Pretorius en raak weer emosioneel. “Ek kan dit steeds nie glo nie”. Volgens Ackerman was Oelsen die mees vrygewigste en lojaalste mens gewees. “As hy ’n bedelaar in die straat gesien het en hy het ’n R100 aan hom gehad sou hy dit vir hom gee,” sê hy. “Dit was ons eerste keer hier. Ék het hom en sy vrou vir die naweek hierheen genooi,” en sy stem klink vol verwyt. Pretorius se skoonseun mnr. Willem van Wyk het gesê sy ma was Saterdagaand in trane toe hulle met haar praat. Hulle was by ’n troue in Centurion toe die voorval plaasgevind het en het besluit om deur te ry en hul ma by te staan, veral wanneer die lyk uit die rivier gehaal word. “Sy is ’n sterk vrou. Sy het baie drama in haar lewe gehad, maar sy kan dit hanteer,” het Van wyk Sondagoggend op die toneel gesê. Pretorius het ook haar seun in 2006 verloor. “God sal jou nie swaarder laat kry as wat jy kan hanteer nie. Hy het my breë skouers gegee...”

DR. THOMAS CHAMBERS M.B.B.Ch (Wits) 082 779 1288

MEDIESE SENTRUM, POTCHEFSTROOM. Medicross Medical Centre, C/o James Moroka & Peter Mokaba Ave.

Tel: (018) 293 7800 Hiermee wil ons graag Dr Thomas CHAMBERS se pasiente vanaf die 1 Maart 2012 in Medicross welkom heet. •••••••••••••••• Hereby Medicross would like to extend a warm welcome to the patients of Dr Thomas CHAMBERS, as of the 1 March 2012. •••••••••••••••• CLINIC HOURS / KLINIEKTYE: Monday - Friday: 07:30 - 20:00 Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: 08:00 - 19:00


Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

Stem eis geld op vermiste se foon • Lyk dae later gekry Abrie Bronkhorst Die lyk van ’n oud-NWU-Puk-student, wat die afgelope naweek spoorloos uit ’n kuierplek in Pretoria verdwyn het, is Dinsdagmiddag gevind. Mnr. Richard Drevin (23) wat Saterdag­ oggend saam met ’n groep vriende by die Hatfield Square vermis geraak het, se lyk is in die lykshuis van die Steve Biko-hospitaal gekry. Volgens sy ma, me. Lynette Drevin, is vier mense reeds in verband met Drevin se dood in hegtenis geneem. Mnr. Johan la Grange, ’n private speurder wat deur die familie aangestel is, het inligting ontvang dat Richard Saterdagoggend êrens langs ’n pad deur ’n ambulans opgetel en na die Steve Biko-hospitaal geneem is. Me. Drevin het gesê Richard het geen skiet of steekwonde gehad nie, maar dat daar wel ’n vorm van ‘impak’ in sy gesig was. Hy is egter om 06:00 oorlede. “Dit vir ’n selfoon en sy beursie,” het sy hartseer ma gesê. ’n Klagte van moord, roof en ontvoering word ondersoek. “Ek het Saterdagoggend om 00:30 die laaste ‘missed call’ van Richard gekry voor sy verdwyning. Ons was saam met ’n groot

groep mense en ek het hom by dié groep gesê het Richard sou wees nie. mense gelos en gaan dans,” sê mnr. Fran“Die gemeenskap sorg nie meer vir sy cois Hay, Richard se beste vriend. kinders nie. Dis hoekom sulke dinge geFrancois het ’n oproep van Ric­ beur. Daar is nie hard gekry maar het dit gemis. meer gesonde Hy het dadelik probeer terugen veilige plekke skakel. Francois sê ’n vreemde vir ons kinders stem het geantwoord en gesê nie,” het Drevin Richard is siek en lê in die badMaandag aan kamer.” Maar Richard was nie in die Herald gesê. die badkamer nie. “Hier is soveel “Ons soek hom, bring hom net boosheid in die na ons toe,” het Francois bly sê wêreld, maar ook oor die foon. soveel goed. “Dis nie meer snaaks nie.” God is groot, Sy Die stem op Richard se foon het goedheid is groot. glo verskeie kere gesê dat hy in Die oproepe en die badkamer is voordat die perondersteuning is soon se storie verander het. net ongelooflik,” Volgens sy ma het die stem later het sy gesê. gesê dat Richard by ’n bank in Richard, wat die omtrek is. En dat hulle nou Richard Drevin. ’n inwoner van geld soek voordat hulle Richard Po t c h e f s t r o o m weer sal sien. was, was ’n IT “Bring maar geld saam,” het hulle gesê. konsultant vir PriceWaterHouse Coopers Maar die vermeende ontvoerders het nooit (PWC) in Sunninghill en bly nou sowat twee by een van die plekke opgedaag waar hul maande in Johannesburg. Hy het verlede

Slim vang toe sy baas Abrie Bronkhorst Sowaar. Boontjie kry sy loontjie. Dit het ’n fietsdief Dinsdagoggend bitter gou agtergekom toe hy besluit het om ’n fiets voor die gimnasium op Volkies se skoolterrein te steel. Hy is egter op heterdaad betrap en het sy Moses net daar en dan teëgekom. Dié voorval het om en by 09:30 gebeur toe die bestuurder van die gimnasium, Charles Stewart (25), op die vabond afgekom het. “Ek was oppad om voorraad vir die koeldrankkas te koop toe die ou besig is om die kettingslot te knip. Die fiets het voor die gim onder ’n boom gestaan en was nie heeltemal sigbaar nie.”

Die fietsdief het skaars die slot geknip toe Stewart op hom afstorm. “Ek los toe alles waarmee ek besig is en gaan dadelik na die perd toe. “Die volgende oomblik swaai hy die boutsnyer in my rigting en dis toe dat ek hom een hou gee,” sê Stewart. Stewart het toe met behulp van twee ander wat op daardie tydstip in die gim was daarin geslaag om die fietsdief vas te trek. Hulle het sy hande vasgebind en lede van die plaaslike rampbestuur vrywilligers in Potchefstroom gebel, waarna húlle die polisie ontbied het. Die fietsdief is in hegtenis geneem.

jaar by die NWU-Puk afstudeer en het sy BSc-Honneursgraad in Inligtingstegnologie behaal. Hy sou sy gradeplegtigheid oor ’n week bywoon. “My seun het net verlede Vrydag vir my nog ’n SMS gestuur waarin hy sê hoe opgewonde hy is omdat hy Maandag met twee nuwe projekte sou begin,” sê sy ma, wat ’n dosent in Rekenaarwetenskap aan die NWU-Puk is. Richard se vriedin, me. Tanya Roos, wat sedert hul eerste jaar saam is en saam met hom werk, is steeds baie getraumatiseerd deur dié voorval. “Hy was die vriendelikste, hulpvaardigste persoon ooit. Ek kan nie verstaan hoekom iemand so iets sal doen nie,” het sy Maandag aan die Herald gesê. “Ons kind is wel weg, weg uit die lewe uit. Ten minste weet ons nou waar hy is...” Richard laat sy pa prof. Günther Drevin, ook ’n dosent in Rekenaarwetenskap op die NWU-Puk, sy ma, sy broer, William (8) en sy suster Riëtte (20) agter. Daar is nog nie begrafnisreëlings nie, maar mense kan die Facebook-groep ‘Richard Drevin Missing’ dophou vir reëlings.

Vyf vas oor plaasmoord Abrie Bronkhorst Die Noordwes-polisie het vyf verdagtes in verband met die moord vroeër vanjaar op mnr. Dries du Toit (56) van Ventersdorp in hegtenis geneem. Die vyf verdagtes mnre. Piet Mosenyegi (27), Fillip Mathibela (30), Frans Mokgosang (33), Joseph Lekene(47)en Frank Moilwa (32) is in Tshing buite Ventersdorp in hegtenis geneem en het dié week in die Ventersdorpse landdros­ hof op aanklag van ­huisroof en moord

verskyn. Hulle sal weer op Donderdag 8 Maart vir borgaansoek voor die hof verskyn. Du Toit, sy vrou Lettie en sy suster me. Elizabeth de Villiers is Saterdag 14 Januarie in die vroeë oggendure op sy plaas Klipplaatdrift deur vyf rowers in die huis oorval. Du Toit is tydens ’n struweling tussen hom en sy aanvallers vermoor. Hy was ’n mielieboer en het ook vir SA-Fuels gewerk.

Kind (7) uit waterkloue gered

Theo Jansen van Rensburg Ek wil die Hemelse Vader dank vir Sy goedheid en guns - dat Theo so mooi van ons weggeneem is. Baie dankie aan almal vir gebede, besoeke, oproepe, etes wat voorsien is en blomme. Dankie aan my Botha-bure, Hannes en Jacques vir oorvloedige liefde en Elizna wat my in geloof en liefde dra - Christa.

Abrie Bronkhorst ’n Sewejarige seuntjie van Potchefstroom het Saterdagmiddag byna in ’n swembad verdrink tydens ’n verjaarsdagpartytjie. Volgens mnr. Jeffrey Wicks, woordvoerder van Netcare 911, was die seuntjie tussen ’n klomp kinders toe die voorval plaasvind. “Hy was onder die water vir ’n onbeperkte tyd voordat hy opgemerk en uit die swembad gehaal is,” het hy gesê. Paramedici het die seuntjie in ’n ernstige maar stabiele toestand op die toneel gekry. “Hulle het behandeling oorgeneem en die seuntjie hospitaal toe geneem vir waarne­ ming.” Me. Diana King, woordvoerder van Mediclinic Pothefstroom het die voorval bevestig en gesê dat die kind wel na Mediclinic geneem is. Danksy die flink optrede van paramedici en partytjiegangers is die kind se lewe gered. “Hy is opgeneem, behandel en dieselfde dag nog ontslaan,” het sy gesê. Die ouers van die seuntjie wou geen kommentaar oor die voorval lewer nie.

9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

The fairy tale that turned sour Cheryl Botha If anyone knows the real reason why the Ventersdorp wedding was suddenly shifted from the town to the location, they are not telling. Thembi and Jaco Oosthuizen can only assume that the Ou Apostoliese Kerk’s sudden change of heart about marrying them in the ‘white’ church was racially motivated. Jaco believes someone “got a fright” when they realised that there was a church bazaar, across the road from where the crowd of black wedding guests were congregating. Thembi, who grew up in Ventersdorp, says she has always been aware of racial tension in her home town. “But I thought, on this day – on my wedding day – things would be different.” Whatever the reason, they say the change of plan turned what should have been their dream wedding into a nightmare in the space of an hour. Thembi was adjusting her hair and touching up her lipstick when she received a call to say that the key to the church in Ventersdorp was lost and that the ceremony would have to take place in Tshing Township. “I cried my eyes out. How do you tell 200 guests about the change of venue when most of them are already standing outside the church?” she says. The bride had to phone around frantically and tell everyone to go to the location. “There was total chaos and confusion. By the time they had opened the church it was nearly 12:00. There were no choir, no priest and no congregation members,” she says. “The gathering of guests had dwindled to around fifty faces and only half of the guests who were catered for made it to the reception at the city hall. “To tell you the truth I am fed-up,” says

Thembi, who has been a member of the church all here life. “From now I will worship God at home.” Ms Ellen Bornman, who arranged for and paid for the wedding, also finds the excuses hard to swallow. “We started arranging this thing in October last year. “Everything was planned and organised,” she says. “How can you lose the keys to a church?” This was supposed to be a time to celebrate reconciliation. The story of the Afrikaans guy who wanted to marry his Tswana sweetheart of three years touched Ellen, particularly at a time when Ventersdorp was thrust into the limelight after Eugene Terre’blanche’s murder. “Both were unemployed. There was no money for lobola, let alone for a wedding,” she says. Jaco worked for his father as a welder until March last year, when he was told there is no more work. Living in their RDP home in Goedgevonden without transport makes it very difficult for him to find part time work in the area. “I wanted to make a difference – to make their day really special. The idea was never to cause controversy,” Ellen says. The Herald, keen to get a different perspective on the story, tried on several occasions to speak to the priest of the Tshing congregation. He was the person who first recommended that a ‘white’ priest should conduct the wedding in ‘the white church’, says Thembi. After being asked to call back in ten minutes the cell phone remained on voice mail until the time of print. Our request for the contact details of ‘the other priest’ also went unheeded.

“How do you tell 200 guests about the change of venue when most are already standing outside the church?”

Thembi and Jaco Steyn with their eight-month-old son, Quinton in the RDP home they share in Goedgevonden.

School of Nursing hosts award function The School of Nursing Science, North West University (Potchefstroom Campus) hosted the NECQIP award function on the 27th of February 2012 to honour the clinical practice for quality nursing care rendered. The objectives of this partnership between the School of Nursing Science and the clinical practice are to improve the quality of care, improve the training and empower the professional nurses. Potchefstroom Hospital, Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital, Witrand hospital, Wilmed Park Private Hospital, district primary health care clinics, the old age homes in Potchefstroom as well as Medi-Clinic Potchefstroom maternity unit took part in this first phase of the project to identify the “Unit of Excellence”. The winners were identified and they are: Klerksdorp hospital (Ward 2), Klerksdorp Hospital (Maternity ward), Wilmed Park Private Hospital (Ward D), Potchefstroom Hospital (Neonatal ICU), Witrand Hospital (Ward 6), Old Age Home (Huis Eikelaan), Primary Health Care Clinic (Boiki Thlapi).

(018) 293 0567 Steve Biko Laan 120, Bult, Potchefstroom



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Potchefstroom Herald

Basiese padreëls Dit is vir Ore deesdae al hoe meer ­duidelik dat baie Potchefstromers nie die basiese padreëls ken of dit nakom nie. Bestuurders wat veronderstel is om tot by die inglipbaan se einde te ry hou heeltemal stil in die middel van die pad. Dit gaan nog erger by die sirkels of wanneer sommige bestuurders ‘n robot as stop moet gebruik as dit bui­tewerking is. Verlede Vrydag het daar ‘n tou tot in ­doerland gestaan omdat ‘n vrou nie kon besluit of sy moet ry of bly by die robot in Walter Sisulu-rylaan nie.

halte van Potchefstroom se water wat deur die Tlokwe Munisipaliteit voorsien word. Dit word egter deur politiek versuur. Baie vertroulike bronne binne die Stadsraad vertel dat die benamings op die baniere ‘n doelbewuste besluit van die Tlokwe muni­ sipaliteite se bemarkingsafdeling was, ten spyte van advies dat dit verkeerd is. Die vraag is nou of die Raad se amptenare politieke besluite neem namens hulle poli­ tieke meesters in die ANC, of hulle op hulle eie gedoen het op amptenaarsvlak en of dit gewoon deel is van swak bestuur?

Banier oor Wasgoedspruit Twee peperduur baniere is onlangs aangebring oor die Wasgoedspruit wat die naam van beide die stad en die Muni­ sipaliteit verkeerd het. Die saak waaroor dit gaan is uiters ver­ dienstelik en belangrik naamlik die ge­

Op dié banier word die stad se naam as Tlokwe aangedui, ten spyte van die die feit dat die Stadsraad se naam en Stadslogo korrek gebruik word en dat die stad se naam ook op die banier verskyn.

Herald Potchefstroom

A step in the right direction The ruling party is to be applauded for appointing a member of the opposition as chairperson of the newly-established MPAC (Municipal Public Accounts Committee). This committee plays an important oversight role in the management of municipal coffers and has been established to counteract wide-scale corruption and the mismanagement of funds within local municipalities. Councillor Neels Coetzer, who heads up the team of ten, is perfectly positioned to fulfil this role in Tlokwe Municipality, having been through a number of training sessions to equip him for the job. He has also served as the chairperson of the municipal oversight committee for many years. The MPAC is, in a sense, the baby brother of the standing committee for public accounts in the national and provincial legislatures. This permanent committee, under the leadership of a full-time councillor, will keep a watchful eye on things like unauthorised and unfruitful expenditure that eat away at the bottom line of local government. It also has teeth, and the power to call any official to account for any irregularities or reckless spending. Tlokwe’s commitment to putting competence before party politics is most probably the reason why it is the best managed municipality in North West and among the top three in the whole country when it comes to financial management and stability. The Herald sees the new initiative as a step in the right direction towards good governance and good news in the quest for a clean audit, and accountable and transparent administration. We just hope that national government is not disappointed in the outcome of what is believed to be an honest endeavour to straighten out nonperforming and bankrupt municipalities.

9 Maart 2012

Op dié banier word die stad se naam geensins gebruik nie en word daar net van Tlokwe gepraat!

Moderne Gladiators Ore praat die anderdag met ‘n vrind en kan nie anders as om tot die slotsom te kom dat ons nasionale sport die stryd is van Gladia­ tors van ouds met ‘n klein verskil dat dit nie tot die dood is nie. Of is dit? Sweet, bloed en pleisters daarsonder is dit nie ‘n game nie. ‘n Stryd om een bal deur dertig manne, gespeel in ‘n arena en gekyk deur ‘n uitbun­ dige skare wat ook graag wil deel hê.



Sê hul sê

Die hoogtepunt van elke jaar is die krygers tussen die vier lyne, vrouens wat vir nege maande van die jaar moet neul, mans wat die naweek se krygs­ geveg nie “kan” of wil mis nie. Wanneer die bloedsdors te veel raak word daar nog kom­ petisies uitgedink, of die formaat word net vergroot of uitgebrei. Die moderne gla­ diators, almal jonk en soos adonisse gebou. Gimnasiumtyd is belangriker as uitgaan en swot. Middels word gevat sodat hulle net beter vertoon om Saterdag na Saterdag tussen die vier lyne die uitbundiges ska­res ge­ lukkig te kan hou. Gladiators, want ons is Suid-Afrikaners en nie Romeine nie!


Have their say

Potch-mense kort gedragsklasse Adélle Jerling skryf: Is dit net ek of het ons darem ‘n groot klomp ongeskikte inwo­ners in Potchefstroom wat ondanks voorkoms regtig ‘n bietjie “oriën­ tering” benodig? Behalwe vir die swak padgedrag wat ek daagliks ervaar, mense wat kwaad word in die verkeer en vir mekaar tekens wys en in tale begin praat, is die atoleransie teenoor mekaar duidelik sigbaar in be­ sighede en ander openbare plek­ ke. Ek gaan Sondag na ‘n kruideniers­ winkel in Baillie Park. Voor my is ‘n swart gesin bestaande uit ‘n pappa, mamma, sussie en klein­ boet van so 2-3 jaar. Kleinboet dring daarop aan om self die inko­ pies uit die klein trollie vir ma aan te gee. Toe hy klaar is wil hy die

trollie gaan bêre, maar hy wil nie voor om loop nie, hy wil agteruit. Ek maak toe maar pad. Sal die blanke man agter my nie kliphard tekere gaan oor hoe hy die knapie gaan maniere leer en hoe ongeskik hy nie is nie - “want dis mos hoe hulle is”! Meneer, dis jy wat ongeskik was, nie die 3-jarige kleuter nie! Is dit nie maar eie aan ‘n “terrible two” om sy sin te wil hê nie? Jy en jou vroutjie was in elk geval so sleg aangetrek en onversorgd teenoor die swart gesin se duidelike beter voorkoms, dat ek my mond sou hou as ek jy was. Wat leer jy nou daardie gesin - dat mens na soveel jare steeds op die kleur van jou vel getakseer word? Gaan huistoe en trek beter aan en skrop jou vuil pote voordat jy win­ kel toe gaan en as jy nie iets goeds

kan sê nie, hou jou mond! Saterdag stop ons by ‘n kwekery. Parkering is skaars, maar ons stop ‘n entjie verder. So by my kool, sien ek nie daar ‘n enorme won­ derwerk nie! ‘n Vrou stop met haar splinter­ nuwe wit Range Rover reg voor die kwekery op die parkering vir gestremdes en toe sy uitklim is sy wonderbaarlik van haar gebrek ge­ nees! In my hele lewe het ek nog nooit op ‘n parkering vir gestremdes gestop nie, ek loop eerder ‘n kilo­ meter voor ek dit doen, maar hier in ons ou dorpie wil dit vir my voorkom asof almal met luukse ­viertrekvoertuie ernstige gesond­ heidsprobleme ondervind, veral die mammies met hulle donker­ brille, fyn hoëhaksandaaltjies en Sandton-haredos. Sies!

Op ander plekke gaan dit dieselfde Hetti de Beer skryf: Op antwoord van die brief “Villa de Bell -’n wettelose gemors” in die Herald van 2 Maart. Kom koop vir jou ‘n plekkie in Miederpark! Baie lekker stil buurt en geen misdaad.

Goed, daar is die bure se honde en die ander mense se kat, maar verder is dit ‘n gawe buurt om in te bly. Jy moet maar mooi dink voor jy Potch verlaat. Ek gee toe, alles is besig om te verval. Sypaadjies lyk aaklig, oor­ groei en met rommel bestrooi,

parke lyk net so sleg. Maar onthou op al die ander plekke lyk en gaan dit presies dieselfde, tensy jy uit­ wyk Kaap se kant toe! So bly maar en bel die polisie elke dag al om die uur. Hulle gaan moeg word vir jou en dalk net miskien optree. Sterkte!

Do not get caught with empty promises I recently made a brave decision to change my “Garden Service” due to the fact that they were not deliver­ ing the service that was promised to me. To my shock it was a move that never should have happened. “From bad to worse”, as they say. The new quotation was accepted and they started their so-called “magic” that was promised to me. They assured me they cannot be compared with the “hit and run­ ners” (Garden Services) in Potch as they like to call it. The first day my garden looked as beautiful as the garden of Eden. I even called the owner to express

my satisfaction and gratitude and once again I was told this is how they work and that this is only a minor reflection of what they can do. The owner mentioned that they are in a class of their own when it comes to Garden Service. I was also told that they are the only reg­ istered Garden Service in Potch (Governing Body for “Garden Ser­ vices” Never heard of it.) Well, to my disgust, the garden of Eden did not last much longer. Phone calls on a weekly basis to the owner to complain only esca­ lated to a point where it ended in a

major verbal confrontation. The lady owner got very abu­ sive while I was trying to explain my concerns, eventually it turned out so ugly that she withdrew the whole team from my garden. Residents of Potch are hereby warned of a certain “Garden Ser­ vice” doing business and referring to other services as “hit and run­ ners”. They are fake and have no idea what they are doing. They are in fact a true reflection of what “hit and runners” stand for. Do not get caught with empty promises the way I was.

Het jy al verdwaal in jou lewe?

Koos Moutton Markus 6:30-44. Glo jy in 2012 dat Jesus Christus, toe Hy nog op aarde geleef het, wonders gedoen het? Dat Hy vandag nog wonders kan laat gebeur? Die verhaal van die vermeerde­ ring van die brode en visse en al die an­ der wondertekens wat Hy gedoen het, is dit waar? Natuurlik is dit ‘n kwessie van geloof. En dat ons wat sê dat ons gelowi­ges is, glo dat dit wat in die Bybel opgeteken is waar en eg is. Daarmee saam: Weet die Here vandag van honger mense,wat nie weet waar hulle volgende bord kos vandaan gaan kom nie? Maar ook van die diep, emosionele honger, wat maar net nie gestil kan word nie? Hy weet. Hy wil ons gebruik om die honger op alle terreine van die lewe te

help stil te maak. In hierdie wonderwerk wat Jesus doen, sien ons dat Hy nie net die skare geestelik voed met die Woord van God nie, maar ook hulle fisiese honger stilmaak. Jesus breek vir hulle brood en laat vis uitdeel om in hulle liggaamlike behoeftes te voor­ sien. Later sou Hy sy liggaam laat breek, en sy bloed sou vloei, vir almal wat tot geloof in Hom sou kom. Die spreekwoord lui: “Wie se brood jy eet, daardie persoon se woord praat jy.” Die vraag is: “Wie se brood eet jy?” Wie van die brood eet wat Jesus breek sal dit nie moeilik vind om sy Woord te spreek nie, om sy Naam te bely voor die mense. Seker belangriker nog, so te leef dat mense kan sien dat jy Christus se brood eet.

In die hande van die Here word vyf brode en twee visse soveel dat vyf duisend (net die mans alleen) kan eet. ‘n Klein gawe van ‘n seuntjie (Johannes 6:9) is genoeg vir Jesus om dit meer te laat word dat baie mense kan versadig word en daar nog twaalf mandjies brokstukke oorbly. Wat van vandag? Daar is in ons tyd soveel mense wat ligaamlik honger ly en ook ‘n diep geestelike honger het. Jy sal sê die nood is so hoog-wat kan ek manof vrou alleen doen? ‘n Mens kan tog nie die Karoo met ‘n tuinsalng probeer natlei nie? Moenie terugdeins vir die kleinheid van jou gawe of talent nie. In die hande van die Here word vyf brode en twee visse baie. Wie maar dit wat hy of sy het tot beskikking van die Here stel sal sien dat God vandag nog wonders doen. Min word

baie. Dalk kan tog ‘n stuk van die Karoo met ‘n paar tuins­ lange saam nat­ gelei word. ‘n Klein gebaar op die regte tyd. ’n Genesende woord wat ‘n emosionele wond heel. ‘n Gedeelde toe­ broodjie by die skool. Daar is baie pro­ jekte deur kerke en ander organisasies waarby jy kan betrokke raak. As jy dit wat jy van Jesus ontvang het net maar deurgee gebeur die wonder. Die min word baie!

9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

Permanente komitee voltyds oog op stadsgelde Die bevordering van verantwoordbare en MPAC sal soortgelyke funksies onderneem deursigtige plaaslike regering het ’n hup- en bestuur as SKOOR (Staande Komitee stoot gekry met die publikasie op 17 Augus- op Openbare Rekeninge) in die Nasionale tus 2011 van riglyne vir die daarstelling van en Provinsialie Wetgewer. In die geval van Munisipale Openbare Rekenongemagtigde en vrugtelose uitingekomitees (MPAC of MORK). gawes sal die MPAC die reg hê om My opinion Die kabinet het by monde van o.a. die munisipale bestuurder op die Departement Samewerte roep om voor die komitee te verkende Regering en Nasionskyn en verantwoording te doen. ale Tesourie deur die instellDie MPAC moet, deur die speaker, ing van sterk oorsigkomitees kwartaalliks aan die stadsraad (MPAC) oorlog verklaar teen die rapporteer, maar mag ook tussengrootskaalse verkwisting van tyds, indien nodig, dringende sake publieke fondse en korrupsie. onder die aandag van die Raad Op 27 September 2011 is per bring. formele raadsbesluit reeds 10 Die DA verwelkom hierdie iniMPAC-lede vir die Tlokwe Musiatief en vertrou dat dit orde en nisipaliteit in Potchefstroom stabiliteit in die bestuur van muMnr. Chris aangewys. nisipale finansiële hulpbronne sal Landsberg, leier Geen uitvoerende raadslid bevorder. van die DA in (dus die burgemeester, speaker, Die DA ondersteun dienooreendie Tlokwehoofsweep of lede van die burgekomstig met entoesiasme en ywer stadsraad meesterkomitee) mag in die die “Aksie Skoon Oudit 2014” en MPAC dien nie. Elke politieke die gepaardgaande 10-punt-reparty het verteenwoordiging in grukplan van die nasionale regedie MPAC en die ANC verdien krediet dat ring vir munisipaliteite. rdl. Neels Coetzer (DA), wat reeds ‘n aanDie Tlokwe Munisipaliteit is die bestal jare die voorsitter van die munisipale bestuurde Munisipaliteit in die NW Provinoorsigkomitee was, as voorsitter van MPAC sie en saam met Stellenbosch en Stanger/ aangewys is. Rdl Coetzer het reeds verskeie Ballito wat finansiële bestuur en finansiële opleidingsessies deurloop om hom te be- stabiliteit betref, die beste in Suid-Afrika. kwaam om leiding te neem in die komitee. Indien MPAC toegelaat word om sy werk In terme van die beleidsraamwerk van die onbevange en na behore te doen, het dit Minister van Samewerkende Regering, soos landwyd nag geword vir diegene wat belasgepubliseer in die Staatskoerant van 14 tingbetalersfondse verkwis en verduister. Desember 2011, word die voorsitter van die Die DA wil aktief meewerk dat hierdie iniMPAC ‘n voltydse raadslid wat hom toespits siatief nie soos baie ander uiteindelik op op die doelwitte van die komitee. niks uitloop nie.

Mediclinic gets crafty Mediclinic Potchefstroom will be holding a craft day in the foyer of the hospital from 10:00 to 12:00 on Friday 9 March. There will be a display of items for sale, hand made by members of staff.

The initiative forms part of Mediclinic’s finishing school project that aims to give back to the community. All proceeds will go towards a worthy charity and members of the public are invited to support this event.


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Potchefstroom Herald

Lets talk

Praat saam

9 Maart 2012


SMS’e kos R1,50

Die Herald behou die reg om sekere SMS’e nie te plaas nie (nog SMS’e op bladsy 9 en 14) Ek verstaan nie lekker nie. Na die begroting lyk dit vir my jy mag drink, maar nie rook nie. Mev Smith. Wil net vir Ben van Ben Truck for Hire dankie sê vir sy vinnige puik vriendelike diens. Aan die eiendomsagentskap wat so nou betrokke by Potch Perfect is: Julle baie borde op die sypaadjies komplimenteer nie die goeie inisiatief nie. Pieter. Wil al die eiendomsagente nou nie maar ’n kompetisie hou om te kyk wie die meeste borde kan opsit nie. Julle ontsier ons dorp mense. Is ek die enigste een wat so voel? Is daar nog inwoners wat ’n petisie teen die baie borde sal steun? Willem. HPN387NW, mens moet STOP by ’n vierrigting stopstraat. Ek wil net ’n boodskap oordra aan die Departement van Onderwys: YOU SUCK! Hoe lank gaan dit vat voordat die departement my salaris gaan betaal? ‘n Jaar? Julle het ‘n gaping in julle opvoeding. Ons noem dit: Gr. 1-12. Het ons mensdom nou al so verval dat om ’n wind te los as besoedeling beskou word en vermorsing die groen lig kry? Let asseblief daarop dat eersgenoemde wel ’n natuurlike menslike proses is. (Vir sekeres dalk meer as vir ander vanweë moontlike gesondheidsprobleme.) Maar vermorsing is egter nie. (Altans nie veronderstel om te wees nie.) Die vraag is waar word die streep getrek? Vandag ’n stompie, ’n papier, ’n bierbottel... more ’n vullisnes. ’n Mens se optrede spreek boekdele namens die persoon. Indien die Chevy-dame nie haar kop in die byenes gedruk het met haar uitlating nie, sou sy dalk nie ‘gesteek’ gewees het nie. Ek het die insetsel oor die koeldrankbotteltjie met die water in as baie insiggewend beskou en self ’n ding of twee wysgeword. Dus opbouende kritiek waaruit ek as buitestaander ook iets kon leer. My raad is: haal dus gerus die graatjies uit, maar eet die vis (...voordat dit afgaan en dalk ook by die ruit uitgeslinger word.) L. Mnr die prinsipaal, vyf mense wat binne twee weke bedank? Dink jy nie dis tyd vir bietjie selfondersoek nie? Jou bestuurstyl werk duidelik nie. Groot waardering aan die persoon wat kla oor drankverkope op die Sabbat. Wanneer u sê “keer terug na God” moet ons dit natuurlik doen volgens die voorskrif van die Bybel. Lees Markus 16: 1-2 Sabbat is Saterdag! Piet van Wyk. Ek het in Desember 2011 van die Laeveld na Potchefstroom verhuis om persoonlike redes. Ek wil net weet, diskrimineer die besighede hier teen vreemde inwoners, is ek te bleek, of is ek te oud. Ek het al vir ‘n hele paar onderhoude vir werk gegaan maar word nie aangestel nie, en my ondervinding in sekretariële werk is goed, op amper 52 kan ek net so vinnig en net so akuraat tik soos my jonger eweknieë. Wat is dan fout met my? Het maar net gewonder. Herald, dankie dat ek ook my sê mag sê dis ‘n puik idee, ek dink die Laevelder (laeveld se plaaslike koerantjie) kan by julle kom kers opsteek! NS. En dan kry ek nog ’n dankie ook. Doen so voort Herald! Van ontevrede Laevelder. To the person complaining about the besigheid in Bailliepark ‘wat op ’n sabbat drank verkoop aan hul ‘tydlose’ kliënte’ - what other people do in there own time has nothing to do with you. They have a licence to sell. Why don’t you just close all the restaurants then too, they sell too? Everybody knows that most of the sms’s sent here are complaints. Deal with it. If you only want to hear positive things, go watch My Little Pony. I find it kind of ironic. People who complain are called bitter people. I wonder what that makes the people who complain about us bitter people Ek wil baie dankie sê aan Adalia koffiehuis wat soveel moeite gedoen het met my verjaarsdag die 21ste Feb. Dit was tops! Vir die ou wat vra oor Aardklop, predikante en drankmisbruik van die studente, waar

was jy die laaste paar Aardkloppe? Wat dink jy doen die gewillige span werkers by die Hartkloptent? Wys jou hoe oplettend is jy! Aan die ouens by Hartklop, puik! En alle eer aan Abba Vader! Dankie Kobus vir die pragtige modeartikel in die Leefstyl. Dit help my baie. Annetjie. Semi-soet is “sweet , funky”, oulike, romantiese komedie - gaan kyk gerus! B. Is daar boelies in Ferdies? Wie gee ‘n gr. 12-seun die reg om ‘n gr. 8 ou aan te val? Jy mag nie by die onnies klik nie, anders gebeur dit weer. Is dit die norm van skole? Ons moet die begrafnisdiens van oom Theo van Rensburg bywoon, nou wil ek weet wat die verkeersafdeling so besig hou dat hul nie meer die stoet kan begelei nie. Word al jare nie meer gedoen nie. Hoekom? Die munisipaliteit het Wilgenstraat se naambord in Malherbestraat opgesit! Dis al hoeveel keer gerapporteer sonder enige welslae. Daar is een ding wat ek nie kan verstaan nie en ek sal graag as dit kan ’n antwoord wil hê! Is dit nie een van die padreëls dat ’n ambulans met ligte en sirenes voorrang geniet nie? Of is ek verkeerd? As dit jou familie of kind of pa is kan ek dan maar voor die ambulans inry dat hy vir my stop? Mnr. jy wat so kla oor die “rokers”, het jy geweet dat drank net so baie skade aan jou liggaam doen? En ek het nog nooit gehoor van sigarette wat veroorsaak dat vroue en kinders gemolesteer en aangerand word nie. Wat maak skade aan jou bande op die pad, stukkende drankbottels of sigarette? Mnr. jy met jou swart kar wat daar by die karwas agter Wimpy op die Johannesburgpad gestaan en urineer het voor ‘n vrou en kind en jou maatjie. Dan waai julle ook skaam, julle kan bly wees ek sit nie jou registrasienommer in nie. Dani, I think u rock! Congrats with your Cum Laude Degree! I have the coolest and sexiest aunt in the world. From Xan. Danielle, congrats with your graduation. We are very proud of you. Cum Laude is an even bigger achievement. You are a star. Love mommy, daddy and family. Baie dankie Ocean Basket julle venster is nou toe om rokers te beskerm dit is nou goed gedaan. Die res moet nou opskerp. Baie dankie aan die nuwe prokureur by Moodie vir sy professionaliteit en goeie diens. Sy geduld en en vriendelikheid is wonderlik. 24-uur verkeersdiens onmoontlik weens te min personeel! Wie ry dan die 14 nuwe voertuie wat die stadsraad sowat 18 maande gelede gekoop het en die Herald oor berig het? Waarvoor word dit gebruik? Sekere polisievoertuie word sonder bestuurders in die linkerrybaan van ‘n besige straat reg voor die polisiekantoor gelos. Het dit al driekeer gesien en kan elke keer nie my oë glo nie. Is hulle verhewe bo verkeersreëls? Iemand gaan nog in so ‘n stilstaande voertuig vasry. Thank you to Francois who replaced my incorrect order instantly. You are a great manager for Scooters. Surely all these power dips can’t be good for our electrical appliances? On Sunday 4 March we had eleven power cuts between 07:30 and noon! Ons het ‘n regte teemgat-volk geword! En in die meeste gevalle is dit geregverdig! Nou is daar diegene wat kla omdat ander kla. Ek wil net by die “positiewe ploeters” weet wat hulle bereik deur pynin-die-patat “goody two shoes” te wees? Hou maar op kerm oor swak diens in ons land, dit is die gegewe waarmee ons sit! En dit wil lyk of sekere instansies meeding oor wie se diens die vrotste is. Eskom en die staatsdiens het beslis strawwe opponente in Telkom en Standard Bank! Dit is ‘n plesier om by Checkers te koop

met mense soos Adele Nortier by die kasregister. Dankie vir jou geduld, selfs met ou mense. Dit word raakgesien. C.J. Lucas wil jy nie asseblief vir die inwoner van 47 jaar in Potch verduidelik wat is ‘n Potch kultuur. Louw. Byna elke week kom daar ‘n oorlaaide trok met sementklippies deur ons stad vanaf Klerksdorp se kant. Dit draai dan regs na Parys. Op die Parys vierrigting met die draai verloor dit honderde sementklippies. Die klippies lê daar en word nie weggevee nie. As iemand dié trok se nommer kan afskryf en die verkeersafdeling by (018) 299-5301 kan skakel kan ons die storting keer. Leser. Goed om in Praatsaam te verneem dat Mighty Men’s Conferences ‘n patriargale en politieke agenda het. Raai alle mans af om dit nie by te woon nie. Visser.

nie? Een van die belangrikste goed as mens na 20 maande oue kinders omsien is om te weet waar is hulle op enige gegewe oomblik. Niks anders is aanvaarbaar nie.

Dankie aan Advantage vir hulle goeie diens elke dag hou so aan Gideon, Charle en Margariet.

Groetnis ek noem jou so dan weet jy met wie ek praat. Mense soos jy is aan die minderheid want jy beheer jou diere en pas hulle op maar ons praat van die mense wat tot agt honde op hulle perseel aanhou en hulle kan nie vir die diere sorg nie ek praat nie kos gewys nie maar oefeninge en so. Verlede jaar het hier by my huis tussen vyf en ses uur tot tien honde aan leirieme verby gegaan en as die honde in die erf begin blaf dan stop die verby ganger met sy honde want hulle geniet die geblaf. Nou hierdie jaar loop hier niemand verby nie. My vriend ons kla nie oor jou hond nie. Hannes.

In response to Mr. Willie Maphosa’s response in the ‘Readers have their say’ section: I have never come across any employee who has “explained to all applicants the procedure and requirements at the testing station’. I have, in fact, been stuck in queues (more than once) just to find out that I was supposed to be in a different queue. Potch testing station is a nightmare. Carin Roux.

Soek u dalk u Yorkshire terrier-hondjie? Reuntjie met knak stertjie in Mooirivier mall gekry in Desember 2011. Skakel 083-598-1101 (jammer 018 441 0130)

Oor die Procare storie! Dit is nou vir jou belaglik! So enige iemand kan daar instap en ‘n kind vat want as daar aangeneem is sy ouers het hom kom haal sonder dat iemand dit gesien het kon dit net sowel gebeur het! Dit is pateties om die minste te sê en Procare sal verseker nie my kind sien nie en ek sal niemand aanbeveel om hul kinders daar te los nie! Arme kleintjie! Dis te erg!

Weet jy wie is my naaste? Dit is my familie. My direkte familie onder my dak. Ockert.

Rakende die ambulans botsing in die dorp. ‘n Ambulans moet soos enige ander padverbruiker die reëls van die pad gehoorsaam. Nie net oor stopstrate en verkeersligte jaag nie, onthou jy het letterlik mense se lewens in jou hande. NM. Ma3, ek is so lief vir jou soos vir my eie kinders. Oom Ockert. Dit is baie jammer en kommerwekkend dat Herald so eensydige oorsig van ‘n storie plaas, ongelukkig glip daar dan ‘n paar aangedikte onwaarhede deur! Dankie vir jul liefde en sorg aan ons kleinkind, Procare, julle bly tops! Sit die onsmaaklike geval agter julle en fokus op dit waarin julle steeds nommer een is: Gehalte sorg aan ons kinders. ‘n Tevrede en gelukkige ProCare oupa en ouma! Baba drama - hoe ironies! Wanneer iemand goed doen sien mense dit nie raak nie, maar wanneer ‘n fout begaan word is almal op jou. Meneer hoekom was jy nie betyds om jou kind te kry nie? Baie dankie aan Procare se hoof en personeel vir wat jul vir ons kleuters doen! Kan die Herald nie vir ons sê wie die sekuriteitsmaatskappy is wat Procare monitor nie. Dan kan ons sommer weet as ons ‘n alarmstelsel wil installeer, om nie te kry nie. Geagte “Anti Rook”. As die rook jou pla, moet nie asem haal nie! Bul & Bojaan, julle is my 2 ysters. Old man. Sweetness, nog net so lief vir jou soos daardie dag 28 jaar gelede. Luv u, Beer. Poplap, pappa is baie lief vir jou. Het iemand dalk my Yorkshire Terrier in die omgewing van Volkskool gevind? Hy het verlore geraak op 1 Februarie. Ons harte is baie seer. Skakel 072-797-1266 of 083698-5687. The NWU and PUK top structures are so naive that they think that information is only leaked from one or two sources. Are they not aware that, in the same way as they have their informants on campus, the media and others have black and white disillusioned staff and students and a country-wide critical mass keeping them posted? Big Brother’s Watching. Procare duurste in die dorp. Dit is ‘n skok! Waar was die toesig, hoekom het die kind in die eerste plek verwyn sonder dat iemand agterkom. Doen hulle nie “roll call”

Ek vra mooi hou asseblief julle monde van iets af waarvan julle niks weet nie. Die Puk verdien nie jul vuilmonde wat net altyd die sleg sien nie. Hou nou net op asseblief eenmaal, altyd ‘n Puk. Puk-eerstejaar.

Invite Dr Blade Nzimande to the College of Agriculture so that he can see for himself the destructive result of ANC cadre deployment. The ANC is not in a position to govern they are afraid their alliance partners will turn the tide against them. Silwer.

Daar is nou weer bewyse dat Procare in Retiefstraat onbeholpe is om na klein kindertjies om te sien deur die dag. Ockert.

Ek was nog altyd onder die indruk dat die Herald slegs nuus aan die gemeenskap deurgee soos dit regtig gebeur het. Na die artikel van Cheryl Botha: “Toddler left behind in day care centre” is ek baie teleurgesteld oor die leuens wat gepubliseer is, en dit nadat die ware feite, wat bewys kan word, wel aan haar deurgegee is. Julle kan baie leer by die Beeld! Madelein.

African Book Company (boekruil) in James Moroka straat, langs Cuppa Cafe is ‘n heerlike verrassing! Groot verskeidenheid en uitstekende diens! Ek wonder of die atletiekstadion nie hul badkamergeriewe bietjie wil opknap nie. Daar word baie byeenkomste gehou en die badkamers is nie op standaard nie.

Wil net graag weet hoe kontroleer die dagsorg mense dat kinders nie gesteel word nie. Procare julle moet oppas mense weet nou julle het geen kontrole.

Anti-rook: Elke mens op aarde het sy eie reg. Jy kla oor rook, ek kla oor drank, hoeveel sterf op die paaie van drank en hoeveel sterf van sigarette? Doen eers navorsing, dan rek jy jou mond!

Die wat kla oor sigaretstompies: Kyk hoe lyk dit van drankbottels. jy kla oor iets kleins. Hoeveel mense sterf onnodig as gevolg van drank? So stop jou kleinlikheid oor stompies.

Ek wil asseblief weet wat is die wet rakende dagmoeders! Help my reg, maar die wet sê vir elke sewe kinders moet daar ‘n hulp wees. Hier is ‘n paar dagmoeders, so oud soos die berge, maar kyk na klein kindertjies. En vandag se hofsake word so uitgerek... Ek as mamma van ‘n 22-maande oue kind, sal daai plek afbrand as hul my kind “vergeet”. So vandag kyk hul na tassies om te bevestig die kind is huis toe? Wat as iemand perongeluk jou kind se tas vat? Jul speel met lewens!

Let’s Talk is not your public soap box upon which you can constantly criticise individuals and moan about things you are too damn scared to confront the real people about! If you want to do that please do it on your own time on Twitter/facebook so we can respond to YOU personally! @ KeleeTheLark.

9 Maart 2012

Potchefstroom Herald

Debating issues, not side-issues I would like to respond to two letters written in response to a piece I wrote in the Potchefstroom Herald of 17 February 2012 about transformation of the local media and the university campus. One Hannes Engelbrecht questioned my credentials and asked for someone to scrutinise my academic record. I would gladly expound on my credentials to him only if I did not doubt his own credibility. I myself doubt Engelbrecht’s intellectual aptitude and comprehension if he can’t even read or follow what a casual newspaper reader can easily understand. For one thing, Mr Engelbrecht, the university that I attended and the one that my kid attends, provides ample and adequate opportunity for its new students to raise their problems, and assists in sorting them out. They encourage the free flow of information internally between the student and the institution, as well as between the student and their next of kin. I wonder if Engelbrecht has ever heard of ‘student affairs or support services,’ or ‘people-centred institutions’. If any 21st century university campus in a globalised world still does not have such a service then it should be one of its key transformative objectives. They may not provide towels as such, but they facilitate the resolution of your problems as a student. As for Prof. Johannes Froneman, I am glad he agrees with me on all the points I have raised. However, the professor’s point of departure is seemingly flawed. He refers to me as an ANC comrade. As far as I know Prof. Froneman has never bothered to ask me to which party I belong, let alone seen me in ANC attire or in a meeting, yet he has made

his own conclusion in his mind. portunity to debate all these other matters This is a dangerous position from which to of development and social transformation move, especially if you may be harbouring with his colleagues at council and other poprejudices against the ANC or its members. litical forums, (or raise them separately if For all I care I could belong to no particular he so wished) instead of lumping everything political party, or could be AZAPO, COPE, together in his response. or even DA. Yet because I am black he conIn any event, I do not see, and he also did cludes that I belong to the ANC. Not that I not elaborate on, how the ANC or the mudetest the ANC, but I believe people must nicipality impedes the transformation of be informed before they pronounce on the university and the local media. Seeing standpoints. I could also be that he agrees with me on the points prejudiced or stereotypical if I had raised I expected him, at least, My opinion I want to, given my past exto expand more on what needs to be periences in this country. For done or what impediments exist in example, there was a time driving institutional transformation when every National Party at the university and the local media. member, every Broederbond Fourthly and quite disturbingly, member and every security Prof. Froneman says I should stop police officer would brand pointing fingers at the university and every opposing view as that the media, yet he agrees that there of ‘ANC terroriste’. However, are problems therein. Truth be told, in pointing this out I do not I really doubt if the learned professor imply that Prof. Froneman does indeed ‘share my aversion’ for is from that background, I ‘ontgroening’, the university’s skewed Willie Maphosa am just indicating the ridicupopulation mix and its general slow lousness of his argument. pace of transformation. And I also do Secondly, I deliberately not think that there are any racial steplaced a disclaimer at the end of the article reotypes in pointing out that the local camto the effect that it contained my personal pus of the University of North West is still views and not those of council. After ac- largely white. It is there in black and white cepting that the issues I raise are true Prof. (pardon the pun) for every one to see. Froneman then proceeds to cloud them by Indeed, I do sense that the university is raising a litany of municipal and ANC fail- the proverbial holy cow for Prof. Froneman ures at local and national levels respective- and many of his kind. You are allowed to ly. I raised the issue of the local university talk about any and all the ANC and municiand the local media transformation not to pal failures of governance but you dare not score political points, but to place the is- say anything bad about the university, you sues on the agenda for genuine discussion back off. with those who wish to. Yet all the issues of ANC and municipal Thirdly, Prof. Froneman has ample op- failures are already on the public agenda


and are being discussed and attended to. I am raising two important local institutions, in particular, that I think still need to do much more in transforming themselves. Will Prof. Froneman or somebody – anybody - please stand up and tell us more on these issues? Alternatively, and in the absence of any such focused response I will rest my case. Willie Maphosa The views expressed in this piece are my own individual and personal opinions and do not in any way reflect those of Tlokwe City Council… or the ANC.

Rotary soek uitruilkandidate Die Rotary Klub van Potchefstroom soek na gr.8-leerlinge om deel te neem aan die jaarlikse STEP-uitruilprogram na Duitsland. In Julie kom die Duitse uitruilkandidate na Suid-Afrika waar hulle deur Suid-Afrikaanse families vir ongeveer vyf tot ses weke gehuisves, versorg en onthaal word. Verskeie uitstappies word vir die Duitse kandidate teen ekstra kostes gereël. In November/Desember is dit die Duitsers se beurt om Suid-Afrikaners te huisves en te onthaal. Gewoonlik word daar vir hulle ’n sneeuskaats, teen ekstra kostes, gereël. Sluitingsdatum vir voorlopige aansoeke is 29 Maart. Vir meer inligting skakel Werner Nel by 08-234-0682 of epos wernernel@lantic.net


Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

SAPS MARKET SUPPLIER CONSULTATION SESSION The South African Police Service will be hosting Consultation Sessions with all Market Suppliers in all provinces with a view to: • Initiate a SAPS market studies re search with first-hand knowledge from market suppliers on the market structure, suppliers’ capabilities and alterna-

tive innovative products and services, etc. Inform existing registered Market Suppliers and encourage potential suppliers or entrepreneurs to gain knowledge on the relevant industry needs and future plans of the SAPS; Document established contacts with

• •

suppliers; Communicate desired ethics of engagement between Market Suppliers and the SAPS; and Manage future Supplier/Client relationships with integrity and good faith.


All market suppliers (registered and unregistered)

Dates Province 21 February 2012 @ 10h00 Mpumalanga Venue: Emnotweni Arena, Nelspruit 24 February 2012 @ 10h00 Eastern Cape Venue: King Sabatha Dalindyebo hall, Leeds Road in Umtata 28 February 2012 @ 10h00 KwaZulu Natal Venue: Olive Convention Centre, 81 Somtseu Road, Durban 02 March 2012 @ 10h00 Gauteng Venue: SAPS Germiston Hall cnr Spillberry & Long Streets, Germiston 06 March 2012 @ 10h00 North West Venue: Elgro Hotel, Potchefstroom 08 March 2012 @ 10h00 Western Cape Venue: Customs House, 3rd Floor (The Dome), Foreshore in Cape Town 13 March 2012 @ 10h00 Northern Cape Venue: Horse Shoe Inn, Kimberley 16 March 2012 @ 10h00 Free State Venue: Kopano Nokeng, 14 Maselpoort Road in Bloemfontein 23 March 2012 @ 10h00 Limpopo Venue: South Gate Lodge, Polokwane

Contact Person

Contact no

Col CD Viviers


Irene Wolvaard

040-608 8729

Col L Naidoo

031 -325 5826

Col Shazi SS

011-274 7679

Capt NW Liebenberg 018-299 7072

Lt Col DJ Du Toit

021-417 7366

Capt P Mokoena

053-807 3926

Col Mothobi/ Lt Col Mabeta

051-412 3159

Capt ES Venter

015-293 7502

Twee weke oor

17-18 MAART by die PUK Joolplaas Jy kan ‘n verskil maak teen die kankerstryd! Potchefstromers is vuur en vlam en het reeds 86 spanne ingeskryf. Is jy al deel van hierdie opwindende gemeenskapaksie? Daar is nog plek vir 50 spanne. Kom ons vat hande teen kanker. Die mees effektiewe wapen teen kanker is KENNIS. Tydens die Relay kan u ook die Bewusmakingstent besoek, waar inligting ten opsigte van voorkoming en vroeë opsporing van kanker beskikbaar sal wees. Een van die grootste geskenke wat ons aan ‘n kankeroorwinnaar kan gee, is om sy “VRIEND” te wees. Deur deel te neem aan die Relay kan jy deel word van een groot familie in Potchefstroom ter ondersteuning van ons kankeroorwinnaars. Skryf jou span van 10 tot 15 lede in – R500.00 inskrywingsfooi (Tydens spanvergaderings of kontak Karen: Tel 082 4414354 of Ronell by tel: 082 4644839). Koop Luminaria sakkies tydens spanvergaderings of kontak Karen: Tel 082 4414354 of Christi by tel 083 800 1033. Versier jou sakkie deur ‘n boodskap of ‘n foto in herinnering aan iemand wat deur kanker geraak is, daarop aan te bring. Gebruik donker en helder penne om jou sakkie mee te versier sodat dit op ‘n afstand sigbaar is. Handig jou sakkie in by jou spankaptein of by die laaste spankapteinvergadering.

Spanvergaderings by Tina Scholtz Dag spa: Nelson Mandela rylaan 120. Datums: 8 Maart 15 Maart (Finale vergadering) Tyd: 17:00-18:00 Jy kan ook aanlyn registreer by: www. potchrfl.co.za Doelwit: R250 000.00 130 Spanne


Bruto ontvangstes van skenkings, goedere en kontant: R51 000

Die Shavaton wat die afgelope naweek in die Mooirivier Mall plaas gevind het, was een reuse sukses. Van jonk tot oud het in die pret vir ‘n goeie doel deel geneem. Die donasies vir haarsprei en knip gaan alles vir navorsing vir ‘n kuur teen kanker en ondersteuning vir familie en leiers van kanker.

Corrie Engelbrecht het omtrent snaaks gelyk met sy sterretjie hare.

9 Maart 2012

Potchefstroom Herald


From humble beginnings to role model Cheryl Botha A farm labourer’s son proudly crossed the threshold of humble beginnings and success when he accepted his degree at NWU last Wednesday. Katlego Morake (20) always knew he was made for bigger things and his teachers at Padi Farm School could see it too. When the other children were playing, Katlego would be working. When others were chatting, he was asking questions. By the time he was in Gr.10 Katlego was the school’s dux student with an average of 87 percent. The next step was to go to a school in Ikageng. Or was it? While most of the other boys accepted their lot in life, to grow up and get jobs on surrounding farms, Katlego’s big dreams pushed him to do the unthinkable. He boldly approached his father’s employer to give him a chance in life. That man was Kobus Delport, owner of Makojalo Opstal on the Parys Road. Katlego moved out from under his granny’s roof and into the hearts and home of the Delport family. It was a time of new beginnings – new family, new school, new hope. But his years at Boys High were not always plain sailing, according to his adopted mom, Louise. Katlego, fondly known to the family as Boetie Piet, could not carry on with Tsawana as a main subject because of the multilingualism of his new high school. He chose, instead, to do business economics. His second challenge was compulsory maths – he had last had maths as a subject

Is dit ‘n boom of ‘n blom? Emma du Preez staan by ‘n stokroos wat hemelhoog uittroon. Ina Everson, die eienaar van die plant, sê die plant was al hoër, maar moes gesnoei word.

in Gr.7. The Delports arranged six hours of extra maths lessons a week for two years. His teacher was sceptical at first, but within two week’s the youngster’s determination and his will to succeed persuaded her to take up the challenge. “It was hard work and there were times that I felt like giving up,” he admits. But his perseverance paid off and Katlego achieved a C average in Matric. Although his passion was geography, he chose to apply for a teaching bursary and pursue his B.Ed. degree with as much drive as he tackled Matric. After the loan is paid he plans to study further - something in the environmental field, he says. All the words in the dictionary are not enough to express Katlego’s gratitude for his break in life. “I want to work on the farm for a year, to show how thankful I am,” he announced

one day. On 18 January Katlego’s wheel had come full circle with his first teaching post – at Buffelsvlei Farm School. He is perfectly positioned to be the children’s role model. His mission in life is to teach them that no one has ever risen above their own, selfimposed limitations – that nothing is impossible with hard work, faith and belief in yourself. On the eve of Katlego’s graduation Louise looked back on how he has grown since doing odd jobs on the farm eight years ago. He still works there part time, she says, but he has saved up and bought himself a car, sound system and computer. He has also passed his drivers licence and taught himself computer skills. He has made things happen for himself and we are so proud of Boetie Piet. We clapped just as hard as any other of the other parents in the audience on Wednesday.”

Katlego Morake proudly tries on his toga in preparation for his big day on Wednesday.


Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

Twee nuwe dosente by NWU Die Skool vir Musiek, NWU het twee nuwe Mnr. David Nkosi is ’n oud-student van die dosente vanjaar by die Konservatorium ver- Skool vir Musiek en keer terug na sy alma welkom. mater as dosent in Afrika-musiek en -dans. Dr. Tinus Botha is aan­ Nadat hy sy BA-graad gestel as senior lektor in by die NWU verwerf klavier en metodiek op het, het hy sy stu­dies voor- en nagraadse vlak, by die Universiteit van en as begeleier vir verskeie Pretoria voortgesit en sangers en instrumenis tans besig om ’n taliste. Hy het ’n D.Mus.doktorsgraad daar te graad aan die Universiteit voltooi. Buiten sy akvan Pretoria voltooi en tiwiteite as uit­voerder ook aan die Texas Chrisen onderwyser van tian University in die VSA Afrika-marimbas en studeer. As solis tree hy -tromme, is hy ook ‘n gereeld op, maar hy het ’n Beide Botha en Nkosi het reeds aan orkesdirigent en hy het spesifieke belangstelling die Potchpourri!-konserte einde Feb- hy ‘n sertifkaat in diriin begeleiding en kamer- ruarie deelgeneem en het nog verdere geerkuns aan die Unimusiek en sal saam met optredes by die Konservatorium. versiteit van Jyväskylä die Duitse tjellis Alexanin Finland verwerf. der Ramm toer gedurende Mei. Dr. Botha Mnr. Nkosi is gretig om die studie van Afsien daarna uit om met al sy klavierstu- rika-musiek by die Skool vir Musiek verder dente te werk, en ook om die klavierafdel- te ontwikkel vir diversiteit en balans in die ing uit te bou saam met sy kollegas. huidige programme.

Pianis van Nederland besoek Potch Petro Marais, ’n pianis van Nederland besoek die Gereformeerde Kerk Mooi­ rivier op Saterdag, 24 Maart. Die uitvoering begin 18:30 vir 19:00. Dit beloof om ’n aand van mooi musiek, kaas en wyn in die heerlike geselskap van vriende te wees. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies skakel Nicolene by 082-4638297, Wendy by 072-483-0234 of ds. Mouton by 082-925-3959.

Prof. Annette Combrink by die pragtige skildery wat deur prof. Nicolas Allen geskilder is.

Prof Annette se skildery onthul Die voormalige rektor van die Potchef­ stroomkampus van die Noordwes-Universiteit se skildery is amptelik onthul. Prof. Annette Combrink, agtste rektor van die kampus vanaf 2004 tot 2009, se skildery hang saam met skilderye van die vorige sewe rektore van die NWU se Potchefstroomkampus in die ontvangsarea van die rektor se kantoor in die Joon van Rooy-gebou. Combrink het ‘n ryke geskiedenis in haar bykans veertig jaar verbintenis met die universiteit opgebou. Sy het as vrou ‘n paar eerstes bereik deur onder meer die eerste vrou in die bestaan van die PU vir CHO te wees wat as dekaan aangestel is, asook die eerste vroue rektor van die NWU se Potchefstroomkampus. Haar loopbaan het in 1972 begin met ‘n lektoraat by die Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbe­ geerte, gevolg deur ‘n senior lektoraat (1982), medeprofessor (1986) en volle professor en hoof van die Departement Engelse Taal- en Letterkunde in 1987. Sy was direkteur van die Skool vir Tale en Kunste en was sedert 1995 adjunkdekaan van die fakulteit. Sy is in 2001 as dekaan aangestel, die posisie wat sy tot in 2004 beklee het voordat sy die eerste Rektor van die saamgestelde Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroomkampus geword het. Haar liefde vir die kunste het ook gesorg




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Daily: 9:10, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30



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Fri, Sat, Tue: 9:45, 12:30, 17:00, 20:00, 22:50 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:45, 12:30, 17:00, 20:00

Calling all beautiful Potch people




Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00



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English Subtitles... Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15



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Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15 Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15, 22:45 Daily: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20



Terms & Conditions Apply



dat die standbeeld van Totius na die kampus verskuif word, dat ‘n borsbeeld van Sol Plaatje op die kampus opgerig is, dat die Galery steeds bekende kunstenaars se werke uitstal, en dat die Botaniese Tuin ook met ‘n kunsgalery spog. Haar skildery is deur prof Nicolas Allen, ‘n professionele kunstenaar en kunshistorikus en tans Direkteur van Internasionale skakeling by die NWU, gedoen. Allen het tydens die geleentheid gesê hy wil hê dat die “skildery vir homself spreek”. Die uitdaging was volgens hom om haar betrokkenheid oor bykans vyf dekades daarop vas te vang. Hy het verskeie persoonlike “items” op die skildery versteek vir die kyker om te ontdek, soos byvoorbeeld die Spaanse vlag om haar betrokkenheid by die Spaanse sokkerspan uit te beeld. Die rektor, prof Herman van Schalkwyk, het gesê hulle gee vir haar op dié wyse erkenning vir die rol wat sy as kampusrektor vervul het. “Dit was lekker om die stok by jou oor te neem, want jy was toe al voor gewees.” Die ander was prof Ferdinand Postma (1919 tot 1950), prof Joon van Rooy (1950 – 1953), prof J Chris Coetzee (1953 – 1963), prof Hennie Bingle (1964 tot 1977), prof Tjaart van der Walt (1977 – 1988), prof Carools Reinecke (1989 tot 2002) en dr Theuns Eloff (2002 tot 2003).

All the good looking and photogenic people in and around Potchefstroom once again have a chance to become the official Face of Potchefstroom for 2012! There will be no official function to attend as it is purely a photographic event. Contestants merely submit their photos with the official entry form. It is an ideal platform to be discovered as a photographic model, as well as providing all photographers a chance to display their professional abilities. Some of the previous winners went on to achieve great success, e.g. Krüger Swart, who won the Jnr Mr Africa title and is currently in the running to become the next Jnr Mr South Africa. Last year’s male winner, Gary Griffin, is the current King of the Universe, and the junior male winner, BJ Rens, has recently won the title of Mr Teen Tourism SA 2012. Age categories (male & female): Junior : 13 - 18 yrs Senior : 19 - 30 yrs How to enter : Submit at least 2 (maximum 5) recent photographs (on CD or via email) : 1x head and shoulders (face) Other : general pose (own choice)

Closing date : 18:00 Friday 30 March 2012 Entry Fee : R80-00 The entry becomes valid when the entry fee is paid. Five Finalists in each category will be announced on Monday 2 April. The total of 20 finalists will then attend a professional photo shoot with a well-known photographer, to give each candidate an equal chance to be selected as the winner in his/her category. The winners will be announced in the Potchefstroom Herald. In addition to winning remarkable prizes, the winners will automatically also claim the photogenic titles in the Mr and Miss Potchefstroom 2012 competition. More info & entry forms : Alternative Studios (018) 293-0907 (office hours) Email : alternative.studios@gmail.com

9 Maart 2012

Potchefstroom Herald

Party-fest is aan die gang Verlede week is PartFest 2012 in Potch bekend gestel. Die aand wat hordes studente gelok het, het met dans en kuier begin. Later is die wenners van die vooraf verkoopte kaartjies asook die Facebook stem kompetisie bekend gestel. Hierdie jaar werk die storie so bietjie anders en het die organiseerder, Lian Fourie, besluit om ‘n dans kompetisie ook aan te bied. Elke dansgroep bestaan uit ses tot agt mense en kan gemengde spanne ook wees. Hul moet elk ‘n danspassie van drie minute uitvoer en aan die einde van die Party-Fest reeks sal die

wen dansgroep bekend gestel word. Die beoordeellaars is ook verlede week bekend gemaak en die studente kon so voorsmakie van die danskompetisie wat wag kry. Hierdie week word die eerste van die Party-Fest kompetisies aangebied. Minjonet sal Donderdag, 8 Maart ‘n Moulin Rouge aand aanbied by Impala en kaartjies kos jou net R15 by die deur. Hierdie kompetisie sal vir die volgende paar weke hardloop en elke dames-koshuis sal ‘n ander tema aand aanbied. Hou gerus jou Herald dop vir foto‛s en meer inligting.

Maak gerus ‘n draai op Facebook by Party-Fest 2011 of op Twitter by Partyfestglobal vir meer inligting

Foto’s is op die Party-Fest Facebook groep gekry



Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

Van Schaik-boekhandel top tien 1. 7 Dae Skrywer: Meyer


Ek sal elke dag ‘n poliesman skiet, tot julle die moordenaar van Hanneke Sloet aankla. So lui die dreigbrief aan die SAPS. En dan begin die jagtog. Bennie Griessel is die een wat die dossier moet heropen. Die saak is 40 dae oud, die spoor is koud. Daar’s geen motief nie, geen leidrade nie, net ‘n reeks naakfoto’s, ‘n hoogs ingewikkelde saketransaksie, en onmenslike druk van topbestuur, die media en die meedoenlose, onpeilbare sluipskutter. En deur dit alles moet Griessel sy nuwe vriendin, die sangeres Alexa Barnard, weghou van die bottel voor haar groot terugkeer-konsert, sy seun keer om nie skandes te maak nie, sy kollegas weerhou daarvan om die ondersoek te kelder, en sy eie, verterende lus vir die helende kragte van drank in toom probeer hou. Sewe dae van hel.

2. Steve Jobs: The exclusive biography (H/C) Author: Walter Isaacson From bestselling author Walter Isaacson comes the landmark biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. In Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography, Isaacson provides an extraordinary account of Jobs’ professional and personal life. Drawn from three years of exclusive and unprecedented interviews Isaacson has conducted with Jobs as well as extensive interviews with Jobs’ family members, key colleagues from Apple and its competitors,

Sparkling Auto Care Centres wat landswyd franchises het, se hoofkantoor is geleë in Potchefstroom. Die eienaars, Corne en Laetitia Gustafson is ook mense wat omgee vir die gemeenskap en het die Sparkling Support Foundation SHINE gestig om in elke area waar ‘n Sparkling Auto Care Centre is, ‘n verskil te maak. Befondsing vir enige organisasie is altyd ‘n uitdaging en daar is besluit om die U-Care Besigheidsmodel te implimenteer vir volhoubare befondsing van die Foundation. U-Care bestaan reeds sedert 2005 en het al tot op datum R17,997,749 uitbetaal aan organisasies en maandeliks word dit meer. In Potchefstroom is daar reeds by die 20 besighede en nog meer individue betrokke wat deur U-Care maandeliks bydra tot Shine se inkomste en soos wat daar verder gewerk word, word die volhoubare inkomste meer. Met die oorweldeginde reaksie van almal wat betrokke geraak het, is dit ‘n bewys dat die gemeenskap van Potchefstroom wil bydra om ‘n verskil in hulle dorp te maak. Die droom is om teen die einde van 2012 op ‘n bedrag van R20 000 per maand te staan en dan kan daar ‘n groter verskil begin maak word. Shine en U-Care is baie baie projekte en uitreike betrokke maar die hoogtepunt sover was die “kersfees-boks” veldtog einde verlede jaar. Met baie geloof het hulle die “Kersfees-boks” veldtog begin, waar hergebruikte bokse versier is met oulike ‘goodies’ in vir mans, vrouens en kinders. Hulle het gehoop op 23 bokse te kry om net aan die mense by Harmonie & Immergroen wat rerig niks het, uit te kon deel nie. Die gebeurtenis van die vissies en brode wat vermeerder het, het met hulle ook gebeur. Hulle kon aan al 64 inwoners van Harmonie & Immergroen elkeen boksies uitdeel, asook aan elkeen in die huis waar 25 gestremde mense woon en die oor-

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography is the definitive portrait of the greatest innovator of his generation.

3. Hiervandaan Skrywer: Dana Snyman

Veelbekroonde reisskrywer Dana Snyman vertel die verhaal van sy eie lewensreis, die van sy familie en van sy land. Hy reis agter stories uit die verlede aan, van die eerste Snyman, seun van ‘n wit pa en ‘n slavin-ma, tot vandag, waar mense op die platteland hom in hul geheime inlaat. Elkeen van ons het mos sy eie ‘Inkandla’ tuisdorp - en Dana se reis neem hom onder meer ook na Julius Malema se ouma se huis en na President Zuma se werklike Inkandla in KwaZulu-Natal, waar hy bokvleis met President Zuma se broer geëet het. Dan keer Dana terug huis toe, via Bloedrivier en die museum waar sy oupa se broek nog uitgestal word. Dana se verhaal is vervleg met die stories van ons almal wat ‘hiervandaan’ is. Eg, warm en gevul met deernis, soos ons Dana leer ken en leer liefkry het.

4. Trackers Author: Deon Meyer

A housewife running from years of domestic abuse. A bodyguard hired to escort a smuggled rhinoceros. A group of Islamic terrorists based in a quiet residential street. A secret government agency threatened with amalgamation within a bigger department. A retired

blywende boksies was genoeg om ‘n verskil te maak aan die Herald se Kersfeesprojek vir die inwoners van Orkney-Vaal. Verseker gaan hulle dit hierdie jaar nog groter aanpak!! En hierdie projek het uitgebrei deurdat daar nou meer voltyds saam met Pastoor Petro Kotze wat die Voetlig Bediening het in Orkney-Vaal, gewerk gaan word om verligting daar ook te bring. Die ‘Winter Omgee Boks” projek is in beplanning saam met Herald waar bydraes gemaak kan word om hierdie mense wat uitgelewer is aan die elemente hierdie winter, by te staan met die nodige vitamines en nie-bederfbare produkte vir sop, asook komberse en warmwatersakke. In Potchefstroom wil hulle ‘n Omgee-databasis op die been bring. Hulle wil graag weet van almal in Potch wat een of ander bydrae tot die gemeenskap lewer, asook van die nood en behoefte wat daar in Potch is en hulle vra almal se hulp. Indien jy weet van iemand wat ‘n verskil maak, al is dit net die vrou wat deel is van die skool se broodjie-projek, wil hulle graag die besonderhede hê. “Deur van mekaar te weet, gaan ons duplisering vermy en kan ons mekaar beter ondersteun.” “Potch het ook nie ‘n arm area nie, daarom verdwyn die nood vinnig uit ‘n mens se oog. Ons wil graag weet van dit ook. Ons sal dalk nie dadelik kan help nie, maar dan weet mens van die nood indien daar ‘n oplossing oor ons pad kom. Weereens, deur as ‘n gemeenskap saam te staan en ons netwerk uit te brei, gaan ons ‘n enorme verskil in Potch begin maak.” Vir verdere navrae kan Janet Potgieter, wat die afgelope 18 maand voltyds met “Die besigheid van Omgee” te doen het en by verskeie organisasies en projekte betrokke is, en pas aangewys as die sameroeper van die Gemeenskapsgedeelte van die Potch-Tlokwe Sakekamer, by 083 270 4701 / janet@redrope.co.za, geskakel word.

policeman trying to get used to his new career in the private sector. Each of these strands of a brilliant narrative is populated with superbly-drawn characters, and woven into a stunningly exciting drama by the undisputed king of South African suspense fiction. Not only a heart-pounding thriller, but also a love story and a fabulous kaleidoscopic picture of South African society, this is the finest novel yet from an author whose reputation is growing all around the world.

5. Aleph Author: P a u l o Coelho The new novel by the author of The Alchemist. Aleph marks a return to Paulo Coelho’s beginnings. In a frank and surprising personal story, one of the world’s most beloved authors embarks on a remarkable and transformative journey of self- discovery. Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and the world. On this journey through Europe, Africa, and Asia, he will again meet Hilal--the woman he loved 500 years before--an encounter that will initiate a mystical voyage through time and space, through past and present, in search of himself. Aleph is an encounter with our fears and our sins; a search for love and forgiveness, and the courage to confront the inevitable challenges of life.

6. The secret letters of the monk who sold his Ferrari Author: Robin S. Sharma ‘The much-anticipated new book in the number 1 bestselling Monk series, a compelling and timely fable about living your best life in these complex times Published in over 46 languages, with more than five million copies sold, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has touched people around the world. Published to coincide with the fifteenth anniversary of the very first The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book, Robin Sharma has written a powerful and moving fable that will resonate with readers now and for years to come. When the nowfamous character of Julian Mantle falls ill, he sends his nephew on an international adventure to retrieve Julian’s mementoes and secret letters--writings that reflect what Julian has learned over many years about living a remarkable life, a collection that may become his legacy. A moving and fascinating journey from the Bosphorus River in Turkey to a remote fishing community in India to the catacombs of Paris, The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari offers transformational lessons for happiness and true success and shows readers how to live an authentic and meaningful life.

7. The last sushi Author: Zaphiro No year would be complete without Zapiro’s annual collection of cartoons, which have served to become a reflective summary of political events in the year. Packed with biting humor and cutting edge satire The Last Sushi showcases this year’s cream of the crop from South Africa’s sharpest cartoonist. Once again Zapiro also acts as our national conscience and ensures that no event passes by without comment… or a laugh.

8. The confession Author: Grisham When Travis Boyette, a convicted felon, walks into a church in small-town Missouri, he carries with him a terrible secret. Nearly a decade earlier Nicole Yarber, a high school

senior with her whole life ahead of her, vanished. For two weeks, her home town stood still as thousands of volunteers combed the alleys and fields and ditches and abandoned buildings. But the search was futile. Nicole’s body was never found. Now Donte Drumm, the young black athlete arrested for Nicole’s murder, sits on death row. His execution date is set for less than a week’s time - and Robbie Flak, the lawyer who’s been fighting to prove Donte’s innocence for nine years, has spent every penny he ever had trying to get justice for his client. But now he’s out of options - unless Travis Boyette’s confession can put things right in time. The clock is ticking...

9. Levels of leadership Author: John C Maxwell

One of the most established authorities on leadership today, John C. Maxwell speaks to over 350,000 people each year. His most popular topic is THE FIVE LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP, which he now shares with readers. The five levels include: 1. Position - People follow because they have to. 2. Permission - People follow because they want to. 3. Production - People follow because of what you have done for the organization. 4. People Development - People follow because of what you have done for them personally. 5. Personhood - People follow because of who you are and what you represent. Through in-depth explanations and examples, Maxwell describes each stage.

10 Facebook Effect : The real inside story Of Mark Zuckerberg Author : David Kirkpatrick

Today - six years after it was created in a Harvard dorm room - over 500 million people use Facebook regularly, in just about every country on earth. That a company this powerful and influential was started as a lark by a couple of 19-year-olds makes it a fascinating and surprising tale. That one of them, the visionary Mark Zuckerberg, had the maturity, strategic smarts and luck to keep his company ahead of its rivals anchors the tale. With exclusive inside access to all the company’s leaders David Kirkpatrick tells of the vision, the tenacity, the refusal to compromise, and the vision Zuckerberg has to remake the internet. A brilliant and fascinating cast of characters created Facebook and Kirkpatrick has interviewed all of them. Never before have Zuckerberg and his closest colleagues told what really happened as they built their dynamo while eating fast food, staying up all night, and thumbing their noses at how things are usually

Hier is Van Schaik-boekhandel se toptien boeke vir Maart. Twee lesers kan elke ‘n boek uit die topverkopers wen. Die boeke wat weggee word is Steve Jobs: The exclusive biography en Zapiro: The last Sushi. SMS “boek” en jou naam en kontaknommer na 45518. Die sluitingsdatum vir SMS’e is Maandag 12 Maart om 12:00.

9 Maart 2012



Potchefstroom Herald


· Skole ·

Rohan Crous, (12), of Agape Christian School,in Potchefstroom, was selected for the Vaal West Region for Christian Schools Cricket team 2012, for USASA.



Skole ·

Kelekogile Tobolo is deur na die Noordwestoernooi vir o.15tennis. Regs: Me. Loura Williers (middel) se droom van die afgelope 4 jaar het waar geword. Williers het ‘n kultuurklas amptelik begin vir kinders wat nie aan sport deelneem nie. Mariska Nape (links) en Masabata Tsebela (regs) is van die kunstenaars. Bo: Dié twee manne wat haar so hard gehelp het om die kultuurklas te kry waar hy vandag is, is Brandon Wienand en Frikkie Smith.

Potch teen won national tourism title Danie Marais het die o.15-hoogspring by die Kenneth Kaunda byeenkoms gewen en is deur na die Nowessa.

Janné van der Merwe het die 0.17-gewigstoot by die Kenneth Kaunda-byeenkoms gewen en is deur na Nowessa.

Bo: Falakhe Phanoshe, kaptein van die eerste rugbyspan van Hoër Tegnies, wys sy blydskap met hul oorwinning van 12-8 teen Ferdies. Tegnies het met dié oorwinning hul ru g b y s ei s o e n afgeskop. Lizelle Scholtz is Hoërskool Ferdinand Postma se nuwe onderwyser in Afrikaans vir graad 8 en 9-leerlinge.

Daniel Wentzel het die 5 km Berts Bricks Run in sy ouderdomsgroep gewen.

(018) 294-3856

Nood/Emergency 084 501 8668



These dogs and cats, and many others, are either looking for their own, or new, owners. They may be viewed at the SPCA. • All animals must be sterilised or castrated before adoption. • Remember that the SPCA is closed during public holidays. • Prices on demand.

Cage 58 – Male – Husky I am such an amazingly, beautiful dog! Won’t you pleeaaasee give me another chance to life?

Cage 43 – Male – Pom Pom Cross – “Rufus” Boys & Girls, I just want to play with you and put that smile right back on your face! Pleeeaase give me another chance to life?

Keorapetse Thembo het die driesprong vir o.17’s by die Kenneth Kaunda-byeenkoms gewen en gaan nou by Nowessa deelneem.

BJ Rens (16), a grade 11 learner from Hoërskool Gimnasium Potchefstroom, won the prestigious title of MR TEEN TOURISM S.A. 2012 recently. More than 300 contestants from all over the country took part. During the coming year BJ will be closely involved in nationwide fundraising projects, promoting the South African tourism industry and being a role model to other talented teenage boys. He is an elite model at Alternative Studios and has won several big titles in the past year, including being selected as the Junior Male Face of Potch for 2011.

DBV -hoekie Cage 33 – Male – Pekanese Cross My, how beautiful am I ! Please give me a caring home so I can take care of you?

Cats – Various I’m looking for a new mommy and daddy to take care of my brothers and sisters. We really miss cuddling with you.



Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012


All 4 Baby and Kids 23 – 24 Maart 2012

The Fun Shed se eerste jaarlikse Baba en Kinder Expo vind op 23 – 24 Maart plaas. Die expo belowe om groot pret te wees. Daar gaan stalletjies en hope gelukkige trekkings wees. Pryse is geborg deur Dischem,Bennetts, Pigeon, Tina Scholts, DermaPro en vele meer. Ingangsfooi is slegs R30 en sluit ’n “goodie bag” vol verrassings in. Kinders speel gratis binne ons fantastiese speelplek.

KATEGORIE 1: 0 - 12 maande Mooiste glimlag:

Adrian Schutte

Alexander Raubenheimer

Carmie ward


Henré Heenop

Lohan Bothma

Chante Jansen van Rensburg

Mason Thompson

Sterenberg van Staden

Mia Putter

Mooiste oë:

Edrey van Zyl

Michael Rossouw

Zander Coetzee

Adrian Schutte

Chante Jansen van Rensburg

Mia Putter

Carmie Hayward


Funkieste hare:

Edrey van Zyl Zander etzee Adrian Schutte

Sterenberg Staden



Hendré Heenop

Lohan Bothma

Mason son

Thomp- Sterenberg Staden


Hendré Heenop

KATEGORIE 2: 13 - 24 maande Mooiste glimlag:

Jason Thompson

Zander Coetzee

Mooiste oë: Elin van Niekerk

Dio-done de Villiers Chloe Boshoff

Charne le Roux

Alke Wolmarans

Funkieste hare:

Alke Wolmarans

Heinrich Blom

Kaylinn rius


Charne le Roux

Heinrich Blom Links: Elandri Olech Bo: Dio-Done de Villiers

Dio-Done de Villiers Elin van Niekerk

KAylinn Pretorius

Elin van Niekerk

Suzet Bester

9 Maart 2012

Tlokwe celebrates National Water Week Tlokwe City Council will be hosting a water information lekgotla at the Madiba Banquet Halls from 08:00 on Wednesday 7 March. The event falls within National Water Week, which runs from 5 to 11 March and precedes the 6th World Water Forum that will be held in France from 12 to 17 March. During the local event various stakeholders will present a number of topics relating to water issues. In July last year Tlokwe was awarded platinum status for retaining its blue drop status for three consecutive years. It also achieved green drop status for its management and maintenance of its waste water works. The Department of Water Affairs instituted


Potchefstroom Herald

the blue and green drop as regulatory systems through which it monitors the status of drinking water and waste water respectively. The Water Week campaign aims to raise awareness about the role that water plays in eradicating poverty and contributing to elevating our social growth. It comes at a time when the country is dealing with drought in some areas and the aftermath of flooding in others. In addition, it comes as the water sector faces many challenges that include pollution of our water courses, provision of basic water supply to communities and ensuring security of supply into the future. DWA and its stakeholders will also highlight initiatives and progress made.


ARTISAN (ELECTRICIAN) Mediclinic Potchefstroom, is a 127-bed multidisciplinary, private healthcare facility, located in the North West Province. The hospital is conveniently situated within easy reach of major arterial traffic routes, OR Tambo International Airport, and other large commercial centres, and offers a multidisciplinary quality service to the doctors and community of Potchefstroom and environs. REQUIREMENTS: • An Olifantsfontein or equivalent trade test qualification • Preferably 3 years’ post-apprenticeship experience in electrical maintenance • Experience in UPS, standby generators, switchgear, transformers, new electrical installations, air conditioners, electronic equipment, t.v. reticulation and general maintenance is recommended • Ability to work independently • The ability to interact well in a service environment • A recognised wireman’s licence is strongly recommended • A valid driver’s licence and own reliable transport is essential • Must be willing to perform standby duties and work overtime • Experience with clinical equipment will be an advantage • Experience in a hospital environment will be an advantage

VLU stap vir ACWW Die Mooiharptak van die Vroue Landbou-unie het onlangs as deel van die ‘Women walk the world’projek gestap om die gemeenskap bewus te maak van die ACWW (Die Wêreldbond van plattelandse vroue).

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Electrical maintenance • New installations • After hour standby and call out responsibilities • General maintenance • Assistance with risk control • Office administration


ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN APPLICATIONS: 1. Do you have an Olifantsfontein or equivalent trade test qualification? 2. Do you have a wireman’s licence? 3. Are you willing to obtain a wireman’s licence? 4. Do you have own reliable transport? 5. Are you willing to work standby and overtime? APPLICATIONS CAN BE MADE: On-line at http://careers.mediclinic.com or, alternatively, off-line on an official application form to be obtained from any Mediclinic or from the Mediclinic Career Centre on tel. 021 943 6111. Completed forms must be faxed to 086 681 1436 or 086 682 9863 or 086 681 2078. Kindly quote the relevant reference number on your application. Job-related queries to be directed to Sanet Rossouw on 018 293 7004. All applicants will be considered, with the understanding that preference will be given in accordance with the Employment Equity Plan of Mediclinic Southern Africa. On-line Closing Date: 22 March 2012 Off-line Closing Date: 19 March 2012 Reference Number: POMC/Electrician/03-12 105053

ada Motors

47 JAMES MOROKA STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM. TEL: (018) 2945516/7/8, FAKS: (018) 294-5523 GENUINE KM'S

Trade-ins accepted FSP No. 7629

SHIRAZ 083-786-5516 • SHEZAD 083-786-5526 • SELEPE 076-370-9100 • ROELF 083 296 9805 XENON LIGHTS .........................................R239 500 2010 VW POLO 1.4 TRENDLINE N/SHAPE, A/C, P/S, CD, 30 000KM.............................R149 900 2009 VW SCIROCCO 2.0T FSI SPORTLINE DSG, 40 000KM 5YR 90 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULL HOUSE ..................................R304 900 2006 VW POLO 1.9 TDI, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS ......R104 900 2010 OPEL CORSA 1.4 ESSENTIA 5 DOOR, A/C ...R154 900 2006 OPEL ASTRA 1.8 SPORT 5 DOOR, A/C, P/S, C.D MAGS .......................................................R109 900 TOYOTA 2011 TOYOTA YARIS ZEN ACS 5 DOOR, 4 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD ............................................................R139 900 2011 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 IMPACT, A/C, P/S, CD, 30 000KM, 5 YR 90 000KM S/PLAN ..............R174 900 2011 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 PROFESSIONAL, A/C, P/S, DEMO .......................................................R189 900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 IMPACT, 50 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, WARRANTY, SERVICE PLAN ..........R159 900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6 ADVANCED, A/C, P/S, C.D MAGS ........................................................R179 900 2008 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6 PROF, A/C, P//S, C.D.............. ................................................................R129 900 2010 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D, A/T, D/C, 30 000KM, 5YR 90 000KM S/PLAN, WARR, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, CANOPY ....................................................R374 900 2010 TOYOTA YARIS T1 3 DOOR, A/C, P/S, CD ....R129 900 AUDI 2011 AUDI A1 1.4 TSFI 10 000KM 5YR 100 000KM A/C, .. P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, DEMO .......... R269 900 2011 AUDI A4 1.8T, 40 000KM 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE ............. R319 900 2011 AUDI A3 1.4T, 60 000KM, 5YR 100 000KM, M/PLAN A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ................................ R239 900 2008 AUDI 2.0TFSI MULTITRONIC, 70 000KM 5YR 100 000KM MOTOPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS .............................................................. R349 900 2008 AUDI TT 2.0T FSI ROADSTER A/T, 40 000KM, 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS .............................................................. R349 900 2009 AUDI A6 2.0 TFSI MULTITRONIC 60 000KM R359 900 FORD 2011 FORD BANTAM 1.3, P/S, CD, DEMO .................R109 900 2011 FORD FIGO 1.4 AMBIENTE, A/C, P/S, CD .......R129 900 2010 FORD FIESTA 1.4 AMBIENTE 30 000KM ...........R154 900 2010 FORD RANGER 2.5TD 4X4 D/CAB, 30 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULL HOUSE ..........................R279 900 MAZDA 2010 MAZDA 2 1.3 ACTIVE, 25 000KM, S/PLAN, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, CD ..............................R139 900 2009 MAZDA 6 2.5 DYNAMIC A/T 70 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, NEW SHAPE ................................................ 2009 MAZDA BT50 2.5 D/CAB, 70 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D MAGS, FULLHOUSE ........................................... R219 900 OTHER 2012 NISSAN NP 200 1.6 P/U,S/C, A/C 100KM, DIFFERENT COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM .........................R129 900 2011 RENAULT LAGUNA 3.5 COUPE A/T, 11 000KM 5YR

���r ��� �ars to s����t �ro���

BMW F/H ..........................................................R329 900 2011 BMW 323I (E90) 15 000KM 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, BMW 2006 BMW X5 3.0D A/T, S/PACK, SUNROOF, PDC, MOTORPLAN, FULLHOUSE R429 900 EXCLUSIVE PACK, S/ROOF, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS ........ 95 000KM .................................................R329 500 M, MOTORPLAN, FULL HOUSE R399 900 .............................................................R4359 900 2005 BMW 650I A/T, 70 000KM BAL OF M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, TORPLAN, FULL HOUSE R549 500 ,2011 31BMW 000KM, XENON MAGS R435 FULLHOUSE 900 125I COUPE 20 000KM 5YR 100 000KM CD, MAGS, NAVIGATION, ..................R429 900 0KM, CANBERRE BEIGE LEATHER R529 900 M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS .....................R429 900 2005 BMW 330CI A/T (E46) F/L, A/C, P/S, CD,.....R249 900 NOVATION PACK, DYNAMIC DRIVE R835 000 2011 BMW 520D (F10), A/T, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, 30 000KM K, SUN ROOF , 15 000KM R749 900 A/C, P/S, C.D 2004 BMW 320D (E46), INDIVIDUAL, 000KM, R359 900 5YR 100MOTORPLAN 000KM M/PLAN ......................................R479 900 MAGS .......................................................R109 900 0 000KM, SUNROOF, SPORTPACK R399 900 BMW X5 3.0 D X-DRIVE, A/T (E90), 36 000KM, 5YR 2003 BMW 330I (E46) F/C, 6 900 SPEED, A/C, P/S, C.D ,2010 MOTORPLAN R329 00KM,NAVIGATOR,XENON,18”WHEELS R599 900 100 000KM M/PLAN, 21” RIMS, S/ROOF, A/C, P/S, 18INCH MAGS, SUNROOF, FULLHOUSE .......R139 900 MOTORPLAN,FULLHOUSE R279 900 CD, REAL ENTERTAINMENT, NEW SPEC ......R699 900 MERCEDES BENZR599 900 NNOVATION PACKAGE,PAN SUNROOF 2010 BMW X1 2.0D M/PLAN, A/C, P/S..........R349 900 ERTIBLE, 66(M), 000KM , MOTORPLAN R329 900 2011 MERCEDES BENZ CLK 180K A/T, 20 000KM MERCEDES 2010 BMW Z4 (E89) 2.3IBENZ A/T 44 000KM, LEATHER KAHSAS 6YR 120 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, .....R369 900 A/T, 40 000KM, MOTORPLAN ,FSH R329 900 BEIGE .....................................R529 900 2010 MERCEDES BENZ C180K900 A/T, BE ................R329 900 A/T, CANBERRE 40 000KM, MOTORPLAN,FSH R349 49 BMW 000KM R310 2010 320I (E90) 50 000KM 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, 2010 MERCEDES BENZ ML 63000 AMG A/T..................... P.O.A 0 000KM, PARKTRONIC, MOTORPLAN R599 900 BLACK ......................................................R329 900 2009 MERCEDES BENZ A170 A/T, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS,, TGUARDE, 39 000KM, MOTORPLAN, FSH R309 900 2010 000KM,MOTORPLAN, BMW 750LI (F01) S/PACK, S/ROOF, 15 FSH 000KM ELEGANCE, FULLHOUSE, 000KM 6YR 120 000KM 70 R429 70 900 1395YR 000KM, R149 900 100 000KM FSH M/P ........................................ P.O.A M/PLAN ..............................................................R229 900 NISSAN 2010 BMW 750I (F01) 22 000KM 5YR 100,A/C,P/S,C/D 000KM M/PLAN, 2009 MERCEDES BENZ R320 CDI900 A/T, 40 000KM, 6YR ,30 000KM.WARRANTY R159 A INDIVIDUAL,A/C,P/S,CD R269 A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, DEMO ......... P.O.A. 120 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, 900 P/S, C.D, MAGS ............R399 900 R,A/C,P/S 2010 BMW 730D (F01) 9000KM 5YR 100 000KM, 2008 MERCEDES BENZ C63 AMG, 70 000KM, 6YR VOLKSWAGEN SUNROOF, P.D.C, NAVIGATION,MAGS 120 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, ON, S/PACK, 13 000KM, 6 SPEED, R339 900 UNROOF , 3000KM R265 900 FULLHOUSE .................................................... P.O.A NAVI, S/ROOF, P/TRONIC ..........................R599 900 0 000KM, XENON LIGHTS R239 900 2009 BMW 325 TOURING A/T, 30 000KM 5YR 100 000KM 2008 MERCEDES BENZ C200K900 A/T, A/C, P/S, C.D 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD R149 M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE..R359 900 R104 900 MAGS, FULLHOUSE ...................................R249 900 2009 BMW 335I (E90) A/T 40 000KM 5YR 100 000KM 2007 MERCEDES BENZ C200K A/T, 80 000KM 6YR M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, • CD, MAGS, S/ROOF, SPORTSPACK 120 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS ....R249 900 16/7/8 Fax: 018 294 5523 s Moroka Street • Potchefstroom ...............................................................R469 900 2007 MERCEDES BENZ C320 CDI, 50 000KM 5YR d cars. available from all major banks. EO&E 2009 BMW 125IFinance CONVERTABLE A/T, 20 000KM ...R339 900 120 000KM ................................................ R309 900 e Km’s & Trade-ins accepted. BMW5526 330I (E90)• A/T,Selepe: 90 000KM 5YR, 100 000KM 2007 BENZ ML 320 CDI,9805 A/T, 70 000KM 32009 786 076 370 9100 •MERCEDES Roelf: 083 296 MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE 6YR 120 000KM MPLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, ...............................................................R299 900 F/H ..........................................................R429 900 2009 BMW X5 X DRIVE 3SD A/T (E70), MOTORPLAN 2006 MERCEDES BENZ CLK 350 A/T, AVANTGUARD, EXCLUSIVE PACK, 3DR ROW SEATS, SUNROOF 80 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS .................R329 900 P.D.C, NAVIGATION, TOWBAR, F/HOUSE ....R629 900 2006 MERCEDES BENZ C180K A/T, A/C, P/S, ......R149 900 2009 BMW X5 X DRIVE 3.0D A/T (E70), 70 000KM, 2005 MERCEDES BENZ E500 A/T, AMG, S/PACK, S/ROOF, 5YR 100 000KM, SPORTSPACK, SUNROOF, A/C, P/S, CD, FULLHOUSE .........................R269 900 FULLHOUSE ..............................................R569 900 NISSAN 2009 BMW 320D (E90), MOTOPLAN, EXCLUSIVE PACK 2010 NISSAN TIDA 1.6 VISIA (H31) + A/C, P/S, CD, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS..................................R299 900 WARRANTY, 30 000KM ..............................R159 900 2008 BMW 323I (E90) A/T, 80 000KM 5YR 100 000KM 2010 NISSAN TIDA 1.6 ACENTA (H33), A/C, P/S, CD, ...... MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS. S/PACK R239 900 WARRANTY, 30 000KM ..............................R169 900 2008 BMW 335I COUPE 70 000KM 5YR 100 000KM, 2010 NISSAN HARDBODY NP300 S/C, CANOPY, A/C, P/S, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS.............................................R379 900 CD ...........................................................R179 900 2008 BMW 335I (E90), A/T, EXCLUSIVE PACK, S/ROOF, M/PLAN 2007 NISSAN TIDA 1.6 NISIA (H35) A/C, P/S, CD . R89 900 .........................................................................R349 900 2009 NISSAN TIDA 1.6 VISIA (H35), A/C, P/S, C.D 2008 BMW 325CI COUPE 70 000KM XENON LIGHTS, PDC MAGS .......................................................R134 900 MAGS, 100 000KM/5 YEARS .......................R349 900 2009 NISSAN MICRA 1.4 VISIA + 3DR A/C, P/S ...R109 900 2008 BMW 330I CONVERTABLE A/T (E93)...........R429 900 VW 2008 BMW 523I (E60) A/T, 60 000KM 5YR 100 000KM, 2011 VW POLO VIVO 1.4 CLASSIC 40 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD NEW SPEC, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS .................R329 900 ...............................................................R139 900 2007 BMW 325 CI COUPE (E92) A/T, 80 000KM ...R289 900 2011 VW POLO VIVO 1.4 T/LINE, 5 DOOR, A/C, P/S 2006 BMW 130I (E87) A/C, P/S, CD, SPORTSPACK, CD, 21 000KM, VW WARRANTY, DIFF COLOURS S/ROOF, FULLHOUSE .................................R199 900 ...............................................................R139 900 2006 BMW 320I (E90) A/T, A/C, P/S,C.D, XENON LIGHTS 2011 VW GOLF V1 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 30 000KM ...............................................................R164 900 5YR 90 000KM S/PLAN WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, 2006 BMW Z4 M ROADSTAR, CONVERTABLE, 66 000KM C.D, MAGS, LEATHER ................................R274 900 6YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, 2010 VW JETTA 2.0 TDI HIGHLINE 40 000KM, MAGS,

100 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, DEMO ............. ........................................................................ R450 000 2011 HYUNDAI I20 1.4, 30 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD, 5YR 150 000KM WARRANTY ..................................R159 900 2011 HYUNDAI GETZ 1.4HS, A/C, P/S, C.D, WARRANTY 30 000KM .....................................................R139 900 2010 CHRYSLER VOYAGER 2.8 LIMITED CRD, A/T, 30 000KM, 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, SWIVEL & GO, REAL ENTERTAINMENT, NEW SHAPE...............R449 900 2010 ISUZU KB 250 D-TEC, D/C 4X4, 70 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, T/BAR ...................................R304 900 2010 ISUZU KB 250 (72) SPECIAL EDITION, D/CAB, 30 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE ...R269 900 2010 JEEP CHEROKEE 3.7 LIMITED A/T, 28 000KM 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, NEW SHAPE..... ........................................................................ R369 900 2010 MINI COOPER CONVERTABLE 30 000KM, 3YR 75 000KM M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, CHILLI PACK ............................................................R259 900 2010 MINI COOPER S, CLUBMAN, 40 000KM, 3YR 75 000KM . M/PLAN, CHILLI PACK, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULL HOUSE .................................................R259 900 2010 LEXUS IS 250 SE, A/T, 40 000KM, SYK, 100 000KM, M/ .. PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS .............................R419 900 2010 HYUNDAI IX 35, 50 000KM 5YR 100 000KM S/PLAN, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, ...................... R249 900 2010 MAHINDRA 2.5 TDI 9 000KM, A/C, P/S, CD......R159 900 2010 MITSUBISHI PAJERO 3.2 DID SPORT GLS A/T, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, 35 000KM 5YR 100 000KM M/PLAN .......... R399 900 2010 NISSAN LIVINA 1.6 X-GEAR+, 25 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS FULLHOUSE ..................................... R159 900 2011 CHEVROLET CRUZE 1.8 LT A/T, A/C, P/S, CD, P/S, MAGS ........................................................................ R239 900 2009 FIAT BRAVO 1.4T JET SPORT 5 DOOR, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, 40 000KM ......................................................... R189 900 2009 HYUNDAI ELENTRA 1.6 GLS A/T, 8000KM, DEMO, A/C, P/S, C.D, F/H ............................................. R189 900 2008 GONOW 2.2 D/CAB (LWB) A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS .... R 99 900 2008 CHEVROLET LUMINA SS 6.0 P/S. S/C, A/C, P/U, CD, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS, IMMACULATE .......................... R259 900 2011 CHEVROLET SPARK 1.2L, A/C, P/S, C.D, NEWSHAPE ........................................................................ R109 900 2009 HONDA JAZZ 1.4I LX A/T, IVTEC ....................... R165 900 2008 PEUGEOT 308 1.6 XT, A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULL-HOUSE ..................................................... R174 900 2008 FIAT PALIO 1.2 EL, A/C, P/S, CD ........................ R 79 900 2006 PEUGEOT 307 2.0 CC A/T CONVERTABLE A/C, P/S, CD, MAGS, FULLHOUSE ........................................... R169 900 2005 VOLVO S40 2.4I A/T, P/S, CD, MAGS ................... R149 900



Potchefstroom Herald

Finalis-bruidspare gesoek Die tyd het aangebreek vir die twaalf finaliste van die Herald se bruidspaar van die jaar-kompetisie om die spoggeleentheid by te woon. Die Herald sal die funksie op 14 April vanjaar by The Roots, The Venue, aanbied. Twee van die finalisbruidspare, Morné en Izelle Pretorius (Oktober-finaliste) en André en Ileen Neethling (November-finaliste) moet die Potchefstroom Herald dringend skakel. Skakel Maryke van Heerden by (018)2930750 vir die finale reëlings. Koop met vertroue

9 Maart 2012

Inspirerende sprankeltee Om die draai

Morné en Izelle Pretorius is die Herald se Oktoberbruidspaarfinalis.

André en Ileen Neethling is die Herald se Novemberbruidspaarfinalis.

Pare wat in Januraie en Februarie getroud is, kan nog tot Dinsdag 27 Maart inskryf. Epos ‘n foto van julself waar jul van geluk straal na maryke.vanheerden@media24.com of skakel Maryke van Heerden by (018) 293 0750.

Die Potchefstroom Dienssentrum vir bejaardes hou Saterdag, 10 Maart, hul jaarlikse sprankeltee. Die tee vind in die Madiba Banketsale plaas en sal om 08:30 vir 09:00 begin. Kaartjies kos R150 per persoon. Dit is vanjaar die Dienssentrum se twintigste sprankeltee. Die gasspreker is Susan Coetzer en Manie Jackson is die gaskunstenaar. Skakel Sanet by (018) 293-0678 vir kaartjies.

FSP: 19813


Corner of Nelson Mandela & OR Tambo Avenue, Potchefstroom. Tel: (018) 294-6169 Fax: (018) 297-0673 finance@nbcarsales.co.za

First installment after 60 days

Please visit our other showroom c/o Peter Mokaba + Nelson Mandela Drive Potch. (018) 293 2220/1 Shan 084 670 1685 • Noshi: 082 558 4000 • Faeez 079 579 9957 • Jimber: 071 265 0808 • Rehan 082 457 2001 2004 AUDI A4 1.9 TDI, SILVER .................................................. R109 990 2009 REANAULT LOGAN 1.6, A/C, P/S, C/L, LOW KM, ...........R105 990 MERCEDES-BENZ 2002 AUDI TT 1.8T .................................................................... R149 990 2009 REANAULT SANDERO 1.6 UNITED ONLY 50 000KM.....R109 990 2011 MERCEDES BENZ ML63 AMG 16 000KM, CROME 2007 RENAULT MEGANE 1.6 GOLD SEDAN, A/C, P/S, C/L.... R119 990 PACK, LIKE NEW, REAR INTERIOR ..................................P.O.A TOYOTA 2006 RENAULT CLEO III 1.6 DYNAMIQE .................................R107 990 2010 MERCEDES BENZ E200 CGI BE M/PLAN 120 000KM, ....R439 990 2011 TOYOTA YARIS ZEN, A/C, P/S, C/L, ALARM ...................R139 990 VOLVO 2010 MERCEDES SLK 200K, NEW SPEC, 34 000KM ...............R449 990 2011 TOYOTA VERSO 1.6 S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L ...........R249 990 2007 VOLVO S40 2.0L, S/ROOF, NEW SPEC ..........................R149 990 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ CLC 350, 9000KM, S/PACK, PDC ......R409 990 2010 TOYOTA YARIS T1 3DR A/C, P/S, C/L .............................R109 990 2006 VOLVO S40 T5 140 000KM .............................................R149 990 2009 MERCEDES-BENZ B200 CDI S/PACK , M/PLAN ..............R259 990 2006 MERCEDES BENZ CLS 350 A/T ........................................R299 990 2009 TOYOTA YARIS T3, 3DR, A/C, R/CD ................................R139 990 COMMERCIAL (SUV, D/CAB) 2009 TOYOTA AURIS 1.8 RX, ONLY 24 122KM........................R189 990 2002 JEEP CHEROKEE 2.5 DIESEL, LEATHER, MAGS ...R109 990 2006 MERCEDES CLK 350 CONVERTABLE, BLACK/BAGE, 65 1 2008/04/07, 12:56 PM NAVIGATION, XENON, PDC, IMMACULATE, M/PLAN......R359 990 2009 TOYOTA AURIS 1.6RS, 24 000KM A/T (X2) .....................R179 990 2010 NISSAN LAVINA 1.6 X-GEAR, 20 000KM ..................R159 990 2009 TOYOTA YARIS T1 3DR 26 000KM .................................. R109 990 2006 MERCEDES C55 AMG, BLACK, S/R, A/T, PADDLE 2009 FORD BANTAM 1.6 XL7, 19 000KM - LOTS OF SHIFT, MOBILO PLUS ........................................................R299 990 2008 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6 PROF LOW KM.......................... R134 990 EXTRAS ......................................................................R134 990 2006 MERCEDES BENZ A170 NEW SPEC M/PLAN..................R129 900 2006 TOYOTA YARIS T3 5DR ................................................... R 79 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ S350I, NEW SHAPE ...........................R399 990 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6 ADVANCED NEW SHAPE ......... R209 990 2009 SUZUKI A/T, 29 000KM, WHITE ................................R109 990 2004 MERCEDES-BENZ C230 COUPE A/T ...............................R139 990 2001 TOYOTA TAZZ 130 ........................................................... R 49 990 2009 TOYOTA FORTUNER 3.0D A/T, NEW SHAPE, PDC, 2003 MERCEDES-BENZ C320 A/T ELEG, ..................................R129 990 T/BAR, 54 000KM, BULLBAR, ROLLBAR, X2............R339 990 OPEL 2001 MERCEDES-BENZ CLK 320, VERY LOW KM, FSH ..........R209 990 2008 NISSAN HARDBODY 3.3 V6, P/S, LOTS OF 2001 MERCEDES-BENZ C320 A/T, LOW KM, LIKE NEW ..........R119 990 2010 OPEL CORSA 1.4I ESSENTIA, A/C, P/S, R/CD .............R153 990 EXTRAS ......................................................................R169 990 BMW 2008 OPEL CORSA 1.4 ESSENTIA ..........................................R129 990 2008 CHEV CAPTIVA DIESEL 65000KM, BLACK, 2012 BMW NEW 1 SERIES 118I A/T ...........................................PO.A 2008 OPEL ASTRA 1.9 CDTI 76 000KM, BLACK GTC ...........R189 990 7 SEATER, R/CD, E/W ...............................................R239 990 2011 BMW 320I E90, EXCLUSIVE, S/ROOF, 17” MAGS ............P.O.A 2006 OPEL ASTRA 2.0T 130 000KM, LEATHER, A/C, P/S ......R149 990 2010 BMW X1 2.3D, A/T, M/PLAN, ONLY 300KM .......................R449 990 2008 CHEVROLET CAPTIVA SUV 3.2L V6 77 000KM, 2006 OPEL MARIVA 1.4 CLUB .................................................R 84 990 2009 BMW 750 LI, NEW SHAPE, LOW KM, LOTS OF EXTRAS GOOD CLEAN CAR, 7/SEAT, E/SEATS, CLIM/ 2003 OPEL MARIVA 1.8 ELEGANCE A/T .................................R104 990 ............................................................................................P.O.A CONTROL, A/C, P/S, C/L, 4X4, A/T. ..........................R269 990 2009 BMW X5 3.5D X-DRIVE TWIN TURBO, ALL EXTRA’S, VOLKSWAGEN 2007 ISUZU KB 3L DIESEL D/CAB .....................................R174 990 NAV, REVERSE CAM, LIKE NEW, PANORAMIC ROOF ...R599 990 2010 VW GOLF 6 1.4 TSI, 25 000KM ...................................... R229 990 2007 VOLVO XC90 D5, 65 400KM, M/PLAN.......................R299 990 2009 BMW 330D ONLY 40 000KM M/PLAN, IMMCULATE .........R369 990 2009 VW GOLF 5 071, SUNROOF .......................................... R239 990 2007 FREE LANDER 2.2 TD4 5DR NEW-SHAPE ...............R199 990 2009 BMW 118I, M/PLAN ............................................................R199 990 2002 VW GOLF 4 1.9 TDI ........................................................ R 79 990 2008 BMW 335 E90 SEDAN, A/T, PADLE SHIFT, M/PLAN, 2006 HONDA FR-V 2,0, 7-SEATER....................................R129 990 M/SPORTS PACKAGE........................................................R349 990 2011 VW POLO VIVO 1.4, SILVER .......................................... R139 990 2006 HYUNDAI TUSCON 2,0I GIS. 111000KM. LEATHER 2008 BMW 323I E90 65 000KM, M/PLAN NEW SPEC ...............R289 990 2010 VW COMBI 2.0 TDI 30 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, CD, R319 990 A/C, C/L, R/CD ...........................................................R139 990 2007 BMW 320I EXCL PACK .......................................................R174 990 2008 VW BEETLE 2.0 CABRIO, LOW KM, MAGS .................. R239 990 2006 IZUZU KB 3.0D LX LWB. ...........................................R122 990 2007 BMW X5 3.0D, LOTS OF EKSTRA’S, WHITE ....................R389 990 2010 VW POLO VIVO 1.4 79 000KM A/C, MAGS, R/CD .........R119 990 2005 NISSAN MARRANO, S/ROOF...................................R159 990 2007 BMW X3 3L DIESEL, S/ROOF, P.D.C. MAGS ....................R309 990 2008 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.4 TREND .................................... R104 990 2005 JEEP CHEROKEE 3.7 LTD, A/T (82 000KM) ............R114 990 2007 BMW X3 2,0 D XDRIVE 77000KM,.................................... .R315 990 2006 VW POLO 1.9 TDI SPORTLINE 120 000KM, .................R119 990 2007 BMW 750I, LOTS OF EXTRAS, M/PLAN ...........................R499 990 2005 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER 2.2L, S/R, LEATHER .....R134 990 2005 VW POLO 1.9 701 HIGHLINE......................................... R 94 990 2007 BMW 330I E92 CONVERTABLE, WHITE, IMMACULATE, 2005 FORD TERRITORY, SILVER .....................................R179 990 2002 VW POLO 1.6 S, MAGS .................................................. R 69 990 A/C, NEW SPEC, XENON LIGHTS ....................................R339 990 2010 ISUZU KB300 TEQ LX 4X4 D/C, ONLY 30 000KM ...R349 900 2006 VW JETTA 2.0 COMFORTLINE ...................................... R124 990 2007 BMW 550I A/T, M/S/PACK, S/ROOF ...................................R399 990 2009 ISUZU KB 300 LX A/T, D/CAB, LOTS OF EXTRAS ..R309 990 2007 BMW 525I A/T, NEW SPEC ................................................R299 990 OTHER 2007 BMW M6 26 000KM, CONVERTABLE ................................R699 990 2010 FORD FOCUS 2.5 ST 3DR (L-S)......................................R279 990 2006 NISSAN MARANO 3.5 V6, A/C, R/CD EXCELLENT .R199 990 2007 BMW 525I A/T, S/SPEC, SILVER, S/ROOF, PDC, 2010 FORD FOCUS 57 5DR 26 000KM, SUNROOF ................R309 990 2001 LAND ROVER, DISCOVERY II .................................R109 990 M/PLAN ............................................................................... R299 900 2011 FORD FIESTA 1.6 SUDAN, 20 000KM .............................R169 990 CARS UNDER R100 000 2007 BMW 335 CONV, SILVER, M/PLAN, A/T ............................R449 990 2007 MINI COOPER CONVERTABLE, MAGS, PDC .................R149 990 2006 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.6 A/C, P/S, C/L .......................R 89 990 2007 BMW 330I E90, CHARCOAL, S/ROOF, M-S/PACK ............R239 990 2011 CHEV SPARK 1.2L ............................................................R109 990 2008 FORD BANTAM 1.3 XL A/C, MAGS............................R 94 990 2007 BMW 323I A/T, EXCLUSIVE PACK. SPORT PACK ............R194 990 2009 LEXUS IS 250 A/T, 50 000KM ...........................................R339 990 2003 TOYOTA CORROLA 140I GLE ...................................R 79 990 2007 BMW 118I A/T, M/PLAN, LEATHER, MAGS........................R189 990 2008 GWM HOVER, LOW KM, 1 OWNER ................................R149 990 2003 BMW 318TI, BLACK ................................................... R 84 990 2006 BMW 320I (E90) S/ROOF, XENON, MAGS, A/T.................R149 990 2008 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 2.4 CONVERTABLE, MAGS ..R169 990 1998 AUDI A8 3.7L V6 A/T, 212000, CLIMATE CONTROL, 2006 BMW X5 4.8 IS A/T, F/H, LOTS OF EXTRAS, LEATH/INT, ABS, P/S,C/L........................................... R 79 990 M/P – 100 000KM, CHARCOAL .......................................... R499 990 2005 CHRYSLER GRAND VOYAGER 2.8 CRD SE A/T............R139 990 2002 CHRYSLER VOYAGER 3.3 LE LWB.................................R134 990 2001 AUDI A4 1.8 EXEC, MAGS, CD, A/C, P/S, E/W ......... R 69 990 2006 BMW 330CI CONVERT, FULL SPEC M/PLAN, 49000KM E46 ...................................................................................... R299 990 2008 SUBARU WRX STI H/BACK, MAGS, CUSTOM ..............R299 990 2000 BMW 330I E46, GREY, A/C, R/CD, A/T, E/W ............. R 99 990 2006 BMW 320I (E90) EXLUSIVE PACK .....................................R159 990 2008 LEXUS 250IS, 50 000KM ..................................................R239 990 2001 BMW 523I A/T, LEATH, A/C, P/S, LIKE NEW ............ R 84 990 2005 BMW 325I A/T (E90), ONLY 69 000KM...............................R179 990 2003 JAGUAR 3L SE X-TYPE A/T AWD ....................................R134 990 2010 DAIHATSU CHARAD 1.0, R/CD, C/L, A/B, ALARM ... R 99 990 2005 BMW 253I A/C, NEW SHAPE 523 ......................................R179 990 2009 FORD FIESTA 1.6 TDCI 64 000KM TREND, A/C, P/S......R164 990 2007 FORD KA 1.3, MAGS, A/C ......................................... R 64 990 2005 BMW 325I (E90), TV, NAV, S/ROOF ...................................R179 990 2009 HYUNDAI GETZ 1.4HS 17 000KM ...................................R124 990 2005 HONDA CIVIC 150 I, GOLD, A/C, P/S, C/L, R/CD, 2005 BMW X3 2.5, BLUE, LEATHER, A/C, P/S ...........................R189 990 2009 HONDA ACCORD 2.4 EXEC (LOW KM), LIKE NEW .......R259 990 GOOD FUEL CONSUMPTION AND BEST 2005 BMW 320I E90, LEATHER, A/C, P/S, C/L, CHARCOAL .....R149 990 2008 HONDA CIVIC 1.8 VXI 80 00KM, LEATHER, A/C, P/S .....R164 990 RELIABILITY .............................................................. R 99 990 2005 BMW 318I E46 INDIVIDUAL ...............................................R119 990 2007 ALFA ROMEO 1.6 SDR, F.S.H ........................................... R119 990 2003 MINI COOPER 1.6 GOLD BLACK, A/C, E/W, 2004 BMW X3 3L I, PETROL, S/PACK ........................................R179 990 MAZDA ALARM, MAGS, P/S, C/L ........................................... R 99 990 2004 BMW X5 4.4L, S/PACK, S/ROOF ......................................R249 990 2010 MAZDA 3 1.6 DYNAMIC, LIKE NEW, LOW KM, KEYLES 2003 FORD FIESTA, WHITE ..............................................R 54 990 2004 BMW 525I A/T (E60) LOW KM.S/ROOF .............................R169 990 ENTRY, E/W, P/S, R/CD ....................................................R214 990 2005 OPEL CORSA 1.4 LITE..............................................R 44 990 2004 BMW 320 DIESEL A/T, LOTS OF EXTRAS, E46 ................ R129 990 2010 MAZDA 3 2.5 SPORT, INDIVIDUAL, S/ROOF, LEATHER.R249 990 2007 OPEL CORSA 1.4 3DR, MAGS .................................R 58 500 2001 BMW 320D, RED.................................................................R 79 990 2009 MAZDA 2 1.5 IMMACULATE .............................................R154 990 2005 PEUGEOT 307 A/T, BLACK, 52000KM, S/ROOF.......R 99 990 AUDI 2008 MAZDA 3 2.3 SPORT, SILVER, S/ROOF ..........................R184 990 2006 RENAULT CLEO 2 1.4, R/CD, E/W, P/S, C/L ............ R 74 990 2006 MAZDA RX8 HI POWER, 59 000KM, LIKE NEW .............R184 990 2006 RENAULT MEGAN 2.0 DYNAMIQ, R/CD, A/C, P/S .. R 99 990 2010 AUDI A4 1.8T .................................................................... R289 990 2009 AUDI A3 2L TDI S/BACK 70 000KM ................................. R249 990 2005 MAZDA 6 2.5 SPORT LUX ................................................R109 990 2007 TOYOTA YARIS T3, SILVER, 5DR, A/C, R/CD, C/L, 2009 AUDI A3 1.9 TDI SPORTSBACK ATTRACTION ............... R239 990 PEUGEOT ALARM, A/BAGS ....................................................... R 94 990 2009 AUDI Q7 3.0 TDI 7 SEATER, LOTS OF EXTRA’S ............ R569 990 2007 PEUGEOT 207 3DR, BLACK ............................................R109 990 2006 TOYOTA YARIS T3 A/C, 5DR......................................R 74 990 2008 AUDI TT 2.0 TFSI, LEATHER, DSG, 75 000KM ............... R299 990 2006 PEUGEOT 206CC CONVERTABLE, COUPE...................R129 990 2004 VW POLO 1.9 TDI, WHITE HIGHLINE, MAGS...........R 89 990 2006 AUDI A3 2.0 FSI, 3DR, A/C, E/W ...................................... R144 990 2006 PEUGEOT 407 3.0 V6 S/R, R/CD, LEATHER, E/SEATS..R139 990 2002 JEEP CHEROKEE 2.5 SPORT DIESEL .....................R 99 990 2005 AUDI A6 24, M&H TRONIC, MAGS .................................. R189 990 2005 CITROEN C2 1.41 VTR ..............................................R 64 990 2004 AUDI A4 1.8T AVANTE 37 000KM, MULTITRONIC ..........R119 990 RENAULT

Concerned Bed & Breakfast Situated in Dassierand. 500m from the Bats, en route Promosa. Rooms: R250 per couple sharing, excluding breakfast and R320 including breakfast. Monthly rental of rooms available from R1 200 per month. Booking: 082 654 0016 of (018) 297 0878, ask for Masego of Thabo


9 Maart 2012

Eiendomsgids Property Guide


Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

9 Maart 2012


BACHELOR R315 000. Ruim, naby Puk, baie netjies. Verhuur vir 2012 STUDENTE HUIS R985 000. 5 x kamer, 2 x bachelor w/s, 950m vanaf Puk. GRIMBEECKPARK R610 000 Meenth 2 Slpk, groot oopplan.

R3.2 MILJ - 100HA Spilpunt. Waterregte geregistreer. Aangeplante weiding. Plaas in kampe gedeel. 8Km uit Potch. Melkstal en groot store. 2 x Baie goeie huise, 1 x bachelor w/s R2.5 MILJ - O.H.B 48HA 4km uit dorp teen Mooirivier. Moeder m/n en kanaal waterhuis en store.

BEESPLAAS R3.4 MILJ. Goeie dra krag, baie water, puik buitedrade, genoeg suipings. 30km uit Potch, 300Ha.

R420 000 SENTRAAL 2 Slpk duplex, 1½ badk, onderdakparkering.

500HA - R6.8 MILJ 52Ha Spilpunt uit Vaalrivier, 1/2m rivierfront, 1 30Ha aangeplante weiding, 4 goeie huise.

ABEL ROOTMAN 083 243 0257

JOHANN HAMANN – 082 495 6660 SWARTRUGGENS : ± 782 ha wildsplaas – 2 woonhuise, chalet, stoor en koelkamer. ± 200 ha binnekamp vir eksotiese wild. Goeie padnetwerk. 9 spesies wild. Mooi natuur. R7,5m (Onderhewig aan BTW) LICHTENBURG : ± 1530 ha beesplaas. Goed bekamp met suipings. 2 boorgate. R5 500/ha (Onderhewig aan BTW). SAN LAMEER (SUIDKUS) 1/4 aandeel in 2 slpk-villa op golfen gesinslandgoed. Landgoed beskik oor strandmeer en privaat strand asook uitstekende golfbaan met muurbal- en tennisbane. Eksklusiewe geleentheid. R435 000.


R 850 000


Moderne 3 Slpk, 2 bad, 2 M/Huise, 3 Afdakke, Pragtige Lapa & ingeboude braai, Ligte steen (min instandhouding), Klein tuin, Sekuriteit 000 by nuwe Pick ‘n Pay ,250

BY PUK - 6 Slpk, 2 Bad & afdakke @ R 918 000 & VERHURINGS

Lukestr. 1


ROLENE : 082 859 6209

(oorkant Pick ‘n Pay)

Tel : (018) 297 8338

PLOTTE EN PLASE TE KOOP KOEPEL. 90 Ha. Gerieflike 5 slpk huis met d/geriewe. Prag omgewing met rantjies en bos. Ongeveer 600 vierkante m rivierfront. Eiendomme WILGEBOOM. GOEIE KOOP! Ongeveer 2,5 Ha. Gerieflike groot 4 slpk POTCHEFSTROOM huis met 2 badk, swembad, 5 motorh, Alta 082-925-2037, (018) 297-6318 buitegeboue, skaapvoerkraal vir 200 Faks: (018) 297-7482 skaap. Email: alta@lavilleproperties.co.za POTCHEFSTROOM. 300 Ha. Wildsplaas, 2,4 meter wildwerend omhein. MIEDERPARK Prag 3 slpk huis met 2 badk, sitk, eetk, KLIPDRIFT 22 Ha. 20,6 Ha ingelys. Groot gronddam, TV-kamer, komb met opwas, 2 motorh, sementdam, store en moederlyn. Goeie 5 groot netjiese tuin swembad en lapa. slpk huis met 2 badk. WILGEBOOM. Boorgat en besproeiing. Ongeveer 21 Ha. Gerieflike groot 4 slpk huis met 2 badk, 2 motorh en lapa. 10,3 Ha besproeiing ingelys, moederlyn en besproeiingsdam. Stoor 280 vierkante meter. 400 Ha. 1 km Mooirivierfront .15 Ha spilpunt. 2 netjiese huise. Netjiese beesgeriewe en store. SKAKEL VIR NOG PLOTTE EN PLASE TE KOOP!! Nick 072 025 0375 MARTIN 076 5911 640

CHRIS VAN DER WALT – 082 629 0293

Tel : 018 – 632 0877 en 082 557 6519 / Faks : 086 673 9422 www.joubaproperties.co.za

Kantoor Tel: (018) 293-1845, Faks: (018) 293-3163, Prinsipaal Annelize (B SOC. SC. CEA)

sekuriteit by koopsentrum en kerk


Van der Hoffpark R1.9 Milj Ruim gesins woning. 4 Slpk, 4 leefarea, 2 motorh, speelkamer

GROOT-MARICO : ± 259 ha onontwikkelde weidingsplaas. Mooi omgewing. R2,650m GROOT-MARICO : LICHTENBURG/BIESIESVLEI : ± 29 ha – 2 slpk-huis, 6,5 ha ± 246 ha beesplaas, 2 woonhuise, besproeiing (ingelys). Implemente goeie veehanteringsgeriewe, ingesluit. R1,05m gedeelte goeie vleiweiding. R2,75m (Onderhewig aan BTW) (Onderhewig aan BTW)

3 Slpk Dupleks met

MODERNE MEENTHUIS 2 Slpk, & wonderlike Lapa met ingeboude braai wat deel vorm van m/huis

R950 000 SENTRAAL Uitstekende ligging, by kleuterskool, laer/hoërskool. Ruim 4 slpk huis met 2 slpk woonstel. Groot erf.

LICHTENBURG : ± 1647 ha besproeiing-/saai-/beesplaas – Woonhuis, store, ± 65 ha spilpuntbesproeiing, ± 600 ha droëlande, res weiding. Goeie ligging. R14,56m (Onderhewig aan BTW)


TEETUIN - R890 000 Heerlike kos, gawe gaste. Stil gesogte area. Lieflike werksomgewing. HARDINGTON - 8.5HA R785 000 Groot huis, 4 boorgate.

TE HUUR WOONSTELLE TE HUUR - SENTRAAL - Bachelor. R2 700 - 1 Slaapkamer. R3 500 - 2 Slaapkamer. R3 850 Santie 0823648076 STUDENTE BEHUISING Studente huis: kamers beskikbaar vanaf R1 500 tot R1 700. Annatjie 0823203847

TE KOOP WOONHUIS TE KOOP Stylvolle woonhuis in Van der Hoff Park. 3 slaapkamers, 2 en ‘n half badkamers, 2 motorhuise, ingeboude braai. R2.1 miljoen. Janine 071 604 2436 WOONHUIS TE KOOP Groot familie leefhuis in Bailliepark. 5 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, patio met ingeboude braai. Baie mooi tuin met n swembad. 2 Motorhuise en ‘n afdak. R2 miljoen. Janine 071 604 2436 / Annatjie 0823203847 MEENTHUISE TE KOOP IN BAILLIEPARK - 2 slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, 1 motorhuis en 1 motorafdak in ‘n sekuriteitskompleks. R730 000 - 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise, ingeboude braai in ‘n sekuriteitskompleks. R995 000. - 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise, ingeboude braai in ‘n sekuriteitskompleks. R998 000.

SUID R640 000 Oulike 3 slpk huis met 1 badk, sitk en 2 afdakke. Goeie beginnershuis. SENTRAAL. R750 000 Baie oulike netjiese 3 slpk huis met badk, aparte toilet sitk, eetk, komb en 2 motorh SENTRAAL R760 000 Baie ruim 4 slpk huis met sitk, eetk, TV-kamer en 2 motorh in mooi tuin. SENTRAAL. R800 000 Gesogte dupleks. 2 Slpk, volledige badk, aparte toilet, sitk, eetk, komb, privaat tuingedeelte, swembad en veilig. SUID SENTRAAL.R900 000 Baie ruim netjiese 3 slpk huis met 2 badk sitk, eetk, TV-kamer, komb met wask, kroeg,en 2 motorh. GOEIE KOOP! MIEDERPARK. R950 000. 4 Slpk woonhuis met sitk, eetk, TV-kamer, komb met opwas en ruim 1 slpk woonstel. SENTRAAL R960 000. Modern oorgedoen. Prag 3 slpk huis met 2 badk oopplan leefarea, kroeg, boorgat, lapa, motorh en woonstel. MARTIN 076 591 1640

- 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 1 motorhuis, 1 motorafdak, ingeboude braai in ‘n sekuriteitskompleks. R900 000. Skakel Annatjie 0823203847 of Janine 0716042436

VOLTITEL MEENTHUIS TE KOOP - BAILLIEPARK Ruim 3 slaapkamer, 2½ badkamer, 3 motorhuise, swembad, gevestigde tuin, sekuriteitskompleks. Janine 071 604 2436 WOONSTELLE TE KOOP SENTRAAL - Bachelors Prys tussen R300 000 en R320 000 -1 Slaapkamer R450 000 OHB - 2 Slaapkamer R530 00 OHB Janine 071 604 2436

DRINGEND Soek dringend huise om te verkoop of om te verhuur. Leier op die gebied van verhuring, onderskei ons ook as Bestuurende Agent van verskeie komplekse.

R640 000 SUID Netjiese 2 slpk meenthuis met 2 badk, komb, tuintjie en 2 motorh. R690 000 SUID 3 Slpk woonhuis met 2 badk, sitk, eetk, studeerk, 2 motorh, 2 afdakke en braai. SENTRAAL R750 000 Ruim 3 slpk huis met 1 badk, sitk, eetk komb, motorh met afdak en buitekamer SUID R860 000 Netjiese 3 slpk huis met 2 badk, 2 motorh, woonstel, en erf (ingesluit) wat onderverdeel is. SENTRAAL. Ruim 4 slpk woonhuis. Elke kamer het eie badkamer, sitk, eetk, komb, swembad en lapa. Plus 3 netjiese 1slk woonstelle en 2 bachelorwoonstelle. PUIK HUURINKOMSTE! Ook ideaal vir gastehuis. SUID-SENTRAAL Netjiese 3 slpk huis met 2 badk, sitk, eetk, TV-kamer, prag komb met opwas, kuier area, swembad en w/stel. BESIGHEID TE KOOP. Gevestigde bakkery te koop. Goeie omset MELINDA O83 743 5400

GRIMBEECKPARK. Prag nuwe huis in aanbou. 3 Slpk, 2 badk oopplan sitk, eetk, 2 motorh en ingeboude braai. VAN DER HOFFPARK. R1,9 miljoen. Baie ruim 4 slpk huis met 2 badk,sitk, eetk, tv-kamer, werkskamer, kroeg, studeerk, 2 motorhuise, swembad, lapa met braai en woonstel met aparte ingang. MIEDERPARK. R 790 000 Veilige netjiese 2 slpk meenthuis met 2 slpk, 2 badk met stort, oopplan sitk, eetk, komb met opwas, motorh en lapa NOORD-SENTRAAL Baie netjiese 3 slpk huis met 2 badk, groot oopplan leefarea, 3 motorh op groot erf vir ontwikkeling. Naby Bult. BAILLIEPARK. R1,37miljoen Prag 3 slpk huis met studeerk, 2 badk, groot oopplan, sitk, eetk, TV-kamer, komb met opwas en wask, 2 motorh, swembad, lapa met braai, sonpanele en koopkrag. CHRISSIE 082 410 2818

9 Maart 2012


Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Eddie 083 412 6887 Ben 082 559 0557 Tersia 084 206 1661 Mariaan 084 245 9353 • • •

Vaalrivier erf. Jambo 600m² R380,000 Meenthuis - Kanonnierspark - R795,000 2 slaapkamers met toesluitm/huis en

• •

eie tuintjie. Meenthuis - Volkskool-area - R700,000 2 slaapkamers met toesluitm/huis

* Ontwikkelingsgrond in Baillie Park * 1 HA kaal hoewe in Mooivalleipark * 6 Voltitel meenthuise in Grimbeekpark Steve Biko 68 Bult, Potchefstroom

www.willowspropertygroup.co.za admin@willowspropertygroup.co.za

Tel: 018 293 1610 Fax: 0866 478 510

Marlene 082 859 7915 CEA NQF

Hanlie 082 784 0204 CEA NQF

BAILLIE PARK Pragtige huis met ‘n droom kombuis. Groot kamers met baie baie ekstras.


SKAKEL MY VIR MEER INLIGTING Marlene 082 859 7915 PRAG HOEWE - VYFHOEK 1 HA gerieflike woonhuis, prag tuin genoeg Marlene 082 859 7915 store en water, lieflike lapa, borrelbad, swembad. PRYS ONDERHANDELBAAR!!!

Karin 072083 800232 9887 Marietha 1831

R900 000 : Prentjie mooi meenthuis - 3 slpk 2 badk, toesluit ,m/huis, swembad in kompleks, pragtig. Bel my!!!! R800 000 : Meenthuis, sprokie verhaal, Marietha 083 232 1831 2 slpk, 1 badk, pragtige kombuis, teetuin hoekie, swembad in kompleks. Liza Marietha Adelé 083 256 9799 083 232 1831 079 512 2109 Adele 079 512 2109 CEA NQF CEA NQF Bult : Bachelor woonstelle +/- 1km vanaf Puk @ R315 000; Kanonnierspark : 2 slpk meenthuise met lieflike leefarea en tuin R795 000; R750 000 Sentraal : 5 slpk, 3badk met netjiese tuin en Frank Thinus swembad R895 000. 076 463 6829 072 482 6523 Liza 083 072 256 482 97996523 Thinus B Art et Scientiae

Hanlie 082 784 0204

Baie netjiese 3slpk huis met dubbel m/huis dubbel Karin geriewe072 en 1800 slpk9887 woonstel. ALLES net Marlene 082op859 7915 vir R860 000. Huurinkomste huis en woonstel Marietha 083 232 1831 Hanlie 082256 7849799 0204 Liza 083 Studentehuise, min onderhoud, goeie huur inkomste, goeie liggings vanaf R750 000 tot R1 350 000; Beleggers - 1slpk, 1 badk, studente woonstel @ R410 000; Baillie Park erwe vanaf R200R2 000;990 0 Frank 076 463 6829

STUDENT ROOMS : walking distance from NWU and CTI from R1 800 pm Adelé 079 512 2109

Steve Biko 68, Bult Potchefstroom www. willowspropertygroup.co.za rentals@willowspropertygroup.co.za Tel : (018) 294-3010 Faks : 086 647 8450


Rudo Maryna Di Prinsipaal TE 082HUUR 807 9954 082 859 3437 1 Slpk woonstel op Bult @ CEA R2 100 CEA NQF

Bachelor naby Pukke @ R2 240

34 groot gemeubileerde bachelors Slpk huis in Vd Hoffpark @ R9 900 in sekuriteitskompleks vir studente 2 Slpk woonstel in middedorp @ R3 100; @ R2 500 2 Kamers in studentehuis @ R2 000; Babsie 074 960 2378 in Middestad 12slpk Slpk tuinwoonstel woonstel by PUK hek @ R2@640 2R3 Slpk woonstel in Middestad R3 000 600; ******

2 Slpk woonstel in stilgedeelte van Skakel@gerus ons ervare agente Potch R2 700 3om Slpk in Baillie Park R3 300 u behulpsaam te@ wees in die

huur en/of verhuur van u eiendom!!! Maryna 082 807 9954

Harcourts Potchefstroom

T: 018 294 3385 E: potchefstroom@harcourts.co.za W: www.harcourtsnwproperties.co.za





SHOW – Saturday 12:00 - 14:00 CENTRAL R798 000 This character home is located within close proximity to town. Renovated with a beautifully done kitchen and a big tool shed for all your gardening needs. Ideal for a small family who loves a big backyard. With space to expand this could be a great investment for you.


R432 000

Hierdie woonstel is absoluut bekostigbaar geprys – 'n winskoop! Netjiese 2 slaapkamer woonstel in die Campus @ Home-kompleks in Wilgenstraat. Omtrent 1.5 km weg van die naaste universiteitshek in Silwerstraat. Slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, badk met stort, oulike komb, oopplan leefarea. Afdakparkering. Beskikbaar vir onmiddellike okkupasie!

Melanie Britz T: 018 294 3385 C: 082 706 4342 E: melanie.britz@harcourts.co.za

Phillip Pienaar T: 018 294 3385 C: 083 794 2619 E: phillip.pienaar@harcourts.co.za



SHOW – Saturday 12:00 - 13:00 Sunday 16:00 - 17:00 VYFHOEK R7 990 000 Developers launched almost every month in a wide range of styles, prices and locations. There is always something to suit everyone. This is your TIME AND OPPORTUNITY a perfect location for your dream development. 3.4ha. Do not miss out!!! Santi Britz T: 018 294 3385 C: 082 467 1519 E: santi.britz@harcourts.co.za

BAILLIEPARK R595 000 Excellent Location. This 2 bedroom flat offers light, sunshine, modern finishes and secure parking.

Heila Clayton T: 018 294 3385 C: 079 507 4917 E: heila.clayton@harcourts.co.za

BULT R760 000 Exceptional Value! Newly remodeled 72sqm apartment with under floor heating and a open plan kitchen and living area. Close to Medi Clinic and University. This secure complex have it's own swimming pool,entertainment area and laundromat.It's an ideal home for young professionals and students. Esther van Heerden T: 018 294 3385 C: 082 922 1006 E: esther.vheerden@harcourts.co.za


Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Skakel Gert 082 377 1313 Vir meer inligting besoek ons web nl: properties4all.co.za



STUDENTE BEHUISING 2012 STUDENTEWOONSTEL VAN Vyfhoek Plot (Bachelor) R1,750 DIE WEEK Mooivalleipark (Bachelor) R2,420 Campus @ Home (1 Slpk) R3,025 Le Quartier (1 slpk) R4,180 Luukse eenhede (1 slpk) R4,180 De Hoff’t (2 slpk) R5,170 Majories Place (3 slpk) R5,000 BACHELOR WOONSTELLE Mooivalleipark (onmiddelik) R2,420 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL Barrish Place (onmiddelik) R2,870 1 Slaapkamer met ingeboude 3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS kaste. Kombuis met netjiese Phillipslaan 1 R5,750 ingeboude kaste, plek vir wasSTUDENTE WOONSTEL masjien. Badkamer (stort, toilet, (WINSKOPIE)

wasbak). Sitkamer, onderdakparkering, swembad, braaiarea, wassery in kompleks. DIT ALLES VIR SLEGS !!! R399 000 !!! WOONSTEL VAN DIE WEEK (SENTRAAL)


9 Maart 2012

Eiendomsgids Property Guide

FREDDIE DE BEER EIENDOMME 082 739 5901 / 018 786 2524 debeer38@telkomsa.net R150 000. Voltitel erwe, ±318 vk meter tot ±453 vk meter, in sekuriteitskompleks. Die Bult. R570 000. Netjiese 3 slpk huis, dubbel geriewe, TVkamer, wask, ens., swembad, lapa, 1 slpk woonstel. Baie ekstras Welverdiend (Suid). VIR DIE BELEGGER: 1. R3,15 milj. 17 x studente w/stelle, maandelikse inkomste R30 000, baie potensiaal vir uitbreiding, nog 7 x w/stelle. Potchefstroom. 2. R1,53 milj. ‘n Besigheidsgebou, maandelikse inkomste R16 000, lang huurkontrakte. Wesrand.

Property Profile Group

Te Huur:

R3 500. 2 Slpk huis, 2 badk, kombuis, oopplan leefarea, ruim, tuin, vol erf. Welverdiend (Noord). R3 000 vir ‘n 3 slpk huis R3 700 vir ‘n 4 slpk huis Deelkraal ± 45 km vanaf Potchefstroom. Benodig eiendomme om te verhuur aan goedgekeurde huurders.

“KEN JOU AGENT” Verskyn maandeliks in die Huisgids! Bespreek nou jou plek om op 29 Maart 2012 te verskyn

Lukestr. 9 Potchefstroom 2520 2520 • Tel: (018) 293-2883 • Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, Tel: 018-293 2883 • Posbus 2132 20606, Noordbrug 2520 Vir al u eiendoms • Posbus info@propertyprofile.co.za Irma-082 347 5555 • info@propertyprofile.co.za behoeftes www.propertyprofile.co.za • www.propertyprofile.co.za

Johnny - 082 562 8156 Irma - 082 347 5555 - 073 492 3638 Gideon - 082 927 3397 ThinusIrma - 072 482-6523 Johnny-082 562Chris 8156 082 1 Slaapkamer met ingeboude kaste, kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste. Sitkamer, badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak) afdak, braai area, afstand beheerde motorhekke voor ingang van kompleks. GOED GEPRYS VIR SLEGS !!! R350 000 !!! TE KOOP 1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTELLE

3 Slaapkamers ingeboude kaste. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste, aparte Opwas. Oopplan Sitkamer, Eetkamer. 2 Badkamers. Balkon, Toesluitmotorhuis, kuier area in tuin. Swembad in kompleks, Quintron (Sentraal R270,000 Prepaid Krag. Die Eike (Sentraal) R280,000 Water suiweraar in Barrish Place (Sentraal) kombuis. Heffing R760. R302,000 DIT EN NOG VELE MEER Campus @ Home (Bult) VIR SLEGS !!! R899 000 R350,000 TE KOOP Majuba (Sentraal) R370,000 3 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTELLE Caruso (Bult) R399,000 Tramonto (Sentraal) R400,000 Angelahof (Sentraal) R 530,000 Villa Renea (Bult) R475,000 Majories Place (Bult) R 580,000 AT Varsity (Bult) R475,000 Berma (Bailliepark) R 620,000 Onder die Randjie (Dassier.) Villa Renea (Bult) R 660,000 R475,000 Roodekrantz (Sentraal) R 690,000 Silverwood (Bult) R495,000 Tersiahof (Sentraal) R 690,000 SKAKEL GERT 082 377 1313 Vir meer inligting besoek ons web nl: properties4all.co.za

Grimbeekpark. Miederpark. VERSKEIE 1, 2, 3 SLPK W/S TE Grimbeekpark. Studentewoonstelle 3 slpk, 2 badk met bachelorwoonstel, HUUR IN BAILIEPARK! Lieflike groot 3 slpk, 2 badk huis met Verskeie woonstelle te koop met of sonder Volmaakte gesinswwoning. 4 Slaap- d/mh, baie mooi tuin en swembad, lapa met Van der Hoffpark Meenthuis swembad, plus woonstel kamer, 3 leefvertrekke, studeerkamer, Harpington Sentraal Grimbeekpark ingeboude braaier!! R1 570 000 kontrakte. Vanaf R 375 000Hoewe tot R900 000 spens, swembad en groot erf. Woonstel Nuwe 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 m/huise, TV-k, komR1 090 000 buis, binne veiligheidskompleks. R1 260 000 Grimbeekpark. Baie netjiese, Suid 8.5 Ha met 3 slpk woonhuis, baie Miederpark. ruim 3 slpk woonstel R1 590 000 - Bailliepark 3 slpk, dubbelverdieping, 2 badk, Spinternuut in BailieALLEENMANDAAT Park vanaf Spar. 4 slaapkamers, 3 water Slpk met dubbelgeriewe en TV-kamer, Nuut en modern! 3 slpk met dubbelModerne 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 motor/h, pragtige netjiese lapa/onthaalarea met met 2 Loopafstand badkamers, groot kombuis, R780 sit000 (OHB) Netjies en swembad!! baie ruim 4 slaapkamR1 166 000 kombuis, ooplan sit, eetk met ingeboude studeerkamer swembad, lapa en boorgat. geriewe. Ruim vertrekke. Spog sekuri- 2 badk huis met d/motorhuis en swembad. R880 000 waskamer en toesluitmotorhuis Suid. braai.in R1 220 000 Meenthuis Bailliepark teitskompleks. R850 000 er woonhuis met 3 met badkamers, Miederpark woonstel 3 slpk in stil area groot erf! Grimbeekpark. R1 378 000 - Bailliepark baie mooi Sentraal. Lieflike 3kompleks. slpk, 2 badk, meenthuis met Pragtige 3 slpk huis met leefareas, 2 m/h, R535 000 studeerk, 2 Slpk, 2 badk met enkelmotorhuis 33leefvertrekke, Splinternuut met puik afwerking. 3 Suid. en kombuis, met eie 2.5 badk, lapa, swembad, waskamer en 000 3 Slpk, 1 badkamer, mooi kombuis, eet- en slaapkamer, dubbelgeriewe enR 640oopplan-sitkamer 3 slpk,dubbelm/h. met groot erf en netjiese tuin! metmet1 baie parkering en klein tuintjie stoorkamer.R1 850 000 tuin. R780 000 swembad en sitkamer groot erf. dubbelm/h. Bailliepark R690 000 Suid Sentraal. Sentraal. Meenthuis: R780 met 000 Bult. Enkelm/huis groot afdak. R710 000 R1 166 000 - Noord-Sentraal/Dupleks Oulike 3 slpk, 1 badk, huis met enkelm/h. Baie netjiese 4 slpk, 2R badk,1sitk, eetk, huis 696 000 3 Slpk dupleks meenthuis in Batchelorwoonstelle met onderdak2 slpk, lekker ruim met moderne badk Loopafstand dorp toe, baie moonlikhede met 2m/h en baie groot erf. R960 000 Suid Hoewe Vyfhoek: Suid Baillieparkparkering elektriesehek veiligheidsarea. vir. R610 000 Uiters netjiese gerestoreerde 3 slk huis met en kombuis. Eie tuintjie. R500 000 Ruim 3 slaapkamer met 2 badkamers en 2 R315 000 Tuscany Ridge. netjiese slaapkamer woonmodern. 3 slpk met R 750Studentebehuising. 000 motorhuise. R660 000Sonnig en Harpington 2 Baie lieflike badkamers, baie mooi3kombuis Baie ruim 3 slpk woning met dubbelOngeveer 500m van NWU. 4 slpk, 2 8.5h plot met 3 slpk, 2 badk, volledige Suid-Winskoop! met baie kaste. Uitersdubbelgeriewe geskik vir eerste huis met geleë op en dubbelm/h. Miederpark Meenthuis: geriewe, studeerkamer badk huis met 2 slpk woonstel. dubbelgeriewe groot woonstel, en baie sterk water, inleefverstil 3 Slaapkamers, 1badk, sitk, eetk, asook kopers. R775 000 omgewing. R950 000 R800 000 R1 180 000 1slpk woonstel R490 000

1 Ha hoewe baie naby Potch R 1,9 Miljoen Vyfhoek Hoewe: 1.5 Ha hoewe met netjiese 3 slpk, 2 badkamer woning. Baie veilige en rustige omgewing. R 1.6 Miljoen

2 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, 1 m/huis met klein tuintjie. R 880 000 Sentraal: Vir die eerste koper- Die oulike 3 slpk woonhuis met 1 badkamer en groot erf. R 640 000

trekke. Geleë binne gesogte kompleks. R1270 000. Hoewe 21 Ha hoewe met woonhuis en stoor. Goeie weiding R 600 000

347 5555

Rivier Eiendom: Netjiese 3 slpk, 3 badkamer woning met groot stoor en braaigeriewe. Vaalrivierfront. Sluit meubels in. R 850 000 Van der Hoffpark Ruim, luuks en baie netjies! 3 Slpk, 2 badkamer en dubbelmotorhuis. Pragtige tuin. Goeie sekutiteit. Voltitel. Prys verlaag R 1 580 000 Noord-Sentraal Netjiese 3 slpk woning met oulike kombuis. Onlangs geteël. Groot erf met m/h en buitekamer. Naby die universiteit geleë. R840 000. Aftree-eenheid Gerieflike 1 slaapkamer met gesellige stoep. Goeie sekuriteit. R410 000

9 Maart 2012


Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Stick to the rules of auction “Any honest and ethical auctioneer will stick to the rules of auction which spell out the procedure at an auction. In terms of the Consumer Protection Act such rules of auction are to be available at any auction sale.” So says Mr Anton Muller of Ubique Auctioneers in Potchefstroom, commenting on recent reports in daily newspapers about procedures and so-called “ghost bidders” that allegedly happen at another auctioneering firm elsewhere. Muller says an auction sale takes place either with or without reserve. This is to be made known to prospective buyers in the advertisement, rules of auction and at the sale. If an immovable property is put up for sale and the highest bid equals the reserve or is higher, an agreement of sale is reached between the bidder and the seller represented

by the auctioneer. Bear in mind that in terms of Section 3(1) of Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981 an agreement of sale takes place when a bid is knocked down to the bidder. This is an exception to the general rule that a sale of immovable property is to be in writing. If the reserve is not reached, no sale takes place as there is no agreement between the bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of the seller. If the sale is without reserve, the highest bidder is the purchaser. No written agreement of sale needs to be signed. If the auction sale is an execution sale by a bondholder and the bondholder bids either in person or appoints a person by proxy and the bid is knocked down to the bidder, an agreement of sale is reached and the bondholder is the purchaser. The purchaser has to take transfer of the property at the price

A healthy home With so many South African’s struggling with severe or chronic allergies, it may be time to consider a healthy home makeover, says Adrian Goslett, CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa. He notes that a growing trend worldwide, especially in the US, has seen many homeowners deciding to give their homes a healthy makeover and turn harmful living habits and choices into healthy ones. “The trend to opt for a healthier way of living has become very popular among families who have children, particularly if their children suffer from allergy-related illness on an ongoing basis. Considering the large amount of time spent in and around the home, making adjustments to the living conditions could have a marked impact on the health of those who live there,” says Goslett. He provides a few tips that experts suggest homeowners can consider in order to make their home a healthier place in which to live. The bedrooms: When we consider that we spend as much as a third of our lives in bed, it seems the

most likely place to start. If the occupants in the home are suffering from a runny nose or itchy throat, dust mites could be the cause. Dust mites and mould love moisture, so keep the rooms ventilated. This will keep the humidity levels in the bedrooms lower, which will also keep other allergens under control. It is suggested that bed linen be washed every week, and it is important that the water used is as hot as possible, preferably boiling. Items that are non-washable such as stuffed toys can be placed in a freezer and frozen for a few hours. While the bedding is getting washed, leave the mattress exposed and allow it to breathe. The living areas: Opening windows as often as possible will allow fresh air into the living areas to help clear allergens. Air flow through the home will also help to clear the cumulative effect of pollutants in living areas. These come from a variety of elements such as the glue holding the carpets down, furniture, and even the paint on the walls. If you are repainting, choose paints that have low- or no-VOC

knocked down to the bidder. An execution sale does not take place with a reserve. If the sale is not an execution sale and is without reserve, but subject to confirmation by the seller, the highest bidder is the purchaser and an agreement of sale in terms of the conditions read out at the sale comes into effect. Such sale is subject to a suspensive condition, being the confirmation or not by the seller. Such confirmation is to take place within the period stated in the agreement, usually 7 days. Once confirmed by the seller a binding agreement comes into effect. Muller says there is no such thing as a “ghost-bidder”. “Should an auctioneer take a bid on a nonexisting person he is doing it at his own peril and can be held liable as such,” he says. Among others, this includes paying the purchase price of the property. Issued by Squared communications on behalf of Remax of South Africa for more information contact Wesley Barnard at wesley@squaredcommunications.co.za products in them to avoid headaches and respiratory problems. Make sure that air conditioner filters are changed timeously. If members of the family suffer from respiratory problems, it may be worthwhile purchasing an air purifier. Certain house plants can work as a natural air filter by adding oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. If energy saving or compact fluorescent lights are used in the home, make sure that they are handled and disposed of carefully. These bulbs contain mercury vapour, which can be harmful if the light bulb breaks. If you are concerned about the vapour, purchase regular incandescent light bulbs with lower wattages. The kitchen: As the heart of the home, the kitchen is where many families spend a large amount of time. And if you have ever watched Kitchen CSI, you will know that this is where most household germs and bacteria lurk. While using conventional cleaning agents will kill the germs on the kitchen surfaces, the chemicals used in those agents could

be potentially harmful. Products that use harsh chemicals can leave behind toxins, so rather use cleaning agents that are labelled green and are nontoxic. Some new microfiber mops and dust cloths can capture more dust and dirt than traditional materials and don’t require any cleaning products at all. If the kitchen is the heart, then the refrigerator would be the pulse. It is also important to replace water and ice maker filters and ensure proper maintenance. These days drinking filtered water is easier than ever with the vast variety of products available to homeowners. Aside from the bottle filters, homeowners can install filtration systems directly to their taps. When choosing laundry products, it is better to use options that have no fragrance or are naturally scented. To help prevent mould from forming, don’t let wet laundry sit in the washing machine for extended periods of time. “Living in a healthy home, will ensure that the quality of life and time spent in that environment is the best it could possibly be,” concludes Goslett.

Deeltitels: slaan huurprobleme hok Een van die grootste kopsere in deeltitelbehuisingskemas is optrede teen huurders wat gedragsreëls deurlopend oortree en die lewe vir ander inwoners versuur. “Trustees se probleem,” sê Berry Everitt, besturende direkteur van die Chas Everitt International-eiendomsgroep, “is dat hulle nie regstreeks teen sulke huurders kan optree nie. Die huurders is nie lede van die beheerliggaam nie en hul enigste kontrak is die huurooreenkoms met die eienaar van die eenheid wat hulle bewoon. “En dit beteken dat nie die trustees nog die besturende agent moeilikheidmakers die trekpas kan gee. Al wat hulle kan doen is om die eienaar te waarsku dat sy huurders die reëls oortree en, as dit nie die gewensde uitwerking het nie, te begin om boetes vir elke oortreding te hef.”

En, sê hy, die eienaar sal daarvoor aanspreeklik wees om sulke boetes te betaal aangesien bestuursreël 69 dit duidelik uitstippel dat eienaars verantwoordelik gehou word vir die optrede van hul huurders. “Maar selfs wanneer talle boetes reeds gehef is en die eienaar die skuldige huurders graag die trekpas wil gee, kan die regsprosedure vir uitsetting van die oortreders lank duur en selfs meer uitgawes vir die eienaar meebring. En die situasie kan natuurlik baie ongemaklik raak indien die eienaar in dieselfde kompleks as die huurders woon.” Everitt skryf in die nuusbrief, Property Signposts, daar is gelukkig een voorsorgmaatreël wat eienaars kan tref en dit is om seker te maak ‘n klousule in die huurooreenkoms bepaal dat huurders self vir die betaling van enige boetes wat weens wange-

drag of oortreding van die gedragsreëls gehef word, aanspreeklik gehou sal word. “So ‘n klousule - net soos klousules wat bepaal dat uitstaande munisipale rekenings vir water en elektrisiteit van die huurder verhaal kan word - kan moontlik voorkom dat huurders die reëls oortree en ten minste verseker dat die eienaar nie geldelike skade lei nie in gevalle waar hulle gedrag wel tot boetes lei.” Uitgereik deru Chas Everitt International vir nadere inligting: Berry Everitt011 801 2500 of besoek www.chaseveritt.com

Property industry heavy-weight joins the Re/max management team RE/MAX of Southern Africa is pleased to announce that Kevin Jacobs will be joining the team in January as National Franchise Development Manager. “With more than 19 years of experience in the financial sector of the property industry, of which 15 years were in management positions heading up successful sales teams, Kevin brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and understanding of real estate into the RE/MAX fold,” says Peter Gilmour, Chairman of RE/MAX of Southern Africa. Gilmour says that the growth that the RE/ MAX brand has experienced over the past year, both in terms of sales figures and market share, is largely attributed to the high calibre of people that work within the group. “Kevin is passionate about property and people, and through the experience he has gleaned in the industry to date, he has a good understanding of where the industry has come from and where it is going to and will no doubt be an asset to the RE/MAX brand.” Jacobs, who has spent most of his career developing and fostering relationships within South Africa’s real estate network, says that he is honoured to join the RE/MAX team. “This is a fantastic opportunity to be a part of the inner workings of South Africa’s leading real estate brand. It is a brand that is well-known and trusted by consum-

ers around the world, and it is a brand that has a strong business focus – from the Broker/Owners to the estate agents, everyone within the group is an entrepreneur and I look forward to adding value to the operation.” As National Franchise Development Manager, Jacobs will have a big focus on developing and nurturing stronger relationships with new and existing partners in the real estate industry as well as adding value to all of the RE/MAX franchises. “I am looking forward to growing the RE/MAX business even more, as well as developing new business and strengthening the brand. While the property market is expected to remain tough during 2012, I believe it will be a good year of growth for RE/MAX.” Gilmour notes that brand focus, lead generation and offering a quality service will be the drivers of success in 2012. “RE/MAX of Southern Africa welcomes Kevin to the team and looks forward to a long and fruitful relationship with him. We have geared up to take advantage of the opportunities that the market will present during 2012, and with a strong foundation of key personnel, we are sure to achieve even greater success in 2012,” Gilmour concludes. ENDS

-Kevin Jacobs Profile-

Kevin Jacobs started his career in property 19 years ago in the banking sector. He spent 10 years in the Standard Bank Home Loans department, where he interacted with the various estate agency brands on the financial side of property transactions, building strong relationships and networks. Kevin was transferred to Cape Town where he was appointed as Standard Bank Home Loans’ Provincial Sales Manager for the Western Cape. As the industry mechanics changed, Kevin moved to leading mortgage originator, Betterbond, where he took on the role of Regional Sales Manager for the Western Cape. During his time with Betterbond he established relationships with the top real estate brands, and successfully grew the Western Cape region to become the top Betterbond region for seven years running. Kevin then moved back to Johannesburg to head up Bettergroup’s bridging finance business as the National Head of Sales. When the business was sold, Kevin moved to SA Home Loans as Gauteng’s Regional Manager. Shortly thereafter, he was presented with a fantastic opportunity to join RE/MAX of Southern Africa as its National Franchise Development Manager. Issued by squared communications on behalf of Remax of South Africa for more

information contact Wesley Barnard at wesley@squaredcommunications.co.za

ZAX Properties For Properties

ZAKIYYAH @ 072 361 1177




Potchefstroom Herald




Aandag alle bruide. Eksklusiewe en stylvolle tafeldekor te huur. Ook tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en lycra-stoelrokke. Events House by The Roots Lifestyle Centre.  (018) 285-1222. M U LT I S TYL Eksklusiewe onthaaltoerusting vir troues & funksies.  Lynette (018) 2907316.www.multistyl.co.za MARKIESTENTE. Het jy ‘n funksie en te min plek? Ek verhuur markiestente teen ‘n baie billike prys in Potch-omgewing.  (018) 294-7108 (k/u) of 082-855-2405 (n/u).

COOL TECH Commercial Refrigeration & airconditioning cold & freezer rooms, catering equipment. Specials on airconditioners.  AnnaMarie 079-572-9458/ Danny 072-289-8756

Besoek gerus ons nuwe winkel Wolmaransstr. 32. Reg oorkant munisipaliteit 018 293-3453 083 738 6067 • Grafstene • Kombuise • Marmer beelde • Algemene granietwerke E-pos: sales@ potchgranite. co.za Web: www. potchgranite. co.za

Lê u in die aande wakker oor skuld? Beskerm u bates en vermy administrasie en insolvensie met die nuwe kredietwet. Ons is geregistreer en aangestel deur die NCR om jou te beskerm. Skakel Jean by 082 550 7494 of Corne by 018 297 8286 vir ‘n gratis konsultasie en word ingelig. U kan ons ook by ons kantoor te Mareestraat 10, Potchefstroom of ons webtuiste www. jordaandebtcounsell ing.co.za besoek. STRENG VERTROULIK


Laat verklaar jouself bankrot. Eerste konsultasie gratis. Skakel Christelle 082 348 6723 PREGNANCY PROBLEMS - Bad Luck - Bewitched People - Enlargement - Lost Lover - etc.

CALL DR JACK: 072 677 8617


AFHANKLIKHEIDSONDERSTEUNING. Het jy hulp nodig met verslawing ondersteuningsgroep. Kom byeen Maandag 19:00.  Henry 082-717-1866 FAM I LI E ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP. Het jy ‘n geliefde wat verslaaf is? Ondersteuningsgroep vir familielede van verslaafdes kom byeen Ma. 19:00.  Hester by 082-520-6006. Man 39 soek dame 35-39.  073-582-5723 UNDEVENDED D I V O R C E S. Quick Service & low prices.  078-169-1299.



DANNY : 072 289 8756 ANNA-MARIE: 082 306 3974

Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina of Denise (Potchefstroom) by (018) 293-0750 of Liz (Carletonvil e) by (018) 788-6693


Urgently looking for a copy the Housewives League cooking book (recipebook) which came out in the early 1970. Will pay for it gladly.  Wendy 084-713-3445 Weduwee van Parys soek ordentlike mans van 65 tot 70 jaar met die oog op ‘n ontmoeting. Moet nog lief wees vir die lewe en dans.  084-957-1560.


Goedkoop en vinnig! Skakel Christelle 082-348-6723.


UNDEFENDED DIVORCES!!! FAST, EFFICIENT & AFFORDABLE LEGAL ASSISTANCE. CALL HODGSON ATTORNEYS (018) 297-7580 ADDRESS: 72A DU PLOOY STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM. Vinnig, professioneel en goedkoop egskeidings, maatskappy & BK registrasies (CIPRO AGENTE) Skakel Scheepers & Aucamp Prokureurs by (018) 297-1217

For Hire. Moon Jumping Castles, Standard Jumping Castles, Waterslides, Sky Dancers, Zorb Balls, Foam Machine & Helium Balloons.  072-257-3053, burnburgers@gmail.com PARTY BARGAINS het verskuif na Groblerstraat 11, Potch Industria. Kom besoek ons gerus.  (018) 293-1559.

3 Cycles 4 sale all in very good condition R700 each.  (018)296-1057 4pm - 6pm only A complete table tennis set on wheels in good condition.  (018) 296-1057 4pm to 6pm CASH PAID FOR Passaps, empisals, knitting & sewing machines.  071-950-1183. DEFY KISVRIESKAS 270 liter te koop. Soos nuut.  076-894-9208.

Die adverteerder en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelik aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetgewing in die plasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media 24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie

Hanepoot- Villiersdorp + ander Kaapse vrugte Vrydag golfbaan.  Japie 082-779-4472 PA N D M A R Verskaffers van antrasiet, steenkool, hout. Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse huisraad en bou materiale. Ons sloop ook huise. Nou ook bousand, riviersand, cruscher mix en sement. KLEIN MAAT. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 + 1 m³. Chris Hanistraat 78.  (018) 2933234 of 082-920-0871. T E K O O P: 1 x Pitty Back. Nuut.  Jannie 083-381-6206. T E K O O P. 10 x 5 Markiestent + 50 stoele. Nog nuut. 3 x opgeslaan.  Jannie 083-381-6206.



082 888 1345 VEILING VLOOI: KAR EN PROMOSIEMARK Elke Saterdag 9:00 by Boeremark, Potchindustria. Koop/verkoop. DIE AFSLAER: P. BADENHORST


Verskeidenheid kinder tema partytjie voorraad te koop met ekstras, waarde van R10 300, te koop vir R7 000, 4 staal tafels R420 elk.  083-274-2855

20 Damara kruising ooie om almal te neem R20 000.  072-6751555/ 079-522-4818

Ons betaal kontant vir u oortollige artikels

20 Wit Dorper ooitjies te koop. Enige getal. Nie gedek. R1 000 + Vat.  082-562-8756.

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Groot verskeidenheid tweedehandse bande. In baie goeie toestand.

HARRY’S BANDE (018) 293-0432/3 (K/U)

3x Jersey melkkoeie prys R7 000 stuk om al 3 te neem. Potch  082-806-8863 8 Groot skaaplammers te koop, prys R1 250 R1 500 stuk. Potch  Pieter 082-950-8934



It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media 24 does not accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein.

9 Maart 2012

Pest, Weed Control • Fumigations • Woodborer Inspections Cert. www.kill-a-bug.co.za

For professional service contact Cell: 082 929 8083 073702 3101359 6642 or 083 Franchise opportunities available

Flip Bester Gebore: 1961-12-14 Oorlede: 2011-12-12 Hester en kinders wil net aan almal wat bystand gegee het, met afsterwe en begrafnis (2011-12-19) van Flip, baie dankie sê. Dit is wanneer mens sien wie jou naaste en vriende is.

Pragtige Vries Verse te koop. Dragtig. Melkboere wat belangstel  083-660-5863.

Bull Terrier pups (3 femals) inoc + dewormed R1 500 each.  Dmetri 079-864-1689

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9 Maart 2012

DOGGY INE. Indien u nog nie ‘n plekkie het om jou beste vriend te laat bly wanneer jy met vakansie gaan nie, kan U my gerus skakel. (Slegs honde).  Hermine 083-776-2787. Potch-omgewing. Foxterrier Jack Russel kruis 8 weke oud. Mooi ouers kwaai R200.  Beulah 076-769-2727 G R EAT DAN E S te koop. Opreg, ingeënt en ontwurm. 3 Merle tefies, 1 Mantle. 8 Weke. R2 000 elk.  084-679-9613. Yorksier Terriers klein soort, pa geregistreer tefies R2 000, reuntjies R1 200 7 weke oud ontwurm & gespuit.  082-663-4101

Ek koop byna alle 2de handse motors, bakkies, kombi’s en dubbelkajuit vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel.  Unis by 082-959-9120 of 072-203-1614. Mazda Astina 96‘ model te koop R28 000.  Schalk Steyn 084-515-0696 Te koop. 1998 Mercedes 230 Elegance. Wit, uitstekende toestand. Prys: R80 000. Een eienaar.  082-717-1901. Toyota Tazz 1999 te koop puik kondisie lae kilo R35 000.  Tinus 084-580-4051

Dringend opsoek na ‘n Toyota Corolla of Nissan Sentra om te koop vir kontant. Skakel of sms

mev. De Lange 083-682-3555 DEUTZ 6806. Werkende toestand. R25 000.  Philip 082-573-1322.


K O N TAN T vir u goud of ongebruikte diamant juwele.  Johan 082-445-1185. Oproepe word diskreet hanteer. Beste pryse.


Ons koop alle goue munte, Krugerrande en goue diamant juwelliersware vir kontant. Skakel LeRoi Diamante: (018) 290 8334

Eikehout eetkamerstel. Mooi opgepas. R8 500. Antieke meubels, goeie toestand.  082-410-3004. Embuia sitkamerstel bestaande uit 2 x 2 sitplek banke en 1 stoel. Soos nuut. Prys: R3 500.  (018) 290-5961.

Herstel van Yskaste, vrieskaste en mikrogolfoonde.  Hannes 074-941-6644.

2006 HONDA NXR 125 motorfiets te koop vir R8 900 ohb. 7 400 kilo’s. Goeie toestand.  076-570-2114.

1989 Opel Kadett GSE R18 500. 1984 M/benz 200 man R20 000.  082-308-3042 A A N D A G : Ek koop graag u motor / bakkie vir kontant.  Raymond Reinecke 082-853-6752. ALLE MOTOREIENAARS. Ek koop graag u motor of bakkie kontant. Beste pryse.  082-774-7962


Potchefstroom Herald


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KONTANT Hoogste pryse vir u gebruikte voertuig / bakkie.

Ons koop bakkies en motors vir KONTANT. Goeie pryse word aangebied. Skakel: 072 474 7620

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Supa Quick Potchefstroom (018) 294 - 3297/8

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CAL Dienste Afsaag, uithaal en wegry van bome en takke. Installering van: Elektriese omheining. Carel: 083 785 0333 BOME, BOME, BOME Vir verwydering van tuinafval, skoonmaak van erwe en geute, afsaag van takke en bome, algemene opknap van tuine en ligte vervoerwerk. Skakel Lappies (018) 290-6906 of 082-684-8982.

AFSAAG EN UITHAAL VAN BOME • Afsaag en uithaal van bome. • Skoonmaak van industriële- en woonerwe. • Aanplant van gras.

VOERKRAALMIS • Gesifte mis vir “top dressing” beskikbaar R15 per sak Skakel Johan alle ure 082-962-3125.

Afslag aan pensioenarisse en studente.

(018) 293-0277 082-892-1315

AL-JO TV BRIDGING CASH while waiting for


Payout (lumpsum only) (011) 394-6937

DSTV R599 HD PVR & RECEPTION CCTV Cameras Technician Johan

OUR NAME IS BUILT ON EXCELLENCE (018) 293 1179 084 376 7527




Potchefstroom Herald

Vullis verwydering vir tuin, huis, bourommel, ens. Weekliks (R50 per maand) of eenmalig. Skakel 082 897 2607 of 082 327 8828 vir navrae. Drum Boyz Dromdienste: www.drumboyz.com

GRONDVLOER: 2 Eenhede! A: 109m² = 3 kantore, ontvangs met groot oop spasie. B: 50m² straat aangesig + kombuis, toilet en stoorplek. Tweedevloer: 3 kantore + ontvangs. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel persoon: Lukas Etsebet (018) 294 9019 of 083 468 6702 tydens kantoorure Maandag - Vrydag 8:00 - 16:30

Verfkontrakteur vir 11jr. Vir alle verfwerk, asook seël van dakke.  Johan 083-412-0724. WE DO PAINT WORK, repair ceilings, leaking roofs & other maintenance.  Patrick 079-780-3483.


Kantore te huur 94m² luukse kantore. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Junie 2012.  082-7885932/ 083-778-4890



MOENIE DAT JOU KIND VERDRINK NIE! Vir Veiligheidsnette /seile Skakel Elize 072-187-2754.

Verf en behandeling van alle tipe dakke, huise & mure. AIRLESS SPRAY Vir gratis Kwotasie skakel: Eugene 082 550 0431 E-pos: emduplessis@gmail.com

Daklekke. 3 Jaar waarborg. Verfwerk, plaveisel, bou en teël werk.  082-541-3073.

DROOGTE’S VERVOER Wil u verhuis? Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgeriewe teen billike pryse? Skakel Droogte vir ‘n gratis kwotasie! 082-553-8226.

BERT’S BRICKS (Potchefstroom)

New/Reline Fiberglass/ Marbelite Stepping Stones/ Paving Jacuzzi’s/Repairs Tel: (018) 297-1973 Cell: 082-771-6333

SEMENT MAXI STENE * Gelewer in: POTCHEFSTROOM CARLETONVILLE, FOCHVILLE, PARYS EN OMGEWING. Skakel Elaine (018) 292 1615 www.bertsbricks.co.za.

* Voorwaardes geld.

Bert’s Bricks (Potchefstroom). Klei-pleisterstene, klei-sierstene en klei plaveiselstene. Minimum vragte in Potchefstroom: 500 bakstene. Carletonville/Fochville en omgewing 2 000 bakstene. Skakel Elaine (018) 292-1615. www.bertsbricks.co.za

ALLE LOODGIETER herstelwerk en installering, geysers.  Gerhard 083-283-5700.


LOODGIETERS Gekwalifiseerde loodgieter. Johan 083 328 0292 Kantoor 018 294 8242 VIR BLITSVINNIGE KWALITEIT DIENS TEEN DIE BESTE PRYSE!!

HALLABY LOODGIETERS Skakel Emile (018) 294-4024 a/u of 082 448 2824 JANNIE VAN GRAAFF LOODGIETERS (018) 297 8168 082 950 9633

1. Algemene vervoer van tuinvullis, huisvullis, bourommel ens. Potch  Pieter 082-950-8934 1 Jps meubel vervoer persoonlike toesig + bestuur beste diens gewaarborg stoor.  084597-3434/ 083-498-3309 1 Riko - Algemene vervoer van meubels, lewende hawe + stoor ens.  Charlmari 083-416-9696 AANDAG AANDAG AANDAG. Professionele meubelvervoer.  (018) 290-6755. Algemene Vervoer. Bourommel, tuinvullis. Sakpas pryse.  Hendrik 082-925-5168. Meubelvervoer-landswyd verpakking versekering 16jr Eagle arms Trans cc.  076-472-3356 eaglearmstrans. eat@vodamail.co.za TRANSPORTER Beste prys en diens, algemene vervoer, mini treke landwyd.  084-218-2447

Cleaner, drier, better.

Clean carpets or Lounge suites

R299 Quick drying and improved chemicals

Skakel Johan



Tel: 082-772-7130

Faks: (018) 293-0785 Clean-o-vate • WAS VAN MATTE EN BEKLEEDSELS.


KANTORE TE HUUR Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Beskik oor eie toiletgeriewe en parkering. Beskikbaar te Van Riebeeckstraat 44 (Peter Mokabastr), Potchefstroom. Skakel (018) 290 5018 gedurende kantoor ure vir enige navrae

Netjiese 3 slpk huis te Leeupoort plaas agter Oosdriefnt R3 000pm w+l ingsl.  073-742-1857 ONMIDDELLIK: BULT: ruim, 6 slpk, oorgedoende en nuwe kaste in kombuis en slpk’s, 5 badkamers, ruim parkering, baie veilig. Huur: R9 000 p/m ohb.  Linda 087-776-1104. Te huur: outydse ruim huis te huur. Naby aan skole. Huur: R5 800 per maand. SMS navrae na 083-704-1000. Vyfhoek huis te huur 3 slpk, 2 badk R3 500pm w&l ingesluit.  083-982-5045 na 4 nm (op hoewe)

HUIS TE HUUR VENTERSDORP R3 800 P/M. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 April. Groot 3 slpk, 2 badk, d/motohuis. Water en alarm ingesluit. Skakel Francoise 083 447 6176

Nommer 1 in VERHURINGS Retiefstraat Retiefstraat 018 297 5777 018 297 5777 Mooirivier Mall Mooirivier Mall 018 293 2237 018 293 2237

2 Slpk meenthuis te Carpe Diem. Beskikbaar 1 April 2012. R4 400 p/m.  Chantelle by Blue Potato Eiendomme 072-728-3894 of 082-867-0188. Fochville: 2 slpk meenthuis, 1 badk, 1 motorhuis, eie tuin @ R3 300 p/m, water ingesluit, koopkrag. 083-410-0188 Grimbeekpark: 2 slpk meenthuis @ R5 470pm.  082-885-9319

MEENTHUIS TE HUUR: Netjiese tweeslaapkamer meenthuis, sentraal met baie ingeboude kaste en dubbelgeriewe, diefwering, veiligheidshekke met ruim eie tuin. Beskikbaar: 1 April 2012. R4 700 per maand, met koopkrag. Skakel Meyer & Kie Eiendomsagentskap (018) 294-5365

Suikerbos Landgoed

Deelkraal - naby Carletonville 3 + 4 slaapkamer huise beskikbaar vanaf R3000pm. Veilige en rustige verblyf. Skakel Adri: 079 209 7335 / 082 251 9062 Alle ure: 078 900 5107 / 083 305 5233

Skakel Riaan 083-654-7481

POTCH. 2 BESIGHEDE te koop. Maak ‘n aanbod. Agente welkom.  Die eienaar 082-306-6108.

Kantoor kompleks (ontvangs + 4 kantore, kluis, ens.) vir rekenmeester of prokureur met parkering. Huur: R5 600. Oulike hoekwinkel / kantoor met stoor (Jankra-gebou) te huur. SMS navrae na 083-704-1000.

1-STE KLAS EIENDOMME TE HUUR. REUSE VERSKEIDENHEID.  JUST LETTING (018) 293-1858 OF (018) 468-8446. 4 Slpk huis op hoewe @ R6 130pm w&l ingesluit.  074-241-9577. Bailliepark: 3 slpk huis @ R10 000pm.  079-511-6506. Bailliepark - Ruim 4 slpk, 2 badk, 2 m/h buitegeboue. Groot erf R7 400pm. Huizemark (018)297-8338

APPELLIEFIE 1 SLP – R2 930 p/m Onmiddellik beskikbaar KAREELAAN 2 SLP – R4 950 p/m Onmiddellik beskikbaar DEO VOLENTE 2 SLP MEENTHUIS – R5 860 p/m Onmiddelik beskikbaar BULT - RUIM 4 SLP HUIS MET BACHELOR W/S – R7 500 p/m BEKOSTIGBARE 3 SLP GESINSWONING IN KAMPSTRAAT – R5 400 p/m

SKAKEL 018 294 3385 1 Slpkamer tuin w/stel C‘ville. Netjiese area R2 750pm (w+l ingsl)  Anton 084-206-8160

Sentraal _ Bachelor TV, yskas, mikrogolf R2 420pm. Huizemark (018)297-8338.

3 x 1 Slpk woonstelle vir studente. Dadelik beskikbaar. R2 750 p/m.  Chantelle by Blue Potato Eiendomme 072-728-3894 of 082-867-0188.

Sentraal Suid 1 slaapk w/stel, oopplan kombuis, sitkamer, badk met stort, braai geriewe onderdak, huur R3 200pm, dep R3 000 w+l ingesluit.  072-774-6447

B A C H E L O R. Slegs een persoon. R1 600 per maand.  076-115-4637. Bachelor vir jongman met sober gewoontes. Vanaf 1 April. R1 500 + dep.  082-269-1544 of (018) 297-7751. Bailliepark: 1 slpk @ R3 570pm.  074-241-9577

Bult: Bachelor w/s 2 vanaf @ R2 570pm.  082-888-2247 BULT. Tamboti. Ruim 2 slpk, elektriese heining, interkom, onderdakperkering, braaigeriewe. R3 450 p/m. Vanaf 01/04/2012.  Habiplan (018) 293-0625. Een slpk woonstel op grondvloer te huur R2 400pm. Prepaid krag en water is ingesluit, parkering binne mure. Volle dep is betaalbaar.  TJ Wait 072-178-2372

Kanonnierspark: 2 slpk @ R5 000pm.  079-511-6506

Baie netjiese ruim 3 slaapkamer woonhuis met dubbelgeriewe, 3 motorhuise en 3 afdakke. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 April 2012. Besigtig te Strydomstraat 14, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom. Huur R7 650 plus deposito R7 650. Skakel (018) 290 5018 gedurende kantoorure vir enige navrae.

Huis te huur 4 slaap, 4 badkamer beskikbaar 01/04/2012 deposito R3 000, huur R3 500pm.  082-672-9885 Miederpark: 3 slpk huis @ R6 700pm.  082-888-2247.

ANNES GARDEN 1 SLP – R3 630 p/m 1 April beskikbaar

Furnished flat to rent opposite M.L.Fick.  Mrs D.Grobler 078-384-2483



2 Slpk meenthuis @ R5 580pm.  074-631-9976

Ruim 2 slpk woonstel. Sentraal. Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2012. R4 400 p/m.  Chantelle by Blue Potato Eiendomme 072-728-3894 of 082-867-0188.

KAMDEBOO GROOT BACHELOR W/S R3 300 p/m Onmiddellik beskikbaar

Bult: 1 slpk @ R3 150pm.  082-885-9319


Ruim 2 slpk woonstel. Sentraal. Dadelik beskikbaar. R4 400 p/m.  Chantelle by Blue Potato Eiendomme 072-728-3894 of 082-867-0188.

2 Slpk meenthuis te Carpe Diem beskikbaar 1 Julie 2012. R4 400 p/m.  Chantelle by Blue Potato Eiendomme 072-728-3894 of 082-867-0188.


EMPI Meubelvervoer Vir alle vervoer o.a. meubelvervoer. Het ook jare ondervinding. Pak self, en hou volle toesig. Pieter 073-525-6536. 076 814-6100 (W) (018) 484-1725 (H)

Werkswinkel 105 m², kantoorruimte 735 m², in die industriële gebied. Vir verdere navrae skakel (018) 297 5541


VRAGMOTOR te huur. 10 Ton platbak, 2.5m x 11m.  082-438-8564 4 Ton toe trok doen enige vervoer en klein trekke billike pryse.  082-455-5329


SKAKEL (018) 290 5018

Carpet Kleen 1 Algemene Vervoer. Bourommel, tuinvullis en meubels.  Wynand 083-684-6419.

Offices to let Palladium street, Carletonville CBD  (018)788-6717 weekdays


Kleibakstene is beter!!!!

* Nuwe swembaddens * Steppingstones * Sonpanele * Herstel van swembaddens. Skakel (018) 294-5833 of 082-928-5774.

9 Maart 2012

1 Slpk w/s te huur, veilige omgewing. Persone bo 50 alleen of egpare R2 000pm dep vereis.  072-4672250/ (018)297-4340

Moderne 1 slpk studente woonstel. Dadelik beskikbaar te Steve Biko. R3 800 p/m.  Chantelle by Blue Potato Eiendomme 072-728-3894 of 082-867-0188. Noord Sentraal: 1 slpk w/s @ R2 940pm.  074-631-9976

TUINWOONSTEL VIR alleenlopende persoon. Verkieslik ‘n ouer dame. 1 Slaapkamer. Geen troeteldiere. Deposito. R2 000 p/m, krag nie ingesluit.  083-588-2717 of (018) 297-8227. Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur/ te koop te Roodeberg. Nuut geverf en vloere geteël.  Sandra 072-937-6669 Twee slpk woonstel in Van der Hoffpark te huur @ R4 500pm. Onmiddelik beskikbaar.  073-1726908/ 082-650-4525 Willow Manor Bailliepark R4 200pm from 1 April. 2 Bedroom bachelor flats from R2 200pm. Immediatly available.  Mario 079-195-1521 Woonstel te huur vir enkel persoon in Sentraal dorp in erf R2 000pm, asook krag.  Tersia 084-206-1661 Een slaapkamer R3 200 pm. Twee slaapkamer R4 000pm. Bachelor R2 900pm.  Rothman Estate Agents 082-515-7618

BAILLIEPARK 2 Bedroom garden flat with carport R4000 pm. 1 Bedroom cottage with lock up garage. R2900 pm.


Spacious 1 bedroom R2800 pm. 083 683 8894 POTCH ROSE TUIN AFTREE-OORD 1 SLPK TE HUUR R2 500 TE KOOP - R500 000

074 620 5499

9 Maart 2012

Studentekamers te huur. Gemeubileerd met parkering. R1 500 p/m. Bailliepark.  072-407-9728. Veilige kamers vir enkellopende persone te huur by Hoërskool Die Wilge. Verkieslik dames. R800 p/m.  Stephanie (018) 290-6587/8.

B A I L L I E PA R K . R980 000. 3 Slpk, badk, komb, wask en studeerk op groot erf te koop.  Martin by La Ville Eiendomme 076-591-1640. Praghuis in Tuscany Ridge op hoogliggende erf naby dam. Baie ruim met binne braai, spens, gaste toilet en mooi kaste R1.89 miljoen. Skakel enige tyd vir besigtiging.  083-625-7437/ 33

STANDS & HOUSES 4 sale @ bargain prices. Potch & Klerksdorp.  078-169-1299.



2 vol badkamers, ruim sitkamer, groot kombuis met opwas area, 2 stoepe, motorhuis, buite toilet. Baie gras. Naby Spar. In Stilfontein. R595 000. Skakel Zelna: (018) 484 6198 of 082 768 9595

TE KOOP/ TE HUUR Bachelors R292 000/ R2 900 pm. Eenslaapkamers R428 000/ R3 600 pm. Krag ingesluit, wassery, skoonmaakdiens, middagete, mini gym, 24/7 sekuriteit en koffiekroeg. Skakel: Ellen 082 652 9404

TE RUIL: 2,5 H moderne woonhuis, werkswinkel, woonstel, besproeiing, te ruil vir meenthuis of te koop.  082-562-8756.


21 Ha, 3 Slpk, 1 badk, melkstal, baie water. R610 000 Skakel Gideon 082-927-3397

GESOEK. Kontantkoper soek ‘n erf in Potch Suiddorp. R100 000 R150 000.  072-2466860 of (018) 294-3857.

Luukse studentehuis naby Universiteit baie voordele R2500 p.m. Skakel 078 271 2340




Ons het 'n wye verskeidenheid beskikbaar te koop

MARINA STRAND Ten volle toegeruste chalets. Slaap 4 tot 6 teen billike tariewe.  (039) 313-0200 (k/u).

Kumkani Country Lodge. Luukse kamers, ontbyt, M-Net, parkering + swembad. Paryslaan 37, Bailliepark, Potch. Tel: (018) 290-7387/9 082-559-8293 n/u

Dikhololo / Bosveld. Selfonderhoudend. Slaap tot 4. Ten volle toegeruste Chalet. 20/4 - 27/4. R3 000.  082-744-7880.

 018 293 1858 084 561 5703 072 561 5704

BAILLIE PARK: 4slk huis, dubbel • Campus@Home Baie goeie m/h, lapa, buitekamer, pryse vanaf R376 000 boorgat. R1.25 mil. Uitst prys. • Driscahof vanaf R390 000 NUWE ONTWIKKELINGS: MIEDERPARK: 3 Slk huis met Kareelaan vanaf R589 000 aparte w/stel R750 000 WATERBERRY AFTREE-OORD Illievo Manor vanaf R495 000

Luukse 2 en 3slk Voltitel eenhede.

Marina Strand / Uvongo. Vanaf 10 nagte vir R1 800, buite seisoen.  082-920-4063 kantoor-ure.


A o rata go REKA, REKISA kampo GO HIRA? Re ka go thusa gompieno! Leetsa mogala mo go rona gompieno.

Suidkus meenthuis mooi see uitsig veilige privaat strand. FANTASTIES.  083-442-5986

G E S O E K : 1 SLPK woonstel, sentraal geleë. Bejaarde dame. Verkieslik in veiligheidskompleks.  (018) 297-1914.

EXCLUSIVE VIP Only 40 years plus! Professional, Private, secure. Potch  073-9279858/ 079-666-0431 Massage therapist sensual full body massage. New premises, very private, discreet. C‘ville for app. 9am - 6pm Demi 082-735-2646. Potch. Topklas, privaat sport en sensueel. TLC 08:00-20:00 afspr.  073900-0435/ 082-210-6230.

AGGIE LAUNDRY CLEANING. Vir alle skoonmaakwerk  071799-2495 / 074-336-5372. Verwysings beskikbaar. Computer Skills and professional secretary or any job.  083-599-2244. Domestic Work. Vir enige skoonmaakwerk asook huiswerk  Maria 076-080-5389. Enige airconditioning of afleweringswerk. Kode 10 lisensie.  073-451-1947. Hardworking lady seeks domestic work wash, clean, iron ect. veryday.  Christinah 078-471-8337 Kombuiswerk, huisskoonmaak en alles wat daarmee gepaard gaan.  073-728-5771. Verw: 079-038-9353. Maria seeks clerk, cashier & reception work ect. Very relaible.  Maria 076-727-3483 SKOONMAKER. Het vir Prestige en Servest Cleaning gewerk.  083-486-9673. Vivian seeks any work, has a certificate in BFHI projects and at Bagatlamedi security.  Vivian 073-436-3305

AGENTE GESOEK vir gevestigde verhuringsagentskap. Basiese salaris: R3 000 p/m. Moet oor eie vervoer en selfoon beskik. Moet onmiddellik diens aanvaar. E-pos CV na letting@mweb.co.za. Data worx earn R750 first week upto R1 440 pd in 1 Month. Data entry workers needed to fill out forms with or without computers own hours sms details for full info + brochure to 071-049-2984 Domestic worker wanted in Carletonville this position offers a fair salary, live in quarters and food. Applicants must have a reference apply.  082-452-9106

Bestuurder: Produkontwikkeling en Opleiding (Agri-besigheid: Verhandeling en Insetfinansiering) ‘n Middelbestuursvlakpos bestaan by Vrystaat Mielies. Die regte kandidaat sal bewese verhandelingsagtergrond in die landbousektor hê. Nagraadse kwalifikasies sal voorkeur geniet. Kompeterende pakket met insentiewe. Stuur CV na monique@fsmaize.co.za of faks na 018 293 1470 voor 6 Maart 2012. Ons ontsluit die beleggingswaarde van graan.

Eiendomskonsultant benodig vir bekende, goedgevestigde firma. 28 jr+. Basiese salaris. Faks CV’s na 086-613-1607. Ek soek iemand wat vir my ‘n tuinjong kan aanbeveel vir Dins en Donderdae in Potch.  072-253-2121 Gastehuis Assistent Bestuurder. Matriek, ongetroud. Potch.  072-836-7080. JOBS in SA & ABROAD cv@workplacements. co.za or SMS to: +420604540502 Looking for male candidate handyman type with knowledge of electronics. Must residee in Potch and have a drivers licence. Please fax CV’s to (018) 294-3189. MANAGER REQUIRED to manage taverns and bottlestore in Tumahole and Parys. Good salary. For further details  082-780-8099. Need qualified carpenters (woodwork).  Nico 082-344-8316.

Opsoek na ‘n hardwerkende, betroubare man tussen 23 en 40 wat bereid is om toerusting vir hoenderen varkhokke reg oor SA te installeer. VEREISTES: Bestuurderslisensie, matriek sertifikaat, tegnies aangelê. Skakel Jannie Schutte 082 930 1734

RESTAURANT BESTUURDER POTCHEFSTROOM Jnr BESTUURDER met 20-30 jaar ondervinding Faks: 018 293 2127 E-pos: mbpotch@ themugg.com



PHONE: 082-350-1311

North-West University Excellence starts with our staff

The NWU strives towards balanced excellence, giving equal attention to the different aspects of its core business. By doing so, the university achieves great heights in all its endeavours and creates a supportive framework in which students thrive and develop into well-rounded graduates.



Responsibilities:  Catering  Quality control  Administration  Staff control  Liaison  Personal development Minimum requirements:  Grade 12 plus a formal catering qualification (diploma/degree)  Demonstration

of language proficiency to function optimally in the various functionally multilingual environments of the NWU  Two years' appropriate experience in general catering, cafeteria services, costing, compiling of menus, drawing up of budgets, standardising and compiling of recipes  The ability to apply financial control and handle staff management functions  Thorough knowledge of health and safety legislation  Good organising, control and planning abilities  Willingness to work irregular hours  Computer literacy in MS Word and Excel, as well as email  Sound interpersonal relations and ability to function under pressure  Ability to operate and manage stock control systems on computer  Ability to maintain internal and external liaison with students, colleagues and suppliers.

Closing date for applications: 12 March 2012 at close of business. Commencement of duties: 1 April 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter. Benefits: Attractive study benefits as well as the normal fringe benefits apply. Enquiries: Reonette Jansen, tel. 018 2991114. FOR APPLICATION FORMS, please contact the Human Resources Department at tel. 018 299 4961 or send

an email to recruithr@nwu.ac.za. Application forms are also available at Room G25, C1 Building, Institutional Office. Completed application forms must either be handed in at the Human Resources Department on the campuses as specified on the application form, or sent via email to recruithr@nwu.ac.za, or faxed to 018 293 5308. The University subscribes to and applies the principles of the Employment Equity Act, and is committed to transformation. All applications will be considered. The University reserves the right not to make an appointment.


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Die NWU streef na gebalanseerde uitnemendheid en gee gelyke aandag aan die verskillende aspekte van sy kernbesigheid. Sodoende bereik die universiteit groot hoogtes in al sy aktiwiteite, en word 'n ondersteunende raamwerk daargestel waarbinne studente floreer en tot goed afgeronde graduandi ontwikkel.



Verantwoordelikhede:  Spyseniering  Gehaltebeheer  Administrasie  Personeelbeheer  Skakeling  Persoonlike ontwikkeling Die minimum vereistes:  Graad 12 plus 'n formele spysenierings kwalifikasie (diploma/graad)  Demonstrasie van taalvaardigheid om optimaal in die onderskeie funksioneel veeltalige omgewings van die NWU te funksioneer  Twee jaar toepaslike ervaring in algemene spyseniering, kafeteriadienste, kosteberekeninge, uitwerk van spyskaarte, opstel van begrotings, standaardisering en uitwerk van resepte  Vermoë om finansiële beheer toe te pas en personeelbestuursfunksies te hanteer  Deeglike kennis van gesondheid en veiligheidswetgewing  Goeie organisasie, beheer- en beplanningsvermoë  Bereidwilligheid om ongereelde ure te werk  Rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Word, Excel en e-pos  Goeie menseverhoudings en die vermoë om onder druk te funksioneer  Die vermoë om voorraadbeheerstelsels per rekenaar te bedryf en bestuur  Die vermoë om interne en eksterne skakeling met studente, kollegas en leweransiers te handhaaf. Sluitingsdatum: 16 Maart 2012 met besigheidsluiting. Diensaanvaarding: 1 April 2012 of so spoedig moontlik daarna. Byvoordele: Aantreklike studievoordele sowel as die normale byvoordele geld. Navrae: Reonette Jansen, tel. 018 2991114. VIR AANSOEKVORMS, skakel die Departement Mensehulpbronne by tel. 018 299 4961 of stuur 'n e-pos aan recruithr@nwu.ac.za. Aansoekvorms is ook beskikbaar by kamer G25, C1-gebou, Institusionele Kantoor. Voltooide aansoekvorms moet ingehandig word by die Departement Mensehulpbronne op die kampusse soos op die aansoekvorm gespesifiseer word, of per e-pos gestuur word aan recruithr@nwu.ac.za, of aan 018 293 5308 gefaks word. Die Universiteit onderskryf en pas die beginsels van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming toe en is verbind tot transformasie. Alle aansoeke sal oorweeg word. Die Universiteit behou hom die reg voor om nie 'n aanstelling te maak nie.

Innovasie deur diversiteit

gear advertising

Besigheidsperseel Albertinia, naby Mosselbaai. 1250m². Met huur kontrakte in plek. 2 x Woonstel 3 x Winkels 1 x Stoor Huurinkomste tans R7200 p/m. Prys: R550 000 ohb. Tim 072 240 8065


A L B A T R O S vakansie-woonstelle teenaan die strand. (031) 903-2167. www .albatrosseaview.co.za

gear advertising

VAALRIVIER PLOT TE KOOP Vaalrivierplot, 21ha bebos, naby Orkney Vaal bootklub aan Vrystaatkant. Ongeveer 20km vaarwater, ski en visvang. Eiendom is vir wild omhein en is geregistreer as ‘n maatskappy met 2 aandeelhouers met 50% aandele elk. Daar is ook 4 gesoneerde rivierfronterwe wat apart verkoop kan word teen R250 000 elk, ona. Die huidige eienaars se aandele bestaan uit die volgende: elkeen het ‘n naweekhuis met ‘n oewerlapa met geboude braaigeriewe, ‘n boot-jetty vir bootparkering, asook ‘n boot “slipway” om bote ter water te laat. Daar is ook ‘n baie sterk toegeruste boorgat met sprinkelbesproeiing vir die tuin. Totale koopsom, al 4 erwe ingesluit is R2.9m of 50% aandeel wat 2 erwe insluit vir R1.45m, ona. Geen oordragkoste, slegs maatskappyregistrasie. Skakel Pieter Booysen, 083 555 4949 of 018 468 7780


Potchefstroom Herald



PRIMARY SCHOOL The School Governing Body (SGB) invites applications for the following position:

FOUNDATION PHASE (GR. 1) EDUCATOR Closing Date for applications:

FRIDAY 16 MARCH 2012 AT 13:00 CV’s, together with necessary certificates & qualifications to be submitted either via e-mail: potchp@lantic.net, fax: (018) 294 5579 or alternatively handed in at the front office. The SGB reserves the right not to make an appointment. Applicants should consider their application unsuccessful should they not hear from us by the 23rd March 2012.

Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

Pieterse High Voltage Engineering are looking for a

DATA FACILITATOR. The successful candidate will have a sound knowledge of Access, Excel and Word. Knowledge of Pastel would be advantageous. Benefits include Medical Aid and Provident Fund. Salary negotiable Closing date: 16 March 2012 Fax CV’s to: 018-771 2470

Pieterse High Voltage Engineering are looking for an ELECTRICAL DRAFTSMEN. The successful candidate will have a sound knowledge of AutoCAD. Knowledge of Microsoft Office would be advantageous. Benefits include Medical Aid and Provident Fund. Salary negotiable Closing date: 16 March 2012 Fax CV’s to: 018 – 771 2470


Wheel Alignment Technician (Lombard Tyres)

• • • • • • •

TEBA Ltd. can assist unemployed experienced Mineworkers to be employed in the Mining industry. If you are fit and healthy and have proof of experience in the following occupations: • • • • • •

Developing / Stoping Shift bosses with a good track record Stopers / Developers / Nightshift cleaners Timberman (Box Controllers) Diesel Mechanics (Trackless & Conventional) Electricians & Fitters with winding engine maintenance experience Safety Officers with relevant qualifications & 2 years underground experience as Shift Bosses

You are invited to submit the following documents • Detailed CV • Certified copy of ID • Record of Service • Certified copy of your Medical Exit • Certified copies of your Certificates of Competency E-mail your documents to chris.oosthuisen@teba.co.za or Deliver your application personally to; 2 Palladium Street, Carletonville – attention Chris With reference : CVille / 03 / 12


Gesogte Erf (Bult) / Vyfhoek-kleinhoewe (9.5ha) & Prima Industriële Gebou & losgoed, op Vrydag, 16 Maart 2012.

Qualified Wheel Alignment Technician required: Minimum of 2 years experience Good tyre knowledge Valid drivers licence Clean record Closing date for applications 6 April 2012 If you don’t hear from us within 14 days after application, you must accept that your application was unsuccessful Fax a detailed CV through to 011 665 4221

or email recruitment@lombardtyres.com

VACANCY POSITION: 2 x STORE MANAGERS STORE: PEP STORES - POTCHEFSTROOM MIELIEBOERE AREA – North West Region PURPOSE OF POSITION: To promote sales, reduce losses, manage stock, manage people and control expenses in order to meet business targets. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Increase sales – by ensuring good customer service, maintenance of the store image, presentation and promotion of stock, stock management and correct pricing of products. • Stock loss is minimised through compliance with security measures, stock and cash handling procedures • Drive a low cost business according to company standards • Ensure administrative duties within the store are in accordance with company guidelines • Management of team – training, coaching and performance management of team members while maintaining the company culture JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 • Business related tertiary qualification would be an advantage • Computer Literate • Strong Leadership abilities - giving recognition and support, giving direction and guidance, communicating and interacting, service Orientation • Management abilities - : Planning, Organising and Control; Problem solving, Decision making, Analysing

CLOSING DATE: 20 MARCH 2012 If you meet the requirements for the above position, please forward your CV to the People Support Manager (Lumka Ngcezu) via fax to (012) 643 1908 If you do not hear from us within 4 weeks of the closing date of this position, please regard your application as being unsuccessful.

www.ubique.co.za of skakel ANRIA GERBER 082 905 7563 of ANTON MULLER 018 – 294 7391

Pep strives for equal opportunity in terms of employment equity guidelines.

9 Maart 2012

Potchefstroom Herald


POTCHEFSTROOM SECONDARY SCHOOL P.O box 9022 23 Haffejee Street Promosa Mohadin Potchefstroom Potchefstroom 2530 2530 Tel: (018) 296 0602 Fax: (018) 296 1216 E-mail: pss@telkomsa.net

PERMANENT DEPARTMENTAL TEACHING POST AFRIKAANS FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE GRADE 7 AND 9/ CAT GRADE 10 - 12 Requirements: 1. SACE certificate (certified). 2. Teaching qualifications. 3. Transcript reflecting Afrikaans as a subject. 4. At least one year teaching experience. 5. Fax a short CV with all documents for attention of ‘THE PRINCIPAL’ CLOSING DATE: 15 MARCH 2012 If you do not hear from us seven days after the closing date, please consider the application unsuccessful.

JUNIOR REKENMEESTER `n Snel groeiende maatskappy in die vars bederfbare produkte bedryf het `n vakante pos vir `n junior rekenmeester. Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor die volgende beskik: - Rekeningkundige kwalifikasie - 3 Jaar toepaslike ondervinding - Ondervinding van Pastel Evolution - Ondervinding van Excel en Word - Akkuraat en noukeurig onder druk kan werk Kandidate wat belangstel kan hulle CV stuur na: zancor@webmail.co.za Sluitings datum: 14 Maart 2012 Geskikte kandidate sal binne 5 dae na sluitings datum gekontak word.

SOUTH AFRICAN MEMORY INSTITUTE AS JY ‘n Verskil wil maak deur kinders te help om hulle volle potensiaal te bereik. Opleiers/onderwysers benodig. Afrikaans/Engels - Graad 4 tot 7. Na-ure geleentheid beskikbaar Volledige ondersteuning word verskaf. Eie vervoer ’n vereiste. Tel : 083 660 5089 potch@memoryinstitute.co.za www.memoryinstitute.co.za ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SEEKING A QUALIFIED SUPERVISOR WITH THE FOLLOWING VALID CERTIFICATES ORHV’S, RISK ASSESMENT, FAS, EQUAL POTENTIAL EARTHING, BASIC ELECTRIFICATION, FIRST AID LEVEL 1 & 2 AND FIRE FIGHTING. 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE AND PREVIOUS AUTHORISATION. FAX CV TO 086 514 8471. SALARY NEGOTIABLE. CLOSING DATE 31/04/2012 - if no response within 10 working days, consider your application unsuccessful.

TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENT: INFRASTRUCTURE TENDER 59/2011: UPGRADING OF DAN TLOOME COMPLEX TENDER ADVERTISEMENT Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for: TENDER 59/2011: UPGRADING OF DAN TLOOME COMPLEX DATE AND CLOSING TIME: 23 MARCH 2012 AT 12h00 Tender documents must be reserved before 9:00 on 13 MARCH 2012 at tel. 018 299 5451. Tender documents will be available from 9:00 on 15 MARCH 2012 at the site inspection upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R450-00 per document and all payments must be done at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Cheques must be made payable to the “City Treasurer”. A compulsory Clarification meeting will take place on 15 MARCH at 10:00. Interested tenderers must meet the Manager Infrastructure or his representative and the Engineer at the Infrastructure offices, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria on the said date and time. Enquiries: Tel. 018 299 5451. 25 Points for functionality will apply for this tender. The 25 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows:


CRITERIA WEIGHTING A. Track record: Renovation to buildings (10) A1. Completion of project of R500 000,00 or higher 5 5 or more = 5; 3 to 5 = 3; 0 to 3 = 0 A2. End product 5 Excellent = 5; Good = 3; Poor = 0. B Project specific: Expertise (15) B1. Infrastructure of Firm to Execute project 5 Excellent = 5; Good = 4; Fair = 3; Poor = 0 Employment of proposed professional project team 5 B2. 10+ years 5; 8 years = 4; 5 years = 3; less than 3 = 0 B3. Registration with professional body of project leader 5 Pr Arch / QS = 5; National diploma or higher =3. Total functionality 25 The previous track record information shall be supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor shall list the projects which the company has successfully completed stating clearly the employer, value of the project, contact person (office numbers only) and nature of the project. (Attach detailed list of work previously executed) Tenders must obtain a minimum of 75% (18.75) of the functionality points for their financial proposal to be considered. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with “TENDER 59/2011”, must be placed in the tender box in the Office of the Speaker at room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 23 MARCH 2012 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract with Council regarding this tender as a whole or alternatively in section(s). Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette 27636 dated 30 May 2005 and The Supply Chain Management By-Law of the Tlokwe City Council will also be applicable. S TYATYA MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice No: 3/2012


Potchefstroom Herald


9 Maart 2012

EMERALD SKY CONCRETE AND CIVILS CC FAX: 014 592 6714 E-MAIL: naudee@vodamail.co.za


Urgent require above positions for a underground shaft crew in Carletonville Area for contract on shaft rehabilitation. Experience a must for the above and contract of not less than one year. Overtime and night Shift -Top Rates. Send CV (3) Pages to above or e-mail -to start A.S.A.P.

OOGKUNDIGE ONTVANGSDAME Matriek met Wiskunde. Ten volle tweetalig. Goeie menseverhoudinge. Goeie telefoon etiket. Moet onder druk kan werk. Vorige ondervinding. - aanbeveling E-pos ‘n verkorte CV na

TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RE-ADVERTISMENT: QUOTATION 52/2011 PREPARATION AND FINALISATION OF A LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL. Quotations are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) for the Planning, Preparation and Finalisation of a draft Local Economic Development Strategy for Tlokwe City Council. THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER WILL BE AT 12:00 ON FRIDAY, 30 MARCH 2012 Quotations, containing details of the specifications and conditions are available at the Department Economic Development, Tourism Building, corner Nelson Mandela Drive and Walter Sisulu Avenue, upon payment of a non-refundable cash amount of R200,00 per document, and only bank Guaranteed Cheques will be accepted, and must be made payable to the “City Council of Tlokwe”. 20 points for Functionality will apply for this tender and tenderers must at least attain a minimum of 75% of the points for their financial proposal to be considered Functionality will be evaluated as follows:

potchef@specstores.co.za Track record and performance on previous contracts


VAKATURE VIR ‘N GR. 4 – 7 ONDERWYSER Lewensoriëntering Afrigting in rugby, krieket en atletiek VEREISTES Moet oor toepaslike kwalifikasies beskik Ten volle tweetalig (Afr. & Eng.) DIENSAANVAARDING 10 April 2012 AANSOEKE SLUIT 16 Maart 2012 Faks verkorte CV na 011-907 2424 of e-pos na gnlalb@iafrica.com Skakel die skool by 011-907 2001/2 vir verdere inligting.


1. “PASTRY CHEF” - Hardwerkende/passievol - Netjies/ gedissiplineerd - Basiese kennis/ ondervinding voldoende - Bereidwilligheid/add. opleiding sal aangebied word. - Werk skofte

2. KELNERS/ALGEMENE WERKERS - Netjies/ betroubaar - Tweetalig/ goeie komminukasie - Werk skofte

CV’s na: (Fax) 018 290 8440 (E-mail) kumkani@telkomsa.net

• • • • •

Business operating for longer than 5+ years as Business Consultants Business operating for 3 - 4 years as a Business Consultants Business operating for 2 years as Business Consultants Business operating for 1 year as Business Consultants No experience

= = = = =

8 points 6 points 4 points 2 point 0 point

Project Specific Expertise (State name of project, the value of the project and name and contact person as reference) • • • •

Have completed 3 or more similar projects Have completed 2 similar projects Have completed 1 similar project No Experience in similar projects

= = = =

6 4 2 0

= = =

6 points 4 points 2 points

Successful Completion of projects (End product) • • •

Excellent Good Poor

Sealed quotations, duly endorsed “PREPARATION AND FINALISATION OF THE DRAFT LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P.O.Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Quotations will be received until 12:00 on Friday, 30 MARCH 2012, and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted The City Council reserves the right to accept any quotation or quotations or part(s) thereof or not accept any quotation or quotations at all. At the Council’s discretion, Council is not obligated to accept the lowest quotation. Bidders must provide the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems, Act 2000 (32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework, Act 2000 (5 of 2000), as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. The Supply Chain regulations of the MFMA will also be applicable. Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Laws will also be applicable.


9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES ARTIKEL 35 (5) ADVERTENSIE KENNISGEWING IN DIE BOEDEL VAN WYLE MARIA MAGDALENA JOHANNA LOMBARD, IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 320422 0013 08 5, WIE BUITE GEMEENSKAP VAN GOEDERE GETROUD WAS MET FLORIS PETRUS LOMBARD, IDENTITEITSNOMMER:310523 5032 08 7, WIE GEWOONLIK WOONAGTIG WAS TE HUIS EIKELAAN VERSORGINGSEENHEID, PETER MOKABALAAN, POTCHEFSTROOM, EN WAT OP DIE 14DE DAG VAN NOVEMBER 2010 TE POTCHEFSTROOM OORLEDE IS. BOEDELNOMMER: 11577/2011. Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge artikel 35(5) van wet no: 66 van 1965 dat die likwidasie en distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê te kantore van die meester van die Noord Gautengse Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en die landdros te Potchefstroom vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (een-en-twintig) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan naamlik 9 MAART 2012. SANET RAS PROKUREURS, PETER MOKABALAAN 101, PRIVAATSAK X1268, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520. PROKUREURS VIR EKSEKUTEUR. VERW: ST RAS/je/L166 -----------------------------------------------------------P516 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES





Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) for the “CONSTRUCTION OF A CARWASH FACILITY AT THE CORNER OF BATHOENG STREET AND PROMOSA ROAD for Tlokwe City Council. Closing Time and date: 12:00, Friday 30 March 2012 Tender documents will be available after the site inspection upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of R300-00 payable in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque made out in favour of the City Treasurer. Tenderers should be registered with the CIDB in a class of construction works and have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 2 GB/CE or higher or a value determined in accordance with Regulation 25(1B) or 27 (7A) of the Construction Industry Development Board. The requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) and Council’s Supply Chain Management By-laws will also be applicable. The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act 5 of 2000) is also applicable. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at the corner of Bathoeng Street and Promosa Road, Potchefstroom on 2012-03-16 at 10:00. Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to Mr. S Masitenyane, Tel. No. (018) 299 5373, Fax No. (018) 299 5133, e-mail : smasitenyane@tlokwe.gov.za. The physical address for collection of tender documents is: Department : Economic Development Cnr Walter Sisulu Avenue and Nelson Mandela Drive. Tourism Information Centre POTCHEFSTROOM



25 points for Functionality will apply for this tender and tenderers must at least attain a minimum of 75% of the points for their financial proposal to be considered Functionality will be evaluated as follows: A

Track Record


Completion of projects to the same value or higher 5 or more = 5 , 3 to 5 = 3 , 2 to 0 = 0


KENNISGEWING Saak no. 4542/11 In die LANDDROSHOF vir die DISTRIK POTCHEFSTROOM GEHOU te POTCHEFSTROOM In die saak tussen: VAN DER WALT K. N.O. Eksekusieskuldeiser (Nomine Officio in sy hoedanigheid as Trustee van die Maluti Trust TMP 1292) en DE KLERK S Eksekusieskuldenaar Identiteitsnommer 670211 5090 08 1 KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING Ingevolge ‘n Vonnis gelewer op 12de dag van Desember 2012, in die POTCHEFSTROOM Landdroshof en ‘n Lasbrief van Eksekusie daarna uitgereik, word die goedere hieronder beskryf in eksekusie verkoop te BALJU KANTOOR TE POTCHEFSTROOM, WOLMARANSSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM op WOENSDAG, 18 APRIL 2012, om 11:00 aan die hoogste bieër: GOEDERE: Sitkamerstel (2x banke en 2x enkelbank leer) Antieke Houtkis K.I.S Ys/Vrieskas Geweerkluis Hoftman Klavier LG Dasp Platskerm TV Koffietafel met laaie Dubbelbank DVD speler DVD/Tape Speler HP Drukker/scanner/fax Willie Jordaan Prokureurs, 133 Peter Mokaba Ave Potchefstroom, Posbus 831 Potchefstroom, Telnr: 018 294 8583, faksnr: 018 294 8584 Verw: Mal12/0002, Adres van Eksekusieskuldenaar: Mnr S. de Klerk, Identiteitsnommer: 670211 5090 081 Holtzhausenweg 12, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom. ------------------------------------------------------------P519 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

(10) 5

End Product Excellent = 5 ;Good = 4 , Fair = 3 , Poor = 0.



Project Specific Expertise



Infrastructure of Firm to Execute Project Excellent = 5 ;Good = 4 ; Fair = 3 ; Poor = 0.


Experience of Proposed professional Project Team 10+ years = 5 , 8 years = 4 , 5 years = 3 ; less than 3 = 0


5 5

Registration with Professional Body (ECSA) of Project Engineer Pr Eng /Pr Tech Eng = 5, Pr Tech = 3


Total Functionality


Sealed Tender Documents, duly endorsed “CONSTRUCTION OF A CARWASH FACILITY AT THE CORNER OF BATHOENG STREET AND PROMOSA ROAD’, must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P.O.Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on Friday, 30 March 2012 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. The City Council reserves the right to accept any quotation or quotations or part(s) thereof or not accept any quotation or quotations at all. At the Council’s discretion, Council is not obligated to accept the lowest quotation. Bidders must provide the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems, Act 2000 (32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework, Act 2000 (5 of 2000), as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. The Supply Chain regulations of the MFMA will also be applicable. Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Laws will also be applicable. NOTICE NO:05/2012


32 108365

Potchefstroom Herald

It’s a sign of respect to cover the dead. What about the living? Donate a blanket by SMSing “Blanket” to 42290 at a cost of R30.00 or dropping one off at any Ster Kinekor cinema.


9 Maart 2012


Must be willing to work long hours and on weekends. No experience needed. Fax CV to 086 458 3683 with a copy of ID



ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late CLARA ANNETTE SWARTS, indentity number 490422 0055 080, who during his lifetime resided at house 29, Van Collerstraat, Promosa, Potchefstroom, and who died on 21 March 2011. ESTATE NUMBER: 14794/2011. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the Executor within 30(THIRTY) DAYS from the date of publication of this noitce, being 9 MARCH 2012. EXECUTOR, WAKS SILENT INC, WS CHAMBERS, 17 NORTH STREET, PO BOX 1861, KLERKSDORP, 2570. TEL: (018) 462 2551. FAX: (018) 462 6373. REF: SS/DDP/43114 ------------------------------------------------------------P515 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

POTCHEFSTROOM DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 1980 KENNIS GESKIED HIERMEE ingevolge artikel 14(a) van die Potchefstroom Dorpbeplanningskema 1980 dat ek HENDRIK JOHANNES VAN RENSBURG van voorneme is om by die TLOKWE STADSRAAD aansoek te doen om toestemming om die eiendom, Erf Ged. 1 van Erf 279, dorpsgebied Potch-Industria, 14 Durrstraat, geleë in die Besigheid 1 gebruiksone te gebruik vir die doel van Vermaaklikheidsplek. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van hierdie aansoek, tesame met die redes daarvoor, moet binne 21 dae na publikasie van die laaste advertensie in die pers, skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, en die aansoeker ingedien word. Besonderhede van die voorgenome aansoek lê ter insae by die aansoeker by sy ondergenoemde adres: NAAM: HENDRIK JOHANNES JANSEN VAN RENSBURG. ADRES: DURRSTRAAT 14 TELEFOONNOMMER: 018 297 7879 POSADRES: POSBUS 450, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520. DATUM VAN EERSTE PUBLIKASIE: 9/3/2012 DATUM VAN TWEEDE PUBLIKASIE: 16/3/2012. -----------------------------------------------------------P518A KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES POTCHEFSTROOM TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 1980 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in terms of Section 14 (a) of the Potchefstroom Town Planning Scheme 1980 that i, HENDRIK JOHANNES JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, intend to apply to the TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, for permission to use the property for the purpose of Place of Amusement, on erf Ptn 1 of Erf 279, township Potch-Industria, 14 Durr Street, situated in the Business 1 use zone. Objections to or representations in respect of this application must be lodged, together with reasons, to the Municipal Manager, po box 113, Potchefstroom, and the applicant, in writing within 21 days of the publication of the last advertisement in the press. Particulars of the proposed application lie for inspection at the applicant at his under mentioned address: NAME: HENDRIK JOHANNES JANSEN VAN RENSBURG. ADDRESS: DURR STREET 15 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 018 297 7879 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO BOX 450, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 9/3/2012 DATE OF SECOND PUBLICATION: 16/3/2012 -----------------------------------------------------------P518E KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES 217 986 072 AUCTION - NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case no: 9019/2008 In the matter between:THE STANDARD BANK OF SA LIMITED (1962/000738/06) Plaintiff and LOT PUNA MASILO Defendant In pursuance of a judgment and a Writ of Execution of the abovementioned Court, a sale in execution of the undermentioned property is to be held without reserve at the MAGISTRATES OFFICE, VAN ZYL SMUTS STREET, OBERHOLZER on FRIDAY, 23 MARCH 2012 at 10:00. Full conditions of sale can be inspected at the Sheriff of CARLETONVILLE’S OFFICE, SENTRAAL AVENUE, PLOT 39, WATERSEDGE, OBERHOLZER and will also be read out prior to the sale. No warranties are given with regard to the description and/or improvements. ERF 393 CARLETONVILLE TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION: I.Q. Gauteng Province Measuring: 1 039 SQUARE METRES. HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T 127633/2002 STREET ADDRESS: 3 NICKEL STREET, CARLETONVILLE, GAUTENG PROVINCE. Zone: Residential IMPROVEMENTS: Dwelling consisting of: 1 x lounge, 1 x kitchen, 3 x bedrooms, 1 x bathroom with seperate toilet, 1 x garage, 1 x back room Take not of the following requirements for all prospective buyers: 1. R2 000.00 refundable registration fee on date of auction. 2. Presentation to the Sheriff of the following FICA documents. 2.1 Copy of Identity Document 2.2 Proof of residential address SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON THIS THE 22nd DAY OF FEBRUARY 2012 HAASBROEK & BOEZAART INC, ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF, HB FORUM, 13 STAMVRUG STREET, VAL DE GRACE, PRETORIA, TEL NO: (012) 481 3626, FAX NO: (086 673 2394 (REF: BVDMERWE/fg/S1234/3890) C/O DOCEX, 171 VERMEULEN STREET, GENERAL POST OFFICE BUILDING, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA ---------------------------------------------------------CAL337 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald


Tender for the following trade VAAL TRIANGLE CAMPUS INSTALLATION MECHANICAL – AIR-CONDITIONING Tender for the following trade NWUV002(b)/2011 INSTALLATION MECHANICAL – AIR-CONDITIONING The tenderNWUV002(b)/2011 must be marked clearly.

A non-refundable tender deposit of R250-00 is charged. Tender documentation is available at the information session at: The tender must be marked clearly.

A non-refundable tender deposit of R250-00 is charged. Tender documentation is available at the information session at: North-West University : VAAL TRIANGLE CAMPUS BUILDING 19 North-West University : VAAL TRIANGLE CAMPUS BUILDING 19. This site inspection will be held onheld Friday 9 March 20122012 at 10:00 at the Vaal. Triangle This site inspection will be on Friday 9 March at 10:00 at the Vaal Triangle Campus. ensure will be documentation enough documentation Campus. To ensureTothat therethat willthere be enough available you available you are to makereservation a tender reservation before on are requested to requested make a tender before 16:00 on16:00 Wednesday 7 Wednesday 7 March 2012. March 2012. Tender Closing date : Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tender Closing date : 12:00 : Tuesday 20 March 2012 Time Time : 12:00 Tender box : Technical Services Building 19 Tender box : Technical Tender reservations : Isabel Botha –Services Tel: (018)Building 299 2746 19 Tender : Isabel Botha Tel:460 (018) Contactreservations person : Frans Schimper – Tel: –(012) 3450299 2746 The lowestperson or only tender be accepted Contact will not: necessarily Frans Schimper – Tel: (012) 460 3450 The lowest or only tender will not necessarily be accepted


North-WestUniversity University invites all interested partiesparties who have thehave the TheThe North-West invites all interested who necessary skills, experience and resources to tender for work on the necessary skills, experience and resources to tender for work on the following project: following project:

VEILING POTCHEFSTROOM Posbus 5170, Kockspark, Potchefstroom 2523 Nelson Mandela Rylaan 23


In opdrag van die Likwidateur: Jodi Quality Foods (Pty) Ltd bestorw Reg. nr 2006/076151/05 M/v B126/2011 en Gasverkopers verkoop ons: WOENSDAG 14 Maart 2012 Om 10h00 Te Poortmanstraat 23

LIGGING: Nelson Mandela Rylaan 23 (Ou Poortmanstr) Potch Industria – Aan N12 AANLEG TOERUSTING: Grondbone-oond, Verpakkingseenheid, Blansjeerder (Skil verwyde raar) Sorteerband en tafels, Tafels, Skale, Mengdromme, Laag bedekkingseen heid, Verpakkings - en Seëlmasjien, “Extractor Fan” & Komponente KANTOORTOERUSTING: Skryftafels, Werkstafels, Stoele, Rakke, Witborde, Kabinette Lias seer kabinette, Hout/Staal Lessenare, Kantoorstoele REKENAARTOERUSTING: Rekenaars, Drukker/Faks masjiene, Kamera sisteem, Alarm TREKKERS: John Deere 4640 Trekker, New Holland 100-90 Trekker, MF 460 Trekker Lan dini Legend 115 (2003) Trekker, M-Benz trac 1500 turbo vloeibare kunsmis spuit trekker met satelliet stelsel, Fiat 190 4 X 4 Trekker, CAT 966 laaigraaf, Kawasaki 60ZN laaigraaf TOERUSTING: 3x Honda kunsmis pacer pompe, Ride-on Grassnyer, Elektriese Hys toestel, 2x Waentjies, Elektriese 3Fase Kompressor, Kompakteerder, Elektriese 3Fase Welder, Vlekvrye staal Skaap Afval toerusting (Oond trôe, verhitters, e.a.) Elektries, Miller Petrol Welder. VOERTUIE:

Ford F100 Bakkie, Wit VW Beatle

MEUBELMENT: Beddens, Matrasse, Tafel & Stoele, Staalkassie, Rakke, Yskas, Westcott Cooler, Staaltafels. LOS GOEDERE: Staal Afskortings, Stofsuier, Verpakkingsmateriaal, Geldkluis, Mobiele waentjie, Brandblussers, Plastiese houers, Advertensieborde, Oefenapparaat - Fietse, Bouersbokke, Kruiwaens, Palette, Isuzu Diesel enjin met welder op waentjie, Elektriese- en Gas gereedskap, Elektriese boor, Hoeveelheid skroot. 3 x Perde saal en toom in goeie toestand. VERKOOPSVOORWAARDES 1. BTW is betaalbaar. BTW-nommer en ID dokument 2. FIS Wet – Bewys van adres 3. Onderhewig aan veranderings 4. Volledige verkoopsvoorwaardes op die dag van die veiling 5. Betaling: Bank tjek, Kontant of Internet betaling


083 626 9216 082 859 7232 018 204 5616 018 297 6240 thomasafslaers@telkomsa.net

VEILING POTCHEFSTROOM Posbus 5170, Kockspark, Potchefstroom 2523 Nelson Mandela Rylaan 23


In terme van ‘n egskeidingsbevel in die aangeleentheid CW & EJ Morkel - Saak no 13226/08 In die sentrale egskeidingshof Potchefstroom Verkoop ons: 20 Maart 2012 Om: 10h00 Te: Smitstraat 35

LIGGING: H/v Francois- en Smitstraat. Bekend as Smitst 35 WOONHUIS: 3 Slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste en matte. Sit- Eetkamer. Kombuis met kaste en opwas met teel vloere. Volledige badkamer asook aparte toilet. Toegeboude stoep met glas en tralies. Buitekamer. WOONSTEL: 1 Slaapkamer, Sitkamer, Kombuis en Badkamer. Teëlvloere ANDER: Afdak (4 motors) met tralies beveilig. Swembad met braaiarea. NOTA: BAIE SENTRAAL MET POTENSIAAL VERKOOPSVOORWAARDES 1. BTW is betaalbaar. Sertifikaat & ID Dokument. 2. FIS WET: Bewys van adres. 3. Volledige verkoopsvoorwaardes op die dag van veiling. 4. Onderhewig aan veranderings 5. Kontant, Tjek, Internet. (Internet fasaliteite beskikbaar) BETALING OP DAG VAN VEILING

NAVRAE ROBERT THOMAS 083 626 9216 GERRIT THOMAS 082 859 7232 KANTOOR 018 204 5616 FAKS 018 297 6240 E-pos: thomasafslaers@telkomsa.net



Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012



A dynamic junior listed alluvial diamond miner with mining operations and projects located in the Northern Cape and the North West Provinces requires the services of a Junior Geologist on our mines. Note that the Company has operations between Douglas and Prieska,near Barkly West in the Northern Cape, and Ventersdorp in the North West. Successful candidates must be prepared to live and operate in the Northern Cape and North West. Key Performance Areas/ Duties & Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • • • •

Providing a professional geological service to the various sites Capture, mange interpret and report on geological data Resource extension project design and implementation as well as production geology. Analysis of resource and reserve performance. Geological mapping of the various sites alluvial deposits. Core logging and sampling. Analysis of Ore quality control data. Monitoring and reporting on plant performance. Geological modelling and data management Ad hoc geological input where required. Being part of a multi-disciplinary team.


Minimum Qualifications & Experience: • •

B.Sc Honours Geology Degree The ability to carry out processes that require a command of highly specialised technical or scholastic and basic research skills across a major discipline.

Skills/competencies to be acquired: • • • • • • • • •

Broad technical knowledge of mining operations. Networking and teamwork skills. Analysis and interpretation of information. Geological mapping and core logging. Understanding of sampling, alluvial gravel evaluation. Good understanding diamond processing plants. 3D Geological and Block Modelling experience. Proficient in Arc GIS, Geosoft Target Good understanding of alluvial gravel Geology

CLOSING DATE: 23 March 2012 Applications must be addressed to: Contact details: Email address: Fax No :

Lynn Frylinck – Human Resources Department : P.O. Box 251 Barkly West 8375 careers@rockwelldiamonds.com 086 501 6328

Rockwell Diamonds is an equal opportunity employer that strives to achieve a diverse workforce broadly representative of our people.

TENDERS ARE HEREBY INVITED FROM THE COMMUNITY FOR THE DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL OWNED PROPERTY. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE DISPOSED: 1. PORTION 50, TOEVLUG VENTERSDORP – KNOWN AS HOUSE NR 18 EXTENT 383m², ZONED AS RESIDENTIAL 2. PORTION 31/303 VENTERSDORP – KNOWN AS HOUSE B6 EXTENT 300m², ZONED AS RESIDENTIAL 3. PORTION 54/303 VENTERSDORP – KNOWN AS HOUSE B17 EXTENT 367m², ZONED AS RESIDENTIAL TENDER CONDITIONS: 1. Tender document to be obtained from the office of Supply Chain Management at a non refundable deposit of R50-00. 2. No bids will be accepted below valuation price of the properties. For enquiries contact the office of Mrs N Steyn at the Property Management Section, Ventersdorp Municipality; 3. Ventersdorp Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender and no reasons will be assigned for the acceptance or rejection of any tender; 4. The sale of property is subjected to approval by the Council of Ventersdorp Local Municipality; 5. A 10% deposit is payable immediately after award to the successful tenderer; 6. The successful tenderer must provide a bank guarantee, or pay the tendered amount in cash within 30 days after the tender is awarded to the successful tenderer; 7. The sale shall be subjected to the conditions as contained in the Sales Agreement; 8. Tenders must be submitted officially on or before Friday 23rd March 2012 at 12:00, when the tenders will be opened in public immediately after the closing time on the closing date in the Ventersdorp Municipal Chambers at the address beneath; 9. All tenders will be adjudicated according to Council’s Supply Chain Management Policy, based on the Procurement Framework Act, Act 5 of 2000; 10. Tenders must be deposited in the official tender box before 12:00 on the closing date at the reception of the

Ventersdorp Local Municipality Van Tonder Singel VENTERSDORP




Tel nr. (018) 264 8500

9 Maart 2012

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

North-West University


Excellence starts with our staff

Uitnemendheid begin met ons personeel

The NWU strives towards balanced excellence, giving equal attention to the different aspects of its core business. By doing so, the university achieves great heights in all its endeavours and creates a supportive framework in which students thrive and develop into well-rounded graduates.

Die NWU streef na gebalanseerde uitnemendheid en gee gelyke aandag aan die verskillende aspekte van sy kernbesigheid. Sodoende bereik die universiteit groot hoogtes in al sy aktiwiteite, en word 'n ondersteunende raamwerk daargestel waarbinne studente floreer en tot goed afgeronde graduandi ontwikkel.





Responsibilities:  Interpret specifications/plans/bill of materials & complete missing information, plan installations, arrange access to sites/venues, prepare equipment for multiple parallel projects, handle urgent ad hoc assignments/projects  Control flow of work and materials per specification on site and utilise self and junior staff members  Handle inspection, commission new installations, manage guarantee claims and compile “asbuilt” documentation  Communicate with clients on ongoing basis, provide training to end-users, control neatness/quality of installations (Questionnaires are used to affirm)  Handle quality assurance, compile snag lists, correct errors, handle final handing over  Master new technology and conduct training of junior technicians  Check and certify material lists afterwards, continually carry out OSH duties in working environment.

Verantwoordelikhede:  Interpreteer spesifikasies/planne/hoeveelheidslyste en vul ontbrekende inligting aan, beplan installasie, reël toegang tot terreine/lokale, berei toerusting voor vir veelvuldige gelyklopende projekte, hanteer dringende ad hoc-opdragte/projekte  Beheer werk en materiaalvloei volgens spesifikasies op installasies en benut self en junior personeel  Hanteer inspeksies, skakel nuwe aanlegte aan en stel dit in bedryf, bestuur waarborgeise en stel “as-built”-dokumentasie op  Kommunikeer deurlopend met kliënte, gee gebruikersopleiding aan eindgebruikers, beheer netheid/kwaliteit van installasies, (Vraelyste word gebruik om te bevestig)  Hanteer kwaliteitsversekering, stel foutlyste op, stel foute reg, hanteer finale oorhandiging  Bemeester nuwe tegnologie en doen opleiding van junior tegnici  Kontroleer en sertifiseer materiaallyste by nabaat, voer BGV-pligte deurlopend in werksomgewing uit. Die minimum vereistes:  Graad 12 plus twee jaar formele opleiding in Elektronika of Instrumentasie (NKR-

Minimum requirements:  Grade 12 plus two years of formal training in Electronics or Instrumentation (NQF level 5 inclusive), with possibility to partially trade formal training for appropriate, solid experience in exceptional cases  Demonstration of language proficiency in order to function optimally in the various functionally multilingual environments of the NWU  At least two years' appropriate experience, amongst other  Planning with regard to work flow, supply of materials, utilization of staff and goal setting  Ability to unite personnel in a team and keep them motivated to reach goals  Ability to make effective decisions under pressure on site in order to reach correct results in time  Experience of installation and commissioning of a wide range of electronic systems  Proven personal skills regarding own time management, installations, wiring and faultfinding  Skilful handling of basic tools, power tools, electronic tools and basic IT capabilities such as application

The University subscribes to and applies the principles of the Employment Equity Act, and is committed to transformation. All applications will be considered. The University reserves the right not to make an appointment.

Sluitingsdatum: 16 Maart 2012 met besigheidsluiting. Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik daarna. Byvoordele: Aantreklike studievoordele sowel as die normale byvoordele geld. Navrae: Danie Stoop, tel. 018 299 4111 of Tinus Steenkamp, tel. 018 299 4113. VIR AANSOEKVORMS, skakel die Departement Mensehulpbronne by tel. 018 299 4961 of stuur 'n e-pos

aan recruithr@nwu.ac.za. Aansoekvorms is ook beskikbaar by kamer G25, C1-gebou, Institusionele Kantoor. Voltooide aansoekvorms moet ingehandig word by die Departement Mensehulpbronne op die kampusse soos op die aansoekvorm gespesifiseer word, of per e-pos gestuur word aan recruithr@nwu.ac.za, of aan 018 293 5308 gefaks word. Die Universiteit onderskryf en pas die beginsels van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming toe en is verbind tot transformasie. Alle aansoeke sal oorweeg word. Die Universiteit behou hom die reg voor om nie 'n aanstelling te maak nie.

Innovasie deur diversiteit

gear advertising

an email to recruithr@nwu.ac.za. Application forms are also available at Room G25, C1 Building, Institutional Office. Completed application forms must either be handed in at the Human Resources Department on the campuses as specified on the application form, or sent via email to recruithr@nwu.ac.za, or faxed to 018 293 5308.

gear advertising

Closing date for applications: 16 March 2012 at close of business. Commencement of duties: As soon as possible thereafter. Benefits: Attractive study benefits as well as the normal fringe benefits apply. Enquiries: Danie Stoop, tel. 018 299 4111 or Tinus Steenkamp, tel. 018 299 4113. FOR APPLICATION FORMS, please contact the Human Resources Department at tel. 018 299 4961 or send

vlak 5 ingesluit) met formele opleiding uitruilbaar vir bewese, toepaslike ondervinding in uitsonderlike gevalle  Demonstrasie van taalvaardigheid om optimaal in die onderskeie funksioneel veeltalige omgewings van die NWU te funksioneer  Ten minste twee jaar toepaslike ervaring, onder andere in  Beplanning ten opsigte van werkvloei, hantering van materiaal, benutting van personeel en stel van doelwitte  Vermoë om personeel in span saam te snoer en te motiveer om gestelde doelwitte te haal  Vermoë om effektiewe besluite onder druk op terrein te neem, ten einde steeds korrekte resultate betyds te haal  Ondervinding van installasie en inbedryfstelling van 'n wye verskeidenheid elektroniese stelsels  Bewese eie vaardigheid ten opsigte van eie tydsbestuur, installasie, bedrading en foutopsporing  Vaardigheid met handgereedskap, kraggereedskap, elektroniese gereedskap, en basiese IT vaardighede soos rekenaarsagteware en –bedryfstelsels, IP adresse ens.


Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

KENNISGEWINGS TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE CIVIL DIVISION TENDER 78/2011: CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND STORMWATER IN IKAGENG AND PROMOSA Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for the: CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND STORMWATER IN IKAGENG AND PROMOSA DATE AND CLOSING TIME: 23 March 2012 at 12h00 Tender documents must be reserved before 13 March 2012 at tel. 018 299 5427 or 018 299 5401. Tender documents will be available from the infratsructure offices after the site inspection upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R 350.00 and all payments must be done at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Cheques must be made payable to the “City Treasurer”. The tenderers should have a 6 CE or higher CIDB grading, or a value determined in accordance with regulations 25(1B) or 27(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Board. A compulsory site inspection will take place on 15 March 2012 at 10:00. Interested tenderers must meet the Manager Infrastructure or his representative and the Engineer at the infrastructure offices, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria on the said date and time. Enquiries : Tel. 018 299 5427 / 5401. 25 points for functionality will apply for this tender. The 25 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows: Table: Functionality Criteria ITEM CRITERIA A Track Record A.1 Completion of projects to the same value or higher 3 or more = 10 ; 2 = 6 ; 1 = 3 A.2 A.3

End product Excellent = 10 ; Good = 7.5 ; Poor = 0 Experience of proposed construction site supervisor (Maximum of 5 points) Award 2 points for an acceptable CV content and positive feedback from referees Award 2 points for the qualification of the supervisor with a National Diploma or higher Award 1 point if the supervisor was involved in similar projects, at least two years at supervisory level





Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with “TENDER 78/2011”, must be placed in the tender box in the Office of the Speaker at room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Buildings, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 23 March 2012 at 12h00 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract/or any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The municipal supply chain management regulations published in government gazette 27636 dated 30 May 2005 will also be applicable. S. TYATYA MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice no 26/2012


9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

TENDER ADVERTISEMENT TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE CIVIL DIVISION TENDER 79/2011: PAVING OF PRIMARY ROADS IN IKAGENG AND PROMOSA Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for the: : PAVING OF PRIMARY ROADS IN IKAGENG AND PROMOSA DATE AND CLOSING TIME: 23 March 2012 at 12h00 Tender documents must be reserved before 13 March 2012 at 10:00 tel. 018 299 5427 or 018 299 5401. Tender documents will be available from the infratsructure offices after the site inspection upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R 350.00 and all payments must be done at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Cheques must be made payable to the “City Treasurer”. The tenderers should have a 6 CE or higher CIDB grading, or a value determined in accordance with regulations 25(1B) or 27(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Board. A compulsory site inspection will take place on 15 March 2012. Interested tenderers must meet the Manager Infrastructure or his representative and the Engineer at the infrastructure offices, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria on the said date and time. Enquiries : Tel. 018 299 5427 / 5401. 25 points for functionality will apply for this tender. The 25 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows: Table: Functionality Criteria ITEM CRITERIA A Track Record A.1 Completion of projects to the same value or higher 3 or more = 10 ; 2 = 6 ; 1 = 3 A.2 End product Excellent = 10 ; Good = 7.5 ; Poor = 0 A.3 Experience of proposed construction site supervisor (Maximum of 5 points) Award 2 points for an acceptable CV content and positive feedback from referees Award 2 points for the qualification of the supervisor with a National Diploma or higher Award 1 point if the supervisor was involved in similar projects, at least two years at supervisory level


10 10


Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with “TENDER 79/2011”, must be placed in the tender box in the Office of the Speaker at room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Buildings, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 23 March 2012 at 12h00 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract/or any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The municipal supply chain management regulations published in government gazette 27636 dated 30 May 2005 will also be applicable. S. TYATYA MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice no 27/2012

ALLE TENDERS, VEILINGS, KENNISGEWINGS, VAKATURES, ENIGE VERHURINGS EN VERKOPE ASOOK ALLE DIENSTE GELEWER, is die SNUFFELGIDS net dié produk om in te adverteer. Alle advertensies verskyn in 3 verskillende publikasies naamlik POTCH HERALD, CARLETONVILLE HERALD asook die NW GAZETTE met ‘n oplaag van 41 000 en verskyn in 7 dorpe.


Potchefstroom Herald

High and dry: Oratile Lekoto Junior and his daddy at the Ikageng swimming pool on Tuesday.

Developmental swimmers left high and dry in Ikageng Cheryl Botha A developmental swimming programme for Ikageng has been relocated to Promosa because the Ikageng pool has been out of commission since 2009. According to Mr John MacDonald, who teaches a group of around 35 children from 8 to 13 years of age to swim, the pool was resurfaced at the end of 2009. Six weeks later it started crumbling. The pool now lies empty and there is no indication that work will be resumed any time soon. According to Mr Willie Maphosa, spokesperson for Tlokwe City Council the swimming pool was prioritised for large scale upgrading. “There were unexpected challenges in get-

ting material for the refurbishment,” he explains. He blames the frequent dosage of chlorine for the ‘peeling off’ of the initial marblelite surface. The municipality subsequently looked for an alternative that would be cheaper to maintain. “In the end we decided to fibre-glass the baby pool and tile the main pool. Most of the work has already been done but we still need to service the pump-house filters,” he says. The baby pool has been completed but will only be operational once the big pool is finished. Maphosa expects the remaining 260 square metres of tiling to be completed within two weeks, although there is little evidence that the project will be completed in time for the 2012/13 swimming season.

9 Maart 2012

Soaring like eagles

Potchefstroom Gliding Club hosted the International Gliding conference on home ground last week. The event saw delegates from thirty countries arrive as guests of the Soaring Society of South Africa (SSSA). The three-day conference ended with a braai at the clubhouse on Saturday evening.

Attie and Uys Jonker (right), the faces of gliding in Potchefstroom, with three of the international guests during the closing braai at the clubhouse. On the left are Mogens Hansen (Denmark), Angel Casado (Spain) and Ronald Termaat, top glider pilot and director of the Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association (KNVvL).

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Minimum requirements:  BSc Hons Biochemistry or BSc Hons Analytical Chemistry  Approximately 1 year's appropriate experience in chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis and congenital metabolic defects  Basic computer literacy  Good experience in a diagnostic laboratory, including laboratory information systems  Experience in the development and setting up of new methodology for diagnostic purposes  Knowledge on laboratory safety procedures, as well as laboratory accreditation  The ability to function independently and under pressure  Demonstration of language proficiency to function optimally in the various multilingual environments of the NWU  Good client-service orientation  The ability to function as part of a team. Recommendations:  HPCSA registration as a medical scientist. If the successful candidate is not registered, registration as an intern medical scientist and completion of the training are compulsory.

an email to recruithr@nwu.ac.za. Application forms are also available at Room G25, C1 Building, Institutional Office. Completed application forms must either be handed in at the Human Resources Department on the campuses as specified on the application form, or sent via email to recruithr@nwu.ac.za, or faxed to 018 293 5308. The University subscribes to and applies the principles of the Employment Equity Act, and is committed to transformation. All applications will be considered. The University reserves the right not to make an appointment.

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Closing date for applications: 16 March 2012 at close of business. Commencement of duties: 1 April 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter. Enquiries: Prof Chris Vorster, tel. 018 299 4196. FOR APPLICATION FORMS, please contact the Human Resources Department at tel. 018 299 4961 or send

9 Maart 2012

Potchefstroom Herald


Magte hengel saam Cobus Groenewald ’n Sterk wind het die hengelaars van die SAPD, Weermag en korrektiewe dienste nie verhinder om hulle lyne Dinsdag nat te maak in die Klipdrifdam nie. Dit was die 25ste aanbieding van die Intermagte hengelkompetisie. Die kompetisie word aangebied by Bloemhofdam, Rietspruitdam en Klipdrifdam. Vanjaar was dit Klipdrif se beurt en die aanbieding van die kompetisie was in die hande van kaptein Juanita Botha van SAPD. “Die doel is nie net om die Noordwes magte se beste hengelaars te kroon nie, maar die klem word op interkommunikasie tussen die drie afdelings geplaas,” sê Botha. Penloting het al vroeg plaasgevind en die hengelaars het onder streng reëls om 07:00 die lyne laat sing. Die kompetisie het ’n tweeledige kompo-

nent met die span wat die meeste visse vang en die span met die grootste gewig van die totale visse aan die einde van die dag. ’n Vis moet egter 150g weeg voordat dit kan tel as ’n vis. AO Michael Swart (Polisie-klubvoorsitter) het sy dank teenoor Luitenant Generaal Mbombo, provinsiale kommissaris van NW SAPD, en die bevelvoerders van die Weermag en korrektiewe dienste uitgespreek vir die geleentheid om hul sport te kan beoefen. Volgens Swart sal hy alle lede van die magte aanraai om ’n sport te doen, net om te kan ontlaai van die dag of week se werk. Om 15:00 was die lyne vir ’n laaste keer uit die water gehaal en die inweeg het plaasgevind. Die SAPD is gekroon as die wenners met 51 punte, gevolg deur Weermag met 46 punte en korrektiewe dienste met 28 punte.

NW-juniors speel muurbal

Foto: Cobus Groenewald

Luitenant Karina Pansegrauw laat waai met die pap.

Sport dagboek Atletiek 9 Maart – NW Laerskole Provinsiale byeenkoms, Olimpiapark, Rustenburg 10 Maart - Nowessa Hoërskole atletiek, Olympiapark, Rustenburg 17 Maart - ACNW Senior-, Junior- en Jeugatletiek-kampioenskappe 24 Maart - Geelbladsye byeenkoms, McArthur, Potchefstroom Rugby en Netbal 10 Maart - Ferdinand Postma teen Koster, op Koster Rugby 10 Maart - Luiperds teen Leeus, Provert Olënpark, Potchefstroom 12 Maart - Pukke teen UJ, Fanie du Toit, Potchefstroom. Alle klubs en skole is welkom om alle sportaktiwiteite met datum en plek te epos na Cobus.Groenewald@media24.com voor of op Dinsdae 12:00 om die aktiwiteit in die koerant en webtuiste te plaas.

Romeo Nkomo, Phokela Maponya en Hugo Gutsche is drie van die spelers in die o.19afdeling meegeding het tydens die Noordwes muurbalkampioenskappe.

Die Noordwes junior geslote muurbaltoernooi het 2 en 3 Maart in Potchefstroom by die Weermagbane plaasgevind. Vyftig muurbalspelers vanoor die hele Noordwes het mekaar die stryd aangesê. Volgens organiseerders was daar ‘n hele paar verblydende o.11-inskrywings en was dit ‘n plesier om die jong kinders teen mekaar te sien speel. Die jongste deelnemer was 6 jaar oud. Die kompetisie tussen die o.19-seuns was baie straf en die seuns het mekaar behoorlik opgekeil om die boonste plek op die podium te beklee. In hierdie afdeling was daar 18 inskrywings. ‘n Ontwikkelingsprojek wat vier jaar gelede begin is by Potch Boys High, het vrugte afgelewer: Die o.19-wenner was Phokela Maponya van Boys High en die naaswenner was Romeo Nkomo. Romeo het intussen verhuis het na Rustenburg. Verlede jaar se o.16-wenner, Hugo Gutsche van Gimnasium, het goed gevaar deur derde te eindig, en was dit nie vir ‘n besering wat hom gekniehalter het nie, kon Marchell Hattingh, ook van Gimnasium, nog hoër as sy vierde plek geëindig het. ‘n Nuweling van Hoër Volkskool, Adriaan Rall, het vyfde geëindig. Nog ‘n seun van Boys High, Lethabo Seeletse, het sewende geëindig. Matthew Raubach, ook van Boys High, is as wenner gekroon in die o.16-seunsafdeling. In die jonger afdelings was dit die spel van die o.11-seuns wat uitgestaan het. Hier is ‘n groepie jong seuns wat dopgehou kan word vir die toekoms! In die pas afgelope Prince Junior Ope het hulle onderskeidelik sesde, sewende en agste geëindig in hulle ouderdomsgroep. Die finaal tussen Evan van Wyk van ML Fick en Gareth Niemack van Laerskool Mooirivier het aanskoulike en opwindende spel opgelewer. Die uitslae was: Seuns o.7: Wenner – Ian de Jager (Mooirivier Laerskool) Seuns 0.11: Wenner – Evan van Wyk (ML Fick) Naaswenner – Dylan Niemack (Mooirivier Laerskool) Seuns o.13: Wenner – Vernon Charslund (Mooiriver Laerskool) Naaswenner – Aiden Erasmus (ML Fick)

Seuns o.14: Prath Shah – (Fields College, Rustenburg) Calvin Verwey – (Rustenburg Hoërskool) Seuns o.16: Wenner – Matthew Raubach (Potch Boys High) Naaswenner – Shahil Chitoo Naran (Fields College) Seuns o.9: Wenner – Phokela Maponya (Boys High) Naaswenner – Romeo Nkomo (Lebone College, Rustenburg) Dogters Ope: Wenner - Micaela Almeida (Selly Park Secondary) Naaswenner – Samantha Kearns (Rustenburg Hoërskool) Dogters o.13: Wenner – Sanam Chitoo Naran (Fields College) Naaswenner – Shanel Potgieter (Bailliepark) Dogters o.11: Wenner: Nicole Raubach (Potch Central) Naaswenner: Heidi de Jager (Mooirivier Laerskool) Na afloop van die toernooi is die Noordwes Junior spanne aangekondig. Die spanne gaan deelneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Plattelandse toernooi in Bloemfontein vanaf 27 tot 30 April: Seuns o.19A: Phokela Maponya (Boys High), Romeo Nkomo (Lebone College), Hugo Gutsche (Potch Gimnasium), Marchell Hattingh (Potch Gimnasium). Seuns onder 19B: Adriaan Rall (Hoër Volkskool), Oliver Hartley (Lebone College), Lethabo Seeletse (Potch Boys High), Philip Snyman (Rustenburg Hoër) Seuns o.19C: Michael Hurn (Hoër Volkskool), Alek Last (Fields College), Ofentse Makhena (Boys High) Seuns o.16: Matthew Raubach (Potch Boys High), Shahil Chitoo Naran (Fields College), Rajees Cajee (Selly Park Sec), Marc Almeida (Fields College). Seuns 0.11: Evan van Wyk (ML Fick), Gareth Craigen (Potch Central), Dylan Niemack (Mooirivier Laerskool), Divan Potgieter (Bailliepark). Dogters Ope: Micaela Almeida (Selly Park Secondary), Samantha Kearns (Rustenburg Hoër) Dogters o.13: Sanam Chitoo Naran (Fields College), Shanel Potgieter (Bailliepark), Jade Craigen (Potch Central), Ada Thompson (Salomon).


Potchefstroom Herald

9 Maart 2012

Brummer briljant in Mauritius Cobus Groenewald Dean Brummer(Pukke) se vyfde plek by die Atletiek Suid-Afrika se Landloopproewe in Potchefstroom het verbeter. Die Potchefstroom langasem het algeheel tweede geeïndig in die Suidelike Streek landloopkampioenskappe in Mauritius. Vier ander lande, Mauritius, Namibië, Seychelles en Reunion het saam met Suid-Afrika deelgeneem. Die hoë temperature en die plat grasoppervlakte het die Suid-Afrika-

ners soos ’n handskoen gepas. SuidAfrika het die kampioenskappe oorheers en die mans en vroue het span eersteplekke behaal. Die ses mans-deelnemers het skoonskip gemaak en die eerste ses plekke ingeneem met Lungisa Mdelelwa eerste, Brummer tweede en Boy Soke derde. Die drie se tye was onderskeidelik 33.22, 33.23 en 33.24. David Manja, ook van Noordwes ,was vierde, Isaac Mbuyase vyfde en

Kgosi Tsosane het die sesde plek verwerf. Suid-Afrika se dames het die eerste vyf plekke bekleë met Lebogang Phalula wat onttrek het van die span weens ’n kniegbesering. Die atlete se volgende groot byeenkoms is die Afrika kampioenskappe wat op 18 Maart in Kaapstad plaasvind. Atlete van regoor Afrika neem deel, wat die Kenyane en Etiopiërs insluit.

Herald/NWU-Puk se Varsitybeker-raai Cobus Groenewald Dis no. 2 teen no. 4. Die Pukke lê vierde en UJ spog met ’n tweede plek, maar UJ het die afgelope week TUT verskeur en die Pukke het gelykop gespeel teen ’n sukkelende UCT. Op papier gaan die Pukke hul hande vol hê tydens die UJ wedstryde. Wag-’n-Bietjie is besig om met die rugbyraai kompetisie weg te hardloop, met net twee wedstryde oor gaan hulle moeilik geklop word. Vier van die dameskoshuise glo dat die Pukke nie die wa deur die drif sal kan trek teen UJ nie. Iets wat soos ’n paal bo water uitstaan, is dat die Pukke sal moet uithaal en wys om suksesvol te wees teen UJ. Die groot voordeel wat die Pukke gaan hê is dat hulle nie weer soos teen UCT teen die wind te staan gaan kom nie. Maandagaand se wedstryd is op die Fanie du Toit stadion en die afskop is om 19:00. Die puntestand tot en met die UCT wedstryd en die raaiskote vir die wedstryd teen UJ dié week is: Bellatrix ........................................... 3 Dinki ................................................ 4 Eikenhof .......................................... 3 Heide ................................................ 0

Huis Republiek................................. 2 Karlien ............................................. 0 Kasteel ............................................. 0 Klawerhof ......................................... 1 La Varia ............................................ 4 Minjonet ........................................... 0 Oosterhof ......................................... 0 Vergeet-my –Nie ................................ 2 Wag-‘n-Bietjie .................................... 8 Wanda .............................................. 3 Die week se raaiskote teen UCT is: Bellatrix ........................................... 23-12 Dinki ................................................ 28-24 Eikenhof .......................................... 19-12 Heide ................................................ 21-18 Huis Republiek................................. 35-19 Karlien ............................................. 12-18 Kasteel ............................................. 18-15 Klawerhof ......................................... 29-15 Lavaria ............................................. 28-13 Minjonet ........................................... 16-32 Oosterhof ......................................... 10-15 Vergeet-My-Nie .................................. 26-19 Wag-‘n-bietjie .................................... 25-23 Wanda .............................................. 23-17

Foto: Cobus Groenewald

Dean Brummer, tydens die Atletiek Suid-Afrika landloopproewe in Potch.

Pukke speel teen UJ

Twee van Bert Bricks tem Zebra Zamba

Wedstryde vir die Varsitybekerwedstryd tussen die Pukke en UJ sal Maandag om 17:00 op die Fanie du Toit-sportgronde begin. Die eerste wedstryd op die A-veld is tussen Patria (Puk) en Bastion (UJ) om 17:00 in die Steinhoff Koshuisliga. Op die B-veld speel die o.20 Young Guns van die NWU-Puk teen UJ ook om 17:00. Die hoofwedstryd tussen Pukke en UJ vind om 19:00 plaas. Vanaf 18:30 gaan die Harley’s soos gebruiklik teenwoordig wees en die Kroonstad Gevangenisorkes, wat uit 36 lede bestaan gaan ook optree. Die 11 Varsitybeker-finaliste word ook voorgestel in dié halfuur. Toegang tot die sportgronde is vanaf die joolplaas en dan ook by die Loopstraatingang.

Foto: Cobus Groenewald

Daleen van der Merwe en Tilla Dalhouse

Cobus Groenewald Daleen van der Merwe en Tilla Dalhouse het Saterdag 3 Maart die Zebra Zamba in Lichtenburg gewen. Daleen was die algehele vroue wenner in die 32km wedloop met ’n tyd van 2:45 en Tilla die eerste meesters vrou (50-59) met ’n tyd van 3:25. “Die hele wedloop was op ’n eenspoor grondpad”, sê Dalhouse. ”Die waterpunte en organisering van die wedloop was puik, ek sal dit regtig weer gaan doen.” Die Lafarge Zebra Zamba word jaarliks in die eerste week van Maart aangebied en begin vanaf

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die Lictenburg bootklub. Hardlopers van Noordwes, Vrystaat en Gauteng neem gewoonlik deel aan die wedlope, maar dié jaar is daar gesigte van Gaborone en ook Port Shepstone gewaar. Die wedloop is ’n sirkelroete wat deur die Lictenburg Biodiversiteit Konservasie Sentrum gehou word wat verskeie bedreigde spesies soos die Witrenoster en die Kaapse Bergzebra huisves. Berts Bricks het nie net die dames wedloop oorheers nie, maar het aan die einde van die wedloop die onderskeiding gekry as die klub met die meeste deelnemers.


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9 Maart 2012


Potchefstroom Herald

Pukke buig koeël teen Ikeys Bertie Jacobs Nee wat, daardie koeël is reeds deur die kerk, sou Puk-ondersteuners Maandag gereken het. En nie hoe nie, sommer onder deur die haan se poot wat katswink in al wat ’n rigting bo die toring gewaai word. Want sien, met skaars tien minute in die NWU-Puk se Varsitybeker-kragmeting met Ikeys in Kaapstad oor, het die besoekers ’n 29-13 agterstand in die gesig gestaar voor ‘n merkwaardige terugvegpoging deur die Noordwester die eindtelling 29-elk waterpas getrek het. Sussie soen mag dit dalk wees, maar vir die Puk was dit ’n aangenome suster wat na jare se modelwerk van die buiteland terug gekeer het, só lekker was dit. Boonop het die Puk ’n bonuspunt vir vier drieë ingepalm wat, saam met hul twee punte vir die gelykopuitslag, beteken dat hulle steeds op koers is vir ’n plek in die uitspeelrondes. Teen die verdedigende Varsitybeker-kampioen in ’n stormsterkte wind op sy tuisveld, is drie punte nie te versmaai nie en dit was duidelik op die Puk-span se gesigte te bespeur toe Gerhard Nortier in die doodsnikke oorduik en self verdoel het. “Ons wou vier punte gehad het en ons het geleenthede gehad om die wedstryd te wen, maar ons het ongelukkig ’n paar sagte drieë afgestaan wat nie ons saak bevorder het nie,” het Hannes Esterhuizen, breier, gesê. “Ons is wel verlig oor die drie punte, want dit sou katastrofies gewees het as ons geen punte van die wedstryd kon wegneem nie. “Ek is baie trots op die wyse waarop die ouens teruggeveg het. Hulle het baie kalmte en karakter gewys en nie net die boedel oorgegee nie.” Oudergewoonte was die wind dóér onder op die Groen Myl ’n handvol. “Tot om saam met die wind te speel is moeilik want jy weet nie of die bal direk gaan uitwaai as jy dit veld-af skop nie. Dit het aangeë bemoeilik en die ouens moes dit so kort as moontlik hou, om nie eers te praat van watse invloed dit op stelskopwerk gehad het nie,” het Esterhuizen gesê. Albei spanne moes deurentyd verbete verdedig met die Puk wat 131 duikslae uitgevoer het en Ikeys nóg meer. Met slegs twee weke voor die uitspeelrondes oor beklee Pukke steeds die vierde posisie op die punteleer, vier punte voor NMMU wat nog teen Tukkies en TUT moet

Foto: Luke Walker/Gallo Images

Gerhard Nortier stuur die bal pale toe met Andrew van Wyk wat die Gilbert moeg regop hou en Henning van der Merwe wat toekyk. speel. Die Madibas is goed op dreef en hoewel hulle die sukkelende TUT behoort te troef is dit te betwyfel of die manne van die Baai opgewasse teen Tuks gaan wees. Daarteen kom die Puk Maandagaand op die Fanie in Potch teen UJ te staan voor Shimlas hul laaste wedstryd vanjaar langs die Mooirivier speel. Esterhuizen: “UJ speel ongelooflike goeie rugby. Hulle het nagenoeg 150 punte in hul

Geelbladsye-atletiek vir Potch Cobus Groenewald Atletiekliefhebbers moet 24 Maart maar in die dagboeke neerskryf, want Potch onthaal die land se beste atlete tydens die tweede Geelbladsye-byeenkoms. Die voorprogram begin 11:30 met twee 1 200m en 1 500m items vir o.12- en o.13-kinders, gevolg deur ‘n 5 000m vir mans. Die voorprogram word afgesluit met ’n 5 000m stap waar die beste stappers in die land mekaar in die mans- en vroue-afdeling die stryd gaan aansê. Die Puk spog ook met ses van die top 10 damesstappers. Die hoofprogram skop om 13:30 af en die hoogtepunte behoort in die driesprong en spiesgooi te wees. In die driesprong gaan Patience Ntshingila (Pukke) die nuwe SA rekordhouer, Charlene Potgieter, aanvat in Ntshingila se eie agterplaas. Die tweestryd kan albei atlete aanspoor om die Olimpiese kwalifiserende afstand van 14.30m te jaag. In die spiesgooi vir vroue gaan alle oë op Sunette Viljoen wees. Dit gaan Viljoen se tweede byeenkoms vir die jaar wees. ‘n Week voor die Geelbladsye-byeenkoms neem Viljoen deel aan die SA’s in Port Elizabeth. Sy hoop om in albei die byeenkomste die spies 61m ver te laat grondvat vir die A-kwalifiserende standaard wat vereis word deur Atletiek Suid-Afrika om aan die Olimpiese Spele deel te neem in Julie/Augustus vanjaar. Op die baan kan name soos Caster Semenya (400m en 800m), Kayla Gilbert en Claudia Viljoen (albei 100mH), Gideon Trotter, Thuso Mpuang en Roscoe Engel (100m en 200m). Die byeenkoms word afgesluit met twee 4 x 100m aflosse vir mans en dames. Skole kan ’n versoek rig aan ACNW om die leerders te nomineer om aan die 1 200m en 1 500m deel te neem in die voorprogram. Toegang by die hekke is R20 vir volwassenes en R15 vir kinders. Die afgelope twee naweke het die provinsies op ’n puntebasis teen mekaar meegeding in die Inter-provinsiale Geelbladsye reeks. Na die eerste byeenkoms in Germiston het Sentraal Noordwes (ACNW) hulle in

die vierde plek bevind, maar nadat hulle ’n uitstekende tweede plek in Bellville behaal het, het ANCW die algehele derde plek betree en R50 000 in die proses gewen. “Ons kon egter nog beter gedoen het, as atlete hulle nie op die nippertjie onttrek het nie,” het Lappies Labuschagne (hoofuitvoerende beampte van ACNW) aan die Herald gesê. “Het die atlete deelgeneem, kon ons genoeg punte verdien het om die algehele tweede plek te kry wat R75 000 vir die provinsie en atlete sou beteken. ACNW beloon die atlete wat aan die twee byeenkomste deelgeneem het uit die prysgeld wat verdien is. Program vir die Geelbladsye-byeenkoms op 24 Maart 2012 Voorprogram 1 11:30 1 200 m D o.12 2 11:36 1 200 m S o.12 3 11:44 1 500 m D o.13 4 11:52 1 500 m D o.13 5 12:00 5 000 m Mans 6 12:25 5 000 m Stap Mans en Vroue Hoofprogram 1 13:30 Diskusgooi Mans 2 13:30 Hoogspring Vroue 3 13:30 Paalspring Mans 4 14:00 Driesprong Vroue 5 14:00 Gewigstoot Vroue 6 14:00 110 mH Mans 7 14:10 100 mH Vroue 8 14:20 3 000m Vroue 9 14:30 Spiesgooi Vroue 10 14:35 400 m Mans 11 14:40 400 m Vroue 12 14:45 Diskus Vroue 13 14:45 Hoogspring Mans 14 14:45 3 000 m Mans 15 15:00 Driesprong Mans 16 15:00 200 m Vroue 17 15:05 200 m Mans 18 15:15 400 mH Vroue 19 15:25 800 m Vroue 20 15:35 800 m Mans 21 15:45 4x 100 m Vroue 22 15:55 4x 100 m Mans

laaste twee wedstryde opgestapel. Hulle is baie fisiek en speel met hope flair, maar ons sal die wedstryd ingaan met die wete dat

ons hulle die laaste twee keer geklop het. “Die manne weet hoeveel is op die spel, ons sal nie vir hulle terugstaan nie.”

TEl: (018) 293 1173 • H/v Nelson Mandela- & Beyers Naudelaan, Potchefstroom







2000 ISUZU FRONTIER 320 4X2 ............................................................................................................................................ R 79 900 2004 BMW 320d F/C 6 SPD..................................................................................................................................................... R 79 900 2010 CHEVROLET SPARK L 5 DOOR .................................................................................................................................... R 99 900 2009 CHEV AVEO 1.6 LT 46 000KM ........................................................................................................................................ R 99 900 1999 FORD FIESTA FUN 1.4 3 DOOR A/C ............................................................................................................................ R 39 900 2006 HYUNDAI TUCSON 2.0 CRDI ........................................................................................................................................ R149 900 2010 CHEVROLET CAPTIVA 2.4 LT......... ............................................................................................................................... R229 900 2004 HYUNDAI TERRACAN 3.5 V6 A/T ................................................................................................................................ R109 900 2006 JEEP CHEROKEE 2.8 CRD LIMITED A/T ...................................................................................................................... R159 900 2005 MERCEDES BENZ C270 CDI ELEGANCE, A/T (SLEGS 89 700KM) ............................................................................ R164 900 2004 MERCEDES BENZ C200K CLASSIC A/T ....................................................................................................................... R129 900 2006 OPEL ASTRA 1.8 SPORT 5DR ....................................................................................................................................... R119 900 2006 PT CRUISER 2.4 CABRIOLETTE 73 000KM ................................................................................................................. R139 900 2007 RENAULT MEGANE 1.6 EXPRESSION ......................................................................................................................... R105 900 1993 TOYOTA COROLLA 160 GL............................................................................................................................................ R 39 900 1998 TOYOTA PRADO VX V6 A/T 7 SEATER ......................................................................................................................... R 99 900 2005 VW SHARAN 1.8T 7 SITPLEK ........................................................................................................................................ R139 900 2005 VW CITI CHICO 1.4 ........................................................................................................................................................ R 39 900 2001 VW MICROBUS 2.6I P/S, A/C, ........................................................................................................................................ R105 900 2010 VW POLO 1.6 COMFORTLINE 5 DR (NUWE VORM) ................................................................................................... R169 900 2008 VW POLO 1.6 TRENDLINE CLASSIC ............................................................................................................................ R109 900 2005 VW GOLF 4 GTI 1.8T EXECUTIVE (BEPERKTE MODEL R REEKS) ........................................................................... R109 900 2006 VW SHARAN 1.8 T 7 SITPLEK ...................................................................................................................................... R159 900 2010 VW POLO 1.6 COMFORT LINE, 5 DEUR (NUWE VORM) ............................................................................................ R169 900 2008 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.6 TRENDLINE, A/C, CD PLAYER .............................................................................................. R109 900


2007 MITSUBISHI CLUBCAB 2800TDi ................................................................................................................................... R129 900 2008 ISUZU KB 250 D D-TEQ, DUBBELKAJUIT .................................................................................................................... R169 900 2006 ISUZU KB 300DT, DUBBELKAJUIT ................................................................................................................................ R139 900 2008 TOYOTA HILUX 2.5D-4-D SRX ENKELKAJUIT.............................................................................................................. R149 900 2008 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0D-4-D DUBBELKAJUIT ................................................................................................................... R215 900 1999 OPEL CORSA 160 I/S, A/C (KAPPIE) ............................................................................................................................. R 49 900


2005 POLARIS 500 SPORTSMAN ACT 4x4................................................................................................................... R 2008 SUZUKI LT-Z 250 ................................................................................................................................................... R 2005 SUZUKI LT-Z 250 ................................................................................................................................................... R 2003 YAMAHA BLASTER, 6 SPOED .............................................................................................................................. R 2005 YAMAHA XJR 1200 ................................................................................................................................................ R 2005 RUBBERDUCK 75 HP YAMAHA............................................................................................................................ R


49 900 31 000 23 000 18 000 45 900 49 900

1982 SPRITE SPRINT .................................................................................................................................................... R 20 000 2006 GYPSEY ROMARY (SOOS NUUT) ...................................................................................................................... R 99 900 2002 SPRITE SCOUT ..................................................................................................................................................... R 64 900

9 Maart 2012


Sport Potchefstroom

Foto: Cobus Groenewald

Luiperds is reg Luiperds se vastevyf: Bushy Mxunyelwa, Brendon Snyman, BW van Dyk, Robert Kruger en Snoopy Coetzee.

Cobus Groenewald “Vier maande se harde werk moet nou aanmekaar gesit word,” sê Coach Bossie van die Luiperds. “Ons het ’n kern oorgehou van verlede jaar wat dit die jaar makliker maak. Die ouens is reg vir die wedstryd.” Die Luiperds draf Saterdag om 14:45 op Provert Olënpark teen die Leeus in hul eerste Vodacombeker kragmeting van die 2012 seisoen, op die veld. Die wedstryd word op Supersport uitgesaai. “Die Leeus is vir ons onbekend, ons gaan egter hulle skrumskakel, Wesley Moolman, goed dophou. Hy het verlede jaar nog vir ons gespeel en ons ken sy vaardighede,” sê Boshoff.

Die Luiperds het baie aan hulle verdediging gewerk. Volgens Boshoff is dit een van die Luiperds se sterkpunte en as die verdediging in plek is, raak die aanvalgeleenthede net soveel makliker.” Die spelers oefen nou al vier maande aan die verdedigingsisteem en as hulle net in die sisteem glo gaan ons sukses behaal.” Met André Pretorius, wat vir hulle meer opsies bied, is die agterlyn ook merkbaar rustiger. Die Luiperds se agterlyn het al gedurende hul opwarmingswedstryde gate deur hul opponente gehardloop. Die grondslag gaan egter gelê word as die Luiperds se vastevyf hul man kan staan. Afronding gaan Saterdag bepaal of die Lui-

perds se voorseisoensessies die moeite werd was. In Maandag se oefensessie het Charl Weideman (senter) sy lies beseer en daar heers nog ietwat kommer of hy reg sal wees vir die wedstryd Saterdag. Hy sal egter Donderdag met die kapteinsoefening ’n finale fiksheidstoets ondergaan om te bepaal of hy sal kan speel. Op die stadium is die afrigterspersoneel baie positief dat Weideman wel sy fiksheidstoets sal slaag. As Weideman nie kan speel nie sal George Tossel die nr. 13 trui aantrek met Wilco de Wet wat hom sal vervang op die plaasvervangersbank. Toegang is R30 vir volwassennes, R20 vir

studente en R10 vir skoliere en pensioenarisse. Die Luiperds nooi die publiek om Vrydagoggend in Die MooiRivier Mall vanaf 10:00 seisoenkaartjies te koop. Die span vir Saterdag se kragmeting is as volg: Hoffmann Maritz, Danie Dames, Charl Weideman/George Tossel, Meel Engelbrecht, Berty Visser, Andre Pretorius, Eugene Jantjies, Morne Hanekom (k), MB Lusaseni, HP Swart, Brendon Snyman, Robert Kruger, Bhule Mxunyelwa, BW van Dyk, Snoopy Coetzee. Reserwes: Wian Fourie, Gavin Nesindande, Marcell Groenewald, Bernie van Rooyen, Johann Laker, George Tossel/Wilco de Wet, Vainon Willis.

Skakel Rijana Swart om in die Potchefstroom Herald te adverteer:

082 820 1363 of (018) 293 0750. rijana.swart@mooivaalmedia.com

Honda Auto Klerksdorp H/v Connie & Adalaan, Adamayview, Klerksdorp Tel: (018) 468 7780

Wilma Hugo 082 825 5652

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