Potchefstroom Herald 28 Junie 2013

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Aardklop skuif



Babies found in box, bag





Potchefstroom Herald

Blok posbusse, ’n vrees vir bejaardes

Abrie Bronkhorst Die blok huurposbusse in Miederpark is glo besig om vir bejaardes ’n nagmerrie te word omdat hul vrees vir hul veiligheid wanneer hulle pos gaan uithaal. “Ek moet altyd vir iemand vra om my dop te hou. Soms draai ek net daar om omdat ek te bang is,” vertel ’n moedelose bejaarde vrou. Volgens die bejaarde is sy nie die enigste een wat so

voel oor die leeglêers wat by dié posbusse rondhang nie. “Ons het dit al aangemeld maar niks help nie. Hulle kom net weer terug. Dis ook permanent morsig daar.” Die bejaarde vrou wou op 21 Junie ’n foto van die morsige plek neem maar is deur een van die mans gedreig: “Ek bliksem vir jou,” het hy vir haar geskree. “Ek is verskriklik kwaad. Ons betaal baie duur vir die posbusse dan moet ons sulke goed verduur.” Die Herald het die posbusse om 11:00 Woensdagoggend besoek en ’n stuk of ses mans daar gekry, besig om bier te drink. Die gefuifery is egter gou onderbreek terwyl daar foto’s van hulle geneem is. Sommiges het stadigaan begin spore maak terwyl een rammetjie-uitnek sommer met sy bier poseer het.

28 Junie 2013

Bo: Dié rammetjie-uitnek is so selfversekerd dat hy sommer met bier in sy hand poseer. Dit blyk iets te wees waaroor die polisie 'n blinde oog gooi maar nie skroom om 'n student in dieselfde omstandighede inhegtenis te neem, en toe te sluit nie. Wat het van die toepassing van die wet oor drink in die openbaar geword? Foto’s: Abrie Bronkhorst

Vyf vas oor 19-jarige se skelet

Volg die Potchefstroom Herald en Gons bladsy op facebook en twitter of besoek ons webtuiste by www.potchefstroomherald.co.za

Die Ventersdorppolisie het vyf verdagtes inhegtenis geneem in verband met die moord op ’n 19-jaar oue seun wat inisiasie ondergaan het. Lesego Cassias Goliath se gebrande beendere is in ’n vlak graf naby die munisipaliteit se stortingsterrein opgegrawe. Goliath het na bewering op 12 Junie by ’n inisiasie skool in Doornpan in die Ventersdorpdistrik aangesluit. “Daar word beweer dat gedurende die tydperk wat hy by die skool aangesluit het en Maandag 24 Junie, is die oorledene ernstig

deur die hoof van die inisiasieskool aangerand,” sê provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, lt. kol. Lesego Metsi. Goliath het glo as gevolg hiervan aan sy wonde beswyk. Dit word verder beweer dat die hoof en vier ander seuns, die oorledene se liggaam gebrand het en sy skelet begrawe het. Volgens Metsi is die polisie deur lede van die gemeenskap oor die voorval in kennis gestel en ’n lasbrief is verkry om die gebied te fynkam. Die verdagtes sal na verwagting binnekort in die Ventersdorplanddroshof verskyn.

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Herald Potchefstroom

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28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Sewage spill raises infrastructure concerns

The new Ivy League development on the Bult looks out onto the Gimmies rugby field, where raw sewage has once again been percolating out of the ground. Residents are worried about the extra burden that the occupation of 147 new units will place on an already under-capacitated sewerage system. The main sewage line from Mooivallei Park runs through the high school’s sports ground and sewage spills run directly into the Mooi River. Although Potchefstroom’s existing spatial development framework and electrification is being reviewed comprehensively at the moment, it seems that there is no master plan for civil infrastructure such as roads, water, sanitation and stormwater. It is the job of the city engineer to control and guide decisions about civil infrastructure. Potchefstroom’s one and only city engineer, Johan Coetzee officially retired at the end of January last year. The director of infrastructure, Mashele, resigned the year before. Both posts have been vacant ever since. Given Potchefstroom’s size and exponential growth over the past decade,

town planner, Thinus de Jager, believes there should be at least two to three qualified and registered engineers, and that the director of infrastructure should be registered as well. “As recently as ten years ago Tlokwe had four registered engineers in the infrastructure department,” he recalls. According to Willie Maphosa, Tlokwe spokesperson, however, the latest sewage spill had nothing to do with overload on the infrastructure network. “There was an ordinary blockage at the northern boundary of the school premises,” he explains. The sewer line runs through Gimmies’ rugby field. A team from infrastructure removed tree roots from the manhole near the ablution block. “The new development will not overload the sewer system in any way. The new out-fall sewer has already been installed near Meul Street to increase capacity. Any fears of the infrastructure giving way because of this particular development are therefore misplaced at the moment,” he says.

Two babies found dumped in Potchefstroom

Victor Boqo Two babies were found dumped in less than four days on separate incidents in Potchefstroom. A baby with its umbilical cord still attached to it was found on June 20 at 14:30 dumped inside a plastic bag at the Sarafina field in Ikageng. Two women got the shock of their lives while they were looking for wood as they usually do to make fire during winter, when they came across the plastic bag lying in the field. Inside the plastic bag they discovered a baby. The women then alerted the police. “A 39-year-old woman was arrested on June 24. She was released on bail of R500. A case of concealment of birth is being investigated.” said W/O Ishmael Mohutsiwa. Another baby was found dumped inside a shoe box at Noordbrug Student House on June 24 at 10:00. The baby was found by a general worker while collecting garbage. A case of concealment of birth is being investigated. As reported in the Herald of March 30, 2012, mothers who cannot take care of their babies have been offered a lifeline through Vessels of Mercy Place of Safety in the form of a safety deposit vault for abandoned babies. The safe, situated in doctors’ con-

sulting rooms near the taxi rank and Potch Sweets, is a high tech, robust drum. There is a round door on the outside which is weight-activated and locks automatically. (There is also a 48-hour emergency power supply in the event of power failures.) It immediately alerts at least three pre-approved, stand-in parents whose aim it is to get there within five minutes. They will be able to access the baby from inside the doctors’ rooms, feed it, make it comfortable and provide a safe place to stay overnight. They have 24 hours within which to report the case. “Once the baby has been collected it will be cared for in a place of safety, either at Vessels of Mercy or by shortterm volunteer parents that have been screened and approved,” says Susan Fouche, director and founder of Vessels of Mercy. As soon as the investigation has been completed the child will either be placed in foster care or adopted into a new home. While it is illegal to dump a baby, the baby safe offers a legal and secure alternative that is operational 24 hours a day, every day. For information or to contact the organisation: Susan Fouche (Director/ Founder) Cell:082 048 6309 Email:webmaster@vessels.org.za or www.vessels.org.za

Police constables Karabo Menzi and Steven Kazi pointing at the plastic bag that the baby was found in and dumped at the Sarafina field.

See video on Herald website. Visit www.potchefstroomherald.co.za The new Ivy League development looks out onto Gimnasium's sportsfield where raw sewage percolates out of the ground

Raaisel omhul baba se dood Abrie Bronkhorst Ondersoeke oor ’n voorval waar ’n pasgebore baba na bewering in die Potchefstroom-hospitaal laat val is, kon nie bevestig word nie. Volgens gerugte het die voorval glo Woensdag 12 Junie gebeur. Navrae is aan ao. Mpho Manyoba, Potchefstroomse polisiewoordvoerder, gerig maar sy sê dat die polisie geen kennis van die voorval dra nie. “Daar is nie so ’n saak by die polisie rapporteer nie en die gesinsgeweld, kinderbeskerming en seksuele misdryfeenheid (GKS) weet ook nie daarvan nie,” het sy aan die Herald gesê. Navrae hieroor is ook aan die Potchefstroom hospitaal gerig om vas te stel of daar wel op dié dag so ’n voorval plaasgevind het. “Volgens ons rekords en register het ons nie so ’n pasiënt wat aan die beskrywing voldoen nie en die voorval wat beskryf word het ook nie in die Potchefstroomhospitaal gebeur nie,” is in ’n persverklaring uitgereik. Die Herald het na verdere ondersoek met die ouma van die baba wat in Orkney woon in verbinding getree, maar sy het geweier om

kommentaar te lewer. “Ek weet niks,” was al wat sy gesê het waarna sy die foon neergesit het. Met elke volgende poging om haar in die hande te kry het sy egter die foon bly dooddruk. Die ma, waarskynlik van Ikageng, wie se van slegs aan die Herald bekend is, kon ook nie teen druktyd opgespoor word nie. Na verdere ondersoek is vasgestel dat daar wel ’n lyk van ’n baba, wat se van ooreenstem met dié van die ma, op 12 Junie in die hospitaal se lykshuis ingeteken is. ’n Kennis van die familie het wel aan die Herald gesê dat die baba reeds begrawe is. Dit kon egter nie bevestig word of die oorsaak van dié baba se dood natuurlik of onnatuurlik is, en wie die lyk verwyder het nie. Gloria Tlhapi, uitvoerende hoof van die Potchefstroom-hospitaal het vandeesweek erken dat ’n pasiënt, wat se van ooreenstem met die een wat aan die Herald bekend is, wel op 4 Julie en weer op 11 Julie in hul kraamsaal opgeneem is. Sy het egter bygesê dat sy nie seker is of dié pasiënt steeds aan die oorspronklike beskrywing voldoen nie. Teen druktyd was alle ander navrae hieroor onbeantwoord.


Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

Mine engineering workers are left high and dry without salaries or jobs

Victor Boqo While mine workers are toyi-toying for better wages, supply companies to mines are badly affected. Over 100 workers of a well known mine engineering firm, in the industrial site, Oden-Zin Mine Engineering that specialises in the design, manufacture, refurbish, construction and sales of precision engineering are left without salaries for more than two months and are now jobless. According to the stranded workers of Oden-Zin Mine Engineering firm, the company is liquidated and they were not informed. “What hurt us most is that we can’t claim the (UIF) unemployed insurance fund as the owner did not register us, although he was deducting the money from our salary. Furthermore he has been deducting more than R2 000 for tax but we are not registered,” said Mr Sakkie Bouwers spokesperson of the workers.

The owner cannot be traced and his cellphone is always on voicemail whenever the workers try to contact him. They demand answers about their salaries. He is on the run since May 14, he has packed up everything in the firm without anyone being aware of it. “Some of the workers have served the organisation for more than 10 years and have worked with dedication and loyalty but this is the thank you we got from the owner,” said Bouwers. When speaking to the Herald, Mr Johan Odendaal, owner of Oden-Zin confirmed that his firm has been closed since June 14 due to economic reasons and strikes in the mining industry and for not getting any work from mining companies. “I have informed my workers about the shutting down of the company and we had several meetings with them. I’m busy sorting out the payment and UIF matters.” Odendaal dismissed allegations of not registering his workers, instead he said that the workers are angry because the firm is now closed.

Angry and disappointed workers of Oden-Zin Mine Engineering that has been shut down, leaving the employees without salaries and jobless. Photo: Victor Boqo

‘Municipal worker demands R500 or sex to collect refuse’ Victor Boqo

refuse collection, why must R500 or sex be demanded? My dignity and “R500 or sex or no refuse will be col- rights have been violated by the mulected.” nicipal worker,” said Lindi Mogoshane. These are the allega“I was angry and tions made against a muI immediately renicipal refuse removal ported the worker worker by a Promosa resto my ward counident. cillor, Mr JohanMs Lindi Mogoshane is nes Johnson and not very happy about the officials in the treatment she received Community Servfrom a municipal worker ices and Infrawho refused to collect her structure-departrefuse if she did not give ment. Till today my him R500 or sex. refuse has not been Refuse is collected evecollected and the ry Thursday at Aquarius matter seems to Street in Promosa from have fallen on deaf 07:00. Mogoshane’s ears,” explains refuse has not been colMogoshane. lected for over a period of “I’ve got nothing three months. against the worker The incident happened as I don’t even just before Human Rights know him but as a Day. “It was late when I rate payer I deserve took my refuse out and to be treated better rushed to the municipal and not in such a worker, begging him to disrespectful mantake it. Instead, the workner. er whose name is known Ms Lindi Mogoshane All I want is my to the Herald, was rude to Photo: Victor Boqo refuse to be collectme and refused to take my refuse ,” said Lindi Mogoshane. ed but now I am living in fear be“Again months passed by without my cause I am not sure what will happen refuse being collected to date. And to me. What if the worker forces himspecifically on May 2, the same inci- self on me and rapes me?”, Asked dent happened with the very same Mogoshane. “I confirm that Mogoshane laid a worker who refused to take my refuse bag and instead demanded complaint and I took it to the relevant officials in community services R500 or sex from me. When I told him that it won’t hap- which is under investigation,” said pen, he left me stranded and did not ward councillor, Mr Johannes Johnson. However, no response has been take my refuse bag. I’m a rate payer and Tlokwe Mu- received from municipal spokespernicipality charges me R54,72 for my son, Mr Willie Maphosa, as yet.

28 Junie 2013

Aardklop skuif!

Die Aardklop-terrein skuif vanjaar na die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein van die Noordwes-Universiteit. Die uitvoerende hoof van Aardklop, Andries Vrey, sê dit maak om verskeie redes sin om eerder die feesterrein in die toekoms op dié velde aan te bied. Daar is meer plek, minder ontwrigting vir verkeer en besighede op die Bult en die ooreenkoms met die universiteit kan inhou dat sekere infrastruktuur saam met Aardklop uitgebrei of geskep kan word om in die toekoms tot voordeel van beide partye te wees. Die nuwe terrein vir die fees, wat van 24 tot 28 September plaasvind, is op die rugbyvelde aan die oostekant van die rivier met die Joolplaas net suid daarvan. Toegang tot die terrein vir die publiek sal wees vanuit Loop-

straat aan die weste kant van die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein en vanaf die hek aan die oostekant. Die hek by Van Rooystraat sal slegs ’n dienspad vir organiseerders en uitstallers wees. Vrey sê parkering sal gereël word met ’n pendeldiens. Ontwrigting wat in die verlede ontstaan het met die sluit van strate sal nou byna glad nie gebeur nie. Vrey sê stalletjies is volbespreek. ’n Nuwigheid is dat hulle vanjaar elke aand ’n musiekvertoning gaan aanbied wat by die prys van toegangskaartjies ingesluit is. Soos verlede jaar is daar weer ’n spesiale aanbod om ’n weekkaartjie spotgoedkoop aan te koop. Dit kan gedoen word by ’n musiekkonsert op 20 Julie waartydens Aardklop 2013 ook amptelik bekendgestel gaan word. Lees meer daaroor hiernaas.


Potchefstroom Herald

Aardklop se nuwe alles in een feesterrein

Foto: Alexander du Plooy

Goedkoop Aardklop-kaartjies by loodsfunksie op 20 Julie!

Kry spotgoedkoop toegangskaartjies by Aardklop se afskopfunksie op 20 Julie! Die loodsfunksie vind vanjaar by wyse van ’n gratis musiekkonsert op 20 Julie by Senwespark-krieketstadion plaas. Dié aand kan ’n weekkaartjie vir Aardklop teen slegs R150 gekoop word. Die kunstenaars wat die aand optree is Riana Nel, Pieter Koen, Snotkop, Elizma Theron, Anrika en Medupi. Henk Grimsell speel van 21:30 in Impala as deel van die Aardklop afskop. Die konsert duur van 16:00 tot 21:00. Hekke open reeds 15:00. Toegang is gratis. ’n Versoek is dat almal wat dit bywoon komberse saambring en dié wat wil kan dan die kom-

berse na die konsert daar los. Die Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes sal dit bymekaar maak en aan behoeftiges gee. Konsertgangers wat graag wil sit tydens die konsert moet hul eie stoele saambring. Sop en broodjies gaan verkoop word teen R15. Daar sal ook ’n kontantkroeg wees. Langsaan is die toegangspryse vir Aardklop vanjaar. Slegs die aand van die loodsfunksie sal ’n weekpakket teen R150 beskikbaar wees vir Aardklop! Dit sluit toegang tot die terrein en musiek elke aand vanaf Dinsdag, 24 September tot 28 September in. Dit sluit egter nie toegang vir 23 September se afskopkonsert in nie.


Potchefstroom Herald

Waar is toilette? Ore sien die straatverkopers, of wat is die grênd naam nou weer - informele handelaars, is weer erg doenig langs Albert Luthuli- en Govan Mbekirylaan. Ore het dan gedink dié manier van besigheid doen gaan nou in Potch aandag kry en dat hulle eerder vir dié mense ’n gebied gaan gee waar hulle kan verkoop. Ore het nie ’n probleem met mense wat vir hulself ’n lewe probeer maak nie, maar waar gaan hierdie mense toilet toe en waar was hulle hande? Dié van hulle wat kos verkoop, hoef

is die klomp vuilgoed wat tussen die gras gelê het ook sommer minder, maar nie heeltemal weg nie. Nog ’n Goue Oor wag as die vuilgoed ook weg is! Dankie!

ook nie lisensies te hê en skoon en goedgekeurde kombuise nie. Waarnatoe gaan jy as jy voedselvergiftiging kry?

Goue Oor

Ore gee graag ’n Goue Oor aan wie ookal die lang gras op die hoek van Maree- en Spruitstraat gesny het. Ore het mos laasweek gekla dat daardie lang dekgras ’n brandgevaar is. Of die eienaar dit self gesny het en of iemand anders dit gedoen het, weet Ore nie, maar dit is gedoen. En nou

Aardklop se nuwe terrein beter as oue Hoewel Aardklop nie Pretoria as alternatief vir Potchefstroom oorweeg het nie, sal baie Potchefstromers tog verlig wees dat die skuif van die Aardklopterrein na die Universiteitsgronde dui op ’n langtermyn-verbintenis tot Potchefstroom. Inteendeel, en dit sê Andries Vrey, die feesbestuurder, as mens net kyk na wat die huur van verskuifbare toilette tot nou toe gekos het, kon mens daarmee lankal ’n volledige reeks permanente toilette opgerig het - as jy net die grond gehad het. Hieroor praat Aardklop met die Universiteit. Nie noodwendig toilette nie, maar dat Aardklop kan bydra tot een of ander vorm van infrastruktuur op die nuwe terrein wat ook tot voordeel van die Universiteit kan wees. Om terug te kom na Pretoria. Dit is interessant dat die meeste besoekers aan Aardklop van Pretoria af kom, maar dat Pretorianers self nie ’n Aardklop daar verkies nie. Ondersoek is gedoen na ’n vorm van ’n fees daar maar nie groot soos Aardklop nie. Die weggaan na ’n kleiner meer plattelandse atmosfeer waar alles nader aanmekaar en meer “warm” is, tel meer punte. Dit is juis Potchefstroom se sterk punt. Stad, maar nie stad nie. Geriewe, soos sale, wat naby mekaar is. Baie beddens naby die hartklop van Aardklop en met ongelooflike goeie samewerking van die Universiteit. Potchefstromers kan dus gerus slaap. Aardklop gaan nie Pretoria toe nie. Aardklop bly net hier en ons gaan dit nog vir jare lank op ons voorstoep hê met al die voordele wat dit bring. Die nuwe terrein bied meer moontlikhede en gaan beslis minder ontwrigtend wees op verkeer as wat dit op die Bult was. Ons sien reeds uit na Aardklop 2013!

28 Junie 2013 Kan dit wat in die sloot moet kom nie maar in sodat die spul toegegooi kan word nie?

Sloot krap om

Ore se vrinne by Mooivalleipark raak bietjie omgekrap oor die sloot wat langs die pad naby die ingang na hul woongebied gegrou is. Ore hoor die sloot is al omtrent twee maande gelede gegrou, die grond uit die sloot lê hoe ver op die teerpad en niks gebeur verder nie.

Parkeerplek? ’n Leser het vir Ore dié foto op 15 Junie geneem.

Goeie diens nie gewaarborg

Me. Babs Pelzer skryf:

My man en ek is trotse en lojale Potchefstromers hoewel ons meestal op ’n aftreeplasie in Koster bly. Toe ons onlangs koerierdienste nodig gehad het om dringend ’n koevert met doktersvoorskrifte in Centurion afgelewer te kry, was ons bly om van die koerierdienste se hoofkantoor in Potch gebruik te kon maak. Alles van Potch is egter nie ewe goed nie, sou ons later tot ons spyt uitvind.

Ons is verseker dat as ons ’n pakkie voor 11:30 op ’n Maandag ingee dit teen die Woensdagmiddag in Centurion afgelewer sou word. Toe nie! Vanaf die Woensdagmiddag en die Donderdag het ons vyf keer geskakel om uit te vind wanneer die pakkie afgelewer sal word. Elke keer is ons verseker dat hulle sal uitvind en ons terugskakel, wat natuurlik nooit gebeur het nie. Teen die Vrydagoggend was die pakkie steeds nie afgelewer nie. Toe ons weereens navraag

doen, is ons later teruggeskakel en meegedeel dat die pakkie by ’n verkeerde adres afgelewer is, dat die koerier dit sal gaan haal en dan by die korrekte adres sal gaan aflewer. Die pakkie is inderdaad Vrydagmiddag, twéé dae te laat, afgelewer. Ons was ongelukkig oor die swak diens, maar die bestuur kon geen fout daarmee vind nie. Dus wees gewaarsku: die feit dat dit ’n firma van Potchefstroom is, is nie ’n waarborg vir goeie diens nie, inteendeel.

People need to be warned Titch Cartwright writes Please warn our readers that in these difficult financial times certain building contractors are taking the well-meaning public for a ride. I met this gentleman while he was busy with a project at a home in town. He called and gave a very reasonable quote for the three small projects at my house that all involved work on roofing. He explained he works with a deposit up front, as many people have let him down in the past. The quote had a street address; he has been working in Potchefstroom for 22 years. 60 percent paid up front would

ensure he could start immediately. Nothing happened for three weeks. Reasons such as the weather or other jobs were given was his excuse. Finally he arrived with one worker (off the street) his Grade 11 son, worked a day, and stayed away again. This time the reasons given were that he had no transport, because his car keys were stolen. On his return payment for the not yet completed first project was required. The contractor then fell through the very roof he had been hired to repair which he had declared no longer required any attention. During investigation I found that he had not even

ordered or paid for the materials for which I had paid. The address given on the quote was false. He resides in the Impala Hotel and has taken the deposit from several other residents and never completed the work. Now injured from the fall he could no longer work. He agreed to pay back the deposit paid up front for the two projects not yet started. Rain was expected and the roof was open so I completed all the work myself and paid a second time for the material. The contractor’s name is Wimpy Griesel. (Na verskeie oproepe het mnr. Griessel nie gereageer nie. Red.)

Wanneer sal genadetyd verby wees? Die gelykenis van die boere en die wingerd. Markus 12:1-12 Koos Mouton. Gereformeerde Kerk, Mooirivier. Ons sing in die bekende Stille Nag van die Jesus-kind wat lank verwag is. Die Ou Testament en ook vandag se mense verwelkom nie altyd dié Jesuskind in hulle lewens nie. Simeon het in die tempel al met betrekking tot Jesus gesê: Hierdie kind is bestem tot ’n val en ’n opstanding – ’n teken wat weerspreek sal word. Jesus spreek hierdie gelykenis uit kort na sy intog in Jerusalem. Toe het die skare uitgeroep: Loof Hom wat in die Naam van die Here kom. Dit was ’n paar dae voor die kruisiging. Om hierdie gelykenis te lees is om steeds Israel se geskiedenis te lees. Die man wat die wingerd aangeplant het, is God. Die wingerd is die Beloofde

Land. Die boere wat die vrugte moes lewer, Israel. Die eienaar stuur slawe om, let wel, op die regte tyd, sy deel van die wingerd se oes te kry. Die slawe word mishandel en doodgemaak. Lees maar wat met die profete van die Ou Testament gebeur het. Genadiglik word God nie moeg om te stuur nie. En toe het God nog net een Boodskapper gehad : Sy Seun. Die rede vir God se stuur van die Groot Boodskapper is die boere se redding. Sou die Eienaar sy Seun se lewe op die spel plaas? Die huurders verdien eintlik die dood, maar God gee hulle nog kans. Genadetyd. Hy laat die moontlikheid oop vir bekering. In die gewone lewe is hierdie verhaal ’n stuk onmoontlikheid. Maar dit gaan hier nie om die optrede van ’n mens nie, maar om die genade van God.

Die koms van die Christus is die laaste bekendmaking van God aan ons. Na Jesus kom daar nie nog ’n Messias nie. Verder : die koms van Jesus word as ’n stoornis, ’n ergernis beleef deur die mens. Solank daar niemand is wat die vrugte op die regte tyd kom vra nie kan ’n mens jou gang gaan. Dat Christus nog verkondig word, is die groot wonder van God. Dis nog genadetyd duskant die wederkoms. Jesus Christus is die Koning oor alles en almal – ook oor jou en my lewe. Maar die wêreld wil nie deur Jesus gesteur word nie. Die klip wat deur die bouers afgekeur word, is inderdaad die belangrikste klip in die gebou. Wat ’n teenstelling: van “Loof Hom” tot “kruisig Hom”. As Hy nie aan die verwagtings van die mens voldoen nie,

volg verwerping. Hoe lank sal dit so aangaan? Die een op wie hierdie klip val, sal uiteindelik vermorsel word. Wanneer sal genadetyd vir jou en my verby wees? Oppas dat jy jou nie te pletter loop teen die rots, Jesus Christus, nie. Maar as Hy die belangrikste steen in jou gebou is, kan jy verseker weet dat jou lewe, jou huis, in Sy hande veilig is. En dan sal jy ook die vrugte van bekering kan lewer.

28 Junie 2013

Skaterkiekies kom tot ’n einde Die instuur van skaterkiekies het gesluit. As jou foto nie hierdie week verskyn nie, sal dit volgende week verskyn. Baie dankie vir lesers se deelname. Die Junie-skaterkiekie-wenner sal ook volgende week aangekondig word.

Oupa André, AJ en Jandré - oupa se bulle! Foto: Adrie Hartman.

“Ag hoe lank moet ek nog so sit vir die foto...ma, kry klaar!” Foto: Chantalle Briedenhann.

Jessie, my Jack Russel is pragtig en baie lief om vir foto’s te poseer. Foto: Lizelle Brink.

“Genade g’n mens kan dit in hul lyf kry nie!: sê JP de Jager. Foto: Moniq de Bruyn.

Milo and Hunter, the two cousins. Photo: Jamie Wilson.

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald

Nie rassisties nie. Wil net weet waarom word die kleurlinge en Moslems beroof deur die swart mense. Alima. Boerebar, kan julle asseblief ’n plan maak sodat mense wat in rystoele is ook daar kan in en uit beweeg. Dit is baie ongemaklik om trappe op en af te sukkel. Dankie JJ. I cannot describe how wonderful the food and service is at East Restaurant in Kerk Street!!! Thank you for the hospitality, friendliness and delicious food! East Restaurant could teach a few places in Potch how to welcome customers, warm Chinese tea in the winter... At no extra cost, what a pleasure! :) SMS in Herald 21 Junie 2013 in verband met rommelstrooi by Potch Primary. Kom help “enkele papiere” optel elke dag, dan bly Potch skoon. Die persoon wat wou weet waar hy tweedehandse boeke kan koop, kan gerus by al die pandjieswinkels en tweedehandse meubelwinkels in Potch gaan kyk. Hulle het baie en omdat dit nie hul primêre besigheid is nie, is dit spotgoedkoop. Ek was die afgelope tyd onder behandeling by dr. André Cronjé, die spesialis en was besonder beïndruk met sy kundigheid, professionaliteit en deernis. Baie dankie dokter. Uiters teleurgesteld in Herald! Die meisies van Baillies wat Bokkieweek gespeel het se naam is nou Ryan Daniel en hulle gaan Wêreldkampioenskap toe vir boogskiet, en arme Ryan speel Bokkieweek netbal! Nee, gee die seun die eer wat hom toekom! Dis nie elke dag wat enige kind in ons dorp kwalifiseer om in ’n wêreldkampioenskap deel te neem nie. En op die teenstaande blad word die NW-netbalwenners van Volkskool se name ook nog by die verkeerde foto geplaas...ag nee man! (Die foto’s was reg op die proefbladsy wat die Herald deurgestuur het na produksie. Daarna het ’n tegniese fout ingesluip. Ons vra om verskoning daarvoor. Die fout is opgemerk nadat die koerant reeds gedruk is. Ons plaas weer die korrekte foto’s. Nuusred.) Die persoon wat wonder oor die brand-

weer se voertuie, kom kyk gerus self wat daar aangaan voor jy weer jou bek rek. Jy is seker ook een van daai wat belasting ‘duck-en-dive, anyway’. Ek lees van die bejaardes wat in iemand se bediendekwartiere woon. Wie is so harteloos om bejaardes R1 000 te vra vir ’n buitekamer en dan nog sekerlik sien hulle eet nie ordentlik nie. Skande, sies vir julle, en vir almal wat daarvan weet. Ons Vader sien alles. Hoekom is daar so baie mense wat met hulle voertuie se misligte aangeskakel rond ry? Somtyds helder oordag, is die voor en agter misligte sommer aan as daar geen teken van mis is nie. Is hulle dalk deur die mis of dink hulle dis cool? Marius. Van Deventer: Thumbs up for the Community Based Outreach Team of the Dept of Health whom I had the privilege to experience in action at a family in Promosa. Please keep up your good and essential work in the service of our chronic patients. Aan Vyfhoek-inwoner: Jou anonimiteit was toe net ’n oproep ver - die beledigende SMS wat jy gerig het aan die “vent wat op sy verregse (LW. spelling) sit en twakpraatjies (LW: spelling) uitdink, verwys: Jammer om jou borrel te bars - dit was toe nie dié “vent” wat ’n SMS, waarmee jy jou klaarblyklik kon assosieer, aan die Herald gestuur het nie. Hy sal nie tot jou vlak daal om beledigende SMSe aan die media te stuur nie. Soek vir jou ’n ander sondebok om te blameer. (Die Herald se SMS-blad is ’n blad waar jy as leser jou mening kan lug, pluimpies uitdeel, kritiseer (sonder om beledigend te wees), sê wat jy op die hart het ens., en is nie ’n speelveld vir wedersydse bekgevegte nie. Nuusred.) Die woord van God is lewend en kragtig. Dit is skerper as enige swaard met twee snykante en dring deur selfs tot skeiding van siel en gees en gewrigte en murg. Dit beoordeel die bedoelings en gedagtes van die hart. Niks in die skepping is vir God onsigbaar nie. Aan Hom moet ons rekenskap gee Hebr. 4:12-13 Die mense wat in Bothastraat sit om kwansuis ’n werk te kry is ’n groot oorlas. Hulle ontlas orals en maak snedige aanmerkings

Soek en vind Het jy iets om te ruil of soek jy iets? Plaas dit in die soek- en vindhoekie van die Herald. Hierdie is ’n hoekie vir ruiltransaksies of versoeke waarby geen geldwisseling betrokke is nie. Ek het ’n Tobi-stoomyster te ruil vir wat u het. My nommer is 082 633 4688. ’n Liefdevolle, 3 maand-oue Jack Russel-reun, kortbeen, soek liefdevolle huis. Skakel 073 329 6358. Het iemand dalk ’n Acer 4500-laptop wat stukkend is wat ons dalk sal kan help? Ons is op soek na onderdele wat ons nêrens kry nie. Baie dankie 072 010 6511. Hello julle. Oom Piet, ’n 63-jarige bejaarde, benodig asseblief skenkings. Hy het ’n plek om te bly maar geen meubels nie. Hy vra asseblief vir skenkings vir ’n dubbelbed, hangkas, laaikas, yskas/ vrieskas, stoof, wasmasjien, sit/eetkamerstel, broeke 28 tot 34, hemde, baadjies, truie medium en groot, skoene nr. 8 en 9, vroueklere 32 tot 36, hy sal dit so baie waardeer. Dankie. Skakel Daleen by 079 046 0530. Speelgoed vir volledig geregistreerde en

geakkrediteerde Liefielop-keuterskool in Promosa. Skakel asseblief die hoof by 082 265 9190. Ek is op soek na kumkwatte as daar iemand is wat het en dit wil weggee, skakel asb. 082 831 4840. Hallo mense, het jul nie dalk matte wat jul nie gebruik nie? Ek bly in ’n Wendy en kry baie koud 071 107 9488. Ek soek ’n boek wat handel oor bye, geskryf deur G.J. Beyleveld. Sal betaal daarvoor! Kontak my asseblief by 082 431 8646. Dankie! Asseblief mense, ek het al ’n sms ingesit maar niemand het my eers gehelp nie. As iemand klere of skoene het vir ’n dogtertjie van 5-jaar en vir ’n dogter van 15-jaar, klere en skoene. Asseblief, ek glo dat daar iemand daar buite is wat kan help. Skakel my by 081 576 0286. Ek glo en bid dat iemand kan help. As iemand dalk die boek Quo Vadis, soos uitgegee deur dr. Willie Marais, het en dit aan my sal skenk, sal ek dit baie waardeer. Carel van Potch. 076 633 5655. Ek is op soek na ou windbukse in enige toestand. Skakel my, Bertus, asseblief by 072 545 9091.

teenoor die inwoners. Tipies Tlokwe-standaard. Kry hulle weg en huisbraak sal ook afneem. Die soort en inhoud van die SMS’e wat julle plaas, laat mens wonder oor die IK van julle lesers. Na aanleiding van Kriel se SMS asook Engelbrecht. Daar is amptenare by Landbou wat nog hul salaris moet verdien. Wat word van hulle, dank net af? Almal is nie gelukkig met vyfster-geboue nie. Waar lê die probleem dat die geboue so lyk? Is net dankbaar om nog werk te hê. Dink voor net toemaak! Ek is ook ’n ma en ouma van ’n klein seuntjie. En baie dae wonder ek ook waarom kritiseer my kinders my so baie. Is dit omdat ek maar net altyd daar is as hulle my nodig het? Trap hulle op my? Of was ek maar net ’n te goeie ma daarom waardeer hulle eintlik niks wat jy vir hulle doen nie? Miskien is ’n te goeie ma ’n slegte ma. Ek moes hulle meermale gehel het toe hulle klein was. Dalk sou daar vandag meer respek gewees het. Petra en Andre van AVBOB, duisend dankies vir die deernis en professionaliteit waarmee julle Willem se begrafnisreëlings hanteer het. Julle is twee engele. Just would like to say thank you to Malcolm of Arrow Routes, your shuttle service is still the best. Nobody can be as informative and entertaining as you are. Keep up the great work. Don’t worry about those that are undercutting you, they won’t last, you have served us for six years, they are still trying. ;) Ek wens Laerskool M.L. Fick kan die ouers wat agter is met skoolgelde by die uitdeel van rapporte beter behandel. Dit is erg genoeg van ’n vernedering om by die kantoor dit te moet gaan afhaal en dan wil die dames nog ongeskik raak met die ouers. Nie almal het altyd die geld nie en geen mens verdien om so verneder te word nie. Daar is beter maniere om die aangeleenthede uit te sorteer as om die ouers negatief te maak en verneder te laat voel. Die persoon wat so mooi van die hulpdoel van Volkies praat, dit word waardeer, baie dankie! Wil net vir die jagter sê wat die olifant geskiet het, dat hy seker vir ’n tekort iewers in sy lewe probeer opmaak deur die olifant te skiet. Probeer volgende keer sonder jou ou geweertjie... Vir uitstekende, bekostigbare diens en buitengewone vriendelikheid, ondersteun gerus National Autoglass. Plesier om daar besigheid te doen! Teleurgestel deur subjektiewe verslaggewing! Gimmies se o.19-span is die enigste van al hulle spanne wat wen in die Noordwes Netbalkampioenskap, terwyl al vier van Volkies se spanne in die finale speel. Al vier van Volkies se spanne kwalifiseer om in die SA’s deel te neem en daarmee saam wen twee van die spanne die Noordwes-netbal. Wat doen die Herald? Plaas Gimmies as NW-kampioene op die sportblad en verskuil Volkies-netbal (met baie beter uitslae) êrens in die middel. Is dit ’n objektiewe verslag van wat die naweek gebeur het? Ek dink nie so nie. (Die eerste spanne van skole is ongelukkig die groter nuus. Dit werk maar oral so. Dit is die vlagskip van die skool. Daar word wel in berig gesê dat twee van Volkies se ouderdomsgroep-spanne ook NWwenners was. Kom kyk maar op die agterblad van die Herald van 29 Julie 2011 en 2 September 2011 na Volkies se foto’s van hul eerste rugbyspan wat toe onderskeidelik die Noordwes-wenners en Beeldtrofee-wenners was. Red) Stem saam met Madel! Asseblief verf die padtekens op die stad se paaie. Dit skep verwarring vir ander besoekers aan ons stad. Sal onnodige ongelukke ook uitskakel. Doen asseblief iets stadsraad, julle kan. Inwoner van Tlokwe. Ek het baie rotstuinklippe waarvoor ek nie meer plek het nie. Skakel my by 084 245 9353. Ja asseblief, nog ’n keer, verf strepe op strate. Tog was daar om te mors op Trimpark. Tot die gras en plante is ook geverf by heining! Inwoner. Dankie Leonie, ek is so bly ek het jou gees-

28 Junie 2013

telike boekies by Protea-boekwinkel raakgeloop. Ek gaan beslis almal aanskaf vir myself en vir geskenke. Hoop jou ander kom gou uit. Vir al die mense wat klere soek! Die Hervormde Kerk het twee winkels in die Johannes Dreyergebou wat help met armmoedbediening. Besoek hulle gerus. Is dit die moeite werd om ten duurste vir kaartjies te betaal en deur die elektroniese media te kyk na krieketwedstryde van die Proteas soos die wedstryd teen Engeland in die semi-eindstryd? Waarom is al ons beste spelers nie daarvoor gebruik nie? Het ons nie so voorkom dat ons span wêreldkampioene word nie? Ek doen sommer bietjie navorsing: Bel mense wat altyd vra vir goed op die SMSblad. In my lewe het ek nog nooit gesien dat die Potchefstromers die suinigste mense in die land is nie. Hoeveel mense vra regtig hulp maar kry dit nie en glo my ek bid vir almal. Mense, gaan lees die gelykenis van die rykman en Lasarus, julle kan nie jul geld saamvat nie! Ek weet mens mag nie wens vir ander wat jy nie aan jouself gedoen wil hê nie, maar die mense met hul ‘grand’ karre wat dink hul hoef nie te stop by stoptekens nie, veral daar naby Ferdies. Julle moet almal pap wiele kry en gaan staan. Die wêreld behoort nie net aan julle nie! It is a pity mom and dad usually sit with your mistakes, so please grow up. Geluk aan Volkies se eerste netbalspan wat tydens die finaal van die Best Schools-toernooi ongelukkig tweede gekom het. Ek wil Volkies se eerste netbalspan gelukwens met hul spel. Al het hul nie as wenners van die baan afgestap nie, het hul almal met hul spel beïndruk en was in my oë die wenners. Hul opponente het met hul waarskuwings vir ontoelaatbare spel my laat wonder... word hul so afgerig of word dit gedoen slegs om ten alle koste te wen? SA Netbal moet dalk die instel van geel en rooikaarte oorweeg. Dr. Carel Nieuwoudt. Wees wakker en op jou hoede by die AbsaOTM buitekant die bank by MooirRivier Mall! Vriendelike rondstaande sogenaamde helpers beroof jou blitsig van jou kaart. Dit is werklik onveilige OTMs, selfs in die dag. Is aan die einde van loopvlak en heeltemal buite sig van verbygangers en omstanders. Vermy die OTMs as jy alleen daar is. Dis gevaarlik! Geluk aan die Bult, so bly om te sien daar open meer eetplekke op die Bult en minder drinkplekke. Dit gee die studente en gemeenskap ’n breë keuse van restaurante. Hou so aan Bult jul moet die hub van Potch word. Manda. Baie dankie aan Marriette Meijer van MeEm velsorgreeks. Jou produkte is puik en voorwaar ’n seën vir elke vrou wat dit gebruik.

28 Junie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

Sanet vir (Rotary) president!

Cheryl Botha Lede van die Rotary se Potch-hoofklub het die winde van verandering op dié wintersaand gevoel toe hulle die heel eerste vroulike president in Potchefstroom ingehuldig het. Sanet Jansen van Rensburg het geen bekendstelling nodig nie. Sedert sy op 1 Mei 1992 in Potch aangekom het, het sy ’n noemenswaardige verskil in die gemeenskap gemaak. “Gemeenskapswerk is nog altyd my voorkeur maatskaplike werk-metode. Deur gemeenskapswerk is die impak groter en meer mense word bereik.” Jacques van Deventer, voormalige president van die Potchefstroom Rotaryklub, het haar in Maart 2010 as Rotariër ingehuldig. Net ’n bietjie meer as drie jaar later is sy as die nuwe klubpresident voorgestel. Sy sê dit is ’n groot eer om die eerste vrou wat as president gekies word, te

wees. Haar hoofdoelwitte vir die volgende jaar is om meer mense by Rotary te betrek en dat dié ledetal sal groei en ’n verskil in mense se lewens sal maak. Sy wil ook soveel moontlike behoeftes van die welsynsorganisasies en diensorganisasies van Potchefstroom identifiseer, prioritiseer en saam beplan hoe die Rotariërs en die Rotary Anns moontlik betrokke kan raak. Maar wie of wat is dit wat Sanet inspireer? “Ek het nie regtig ’n spesifieke rolmodel nie. Ek leef dit wat ons Hemelse Vader van ons verwag en dit is om Sy hande en voete hier op aarde te wees. Die Here rus ons toe met bepaalde gawes en talente en ek glo dat ek dit moet gebruik om Sy koninkryk hier op aarde uit te brei. “Dit wat ek is, is slegs genade. Dit wat ek bereik, is omdat daar mense is wat in my glo.”

In sy laaste amptelike seremonie oorhandig die uittredende president die leisels van die klub aan Sanet Jansen van Rensburg.

SF en Angella du Toit is die wenbruidspaar vir April. Hulle het die meeste stembriefies ontvang en dring deur na die finale ronde van die kompetisie wat volgende jaar sal plaasvind.

Chakalaka and pap, bobotie and koeksisters - in Oklahoma USA! Kedibone Penny Lebata grins from ear to ear at the memory of 200 guests going back for seconds. It was hardly surprising that the Potchefstroom bombardier was chosen from the 72 students on the battery commander’s course to give a presentation on South Africa. As the only woman on the course, and the only artillery captain representing SA, stuck out like a sore thumb from the getgo. Before starting the sixmonth course Kedibone (KP as she is known by her unit) and the three other international delegates had to do a fortnight’s preparatory course. The oncein-a-lifetime opportunity held a number of firsts for Kedibone (36). It was the first time that she had ventured from the land of her birth. It was also the first time that she had ever set foot on an aeroplane. From the first day at Fort Sill, right up until the last, she and the rest of the brigade were on the parade grounds at 06:00 doing physical training for an hour. KP’s racing comrades were very fit males, so it is understandable that she straggled in distances ranging from

Department of Health Healthy Living for All The SCM: Notice Board – Health

Extension of Closing Date NWDOH 18/2013: Provision of a Solution for the Supply and Implementation of a Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) with 4 Remote Review Workstations at Potchefstroom Hospital NWDOH 19/2013: Provision of a Solution for the Supply and Implementation of a Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) with 10 Remote Review Workstations at Mafikeng Provincial Hospital NWDOH 20/2013: Provision of a Solution to Upgrade and Expand the Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) at Klerksdorp/Tshepong Provincial Hospital Complex NWDOH 21/2013: Provision of Radiology Information System (RIS) with Voice Recognition and Transcription Solution for Mafikeng Provincial Hospital NWDOH 22/2013: Provision of Radiology Information System (RIS) with Voice Recognition and Transcription Solution for Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital NWDOH 23/2013: Provision of Radiology Information System (RIS) with Voice Recognition and Transcription Solution for Klerksdorp/Tshepong Provincial Hospital Complex The Department extends the closing date for the above-mentioned bids with three weeks to 19 July 2013 at 11:00. All other conditions remain the same.


Kone Solutions K20854

Sanet Janse van Rensburg betree haar nuwe amp met ywer.

Kedibone dishes up a culture lesson at Fort Sill, USA Cheryl Botha



Department: Health North West Provincial Government


3,2 to 9,65 km on more than one occasion. Formal training was from 08:30 to 17:00 every day, but there was always time to tour and explore. Hosted by an elderly sponsor family, Kedibone was treated to a number of outings, including a visit to their daughter in Austin, Texas, over the festive season. “They rescued me from a cold and lonely Christmas,” she smiles. Other highlights were visiting Washington DC, the Whitehouse and the Pentagon, as well as witnessing a typical American court hearing. For six-and-a-half months Kedibone Lebata experienced America. But at the farewell Kedibone Lebatla was not only the dinner, it was her time to shine. only South African selected for the “I presented Know Your course - she was also the only woWorld SA on February 21. It man in the entire delegation. Photo: was such an honour to stand in Cheryl Botha front of fellow students and high profile people. I spoke for an hour and I cleared up a lot of misconceptions that Americans have about us and South Africa. It’s crazy - they think lions roam the streets,” she laughs. “I was so privileged to get the opportunity to go on course. It was life-changing, exciting and enriching. Now that I think about it, those PT sessi- Kedibone Penny Lebatla receives an ons every morning were award after her presentation on Welcome well worth it in the end!” to my World SA Photo: Supplied


Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

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2003 AUDI A4 1.8T AvANTE, MUlTITRONIC ...........................R119 990



2011 MERCEDES-BENZ,C250 CDI COUPE A/T, AMg...............R449 990 2012 TOyOTA AygO 1.1 3DR WIlD,MAgS,CD ........................R114 990 2011 MAZDA 5 2.0 INDIvIDUAl 6SPD NEW SHAPE, ............ R249 990 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ C320CDI A/T, S/ROOF........................R299 990 2011 TOyOTA COROllA 1.3 PROFFESIONAl x2 .................. R179 990 2009 MAZDA 5 1.6I, 7 SEATER, SIlvER, 59000KM ................ R179 990 2008 MERCEDES-BENZ S500 MOBIlO + ExTENDED M/Pl...R599 990 2011 TOyOTA vERSO 1.6 Sx M/T, gREy................................ R229 990 2008 MAZDA 6 2.3 MPS M/T, WHITE....................................... R179 990 2008 MERCEDES-BENZ A170 AvANTgARDE, M/T..................R179 990 2010 TOyOTA COROllA 1.3 ADvANCED................................ R179 990 2008 MERCEDES-BENZ ClC 200K,A/T .....................................R239 990 2010 TOyOTA RAv 4 2.0 vx AWD, SIlvER, 46000KM ........... R299 990 2005 MAZDA 6 2.5 SPORT lUx............................................... R109 990

2007 MERCEDES-BENZ C230 KOMPRESSOR COUP, A/T.......R179 990 2008 TOyOTA COROllA 1.6 PROFFESIONAl ........................R115 990 PEUGEOT 2007 MERCEDES-BENZ E200 MAgS ........................................R229 990 2005 TOyOTA vERSO 1.8 Tx A/T, WHITE ............................... R124 990 2007 PEUgEOT 207 3DR, BlACK ........................................... R109 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ, E200K A/T, WHITE.............................R169 990 OPEL 2006 PEUgEOT 407 3.0 v6 S/R, R/CD, lEATHER, E/SEATS R139 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ ClK 500 A/T F/l, SIlvER ...................R249 990 2011 OPEl ASTRA 1.6 ESSENTIA, 30 000KM .......................R219 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ ClS 350 A/T, WHITE...........................R259 990 RENAULT 2009 OPEl CORSA 1.4 ESSENTIA ........................................R109 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ A170 ClASSIC,M/T ...........................R115 590 2007 RENAUlT MEgANE 1.6 gOlD SEDAN, A/C, P/S, C/l... R119 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ C55 AMg A/T, BlACK.........................R279 990 2008 OPEl ASTRA 1.6 ESSENTIA..........................................R109 990 2008 OPEl ASTRA 1.9 CDTI 76 000KM, BlACK gTC ..........R189 990 2007 RENAUlT ClIO III 1.6 DyNAMIqE ................................. R107 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ C200K A/T, S/PACK, S/ROOF ............R129 990 2002 MERCEDES-BENZ C200K SIlvER....................................R119 990 2008 OPEl ASTRA 1.8 gTC SPORT M/T 3DR, WHITE.........R149 990 2001 MERCEDES-BENZ ClK 320, vERy lOW KM, FSH..........R209 990 2001 MERCEDES-BENZ ClK 430 COUPE................................R169 990

2001 MERCEDES-BENZ C320I A/T,WHITE ................................R 99 990 2012 vW POlO vIvO 1.4 ........................................................ R139 990 2001 MERCEDES-BENZ Ml270 CDI A/T, WHITE ......................R119 990 2011 vW POlO vIvO 1.6 ........................................................ R149 990

BMW 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004

BMW 335I A/T, SIlvER, M/SPORT, S/ROOF, 26000KM .. R439 990 BMW x1, 2l(D), A/T, SPORTSPACK, M/PlAN................. R369 990 BMW x5 3.0D xDRIvE A/T, gREy, S/ROOF, BAl. ......... R589 990 BMW 335 A/T, WHITE, ExClUSIvE PACK, S/ROOF ...... R399 990 BMW 118 lOW KM, M/PlAN, 30 000KM ......................... R219 990 BMW x5 3.0D xDRIvE A/T, BlACK ................................. R549 990 BMW 120I COvERTIBlE A/T STEPTRONIC, WHITE...... R329 990 BMW x1, 2.3D, A/T, SUNROOF, M/PlAN, NAv ............... R399 990 BMW 135I A/T, CONvERTIBlE, gREy, M/SPORT .......... R349 990 BMW 325 COUPE A/T(E92) SIlvER, M/SPORT.............. R349 990 BMW 320I M/T, SIlvER, 50000KM, BAl. M/PlAN........... R239 990 BMW 320D A/T, WHITE, M/SPORTS PACK, PDC............ R299 990 BMW 325 A/T, SIlvER, ExClUSIvE, xENON, PDC ....... R279 990 BMW x6 3.5D xDRIvE, xENON, M/SPORT, R/glASS... R649 990 BMW 320I M/T, gOlD, ExClUSIvE PACK...................... R239 990 BMW 325I A/T, M/SPORT, S/ROOF, M/PlAN................... R269 990 BMW 320I M/T, BlUE ....................................................... R219 990 BMW 320I M/T,SIlvER ..................................................... R259 990 BMW 320I M/PlAN ........................................................... R229 990 BMW 320D M/T F/l,BlACK, S/ROOF, PDC, xENON ...... R229 990 BMW 323I A/T, gREy, M/SPORT...................................... R169 990 BMW 525I A/T F/l, SIlvER, 80 000KM ............................ R249 990 BMW M6 CONvERTIBlE 57000KM M/PlAN ................ R599 990 BMW 550I A/T, BlACK...................................................... R379 990 BMW 750I, gREy, FUll HOUSE, 90000KM .................... R299 990 BMW 130I, SPORTPACK, S/ROOF, lEATHER ................ R184 990 BMW 335 CONv, SIlvER, M/PlAN, A/T (50 000KM) ...... R409 990 BMW 320I (E90) ExClUSIvE, S/ROOF........................... R164 990 BMW 325I A/T, SUNROOF................................................ R199 990 BMW 525 A/T, SIlvER, M/SPORT, S/ROOF .................... R189 990 BMW 320I E90 .................................................................. R149 990 BMW 320 (A) ExClUSIvE................................................ R148 990 BMW 330CI CONvERTIBlE A/T, BlACK, 59000KM ....... R249 990 BMW 3.0D A/T, gOlD....................................................... R239 990 BMW x5 4.8IS A/T, gREy, FUll HOUSE......................... R349 990 BMW M5, SMg ................................................................. R369 990 BMW 320I ExClUSIvE, PACK......................................... R139 990 BMW 318I, INDIvIDUAl.................................................... R119 990 BMW 320D A/T STEPTRONIC, gREy, ExCl/ PACK ...... R144 990 BMW x5 4.4l, S/PACK, S/ROOF .................................... R249 990 BMW x5 3l I lOW KM NAvIgATION lOTS OF ExTRAS R229 990


2011 vW POlO vIvO .............................................................. R129 990 2010 vW POlO vIvO 1.6, MAgS ........................................... R144 990 2010 vW POlO 1.6 TREDlINE............................................... R149 950 2010 vW POlO COMFORTlINE 1.4, NEW SHAPE............... R159 990 2010 vW POlO vI 1.6I COMFORTlINE ................................. R169 990 2010 vW POlO vIvO 1.6I TRENDlINE.................................. R139 990 2010 vW POlO 1.6 COMFRONTlINE,NEW SHAPE ............. R169 990 2010 vW POlO vIvO, 1.4, TRENDlINE, 63KM ..................... R129 990 2009 vW CITy ROx 1.6 NEW SHAPE ................................... R104 990 2009 vW TIgUAN,1.4 TSI, TREND,FUN, 4 MOTION............... R229 990 2009 vW SCIROCCO 2.0TFSI DSg, WHITE, 47000KM......... R299 990 2008 vW POlO 1.4, A/C, P/S, C/D, MAgS ............................. R107 000 2008 vW gOlF v gTI M/T, BlACK, S/ROOF, 18” MAgS....... R199 990 2008 vW BEETlE 2.0 CONvERTIBlE M/T, BlUE ................. R159 990 2005 vW TOUREg 2.5TDI A/T, SIlvER .................................. R179 990

OTHER 2011 FORD FIgO 1.4 TDCI .................................................... R114 990 2011 MINI COOPER S, RED, CHIllI PACK, PEPPER PACK R259 990 2011 CHEvROlET CAPTIvA 3.0 lTZ 4x4 A/T NEW SHAPE . R379 990

2009 lExUS IS 250 SE SPORT A/T ........................................ R384 990 2009 HyUNDAI TIBURON 2.0 glS, BlACK, 77000KM........... R164 990 2009 HONDA ACCORD 2.4 ExEC (lOW KM), lIKE NEW ...... R219 990 2009 jAgUAR xTyPE 3.0 A/T, gREy...................................... R199 990 2009 KIA SOUl 1.6 H/S ........................................................... R179 990

2007 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4.0I A/T, WHITE .......................... R239 990

2007 AUDI A3 2.0 FSI, MAgS, lEATHER .................................R139 990

2011 DAIHATSU TERIOS 4 x 4, gREy, 39000KM................. R199 990 2010 ISUZU KB 250 D-TEC D/C, CANOPy............................ R239 990 2010 ISUZU KB 3l D-TEC, D/CAB, A/T.................................. R255 990 2010 ISUZU KB300 DTEq D/C, WHITE ................................. R255 990 2010 NISSAN NAvARA 2.5TDI E-CAB, WHITE...................... R239 990 2010 NISSAN NAvARA 2,5 SUPER-CAD, lOW KM .............. R239 990 2010 gWM STEED 2.8 D/C CANOPy ................................... R179 990 2009 gWM HOvER 2.4I, gOlD ............................................. R139 990 2009 lExUS IS250 M/T, MAROON ........................................ R239 990 2009 MITSUBISHI OUTlANDER 2.4 glS A/T, NEW SHAPE R279 990 2009 MITSUBISHI OUTlANDER 2.4I glS, WHITE ............... R279 990 2008 CHEv CAPTIvA DIESEl 65000KM, BlACK ................. R239 990 2008 TOyOTA HIlUx 3.0D4D D/C F/l, gOlD ....................... R239 990 2008 gWM HOvER 2,4, 6000KM ........................................... R134 990

2010 HyUNDAI TUCSON 2.0glS, SIlvER ............................. R199 990 2007 2006 2010 HyUNDAI I20 1.6 glS, WHITE, MAgS .......................... R139 990 2006 2010 DODgE CAlIBRE 2.0,Sx7 36000KM.............................R199 990 2005 2010 FORD IKON 1.6 TRENDlINE M/T, SIlvER..................... R139 990 2005 2009 jAgUAR x-TyPE, M/PlAN,lOTS OF ExTRAS.............. R199 990 2005 2009 lExUS IS 250 A/T, 50 000KM.......................................... R339 990 2003 2009 KIA RIO 1.6 HS, WHITE, 73000KM.................................. R149 990

2010 AUDI S3 SPORT PACK, P/ROOF, MAgS, M/PlAN .........R349 990

2008 AUDI A4 1.8T M/T (B8) ATTRACTION, BlACK ................R224 990

2011 TOyOTA FORTUNER 3.0 D4D A/T, WHITE, T/BAR ...... R369 990

2010 KIA SOUl 1.6 H/S M/PlAN ............................................R194 990 2007 jEEP CHEROKEE 3.7 lTD, A/T..................................... R169 990

2008 FORD F250 S/C,WHITE................................................... R239 990

2008 AUDI TT 2.0FSI TT ROADSTER CONvERTIBlE ............R289 990

2012 lAND ROvER EvOqUE 2.2 DyNAMIC A/T,WHITE...... R589 990

2010 HONDA CRv 2.4I v-TEC ElEgANCE A/T, SIlvER ........ R299 990 2007 SANyONg MUSSO 290 S SPORT A/T, D/CAB............. R129 990

2010 AUDI A4 2.0T MUlTITRONIC, SIlvER, BAl. M/PlAN ....R299 990

2009 AUDI A3 2.0TFSI S-TRONIC, BlACK...............................R274 990

2012 CHEvROlET CORSA 1.8 SPORT, MAgS, lDv............ R169 990

2010 HyUNDAI I20, 1.4, MAgS................................................ R139 990 2007 CHRySlER gRAND vOyAgER 3.3 lx A/T.................. R199 990

2010 AUDI A5 SPORTSPACK 2.0 FSI, MUlTITRONIC ............R389 990

2009 AUDI A4 2.0TFSI AMBITION MUlTI (155KW), gREy......R299 990

COMMERCIAL (SUV, D/CAB) 2013 RANgE ROvER EvOqUE SD4 DyNAMIC ..........................P.O.A

2008 MITSUBISHI TRITON 2.4, D/CAB, MAgS ..................... R229 990 2010 SUZUKI 2.0 Sx4 CvTI, A/T, lOW KM.............................. R199 990 2008 CHEvROlET CAPTIvA SUv 3.2l v6 77 000KM........... R229 990

2008 KIA SORENTO 2.5CRDI Ex M/T, SIlvER ....................... R179 990

2010 AUDI A3 1.8T, 3 DOOR, S/ROOF, MAgS .........................R249 990

2005 RENAUlT gRAND SCENIC 2.0 7 SEATER A/C, MAgS . R104 990


2006 NISSAN MURANO 3.5 v6 A/T, gOlD.............................. R164 990

MERCEDES Ml 500 FUll HOUSE, MAgS .................. R419 990 lAND ROvER RANgE ROvER, SIlvER, 99000KM..... R399 990 NISSAN 3.0 TDI KINg CAB ............................................ R 99 990 NISSAN HARDBODy 2.7 D/CAB................................... R 89 990 MITSUBISHI OUTlANDER 2.2l, S/R, lEATHER.......... R134 990 MITSUBISHI PAjERO 3.2 DID glS, S/W FSU.............. R165 990 jEEP CHEROKEE 2.4 SPORT 4 x 4, SIlvER .............. R 99 990


2009 vW CITI ROx 1.4I, MAgS............................................... R 99 990 2007 PROTON SAvvy, lOW KM`S......................................... R 59 990 2007 FORD FOCUS 1.6 TRENDlINE...................................... R 99 990 2007 FORD KA......................................................................... R 59 990 2007 RENAUlT SCENIC 1.6 ExP ........................................... R 99 990 2006 RENAUlT MEgAN 2.0 DyNAMIq, R/CD, A/C, P/S........ R 99 990 2006 CRySlER PT CRUIZER .................................................R 94 990 2005 HONDA CIvIC 150 I, gOlD, A/C, P/S, C/l, R/CD .......... R 99 990 2004 vW POlO 1.9 TDI, WHITE HIgHlINE, MAgS............... R 89 990

2006 FORD F250 S/C, gREy................................................... R219 990 2003 MINI COOPER 1.6 gOlD BlACK, A/C, E/W.................. R 99 990 2006 HONDA CIvIC 1.8 v-TEC ExI H/B, RED ......................... R109 990 2000 BMW 320D, RED............................................................. R 79 990 2006 NISSAN MURANO 3.5 v6 A/T, SIlvER ........................... R164 990 2000 BMW 330I E46, gREy, A/C, R/CD, A/T, E/W .................. R 99 990

28 Junie 2013

Sestig, maar steeds vuur en vlam vir sy skool

Elke jaar, reeds vir die afgelope 20 jaar dat hy hoof van Hoër Tegniese Skool is, gee mnr. Chris de Villiers ’n ete vir sy personeel op sy verjaardag. Met sy 60ste verjaardag op 8 Junie, was dit ook so en het hy Vrydag 7 Junie weer sy personeel en lede van die beheerliggaam bederf. ’n Groot verrassing het egter die Vrydag op hom gewag: ’n tafel vol geskenke wat deur verskaffers van die skool geskenk is. “Die personeel het gepoog om 60 geskenke op die tafel te kry, en hulle was baie naby daaraan,” vertel De Villiers. “Dit het my laat besef hoe bevoorreg ek is om hier skool te hou, ek het nederig gevoel.” Die Saterdagaand op sy verjaardag het die skool hom weer met ’n skaapspitbraai by die skool bederf. Van aftree praat hy nie nou nie. “Ek is geseënd en genadig en op langtermyn wil ek oor vyf jaar aftree, maar dit hang alles af van my gesondheid.”


Potchefstroom Herald

Cti/Mgi hou gradeplegtigheid

Lede van Cti se SRC-span wat uitgehelp het met gradeplegtigheidreëlings. Danielle Groenewald, Alicia Bruwer, Veronica Xheko en Boipelo Mocumi. Foto: Verskaf

Mnr. Chris de Villiers en sy vrou, Carol, by die tafel vol geskenke wat die skool vir hom ingesamel het vir sy 60ste verjaardag.

Mnr. Chris de Villiers (agter 2de van regs) op die viering van sy 60ste verjaardag saam met personeel wat al jare die pad saam met hom by die skool stap. Voor van links: Elma Burger (20 jaar by HTS), Dawid Fourie (38 jaar) en Jennekin Lamprecht (22 jaar). Agter van links: Harmen Wijnberg (26 jaar), Marieta Boshoff (17 jaar) en Uvalde Swanepoel (De Villiers se dogter wat ook by HTS skoolhou).

Die nuwe borge vir 2013 se Potch Lentefees is by die Lentefeeskomitee se afskopvergadering aangekondig. Voor is Ruan en Juanita Boucher (Habitat). Agter is Jacque Davel (FFG), Marliza van Gass (Safricom), Suzette du Toit (organiseerder van die Lentefees), Deon van Tonder (Staalbeer), Johan Kruger (Safricom) en Miranda Engelbrecht (Staalbeer) is deel van die borgespan. Build-It was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. Die fees sal hierdie jaar bekend staan as die Habitat Potch Lentefees en vind plaas vanaf 29 - 31 Augustus by die Trim Park. Die Lentefees trek hierdie jaar ‘n kleurryke nuwe lentebaadjie aan met hope verrassings op die spyskaart. Indien enige iemand belangstel om deel te wees van die fees kan hulle gerus vir Suzette (082 807 0694) of Marina (083 256 6396) skakel.


Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

Department of Health Healthy Living for All Emergency Care Officer Grade III Salary: R112 209 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/1) • Tswaing Sub-district • Greater Taung Sub-distruct-EMRS • Potchefstroom Sub-district • Rustenburg Sub-district (3) • Madibeng Sub-district (6)

Requirements: • Successful completion of an appropriate Intermediate Life Support (ILS) course that allows for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA) • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa must be attached as Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA) • Computer literacy • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations • Valid Code EC (10) driver’s licence with Public Driver’s Permit. Duties: • Treat patients in accordance with ALS protocols and transport patients to hospital, from scene and between hospitals in accordance with the relevant protocols • Maintain best clinical practices in accordance with quality standards • Change and replenish surgical sundries and medical gases and ensure that expired items are disposed of timeously and/or exchange for fresh stock • Maintain the unit in clean condition and good working order at all times • Respond to opportunities that enhance professional development (eg in-service training, attend workshops, forum meetings and update staff accordingly) • Use all equipment and Government property correctly • Assist in maintaining a clean and tidy base • Complete and submit all appropriate paper work to the Shift Senior before the termination of the shift abide by the Standing Operational Procedures and other EMS policies • Maintain accurate and reliable records at all times • Undertake inter-hospital transfers when requested • Undertake any other duties as allocated by a Shift Senior/Station Officer/Regional Officer/Assistant Director/Deputy Director/Director. Enquiries: Tswaing Sub-district: Mr MB Tsatsimpe, tel. (053) 948-0883 Greater Taung Sub-district: Mr BH Mabu, tel. (053) 994-2590 Potchefstroom Sub-district: Ms E Janse van Rensburg, tel. (018) 297-7030 Rustenburg Sub-district: Ms G Hillebrandt, tel. (014) 594-8300 Madibeng Sub-district: Ms E Barnard, tel. (012) 252-2355

Emergency Care Officer Grade I Salary: R95 253 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/2) • Ventersdorp Sub-district (2) • Kgetleng Sub-district (3)

Requirements: • Successful completion of an appropriate Basic Life Support (BLS) course that allows for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Basic Ambulance Assistant (BAA) • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Basic Ambulance Assistant (BAA). Duties: • Treat patients in accordance with the basic life support protocol • Ensure safekeeping and cleanliness of assets, vehicles, equipment and building • Submit daily reports to the Shift Leader • Ensure retrieval of equipment from the scene and hospitals • Transport patients to and from health facilities (Clinics/CHC and Hospital) • Hand over the vehicle and equipment to the next shift, relevant authority, fully replenished, clean and in good working conditions • Maintain accurate and reliable records at all times • Abide by the standard operational procedures and other emergency medical service policies • Undertake any other duties allocated by the Shift Leader/Station Manager. Enquiries: Ventersdorp Sub-district: Mr P Nape, tel. (018) 264-3251 Kgetleng Sub-district: Ms M Rapudi, tel. (014) 544-0112

Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) Dispatch (2 Posts)

Salary: R138 213-R198 756 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/3) Mmabatho Medical Stores

Final salary will be determined by the appropriate years of experience as Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic). Requirements: • Post-basic Pharmacist Assistant qualification that allows for registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) • Proof of current registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) • Appropriate experience as Pharmacist Assistant after registration as a Pharmacist Assistant (PostBasic) with the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) • Previous experience in a Pharmaceutical Warehouse Operation • Knowledge of DSMS inventory management system • Computer literacy • Communication and interpersonal relations skills. Duties: • Manage the coordination and monitoring dispatch of deliveries to the outlets • Assist the Distribution Manager with logistical management functions and support • Assist with stock-taking process • Manage KPAs of the subordinates. Enquiries: Ms MS Mokgatlha, tel. (018) 384-4838/9

Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) Goods Receipt

Salary: R138 213-R198 756 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/4) Mmabatho Medical Stores

Final salary will be determined by the appropriate years of experience as Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic). Requirements: • Post-basic Pharmacist Assistant qualification that allows for registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) • Proof of current registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) • Appropriate experience as Pharmacist Assistant after registration as a Pharmacist Assistant (PostBasic) with the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) • Previous experience in a Pharmaceutical Warehouse Operation • General administration experience pertaining to receiving • Knowledge of DSMS Inventory Management System • Computer literacy • Communication and interpersonal relations skills. Duties: • Ensure that stock is received from suppliers according to procedure • Ensure upliftment of goods returned to suppliers • Assist the Warehouse Manager with logistical management functions and support • Deploy resources according to workload • Assist with stock-taking process. Enquiries: Ms MS Mokgatlha, tel. (018) 384-4838/9

Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) Housekeeping

Salary: R138 213-R198 756 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/5) Mmabatho Medical Stores

Requirements: • Post-basic Pharmacist Assistant qualification that allows for registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) • Proof of current registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) • Appropriate experience as Pharmacist Assistant after registration as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post Basic) with the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) • Previous experience in a Pharmaceutical Warehouse Operation • Knowledge of DSMS inventory management system • Computer literacy • Communication and interpersonal relations skills. Duties: • Monitor accuracy of the stock control system • Ensure conduction of weekly cycle stock counts • Maintain bin allocation system in the warehouse and IT system • Prepare the warehouse for bi-annual stock takes • Ensure shelve and product neatness at all times • Manage KPAs of subordinates. Enquiries: Ms MS Mokgatlha, tel. (018) 384-4838/9

Driver II

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/6) • Mmabatho Medical Stores • Klerksdorp/ Tshepong Hospital Complex • Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office (Regional Training Centre) • Ratlou Sub-district • Naledi Sub-district (Huhudi CHC) • Madibeng Sub-district – EMRS (2)

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Valid Code 08 or 10 driver’s licence • Ability to read and write • Good communication skills • Knowledge of completion of logbook and trip authorisation forms. Duties: • Transport patients/staff • Perform daily duties as scheduled, according to the roster • Check and report on the conditions of the vehicles • Make daily and weekly checks and report any faults and maintenance requirements to the officer in

Kone Solutions K20829

charge • Correctly complete log sheet on a daily basis • Perform any other driving responsibilities delegated from time to time • Ensure that the right procedures are followed in the case of an accident • Adhere to Batho Pele principles • Plan, arrange and ensure that vehicles undergo a routine maintenance service • Convey documents for delivery to and from all stakeholders • Render chauffer services where necessary • Ensure that all vehicles are always in a roadworthy condition • Ensure that all subdistrict vehicles are correctly and are always clean • Adhere to Occupational Health and Safety policies • Any other duties as delegated to by the supervisor. Enquiries: Mmabatho Medical Stores: Ms MS Mokgatlha, tel. (018) 384-4838/9 Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Mr P Kumbi, tel. (018) 406-4600 Kenneth Kaunda District: Ms V Magano, tel. (018) 462-5744 Ratlou Sub-district: Mr A Bogatsu, tel. (018) 384-1438 Naledi Sub-district: Mr SP Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036 Madibeng Sub-district: Ms E Barnard, tel. (012) 252-2355

Duties: • Be responsible for general maintenance and repair of building, water pipes and system, electrical, machinery, sewerage system and furniture at the Sub-district Office/Clinics/Health Centres/Hospital • Exercise control over tools, suppliers and other equipment • Ensure correct marking, storage, handling and application of all maintenance material • Perform ad hoc duties as they arise • Be responsible for safe operating condition and maintenance of equipment • Clean and maintain tools and workshop • Carry tools, equipment, spares and material which are required to perform duties • Report daily to the supervisor on all defects and abnormal activities • Perform simplified and routine artisan and handyman tasks. Enquiries: Witrand Hospital: Mr P Malebati, tel. (018) 294-9100 Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005 Kgetleng Sub-dstrict: Ms M Rapudi, tel. (014) 544-0112 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311 Mafikeng Sub-district: Mr JG Seleke, tel. (018) 381-7800

Groundsman II


Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • Ability to read and write • At least 1-2 years’ gardening experience • Ability to use gardening equipment Duties: • Maintain gardens, grounds and landscape • Requisition equipment and materials for maintenance of gardens and grounds • Keep safe and maintain garden equipment • Adhere to health and safety standards • Keep flowerbeds weed free • Prune trees and shrubs • Move equipment. Enquiries: Mmabatho Medical Stores: Ms MS Mokgatlha, tel. (018) 384-4838/9 Witrand Hospital: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100 Ratlou Sub-district: Mr A Bogatsu, tel. (018) 384-1438 Greater Taung Sub-district: Mr BH Mabu, tel. (053) 994-2590 Kgetleng Sub-district: Ms M Rapudi, tel. (014) 544-0112 Kgetleng Sub-district: Ms G Hillebrandt, tel. (014) 594-8300 Moretela Sub-district: Ms S Moloto, tel. (012) 717-4144 Excelsius Nursing College: Mr O Podile, tel. (018) 406-8664

plumbing and sheetmetal work • Fit and maintain all types of toilets • Lay and maintain storm, sewage pipes • Construct, repair and install all types of gutters • Install and repair taps • Request and quantify material • Perform general administration functions • Compile work plans and evaluate subordinates in terms of Performance Management Development System. Naledi Sub-district: • Perform daily electrical maintenance and plumbing-related jobs as requested and make repairs in an efficient and cost-effective manner, as well as in accordance with prescribed standards • Assist with general maintenance within the Sub-district • Maintain and upgrade all electrical installations • Ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Brits Hospital and Moses Kotane Sub-district: • Render daily carpentry-related job request and repairs in an efficient and cost-effective manner and in accordance with prescribed standards 2Carry out carpentry joinery, repairs and hanging of doors • Erect roofs, replace fascia, purlins and barge boards, etc • Install ceiling boards • Supervise staff. Excelsius Nursing College: • Maintain safe working environment at the College • Install, maintain and repair all lighting eg globes and florescent tubes • Undertake minor repairs to building eg roof leakages, painting • Maintain and repair water pipes, toilets and taps • Safeguard work areas • Maintain and repair gardening equipment and electrical equipment • Perform daily related jobs as requested and make repairs in an efficient and cost-effective manner as well as in accordance with prescribed standards • Supervise staff • Ensure compliance with OHSA, order material and equipment • Attend to all maintenance of the building. Mafikeng Sub-district: • Undertake maintenance work on facilities and Nurses Homes • Read and interpret plans • Compile specifications • Inspect the facilities and Nurses Home under maintenance and repairs • Compile completion certificate. Enquiries: Witrand Hospital: Mr P Malebati, tel. (018) 294-9100 Naledi Sub-district: Mr SP Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311 Moses Sub-district: Ms M Mmolotsi, tel. (014) 555-6800 Excelsius Nursing College: Mr OA Podile, tel. (018) 406-8664 Mafikeng Sub-district: Mr JG Seleke, tel. (018) 381-7800

Salary: R126 456-R217 404 per annum Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/13) (Ref. K20829/7) • Witrand Hospital (3) • Naledi Sub-district • Mmabatho Medical Stores • Witrand Hospital (15) • Brits Hospital • Moses Kotane Sub-district (4) • Ratlou Sub-district (4) • Naledi Sub-district (Stella • Excelsius Nursing College • Mafikeng Sub-district CHC) • Greater Taung Sub-district (Gateway, Kgomotso, Station Clinic) • Kgetleng Sub-district Final salary will be determined by the number of years of experience Requirements: • Appropriate Trade Test Certificate • Valid driver’s licence • Good (3) • Rustenburg Sub-district • Moretele Subcommunication and interpersonal relations. district • Excelsius Nursing College Duties: Witrand Hospital: • Undertake maintenance and construction related to

Telecom Operator Grade II (2 Posts)

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/8) Witrand Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Good communication and interpersonal relations • Good telephone etiquette. Duties: • Manage and operate the switchboard • Attend to visitors, staff and clients • Provide telephonic technical support to all users • Allocate calls to technicians and escalate unresolved calls • Report switchboard faults to service provider/supervisor • Maintain telephone directory • Perform any other ad hoc tasks that the supervisor may delegate as extra duties. Enquiries: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100


Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/9) • Witrand Hospital • Mafikeng Sub-district

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Good communication and interpersonal relationship skills. Duties: Witrand Hospital: • Request suppliers to submit quotations for goods and services • Evaluate received quotations against the request for goods and services • Submit qualifying quotations to the end-users • Compile monthly expenditure reports for all issued stock • Liaise with internal and external clients regarding queries • Update stock control cards • Provide administration procurement support to all stakeholders • Maintain stock ordering level • Ensure compliance of acquisition of goods and services: Receive stock and issue, load and unload stock on and from truck/trolley • Assist with stock taking • Report on all losses, shortage and damages • Check inventory requisition • Do follow-ups with companies. Mafikeng Sub-district: • Plan and organise all Supply Chain Management duties • Manage the administration of stores accounting records • Liaise with warehouse for replenishment • Receive and approve stock • Take stock • Manage and keep records/inventories/store safe follow orders in time. Enquiries: Witrand Hospital: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100 Mafikeng Sub-district: Mr JG Seleke, tel. (018) 381-7800

Store Assistant II

Salary R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/10) Witrand Hospital

Seamstress II

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/14) • Witrand Hospital • Provicial Laundry Tshepong Hospital (3) • Moses Kotane Hospital

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate or Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Ability to read and write. Duties: • Control stock and quality and items to be condemned • Manage risks • Adhere to Batho Pele principles • Ensure continuous capacity availability to optimise mending production flow • Ensure maintenance of torn linen • Ensure replacements of buttons, zips and elastics and make adjustments according to requests • Ensure good functioning of sewing machines • Maintain a safe and clean environment in the workplace • Sort unserviceable linen • Adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety policies • Ensure proper handling of machinery • Any other duties as delegated to by the supervisor Enquiries: Witrand Hospital: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100 Provincial Laundry Tshepong Hospital: Ms K Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4600 Moses Kotane Hospital: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300

Food Service Aid II

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/15) • Witrand Hospital • Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex (4) • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (12) • Moses Kotane Hospital (8) • Excelsius Nursing College • Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 12 years’ relevant experience • Good interpersonal relations and communication skills. Duties: • Clean floor and dust the warehouse • Ensure cleanliness of toilets, basins, tables and lockers • Clean cutlery, urn/kettle, trolleys, wheels, fridge and trays • Clean surroundings: Courtyard, stoep and passages • Clean walls and windows • Collect waste timeously in right containers • Safe environment: Properly use and store cleaning material/chemicals • Report losses of stock, defective apparatus, and broken items • Report any pests and plagues • Assist in stock-taking • Notify the superior if any items for condemning • Ensure that stock is kept in the right bin • Ensure that stock is picked from the right bin allocation • Adhere to Batho Pele principles, procedures and set policies. Enquiries: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Ability to read and write • Good interpersonal relations. Duties: • Prepare food supply: Pre-preparation, preparation, cleaning and distribution of food • Manage risk • Adhere to Batho Pele principles and health and safety standards at all times • Pest control • Stock taking • Render effective food services • Keep the kitchen equipment and the environment hygienically clean • Receive diet sheets from wards and compile statistics • Perform any other duty delegated by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Witrand Hospital: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100 Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Ms K Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4600 Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005 Moses Kotane Hospital: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300 Excelsius Nursing College: Mr OA Podile, tel. (018) 406-8664 Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital: Mr OL Moalusi, tel. (053) 963-1291

Salary: R96 363 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/11) • Witrand Hospital • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (3)

Salary: R96 363 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/16) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex

Driver II (Heavy Duty)

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant working experience • Ability to read and write • Good communication skills • Knowledge of the completion of log books and trip authorities • Valid Code 10/14 driver’s licence with Public Driver’s Permit. Duties: • Transport patients and personnel • Perform daily duties as scheduled according to the roster • Check and report on the conditions of the vehicles • Make daily and weekly checks and report any status and maintenance to the officer in charge • Correctly complete log books on a daily basis • Perform all other driving responsibilities delegated from time to time • Ensure that the right procedures are followed in case of an accident • Adhere to Batho Pele principles • Drive State vehicles • Plan, arrange and ensure that vehicles undergo maintenance service • Convey documents for delivery to and from all stakeholders • Render chauffeur services where necessary • Ensure that vehicles are always in a roadworthy condition • Ensure that the vehicles are correctly allocated and are always clean • Report vehicle damages, losses and discrepancies to the supervisor. Enquiries: Witrand Hospital: Ms AP Tlou, tel. (018) 294-9100 Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005

Tradesman Aid II

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/12) • Witrand Hospital (2) • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital • Naledi Sub-district • Kgetleng Sub-district (2) • Brits Hospital (4) • Mafikeng Sub-district

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate or relevant working experience • Basic knowledge of simple and routine tasks on fitting, plumbing, electrical, building and mechanical.

Senior Linen Supervisor

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 2-3 years’ relevant experience • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations. Duties: • Function according to Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Indicators • Manage KPAs and KPIs of subordinates • Issue clean linen to wards and departments • Ensure the collection of soiled linen from different wards and departments • Supervise the removing and hanging of curtains in wards and different departments • Issue and order uniforms and shoes • Inspect store • Supply information to Head of Departments/Statistics • Cost wards and departments • Be responsible for conflict resolution/discipline • Handle telephone enquiries/calls, perform administrative tasks relevant to the department • Ensure a clean, secure and safe environment • Manage quality/risks. Enquiries: Ms K Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4635

Senior Registry Clerk Grade I Salary: R96 363 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/17) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) or at least 1-2 years’ experience in Administration and Information handling-related matters • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree will be an added advantage. Duties: • Function according to identified Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Indicators • Control the receipt of official post/faxes/circulars and open mails/make photocopies of documents • Record and distribute outgoing/incoming mail • Dispatch outgoing mail • File document of staff members and the routing thereof to the relevant destination • Handle salary advices • Assist during recruitment process • Ensure the safekeeping of equipment/files/documents • Handle internal post/circulars/policies, etc • Control and supervise photocopy machine • Execute any task delegated to by the supervisor • Control pending system daily and manage route • Control/handle franking machine. Enquiries: Ms KPJ Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4635

28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Department of Health Healthy Living for All Registry Clerk Grade II

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/18) • Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Office • Moretele Sub-district • Rustenburg Sub-district

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy • Communication and conflict management skills • Knowledge of Registry (National Archives Act) Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act • Organisational, verbal and writing skills • Valid driver’s licence • Ability to work in a team • Knowledge of HR Registry activities as well as the Archives Act and requisitions and guidelines of registry work. Duties: • Keep the departmental filing system up-to-date • Update and maintain files, open post and files, distribute incoming documents • Pend files according to the pending system • Be responsible for operating and control over the franking machine • Dispose of files • Audit files quarterly, collect and deliver documents (fetch post/ parcels). Enquiries: Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati: Ms M Mokgethi, tel. (053) 927-0456 Moretele Sub-district: Ms S Moloto, tel. (012) 717-4144 Rustenburg Sub-district: Ms G Hillebrand, tel. (014) 594-8300

Personnel Officer Grade II

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/19) Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ experience in Human Resource Management • Knowledge of Human Resource Prescripts • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree will be an added advantage. Duties: • Function according to identified Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Indicators • Handle all personnel matters relating to the Klerksdorp/ Tshepong Hospital Complex/Orthopaedic Workshop and Provincial Laundry eg appointments, resignations, transfers, retirements, medical boarding, deaths, GEPF matters and birthday cards • Input data into the Persal System and check input into the system • Handle Injury on Duty and keep stats up to date • Ensure adherence to codes and legislation, resolution and other relevant legislation • Handle probation of the Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex/Orthopaedic Centre and Provincial Laundry • Take minutes at meetings/interviews. Enquiries: Ms KPJ Ngakane, tel. (018) 406-4615

Laundry Aid II

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/20) • Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (3) • Moses Kotane Hospital (5)

Duties: • Ensure safekeeping, control and cleanliness of assets and vehicles • Be responsible for equipment stores and buildings • Control leave • Control and manage overtime • Submit daily and/or monthly reports to the Station Manager • Ensure retrieval of equipment from scene and hospitals • Ensure quarterly staff assessments are done • Ensure implementation of and compliance with all policies and protocols • Execute any other duties as allocated and delegated by any responsible manager in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures • Ensure all Emergency Care Practitioner’s adhere to correct EMRS procedure in accordance with protocol. Enquiries: Matlosana Sub-district: Mr JM Mokoena, tel. (018) 464-2422 Potchefstroom Sub-district: Ms E Janse van Rensburg, tel. (018) 297-7030 Naledi Sub-district: Mr SP Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036

Dental Assistant (5 Posts)

Salary: R111 714-R131 589 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/25) • Matlosana Sub-district (5) • Madibeng Sub-district • Mafikeng Sub-district Final salary will be determined by the appropriate years of experience after registration with Health Professions Council of South Africa as Dental Assistant. Requirements: • Appropriate qualification that allows for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Dental Assistant • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Dental Assistant must attached • Appropriate experience after obtaining an appropriate qualification or prescribed in-service training that allows for the required registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Dental Assistant. Duties: • Provide chair-side assistance at the various facilities and advise on the various dental materials/instruments and equipment, their handling and usage • Maintain all infection control measures • Drive the dental mobile to various service delivery points • Drive operators to various service delivery points • Give Oral Health Awareness messages to the schools and the community and be responsible for day-to-day administrative work • Assist the Dentist during the procedure • Perform general reception and administrative tasks. Enquiries: Matlosana Sub-district: Mrs LC Drotskie, tel. (018) 464-2210 ext 131 Madibeng Sub-district: Ms E Barnard, tel. (012) 252-2355 Mafikeng Sub-district: Mr JG Seleke, tel. (018) 381-7800

Accounting Clerk Grade II (Finance)

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/26) • Nic Bodenstein Hospital (2) • Moses Kotane Hospital (3)

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Good interpersonal relations. Duties: • Function according to identified Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Indicators • Operate laundry washing machines and tumble dryers • Fetch soiled linen from linen bank • Sort and count linen • Count, pack/unpack and mark clean linen • Issue clean linen • Maintain a safe and clean environment in the workplace and any other duties as delegated by the supervisors • Adhere to Occupational Health and Safety policies • Ensure proper handling of machinery • Iron clean linen using linen pressure • Take clean linen to different wards • Collect dirty linen from different wards • Clean laundry floors Enquiries: Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Mr Seerane,tel. (018) 406-3111 Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005 Moses Kotane Hospital: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience in Financial Management with Accounting as fully passed subject • Knowledge of Financial Management prescripts • Commercial subjects will be an added advantage with Accounting as a one of the subjects. Duties: • Capture payments into PAAB/BAS-systems • Function as Sub-cashier and/ or Chief Cashier • Process patients’ accounts (State-subsidised, MVA/WCA, Private Medical, Private, others) • Reconcile A and B accounts • Administer unpaid accounts (including write-offs) • Assist with the admission of patients and administer switchboard when the need arises • Perform additional mandates as will be delegated by the First/Second Line Managers from time to time. Enquiries: Nic Bodenstein Hospital: Mr L Abrahams, tel. (018) 596-1100 Moses Kotane Hospital: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2310

Auxiliary Service Officer: Health Promotion

Administration Clerk Grade II: Revenue

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/21) • Maquassi Hills Sub-district (2) • Naledi Sub-district (2) • Mafikeng Sub-district

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Knowledge of issues related to Health Programmes • Flexibility with regard to working hours • Good interpersonal skills • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence will be added as an advantage. Duties: • Be responsible for health education, awareness campaigns, counselling, group discussion, individual and public health talks • Distribute promotion materials and condoms • Make home visits and monitor NGOs and in-service training • Refer clients • Collect life skills information • Liaise with other departments • Write reports and statistics • Any other duties delegated by supervisor Enquiries: Maquassi Hills Sub-district: Mr B Kenalemang, tel. (018) 596-8244 Naledi Sub-distric: Mr PS Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036 Mafikeng Sub-district: Mr JG Seleke, tel. (018) 381-7800

Nursing Assistant

Salary: R87 900-R152 757 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/22) • Maquassi Hills Sub-district (5) • Madibeng Sub-district

Final salary will be determined by appropriate/recognisable experience in Nursing after registration as a Nursing Assistant with the SANC in General Nursing. Requirements: • Qualification that allows for registration with the South African Nursing Council as Nursing Assistant • Appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration with the South African Nursing Council as Nursing Assistant. Duties: • Demonstrate an elementary understanding of nursing legislation and related regulations and ethical nursing practices • Perform elementary clinical nursing practice in accordance with scope of practice and nursing standards, as determined by the relevant health facility • Promote quality of elementary nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards, as determined by the relevant health facility • Conduct elementary communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians • Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure good nursing care • Work effectively, cooperatively and amicably with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious persuasions • Display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating elementary care, including awareness and willingness to respond to patients’ needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Enquiries: Mafikeng Sub-district: Mr B Kenalemang, tel. (018) 596-8244 Madibeng Sub-district: Ms M Pitso, tel. (012) 252-2355

Senior Porter

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/23) • Ventersdorp Hospital • Brits Hospital (6)

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Good interpersonal relations. Duties: • Physically inspect wheel chairs and stretchers daily • Keep the office clean • Assist with the transportation of patients from and to different sections in the hospital • Make sure that a patient transferred from different sections is done in time • Keep stretchers and wheel chairs clean and hygienic daily • Make sure that corpses stored in the mortuary are listed in the register book and signed for • Sign out corpses handed over to funeral undertakers in the register book • Assist where need arise • Know the hospital’s mission and vision and adherence to Batho Pele principles. Enquiries: Ventersdorp Hospital: Ms NE Buti, tel. (018) 264-2081 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311

EMS Shift Leader Grade III

Salary: R176 430 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/24) • Matlosana Sub-district • Potchefstroom Subdistrict • Naledi Sub-district -EMS

Requirements: • Successful completion of the ILS courses that allows for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as AEA • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa must be attached • Minimum of 3 years’ appropriate experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa • Valid Code 10 driver’s licence and Public Driver’s Permit must be attached. Kone Solutions K20829

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/27) Nic Bodenstein Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ experience • Commercial subjects will be an added advantage with Accounting as a one of the subjects. Duties: • Capture payments into PAAB/ BAS-systems • Function as cashier • Bank revenue collected daily • Balance BAS electronic cashbook • Administer unpaid accounts (including write-offs) • Assist with the admission of patients and administer switchboard when the need arises • Perform additional mandates as will be delegated by the First/Second Line Managers from time to time • Submit weekly/monthly statements of statistics. Enquiries: Mr L Abrahams, tel. (018) 596-1100

Household II (13 Posts)

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/28) Madibeng Sub-district Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience in Cleaning Services • Ability to read and write • Knowledge of Health and Safety measures. Duties: • Maintain a clean, healthy safety and hygiene environment • Ensure effective use and maintenance of cleaning material, machinery and equipment • Maintain housekeeping, clean windows and toilets • Clean officers, sweep, vacuum, dust, polish, remove rubbish from dustbins • Report all broken equipment • Perform additional task as delegated by supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Ms E Barnaard, tel. (012) 252-2355

Senior Secretary Grade II

Salary: R115 212 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/29) • Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office • Moses Kotane Sub-district Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) and appropriate qualification in Secretarial course (Diploma) • At least 1-2 years’ relevant office administration • Accounting and management skills • Analytical and statistical skills • Computer literacy • Planning and organisational skills • Presentation skills • Reporting and written communication skills • Typing as fully passed subject and any appropriate Bachelor’s degree will be an added advantage. Duties: • Manage and screen incoming phone calls and direct to appropriate destination • Compile and consolidate reports • Arrange appointments refreshments for meetings and logistical matters as required by the office of the Chief Director • Manage filing system • Arrange, organise and take minutes of various types of meetings and typing thereof • Check electronic mail on a daily basis. Enquiries: Dr Kenneth Kaunda District: Mr P Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744 Moses Kotane Sub-district: Ms M Mmolotsi, tel. (014) 555-6800

Cleaner II

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/30) Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office (Potchefstroom Mortuary & Regional Training Centre) Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate with at least 1-2 years’ experience in cleaning services • Ability read and write • Proof of cleaning training will be an added advantage • Ability to work with dead bodies, decomposed corpses, mutilated and skeletalised remains is essential. Duties: Maintain a clean, safe and secure environment • Perform all tasks pertaining to disinfection, cleaning, dusting and refuse removal • Adhere to cost-effective and timeous reporting of incidents • Any other duties delegated by Supervisor. Enquiries: Potchefstroom Mortuary: Dr R Moorad, tel. (018) 293-2133 Regional Training Centre: Mr R Salgado, tel. (018) 406-3111

Senior Administration Clerk I: HIV/AIDS (Care and Support) Salary: R96 363 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/31) Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ experience in Administration • Computer literacy • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree will be an added advantage. Duties: • Perform general administration duties • Maintain a proper filing system and records management • Perform a variety of routine duties as delegated by supervisor. Enquiries: Mr P Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744

Senior Administration Clerk I: Regional Training Centre Salary: R96 363 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/32) Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ experience in Administration • Computer literacy • Good communication skills and interpersonal relations • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree will be an added advantage. Duties: • Perform general administration duties • Maintain a proper filing system and records management • Perform a variety of routine duties as delegated by the supervisor. Enquiries: Mr P Kolokoto, tel. (018) 462-5744

Provisioning Administration Clerk Grade II Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/34) Naledi Sub-district

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with Mathematics and Accounting as fully passed subjects • At least 1-2 years’ relevant experience in a provisioning or finance environment • Computer literacy • Good communication and writing skills • Valid driver’s licence will be an added advantage. Duties: • Implement procurement policy • Monitor assets and ensure equitable use of resources • Report on the losses and outstanding orders • Report on valid and expired contracts • Order goods and services • Receive goods and services • Store goods • Distribute goods • Take stock. Enquiries: Mr SP Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036

Housekeeping Supervisor

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/35) • Naledi Sub-district (Huhudi CHC) • Moses Kotane Hospital • Brits Hospital

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate/Senior Certificate/ National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Ability to read and write • Knowledge of Health and Safety measures • Good interpersonal and communication skills • Supervisory skills. Duties: • Perform all duties related to the cleaning environment • Ensure general cleanliness of the kitchen, storage, linen room, restroom area and the facility as a whole • Supervise and manage KRAs of supervisees • Perform any other duties as delegated by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Naledi Sub-district: Mr SP Sehemo, tel. (053) 927-0036 Moses Kotane Hospital: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300 Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311

Data Typist Grade II

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/36) Ganyesa District Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with Typing as a fully passed subject and at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Minimum typing speed of 35 words per minute (short-listed candidates will be subjected to a typing test) • Computer literacy • Administrative and organisational skills • Ability to liaise with team members and the public • Good filing skills • Ability to work independently. Duties: • Type reports • Handle general correspondences • Answer telephone and take messages • Undertake other administrative duties as and when required • Capture available data from other source documents as required • Improve and maintain the quality of typed work • Maintain electronic data files • Comply with the information security policy. Enquiries: Mr RP Manoko, tel. (053) 998-9400

Accounting Clerk Grade II (2 Posts)

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/37) Ganyesa District Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy • Knowledge of the PMFA and Treasury Regulations • Good communication and interpersonal relations skills • Commercial subjects will be an added adventure. Duties: • Assist the State Accountant in daily financial activities • Participate in budget and cash flow meetings • Participate in procurement activities • Take minutes for the financial meetings and compile them • Participate in compiling monthly reports • Assist in capturing of order. Enquiries: Mr RP Manoko, tel. (053) 998-9400

Administration Clerk Grade II

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/38) • Emergency Medical Rescue Service College (Orkney) (3) • Joe Morolong Memorial Hospital (3) • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (9)

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) • At least 1-2 years’ experience • Computer literacy • Good communication and writing skills • Good interpersonal relations. Duties: • Perform general administration work which includes filing, typing and handling • Compile statistics/reports • Complete VA2 forms for the administration Section • Perform any other duties as delegated by the supervisor from time to time. Enquiries: Emergency Medical Rescue Service College (Orkney): Ms L Thubela, tel. (018) 473-0324 Joe Morolong Memorial Hospital: Dr ZA Esterhuizen, tel. (053) 928-9100 Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005



Department: Health North West Provincial Government REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA


Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

Department of Health Healthy Living for All Auxiliary Services Officer Occupational Therapy Assistant Salary: R111 714-R152 709 per annum (plus benefits) (CSSD/Theatre) (Ref. K20829/47)

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/39) Moses Kotane Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Ability to find faults unsupervised • Good verbal and communication skills. Duties: • Maintain a clean and safe environment • Park and sterilise instruments and other equipment required by the wards • Pack linen and linen room • Take care of autoclave and washer machines and keep records of each machine • Participate in staff meeting and guide the staff allocated in the centre sterilising and supply department. Enquiries: MD Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300

Accounting Clerk Grade II (2 Posts)

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/40) Mafikeng Provincial Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) or equivalent qualification • Appropriate experience in financial matters with at least 1-2 years’ relevant financial experience • Good communication and interpersonal relation skills • Computer literacy • Commercial training certificates/subjects will be an added advantage • Knowledge of PAAB and Walker system. Duties: • Ensure correct billing of patients • Reconcile accounts both electronically and manually • Send reminders to debtors to settle their accounts • Report age analysis of debtors to State Accountant for further attention • Facilitate other services such as the completion of medical forms • File debtors records • Attend queries pertaining to clients • Prepare information for cost analysis • Report problems • Assist the State Accountant in daily financial activities. Enquiries: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005

Switchboard Operator

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/41) Moses Kotane Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience in switchboard operation • Telephone etiquette • Computer literacy • Good interpersonal relations and good communication skills. Duties: • Operate switchboard • Report faulty lines to Telkom service provider • Update and distribute telephone directory • Receive and distribute telephone calls • Monitor access control • Develop a telephone management system • Take and deliver messages • Ensure effective record management • Ensure testing of telephone lines • Adhere to Batho Pele principles • Perform any other duties as delegated by the supervisor form time to time. Enquiries: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300

Messenger (5 Posts)

Salary: R68 010 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/42) • Brits Hospital (4) • Moretele Sub-district

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience • Good interpersonal and communication skills • Valid driver’s licence • Public Driver’s Permit (PDP) will be an added advantage. Duties: • Execute a variety of administrative tasks concerning the messenger services • Fetch post, parcels, make photocopies and deliver documents to relevant officials • Shred documents for confidential purpose • Maintain register for documentation received and delivered • Collect mail from the Post Office • Perform any other task as delegated by the Supervisor. Enquiries: Brits Hospital: Ms N Motlhabane, tel. (012) 252-3311 Moretele Sub-district: Mr A Moremi, tel. (012) 717-4144

Mortuary Assistant

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/43) • Mafikeng Provincial Hospital • Moses Kotane Hospital • Koster/Swartruggens Hospital

Requirements: • Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 1-2 years’ relevant experience working in a mortuary environment • Good communication and interpersonal relation skills. Duties: • Be responsible for the smooth running of the Mortuary • Ensure that Mortuary is cleaned and disinfected at all times • Ensure that each corpse is fully and correctly registered in the Mortuary register • Ensure that the body refrigerators are in good working conditions at all times with appropriate icing temperatures • Assist in the operation of postmortems and ensure that each corpse has a name identification tag • Take care of Mortuary resources • Apply Batho Pele principles at all times • Compile monthly corpse statistics • Trace relatives of the deceased, attend to pauper burials • Supervise the work of employees working under. Enquiries: Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005 Moses Kotane Hospital: Ms D Miga, tel. (014) 555-2300 Koster/Swartruggens Hospital: Mr K Letsoalo, tel. (014) 544-2851

Pharmacist Assistant: (Basic)

Salary: R81 582-R151 131 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/44) Mafikeng Provincial Hospital

Requirements: • Basic Pharmacist qualification that allows for registration with the South African Pharmacy Council as Pharmacist Assistant (Basic) • Proof of current registration with the South African Pharmacy Council as Pharmacist Assistant (Basic) must be attached. Duties: • Provide pharmaceutical services in an assistant capacity in the Pharmacy department within the institution • Assist with the dispensing and packaging of pharmaceuticals under the supervision of a Pharmacist. Enquiries: Mr BV Tawana, tel. (018) 383-2005

Principal Librarian

Salary: R212 106 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/45) Mmabatho College of Nursing

Requirements: • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Library and Information Studies • At least 3-5 years’ relevant experience in the field or Senior Certificate with at least 5-10 years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence • Good verbal and writing communication skills • Knowledge of policies and legislative mandates • Planning and organising skills • Ability to facilitate and coordinate work in the section • Ability to supervise subordinates. Duties: • Maintain the smooth running of the library • Manage and administer the library • Manage the KPAs of subordinates • Provide information to management, educators and students • Change and discharge library material • Execute librarian activities/functions. Enquiries: Mrs MG Montshioa, tel. (018) 384-1123

Senior Library Assistant Grade III

Salary: R138 345 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/46) Mmabatho College of Nursing

Requirements: • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification with at least 2-3 years’ relevant experience or Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 3-5 years’ relevant experience • Computer literacy. Duties: • Receive and process books • Open and control membership cards • Check stock • Select books for purchasing purposes • Repair damaged books • Cataloguing and classification. Enquiries: Mrs MG Montshioa, tel. (018) 384-1123

Kone Solutions K20829

Moses Kotane Hospital

Final salary will be determined by the appropriate years of experience after registration with Health Professions Council of South Africa as Occupational Therapy Assistant. Requirements: • Appropriate qualification that allows for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an Occupational Therapy Assistant • Current proof of registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an Occupational Therapy Assistant must be attached • Appropriate experience after obtaining an appropriate qualification or prescribed in-service training that allows for the required registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an Occupational Therapy Assistant. Duties: • Monitor medical disposal • Educate and conduct in-service training of staff • Monitor the medical disposal contracts • Implement the medical waste disposal policies • Work with all internal and external stockholders. Enquiries: Dr JS Mangwane, tel. (014) 555-2302

Foreman: Ground Services

Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate or Senior Certificate/National Certificate (Vocational) with at least 2-3 years’ relevant experience working in a gardening environment • Good communication and interpersonal relation skills. Duties: • Manage KPAs of subordinates • Ensure therapeutic garden and supervise gardeners • Maintain cleanliness of equipment and machines • Manage and control gardening equipment • Keep record of gardening equipment in the control register • Adhere to Health and Safety, infection prevention and control standards. Enquiries: Mr J Lolwane, tel. (018) 384-1123

Artisan (Electrical) (3 Posts)

Salary: R126 456-R217 404 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/49) Witrand Hospital

Final salary will be determined by the number of years of experience. Requirements: • Appropriate Trade Test Certificate • Valid driver’s licence • Good communication skills • Computer literacy • Public Driver’s Permit will be an added advantage. Duties: • Assemble, install and maintain electrical equipment • Replace, repair and install lights, stoves, heaters, etc • Trace repair or replace faulty cables • Distribute board wiring • Assist with wiring and rewiring • Maintain standby plants • Control panels • Request and quantify material • Perform general administration • Supervise staff • Compile workplans and evaluate subordinates • Evaluate performance according to the Performance Management and Development System. Enquiries: Mr P Malebati, tel. (018) 294-9100 Note: In line with the Employment Equity Plan of the Department of Health, it is our intention to achieve equity in the workplace by offering opportunities for promotion and fair treatment through the elimination of unfair discrimination. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or www.dpsa.gov.za and should be accompanied by a detailed CV and certified copies of qualifications. Applicants should state the applicable reference number and the name of the publication in which they saw the advertisement. Candidates requiring additional information regarding the above posts must direct their enquiries to the relevant person indicated. Please Note: • It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) • Applications should be forwarded in time, since any received after the closing date will, as a rule, not be accepted. Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants • Candidates will be expected to undergo a competency assessment test • The successful candidates will be subjected to security clearance and reference checking. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no correspondence has been received within 3 months of the closing date, they must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right not to make any appointments. Applications must be forwarded to: Tswaing Sub-district Office: Private Bag X5003, Delareyville 2770, for attention: Mr MB Tsatsimpe Greater Taung District Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X1052, Taung Station 8580, for attention: Mr BH Mabu Potchefstroom Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X1253, Potchefstroom 2520, for attention: Ms AM Mohutsioa Rustenburg Sub-district Office: Private Bag X82055, Rustenburg 0300, for attention: Mr L Tlhowe Madibeng Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X5084, Brits 0250, for attention: Mr I Baloi Ventersdorp Sub-district Office: The PHC Manager, Private Bag X1007, Ventersdorp 2710, for attention: Mr P Nape Kgetleng Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag X1017, Swartruggens 2835, for attention: Ms M Rapudi Provincial Office: Department of Health, Private Bag X2068, Mmabatho 2735, for attention: Ms BG Gauta Klerksdorp/Tshepong Hospital Complex: Private Bag XA14, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Ms K Ngakane Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Office: The Chief Director: Private A2, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Mr PM Kolokoto Ratlou Sub-district Office: The Sub-district Manager, Private Bag A208, Madibogo 2772, for attention: Mr A Bogatsu Naledi Sub-district Office: Private Bag X14, Vryburg 8601, for attention: Mr VAM Tlhabanelo Witrand Hospital: Private Bag X253, Potchefstroom 2520, for attention: Mr R Maritz Moretele Sub-district Office: Private Bag X454, Hammanskraal 0400, for attention: Mr D Baloyi Mafikeng Sub-district Office: Private Bag X127, Mafikeng 2745, for attention: Mr JG Seleke Mafikeng Provincial Hospital: Private Bag X2031, Mafikeng 2745, for attention: Mr BV Tawana Brits Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X5030, Brits 0250, for attention: Mr TW Mhlanga Moses Kotane Sub-district Office: Private Bag X1045, Mogwase 0314, for attention: Mr S Boikanyo Provincial Laundry Tshepong Hospital: Private Bag XA14, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Ms K Ngakane Moses Kotane Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X2, Sun City 0316, for attention: Ms D Miga Schweizer-Reneke District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Schweizer District Hospital, Private Bag X04, Schweizer-Reneke 2780, for attention: Mr OL Moalusi Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Office: Private Bag X24, Vryburg 8600, for attention: Ms Mokgethi Maquassi Hills Sub-district Office: Private Bag X16, Wolmaransstad 2630, for attention: Ms ND Sindi Ventersdorp District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X1007, Ventersdorp 2510, for attention: Mr MM Tlholoe Matlosana Sub-district Office: Private Bag A2, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Mrs Z Motala Nic Bodenstein Hospital: Private Bag X7, Wolmaransstad 2630, for attention: Mr L Abrahams Ganyesa District Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Private Bag X528, Ganyesa 8613, for attention: Ms AT Mosedi Joe Morolong District Hospital: Private Bag X4, Vryburg 8600, for attention: Dr ZA Esterhuizen Emergency Medical Rescue Services College: PO Box 258, Orkney 2620, for attention: Ms M Thubela Koster/Swartruggens Hospital: The Chief Executive Officer, Koster/Swartruggens Hospital, Private Bag X1002, Swartruggens 2835, for attention: Mr K Letsoalo Excelsius Nursing College: The College Principal, Private Bag A19, Klerksdorp 2570, for attention: Ms PR Mothupi.


du Plooy

NG -Noord hou ‘kaggel en kombers-diens’

Salary: R81 312 per annum (plus benefits) (Ref. K20829/48) Mmabatho College of Nursing

Closing date: 12 July 2013

Elaine Burger is die gelukkige wenner in die jagbylae-kompetisie. Sy wen ’n rooibok. Saam met haar is Willem Pretorius, verteenwoordiger van die Potch Herald. Foto: Alexander


Department: Health North West Provincial Government REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

NG Potch-Noord gemeente nooi almal na die spesiale “Kaggel en Komberserediens” op Sondag 30 Junie om 09:00. Die kaggel in die gemeente-sentrum gaan aangesteek word en kerkgangersword gevra om ’n kombers saam te bring wat ná die diens geskenk kan word om aan behoeftiges in die stad uitgedeel te word. Na die diens kan kerkgangers warm koffie/tee geniet en ook vir hulself ’n pannekoek of twee bak. Skakel ds. Johan Raubenheimer by 082 377 8539 vir meer inligting.

DBV jaarvergadering

Die Potchefstroom-DBV hou Woensdag 24 Julie om 18:00, hul algemene jaarvergadering by die Astrovillakonferensiesaal (ingang is reg oorkant die NWU se Botaniese Tuine). Lede van die publiek of enige belangstellendes kan hul insette kom lewer. Vir navrae skakel die DBV-kantore by (018) 294 3856.

28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

20 jaar gelede in die Herald Potch wys sy glimlag met vakansieprojek Op die voorblad van die Herald van 29 Junie 1993 word berig oor die stadsraad se voorbereidings vir ’n vakansieprojek waartydens motors voorgekeer gaan word en insittendes genooi word om iets te eet en te drink. Die idee is om motoriste wat op pad met vakansie is voor te keer en die stad te bemark as ’n vriendelike stad. Verkeersbeamptes gaan die motoriste voorkeer en nooi om iets te eet en te drink. Die sakekamer het wors, brood en sop voorsien en die museum het speletjies vir kinders voorberei. Verskeie kettingwinkels en slaghui-

In memoriam Johnny Du Preez 1941.03.19 2013.06.18

se het ook bydraes gelewer. Die projek is ’n paar keer daarna herhaal maar word intussen nie meer gedoen nie. Daar is later berig dat die projek ’n reuse sukses was en vakansiegangers se kommentaar was dat hulle sommer lus het om hier te kom woon. Die verkeersbeamptes is ook geloof vir hul vriendelikheid. Daar word ook berig oor ’n apteker wat goed herstel nadat hy die vorige week sowat nege keer met ’n mes gesteek is. Daar is ook ’n berig oor ’n polisiebeampte wat steeds behandel word nadat hy in ’n skietgeveg by ’n padkafee betrokke was. Op die sportblaaie is die hooffoto dié van Susan van Vuuren van die Witrand

leet van die stad wat ook skilder en taksidermie bedryf. Piet, of groot Piet, soos baie hom ken, woon steeds in die stad. Net vir interessantheid. In 1993 kon mens ’n luukse 6-bed chalet vir R40 per dag by die see bespreek.

Skenk wol of brei om winter warm te maak

In liefdevolle herinnering aan Johnny du Preez. Geliefde man, pa en oupa.

Gideon Hugo.

Gideon Hugo 1958.01.27 2013.06.16

Johnny Du Preez.

Rolbalklub wat as die Wesvaal enkelspel-kampioen gekroon is. In die uitgawe van 2 Julie 1993 word ’n wegbly-aksie wat deur die ANC/Cosatu/SAKP-alliansie gereël is skerp veroordeel deur onder meer die destydse voorsitter van die sakekamer. Hy sê sulke aksies is nog ’n spyker in die doodskis van ’n swak ekonomie. Ja, die ekonomie was toe ook maar so-so. Vier dienspligtiges verskyn in die hof vir die diefstal van nagsigtoerusting by die weermag. “Elke hond kry sy dag” was nogal heel van toepassing toe ’n sakeman ’n verjaarsdaggeskenk van ’n krat vol konyne kry. Hy het vroeër sy vriende se been getrek deur vir hulle onder meer ’n donkie, skaap en ganse vir geskenke te laat aflewer. Daar verskyn ook ’n berig oor Piet Goossen, bekende oud Springbok-at-

In liefdevolle herinnering aan my eggenoot, ons vader, oupa, seun en broer.

Daar is soveel kinders wat koud kry in die winter omdat hulle ouers en families nie warm klere kan bekostig nie. NG Welsyn Potchefstroom help graag, maar het die gemeenskap se ondersteuning nodig in ’n breiprojek. Jy kan help as jy ’n klomp oorskietwol in jou kas het wat jy kan skenk of as jy kan help om te brei of hekel al het jy nie wol nie.

As jy oorskietwol by die huis het - bring dit na die NG Welsyn Potchefstroom se kantoor by 18 Maherrystraat. As jy kan brei - kom haal wol by die kantoor en brei warm truitjies, serpe, musse, handskoene, ens. Jy kan ook self so ’n inisiatief tussen jou vriende, selgroep, familiekring, kollegas by die werk begin. Laat almal hulle oorskiet-

wol bring, gee dit vir iemand wat kan brei of hekel en neem die voltooide produkte na NG Welsyn. Wol kan gebring of afgehaal word tussen 08:00 en 13:00. ’n Groot dankie vir elkeen wat reeds betrokke gaan raak. NG Welsyn Potchefstroom kan soggens tussen 08:00 en 13:00, van Maandag tot Vrydag geskakel word by (018) 297 7347.


Potchefstroom Herald

Om in gons te feature skakel Sonika van Wyk by (018) 293-0750 of e-pos: sonika.vanwyk@media24.com

28 Junie 2013

Volg die Potchefstroom Herald en Gons bladsy op facebook en twitter of besoek ons webtuiste by www.potchefstroomherald.co.za

’n Meisie van staal Sonika van Wyk

Alexa Jooste (22) kan vir ’n paar ouens ore aansit wanneer dit by spiere kom. Die jong fiksheidsfanatikus doen al vir drie jaar liggaamsbou en droom daarvan om eendag haar eie gimnasium oop te maak. Sy was vir vyf jaar ’n leerling by Potchefstroom Gimnasium, daarna het sy ’n drie jaar BA-kommunikasiegraad by die Puk voltooi. Alexa kom oorspronklik van Klerksdorp en werk nou al agt maande vir Virgin Active Potchefstroom as bemarker en verkoopskonsultant. Wat het jou laat besluit om liggaamsbou te doen? Ek was nog altyd mal daaroor om te oefen en aktief te wees en liggaamsbou was net nog een van my doelwitte wat ek wou bereik. Wat beteken liggaamsbou vir jou? Wat behels dit? Liggaamsbou het deel van my lewe geword. Dit is baie harde werk, nie net met oefen nie, maar veral die dieet wat baie streng gevolg moet word. Ek oefen ten minste 5 keer ’n week en eet 5 tot 6 maaltye per dag. My oefenprogram bestaan meestal uit “weight-

training” en dan doen ek 3 tot 4 keer ’n week kardio-oefeninge. Sondag is my gunsteling dag van die week omdat ek dan ’n “cheatmeal” kan geniet! Het jy al aan kompetisies deelgeneem? Hoe baie? Hoe het jy gevaar? Ja, ek het aan een kompetisie deelgeneem. My eerste kompetisie het ek in die bikini-kategorie deelgeneem en het die toptien gehaal. Ek het ook ’n borgskap by Evox Advanced Nutrition in 2011 ontvang. Wat wil jy nog met liggaamsbou bereik? Ek wil graag my “Pro card” in liggaamsbou ontvang. My hoofdoelwit is eintlik om ander mense te motiveer om ook ’n gesonde lewenstyl te volg.

Watter uitdagings gaan daarmee gepaard? Ek is darem baie gelukkig omdat ek in ’n gimnasium werk, so oefen is nie vir my ’n probleem nie. Die grootste uitdaging vir my is egter om elke aand my maaltye vir die volgende dag voor te berei. Het jy enige ander sport waarvan jy hou en wat jy doen/gedoen het? Ek het landloop en atletiek op skool

gedoen en is steeds mal daaroor om oor naweke op die pad te gaan draf.

Voel jy ooit of jy wil opgee? Wat motiveer jou wanneer dit gebeur? Ja, ek het al baie so gevoel. Ek het toe ek 12-jaar oud was ’n baie groot brein-operasie gehad waarna ek vir twee maande blind was en weer moes leer loop het. Ek dink gewoonlik terug aan daardie tyd en dan kry ek dadelik weer die moed om aan te gaan en my beste te gee. Wat weet baie mense nie van jou nie? Ek het graad 7 UNISA-kwalifikasie in klavier. Wat is jou raad aan die vroue en meisies om die wintervetjies af te hou. Dit is juis in die winter wanneer ’n mens moet oefen sodat jy reg is vir die somer. Moenie julle langtermyndoelwitte opgee vir die satisfaksie wat ’n kort tydperk duur nie. Volgens jou watter kos moet mens eerder net vermy. Vermy brood! Enige kossoorte wat baie hoog in koolhidrate is. Dit is die moeilikste om af te breek en dit laat jou lyf baie water terughou.

Hansie en Grietjie nou heksjagters Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters is ’n opwindende donker aksie-fantasie-film. Dit is gebaseer op die sprokie Hansie en Grietjie, wat deur die ‘Brothers Grimm’ in 1812 gepubliseer is. Die boetie en sussie Hansel (Jeremy Renner) en Gretel (Gemma Arterton) is profes-

sionele heksjagters wat hekse regoor die wêreld uitwis. Hulle kom in die film ’n nuwe soort boosheid teë wat onbeantwoorde vrae van hulle verlede kan opklaar. Ek is ’n groot aanhanger van die Grimm-broers en geniet sprokies. Hierdie is ’n sprokie met ’n lekker kinkel in die kabel. Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 6/10.

Department of Health

Cancellation of Bid NWDOH 11/2013 - Procurement of one (1) Anaesthetic Machine for Mafikeng Provincial Hospital. Health Department: Health North West Provincial Government


Kone Solutions K20839

Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport

PWRT 178/12

Invitation to Bid

CIDB Grading Compulsory Meeting

Construction of the 3GB and higher Date: 5 July 2013 security perimeter wall at 10:00 at the new Ditsobotla sub-district offices Venue: Ditsobotla Sub-district Office

Evaluation Criteria

Contact Person

90/10 90 Points: Price Equity 10 Points: B-BBEE Level of Contribution

CT Pooe, tel. (018) 388-4610


Fri, Sat,Tue: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 Sun, Mon: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Wed,Thu: 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 ——————————————————————————————————


Documents will be available from 25 June 2013 at the Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport, Ngaka Modiri Molema Road at Gate House at a non-refundable fee of R200.00 each. Closing date: 19 July 2013 at 11:00


Fri, Sat,Tue: 11:15, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30, 22:30 Sun, Mon,Wed,Thu: 11:15, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30



Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Mon,Wed,Thu: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Tue: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 ——————————————————————————————————

SPUD 2:THE MADNESS CONTINUES ˛Ç Fri, Sat,Tue: 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun, Mon,Wed,Thu: 17:15, 19:45

Want GREAT rewards? Join SK CLUB today!


˛Ç ∂

Daily: 9:40, 12:00, 14:45


FAST AND FURIOUS 6 ˛ Ç Ω Daily: 9:30, 12:15, 15:00, 18:00, 20:45



Department: Public Works, Roads and Transport North West Provincial Government

Follow us


082 16789



Daily: 10:00, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30



The minimum threshold for qualification is 70%.

Documents must be deposited at the Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport, Old Parliament Building, Gate House, Mahikeng.



The SCM: Notice Board

Bid No Bid Description


BOOKINGS NOW OPEN Wed,Thu: 9:15, 11:30

Healthy Living for All

The Department apologises for any inconvenience this might have caused.



Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.





Terms & Conditions Apply

Sonika van Wyk

28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald


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Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

Laerskool Mooirivier het hul hoofleiers vir die derde kwartaal aangewys. Voor is Amorie Liebenberg, Zandelle Meyer, Anchen Bisschoff en Marené Coetzee. Agter is Jacques Botha, Daniël Walker, Andrew le Roux en Jaco Kruger. Lené Prinsloo van Laerskool Mooirivier is een van vier leerlinge van dié skool wat aan die semifinaal van die ATKVredenaarskompetisie deelgeneem het. Sy het die besondere eer te beurt geval om op grond van haar uitstekende redenaarsvermoë deur te dring na die ATKV-finaal. Die finale ronde van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie vind op 14 en 15 Augustus in Hartenbos plaas. Ryan Daniel het op 25 Mei die tweede been van die African Bowhunters Organisation se Triple Crown gewen en 'n goue medalje verower. Hy dring nou deur tot die wêreldkampioenskappe later dié jaar.

Die o.12B-netbalspan van Laerskool Mooirivier is die Potchefstroomse ligawenners. Voor is Anika Joubert, Jhenelle de Villiers en Joané Hills. Middel: Zoé Labuschagne, Marianne Nagel en Lyla Heyns. Agter is Helené Smith, Leandré Marais en Nikita Saayman.

Dané Holtzhausen, Jonette Labuschagne, Melissa Prinsloo, Carina Roos en Marionique Wentzel van Laerskool Baillie Park het onlangs deelgeneem aan die o.13 Bokkieweek-proewe.

Die o.11B-netbalspan van Laerskool Mooirivier is die Potchefstroomse ligawenners. Voor is Jani Schmidt, Suné van Niekerk, Rouxlé Marais en Meandra Strydom (afrigter). Agter is Bianca Beukman, Sanja Truter, Malize Jordaan en Mizelle Muller.

Die o.13A-netbalspan van Laerskool Mooirivier het tydens die Noordweskampioenskappe wat by Volkies gehou is goed presteer. Ondanks siekte en 'n gebreekte arm is die span as naasbeste in die provinsie aangewys. Voor is Luané Kleingeld, Estelle van Tonder, Michaela Reid. In die middel is Lené Prinsloo, Gretchen van Wyk (afrigter) en Lia Wissing. Agter is Zandelle Meyer, Anchen Bisschoff en Louise Smith.

Department of Health Healthy Living for All The SCM: Notice Board – Health Bids are hereby invited for:

Volkies se o.17-netbalspan is Noordwes-wenners nadat hulle Gimmies 20/10 gewen het. Voor van links: Me. Irene Seymore (afrigter), Elizna Erasmus, Lerise Engelbrecht, en Ansune Smit. Agter: Yone le Roux, Liandri Maree, Melissa Jurgens, Hanisca Kotze, en Monika Swanepoel.

Die o.15-netbalspan van Volkies is NW-netbalwenners. Hulle klop Gimmies in die eindstryd 15/11. Voor van links: Me. Irene Seymore (afrigter), Caitlinn van Zyl, Melindi Delport, Elani Stapelberg, Masego Rampa en Valeska Joubert. Agter: Djane Kinnear, Larissa Gouws, Caitlinn Rousseau, Nine Brits en Melissa Lotter.

Bid Bid Description Number

Compulsory Pre-bid Meeting

NWDOH Professional service providers 14/2013 to register on the North West Department of Health Database for Professional Infrastructure Services in the following categories: • Project Management • Quantity Surveyor • Architects • Civil & Structural Engineers • Electrical & Mechanical Engineers NWDOH Supply, delivery and 25/2013 commissioning of three Heavy-duty Barrier Washer Extractors with front rear unloading for Mafikeng Provincial Hospital NWDOH Provision of General Medical 26/2013 Equipment for the new Brits District Hospital

09:00 on 9 July R100.00 2013 at the Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Recreation Hall)

NWDOH Provision of Dietetics 27/2013 Equipment for the new Brits District Hospital NWDOH Provision of Electro-medical 28/2013 Equipment for the new Brits District Hospital NWDOH Provision of Household 29/2013 Equipment for the new Brits District Hospital

Bid Evaluation Criteria Amount

Closing Date

Administrative enquiries: 23 July 2013 Ms D Mocwane at (018) 387-1878 at 11:00 Technical enquiries: Mr D Tshobotlwane at (018) 387-6763 N/A

10:00 on 9 July R200.00 2013 at Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Recreation Hall) 11:00 on 9 July 2013 at Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Recreation Hall) 11:00 on 9 July 2013 at Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Recreation Hall) 11:00 on 9 July 2013 at Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Recreation Hall) 12:30 on 9 July 2013 at Mafikeng Provincial Hospital (Recreation Hall)

Contact Person

Functionality: As specified in bid R200.00 document. 90/10 90=Price R200.00 10=Preference points (points will be allocated according to B-BBEE Rating) R200.00

R100.00 Functionality: As specified in bid document. 80/20 80=Price 20=Preference points (points will be allocated according to B-BBEE Rating)

Administrative enquiries: Mr D Mokutu at (018) 387-1875 Technical enquiries: Mr TA Modukanele at (018) 383-2005 ext 1091

23 July 2013 at 11:00

Administrative enquiries: Mr D Mokutu at (018) 387-1875 Technical enquiries: Ms M Matlapeng at (018) 387-6752 Administrative enquiries: Ms N Segwabanyane at (018) 387-1892 Technical enquiries: Ms M Matlapeng at (018) 387-6752 Administrative enquiries: Ms D Mocwane at (018) 387-1878 Technical enquiries: Ms M Matlapeng at (018) 387-6752 Administrative enquiries: Ms N Segwabanyane at (018) 387-1892 Technical enquiries: Ms M Matlapeng at (018) 387-6752

23 July 2013 at 11:00 23 July 2013 at 11:00 23 July 2013 at 11:00 23 July 2013 at 11:00

A non-refundable deposit is payable for each bid document in cash. Bid documents will be available from 2 July 2013 from the North West Department of Health, Room G52, Ground Floor, Tirelo Building, corner Albert Luthuli and Dr James Moroka Drive, Mmabatho. NB: Only those who attended the compulsory pre-bid meeting will be considered. Proposals in a sealed envelope and marked with the bid number, company name and closing date should be deposited in the bid box situated on the Ground Floor, East Wing, Tirelo Building, corner Albert Luthuli and Dr James Moroka Drive, Mmabatho. The North West Department of Health does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid as a whole or in part and price alone is not the determining factor. If you do not hear from the Department within 90 days, please consider your bid unsuccessful.

Volkskool se o.15B-rugbyspan is Noordwes-wenners. Die span is voor van links: Mnr. Dejon Weyers (afrigter), Wouter Smit, Quinton Muller, Leon Steenekamp, Sieg Strydom, Victor Vlok, Stefan Terblanche en Tristan Brauckmann. Agter: Tiaan du Plessis, Theuns Senekal, Daan Potgieter, Wayne Preece, Jandre Olivier (spanbestuurder) en Michael Musgrave.

Important Notice: Should the original valid Tax Clearance Certificate NOT be attached by the closing date and time of the bid, the bid will be regarded as invalid. Points will be allocated to all those who submit their B-BBEE verification certificates or confirmation letters. No faxed or e-mailed bids will be accepted.


Kone Solutions K20840

Health Department: Health North West Provincial Government


28 Junie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space

28 Junie 2013


de W all

28 Junie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space



Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space

Potchefstroom, 22 April: Lilian du Plessis van Tuks slaan ’n doel vir Tuks, terwyl Carey Clegg nie kon keer nie. Foto: Mario van de Wall

Mario van de Wall.

Deur Mario se lens

Alexander du Plooy

Mario van de Wall se uitstekende sportfoto’s kan gereeld gesien word op die agterblaaie van die Potchefstroom Herald. Dié bekroonde fotograaf kon onlangs nog ’n toekenning by sy lang lys prestasies voeg toe hy tydends die jaarlikse Sanlam/MDDA-toekennings as wenner in die sportfoto-kategorie aangewys is. Hoewel sulke erkennings boekdele spreek, is dit Mario se passie vir fotografie en sport wat sy dryfkrag is. Ten spyte van sy stryd met suikersiekte, wat hy sê ’n invloed op sy werksvermoë het, streef Mario om die beste van elke situasie te maak. Hy sê dit is

in sy geloof waar hy krag kry. Die uiters beskeie fotograaf praat nie graag oor sy suksesse nie, maar is altyd bereid om hulp te verleen of aan ’n lekker gesprek oor enige sportsake deel te neem. Mario is reeds baie jare in die bedryf en het al vir onder andere Volksblad en Beeld gewerk. Deur die jare het hy alles van harde- (misdaad) tot sagtenuus (menslike belang) gedek, maar dit is sportfotografie wat sy talente die beste ten toon stel. “Sport is ’n lekkerte,” sê Mario. Behalwe dat dit sy passie is, stel sy kennis van sport hom in staat om die spel baie beter te kan ‘lees’. As hy ’n rugbywedstryd afneem, kan hy reeds voorspel waar die aksie gaan plaasvind

28 Junie 2013

Ilze Hattingh tydens die African CAT/ITF o.18 ope-eindspel teen Madre Nel in Potchefstroom op die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein. Foto: Mario van de Wall

en is hy gereed om die indrukwekkende foto te neem. “Jy moet die spel en die spelers ken, jy moet gevoel hê met wat jy doen,” sê hy. Hy is ook van mening dat ’n goeie fotograaf voorbereid moet wees en

moet fokus op emosie in sy foto’s, maar terselfdertyd simpatie met die onderwerp en sy medemens, moet hê. Behalwe sport- en nuusfotografie, doen Mario ook troufotografie en ander vryskutwerk.

28 Junie 2013

Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space



Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space

28 Junie 2013

Hebron: Beloofde land ná hul woestynpad

Abrie Bronkhorst Keuses en besluite bring jou op vreemde paaie. Paaie wat draaie met jou stap. Een van dié draaie kry jy aan die einde van ’n lang, vaal grondpaadjie net hier buite Potchefstroom: Hebron. Vir ander, die reënboog se punt. ’n Laaste uitweg wat vir moedeloses ’n oplossing geword het, ’n lewenspad tot by versplinterde drome en hul daaglikse brood. Die grys ou stofwolkie agter jou kar verdwyn soos ’n enkele gedagte van dit wat kón gewees het. Stamperig, stoterig, ry dié paadjie. Nes die lewensdraaie van Hebron. “Dinge het maar skeefgeloop vir hulle, dan sê hulle dat hulle nie meer kan cope nie.” Dalk ’n hawe van teleurstellings, teëspoed en verkeerde besluite. Maar elkeen het ’n agtergrond. En hierdie is húlle storie. “Ons het gesien tot waar jy kán val as ’n ou val,” sê Sarina Swanepoel, een van die opsigters. By Hebron word daar geboer, gebou en met mense gewerk. Ons is soos een groot huisgesin hier. Jy vang ’n fight en sort dit uit. Maar geen major goed wat ons nie kan uitsort nie.” “Dit het my laat groei, dié omstandighede. Dis nie boekwerk nie, dis prakties,” sê tannie Olga, Hebron se Christelike leier. Alles behalwe moedverloor se vlakte. “Hierdie is ’n plek om ’n mens op te hef as jy geval het,” sê ou Dutch (62), een van die inwoners. “Hier is mense met different skills hierso, en daar staan niks verkeerd met hul hande nie.” ’n Getuienis van wil en hoop. Besadig, beskeie en met min tevrede. Hier word gewerk, dis verseker. En hul daaglikse aalmoese is oorgenoeg. Want Hebron se inwoners ken van woestynpad loop. Van teleurstellings weet hulle. As die wêreld sy rug op jou draai, draai jy eenvoudig jou rug op die wêreld en stap ander pad, Hebron toe. ’n Beloofde land vir moedeloses wat deur tannie Gretha le Roux, die moeder van die plek, gestig is. Hier is geleerde mense ook, die lewe gooi jou soms net in ’n gat. “Van hulle het kwaai anger in hulle,” sê Christo. “Maar hier is g’n dom ou hier nie. Van hulle is retrench en kry nie weer werk nie. Maar die Here werk hier.” By die een huis wapper ’n Blou Bul vlag vredevol in Hebron se wind. ’n Jong haan se onvolmaakte kraai warrel kort-kort saam ’n bries oor die werf. Hier werk niemand vir salarisse nie. Hulle soek net ’n oor om te luister. “Ons is só gebless hier,” sê Swanepoel. “Ons is afhanklik van die Here.” Sarina en haar man Christo sê hulle is geroep vir die werk. Hulle hart is vol omgee, en hul geloof so groot soos ’n Ricoffi-korrel. “Jy huil as jy oor dié mense praat. Ons noem hulle die liquorish all-sorts. So verskeidenheid is hier.”

Ou Dutch, sê hy’s eintlik ’n A-graad panel beater wat eers by sy suster gebly het maar is later hierheen gebring. Hy het sy vrou hier ontmoet en is sommer in die eetsaal getroud. “Dis ’n wonderlike plek. Jy het maar jou ups en downs maar hier is goeie mense hier.” Oom Johannes van der Westhuizen het ’n Willem Dippenaar het sommer sy ou werksbril groot grys baard. met koperdraad reggemaak. Sy nuwe bril beHy kom van Verwaar hy in 'n sakkie. eeniging af en het by die paaie administrasie van Suid-Afrika gewerk tot hy geldmoeilikheid opgetel het. “Geld is skaars,” sê hy en kyk vir sy voete. Hy praat sag dat die wêreld hom nie moet hoor nie. “Dié plek is goed, die slaapplek ook,” en hy sit steeds vooroor ge- Oom Frik Jooste by een van sy sketse wat hy uit die 1983 vertaling leun met sy hande van die Bybel uit maak. een van die ander inwoners wat Hebron verop sy skoot gevou. laat het, het sy tekening geverf. “Ek het my kode 14 lisensie, het swaarvoertuig vir ’n Een ou noem hulle die Speaker of plek in Zeerust gery. Diékant toe,” be- Parliament. “Hy speech net die heeltyd duie hy met sy kop in ’n rigting waar en is vol grappe, gee ouens moed.” Zeerust min of meer behoort te sit, son- Maar nou noem hulle hom Roepman. der om sy arms te roer. Want hy roep almal wakker. Hier en daar gaap ’n ou skoen se “Ek het maar net ’n rukkie vasgesool aan ’n voet. Sommiges se stukken- brand en kry nou geestelike en ligde klere sê voorkoms is nie die belang- gaamlike krag om aan te gaan met die rikste nie. In die werkwinkel kry ons lewe,” sê Johan du Rant (56) wat op ’n vir Willem Dippenaar. Hy was eers op kol by Bailliepark Spar kitaar gespeel Hebron pad om na Oranje te hike voordat hy het voordat hy hierheen gestuur is. “Die gehoor het ’n kerk sal hom met ’n trein- grootste fout is om jouself jammer te Sondagmiddae sit oom Frik Jooste kaartjie help. “Hulle het my daar laat kry. Kyk vorentoe en nie terug nie,” sê in die saal en teken uit die Bybel se wag tot Christo my kom haal het. Ek hy steeds met sy oë in die grond. “Dis 1983 vertaling uit. Hy het niks kunshet vir twee dae op die pad gestaan en nie te bad hier nie, ’n ou maak net nie klasse geneem nie en het die eerste hike en in die aande by Potchefstroom- geld nie. So nou en dan kom haal ’n ou keer hiér begin teken. As hy teken, raak se treinstasie geslaap,” vertel hy. jou vir ’n job, dan kry jy ’n paar rand.” hy in Bybelstudie in. Vir hom is dit ’n “Ek kon baie lifts kry maar almal wil Hy dink weer aan sy kitaar. “En ek verligting, hy praat met die Here. Sy hê jy moet betaal.” stiltetyd. “Kuns is ontspannend. Maar speel nie bad nie, man.” Eenkant in die werkswinkel sit Jo“Elke huis is anderster. Hier is men- dan moet jy die regte toerusting ook han Kemp in ’n stukkie son wat ’n deur- se wat positief is en dié wat negatief is,” hê.” breekplekkie gekry het, en knip sy sê tannie Olga. “Die mense moet maar “Ek het vir hom gesê sy potloodskettoonnaels. Hy was ’n konstruksiewer- bemoedig word want die geskiedenis se is hoe hy voel. Moedeloos en hartker. “Daar misbruik hulle jou. Ek het uit hul verlede is nie altyd aangename seer. Hy roep uit na die Here. Soos in getoer, hoor, van dorp tot dorp. Ek het herinneringe nie. Hulle sit met seerkry, Job. Maar al voel jy soos die kraak in nooit op een plek bly sit nie. Met my bag ’n wrok binne hulle, en moet in hulle die muur, God dink nie so nie.” pack en slaapsak het ek getoer.” Weg bevryding kry oor goed wat die verwerk Op pad terug verdwyn die vaal ou van homself af. kan word nie.” Hul diepste probleme. stofwolkie agter die kar soos ’n enkele “Al die slim ouens sit in Hebron,” Van hulle het die goeie lewe gehad. An- lewe van dit wat kón gewees het. Stamsê een inwoner wat ’n honneursgraad der net verslawing. perig, stoterig, ry die uitgetrapte paadin GR het. “Dis hoekom die land se ekoDan is Hebron ’n antwoord. “Hier bly jie. nomie in ’n gemors is.” Nes die lewensdraaie van Hebron. hulle droog en skoon.”

28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space

In rat vir die winter Kobus Rautenbach

Juliemaand is die beste maand om jou nuutste en wintersklere aan te koop. Die rede hiervoor is, dit wat táns in die winkels beskikbaar is, is nie meer herfsdrag nie, maar warm wintersdrag. Die kledingstukke wat jy nou koop, sal jy volgende winter ook wéér kan aantrek want wintergiere is geneig om vir ‘n jaar of 3 om en by dieselfde te bly. En wat ’n lekker verfrissende stel nuwe giere en modes het ons nie nou gekry nie. Iets heeltemal anders en vars as waaraan ons gewoond is. Hier volg van die nuutse modes en giere van die winter en wennerstukke vir elke klerekas. Kom ons begin met die algemene giere en eienskappe waarna ons moet kyk voor ons sommer enige baadjie of skoen van die rak af ruk wat nie sin maak nie en in ons kaste gestoor word. Die geheim van die nuwe wintergiere is “GROOT ORNAMENTELE EIENSKAPPE”. Ja, maak nie saak wat jy koop nie, maak seker dit is duidelik sigbaar van ver af, en jy mag dalk aan die begin ongemaklik voel met die grootte van sekere items, maar dink so daaraan; op verhoog of film, moet mens effe groter items hê om dit sin te laat maak en uit te laat uitstaan. Kyk uit vir kaleidoskoop, Aztec en soliede blomdrukwerk. Jy gaan ook stukke sien wat vals pels op het as detail en nie heel stukke nie en hulle gaan heel waarskynlik in kleure voorkom. Kyk uit vir ‘spike & stud’ detail in silwer en goud, maar meestal goud siende dat goud ’n groot kleurgier is dié winter. Moet-hê materiaal die winter is natuurlike katoene, dik warm wol lap en Melton vir baadjies. Dan ook suede vir skoene en vals leer vir bybehore en gemaksdrag. Vir die kreatiwe en “cute” girls daar buite, babakatjie-drukwerk en juwele gaan ook volop wees maar slegs vir die winter, ook genoem ‘n “fad”, so moet nie groot bedrae aan die aanloklike gesiggies van hul spandeer nie.


Die grootse kleure wat deurkom die winter is die “monochrome” gier. Dit is wit en swart wat saamgedra word. Moet nie grys probeer inwerk of ander helder kleure nie. Sou jy ’n liefhebber van wit en swart wees, klee jouself heeltemal in slegs wit en swart. Kledingstukke kan wit en swart gemengde motiewe of drukwerk in hê, maar moet ook nie te oorboord gaan met die gier nie, ek sal voorstel ’n plein swart broek en truitjie met ’n wit en swart bystuk soos ’n baadjie met juwele. Ander kleure blyk steeds die gewilde smaraggroen wat indrukwekkend by enige iemand se veltoon pas. Dit is die helderste kleur wat gedra moet word, so niks meer neonkleure of pienk nie. Donkerkleur-giere is die wat ons ‘Jewel tones’ noem. Dink aan juwelestene soos ruby, vavy of maroen. Hierdie donker skakering kleure lyk fantasties by goud wat soos bogenoemde ook ‘n moet hê kleur vir die winter is.


Baadjies is altyd die grootste gier vir die winter want hul style verander gedurig. Baadjiegiere vir die winter is een van drie. Eerste het ons die ‘flared tailored’ baadjie. Dink aan die gewilde peplum wat reg deur die somer te sien was, nou net in ’n baadjie-vorm. Die baadjie is nie té lank nie en sal knap in die middel sit. Dan het ons ’n A-lyn

‘trench’ baadjie. Weereens glad nie reg af nie, maar meer volligheid in die soom van die baadjie. Derdens is die gemaksbaadjie. Die winter is die ‘bomber jacket’ soos jul in die winkel sal sien of ons sal dit beter as motorfietsbaadjies ken, ‘n groot gier. Die baadjie sal leerdetail hê en baie ribbing in die moue. Die styl sal ook beskikbaar in denim wees wat dalk die warmer opsie is.



Broeke is maar algemeen en al wat uitstaan en wat ons moet onthou, is wanneer ons dik baadjies aan het, hou die broek in ’n knap snit of ‘skinny fit’. Kyk ook vir broeke in die juweeltoon kleure wat ‘n ietwat ‘Acid wash” effek soos in die 90’s het om weg te breek van depressiewe swart. As jy ’n waaghals is in die koue, trek gerus ‘leggings’ aan saam met ‘n bonkige baadjie..




As jy lief is vir rompe, kyk uit vir wit-en-swart style. Ook bekend as ‘houndstooth’ weef, jy sal hulle kry in geplooide style en mini-lengte. As jy wel ’n romp saam met een van die baadjies aantrek, maak seker hy is ’n knap snit om nie oorbonkig te lyk nie. Onthou die kontras in die pas van die stukke is belangrik.


Skoene en bybehore

‘Loafer’ skoene is gewild vir die winter, veral vir mans maar kan uniek lyk saam met ’n vroulike styl. Vir vroue pumps, enkel stewels en hakkies, maar kyk vir ’n skoen wat die ‘spike & stud’ detail in het. Hou dit in swart of donker kleurtone en kyk vir enige skoen in suede (sweedse leer) materiaal wat ’n warm gevoel aan jou uitrusting sal gee. Serpe is wenners vir winter, veral dié een, nie net omdat dit logies warm is nie, maar juis omdat die gier bonkig is. Kyk uit vir bonkige serpe met dik wol detail en vir mans is ‘snoods’ ’n wenner opsie. ’n Snood (scarf and hoodie) kan as ‘ lang serp gedra word of ook gevou om jou nek en kop. Handsakke moet eenvoudig wees in groot blok style. Kyk vir handsakke met leer, dik garing stiksels, spike en stud detail asook handsakke wat uitsny motiewe in ornamentele vorms het. Juwele se wen opsie is weereens groot blom en kruisstukke. Hou die kruis plein, nie soos ‘cultic’ of ‘antieke’ style nie maar eenvoudige vorms in goud of silwer met juweel toon stukke in. Goue ‘cuffs’ blyk ook gewild saam met pêreldetail. Soos ek genoem het, die winter van 2013 bied vir ons nuwe vars giere. Style van die winter veral ornamentele en Aztec-drukwerk gaan ook nog baie te sien wees in toekomstige seisoene en selfs in rokstyle en trourokgiere, ’n uitstekende kans om mode-pop te speel in een van jou volgende funksies. So koop wys en koop kwaliteit. Net nie tekkies nie. Ek geniet dit om altyd van die lesers te hoor asook algemene vrae te antwoord, so skakel my gerus op die onderstaande kontakbesonderhede sou daar enige iets wees wat jy duidelikheid oor soek. Baie dankie ook aan Francoise Jeanne de Villiers, B.Sc. mode-kommunikasiestudent en opkomende ‘Fashion Editor & Stylist’ aan die North West School of Design ontwerpers college in Klerksdorp vir haar insette in die artikel.






Potchefstroom Herald Leefruimte/Living Space

Try something different to trickle your taste buds this winter

Cheryl Botha

Winter. Aah, the time for log fires, luxurious fabrics and cuddly duvets. It is also the perfect time for glühwein and gingerbread. After sorting through dozens of recipes, I found the following recipes that will delight the taste-buds on even the chilliest night. The glühwein quantities are quite large but hey, with a winning recipe, there is just a little risk of waste!

Glühwein ingredients 4 litres red wine 2 cups castor sugar 6 to 8 cinnamon sticks Whole cloves 2 oranges Whole allspice 2 cups orange juice Add brandy, sweet sherry or port (Add berries as an optional extra)

necessary Add berries as an optional extra Enjoy with gingerbread

Gingerbread ingredients (for 1 x 15cm square cake) ½ cup white sugar ½ cup butter 1 egg 1 cup molasses 2 ½ cups flour 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon ground cloves ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup hot water

Gingerbread method

Glühwein method

Pour wine into large pot and heat gently (do not allow to boil) Cut oranges into slices and add for cloves to each slice Add to wine Break cinnamon sticks into 2 or 3 pieces Add to wine with ten allspice corns Add brandy, sherry or port and orange juice Stir occasionally for 30 minutes to infuse Add sugar to taste, if

There's nothing better than a glass of steaming glühwein to warm up a chilly winter's evening

Pre-heat oven to 360 degrees Grease and flour baking pan In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter Beat in egg Mix in molasses Sift together flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger and cloves. Blend into the creamed mixture Stir in hot water Pour into cake tin Bake for 1 hour Allow to cool in tin before serving

28 Junie 2013




EiendomsGIDS Property GUIDE


Luxurious 10 bedroom, 10 bathroom wedding/ functions venue situated 5km out of Potchefstroom on Carltonville road. 8.5ha of land. House 2150m². Swimmingpool and separate double storey living quaters with separate pool and lapa. Instant business opportunity with lock-stock-and-barrel sale! Sole Mandate. Contact: Johan Schoeman, 076 874 6360


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Ellen 082 652 9404



200 Ha - R3.1 milj.

Heilige Akker - R2.5 milj.

Skakel ORG 082 565 5360

Te Huur.

Hoewe van 3.4ha. Goeie grond – nie naby Loopspruit nie. Sterk water, stoor en 3 slaapkamerwoning. Prys: R635 000.

28 Junie 2013

R4 300 - Baie ruim 1slpk tuinwoonstel, groot sit/eetk. Gemeubileerd en krag ingesluit. Naby nwu. R4 600 - 1 Julie beskikbaar. 2 Slpk, 1 motorh en eie tuin. Carpé Diem. R7 500 - Bailiepark. Ruim 3 slpk, 2 badk en motorh. Privaat in veilige kompleks. Deo Gloria.

Hoofsaaklik weiding. Lande gevestig met aangeplante weiding. Kantrolbesproeiing stelsel. 2 Ou huise. Groot voerstore, sterk boorgate. ± 20 km suid van Potch

Ruim 3 slpk, 3½ badk huis. Met 1 slpk woonstel, met grasdak, sit/eetk. 3 Groot leefareas en kantoor/spreekkamer. Mooi tuin, swembad en onderdak onthaalarea.

Dassierand - R1 050 000.

Baie goeie waarde vir

205 Ha - R3 milj.

geld. Lae onderhoud,

Hoofsaaklik weiding. Baie goeie grensdrade en vee geriewe. Voerstore en silo’s. Goeie 4 slpk huis.

4 slpk huis. 2 Badk, 3 motorh, swembad en mooi braai-area.



Kantoor Tel: 018 293 1845, Faks: 018 2933163, Prinsipaal Annelize (B SOC. SC. CEA) Santie 082 364 8076, Magda 084 961 6123 Besturende agente

TE HUUR – WOONSTEL SENTRAAL. Meenthuis – Bailliepark

Bachelor. Prys R2 850.

3 slaapkamer, sekuriteitskompleks, kleiner troeteldiere welkom. R5 750. Woonstel – Bult 1 Slaapkamer , Sitkamer, kombuis, motorafdak, sekuriteitskompleks – R3750

1 SlaapHoewe te koop 4.6 hektaar hoewe , 3 slaapkamerhuis, kamer, 24 uur seku- ± 250 m² stoor – R695 000. Santie 082 364 8076, Magda 084 961 6123 riteit prys Opsoek na huurhuise en woonstelle in enige R3 750. area om te verhuur.




STUDENTEBEHUISING 2013 Kamers (seuns) R 1 350 Kamers (Meisies) R 1 500 Plot Vyfhoek (Bachelor) R 1 800 Campus @ Home (1 Slpk) R 3 025 WOONSTELLE TE HUUR. Bailliepark (Bach. onmid.) R 2 600 Barrish Place (1 Slpk.) R 3 165 Bailliepark (1 Slpk. 1 Julie) R 3 300 Bailliepark (2 Slpk.onmid.) R 3 850 1 slpk. met ingeboude kaste. Kombuis netjiese ingeboude kaste en plek vir was3 SLAAPKAMER HUISE masjien. Sitk, badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak) (DUBBEL GERIEWE) afdak, braaiarea. Afstandbeheerde hekke Bailliepark (1 Sept 2013) R 8 000 voor kompleks. KYK NA DIE PRYS EN Bailliepark (Onmiddelik) R 9 350 BESLUIT GOU !!! R 400 000


Potch Towers (Sentraal) Villa de Bell (Dassierand) Willemien (Sentraal) Villa Perez (Sentraal) Langs die Randjie Majuba (Sentraal) Barrish Place (Sentraal) Campus @ Home (Bult) Tramonto (Sentraal) Caruso (Bult) Miederpark (Miederpark) Inni Hartjie (Sentraal) Lanquedoc (Sentraal) Villably (Bult)

R 405 000 R 420 000 R 425 000 R 460 000 R 470 000 R 480 000 R 487 000 R 490 000 R 580 000 R 595 000 R 640 000 R 640 000 R 700 000 R 720 000

TE KOOP TE KOOP: 1 SLAAPKAMERWOONSTELLE Barrish Place (Sentraal) Campus @ Home (Bult) Tramonto (Sentraal) Onder die Randjie (D/Rand) Kolbe Place (Sentraal) Villa Renea (Bult) Janitahof (Miederpark) Villably (Bult)

R 316 000 R 400 000 R 425 000 R 475 000 R 480 000 R 500 000 R 510 000 R 640 000




3 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste. Badkamer (bad, stort, wasbak, toilet) stoep,tuin, binnehof, 2 onderdakparkerings, waskamer in kompleks, Grootte 132 m². UITSTEKENDE KOOP VIR SLEGS !!! R 695 000 !!!

2 Slaapkamers met netjiese ingeboude kaste. Oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste, plek vir wasmasjien, badkamer (bad, wasbak, toilet.) Afdak vir motor, afstand - beheerde hek voor kompleks. BAIE GOED GEPRYS VIR SLEGS !!! R 470 000 !!!

28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Debbie (Prinsipaal)

Elizm ari072 561 5703 M atthew 072 561 5715 Colette 084 561 5703

Lieflieke ruim vertrekke.4 slk,2 badkam ers.M ooikom buism et aparte opw as.Lekkersw em bad en aparte inkom sgenereredende 1 slk w oonstel




R950 000

R880 000

R450 000 BULT:Kam pusStudio (Sm arties)Bachelor-w oonstelin sekuriteitskom pleks.Regoorkant NW U-kam pusgeleë.Uistekende prys.Pre paid Elekt.


Sekuriteitskom pleks.Baie gew ild.3 slaapkam er,2 badkam er,oopplan sitkam er-kom buis.Lugverkoelers. Afdak.Pre paid Elekt.


W IN SKO PE: H ARVARD -Bachelor(x3)elk KAM DEBO O -Bach.grondvl STUD EN TEH UISE vanafR1.93 m il. CAM PUS@ HO M E (x2)-1 slk THE BATS -Bachelor Verskeie studentehuise naby universiteitm etgoeie huurinkom stes. VARSITY LO DGE -2 slk W ye verskeidenheid bekostigbare studentew oonstelle te koop.

-R299 000 -R537 500 -R405 000 -R355 000 -R680 000

RO O DEBERG-2 slk VILLA DE BELL-Bachelor VILLA DE BELL-3 slk TRAM O NTO -1 slk BARRISH PLACE -1 slk M IED ERPARK 2/3 slk vanaf

-R537 000 -R260 000 -R380 000 -R450 000 -R387 000 -R595 000

Besigtig 1000de eiendom m e op w w w .justresidential.co.za

Property Profile Group

• Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, 2520 • Tel: 018 293-2883 Vir al u eiendoms • Posbus 20606, Noordbrug 2520 Irma-082 347 5555 • info@propertyprofile.co.za behoeftes

Johnny-082 562 8156

Irma - 082 347 5555


Studente Woonstel WINSKOOP

Rivier Eiendom


Uiters netjies en gewilde 3 slpk

1 slaapkamer met sitkamer en kombuis

± 1ha erf met 100 meter rivierfront,


op grondvloer. Goeie toestand

Uitstekende sekuriteit. 28km buite

Netjies en ruim. 3 slpk woning op

R450 000.

Potch. R530 000.



Hoewe N12:

2 slpk meenthuis met 2 badk,

Oulike 3 slaapkamerwoning met 1.5

1.9 ha met ruim woonhuis met 2

enkel m/huis en klein tuintjie.

badkamer, lapa, met enkel m/huis en

slpk w/stel en groot stoor. Huur

R780 000.

afdak. R790 000.

inkomste R12 000 p/m op stoor.


R1 850 000.

Netjiese 3 slaapkamer met 2 bad

Ailanto Country Estate

3 slpk, dubbelgeriewe met sit-

groot boomryke erf geskik vir

kamers dubbel m/huis op groot erf met

6 700 m² erf. 5.5km from Mooirivier

eetkamer en d/motorhuis. Siersteen

onderverdeling. R990 000.

lekker afdak. R1 350 000

Mall. R 350 000.

voltitel. R1 020 000.

meenthuis met mooi tuintjie ± 2 km van NWU. Baie veilig. R 850 000.

Suid: Ruim 3 slpk woonhuis met buite geboue dubbelm/huis op mooi

Prime Properties Tel: (018) 297 0461 primeproperties@telkomsa.net

Droomhuis in Baillie Park R2.2 milj. Nuut, moderne 4slp huis. Groot kombuis, 2 volledige badkamers met spa-bad. Verhitte swembad en baie meer. Belinda 082 923 5382

PeterM okabastraat29 •tel(018)293 1858 •e-pospotchefstroom @ justresidential.co.za

M IED ERPARK:Hoffstraat.

Belinda (Agent)

2 200m² erf. Ideaal vir verdere ontwikkeling. R1 700 000. Sentraal Meenthuis: Ruim 2 slpk 2 badk, met 2 afdak parkerings. Siersteen. R765 000. Grimbeekpark Meenthuis:


Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

Nazalene Struben It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media 24 does not accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein.

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DIENSTE / SERVICES 12. Dagsorg / Daycare 13. Kleuterskole / Pre-Primary Schools 14. Naskoolsorg / Afterschool care 15. Onderrig / Education


16. Video & Fotografie / Video & Photography 17. Musiek / Music 18. Onthale & Konferensies Functions & Conferences 19. Spyseniering / Catering

Berading / Counselling

20. Wegneemetes & Restaurante / Take Aways & Restaurants 21. Lugversorgers / Aircons 25. Blindings / Blinds 26. Springkastele / Jumping Castle 27. Houtwerk / Carpentry 28. Matte / Carpets 29. Plaveisel / Paving 30. Bouwerk / Building 31. Beton & Palisade / Concrete & Palisades 32. Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk / Electrical Services & Repairs 33. Loodgieters / Plumbing 34. Algemene Dienste / General Services 35. Rommelverwydering Refuse Removal

36. Sekuriteit / Security 37. Plaagbeheer / Pest Control 38. Tuindienste / Garden Services 39. Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage 40. Boorgate / Boreholes 41. Swembaddens / Swimming Pools 42. Grasdakke / Thatch roofs 43. Lenings / Loans 44. Finansiele Dienste / Financial Services 45. Naaldwerk / Needlework 46. Skoonheid & Gesondheid / Beauty & Health 48. Jaggeleenthede / Hunting 49. Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks 50. Massering / Massages


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11 Persoonlike Kennisgewings /

Personal Notices

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Die V en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelik aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetge-wing in die plasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media 24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie

52. Algemeen te koop / General for sale 53. Te koop gevra / Wanted to buy 55. Rekenaars / Computers 56. Kantoortoerusting / Office supplies 57. Selfone/Cell phones 58. Pandwinkels / Pawn shops 59. TV / Elektriese toebehore/ TV / Electrical Appliances 60. Boeke/Versamelitems Books / Collectors items 61. Kuns / Oudhede/ Artwork/Antiques


62. Juweliersware / Jewelery 63. Veevoer / Animal Feeds 64. Diere & Pluimvee Animals & Poultry 65. Plaastoerusting / Farm Equipment 66. Motors 67. Bakkies 68. Vragmotors / Trucks 69. Motorfietse / Motorbikes 70. Woonwaens / Caravans 71. Bote / Boats

Lugversorgers / Aircons

72. Algemeen te huur / To let 80. Losies / Boarding 81. Eiendomme Benodig / Properties Wanted 82. Besigheidsgeleenthede / Business Opportunities 83. Persele / Premises 84. Woonstelle te huur / Flats to let 85. Woonstelle te koop / Flats for sale 86. Meenthuise te huur / Townhouses to let 87. Meenthuise te koop / Townhouses for sale 88. Huise te huur / Houses to let 89. Huise te koop / Houses for sale.

90. Hoewes & Plase te huur / Small Holdings & Farms to let 91. Hoewes & Plase te koop / Small Holdings & Farms for sale 92. Besighede te koop / Business for sale 93. Kamers te huur / Rooms to let 94. Gastehuise / Guest-Houses 95. Vakansie Akkomodasie / Holiday Accommodation 96. Bestuurskole / Driving Schools 97. Betrekkings gevra / Vacancies Wanted 98. Betrekkings / Vacancies 99. Volwasse Vermaak / Adult Entertainment


Loodgieters / Plumbing


Algemene Dienste / General Services

TCL Heating 12 000BTU split airconditioner installed R4 600. 12 000BTU inverter airconditioner installed, R6 600. SABS Approved, Terms & Conditions apply. Die mees ekonomiese manier om jou warm te hou die winter.

R22 Lugversorgers is nog beskikbaar. Vervanging van gas is 407 en is reeds beskikbaar. 072 289 8756 or 082 306 3974 25




Blindings / Blinds

Onderrig / Education

WATERREUS EDMS BPK H/A W R DRILLING & GROUTING TEL: (018) 293-0442; FAX: (018) 294-4994. E-mail: wrdrilling@mweb.co.za. 2 LANDDROSSTEYN STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM • Waterboorgate • Waterleweringstoetse • Voorsien en installeer van pompe • Prospecting boreholes • Groundwater pollution study boreholes • Foundation stabilization grouting

SANDMAN Deon Van Zyl


TEL: (018) 291-1048/9 SEL: 082-453-0195.

Matte / Carpets

Skakel vir Kwotasies 079 499 9930 Diepreiniging van: Matte en Meubels Pest en Termite Control en Weed Control

Landlyne weer in werking


Tuinmengsel, Tuingrond, Bousand, Riviersand, “Filling”, Crushersand, Buildersmix


28 Junie 2013 52

expandable security products!

slamlock/std. lock & key alike features

cell: 082 7755 754 FREE QUOTES!! fax: 018 293 1425 tolliemaritz@gmail.com www.lcsequ-door.co.za

Algemeen te koop / General for sale


Ons koop: Breekgoed, meubels yskaste ens. Wat het u? Skakel gerus



3mx3m – R4 300 3mx4m – R4 900 3mx6m – R8 400 4mx4m - R7 200 door, window with glass, wooden floor zinc roof, any size.

ContaCt dannis 078-186-4770 66



Meenthuise te koop

FOCHVILLE 3 SLAAPKAMER MEENTHUIS TE KOOP IN KOMPLEKS R660 000. SKAKEL EIENAAR 072 355 8864 Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina (Potchefstroom) by (018) 293-0750 of Liz (Carletonville) by (018) 788-6693

38 Tuindienste / Garden Services



Vervoer & Berging


2010 Hyundai i20 1.4 ......................................R2 750 pm 72 months 2011 Volkswagen Kombi 2.0 TDi ...................R7 590 pm 72 months. 2011 Ford Ranger 3.0TDCi HiTrail.................R4 850 pm 72 months. 2009 Volkswagen Polo 1.6 Trendline A/c...... R2 630 pm 72 months 2008 Honda Civic 2.2 CDTi VXi 5dr ............... R3 280 pm 72 months 2010 Toyota RAV4 2.0 GX .............................R5 000 pm 72 months. 2009 Toyota RAV4 2.2D-4D GX .....................R4 250 pm 72 months. 2010 Isuzu KB300D-Teq LX D/C .................... R5 580 pm 72 months 2009 Mazda 5 2.0 Active 5speed ...................R3 870 pm 72 months. 2003 Opel Astra 1.6 Sport ..............................R1 730 pm 60 months. 2011 Ford Fiesta 1.4i Ambiente .....................R2 980 pm 72 months. 2011 Toyota HiLux 2.5D-4D............................R3 740 pm 72 months. 2009 Mazda BT-50 2.5 F/stylecab ..................R3 550 pm 72 months 2011 Ford Figo 1.4i Trend ..............................R2 500 pm 72months 2012 GWM Steed 5 2.5TCi..............................R3 680 pm 72 months.

Terms and conditions apply. Installments include a 2 years mechanical warranty. Leon Erasmus 082 353 5933 Tel: 018 462 1738 Auto World

41 Swembaddens / Swimming pools



a1 loans

up to R150 000 Blacklisted and GaRnished 079 397 8938 48

Jaggeleenthede / Hunting

Jag – Bewerk van Vleis en Koel geriewe

Bring jou bokke na jou jag naweek, oop Saterdae & Sondae Koel geriewe, - Klein bokke tot 50kg R30 per dag - Bokke oor 50kg R50 per dag - Verwerk van bokke Sny biltong, blokkie vleis en bene R2 per kg. - Daar kan Wors, Droë Wors, Salami, ens. gemaak word. Pryse op aan vraag

Skakel Lynette 082 851 1299 vir besprekings





Egskeidings / Divorce

(018) 290-6755 OF 083 637 7690 (NOOD)

Lenings / Loans

Persoonlike Kennisgewings / Personal Notices


083 233 9454

3 Joe Slovo, Klerksdorp, 2571, Tel: 018 462 1738, Fax: 018 462 5124


SKAKEL: ELIZE. 072 187 2754






Potchefstroom Herald


Persele / Premises


85 Km vanaf JHB. in CBD. Naby taxi staanplek. ± 600Vk meter. Twee lnloop koelkamers, een vrieskamer. Vertoon yskaste ook beskikbaar. Koos 072 187 2748



• Boedels • Transporte • Huurkontrakte • Testamente • Huweliksvoorwaarde kontrakte • Maatskappy Registrasies (CIPC agente) • Invorderings • Egskeidings Tel: (018) 297 1217




Dagsorg / Daycare


Singing, guitar, bagpipes, keyboard, banjo, mandolin, piano, violin, bass guitar, recorder, saxophone & much more. GUITAR MAN SCHOOL, 51 Platan Ave, Klerksdorp. Cell: 083 379 7944 or visit www. guitarman.co.za. 18

Onthale & Konferensies / Functions & Conferences

AANDAG ALLE BRUIDE Eksklusiewe en stylvolle tafeldekor te huur. Ook tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en lycra-stoelrokke. Events House by The Roots Lifestyle Centre. ( (018) 285-1222.

CARLETONVILLE Baba Dagsorg en Nasorg (083-391-4044

MULTISTYL Eksklusiewe onthaaltoerusting vir troues & funksies. ( Lynette (018) 2907316 www.multistyl.co.za



Onderrig / Education

ART CLASSES: Learn pencil, charcoal, watercolours, oil painting, figure, landscape, still drawing and much more. GUITAR MAN SCHOOL, 51 Platan Ave, Klerksdorp. Cell: 083 379 7944 or visit

Houtwerk / Carpentry

Kobus houtwerke: Kombuis - en - Ingeboude kaste + ander houtwerk. (072-192-4059


Matte / Carpets

Latin American, Ballroom, Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Commercial, Streetstyles, Modern, Freestyle, Popping & Locking and much more. GUITAR MAN SCHOOL, 51 Platan Ave, Klerksdorp. Cell: 083 3797944 or visit www.dance lessonspotchef stroom.co.za.

Kennisgewing Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Skakel Piet of Johanita ViVierS by Modern auto triMMerS & uPh.

Tel: (018) 294-7459 fax: (018) 293-0785


Plaveisel / Paving

• Patios • Walkways • Indoor • Walls • Driveways • Pool surroundings • Landscaping SKAKEL

(018) 294-3080 www.smartstone.co.za


Bouwerk / Building



Gelewer in: POTCHeFSTrOOM CArleTOnVille, FOCHVille, PArYS en OMGewinG. SKAKEL ELAINE (018) 292 1615 www.bertsbricks.co.za.

VOOrwAArdeS Geld.

BUILD & Furniture & Home Improvements

Nico v d Merwe 082 344 8316 Building, Tiling, Restoration, Paving, Painting, Kitchens, Woodwork, Pallisades, Home Restoration, Ceilings.




Carpet Kleen

Cleaner, drier, better. Clean carpets or Lounge suites Quick drying and improved chemicals


Skakel Johan




Paving, tiling, palissades, lapas, precast walls & general construction. STONE-AGE


Deon 082-802-2664 goldenpaving7@gmail.com


Skakel Riaan 083-654-7481

Skakel Cilda Viviers Tel: 082-772-7130 Faks: (018) 293-0785

Kleibakstene is beter!!!! Bert’s Bricks (Potchefstroom). Klei-pleisterstene, klei-sierstene en klei plaveiselstene. Minimum vragte in Potchefstroom: 500 bakstene. Carletonville/Fochville en omgewing 2 000 bakstene. SKAKEL ELAINE (018) 292-1615. www.bertsbricks.co.za


Potchefstroom Herald

Kruger Afdakke. Skadunetafdakke, 4 jaar waarborg. Gratis kwotasie. 16 Jaar diens. Potch omgewing. ( 083-493-5876. Walk on tiles. Lê van vloer en muur teëls. Opgradering van kombuis en badkamer. Loodgieterwerk. (084 732 3260


Beton & Palissades / Concrete & Palisades


Precast, Palissademure, plaveisel, lapa’s. Gratis kwotasies.

(018) 294-5169 082-335-0118.


Vir verwydering van tuinafval, skoonmaak van erwe en geute, afsaag van takke en bome, algemene opknap van tuine en ligte vervoerwerk.

Vir alle loodgietersprobleme & gratis kwotasies  Pieter (‘n ten volle gekwalifiseerde loodgieter).

Skakel Lappies (018) 290-6906 of 082-684-8982. Afsaag en uithaal van bome. Opruiming en verwydering. (084-218-2447

24/7 Sel: 082-496-8622. of: 082-346-0066.



Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage

Algemene Dienste / General Services





A1 CEILINGS & ROOF REPAIRS. Ons doen ook teël en verf werk. POTCH. ( Jaco 079 660 0902 COOLTECH COMMERCIAL REFRIGIRATION. Danny 079-572-9458 / Anna-marie 082-306-3974.

Loodgieters / Plumbing

HALLABY LOODGIETERS Skakel Emile (018) 294-4024 a/u of 082 448 2824

RE-ENAMEL EXPERT. Heremalje van ou staalbaddens. Egte emalje. Werk gewaarborg. ( 071-196-2953 / www.jgexpert.co.za RUA CONSTRUCTION with interest to build to own rentable place. With 30% of what it takes, and a stand to build on? ( Erick 071 561 5678



Gekwalifiseerde loodgieter. Pyp en lekkasie-sporing. Johan 083 328 0292 Kantoor 018 294 8242 VIR BLITSVINNIGE KWALITEIT DIENS TEEN DIE BESTE PRYSE!!

ALLE LOODGIETER herstelwerk & installering van geysers. ( Gerhard by 083-283-5700.

Rommelverwydering / Refuse Removal

1. Algemene vervoer. Bourommel, huisvullis en tuinvullis.( Pieter 082-950-8934 (Potch)

(018) 297 8168 082 950 9633


Tel: (018) 297-1973 Cell: 082-771-6333 Neily Pools & Lapas 7x4 pool + 6x4 lapa: R42 000. 6x4 + 4x4 lapa: R38 000. 8x4 + 6x4 lapa: R46 000. 10x4 + 7x4 lapa: R66 000. 4x4 + 4x4 lapa: R33 000. Special until 10 July 2013 - Free Solar panels. ( Neily 072-654-4428.

Grasdakke / Thatch Roofs

LAPAS & GRASDAKKE SKAKEL WILLIE JORDAAN 082 552 0267 (018) 294-3308

Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk/ Electrical Services & Repairs


New/Reline Fiberglass/ Marbelite Stepping Stones/ Paving Jacuzzi’s/Repairs

38 BINNELAND / SILVERMED BEJAARDE SORG. Permanente verblyf, Rehab na operasies, tydelike versorging en 24 uur versorging. ( Ann-Marie by 082-857-2656. A A N D A G !!! Whirlpool services, herstel & diens alle outomatiese Top Loader, mikrogolfoonde en tuimeldroërs. ( Nick 082-825-0727. Aandag: Speed Queen Services. Diens en herstel alle Speed Queens, tuimeldroërs, mikrogolfoonde. ( Gert Botha (018) 2948479 /082-967-8267. ALLE HERSTELWERK in & om die huis. Boorgate, besproeiing & drukpompe. Geen werk te klein. ( Gerhard by 083-283-5700.

Tuindienste / Garden Services


• Afsaag en uithaal van bome. • Skoonmaak van industriële- en woonerwe. • Aanplant van gras.

VOERKRAALMIS • Gesifte mis vir “top dressing” beskikbaar R20 per sak Skakel Johan alle ure 082-962-3125.

Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgeriewe teen billike pryse? Skakel Droogte vir ‘n gratis kwotasie!


EMPI Meubelvervoer Vir alle vervoer o.a. meubelvervoer. Het ook jare ondervinding. Pak self, en hou volle toesig. Pieter 073-525-6536. 076 814-6100 (W) (018) 484-1725 (H) 1 JPS Meubelvervoer persoonlike toesig + bestuur, beste diens gewaarborg stoor. ( 084-597-3434/ 083-498-3309 J & H MEUBELVERVOER Vir professionele vervoer en stoor. ( (018) 290-6755. Minitrek + Transport. Stoorplek, rommel en vullis. Beste pryse. (082-332-7554. TRANSPORTER Beste prys en diens, mini trekke en algemene vervoer. (084-218-2447


Swembaddens / Swimming Pools

* Nuwe swembaddens * Steppingstones * Sonpanele * Herstel van swembaddens. Skakel (018) 294-5833 of 082-928-5774.

TALUTA LAPAS Bou van lapas, kam en stop. Alle herstelwerk. Enige bouwerk, “Rockface”, houtdekke, ens.


Algemene herstelwerk in en om die huis, dakke, verfwerk, bouwerk, teëlwerk, plaveisel, pallisades, staalwerk. Skakel vir gratis kwotasie Conrad 082 857 5092


Lenings / Loans

Finansiële Dienste / Financial Services



Call now for professional, expert advice. DON’T LOSE SLEEP OVER YOUR DEBT! There is a legal solution! You can protect your assets. For a free consultation, by a NCR registered Debt Counsellor, Call Janice on 071 893 0014/ (018) 294 6951 - Confidential-






Skadunette & betonmure (018) 294-5169 082 335 0118

28 Junie 2013


Lê u in die aande wakker oor skuld? Beskerm u bates en vermy administrasie en insolvensie met die nuwe kredietwet. Ons is geregistreer en aan-gestel deur die NCR om jou te beskerm. Skakel Jean by 082 550 7494 of Charleen by 018 297 8286 vir ‘n gratis konsultasie en word ingelig. U kan ons ook by ons kantoor te Mareestraat 10, Potchefstroom of ons webtuiste www. jordaandebt counsell ing.co.za besoek.





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TODAY 082 552 0267 Confidence guaranteed.

Kennisgewing Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Tel 018 297 7580 / 083 271 9345 (Heinricha) 49

Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks

Manie Sweiswerke Staalkonstruksie en store. Voorsiener en installeerder van veiligheidshekke en afdakke. Optrek van enige planne. Skakel Manie Labuschagne by (018) 297-6316 (k/u) of 082-335-9761

Afrikaanssprekende dame in alle areas beskikbaar. 24/7 (Zani 079-025-8428 EXCLUSIVE VIP Only 40 years plus! Professional, private, secure.( 079-666-0431/ 073-927-9858 Potch Kom en ontspan saam Nike vir 'n lekker body massering en meer in Potch. ( 072 576 2462 Layboy Shop now open. 15 Emerald Str C/ville. Come see for yourself. (Niko 074-404-9755 Massage Therapist very sensual, full body massage. Private. Carletonville. For app (Demi 082-735-2646. 8-6pm Potch blonde boere meisie volwasse masserings en meer. ( Kylie 072 494 0902


Algemeen Te Koop / General For Sale

3 x 2.4 M DELI VERTOON YSKASTE MET RONDE GLAS VOORKANT TE KOOP. Sluit in vlekvrye staal bakke. Slegs 4 maande gebruik. In nuwe toestand. R19 000 ELK

P A N D M A R Verskaffers van antrasiet, steenkool, hout. Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse huisraad en boumateriale. Ons sloop ook huise. Nou ook bousand, riviersand, crucher mix en sement. KLEIN MAAT. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 + 1 m³. Chris Hanistraat 78. ( (018) 2933234 of 082-920-0871. Vars Wes Kaapse snoek en droë vrugte Vrydag Golfbaan sat. Albert Luthuli (Japie 082 779 4472 Vir die maal van Mielies resepte lusern ens. ( Koos 084 878 9642 / Stefan 072 015 0037


TV / Elektriese Toebehore / TV / Electrical Appliances

AANDAG! TIP TOP TV Winkel 46, Du Plooystraat.



DSTV: R599 TOP TV: R399


018 293 0277 082 892 1315


SKAKEL JOSE 082 511 7303

ERWE / EIENDOMME VENTERSDORP Erf tE koop mEt bou plan, Groote 530 m² vir R320 000 SkakEl DawiE 083 288 0687


Veiling, Vlooi, motor, promosie-mark elke saterdag om 09:00 by die boeremark,potchindustria

Kontant in u hand by die huis: ons KooP meubels, gereedskap, kombuisware, sleepwaens en alle oortollige items. NIKS te groot of te klein. Kwotasies gratis en vertroulik. skakel die afslaer: Piet 082 800 7321 aankoper Potch: 083 629 3449 aankoper Klerksdorp: 072 181 2360





Installering van DSTV Herstelwerk: TV’s, Hi-fi’s, DVD spelers en Naaldwerkmasjiene.

082 302 7995 62

Juweliersware / Jewellery

Ons betaal


vir u OOrtOllige artikels

skakel (018) 294-5503 / 5 Vinnige, vriendelike diens. Transaksies vertroulik.

vlOOiMark PAND + MEUBELS h/v Kerk & du Plooystr. Potch

KOELKAMER 5 x 3 m: R1 500. Melktenk 1 200 liter: R10 000. Lotpasteuriseerder 1 000 liter: R15 000. ( 082-340-3553.

BENODIG U KONTANT? Ons koop alle goue-, diamantjuweliersware en goue munte vir kontant. Eternity Enterprise Juweliers 33 James Moroka str (Lombard str). Potchefstroom, Tel: (018) 297-5364

28 Junie 2013


Diere & Pluimvee / Animals & Poultry

Jack Russel hondjies beskikbaar 3 tefies en 1 reun. ( 073 265 9471 STAFFIE REUNTJIE te koop. 8 weke oud. Swart. R1 500. ( Debbie by 084-400-1971. Swart / Tanmin, worshond reuntjie soek baie liefde volle huis 8 weke oud R800 geënt + ontwurm. (082 806 8863


Plaastoerusting / Farm Equipment

Fiat 650 special trekker baie goeie kondisie R26 000. (074 620 5499



2006 Volvo S40 T5 te koop. Wit.

88 200 km, R120 000, onderhandelbaar. Volle diens rekord, puik toestand. SKAKEL CF: 072 122 5011


Best cash prizes paid for your car or bakkie. Tel: (018) 294 3754 Call 082 558 8999.



@ 2006 Opel Corsa Bakkie + A/C ± R2 100 p/m @ 2005 Nissan Hardbody. D/C. ± R2 100 p/m @ 2004 Merc Benz C180 ± R1 800 p/m @ 2004 Renault Megane 1.9 ± R1 400 p/m @ 2003 VW Jetta 4 2.0 ± R1 800 p/m @ 2003 Hyundai Atos ± R1 000 p/m @ 1999 Daewoo Lanos ± R800 p/m @ 1998 VW Golf 1.3 ± R900 p/m @ 1995 Ford Bantam + Canopy ± R1 000 p/m. Barry: 071-896-7316 (018) 469-2212


Hoogste pryse vir u gebruikte VOERTUIG OF BAKKIE.

Skakel Noshi by (018) 294-6169 of 082-558-4000.



072-272-1988 082-575-7531


Potchefstroom Herald



motors en bakkies vir

KOntant R10 000 - R100 000

Riaan de Lange 082-325-9570

2006 Corsa 1.4Sport met p.w.s slegs 136000k, R52000. ( 079 497 2872 A A N D A G: Ek koop graag u motor / bakkie vir kontant. ( Raymond Reinecke 082-853-6752. ALLE MOTOREIENAARS. Ek koop graag u motor of bakkie kontant. Beste pryse. ( 082-774-7962 Motor te koop: 1996 Uno 1100. Wit van kleur. In baie goeie toestand. R32 500. ( Francoise 083-447-6176 of (018) 264-4969. Motor te koop: 1997 Uno 1100, paneelwa. Wit van kleur. Een eienaar, goeie toestand. R34 800. ( Francoise 083-447-6176 of (018) 264-4969. Te koop 2010 Toyota Fortuner 30 D4D volle diens rekord baie ekstras 51000km, R320 000. (082 441 6376



2003 ToyoTa Hilux 3l, WiT.

Goeie toestand. 360 000 km. R80 000. SKaKEl DaniE 084 674 5214 Alle bakkies, motors, karavane, trekkers en sleepwaentjies gesoek vir kontant. Skakel (016) 987 5170 of 082 210 4016

Ons koop bakkies en motors vir KONTANT. Goeie pryse word aangebied. Skakel: 072 126 7886 69

Motorfietse / Motorbikes

Four weelers 350 Banshee R20 000 400 Honda TRX R30 000 071-676-1010


Algemeen Te Huur / General To Let

1. 3 SLAAPKAMER dupleks in Bailliepark @ R5 500 p/m. 2. 2 Slaapkamer dupleks in Bailliepark @ R5 000 p/m. 3. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Sentraal @ R4 000 p/m. ( Retha by (018) 293-2522.


Persele / Premises


Octron gebou op eerste vloer. H/v James Moroka en Autostraat. Skakel nommer: 018 292 1615 Kantoor-ure 08:00 - 16:30

Luukse kantore met lugversorging in Bailliepark, Potchefstroom te huur, volop parkering. Mans en dames toiletgeriewe en kombuis. Keuse van grootte en uitleg. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Langtermyn kontrakte sal voorkeur geniet.

Skakel (018) 290-5018 gedurende kantoore ure.

Te Huur

3 Store in die Industriële gebied, Potchefstroom. 185 vkm, 500 vkm, 1450 vkm. Skakel roy by: 072-873-9913 ERF TE KOOP. Sentraal geleë. Nieuwestr. 79A. Prys: R380 000. Vir verdere besonderhede ( 071-607-0099 of epos santebarnard@yahoo.co.uk KANTOOR PERSEEL DORP / BULT. Te koop of te huur. ( Lafras 082-785-2804. SANTAM TRUST gebou - 31 kantore @ R28 860 p/m. ( Wilma 079-963-1513 of Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297-5506. Versk. Groote store werkswinkels naby WJ Eng Potch industria. ( 082 975 1618 / 018 293 2521


Woonstelle Te Huur / Flats To Let

1 slaapkamer woonstel te huur

@ r3 205 p/m. beskikbaar 1 Julie 2013. skakel (018) 290-6494.

Bachelor met afdak R2000pm krag en water ingesl. 8Km van Mall Wilgeboom plotte. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. ( Richard 071 312 1780 BULT: 1 Slpk woonstel @ R3 000 p/m. ( 074-241-9577.

1 Slpk tuin w/Stel in Sentraal dorp te huur.

Beskikb. 1 Julie 2013, 1 slpk, sit / eetk, komb., badk met stort. Slegs vir een persoon, nie-roker en nie-drinker. Geen troeteldiere. Onderdakparkering met sekuriteit. Elektriese hek. R2 200 p/m. R1 000 s/dep. Eie krag.


HOFFMAN SQUARE: 1 slpk @ R3 200 p/m. Waterberry Heights: 2 slpk @ R3 700 p/m. Varsity Lodge: 1 slpk @ R2 900 p/m. Goudstr.: 2 Slpk @ R3 410 p/m. Soek blanke dame met sober gewoontes om woonstel te deel met ou dame. R2 000 p/m. ( Wilma 079-963-1513 of Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297-5506.

BAILLIEPARK: 3 slpk meenthuis met 2 badkamers. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus @ R5 000 p/m. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat nie. ( Steven by 084-696-0023 of (018) 294-5008.

GROOT 4 SLPK HUIS op kleinhoewe, ruim kombuis met 2 opwas areas, eetkamer, 2 groot leefareas en afdakke vir 4 motors. ( Linda by (018) 293-2237 of 072-776-1104.

FOCHVILLE: 2 slpk meenthuis, 1 badk, 1 motorhuis, eie tuin @ R3 600 p/m, water ingesluit. Koopkrag. ( 082-888-2247.

HUIS TE HUUR Huis op die Bult met 3 slpk, 1 badk en 2 afdakke. R5 500 p/m ohb. ( TG Kruger Eiendomme by (018) 294-6544.

Klein eenslaapkamer woonstel. Privaat en veilig. Slegs enkelpersone. R1 950 p/m. ( 084-666-9889.

MEENTHUIS TE HUUR * 2 Slpk, Rosetuin @ R3 850 p/m. 2 Slpk dupleks @ R4 620 p/m. ( Schalk of Wena by Huizemark (018) 297-8338.

HUISE TE HUUR: * 3 Slpk met bachelor, Bailliepark: R11 000 p/m. * 4 Slpk, Bailliepark: R8 500 p/m. ( Schalk of Wena by Huizemark (018) 297-8338.

NOORD SENTRAAL: 3 slpk meenthuis @ R7 240 p/m. ( 082-888-2247.

PRAGTIGE MODERNE 4 slpk huis in eksklusiewe kompleks. Onthaalarea wat uitloop op swembad met hout dek, kombuis met 2 opwasareas. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2013. Huur: R14 600 p/m, sluit maandelikse tuindiens in. Sleuteldep. betaalbaar. ( Linda (018) 293-2237 of 072-776-1104 vir 'n afspraak.

Bachelor flat te huur @Varsity, Goudstraat. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2013.

NETJIESE RUIM 2 slpk w/stel in erf, Sentraal, veilig, koopkrag, afdak en geen diere. R3 800 p/m. ( Tersia 084-206-1661.

SKAKEL AnitA 083 635 7735.

NOORD SENTRAAL: 2 slpk woonstel @ R4 570 p/m. ( 082-885-9319.

Huur: R2 860 p/m.

Ruim twee slaapkameR woonstel te huuR in BailliepaRk. Regoor die Spar, loopafstand na die Mooirivier Mall, R3000 per maand + onderdakparkering. Doen aansoek by die eienaar. skakel 082 967 9366.

Te huur in du PlooysTr vanaf 1 Julie 2013. 1 x 2 slpk w/stel R3 500 p/m. 1 X ruim 2 slpk w/stel - R3 750 p/m. Water & ligte ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere. sKaKel andre 083 677 9717 1 Slpk w/stel te huur. Bo 50 jaar. Beskikb. einde Junie. Billik, netjies. ( Salome 071-560-2832. 2BACHELORS woonstelle te huur. Sentraal. 1 Maand sleuteldeposito. 1 Maand huur vooruitbetaalbaar. Rina 082-565-9610. A 2 room batch flat to let. Potch. Wilgeboom Plots, 7 km E. R2 000 p/m. ( Mike at 072-168-9868. BAILLIEPARK: 2 slpk woonstel te huur @ R5 350 p/m. ( 079-511-6506. Bachelor. Rivierstr. 142a. Huur + dep. R1 850, w&l uitgesluit. Einde Junie. ( 079-775-7241. Bachelors woonstel te huur in Louw Str; R1 800 w & l ing. ( 083 608 6688 BULT: 2 slpk woonstel @ R4 500 p/m. ( 079-511-6518. DASSIERAND: 2 slpk woonstel te huur @ R4 690 p/m. ( 082-885-9320. Een Vertrek woonstel slegs vir enkel persoon in Oberholzer R1 800 p/m (082-717-3242 WOONSTEL TE HUUR OP DIE BULT. 2 Slpk, 1 badk, een lang afdak (2 voertuie). R3 800 p/m. ( T G Kruger Eiendomme by (018) 294-6544.

Rosetuin Aftree Oord w/stel R2500 om koopkrag 55jr + geen diere. ( 084 516 4941 Woonstelle te huur: bachelor loft @ R3 190 p/m. 2 Slpk, Bult @ R3 800 p/m. ( Schalk of Wena by Huizemark (018) 297-8338.


Woonstelle Te Koop / Flats For Sale

STUDENTE woonstel te koop: * 2 Slpk, naby Maherry Spar: R535 000. ( Rolene by Huizemark 082-859-6209.


Meenthuise Te Huur / Townhouses To Let

Meenthuis te huur in GriMbeekpark

• 2 x Slaapkamers.

• 2 x Badkamers. • Motorhuis. • Tuin. Julie beskikbaar. Huur: R5 830 per maand Skakel: Suretha (018) 297 5777 / 082 661 1720



KOOPKRAG. VEILIGE KOMPLEKS. R3 800 PER MAAND. DEPSITO R3 800. PIET BOSMANSTRAAT SKAKEL (018) 294-7805 "1 Slaapkamer meenthuis te huur CARLETONVILLE R3300(082-4343838 3 SLPK, 2 BADK, netjies gebou met Graniet afwerkings. 2 x Motorafdakke. R6 000 p/m, w&l ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. ( 082-807-7750. 3 Slpk meenthuis met 2 badk, 2 motorhuis eie tuin koopkrag, huur R7000pm. ( 072 181 8232

SUID: NUUTGEBOUDE 2 slpk met motorhuis en tuin te huur. ( Debbie by 084-400-1971.


Meenthuise Te Koop / Townhouses For Sale

MEENTHUIS te koop by Volkskool. 3 Slpk met 2 badk. R770 000. ( Rolene by Huizemark 082-859-6209.


Huise Te Huur / Houses To Let

Is jou huurInkomste gewaarborg? skakeL: tg kruger eIendomme (018) 294-6544


3 Slpk huis, 2 badk, sit-, eet-, TV – en studeerkamer, swembad, alarm, dubbel m/ huis, opwas, oog hoogte oond, vanaf 1/7/2013, R6000 p/m., + deposito. SkAkel 079 526 2839


4 Slk, 2 badkamers, studeerkamer, 3 leefareas, lieflike lapa met braai en swembad, dubbelmotorhuis. R8 500 P/M + sleuteldeposito . ONMIDDELLIK BESKIKBAAR. SKAKEL IRENE 082 572 9697 BAILLIEPARK. 3 Slpk met dubbelgeriewe @ R7 400 p/m. 2 Slpk meenthuis te Carpe Diem @ R4 600 p/m. ( Wilma by Potch Eiendomme 079-963-1513 of (018) 297-5506.

SONNIGE 3 SLPK huis, swembad, 2 leefareas met "pool" tafel te huur in Bailliepark vanaf 1 Julie 2013. R8 800 p/m. ( Linda (018) 293-2237 of 072-776-1104. TE HUUR: 3 slpk huis, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise en groot tuin. Sentraal geleë naby skole en kerke. Beskikbaar 1 Aug. @ R6 950 p/m. ( 082-885-9320.


Huise Te Koop / Houses For Sale

Bailliepark direk van eienaar. Splinternuut, modern argiteksontwerp, voltitel woning. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer dubbel motorhuis aparte opwas luukse afwerking. R1.3m. (072 411 4852 C/ville-Big house for sale 3 Bedr,kitchen, granny flat 0/S buildings (082-500-3825 HUIS MET2 WOONSTELLE: NWU / DORP te koop of te huur. ( Fras by 082-785-2804. HUIS TE KOOP: Bailliepark - sekuriteitskompleks, luukse 2 slpk, klein tuin, m/huis + afdak. R930 000. ( Rolene by Huizemark 082-859-6209. NABY MIEDERPARK S P A R : R450 000. 3 Slpk, 1 badk, geteël. ( Rumpff by TG Krüger 083-611-1505. 'N ABSOLUTE MOET OM TE SIEN Direk van die ontwikkelaar in Tuscany Ridge. Nuutgeboude 4 slaapkamerwoning met 3 badkamers, studeerkamer, dubbelmotorhuis en buitetoilet. Kom kies jou eie kleure en afwerking. R1 975 000. ( 083-625-7437. R995 000 & R1 080 000. GRIMBEEKPARK. Woonhuise te koop. Lae onderhoud. Teëldakwoning. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, skuifdeure na buite braai en dubbelmotorhuis. Ommuur. ( 083-625-7437. ROSETUIN AFTREEOORD Winskoop;1 slpk, bad sit-eetk, kombuis. PRIVAAT. ( 082-254-1773


Hoewes & Plase Te Koop / Smalls Holdings & Farms For Sale

Bargains!! Winskope!! Verander jou lewe. Change your lifestyle. Kleinhoewes / Plots. 1. 2 HA income R165 M. 2. 7700 m² 3 Bed HSE R135 M. 3. 7900 m² 5 Bed HSE R160 M. ( Mariana, Agent at 082-562-8686.


Besighede Te Koop / Business For Sale

HAASKRAAL HOEWE te koop. 8.5 Ha. 10 Km buite dorp. Ruim huis, 4 slpk, 2 badk, groot TV-kamer en sitkamer. 300 m² stoor met 3 fase krag. 3 Stoorkamers. Hoenderhokke vir 600 hoenders. Boorgat. Kanaal met suipingsregte. ( 082-327-1797 of (018) 292-1788.

One lovely bedroom to rent in a 3-bed house. Secure undercover parking, well-maintained garden, lapa, electric fencing, electric gate. R2,620, incl. water, alarm and garden services. Prepaid electricity and wireless Internet. Call Sabrina at 079 697 5047. FULLY FURNISHED student rooms (females only). 24 Hour security, 50 meter from NWU. Friendly study environment. Esselen Str. 22, Potch. ( (018) 297-0681 or 072-429-2914. Groot kamer ten volle gemeublieerde deel badk + kombuis. Elek en water ingesluit. ( 071 745 9047 KAMER TE HUUR vir mansstudent te Dwarsstr. @ R1 390 p/m. ( Wilma 079-963-1513 of Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297-5506.


Gastehuise / Guest-Houses

Accomodation daily, weekly, monthly, B&B or selfcatering units fully furnished, large entertainment area also available for functions. Cel 071 607 0099 or www. Robsplace.co.za. Cel: 082 795 0194 95

Vakansie Akkommodasie / Vacation Accommodation

Kumkani Country Lodge. Luukse kamers, ontbyt, M-Net, parkering + swembad. Paryslaan 37, Bailliepark, Potch. Tel: (018) 290-7387/9 082-559-8293 n/u A L B A T R O S vakansie-woonstelle teenaan die strand. ( (031) 903-2167. www. albatrosseaview.co.za MARINA STRAND / U V O N G O. Vanaf 10 nagte vir R2 000, buite seisoen. ( 082-920-4063 tussen 08:00 en 13:00. MARINA STRAND Ten volle toegeruste chalets. Slaap 4 tot 6 teen billike tariewe. ( (039) 313-0200 (k/u).


Potchefstroom Herald



SKAKEL MARIAAN BY 082 576 1316

SaleS aSSiStant. Mooirivier

Salary r5000. Previous retail sales exp in outdoor. email cv’s to rrs@speedweb.co.za DRINGEND BENODIG PlaNt BOIlERmakERs PlaNt FIttERs Alle applikante moet in besit wees van n seksie 13Ambags sertifikaat en nie ouer as 55jr wees nie. Geskikte persone sal as kontrakteur werk in die Carletonville omgewing. John: 082 455 7348 / (018) 788 2765


2 X VERKOOPSAGENTE SKAKEL Rumpff by TG Krüger Eiendomsagentskap Sel: 083 6111 505 E-pos: rumpff@tgkruger.co.za

National Company is looking for Committed Network MarketersFor invitation to FREE information session send sms with name, Town & Cell to

082 652 1500

Started Pack only R10!


Due to rapid expansion and growth, we require the services of: 1) A QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED WINDSCREEN FITTER with a valid code 08 driver’s license; 2) A QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED ALUMINIUM AND COMMERCIAL / HOUSEHOLD GLASS TECHNICIAN with a valid code 08 driver’s license; Both positions to be filled immediately! Fax your CV (max 2 pages) to, 086 646 0383 before 12 July 2013. If you do not get a reply within a week of the closing date, your application was unsuccessful.

ElEctrical SalES rEp

required for Carletonville based co. • Must have own transport. • Selling exp to Mines essential. Salary neg. depending on exp & qual. Salary, fuel & cell allowance. Fax or email cV to H/O 011 825 6984 or staceylee@deebar. co.za Subject line : Sales rep - c’ville

PCI Computers het 2 vakatures beskikbaar:

1. Verkoopspersone Een jaar ondervinding. Rekenaar ondervinding sal voordelig wees.

2. TegnikusTe

Vorige ondervinding sal in u voordeel tel. Moet oor geldige rybewys beskik. stuur CV na cv@pcit.co.za of handig in by 8 goetzstraat. pCi Computers behou die reg om nie die poste te vul nie.

Kantoor assistent benodig

• Tweetalig • Goeie wiskundige en kantoor ondervinding • Goeie rekenaarvaardighede (Minimum Word, Excel en Outlook ondervinding) • Min 4 jaar kantoor boekhou ervaring – QuickBooks ondervinding is ‘n voordeel • Ouderdom: Minimum 28 jaar • Eie vervoer & lisensie

e-pos CV na peet@mtce.co.za sluitingsdatum: 8/07/2013

28 Junie 2013

JUNIOR REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN Knowledge in Refrigeration will be an Advantage Requirements: • Drivers License • Grade 12

Fax CV’s to 086 617 6979 E-Mail: millair@mweb.co.za Closing date 04/07/2013

vakante pos

Hardwerkende betroubare jongman gesoek. moet bereid wees om opgelei te word. belangrik: moet tegniese agtergrond Hê. ouderdom 20 - 25 jaar. geen roker. tel.: (018) 294-7805. Faks: (018) 294-4306.


benodig by Spar. matrieK benodig en retail ervaring Sal ’n aanwinS weeS. moontliKe Kandidate moet ’n aanSoeKvorm Kom afhaal by die Spar. SKaKel (018) 293 1288 of (018) 293 2271

Jatruka woonstelle het ‘n vakature vir ‘n


Pensioearis opsigter moet disssipline kan toepas Rekenaarvaardigheid sal voorkeur geniet. Vergoedingspakket onderhandelbaar. Doen aansoek by Adriaan@vandenberg.com. sel foon 082 967 9366 Dr Annelize Coetzee (tAnDArts / Dentist) loCum / DeeltyDse opgeleiDe stoelAssistent word benodig, verkieslik met ondervinding in tandheelkundige praktyk vanaf 29 Julie – 13 September 2013. stuur CV met kontaknommers na A Coetzee by drcoetzeea@gmail.com of 10 Kruisstraat, parys voor / op Vrydag 12 Julie 2012. Vir enige navrae skakel gerus (056) 817-7819. Dr Annelize Coetzee (tAnDArts / Dentist) loCum DentAl AssistAnt wanted to work in private practice from 29 July – 13 September 2013. Must have experience in dental practice. send CV and details to drcoetzeea@gmail.com or 10 Kruis street, parys before / on Friday 12 July 2013. For any enquiries contact (056) 817-7819.


ONTWIKKELING VEREISTES: 3 - 5 jaar ondervinding in chemiese bedryf as produkbestuurder (bv. landbou-chemiese bedryf, industriële chemikalië of ‘fine chemicals’). Sterk bemarkingsvaardighede en tegniese kundigheid. Relevante tersiêre kwalifikasie is sterk aanbeveling (bv. BSc in Chemie). PLIGTE: Verantwoordelik vir die identifisering, implementering en ontginning van nuwe markte in ooreenstemming met die Maatskappy se multi-industrie fokus. Werk landswyd en moet bereid wees om dikwels uitstedig te wees. VERGOEDING: Aquasol bied ‘n aantreklike vergoedingspakket eie aan ‘n suksesvolle, gevestigde Maatskappy wat onder andere insluit bogemiddelde salaris, motortoelaag, aansporingsbonusse, medies en annuïteit. Stuur slegs ‘n verkorte, twee bladsy CV aan info@aquasolgroup.com Onderhoude sal met geselekteerde kandidate gevoer word. Indien u nie binne 21 dae van ons verneem nie aanvaar asb. dat u aansoek nie suksesvol was nie.

Vacancy Financial / admin post at die Wilge school (lsen) REQUIREMENTS: Minimum qualification, Gr 12. Computer Skilled and Financial experience of 5 years Duties: • Admission forms, Applications, Bursaries • Creditors and debtors • Payment of accounts • Liaisons with contractors • Contacting contractors for repairing of computers. • 90 Computers – Ordering of toner, controlling of stock etc. • Stock controlling • Assurance and handling of claims etc • Running costs, Transport, Maintenance, Assistive Devices: Requisitions, Quotations, Orders, Reports purchase of goods • Invoice control with statements. • Communication with parents in connection with Transport and School fees. • Receiving and banking of school and hostel fees • Paying of accounts hostal, school and state funds General Ledger: Entries, Reconciliation – Reconciliations of Bank, Balance sheet. Cash book payments, receipt entry – on a daily basis, Ledger entries business quotations, sales orders, invoices reconciliation, invoices suppliers, purchase orders. Office administration – filling and recordkeeping Proven computer literacy, including Ms Word, Excel and Power Point handling of all staff mattersappointments / resignations/ leave forms/ funeral benefits / housing / Gems medical aid etc.

senior matron at die Wilge high school (lsen)

Requirements Minimum qualification, Gr 12, Computer skilled and Catering experience previous experience in Household Management / Catering Management will be to your advantage Duties: 1. Hostel Management 2. Controlling and managing of Hostel Aid and Food preparation 3. Meal – and menu planning 4. Quality Control 5. Financial Management 6. Stock taking and controlling of stock 7. Daily reporting to the SHM and Headmaster 8. Planning and organising of functions eg. Winter School Camps 9. Buying of food supplies / Cleaning Agents ect. Application forms Z83 – must be filled in, (available at any school or Educational offices), and CV, and ID, and matric certificate must be handed in. (Certified) FOR ATTENTION: Mrs P van Staden: Application forms for post can be handed in at the school office. Reference: head matron or Fin. Secretary. Enquiries: 018 290 6587/8 / e-mail diewilge@lantic.net Closing date: 12 July 2013. Must assume duty on: 1 August 2013.


Potchefstroom Herald

D ada Motors

28 Junie 2013

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SHIRAZ 083-786-5516 • SHEZAD 083-786-5526 • MOTENE 076 318 0417 • SELEPE 076-370-9100 • NEO 072-077-6960 • WALTER 078 206 5977 AUDI 2012 AUDI Q7 3.0 TDI, 40 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, XENON, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ ROOF, FULLHOUSE, IMACULATE ........R649 900 2011 AUDI A3 1.4T S/BACK STRONIC, 30 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE...........................................R259 900 2011 AUDI A5 2.0 T COUPE, A/T, 30 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, XENON............................R399 900 2011 AUDI A3 1.6TDI, A/T, 60 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS R279 900 2011 AUDI A4 2.0T, MULTITRONIC(B8), 40 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, XENON, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS......................................R349 900 2011 AUDI A1 1.4T, 30 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS...............R239 900 2010 AUDI A4 1.8T, 90 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, XENON, LEATHER………. ................................................................R249 900 2010 AUDI A6 3.0T, A/T, 50 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, LEATHER, P.D.C, XENON......................R499 900 2009 AUDI A3 1.8T, SPORTSBACK(M), A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS.......................R239 900 2009AUDI A6 2.0T, A/T, 60 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF/ LEATHER................................................R299 900 2009 AUDI Q5 2.0T, 60 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE...........................................R359 900 2009 AUDI A4 2.0 TDI(B8), A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ................................................................R199 900 2008 AUDI S5(M), 65 000KM, 6YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE R399 900 BMW 2013 BMW 320I (F30)M, 3000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, M-SPORTSPACK, S/ROOF, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER, DEMO.......R429 900 2013 BMW 320I (F30), M, 6000KM 5YR 100000KM, MOTORPLAN SPORTSPACK, S/ROOF, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER, DEMO ..............R419 900 2013 BMW 118I (F20), A/T, 100KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, SPORTPACK, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, DEMO.........................................R329 900 2012 BMW 1M, 27 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, FULLHOUSE ...........................................................R699 900 2012 BMW 650I(F13), A/T, 19 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, M-SPORTSPACK, S/ROOF, NAVIGATION, XENON, P.D.C, ZOINCH WHEELS, A/C, P/S, C.D, LEATHER SEATS, DEMO ..............................................................R1 100 000 2012 BMW 640I(F13)A/T, 25 000KM, 5YRS, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, S/ROOF, NAVIGATION, XENON, P.D.C, EXCLUSIVE PACK, FULL HOUSE..........................................R899 900 2012 BMW 320D (F30), A/T, 15 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, S/ROOF, P.D.C, LEATHER, MAGS, A/C, P/C, C.D, DEMO .................................................................R409 900 2012 BMW X5 3.0D X-DRIVE, A/T, 10 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, P.D.C, DEMO, FULLHOUSE ...R699 900 2012 BMW 320I(F30), A/T, 20 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, SPORTSTPACK, S/ROOF,A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON.......................................R429 900 2011 BMW 532I(F10), 70 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, M-SPORTSPACK, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, A/T...............................R449 900 2011 BMW X5, 3.5 X-DRIVE, DOOR, SPORTPACK, S/ROOF, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS...............R599 900 2011 BMW 320I COUPE(E92), 39 000KM, 5YR, 100 SPORTPACK 19 000KM, MOTORPLAN, XENON, P.D.C, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS...................R399 900 2011 BMW X1 1.8I, A/T, 50 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, P.D.C NAVIGATION XENON...................R309 900 2011 BMW 120I CONVERTABLE, A/T, 68 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, WHITE, P.D.C..........................................R349 900 2011 BMW 120I CONVERTABLE, A/T, 60 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, SPARKLING GRAPHITE., P.D.C ............R349 900 2011 BMW 523I(F10), A/T, 20 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/R, LEATHER SEATS ...................................R499 900 2010 BMW 528I(F10), 70 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, FULLHOUSE...........................................R479 900 2010 BMW 320I(E90), A/T, P/S, A/C, C.D, MAGS, 50 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, FULLHOUSE...........................................R274 900 2010 BMW 323I (E90), A/T, 30 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULL HOUSE....................................................R329 900 2009 BMW 320I (E90, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, S/ROOF....................................R239 900 2009 BMW X5 3.0.D, X-DRIVE(E70), 50 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, EXCLUSIVE PACK, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, S/ROOF, IMACULATE............................................R499 900 2009 BMW 325I(E90), A/T, 70 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM,

MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, SPORTBACK 18 INCH MAGS, P.D.C, S/ROOF............R299 900 2009 BMW320I(E90), A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS.....................................................R239 900 2009 BMW 330I, CONVERTABLE(E93), A/T, P/S, A/C, C.D, MAGS, 40 000KM, S/K, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, FULLHOUSE..................R399 900 2009 BMW X3 2.5I, A/T, 50 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, FULLHOUSE M-SPORT PACK ..............R329 900 2009 BMW 320I TOURING(E91), 40 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ................................................................R209 900 2009 BMW 118I, 3 DOOR, COUPE, 80 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ................................................................R189 900 2008 BMW 335I(E90), A/T, 80 000KM, 5YR, 120 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE......R299 900 2008 BMW M3(E93)(M), 50 000KM, 6YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, XENON, NAVIGATTON...........................R549 900 2008 BMW 325I COUPE, A/T, 78 000KM, 6YR, 100 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, , FULLHOUSE...........................................R289 900 2008 BMW X5 3.0D, X-DRIVE, A/T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, S/ROOF ..............R374 900 2008 BMW 650I, 40 000KM, 6YR, 100 000KM, MOTORPLAN, HEAD VP DISPLAY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, NAVIGATION, XENON, FULLHOUSE...........................................R449 900 2007 BMW 323I(E90)(M), A.T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF...................................................R159 900 2007 BMW X3 2.5I, A/T, 90 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, SUNROOF..................................R229 900 2007 BMW 330I(E90), 90 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, PDC, S/ROOF, LEATHER, FSH, XENON ................................................................R209 900 2006 BMW 320I(E90)120 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER................................................R139 900 2006 BMW 330D(E90), A.T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON....................................................R189 900 2004 BMW 325I A/T(E46), 130 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, LEATHER, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, IMACULATE …….........................................................R109 900 FORD 2012 FORD FIESTA 1.4 AMBIENTIE, 5DOOR, 20 000KM, 5YR, 60 000KM, S/PLAN, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, DEMO.................R164 900 2011 FORD FOCUS ST 2.5, 5DOOR, 45 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER, S/ROOF ................................R319 900 2011 FORD FIGO 1.4 AMBIENTE, 5 DOOR, 20 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, WARRANTY, DEMO........R109 900 2010 FORD FOCUS 1.8SI, 5DOOR, 60 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS, M/FUNCTION...........R209 900 2009 FORD FOCUS 1.8SI, 5DOOR, 70 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER................................................R189 900 MAZDA 2011 MAZDA 3 1.6 SPORT DYNAMIC, 60 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS .................................................................R199 900 2010 MAZDA 3 1.6, AGIVE, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE...........................................R189 900 2008 MAZDA 6 2.0, 45 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ...............R179 900 MERCEDES BENZ 2012 MERCEDES BENZ C180K BE A/T, 30 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, NAVIGATION, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, NEW SPEC ..........................R389 900 2011 MERCEDES BENZ C250, COUPE A/T, 40000KM, 6YR, 120000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, PARKTRONIC ............................R499 900 2011 BENZC250, COUPE, A/T, 40000KM, 6YR, 120000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XE NON, PARKTRONIC.................................R499 900 2011 MERCEDES BENZ C200K BE A/T, 41 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, NAVIGATION, SUNROOF, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, PARKTRONIC, FULLHOUSE, AVAVGARDE NEW SPEC..R379 900 2011 MERCEDES BENZ C220CDI A/T, 40 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, AVANGARDE, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE.............................................R349 900 2011 MERCEDES BENZ VITO 113 FUNCTION, M, 50 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, NAVIGATION, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ........R329 900 2010 MERCEDES BENZ E350 CABILIOLET, 30 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, XENON, AVANGARDE NAVIGATION, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, PARKTRONIC.........................................R699 900 2010 MERCEDES BENZ CLC 180 A/T, 38 000KM, 6YR, 110 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULL HOUSE....................................................R329 900 2010 MERCEDES BENZ E2OO KOMPRESSOR, 70 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, PARKTRONIC M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, FULLHOUSE.............................................R359 900 2009 MERCEDES BENZ CLS 350, A/T, 60 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, NAVIGATION, SUNROOF, FULLHOUSE.......................R369 900 2008 MERCEDES BENZ CLC 200K, A/T, 58 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, AVANGARDE, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE......................R269 900 2008 MERCEDES BENZ C 320 CDI, A/T, 80 000KM,

6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, AVANGARDE, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS..............................................R259 900 2008 MERCEDES BENZ VIANO CDI 2.2, 88 000KM, 6YR, 120 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, BULLBAR, TOWBAR ..............................R349 900 2007 MERCEDES BENZ C200K A/T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, NEW SHAPE, IMACULATE... ................................................................R199 900 2006 MERCEDES BENZ CLK 350 A/T, 90 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, AVANTGARDE............R299 900 2005 MERCEDES BENZ SLK 350, A/T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, IMAWLATE .................................R299 900 NISSAN 2012 NISSAN NP 200 1.6 SAFETY PACK, 80 000KM, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS..........R129 900 2011 NISSAN TIDA 1.6 VISIA(H35), A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, 30 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN WARRANTY..............................................R159 900 2011 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5, L.E D/CAB, 36 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS.........................R329 900 2010 NISSAN TIDA 1.6, ACENTA(H35), 50 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, WARRANTY .........R129 900 2010 NISSAN TIDA 1.6 VISIA(H31)+, A/C, P/S, C.D, 50 000KM, SEDAN ...................................R129 900 2010 NISSAN HARDBODY 2.0, 50 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, LWB...................................................R149 900 2009 NISSAN TIDA1.6, VISIA(H35), A/C, P/S, C.D, 50 000KM....................................................R89 900 2009 NISSAN NP 300 2.4I, D/CAB, 4X4, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS........................................................R209 900 2006 NISSAN X-TRAIL 2.5(M), 110 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS, TOWBAR ...................................................................R139 900 2006 NISSAN HARDBODY NP 300 30 TDI, D/CAB, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS........................................R119 900 OPEL 2011 OPEL ASTRA 1.6 ESSENTIA, 37 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, WARRANTY..............................................R239 900 2011 OPEL ASTRA 1.4T ENJOY, 50 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE ...................................................................R219 900 2006 OPEL CORSA 1.4, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS...R79 900 2005 OPEL TIGRA 1.8T, 40 000KM.....................R94 900 TOYOTA 2012 TOYOTA INNOVA 2.4 7 SEATER, 20 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, FULLHOUSE.............................................R249 900 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 IMPACT, A/C, P/S, C.D, 20 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, WARRANTY..............................................R179 900 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 PROF, 20 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D ...................................................................R189 900 2011 TOYOTA VERSO 1.6,S 40 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ...................................................................R249 900 2011 LEXUS I250 ATTSE, 20 000KM, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE ...................................................................R349 900 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA 2.0 EXECUTIVE, 40 000KM, 5YEAR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER .....................................R249 900 2010 LEXUS IS520 A/T, 40 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS.FULL HOUSE, LEATHER..................................................R299 900 2009 TOYOTA VERSO 1.6, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ...................................................................R189 900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6 ADVANCED, 40 000KM, 5YEAR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER .....................................R199 900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6 ADVANCED, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER .............................R179 900 2008 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.6, 60 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D ...........R129 900 V.W 2013 V.W JETTA 1.2 TSI TRENDLINE, 100KM, 5YR, 90 000KM S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, BLUETOOTH, FULLHOUSE ................................................................R269 900 2013 V.W POLO GTI 1.4T DSG, 100KM, 5YR, 90 000KM S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, S/ROOF...............R329 900 2013 V.W GOLF VII 1.4 COMFORTLINE, 100KM, 5YR, 90 000KM S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, BLUETOOTH, XENON, S/ROOF ................................................................R309 900 2012 V.W JETTA 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE, 20 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, SUNROOF..................R269 900 2012 V.W POLO GTI 1.4T DSG, 39 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF...................................................R289 900 2012 V.W POLO 1.6 COMFORTLINE, 5DOOR, 20 000KM, 5YR, S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE..............R189 900 2012 V.W POLO 1.4 T/LINE, 5DOOR, 25 000KM, S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D ................................................................R169 900 2012 V.W POLO VIVO 1.4 T/LINE, 5DOOR, 20 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, V.W WARRANTY, FULLHOUSE ................................................................R139 900 2012 V.W POLO VIVO 1.6, T/LINE, SEDAN, 25 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, V.W WARRANTY, FULLHOUSE

................................................................R149 900 2012 V.W POLO VIVO 1.4, SEDAN, 28 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, V.W WARRANTY ....................R169 900 2012 V.W POLO VIVO 1.4, BASE, 55 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, V.W WARRANTY................R129 900 2012 V.W GOLF V1 GTI 2.0T(M), 27 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, S/ROOF...............R329 900 2011 V.W POLO VIVO 1.4 T/LINE 55 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, 50 000KM, V.W WARRANTY R124 900 2011 V.W GOLF V1 GTI 2.0 T DSG, 60 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, S/ROOF................R309 900 2010 V.W POLO 1.4 COMFORTLINE, 5 DOOR, 70 000KM, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS.......................................................R149 900 2010 V.W GOLF V1 GTI 2.0T DSG, 80 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, V.W WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, XENON, S/ROOF................R299 900 2010 V.W CC 2.0TDI, 80 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, LEATHER.................................................R289 900 0THER 2012 VOLVO XC 90 DS AWD, 20 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, 7 SEATER, DEMO................... 2012 GONOW 2.2, D/CAB, 100KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS......................................................R 99 900 2012 ALFA ROMEO 1, 4T, 19 000KM, SUK, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER................................................R299 900 2012 CHEVROLET CRUZE 1.8LT, A/T, 20 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, LEATHER, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, DEMO R239 900 2012 JEEP CHEROKEE 3.7 LIMITED, A/T, 9 000KM, 3YR, 60 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, LEATHER, DEMO....................R399 900 2012 CHEVROLET CRUZE 1.8LST, 11 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, LEATHER, MAGS, FULLHOUSE, DEMO .................R219 990 2011 JEEP COMPASS 2.0 LTD, 28 000KM, 3YR, 90 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER R269 900 2011 MINI COUNTRYMAN 1.6, 40 000KM, 3YR, 75 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF...................................................R279 900 2011 JAGUAR XF 3.0 PILEMIUM WXUKY, 20 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, NAVIGATION, XENON............................R899 900 2011 HONDA ACCORD 2.4 EXECUTIVE, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER ...................R249 900 2011 HYUNDAI I10 1.4, 30 000KM, 60 000KM, 5YR, 150 000KM, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS… R149 900 2010 HONDA CIVIC 1.8IV-TEC, 60 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER SEATS ...................................R189 900 2010 VOLVO C30, 2.0T, 20 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS...............R269 900 2010 MINI CONVERTABLE 1.6, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, 80 000KM, YELLOW, CALIBER..............R269 900 2010 DODGE CALIBEL 2.0 SXT, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, 40 000KM, 90 000KM S/PLAN................R209 900 2010 JEEP CHEROKEE 3.7 LIMITED, A/T, 45 000KM, 3YR, 60 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE...........................................R299 900 2010 CHANA BENNI 1.4, A/C, P/S, C.D..........R 59 900 2010 KIA SOUL, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, 70 000KM, WARRANTY............................................R189 900 2010 HYUNDAI SONATA 2.4, 40 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, 5YR, 150 000KM EXECUTIVE WARRANTY, A/C, P/A, C.D, MAGS........R269 900 2010 KIA PICANTO 1.1 EX, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS R89 900 2010 JAGUAR XF 3.0, A/T, 40 000KM, 5YR, PREMIUM 100 000KM.A/C, P/S, C/D, MAGS, NAVIGATION, XENON....................................................R499 900 2009 HONDA CRV L.O, A/T, 56 000KM, 5YR, 100 000KM, M/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF, LEATHER SEATS....................R269 900 2009 HYUNDAI ATOS 1.1 GLS, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, 80 000KM................................................R69 900 2009 KIA PICANTO 1.1 LX, A/C, P/S, C.D.......R 79 900 2009 HYUNDAI TUSSON 2.0GLS, 70 000KM, S/PLAN, 5YR, 150 000KM, WARRANTY, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, LEATHER ...................................R179 900 2009 CITROEN C3 1.4, A/C, P/S, C.D, 50 000KM R 99 900 2009 FIAT, BRAVO 1.4T, 50 000KM, 5YR, 90 000KM, S/PLAN, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, S/ROOF..............R169 900 2009 MITSUBISHI TRITON 2.4 MPI, D/CAB, 4X4, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, CANOPY.....................R229 900 2008 HONDA ACCO.2.4 EXECURVE, A/T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS..............................................R189 900 2008 MITSUBITSHI TRITRON 2.4I D/CAB, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS..............................................R229 900 2006 PEUGEOT 407 2.0 COMFORT, A/T, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS, FULLHOUSE......................R89 900 2006 MINI 1.6, A/C, P/S, C.D, MAGS ..............R129 900


28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Kiewiet maak dit ’n dubbel in Trompsburg-wedvlug

Arnold van der Merwe

Potchefstroom duiweklub se Kiewiet Marais het dit die afgelope naweek ’n dubbel gemaak in die Trompsburg-wedvlug (392 km), deur die jaaroudafdeling ’n skrale 38 sekondes te wen voor Sarel Naude. Die wedvlug het plaasgevind onder kalm en normale weersomstandighede en die wenspoed van 81,6 km.u was redelik haastig. Die vermoede bestaan dat ’n ligte stertwind aangehelp het met die vinnige tyd. Faan de Beer eindig derde, Gerhard Kirsten vierde terwyl Christo Snyman met die vyfde plek moes tevrede wees.

In die ope-afdeling vlieg Chris Stemmet sy eerste wen van die seisoen, met sy duifie wat ’n gemiddeld van 80.0 km.u handhaaf, en hy het ’n goeie opvolg met ’n vierde plek ook. Gerhard Kirsten maak goeie punte met sy tweede en vyfde plekke! Christo Snyman verower hier ’n derde plek! In beide afdelings neem daar 140 duiwe deel. In die Jaaroudafdeling is Roelf van Aswegen steeds die voorloper met 586! George Loxton is steeds vuurwarm, met tweede plek (402), derde is Chris met 354, vierde Sarel Naude (335) en vyfde Schalk van der Merwe. In die opeafdeling is Kiewiet nog steeds die koning van die kortpad met 656 punte. Ook hier is George tweede met 524. Derde Sarel Naude met 428, vierde Faan de Beer (426) en vyfde Gerhard Kirsten met 405. Met vyf van die twintig weke agter die blad is Marais (975) ’n skrale 27 punte voor Van Aswegen (930) en ook net 31 punte voor Loxton (928)! Sarel Naude is vierde met 763 en Faan de Beer vyfde met 715. Die beste Jaaroud duif behoort aan Roelf van Aswegen met 130 punte in vyf wedvlugte! Die beste opeduif behoort aan Kiewiet Marais wat 128 punte versamel het in vier wedvlugte! Week ses se wedvlug gaan vanaf Hopetown plaasvind met ’n afstand van ongeveer 435 km! “ Veilig vlieg ou kleintjie!”

Bert’s Bricks-atlete doen tydtoetse

Chané Scheepers

Atlete van Bert’s Bricks-atletiekklub het Dinsdagaand die koue aangedurf tydens hul oefensessie. Twee jaar gelede het daar slegs vyf mense opgedaag. Vandag is daar meer as genoeg om ’n rugbyspan vol te maak. 4 km Ulandie Muller 00:15:35, Shadrack Mokorwane 00:15:35, Dean Rosin 00:16:15, Okkie de Kok 00:16:15, Adriaan Vlok 00:18:12, John Matabela 00:19:30, Manansa Trute 00:19:30, Jolanda Rosin 00:19:45, Jacklyn Kruger 00:21:04, Japie Kruger 00:21:04, Justtino Lucas 00:21:39, Jaleen de Wet 00:22:48, Willie Ackerman 00:22:48, Mari-Lu Ackerman 00:23:16, Janina Ackerman 00:23:16, Marinda Claassen 00:24:23, Anina Muller 00:24:18, Theo Coetzee 00:25:55, Yolandie Olech 00:26:01, Stephan van der Merwe 00:26:01, Marina Ackerman 00:27:55, Attie Roux 00:35:10. 8 km-stappers Chris de Bruin 01:01:46, Mari van Heerden 01:01:46, Alet Jooste 01:10:56, Zelma Olivier 01:10:56. 8 km-draf Hans Gouws 01:38:13, Isreal Stamier 00:38:15, Maryna Hatting 00:38:25, Zack van der Merwe 00:38:50, Attie Barnard 00:46:01, Gabriel Colyn 00:53:10, Nathan Colyn 00:53:10, Tanja Kleyn 00:55:10, Tilla Dalhouzie 00:55:10.

Die drie seuns van Potchefstroom Secondary School het ook aan die kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Van links is Sibusiso Lewane, Uzair Gora (Goud verower in Kumite en Brons in Kata) en Nkosi Dassie (Silwer verower in Kata). Foto: Verskaf

Leerlinge baklei vir medaljes Potchefstromers het omtrent die medaljes ingeryg toe hul onlangs aan die JKA SA-Karate Kampioenskappe in Johannesburg deelgeneem het.

Johanna Moeketsi van Girls High het Goud vir Kumite en Silwer vir Kata in die 1998 Jeug Nuweling Oranje Gordelafdeling verower. Foto: Verskaf


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Potchefstroom Herald

28 Junie 2013

André oorwin Europa; Sunette en Willem gaan Moskou toe

Bertie Jacobs

Suid-Afrika se medaljehoop by die komende Wêreldkampioenskappe, wat Augustus in Moskou aangebied word, het danksy die NWU-Puk se 800 m-blits, André Olivier, opnuut opgevlam toe dié 23-jarige blondekop in vier byeenkomste vier keer op die podium gestaan het. Olivier, wat vanjaar sy honneursgraad in onderwys by die NWU-Puk voltooi, het in skaars twee weke pragtye van eers 1:44.74 in België (eerste), 1:44.37 in Rome (derde), 1:44.96 in Nederland en laastens 1:44.93 in Moskou (eerste) gehardloop.

Hy beklee tans die negende posisie op die wêreldranglys. Die NWU-Puk se tienkampatleet, Willem Coertzen, het ook vir die Wêreldkampioenskappe gekwalifiseer toe hy in Ratingen, Duitslan, 8215-punte opgestapel het, op twee na sy beste nóg. Coertzen was vir ’n tyd in London gebaseer, maar is terug in Potchefstroom waar hy vir ’n sportdiploma by die Puk ingeskryf is om by sy B.Com te voeg wat ook hier verwerf is. Dan het Afrika se beste vrouespiesgooier ooit, Sunette Viljoen, in Rome met ’n afstand van 63.49 haar vlug oor die voormalige ystergordyn bespreek. Viljoen het reeds met twee geleent-

hede die kwalifiserende merk van 62 m oortref. Sy is tans die negende gekeurde vrouespiesgooier in die wêreld en Coertzen beklee die 14de posisie. “André het fantasties in Europa presteer en ek voorsien dit is die begin van groter dinge,” het Terseus Liebenberg, die NWU-Puk se atletiekbestuurder, gesê. “Dit is nog te vroeg om voorspellings te maak want daar moet nog baie water in die see loop, maar ek dink al drie kan baie goed doen. Om dit in perspektief te stel is daar 210 lande in die wêreld wat aan atletiek deelneem en om twee atlete in die top tien te hê, en een in die top twintig, is fenomenaal.”

Sunette Viljoen

Foto: Verskaf

Noordwes-krieket het Donderdag 19 sakke vol kriekettoerusting aan 13 ligte intellektuele en ses intellektueel-gestremde skole oorhandig. Dit is moontlik gemaak deur befondsing wat hul van die nasionale lotery afgekry het. “Te danke aan die Lotto gaan die kinders nou die geleentheid kry om krieket op ’n provinsiale vlak te speel. Dit is die eerste gebaar in die land om ontwikkelende krieket te help,” vertel Ismail Minty, jeugbestuurder van Noordwes-krieket. Foto: Chané Scheepers

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28 Junie 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Wits kelder NWU-Pukke op die Fanie Bertie Jacobs

’n Wedstryd is 80-minute lank. Hannes Ludick weet hoe om ’n hart in ’n keel te sit. Matt Torrence weet hoe om een te breek. Hierdie is drie van die lesse wat die NWU-Puk voorverlede Saterdagmiddag op die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein

geleer het toe ’n drie deur stut Ludick en ‘n doelskop vanuit die hoek deur Torrence ‘’n 34-32 nederlaag vir die Puk beteken het. Dít volg op ’n naelskraapse 29-27 sege oor Wanderers, slagos in al wat naam, ’n week tevore. Die verlies aan die veteraan-skrumskakel, sowat tien minute voor die eindfluitjie aan ’n rooi-

kaart was ’n gevoelige slag en daar was te min hande vir die wit(s)warm besoekers. Wits se opgang die afgelope paar jaar is merkwaardig en spreek van hul toewyding, die bekwame breierskap van Andy Royle en hul deelname in die Varsitybeker. Net so vir NMMU. Die Gemeenskapsbeker het ook verseker dat klubrugby baie meer aandag geniet en, in die algeheel, lyk die Suid-Afrikaanse-rugbylandskap al te fraai. Vir Hannes Esterhuizen se jong span sal Saterdag se nederlaag seergemaak het, maar week ná week sal hul velle harder word. Hierdie is ‘n groep met bitter min ervaring en ’n groot klomp beserings. Niemand het gedink dit sal vir hulle maklik wees nie, en dit is nie. Só word karakter gebou en só word

‘n span saamgesnoer. Die soet is nooit so soet as daar nie eers bitter geproe was nie. *Die Puk het Saterdagmiddag Randfontein by die Greenhills-sportstadion in Randfontein aangedurf en is met ’n 54-19 sege weer terug op die wenpad...teen ’n prys. Die klipharde myners staan nie ’n duit terug vir enige speler nie en die besoekers se beseringslys kan hiervan getuig. Adriaan Oosthuizen, Kobus Lourens en Baksteen Jansen se wedstryde is kortgeknip en daar is ’n heelparty letsels deur die res van die troepe opgedien. Dit laat Esterhuizen met ietwat van ’n hoofpyn op die vooraand van die USSA-toernooi en het verseker ‘n stok in sy beplanningspeke gesteek.

Bertie Jacobs

loopbane te bevorder. Dit is gewis een van die blinkste juwele in die NWU-Puk en Luiperds se kroon. “Die rugbybeamptes en bestuurders betrokke is dit eens dat die rugby die afgelope week van die hoogste standaard was en met die Cravenweek vergelyk kan word. By die NWU-Puk belê ons in die ontwikkeling van jongmense, asook die ontwikkeling van rugby en hierdie toernooi help ons om in albei doelwitte te slaag,” het Johan Pyper, een van die toernooi se organiseerders, gesê. Donderdag 26 Julie word die Uitnodigingsweek se Voorspeler van die Week, Agterspeler van die Week asook Speler van die Week na afloop van die eindstryd tussen die Vrystaat Arende en Silwer Valke aangewys. Die tjekoorhandigings vir die week se wenners sal deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby Unie se visie-president en NWU-Puk Direkteur: Puksport, James Stoffberg, asook voormalige Springbokke Jorrie Muller (die Luiperds se breier) en André Pretorius behartig word. Donderdag se wedstrydbepalings lyk soos volg: A-veld: 09:00 – 10:15 Blou Bulle vs Griekwas Sentraal 10:20 – 11:35 Pumas Stedelik vs Leeus 11:40 – 12:55 Vrystaat Arende vs Silwer Valke (hoofwedstryd) B-veld 09:00 – 10:15 Puk-uitnodiging vs Pumas Platteland 10:20 – 11:35 Luiperds vs Griekwas Platteland 11:40 – 12:55 Griffons vs Limpopo Blou Bulle

Uitnodigingsweek sorg vir skitterrugby op Olënpark

Jean Tiedt word deur 'n Wits-verdediger platgetrek.

Foto: Maro van de Wall

Potch maak Cravenspan vol Chané Scheepers Die Luiperds het onlangs hul span aangewys wat in die vyftigste jaarlikse o.18-Cravenweek in Polokwane gaan speel van 8 tot 13 Julie. Spelers van uit nege skole is gekies om die span van 22 spelers vol te maak. Ses van hierdie 22 kom van

Potch af. Die spanbestuur bestaan uit Johnny Robbetze (spanbestuurder), Koot Booysen (afrigter) en Johan Herbst (afrigter). Hul eerste wedstryd sal op 9 Julie om 10:10 teen die Olifante (Oostelike Provinsie) wees en word op SS1 uitgesaai.

Garann Kriek (Gimmies), Gideon van der Merwe (Gimmies), Michael Hurn (Volkies), Onthatile Ramarola (Boys High), Thabang Tsheko (Boys High) en Koorapetse Mmule (Boys High) reken hulle is reg vir die Cravenweek! Foto: Chané Scheepers

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Die NWU-Puk/Luiperds o.19 Uitnodigingsweek het Maandag 24 Junie op Olënpark afgeskop en oudergewoonte het die vonke van meet af gespat. Eerstens het die NWU-Puk se Uitnodiginspan ses drieë ingeryg om Griekwas Platteland 41-18 te klop, waarna Griekwas Sentraal ’n hardwerkende vertoning gelewer het om Pumas Platteland se knieg 34-24 te laat buig. Die Silwer Valke het 25-14 verby die Limpopo Bulle geblits en die Leeus het die Goudstad se vlag laat vlieg deur die Noord-Vrystaatse Griffons 24-17 te klop. Die Pumas het die laaste lag in hul 20-12 sege oor die Luiperds gehad waarna die Vrystaat Arende en die Blou Bulle vir altesaam 73 punte gesorg het, met eersgenoemde wat 39-34 koning gekraai het. Dinsdag het Griekwas Platteland die stof 37-24 teen Pumas Platteland gebyt, terwyl die Luiperds 38-19 teen die Limpopo Bulle vasgeval het. Griekwas Sentraal het 41-18 met die NWUPuk se Uitnodigingspan klaargespeel, die Blou Bulle het die Griffons 23-16 getroef en die Vrystaat Arende het ’n gemaklike 30-5 sege oor Pumas Sentraal behaal. Die Leeus moes ook druipstert van die veld af ná die Silwer Valke hulle ’n 31-10 loesing toegedien het. Dié toernooi is daar gestel om ontwikkeling te bevorder met elke span wat ten minste vyf spelers van kleur moet insluit, waarvan twee ten alle tye op die veld moet wees. Verder gee dit geleentheid vir spelers wat nie vir die Cravenweek gekies is nie om op provinsiale vlak deel te neem en ook so vir hulle die geleentheid gee om hul rugby-

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28 Junie 2013

Luiperds klop Griekwas

Annemie Bester

Die Luiperds het ’n goeie oefenkamp in Vryburg gehad nadat hulle Saterdag 22-21 met die Griekwas afgereken het. Volgens die afrigter Jorrie Muller het sy span uit die staanspoor sake dikteer en die spelpatroon het mooi in plek geval. “Dit was ook goed om Johann Laker weer in aksie te sien na sy rugoperasie en hy is gewis weer sy ou self. Hy het baie goed met die voet dikteer terwyl Warren Gilbert op losskakel se skoppe ook elke keer op die regte plek geland het,” sê Jorrie. Die Luiperds was gou 10-7 voor en net voor rustyd het hulle weer ’n drie gedruk om halftyd 15-7 voor te loop. Na halftyd het hulle net aangehou waar hulle opgehou het en het die punte opgestapel om 22-14 voor te loop voor die Griekwas kort voor die einde ’n verdoelde drie aangeteken het. Die flank Bernie van Rooyen was volgens Jorrie uitstaande op die losbal, terwyl Robert Kruger, Peet van der Walt en MB Lusaseni meer as hul deel op die verdediging gedoen het. “George Tossel het ook ’n paar keer met gemak deur die middelveld gestorm en hy was beslis een van die spe-

lers wat aandag getrek het. Behalwe vir twee drieë van lynstaanbewegings af het die Griekwas nie veel gedoen nie,” aldus Jorrie. Die Luiperds het sonder agt van hulle sterre gespeel: Die kaptein Brendon Snyman, senter Adriaan Engelbrecht en stut Martin Dreyer is pas terug van Georgië waar hulle saam met die SA President XV die Tbilisibeker gewen het, Luther Obi en Sylvain Mahuza is nog in Frankryk saam met die SA Onder 20’s, die vleuel Danie Dames is pas terug van Namibië vir wie hy in ’n IRB kwalifiserende wedstryd in Senegal gespeel het en die heelagter Hofmann Maritz loop die hele Eerste Liga mis weens ’n ernstige besering. Punte: Luiperds: Drieë: Hennie Skorbinski, Edgar Marutlulle, Bernie van Rooyen. Doelskoppe: Warren Gilbert (2). Strafdoel: Gilbert. Die Luiperds sal Saterdag hul eerste wedstryd in die Eerste Liga teen die Boland Kavaliers in Wellington speel. Die SA Presidentspan se Adriaan Engelbrecht dra die Luiperds se nommer-10-trui. Engelbrecht neem die losskakelmantel by die Springbok André Pretorius oor in ’n baie sterk Luiperdspan

wat gewis vanjaar rekenskap van homself behoort te gee. Sy Presidentspan-spanmaat Brendon Snyman lei die span wat bitter min swakplekke het. Die groot vaskop John-Roy Jenkinson dra die nommerdrie-trui en Edgar Marutlulle is die haker. Die oud Matie Jarryd Buys maak sy Curriebekerbuiging vir die Luiperds in die laaste vesting en sy voormalige Stellenbos-spanmaat Johann Laker is die skrumskakel. Die vleuel Edmar Marais is die ander nuweling wat sy Curriebekerbuiging maak terwyl Joe Smith, Peet van der Walt en Warren Gilbert op die bank almal ook die eerste keer in die Eersteliga sal speel. Luiperds vs. Boland: Jarryd Buys; Danie Dames, Hennie Skorbinski, Ge-

orge Tossel, Edmar Marais; Adriaan Engelbrecht, Johann Laker; Morné Hanekom, Robert Kruger, HP Swart, Brendon Snyman (k), MB Lusaseni, John-Roy Jenkinson, Edgar Marutlulle, BG Uys. Reserwes: JC Oberholzer, Joe Smith, Martin Dreyer, Peet van der Walt, Jaco Grobler, Warren Gilbert, Charl Weideman. Afskop is Saterdagmiddag 16:00 op die Bolandstadion in Wellington.

NW Cricket appoints new CEO Heinrich Strydom was appointed as the new CEO for North West Cricket by the board of directors during a meeting on Monday evening. Heinrich has been the acting CEO since March 2012 and has been employed by North

Heinrich Strydom was appointed as the new CEO for North West Cricket. Poto: Supplied

West Cricket since January 2009 as the Financial and HR Manager. Heinrich was born and bred in Potchefstroom. He attended primary school (Baillie Park), high school (Potchefstroom Gimnasium) and went to NWU Pukke University where he obtained his B.Com degree in 2003. He further holds a Masters degree in South African and International Tax as well as an Honours degree in Accounting Science. He has completed his Public Practice Examination 1 in 2011 with the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors. Since his school days Heinrich has distinguished himself as a leader and cricket player, who excelled, not only academically, but in the community as well as on the cricket field. Some of the highlights of his cricket career were when he was selected as captain for the SA University team in 2008 and was selected as provincial batsman of the year for the NW Powerade Dragons in 2010. “I’m looking forward to taking North West Cricket to the next level with Heinrich and I am sure that the future of cricket in North West is in good hands. His dedication, hard work and good personal relationships are indicative of the quality of the new CEO. The board wishes Heinrich well in his new endeavours and will support him with the new challenges that lie ahead” said Archie Pretorius, President of North West Cricket.

Bernie van Rooyen was uitstaande teen Griekwas. Wall

Foto: Mario van de

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