Potchefstroom Herald 14 November 2013

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Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013

Wife stabbed husband to death in Promosa

Victor Boqo A 40-year-old woman from Promosa is out on bail of R 500 after she allegedly stabbed her husband to death with a knife. Ben Moos (51) was found lying in a pool of blood just metres away from his house in Auzillar Street at about 09:00 on November 9. According to an eye witness, who didn’t want to be named, Moos was playing a game of pool in a nearby tavern in the morning when, allegedly, his wife wanted money from him and sent a child to fetch it. On his way home, Moos met with his wife - they had an argument and his wife took out a knife and stabbed him in full view of bystanders. Moos fell next to a house in Auzillar Street. It is alleged that the couple had a stormy relationship. They had five children together. Ikageng Police correspondent,

Const. Kelebogile Trom, confirmed the incident and said, “Moos was stabbed in the left side of his chest. On the arrival of the police he was found in his wife’s arms. He was declared dead on the scene. The wife, Blonde Moos, was immediately arrested. She appeared before the Potchefstroom Magistrate Court on a charge of murder. She will appear again on November 25, 2013. The police refused to allow the Herald to take photos of the crime scene, even after the police were done with their official duties. A police captain, who didn’t give her name, said that it had been the instructions of Col. Johan Scholtz, who is the acting Ikageng station commander and head of detectives. The Herald lodged a complaint with the director of provincial police communication, Brig. Thulani Ngubane. He responded by saying the police will always be protective of the crime scene, because this is where critical evidence

Police attended two stabbings in one day Victor Boqo Ikageng Police recorded two separate murders in just one day in Promosa and Sarafina on November 9. In Sarafina a male Mozambican national was allegedly stabbed to death by another foreigner from Zimbabwe with a bottle, after they had an argument at a local tavern at 02:15. Ikageng Police Correspondent, Const. Kelebogile Trom, stated that the deceased is unknown, as he was visiting Ikageng from Parys, during the fateful morning. The 31-year-old Sydney Ruketso was arrested and he appeared in the Potchefstroom Magistrate Court on a charge of murder

on November 11. The matter was postponed to November 19 for a bail hearing. The other incident happened in Promosa where a woman stabbed her husband. Read story also in this page. In another case, Ikageng Police are investigating an inquest case after a 20-year-old died, after she was taken to a nearby clinic in Promosa on November 9. According to Const. Kelebogile Trom, the woman died after she vomited pieces of glass. It is also alleged that she smelled alcohol when she was taken to the clinic. At this stage the cause of death is unknown.

is collected, and cases are lost and won based on forensic evidence collected at the crime scene. This caution is directed to any person who gets too close to

the crime scene. Pictures used in the media, at times, are contested in court when they look like those presented by the detectives in court.”

The lifeless body of Ben Moos (51) lying in the street next to a house in Auzillar Street in Promosa after he was stabbed to death by his wife. Photo: Victor Boqo

Local liquor store hit by ATM-bombings Victor Boqo A well known local liquor store was hit by an ATM-bombing at 03:00 on Tuesday. Katlego Liquor Store or ‘Katlego Pub’ - a very familiar pub to the community of Ikageng, has a tight security system and a night-guard. The store was filled with rubble after its FNB and Capitec ATMs, inside, were bombed by unknown robbers. The robbers fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of money. Neighbours, who spoke to the Herald but wanted to stay anonymous, said they were awakened by a big bang and that they didn’t know where the sound was coming from. It was only the next morning that they saw the high police presence at the store. The disappointed and angry owner, Meshack Masetlhe, commented that this was the first incident since the store was officially opened in 2011.

The two ATMs, ABSA and Standard Bank, outside of the store were not bombed. A provincial police correspondent, Sgt. Kealeboga Molale, confirmed the incident and said, “At this stage no arrests have been made. Three suspects were seen in the video footage as they broke into the liquor store”, she said.

The crime scene and a police officer busy at Katlego Liquor Store premises after the two ATM-bombings on Tuesday morning. Photo: Victor Boqo






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Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013

N orth W est IIEC EC sshort hort o 50 00 North West off 9 95 000 vvoters oters a head o lections ahead off e elections Victor Boqo

The North West IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) wants to reach 95 000 voters ahead of the national and provincial elections next year. During the registration weekend, on November 9-10, the IEC in the province targeted 70 000 new voters and only received 45 006. According to the IEC provincial chairperson, Dr Tumelontle Thiba, the registration week ran smoothly with out disruptions. “As the commission, we have done very well and we are in the process of employing 97 democra-

cy education facilitators who will go from house to house to register voters throughout the province to reach the target of 160 000 people as from December,” she said. According to Thiba, youth came in their numbers and a total of 3 980 new voters was reached during the registration week in Potchefstroom Seventy six stations were opened in the greater Potchefstroom and the IEC is happy with the outcome of the registrations. To date, it is not known whether or not the commission will have another registration week.

Vertel ons van u held of ander baie besondere persoon

Die Herald is op soek na helde of persone wat onbaatsugtige diens in die gemeenskap doen. Vertel ons van iemand, dit kan ’n polisiebeampte, brandweerlid, sekuriteitspersoon of ’n gewone lid van die publiek van Potchefstroom wees wat een of ander heldedaad of iets anders gedoen het wat die gemeenskap of iemand anders gehelp het. Al wat u hoef te doen is om so kort as moontlik (nie meer as 200 woorde) vir ons aan te dui wat dit was of is wat die persoon doen of gedoen het. U kan dit per epos stuur na maryke.vanheerden@media24.com of faks na (018) 293 0759 of u kan dit per hand aflewer by die Herald se kantore, Wilgepark, op die hoek van Govan Mbeki-rylaan

en Piet Uysstraat of u kan kortliks kontakbesonderhede sms na 45518 plaas net die woord “helde” vooraan u boodskap. U skrywe aan ons oor die persoon moet ook u naam en kontakbesonderhede bevat. Die Herald kan nie belowe dat al die nominasies opgevolg en gepubliseer gaan word nie, maar ons gaan dit sover moontlik probeer doen by wyse van of die koerant of die webtuiste of beide. Met die samewerking van Varsitybeker-sport gaan ’n paneel ook een of meer van die genomineerdes tydens een of meer van die Varsitybeker-rugbywedstryde wat op Potchefstroom plaasvind aan die toeskouers voorstel. Vir meer inligting skakel Hennie Stander of Maryke van Heerden by (018) 293 0750.

Dr Tumelontle Thiba, North West IEC chairperson. Photo: Victor Boqo

Onbaatsugtige diens vir medemens èn dier Herman Swiegers skryf: Ek wil net ’n groot oopmond klapsoen gee vir Potch Dierekliniek en in besonder vir dr. Marette Dreyer. My hondjie het gif ingekry en ek het hom by haar aangebring soos in DOOD!! Vrydagmiddag 18:00 toe storm ek daar in met ’n amper dooie hond, sy het alles gelos en my hond dadelik te hulp gesnel! 20:00 toe sê sy hy sal

moet oorslaap met sy drup aan. Sy het in die nag weer by hom gaan inloer en gesien hy is nie reg nie, weer ’n pyp in sy keel gesit en hom saam met haar huis toe geneem met sy drup en al. Die hond het die nag langs haar bed geslaap. Saterdagoggend het ek ’n sms gekry en gesê ek kan hom so 08:30 kom haal, hy is OK! Wat my nog meer beïndruk, hy was gebad en gestrik en geborsel.

Die hond het homself bevuil met die stryd om lewe en ek het hom lewend en skoon teruggekry. Ek het myself klaargemaak om ’n fortuin te betaal vir hierdie behandeling en was my verbasing groot toe dit nie eers ’n R1 000 gekos het nie. Ek wil aan die Skepper al die eer gee, en vir haar baie dankie sê vir haar onbaatsugtige diens wat sy gelewer het om ’n dier se lewe te red.

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Realise - you can get out of it

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Potchefstroom Herald

Nie meer tuinwerk ’n Vrind van Ore ry nou die dag verby die tronk en wat sal hy sien? In plaas van gevangenes wat in die tronk se mooi groot groentetuine werk, is daar nou trekkers en ploeë wat die werk doen. Wat het geword van die goeie gesonde harde werk wat gevangenes in die verlede gedoen het? Of is dit ook nou teen die reëls in die nuwe Suid-Afrika. Het iemand die gevangenes gevra of hulle tevrede is daarmee om hierdie werk in die natuur en in die son prys te gee en eerder heeldag binne die vier

stop. Sy het toe by die verkeerde plek stilgehou. Ore weet dis ’n baie sensitiewe ou sakie as jy by die Puk op iemand se plek stop, maar daai iemand wat die kar so besmeer het, is ook nie baie slim nie ... almal weet wie dit is.

mure van ’n tronk te sit? Of is dit waar dat dit deesdae so lekker in die selle is dat niemand daar wil uit nie? Ore sal eerder heeldag in die groentetuin wil wees.

Kar verniel

Ore hoor ’n nagraadse student wat nou die dag per ongeluk by die Puk in ’n verkeerde parkeerplek stilgehou het se kar was bekrap met ’n merkerpen en met gom beplak. Die arme student het ’n dosent gaan help met iets en moes op dié se plek

15 November 2013

selfde trein na Durban nie. Geen eetgoed, drinkgoed uit ’n geel emmer met vuil yswater, toilette wat vrot en nie een keer op die rit skoongemaak is nie, trein wat vyf keer gaan staan het met enjinprobleme, vier ure laat....

Soek hier, daar ...

So ry die trein

Ore hoor iemand het gekla omdat daar nie beddegoed op die Shosholoza-trein was na Kaapstad nie. Wel, Ore wil net sê dis niks in vergelyking met wat Ore beleef het op die-

Moenie jou bondgenoot in stryd teen misdaad koue skouer gee nie

Vertel ons van spesiale mense

Izak Smalman skryf:

Die Herald poog om gereeld te berig oor interessante mense. Ook van mense wat deur een of ander moeilike situasie suksesvol anderkant uitgekom het. Soms gaan dit oor mense wat steeds deur ’n moeilike tyd gaan en wat baie sterk tot die emosie van die leser spreek. Dikwels kan ander leer uit so ’n storie of daaruit krag of motivering put. In die koerantwêreld praat ons graag van menslike nuus of “human interest”. Dit word as so belangrik beskou dat die meeste kompetisies waaraan joernaliste kan deelneem so ’n afdeling het. Dit is ook meerendeels ’n welkome afwisseling van die harde nuus soos moorde, aanvalle, rooftogte en ongelukke wat daagliks deel van ons lewe is. Koerante soos die Herald maak nie die nuus nie, ons berig net daaroor. Dikwels is daar so ’n oorvloed daarvan dat plek en tyd vir mooi stories verdwyn. Ons besef dus dat daar soms die mooiste stories te vertel is as ons net daarvan te hore kan kom. Van die baie opvallende of sigbare stories word gehoor, maar daar is baie ander waarvan ons nie hoor nie. Vandaar die besluit om lesers te nooi om ons van daardie stories te vertel of self daaroor te skryf. Van heldedade waar mense of diere gered is of van mense wat met mooi dinge in die lewe besig is. Wat onbaatsugtig diens aan die gemeenskap lewer. Lees op bladsy 4 hoe u ons daarvan kan vertel. Soms gaan ons die storie net so plaas soos u dit vir ons stuur. Soms gaan ons self die storie verder opvolg. Die storie hoef ook nie te handel oor iets wat baie onlangs gebeur het nie. As u weet van iemand wat in die verlede by ’n heldedaad betrokke was. wil ons dit ook weet.

Mnr. Danie Heenop is ontstoke omdat prof. Annette Combrink gesloer het met haar persverklaring wat handel oor moorde op plaasbewoners (Herald 8 Nov). Prof. Combrink antwoord by wyse van ’n goed gebalanseerde verklaring. Hoekom sy dit in haar persoonlike hoedanigheid, i.p.v. namens die DA doen, weet ek nie, lyk my daar is maar ook politieke rompslomp by die DA. Die prof.

mag nou voel dat sy aan mnr. Heenop se versoek voldoen het, terwyl mnr. Heenop mag redeneer dat hy prof. Combrink eers moes dwing om te praat. Ek deel beide mnr. Heenop en prof. Combrink se kommer oor hierdie euwel en het al my misnoeë oor plaasmoorde in u gerespekteerde koerant uitgespreek. Volgens mnr. Heenop is daar geen verskil tussen die DA en ANC. Sy bewering is onbillik, veral as

hy impliseer dat die DA apaties staan teenoor die probleem. Die tweede fout wat mnr. Heenop maak, is om die moorde- en aanvalle op plase as hefboom te gebruik tot voordeel of nadeel van een of ander politieke party. My raad aan mnr. Heenop is om nie jou bondgenoot in die stryd teen misdaad die koue skouer te gee nie. Ek is geen stemwerwer nie. Is ek ’n politieke kenner? Net wat aanvalle op plaasbewoners betref, ja.

We must stand together Rufane A Makousa writes: In reaction to Danie Heenop’s letter “DA-burgermeester maak ‘eierdop’ beloftes” 08/11/2013 Potch Herald First and foremost, I just want to say that I think all good people in Potchefstroom are against any murder of anyone no matter the colour, religion or age and especially the defenceless senior citizens and children. So I just want to say to Danie Heenop that all good people of

this city share your concern of the farm murders which Prof. Combrink describes as a complex phenomenon. But murders happen all over Ikageng, Promosa and Mohadin, but it seems to me that a certain section of Potchefstroom is more important to you and I hope that the relevant authorities, who must ensure that we are all safe, don’t see it in that way. By using words such as “boeregemeenskap” and “Krugerdag”, which no longer exists as a South African public holiday, says to me

that you want to racially polarise the Potchefstroom community, who already faces challenges of alleged racism in schools, churches and at places of work. I know that I will be criticised heavily for what I say, but I believe that in a united city, where problems can be tackled together (and it’s a good thing and God loves good things), we must just pray for His help, because the murders in this country are out of control and something needs to be done. It’s from the devil.

Paulus se briewe aan die Galasiërs en die Efesiërs Henry en Richard Blackaby; Kruispad Hou jou tong in toom! Vuil taal moet daar nooit uit julle mond kom nie; praat net wat goed en opbouend is volgens die eis van omstandighede, sodat dit julle hoorders ten goed kan kom. Efesiërs 4:29 Vuil en afbrekende taal is soos braaksel: dit kom uit jou diepste wese uit en veroorsaak ’n walglike gemors net waar dit grondvat. Jy voel waarskynlik ’n bietjie beter daarna, maar dis ’nonaangename ervaring vir almal wat per ongeluk in die pad was!

Afbrekende en vuil taal is lelik en sondig. Skindertaal, kritiek, sarkasme, leuens, spogtaal en vieslike grappe is afbrekend. Die gevolge van sulke taalgebruik is nooit goed nie: op die ou end kry iemand altyd seer. Die woorde wat uit jou mond kom, kan veel meer skade aanrig as wat jy ooit sal kan besef. Maar terselfdertyd kan jou woorde onmeetlik goeie dinge vermag.

Woorde van aanmoediging kan ’n swaar hart ligter maak. Vriendelike woorde kan iemand nader aan God bring. ’n Paar wyse woorde uit jou mond kan iemand help om die regte keuses te maak. Moenie die krag van jou eie woorde onderskat net omdat jy jonk en onervare is nie. Die Here kan jou gebruik om die mense met wie jy daagliks te doen kry aan te moedig - as jy

jouself maan om jou tong in toom hou en mooi nadink oor wat jy sê. Let vir die volgende paar dae spesifiek op na die woorde wat uit jou mond kom. As jy nie tevrede is met wat jy hoor nie, vra die Here se vergifnis en probeer dan elke keer as jy praat om ander eerder op te hef as af te kraak. As jy vriende het wat ’n gewoonte daarvan maak om afbrekende in plaas van opbouende taal te gebruik, stel vir hulle ’n voorbeeld deur die manier waarop jy praat. Jy sal beslis beter voel oor jouself, om nie te praat van dié wat na jou moet luister nie!

15 November 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Human trafficking is a reality, even in Potch Cheryl Botha Human trafficking is something that only happens in Asian countries, right? Wrong! According to Deon de Klerk, from Touching Africa, even girls in our own community are at risk. During the organisations awareness campaign, no fewer than three young girls have come forward and admitted that they have been approached with enticing offers to work or do modelling overseas. “It is usually the same modus operandi,” he warns. The offer comes from a well-dressed man ‘with a nice face.’ He comes with all sorts of promises, and offers to arrange for passports and other necessary documentation. Touching Africa recently brought the STOP (Stop Trafficking of People) to Potchefstroom to bring the reality out into the open. “The threat is very real, particularly because drugs are so readily available anywhere in Potchefstroom,” says Eretha de Klerk. She says the problem is growing at an alarming rate. “It

Touching Africa hosted a workshop on human trafficking recently. Among those who attended were

ur-face, shock tactic for teenagers. During one such event, in Promosa in September, an official from The Department of Education thanked Touching Africa for the work they are doing in this area. The De Klerks are working hard to get the department to incorporate the programme into the life orientation syllabus. While the SAPS safe house is available for vulnerable women and girls, not everyone is aware of it. Statistics show that at least 40 percent of women will be subjected to some sort of sexual abuse or exploitation in their lifetime. “There is a huge need and not enough resources,” says Eretha. “Touching Africa is appealing to people who are committed and passionate and are willing to become volunteers as counsellors or presenters. As SA approaches the 16 Days of Activism Against the Abuse of Women and Children, you, the reader, can be a channel for good. Contact Eretha at 082 493 1823 or email her at edeklerk@touching.africa.com

been included in the National Santa Shoebox Campaign. The launch of this year’s gift drive coincided with Spring Day, 1 September. The community was invited to ‘share the joy of giving’ by participating in this heart-warming Kidz2Kidz Trust project, a registered public benefit (PBO 930031301) and non-profit organisation (NPO 102-098) with Section 18A status. Donor families could select the name of a specific child from the (www.santashoebox.co.za) website, which gives the first name, age, and gender of the child.

Last year’s goal was to collect 100 000 gifts for children at orphanages, crèches and care centres – and they did it. This year their Christmas celebration will be held at the end of November, during which the children will receive their gifts. Both projects offer people from all walks of life the chance to participate in a profoundly valuable and personal experience. “It is this personal touch that endears the project to adults and children from all communities,” says Katrien Snyman, organiser of the national drive.

is so easy to get trapped into a life of prostitution, but people are also abducted for illegal organ harvesting,” she says. Deon tells a story of a foreign owner of a spaza shop who allowed a household to accumulate debt until they could not possibly pay it back. He offe-

red to trade their daughter to settle the account. Touching Africa has launched several awareness programmes, reaching children from Grade 1 to matric. The presentations range from teaching little ones about their bodies and the importance of saying ‘No’, to harsh, in-yo-

Put your whole heart in a shoebox this Christmas

Cheryl Botha Shine Foundation’s third Shoebox Campaign is well underway at Potchefstroom’s Sparkling Auto Care Centre. “It is that time of the year again where we want to put a smile on the faces of people in the Potchefstroom community by blessing them with a Shine Christmas Shoebox,” explains Marissa Esterhuyzen, the organiser. She is asking each family to creatively decorate their gift box and fill it with a combination of necessities and special treats. Typically, it should contain

toothpaste and a toothbrush, a face cloth and soap, sweets, educational supplies, a toy and an article of clothing. Other suggestions are toiletries, a hand towel or a storybook.“The joy lies in being personally involved in making up the box,” she adds. Other contributions could include shoeboxes, fillers or cash - the choice is yours. Clearly indicate whether the gift is for male or female, young or old, etc. The deadline for contributions has been shifted to 25 November. For the first time in seven years, Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp have also


Potchefstroom Herald

Ek behoort baie jare tot een gemeente in Potch. Gemeentelede het vir my gesê hul gaan kerk toe en na kerk klim hul in die kar en gaan huistoe. Hierdie mense woon geen byeenkomste by, hul het vertel waarom, ek kon nie glo toe tref dit my ook. Ons is ses gemeentelede wat sal staan en tee drink. Predikant groet die eerste twee praat en stap weg, so lyk toe ons ander is sowaar deurskynend. Ek gaan nou na ’n ander gemeente, klim in my kar en ry huistoe na kerk. Nou kan predikante sien waarom mense nie betrokke wil raak nie. Ek laat my nie so beledig nie. Dankie vir ’n predikant wat voor kerk al die mense met ’n handdruk kom groet, nou weet ek, ek is nie minderwaardig nie, die fout lê nie by my as gemeentelid nie, maar beslis by die predikant. Sorry moes eintlik jou naam genoem het, maar my opvoeding het my nie in die steek gelaat soos joune nie. Jou gemeente gaan leeg loop of rede soek om van jou ontslae te raak, dis duidelik. FNB Mooirivier Mall word wakker! Julle verloor by die dag kliënte! Piet. Almal ondersteun die verkeersafdeling vir strenger optrede. Hulle moet net hul kant ook bring. Sorg dat padstrepe en spoedhobbels geverf word. Robotligte wat dood is dadelik reggemaak word. Kyk na swaarvoertuie wat langs mekaar deur stad ry. Hulle moet 40 km/h in linkerbaan bly. Kyk na vragmotors wat skrootmateriaal vervoer sonder dat nette oor die vrag gegooi is, asook vragmotors wat sememtklippies mors. As ons almal saamwerk, sal die plan slaag. Oppies. Oom Malcolm, beteken dit ons kan na 15 Januarie, maar weer ry soos ons wil? Jippeee. Tiep. Baie dankie aan mnr. M. Grimbeek en ER

Ambulansdienste se personeel vir flinke optrede op die 28ste Oktober. Mev. De Lange en Oosthuizen-gesin. Wonder of dit is hoe die DA dink hulle stemme vir hulle self sal wen, jy word op kort kennisgewing gevra om diens te lewer en dan die faktuur Maandag op hul tafel te hê. Vyf weke later wag jy nog vir jou betaling. Nou vra ek stem vir wie? Die wat diens lewer of die wat net leë beloftes maak. Mevrou, jy dank nie net jou huishulp af sonder dat jy haar ’n rede gee nie! Hierdie vrou is in trane oor jou en jou man se besluit, en al het jy haar haar salaris betaal, wonder sy wat sy verkeerd gedoen het! Dit is November en amper Kersfees! Jul het duidelik nie harte nie! En om siek te wees en daarna vir jou ’n doktersbrief te gee, is glad nie gronde vir afdanking nie. Hoop jy slaap lekker vanaand. Charlie, HAHWB8TM. High time that Willie Maphosa’s reigns are tightened! I really think he speaks to easily about everyone and everything... Albert Luthulestraat voor en oor die brug is baie verkeer, kan daar nie asb witstrepe geverf word nie? Meerderheid trokke stop oor die brug by Goudstraat waar geen stopstraat is nie, dit breek die hele vloei van verkeer en sommige bestuurders gaan sommer aan die linkerkant van die trok verby. Asb. help die verkeersvloei. So sleg dat jy ’n spesifieke skool moet uitsonder. Boeliegedrag kom oral voor, in alle skole en jy maak jou nou self daaraan skuldig! Hoekom sê die skrywer dis ’n ‘skande’ om sonder gade te wees. Dis wel vrek moeilik en

Soek en vind Het u nie miskien ’n fiets en kos nie, my nr is 0745112338, ek vra met trane in my oë. Enigeen wat belangstel in langspeelplate, nog in goeie toestand, kan my bel by 0794775731 Pieter. Soek ’n grootbek Hamermeul om voer mee te maal, ook te ruil asb 0846571416, Dankie. Ek’s dringend op soek na ’n kroegyskas wat iemand nie gebruik nie of enige klein yskas wat net die nodige kan koud hou. Groot asb. 072 681 5796. Ek soek ’n eerlike persoon wat tydelik voorraad kan help kontroleer. 0825622521. Ons hondjie het weggeraak in Sewendestraat- omgewing. Dit is ’n swart langbeen Foxie-hondjie met roomkleur agter die beentjies, dit is ’n tefie. Indien enige iemand die hondjie gesien het, kontak my asseblief by 0729761681. Het ’n Swarovski kobraslang ornament en sertifikaatboekie en houer te rui, skakel 0826805978 vir meer inligting. HI IS DAAR NIE IEMAND WAT ’n SEUNSFIETS HET EN KOS WAT JUL NIE GEBRUIK NIE ASB MY NR 0849050245 DANKIE. Soek asb enige tweedehandse meubels, skakel my by 0786580137. Soek en vind van 8 November. Opvoedkundige speelgoed by Louwstraat 2 of skakel 0822569234. Ek is op soek na nasorgsentrums vir my kinders vir hulle huis werk in die middag. As iemand my kan help met tel nrs en name. Dringend op soek na verblyf van 1 Desember, pensioenaris + man kan nie meer as R1 500 betaal nie, ek word 56 + man 53, asb help asap, dis dringend, selfonderhoudend Anne 076 588 5268.

Ferdinand Postma dogters-skooluniform grootte 30. Het 1 das, 3 rompies, 4 hemde, 2 pullovers, 1 trui, 3 sporthempies, 1 sweetpakbroek en 1 sweetpakbaadjie. Goeie toestand. 076 861 3915. I am looking for someone offering craft classes such as scrapbooking, decoupage or anything in that line this December holidays. Please contact me @ 0827868746.

eensaam. Plaas eerder ’n nommer waar ek jou kan kontak en so maak ons vriende! Francois Houtwerke. Jy mag maar! Dankie, nog ’n tevrede kliënt.

Sms oor verdowingsmiddels. Daar bestaan nie meer dwelmeenhede nie en is dit deels die gemeenskap se verantwoordelikheid ook om sulke goed wat gesien word te rapporteer. Die polisie is nie oral nie en is baie afhanklik van die gemeenskap om sulke euwels uit te roei. Ek glo as jy dit rapporteer, sal dit aandag geniet

Dans awards van Blue Moon was puik, namens studente dankie vir geleentheid om sertifikate en trofeë te ontvang.

Potch as julle soek vir iets spesiaal vir ’n funksie: Galop vir Jesus. Hierdie dames is ongelooflik. Dit is fantasties om dit te sien!! En die mooiste perde.

“Wat moet ek doen met Jesus wat Christus genoem word?” Mat 27:22 Wil net graag weet na ’n onlangse besoek aan die Puk Ouditorium, is die nuwe sitplekke vir al die Chinese wat die dorp oorneem ingesit? Want geen ware Suid-Afrikaner kan daar inpas nie. Mbt die grappies in laasweek se Praat Saam (die tweemantent en “my sweetheart and my love”), dis nie net viesig nie, dis lam. Pateties, man. Happy Hearts Dienssentrum vir Ouer Persone in Promosa wens Ouma Sarah Visagie hartlik geluk en goeie gesondheid toe met haar 100ste verjaardag.

Het u enige gebak nodig verjaardag, troukoek, terte ens, skakel my vir kwotasie sel no 0798958194. Ek is op soek na ’n 1 slk ws of batchelor ini mall omgewing asb. Omiddellik as kan. Baie dnk. Hein 0820642778. Is daar nie mense wat my kan help met vroueklere en mansklere en meubels wat u nie gebruik nie en ’n fiets nr 0824237130. Ek is dringend op soek na enige werk, my naam is Johan Nel ek het onder meer ondervinding in sekuriteitswerk en “boilermaker”. My nommer is 083 7548 324. Ek is ‘n 42-jarige hardwerkende man op soek na tuinwerk. Ek is eerlik en betroubaar. Kontak my gerus by 082 696 3432 Ek is ‘n eerlik en betroubare dame en wil graag huis in Desember oppas en jou tuin versorg, mense in en rondom die omgewing van VanderHoffpark kan my gerus skakel of SMS by 071 298 1386.

Die verkeersmense kan nie eers ’n swart bakkie wat op die draai parkeer by M L Fick vang nie, hy sit diep in ’n erf weggekruip en doen geen moeite om uit te klim nie. Sal graag wil sien hoe hy vasvat. Hannes, moenie gaan op wat jy gehoor het nie. God het nie bedoel dat mense moet nalatig wees en ’n baba se dood veroorsaak nie. Dit was ’n seuntjie. Gesels met ouers as jy wil weet presies wat het gebeur. Het jy al ’n kind verloor? Definitief nie!

Baie dankie vir die gratis hondsdolheidinentings! Die personeel was almal gaaf en professioneel en behoort ’n ‘thumbs up’ te kry!

Ek wil graag weet wat nou... Staan sonder petrol, loop garage toe, hulle wil nie vir my petrol in 2 l bottel gooi nie, ek moet ’n 10 l by hulle leen met ’n deposito van R300. As ek daai geld gehad het, was ek nie sonder petrol nie, maar ek gaan skuins oorkant, ook Engen, daar gee hul vir my petrol in my bottel, wat nou?

Kan die paaiedepartement nie ’n drie-rigting stop maak op die Mooibankpad waar die afdraai is Haaskraal toe nie asseblief? Berts Brick-trokke ry vreeslik met al die kinders wat skool toe stap (publiek ook).

Onderwysers laat nie net toe dat in hul klas geboelie word nie, van hulle boelie meer as die kinders en as hulle nie hul sin kry nie word die kind geïgnoreer, sowat van kinderagtigheid sal jy ver gaan soek.

Aan die persoon wat vra oor 40 kmph in ’n

Ek stem 100% saam met die persoon wat geskryf het van verdowingsmiddels (DRUGS), van ons kinders in Promosa dink dis wettig. Hulle kan die drugs so vrylik gebruik, want hulle kry dit so vrylik. My vraag is aan die SAPD. Wat gaan julle doen omtrent hierdie drugprobleem? As inwoners van Potch verwag ons antwoorde!!

Bekende kunstenaar oorlede

Dankie aan die stadsraad dat jul skynbaar iets aan die waterdrukprobleem in Miederpark gedoen het. Die eintlike toets sal kom wanneer die reën wegbly en almal hul tuine natlei. Dankbare Miederpark-inwoner. Ek is in die boubedryf en jy mnr. praat los oor ons beroep! Piet Jordaan. Fantastic, dedicated and an amazing example! Thats how one can describe the Grade R Teacher Angie Pentz at Potchefstroom Central Primary School. Thank you for your love, dedication and caring attitude you bestow upon our “Little Oaks”.

Is dringend op soek na ’n betrekking op ’n plaas, groente x wild x gaste het kennis van alle soort diere enige plek kontak Christa 082 6777 240.

Ek sal dit waardeer indien iemand vir my die nommer het van die instansie wat afvalpapier soek. Dankie. 0832949981.

60 sone, volgens my moet dit strafbaar wees, want ek gaan dit binnekort verloor, om nie eers te praat van die 2 kmph wat hulle in die wandellaan ry nie!!! Billy.

Groot groot dankie aan Tiger Wheel and Tyres julle diens is puik. Ek kan nie wag tot ek weer bande moet laat opsit nie! Die warm filter koffie, die lekker gesels en die grappies maak dit! Was sowaar ’n heerlike kuier terwyl ek nuwe band laat op sit het! Johan Quentin en al die res julle is great!!!

Ons is pensioenarisse wat op ’n plot bly, nou is ons op soek na 3, 2 de handse sekuriteitshekke, ons sal dit koop. Skakel no 0834128624 of 0795661742/8.

Ek’s op soek na kamer vir my seun so naby as moontlik aan die nywerheidsgebied, hy kan R1 000 bekostig, hy is ordentlik rook nie, drink nie, 0727130745 Lea.

15 November 2013

Lettie Bezuidenhout

Dit is met leedwese dat ons die afsterwe bekend maak van Lettie Bezuidenhout op 9 November 2013 in die ouderdom van 79 jaar. Sy was die eggenote van Gerald Bezuidenhout (gewese vennoot van Bezuidenhout en Steyn rekenmeestersfirma) vir bykans 59 jaar. Gerald en Lettie is inwoners van Potchefstroom serdert 1960. Lettie was baie talentvol en kunstig en het vele skilderwerke in haar lewe gemaak. Hul 5 kinders was vir haar groot vreugde. Sy het 18 jaar gelede groot beroerte gehad wat haar van haar spraak ontneem het. Ten spyte daarvan het sy steeds gedien waar sy kon en aan elkeen rondom haar uitgedeel. Sy word oorleef deur haar eggenoot Gerald, haar kinders en 12 kleinkinders. Die begrafnis is Saterdag 16 November by die begraafplaas om 10:00 in Readlaan Potchefstroom Industria en die troosdiens is vanuit die Gereformeerde Kerk Potchefstroom, Walter Sisululaan 33 (langs Standardbank) om 11:00 vm. Dankie aan familie en vriende se bystand.

Kan die stadsraad asb die betonheining langs die spoorlyn op die Klerksdorp-pad regmaak? Voetgangers loop oor paaie om die openinge in die betonmuur te benut, en dan kortpad in die dorp in te stap. Manne met die bikes. Hoe vinnig kan jy stop indien ’n motor; kind met ’n fiets of ’n hond voor jou inloop of ry? Onthou nie almal kan ’n bike se spoed skat nie. Ek sien baie voertuie met “Think Bike” plakkers op, maar wat van “Think Car of Think Children”. Ockert. Pragtige klein katjies beskikbaar - verskillende kleure. Skakel 071 267 9367. Die Kattetannie.

DBV het jou hulp nodig Die DBV vra dringend hulp vir skenkings van “puppy”, “kitten” en katkos. Enige skenkings is welkom en kan by hul kantoor in Louwstraat in Miederpark afgelewer word.

15 November 2013

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013

NWU launched a Centre for Governance Studies

History was made by the NWU’s Faculty of Arts on 5 November Tuesday as they launched one of its highly desired dreams, a Centre for Governance Studies, at Anderland. The launch, amongst many others, was attended by the Potchefstroom campus rector, Prof. Herman van Schalkwyk, Thabo Manyoni, national chairperson of Salga (SA local government association), Nombulelo Nxesi, CEO of SETA and high officials from the NWU, provincial and local government officials. A standing ovation and a toast of champagne was made by the campus rector in honour of the newly launched centre. This centre will help the NWU and the broader country, to be part of building a developmental state. The rationale for the Centre for Governance manifests in both the University and extraUniversity contexts. With regard to the former, it complements the newly defined research orientated mission and vision of the Potchefstroom campus, as articulated in the campus plan, within the context of the NWU. The establishment of the centre has been earmarked as one of 43 strategic projects to be implemented at the Potchefstroom campus. In terms of the external environment, the centre for governance will fulfil a strategically significant role in the

Jaco Esterhuysen, Chris de Bruyn and Glenn Cunniff also attended the launch.

continuous search for solutions to the societal challenges apparent in South African context. The current configuration of the South African socio-political and economic landscape poses numerous challenges to the institutions of the developmental state. It is evident that the state alone cannot resolve these wide ranging and complex societal problems. This, in turn, defines an opportunity for institutions of higher education to make valuable contributions since, by their very nature, they represent concentrations of specialised and esoteric knowledge. Furthermore, such interactions ensure that universities assume a productive developmental role in society, whilst remaining relevant as tertiary institutions. The Centre for Governance draws upon the knowledge and expertise of the School for Social and Government Studies, the former Office for Short Courses and Professional Development, the Focus Area: Social Transformation and the broader academic community within the North-West University and its three campuses. The collective strengths of these entities will enable the centre for governance to give practical effect to the mission and vision of the NWU, whilst implementing

academic expertise in the external environment, specifically the local government and the broader public sector, where effective governance has become a contemporary matter that is of relevance and strategic importance for the ultimate success of the developmental state.

Mr. Thabo Manyoni, national chairperson of Salga together with Prof. Herman van Schalkwyk, Potchefstroom Campus Rector during the launch of the Centre for Governance. Photo: Johan van Zyl

Fakulteit Teologie en die Volle Evangelie Kerk van God in SA vat hande In nog ’n kerklik geskiedkundige gebeurtenis is ’n ooreenkoms tussen Fakulteit Teologie op die Potchefstroomkampus van die Noordwes-Universiteit en die Volle Evangelie Kerk van God Kollege (VEKK) onderteken. Die ooreenkoms bepaal dat die VEKK hulle Irene-kampus beskikbaar stel as ’n Oopleersentrum waar die NWU se Afstand Teologiestudente addisioneel ondersteun kan word. Deel van die ooreenkoms is dat voornemende pastore van die VEK vir die NWU se B.Th-kwalifikasie in Kerklike Bediening registreer. Dit gee dan ook toegang aan hierdie studente tot verdere studiemoontlikhede soos ‘n Honneurs in BA Teologie, asook vir meesters- en doktorsgrade. Die dekaan van die Fakulteit Teologie, prof. Fika Janse van Rensburg, sê

hy is dankbaar dat die VEKK hulle nou voeg by etlike ander denominasies wat ‘n akademiese tuiste vind by die NWU se Fakulteit Teologie met sy inklusiewe reformatoriese grondslag. “Die oomblik wat ‘n mens deel met ‘n ander, is jy ryk. Ons hoop om alle studente met net die beste toe te rus.” Die VEK het ook hul waardering uitgespreek dat die Fakulteit die VEKK tot hulle bevrediging akkommodeer. Die moderator van die VEK, past. Anton van Deventer, sê hy vertrou dat hulle ook ‘n bate vir die NWU sal wees en dat die skakeling voordelig vir albei instansies sal wees. Die VEK het in 2010 hul honderdjarige bestaan gevier, en werk sedert 1922 in Suid-Afrika. Die VEK is sedert 1997 ‘n ten volle verenigde kerk met van die grootste gemeentes onder die Indiër-gemeenskap in Natal.

Guests attending the launch were Frida Molefe, Nkosi Shongwe, Alice Mbotshane and Laurentina Diale.

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Kyk na spesiale aanbiedinge van Panarotti’s, Cafe Fiori, Steak House en Broken Pot. “Waar Slaap Ons Blad” is binnekort beskikbaar

Tydens die ondertekening was (agter) past Gert Venter, me. Esmé Brazer, Antoinett Moerdyk, proff. Francois Viljoen en Gert Jordaan, mnr. Mathys Bornman, past. Jerot Mvelase, dr. Tienie Eilers, proff. Gert Breed en Marianne Dircksen. Voor is proff. Rantoa Letšosa, Manie Spamer, dr. Anton van Deventer, prof. Fika Janse van Rensburg, past. Christy Perumal en prof. Mariëtte Lowes.

Skakel Jeanette 018 293 0750 of 083 400 1275 om op die webblad te adverteer.

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The minimum threshold for each bid is 60%. Furthermore, functionality will be part of the evaluation criteria, and will be evaluated as specified in the bid document. All other information remains the same. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Kone Solutions K21751

15 November 2013

Potchefstroom Herald


Explosive engineering in a whole new light

Cicilia Marais The Engineering Explosions Production at The Roots Lifestyle Centre was everything it promised to be and more. With all things neon and glowing, the night was filled with drums, dance, structures and a laser show. Different facets of the NWU Faculty of Engineering were displayed through vi-

deo clips and dance. Prof. LJ Grobler, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, stated that the relevance of engineering in South Africa is a very important objective to the University. “If we as engineers cannot add value to our country, we are defying our purpose,” he added. Inspiring, extraordinary and purposeful are definitely words that illustrate what engineering is all about.

Prof. LJ Grobler, executive dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the NWU, commented on the importance and relevance of engineering in our country.

The Engineering Student Association: Front from left – Constantia Lötter, Corli de Klerk, Joani van Rooyen, Chantelle van Aarde. Back from left: Jacobus van den Bergh, Lourens Fick, Suné Eisenberg, Liezl Coetzee.

Karen and Richard Mack from Anglo Gold Ashanti attended the evening. With them are Natasja and Neels Muller, also from Anglo Gold Ashanti, at the electrical motorcycle which was displayed.

Attie Jonker en Johan Bosman van Jonker Sailplains showcased a sailplane built at the NWU. Foto’s: Verskaf

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Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013

20 jaar gelede in die Herald Mense bespiegel oor kring om die son In die uitgawe van 9 November 1993 was “Sonkring” ’n reuse-groot opskrif op die voorblad. In net verlede week se uitgawe van die Herald, die een van 8 November 2013, was ook ’n berig oor die sonkring wat op 6 November duidelik sigbaar was. Destyds het prof. Christo Raubenheimer van die Departement Fisika aan die Universiteit gesê dat dit die eerste keer in 46 jaar is, dat hy dit in Potchefstroom gesien het. Die verduideliking is, ook soos verlede week berig, dat dit yskristalle is wat gevorm het van die hoë voggehalte en die temperatuur in die lugruim wat onder vriespunt is. Die reënboog wat vorm, is dieselfde as ‘n reënboog na ‘n reënbui. Op bladsy 2 van die uitgawe van 9 November 1993 is ’n foto van me. Sera van Tonder met ’n koolkop wat ’n allemintige 8,5 kg geweeg en ’n deursnee van sowat 42 cm gehad het. Sy het dit in haar groenetuin in Kruisstraat gepluk. In dieselfde uitgawe skryf mnr.

J.M. Strijdom (of oom Johan Strijdom soos hy bekend was), en wat vir jare korrespondent by die Herald was, dat hy net betyds kon keer dat die oudste Pride of India-boom in die die stad uitgehaal word. Die munisipaliteit het planne gehad om die boom uit te haal om ‘n stukkende rioolpyp reg te maak. Hulle is toe daarop gewys dat die boom nie bokant die rioolpyp kan wees nie omdat die boom al in 1901 deur Lord Roberts geplant is en die rioolpype eers in die veertigerjare aangebring is. Die boom is geplant gedurende die tyd toe Roberts in Potchefstroom was met sy opmars na Pretoria. Miskien met rede is daar nie gesê presies waar die boom staan nie. Tans staan daar ‘n paar groot Pride of India-bome naby en op die hoek van Molen- en Meyerstraat wat blykbaar almal dateer uit die tyd toe Roberts die bome laat plant het. Indien iemand weet watter boom mnr. Strijdom na verwys het, sal dit waardeer word as hul kan laat weet. In die uitgawe van 12

In Memoriam Lyna Camacho Gebore: 1940.10.19 Oorlede: 2013.11.07 Met die afsterwe van my geliefde vrou, wonderlike ma, liefdevolle ouma en grootouma en vriendin, Lyne Camacho, op 7 November wil ons as familie net graag aan Ons Hemelse Vader baie dankie sê vir die tyd wat Hy haar vir ons geleen het en wil ons net die volgende persone graag bedank vir die besoeke en oproepe in die laaste tyd, pastoor Danny Strydom en die Deo Gloria-gemeente vir al u ondersteuning, Drr. Flip du Plooy, Kleynhans van Wyk, Van der Colff en al die personeel van Mediclinic Potchefstroom, dan ook al die familie en vriende. Laaste baie dankie aan al die inwoners van Huis Veilige Hawe asook die personeel en Petro Swanepoel en Petro Cloete van distrik vir al jul bystand. Rus sag by Onse Vader, jy verdien dit.

Lyna Camacho sal vanuit die Hervormde Kerk, Moedergemeente, 11:00, 19 November 2013 begrawe word.

Lyna Camacho.


November 1993, gaan die hoofberig oor die lede van die weermag wat verheug is oor die teer van paaie in die basis. Anders as in 1993 toe kerke by die amfiteater van die Puk byeengekom het om die Here lof toe te sing oor die natste Oktober in 79 jaar gaan NG kerke van die Wes-Transvaalse Sinode komende Sondag bid vir reën. Hulle nooi ander kerke om ook daarby in te val. Na die haelstorm en reën van twee weke gelede het die hitte en droogte weer fel toegeneem. In dieselfde uitgawe verskyn ’n berig dat die polisie ’n graf moes oopgrawe toe dit blyk dat lyke per abuis omgeruil en die verkeerde persoon in Potchefstroom begrawe is. Die regte lyk is toe begrawe. Op sportgebied het die destydse Pot-

chefstroomse Onderwyskollege vir Irene van Dyk aangewys as hul Sportvrou van die Jaar. Van Dyk is, soos voorheen in hierdie artikel gesê, later na New Zeeland waar sy as die beste in die wêreld beskou is.

In Memoriam Maude MacCarthy Gebore: 1916.06.18 Oorlede: 2013.11.10 ‘n Oud-inwoner van Potchefstroom het Sondag in die ouderdom van 90 stil heengegaan. ‘n Unieke vrou, ons gaan haar baie mis. Andre, Isabel en kleinkinders wil ook net dankie sê vir alle oproepe en gebede. Maude MacCarthy sal vanuit NG gemeente Potch-Oos, Vrydag 15 November om 11:00 begrawe word.

Maude MacCarthy.

15 November 2013

Kuns en boeretroos op ‘n luilekker Saterdagoggend Eksklusiewe skilderye, topgehalte Persiese matte, tapyte en antieke meubels. Alles hierdie naweek te sien by Vlooimark-meubelwinkel. Kunstenaars soos Hennie Griesel, Chris Tugwell, Otto Klar, Claerhout, Riana Vorster, Antoinette van der Merwe, Phillip Britz, Jeanette Dykman en Jana du Toit se werke sal Saterdag 16 November by Vlooimark te siene wees vir die publiek. Buiten al die wonderlike kunstenaars sal Ravat van Ravat’s Persiese matte en tapyte van sy topgehalte matte en ta-

Ravats tapyte en matte is Saterdag 16 November by Vlooimark te sien.

pyte vir die uitstalling bring. Ravat is al van 1954 in die matbesigheid. Ebrahim Ravat word as ‘n internasionale Persiese matwaardeerder en spesialis kenner erken. Ravat’s Persiese matte en tapyte is beskikbaar teen bekostigbare pryse vir Potchefstroom! Buiten hierdie ontploffing van kuns sal Tres Joli ‘n nuwe koffiehuis se deure open. Tres Joli gee ‘n nuwe betekenis aan die woord boeretroos met lekker smaaklike kwaliteit koffie in ’n rustige stylvolle atmosfeer. Vir enige navrae skakel Johan by 072 509 0400. Die uitstalling en opening van die koffiewinkel is oop vir die publiek. Die deure sal 16 November om 08:30 op die hoek van Du Plooy- en Walter Sisulustraat oopmaak. .

Steven Sterling en Ryan Walt by Kerssangdiens Die Cantabile Dameskoor bied op 24 November 2013 om 18:30 ‘n onvergeetlike Kerssangdiens saam met Steven Sterling en Ryan Walt by die Suiderkruis-gemeente in Kampstraat aan. Almal is welkom by die Kerssangdiens. Toegang is gratis, kollekte sal wel opgeneem word. Vir enige navrae kontak gerus vir Rina de Beer – 076 593 1935. Die koor beplan ook vir 10 Mei 2014 ‘n Kansa Ontbyt by Christa Galli ten bate van Kansa. Die koor is nog op soek na ‘n hoofborg vir die geleentheid. Enige onderneming wat belangstel om die geleentheid te borg kan vir Carina de Beer kontak by (018) 299 2486/082 307 8612 of Rina de Beer by 076 593 1935. Alle dames daar buite wat graag wil kom sing

en wil deel wees van hierdie besondere geleentheid kan vir Sonja Smith skakel by 083 412 3019.

Steven Sterling en Ryan Walt sal 24 November by die Suiderkruisgemeente 'n Kerssangdiens hou.

Vlooimark hou Saterdag 'n kunsuitstalling met bekende name en pragtige matte en tapyte van Ravat's.

Edge-seating action It’s the year 2020 and Earth is at war with colossal monsters which have emerged from an inter-dimensional portal on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. To combat the monsters, humanity unites to create gigantic humanoid machines called the Jaegers that are each controlled by

two pilots whose minds are joined by a neural bridge. The story follows with Raleigh Becket, a washed-up Jaeger pilot called out of retirement, and teamed with rookie pilot Mako Mori as part of a last-ditch effort to defeat the Kaijus. An earnest colourful adventure story, with big, beautiful, sophisticated visuals and action that would satisfy an adult audience. Pacific Rim is now available on DVD. Pacific Rim:8/10

Mooirivier Kersmark vir vyfde jaar in ‘n ry Kerstyd is ’n tyd vir familie, vriende en liefde. Dalk ’n briefie hier en daar, of selfs ’n lekker drukkie, is ’n mooi gebaar. Hierdie jaar se Mooirivier Kersmark gaan juis oor familie, vriende en liefde. Ons produkte is met liefde gemaak om jou familie en vriende ekstra spesiaal te laat voel ... Ja, ek weet, jou gesin het op ongeveer R100 se handgemaakte geskenke besluit en daar is baie mooi gevra dat dit sommer ook tuisgemaak moet wees. Wat ver-


Potchefstroom Herald

wag hulle van ’n mens: om ’n haas uit ’n hoed te trek vir onder R100? Hier by Mooirivier Kersmark trek ons wel die haas uit die hoed met baie oulike handgemaakte produkte, dekor, praktiese houtwerk, lekker eetgoed, juwele en nog baie meer. Vanjaar het ons ook iets heeltemal nuuts by die mark is, naamlik optredes (musikaal en ander) deur ’n verskeidenheid plaaslike kunstenaars asook ons eie Tafel – ’n buffettafel met

heerlike disse elke weeksaand tussen 17:00 en 19:00. Kom geniet dus gesellige musiek en vermaak saam met ’n heerlike bord kos. Kom maak gerus ’n draai, al is dit ook net om te kuier, 23 tot 30 November behalwe 24 November in Paryslaan, Bailliepark, Potchefstroom. Die kersmark is daagliks oop van 9:00 tot 20:00. Vir enige navrae skakel Adèle Delport gerus by (018 290 7690).

Invitation to Tender

Department: Corporate Services Tender No: 22/2013 Supply and Delivery of Minibus and LDV Van to Tlokwe City Council, Potchefstroom

Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) for the supply and delivery of a Minibus and LDV Van to Tlokwe City Council. Closing time and date: 12:00 on Friday, 29 November 2013 Only tenders from registered service providers will be accepted. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed “Tender 22/2013: Supply and Delivery of Minibus and LDV Van to Tlokwe City Council, Potchefstroom” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 113, Potchefstroom 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on Friday, 29 November 2013 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, 3rd Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimiled or e-mailed tenders will not be accepted. 20 Points for functionality will apply for this tender. The 20 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows: Functionality table: Number of years of providing similar service Up to 5 years Between 5 and 10 years Between 11 and 15 years Between 16 and 20 years

Points allocated 5 Points 10 Points 15 Points 20 Points

A proven track record of the number of years for supplying similar vehicles must be submitted. Tenderers must obtain a minimum of 50% (10 points) of the functionality points for their financial proposal to be considered. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Supply Chain section in Ms Evelyn Nkaunyane’s Office, corner Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of R200.00 (document fee) payable to the City Treasurer, Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract regarding any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette, 27636, dated 30 May 2005 and Tlokwe City Council’s supply chain management by-laws will also be applicable. BG Moumakwe - Acting Municipal Manager

Notice No: 194/2013 Human Communications 104481


Potchefstroom Herald

R etired vvet’s et’s h obby tteaches eaches Retired hobby vvaluable aluable llife ife llesson esson Cheryl Botha The award-winning knife sculpted by Orten Bekker holds an important key to the purpose of life. It is perfectly crafted - it had to be, to trump 72 skilled knife makers from across the country at the Knife Makers Guild of SA competition. The contest for non-guild members is held every two years. Here he competed against professional knife makers, many of whom have specialised, state of the art equipment. The retired vet has only basic tools of the trade and no formal technical training. He has learned everything he knows through trial and error, he says, chuckling to himself. “I never expected it at all. It felt like I had won the Lotto.” It is mind-blowing to think that the masterpiece on the table started off as a block of wood, a warthog’s tusk, a dull flat bar of stainless steel and a few pins. “It takes a lot of patience and an eye fixed firmly on the goal to transform it,” he says. Much like life. Orten’s flirtation with knife making began 15 years ago, when his wife gave him a knife as a present, handmade by an old classmate. “I thought, if he can make it, then I can, too,” he says. “It is not as easy as it looks. It calls for precision and mastery,” he confesses. The challenges paved the way for his new hobby to become a passion. Knife making is steadily gaining

15 November 2013

popularity as a pastime, he says. The aim is to combine different materials and try to get the end product as perfect as possible. Briefly, the craftsman designs the knife he wants and cuts it out of the ste el. It is ground smooth and heat-treated to harden it. Then it spends time in the tempering oven to make it more malleable. Much like life. Holes are drilled into the handle to make it lighter before the handle is skilfully pieced together. The sharpening and poli shing of the blade is another long, drawn out process that starts with a disc grinder and ends with a buffer. “It takes many, many hours of hard work, but it is very rewarding,” he says. Orten Bekker has always enjoyed working with his hands, even before his retirement. His upmarket home in Mooivallei Park is decorated with stained glass art and ornately carved wooden pelmets and furniture that he, and his wife, have made. On the last Friday of every month he gets together with 19 other members of a “handwerkgroep”, who share ideas and hone their skills in a creative environment. This is the knife, made from stainless steel, wood and warthog tusk, that won the coveted SA Knife Makers Guild Competition

A dull stainless steel flat rod and a block of wood. Dr. Orten Bekker, former healer of sick pets, used these materials to make the knife that won him the coveted SA Knife Makers Guild Award. Photo: Cheryl Botha

15 November 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

Motivational Tea with a spoon of Sparkle


Carma vd Walt “It was certainly a cup of motivational tea,” said Marinda Swanepoel, one of the guests at the event hosted by Placecol, after the motivational speech given by Natasha Sutherland, the guest speaker at this ladies’ event. Each lady was welcomed by the friendly staff of Placecol and served with breakfast and a gift bag at arrival. Natasha hosted her own “7 Step Search for Sparkle,” under the theme of SPARKLE “Muchness…find your magic” and instead of a long and boring speech, she talked freely to the ladies as if she’d known them for quite a while and there was something said every time that each lady could take with her. And just to keep the ladies listening, she gave away Placecol hampers and a magic wand to ladies brave enough to answer her “multichoice questions.” This event was lined with the introduction of BIO EFFECT, a product used by Placecol, as well as a demo of CEYA.

Barbara Luus (winner of two tickets from the Herald), Alida Koots, Louise Olivier and Liz Nieuwoudt enjoying the company of each other during the event. Foto: Carma vd Walt

“You as woman need to first feel and fulfil the role of being a woman, before you can take on all the other roles of being a mom, a friend, a sister, a lover or a business woman.”Foto: Carma vd Walt

Esna Colyn (CEO of Placecol), Natasha Sutherland (guest speaker), Jackie Oosthuizen and Theresa Pretorius are proud of this event hosted by Placecol. Foto: Carma vd Walt

Guests enjoying the morning - Irma van Zyl, Gezé Smit, Retha Smit, Annetjie Oosthuizen, Selma du Plooy, Carla Nortjé & Rencha vd Sluis Foto: Carma vd Walt

Organisers of the event are Xavier Palmer, Jackie Oosthuizen, Esna Colyn, Liz-Mari Strydom, Anneke Diederiks and Annari Palmer. Foto: Carma vd Walt

Banna Ba Kae has a heart and a home Cheryl Botha October 31 was a very special day for Banna Ba Kae Against Rape and the broader Potchefstroom community. This was the day that the organisation opened the doors of its offices at 98 Peter Mokaba Street. The premises are conveniently and centrally positioned, making it easy to carry out skills development and upliftment programmes. Banna Ba Kae started out as an organisation of men who are committed to restoring the man to his rightful place in society. It also offers a supportive forum where issues that affect men are discussed and debated. Earlier this year Banna ba kae joined hands with Rape Help to form Banna Ba Kae Against Rape (Where are the men against rape?) There has been an ongoing awareness campaign throughout this year. Counsellor training programmes and an action plan for victims have also been launched. Garnish supplied the platters and refreshments for Thursday’s roof-wetting and Ad Eeze provided the banners and signage at a greatly reduced price. Anita Tromp from Trompie Kitsgras took care of the interior decorating, as well as the gardens.

A heart for the community in the heart of town. Banna Ba Kae now has its own address, and space to carry out its various projects and programmes. Photo: Cheryl Botha

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Invitation to Bid Bids are hereby invited for: Bid Number

Bid Description

Bid Document Price

CIDB Level Grading

Evaluation Criteria

Technical Enquiries

Compulsory Site/ Briefing Meetings

Closing date

13 DARD 43/2013

Supply and Delivery of Milling Equipment at Tswaing Milling Project



Mr R Du Plessis, tel. (018) 299-6669


3 December 2013 at 11:00

13 DARD 44/2013

Supply and Delivery of Milling Equipment at Khunwana Milling Project



13 DARD 45/2013

Supply and Construction of a 5km (5 000m) Devil’s Fork Palisade Fence at Vryburg Food Extrusion Project



90/10 90 = Price 10 = B-BBEE status Level of Contribution 90/10 90 = Price 10 = B-BBEE status Level of Contribution 90/10 90 = Price 10 = B-BBEE status Level of Contribution 80 = Price 20 = B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution

Mr R Du Plessis, tel. (018) 299-6669

Mr R Du Plessis, tel. (018) 299-6669

3 December 2013 at 11:00

19 November 2013 at 10:00 @ 60 Market Street, Vryburg 1800 N/A

4 December 2013 at 11:00

4 December 2013 MsKD Gaseitshubelwe, Supply and Delivery of 45 (forty- R100.00 N/A at 11:00 cell: 071 860 5382 or five) Pregnant 24- to 36-month Mr TTT Molema, cell: Bonsmara Cows and Two (2) 071 862 4279 Bonsmara Bulls at Motloping Project All SCM general enquiries must be forwarded to Mr S Mothibi at (018) 389-5053. Technical enquiries must be forwarded to the officials indicated above. The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid as a whole or in part. Bid documents will be available from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Office No E135, First Floor, AgriCentre Building, cnr Dr James Moroka and Stadium Roads, Mmabatho from 12 November 2013. A non-refundable deposit, as indicated above, is payable per bid document. The bids will close on the dates specified above at the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, cnr Stadium and Dr James Moroka Drives, Mmabatho, at 11:00. Important notice: Should a VALID Tax Clearance Certificate NOT be attached, the bid will be regarded as invalid. No late, faxed or e-mailed bids will be accepted. 13 DARD 46/2013

It was an emotional day for Saki Tlotleng and Santi Britz when Banna ba kae officially opened its office at Peter Mokaba Avenue on 31 October. On the right are Santi’s family, Simoné van Reenen and Pieter Britz, who were Santi’s pillar of strength during the ordeal that gave rise to her involvement to Banna ba kae Against Rape. Photo: Cheryl Botha

Seboni Eco Garden Pilot Project: Reaping the fruits of hard work and dedication are Lettia Mokgothu, Noni Mlamla, Susan Senama, Joe Swanepoel, Dolph Swanepoel, Jerminah Mokgothu, Eretha de Klerk and Catherine Morae who received certificates from Touching Africa Initiative on October 28 for participating in the Pilot Project. The Seboni Garden planted spinach and onions amongst other things. This was an initiative of Touching Africa, in collaboration with the Tent Maker Ministries, New Start Eco Gardens, Ages North West and the Als-group to develop a pilot garden project at the Tent Maker Ministries in Seboni Street Extension 11. The idea was the establishment of a pilot programme to help the women, through training and mentoring, to learn how to do gardening as well as how to run it as a business. To test the feasibility of the garden, 30 circles were constructed and covered with shade cloth. Photo: Supplied

Kone Solutions K21746


Potchefstroom Herald

Kry jou kaartjie vir ‘As jy sing’

Ons laaste twee wenners wat elk ’n dubbel komplimentêre kaartjie vir die vertoning van die musiekfilm, “As jy sing” by Sunwa op 16 November kan wen, moet net een maklike vraag beantwoord. Die Herald, in samewerking met Sunwa, gee twee dubbelkaartjies weg na die fliek As jy sing. Die eerste twee gelukkige lesers wat die regte antwoord na maryke.vanheerden@media24.com toe stuur op Donderdag 14 November staan ’n kans om die kaartjies te wen. Dié wat nog kaartjies vir die vertonings op 15 en 16 November wil koop, sal moet spring. Die musiekprent wat grotendeels by Sunwa, asook in en om Parys verfilm is, sal op die twee aande om 19:00 vertoon word. Kaartjies kos R110 per persoon wat ’n peuselpakkie en koeldrank vir fliektyd insluit. Bring komberse en kussings en kom hou saam piekniek op die rotse by Sunwa waar die rolprent verfilm is. Die première vir die rolprent was Dinsdag 5 November in Pretoria en die rolprent beloof om ’n weghol-sukses te wees met groot name soos Bob-

by van Jaarsveld en sy sus, Karlien, Robbie Wessels, Katlego Maboe, Bok van Blerk en Hanna Grobler in die rolverdeling. Om jou kaartjie te bespreek skakel 056 811 4000 of 056 817 718 of stuur e-pos na accounts@sunwa.co.za.

As jy sing, die nuwe rolprent wat die komende naweek by Sunwa vertoon word. Sunwa, in samewerking met die Herald, gee twee dubbelkaartjies aan twee gelukkige lesers weg.

Invitation to Bid 1.


Auctioneering Services for the North West Government

Bid Document Amount R50.00 per bid document (non-refundable)

Compulsory Briefing Session

Closing Date

21 January 2013 at 12 December 2013 at 10:00 at the 11:00 Provincial Supply Chain Management Office, 1st Floor, Botshelo Water Building, Joe Slovo/University Drive, Mmabatho

Evaluation Criteria 90/10 Preference Point System (90 = Price and 10 = BBBEE Status Level of Contribution)

Enquiries: GJ Tong, tel. (018) 388-4223 Additional Information: • Bid documents will be available and sold on and after 2 December 2013 at Provincial Supply Chain Management, 1st Floor, Botshelo Water Building, University Drive • All documents accompanying this invitation to bid must be completed in detail, signed and sealed in an envelope and deposited in the bid box situated at the main entrance addressed to Provincial Supply Chain Management, Botshelo Water Building, Joe Slovo/University Drive, Mmabatho, before the closing date and time • The envelope should be clearly marked with the bid number as reference on the outside • Faxed, e-mailed or late bids will not be accepted. Important Notice: Should the following documents NOT be attached to the bid documents by the closing date and time, the bid will be regarded as nonresponsive: All legal requirements as outlined in the invitation to bid. The North West Provincial Government does not bind itself to award the bid as a whole or in part.

Award Advert

NWP070/13 – Travel and Hotel Accommodation for the North West Government for a period of two (2) years has been awarded to the following companies: No

Company Name



South African Reatswelela Travel & Tours



RR Travel JV Tshepi Investments


Cancellation of Bid

You are hereby notified that Bid No: NWP 130/13 – Auctioneering Services for the North West Government as advertised in the Mafikeng Mail and other media has been cancelled due to the review of the terms of reference to include functionality as the evaluation criteria. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Kone Solutions K21785

Department of Sport, artS anD Culture Cancellation Notice Bid No

Description of the Projects


Renovations and Repairs of Mafikeng Museum


Renovation and Repairs of Lebotlwane Community Library

The Department of Sport Arts and Culture would like to notify all bidders that the abovementioned bids had been cancelled.

Invitation to Bid Re-advert The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, North West, would like to invite tenders as follows: Bid No


SAC Renovations and 129/2012 Repairs of Mafikeng Museum

Compulsory Site Meeting and/or Closing Date Briefing Meeting Date and Venue Compulsory site meeting will be held on 26 November 2013 at 11:00 at Mafikeng Museum

6 December 2013 at 11:00

Preference Points

Requirement Contact Person for Specifications

90/10 Breakdown of 90/10 90=Price 10=B-BBEE

3GB or higher

Mr Boeti Krisjan, tel. (018) 388-2769 Mr Gilbert Sechogo, tel. (018) 388-2771

More information will be included in the bid document. For further enquiries in relation to the specifications of the bid, please contact Mr Boeti Krisjan at (018) 388-2769 or Gilbert Sechogo at (018) 388-2771. For general enquiries, contact Mr J Tembo at (018) 388-2689 during office hours only. Tender documents should be deposited in a closed envelope, clearly marked with the relevant bid number, and deposited in the tender box at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Head Office Tender Box, Gaabomotho Building, 760 James Moroka Drive, Mmabatho. Bid documents will be available from 19 November 2013 at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Head Office, Office No 30, Gaabomotho Building, 760 James Moroka Drive, Mmabatho, tel. (018) 388-2689/2663 at a non-refundable amount of R300.00. Only cash will be accepted. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid as a whole or in part. Important Notice: Bidders should expect the Department to visit their sites anytime before and after the tender is awarded. Should the following documents not be attached, the tender and/or bid will be considered invalid: • A valid, original Tax Clearance Certificate with VAT registration number on • Copy of company registration certificate with status of the shareholders • Certified copies of Identity Documents of company owners and/or directors • Original banking details • Bidders must attached a detailed profile with traceable references • Proof of having done the same work previously • Certified copy of B-BBEE Certificate issued by verification agency accredited by SANAS or Registered Auditors, approved by IRBA or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA • Copy of valid CIDB grading certificate 3GB or higher. In case of a joint venture: Joint venture agreement signed by both parties to the joint venture must be attached plus all the documents that are stated above for the two parties to the joint venture. Bidders are required to submit a detailed profile with track record and proven previous experience in similar services. Should all SBD document stated in the bid document not be completed in full and attached to the bid document, the bidder’s bid will be declared invalid. The Department apologises for any inconvenience caused. Kone Solutions K21784

Baie geluk aan Arnu en Lehandri de Kock wat op 28 September getroud is, julle is ons September-finalis in die bruidspaar van die jaar-kompetisie.

Oktober-bruidspare kan nou inskryf!

Department of Finance No Bid Number Bid Description

15 November 2013

En so kom ons by die einde van nog ‘n maand van pragtige bruidspare. Ons gelukkige wenners vir Septembermaand wat deurgaan na ons finaal is Arnu en Lehandri de Kock wat op 28 September getroud is. Bruidspare wat in Oktober getrou het, kan nou inskryf vir die Herald se Bruidspaar-kompetisie 2013. Stuur vir ons ‘n mooi foto van julself na maryke.vanheerden@media24.com Die sluitingsdatum is Maandag 25 November 12:00. Dan doen die Herald ‘n beroep op alle finaliste van 2013, m.a.w as jy die wenner in Januarie tot September hierdie jaar was, om so gou moontlik ‘n kontaknommer van jul elk te stuur na maryke.vanheerden@media24.com, as jy versuim om dit te doen sal ons jul nie kan kontak vir die asemrowende bruidsfunksie wat vroeg in volgende jaar plaasvind nie.

‘Eva het haar toonnaels rooi geverf’ Dr. Amanda du Plessis van die Teologiese Fakulteit, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus se eerste boek, Eva het haar toonnaels rooi geverf, is onlangs deur PTP (Potchefstroom Teologiese Publikasies) uitgegee. Hoekom juis hierdie titel? Omdat skoonheid deel van ’n vrou se wese is, sê Amanda. Vroue wil hulleself versorg, mooimaak en… hulle toonnaels rooi verf. Wanneer Dr. Amanda du Plessis vroue nie meer wíl mooimaak nie, met haar boek ‘Eva het is daar fout. Dan het hulle seergehaar toonnaels rooi ge- kry, kruip hulle weg en wil hulleself met ‘vyeblare’ bedek en toemaak. verf’. Foto: Verskaf Soos Eva. Eva se hart het skoonheid geken, sy het dit gesién, maar haar skoonheid het ’n knou gekry. Iewers moes sy dit weer van vooraf van Bo en van binne ontdek. Amanda is reeds die afgelope sewentien jaar pastorale berader en het al verskeie vrouekampe en -praatjies gelewer. Met hierdie publikasie wil sy die innerlike seer van vroue aanspreek wat sy so gereeld in die beradingsproses teëkom. Die temas wat aangespreek word, is veral die vrou se verhouding met God, met haarself en haar huweliksverhouding. Die vaardighede wat gegee word, berus op genesing en verhoudingsgroei. Dit is Bybelstudieboek vir vroue oor gebrokenheid, bekering en heelwording en kan as ’n hulpmiddel by vroue-Bybelstudiegroepe gebruik word, of vroue kan dit in hulle eie stiltetyd gebruik. Die boek is opgedeel in ’n aantal kort gedeeltes wat deur ’n groepleier tydens Bybelstudiebyeenkomste aangebied kan word. Dit word gevolg deur ’n aantal besprekingsgedagtes en met ’n gebed afgesluit. Hierdie gedeeltes word afgewissel met “vertellings deur Eva” asof sy self met die hedendaagse vrou kommunikeer. Amanda kan gekontak word by: amanda.duplessis@nwu.ac.za.

15 November 2013

Potchefstroom Herald

Ext.11-gemeente baat by Aardklop se lewerkoekies Cheryl Botha

Die wonderlike ervaring om aan heerlike Aardklop-skilpadjies te smul het sopas nog lekkerder geword. Enige feesganger wat vanjaar ‘n draai by die AGS se lewerstalletjie gemaak het, het bygedra tot die opheffing van behoeftige gemeenskappe in Potchefstroom, sê past. Tom Bekker, leraar van die AGS Suid-gemeente in Maherrystraat. Volgens hom het die gemeente ‘n besluit gemaak om alle winste terug in die plaaslike gemeenskappe te ploeg. “Dit is uit waardering vir almal se ondersteuning deur die jare,” sê hy. Die eerste skenking is verlede week aan Assemblies of God Extension 11

gemaak - 50 splintenuwe stoele vir die kerksaal. Daar is lank nie meer genoeg stoele vir die grootmense nie, en, soos enige goeie predikant, bid past. Henry Peter Afrika vir nog baie lede. Past. Bekker glo ook vas dat die Here die Promosa-gemeente se grondgebied sal groter maak. Afrika het Vrydag die stoele ontvang, en sê die twee gemeentes geniet al jarelank ‘n baie goeie verhouding. “Dié is slegs een van ‘n klomp uitreikings deur AGS Suid,” sê hy. “Hulle doen baie vir ons en ons waardeer dit opreg.”

Namens AGS Suid-gemeente het past. Tom Bekker 50 soortgelyke stoele aan past. Henry Peter Afrika van die Assemblies of God Ext.11-gemeente geskenk

Gereformeerde Kerk hou 1947-troue Die jaarlikse funksie vir die senior lidmate van die Gereformeerde Kerk Potchefstroom-Suid was ’n uitsonderlike een! Dit het die onthaal van ’n 1947troue aangeneem. Tafels pragtig gedek, gaste gehoed en vrolik vir die troue van Johannes en Bessie (gebore Venter) Lessing! Met ’n pragtige troukar (’n1958 Rambler-Classis- blou en room-kleur) met tradisionele ballonne en ’n luide getoet - soos dit mos hoort - het die bruidspaar – Basjan en Karen Hattingh, met die gevolg opgedaag. Die ouers van die bruid en bruidegom (Mnr en Mev. Hennie en Annatjie van Heerden (Venter) en Dup en Ina du Plessis – alias Lessing, was reeds by die saal om hulle kinders in te wag. Die predikantspaar, ds. Vasie en mev. Elfie de Kock, het al die gaste reeds welkom laat voel in die saal en toe daag die bruidspaar en gevolg op. Met mooi musiek het hulle die saal binnegestap! Van groot belang is dat die trourok dateer uit 1947 – van ’n ene mev. Stafast. Pragtig met kant-insetsels en in ’n puik toestand. Die heildronke was gepas en spitsvondig - deur mnr. Johan du Toit, Ockie

Buys en ds. Vasie de Kock gedoen. Die seremoniemeester - ’n ene meneer Eloff, was met sy kruisbande en strikdas netjies op sy pos en baie geniet deur almal met sy spitsvondighede! Die vader van die bruid, mnr. Hennie van Heerden (Venter) het die gaste verwelkom – alhoewel hy soms onseker was of hy moet welkom heet of bedankings doen… Daar is ook 2 musiek-items aangebied: Mev. Hanlie Jordaan en Elfie de Kock met ’n klavierduet en Jacques Beukes met ’n vioolsolo! En toe het die bruidegom se toespraak plaasgevind. Met baie selfvertroue en so reg in die kraal van almal! Hierna het ’n heerlike ete van bobotie en groente en slaaie gevolg. Alles keurig deur die susters van Potchefstroom aangebied! Mev. Tillie Eloff en selfs ook die 2 moeders van die bruidspaar het gehelp! Die predikantsmoeder het ook ’n pragtige klompie troufoto’s van die gaste aldaar aangebied, deur middel van “Power Point”. Almal het dit baie geniet om die foto’s van jare gelede te sien. Wat ’n pragtige dag en heuglik met sjampanje en vreugde gevier!

Bruidsgroep: Bruidspaar: Basjan en Karen Hattingh, strooijonker: Jaco Hattingh, strooimeisies: Mariska Hattingh, Hantie Gregory, blommemeisies: Talita Meier en Janie Schmidt. Hofknapies: Hendrik Hattingh en Janko Richie. Foto’s: Verskaf

Spar and OFM’s Carols by Candlelight! 26 November - Senwes Park, Potchefstroom - save the date. Carols starts at 19:00. Sing along with Lloyd Cele, Nianell, Romanz, Johrné and Elvis Blue while the little ones play safely in the kiddies’ area that will include entertainment, fun crafts and activities. Food stalls are available, but you are welcome to bring a picnic basket. To enter, bring an unwrapped toy. The toys and other donations collected will be distributed to children’s homes in the region.

Uitstalling by Kleinbos Galery

Die Dinsdag-aande kunsgroep hou Saterdag 16de November ‘n kunsuitstalling by Kleinbos Galery. Dit is ‘n eendag uitstalling vanaf 10:00 tot 17:00. Deelnemers is Annemarie Coetzee, Mimi Coetzee, Rikus Fick, Margo Joubert, Marijke Reynecke, Hester Smit en Francois Viljoen. Toegang is gratis. Kom geniet die bos en kyk hoe kunstenaars mekaar kan inspireer! Die verskeidenheid is uitsonderlik. Die galery is in Hennie Bingle-rylaan by die Mooivallei-hoewes. Vir meer inligting skakel Annemarie 082 8263310 www.annemariec.co.za

Department of Sport, artS anD Culture


Please note that the correct bid number for Construction of Khunwana Library is SAC190/2013 and not SAC176/2013 as was stated in the previous advert. The Department apologises for any inconvenience caused. Kone Solutions K21783


Successful NEA Eisteddfod held at Potchefstroom Girls High

A successful National Eisteddfod Academy (NEA) district competition was held at Potchefstroom Girls High during 7-10 October 2013. This eisteddfod broke new ground, for Potchefstroom had experienced a dearth in similar kinds of competitions for almost two decades. This eisteddfod provided a wonderful opportunity for learners, from Potchefstroom and neighbouring districts, to perform and display their artistic talents. The nationally accredited adjudicators, Marina Coetzee (speech, drama and singing), Prof. Awie van Wyk (music, singing and choirs) and Shaun Frazao (dance) awarded a total of 44 diplomas (90%+), 52 gold certificates and 13 silver certificates

to participants across the various genres. Diploma-winners are automatically entitled to proceed to the next interprovincial round and the national finals, which will be held in Johannesburg between March and May 2014. The NEA Potchefstroom organisers encourage all schools, educators, parents and learners to venture into the exciting realm of artistic entertainment as they aim to organise an annual National Eisteddfod Academy competition for the Potchefstroom district in the future. For further enquiries, please contact: Prof. Marius Smit or Mrs. Colleen Smit, NEA Potchefstroom organisers, (018) 290 5059.

NWU School of Music is now also blogging The NWU School of Music is proud to announce its new blog at www.nwumusic.co.za. It was developed with the support and assistance of the Department of Marketing and Communication, on the Potchefstroom Campus, and is an extension of the School of Music’s online presence which already includes Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The blog is another channel for the distribution of news and information about the School of Music, but will also allow for more interaction between the

school and its supporters, including students, concert audiences and the wider community of music lovers in the country and even the world. The blog will regularly be updated with news items, information on concerts and other events, long-form articles and opinion pieces, profiles of staff and students, and other interesting titbits about music in general. The ‘comments’ section at each post will allow for anyone to react and give their opinion if they wish to do so. They look forward to your responses!


Potchefstroom Herald

Laerskool Baillie Park het hierdie jaar hul tiende agtereenvolgende gholfdag gehou ter insameling van fondse vir die skool. Op die foto verskyn die 2013-wenners saam met die hooforganiseerder, mnr. Herbert Engles. Die Baillies wil alle borge vir die dag hartlik bedank vir hulle onbaatsugtige bydrae ter stuiwing van die skool se skoolfonds. Op die foto verskyn die 2013 kampioenspan wat elkeen ‘n skottelgoedwasser gewen het, voor van links. Stef Marx, Deon Slabbert, Herbert Engles (organiseerders/ voorsitter) Louis Fouche en Eugene du Plessis.

15 November 2013

Ferdies se nuwe hoofseun en hoofmeisie wat tydens hul prysuitdelingsfunksie op 10 Oktober aangewys is. Dit is Zané Labuschagne en Jacques Visser.

Die o.15-krieketspan van Ferdinand Postma is as die o.15 Noordwes B-Liga wenners gekroon toe hulle KHS in die finaal met ses paaltjies gewen het. KHS het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. Ferdies het met uitmuntende veld en boulwerk KHS almal uitgehaal vir 107 lopies met vyf boulbeurte oor. Ferdies het hierdie telling met nog nege beurte oor verbygesteek. Om tot hier te kom het Ferdies die Potch-sirkel gewen waar hulle onder andere vir Volkies met nege paaltjies en Gimmies met agt paaltjies geklop het. Hulle het toe in die semifinaal teen Bergsig van Rustenburg uitgespeel waar Ferdies met vyf paaltjies gewen het voordat hulle teen KHS in die finaal te staan gekom het. Baie geluk aan die seuns met hulle pragprestasie. Voor. is Laurence Wright (kapt) en Rynard Borman(o/kapt). Middel. Jelte Kits, Dewald van Breda, Beluse Mpofu, Adriaen de Freitas, Ruben Breytenbach, Daniël Wentzel en Kobus Kits. Agter. Mnr. A.J. Labuschagne(hoof), Johan Grobler, Gherrit Doinet, Brandon de Bruin, mnr. J.D. Aucamp (afrigter) Stefan Swart, Marx Roodt en Reogile Mmolai (tellinghouer).

Gimmies interhuis swemgala-uitslae. Victrix en VictorLudorum Junior: Eliz-Maric Cronje en Tristan Marais, Victrix en Victor Ludorum Senior: Nadia Blaauw en Brett Nell. Dogterspanne: Ankers 105, Grawe 58 en Pikke 43. Seunspanne: Ankers 97, Grawe 70 en Pikke 47. Totaal: Ankers 210, Grawe 128 en Pikke 90. Foto: Tammy Constance. Die manne vir volgende jaar se Volkie-leerlingraad. Van links voor: Theo Oosthuizen, Conrad Stickling, Franco Smit (president), Phillip Niemand en Johan Pyper. Middel: Gys du Plessis, Ruan Nel (vise-president), Tommie le Roux (vise-president), Rohan Strydom en DJ White. Agter: Anré Kotze, Werner Vorster, Albert John, Casper Lourens en George Oliphant.

Jack Pauw seunskoshuis van Volkies se Studenteraad vir 2014. Van links voor: Gert Fourie, Waldo du Preez, Ruan Nel (hoofseun), Roehan Strydom en JB du Plessis. Agter: George Oliphant, Christopher Viljoen, Franco Smit (onderhoofseun) en Cobus Bouwer. Afwesig op foto: Mateo vd Merwe en Jan-Louis van Eeden.

Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison Invitation to Bid

Bidders/companies are invited for: Bid No


DPS 10/13/14 Request for Proposals: Provision of a digitised desktop document management system and filing of documents at the motor vehicle registration and licensing authorities and driver's licence testing stations in the North West Province for a period of (5) five years DPS 21/13/14 Invitation to Bid: The repair, test and calibration of breath alcohol testers and supply and delivery of mouth pieces for law enforcement operations for a period of three (3) years

DPS 22/13/14 Invitation to Bid: The repair, test and calibration of speed machines, setting up of distance marker sites for speed detection, repair and or replacement of tripod stands and batteries for law enforcement operations for a period of three (3) years More information will be available during the compulsory briefing session

Evaluation Criteria Enquiries

Compulsory Briefing Session

Closing Date

90/10 Price - 90 B-BBEE - 10 (as per the B-BBEE Equity Points Allocation Table below)

Mr Patrick Mocuminyana, tel. (018) 388-1162/4467/3937 Mr Suebel Mmono, tel. (018) 388-1124/ (018) 381-9199 (for Terms of Reference)

22/11/13 at 10:00 at the Boardroom at the North West Provincial Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison Branch), Safety House, 31 – 34 Molopo Road, Mahikeng

Mr Patrick Mocuminyana, tel. (018) 388-1162/4467/3937 Mr Matthews Mtsheng, tel. (018) 381-9114/9199 (for specifications)

25/11/13 at 10:00 at the Boardroom at the North West Provincial Department of Human 10/12/2013 Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison at 11:00 Branch), Safety House, 31 – 34 Molopo Road, Mahikeng 26/11/13 at 10:00 at the Boardroom at the North West Provincial Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison Branch), Safety House, 31 – 34 Molopo Road, Mahikeng

Laerskool Baillie Park se finale hoofleiers vir 2012 is (voor) Liezel Grobler (onderhoofdogter), Dane Holtzhauzen (hoofdogter) en Marionique Wentzel (onderhoofdogter). Agter is Martin Fourie (onderhoofseun), Luhan Dreyer (hoofseun) en Erasmus Esterhuizen (onderhoofseun).

Bid documents will be available from 15 November 2013 at the Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison Branch), Revenue Office No 018, Ground Floor, New Office Building, Ngaka Modiri Molema Road (next to Old Parliament Buildings - near the Stadium) Mahikeng 2735. A non-refundable deposit of R300.00 (for Bid No: DPS 10/13/14) and R200.00 (for DPS 21/13/14 and DPS 22/13/14) is payable in cash only. Points will be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor

Number of Points (90/10 System)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Non-compliant Contributor

10 9 8 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bid/proposals documents, in a sealed envelope displaying the bid number, closing date, name and address of the bidder, must be deposited in the departmental bid/tender box situated at the North West Provincial Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison (Public Safety and Liaison Branch), Safety House, 31-34 Molopo Road, Mahikeng (Main Entrance, Security Check Point). The North West Department of Human Settlements, Public Safety and Liaison does not bind itself to accept bids which are incomplete and reserves the right to re-advertise the bid if relevant service provider/(s) to the bid do not apply. Important Notice: Should the Tax Clearance Certificate NOT be attached or not be the original copy or not be signed by SARS the bid will be regarded as invalid. No faxed or e-mailed bid will be accepted. Company Registration Certificate indicating % ownership of each Director/ Manager/Shareholder and original receipts issued by the Department must be attached to the bid documents. The Department will only consider certified documents by the South African Police Services (SAPS). In terms of Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2011, the 90/10 preference point system is applicable. Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) requires that bidders should submit an original and valid B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate or original certified copies thereof to substantiate their B-BBEE rating claims. Failure to submit such certificate will result in the bidder not qualifying for preference points for B-BBEE. The bidders must submit verification certificates that are accredited by SANAS (South African National Accreditation System) and IRBA (Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors). Kone Solutions K21764

Hoër Volkskool se hotelraad vir 2014. Voor van links: Marelize Adams, Geraldine Venter, Michelle Vos, mev. Nadia Henning (gasvryheid-onderwyseres), Minette Muller (onderhoofdogter), Celeste Nieuwoudt en Marianne Eksteen. Agter van links: Danie Colsby (hoofseun), Vicky Visser, Marcia Kriel (hoofdogter), Leandri van Eck, Quinton van Aswegen (onderhoofseun), Werner Lewies, Bernard van der Merwe en Jacqueline Loots. Gerard van Zyl is afwesig op die foto

15 November 2013

Laerskool Mooirivier se finale leerlingraad vir 2013 is aan die begin van die laaste kwartaal aangewys. Hulle is: Eerste ry: Nicolene Nel, Adele Lourens en Sunel van Staden. Tweede ry: Zandelle Meyer (onderhoofdogter), Lené Prinsloo (hoofdogter), Anchen Bisschoff (onderhoofdogter) en Estelle van Tonder (onderhoofdogter). Derde ry: Georgia Bothma, Luané Kleingeld, Ilené Grobbelaar, Lia Wissing, Chandre Grobler, Janke de la Harpe en Caerie Bothma. Vierde ry: Amorie Liebenberg, Petra van Graan, Marla Muntingh, Katelynn Snyman, Kara van der Merwe, Marené Coetzee, Louise Smith en Shiné van der Merwe.

Hier is die Dagbestuur van Ferdinand Postma vir die 2013/14-termyn wat by die prysuitdeling aangewys is. Voor van links: Katlego Mabe, liefdadigheid, Zané Labuschagne, hoofmeisie en sport, Jacques Visser, hoofseun en sport en Nicole Vivier, dissipline, veiligheid en bemarking. Agter van links: Renier le Roux, kultuur, Elinda Harmse, gr. 8-voog en Manus Kleynhans, akademie en gr. 8-voog.

Hierdie leerders van Laerskool Mooirivier is die nuwe leerlingraad Eerste ry: Andrew le Roux, Gerhard van Niekerk en Daniél Walker. Tweede ry:: Frans Burger (onderhoofseun), Stéhan Raubenheimer (hoofseun), Jacques Botha (onderhoofseun) en Adriaan Röntgen (onderhoofseun). Derde ry:: Henco Brink, Lian Janse van Vuuren en AC van der Westhuizen. Vierde ry: Johan Kruger, Landré Halgryn, Gerhard Joubert, Ricardo Botha, Seth Froneman en Dawie Röntgen.

Baie geluk aan die volgende nasionale radikale redenaar-wenners van Gimmies. In foto: Zandre Barnard (1ste plek in vermaaklikheidredenaars), Telanie Niewenhuzien (1ste plek in Engels 2de taal) en Janus kruger (2de plek in Engels 2de taal)

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013

KOOP MET VERTROUE Corner of Nelson Mandela & OR Tambo Avenue, Potchefstroom. Tel: (018) 294-6169 Fax: (018) 297-0673 finance@nbcarsales.co.za


First installment after 60 days


Please visit our other showroom c/o Peter Mokaba + Nelson Mandela Drive Potch. (018) 293 2220/1 Shan 071 423 3750 • Noshi: 082 558 4000 • Faeez 079 111 5977 • Jimber: 071 265 0808 • Rehan 082 457 2001 • Sandile 072 474 8543 • Leon: 079 432 6313 • ASHWIN 072 376 8171 • FLOYD 072 981 4646

MERCEDES-BENZ 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2002 2001 2001

MERCEDES-BENZ, E250 CoNv., aMg, M/plaN .............R649 990 MERCEDES-BENZ ClC 200, a/T.......................................R339 990 MERCEDES-BENZ, C180K, a/T, BE .................................R299 990 M/BENZ C200 CgI BE ClaSSIC a/T .................................R299 990 MERCEDES-BENZ C320CDI a/T, S/Roof........................R299 990 MERCEDES-BENZ SlK 200, a/T, CoNvERTIBlE ............R399 990 MERCEDES-BENZ C200 K aT ………………………………R249 990 M/ERCEDES-BENZ C200 K, avaNTgaRDE, a/T..............R299 990 MERCEDES-BENZ, R500, a/T ...........................................R429 990 MERCEDES-BENZ a170 avaNTgaRDE, M/T..................R174 990 MERCEDES-BENZ ClC 200K,a/T .....................................R239 990 MERCEDES-BENZ C230K CoupE low KM....................R179 990 MERCEDES-BENZ, SlK, 55 aMg ....................................R369 990 MERCEDES-BENZ ClS 350 a/T, wHITE...........................R259 990 MERCEDES-BENZ a170 ClaSSIC,M/T ...........................R115 590 MERCEDES-BENZ C180K ClaSSIC a/T ..........................R119 990 MERCEDES-BENZ C55 aMg a/T, BlaCK.........................R279 990 MERCEDES-BENZ C200K a/T, S/paCK, S/Roof ............R129 990 MERCEDES-BENZ S500, 7 SpEED, 58000KM, l/NEw....R399 990 MERCEDES-BENZE C 270 CDI a/T...................................R149 990 MERCEDES-BENZ ClK55, aMg, 158000KM ...................R299 990 MERCEDES-BENZ C200K SIlvER....................................R119 990 MERCEDES-BENZ ClK 320, vERy low KM, fSH..........R209 990 MERCEDES-BENZ ClK 430 CoupE................................R169 990

2012 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004

BMw 320D, a/T (f30), lIKE NEw, 800KM....................... R419 990 BMw X1, 2l(D), a/T, SpoRTSpaCK, M/plaN................. R369 990 BMw 323 E90 a/T S/Roof M/SpoRT............................. R299 990 BMw X1, 2.3D, a/T, SuNRoof, M/plaN, Nav ............... R399 990 BMw 530(D), a/T (f10) Nav, S/Roof, XENoN, pDC, .... R539 990 BMw X6, 3.5D, TwIN TuRBo, a/T................................... R699 990 BMw 320D a/T M/SpoRT S/Roof.................................. R259 990 BMw 320I M/T, golD, EXCluSIvE paCK...................... R239 990 BMw, 325, M/SpoRT, Roof, a/T .................................... R299 990 BMw 523I a/T S/Roof oNly 21000KM ....................... R424 990 BMw 135I a/T, CoNvERTIBlE, gREy, M/SpoRT .......... R349 990 BMw 320I M/T, BluE ....................................................... R219 990 BMw 320I M/plaN, EXCluSIvE ..................................... R239 990 BMw 650I.......................................................................... R449 990 BMw 330I, CoNvERTIBlE, a/T, low KM, M/S/paCK.... R359 990 BMw M3 CoupE M/T Bal. of M/p a/T ......................... R449 990 BMw 323I a/T, gREy, M/SpoRT...................................... R169 990 BMw 525I a/T f/l, SIlvER, 80 000KM ............................ R249 990 BMw M6 CoNvERTIBlE 57000KM M/plaN ................ R599 990 BMw 550I a/T, BlaCK...................................................... R379 990 BMw 130I, SpoRTpaCK, S/Roof, lEaTHER ................ R184 990 BMw 320I (E90) EXCluSIvE, S/Roof........................... R164 990 BMw 335I CoupE 24000KM .......................................... R299 990 BMw 118I M/T .................................................................. R149 990 BMw 525 a/T, SIlvER, M/SpoRT, S/Roof .................... R189 990 BMw 320I E90 .................................................................. R149 990 BMw 330CI CoNvERTIBlE a/T, BlaCK, 59000KM ....... R249 990 BMw 330I a/T, INDIvIDual ............................................. R179 990 BMw M5, SMg ................................................................. R369 990 BMw 118I M/T................................................................... R119 990 BMw 320D a/T STEpTRoNIC, gREy, EXCl/ paCK ...... R144 990 BMw 318I, INDIvIDual.................................................... R119 990 BMw 320D a/T ................................................................. R129 990

2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008

auDI a5 3.0TDI SpoRTpaCK, QuoTRoNIC,SIlvER ....R389 990 auDI, a4, 1.8 TuRBo, M/plaN .......................................R239 990 auDI a4 2.0T MulTITRoNIC, SIlvER, Bal. M/plaN ....R299 990 auDI a4 2.0TfSI aMBITIoN MulTI (155Kw), gREy......R299 990 auDI a3 2.0TfSI S-TRoNIC, BlaCK...............................R274 990 auDI TT 2.0fSI TT RoaDSTER CoNvERTIBlE ............R289 990 auDI a4 1.8T M/T (B8) aTTRaCTIoN, BlaCK ................R224 990

2006 2006 2006 2004 2003

auDI a4 1.8T MulTITRoNIC, gREy ...............................R139 990 auDI, a8, 3.0 TDI, a/T ......................................................R269 990 auDI a4 2.0T fSI...............................................................R139 990 auDI a4 1.9 TDI avaNT M/T ............................................R114 990 auDI a4 1.8T avaNTE, MulTITRoNIC ...........................R119 990



2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2008 2005


ToyoTa CoRolla 1.3 pRoffESIoNal ....................... R179 990 ToyoTa vERSo 1.6 SX M/T, gREy................................ R229 990 ToyoTa yaRIS, ZEN, 5DR, 20 000KM............................ R134 990 ToyoTa yaRIS, ZEN ………………………………………..R139 990 ToyoTa aygo 1.0 wIlD 5DR ..........................................R114 990 ToyoTa CoRRolla 1.3 pRoffESIoN ........................ R179 990 ToyoTa yaRIS ZEN M/T ................................................. R139 990 ToyoTa CoRolla 1.3 aDvaNCED................................ R179 990 ToyoTa CoRolla 1.4 aDvaNCE ................................. R139 990 ToyoTa CoRolla 1.8 EXCluSIvE a/T......................... R144 990 ToyoTa vERSo 1.8 TX a/T, wHITE ............................... R124 990


2008 opEl aSTRa 1.6 ESSENTIa..........................................R109 990 2008 opEl aSTRa 1.9 CDTI 76 000KM, BlaCK gTC ..........R189 990


2010 MERCEDES-BENZ Ml 350 CDI a/T ............................. R499 990 2010 ISuZu KB 250 D-TEC D/C, CaNopy............................ R239 990 2010 BMw X5 3.0D XDRIvE a/T, BlaCK............................... R549 990 2010 ToyoTa HIluX, 3.0, D4D, D/C .................................... R299 990

2014 vw golf 7 2.0 gTI .............................................................. p.o.a

2010 ISuZu KB 3l D-TEC, D/CaB, a/T.................................. R255 990

2012 vw SCIRoCCo 2.0 TfSI SpoRTlINE DSg (R) .......... R379 990

2010 NISSaN NavaRa 2.5TDI E-CaB, wHITE...................... R239 990

2010 vw polo 1.6 TDI CoMfoRTlINE................................ R199 990

2010 SuZuKI 2.0 SX4 CvTI, a/T, low KM............................ R199 990

2008 vw polo 1.4, a/C, p/S, C/D, MagS ............................. R107 000

2010 HoNDa CRv 2.4I v-TEC ElEgaNCE a/T, SIlvER........R299 990

2006 vw JETTa 2.0 CoMfoRTlINE ..................................... R109 990

2010 gwM STEED 2.8 D/C CaNopy ................................... R179 990

2006 vw CaDDy KoMBI 1.9 TDI.............................................R119 990

2010 ToyoTa foRTuNER 3.0, D4D, M/T, S/plaN............... R329 990 2007 vw JETTa 5 1.6 CoMfoRTlINE a/T ............................R109 990 2010 NISSaN Np200 1.6 SE MagS 50 000KM ......................R139 990

OTHER 2010 ToyoTa HIluX 2.5 S/CaB, a/C, MagS, T/BaR ...........R169 990 2012 HyuNDaI I 20 1.4 gl .....................................................R149 990 2010 NISSaN HaRDBoDy Np300 2.5 TDI HIRIDER p/u .......R199 990 2012 RENaulT SaNDER 1.6 DyNaMIQuE ...........................R119 990 2009 volvo, XC60, ................................................................R299 990 2012 foRD fIgo 1.4 TRENDlINE 16000KM.........................R149 990 2009 ISuZu KB360, lX, D/C ..................................................R209 990 2011 RENaulT fluENCE 1.6 EXp 90000, KM, M/plaN .....R169 990 2009 MITSuBISHI ouTlaNDER 2.4 glS a/T, NEw SHapE R279 990 2011 MaZDa 5 2.0 INDIvIDual 6SpD NEw SHapE, ...........R249 990 2009 opEl CoRSa uTIlITy 1.4 SpoRT............................... R119 990 2011 volvo S60 D3 M/T ESSENTIal...................................R 279 990 2008 2008 2011 MINI CoopER oNE Bal. M/plaN ................................R174 990 2008 2011 CHEvRolET luMINa SS.v a/T........................................R p.o.a 2008 2011 HoNDa BallaDE 1.6 a/T .............................................R184 990 2008 2011 CHEvRolET opTRa 1.6.............................................. R124 990 2008 2011 CHEvRolET CRuZE 1.6 lS 66000KM......................... R179 990 2007 2011 pEugEoT 207 CC CoNvERTIBlE 1.6 ........................ R209 990 2007

CHEv CapTIva DIESEl 65000KM, BlaCK ................. R239 990

MITSuBISHI TRIToN 2.4, D/CaB, MagS ..................... R189 990 CHEvRolET CapTIva Suv 3.2l v6 77 000KM........... R229 990 opEl uTIlITy 1.4 BaSE p/u- ........................................ R 79 990 foRD f250 S/C,wHITE..................................................R239 990 BMw X5 3.0 D XDRIvE a/T ...........................................R429 990 CHRySlER gRaND voyagER 3.3 lX a/T.................. R199 990

SaNyoNg MuSSo 290 S SpoRT a/T, D/CaB............. R129 990 2010 HyuNDaI I20, 1.4, MagS...............................................R139 990 2007 JEEp CHERoKEE 3.7 lTD, a/T..................................... R169 990 2010 foRD fIESTa 1.6 TITaNIuM SDR ................................R 169 990 2007 MERCEDES Ml 500 full HouSE, MagS .................. R419 990 2010 alfa RoMEo MITo 1.4I.................................................R199 990 2007 gwM, D/C, 2.2I, 56000KM..............................................R 84 990 2010 KIa Soul 1.6 H/S M/plaN ............................................R194 990 2007 NISSaN MuRoNo 3.5I ..................................................R179 990 2010 MaZDa 2, 1.3 aCTIvE 5DR, (NEw SpEC) MagS, .. …..R139 990 2006 laND RovER RaNgE RovER, SIlvER, 99000KM..... R399 990 2010 NISSaN TIDa 1.6 vISTa 5 DR ........................................R124 990 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ, Ml500 .......................................... R299 990 2010 foRD fIESTa 1.4 aMBIENT...........................................R129 990 2006 2006 2010 HyuNDaI gETZ 1.4 HS...................................................R 99 990 2006 2010 MINI CoopER, CoNvERTIBlE, M/T, Bal of M/plaN R239 990 2006 2009 KIa RIo 1.6 HS, wHITE, 73000KM.................................R149 990 2006 2009 lEXuS IS250 M/T, MaRooN .........................................R239 990 2006 2009 lEXuS IS 250 SE SpoRT a/T .......................................R384 990 2006 2009 HyuNDaI TIBuRoN 2.0 glS, BlaCK, 77000KM..........R164 990 2005

NISSaN 3.0 TDI KINg CaB.................................. ........ ..R 99 990 foRD f250 S/C CaNEpy wINgE ................................ R199 990 HyuNDaI TuCSoN 2.0 glS ........................................ R139 990 BMw 320I (E90) EXCluSIvE........................................ R144 990 BMw 3.0D X5,a/T, golD .............................................. R279 990 NISSaN NavaRa 2.5 DCI, D/C ..................................... R169 990 BMw X5 4.8IS a/T, gREy, full HouSE...................... R349 990

NISSaN HaRDBoDy 2.7 D/CaB................................... R 89 990

2009 HoNDa aCCoRD 2.4 EXEC (low KM), lIKE NEw .....R219 990 2005 MaHINDRa BolERo, D/C, 4X4 ................................... R 89 990 2009 KIa Soul 1.6 H/S ..........................................................R179 990 2005 MITSuBISHI ouTlaNDER 2.2l, S/R, lEaTHER.......... R134 990 2009 pEugEoT 207 3DR, BlaCK............................................R94 990 2005 MITSuBISHI paJERo 3.2 DID glS, S/w fSu.............. R165 990 2009 MaZDa 5 1.6I, 7 SEaTER, SIlvER, 59000KM ...............R179 990 2005 NISSaN HaRDBoDy, 2.4 SE, D/C, 4X4 ....................... R119 990 2008 MaZDa 3 1.6 oRIgINal 46000KM ................................R114 990 2005 vw TouaREg 5.0 TDI v10 a/T..................................... R249 990 2012 RENaulT SaNDERo 1.6 DyNaMIQuE.........................R119 990 2005 CHRySlER gRaND voyagER 2.8 CRDI ....................R139 990 2007 RENaulT ClIo III 1.6 DyNaMIC...................................R107 990 2004 BMw X5 4.4l, S/paCK, S/Roof.................................. R249 990 2004 BMw X5 3l I low KM NavIgaTIoN loTS of EX ...... R229 990 2005 RENaulT MEgaNE 2.0 T, SpoRT, 3 DR ......................R129 990 2004 MITSuBISHI ColT, 2.4, D/C, CaNopy..........................R 94 990 2005 MaZDa 6 2.5 SpoRT luX ..............................................R109 990 2003 JEEp CHERoKEE 2.4 SpoRT 4 X 4, SIlvER ............... R 99 990 2006 pEugEoT 407 3.0 v6 S/R, R/CD, lEaTHER, E/SEaTSR139 990 2001 JEEp CHERoKEE 3.7 a/T ............................................... R99 990 2005 RENaulT gRaND SCENIC 2.0 7 SEaTER a/C,............R104 990 2003 JaguaR X-TypE 3.0 SE ...............................................R119 990


2013 CHEvRollET TRaIlBlaZER 2.8 lTZ a/T ................... R409 990 2012 HyuNDaI IX35 2.0 EXCluSIvE, M/T ........................... R289 990 2012 ToyoTa foRTuNER 2.5 D4D T/BaR 10000KM .......... R349 990 2012 JEEp CHERoKEE 2.8 CRDI lIMITED 14200 KM a/T... R429 990 2012 ToyoTa HIluX 3.0 D4D D/C ........................................ R379 990 2012 g.w.M STEED 5 2.5 CRDI S/C 40 000KM .................... R189 990 2011 ToyoTa foRTuNER 3.0 D4D a/T, wHITE, T/BaR ...... R369 990 2011 DaIHaTSu TERIoS 4 X 4, gREy, 39000KM................. R199 990 2011 NISSaN Np 200 1.6 p/u ................................................ R114 990 2011 ToyoTa HIluX 3.0 D4D, D/C ....................................... R279 990 2011 HyuNDaI HI 2.4 glS 9 SECTER .................................. R299 990 2011 JEEp CHERoKEE 3.7 SpoRT, a/T, 19000KM ............. R309 990 2011 TaTa XENoN 3.0 SwB, S/C, a/C .................................. R129 990 2011 MaZDa, BT50, 2.5, SlX, SupER CaB ......................... R209 990 2011 CHRySlER gRaND voyagER 2.8 CRDI a/T ............. R399 990 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ, Ml63, aMg, .................................. R899 990


2009 vw CITI RoX 1.4I, MagS................................................. R 99 990 2009 vw CITy RoX 1.6 NEw SHapE ..................................... R 99 990 2009 vw TENaCITy 1.4I ......................................................... R 79 990 2007 pRoToN Savvy, low KM`S .......................................... R 59 990 2007 foRD foCuS 1.6 TRENDlINE ....................................... R 99 990 2007 RENaulT SCENIC 1.6 EXp ............................................. R 99 990 2007 RENaulT MEgaNE 1.6 golD SEDaN, a/C, p/S, C/l ... R 99 990 2007 KIa pICaNTo 1.1 lX a/C ................................................. R59 990 2006 RENaulT MEgaNE 2.0 DyNaMIC, R/CD, a/C, p/S ....... R 99 990 2006 CRySlER pT CRuIZER, 2.4 lIMITED............................. R 94 990 2006 vw polo, 2.0, HIgHlINE................................................ R 99 990 2006 foRD f250 S/C CaNEpy wINgE ................................... R199 990 2006 vw CITy CHICo 1.4I ........................................................ R54 990 2005 HoNDa CIvIC 150 I, golD, a/C, p/S, C/l, R/CD............ R 99 990 2005 MINI CoopER 1.6 golD BlaCK, a/C, E/w.................... R 99 990 2004 vw polo 1.9 TDI, wHITE HIgHlINE, MagS................. R 89 990 2001 MERCEDES-BENZ C320I a/T,wHITE..............................R 99 990 2000 BMw 330I E46, gREy, a/C, R/CD, a/T, E/w ................... R 99 990 2000 BMw 320D, RED............................................................... R 79 990

Huis te huur in Van der Hoffpark

3 Slaapkamers, woonkamer, eetkamer, kombuis met aparte opwas area, 2 badk, enkel motorhuis met groot afdak vir twee ekstra motors. Groot erf. Huur R9000 pm (Krag, water en vullis ingesluit). Onmiddelik beskikbaar of anders 1 Desember 2013. Skakel Carli by 082 220 8651

Herald Property Profile Group

EiendomsGIDS Property GUIDE

• Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, 2520 • Tel: 018 293 2883 Vir al u eiendoms • Posbus 20606, Noordbrug 2520 Irma-082 347 5555 • info@propertyprofile.co.za behoeftes

Johnny-082 562 8156

Meenthuis Bailliepark: Netjiese ruim 3 slpkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamer en motor afdak. R890 000 Hoewe Boskop: 8.5 ha hoewe met netjiese huis en buite geboue. Langs Mooirivier. R 990 000. Sentraal Uiters netjiese 2 slpk duplex met toesluit m/huis in veiligheids area asook heerlike swembad en tuine. R 740 000 Sentraal Ruim 2 slk woonstel met toesluit m/huis. R580 000

Irma - 082 347 5555

Miederpark: 3 slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamers enkel m/huis en parkering, lekker tuintjie. Troeteldiere vriendelik –veilig. R 980 000 Bailliepark: NUWE VRYSTELLING 3 slaapkamer meenthuis met dubbel geriewe in veiligheidsarea Alle kostes ingesluit. R 1 350 000. Bailliepark: 2 slp meenthuis met 2 badk, enkel m/huis en klein tuintjie. R 730 000

Vaalrivier Eiendom: Ruim 4 slpk woning met 3 badkamers 3 m/h, bediendekamer en waskamer. 4700m² erf met 60m riverfront. “Slipway vir bote” Alle meublement ingesluit by koop. Goeie sekuriteit. ±28 km buite Potch. R 1 950 000. Bailliepark Meenthuis: Modern en ruim. 3 slk, 2 badkamers met dubbel m/huis. Siersteen, voltitelmet oppervlakte van 186m² R 1 450 000. Ailanto Erf. 6755m² erf in prag kompleks. Winskoop. R 390 000.

Hoewe Wilgeboom: 8.5 ha hoewe met netjiese ruim 4 slpk woning. Sterk boorgat. ±10 km buite Potch. R 1 700 000 Dassierand: Ruim 260m², 4 slkamer woning met dubbel m/h. Verlang aandag. R 850 000 OHB Bailliepark: Netjies en ruim. 3 Slpk woning met 2 slpk woonstel. Dubbel m/huis en afdakparkering, “splashpool” met lapa. R 1 800 000

SKAKEL GERT 082 377 1313, ANELLE 079 565 4888 of ELIZE 084 433 0896


Bult (Meisies kamer) Sebrine’s Fair (Bachelor) Campus @ Home (1 Slpk.) Driscahoff (2 slpk. 1 Des.) Frangipane (2 slpk) Villably (2 slpk.) Bult (3 slpk.)

R 1 800 R 2 800 R 3 190 R 3 850 R 4 840 R 5 000 R 5 500

1 slpk. met ingeboude kaste. Kombuis netjiese ingeboude kaste en plek vir wasmasjien. WOONSTELLE TE HUUR Sitk, badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak) afdak, ONMIDDELIK braaiarea. Afstandbeheerde hekke voor kompleks. KYK NA DIE PRYS EN BESLUIT GOU !!! Bailliepark (Bachelor) R 2 750 R 400 000. Sentraal (1 slpk. tuinw/stel) R 2 750 Bailliepark (1 slpk) R 3 300 STUDENTEBEHUISING Bailliepark (2 slpk) R 4 180

TE HUUR 2014.

Bult (Seuns kamer)

R 1 650

Beyers Naudestr (Seuns kamer)

R 1 700


2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTELLE Barrish Place (Sentraal) TE KOOP Villa de Bell (D/rand) Villa Perez (Sentraal) Majuba (Sentraal)

The Bats (Dassierand) Caruso (Bult) R 470 000 Campus @ Home (Bult) R 480 000 Kolbe Place (Sentraal) R 420 000

Barrish Place (Sentraal)R 487 000 Tramonto (Sentraal)

3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS (DUBBEL Inni Hartjie (Sentraal) GERIEWE) Bailliepark (1 Januarie 2014) R 8 085 Villably (Bult)


R 640 000 Bailliepark

R 740 000 Bailliepark

Tel/Fax: 018 293 1610

GRATO - R 825 000

Kontak: Marlene 082 859 7915

2 Slaapkamers 1 Badkamer Puik afwerking Ruim leefareas 2 parkerings Hanlie 082 784 0204




3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, Dubbelmotorhuis. 225 vkm

R 1350 000

Luukse meenthuise in veilige kompleks. 3 Slpk, 3.5 Badk. Swembad 2 Motorhuise PUIK afwerking!

Marietha 083 232 1831


Meenthuis met 3 slpk, 3 badk Modern en nuut Swembad Braai-area

R 1 370 000

Kontak: Liza 083 256 9799

R 399 000 R 395 000 R 395 000 R 400 000 R 530 000


R 580 000

POWERED BY RELATIONSHIPS E-mail: admin@willowspropertygroup.co.za




Kolbe Place (Sentraal) R330 000 Komari (Loopafstand NWU) R425 000

Sedert 2004

R 999 000 R1040 000



3 Slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Portaal/ Oopplan Sitkamer, Eetkamer. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste, aparte opwas en waskamer, Spens. 2 Badkamers, stoep,2 Motorhuise met elektriese deure. BAIE GOED GEPRYS VIR SLEGS !!! R 1 325 000 !!!

3 Slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Sitkamer, Eetkamer, TV-kamer. Kombuis met ingeboude kaste. Badkamer (Bad, Stort, Toilet, Wasbak + Toilet) 2 motorhuise en 2 afdakke. Groot erf wat afgesny kan word. HUIS BAIE GOED GEPrYS VIr !!! r 995 000 !!!

www.willowspropertygroup.co.za Willows Property Group 68 Steve Biko Ave, Bult Potchefstroom


BESIGHEID GELEENTHEID Drankwinkel @ R 980 000 (voorraad ingesluit) Kafee @ R 1 600 000 (Voorraad ingesluit) ADELE 079

512 2109

PRAGTIGE ERWE Ailanto, 4990vkm @ R360 000.00

Baillie Park, gesoneerd +- 5000vkm Grimbeek Park , 515vkm R490 000.00 Prima Ligging, reeds skermmure Frank 076 463 6829

Luukse meenthuise in goeie area.

2 Slpk, 2 Badk Goeie Sekuriteit Eie erf Toesluit motorhuis R 6800 pm

Kontak: Di 082 859 3437 PLOT EN PLAN - GRIMBEEK PARK Huis: 200vkm, 3slp, 2 badkamer 515vkm erf Puik koop

R 1400 000 Frank

076 463 6829


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Ellen 082 652 9404


Tuscan View - R750 000 Planne gereed vir 2 slpk huis in kompleks. Kies jou afwerking. Grimbeeckpark - R1.9 milj. Groot huis met groot vertrekke en groot erf.

6ha met 2ha ingelyste water. Baie sterk toegeruste boorgat en put. Ideaal vir groente of lusern. 2 Slaapkamer woning met 2 leefareas. Moontlikheid vir woonstel. Ongeveer 15km vanaf Potch. Prys: R995 000

Studente w/s - R520 000 Bachelor in aanbou.

15 November 2013


Skakel ORG 082 565 5360 Te Huur R3500 - 1 Slpk studente w/s netjies en ruim. R4300 - Tuin w/s vir senior student. Elektr ingeslt en gemeubileerd. R4100 - Ruim 1slpk, nuut gebou. Naby Nwu. R14000 - Moderne 3 slpk meenth in Tuscany Ridge. R13000 - Van der Hoffpark. Ruim gesinswoning.

Plotte/Plase R780 000 - 9 Ha in Koepel met boorgat en dam. 2 Slpk huis.

Vyfhoek 1 ha R1 050 000 5 Km uit dorp. 4 Slpk huis. Werks-winkel en 3 boorgate. 200 Ha - R3.5 milj. Besproeide weiding. 2 Groot voerstore. 2x Huise.

Lorraine 083 704 1000


Die enigste huis weggesteek in Potch, in ‘n stil private kompleks met egte kersiehout oopplan kombuis, eet-en leefarea, 4 seisoen braaikamer, ontwerperstuin, met splash pool, ruim parkering, ens. Vertrekke sluit in 3 slpk, 3 badk, studeerk, spens, linnekamer en tuinstoor. Ideaal vir die kieskeurigste kopers, besige professionele gesin of afgetrede egpaar. Spring gou! Hierdie is uniek en selde in mark. Top ligging. Rondom R2.9 milj. ohb.


RRENTOE IENDOMME Besturende agente

Santie 082 364 8076, Magda 084 961 6123

TE HUUR – SEnTRaal BacholERS 1 SlaapKamE 2 SlaapKamER

R 2950 R 3850 R 4200

MiEDERPaRk – R6600

3 SlaapKamER woonhuiS, DuBBEl GERiEwE, SwEmBaD, inGEBouDE BRaai, DuBBEl moToRhuiS. 2 woonSTEllE op pERSEEl REEDS VERhuuR

BacholER - R3300

annatjie 082 320 3847, Petro 083 694 1864 nuwe Vrystelling luukse Deeltitel Meenthuise nUwE onTwikkEling 2 Slaapkamer , 2 ½ badkamer, dubbel motorhuisR1 160 000. 3 Slaapkamer, 3 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis R1 380 000.

Kantoor Tel: 018 293 1845, Faks: 018 2933163, Prinsipaal Annelize (B SOC. SC. CEA)

STUDEnTE BEHUiSing BUlT – RooDEBERg Bacholer R375 000 Eenslaapkamer R 500 000 MiEDERPaRk – R 1.590 MilJ – ViR DiE gRooT gESin Baie netjiese gesinswoning. Stil omgewing. Ekstra vertrek vir moontlike gebruik vir kantoor of salon. Groot lapa vir onthaal. VolTiTEl MEEnTHUiS – gRiMBEEkPaRk – R1.450 MilJ Klinkersteenhus. 3 slaapkamer, studeerkamer, oopplan leefvertrek. Dubbel badkamer. Dubbel motorhuis. gRiMBEEkPaRk – UiTSTEkEnDE PRYS – R1.690 oHB 5 Slaapkamers, dubbel badkamer, tv kamer, spens, opwas, waskamer, ekstra afdakke, swembad, boorgat, baie kaste. MiEDERPaRk – R1 280 000 3 slaapkamer, dubbel geriewe, dubbel motorhuis, pragtige tuin ligging! Van DER HoFF PaRk – PRYS VERlaag – R1.660 MilJ 3 slaapkamers, studeerkamer, dubbelbadkamer, sitkamer, TV- kamer, braai area, kombuis met opwas, dubbel motorhuis, netjiese groot erf met swembad.

786 2524 FREDDIE DE BEER EIENDOMME debeer38@telkomsa.net 018 082 739 5901 R787 000. 3 Slpk huis, 2 badk, kombuis, sitk, ens., swembad, lapa, garage met afdak. Welverdiend. R1,26 milj. 3 Slpk huis, 2 badk, 2 garages met afdak, sitk, eetk, gesinsk, ens., enkelman woonstel. Miederpark. R840 000. 4 Slpk huis, 2 badk, 2 garages - 4 voertuie, sitk, eetk, TV-k, woonk, alarm, swembad. Welverdiend. R690 000 tot R839 000. Huise gebou op aanvraag. 2 tot 3 slpk, 1 tot 2 badk, dubbel afdak tot dubbel garage, (opsioneel: diefwering, veiligheidshekke, strale en alarm ens.). 138 m² voltitel, sekuriteitskompleks, voorwaardes geld. Mooivalleipark R997 000. Baie netjiese 3 slpk huis, 2 badk, 1 groot leefarea, studeerk, sitk, eetk, TV-k, wask, 2 garages (afstandbeheer), swembad, lapa, alarm. Uitbr 9, C/ville.

Bailliepark – Splinternuut R1 380 000 3 slaapkamer, dubbel badkamer, braai area, dubbel motorhuis, Geen sekuriteit.

R990 000. ± 9 ha hoewe, twee 3 slpk huise, groot lapa, buitegeboue, ens., sterk water. Harpington, Potchefstroom.

15 November 2013


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Department of Health Healthy Living for All Errata

The advertisement that appeared in the local newspapers (Brits Pos, Klerksdorp Record, Mafikeng Mail, Potchefstroom Herald, Rustenburg Herald and Stellander) dated 23 -25 October 2013 has reference.

Cleaner II (Ref. K21591/17)

Kindly be advised that the correct requirements for the above post is as follows: Requirements: • Adult Basic Education and Training Certificate • Ability to read, write and adhere to instructions • Report, report messages • Ability to use cleaning machines and able to use cleaning chemicals, wash cleaning machines and utensils after use • Responsible, loyal, neat and punctual. Kindly be advised that the correct number for the Provincial Office is 22 posts not 1 post as advertised in the said Local Newspapers. Kindly be advised the correct centre for Ngaka Modiri Molema is Lichtenburg Mortuary not Ngaka Modiri Molema as stated in the said Local Newspapers.

Principal Laundry Supervisor (Ref. K25191/30)

Kindly be advised the correct name for the above post is Senior Laundry Manager and not Principal Laundry Supervisor as previously advertised. Kindly be advised that the following posts are hereby withdrawn:

Senior Accounting Clerk Grade II (Ref. K21591/6) Senior Administration Clerk Grade II (Ref. K21591/19) Staff Nurse (Ref. K21591/12) for Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital Telecom Operator Grade II (Ref. K21591/1) StoreKeeper (Ref. K21591/2) Tradesman Aid II for Witrand Hospital (Ref. K21591/3) We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Health Department: Health North West Provincial Government


Kone Solutions K21781


EiendomsGIDS Property GUIDE


GESOGTE AREA. REG GEPRYS. 4 Slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste. Ingangsportaal, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Studeerkamer. Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste.Aparte Opwas en Waskamer. 2 Badkamers. Motorhuis, 6 Afdakke, Boorgat, Besproeiing. Lapa, verhitte Swembad, Braai area. Buite Toilet, Sekuriteit, Jacussi kamer, ingeboude kroeg area Ruim bachelor woonstel met Kombuis, Badkamer, Lugversorger. 2 de Bachelor met Kombuis en Badkamer. Skakel Gert 082 377 1313 LANdLINK COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES CC


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

15 November 2013

Nazalene Struben It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media 24 does not accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein.

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7. Speurdienste / Private Detectives 8. Verlore / Gevind / Lost / Found 9. Saamrygeleenthede / Lifts 10. Vriendskaplik / Friendship 11. Persoonlike kennisgewings / Personal Notices

DIENSTE / SERVICES 12. Dagsorg / Daycare 13. Kleuterskole / Pre-Primary Schools 14. Naskoolsorg / Afterschool care 15. Onderrig / Education



Onderrig / Education

Tswana kursus vir beginers. Leer heel basiese praatvaardighede vir gbruik in alle daagse situasies. (Marcel 071 745 9047


Onthale & Konferensies / Functions & Conferences

AANDAG ALLE BRUIDE Eksklusiewe en stylvolle tafeldekor te huur. Ook tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en lycra-stoelrokke. Events House by The Roots Lifestyle Centre. ( (018) 285-1222. MULTISTYL Eksklusiewe onthaaltoerusting vir troues & funksies. ( Lynette (018) 290-7316 www.multistyl.co.za


16. Video & Fotografie / Video & Photography 17. Musiek / Music 18. Onthale & Konferensies Functions & Conferences 19. Spyseniering / Catering

20. Wegneemetes & Restaurante / Take Aways & Restaurants 21. Lugversorgers / Aircons 25. Blindings / Blinds 26. Springkastele / Jumping Castle 27. Houtwerk / Carpentry 28. Matte / Carpets 29. Plaveisel / Paving 30. Bouwerk / Building 31. Beton & Palisade / Concrete & Palisades 32. Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk / Electrical Services & Repairs 33. Loodgieters / Plumbing 34. Algemene Dienste / General Services 35. Rommelverwydering Refuse Removal



Matte / Carpets

Quick drying and improved chemicals


Skakel Johan


Skakel Piet of Johanita ViVierS by Modern auto triMMerS & uPh.

Tel: (018) 294-7459 fax: (018) 293-0785



Springkastele / Jumping Castles

JUMP 2 THE MOON INFLATABLES Castles, w /slides, Dragons, Crocodiles; Following coming soon; Boxing ring, Pillow bash obstacle play bed and much more!! (072 257 3053 FUN!!

Skakel Cilda Viviers Tel: 082-772-7130 Faks: (018) 293-0785 CARPET CARE special. 5 Carpets: R450.L/suits: R400. ( 071-994-6621 a/hours.

52. Algemeen te koop / General for sale 53. Te koop gevra / Wanted to buy 55. Rekenaars / Computers 56. Kantoortoerusting / Office supplies 57. Selfone/Cell phones 58. Pandwinkels / Pawn shops 59. TV / Elektriese toebehore/ TV / Electrical Appliances 60. Boeke/Versamelitems Books / Collectors items 61. Kuns / Oudhede/ Artwork/Antiques

Cleaner, drier, better. Clean carpets or Lounge suites

Alle kombuis + Ingeboude kaste en ander houtwerk. (Kobus 072 192 4059 (Potch)


Skakel Riaan 083-654-7481



Carpet Kleen

Houtwerk / Carpentry



36. Sekuriteit / Security 37. Plaagbeheer / Pest Control 38. Tuindienste / Garden Services 39. Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage 40. Boorgate / Boreholes 41. Swembaddens / Swimming Pools 42. Grasdakke / Thatch roofs 43. Lenings / Loans 44. Finansiele Dienste / Financial Services 45. Naaldwerk / Needlework 46. Skoonheid & Gesondheid / Beauty & Health 48. Jaggeleenthede / Hunting 49. Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks 50. Massering / Massages

Die V en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelik aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetge-wing in die plasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media 24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie

62. Juweliersware / Jewelery 63. Veevoer / Animal Feeds 64. Diere & Pluimvee Animals & Poultry 65. Plaastoerusting / Farm Equipment 66. Motors 67. Bakkies 68. Vragmotors / Trucks 69. Motorfietse / Motorbikes 70. Woonwaens / Caravans 71. Bote / Boats


Plaveisel / Paving

72. Algemeen te huur / To let 80. Losies / Boarding 81. Eiendomme Benodig / Properties Wanted 82. Besigheidsgeleenthede / Business Opportunities 83. Persele / Premises 84. Woonstelle te huur / Flats to let 85. Woonstelle te koop / Flats for sale 86. Meenthuise te huur / Townhouses to let 87. Meenthuise te koop / Townhouses for sale 88. Huise te huur / Houses to let 89. Huise te koop / Houses for sale.

90. Hoewes & Plase te huur / Small Holdings & Farms to let 91. Hoewes & Plase te koop / Small Holdings & Farms for sale 92. Besighede te koop / Business for sale 93. Kamers te huur / Rooms to let 94. Gastehuise / Guest-Houses 95. Vakansie Akkomodasie / Holiday Accommodation 96. Bestuurskole / Driving Schools 97. Betrekkings gevra / Vacancies Wanted 98. Betrekkings / Vacancies 99. Volwasse Vermaak / Adult Entertainment

BERTS BRICKS (Potchefstroom) 8fc

• Patios • Walkways • Indoor • Walls • Driveways • Pool surroundings • Landscaping SKAKEL

Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina (018) 294-3080 (Potchefwww.smartstone.co.za stroom) by (018) 293-0750 30 Bouwerk / Building of Liz (CarleWaterproofing verf van tonville) by huise en geboue. (018) 788-6693 (Andre' 071 281 3329

Berading / Counselling


Skakel Elaine (018) 292 1615


Kruger Afdakke. Skadu-netafdakke, 4 jaar waarborg. Gratis kwotasie. 16 Jaar diens. Potch omgewing. ( 083-493-5876.

Paving, tiling, palissades, lapas, precast walls & general construction. STONE-AGE


Deon 082-802-2664 goldenpaving7@gmail.com


Beton & Palissades / Concrete & Palisades






Call now for professional, expert advice. DON’T LOSE SLEEP OVER YOUR DEBT! There is a legal solution! You can protect your assets. For a free consultation, by a NCR registered Debt Counsellor.

Call Janice on 071 893 0014 / (018) 294 5670 - Divorces, ITC problems -

Egskeidings / Divorce


Algemene dienste




72A Du Plooy St, Potchefstroom. Tel. (018) 297-7580 / 083 271 9345 (Heinricha)

(018) 294-5169

082 335 0118



Precast, Palissademure, plaveisel, lapa’s. Gratis kwotasies.

TEL: (018) 293-0442; FAX: (018) 294-4994. E-mail: wrdrilling@mweb.co.za. 2 LANDDROSSTEYN STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM • Waterboorgate • Waterleweringstoetse • Voorsien en installeer van pompe • Prospecting boreholes • Groundwater pollution study boreholes • Foundation stabilization grouting


Onderrig / Education

Skadunette & betonmure (018) 294-5169 082 335 0118 32

Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk/ Electrical Services & Repairs


* Fault finding * New installations * C.O.C’s * Geysers * Intercom system * Gate motors DAVE 083 675 6370

Spesialis Dienste

Elektriese Kabelfoutopsporing


Loodgieters / Plumbing

DIE ROEPMAN Sit jy geStrand met een van die volgende?? * Werktuigkundige * Boilermaking * elektriSiën * BeSproeiing * StaalWerk * loodgieterSWerk * afSaag van Bome * enige herStelWerk in en om die huiS.

XPANDA N.W. CK Reg. no. 2002/063528/23

Boomstraat 7, h/v Siddlestraat, KLERKSDORP E-mail: xpandanw@telkomsa.net Web: www.xpandanw.co.za * Tel: 018 462 6596 * Faks: 018 462 1267 Liza: 079 677 8235 Bianca: 083 294 0935 André: 082 788 5616

Xpanda Trellisdeure

Vir verwydering van tuinafval, skoonmaak van erwe en geute, afsaag van takke en bome, algemene opknap van tuine en ligte vervoerwerk.

New/Reline Fiberglass/ Marbelite Stepping Stones/ Paving Jacuzzi’s/Repairs

Tel: (018) 297-1973 Cell: 082-771-6333

Skakel Lappies (018) 290-6906 of 082-684-8982.

Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage



* Nuwe swembaddens * Steppingstones * Sonpanele * Herstel van swembaddens. SKAKEL (018) 294-5833 of 082-928-5774.


Ons spesialiseer in: * Xpanda Trellisdeure * Motorhuisdeure en oproldeure * Outomatisering van hekke en deure * Interkomstelsels * Elektriese omheinings * Roller Shutters * Blinders * Sonkappe (“Awnings”) * Houtvoudeure * Enige staalomheinings * diefwering * “Razor Spikes” * Storte * Skylight

Gekwalifiseerde loodgieter. Pyp en lekkasie-sporing. Johan 083 328 0292 Kantoor 018 294 8242 VIR BLITSVINNIGE KWALITEIT DIENS TEEN DIE BESTE PRYSE!!

Sien winkelvenster vir installeerder op diens op naweke

ALLE HERSTELWERK in & om die huis. Boorgate, besproeiing & drukpompe. Geen werk te klein. ( Gerhard by 083-283-5700.

HALLABY LOODGIETERS Skakel Emile (018) 294-4024 a/u of 082 448 2824


Rommelverwydering / Refuse Removal

1. Algemene vervoer. Bourommel, huisvullis en tuinvullis. ( Pieter 082-950-8934 (Potch) Verwydering van bourommel en tuinvullis algemeen vervoer van goedere. (Andre' 071 281 3329

ALLE LOODGIETER herstelwerk & installering van geysers. ( Gerhard by 083-283-5700.


JANNIE VAN GRAAFF LOODGIETERS (018) 297 8168 082 950 9633

Tuindienste / Garden Services


Algemene Dienste / General Services

VISION waterproofing A22. Work 10 years guaranteed. ( 074-261-8562.

New Laundry in town between old kings hotel and Hyhunda / Kia motors Nelson Mandela Drive open Mon to Fri 07h00 to 17h30 Sat 08h00 to 13h00 Tried The Rest Try The Best. (083 289 7395 / 084 506 9010 / Quality Guarantee




Verfkontrakteur vir 11 jaar. Vir alle verfwerk, asook die seël van dakke. ( Johan 083-412-0724.

Massage Therapist very sensual, full body massage. Private. Carletonville. For app (Demi 082-735-2646. 8-6pm

Jessie 079 286 6649

Skakel patrick 076-374-9480 / 24/7 (018) 290-7946.



Swembaddens / Swimming Pools

Gratis aflewering in Potchefstroom.



24/7 Sel: 082-496-8622. of: 082-346-0066.


r20 per 30 kg sak.

roep my, ek herStel dit!!!

Vir alle loodgietersprobleme & gratis kwotasies  Pieter (‘n ten volle gekwalifiseerde loodgieter).

geswete, gesifte kraalmis teen

Aandag: Speed Queen Services. Diens en herstel alle Speed Queens, tuimeldroërs, mikrogolfoonde. ( Gert Botha (018) 2948479 /082-967-8267. RE-ENAMEL EXPERT. Heremalje van ou staalbaddens. Egte emalje. Werk gewaarborg. ( 071-196-2953 / www.jgexpert.co.za




WIL U VERHUIS? Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgeriewe teen billike pryse? Skakel Droogte vir ‘n gratis kwotasie!

Bou, herstel, ontwerp, onderhou van alle swembaddens & spa’s en vele meer. Louwtjie Naudè 083 651 2637



Vir alle vervoer o.a. meubelvervoer. Het ook jare ondervinding. Pak self, en hou volle toesig. Pieter 073-525-6536. 076 814-6100 (W) (018) 484-1725 (H)

4-TON TOE TROK. Doen enige vervoer en klein trekke. Billike pryse. ( 082-455-5329. Algemene vervoer: Bourommel, tuinvullis, meubels asook mini trekke. Huur van sleepwa ( Paul 082-709-3487. Algemene vervoer tuin vullis, bourommel,stoor plek, meubelvervoer. (Koos 076 663 0047 J & H MEUBELVERVOER Vir professionele vervoer en stoor. ( (018) 290-6755. Master Moving; Vlink en betroubare vervoer van meubels asook verhuisings. (074 485 5391

Grasdakke / Thatch Roofs


Bou van lapas, kam en stop. Alle herstelwerk, en verfwerk.

082 857 5092


EMPI Meubelvervoer

EXCLUSIVE VIP Only 40 years plus! Sport and sensual, Professional private. ( 079-666-0431/ 073-927-9858 Potch


Lenings / Loans

BRIDGING CASH while waiting for


Payout (lumpsum only) (011) 394-6937


Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks

Manie Sweiswerke Staalkonstruksie en store. Voorsiener en installeerder van veiligheidshekke en afdakke. Optrek van enige planne. Skakel Manie Labuschagne by (018) 297-6316 (k/u) of 082-335-9761

Minitrek + Transport. Stoorplek, rommel en vullis. Beste pryse. (082-332-7554.

Nuwe 18jr klein fyn en getryn beste massering. ooit. (061 121 4561

Joy Gardens

Tuindienste beskikbaar blanke toesig. (082 471 6909

du plooystraat 46 tiptoptvsa@gmail.com

dStv + ovHd installasies tv Reperasies Xtraview

Tall slim Indian lady nurses in high heel and stocking back in town for 2 days, Potch (073 388 2114 / 071 137 6544


Algemeen Te Koop / General For Sale



VEILING, VLOOI, MOTOR, PROMOSIE-MARK ELKE SATERDAG OM 09:00 BY DIE BOEREMARK, POTCH-INDUSTRIA. Aankopers Potch, 083 629 3449 of 082 747 6026 Skakel Die Afslaer: Piet 082-800-7321 Ons betaal


vir u OOrtOllige artikels

skakel (018) 294-5503 / 5 Vinnige, vriendelike diens. Transaksies vertroulik.

vlOOiMark PAND + MEUBELS h/v Kerk & du Plooystr. Potch

1 Pienk spieël "bevel" deur snee 75cm. 1 Tapisserie laaste avond maal baie tent steek perfek gewerk en geraam no.80 wit hekelgare alles nuut. (018 293 0647 1 Pienk spieël "Bevel" deursnee 75cm. 1 Tapisserie laaste avondmaal baie tent steek perfek gewerk en geram no.8 wit hekelgare alles nuut. (018 293 0647 EZEHUTS "Need extra space" storeroom, toolshed, office, classroom (082-371-3218 P A N D M A R Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse huisraad, gereedskap, Oregon deure, vloere. Plafonne staal / Oregon (wanneer beskikbaar). Chris Hanistraat 78, Potchefstroom. ( (018) 293- 3234 of 082-920-0871.


TV / Elektriese Toebehore / TV / Electrical Appliances


prys: r500 ‘n hondjie. 8 Weke oud. skakel trudie 083 297 9607.




018 293 0277 082 892 1315


Installering van DSTV Herstelwerk: TV’s, Hi-fi’s, DVD spelers en Naaldwerkmasjiene.

082 302 7995 62

Juweliersware / Jewellery

BENODIG U KONTANT? Ons koop alle goue-, diamantjuweliersware en goue munte vir kontant. Eternity Enterprise Juweliers 33 James Moroka str (Lombard str). Potchefstroom, Tel: (018) 297-5364


Veevoer / Animals Feeds

Vars Lusern bale te koop R55 per baal. ( 084 889 7565


Diere & Pluimvee / Animals & Poultry

AUSTRALIESE BEESHONDE TE KOOP. Rooi, ingeënt en ontwurm. R1 200 elk. 98f Skakel 083-377-0505 of 082-872-6245.


R1 200 ELK. SKAKEL TRIENIE 082-663-4101 Miniatuur Doberman gespuit & ontwurm (Bokkie) (Karina 082 786 8039 Baba skotse Teriers te koop (4 Des, 6 weke). ( Zelda 079 878 0394 Baba worshonde te koop R750 elk. (Charl 078 169 1299


Opregte Jack russel hOndJies te kOOp.


Afrikaanssprekende dame in alle areas beskikbaar. 24/7 (Zani 079-025-8428


MEJ. BENE DIE TOP! Sportiewe mooie blondine vir private afspraak. VIP en sport-massering. 07:30 - 19:00. ( 073-900-0435 of 082-210-6230. Nou Klerksdorp.

tip top tv

Rooikop Tanya steeds so wild terug van Durbs baie meer as net massering. Ek is Potch. (073 348 6246


Sluit aan by ons


PRAGTIGE KLEIN katjies soek goeie huise. ( Alta by 082-925-2037.


Voordat jy jou motor of bakkie wil inruil of verkoop, skakel my vir ‘n uitstekende prys.



Gekwalifiseerde Elektriese Dienste: - Nuwe Installasies - Herstelwerk & Onderhoud - Elektriese Sertifikate - Dompelpomp Installasies

NUTSMAN - DIENSTE Alle herstel Instandhouding in en om die huis. Sweiswerk, Potch. (Duimpie 082 334 3760



Registrasie nr: 21113


Stéfan Marais 082 653 6222


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide A A N D A G !!! Whirlpool services, herstel & diens alle outomatiese Top Loader, mikrogolfoonde en tuimeldroërs. ( Nick 082-825-0727.


15 November 2013


082-774-7962 AAndAg !!!

Ek koop graag u motor / bakkie vir kontant. doen ook verkope. SkAkEl RAymond REinEckE

082 853 6752


Best cash prizes paid for your car or bakkie. Tel: (018) 294 3754 Call 082 558 8999.




076-278-5821 KONTANT

Hoogste pryse vir u gebruikte VOERTUIG OF BAKKIE.

Skakel Noshi by (018) 294-6169 of 082-558-4000.


1. 1996 Uno 1100. Wit van kleur. Uitstekende toestand. R27 800. 2. 2003 Opel Astra 1.6i. Wit van kleur. Comfort, rwc. R58 000. 3. 2009 Honda Civic 1.8, VTEC Vxi. Silwer van kleur. RWC. R120 800. 4. 2009 Chana Benni 1.3. Silwer van kleur. Goeie toestand. RWC. R52 600. 5. 1983 Toyota Cressida GLi-6. Een eienaar. RWC. R48 500. Skakel Francoise in Ventersdorp 083-447-6176 of (018) 264-4969. Ek koop byna alle 2de handse motors, bakkies, kombi's en dubbelkajuit vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. ( Unis by 082-959-9120 of 072-203-1614.



Sekuriteit / Security

Nou dat ek jou aandag het! Publieke veiling elke Saterdag, 09:30. Ikagengweg 38, Senwes Silo’s. Daaglikse inskrywings. Maandag - Vrydag (08:00 - 16:00). Meubels, voertuie, gereedskap, losgoedere, net wat jy het. Skakel Attie 082-920-0871 Ons doen ook aankope.



Diepreiniging van: Matte en Meubels Pest en Termite Control en Weed Control


Loodgieters / Plumbing


Lenings / Loans


Nuutgeboude moderne 2 slpk eenhede met koopkrag, sekuriteit & afdakparkering, naby NWU hoofhek. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2013.





Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage



Deon Van Zyl

Lenings beskikbaar !! • ITC Welkom!!! Benodig voertuig? FAKS VOLGENDE: Payslips, Identiteitsdokument • Bewys van adres • 3 Maande bankstate • Rybewys indien nodig Skakel: Hanlie 082 356 4343 Zelda 079 133 1188 Faks: 086-226-3285 Email: hanlielombard.motor@gmail.com

Tuinmengsel, Tuingrond, Bousand, Riviersand, “Filling”, Crushersand, Buildersmix

Woonstelle te koop:

Nuutgeboude moderne 2 slpk eenhede met koopkrag, goeie sekuriteit & afdakparkering, naby NWU hoofhek. R825 000 (kostes ingesluit) Okkupasie 1 Des 2013. skakel die ontwikkelaar, Melanie by

084 470 8280

@ Varsity – R660 000


expandable security products!

slamlock/std. lock & key alike features

Swembaddens / Swimming Pools

Veiligheids- Nette / seile

Moenie dat jou kind verdrink nie!!!

skakel: elize 072 187 2754 52


Algmeen te koop / General for sale


Ons koop: Breekgoed, meubels yskaste ens. Wat het u? Skakel gerus




Besigheidsgeleenthede / Business opportunities

ONTWIKKELINGSGROND VIR STUDENTEBEHUISING POTCHEFSTROOM: Puik ligging / slegs ‘n blok vanaf Noordwes Universiteit. RES 4 Sonering – gereed om te bou. Skakel Danie Lyon 082-822-4498


Persele / Premises

Kantore te huur A1SIX2V


1 Slaapkamer woonstel met “loft”, omskep in ekstra slaapkamer, 1 badkamer (24 uur sekuriteit & toegangsbeheer) naby kampus. Onderdakparkering, swem & braaiplek, waskamer en koopkrag Skakel die eienaar direk by



(018) 290-6755 OF 083 637 7690 (NOOD)

Woonstelle te koop / Flats for sale

Woonstel te koop:


cell: 082 7755 754 FREE QUOTES!! fax: 018 293 1425 tolliemaritz@gmail.com www.lcsequ-door.co.za


Phone: 082 773 8361 OR 082 859 2871 E-mail: gageheathcote@yahoo.com





TEL: (018) 291-1048/9 SEL: 082-453-0195.

Landlyne weer in werking

Skakel die eienaar hanlie by 082 775 1777 of Melanie by 084 470 8280

SKAKEL ANITA 082 554 0505


Huur: R5 800

water & heffing ingesluit per maand.





Woonstelle te huur:

Tuindienste / Garden services

TROMPIE KITSGRAS Algmene dienste / General services

Woonstel te huur in Jonge Molen, Potch. Een kamer beskikbaar in 2 slpk woonstel. huur: r2 800 p/m per persoon, water en ligte ingesluit. skakel 082 653 7826.

SKAKEL MEV. MULLER BY (018) 290 5228 OF 082 859 7187



Woonstelle te huur / Flats to let


FREE HOOK LOCK • Powder coated QUOTES • 5 Year Warranty • All steel components • Excellent quality, strength and service • Competitive prices 0861 102 340 en 079 876 7956 www.incredibledoor.co.za




Skakel vir Kwotasies 079 499 9930



Matte / Carpets

15 November 2013



Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Kantore te huur in Potchefstroom Ongeveer 200 m2 @ R60 p m2.

Kontak: Kobus 083 627 8131

084 470 8280


Huise te huur / Houses to let


SKAKEL ESTIE OF NITA BY(018) 785-5440 of 083 319 0855 Kennisgewing

Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Riaan de Lange 082-325-9570

Kantore te huur

Groen Mazda2 1.3 -2008 uitstekende toestand 800 00km vol diens rekord R92 000. (082 499 2118



2000 Isuzu 320 V6 D/Cab: R45 000. 1998 Ford Saffire 2.0 L: R15 000 ohb. ( 079-820-9478. Nissan Navara 2.5Diesel double cab canopy towbar blue R149 000 neg. (082-335-2156


Motorfietse / Motorbikes

Honda Cbr 600cc 2005 te koop vir R5 500, o.n.a. (082 371 5941


Bote / Boats

Motorboot 4m x 2m op R4 500 Trailer goeie struktuur. (Ollie 083 320 0599


Student akkomodasie kamers in stu / huis bach, 1,2 & 3 slpk w&s vir 2014. (084 998 9888


Besigheidsgeleenthede / Business Opportunities



PRICE: R200 000



Persele / Premises

Veilige Stoor plek te huur 083 336 0601

Baie oulike

bachelor woonstelle


Ruim kantoorspasie, uitstekende advertensie moontlikheid teen N12. Onderdak parkering, stoorfasiliteite soos per behoefte saamgestel.


Beskikbaar 1 Des. 2013. Skakel Leslie by 082 781 4745


Octron gebou op eerste vloer. H/v James Moroka en Autostraat. Skakel nommer: 018 292 1615 Kantoor-ure 08:00 - 16:30 1 WINKELRUIMTE TE huur in Johannes Dreyergebou, h/v Nelson Mandela- en Walter Sisulu Rylaan. (53.18 m²). ( (018) 294-4991 weeksdae tussen 08:30 en 13:00.

Algemeen Te Huur / General To Let

Skakel Louise by 083-412-0656.

KANTORE TE HUUR op die Bult teen R110 p/vkm. ( Wilma by Potch Eiendomme (018) 297-5506 of 082-800-4273.


Woonstelle Te Huur / Flats To Let

2x1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur. Enkellopende manspersone geen drinkers, geen troeteldiere 1x R2 500, 1x R2 700 krag uitgesluit. Dstv - punt beskikbaar, huur + sleutel dep. Gelyk aan 1 maand huur vooruit betaalbaar. Smiddae asb, dadelik beskikbaar. (079 501 0214 BACHELOR - Standers @ R2 900 p/m. ( Schalk / Mariëtte by Huizemark (018) 297-8338. 1 Slaapkamer studente woonstel te huur vanaf 1 Januarie 2014 R3 500-00 by universiteit - gewilde kompleks ( 082-8054807 Mooi ruim tuinwoonstel. 2 Slaapkamers, R3 780pm badkamer, kombuis + sitkamer, sentraal, Potch. Beskik 1 Des. (082 720 6784

beskikbaar vir studente. Baie naby aan universiteit. Baie voordele.

skakel elmarie k/u

083 666 8612




Woonstelle te Huur Moderne, ruim 2 slpk woonstel in kompleks.

r3 600 pm

Motorafdak en water ingesluit. Geen honde. 4 Km op N12. Beskikbaar 1 Des. 2013.

skakel leslie 082 781 4745 1 Slp w/s R2 700 F/ville w/l ingesluit,swembad 1 Des beskikbaar (076-380-6727 1 SLPK EN 2 SLPK woonstelle te huur op die Bult! Ruim, moderne woonstelle, loopafstand van universiteit af. ( Lize by 082-786-1761. 2x 1 Slaapkamer eenhede beskikbaar 3km buite Potch. R1 900 - R2 300pm water ing, & krag uit. Slegs studente of enkel lopendes. (Riaan 082 857 1502 KANONNIERSPARK: 1 slpk woonstel @ R3 570. ( 079-511-6506. MODERNE 2 SLPK w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks in nuwe Bailliepark @ R4 300 p/m. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. ( 083-745-4717.

BULT: BACHELOR @ R2 900 p/m. ( 074-241-9577. VERSKEIDENHEID studente woonstelle te huur. ( T G Kruger Eiendomme (018) 294-6544. TUINWOONSTEL te huur. Enkellopende persoon - bachelor eenheid te huur met kombuisie en stort / toilet. Veilig en onmiddellik beskikbaar. R2 400 p/m, w&l ingesluit. ( Nico van Schalkwyk (018) 293-2267 k/u of 084-878-1369. Carletonville Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur Oberholzer ((018) 7861466/7 k/u DASSIERAND: Bachelor @ R3 120 p/m. ( 082-888-2247. MARCORINA A BLOK teen R4 380 p/m. Cle du Cap, 2 slpk teen R5 200 p/m. Wilgedal bachelor vir enkel persoon teen R1 300 p/m. Varsity Lodge, 2 slpk teen R4 750 p/m. Silver Oaks teen R7 080 p/m. Inanda teen R3 740 p/m, beskikbaar 1 Jan. 2014. Protea Manor, 1 slpk teen R4 500 p/m. Paar studente woonstelle nog beskikbaar vir 2014. ( Wilma 082-800-5273 of Potch Eiendomme by (018) 297-5506. Mooi ruim tuinwoonstel. 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badk, kombuis + sitkamer sentraal, Potch R3 780pm beskik 1 Desember 2013.(082 720 6784 NOORD SENTRAAL: 2 slpk woonstel @ R4 800 p/m. ( 082-885-9320. Potch; Flats from R2000pm - R2200pm; sms. (074 368 2546 Potch; Goeie ligging bachelor - R 3200pm of gemeubileerd - R4000pm; Dubbel eenheid R4 500pm of gemeubileerd R5000pm; Kamers R2 300 of gemeubileerd - R3000. ( 071 607 7340 PRAGTIGE NUUT oorgedoende 2 slpk woonstel, Sentraal Dorp, veilig in sekuriteitskompleks. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2013. R5 000 p/m en s/dep. Skakel nou, moenie hierdie pragtige plekkie misloop nie. ( Linda by (018) 293-2237 of 072-776-1104. Besigtiging slegs op afspraak. PUK studente woonstel gemeubileer.Gediens.W/l ing.Wasgoed gewas.1.5km van univ.R3700 pm adsl lyn add.Jan 2014 (082446-4888 Studente verblyf @ R2 200 - R3 300 w & l skoonmaak dienste, wasgoed. (072 786 8533 / 072 566 0453 Studente woonstelle by Puk vir 2014. 2 Slpk: Bultpark @ R5 400 p/m. 4 x 1 Slpk, Goudstraat @ R3 800 p/m elk. 2 Slpk in Goudstr. @ R4 700 p/m. La Bella View (bachelor) @ R4 400 p/m. La Vi Loca (bachelor) @ R4 600 p/m. Komari (bachelor) @ R3 300 p/m. ( Schalk / Mariëtte by Huizemark (018) 297-8338. TO RENT: 1 BEDR. R3 200 p/m. Open plan living area with kitchen. Pre-paid electricity. Cnr. Reitz & Eleazer Str. ( Esté at Nexor Properties 083-652-7487.



Meenthuise Te Huur / Townhouses To Let

MEENTHUIS TE HUUR In veiligheidskompleks: Carpe Diem. R5 500 p/m. 2 Slpk, elk met en-suite badk, kombuis, eetk & sitk. Koopkrag, 130 m². Skakel Alida 072 269 3600.

3 Slpk meenthuis te huur in Miederpark 1 Jan. 2½ badkamer, klein tuin, swembad kompleks. Geen diere R6 300pm. (083 441 8314 BAILLIEPARK: 3 slpk meenthuis met 2 badkamers. Beskikbaar 1 Desember @ R5 500 p/m. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat nie. ( Steven by 084-696-0023 of (018) 294-5008. Bult; 3 slpk & 2 badk; Nagraadse studente / werkendes; Geen troeteldiere; R5 700pm. (083 759 9846 MEENTHUIS TE huur. Pragtige moderne, ruim en nuutgeboude meenthuis in Bailliepark. Toegeboude braai @ R6 600 p/m en s/dep. Beskikb. 1 Januarie 2014. ( Linda nou by (018) 293-2237 of 072-776-1104. Besigtiging slegs op afspraak. T / House available from 1st Deecember 2 & 3 bedroom from R6 180pm. ( 083 683 8894


Meenthuise Te Koop / Townhouses For Sale

BAILLIEPARK. Oulike 2 slpk meenthuis met 2 badk en staan teëldak. Sekuriteitsomgewing. R780 000. ( Lize by Nexor Eiendomme 082-780-5233. VIR DIE BELEGGER: * 2 Slpk: Jasmyn meenthuise X 2 @ R690 000 elk. 2 Km van die Puk. (5 Min). * 2 Slpk (88 m²): Camelot @ R890 000 & R990 000 X 12. 2 Km van Puk. (5 Min). * Rosetuin woonstel vir bejaardes @ R435 000. ( Ernst 081-250-7197 of ernst@tgkruger.co.za by T G Kruger Eiendomsagentskap.


Huise Te Huur / Houses To Let

3 SLPK, 3 BADK (Tuscany Ridge) - R16 500 p/m. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, swembad (Van der Hoffpark) R13 200 p/m. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, swembad (Tuscany Ridge) - R14 300 p/m. ( Schalk by Huizemark (018) 297-8338. 4 Bedroom house at Golf Estate (Willow De La Mooi) R15 000pm available 1 Dec 2013. (Leonara 073 469 2352 3 Slpk huis te Mooi bank @ R2 500pm plus krag dep R1 500 na ure. (082 326 6797

Ruim 3 slpk huis met dubbelgeriewe en toesluitmotorhuise. Huur: R6 500 per maand.




SKAKEL (018) 290-5018 IN KANTOOR-URE.



ONMIDDELLIK BETAALBAAR. Nuut uitgeverfde 3 slaapkamerhuis met 2 badkamers, 2 leefvertrekke, studeerkamer, ruim kombuis met aparte waskamer en dubbelmotorhuis te huur in Kockstraat, Potchefstroom (naby Hoër Volkskool & Laerskool ML Fick). Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2013. Skakel 082 094 2539.

Mooivallei Park. Ruim 3 slaapkamerhuis te huur. Groot tuin met swembad. r13 500 p/m. Skakel alida 072 269 3600. Netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis te huur

@ R6 000 p/m. Huis is in Kampstraat geleë met dubbelgeriewe en koopkrag.

Skakel Elmarie 083 666 8612

k/u om afspraak te reël vir besigtiging. NETJIESE 4 SLPK huis met swembad en lapa te huur. 1 Januarie 2014. R7 200 p/m. ( Debbie by Prime Properties 084-400-1971. Huis te huur R1 500, 35km buite Potch. ( Hennie 083 709 0579

SkAkEL 082-962-5457. DRIE SLAAPKAMER WOONHUIS OP PLOt IN MALvAStRAAt, BAILLIE PARK, POtcHEfStROOM tE HUUR. HUUR: R5 750 per maand. DEPOSItO: R5 750. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel (018) 290-5018 in kantoor-ure.

Netjiese 4 slaapkamer huis 15 km buite Carletonville, veilig en rustig. W/L ingesluit R5 000. Nie rokers.( 082-434-3838


Huise Te Koop / Houses For Sale

HUIS + 4 woonstelle. Lae onderhoud. By Puk. R1 600 000. ( Linda by Huizemark 082-785-3951. TUSCANY RIDGE. Woonhuis te koop vanaf plan. 4 Slpk, studk, oopplan met braai-area. Prag erf. Kom maak u keuse van afwerking. Direk van ontwikkelaar. Geen hereregte. ( 083-6257437 by Nexor Eiendoms Ontwikkelaars. VAN DER HOFFPARK 4 Slpk gesinshuis, lieflike oopplan leef-area en swembad. R1 720 000. ( Louise by 082-572-5592. WIL U U EIENDOM VERKOOP OF VERHUUR? Beste diens in Potchefstroom. Beste kommissie. Persoonlike terugvoer weekliks. ( Johan 076-631-7382 of johan@tgkruger.co.za by TG Kruger Eiendomme


Hoewes & Plase Te Koop / Smalls Holdings & Farms For Sale

Franse Sjarme - 7700m², 3 slpk, 2 badk, 2 studeerkmr, swembad, lapa, 3 motorh, buitegeb, R1,750miljoen. (Agent 082 562 8686


Besighede Te Koop / Business For Sale

DRINGEND!! Besigheidsperseel. Sentraal. 5 Kantore + groot ontvangs. R1 200 000. ( Linda by Huizemark 082-785-3951. Established Courrier Franchise F/ville, C/ville area for sale ( 073-447-4526

FEMALE STUDENTS rooms: furnished, serviced, Wifi, secure, opposite university and Bult shops. From R1 800 p/m. Paljas, Esselen Str. 22. ( (018) 297-0681. Potch; Close to Vuselela and Reitzstr from R1 200pm, sms. (074 368 2546


Vakansie Akkommodasie / Vacation Accommodation

GLENTANA 6 Slpk houthuis te huur. By die see. Desember.


To rent 2 bedroom flat in Bailliepark R4 200pm. (Leonora 073 469 2352



Ons koop bakkies en motors vir KONTANT. Goeie pryse word aangebied. Skakel: 072 126 7886

(krag & water ingesluit).


R10 000 - R100 000

R2 695 p/m


motors en bakkies vir

Bachelor woonstel te huur Welverdiend / C/ville R1 600 pm+key dep ((018) 784 4323

PLOT OP JOHANNESBURGPAD 12 km uit dorp. 3 Slpk ruim huis met d/geriewe en m/huis. R11 000 p/m. ( Wilna by Potch Eiendomme (018) 297-5506 of 082-800-4273.

R1 400 p/d

Skakel 082-415-9805

Kumkani Country Lodge. Luukse kamers, ontbyt, M-Net, parkering + swembad. Paryslaan 37, Bailliepark, Potch. Tel: (018) 290-7387/9 082-559-8293 n/u

SUNWICH PORT TUINW/STel Te HUUR privaat ingang. loopaf-stand na swemstrand. 4 Slp. R700 p/n binne seisoen. Spesiale tariewe buite seisoen. Skakel Rina/Jan 039-681-3350 / 084 279 6620 UVONGO / MARGATE Skoon en moderne selfsorg eenhede slaap 2 tot 8 pers.

See Uitsig



Skakel 082-822-3745 of 082-321-3630.



BESKIKBAAR JANUARIE 2014. Veilige area, stapafstand van PUK.


57m² en 251m².


Voldoende parkering.

"99 Opel Corsa 1700 Diesel bakkie met canopy te koop R33 000. (083 336 0604

Te huur Waterberry R3 650. Campus @ Home R3 300 sentraal, 1 slkp R3 300 studente kamers R2 200 bach tuin woonstel R2 500 krag ingsl Bach tuin w/s R2000 krag ingsl. (074 197 0863



BACHELOR TUINWOONSTEL. Grimbeekpark Potchefstroom. Geskik vir enkel persoon / student, semi gemeubileerd, privaat ingang en onderdakparkering met toesluit hek. Stil area, onmiddel lik beskikbaar. Huur: R1 760 p/m en die sleuteldeposito is R1 760. ( 082-824-1968.


072-272-1988 082-575-7531

Goeie omgewing.


2 Slpk (Bult) @ R4 600 p/m. 2 Slpk (Waterberry) @ R4 400 p/m. 2 x 2 Slpk (Tuscany Ridge) @ R6 050 p/m. ( Schalk / Mariëtte by Huizemark (018) 297-8338.






Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide


15 November 2013

Loopafstand van strand. Bekostigbare tariewe.

081 762 9223



Ruim 2 slpk woonstel op hoofstrand. Lieflike see uitsig. 082 429 1105


SUNSET BEACH. Plek vir 4 persone. See-uitsig, loopafstand vanaf strand. 991 TARIEf: Binne seisoen R500 p/nag & Buite seisoen R250 p/nag. Skakel 072-221-1337.

(Slegs beskikbaar tussen 08:00 - 16:00).



A L B A T R O S vakansie-woonstelle teenaan die strand. ( (031) 903-2167. www. albatrosseaview.co.za MARINASTRAND / U V O N G O. Vanaf 10 nagte vir R2 000, buite seisoen. ( 082-9204063 tussen 08:00 en 13:00. MARINA STRAND Ten volle toegeruste chalets. Slaap 4 tot 6 teen billike tariewe. ( (039) 313-0200 (k/u). VAKANSIE AKKOMMODASIE MARGATE SANDS Lieflike 3 slaapkamers (slaap 8). Alles wat jy nodig het. Op die hoofstrand. Datum: 30 Nov. tot 7 Des. Prys: R8 000. ( Carina by 073-141-2907.

Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

Verdien uitstekende kommissie met die verkoop van besighede

or fax 086 244 1154.

Franchise navrae 012 361 2690 www.aldes.co.za


Betrekkings / Vacancies

AVON SAleS leAderS & repreSeNtAtiVeS Needed, Potchefstroom & surrounding areas. sms Name & area.

083 389 1784

25 Reps needed own car is a must. Basic comm, petrol inc. Full training provided. Sma name / age / area/ email to. (061 412 7915 Admin dame benodig rekenaarvaardig, matriek ouer as 25jr eie vervoer tweetalig ondervinding in motorbedryf en boek hou Nov opleiding Jan indiensneming salaris onderhandelbaar. Fax cv: (086 645 713


AGENTE GESOEK VIR GEVESTIGDE verhuringsagentskap. Basiese salaris: R3 000 p/m. Moet oor eie vervoer en selfoon beskik. Moet onmiddellik diens aanvaar. E-pos CV na letting@mweb.co.za. Benodig drywers met kode 10 / Gr12 - kassiere met 2 jaar ondervinding. Forklift drywers met kode 10. Handig cv in voor 20/11. Akker Drank Kelder op die bult. BETREKKING AANGEBIED: benodig bemarkers en werwingsagente vir eiendomme. Kommissiebasis. Deeltyds / voltyds. ( Huizemark by (018) 297-8338.


Opsoek na blOkman / vrOu Faks Cv na: 018 297 1841 AVON Sales leaders & Representatives needed, Potchefstroom & surrounding areas. Sms name & Suburb to. ( 082 561 7042

Loodgieter met elektriese kennis en geldige kode 08 rybewys in Potch benodig faks cv na: (086 650 2740 Montana Spur poste beskikbaar vir Junoir bestuurders moet bereid wees om skofte te werk. (Josef 082 776 1408 MR DELIVERY POTCH soek drywers met 'n geldige rybewys + 'n eie voertuig. Verdien 'n ekstra inkomste, pensioenarisse sowel as studente is welkom. Slegs Potchefstromers. ( Jacky 079-876-8523.

BE pArT oF AFricA’S lArgEST BuSinESS BrokErAgE And BEcomE An AldES FrAnchiSEE in poTchEFSTroom.



Verkieslik ouderdomsgroep 30 jaar + . Aansoeke sluit op 2 Desember 2013. Aanvangsdatum: 6 Januarie 2013.

Nege tot 18:30. Tien ure elke tweede naweek. AANbEVELINGS: Matriek met Wiskunde, Chemie, Fisiese en lewenswetenskappe asook universiteitsvrystelling en bestuurslisensie. Passie vir honde en katte. Vlot in Afrikaans en Engels. DIE VREuGDE VAN DIE POS IS: Verpleging en gee van liefde aan diere en die dankbaarheid en meelewing van mense wat lief is vir hul troeteldiere.

Onderrigassistent by Fisika Vakgroep Fisika in die Skool vir Fisiese en Chemiese Wetenskappe (Potchefstroom-kampus, NWU) benodig dringend gekwalifiseerde gekwalifiseerde persone vir 2014 vir die volgende tydelike take: 1. Assistensie en nasienwerk by eerstejaar Fisika-prakties, en/of 2. Nasien van huiswerk en toetse van eerstejaar teorieklasse. Vereistes: ‘n Tersiêre kwalifikasie en/of ondervinding in Fisika en die vermoë om in Afrikaans en Engels met studente te kommunikeer. Vergoeding word op ‘n uurlikse basis bereken en sal afhang van kwalifikasie en ooreengekome werksopdrag. Nasienwerk kan tuis gedoen word. Belangstellendes kan Mev. Elanie van Rooyen kontak by elanie.vanrooyen@nwu.ac.za en/of 018 299 2423.

King Pie manager Salary: r3 000 - r3 800

Send CV to tinusrensburg@gmail.com


Please send CV to: gasworldadmin@gasworld.co.za


UNITED NATIONAL BREWERIES (SA) (PTY) LIMITED 41 Forsman Street, Potchefstroom, 2531. Tel: (018) 293 0820 TLOKWE BREWERY



SLUITINGSDATUM: 29 NOVEMBER 2013 Skakel Mnr AG Meyer 082-850-4004 / (018) 788-2306 CV’s na (018) 787-4447 E-pos adres: hscallie@mweb.co.za



083 256 0210


If not contacted in 7 days the application was unsuccessful.

Est. 1979 and a SA Top 300 company.



* Applicant must be Male (will carry heavy boxes) * Applicant must have grade 10, drivers licence and must be computer literate. * Applicant must be able to work over weekends.

Earn great commission selling businesses and master your destiny

Franchise enquiries 012 361 2690 www.aldes.co.za

Vir meer inligting, navrae of aansoekvorms besoek www.vessels.org.za of kontak Susan Fouché by 082 048 6309 of webmaster@vessels.org.za


IDEALE KANDIDAAT MOET OOR DIE VOLGENDE BESKIK: * Matriek met tik * Microsoft Office * Pastel & SARS ondervinding sal voorkeur geniet * Tweetalig - Afrikaans & Engels * Goeie menseverhoudings

Belangstellendes kan CV’s faks na 086 694 9772 / (018) 294-4379 of e-pos na info@mcat.co.za

DiensaanVaarDing: 1 Januarie 2014



PLIGTE BEHELS DIE VOLGENDE: * Goeie telefoon etiket * Betalingsontvangste * Tik van Finansiële state, briewe en algemene tikwerk

Vessels of Mercy benodig die dienste van ‘n GEKWALIFISEERDE MAATSKAPLIKE WERKER vir ‘n 5/8ste pos vir ‘n 12 maande kontrak gedurende 2014 in Potchefstroom.


Please send CV to



Wil u in hierdie spasie adverteer? Skakel Carolina (Potchefstroom) by (018) 293-0750 of Liz (Carletonville) by (018) 788-6693



Word deel van aFrika se grootste besigheidsmakelaars en Word ‘n aldes Franchisee in PotcheFstroom.


Harworking lady seeks cleaning work at Hotels,or any available places, accept for kitchen cleaning. (Jane 079 095 9317

SAIPA CLERK required at Accounting Firm in Klerksdorp.


Betrekkings Gevra / Vacancies Wanted



15 November 2013

Salary: R6 500 Requirements: • National Diploma or Higher • Experience as a Creditors / Debtors / Cash book • MS package - Excel Interested persons must forward their CV to HR, Fax no: 086 600 3261 or E-mail to: mokgoatlhengj@unbreweries.co.za Closing Date: 23 November 2013 Should you not hear from us within 5 days from the closing date of this advertisement, consider your application to be unsuccessful.



requirements: Born again Christian, proficient in English, qualified for ECD and two year work experience in a nursery school.


• Boilermakers • Fitters • Timbermanne met skiet sertifi sertifikate, kate, onsetter kaartjie • Rigger Ropesman

Teaching posTs: 2 - 4 year groups

cLoSing date: 25 november 2013

E-mail cv na pcrcville@netactive.co.za

AAntreklike kroegdAme benodig in oberholzer.

Uitstekende vergoeding Salaris + Bonus. Elke tweede week af. Faks kort CV aan (018) 786-4383: E-pos: naasv@mweb.co.za of Tel: (018) 787-2110: Daleen: 083-336 -1160; Adele: 078-814-9138.


drop cV at SchooL: corner Meadow + du plooy Streets, potchefstroom Fax: 018 293 0239 att. Mrs. Serfontein e-mail: office@christianfellowhip.co.za

Rekenmeester- en Ouditeursfirma het die volgende vakatures vir personeel met die volgende kwalifikasies: 1. B.Comm en klerkskap 2. B.Comm met Rekeningkunde en Inkomstebelasting. 3. Matriek met Rekeningkunde en Wiskunde. Stuur u CV aan kvzrej@iafrica.com of faks dit na (018) 290-7797.


WPI PoWer SolutIonS SeekS to recruIt a

SaleS PerSon –



Aansoeke word ingewag vir die pos van Adjunk Balju.

Handig CV’s in by Balju Kantoor of Fax na 086 524 6369 of e-pos balju101@mweb.co.za

requirements: - N3 Engineering, Qualified Technician or electrician: proven trade test. experience: - Minimum 2 years’ experience on: 1. Medium & High Voltage Switchgear (6.6KV to 33KV) 1. Application and testing of medium voltage protection relays. 2. Testing current transformers & medium voltage switchgear; and - High Voltage Switchgear experience will be an advantage - Installation of Switchgear - Proven ability to fault-find on panels & protection circuits key duties: - Must have good sales skills which includes: 1. Exellent communication 2. Computer Literacy 3. Ability to give clients technical advice 4. Achieving sales targets. General: - Good understanding & background on Protection relays - Knowledge of various types of Switchgear & Protection in the marker - Understanding of test required on Switchgear Panels, Breakers, Relays & CT’s - Individual with Coal Mining/Engineering background will be an advantage and it will be required to work overtime.

Sluitingsdatum: 25 NOVEMBER 2013

Salary r20 000.00 per month (ctc) e-mail cv’s to estelle@wpi.co.za or fax 086 719 9575 closing date 22 november 2013



VEREISTES Tik: Akkuraatheid & Spoed Goed onder druk funksioneer Rekenaarvaardig in Microsoft: Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Internet Explorer


WItbank & carletonvIlle


Vereistes: Eie vervoer met kode 08 Kennis in regs prosesstukke Tweetalig (3 taal bonus) Moet onder druk kan werk Na-ure in dien vereis Goeie mense verhoudings

Alle applikante moet in besit wees van ‘n seksie 13Ambags sertifikaat en nie ouer as 55jr wees nie. Geskikte persone sal as kontrakteur werk in die Carletonville omgewing.




LittLe SaintS nurSery SchooL

• • • • • •


Potchefstroom Herald


15 November 2013

AANVANgSDATuM: 1 JANUARIE 2014 SLuITINgSDATuM: 26 NOVEMBER 2013 Skakel Mnr. Ag Meyer 082-850-4004 (018) 788-2306 CV’s na (018) 787-4447 E-pos adres: hscallie@mweb.co.za


AFLOS KINDERVERSORGER Verantwoordelikhede: Die versorging van kinders binne ‘n huisopset.

Diensure: Slegs elke tweede naweek: • Vrydag: 13:00 – 20:00 • Saterdag: 08:00 – 20:00 • Sondag: 08:00 – 20:00 Die volgende kriteria is van toepassing: • Ouderdomsgroep tussen 25-50 jaar • Minimum kwalifikasie: Graad 12 • Geldige rybewys noodsaaklik. Die volgende sal as ‘n sterk aanbeveling dien: • Ondervinding van kinderversorging in groep-verband • NACCW-Opleiding Doen asseblief persoonlik aansoek by: Abraham Kriel Kinder- & Jeugsorgsentrum Kruisstraat Potchefstroom Tel: 018-294 5347/8 (k/u) Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 20 November 2013 om 12:00


Vereistes: Die vaardigheid om met kinders te werk in groep-verband. Die vermoë om balans tussen sorg en dissipline te handhaaf.

Potchefstroom Herald

KROEGDAMES GESOEK. Gratis verblyf, Schweizer Reneke. Poste onmiddellik beskikbaar. Stuur ‘n foto + besonderhede na Corlé 083-254-3103 of e-pos cpgnade@yahoo.com



Eie vervoer Tweetalig Ondervinding in verkope Enige ouderdom Kommissie basis

Stuur kort CV na: info@magixnetworking.co.za

of faks na: 086 597 1698.


• TEL NO: 018 788 5290 • FAX: 018 788 2793


AFLOSHUISMOEDER - werk net skoolvakansies en 4 naweke = 100 dae per jaar A1SLN8K



Vinnig-groeiende en vooruitstrewende vervaardigingsmaatskappy in Potchefstroom is dringend op soek na ‘n

gekwalifiseerde en geakkrediteerde gesondheids- en veiligheidsbeampte


ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGIST (Klerksdorp) Requirements: National Diploma and minimum 10 years design and drafting experience. AutoCad and Revit experience essential.

Submit a full CV to: Fax 086 560 6800 or admin@mdcc.co.za www.mdcc.co.za CLOSING DATE: 22 November 2013

Engineering Supervisor - Rustenburg Minimum Qualifications: • Experience in belt installations/construction work. • Minimum of five years experience as a Supervisor • Must be qualified artisan / boilermaker ( Section 13 ) • Fit to work underground

Moet rekenaargeletterd wees in Micrsosoft Windows / Excel, en oor genoegsame inligting beskik om dataverwerking op Pastel te kan behartig.

Responsibilities: • Managing of conveyor belt installations. • Ensure safety standards is adhere to. Please fax short CV with reference numbers of previous employers to 086 513 7530 or e-mail to lelanik@steeltrading.co.za

E-mail CV na



om so gou as moontlik diens te aanvaar.

Construction Boilermaker – Rustenburg


Minimum Qualifications: • Must be a qualified artisan / Boilermaker ( Section 13 ) • Experience in belt installations / construction work • Fit to work underground • Minimum of 2 years experience in construction


Responsibilities: • In charge of conveyor belt installations / Escalations • Ensure work is done according to mine standard Need to have a valid Trade Test certificate Section12B or section 13 will be accepted. Medically fit to work underground.


Please fax short CV with reference numbers of previous employers to 086 513 7530 or e-mail to lelanik@steeltrading.co.za



SENIOR CIVIL TECHNICIAN (Klerksdorp) Requirements: National Diploma / B Tech in Civil Engineering ▪ minimum 10 years’ experience in roads and civil services ▪ knowledge of Allycad and Civil Designer essential.


Posisie beskikbaar by ‘n landbou-onderneming in die Ventersdorp-distrik.

Moet beskikbaar wees vanaf 2 Desember 2013.

MDCC is a multi-disciplinary firm of Consultants with offices in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Klerksdorp and Mafikeng. We currently have the following vacancies to complement our existing workforce:

REmUNERATION: We offer an attractive market related package including profit share and excellent career growth opportunities.

Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693







faks: 086 541 7948


Opvoedkundige netwerk-organisasie benodig vol- of deeltydse mense in die Noordwes.


stuur volledige Cv met verwysings na: e-pos:





Salaris: R3 000 - R5 000 p/m.

15 November 2013



It’s a sign of respect to cover the dead. What about the living? Donate a blanket by SMSing “Blanket” to 42290 at a cost of R30.00 or dropping one off at any Ster Kinekor cinema.

15 November 2013


Potchefstroom Herald



TENDER: 85/2013 Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, (Act 32 of 2000) for: THE SUPPLY, INSTALL AND COMMISSIONING OF AN ULTRASONIC FLOW MEASURING SYSTEM FOR THE POTCHEFSTROOM BULK WATER SUPPLY NETWORK CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12h00 on 29 November 2013. Tender documents must be reserved before 10h00 on 19 November 2013 at telephone 018 - 299 5448 or 018 - 299 5433. Tender documents will be available from 10h00 on 22 November 2013 at the Department Infrastructure, Potch Industria, upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R300.00. Payments must be made at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom – cheques to be made payable to the “City Treasurer”.. Enquiries: Tel. 018 – 299 5448 / 5433. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with “Tender 85/2013: Supply, Install and Commissioning of an Ultrasonic Flow Measuring System for the Potchefstroom Bulk Water Supply Network”; MUST BE PLACED in the tender box in the Office of the Speaker at Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, c/o Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, before the closing time. Tenders will be received until 12h00 on 29 November 2013 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, c/o Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. No late tenders will be accepted. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette 27636 dated 30 May 2005 and the Supply Chain Management By-Law of the Tlokwe City Council will also be applicable. TENDERERS SHALL TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING BID CONDITIONS: • The latest Preferential Procurement Regulations 2011 which came into effect on 7 December 2011 (Government Gazette No. 34350 dated 8 June 2011) shall apply to this bid. • Tenderers will have to score a minimum of 60 % out of 50 points for functionality, in order to qualify to be assessed for price and preference. FUNCTIONALITY – (50 POINTS) Functionality Criteria

(Proof is required to be submitted with tender)

Maximum number of points

Staff Experience

10 points

Core business of organisation and experience of key staff with respect to comparable projects

10 points

Previous work completed

30 points

Bidders that score less than 60% on the above criteria will be excluded from further participation in this bid. • Original Tax Clearance Certificate(s) or Declaration(s) from the South African Revenue Services Confirming that tax matters are in order is to be submitted with the completed bid. Other enquiries should be directed to Mr. Lance Carson, Cell 083 743 0918 or Fax. (018) 299 5443 or e-mail: lancec@tlokwe.gov.za BG MOUMAKWE ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER


Notice Number: 168/2013

TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION: MECHANICAL WORKSHOP Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF 4 X TWO POST LIFTS AT THE MECHANICAL WORKSHOP FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12:00 ON 29 NOVEMBER 2013 Sealed tender, duly endorsed “Tender 97/2013: TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF 4 X TWO POST LIFTS AT THE MECHANICAL WORKSHOP FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 29 November 2013 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria, upon payment of a non-refundable, deposit of R300,00 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Functionality

Sub-criteria (Attach Proof)

Maximum number of points

Primary/ Accredited Supplier

Proof of supplier accreditation

10 points

Number of years have been active in relevant business

1 point for every two years of relevant business experience.

5 points

5 points; based in Gauteng/ North West/Free State

5 points

One permanent staff member with technical skills, and qualifications:

Proof of documents / qualifications

10 points

Availability of spares

Proof of availability of spares (Commitment letter)

10 points


At least 12 months (Commitment letter)

10 points

Technical training/assistance

Proof of training and technical assistance (Commitment letter)

10 points


Assistance with commissioning after installation of items (Commitment letter)

10 points

Testing equipment

Proof of test equipment (Supply list)

10 points


Proof of maintenance and repairs on item (Commitment letter)

10 points

Total points for functionality

80 points

Bidders that score less than 75% on the above criteria will be excluded from further participation in this bid. The City Council reserves the rights to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. At the Council’s discretion, the lowest tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (as amended). It must also comply with the Supply Chain Management Regulations as published in Government Gazette 27636 of May 2009. The Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Law will also be applicable. Notice No. 182/2013



Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013


Please place the following notice in your issue of the 15th of November and furnish us proof of advertisement. Attached please find our proof of payment. NOTICE ESTATE LATE : MARIA ELIZABETH SMAL OF: 17A SPRINGBOK STREET, POTCHEfSTROOM OCCUPATION: PENSIONER DATE OF BIRTH: 12 OCTOBER 1931 IDENTITY NO: 311012 0048 081 ESTATE NO: 15958/2010 The first and final Liquidation and distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court, PRETORIA and at the Office of the Magistrate at POTCHEfSTROOM for a period of twenty one (21) days from the 15TH NOVEMBER 2013 dATEd at BELLVILLE on the 29 OCTOBER 2013 A1SL0SV

______________________________ W N HERBST, EXECUTOR C/O BORNMAN & HAYWARd INC SUITE 1, 2 REIGER STREET, STELLENBERG, 7550 .....................................................................................P320 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES


Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES











Ek, M.W.J. de Jager [Id No. 531031 5047 082], van DE JAGER & MEDEWERKERS BK h/a PLANCENTRE STADSBEPLANNERS [REG NO. 1990/021605/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Restant van Gedeelte 5 van Erf 25, Potchefstroom, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op dorpsbeplanning en dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Tlokwe Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Potchefstroom dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, soos gewysig, deur die hersonering van bogenoemde eiendom, geleë te Peter Mokaba Laan 85 , Potchefstroom, vanaf “Residensieel 1 met ‘n digtheid van een (1) wooneenheid per 1 000 m²” na “Spesiaal” met Bylae 1512 ten einde kantore en spreekkamers met ‘n VOV van 0,8, 50% dekking en die standaard 2 verdiepings hoogte te voorsien. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Tlokwe Munisipale Kantore, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 November 2013.

Ek, M.W.J. de Jager [Id No. 531031 5047 082], van DE JAGER & MEDEWERKERS BK h/a PLANCENTRE STADSBEPLANNERS [REG NO. 1990/021605/23], synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 2263, Potchefstroom Uitbreiding 12, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op dorpsbeplanning en dorpe, 1986, kennis dat ek by die Tlokwe Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Potchefstroom dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, soos gewysig, deur die hersonering van bogenoemde eiendom, geleë te Uitsig straat 55 & 57, Potchefstroom, Uitbreiding 12, vanaf “Residensieel 2” na “Residensieel 1 met ‘n digtheid van een (1) wooneenheid per 700 m²”.

I, M.W.J. de Jager [Id No. 531031 5047 082], of DE JAGER & MEDEWERKERS BK t/a PLANCENTRE TOWN PLANNERS [REG NO. 1990/021605/23], being the authorized agent of the owner of Erf 2263, Potchefstroom Extension 12, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the Tlokwe Local Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Potchefstroom Town Planning Scheme, 1980, as amended, by the rezoning of the above mentioned property, located at 55 & 57 Uitsig street, Potchefstroom, Extension 12, from “Residential 2” to “Residential 1 with a density of one(1) dwelling per 700m²”.

Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Tlokwe Munisipale Kantore, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 November 2013.

Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Tlokwe Municipal Offices, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, for a period of 28 days from 19 November 2013.

Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 November 2013 skriftelik tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, ingedien of gerig word.

Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 November 2013 skriftelik tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, ingedien of gerig word.

Adres van gemagtige agent: PLANCENTRE Posbus 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Kantoor : 072 597 5670 (Ons verwysing: 201342) ..................................................................................P319A KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

Adres van gemagtige agent: PLANCENTRE Posbus 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Kantoor : 072 597 5670 (Ons verwysing: 201349) ..................................................................................P318A KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES


Objection to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to him at P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, within a period of 28 days from 19 November 2013. Address of authorised agent: PLANCENTRE PO Box 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Office : 072 597 5670 (Our Reference: 201349) ..................................................................................P318E KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES A1SLBMV



NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) POTCHEFSTROOM AMENDMENT SCHEME 1959 I, M.W.J. de Jager [Id No. 531031 5047 082], of DE JAGER & MEDEWERKERS BK t/a PLANCENTRE TOWN PLANNERS [REG NO. 1990/021605/23], being the authorized agent of the owner of Remaining Extent of Portion 5 of Erf 25, Potchefstroom, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, that I have applied to the Tlokwe Local Municipality for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Potchefstroom Town Planning Scheme, 1980, as amended, by the rezoning of the above mentioned property, located at 85 Peter Mokaba Avenue, Potchefstroom, from “Residential 1 with a density of one(1) dwelling per 1 000m²” to “Special” with Annexure 1512 in order to provide offices and consulting rooms with a FAR of 0,8, 50% coverage and the standard 2 storeys height. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Tlokwe Municipal Offices, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, for a period of 28 days from 19 November 2013. Objection to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to him at P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, within a period of 28 days from 19 Novemebr 2013. Address of authorised agent: PLANCENTRE PO Box 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Office : 072 597 5670 (Our Reference: 201342) ..................................................................................P319E KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES



Potchefstroom Herald KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES KENNISGEWING AAN DEBITEURE EN KREDITEURE BOEDEL WYLE: DOUGLAS BASIL MORTON IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 380630 5082 08 0 BOEDELNOMMER: 23278 / 2013 DATUM VAN DOOD: 22 SEPTEMBER 2012. Krediteure en debiteure in die bovermelde boedel word hiermee versoek om hulle eise teen die boedel in te dien en hulle skulde te betaal binne dertig [30] dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. GEdATEER te OBERHOLZER op hierdie 15dE dAG VAN NOVEMBER 2013. PIET VAN STAdEN PROKUREURS, EGGO JANSTRAAT 62, POSBUS 6013, OBERHOLZER. TEL: (018) 788 6528/9. Verw: PVS/jh/MOR55/0001 ............................................................................. CAL464 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES


15 November 2013


TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY TENDER 99 /2013: LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT SYSTEM AND THE LEASE OF CAMERA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) for a Law Enforcement Administration Support System and the Lease of Camera Law Enforcement Equipment. THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER WILL BE AT 12:00 ON FRIDAY, 29TH NOVEMBER 2013 Tender documents, containing details of the Specifications and Conditions are available at the Department Public Safety, Corner of Sol Plaatjie&Gluckman Street (Traffic Services) upon payment of a non-refundable cash amount of R200-00 per document, and only Bank Guaranteed cheques will be accepted and must be made payable to the “City Council of Tlokwe”. 4. FUNCTIONALITY A weighted criteria with a possible maximum points has been set for Functionality. The Financial Proposal will only be evaluated if the Functionality scores 75% or above. A maximum of twenty three points as set out below will be used to acclaimed specific goals. 4.1

Track record and references on previous contracts (16)

A maximum of 16 points will be awarded for a good and proven track record for similar projects. 4.1.1 Having more than 10 years in this industry Points will be allocated according to number of years being operational in the industry, 10 or more years will receive maximum, 10 points. NUMBER OF YEARS


0-2 Years


3-4 Years


5-6 Years


7-8 Years


9-10+ Years




4.1.2 Reference sites ( Providing a similar services in other Municipalities or Provincial Authority) For an existing reference sites a maximum of 6points will be allocated. NUMBER OF SERVICES CENTRE’S

















Company equipment to undertake the work. (Points 5)



Leased system


In house system System customization

2 Traffic contravention system incorporating by laws


Accident management system


Pound management system





Sourcing of camera equipment (Points 2)









Sealed tenders, duly endorsed “LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT SYSTEM AND THE LEASE OF CAMERA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT- TENDER 99/2013 must be placed in the tender box at the Office of theSpeaker, Room 315, Third floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and \ WolmaransStreet, Potchefstroom or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on FRIDAY, 29th November 2013 and will be opened in publicin the Committee Room, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street,Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. The City Council reserves the right to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. At the Council’s discretion, Council is not obligated to accept the lowest tender. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems, Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. The Supply Chain Management Regulations of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, as well as the City Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Laws will also be applicable. ....................................................... BG Moumakwe ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Notice: 190/2013


Potchefstroom Herald

15 November 2013

Gedurende die Spinning Nova Fest is die toeskouers vermaak met die vaardigheid van die drywers. Foto: Marius Bester

Dis meer as net bande wat rook


Vincent Mofokeng

DEA Reference: 12/12/20/742 The Department of Environmental Affairs has issued an extension of the validity for the authorization which was issued on the 2nd of March 2007 and extended on the 22nd of February 2011 for the above proposed project. The Department has now (30 October 2013) decided to grant the requested extension of the Environmental Authorisation (EA) issued on 02 March 2007 for the proposed project. Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) were notified about the Environmental Authorisation (dated 02 March 2007) on the 16 March 2007. I&APs are now given the opportunity to appeal or not to appeal the decision to again extend the validity period for the environmental authorisation. Please note that the dates for Notice of Intent to Appeal are from 06 November 2013 till 26 November 2013 (20 days). The appeal period is from 27 November 2013 till 27 January 2014 (30 days). Notice of your intention to appeal must be lodged with the Minister, by means of one of the following: By Facsimile:

(012) 320 7561

By Post:

Private Bag x 447, Pretoria, 0001

By Hand:

2nd Floor, Fedsure Building, North Tower, Cnr. Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria


This assessment is conducted on behalf of ESKOM


Please note that: • Full copies of Environmental Authorisation are available on request from Margen Industrial Services at (013) 656 1212 • appeals should not be sent to Margen Industrial Services or the Applicant

Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Saterdag was die Potchefstroomse Militêre basis volgepak met familie en natuurlik was die “spinners” daar om aan mense Potch se eerste spinning-byeenkoms te bied. Sowat 800 mense het die Nova Spinning Fest bygewoon om Potch Drift te ondersteun by die SAASIC Eenheid met 14 spinners wat hul eksklusiewe vaardighede getoon het. Maar dit is meer as net bande wat rook, die ongelooflike vermoë wat hulle het om te doen wat hulle doen met hul motors en rook in die lug. Potch Drift is ‘n span wat betrokke is in die gemeenskap en nie net plesier vind in vinnige motors nie maar ook om minderbevoorregte mense te help. Potch Drift gaan saam met SAASIC eenheid aan Ikalafeng Spesiale Skool geskenkpakkies oorhandig.

Pretorius wins Leopard Park Golf Open Henkie Pretorius (Klerksdorp) won the Leopard Park Open in fine style over the weekend, posting a score of 6 under for the third round. Runners-up included: second Aubrey Beckley from Potchefstroom, third Robert Tsheko from Leopard Park, fourth Albert Britz from Potchefstroom, fifth Eduard van der Berg from Klerksdorp and sixth, Francois Kruger from Potchefstroom. The North West betterball league final is scheduled for this Saturday at Orkney between Potchefstroom and Leopard Park. The North West Junior Open is booked for 30 November - 1 December.

15 November 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Noordwes klubkrieket – Senwespark premierliga Saterdag, 9 November 2013, het die sewende ronde van die Senwes Premier 50 beurtklub krieketliga plaasgevind. Wimpie Viljoen (91) van NWU Pukke was die beste kolwer vir die naweek met Friedel de Wet (4/20) van Impala Precrete-krieketklub en Phillip Niewoudt (4/31) van NWU Pukke wat die meeste paaltjies gevat het. Opsomming van wedstryde: Merafong City I teen Impala Precrete I (op Fochville) Merafong City I het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. Merafong City I 124/10 in 31.2 beurte. Calvin van Rensburg (51*), Friedel de Wet (4/20). Impala Precrete I 127/2 in 17.3 beurte. Tiaan Mostert (52*), Chris Peyper (46*). Impala Precrete I wen met 8 paal-

tjies. Potch Dorp I teen Vaal Reefs (op Witrand) Vaal Reefs het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. Vaal Reefs 183/10 in 48 beurte. Dewald Joubert (59), Joachim Le Roux (43), Wikus Botha (3/23). Potch Dorp I 187/2 in 32.2 beurte. Morné Steyn (84*), Marinus Lazenby (70*) Potch Dorp I wen met 8 paaltjies. Ibbies teen NWU Pukke (op Puk Oval) NWU Pukke het die loot gewen en besluit om te kolf. NWU Pukke 174/10 in 36.3 beurte. Wimpie Viljoen (91), Hussein Alli (38), Phillip Snyman (3/26), Kobus Myburgh (3/54). Ibbies 123/10 in 32.2 beurte. Herman Lemmer (43), Phillip Niewoudt (4/31), Elmar van Wyk (3/8). NWU Pukke wen met 51 lopies.

Wedstryde vir die komende naweek 16 November 2013 is soos volg: Potch Dorp I teen Impala Precrete I op Witrand, Merafong City teen NWU Pukke of Fochville, Vaal Reefs teen Ibbies op Victory Park, Potch Dorp II

teen Taurus op Stapelberg, Matlosana I teen Impala Precrete II op Nuwe Markotter, Lichtenburg teen Merafong City II op Lichtenburg oval en Ikageng teen Puk Dolfyne op Mohandin se veld.

Harry’s Bande se nagwedloop suksesvol Bert’s Bricks Atletiekklub het op 6 November hulle jaarlikse wedloop in samewerking met Harry’s Bande aangebied. Te midde van gure weer, was die opkoms baie goed en het ‘n wonderlike atmosfeer geheers met beide die 10 km- asook die 5 km-pretdraf. Bert’s Brick Atletiekklub wil graag

vir alle atlete wat deelgeneem het, dankie sê en ook almal wat bygedra het tot die sukses van die aand en ‘n spesiale dank ook aan die verkeersdepartement vir hulle betrokkenheid. Die uitslae van die 10 km-wedloop is as volg Mans: Junior man: Johannes Motsoneng - Greater Ikageng 0:37:21,

DEALERS IN QUALITY USED VEHICLES C/r Walter Sisulu & du Plooy Street Potchefstroom P.O. Box 410 Potchefstroom, 2520 Fax: 086 516 2642

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Senior man: Moketsi Tseiso - PUK 0:32:19. Sub Veteraan-man: Wilem van Rooyen - Berts Bricks 0:37:33. Veteraan: Jacob Rathaba - Dome 0:34:36, Meester: Lekhu Molefe Berts Bricks 0:42:04, Groot meester: Isak Smalman - McArthur 0:47:16, Stapper - Chris de Bruin - Berts

Bricks. Dames:Senior: Anneke Gildenhuys - Kovsies 0:40:50. Sub Veteraan: Tshidi Mocholoe 0:49:38,Veteraan: Anneke Coetzee Berts Bricks 0::50:00. Groot Meester: Sannie Niesing Berts Bricks 1:05:00, Stapper: Mari van Heerden - Berts Bricks 1:09:50.


Potchefstroom Herald

Ventersdorp local to face Spanish Champions

It’s a rags to riches story which would be perfect for a Hollywood Blockbuster - a young boy grows up in a family of six in which his father, a mineworker by trade, is the sole breadwinner. Through pure guts and determination, the boy graduates through Kaizer Chiefs’ youth ranks, is promoted to the first team in 2004 and nine years after that goes on to captain his country’s national soccer team. The boy in question, now a well-respected player in the international soccer community, is Itumeleng Khune and though he’s already proven his worth as a player many times over, he will face a formidable challenge as captain on November 19 when Bafana Bafana goes up against World Champions, Spain. “It’s an amazing opportunity to have the world’s best players in our country and to be able to test our skills against the number one-ranked team in the world. There is also a lot of significance in the fact that the team to score the first goal of the last World Cup (Bafana Bafana) are up against

the team that scored the last goal (Spain) at the stadium where Spain were crowned world champions. In terms of world-class soccer on our doorstep, it doesn’t get any better than this,” said Khune. The Spanish team that will run onto the pitch on November 19 is not one to be taken lightly. The team includes 13 players who were part of the 2010 FIFA World Cup winning team in South Africa. Crowd favourites, Andres Iniesta, Cesc Fabregas, David Villa, Pedro and Xabi Alonso, will form the nucleus of the team that will touch down in South Africa on the 17th of November. “Whether you are a soccer fan or not, next week’s game is going to be an entertaining event for everyone who comes through to support and as such, we are encouraging all South Africans to come and show the Spanish what we’ve got!” said Khune. Itumeleng Khune of South Africa celebrates the goal of Siyabonga Sangweni of South Africa during the 2013 Orange Africa Cup of Nations football match between South Africa and Angola at the Moses Mabhida Stadium Foto: Provided

15 November 2013

Team Masterclass, 'n span van Potchefstroom, het verlede naweek op Parys tydens die Dome-fees met 'n breukdeel van 'n sekonde in die tweede plek by die Dragon Boat-resies verloor. Op die foto kan duidelik gesien word dat hul vlag meer skuins gestaan het as gevolg van of die wind of die merker waaraan die vlag vas is. Stonehenge was die wenners. Stonehenge het die hele kompetisie uitstekend geroei en uiteindelik onoorwonne klaargemaak. Foto: Verskaf

Gabrielle finishes extreme Augrabies Marathon Vincent Mofokeng The Kalahari Extreme Augrabies Marathon saw many men and women taking on the crunching sevenday challenge in the harshest conditions imaginable. Among those extremists was one of Potch’s very own, Gabrielle Colyn, who took on the sevenday, 244 kilometre marathon for a second time this year and finished 51st. It was a sixday journey that challenged these athletes to the maximum, carrying a 10 kilogramme bag through the harsh Kalahari weather. 65 athletes did different distances every day, in dry sand and with heavy loads which required more than just a fit mind and body. Day one started with a 26 kilometre journey at Augrabies Vallei and ended along the Orange River where they check in. Day two was 33 km, day three -37km, day four- 75km, day six- 45km and day seven ended on a 26km journey, totalling the marathon to 244 kilometres. Such marathons are not for the faint hearted, but fortunately for Gabrielle he is an experienced marathon runner who has a few accolades on his belt. Gabrielle finished the 2 Oceans 29 times, ran 22 Comrades, did 10 Rustenburg Races and 8 Landsberg Marathons. One of his favourites was his first international race in Thailand which consisted of a 520kilometre marathon over a period of 9 days. Gabrielle has great passion for run-

ning but he gives all the thanks to his supportive mother and the sponsorships that allow him to do what he loves.

Gabrielle Colyn during the Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon. Foto: Provided

Through the sand and under the electrical fence Gabrielle Colyn was on his way to finish the 244 kilometre marathon Foto: Provided

15 November 2013


Potchefstroom Herald

Drake spoeg vuur

Malusi Mthethwa, the newly appointed Leopard u/19 coach is looking forward to a great 2014 season Foto: Vincent Mofokeng

Piet de Jager

M alusi, sstepping tepping u p iis s iin np rogress Malusi, up progress Vincent Mofokeng Started from the bottom and still going up the ranks, Malusi Mthethwa is passionate caoch with an infectious attitude on and of the field. The Leopards u/19 Currie Cup backline coach, Malusi Mthethwa, is known as “a coach, with attacking techniques that they’ve never experienced before,” say some of his players. Malusi’s u/19 team marched to the semifinal, only winning half of their games due to the number of tries that this team scored, awarding them bonus points against all the teams during this Currie Cup season. Malusi was a Ligbron Hoërskool learner with a dream to play soccer, but later he turned his focus to rugby. He was in a school that won the Mpumalanga Beeld Trophy, he was player of the

week at the u/16 Cravenweek and also a team member of the Academy Week at age 17. In matric, Malusi was Ligbron’s first team scrumhalf; the team lost in the final of the Beeld Trophy in Mpumalanga. He again played Cravenweek and toured to Wellington, where he was spotted by the PUK. As the first black player to play Cravenweek in 15 years at Ligbron, the PUK offered him a bursary to study and play rugby. With at least 10 caps in PUK’s first team, he started to focus more on his studies and put his rugby career on hold. The Human Movement Science student was then approached to manage the PUK’s u/20 team, under the leadership of Hannes Esterhuizen, and then also to manage the u/21 Currie Cup Leopards Team. Malusi has coached at several schools as his ability to reach and devel-

op young players is infectious. The Boys High’s u/16 team, that played in Marinski, was the first black rugby team at this tournament and the boys sure stood their ground and won the tournament under Malusi. To top all of this, some of his boys were chosen to be part of the elite squad. Malusi has now been appointed as the u/19 head coach for the PUK and the Leopard Team for the 2014 season. “I am extremely blessed to have been mentored by Attie Strauss,” Malusi said, ecstatic about the former Springbok legend. Malusi’s passion as a coach, a motivator and also his drive to coach the player, as well as their attitude, are his secret recipe. Malusi also believes that he and his team, Jaco Pienaar and Bert Moolman(sport scientist) will achieve great things through hard work. His vision is to win the Currie cup next year.

kelingsgala. Die gala word gehou om gemiddelde swemmers te betrek. Die swemklub het met 12 goud, 8 silwer- en 7 bronsmedaljes huistoe gekom.

Die swemmers wat medaljes verower het, is Nina Slaughter, Mannscher Meyer, Chazel Orton, William-Stephen Slaughter, Aiden Nel, Conrad Jordaan, Maartens van den Berg, Nina Slaughter, Vicky Kruger en Chianka Reyneke (7 medaljes). Die swemmers gaan ook aan die Noordwesgala deelneem wat in Desember plaasvind. In hierdie gala gaan swemmers gekies word om aan die SA kampioenskap deel te neem.

Potchefstroom Swemklub ryg medaljes in Vincent Mofokeng Die Potchefstroom Swemklub het aan verskeie swemgala’s deelgeneem waar die swemmers ‘n paar medaljes ingepalm het. Die swemmers het uitstekend gevaar op 2 November gedurende die interprovinsiale gala wat in Sasolburg gehou is. Hul was deel van die Noordwes-span wat ook hierdie byeenkoms gewen het. Hul het teen OP, Noord Vrystaat en Noord Kaap geswem. Tristan Marais het 2 silwer, Pani Savapoulos het met 3 sekondes met sy 100 meter borsslag verbeter en ‘n silwer op die aflos verower, Riandi Boshoff het goud in die 50 meter vryslag en aflos verower, Elizmarie Cronje het goud in die 100 meter rugslag behaal en die rekord met net ‘n sekonde gemis (die rekord is 1.10.25 en haar tyd was 1.10.26), sy het ook ‘n silwer in die 100 meter borsslag en een silwer en twee goue medaljes vir die aflos verower. Idele du Toit was vierde in die 50 meter vlinderslag en het ook ‘n bronsmedalje vir aflos ingepalm. Gedurende die Summer games wat in Mahikeng gehou was, het die groep swemmers ook teen swemmers oor die hele provinsie meegeding in ‘n ontwik-

Die trotse swemmers van die Potchefstroom Swemklub. Voor is Liza Slaughter. In die middel is Nina Slaughter, Vicky Kruger en Chazel Orton . Agter is Maartens van der Berg, Aiden Nel, Chianka Reyneke, Mannscher Meyer, Conrad Jordaan en William Stephen Slaughter. Foto: Verksaf


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Tel: 018 290 8234



Hi Q

Dit gaan strate beter met die Noordwes Drake as met hulle groot boeties, die Highveld Lions. Laasgenoemde span kon net een van hulle tien wedstryde in die Momentum Eendag-reeks wen. Hulle het sewe verloor en twee het geen uitslag gehad nie. Die span eindig laaste op die punteleer. Daarteenoor gaan dit klopdisselboom met die Drake in die KSA Provinsiale Uitdaging. Na ‘n uitstekende vier dae se spel teen Grens op Senwespark, is die Drake tweede op die Driedag-punteleer, voor spanne soos die WP en KwaZulu Natal. In die Eendag-reeks blaas hulle in die nekke van Gauteng, KZN en Oostelike Provinsie met 10 punte na vier wedstryde. Die suksesverhaal teen Grens het so verloop: Grens kolf eerste en word beperk tot 209 lopies, almal uit met AF Erasmus wat 3/53 neem. Die Drake stapel ‘n allemintige 479 op voor hulle die beurt gesluit verklaar vir die verlies van net 5 paaltjies. In die proses teken Brett Pelser en Neil Bredenkamp ‘n nuwe kompetisierekord vennootskap vir die 5e paaltjie aan met hulle 162. Pelser was onoorwonne op 124 en Rapulana dra 112 by, Bredenkamp se bydrae was 94. Die oormag was net te groot vir die besoekers en hulle word uitgeboul vir net 115 met Erasmus wat 3/34 neem en die veteraan Garnett Kruger neem 4/36. Die Drake wen met ‘n beurt en 155 lopies en teken 20.16 ligapunte aan. Dit het nie veel beter gegaan met die Grens in Sondag se Eendag-wedstryd nie. Hulle kolf eerste en word almal uitgeboul in die 46e beurt vir net 137. Dieter Klein neem 4/26 en Pelser 2/19. Die tuisspan verloor met 2 paaltjies en staan op 140/2 om met 8 paaltjies te wen. *Die volgende krieket-aksie op Senwespark is die vierdagwedstryd tussen die Highveld Lions en die Warriors in die Sunfoil-reeks wat van 28 November tot 1 Desember plaasvind. *Die baie gewilde “Carols by Candlelight” vind op 26 November plaas.



15580TR13 16565HR13 16580TR13 17570TR13 16560HR14 17565TR14 18560HR14 18565HR14 18570TR14 19570TR14 19550VR15 20555R16 20560VR16 21565HR16 23560HR16 20540ZR17 21545ZR17 22545ZR17 195R14C 195R14C 20575R14C 215R15 30X95R15 24570R16


PRICE 390.00 540.00 410.00 430.00 570.00 455.00 495.00 570.00 620.00 680.00 570.00 700.00 795.00 920.00 1,020.00 700.00 940.00 1,080.00 980.00 1,150.00 1,200.00 1,220.00 1,550.00 1,500.00

21 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, PotchefstroomE-mail: info@lombardtyres.com

Tel: 018 293 0286 / 018 293 0337

15 November 2013

Jonathan rafts to third place in Parys Jonathan Pienaar recently took part in the River Championships that took place in Parys where he did exceptionally well. Jonathan, who is in the under 16 age group and a pupil at Potchefstroom Gimnasium, was unlucky not to be placed on the podium, He came third in the beginner age group of this competition with only a year of experience behind him. Kayakers from far and wide came to the competition with funny bright-coloured boats on the roofs of their cars. Paddlers from Natal and Mpumalanga enjoyed the challenge of superb competition, great weather and fantastic waves. The 2013 National Freestyle Kayaking Championships took place in the white water section of the Vaal Riv-

er, at Parys at the SunWa Holiday Resort and Conference Centre. The kayakers participated in 120 individual “runs” where they showed off their skills, including their best set of tricks, working hard to stay afloat in a turbulent constantly changing wave of surging water, doing flips, turns, twists, somersaults, balancing to stand up on both the nose and tail of their boats. Winners were chosen after 9 heats in a 4 hour period, in beginner, intermediate and expert categories. He comes from a very eager canoeing family with his father being a river racer for many years. His older brother Hannes earned his reputation in the white water field and his sister Helena also competed in the national event.

Freddie Botha skiet goue los Gert le Roes en Freddie Botha in Australië by die Wêreld Bankieskiet-kampioenskap.

Twee lede van die Hartbeestak van die SA Jagters en Wildbewaringsvereniging op Potchefstroom het uitstekend gevaar tydens die Wêreld Bankieskiet kampioenskap wat vanaf 16 tot 25 Oktober in Australië plaasgevind het. Hulle was deel van die Protea-span. Hulle skiet vyf skoot groeperings op 100 en 200 m en skiet met ’n 6 mm PPC.

Freddie Botha het ’n goue medalje in die 100 mafdeling verower met ’n groepering gemiddeld van .193 van ’n duim! Hy was ook algeheel 10de in die wêreld. Gert Le Roes het ’n tweede plek in die 200 m behaal en algeheel agtiende plek gekry. As span was dit die eerste keer in die geskiedenis dat Suid-Afrika ’n silwermedalje kon wen.

Jonathan Pienaar in action at the National Freestyle Championships


Photo: Provided

Ma. - Vr: 8:00 - 17:00 Sa. 8:00 - 12:00


Tel: (018) 297 6000 Fax: 086 546 8269 Email: tjaartvan@gmail.com

Vir behandeling van: • Hoofpyn (migraine. spanning). • Lae rugpyn • Nekpyn • Whiplash • ALLE SPORTBESERINGS • Spier- en gewrigspyne • “Accupuncture” • “Dry needling”

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