Potchefstroom Herald 10 April 2014

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11 April 2014 Prys: R4.70 Webblad: www.potchefstroomherald.co.za

Die Puk het Maandagaand hul wedstryd teen Ikeys in die doodsnikke verloor. Lees meer op die agterblad.

Foto: Johanita Viviers

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Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

Pa verloor seun ’n dag voor verjaarsdag

Sonika van Wyk Hy het nooit ’n verjaardag of ’n Kersfees gemis nie en altyd tyd gemaak vir sy mense. So beskryf Jacques Schonken (30) se ouers hom nadat hy op Donderdag 27 Maart skielik aan ’n hartaanval oorlede is. ’n Dag voor sy pa se verjaarsdag. Aristo en Sunette Schonken vertel dat hul seun geen mediese probleme gehad het nie. “Hy het glo gekla oor sooibrand en vroeër die dag gesê hy kry vreeslike borskaspyne.” Die nadoodse ondersoek het geen fout in sy maag gevind nie en die dokter het aan die familie verduidelik dat dit heel moontlik cholesterol was wat ’n blokkasie veroorsaak het. Jacques Schonken en sy jonger

broer, William (21), was baie geheg aan mekaar. “Hulle het saam gewerk en gebly. Jacques was bestuurder by Bourbon Street en William is tans ’n DJ daar,” vertel Sunette. William het die aand met Jacques se dood al die pad van die Bult tot by sy ouerhuis in Kampstraat bo in die Suiddorp gehardloop. “Hy het hier aangekom in die oggendure. Spierwit. Geskok. Die nuus van Jacques se dood was so onrealisties en moeilik om te aanvaar,” sê Aristo. Dit was ’n hartseer verjaarsdag vir Aristo op 28 Maart en die gesin mis Jacques vreeslik baie. Wanneer sy ouers van Jacques praat, praat hulle met trots en liefde. “Mense was Jacques se passie. Ek het al vir hom gevra of moet hy nie maar ’n dagwerk kry nie, maar dis waarvan hy ge-

hou het. Hy was totaal ’n mense-mens. Die lewe van die partytjie,” sê Sunette. Aristo meen Jacques het altyd geglimlag en gekgeskeer. Hy het daarvan gehou om mense te laat lag. “Ek moet net bysê hy was ’n verskriklike groot Shark-ondersteuner. Ek is ’n WP-ondersteuner en ons sou mekaar na elke wedstryd bel of boodskappe stuur om bietjie sout in mekaar se wonde te vryf.” “Ons wil net graag dankie sê vir ds. Coenie van Suiderkruis-gemeente, die personeel by Martins Begrafnisdienste vir hul uitstekende diens en personeel van ER24. Baie dankie aan al sy vriende en vriendinne en Albert en George van Bourbons vir die jare wat Jacques deel van julle gesin kon wees.”

Jacques Schonken (30), bestuurder by Bourbons, is skielik einde Maart aan ’n hartaanval oorlede. Hy was reeds tien jaar bestuurder en deel van die Bourbons-familie. Foto: Verskaf

chefstroom Hospital grudgingly allowed Schoeman through the gate. Two ambulances were parked amongst other vehicles blocking the driveway. It got worse at casualties, where they struggled to find someone to help them. They were told to wait in the queue. It was 09:37 when doctors eventually pronounced Stompie dead on arrival in the bakkie. They could not get a death certificate because she had not died in hospital. Desperate and frustrated, Schoeman called an attorney friend, Hans-Jurie Moolman, to help him sort things out. The deputy head of nursing later sent them back to casualties to get a ‘letter’. The form was signed by a doctor who had never seen one before, adding to Schoeman’s shock at the hospital’s inadequate emergency procedures. “If no one is willing or able to assist you, there should at least be signage to direct you,” he said. With documentation in hand, the family handed the body to Batho Pele Funeral Services in Promosa at 12:15 - after driving around with it for over three

hours. Schoeman describes the morning’s events as “inhuman”. “I realised that farm workers stand no chance in a situation like this,” he says. Susan Dodo, Stompie’s mother just says her “heart was very sore”. As farm workers living 28km from the provincial hospital, they appear to expect nothing more from the system. It was not the first time that the ambulance had either arrived very late, or not at all, she says. Foreman, Amone Dulula, feels farm workers are marginalised. He describes it as “a very bad situation”. The mobile clinic that visits the area is dismally understocked, and offers Panado to cure any and every ailment. “We have no transport so we need a reliable 24-hour service,” he says. The ruling party is focussing a great deal on the gains of the last two decades. Simultaneously, they depict farmers as the bad boys who treat their workers very badly. But Lydia’s family has only appreciation for their employer. In their

opinion, he was there for them when the health system wasn’t. Acting director of Potchefstroom Hospital, Modiri Mpati, says private vehicles may bring patients to the door in an emergency, as per internal security policy. Death certificates and post mortems are conducted by the SAPS and District Forensic Mortuary when patients have died outside of the hospital premises. Mompati disagrees that hospital signage is inadequate. “It is compulsory for every health institution to have signage so that citizens can easily access the services available. Potchefstroom Hospital has ensured that directional signage is in every corner of this area.” The hospital’s batho pele principles ensure that patients are treated with respect, courtesy and dignity, as reflected in its patient satisfaction rate, he says. There had been no response from the Tlokwe sub-district health management, under which the EMRS resides, by the time of going to print.

The farmer was there when the ambulance was not Cheryl Botha In four weeks Stompie Molele’s family members will put their x on the ballot paper. The ruling party will be banking on their support, but it is not a given. They believe that the 37-year-old mother of three would be alive if the ambulance had responded to their frantic call at 07:15 on Monday morning. It had still not arrived by Tuesday morning. The only two ambulances in Potchefstroom were both out, they were told. No one could say when one would be available. By 09:00, and several phone calls later, farmer and employer, GP Schoeman, gave up and loaded her into his bakkie, together with her distressed mother and 18-year-old son. “When I got through they said the ambulance was on its way. We are still waiting..,” he says. At that stage it was not certain whether she was still alive. It took three attempts and much frustration before security staff at Pot-

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

DNS-getuienis het bewys Mokataka het Corra verkrag. Hy het Dinsdag in ’n verrassende Die twee mans wat ’n boer verlede jaar naby Ventersdorp vermoor en sy wending tydens kruisondervraging vrou erg aangerand en verkrag het, is deur adv. Annalie Coetzee, vir die staat, Dinsdag in die rondgaande hof in Pot- gevou en skuld erken nadat hy met die DNS-bewyse gekonfronteer is. chefstroom skuldig bevind. Hy het tydens die hele verhoor van Regter Hennie de Vos het gesê Solomon Mojaki en Andries Mokataka meer as twee weke beweer die polisie is op 17 Maart verlede jaar saam na het ’n verklaring en uitwysings versin waarin hy alles kort Johan Stiglingh se ná die aanval erken plaas Sterkstroom, het. De Vos het Mojamet dié doel voor oë: ki ook skuldig beom hul weg met die vind aan verkragting nodige geweld oop te weens hul gemeenbaklei, wandade te skaplike optrede, pleeg en hul sin te omdat hy gehelp het kry ongeag die gevolom Corra se hande ge. vas te bind voordat Johan (67) is “uisy verkrag is en niks ters wreedaardig gedoen het om haar aangerand” en het te help nie. enorme breinbloeSy DNS is gevind ding gehad, het De op die tou waarmee Vos gesê. Corra (65) Corra se hande vasis so hard met ’n piksteel geslaan dat Andries Mokataka Dinsdag in die gebind is. De Vos het Mojaki haar regterarm sleg rondgaande hof in Potchefstroom, gebreek het. nadat hy skielik erken het hy het se weergawe verwerp Mojaki en Moka- Corra Stiglingh verkrag. Foto: Susan dat Mokataka al die wandade gepleeg het taka is skuldig be- Cilliers en hy net ’n onskuldivind aan moord, poging tot moord, verkragting en roof ge toeskouer was. Mojaki het onder met verswarende omstandighede. meer kaste deursoek, die kluis oopgesluit en gehelp om verskeie gesteelde Hulle word op 17 Junie gevonnis. Susan Cilliers

goedere van die Stiglinghs te gaan begrawe. De Vos het die twee se bewerings dat die polisie hulle aangerand het, as vals afgemaak en gesê dis duidelik hulle het inderdaad aanvanklik hul samewerking gegee en vrywillig uitwysings gedoen. “Die staatsgetuies is beïndruk met hul kort, kragtige en eerlike getuienis,” het De Vos gesê. “Albei die beskuldigdes het egter (ondanks hul heftige ontkennings) teen die einde, toe die web ál stywer begin span, betrokkenheid erken.”

Johan en Corra Stiglingh wat in Maart 2013 op hul plaas Sterkstroom naby Ventersdorp aangeval is. Johan is doodgeslaan en Corra erg aangerand en verkrag. Foto: Verskaf

Lojaliteit en waarnemingsvermoë van plaaswerker trek twee vas Susan Cilliers Deeglike polisie-ondersoekwerk en die lojaliteit en waarnemingsvermoë van ’n plaaswerker het daartoe gelei dat twee plaasaanvallers aan die pen gery het. Regter Hennie de Vos het Dinsdag in die rondgaande hof in die stad gesê die werker, Petrus Motlhabane, het ’n deurslaggewende rol gespeel in die arrestasie van Andries Mokataka en Solomon Mojaki. De Vos het dié twee Dinsdag skuldig bevind op alle aanklagte verbandhoudend met die aanval op 17 Maart verlede jaar op Johan en Corra Stiglingh op die plaas Sterkstroom naby Ventersdorp. Johan is vermoor en Corra erg aangerand en verkrag. Die egpaar se dogters, Elmien Christie en Heleen Vosloo, het gesê hulle is uiters tevrede met die uitspraak en dat dit hul verwagtinge selfs oortref het omdat Mojaki ook skuldig bevind is aan die verkragting van hul ma. Hulle was vol lof vir die polisie en plaaslike gemeenskap, plaaswerkers ingesluit, wat gehelp het om albei moordenaars binne twee dae ná die moord vas te trek. De Vos het gesê die polisie het geen steen onaangeroer gelaat om die skuldiges aan die pen te laat ry nie. Die staat

kon daarom ’n uiters sterk saak stel met verklarings, uitwysings en veral wetenskaplike bewyse soos DNS-getuienis. “Die feite is oorweldigend, albei verdagtes is danksy DNS positief met die toneel verbind,” het De Vos bevind. Hy het die getuienis van die plaaswerker Mothlabane uitgesonder. Dié werker op ’n plaas naby die Stiglinghs, het met ’n beperkte beskrywing wat Corra Stiglingh van haar verkragter gegee het, Mokataka as ’n moontlike verdagte uitgewys, asook Mojaki omdat hy geweet het die twee beweeg saam. Mothlabane was ook oplettend genoeg om selfone by hulle te sien wat verdag baie na dié van die Stiglinghs gelyk het. Hulle is kort daarna gearresteer. Regter De Vos het gesê Mothlabane het ook in sy

Andries Mokataka (links) probeer Dinsdag in die rondgaande hof in Potchefstroom sy gesig vir die kamera verberg. Solomon Mojaki staan langs hom in die beskuldigde bank. Foto: Susan Cilliers

getuienis ’n bedekte waarskuwing aan mense gerig om versigtig te wees wanneer hulle mense in diens neem. Mojaki en Mokataka het by geleentheid mielies help pluk op die Stiglinghs se plaas. “Dit geld vir mense van alle rasse,” het De Vos gesê. “Ek kan vir boere sê dit gaan erger in swart woonbuurte (as op plase), meer mense word daar vermoor.”

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Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

Die liefde wen in Mooirivier

Heinz Winckler en Nadia Beukes (die nuwe aanbieder van Boer Soek ’n Vrou) besig met hulle toneel in die film Mooirivier. Die toneel is op die Bult geneem en die sterre het na die tyd saam met ’n paar Potchefstromers foto’s geneem.

Sonika van Wyk Van verlede week gons Potchefstroom oor die film, Mooirivier, wat tans in ons mooi stad gemaak word. Rene van Rooyen, direkteur en draaiboekskrywer van Mooirivier, saam met haar span is van plan om tot 24 April in Potchefstroom besig te wees en Potchefstromers kan hul gereed maak om ’n hele paar bekende gesigte in hierdie tydperk te sien. Kaapland Films is die vervaardigers van Mooirivier en bestaan uit Tim Theron, Cobus van den Berg en Jorrie van der Walt. Al drie van hulle is ook trotse oud-Pukke. “Mooirivier bestaan uit klomp verskillende stories en is die heel eerste ensemble romantiese familie-komedie in Suid-Afrika en die hele film word in Potchefstroom geskiet. Die film is geïnspireer deur die treffers Love Actually, New Year’s Eve en Valentines Day. Die goue draad regdeur die hele film is egter liefde. Verskillende liefde in versillende vorme. Nie al die stories is ro-

manties nie,” sê Theron. Theron, wat in 2013 die hoofrol in Klein Karoo gespeel het, speel self ook in Mooirvier as Paul. “Die verhaal van Paul is meer ’n romantiese komedie. Paul is ’n dominee wat ’n eiendomsagent word. Hy voel vasgevang na sy vrou se dood en beweeg verkeerd aan. Hy ontmoet dan vir Lisa as sy ’n huis soek,” vertel Theron. Hy meen dat Mooirivier nie net nog ’n oppervlakkige fliek is nie. “Dit is nie ’n spookasem fliek nie. Die film bestaan uit verhoudings met mense. Dit is baie realisties en baie mense gaan hulself kan vereenselwig met van die rolle. Dit is ’n regte ‘feel good movie’ en mense gaan ná die film uitloop met ’n goeie gevoel in hul hart.” Daar is ’n hele paar bekende gesigte wat in die film te sien is. Greg Kriek, regisseur van Top Billing en akteur van Born to Win, is ook in die film te sien. Kriek is deel van ’n liefdesdriehoek in Mooirivier. “Ek speel gewoonlik die rol van die held en dit is lekker om die rol as die kansvatter, Jean Marc, in Mooi-

Cobus van den Berg, Rene van Rooyen en Tim Theron het Maandag ’n paar tonele geskiet op die Bult. Hulle gaan nog ’n hele rukkie hier in Potchefstroom wees. Foto’s: Sonika van Wyk

rivier aan te pak. Dit is ’n uitdaging as akteur met hierdie stoute karakter.” Mooirivier is Rene van Rooyen se eerste vollengte film en sy is baie opgewonde. “Die vervaardigers het my genader om die draaiboek te skryf. Saam het dit ons ’n jaar en ’n half geneem om die draaiboek te voltooi.” Dit is ook Rene se heel eerste keer in Potchefstroom

en sy is gaande oor die stad. “Dit is ’n groot gemeenskap wat hier gevestig is en almal bereid om bystand te lewer. Van die stadsraad tot die Puk, almal is bereid om te help. Dis iets anders.” Daar is totaal 243 tonele wat die span moet skiet en hulle is hard aan die werk. Die film sal volgende jaar in die teaters begin draai.

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

Officer, 3 men arrested for illegal firearm and police property Victor Boqo

A police tip-off led to the successful arrest of four suspects on Klerksdorp Road on April 3. Apart from the four suspects, the police arrested one of their own - a Potchefstroom correctional officer in his 24th year of service. According to the provinci-

al police correspondent Col Emelda Setlhako, the police were alerted of a white Toyota Corolla vehicle travelling on the N12 from Potchefstroom heading to Klerksdorp. It is alleged that the suspects were in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. The vehicle was also travelling a

high speed when it was stopped by the police. “During the police search, they found the firearm, a police hand radio, ammunition and a balaclava,” says Setlhako. The four suspects are Molefe Motladile (47), Richard Kalpan (40), Tebogo Mokoe (37) and Peter Monaisa (32). All appeared in the Potchefstroom Ma-

gistrates Court on April 7. The suspects have various previous criminal records ranging from DIY, possession of dagga, possession of stolen goods, assault and theft. All four suspects are still in custody and the matter will resume this Thursday afternoon for formal bail application.

The local health sub district office's environmental unit, Emergency Medical Rescue Services (EMRS) and Potchefstroom Hospital Officials rolled up their sleeves and joined hands to investigate the medical waste that was found dumped illegally in Promosa. Photo: Victor Boqo.

L ocal hhealth ealth aauthorities uthorities rremove emove Local iillegal llegal m edical w aste iin nP romosa medical waste Promosa Victor Boqo The local health sub-district office’s environmental unit, Emergency Medical Rescue Services (EMRS) and Potchefstroom Hospital teams joined hands by investigating the medical waste that was found dumped illegally in Promosa as reported in last week’s Herald. The authorities stated that they will not leave a stone unturned and will get to the bottom of the dumped medical waste. The authorities picked up the medical waste and disposed of it as through its accredited medical waste company required by law. The Herald, during its investigations to identify the owner of the dumped medical waste, contacted various local health institutions, resulting in the same response: It stated that the dumped waste is a Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) solution, which is for treatment of patients with severe chronic kidney disease. The PD solution would have been directly supplied to a patient’s home and it is not stock that the hospital would have ordered as standard. Diana King, Potchefstroom Mediclinic spokesperson, said, “The only way to trace the owner of the peritoneal dialysis solution is to check the lot number and contact Adcock Ingram in Aeroton in Johannesburg, which is a pharmaceutical company, to identify to whom that stock was supplied.” The Herald contacted the external communication manager of Adcock, Zolani Kunene, for comment and to investigate who was supplied with the dumped medical waste. However, by the time of going to print no response was received from him. The dumped

medical waste was discovered by a passer-by in the illegal dumping area situated at the corner of Domestic and Adolf Williams Street on March 26.

’n Botsing het Maandagoggend op die hoek van Govan Mbeki en Retiefstraat plaasgevind. Sover bekend was daar geen ernstige beserings nie. Teen druktyd kon die Herald nie meer inligting omtrent die ongeluk bekom nie. Foto: Vincent Mofokeng


Potchefstroom Herald

Klap teen die oor Ore hoor die minister van sport wil nou weer karring aan die kwotastelsel. Nasionale sportspanne moet glo van aanstaande jaar af net 40 persent wit spelers inhê anders gaan hy deelname aan internasionale wedstryde verbied. Het die minister van sportmanne en -vroue gevra of hulle dit wil hê of is dit sy eie brousel? Swart spelers met wie Ore gepraat het, wil nie in ’n span speel waar hulle voel hulle is net daar omdat hulle

Mevrou Ore was reeds met ’n breë glimlag op pad kamer toe. Tevrede dat haar span gewen het. Ore moes haar die bittere nuus gaan meedeel. Sy wou dit nie glo nie en Ore moes daardie laaste bittere oomblikke weer vir haar speel. Ore het net weggestap en gehoop hy word wakker vanuit ’n nare droom.

swart is nie. Hulle wil verdien om daar te wees. Hulle wil weet hulle is daar omdat hulle die beste is. Briljante swart spelers is reeds daar. Of is dit verkiesingspraatjies?


Ore kan nie herhaal wat hy Maandagaand voor sy TV gesê het toe die Pukke die game gewen, en toe verloor, het nie. Dit was nie mooi nie en Ore se dominee lees ook die Herald.

Sien is glo!

Ore hoor die mooi praatjies oor die Hoëveldpark wat nou weer hoog op die agenda is en dat daar plannetjies

11 April 2014

met die vliegveld is. Ore wil net sê: Sien is glo!! Ore kom darem ook nou al ’n paar jaar saam met die Herald en daar was al baie mooi voornemens en baie slim mense en komitees en taakspanne wat almal maar langs die pad spoed verloor het. Sien is glo!!

Hierdie foto is geneem Saterdag 5 April by Mooirivier Mall.

Kom ons staan saam as Suid-Afrikaners Ai Pukke, dit was soos nare droom Daar was seker baie min Potchefstromers wat nie Maandagaand of by die Fanie of tuis voor hul televisies vasgenael die eind­ stryd tussen die Pukke en die Ikeys in die Varsitybeker­reeks gekyk het nie. Behalwe dat dit vir die Puk ’n eerste keer was om in dié reeks in die eindstryd te wees, gebeur dit nie baie dat ’n Potchef­ stroomse span in ’n nasionale eindstryd van hierdie aard speel nie. Die uitslag van die wedstryd sal in rug­ bygeledere vir ewig by die Puk bly spook. ’n Wedstryd wat in die guns van die Puk moes eindig deur net die bal oor die kant­ lyn te skop het in ’n nare droom geëindig toe die Ikeys onder die pale gaan druk het. ’n Puk­speler het na die wedstryd gesê hy is ontsettend jammer vir Johnny Welt­ hagen wat sekerlik die beste bedoeling met daardie gewraakte skepskop­poging gehad het. As dit oor was, was hy die held. Die verskil tussen hero en zero is inder­ daad soms ’n baie dun lyn. Nogtans kan Johnny hom daaraan troos dat hy in een of twee sekondes ’n besluit moes neem. Die bal was in sy hande. Nie een van die ander spelers kan hulle in daardie oomblik in sy skoene plaas nie. Sy besluit gaan vir altyd by hom spook. Maar ons is almal net mense. ’n Span kan so klinies korrek as moontlik afgerig word, maar die menslike faktor kan nooit daaruit gehaal word nie. Miskien ook maar goed so, want anders sou sport maar vrek vervelig geraak het. Baie geluk aan Hendrik Truter en sy span wat ’n absolute puik aanbieding van die eindstryd georganiseer het. Ongeag die uitslag kan hulle baie tevre­ de voel met hoe alles verloop het. Die voorprogram was puik. Dit was ook ’n waardige totsiens vir dr. Theuns Eloff. Rugby lê hom baie na aan die hart

Hettie de Beer skryf: Ek reageer na aanleiding van die politieke debat wat in Potchefstroom gehou is. Desmond Carolus van die ANC, as dit nie so snaaks was nie kon ‘n mens hom jammer gekry het - dit het geklink of hy nie weet hoe om sy

saak te stel nie. Pieter Groenewald weet waaroor dit gaan en praat nie verniet al die tyd by die regte “skool” nie. Chris Hattingh ken ook sy storie. Kobus Roode – van waar gehasie? Nog heelwat om te leer. Net ‘n voorstel, aan alle Suid-Afrikaners, kan ons maar nie hande vat

en saam staan nie, dis die enigste kans om die ANC te laat gly. As Andries Pretorius, Gerrit Maritz en Piet Retief dit al destyds gedoen het, was ons situasie dalk totaal anders. Bid en nader God vir leiding en gebruik die verstand wat Hy ons gegee het.

gespreek oor smouse wat nie toegang tot toiletgeriewe het nie. Dieselfde geld natuurlik hierdie insittendes van die trokke langs die pad in die stad. Ek twyfel of die Padverkeer Ordonnansie of munisipale verordenings hierdie praktyk verbied indien dit geen gevaar vir ander padgebruikers inhou nie. Dit is egter so dat die polisie, sowel as verkeersbeamptes, nie hierdie mense pla nie. Sodoende ontstaan die “gebreekte ruit” sindroom. Dit kom daarop neer dat wanneer ’n

gebreekte ruit in ’n gebou nie vervang word nie, ’n tweede en derde ruit spoedig gaan breek. Voordat iemand dit agterkom, is al die ruite in die gebou flenters gegooi. Dit blyk dus asof die trokke nou deur almal gelate aanvaar word. Ek wil byvoeg dat ek uit die gemakstoel oordeel en geen voorstelle het om die probleem op te los nie. Ek hoop egter die raadslede van Potchefstroom neem hiervan kennis, aangesien hulle darem gewoonlik ’n oplossing vir probleme het, veral so voor ’n verkiesing.

Die gebreekte ruit­sindroom word ’n epidemie

Izak Smalman skryf: Elke nag, 7 dae per week, staan swaarvoertuie langs elke deurpaden straat in Potchefstroom geparkeer om dan tussen 6:00 en 7:00 die volgende dag te vertrek. Ek glo die Truck Inn buite Potch op die Johannesburg-pad kan nie al die trokke akkommodeer nie, dog ek is persoonlik van mening dat die trokdrywers dit geriefliker vind om in die stad vroue te kry wat bereid is om dienste te lewer. Herald het onlangs kommer uit-

Weet jy wat jy aan my doen? Anoniem skryf: Ek wil net graag weet, jy weet wie jy is! Is dit lekker om diere te vergif-

tig? Weet jy wat jy gedoen het aan my lewe toe jy my kat van my weggevat het op 9 April? Hoekom kom sê jy my nie hoe-

Dan word ons deur God verander Ds. Koos Mouton. Gereformeerde Kerk. Mooirivier 1 Samuel 3. Dit is een ding om die Woord van God te hoor, en iets heeltemal anders om daardie Woord van God aan ander mense te moet gaan vertel. Christene praat nie altyd maklik oor die Woord van God nie. So was die pad vir Samuel as bang jong seun in die tempel na die onbevreesde profeet wat hy sou word, nie maklik nie. Veral nie as hy met sy leermeester, Eli, moes gaan praat het, omdat hy nie sy seuns bestraf het oor hulle verkeerde lewe en optrede nie. In dié tyd is die Woord van die Here min gehoor. En dan praat die Here met die jong Samuel. Hy moet ‘n preek gaan lewer waarvoor hy glad nie

kans gesien het nie. Aanvanklik gaan hy op in sy werk as “koster” om die tempeldeure te gaan oopsluit, vroeg die môre, nadat die Here met hom gepraat het. Hy skram weg van die taak wat hom opgelê is. ‘n Mens kan by jou roeping en opdrag verbyloop, soos die Fariseër en tollenaar by die gewonde man wat langs die pad gelê het, en so ongehoorsaam word aan jou roeping en opdrag. Jy kan opgaan in die godsdiens, Bybelstudie, maar as jy die kennis van die Woord net vir jouself hou, is jy ten diepste ongehoorsaam aan die groot opdrag om mense te gaan

vertel van God se liefde in Christus. Die Here is bly oor jou ruim finansiële bydrae vir die sending, maar as Hy jou roep om te gaan sendingwerk doen, en jy gebruik jou “ruim bydrae” as verskoning waarom jy nie met ander mense praat oor Jesus nie, is jy ongehoorsaam. Ons almal is maar bang om ons werk as Christen te doen. Die predikant is bang om aan die deur van die huis te klop waar hy vooraf weet dit ‘n “moeilike” besoek gaan wees en hy weerstand teen die Woord, en die Here, gaan kry. Die ouderling is bang om sy regeeramp te moet uitoefen

kom jy dit gedoen het nie, ek bly in Maroela 3B. Dan kom kyk jy wat het jy aan my hart gedoen, die kat was my lewe.

by die besoekpunt waar hy dalk summier uit die huis gejaag sal word. Die diaken wil nie gaan werk waar die Diens van Barmhartigheid nie waardeer word nie. Jy en ek wil nie die gholfmaat wat saam met jou speel vermaan wanneer hy die naam van die Here ydelik gebruik nie. Jy vind dit moeilik om jou buurman aan te spreek oor sy alkoholmisbruik. Bang getuie? As jy erken dat jy tot die dood toe bang is, teruggetrokke, nie maklik praat oor jou geloof nie, is daar hoop vir jou. As jy maar jou vertroue op Jesus Christus stel, en van Hom al jou moed om te moet praat verwag, gee Hy dit. Dan word ons deur God verander – van bang mense, soos Samuel, tot profete wat nie sal huiwer om die kwaad uit te wys, en om God se Woord suiwer te verkondig nie. Agter Samuel se boodskap vir sy tyd het die lewende Here gestaan. Hy is vandag nog dieselfde.

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald

Gardener mistaken for intruder

to the unlocked house, which is within walking distance from his own home. “I was drunk and I thought I was at The murder charge against Oscar Pistorius is still fresh in readers’ minds. home,” says Mpitso, who says he fell The case being tried at the North Gau- asleep on the floor of his employer’s teng High Court is for shooting and kil- passage leading to the bedroom. Mpitling his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, so explains that he was woken by two after apparently thinking she was an in- men who hit, kicked and stabbed him while he was sleeping. “I pleaded with truder. A similar case was reported this them, explaining that I’m the gardener, week after a gardener was brutally as- but they did not want to listen,” he says. “I was screaming and crying for help saulted for being mistaken for an inwhile they were beating me up and hittruder. In the early hours of Sunday last ting me against the walls. I thought they week a gardener found himself at the were going to kill me.” When the Herald visited Mpitso in his wrong place at the wrong time. Bonolo Mpitso (29) is in a bad state Potchefstroom Hospital bed on April 7, after he was brutally beaten by two sus- his body was bruised and covered in pects when they mistook him for intru- scabs from severe injuries. To add inder at his employer’s house in Ikageng. sult to his injury, he had vulgar words Mpitso was on his way home from a scribbled on his back and feet. When drinking spree at one of the local pubs speaking to the Herald Mpitso insisted at about 00:30 when he gained entry he was not there to steal. “For being at the wrong house, I apologise; but I was drunk and confused.” According to his sister, Puleng Mpitso, she found her brother lying in a pool of blood and covered with a blanket. “My brother might have been wrong for being at his employer’s house, but they did not have the right to beat him almost to death. Justice must prevail,” she says. Kgomotso Motlhoki, owner of the house, says she was in Pretoria Vulgar Setswana words had been scribbled across Mpitso's over the weekend and had left one of the two feet. Photos: Victor Boqo. Victor Boqo


suspects to guard the house. She says it was about 02:30 when she received a phone call from one of the assailants. “He informed me that there was someone sleeping in my bedroom and was wearing my pyjamas.” Motlhoki said, ”When I asked him to describe him, the description he gave did not sound like anyone I knew. I asked them to keep him in the house until I arrived. Bonolo allegedly provoked the altercation when he asked them who they were, resulting in the physical attack. “Bonolo Mpitso was admitted with multiple lacerations on the head and both eyes were swollen and bruised. There were also multiple bruises on his neck, chest, abdomen and legs.” said Potchefstroom Hospital spokesperson, Mr Modiri Mompati. The Ikageng Police correspondent, Bonolo Mpitso sustained back injuries, and Const. Kelebogile Trom, confirmed the shows the vulgar words that were written incident and said police were investiga- by the suspects. ting a case of assault. The two suspects, aged 27 and 28, were arrested on Tuesday morning and later released on bail of R500 each. The suspects are Thabo Webster and Isaac Tsimane, who appeared at the Potchefstroom Magistrates Court on April 9. The matter was postponed for further investigation until Bonolo Mpitso (29) was still in discomfort in his Potchefstroom April 30. Hospital bed on Monday.


Potchefstroom Herald

Is die Varsity Cup ererondes vir dr. Theuns Eloff nie bietjie erg nie? Waar is prof. Herman en ander kampusse se rektore se gesiggies? Vir die Puk Rugbyspan - daar is lewe na koning rugby ook. Ons hoop daar word dieselfde energie ingegooi in Varsity-atletiek en ander sportsoorte ook. Dit was nogtans ‘n skouspel! Dankie aan organiseerders! (Besorgde Potchefstroomse waarnemer). 3 hoera’s vir die persoon by Volkies wat besig is om ons sportterrein op te knap! Dankie! Ons sien dit raak - Hou so aan! Trotse Volkie-ouer. Die vrug van die Gees, daarteenoor, is liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedhartigheid, getrouheid, nederigheid en selfbeheersing. Gal 5:22. Wedstryd tussn die Pukke en UCT: Ek is 30 jaar + woonagtig in Potch, maar as gebore Kapenaar is ek trots op UCT. Aan Gert Gatvol, dis nie net u wat gatvol is nie, die hele stad is! Na watter ingenieurs verwys u? In die verlede was daar altyd 4 of 5 ingenieurs. Die stadsingenieur en paaie ingenieursposte is vakant en dit is waarom die strate so lyk. Die enigste en laaste gekwalifiseerde ingenieur is verantwoordelik vir waterdienste en gaan glo binnekort met pensioen, dan is daar niks. Net die Raad is te blameer. My bekkie, lief jou vir altyd! Jy is my lewe my alles! Jy sal weet wie. The driver of the million plus rand, luxury Cabriolet, who drove at over 200 kph. This reckless act on the Parys Road, last weekend is shameful, and the driver should face serious retribution. Noudat die e-tol in werking is, sien jy baie motors sonder nommerplate. Boete glo

minder sonder nommerplate as spoed of e-tol. Sien die verkeersmense dit nie? Thank you to Mediclinic Maternity Ward staff for the wonderful support we received at the birth of our daughter last week! Sister Maxie was amazing with helping with breastfeeding and truly has a heart of gold! Thank you! Zandri, ons het jou vriendelike gesiggie en flinke diens gemis by Mike’s, hoop om jou volgende Sondag te sien. Ek stem saam dat swaar trokke verbied word om paaie te gebruik soos die R501 wat nie ontwerp is vir sulke voertuie nie. Hulle kos te dikwels gewone padgebruikers se lewens en hou paaie in ‘n onrybare toestand. Maak plan met MooiRivier Mall, daar is niks vir kleuters, laer- of hoërskoolkinders om te doen nie. Gaan kyk na die Cradle Stone Mall en Cresta Mall en Amanzimtoti Mall. Bou ons mall hoër, sit ’n yskaatsbaan, tenpin bowling, putt putt en meer eetplekke, groot speelplekke vir die kinders in, asook meer plekke vir tieners soos bane vir skateboards, go-carts en dalk ’n rolskaatsbaan. Die kinders het nêrens in ons dorp om te speel of na ordentlike plekke te gaan nie. Dit lei daartoe dat hulle allerhande verkeerde goed doen, Potch bied niks vir kinders nie. Ons het net plekke vir studente, maar duisende kinders wat skreeu: Asb ons soek vermaak! McDonalds is beslis die stadigste eetplek in Potch! Ag nee man! Wil vandag die dame wat my in die melkery gesê het dat ek weer moet aansoek doen vir pensioen bedank. Dankie hul het vir my pensioen toegestaan sonder om oneerlik te wees. Ek weet nie wat haar naam is maar baie, baie dankie. Dankie Herald vir

11 April 2014

die sms rubriek. Van ‘n dankbare ouma :-).

soek? Red)

Des Staunton, Is it the truck’s fault that roads are too narrow and under-maintained! Best you keep out of their way. Everything in your life arrives on a truck. I can show you roads where no trucks travel. . . massive potholes! Get your facts right and use the N12, it also goes past C/ville. My no. 083 5864 059.

Wilna en span van La Boheme jul is tops!! Was heerlik en pragtig. Dag om te onthou! Hendersons. Die mense in Potch moet bykom! En flippen vinnig! Geen mens op ’n scooter, ’n motorfiets of ’n fiets is hul lewe meer seker nie!!!Kom by! En maak julle ogies oop!

Baie dankie aan oom Cobus vir die 3 koue staal buig-boeke wat hy verniet aan my geskenk het? Groetnis Chris? Hoekom is wit mense so skynheilig, haat swart mense maar gee voor hulle is kerkmense. Ag los tog om so te wees ASB! Jislaaik Juan van JNL konstruksie, jy het netjiese werk aan my staaldeur gedoen, doen so voort, ek beveel jou aan. Wilma. Why do so many people enjoy it when a high profile person is caught for drunken driving ? Fact is most of these gloaters have driven a vehicle whilst over the limit. So think carefully, prior to hurling a stone. Lang gras by begraafplaas is probleem en wat van as die winter kom, dan brand dit ook nog, sien darem daar is iemand wat nou adverteer om grafte in stand te hou en die kopstukke een keer per week te was. Die dame wat skryf oor die stunning ou wat ’n geborgde Daly Ford Ranger-bakkie ry. Wees asb meer spesifiek. Daar is verskeie kleure bakkies en verskil ook tussen die kajuitgroottes, sowel as verskeie stunning ouens wat hulle ry! Het die Herald nou heeltemal mal geword om ‘n (waarskynlik) bejaarde persoon se volle identiteitsnommer te publiseer? (Op versoek van sy dogter wat (hom) haar pa

Die ‘siek’ vrou wat op 2 April voor my kinders ingery het voor die polisiestasie en amper hul dood veroorsaak het. Ek hoop jy kry nagmerries vir die res van jou lewe!! So bietjie raad voorkomend vir hartaanval: In ’n boek gelees as persoon begin kla oor borspyn gee 3 teelepels rooipeper in ’n glas water, hartaanval gaan dadelik oor en neem persoon dan dr. toe vir verdere behandeling. Gerda. Prof & dr: Hoe op dees aarde kry Wimpie van Graan dit reg om oor sovele jare sulke goeie elektrisiteitsdienste teen buitengewone redelike fooie te lewer? Baie dankie! Sal graag namens ons inwoners hoor of julle asseblief meer inligting het of sal kry oor die gemors met die riool hier onder in Miederpark nie? Ons hoor gerugte....Dit lyk sleg hier en alles staan stil. Stadsraad het een poging aangewend om takke weg te ry en dit staan ook. Blykbaar iets soos R400 000 betaal vir ’n man van Rustenburg....asseblief ons wil weet wat met ons geld gebeur..... Dankie, Marie. Baie dankie aan Tuisgenot vir die heerlike koeke wat hul altyd bring vir die inwoners by Uitkoms, ons waardeer dit opreg. Die River Walk Mall word netjies opgeknap en Shoprite sal eersdaags oopmaak. Hoop die bestuur van die gebou gaan die slaggate opvul en die parkeerstrepe oorverf. Oppie.

Soek en vind Dringend. Belinda vd Westhuizen het ‘n skaaphondjie in die pad gekry by Pick n Pay-pad en Rio-kafee. Skakel haar by 083 3224 153. Dankie. Ek is dringend op soek na wol, as daar iemand is wat my kan help, sal ek dit waardeer. Kontak no 079 3816 358. Dringend op soek na my ou hoërskool resepteboek “gekeurde klein resepte” @ ferdinand postmaskool 1970s hulp asb? Dringend! Op soek na HP laptop serialnommer ****235K. Indien iemand kan help, skakel asb 082 887 3718. I have 4 p4 complete computors for sale. 083 732 4671. Môre mense, weet iemand dalk waar kan ek ‘n paar skoene en ‘n hoed laat verbrons? Dis sentimentele items wat ek wil bewaar. My nr is 082 3453 165. Dankie almal. Ek is ‘n student bereid om u huis en diere oor naweke en vakansies op te pas. 074 1257 376. As u enige ou huisraad byvoorbeeld hangkas, kombuiskas en rakke het

waarvan u wil ontslae raak, sal ek dit met groot liefde van u hande af neem. My naam is Carol. Sel nr 078 1196 518. Ek het ’n Cuisine Select-oond waarvan die element geblaas het. Die firma wat dit verkoop het in Kempton Park bestaan nie meer, weet iemand dalk waar ek ’n element te koop kan kry, sal dit baie waardeer. Potchefstroom is daar nie iemand wat ’n motorhuis wil verhuur nie, ek en my man moet trek, ek het net een nier asb sal reg maak dan is ek nog op soek na ’n TV, masjien en klere asb die winter is hier my nr is 082 4237 130 ek vra met trane in my oë asb. Is there any music recording studio here in Potch or Ikageng? Please give me numbers, 072 143 2449. Ek het vragte goeie tweede handse klere. Dames boetiekrokke en mans pakke. Geen kinderklere. Wat maak ek met dit? Skakel (018) 293 0700. Is daar iemand wat my kan help met vervoer vir my twee kinders van Maroelasstraat tot by Volkskool in oggende en middae asseblief 0798785848.

Die woef wat sy debuut gemaak het by Maandagaand se rugbywedstryd tussen Heimat en Patria is tans op soek na sy eienaars. So as dié bekende rugbyster joune is, skakel asseblief die beskermingsdienste by die PUK vir nadere besonderhede.

Op Woensdag 26 Maart het lede van Huisvlyt 'n baie gesellige funksie geniet om hul 20ste verjaardag te vier.Hier is die voorsitter me. Kosie van der Merwe, met die spreker dr. Gerhard Engelbrecht.

Tydens die VLU se jaarlikse konferensie te Mareetsane het Leeuharttak vir die 14de agtereenvolgende jaar die trofee vir die hoogste totale punte verower. Hier ontvang Flo Groenewald (voorsitter van Leeuharttak) een van agt taktrofeë van Marie Richards.

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald

Vincent Mofokeng Powerful, agile and distinctive, the F-TYPE is a true Jaguar sports car, engineered for high performance and instantaneously responsive handling the latest in a distinguished bloodline. Supercharged engines, lightweight aluminium body construction and advanced driving technologies deliver an experience that is intuitive, instinctive and alive. In a Jaguar, every corner feels smooth. This extraordinary driving sensation is thanks, in part, to adaptive dynamics. It continuously monitors the speed, steering and body movements of the car, adapting the suspension 500 times a second. Technology so alive it is 20 times faster than the human eye. Designers began to use aluminium for its light, stiff construction nearly 60 years ago. Today, they are world leaders in aluminium technology. They’ve developed their own unique alloy and the world’s largest aluminium press to create the F-TYPE’s unique razor sharp edges. And now, Jaguar Intelligent Aluminium Architecture will revolutionise how they create cars that are more agile and more alive.

Now in-store at Daly Auto

Photo: Victor Boqo.


The moment you step into a Jaguar, its unique Intuitive Technology comes to life. From the engine start button that invites you to bring the car to life, to the gear selector that rises up from centre console to give you a welcoming ‘handshake’, every detail is designed to engage your senses. The sensation continues throughout the drive. From self-levelling suspension to intelligent headlights, the intuitive technology makes every journey feel alive. Jaguar engines combine effortless power and uncompromising refinement, and give the driver the right engine to suit their driving style. From the performance and fuel economy of the turbocharged 2.2 litre i4 diesel to the astonishing top speed and acceleration figures of the 5.0 litre Scholtz Fourie from Daly Auto handing over the keys to the brand new owner of the Jaguar V8 405 Supercharged engine. F-type dressed in a stunning red to Mr Johan Erasmus with Johan Erasmus Junior. Photo: High performance braking of- Victor Boqo fers the progressive bite and posiAs you walk into Daly Auto she cat- great Jags in store, go take a tive feedback from the road that makes the car feel so alive. Derived from mo- ches your eye, dressed in a scarlet red look...she’s hot. The all-aluminium Jaguar F-TYPE torsport technology, Jaguar’s Carbon looking as breathtaking as always but Ceramic Braking system is the most the new breed of Jags will sweep you Coupé model line-up is headlined by the F-TYPE R Coupé, its 550PS/680Nm powerful ever available on a Jaguar ro- off your feet at a moment’s notice. It’s not just about its eye-catching 5.0-litre supercharged V8 engine enabad car. beauty but also its state ling acceleration from 0-60mph in of the art machinery, one 4.0-seconds, and a top speed of ride that will make your 300kmph (limited). F-TYPE S Coupé and F-TYPE Coupé blood rush from head to models complete the range, powered toe. Well unfortunately for respectively by 380PS and 340PS verus, or fortunately for Mr. sions of Jaguar’s 3.0-litre supercharJohan Erasmus, the ged V6 engine, giving 0-60kmph in beauty in that beast, 4.8/5.1-seconds and top speeds of F-Type makes him her 275kmph. The F-TYPE Coupé range complefirst owner since the launch of this magnifi- ments the existing 2013 ‘World Car Decent automobile with lo- sign of the Year’ award-winning F-TYPE Convertible model line-up of V6-engive from Daly Auto. Daly Auto now has ned F-TYPE (340PS) and F-TYPE S this new bloodline of (380PS), and the F-TYPE V8 S (495PS). Now in-store at Daly Auto Photo: Victor Boqo.


Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

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BMW 2013 BMW 118I A/T (F20) .......................................................... R329 990 2011 BMW X1, 2L(D), A/T, SPORTSPACK, M/PLAN................. R369 990 2011 BMW320I COUPE A/T, EXCLUSIVE, S/ROOF................. R359 990 2011 BMW I18 (F20) M/T, S/ROOF, S/PACK, XENON .............. R279 990 2011 BMW 320I M/T .................................................................. R229 990 2010 BMW X1, 2.3D, A/T, SUNROOF, M/PLAN, NAV ............... R399 990 2010 BMW 530(D), A/T (F10) NAV, S/ROOF, XENON, PDC, .... R539 990 2010 BMW 325I COUPE A/T M/SPORTSPACK, S/ROOF ........ R299 990 2010 BMW 523I A/T S/ROOF ONLY 21000KM ....................... R424 990 2010 BMW 320I M/SPORT PACK .............................................. R219 990 2009 BMW 135I A/T, CONVERTIBLE, GREY, M/SPORT .......... R349 990 2009 BMW 750I (F10) ................................................................ R699 990 2008 BMW 330I, CONVERTIBLE, A/T, LOW KM, M/S/PACK.... R359 990 2008 BMW M3 COUPE M/T BAL. OF M/P A/T .......................... R449 990 2008 BMW 335 I A/T , S/ROOF, M/PLAN.................................... R269 990 2007 BMW 323I A/T, GREY, M/SPORT...................................... R169 990 2007 BMW 525I A/T F/L, SILVER, 80 000KM ............................ R249 990 2007 BMW M6 CONVERTIBLE 57000KM M/PLAN ................ R599 990 2007 BMW 550I A/T, BLACK...................................................... R379 990 2007 BMW 130I, SPORTPACK, S/ROOF, LEATHER ................ R184 990 2007 BMW 320I (E90) EXCLUSIVE, S/ROOF........................... R164 990 2007 BMW 335I COUPE 24000KM .......................................... R299 990 2007 BMW 320I.......................................................................... R139 990 2007 BMW 118I M/T .................................................................. R149 990 2006 BMW 525 A/T, SILVER, M/SPORT, S/ROOF .................... R189 990 2006 BMW 320I E90 .................................................................. R149 990 2006 BMW 320I (E90 ................................................................. R124 990 2006 BMW 330I A/T, INDIVIDUAL ............................................. R179 990 2006 BMW 320I (E90) EXCLUSIVE............................................R144 990 2005 BMW M5, SMG ................................................................. R369 990 2005 BMW 320I (E90) SILVER .................................................. R124 990 2005 BMW 318I TOURING ........................................................ R114 990 2004 BMW 318I, INDIVIDUAL.................................................... R119 990 2004 BMW 320D A/T ................................................................. R129 990 1999 BMW 318I (E46) M/T......................................................... R124 990

2014 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2006 2004 2003


AUDI TT RS QUATTRO CONVERTIBLE........................ P.O.A. AUDI A5 3.0TDI SPORTPACK, QUOTRONIC................ R389 990 AUDI A3 1.8 T CABRIOLET A/T ...................................... R279 990 AUDI A5 2.0 T FSI MULTITRONIC.................................. R329 990 AUDI A3 2.0TFSI S-TRONIC, BLACK............................. R274 990 AUDI A5 3.2 I QUATRO TIP S/ROOF ............................ R319 990 AUDI RS6 LOW MILEAGE,FULL HOUSE...................... R649 990 AUDI TT 2.0FSI TT ROADSTER CONVERTIBLE.......... R289 990 AUDI A4 1.8T M/T (B8) ATTRACTION, BLACK .............. R224 990 AUDI, A8, 3.0 TDI, A/T .................................................... R269 990 AUDI A4 1.9 TDI AVANT M/T .......................................... R114 990 AUDI A4 1.8T AVANTE, MULTITRONIC ......................... R119 990


2009 HYUNDAI TIBURON 2.0 GLS, BLACK, 77000KM..........R164 990 2009 CHEVROLET AVEO 1.6 LS SEDAN A/T .........................R119 990 2009 MINI COOPER CONVERTIBLE (NEW LEVEL) ..............R229 990 2009 KIA SOUL 1.6 H/S ..........................................................R179 990 2008 OPEL ASTRA 1.9 CDTI 76 000KM, BLACK GTC ..........R189 990 2007 RENAULT CLIO III 1.6 DYNAMIC...................................R107 990

2010 HONDA CRV 2.4I V-TEC ELEGANCE A/T, SILVER........R299 990

2008 MERCEDES BENZ ML63 AMG FULL MOBILO ..............R499 990 2008 TOYOTA QUANTUM 2.7 SESFIKILE 145.......................R184 990 2007 CHRYSLER GRAND VOYAGER 3.3 LX A/T.................. R199 990 2007 MERCEDES ML 500 FULL HOUSE, MAGS .................. R419 990 2007 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 3 TD V6 S/ROOF ............. R269 990

2007 CADILLAC BLS 2.8 V6 A/T..............................................R179 990

2007 M/BENZ ML63 AMG ....................................................... R449 990

2007 HONDA ACCORD EXECUTIVE M/T...............................R119 990

2007 BMW X5 3.0 IS A/T SUNROOF...................................... R299 990

2006 PEUGEOT 407 3.0 V6 S/R, R/CD, LEATHER, E/SEATS...R139 990

2006 LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER, SILVER, 99000KM..... R399 990

2005 RENAULT MEGANE 2.0 T, SPORT, 3 DR ......................R129 990

2006 BMW 3.0D X5,A/T, GOLD .............................................. R279 990

2005 MAZDA 6 2.3 SPORT LUX ..............................................R109 990

2006 HYUNDAI TUCSON 2.0 GLS ........................................ R139 990

2005 RENAULT GRAND SCENIC 2.0 7 SEATER A/C,............R104 990

2006 BMW X5 4.8IS A/T, GREY, FULL HOUSE...................... R349 990

2004 HONDA ACCORD 2.4 TYPE S........................................R 99 990

2005 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER 2.2L, S/R, LEATHER.......... R134 990

2003 JAGUAR X-TYPE 3.0 SE ...............................................R119 990

2005 BMW X5 3L(D) A/T ......................................................... R179 990


2005 VW TOUAREG 5.0 TDI V10 A/T..................................... R249 990

2013 TOYOTA HILUX 2.5 D4D 4X4 D/C ................................. R379 990 2011 ISUZU KB 250 LE D/C (KB72) ....................................... R259 990 2011 MAZDA, BT50, 2.5, SLX, SUPER CAB ......................... R209 990 2011 GWM STEED 2.2I LUX D/C ........................................... R119 990 2011 NISSAN NP200 .............................................................. R119 990 2010 MAZDA BT50 3.0 D/C .................................................... R239 990 2010 MAZDA BT50 S/C........................................................... R169 990 2010 ISUZU KB 250 D-TEC D/C, CANOPY............................ R239 990 2010 ISUZU KB 3L D-TEC, D/CAB, A/T.................................. R255 990 2010 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5TDI E-CAB, WHITE 60000KM ..... R239 990 2010 NISSAN HARDBODY NP300 2.5 TDI D/C ..................... R179 990 2010 GWM STEED 2.8 D/C CANOPY ................................... R179 990 2010 OPEL CORSA 1.4 CLUB CANOPY MAGS .....................R119 990 2010 NISSAN HARDBODY NP300 2.5 TDI HIRIDER P/U ..... R199 990 2009 ISUZU KB360, LX, D/C ................................................. R209 990 2008 FORD F250 S/C,WHITE................................................. R239 990 2008 ISUZI KB 200I FLEETSIDE S/C, CANOPY......................R 94 990 2007 NISSAN 1400 5 SPEED .................................................. R 49 990

2005 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY 3 V8 HSE A/T ................... R219 990 2005 CHRYSLER GRAND VOYAGER 2.8 CRDI ....................R139 990 2004 BMW X5 4.4L, S/PACK, S/ROOF.................................. R249 990 2004 BMW X5 3L I LOW KM NAVIGATION LOTS OF EX ...... R229 990 2003 JEEP CHEROKEE 2.4 SPORT 4 X 4, SILVER .............. R 99 990 2003 MERCEDES BENZ VITO 112 CDI CREWBUS, ............. R149 990 2001 JEEP CHEROKEE 3.7 A/T 2.4 4X4 GOLD ...................... R 99 990

CARS UNDER R100 000 2009 PEUGEOT 207 3DR, BLACK............................................. R94 990 2007 PROTON SAVVY, LOW KM`S ........................................... R 59 990 2007 FORD FOCUS 1.6 TRENDLINE ........................................ R 99 990 2007 RENAULT SCENIC 1.6 EXP .............................................. R 99 990 2007 RENAULT MEGANE 1.6 GOLD SEDAN, A/C, P/S, C/L .... R 99 990 2006 RENAULT MEGANE 2.0 DYNAMIC, R/CD, A/C, P/S ........ R 99 990 2006 VW CITY RYTHEM 1.4 ...................................................... R 59 990 2006 VW POLO CLASSIC 1.6 COMFORTLINE ......................... R 84 990 2006 CRYSLER PT CRUIZER, 2.4 LIMITED.............................. R 94 990

2014 TOYOTA ETIOS SEDAN ........................................................ P.O. A. 2011 TOYOTA VERSO 1.6 SX M/T, GREY................................ R229 990 2011 TOYOTA YARIS, ZEN ………………………………………..R139 990 2011 TOYOTA YARIS 1.0 XS 5 DR ( NEW SHAPE) ................... R129 990 2011 TOYOTA AYGO 1.0 WILD 5DR ..........................................R114 990 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 ADVANCED................................ R179 990 2010 TOYOTA YARIS T3 + 5 DR MAGS (63 KW) ..................... R149 990 2009 TOYOTA YARIS T3 + ........................................................ R109 990 2007 TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 ADVANCED A/T ............................R119 990

2007 GWM, D/C, 2.2I, 56000KM...............................................R 84 990

2005 HONDA CIVIC 150 I, GOLD, A/C, P/S, C/L, R/CD............. R 99 990

2006 NISSAN TDI KING CAB.................................. .............. ..R 99 990

2005 TATA INDICA ..................................................................... R 45000

2006 NISSAN NAVARA 2.5 DCI, D/C ..................................... R169 990

2005 MINI COOPER 1.6 GOLD BLACK, A/C, E/W..................... R 99 990

2005 MAZDA DRIFTER 2.5 TDI SLE D/C............................... R129 990

2004 VW POLO 1.9 TDI .............................................................. R 79 990

2005 NISSAN HARDBODY 2.7 D/CAB.................................... R 89 990

2001 MERCEDES-BENZ C320I A/T,WHITE............................... R 99 990

2005 MAHINDRA BOLECO 2.5 TDI 4X4 D/C CANOPY .......... R 89 990

2001 M/BENZE A160 .................................................................. R 59 990


2005 MAZDA DRIFTER 2.5 SLE D/C....................................... R 99 990

2000 BMW 330I E46, GREY, A/C, R/CD, A/T, E/W .................... R 99 990

2005 MAHINDRA BOLERO, S/C, 4X4 .................................... R 89 990

2000 BMW 320D, RED................................................................ R 79 990

2010 MAZDA BT50 3.0 TDI D/C.............................................. R229 990

1995 TOYOTA CAMRY ............................................................... R 45 000

2014 VW GOLF 7 2.0 GTI .............................................................. P.O.A 2014 VW GOLF 7 G.T.I DSG ALL EXTRAS .................................... P.O.A

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald

C elebrity m ousebird ssteals teals Celebrity mousebird tthe he llimelight imelight a nd h earts and hearts Cheryl Botha

He may be small in size but he’s certainly big on personality. It’s hard to believe that just over two months ago ‘Scratch’, the mousebird was a tiny bundle of fluff in the middle of a busy road. No one knows how Andrew de Wet spotted him on the grey tar, but he did, and slamm ed on brakes just in time. His fiancé, Marelize Coetser ( 23) jumped out in her long, flowing dress and tried to get him to safety. “He was bouncing all over the road with me darting behind him in the traffic. It must have been hilarious,” she laughs at the memory. Today he enjoys celebrity status in the aviary at the Blomwinkeltjie, stealing the hearts of young and old alike. By the morning after his rescue, just before the end of January, Scratch was ravenous and greedily devoured the food on offer, all but swallowing the syringe in the process. And so began his two-hourly feeding routine. “I can honestly say we never gave him much attention apart from that,” says Marelize. Even though he was not confined to a cage, the fledgling chick chose not to fly away, welcoming the young couple enthusiastically when they got home from work each night. “Somehow he just decided he liked us.” He showed his affection by nibbling at their feet and unexpectedly flying onto their heads and rearranging their hairstyles. More recently he has adopted the embarrassing habit of nestling in ladies’ cleavage. Scratch the celebrity mouse“No one taught him to do those bird has stolen the limelight things, - it just came naturally,” Mareliand the hearts of all those who ze insists, amused. have had the pleasure of meeHis odd habits have earned him the ting him. Photo: Cheryl Botha title of the undisputed Mr Personality.

A month after Scratch’s rescue Marelize picked up a baby thrush that had fallen out of his nest. When its mother’s initial interest in him waned she introduced him to the orphanage. That was the beginning of a heart-warming, if not lasting, friendship. “It was so sweet to see the two snuggle together at night,” she says. The thrush stayed just long enough to pick up his friend’s endearing quirks. Unlike Scratch, however, he decided to fly away when his wings were strong enough. Marelize moved from Pretoria to Potch on 24 February. Her job as an engineering surveyor with the Department of Water Affairs meant that she spent most weekdays in Standerton. She had no choice but to find a suitable home for what had now become her baby. On the eve of his planned relocation to a rehabilitation

centre, Marelize introduced him to her future grandparents-in-law. “No one can describe Rupie’s delighted giggle when he saw him,” she recalls. Needless to say, Scratch never made it to the centre. During his extended visit with the old folk at Samuel Broadbent he became an overnight sensation, keeping them enthralled with all his shenanigans. It was a sad parting two weeks later, when their newfound feathered friend took up permanent residence at the nursery in Wolmarans Street. Marelize has visited him twice since then, and the reunion was touching on both occasions. “I am so pleased that he has settled in nicely and is lapping up all the attention,” she says. Scratch does not comment. He just lifts his little wing to let her tickle him. Ingrid Scheepers, owner of Die Blomwinkeltjie, is delighted with the new addition. “He loves eating, especially ‘meulwurms’, but he loves being loved even more,” she beams. Marelize Coetser rescued Scratch who was destined for bigger things. Photo: Cheryl Botha


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Cinema Wow starring

A family-friendly musical romp with three lovely ladies

TUESDAY 22 APRIL 2014 • NWU ALUMNI HALL • 19:30 Including a three-course dinner and a glass of wine

Tickets only at the Conservatory (018) 299-1692 Proceeds go to the NWU School of Music Student Support Fund

It all starts here ™


Featuring Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Mr Sandman In the Mood and other hits


Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

20 jaar gelede in die Herald 15-jarige kry kaart om te stem in verkiesing In die uitgawe van die Herald van 12 April 1994 is die hoofopskrif “bom bars na “foutjie”. Dit is na aanleiding van ’n fout deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake in die aanloop tot die baie belangrike eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994. ’n 15-jarige meisie het gaan aansoek doen vir ’n ID-dokument. ’n Beampte het aan haar gesê hulle kan vir haar ’n tydelike dokument uitreik in afwagting op haar ID. Na die druk van ’n paar knoppies op die rekenaar is sy met ’n kieserskaart uitgereik wat aandui dat sy in 1975 gebore is (pleks van 1978) en sou sy dus met dié dokument kon gaan stem. Die departement het ’n paar dae later eers die voorval as ’n “administratiewe fout” afgemaak. In nog ’n berig in aanloop tot die verkiesing het die destydse NP die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie gevra om die ANC te diskwalifi-

seer om aan die verkiesing deel te neem omdat ANC-lede van die lede van die NP met die dood dreig en om hul huise af te brand. Hulle het glo ook, terwyl OVK-beamptes toegekyk het, NP plakkate vernietig. Mnr. Pik Botha, destydse minister van buitelandse sake, het ook in dié tyd in Promosa kom praat. Ook op die voorblad was ’n skokkende berig oor die mishandeling van ’n bejaarde deur haar kinders. Dit het geblyk dat haar kinders haar aangerand het om haar pensioengeld te bekom en selfs haar meubels verkoop het om geld in die hande te kry. Daar word ook berig dat inwoners op die uitkyk moet wees vir “inspekteurs” van die departement van mannekrag wat glo huise besoek en boetes oplê as daar nie dienskontrakte met huishulpe voorgelê kan word nie. Die boetes moet dan daar en dan direk aan dié “inspek-

teurs” betaal word. Die departement het ontken dat enige van hul inspekteurs met sulke take opgelê is en boetes kan vorder. Die weggooi van vullis aan die buitewyke van die stad kom nie van vandag af nie. In 1994 is berig hoe Dassierand, wat toe nog baie minder beboud as vandag is, geteister is deur mense wat vullis daar kom stort. Viskoppe, derms, hoenderafval, tuinafval en allerhande ander vullis het ook mense daarheen gelok wat in die sakke kom krap het. Die stad het in daardie tyd ook oor ’n vredeskomitee beskik wat natuurlik verband gehou het met die begin van die nuwe politieke bedeling. Die doel was om goeie verhoudinge tussen verskillende belangegroepe en selfs politieke partye te bevorder sodat geskille vreedsaam opgelos kan word. Die voorsitter was ds. André Bartlett.

An elderly gentleman could not stop saying thank you to Rotary for bringing Family Health Days to him last week. He, like many others, finds it very difficult to get to clinics and other government offices and have to wait for service. When the local clubs joined hands to provide three days of health care in the townships, he was assisted within a minute of his arrival. This was just one of the 57 clinics throughout South Africa. It was the second year in a row that Rotary, in asso-

ciation with the Department of Health, brought the campaign to Potchefstroom. They brought members of the Rotary Interact Clubs of Ferdies and Boys High on board to hand out 154 pairs of shoes donated by Rotary International. A dehydration spoon-measure, developed by a Rotarian in East London, was given to mothers of young children. Ray van Rensburg, one of the organisers from the Potchefstroom Rotary Club, described it as a great success, with the health department offering a

‘vibe’ among the 61 health care workers who participated. “Both Rotary clubs wish to thank Mr Musa Chauke, acting director of primary health care, and his team, for their assistance.” The success of the campaign was largely due to a door-to-door campaign in Sarafina, Boipatong and Extensions 7 and 1, arranged by Thabiso Morapedi and the Boithuto Lesedi (Education & Light), NGO from Sarafina. It was preceded by a national radio and television marketing campaign. In addition to the medical services on offer, Sassa (SA Social Services Agency) provided assistance and attended to queries through a direct computer link to the office. The departments of Social Development and Agriculture, Legal Aid and the SAPS were also in attendance. Interactor Dané Pretorius selecting shoe sizes for children.

Op sportgebied was dit relatief stil en die Puk se gebruiklike sportafrigtingsklinieke gedurende die vakansie was meerendeels die sportnuus in daardie tyd. Die hoof sportnuus was die aankondiging dat Engeland op 25 Mei in daardie jaar teen die destydse WesTransvaal sou kom speel.

Rotary brings family health and services to townships





PGL ˛ Fri,Sat: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun,Mon: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Tue: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Wed: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00


MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN PGV ˛ Ç Fri-Wed: 9:45,12:00,14:30


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PG ¸˛ Fri,Sat: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:00,19:45,22:00 Sun,Mon: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:00,19:45 Tue: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:00,19:45,22:00 Wed,Thu: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:00,19:45



13V ¸˛ Fri,Sat: 9:55,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15,22:45 Sun,Mon: 9:55,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15 Tue: 9:55,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15,22:45 Wed,Thu: 9:55,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15


10-12 PG Thu: 11:30,14:30,17:30,20:30


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CAPTAIN AMERICA:THE WINTER SOLDIER 13V Daily: 9:05,11:55,14:45,17:45,20:45


˛ Ç

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10L Thu: 9:15,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00


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full range of services, including dental work. This year’s turnout of 766 people over the three days more than doubled last year’s total of 380. He adds that there was a wonderful

Shaking hands at the launch of Rotary’s family Health Days on Wednesday are Rotary Mooi organiser, Annalize Pretorius, and Musa Chauke from the Department of Health. They are flanked by members of Ferdies and Boys’ High Interact clubs on the left and officials of the health department. Rotarians Div de Villiers and Rob Trautmann are in the background. The Aids candle was lit every morning and took centre stage throughout the three days.

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

D electable d inner a nd vvintage intage e ntertaiment, Delectable dinner and entertaiment, b oogie-woogie sstyle tyle boogie-woogie Once again, The Dahlings are bringing their stilettos and make-up bags to Potchefstroom, stacking their vintage army chest with a backdrop of blockbuster movie montages, and singing some swinging tunes, both old and new. In the universally recognised sound of The Andrews Sisters, they bring a completely new vibe to contemporary hits such as Conga, Crazy in Love, and many more. They also stay true to the era of ‘swing’ with golden oldies such as Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Mr Sandman and In the Mood. The NWU School of Music will present Cinema Wow starring The Dahlings in a special fundraising concert on Tuesday 22 April 2014 at 19:30 in the Alumni Hall on the Potchefstroom

Campus. The show will be accompanied by a three-course meal with a complimentary glass of wine provided by Orange River Cellars. All proceeds will go to the NWU School of Music Student Support Fund to provide funds for needy students. The Dahlings are Tammy Aslett, Nacia Kruger and Danelle de Vries. Choreographed film sequences in Cinema Wow play a fourth character and add another dimension to the show. This entertaining musical romp is familyfriendly and will have you reliving old favourites and discovering new ones. A short promotional video for this concert can be viewed at the School of Music’s YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NWUMusic. Tickets are only available at the Con-

servatory until Thursday 17 April, 13:00 in Thabo Mbeki Drive. Tel. (018) 299-1692 / music@nwu.ac.za. Seating is limited, so please book immediately to avoid disappointment.

Kevin du Plessis

word deur van die beelde en dis miskien juis dít wat die deure so gereeld laat oop en toe swaai. Strydom se uitstalling bestaan uit ’n indrukwekkende en reuse-liggaamwerk wat fokus op die wit Afrikanerman en sy plek in vandag se Suid-Afrika. Die werk is konseptueel en nie iets wat op die oog af net vlugtig interpreteer word nie. Eksplisiet. Gelaai. “Bleek” is nie ’n uitstalling om te mis nie. Strydom se walkabout vind plaas op 11 April in die hoofgalery en daar is ook getekende katalogusse beskikbaar wat “Bleek” uitstekend uitpak. Wolf in sheep’s clothing “Hoe gaan ons terug om iets te veran-

der wat al vir so lank deel is van ons menswees en bestaan?” het Ann-Marie Tully gevra by haar uitstalling. Tully se werk is gefokus op primêr die verwantskappe tussen mens en dier en hoe die mens die dier sien as ’n voorwerp in plaas van as ’n onderwerp. Haar werk beweeg tussen skilderkuns, tekstielwerke, beeldhou en installasie. Hoewel dit klink na ’n deurmekaarspul is dit opsetlik gedoen om die vele aspekte van die samelewing uit te beeld waar diere en diermetafore gebruik word deur die mens wat homself superieur vind. “Diere het ook logika,” sê Tully, “Ons het net iewers besluit dat ons s’n beter as hulle s’n is, maar eintlik is dit net

The Dahlings are Tammy Aslett, Nacia Kruger and Danelle de Vries. Choreographed film sequences in Cinema Wow play a fourth character and add another dimension to the show.

NWU Galery trek talle kunsliefhebbers

Die NWU Galery het verlede Donderdag twee nuwe uitstallings geopen met diewerk van NWU-Puk dosent Richardt Strydom en WITS dosent Ann-Marie Tully. Dié uitstallings, “Bleek – Photographic and audiovisual works 20102014” en “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”, is ontvang deur van die grootste getalle wat die galery nóg gesien het en sal nog oop wees in die hoofgalery (gebou E7) en die Botaniese Tuin Galery tot 2 Mei, weeksdae 09:30-16:00. Bleek Die deure van die hoofgalery waarsku dat sensitiewe kykers ontstel mag

Richardt Strydom by sy werk - Bleek.

’n dun lagie kleding wat ons van hulle onderskei.”

“Dankie NWU-Puk, dankie Potchefstroom”


van gebeure

Rekord ondersteunersgetalle, skouspelagtige voorvertonings en ‘n wenspan op die veld het gesorg vir ‘n onvergeetlike Varsitybeker. NWU-PBS 3/4 dag Vaardigheidswerkswinkels in Projekbestuur, Gevorderde Projekbestuur, Mensehulpbronbestuur, Arbeidsverhoudinge en Emosionele Intelligensie:

27 Maart-2 Mei NWU-Galery Kunstenaar: Richardt Strydom Uitstalling titel: Bleek Walkabout: 11 April, 11:00 (NWU-Galery) 27 Maart-2 Mei NWU Botaniese Tuin Kunsgalery Kunstenaar: Ann-Marie Tully Uitstalling titel: Wolf in sheep’s clothing Skakel gerus vir Tiina Liebenberg by 018 299 4341

28-30 Mei Opleiding in Projekbestuur (kontak vir Anthea by 018 299 1413 of e-pos: pbsinfo@nwu.ac.za) 18-20 Junie Opleiding in Projekbestuur (kontak vir Anthea by 018 299 1413 of e-pos: pbsinfo@nwu.ac.za)

10 Mei OPEDAG 2014

Dit is nou tyd om te registreer vir kwaliteit bestuursopleiding aan die NWU PBS vir die Julie-inname. Opleiding word verskaf in Fundamentele Bestuur, Middelbestuur, asook in Gevorderde Bestuur (kontak vir Marietjie by 018 299 1372 of stuur ‘n e-pos: pbsinfo@nwu.ac.za

13 -16 Mei NAMPO Besoek ons stalletjie by NAMPO Kontak asb vir Mia Stoltz by mia.stoltz@nwu.ac.za om dagboekinskrywings te plaas.

Jy word uitgenooi na NWU-Pukke se Opedag op 10 Mei 2014 om 7:45 of 11:30. Kom ons wys jou hoe jy

Kan nie wag nie? Neem ‘n virtuele toer van ons kampus


Elke tuiswedstryd was ‘n dawerende sukses en, volgens Hendrik Truter, een van die NWU-Puk Varsitybekerorganiseerders, is dit eerstens te danke aan die gemeenskap en studente. “Ek wil vir elke Potchefstromer en elke student dankie sê vir hul deelname en ondersteuning aan vanjaar se reeks. Dit was ongelooflik om te sien hoe almal in hul maroen-klere saamgetrek het. “Die studente se gedrag was voortreflik en daar was geen ongerymdhede nie. Ek wil ook die publiek bedank vir die verskeie bydrae wat hulle tot ons sukses gehad het. Ons kon dit nie sonder julle


Kevin du Plessis

gedoen het nie,” het die voormalige Vrystaat-heelagter gesê. “Dan ook aan elke persoon wat Maandae so onvergeetlik gemaak het. Van die weermag tot die Harley Davidson-ryers, tot die gimnaste, BOB en die media, baie dankie. “Laastens aan die span. Dit is danksy julle dat ons ‘n tuis halfeindstryd en eindstryd hier in Potchefstroom kon aanbied.” Die NWU-Puk se aanbieding van hul Varsitybeker-wedstryde word wyd besing as nie net die beste aanbiedings in dié reeks nie, maar van die beste in Suid-Afrikaanse rugby. Elke Potchefstromer kan daarop trots wees, want elke een het daartoe bygedra.


Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

Herald kyk dieper na ongesonde verhoudings

Vroue van Potchefstroom sê hul kan met Reeva Steenkamp vereenselwig Sonika van Wyk Na aanleiding van die WhatsAppboodskappe wat in die hof voorgelees is tydens die Oscar Pistoriusverhoor en dat dit in hierdie boodskappe blyk dat Reeva Steenkamp bang en ongelukkig was oor die manier hoe Pistorius soms teenoor haar sou optree, het die Herald besluit om met ’n paar vroue in Potchefstroom te gesels. ’n Geskeide vrou van 51-jaar oud vertel dit is maklik om haarself met hierdie boodskappe te vereenselwig. Sy meen dat dit ’n onderwerp na aan die hart is, omdat dit juis mense in ons nabykringe is wat heel moontlik in ongesonde verhoudings kan wees. Sy vertel dat sy in ’n ongesonde verhouding betrokke was waar haar kêrel haar sou verneder en verkleineer voor mense. Soms selfs voor haar eie familie. “Ek was sestien toe ons ontmoet het. Dit was ’n langafstandverhouding en ons het mekaar meestal net vakansies gesien.” Dit was eers toe sy universiteit toe is wat hulle mekaar meer gereeld begin sien het en dis waar die krake begin wys het. “Om eerlik te wees het ek, as jong meisie, altyd gedink dat sy dominerende persoonlikheid ’n teken was van ’n sterk persoonlikheid.” Sy vertel dat die

mag wat hy oor haar gehad het haar onbevoegd laat voel het. “Hy het vir my gesê ek kan doen net wat ek wil, maar dat ek nooit weer iemand gaan kry wat al my ‘nonsens’ opeet soos hy nie.” Sy verduidelik dat na ’n ruk voel mens so klein met min vertroue in jouself. “’n Verhouding waar mens so afgebreek word, steel totaal mens se selfbeeld en selfwaarde.” Haar ouers was glo baie teen die verhouding, maar hoe meer hulle haar teen hom gewaarsku het, hoe meer wou sy hom beskerm. “Ek het vir myself gesê as ek moet kies, sal ek hom kies, altyd! Ek wou al my tyd saam met hom deurbring en hom gelukkig hou. Ek het by hom gebly omdat ek geglo het niemand anders sal my ooit wil hê nie, en omdat hy ’n aantreklike man was.” “Op die einde was die hele verhouding so vergiftig. Hy het soms aan my geruk en pluk en gedreig om my deur my gesig te slaan.” Alhoewel hy nooit haar fisies seergemaak het nie, meen sy dat die emosionele merke langer vat om te genees. Al haar ander verhoudings het daaronder gely en sy het haarself isoleer. Sy erken ook sy het selfmoordneigings gekry. “Jy bereik ’n punt waar jy vas glo dit is die beste wat jy ooit gaan kan doen anders het jy niks.” Deur hulp van haar koshuismaats het sy dit beëindig in haar derdejaar. “Tog wou hy nie opgee nie. Hy wou my nie uitlos nie. Dit was so moeilik om

hom nie terug te vat nie, maar ek het besef dis tyd. Ek dink ek het ook bietjie sterker in my persoonlikheid geword en ons hele verhouding eerlik nagesien. Alhoewel hy my begin ‘stalk’ het met my egskeiding, was daar daarna ’n tyd wat ons weer wou probeer, maar ek het finaal besef dit sal nooit werk nie. Hy bel tot vandag nog van tyd tot tyd.” In haar opinie het haar kêrel haar so hanteer omdat sy vermoed hy self ’n lae selfbeeld gehad het en hy haar afgebreek het omdat hy soos ’n ‘man’ wou voel. “As ek terugkyk, is ek spyt, ek wens ek het daardie tyd ’n beter selfbeeld gehad. Ek glo dat sulke mense op die uitkyk is vir ‘slagoffers’. As ek ’n goeie selfbeeld gehad het, sou hy dalk nie twee keer na my gekyk het nie.” Ten spyte van alles het sy haarself weer opgebou. ’n Vrou van 23 vertel haar vorige kêrel sou haar nooit voor mense afbreek nie maar eerder wanneer hulle alleen was. “Voor almal het ons altyd gelukkig gelyk, maar na die tyd sou hy my beskuldig van die aakligste goed. Dat ek aanlê by sy vriende, agter sy rug uitgaan en hom verneuk. Al belowe ek hoog en laag ek doen niks verkeerd nie, het hy steeds aangehou. Ek moes hom gedurig probeer oortuig van my liefde en konstant sê waar ek was en saam met wie.” Sy verduidelik dat sy hom nooit rede gegee het om haar nie te vertrou nie en

hoe meer hy haar vals beskuldig het, hoe meer wou sy net haar liefde aan hom bewys. “Ek het gebly, want ek het gedink hy sal verander. Dat dinge beter sou word. Ek moes altyd bereid wees om die minste te wees. Solank hy sy sin kry, is alles reg en hy is gelukkig. Liefde is mos wanneer jy iemand anders se geluk bo joune plaas.... Maar kan beslis nie liefde wees as jy van almal geïsoleer is en jy jouself iewers langs die pad verloor nie.” Kapt. Mvula Chaka, woordvoerder van die Potchefstroom-polisie, meen dat huishoudelike geweld gestop kan word. Soos verwys in die SAPD se handleiding Act Against Crime (ACT) kan vroue ’n beskermingsbevel kry teen hulle mans of maats wat hulle mishandel. Dit sluit in verbale en fisiese mishandeling. Vir meer inligting of vir hulp omtrent ’n probleem met huishoudelike geweld kan daar gepraat word met ’n gesondheidswerker by jou naaste kliniek of met ’n berader by jou plaaslike welsynkantoor. ’n Mens kan ook die nasionale tolvrye Stop Vroue Mishandelinglyn skakel by 0800 150 150. Plaaslike polisiestasies kan ook gekontak word. Die SAPD noodnommer is 10111 en die SAPD ‘Crime Stop’ nommer is 08600 10111.

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10 MEI 2014


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11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

Herald kyk dieper na ongesonde verhoudings

Mishandeling in verhoudings Meer algemene redes wat ’n vrou keer om ’n verhouding waarin sy Hoekom bly sommige vroue in sulke mishandeling ervaar te verbreek is verhoudings? Hóe ouer lewe, maak ’n onder meer dat sy van die volgende baie groter indruk op ’n kind as dit wat hindernisse beleef: Vrees vir fisiese aanranding, vir die ouer sê. Byvoorbeeld, dit help nie jy waarsku dreigemente of beskuldigings, vir vikjou kinders oor die euwels van alkohol, timasie, dat haar man sal kwaad maar hulle word in ’n huis groot waarin word, om alleen te bly, om die kinders daar gereeld alkohol misbruik word te verloor, om die kar, huis, ens. te verloor, dat vriende en familie haar sal nie. blameer, vir die onMishandeling bekende, vir finanword in sommige siële probleme, vir gevalle ook so met die verlaging van ledie verloop van tyd wenstandaarde of in kinders “ingevir alleenheid/eenprogrammeer”. saamheid. Indien ’n dogterHoop dat hy sal tjie sien dat – soos verander of dat alles wat sy grootword – sal verbeter. Emosidie mees prominenoneel: Lae eiewaarte mansfiguur in de of selfbeeld, gehaar lewe (haar pa) brekkige selfver– haar ma gereeld troue en verbaal of fisies skuldgevoelens. mishandel en haar Verandering: wil ma haar pa keer op keer vergewe, kan nie skei nie, wil nie so ’n soortgelyke ge’n enkelouer wees dragspatroon ook nie, wil nie van voorlater in háár (die af begin nie of wil nie kind) se lewe manisosiaal geïsoleer festeer. word nie. Prof. Pieter Joubert. Foto: Verskaf. Met ander woor’n Man wie sy vrou de “being uncomfortable can – ironical- mishandel, kon ook tydens sy grootly – actually become your comfort zo- wordjare aan gereelde gesinsgeweld en/ ne”; “ek as vrou moet dit maar seker of mishandeling (verbaal of fisies) van aanvaar as ek deur my man mishandel sy ma deur sy pa blootgestel gewees word: dis immers wat ek in my ouer- het. Sulke gedrag kan dan uiteindelik huis beleef het.” oorgedra word na sy eie huwelik. Prof. Pieter Joubert

’n Volwasse man wat as kind geboelie is en/of viktimitasie ervaar het, sit dikwels met opgekropte woede en frustrasies; dikwels selfverwytend omdat hy terugskouend voel hy moes opgestaan het teenoor sy boelies. Maar hy kan dan ook nou as volwasse, getroude man sy frustrasies en woede op sy vrou projekteer; met ander woorde deur háár te boelie raak hy van sy eie frustrasies, minderwaardigheid en onaanvaarbaarheid van homself ontslae. Tekens van mishandeling van ’n vrou om voor op te let. Gevaartekens: - Gebruik dikwels emosionele manipulasie/afpersing. - Huil telkens en beloof om nooit weer so op te tree nie; (tot die volgende keer). - Om op geskree te word. - Sleggesê te word/gevloek te word. - Hou aan kla; is oor alles wat jy doen ontevrede. - Om soos ’n kind behandel te word. - Om in die verleentheid geplaas te word voor ander mense. - Om voortdurend verkleineer te word. - Om jou met die dood te dreig en/of gesinsmoord of selfmoord te pleeg. - Beskuldig jou dat jy ’n onbevoegde ma vir jou kinders is. - Om heeltyd op die kinders te skree. - Wanneer hy tydens woede uitbarstings goed breek/rondgooi (glase, borde, stoele, ens.). - Hy sê jy’s ’n slegte seksmaat. - Om jou voor die kinders sleg te sê of te verkleineer. - Om jou voorkoms of kleredrag voortdurend af te kraak.

News from Ventersdorp Messenger in the mayor’s office arrested for hijacking Victor Boqo A messenger in the mayor’s office in Ventersdorp is in hot water after he and another suspect were arrested for alleged robbery and hijacking a truck. The vehicle was delivering goods to supermarkets in rural Morokweng in Vrybrug. The other suspect is believed to be the driver of the same truck that was robbed. Provincial police correspondent, Col. Emelda Setlhako, says Morokweng police arrested the suspects, aged 43 and 35 years respectively, on 31 March. At 20:00 on March 29, while the truck from Ventersdorp was delivering goods, the two drivers decided to sleep over and off-load the goods the next morning. They parked near one of the supermarkets and were allegedly awoken by two suspects who pointed firearms in their direction. The suspects forced them into a white double-cab bakkie with Ventersdorp Municipality stickers on its doors. They took the victims’ cell phones and drove with them for approximately 5kms. It is further alleged that the victims’ hands were tied, and they were forced to lie on the ground.

The suspects broke the safe from the truck and stole an undisclosed amount of cash. Both suspects, Mathews Lolo Ntjontjo and Rex Bantseyang, appea-

red in Ganyesa Magistrate’s Court on April 2. The suspects will remain in custody until court resumes for a formal bail application on April 14 .

The manager of the mayor’s office, Tom Nkomo, said there is an internal investigation against Ntjontjo for using a municipal vehicle without authorisation.”

Dogter vind pa Die 21-jarige vrou wat na haar pa gesoek het, waaroor die Herald verlede week berig het, het toe haar pa gevind. Bianca Falch het die Herald bedank vir die plasing van die berig, maar versoek dat daar nie verder daaroor berig word nie en dat hul privaatheid respekteer word.

HYUNDAI POTCHEFSTROOM, Tel: 018 297 3000, 33 Nelson Mandela Drive, FSP License: 23008 Fanie: 079 606 9917, Michael: 082 895 2542


Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014


Tokkies maak harte oop Laerskool Mooirivier het reeds vir etlike jare ‘n spesiale verbintenis met Toevlug Laerskool in Ventersdorp. Toevlug is geleë in ‘n baie arm omgewing en die meeste leerders kom uit behoeftige huise. Die ete wat hulle elke dag by die skool ontvang, is baie kere die enigste kos wat hulle het om te eet. In sommige gevalle is ‘n leerder self die hoof van die huis. Elke kwartaal word kos, klere, skryfbehoeftes en speelgoed by Mooirivier se Tokkies ingesamel vir Toevlug. Die hoofleiers neem dan hierdie skenkings aan die einde van die kwartaal soontoe. Mooirivier dra ook op ander wyses by, soos die fotostaatmasjien wat aan die skool geskenk is. Laerskool Mooirvier se hoofleiers vir die eerste kwartaal het op Dinsdag 18 Maart met sakke en sakke vol kos, klere, speelgoed en ander items by Toevlug opgedaag. Die hoof, mnr. Johan van Jaarsveld, het hulle aan elkeen van die klasse voorgestel, waarna hulle saam met al die leerders van die skool gedurende pouse speletjies gespeel het. Die hoofleiers het ook aan almal worsbroodjies en lekkergoedpakkies vir middagete uitgedeel.

Lize Jonker saam met nuwe maats.

Hoofleiers saam met Toevlug se skoolhoof: Lize Jonker, Kirsten de Villiers, Zoé Labuschagne, Nicola van der Merwe, Aldin Bothma, mnr. Van Jaarsveld, Wikus Marais, Gerhard Koornhof en Emile Kotzé.

Almal sing die volkslied saam.

Kekkel en Kraai Kleuterskool het ‘n besige eerste kwartaal afgesluit met ‘n heerlike pretdag waartydens die kleuters hulle moeg gespring het op die springkastele. Almal is daarna bederf met worsbroodjies wat deur die hoof en haar helpers voorberei is.

Die Junior- en Seniorspan skaakspan van Volkies het albei gewen teen H/S Driehoek op 25 Maart. Juniors: Volkies - 10 Driehoek - 0, Seniors: Volkies - 9 Driehoek - 1. Die Juniorspan is soos volg van links voor: Louise Frylinck en Danelle Fourie. Agter: Martin Gebhardt, RP Noeth en Ivan McLaren.

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

Cookies made by mosaic

non-profit Mosaic Community Developments in order to employ foster parents that are taking part in its sustainable orphan care model in Extension 11, Ikageng. Currently, 15 people are sustainably employed by Made by Mosaic- a number that will continue to grow as local support for the initiative increases. “We’re grateful for the business that Conrad and his team at the Vanderhof Pick n Pay provide,” shared Made by Mosaic Manager Jordan Ridge. “Thanks to them, we’ve been able to create and sustain two jobs in our kitchen!” Made by Mosaic offers a wide variety of goods, with a focus on handmade, South African, and eco-friendly products. At the Vanderhof Park Pick n Pay, shoppers can purchase all of their baked goods: cranberry coconut white chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chunk cookies, gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, ginger spice cookies, and rusks with nuts. Made by Mosaic has a shop in Extension 11 open weekdays from 8:30-15:30 that sells all of its products, including handmade South African leather handbags and knitted items such as scarves, hats, and blankets. A variety of their products are available at their table at The Life Market in the old Snowflake Factory each month. Find Made by Mosaic on Facebook at www.facebook.com/madebymosaic. For sales inquiries or any questions related to Made by Mpho encourages shoppers to try the delicious assortment of cookies Made Mosaic, e-mail Jordan Ridge at jordan@madebymosaic.com. by Mosaic as part of its sustainable support programme.

Thanks to the generous support of the Pick n Pay in Vanderhof Park, local job creation initiative, ‘Made by Mosaic’ is making a big difference in Ikageng. Made by Mosaic is a business started by local

The Easter weekend is just around the corner. Laura Scheepers (11) is looking forward to the break with family and friends. Photo: Marina Scheepers


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Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

KANSA vind plaas in Mei

B O Y U A S D BIRTHcky vouchers to N be found. 1M lu illion . p i l s l l i t Check your

Na al die swaar reën kon KANSA Relay For Life die nuwe datum bevestig vir Saterdag 17 Mei. Weens die tyd van die jaar moes daar voorsiening gemaak word vir die koue en is besluit om dit van 10:00 tot 22:00 aan te bied. Die program sal aangepas word om al die seremonies te akkommodeer. ’n Baie belangrike spankapteinvergadring sal gehou word Donderdag 24 April vanaf 17:00 by die Standard Bank-saal by die NW Krieketstadion. Alle spankapteins van spanne wat reeds ingeskryf het, word versoek om die vergadering by te woon en indien daar nog spanne is wat wil inskryf, moet hulle ook die vergadering bywoon. KANSA bedank almal vir hul geduld en begrip. “Baie dankie dat ons op die volgehoue ondersteuning van Potchefstroom se gemeenskap kan staatmaak. Kom ons maak hierdie die beste Relay For Life!” Hou die Herald dop vir meer inligting.

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“Die Potchefstroom-biblioteek en Museum wil almal hartlik bedank vir die bywoning en ondersteuning van die vakansieprogramme wat by die biblioteekgebou plaasgevind het. Die programme was slegs vir een week, Maandag, Woensdag en Vrydag, en kinders van alle ouderdomme het opgedaag asook grootmense. Die storieuur sal nog elke Woensdag om 10:00 – 11:00 voortduur, almal is welkom. Foto (voor): Losette Absolom (museum) en Louise Markram (biblioteek) saam met die kinders.

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald



Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

Maart-bruide moet hul pragfoto’s stuur Maartbruidspare het nou kans om in te skryf vir die Bruidspaar van die Jaar-kompetisie. So skud op en stuur jul pagtige kie-

kies in. Die Herald soek jul foto waarop jul die gelukkigste lyk. By die foto moet jul name en van

asook kontaknommers en troudatum wees. So Maart-paartjies skud op en stuur jul kiekies na maryke.vanheer-

den@media24.com voor of op Vrydag 2 Mei 10:00 om ’n kans te staan vir ’n finals vir die Bruidspaar van die Jaarkompetisie.

Shawn en Nicolene Geldenhuys - 1 Maart.

Jan en Chanel Coetzee - 1 Maart.

De Markhoff en Rochelle Fouche - 29 Maart.

Ferdie en Miranda Huisamen - 1 Maart.


Top gear­kompetisie uitgestel


Weens skoolvakansie en vakansiedae het die Herald goedgedink om die blokraaisel Top gear-kompetisie te skuif. Die eerste blokraaisel sal 9 Mei verskyn. So hou die Herald dop vir dié kompetisie met die asemrowende prys van kaartjies vir twee persone, vervoer en verblyf ingesluit na die Top Gear geleentheid in Durban in Junie vanjaar!

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald

Y olande e n JJolandie olandie ttot ot d ie m ag ttwee wee Yolande en die mag Sonika van Wyk

So kom twee ontwerpers saam. Nie net vennote nie maar ook naamgenote. Yolande Kruger en Jolandie Coetzee is opgewonde en droom groot oor die toekoms van hulle ontwerpers-lable; Eulogeo Zeloo. Hulle paadjies het bietjie meer as ’n maand terug gekruis met ’n advertensie en koerantberig oor Jolandie. “Omdat ek op soek is na dames wat naaldwerkondervinding het, het ek Jolandie gekontak met groot opgewondenheid dat sy dalk deel sal wil wees van my naaldwerkprojek,” vertel Yolande. Met die eerste ontmoeting het hulle dadelik gekliek en besef hulle ontwerperstyl is baie dieselfde en vul mekaar aan. Die res is geskiedenis! Yolande met haar vier jaar ondervinding in die modebedryf en haar liefde vir elegante, gesofistikeerde ontwerpe met ’n unieke snit het al groot prestasies en talle mense bereik. Sy het onmiddellik na haar studies haar skêre opgetel en aan haar talent begin snoei. Haar lojale kliënte het die woord versprei en so het Eulogeo Zeloo sy groot opwagting in die dorp gemaak by verskeie plaaslike boetieks. Tans hardloop sy ’n gemeenskapsprojek waar sy werklose dames met ’n liefde vir naaldwerk vanaf hul eie tuiste oplei, en bemagtig met ’n geleentheid om ’n ekstra inkomste te verdien. Die rokke wat gemaak word, is sag en elegant en werk op ’n briljante rek-konsep wat pas soos ’n handskoen met ’n duursame gevoel. Dit word op groot skaal verskaf aan groot modewinkels en die baie bekende landwye bruidsboetiek-

7 April - 30 April 2014

groep, Olivelli. Sy praat ook met groot lof van die bekende ontwerper Werner Dey in Parys wat haar inspireer en groot geleenthede bied om haar ontwerpe bekend te stel. ’n Bietjie meer oor Jolandie Coetzee. Na haar graduering in Verbruikerswetenskappe en ondernemingsbestuur by die Noordwes-Universiteit en ’n ekstra jaar in Modeontwerp by die North West School of Design in Klerksdorp, het Jolandie haar groot droom begin lewe. Sy vertel opgewonde oor een van haar gunsteling momente; “Toe mev. Wyma by verbruikerswetenskappe my vra om haar persoonlike assistent te wees vir die patroon-ontwerp klasse.” Na haar studies het sy ’n jaar se indiensopleiding gedoen by

Jolandie Coetzee en Yolande Kruger, hulle styl vul mekaar aan en is beslis ’n wen-span reg om Potchefstroom al die kleure van die reënboog te verf.

Jolandie Coetzee en Yolande Kruger is opgwonde oor 2014 en al die projekte wat hulle gaan aanpak. Foto’s: Verskaf

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hart geplant het,” vertel Yolande. Vir haar is dit ’n droom wat hoop skep en die hart van ware skoonheid oopkraak. “Elke ontwerp sal ’n lewende brief wees met hierdie mooiste boodskap in. “Ons besluit om as een onder hierdie lable te ontwerp, is ons prominente standpunt om ons lewensdoel wat ver groter is as wat ’n mens kan begryp te kan uitleef. Hy is die begin, en Hy is die einde, en juis om hierdie enkele rede sal Eulogeo Zeloo deur ons talente in danksegging Sy glorie terugweerkaats, vir Sy verheerliking. Ware skoonheid sal jy hier ontdek; in die middel van Sy liefde.” Eulogeo Zeloo het groot planne vir 2014 en Potchefstroom. Hulle eerste “Proudly South African” trourok-reeks word later die jaar bekendgestel deur Olivelli. Hulle stel ook die jaar hulle eksklusiewe huurreeks matriekafskeidsrokke, trourokke asook cocktail-rokkies bekend.Gaan ondersteun hulle gerus ook met hulle modeparade en vertoning by NG Hervormde Kerk regoor die Dienssentrum, op 9 Mei, 18:30 vir 19:00. Skakel Anici by 083 451 0374 vir kaartjies. Eulogeo Zeloo het ook ’n Matriekafskeidkompetisie in samewerking met die Herald vir die jaar. Vir nadere inligting lees meer in volgende week se Herald.

bekende ontwerper Jose de Canha van Klerksdorp. In die tyd by Jose het hy haar toevertrou met die groot voorreg om rokke vir Mev. Suid Afrika te maak, waar sy ook van te vore tydens haar studies vir hom gehelp het met Miss Italy South Africa. Jolandie is ook ’n gereelde uitstaller by die Dienssentrum se jaarlikse damestee, saam met Cloud 9 Jewellery wat ook een keer per maand in die Mooirivier Mall uitstal. Die kern en betekenis van Eulogeo Zeloo is baie na aan die twee se hart. Direk vertaal vanuit die Hebreeuse woordeboek; Eulogeo - seën, God plaas guns oor, en Zeloo- hartsbegeerte. “Hierdie lable-naam gee identiteit aan ’n droom en hartsbegeerte wat Jesus self ses jaar gelede in my


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Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

Aftreebeplanning – maak seker jy spaar genoeg

Niekie van der Walt

“Saamgestelde rente is die agtste wonder van die wêreld. Hy wat dit verstaan, verdien dit…hy wat nie, betaal dit.” – Albert Einstein “Hoeveel is genoeg? Hoeveel moet ek spaar? Waarin en waar moet ek wat belê? Ek kan dit nie bekostig nie, ek wil tog net nie finansieel swaarkry op my oudag nie.” Hierdie is vrae en stellings wat ek daagliks by kliënte hoor oor aftreebeplanning. Elke individu wil “met gemak” aftree. Iemand wat so aftree, hoef wat lewenstyl betref, nie af te skaal nie. Die probleem tans is dat min mense verstaan wat hulle moet doen om “met gemak” af te tree. Die Julie 2013-verslag van Ou Mutual se Savings & Investment Monitor bevind byvoorbeeld dat ‘n skokkende 38% van individue glad nie voorsiening maak vir hulle aftrede nie. Wat meer kommerwekkend is, is dat 34% van mense wat binne 10 tot 15 jaar aftree, nog nie voorsiening vir aftrede gemaak het nie. In die 2011-verslag bevind Ou Mutual dat 80% van pensioenarisse se inkomste nie tred hou met hulle behoeftes nie. In totaal maak 62% voorsiening vir aftrede, maar is dié voorsiening genoeg? Baie pensioenarisse vertel my dat hulle nie genoeg gespaar het nie, en ek het nog nooit ‘n pensioenaris teëgekom wat sê dat hy of sy te veél gespaar het nie. 34% van mense wat binne 10 tot 15 jaar aftree, maak nie voorsiening vir aftrede nie. Hoeveel moet jy spaar om dieselfde lewenspeil te handhaaf by aftrede? Daar is ‘n “rule of thumb” dat jy tussen 15% en 22% van jou bruto inkomste moet spaar afhangende van jou ouderdom. As jy 25 is, wil aftree op 65, word dit aanbeveel dat jy tussen 15% en 20% van jou inkomste spaar. As jy jou aftre-

de wil vervroeg na 60, behoort jy tussen 25% en 30% te spaar. Weereens hang alles af van jou eie individuele omstandighede. As jy vandag 40 jaar oud is en op 65 wil aftree, het jy slegs 300 betaalstrokies oor om by te dra tot jou pensioenfonds. Watter aksie moet jy nou neem? Eerstens moet jy begin spaar. Van my kliente dink om slegs R350 per maand te spaar maak nie sin nie en is nutteloos. R350 per maand oor 25 jaar maak ‘n reuse-verskil! Dit kan jou verseker van R 2 025 (huidige geldwaarde) inkomste per maand wat jaarliks saam met inflasie styg vir 20 jaar lank na aftrede. Indien jy R1 000 spaar per maand kan jy R5 800 per maand verdien vir 20 jaar lank wat weereens jaarliks met inflasie verhoog. Hierdie syfers is op die volgende gebaseer: 5.6% inflasie per jaar; 12% groeikoers op die belegging per jaar, produk-en advieskoste ingesluit van 2.5% per jaar en 10% styging in premies per jaar. As jy vandag 40 jaar oud is en op 65 wil aftree, het jy slegs 300 betaalstrokies oor om by te dra tot jou pensioenfonds. Tweedens moet jy sou gou as moontlik begin spaar. Die inkomste wat jy sal verdien by aftrede verminder drasties as jy met 2 jaar uitstel. As ons dieselfde afleidings soos bo genoem in ag neem en R350 vir 23 jaar spaar in plaas van 25, dan neem jou maandelikse inkomtse van R2 025 af na R1 700per maand. As jy R1 000 sou spaar en vir 2 jaar uitstel om te begin kan jou inkomste met R900 verminder per maand. Dink daaraan: twee jaar se uitstel van ‘n R1 000 premie beteken dat jy amper R1 000 vir twintig jaar lank minder sal verdien by aftrede. Ek glo in diversifisering en daarom om nie al jou beleggings in een mandjie te plaas nie. Daar is verskillende me-

nings oor maniere om te spaar vir aftre- oor aftreebeplanning: •Watter bedrag is nodig om my lede soos bv. deur middel van eiendom, besigheidsaandele, aftree-annuïteite, wenstandaard te handhaaf by aftrede? •Is my huidige pensioen of aftree-anpensioenfondse ens. Elke beleggingsvoertuig het sy eie voor- en nadele en nuïteit voldoende voorsiening? •Hoeveel moet ek spaar per maand daarom is dit goed om te diversifiseer. ‘n Persoon kan dalk nie ‘n paaiement tot aftrede om my behoeftes te laat reavir ‘n huis bekostig nie, maar kan ‘n liseer? •Hoe kan ek belasting bespaar op afpremie van R500 bekostig op ‘n aftreeannuiïteit. Elke persoon het verskillen- treebeleggings? •Hoe kan ek met so min as moontlik de behoeftes en daarom moet mens versigtig wees vir algemene straatad- skuld aftree? Niekie van der Walt (B.Com. Hons.) vies. Twee jaar se uitstel van ‘n R1 000 pre- is ‘n geakkrediteerde finansiële beplanmie beteken dat jy amper R1 000 vir ner in Potchefstroom. twintig jaar lank minder sal verdien by aftrede. Die onus is op elke individu om sy of haar eie finansiële behoeftes en uitdagings te verstaan. Niemand gaan dit namens jou doen nie en daarom moet jy self daardie eerste stap neem. Elke persoon se behoeftes verander jaar na jaar en dit is nodig om jou finansiële portefeulje jaarliks te hersien om toe te sien dat jy op koers bly. Gegewe die ingewikkelde berekeninge en verskillende behoeftes van persoon tot persoon, is my advies om ‘n finansiële beplanner te sien. Hulle is opgelei en beskik oor die nodige vermoëns om berekeninge te maak wat jou persoonlike omstandighede in ag neem en daarna vir jou ‘n deeglike beplande oplossing en voorstel te gee. Vyf vrae om vir jou finansiële adviseur te vra Niekie van der Walt.

Staan ‘n kans om die akteurs te ontmoet en ‘n dag op die “Mooirivier” film stel te spandeer Hierdie nuwe Afrikaanse treffer fliek word tans in die Potchefstroom omgewing verfilm en Aramex is die trotse Logistieke borg. Vind die Aramex trok in en rondom Pothefstroom. Neem ‘n foto van die Aramex trok en laai dit op ons Facebook en Twitter blaaie.

facebook.com/AramexSA en @AramexSA Inskrywings word aanvaar tot 18 April 2014.


Alle plaas- en hoewe eienaars binne die jurisduksie gebied van die Tlokwe Munisipaliteit in Potchefstroom word uitgenooi na ‘n vergadering insake eiendomsbelasting op sodanige eiendomme. Plek: Raadsaal, Dan Tloome Kompleks, ingang vanaf Wolmaransstraat Tyd: 18:00 Datum: 14 April 2014 Navrae: Chris 083 625 8896 Opgestel en gepubliseer deur Rdle J.C Landsberg en J. Froneman


EiendomsGIDS Property GUIDE


Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide


ORG Sel: 082 565 5360 Skakel: Pierre 082 568 2977



TE KOOP Ruim 3 slpk woonstel, tandem m/huis. Sentraal. R650 000

MIEDERPARK Uitstekend geprys: 3 slpk, 2 badk, baieleefareas, groot kombuis, 3 + m/huise, swembad en netjiese tuin. PRYS VERLAAG!!! R 1 650 000

Pierre Sel: 082 568 2977 TE KOOP

WINSKOOP VAN DIE WEEK!!! Sentraal naby golfbaan. 4 Slpk, 2 badk, studeerk, groot kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, opwaskamer, 2 x motorhuise, 2 x afdakke, boorgat. PLUS, plus plus. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. WEGGEE PRYS!!! SLEGS R1 300 000 MOET NIE DIE WINSKOOP MIS NIE!!!

keith.boer@media24.com - 082 312 1173

POWERED BY RELATIONSHIPS E-mail: admin@willowspropertygroup.co.za


11 April 2014

Tel/Fax: 018 293 1610

www.willowspropertygroup.co.za Willows Property Group 68 Steve Biko Ave, Bult Potchefstroom

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Liza: 083 256 9799 Frank: 076 463 6829 Jeanmarie Listing agent 076 635 5562

Marietha : 083 232 1831

Swembad , 4 Slaapkamers , Studeerkamer, 2 Moderne badkamers - elk met bad en stort Houtvloere ,Muur voor met dubbel hekke 2 ingange

Skakel ons gerus vir die huur of verhuring van enige residensiële eiendom Di 082 859 3437 / Jeanmarie 076 635 5562


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Skakel Marlene: 082 859 7915

Netjiese grondvloer woonstel met ‘n privaat tuintjie.

Bennie 082 787 5868 Prinsipaal (CEA)

Hanlie: 082 784 0204

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Petru 072 700 4100 (CEA)NQF4

Oewersig : R1780 000 Ruim gesinswoning!!! 3 slk,ruim kombuis,2 ruim leefareas, 2 badkamers,opwas,dub.motorh,swembad, boorgat,groot erf. Skakel my!!!Freda 082 440 7261

Bailliepark : R1180 000. WINSKOOP!!!Ruim gesinswoning!!!! 3 slk, pragtige kombuis, 2 ruim leefareas, 2 badk,studeerkmr, opwas, dubbel motorh, Skakel my!!! Freda 082 440 7261 Heuwelsig: R1600 000 NUUT GEBOU!!!! 3slk, 2ruim leefareas,prag kombuis,opwas,studeerhoek,dubbelmth. Petru 072 700 4100





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Kantoor Tel: 018 293 1845, Faks: 018 2933163, Prinsipaal Annelize (B SOC. SC. CEA)







11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide



Potchefstroom Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide

11 April 2014

Huisgids keith.boer@media24.com 018 293 0750

786 2524 FREDDIE DE BEER EIENDOMME debeer38@telkomsa.net 018 082 739 5901


R945 000. Netjiese 3 slpk huis, dubbel geriewe, 4 afdakke, ruim kombuis, sitk, studeerk, TV/onthaal area, binne braai, kroeg, swembad, ruim 1 slpk w/stel, bediende kwartiere, veilig omhein, goeie ligging. Carletonville. SKOU: 11 - 13 April 2014

Property Profile Group Johnny-082 562 8156

Noord-Sentraal Sentraal/Suid Besigheidsperseel 4 slaapkamer woonhuis Uitstekende ligging Ruim met 2 x badkamers, sit5 slaapkamer woning eetkamer, lekker groot met baie parkering. kombuis, afdak vir 4 R1 570 000 motors en enkel m/huis. Ailanto erf: Geleȅ bo die kanaal baie R 990 000 mooi 6348m² erf Wilgeboom Hoewe R 430 000 8.5 ha hoewe met 4 Woonstel Sentraal: slk woonhuis, 2 badk, Ruim 2 slk woonstel met swembad, 3 m/huis en 2 badkamers en enkel m/huis – Veilig. buitegeboue. R 780 000 R 980 000

R685 000. Netjiese 3 slpk huis, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, groot kombuis met baie kaste, wask, studeerk, 2 garages, 2 bediende kwartiere, betonmuur omhein, alarm, gevestigde tuin, baie goeie ligging. Carletonville.

Eksklusiewe Studente KompleksDie Bult R16 miljoen. SKAKEL ZUNETTE 076 704 0833


4 Slaapkamerhuis in gesogte area, naby skole en Mall R11 500 p.m. SKAKEL CORNELIA 082-460-2964

BEES-WILDSPLAAS 285HA Hartbeesfontein, groot woonhuis, verskeie kampe, genoeg water 80 ha aangeplante weiding, 50 pekaneutbome onder besproeiing slegs R4,2 miljoen.

2 Slaapkamer woonstel Bailliepark, naby skole R520 000. SKAKEL MAJORIE 084 709 2195. Kontak my gerus ook vir plase. SKAKEL PIETER 072 460 7166 “If you want to buy or sell any residential, farming, plot, flat or commercial property, give us a call TODAY!”

• Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, 2520 • Tel: 018 293 2883 Vir al u eiendoms • Posbus 20606, Noordbrug 2520 Irma-082 347 5555 • info@propertyprofile.co.za behoeftes

Irma - 082 347 5555


Jaco – 084 272 3666

Lieflike woonhuis Vaalrivier Hoewe: Miederpark: 2.6 ha met ± 250 3 slk met dubbel geriewe 3 Slk, 1.5 badkamer meter rivierfront. huis met dubbelmostudeerk, 2 m/huise 2 x Netjiese chalet’s, torhuis. Goed geleë swembad en lapa. 3 motorhuise asook vir ‘n familie! Uiters netjies bediende kwartiere. R 860 000 R1 640 000 Meubels en impliWoonhuis/bemente ingesluit. Sentraal: sigheid – Noord R 1 900 000 Uitstekende eiendom !! Sentraal Hoewe Wilgeboom: 3 slk, 2 badkamers 3 Slpkamer, 1.5 8.5 ha hoewe met studeerkamer en 3 m/ Badkamer huis met boorgat en kampe. 2m/huise en erf vir Asemrowende uitsig. huise. Groot vertrekke. Stil omgewing. Stil omgewing parkering! R 635 000 R 1 535 000 R1 380 000

Netjiese huis Miederpark 3 Slpkamers, Sitkamer, eetkamer, TV kamer met onthaal area, 4 garages, buitekamer en stoorkamer. Wonderlike woonhuis! R1 640 000 Groot huis vir familie of belegging! 5 Slpkamers huis, 3 Woonstelle op erf, 2 garages en 3 Carports. R1 590 000


keith.boer@media24.com / 018 293 0750

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

Nazalene Struben


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Skakel Elaine (018) 292 1615


Kruger Afdakke. Skadunetafdakke, 4 jaar waarborg. Gratis kwotasie. 16 Jaar diens. Potch omgewing. ( 083-493-5876.

Boomstraat 7, h/v Siddlestraat, KLERKSDORP E-mail: xpandanw@telkomsa.net Web: www.xpandanw.co.za * Tel: 018 462 6596 * Faks: 018 462 1267 Liza: 079 677 8235 Bianca: 083 294 0935 André: 082 788 5616

Xpanda Trellisdeure


Gekwalifiseerde loodgieter. Pyp en lekkasie-sporing. Johan 083 328 0292 Kantoor 018 294 8242 VIR BLITSVINNIGE KWALITEIT DIENS TEEN DIE BESTE PRYSE!!

Beton & Palissades / Concrete & Palisades

SES GAS INSTALLATIONS. All gas installations and maintenace. SAQCC & SACG. (Shaun 083-651-7303 Tattoo's in Welverdiend baie om van te kies/bring jou eie idee.(Elsabe 076-278-3865

Vir alle loodgietersprobleme & gratis kwotasies  Pieter (‘n ten volle gekwalifiseerde loodgieter).

Precast, Palissademure, plaveisel, lapa’s. Gratis kwotasies.


082 335 0118

24/7 Sel: 082-496-8622. of: 082-346-0066.

Skadunette & betonmure 082 683 9993 082 335 0118

ALLE LOODGIETER herstelwerk & installering van geysers. ( Gerhard by 083-283-5700.

1. Algemene vervoer. Bourommel, huisvullis en tuinvullis. ( Pieter 082-950-8934, (Potch).



Elektriese dienste & Herstelwerk/ Electrical Services & Repairs

Rohan ElEctRical * Pre-paid power * Fault finding * New installations * C.O.C’s * Geysers * Gate motors DaVE 083 675 6370


Algemene Dienste / General Services


Inside or Out, Handy Man needs Electric Fencing Repairs & Installations + COC. Painting. Ceiling Repairs & Installations Household Repairs Minor Building & Alterations. Tiling & Paving

NO JOB TOO SMALL Johann Visagie 082-465-1699 If it’s odd, we’ll do it!

Aandag: Speed Queen Services. Diens en herstel alle Speed Queens, tuimeldroërs, mikrogolfoonde. ( Gert Botha (018) 294-8479 of 082-967-8267. ALLE HERSTELWERK in & om die huis. Boorgate, besproeiing & drukpompe. Geen werk te klein. ( Gerhard by 083-283-5700. A A N D A G !!! Whirlpool services, herstel & diens alle outomatiese Top Loader, mikrogolfoonde en tuimeldroërs. ( Nick 082-825-0727.


Verwydering van bourommel en tuinvullis, algemeen vervoer van goedere. (Andre 071 281 3329 / 082 083 0304.


Vervaardig en Installeer uitstekende kwaliteit Trelisdeure Beste Pryse. (083-651-7303

Vervoer & Berging / Transport & Storage

Skakel ons vir ‘n gratis kwotasie: (018) 290-6755 of 083-637-7690 (nood).

Algemene Vervoer Bourommel, tuinvullis. Sakpaspryse. ( Hendrik 082-925-5168.

Sien winkelvenster vir installeerder op diens op naweke



Rommelverwydering / Refuse Removal


Vir alle vervoer o.a. meubelvervoer. Het ook jare ondervinding. Pak self, en hou volle toesig. Pieter 073-525-6536. 076 814-6100 (W) (018) 484-1725 (H)


Swembaddens / Swimming Pools

Skakel Lappies (018) 290-6906 of 082-684-8982.



Ons spesialiseer in: * xpanda trellisdeure * Motorhuisdeure en oproldeure * Outomatisering van hekke en deure * interkomstelsels * Elektriese omheinings * Roller Shutters * Blinders * Sonkappe (“awnings”) * Houtvoudeure * Enige staalomheinings * diefwering * “Razor Spikes” * Storte * Skylight

Vir verwydering van tuinafval, skoonmaak van erwe en geute, afsaag van takke en bome, algemene opknap van tuine en ligte vervoerwerk.

Verfkontrakteur vir 11 jaar. Vir alle verfwerk, asook die seël van dakke. ( Johan 083-412-0724.





CK Reg. no. 2002/063528/23

Is lae waterdruk vir jou 'n frustrasie- probleem opgelos! (Marius 082-598-5198





Goeie staal werk. Herstel & herbou sleepwaens konkryt, giet werk. (Hans 072-548-4965

Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgeriewe teen billike pryse? Skakel Droogte vir ‘n gratis kwotasie!

EMPI Meubelvervoer





Skakel Johan alle ure 082-962-3125.

Loodgieters / Plumbing

HALLABY LOODGIETERS Skakel Emile (018) 294-4024 a/u of 082 448 2824

Tel: (018) 294-7459 fax: (018) 293-0785

• Patios • Walkways • Indoor • Walls • Driveways • Pool surroundings • Landscaping SKAKEL

• Gesifte mis vir “top dressing” beskikbaar R20 per sak

Willie 072 292 5537

Skakel Piet of Johanita ViVierS by Modern auto triMMerS & uPh.



Vir billike tariewe en spoedige diens skakel

Onthale & Konferensies / Functions & Conferences

AANDAG ALLE BRUIDE Eksklusiewe en stylvolle tafeldekor te huur. Ook tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke en lycra-stoelrokke. Events House by The Roots Lifestyle Centre. ( (018) 285-1222.


SKAKEL DAWID 082-772-3731 OF DEWALD 072-784-5107



Skoonmaak van matte, matrasse & sitkamerstelle. Gebruik industriële masjiene. Verskaf persoonlike toesig. Skakel Joey 076-766-9689


TODAY 082 552 0267

Herstel van elektriese probleme en alle huishoudelike toestelle soos yskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldroërs, skottelgoedwassers, geysers, loodgieterswerk, ens.

* Nuwe swembaddens * Steppingstones * Sonpanele * Herstel van swembaddens. SKAKEL (018) 294-5833 of 082-928-5774.

Bou, herstel, ontwerp, onderhou van alle swembaddens & spa’s en vele meer. Louwtjie Naudè 083 651 2637



Plaagbeheer / Pest Control

Grasdakke / Thatch Roofs


laPaS & gRaSdakkE SKAKEL WILLIE JORDAAN 082 552 0267 (018) 294-3308

Pest Control

TEL: 082 802 4747 083 443 9039 018-468 2128 PCO REG.P31742 a01


J & H MEUBELVERVOER Vir professionele vervoer en stoor. ( (018) 290-6755.


Algemene vervoer: bourommel, tuinvullis, meubels asook mini trekke. ( Paul 082-709-3487.

Tuindienste / Garden Services



Distance no problem also transport general items up to 7 ton in closed 8 ton truck. Bakkie and 1 ton trailer also available for smalls. Contact 071-625-9597 or 076-885-8425 / 084 279 4828

Eenmalige skoonmaak van tuine en leë persele. Tuinrommel verwydering. Gratis kwotasie.

Skakel Kleinjan 082-456-1699.




(Potchefstroom area)


Skakel Johan


• Afsaag en uithaal van bome. • Skoonmaak van industriële- en woonerwe. • Aanplant van gras.


Quick drying and improved chemicals




Algemene herstelwerk, plaveisel, bouwerk, staalwerk, verf, teëlwerk, ens.


Cleaner, drier, better. Clean carpets or Lounge suites

11 April 2014


WILLIE JORDAAN DEBT COUNSELLOR We can assist you to reschedule your debts without running the risk of losing your assets. Your monthly payment will be reduced to a affordable level.


Carpet Kleen

Berading / Counselling



Potchefstroom Herald

Bou van lapas, kam en stop. Alle herstelwerk, en verfwerk.

082 857 5092


Lenings / Loans

BRIDGING CASH while waiting for


Payout (lumpsum only) (011) 394-6937


Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693



Potchefstroom Herald

Tuindienste / Garden services

59 TV / Elektriese toebehore /


MEJ. BENE DIE TOP! Blondine blom! Privaat TLC. 28+. VIP. 100% veilig. 08:00 - 20:00. ( 073-900-0435 of 082-210-6230.

Woonstelle te huur / Flats to let

TV / Electrical appliances



- DSTV & Top TV installations and repairs

Algemeen Te Koop / General For Sale

CANOPIES Ons koop u tweedehandse bakkie-kappie vir kontant! Skakel Dirk / Lize by 082-538-0153 of 072-377-0011.

Granada woonstel: 2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, aparte toilet en ‘n tuintjie. r5 500 p/m. onmiddellik beskikbaar.


- Cellphone Signal Boosters installations - Internet Provider “Jenny” installations - CCTV


- TV Repairs

Contact office: 079-331-5950 Johan: 082-732-5748 Johan: 081-214-5971 Web: www.directtv.co.za

Goudstraat woonstelle: (Grondvloer), 1 slpk @ r3 960 p/m en 2 slpk @ r4 510 p/m. Ruim. onmiddellik beskikbaar.




Lenings beskikbaar !! • ITC Welkom!!! Benodig voertuig? FAKS VOLGENDE: Payslips, Identiteitsdokument • Bewys van adres • 3 Maande bankstate • Rybewys indien nodig Skakel: Hanlie 082 356 4343 Zelda 079 133 1188 Faks: 086-226-3285 Email: hanlielombard.motor@gmail.com


Huise te huur / Houses to let



3 En 4 SlPk HUlSE tE HUUR tE dEElkRaal naBy CaRlEtOnVillE V ANAF R3 450.00 PER MAAND SKAKEL ESTlE OF NITA (018) 785-5440 www.deelkraalestate.co.za



Skakel Debbie by 082-373-2524.



“niE pAASnAwEEK niE” Ons betaal



P A N D M A R Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse huisraad, gereedskap, Oregon deure, vloere. Plafonne staal / Oregon (wanneer beskikbaar). Chris Hanistraat 78, Potchefstroom. ( (018) 293- 3234 of 082-920-0871.


Eksklusiewe winsgewende boetiek met ‘n goeie ligging.

Swembaddens / Swimming Pools


83 a1q41aq

Algemeen te koop / General for sale


SKAKEL : 082 954 6355 / 082 524 2780




TV / Elektriese Toebehore / TV / Electrical Appliances


Vakansiehuis, 400 m van St. Michaels Stand. Slaap 11, see-uitsig, weelderig toegerus, TV, braai en motorhuis. Billike tariewe. Rolstoel vriendelik. Tel. / Faks (039) 315-0498 of 083-680-6235. Whats’up my vir foto’s.

Manie Sweiswerke Staalkonstruksie en store. Voorsiener en installeerder van veiligheidshekke en afdakke. Optrek van enige planne. Skakel Manie Labuschagne by (018) 297-6316 (k/u) of 082-335-9761

Aantreklike pretige dame vir TLC in alle areas beskikbaar 24/7 (Zani 079025-8428 Boere plesier* warm Rooikop* net vir jou* Tanya terug in Potch. (073-348-6246 EXCLUSIVE VIP Only 40 years plus! Sport and sensual & TLC. 100% Private secure (079 666 0431 (Potch) Nuut klein vyn maar getryn 19jr 24/7 beste massering ooit. (074-856-6192

082 302 7995 62

Juweliersware / Jewellery

BENODIG U KONTANT? Ons koop alle goue-, diamantjuweliersware en goue munte vir kontant. Eternity Enterprise Juweliers 33 James Moroka str (Lombard str). Potchefstroom, Tel: (018) 297-5364


Diere & Pluimvee / Animals & Poultry

Dragtige Doperooie te koop. (072-682-1145 OPREGTE ROOMKLEUR Labradorhondjies, ingeënt en ontwurm. Beskikbaar op 6 weke vanaf 28 Maart. R1 250 elk. ( Johanna by 083-399-0337, Kroonstad. Wolfhond tefies 8 weke oud nie geregistreer. (082-552-7818



TIp TOp TV AANDAG!!! Du plooystraat 46


DSTV + OVHD Installasies TV Reperasies XtraView


Voordat jy jou motor of bakkie wil inruil of verkoop, skakel my vir ‘n uitstekende prys.


082-774-7962 Ons

018 293 0277 082 892 1315


Sweis & Staalwerke / Welding & Steelworks

Installering van DSTV Herstelwerk: TV’s, Hi-fi’s, DVD spelers en Naaldwerkmasjiene.



Call 078 791 8219 for free quotation.


Meenthuis te koop, gevra. Privaat geen agente asb. (J. Smith 082-458-3932

. ks (03 ir foto’s Tel. / Fa ’up my v ts a h W . -6235 083-680

Persele / Premsises

R60 PLUS BTW PER M². Granite tombstones – Best quality, best prices, quality workmanship guaranteed.

vakan erhitte Selfsorg TV, solarv fstand . s ru e g vol toe ai. Loopa d en bra a b - 6. m e w s . Slaap 2 98 of d n a tr s 4 van 9) 315-0


Moenie dat jou kind verdrink nie!!!

skakel: elize 072 187 2754

GO. lle UVON ste sie woon

Skakel 072-873-9913 vir meer besonderhede.

Te Koop Gevra / Wanted To Buy

Gebruikte canopies gesoek, koop aan vir kontant. ( (018) 4628993 / 082-821-4245.


Prys: R650 000.

Veiligheids- Nette / seile





7 Soorte vrugte + droë vrugte konfyte vars uit Boland Vrydag Golfbaan. (Japie 082-779-4472



Vinnige, vriendelike diens. Transaksies vertroulik.

PAND + MEUBELS h/v Kerk & du Plooystr. Potch

Vakansie akkommodasie / Holiday accommodation

FRANCOIS 072-434-2790

skakel (018) 294-5503 / 5






Besigheidsgeleenthede / Business Opportunities


vir u OOrtOllige artikels





- Aerial & other TV related equipment



11 April 2014


motors en bakkies vir

DSTV KOntant R10 000 - R100 000


* New Installations * Re-Installations * Extra view Installations * HDMI Installations * Extra Point * Surround Sound Installations * TV’s Mounting etc.

Herman: 082 437 4218

Riaan de Lange 082-325-9570 Ek koop byna alle 2de handse motors, bakkies, kombi's en dubbelkajuit vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. ( Unis by 082-959-9120 of 072-203-1614.

Potchefstroom Herald


072-272-1988 082-575-7531



Ons koop bakkies en motors vir KONTANT. Goeie pryse word aangebied. Skakel: 072 126 7886 72

Algemeen Te Huur / General To Let

6 SLAAPKAMER woonhuis en woonstel te huur naby universiteit. Huur: R15 000 p/m. ( (014) 592-2784 of 082-800-4298 n/u. Available May: (Buddy 084-670-3400 3 workshops. 1) Large 3 ton overhead grane R5000pm. 2) ± 130² R2 500pm. 3) ± 70m² R2000pm. 3 Promosa Rd Industria.


Losies / Boarding

herberg vir afrika.co.za. Aangename, bekostigbare verblyf. (071-690-7986 / 071-607-7340

Kennisgewing Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Top quality & highly visible workshop and office space to let. Long term lease. Contact Lourens (073-599-5999/018771-2075 o/h 3hoek@lantic.net


Octron gebou op eerste vloer. H/v James Moroka en autostraat. Skakel nommer: 018 292 1615 kantoor-ure 08:00 - 16:30 84

Woonstelle Te Huur / Flats To Let

Good quality flats central in Fochville. Close to all amenities. Contact ( (018) 771-2075 office hours 073-599-5999 after hours 3hoek@lantic.net Groot ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel met baie kaste naby ML Fick Laerskool. Onderdak parkeering eie binne hof; koopkrag R3 500pm en dep dadelik besk. (083-327-8040

DRIE SLAAPKAMER woonstel te Mooivallei hoewes, 1.2 km vanaf kampus geleë, te huur @ R4 000 p/m. ( (014) 592-2784 of 082-800-4298.

1 Slpk w/s te huur 1 Mei koopkrag bult en sentraal, dep R2 900 huur R2 900. (George 082-341-0350

Groot tuin bachelor w/s sluitafdak w/l skoonmaker 1xp.w Miederpark. (018- 293-2298 / 083-334-3507

1 Slpk woonstel mooi tuin Miederpark onmid, beskik voorafkrag R3 600. (082-552-7818

KANONNIERSPARK: 1 slpk @ R3 120 p/m. ( 074-241-9577.

2 Slpk woonstel te huur te Welverdiend 1 Mei W&L ingesluit.(Louise 082-345-8816

MOOIVALLEIPARK: 2 slpk @ R4 460 p/m. ( 082-888-2247. POTCH; Ruim woonstel R3 500. Kinders & troeteldiere welkom. (071-607-7340 / 071-697-5739

Ruim 1 en 2 slpk woonstelle met parkering. Te huur op die Bult. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 786 1761.

RUIM 1 SLAAPKAMER woonstel te huur in Miederpark. Grondvloer met tuin. Pragtige kombuis. R3 500 p/m. ( 072-384-0260.

BULT : 3 SLPK woonstel @ R5 470 p/m. ( 079-511-6506.

RUIM 1 SLPK W/STEL veilige parkering, privaat en stil. R2 700 p/m. ( 084-666-9889.

Bachelor flat (only students) quiet area 1km van Nwu R1 700pm. E- mail 11659149 @nwu.ac.za * BACHELOR W/STEL vanaf R2 420 p/m. * Groot bachelor @ R3 000 p/m. * Suid: 2 slpk (met tuin) vanaf R4 400 p/m. ( Huizemark (018) 297-8338. BULT: BACHELOR @ R2 950 p/m. ( 079-511-6518. DASSIERAND: 2 slpk @ R4 020 p/m. ( 082-885-9319.

IMPALA: BACHELOR 48m². R425 000. ( Tersia 084-206-1661.

Ruim bachelor w/stel R2 800 water en ligte ing. (082-576-3286 TUINWOONSTEL vir enkel student. Geen troeteldiere. R2 980 p/m, w&l ingesluit. ( Mev. Muller (018) 290-5228. Woonstel 2 slaapkamer sekuriteit kompleks, t/ motorhuis R4 200. (082-859 -7636

Direk van ontwikkelaar Klinkersteen m/huis. 3 Slpk, dubbel geriewe, dubbel motorhuis. Stil Cul de Sax straatjie in spogarea ruim woon vertrek. (Melinda 072-023-7759


Huise Te Huur / Houses To Let

Meenthuise Te Huur / Townhouses To Let


1) GRIMBEEKPARK: 2 slpk, 2 badk @ R6 050 p/m. 2) S E N T R A A L : 2 slpk @ R5 500 p/m. ( Huizemark (018) 297-8338.


FOCHVILLE: 2 SLPK meenthuis, 1 badk, 1 motorhuis, eie tuin. R3 800 p/m. ( 082-888-2247 of (018) 293-1858 of 072-433-2822. MEENTHUISE TE HUUR: * Meenthuis te huur in Van der Hoffpark. Baie ruim. 2 Slpk, 1 badk, 2 motorhuise. R8 000 p/m. * Meenthuis te huur op die Bult. 2 Slpk, 1 badk, 1 afdak, veilige parkering. R4 500 p/m. ( T G Kruger Eiendomme by (018) 294-6544. Meenthuis te huur Bailliepark @ R6000pm, koopkrag toesluit motorhuis. 3 Slpk, 2 badkamers, eie tuin geen troeteldiere beskikbaar 1 Junie. (Elize 082-371-6305 Meenthuise te huur 1) Grondvloer ruim 2 slaapkamer meenthuis, sit- eet en woonkamer met dubbelgeriewe, kombuis, opwas en tuin. Toesluitmotorhuise en afdakke. Geen troeteldiere. R5 200 p/m vanaf APRIL 2014. Deposito R5 200. ( Habiplan (018) 293-0625. Spacious quality 3 Bedroom double bathroom town houses to let with private garden. From 1 April 2014 Fochville. ((018) 771-2075 office hours / 073-599-5999 after hours. 3hoek@lantic.net

WOONSTEL TE HUUR 1 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur. Sentraal geleë. Water ingesluit, koopkrag. R2 600 p/m. ( Jan 082-876-0809.


Koopkrag. 4 Slpk, 2 badk, 1 studeerk, spens, opwas, sit- eetkamer, kombuis & TV-kamer. 3 Leefareas, boorgat, alarmstelsel, 3 m/huise, 1 bachelor flat en braaiplek. Langtermyn huur. Geen honde. R8 500 p/m. S/dep. R8 500. 1 Mei beskikb. Skakel 072-833-2434 na 5 vir afspraak.

TE HUUR: 3de Huis op plot, 10 km vanaf ‘Potch Mall. 3 Slaapkamers. R4 000 p/m, krag ingesluit. Skakel Koos 083-627-4425 HUIS TE HUUR IN Miederpark, Potchefstroom. 3 Slaapkamerhuis, groot erf. R6 500 p/m. Nuut oorgedoen. Beskikbaar 1 Mei 2014. ( 083-263-4982. HUIS TE HUUR Huis te huur in Dassierand. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, 2 motorhuise. R7 020 p/m. ( T G Kruger Eiendomme by (018) 294-6544. 1) N A B Y M A L L / Golfbaan: 4 slpk, 2½ badk + swembad @ R9 900 p/m. ( Huizemark (018) 297-8338. RYSMIERBULT 2 Bedroom, 3 Bedroom, 4 Bedroom to let (079-218-4999

l opening New Pre Schoo m. in Potchefstroo

SEKRETARESSE vir Regspraktyk in Potchefstroom. VEREISTES: • Rekenaarvaardig met kennis van Word, Excel en Outlook. • Matriek (Graad 12). • Moet oor eie vervoer beskik. • Moet so spoedig moontlik diens kan aanvaar. Stuur ‘n verkorte CV na wj@lantic.net met vermelding van die salaris wat u verlang. Indien u nie binne 7 dae van ons hoor nie, moet u aanvaar dat u nie suksesvol was nie.

* 2 X 2 SLPK MEENTHUISE, 1 km vanaf universiteit. R720 000 elk. * Ruim 3 slpk meenthuis op die Bult: R899 000. ( Lynette by T G Kruger Eiendomme 072-307-7653.

ed. All staff requir to Please email CV’s ail.com preschoolcvs@gm -7840. or call 060-750


Drie slaapkamer woonhuis in Strydomstraat 14, Bailliepark, Potchefstroom met dubbelgeriewe, studeerkamer, sitkamer en eetkamer. 3 Motorhuise en parkeerplek onder afdakke. Huur: R8 750 p/m, deposito R8 750.

DWARSSTRAAT 22A, Kamers @ R1 530 p/m (slegs mans student). ( Lisa Brink by Potch Eiendomme 082-800-5273. Kamers te huur ten volle gemeubileerd, swembad + Dstv. Ontbyt + aandete enkel R3000pm, dubbel R5000pm. ( Elize 082-300-2235



GOEIE BELEGGINGS GELEENTHEDE. * 2 x Meenthuise, Sentraal: R680 000 - R700 000. * Studentewoonstel op die Bult: R650 000. * Die Eike: 3 slpk ruim woonstel: R380 000. ( Ernst Nortje by T G Kruger Eiendomsagentskap 081-250-7197.

Meenthuise Te Koop / Townhouses For Sale


DASSIERAND 2 Bedr, perfect to share. Carports. ( 083-683-8894.

Fochville 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur.In Kruisstraat Fochville R3000 p/m (Andries 082-776-5887

1 Slpk tuin w/stel vir enkel manspersoon, 42m² R3 200pm, w&l ing, 1 Mei sleutel dep. (076-617-5781

BERMA: 1 SLPK woonstel. Grondvloer. 63m². R450 000. ( Ben 082-559-0557.


Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel (018) 290-5018 gedurende kantoor-ure.

1x kamer 300m vanaf Puk deelhuis. Veilige parkering, swem, braai, was, R2 150pm. W& l ing. (Chris 082-688-3388 Grimbeeckpark. 4 Slpk, 3 badkamer, kantoor en dubbel motorhuis R10 500pm vanaf 1 Mei 2014. (Irma 082-347-5555 Groot 3 slpk woonhuis met dubbel geriewe & lapa, R7 500pm vanaf 1 Mei 2014. (082-340-7549


Huise Te Koop / Houses For Sale

TE KOOP: Baie ruim 4 slaapkamerhuis, teëldak, dubbelgeriewe en alle nodige vertrekke. Eienaar tree af. Goeie koop teen



BULT: BACHELOR @ R3 200 p/m. ( 082-885-9320.

Woonstelle Te Koop / Flats For Sale


Skakel Noshi by (018) 294-6169 of 082-558-4000.

TE HUUR 2 Slpk w/stel, 2 badk (en-suite), sitk, eetk en kombuis. 2 Afdakke, ± 7 km buite Carletonville op plaas. R2 800 p/m. Skakel Freddie de Beer Eiendomme 082 739 5901

Bachelor w/s te huur vir R2000pm in Miederpark. (Dirk 083-280-9533




Hoogste pryse vir u gebruikte VOERTUIG OF BAKKIE.

aangepas om aan u behoeftes te voorsien, is onmiddellik beskikbaar in Bailliepark. Grootte volgens u keuse. Mans- en dames aparte toilette. Kombuis en lugreëling beskikbaar. Die pakket sluit in water en elektrisiteit, asook volop parkering. Skakel gedurende kantoor-ure (018) 290-5018 of (018) 290-7701.

BACHELOR - Roelsan @ R2 200 p/m. Miederpark, 1 Slpk. Koopkrag @ R3 190 p/m. Marcorina A4, 2 slpk dupleks @ R4 180 p/m. Villa Bly 14, 2 slpk @ R5 000 p/m. V Lodge A19, 2 slpk @ R4 520 p/m en B77 HOEKEENHEID @ R4 490 p/m. Adrina 111 @ R3 740 p/m. @Varsity, 1 slpk @ R3 500 p/m. Campus Gate 6, 1 slpk @ R4 300 p/m. ( Lisa Brink, Potch Eiendomme 082-800-5273.


Best cash prizes paid for your car or bakkie. Tel: (018) 294 3754 Call 082 558 8999.




KANTOOR / WINKEL te huur in Bailliepark langs Steers. ( 083-227-3117.

Netjiese ruim 2 slpk woonstel naby M.L. Fick Skool. 2 x Skadunet afdakke. R4 000 per maand, w&l ingesluit. Dadelik beskikbaar. Direk van eienaar. Geen kinders, geen speelplek. Skakel Miekie 082-856-5420.


082 853 6752

Persele / Premises


Ek koop graag u motor / bakkie vir kontant. doen ook verkope. SkAkEl RAymond REinEckE



AAndAg !!!

11 April 2014

R1 200 000. Skakel Pieter Cloete by Sukses Eiendomme 082-707-0300.

3 Slpk huis by Suid spaar huurders in goeie belegging R980 000. (George 082-341-0350 Winskoop Pragtige huis in Carletonville te koop, 13 vertrekke, dubbel motorhuis, pragtige tuin saam met meubels en gordyne Privaat koop (082-897-2469

Gastehuise / Guest-Houses

herberg vir afrika.co.za. Aangename, bekostigbare verblyf. (071-690-7986 / (018) 285 -1040


Vakansie Akkommodasie / Vacation Accommodation

Banana Beach and hibberdene Fully equipped apartments various sizes from R200 out of season per night.

contact DiRk SwaRt 083 527 0529.

Kumkani Country Lodge. Luukse kamers, ontbyt, M-Net, parkering + swembad. Paryslaan 37, Bailliepark, Potch. Tel: (018) 290-7387/9 082-559-8293 n/u UVONGO / MARGATE Skoon en moderne selfsorg eenhede slaap 2 tot 8 pers.

See Uitsig



Loopafstand van strand. Bekostigbare tariewe.

081 762 9223


A L B A T R O S vakansie-woonstelle teenaan die strand. ( (031) 903-2167. www. albatrosseaview.co.za MARINA STRAND / U V O N G O. Vanaf 10 nagte vir R2 500, buite seisoen. ( 082-920-4063 Weeksdae 08:30 tot 15:00. MARINA STRAND Ten volle toegeruste chalets. Slaap 4 tot 6 teen billike tariewe. ( (039) 313-0200 (k/u).

Maatskappy in Potchefstroom is opsoek na ‘n dinamiese


wat spesialiseer in Volvo en daf trokke. Moet minstens 5 jaar ondervinding hê. Vir voltydse pos. Salaris onderhandelbaar. (goeie pakket) a1tlxS5

stuur asb. volledige CV na 086 577 5163.

11 April 2014

1 Slpk tuin w/s vir enkelpersoon in Suiddorp Potch eie ingang & afdak geen troeteldiere R3 500 w& l ingesluit + dep. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2014. (084-649-7675 Agnes are seeking domestic work for 2 or 3 days. Clean, wash, iron. (076-638-5345 Alinah in need of domestic work. Will be willing to clean, wash, iron. (074-299-0266 Andronica's searching for packing shelves, cleaning shops. Immediatley available. (079-908-1886 Bediende soek huiswerk baie betroubaar met verwysings. Eienaar verhuis. Dins - Vryd. (Martha 073-548-6139 Elderly lady seeks domestic work, willing to cook and look after kids. (083-433-4489 Hardworking lady seeks domestic work. Clean,wash, iron. (Mittah 074-487-1823 Hardworking lady seeks domestic work. Clean, wash, iron. (Syntia 078-716-7205 Mariam in need of domestic work. Clean, wash, iron. (072-987-8933 Martha seeks domestic work. Clean, wash, iron. Willing to cook and look after kids. (078-686-6609


OFFICE ASSISTANT To start immediately. MUST have a secretarial diploma AND/OR 3/5 years general office experience. ONLY SERIOUS APPLICATIONS PLEASE. Computer literate Excel very important. Good English and Afrikaans. Impeccable manners with clients. Salary according to Skills. Please fax full CV and all relevant documentation to 086-616-1627

Pos beskikbaar by eiendomsontwikkelaar. Benodig persoon wat administrasie en boekhouding van firma kan bestuur. B.Com/ boekhouding, asook administratiewe agtergrond noodsaaklik. Ondervinding in Eiendomsbedryf voordelig. Eie vervoer ‘n voorvereiste. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2014. E-pos CV na elektra@ internext.co.za


Martha's searching for domestice work or any available work. (079-043-9892

AGENTE GESOEK VIR GEVESTIGDE verhuringsagentskap. Basiese salaris: R3 000 p/m. Moet oor eie vervoer en selfoon beskik. Moet onmiddellik diens aanvaar. E-pos CV na letting@mweb.co.za.

Betrekkings / Vacancies


Avon SAleS AgentS needed: Potchefstroom, Carletonville & Ventersdorp. Sms name & Area to 083 389 1784

'n Goed gevestigde Haarsalon is dringend opsoek na 'n gekwalifiseerde haarkapster met eie kliente basis asook twee vakleeringe voltyds, na ure. (083- 225-3821

PRIME PERSONNEL: various Admin / Clerk jobs. ( (018) 294-5201 / www.prime personnel.co.za

ONTVANGS- EN ADMINISTRATIEWE pos beskikbaar by 'n gevestigde agentskap. Moet oor Gr. 12 kwalifikasie beskik, Engels en Afrikaans magtig en rekenaargeletterd wees. Diens aanvaarding is onmiddellik. Salaris: R2 500 p/m. E-pos CV (maks 3 bl'e) na letting@mweb.co.za.

VAKANTE POS DAME tussen 20 en 30 word benodig as ‘n WINKEL ASSISTENT. VEREISTES: * Nie roker. * Bestuurslisensie. * Matriek.


Betrekkings Gevra / Vacancies Wanted




Potchefstroom Herald

STUUR CV NA: Mail: pienk@ telkomsa.net Fax: 086 543 5386 Of lewer af by Pienk Pilletjies, 80 Smitstraat, Potch. Oryx Personnel ons bedien werksoekers en werkgewers met toewyding. (018- 294 - 4664

Ons het tans twee vakature.

* Sudette Du Plooy Prokureurs * Ontvangsdame pos beskikbaar. ( (018) 294-8546. Tuindienste Toesighouer Kode 08 lisensie, Potch Anton ( 0725434819

Algemene AdministrAtiewe dAme

1.’n Man as vlOer tegnikus 2.’n Dame as bestuurDeres/ vOOrraaDkOntrOleerDer by Fantasia river walk Mall. Ons vereis albei persone oor 40, tweetalig en bereid om skofte te werk. Goeie interpersoonlike vermoëns ook ‘n vereiste. kandidate e-pos verkorte Cv na keoughodette@gmail.com of skakel Odette by 083 973 1594. Maandag tot vrydag 8.00vm tot 4.00nm

Trompie Green Division Pty Ltd benodig iemand vir:

- Algemene administratiewe & kantoor werk - Ontvangs behartig & verkope aan kliënte Vereistes: - Tersiêre kwalifikasie - Afrikaans 1ste taal - Rekenaarvaardighede (Excel) - Reeds woonagtig in Potchefstroom - Goeie menseverhouding & goeie dienslewering

stuur verkorte CV met verwysings na: rene@trompiegroup.co.za

ADVERTISEMENT FOR A VACANT POSITION Wilmed Park Private Hospital invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following position:

DEPUTY NURSING SERVICE MANAGER (LEVEL D1) MAIN FOCUS AREA: To plan, coordinate and manage the staff and activities within their area, thereby ensuring that all patients receive the acceptable level of care. 1.

Key Performance areas: • Incumbent will be part of Wilmed Park Hospitals Management team. • Policy formulation, implementation and control. • Organizing and co-ordination of staff and patient care activities in the wards. • Personnel Management in the wards (Orientation, evaluation, remedial training, motivation, etc.) Liaise with other members of the multi-disciplinary team. • Support in terms of training and development of nursing staff. • Ensure the quality levels are adhered to. • Finances: Budget control, creative input to better the service and promote productivity through teamwork. • To achieve numerical goals and targets as set in the Employment Equity plan. • Incumbent will relieve the Nursing Service Manager when and if required.


Post Requirements: • Registered Nurse Qualification. • 5 Years’ experience as a Registered Nurse. • Post Basic Qualification in Nursing administration or Management diploma is essential. • 3-5 Years Management experience essential. • Proven leadership skills – leading by example – team builder. • Outstanding interpersonal and excellent communication skills. • Fluency in English and another language (Fully bilingual) • Computer literate. • Good work management: planning, organizing and coordinating skills. • High energy levels / tolerance of stress / assertiveness. • Quality patient care orientation.

POS BESKIKBAAR vir 'n finansiële adviseur by 'n gevestigde besigheid. Regsgraad, CFP kwalifikasie en ondervinding sal voorkeur geniet. Stuur verkorte CV met motivering na hl@hlbk.co.za. POS BESKIKBAAR POTCHEFSTROOM. Debiteure, krediteure, admin klerk. 08:00 tot 16:30, Maandae tot Vrydae. Rekenaar ondervinding 'n vereiste. ( 083-795-6628.



Applications can be hand-delivered at the Human Resource Department WILMED PARK, 3 AMETIS STREET, WILKOPPIES, KLERKSDORP. or posted, in time, to The Human Resource Department, MMHS, PO Box 14196, FLAMWOOD WALK, 2535 or E-Mail to: HRM.MatlosanaMedicalHealthService @mmhs.co.za PLEASE INCLUDE CERTIFIED COPIES OF QUALIFICATIONS. CLOSING DATE: 25 APRIL 2014

Jong dinamiese dame. Netjies op persoon; onafhanklik kan werk. Rekenaarvaardig, goeie menseverhoudinge & tweetaligheid. Bereid wees om skofte te werk. Sluitingsdatum: 17 April 2014 Stuur CV na : Kumkani@telkomsa.net Fax: 018 290 8440

____________________ Mrs MM Kruger MANAGER: HUMAN RESOURCES MATLOSANA MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICES. 2014-04-__ Matlosana Medical Health Service is an equal opportunity employer



PLEASE NOTE: To ensure effective administration of applications, the position in consideration must be specified on the application or CV. Only candidates short-listed will be contacted for interviews. Candidates must ensure that their contact details are correct and that they can be contacted during office hours. If candidates are not contacted within thirty (30) days after the closing date, they should consider their applications as being unsuccessful. Late and incomplete CVs will not be considered. Submitted CVs will not be returned by post and can be collected at the address as mentioned above after (30) thirty days if so desired. Candidates can be subjected to assessment; feedback on assessment will only be given if written request is received within seven (7) days of assessment. MMHS reserves the right to fill the position.


Potchefstroom Herald


11 April 2014

Proshaw , ‘n maatskappy wat hoofsaaklik fokus op die invoer van spesialis masjienerie en toerusting en vorm deel van die Profert Groep van Maatskappy en beskik tans oor die volgende geleentheid in POTCHEFSTROOM.

REKENMEESTER Minimum Vereistes: • B.Com Rek met voltooide klerkskap. • Ten minste 5 Jaar toepaslike ervaring • Moet bereid wees om na ander takke, sowel as Zambië te reis.

VEREISTES: • Graad 12, met ʼn minimum van 10 tot 15 jaar sekretariële / administratiewe / toesighoudende ondervinding. • Vermoë om ferm te kan optree, soos en wanneer nodig.

Sleutel Verantwoordelikhede: • Implementeer en instandhou van stelsel, sisteme en prosedures • Maandelikse rapportering van resultate • Belasting aangeleenthede • Opstel van Jaarstate • Bestuur van eksterne oudits.

VERGOEDING: • ʼn Mededingende pakket vir die geskikte kandidaat.

Stuur asb ‘n volledige CV voor of op 15 April 2014 na mariette@profert-hld.co.za of faks na 018-2970107. Indien u geen terugvoering ontvang binne 3 weke na die sluitingsdatum nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. ‘n Markverwante salaris wat gebasseer is op kwalifikasies en ondervinding word

Slegs kandidate wat aan bogenoemde vereistes voldoen kan aansoeke stuur aan: consult@nankie.co.za SLUITINGSDATUM: 18 April 2014 a1tl7Vq


word benodig met agtergrond in Verkope/Bemarking Basiese Salaris + Kommissie Struktuur E-pos: CV’s na fin@nolimitsgroup.co.za


MAGTE EN PLIGTE: • Toesien dat alle administratiewe beleide, prosedures en prosesse gevolg word. • Boekhouding; vanaf kwotasies, tot en met proefbalans. • Algemene kantoorbestuur. • Voorraadbeheer en -aankope. • Kliënteskakeling. • Personeelbestuur. • Indien van BTW state. • Tik van alle korrespondensie.



Bogenoemde posisie bestaan by ʼn bekende elektriese / beligtingsmaatskappy in Potchefstroom.

11 April 2014



Betrekking vir ‘n ervare


(minimum 2 jaar ondervinding). NCA ‘n voordeel, maar nie ‘n vereiste nie. Kompeterende basies met voordele. Sluitingsdatum 14/04/2014.

Skakel Marisa by (018) 297-1111


NEWSHELF 1167 (PTY) LTD UNITED NATIONAL BREWERIES (SA) 41 Forsman Street, Potchefstroom, 2531 Tel : (018) 293 0820 TLOKWE BREWERY

An Attorney’s Firm specialising in Administrations and Debt Review

The Firm requires a computer literate, ambitious, diligent, motivated and passionate candidate to fill the following vacancy:

DC & ADMIN LIAISON OFFICER Requirements are: Computer Literate: Microsoft Outlook, Word & Excel Competent in English and Afrikaans Gr. 12 Certificate and/or Tertiary qualification Good communication skills which include written communication • Able to deal with Consumer as well as Credit Provider enquiries • • • •

All CV’s should be e-mailed to: graceh@hvdmgroup.co.za or fax to: 086 243 4812 Closing date: 14 April 2014

The Brewery has a vacancy for a Truck Driver at Tlokwe Brewery and invites applications from suitable qualified candidates with the following qualifications: -

TRUCK DRIVERS 10 years’ experience in truck driving No Criminal record Medically fit Previous experience in sales will be a benefit


Large Transport Co require DRIVERS for new gas cylinder contract. Must have 2 years experience. Valid PRDP (D), healthy and prepared to work shifts. Fax CV (max 2 pages, no certificates) to 086 248 5175 or contact Nthabeleng Seekane on (011) 571-4914 or e-mail: nthabelengs@crossroads.co.za


CODE C1, C, EC1 & EC

Interested persons must forward their CV to Sales Manager: E-mail to: vandermerwec@unbreweries.co.za Closing Date: 17 April 2014 Should you not hear from us within ten days from the closing date of this advertisement, consider your application to be unsuccessful.



Large Transport Co requires TRUCK ASSISTANTS on Gas Cylinder Contract. Must have 2 years similar experience. Contactable references. Healthy and able to move a cylinder weighing 100Kg. Fax CV (max. 2 pages, no certificates) to 086 248 5175 or contact Nthabeleng Seekane on (011) 571-4914.



Talisman Hire PoTcHefsTroom Talisman ’n verhurings firma is op soek na ʼn persone met integriteit, betroubaar, eerlike en hardwerkende wees wat woonagtig is in Potchefstroom vir die onderstaande poste.

senior VerHurings / VerkoPe Persoon

Moet oor verkope agtergrond beskik. Moet rekenaar vaardig wees en ʼn rekenkundige agtergrond. Konstruksie / tegniese agter grond sal ʼn aanbeveling wees. Moet met mense kan werk.


Moet rekenaar vaardig wees en ʼn rekenkundige agtergrond. Sterk administratiewe vermoë. Konstruksie / tegniese agter grond sal ʼn aanbeveling wees Moet oor geldige bestuurlisensie beskik (EB).


Moet oor geldige bestuurlisensie beskik (EB). Moet met mense kan werk. Stuur volledige CV met opvolgbare werksverwysing aan potch@talisman.co.za of fax: 086 631 9312 Indien U nie van ons verneem het teen 13 Mei 2014 kan U dit as onsuksesvol beskou


Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Job Description: Applications are invited for a suitable candidate who will be responsible to coordinate and monitor the application of safety systems and procedures and management thereof in accordance with the required organizational and legislative requirements of the mine. The position is available at our Tirisano Mine situated approximately 35 km outside Ventersdorp. Minimum Qualifications & Experience: • Grade 12 • Computer literate • Shemtrack Certificate • Valid First Aid Certificate • Minimum five years practical experience in SHE preferably in mining • Valid driver’s licence (EB)




Potchefstroom Herald

Key Performance Areas/ Duties & Responsibilities: • Daily inspections to ensure compliance with SHE policies and procedures at all places of work • Coordinate central safety meetings and related activities • Advise Line Management and employees on safety related issues • Report all deviations/non compliance to the Mine Manager and other Line Managers • Ensure absolute compliance in regards to all types of signs • Conduct regular safety meetings with elected safety representatives • Compile SHE reports and statistics according to organisational requirements • Conduct investigations on all incidents , accidents in order to determin root causes, and recommend preventative action • Responsible to conduct baseline and continuous risk assessments • Maintain and improve the SHE system in accordance with the Companies safety standards and norms • Implement safety awareness programs in order to prevent unnecessary accidents/incidents Skills/competencies: • Good Communication and interpersonal skills • Ability to transfer knowledge and skills to others • Organising/planning/co-ordinating skills CLOSING DATE: 20 July 2014 Applications must be addressed to: Lynn Frylinck Human Resources Department P.O.Box 251 Barkly West 8375 Contact Details: Email Address:

careers@rockwelldiamonds.com Fax No: (086 5016328)


Potchefstroom Herald

11 April 2014

Kennisgewing Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

North West Province Seeks a qualified, dynamic candidate with a degree/diploma in Social Work and SACSSP registration for the following full-time vacancy.

NEWSHELF 1167 (PTY) LTD UNITED NATIONAL BREWERIES (SA) 41 Forsman Street, Potchefstroom, 2531 Tel : (018) 293 0820 TLOKWE BREWERY

The successful candidate must have: • Passion for children • Computer literate • Valid driver’s license • Flexibility with job requirements and time commitments; • Willing to travel throughout province • Fluent in Afrikaans, English and Setswana


ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT B-Com (Major Accounting) 2 years’ experience in Accounting Excel Advance


FINANCE CLERK - National Diploma or Higher - 2 years’ experience as a Creditors / Cash book clerk - Excel advance Interested persons must forward their CV to Financial Manager : Fax no: 086 606 6174 E-mail to: bekkerj@unbreweries.co.za

Duties; Crisis Intervention Caseload Management General Assessments Relevant social work duties including therapy Group Work Community Development


The Brewery has vacancies for an Assistant Accountant and Finance Clerk at Tlokwe Brewery and invites applications from suitable qualified candidates with the following qualifications:

Please note that it would be a one year contract only. All CV’s to be accompanied by relevant original certified documents. Enquiries: Ms. Alice Carnell, tel (018) 297 4411. Applications to be handed in at or mailed to Childline North West offices, 31 Retief Street, Potchefstroom, 2531. Closing date: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 at 12h00

Regskennisgewings Hiermee wil ons graag al ons lesers inlig dat alle Regskennisgewings voortaan in die regsafdeling gepubliseer sal word.

legal notices

Herewith we would like to inform our readers that all legal notices will be published in the legals department.


KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT Project Name: Property description: BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Notice is hereby given of a Basic Assessment Process which is undertaken in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998, as amended in 2010). The proposed project is a listed activity in terms of Government Notice No. R 544. The proposed activity is described as:






Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(i) saamgelees met artikel 78(2) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting, 2004 (Wet 6 van 2004), hierna verwys as die “Wet”, dat die aanvullende waardasierol vir die finansiële jaar 2013/2014, vanaf 11 April 2014 tot 16 Mei 2014, oop lê vir inspeksie by die Dan Tloome Kompleks (Inkomste afdeling/Belastingsaal).

Notice is hereby given in term of Section 49(1) (a)(i) read together with Section 78(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004(Act No. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary valuation roll for the financial years 2013/2014 is open for public inspection at Dan Tloome Complex (Income Section – Rates Hall), from 11 April 2014 till 16 May 2014.

‘n Uitnodiging word hiermee aan elke eienaar of ander persoon gerig om in terme van artikel 49(1)(a)(ii), saamgelees met artikel 78(2) van die Wet, indien so begerig, beswaar te maak by die Munisipale Bestuurder in belang van of enige ander saak opgeteken of weggelaat in die aanvullende waarderingslys, binne bogemelde tydperk.

An invitation is hereby made in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with Section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the above-mentioned period.

Aandag word spesifiek daarop gevestig dat ingevolge artikel 50(2) van die Wet, ‘n beswaar slegs betrekking moet hê op ‘n spesifieke individuele eiendom wat se inskrywing verander het gedurende die tydperk of soos getoon in die aanvullende waarderingslys.

Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of Section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property only of which the entry changed during the period as indicated in the supplementary valuation roll.

Die vorm vir die indiening van ‘n beswaar kan by die volgende adres verkry word naamlik, Dan Tloome Kompleks op die hoek van Wolmaransstraat en Sol Plaatjielaan, (Inkomste afdeling/belastingsaal). Die voltooide vorms teen ‘n koste van R10 per beswaar, moet VOOR OF OP 16 MEI 2014 by die bogemelde adres ingedien word of gepos word aan die Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Dan Tloome Kompleks, Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520.

The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Wolmarans and Sol Plaatjie Avenue. (Income Section Rates Hall) The completed forms are available at a cost of R10 per objection, must be returned to the above address or posted to the The Municipal Manager, Dan Tloome Complex, PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520, ON OR BEFORE 16 MAY 2014.

Vir verdere navrae en om u waarde te verifieer, skakel 018 299 5018.

For enquiries and to verify your value please telephone 018 299 5018.



Kennisgewing No 54/2014/ww

Notice No 54/2014/ww

Activity (3): The construction of facilities or infrastructure for the slaughter of animals with product throughput of (i) Poultry exceeding 50 poultry per day. The competent authority is the North West Department of Agriculture, Conservation, Environment and Rural Development.


Muiskraal Abattoir A portion of the farm Muiskraal 127 IQ, also known as Plot 9 Muiskraal. HJF Bouwer

Consultant: Environmental and Energy Services PO Box 2260 Potchefstroom 2520 Tel/Fax (018) 290 5763 seem@lantic.net In order to ensure that you are registered as an interested or affected party, please submit your contact details and interest or objection to the matter to the contact person, no later than 30 days after the date of this notice. ......................................................................... P093



Should you not hear from us within ten days from the closing date of this advertisement, consider your application to be unsuccessful.


Closing Date: 17 April 2014

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald







Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van afdeling 49 (1)(a)(i) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering; Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting Wet, 2004 (Wet 6 van 2004), hierna verwys as die “Wet”, dat die waardasierol vir die tydperk 1 Julie 2014 tot 30 Junie 2018 oop is vir openbare besigtiging te Ventersdorp Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, by die Eiendoms Afdeling van die Korporatiewe Departement by die kantoor van Mev Nelia Steyn vanaf 22 APRIL 2014 tot 30 MEI 2014.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 49 (1)(a)(i) of the Local Government; Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the valuation roll for the financial years 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2018 is open for public inspection at the Property Section of the Corporate Service Department in the office of Mrs Nelia Steyn from 22 APRIL 2014 to 30 MAY 2014.

Die waardasierol is ook beskikbaar op die munisipaliteit se webtuiste by www.ventersdorp.co.za. In terme van afdeling 49 (1)(a)(i) van die Wet word hiermee ‘n uitnodiging gerig aan die eienaars van eiendom, of enige ander persoon wat die begeerte het, om binne bogenoemde periode by die Munisipale Bestuurder beswaar in te dien aangaande enige saak weergegee in, of uitgelaat uit, die waardasierol. Aandag word uitdruklik gevestig op die feit dat, in terme van afdeling 50 (2) van die Wet, beswaar aangeteken moet word met betrekking tot ‘n bepaalde eiendom en nie teen die waardasierol as sulks nie. Die vorm vir die aanteken van besware is beskikbaar by bogenoemde kantoor of op die webtuiste by www.ventersdorp.co.za. Voltooide vorms moet na die volgende adres gestuur word: Munisipale Bestuurder, Ventersdorp Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Privaatsak X1010, Ventersdorp 2710, of kan per hand ingehandig word by die Eiendoms Afdeling, kantoor van Mev Nelia Steyn.

In addition, the valuation roll is available on the website of the municipality at www.ventersdorp.co.za. An invitation is hereby made in terms of Section 49 (1)(a)(i) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or permitted from, the valuation roll within the abovementioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that, in terms of Section 50 (2) of the Act, an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the valuation roll as such. The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at the above mentioned offices, or on the website at www.ventersdorp.co.za. The completed form must be returned to the following address: Municipal Manager, Ventersdorp Local Municipality Private Bag X1010, Ventersdorp 2710, or can be handed in at above-mentioned office of the Property Management Officer.

Vir enige navrae, skakel Mev Nelia Steyn by 018 264 8500 / 8591 gedurende normale kantoorure of e-pos na steyn@ventersdorp.co.za.

For any enquiries please phone Mrs Nelia Steyn at 018 264 8500 / 8591 during normal office hours or e-mail to steyn@ventersdorp.co.za.





DATUM 07/4/2014

DATE 07/4/2014



TENDER ADVERTISEMENT TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for:


Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for “SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF HIGH MAST LIGHTS IN IKAGENG”



Tender documents must be reserved before 09h00 on 14 April 2014 at tel. 018 299-5444 or 018 299-5704. Tender documents will be available from 10h00 on 16 April 2014 at the compulsory site inspection upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of R350-00 per document and all payments must be done at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Tenderers should have a CIDB grading of 2GB/2CE or higher. Cheques must be made payable to the “City Treasurer”. A compulsory clarification meeting will take place on 16 April 2014 at 10h00. Interested tenderers must meet the Manager Infrastructure or his representative at the OR Tambo Hall, Potchefstroom on the said date and time. Enquiries: Tel. 018 299-5444/5704. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with “TENDER 65/2013”, must be placed in the tender box in the Office of the Speaker at Room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12h00 on 25 APRIL 2014 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Department Community Services, Parks and Recreation Section , 2 Luitingh street, PotchIndustria,Potchefstroom,uponpaymentofanon-refundabledepositofR350documentfee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract regarding any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette 27636 dated 30 May 2005, the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and The Supply Chain Management By-Law of the Tlokwe City Council will also be applicable. A weighted criteria with a possible maximum points has been set for Functionality. The Financial Proposal will only be evaluated if the Functionality scores 50% or above




Track Record



Completion of projects to the same value or higher 5 or more = 5; 3 to 4 = 3; 1 to 2 = 1



End Product Excellent = 10; Good = 5; Poor = 0



Project Specific Expertise



Infrastructure of Firm to Execute Project Excellent = 5; Good = 4; Fair = 3; Poor = 0 (2 x Artisan, 4 x Labourers, Bakkie, Plant and Equipment) as per Table 1 Total Functionality





Notice 46/2014

CIDB Grading 3SQ or higher Contractors may tender. Sealed tender, duly endorsed “TENDER 16/2014: SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF HIGH MAST LIGHTS IN IKAGENG” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 9 May 2014 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. FUNCTIONALITY – (93 POINTS) Functionality Criteria (Proof is required to be submitted with tender) Core business of organisation – reference to similar projects (1 Point for each item confirming core business)

Maximum number of points 3 points

Proven track record - reference to the completion of similar projects (4 Points for each comparable project) (Attach proof)

20 points

In-house division that specializes in the construction of high mast lights.

20 points

Experience and expertise of key staff - reference to similar projects (1 Point for each year)

20 points

In house testing and protection division (Maximum 5 points) Permanent employment of minimum 2 staff members which are experienced, with minimum 5 years in construction of high mast lights (10 points for each employee) (Attach commitment letter)

20 points

Capacity to do the work - reference to the permanent employees with 5 years’ experience in high mast lights. (Proof of registration required to be attached)

10 points

Bidders that score less than 70% (65 points) on the above criteria will be excluded from further participation in this bid. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria, upon payment of a nonrefundable, deposit of R300,00 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The City Council reserves the rights to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. At the Council’s discretion, the lowest tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (as amended). It must also comply with the Supply Chain Management Regulations as published in Government Gazette 27636 of May 2005 Article 21d. The Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Law will also be applicable. A compulsory site inspection meeting will be held on 23 April 2014 at 10:00 in the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchindustria. Enquiries:Mr. P TERBLANCE, Telephone 018-468 2950 (082 400 7633) Notice No. 27/2014


Potchefstroom Herald



om 12h00 te GED 495 VYFHOEK (PLOT – 2,7ha)

Ligging: Tussen Potchefstroom en Tuscany Ridge, neem die ou inry-pad vir ± 100m.

GEDEELTE 495 VAN DIE PLAAS VYFHOEK 428, REGISTRASIE AFDELING IQ, PROVINSIE NOORDWES – GROOT: 2,7357 hektaar – ONTWIKKELINGS POTENSIAAL!! Die eiendom is verbeter met ‘n 5 Slaapkamer woonhuis met 4 badkamers, kombuis, oopplan sit-/eetkamer, afdakke vir voertuie, swembad met lapa, stoor (± 200m²) en 3 eenman-woonstelle met parkering. Maandelikse huurinkomste van woonstelle tans R7,500.00. Die eiendom is ook toegerus met ‘n alarmstelsel en 2 boorgate.

VOORWAARDES: 10 % van die koopprys en 7.5% kommissie plus BTW daarop is betaalbaar deur die KOPER by toeslaan van die bod. Balans sal deur middel van ‘n waarborg gelewer word 30 dae na bekragtiging. Die eiendom sal sonder reserwe verkoop word onderworpe aan bekragtiging deur die Verkopers. Kopers moet ‘n bewys van Identiteit en woonadres beskikbaar hê. Vir nadere besonderhede skakel: Afslaer/RUDI MÜLLER 082 490 7686 Kantoor 018 294 7391 Besoek ons webtuiste vir meer inligting asook die reëls van die veiling en die regulasies in terme van die Verbruikerswet : www.ubique.co.za

Poortmanstr 37, Potch Industria Posbus 408, Potchefstroom






VOORGESTELDE AKTIWITEIT VIR ‘N VULSTASIE EN VERVOER NODE: Bailiepark Uitbreiding 49. Die area waar ontwikkeling voorgestel is, is op die hoek van M. C. Roode en die N12 op die rugby velde van Ferdinand Postma Hoërskool, Potchefstroom, Noordwes Provinsie. Die huidige area word gebruik as sportgronde, maar word voorgestel om omskep te word as ‘n vulstasie en vervoernode. Lengtelyn: 26o 42’ 25” S Breedtelyn: 27o 07’ 03” E As deel van die beplanning van die projek moet die volgende magtigings verkry word vanaf die relevante Staatsdepartemente: Omgewingsmagtiging: ‘n basiese omgewingsimpakbepaling in terme van die Wet op Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur (Wet no. 107 van 1998) (NEMA), saamgelees met die Regulasies oor Omgewingsimpakbepaling, 2010 (GNR 543 van 18 Junie 2010), moet vir die voorgestelde aktiwiteit onderneem word vir ‘n vulstasie en vervoernode. Die volgende aktiwiteite wat in GNR 544 van 18 Junie 2010 van toepassing op die voorgestelde projek en vereis ‘n omgewingsmagtiging: GNR544: Aktiwiteit 13: • “The construction of facilities or infrastructure for the storage, or for the storage and handling, of a dangerous good, where such storage occurs in containers with a combined capacity of 80 but not exceeding 500 cubic meters.”

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 (a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) read with Section 22 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the draft annual budget for the 2014/2015 financial year as well as the Draft Integrated Development Plan for 2014/2015 and the Oversight Report on the Annual Report for the 2012/2013 financial year served before the Tlokwe City Council and lie open for inspection in Room 315, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Streets, Potchefstroom. The budget and IDP is also available at all Councils’ Libraries as well as Councils’ website. The public are hereby invited to submit comments on the budget at the IDP which comments must be submitted at the above address before or on 2 May 2014. The reports are available on the following website www.potch.co.za. The reports that served before Council can also be perused at the Office of the Speaker, (Room 315) Third Floor, Municipal Buildings, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Streets, Potchefstroom during normal office hours. MKL MOHLOMI ACT MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice 53/2014/hh

The current area is situated on the Ferdinand Postma High School grounds at the intersection of M. C. Roode and N12, Potchefstroom in the North West Province. The area currently exists as rugby fields and will be transformed into a filling station and transport node. Latitude: 26o 42’ 25” S Longitude: 27o 07’ 03” E As part of the planning of the project, the following authorisations must be obtained from the relevant Government Departments: Environmental Authorisation: A Basic Environmental Assessment in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act no. 107 of 1998) (NEMA) read with the Environmental Impact assessment Regulations, 2010 (GNR 543 of 18 June 2010) must be undertaken for the proposed activity for a filling station and transport node. The following activities listed in GNR 544 Nr. of 18 June 2010 are applicable to the proposed project and require an environmental authorization: GNR544: activity 13: • The construction of facilities or infrastructure for the storage, or for the storage and handling, of a dangerous good, where such storage occurs in containers with a combined capacity of 80 but not exceeding 500 cubic meters.

Om te verseker dat u geregistreer is as belanghebbende en geaffekteerde party (I&AP), of bykomende inligting oor die voorgestelde projek wil ontvang, registreer deur u besonderhede en kommentaar voor 13 Mei 2014 skriftelik te epos of faks, Vir Aandag: D. Muller

In order to ensure that you are registered as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) or if you require further information on the above mentioned application and/or proposed activities, please submit your name, contact information, interest and comments/ relevant issues on the matter in writing by 13th of May 2014 to AGES. Attention: D. Muller

Aansoeker: NWU Konsultant: AGES NW

Applicant: North West University (NWU) Consultants: AGES NW

76 Steve Biko Ave., Potchefstroom, 2520 Faks: 018-297 4813 info@ages-group.com ........................................................................ P095A

76 Steve Biko Ave., Potchefstroom, 2520 Fax: 018-297 4813 info@ages-group.com ........................................................................ P095E





NOTICE APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP The Tlokwe City Council, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 96, read together with Section 69, of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that an application for Township Establishment for the township referred to in the Annexure hereto, has been received by it. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Room 210, 2nd floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, for a period of 28 days from 15 April 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the Municipal Manager, Potchefstroom City Council, at the abovementioned address or at P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520 within a period of 28 days from 15 April 2014 Name of township: Baillie Park Extension 49


Bailiepark Extension 49

Full name of applicant: DE JAGER EN MEDEWERKERS CC [Reg No. 1990/021605/23] t/a PLANCentre on behalf of the property owner, North West Provincial Government (Department of Public Works, Roads & Transport) Number of erven in proposed township: 1 Erf zoned for “Institutional” 1 Erf zoned “Business 2” 1 Erf zoned “ Business 2” with an annexure in order to accommodate a filling station


Die verslae is ook beskikbaar op die volgende webadres www.potch.co.za. Die verslae wat voor die Raad gedien het kan ook by die Kantoor van die Speaker, (Kamer 315) Derde Vloer, Munisipale Kantore, Dan Tloome Kompleks, hoek van Sol Plaatjie- en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom bestudeer word gedurende normale kantoorure.



Kennis word hiermee ingevolge artikel 21 (a) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) gegee saamgelees met artikel 22 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van 2003) dat die jaarlikse konsep begroting vir die 2014/2015 finansiële jaar sowel as die Konsep Geïntegreerde Ontwikklingsplan vir 2014/2015 en die Oorsigverslag met betrekking tot die jaarverslag vir die 2012/2013 finansiële jaar voor die Stadsraad van Tlokwe gedien het en ter insae lê in Kamer 315, Dan Tloome Kompleks, hoek van Sol Plaatjie- en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom. Die begroting en die GOP is ook beskikbaar by al die Raad se biblioteke en op die Raad se webwerf. Die publiek word hiermee genooi om insette op die begroting en GOP te lewer welke insette voor of op 2 Mei 2014 by bogenoemde adres ingehandig moet word.




Hierdie eiendom het ‘n pragtige uitsig oor die Mooirivier en het ‘n puikligging. Die verbeterings bestaan uit ‘n dubbelverdieping-baksteenwoonhuis met 4 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers en ‘n aparte gaste toilet, sitkamer, eetkamer, woonkamer, studeerkamer, dubbelmotorhuis en ‘n aparte afdak. Verdere verbeterings bestaan uit ‘n swembad met buitegeriewe.

11 April 2014



KENNISGEWING AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN DORP Die Tlokwe Stadsraad, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 96, saamgelees met Artikel 69, van die Ordonansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ‘n aansoek om die dorp in die bylae hieronder genoem te stig, deur hom ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kantoor 210, 2de vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, hoek van Sol Plaatjielaan en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 15 April 2014 Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 15 April 2014 skriftelik en in tweevoud by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Tlokwe Stadsraad by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520 ingedien of gerig word. Naam van dorp:

Baillie Park Uitbreiding 49

Naam van aansoeker: DE JAGER EN MEDEWERKERS BK [Reg No. 1990/021605/23] h/a PLANCentre namens die grondeienaar, North West Provincial Government (Department of Public Works, Roads & Transport) Aantal erwe in die voorgestelde dorp: 1 Erf gesoneer “Institusioneel” 1 Erf met sonering “Besigheid 2” 1 Erf met sonering “Besigheid 2” met ‘n bylae ten einde ‘n vulstasie te akkommodeer

Land description: Portion 1093 of the farm Vyfhoek, Registration Division I.Q., North West Province

Grondbeskrywing: Gedeelte 1093 van die plaas Vyfhoek, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Noordwes Provinsie

Location: The proposed township, approximately 16,33 ha in size, is located on the eastern side of Potchefstroom, at the intersection of Nelson Mandela Drive (N12) and MC Roode Drive.

Ligging: Die voorgestelde dorpsgebied, ongeveer 16,33 ha in grootte, is geleë ooste kant van Potchefstroom, by die interseksie van Nelson Mandela Rylaan (N12) en MC Roode Rylaan.

Applicant: PLANCENTRE P.O. Box 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Tel: 072 597 5670 Ref: 2919

Applikant: PLANCENTRE Posbus 21108 Noordbrug 2522 Tel: 072 597 5670 Verw: 2919

Notice No: ........................................................................ P094E KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

Kennisgewing No: ........................................................................ P094A


11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

REGSKENNISGEWING INDEKS • Insolvente Boedels • Bestorwe Boedels (Debiteure & Krediteure) • Bestorwe Boedels (Likwidasie- & Distribusierekeninge) • Boedeloorgawes • Algemene Kennisgewings • Algemene Jaarvergaderings • Dorsbeplannings: (Hersonerings, Onderverdelings, Opheffing van Beperkings, Tweede Woonhuise, Besig heidsregte, Minerale Regte, Spesiale Toestemmings) • OIS - Omgewingsimpakstudies / Advertensieborde • Dorpstigtings • Dranklisensies • Egskeidings / Huweliksvoorwaardekontrakte • Eksekusieverkopings • Hofbevele / Sekwestrasies • Pensioenfondse • Verkoop van Besighede • Verlore Dokumente • Tenders • Veilings






in die boedel van wyle MMaMOkgEtHi angElEnE gOREkWang (identiteitsnommer: 550423 0718 088), gebore op: 23 aPRil 1955, in lewe getroud BinnE gEMEEnSkaP Van gOEd met MOgaBE SOlOMOn gOREkWang (identiteitsnommer: 480526 5568 0887), ‘n skoonmaker, voorheen woonagtig te 8597 tsholofelostraat, ikageng, Potchefstroom en wie op die 22 JanUaRiE 2012 te Potchefstroom oorlede is (Boedelnommer: 603/2012 (MMaBatHO)).

alle persone met vorderinge teen ondervermelde boedel moet dit binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui) vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke Eksekuteur inlewer. Boedelno. 1773/2014. Meesterskantoor: MMaBatHO. Van: SakUtHE. Voorname: ManaManE MiRiaM. geboortedatum: 08/07/1922. identiteitsno. 220708 0118 085. laaste adres: 969 MatSitSE StREEt, ikagEng, POtCHEfStROOM, 2531. datum oorlede: 13/01/2014. Slegs van toepassing indien oorledene *in gemeenskap van goedere/onderworpe aan die aanwasbedeling, getroud was.

kennis word hiermee gegee dat die Eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê vir ‘n tydperk van 21 dae by die kantoor van die Meester te Mmabatho en die landdros te Potchefstroom vanaf die 11de april 2014. EKSEKUTEUR: MENEER M.S. GOREKWANG, P/a KLYNVELDGIBBENS INGELYF, NELSON MANDELARYLAAN 118A, POSBUS 1738, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520. (TEL: (018) 294-5251). (FAKS: (018) 294-5010). (verwysing: KLYNVELD/DIV1/0645) ....................................................................................P092 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

Voorname en van van nagelate eggenoot / eggenote: nEVER MaRRiEd. naam en (slegs een) adres van Eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent: tEd HaRt, PROkUREUR ViR EkSEkUtEUR, POSBUS 222, klERkSdORP, 2570. tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings, indien anders as 30 dae. adverteerder en adres: tEd HaRt, attORnEy fOR ExECUtOR, P.O. BOx 222, klERkSdORP, 2750. telno. (018) 468-1609. datum: 01/04/2014. Publiseer in die Staatskoerant van 11/04/2014. .....................................................................................P091 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES






Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for:



Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for the supply and delivery of Backhoe Loader to Tlokwe City Council. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12H00, 25 APRIL 2014

DATE AND CLOSING TIME: 25 APRIL 2014 AT 12:00 Tender documents must be reserved before 09h00 on 14 April 2014 at tel. 018 299-5455 or 018 299-5448. Tender documents will be available from 09h00 on 16 April 2014 at the compulsory site inspection upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of R150-00 per document and all payments must be done at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Tenderers should have a CIDB grading of 1GB/1CE or higher.

A compulsory clarification meeting will take place on 16 April 2014 at 11h00. Interested tenderers must meet the Manager Infrastructure or his representative at the Chris Hani Hall Sarafina, Potchefstroom on the said date and time. Enquiries: Tel. 018 299-5455/5448. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with “TENDER 108/2013”, must be placed in the tender box in the Office of the Speaker at Room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12h00 on 25 April 2014 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Offices, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract regarding any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette 27636 dated 30 May 2005, the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and The Supply Chain Management By-Law of the Tlokwe City Council will also be applicable. A weighted criteria with a possible maximum points has been set for Functionality. The Financial Proposal will only be evaluated if the Functionality scores 50% or above




Track Record


Completion of similar projects to the same value or higher 5 or more = 5; 3 to 4 = 3; 1 to 2 = 1



End Product Excellent = 10; Good = 5; Poor = 0



Project Specific Expertise



Infrastructure of Firm to Execute Project Must have all listed equipment & resources to get 5 points. (2 x Artisans, 4 x labourers, bakkie, plant and equipment) as per Table 1



Total Functionality


NB. Proof of documents/qualifications must be attached ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER LM MOHLOMI

A weighted criteria with a possible maximum points has been set for Functionality. The Financial Proposal will only be evaluated if the Functionality scores 50% or above. A maximum of 20 points will be awarded for a good and proven track record for the number of years in providing similar vehicles. The 20 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows:

Cheques must be made payable to the “City Treasurer”.


Only tenders from registered dealerships will be accepted.

Notice 51/2014

Functionality table: Number of years of providing similar vehicles

Points allocated

Up to 5 years

5 Points

Between 6 and 10 years

10 Points

Between 11 and 15 years

15 Points

Between 16 and 20 years

20 Points

Proven track record (documentation) of the supplying of similar vehicles must be submitted. Proven documentation must be submitted that the company is registered for the supplying of similar vehicles. NB: Services and parts must be locally available in Potchefstroom. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed with, “Tender: 10/2014” “SUPPLYING AND DELIVERY OF BACKHOE LOADER TO TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM” must be placed in the tender box in room 315, Third Floor, Municipal Buildings, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to PO Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520.Tenders will be received until 12h00, 25 APRIL 2014 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Municipal Office, Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic or electronic tenders will not be accepted. To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Assistant Manager: Parks and Recreation Section , Department Community Services, 2 Luitingh street, Potch Industria, Potchefstroom, upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R200 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and be paid at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract regarding any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette, 27636, dated 30 May 2005 Tlokwe City Council Supply Chain Management By-laws will also be applicable L MOHLOMI ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Notice: 44/2014


Potchefstroom Herald

Regskennisgewings Hiermee wil ons graag al ons lesers inlig dat alle Regskennisgewings voortaan in die regs-afdeling gepubliseer sal word.

legal notices

Herewith we would like to inform our readers that all legal notices will be published in the legals department.


Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat sy advertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgens sy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe. MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693


11 April 2014




in the estate of late david Motebang,identity number: 630119 5843 087, residing at CH 120 CHRIS HANI SECTION KHUTSONG LOCATION CARLETONVILLE who passed away on the 09th September 2013 in Carletonville with Estate Number:23456/2013. kindly take notice that the first and final liquidation and distribution account of the aforesaid estate will lie open for an inspection at the office of the master of the high court, Pretoria and Oberholzer magistrate court for a period of 21 days (twenty-one) days from the date of publication. .............................................................................. Cal012




TENDER: 13/2014 - SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 1 X 14 SEATER 2.5 DIESEL- MINIBUS TO THE TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) for the Supply and Delivery of a 14 Seater 2.5 Diesel Minibus to the Department Public Safety. THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER WILL BE AT 12:00 ON FRIDAY 25th APRIL 2014 Tender documents, containing details of the Specifications and Conditions are available at the DepartmentPublicSafety,TrafficServices,CornerGluckmanandSolPlaatjieStreet,Potchefstroom.

TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES TENDER:09 /2014 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A 6M³ TIPPER REAR END TRUCK TO TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) for the supply and delivery of a 6m3 tipper truck to Tlokwe City Council.

FUNCTIONALITY A weighted criteria with a possible maximum points has been set for Functionality. The Financial Proposal will only be evaluated if the Functionality scores 75% or above. A maximum of 20 points as set out below will be used to acclaimed specific goals. (a) Having more than 10 years in the industry providing similar service (10) (as per table below):

CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 12H00, FRIDAY 25 APRIL 2014 Only tenders from registered vehicle dealerships will be accepted. Sealed tenders, duly endorsed “Tender:09 /2014” “SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A 6M³ TIPPER REAR END TRUCK TO TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL, POTCHEFSTROOM” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on FRIDAY 25 APRIL 2014 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, 3rd floor Dan Tloome Complex corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted.

Number of Years


1-2 Years


3-4 Years


5-6 Years


7-8 Years




(b) Having completed similar projects or contracts (attach appointment letter/duly signed contract (4).

20 points for functionality will apply for this tender.

Number of Projects/Contracts


The 20 points for functionality will be evaluated as follows:

1-2 projects/contracts


3-4+ projects/contracts


Functionality table:

(c) Services and provision of spares (6).

Number of years of providing similar vehicles

Points allocated

Up to 5 years

5 Points

Between 6 and 10 years

10 Points

Between 11 and 15 years

15 Points

Between 16 and 20 years

20 Points

Proven track record of the supplying of similar vehicles must be submitted Tenderers must obtain a minimum of 50% (10 points) of the functionality points for their financial proposal to be considered To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and tender rules contained in the tender documentsobtainablefromtheAssistantManager:EnvironmentalManagement,Department Community Services, Sol Plaatjie Avenue, Potchefstroom, upon payment of a non refundable deposit of R200 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Council and paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. The Council is not compelled to accept the lowest or any tender. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a formal contract regarding any part of the tender with Council. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Regulations promulgated in terms of Section 5 of the Act. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations published in Government Gazette, 27636, dated 30 May 2005 Tlokwe City Council supply chain management by-laws will also be applicable L MOHLOMI MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Notice 43/2014

Description Vehicle service km radius

Supplying of spares

Points 0-50 km


51-100 km


101-200 km


201 km+


Locally sourced (RSA)


Internationally sourced


Sealed tenders, duly endorsed “SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 1X 14 SEATER 2.5 DIESELMINIBUS TO THE TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL” must be placed in the tender box at the Office of the Speaker, Room 315, Third floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P.O. Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on Friday 25th April 2014 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted. The City Council reserves the right to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. At the Council’s discretion, Council is not obligated to accept the lowest tender. Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems, Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. The Supply Chain Management Regulations of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, as well as the City Council’s Supply Chain Management By-laws will also be applicable. NOTICE NO.: 12/2014 L MOHLOMI ACT MUNICIPAL MANAGER

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald



notice is given in terms of Regulation 54 of the Environmental impact assessment Regulations published in gnR543 in gg no. 33306 of 18 June 2010, under Section (S) 24(5) of the national Environmental Management (nEM) act for Potchefstroom Plastiek Herwinning BK, 11 and 16 industria Road, Potch industria, application for authorisation is made for the following waste activities listed in terms of the nEM Waste act S19(1) Reg 921 Category A – Activity 2 the sorting, shredding, grinding, crushing, screening or bailing of general waste at a facility that has an operational area in excess of 1000m2. Category A – Activity 3 the recycling of general waste at a facility that has an operational area in excess of 500m2, excluding recycling that takes place as an integral part of an internal manufacturing process within the same premises. EcoPartners has been appointed to undertake the application processes. you are hereby invited to take part by registering as an interested and affected Party. Please ensure that your request for registration reaches us on or before 26 May 2014 using one of the contact details below: EcoPartners (Pty) ltd Post: PO Box 73513, fairland, 2030; Tel: 011 431 2251; Fax: 086 539 6127 or Email: eumari@ecopartners.co.za ...................................................................................P096 KENNISGEWINGS • NOTICES

The North-West University invites all specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience and resources to present tenders for the following project on the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University:

The North-West University invites all specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience and resources to present tenders for the following project on the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University:

NWUTR 027/2014 PC (PIP 036/2014 PC): UPGRADING OF ROOF OVER LECTURE HALLS, BUILDING F13, POTCHESTROOM CAMPUS Work entails: Replace roof sheeting on existing roof, alter existing roof structure by adding and replacing damaged purlins, painting of existing roof sheeting

NWUTR 031/2014 PC: (PIP 034/2014 PC) EXTERNAL RENOVATIONS TO BUILDING G2, G5, G8 AND G9, POTCHEFSTROOM CAMPUS Work entails general external macro maintenance Technical Enquiries: Hester Klein (018-299 1010) Tenderers are requested to make a compulsory tender reservation before 12:00 on 15 APRIL 2014 by e-mailing Company Name, Contact Details and applicable Tender Number to 21977682@nwu.ac.za.

Tenderers are requested to make a compulsory tender reservation before 12:00 on 14 APRIL 2014 by e-mailing Company Name, Contact Details and applicable Tender Number to 21977682@nwu.ac.za.

Tender documentation will be issued at the tender briefing. A non-refundable tender deposit of R200-00 per tender document will be payable prior to issuing of tender documentation. A compulsory tender briefing will be held at 14:00 on 16 APRIL 2014 at the department of Physical Infrastructure and Planning, Building G14, Potchefstroom Campus.

Closing Date for Tender Reservations: 14 APRIL 2014 at 12:00

Compulsory Tender Reservations closing date: 15 APRIL 2014 at 12:00 Compulsory Tender Briefing: 16 APRIL 2014 at 14:00

Tender Closing Date and Time: 30 APRIL 2014 at 12:00

Tender Closing Date and Time: 30 APRIL 2014 at 12:00

Please take note that: 1. The lowest or any specific tender will not necessarily be accepted. 2. A Contributor Recognition Level of 5 and higher will be a recommendation 3. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation as issued by the University.

Please take note that: 1. The lowest or any specific tender will not necessarily be accepted. 2. A Contributor Recognition Level of 5 and higher will be a recommendation 3. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation as issued by the University.


Compulsory Tender Briefing: 16 APRIL 2014 at 10:00


Tender documentation will be issued at the tender briefing. A non-refundable tender deposit of R150-00 per tender document will be payable prior to issuing of tender documentation. A compulsory tender briefing will be held at 10:00 on 16 APRIL 2014 at the department of Physical Infrastructure and Planning, Building G14, Potchefstroom Campus.


Potchefstroom Herald

NWU Skouspel suksesvol Die NWU-Puk Skole Skouspel se naam sê dit alles. Dit is skouspelagtige rugby en een van die hoogtepunte van die NWU-Puk sportkalender. Dit is ‘n toernooi waar die spelers se entoesiasme en die intensiteit waarmee hulle meeding, uitstaan.

Dit is ’n toernooi waar jong manne die geleentheid aangryp wat aan hulle gegun word om te wys wat in hulle steek en die resultaat is rugby van die hoogste gehalte. Vanjaar se toernooi het oudergewoonte sy naam gestand gedoen.

Vir Potchefstromers sal Gimmies se 17-17 gelykopuitslag van belang wees. Transvalia is ’n perd van ’n ander kleur en om teen hulle gelykop te speel moet gedoen word. Drieë deur Jan Welgemoed, Gerhard Steenkamp en SJ van Rensburg

Practice Number: 5201055

Enrolled Nurse/ Registered Nurse

Requirements: • Nursing diploma • Current registration with SANC • Phlebotomy experience • Available to work overtime and weekends. Meditech experience would be an advantage.

Motorcycle Courier Potchefstroom (casual position)

Requirements: • Motorcycle driver’s licence (please note that applicants without a motorcycle licence will not be considered at all) • Matric preferred • Good communication skills. Interested applicants should forward a concise CV, certified ID copy, qualifications, driver’s lience (where applicable), proof of current SANC (where applicable) and SARS registration to fax: (011) 358-1459 or e-mail: Nicole.dklerk@lancet.co.za Closing date: 17 April 2014 Should you not receive a response within 2 weeks of the closing date, kindly consider your application unsuccessful. Human Communications 108103

Department of Finance Programme: Sustainable Resource Management Directorate: Infrastructure Projects - Validation of Progress and Spending

het gesorg dat Gimmies amper vir ’n groot skok gesorg het. Gerhard Steenkamp, Gimmies se kookwater agsteman, is as Speler van die Wedstryd aangewys. Teen Garsfontein het sake egter alles behalwe klopdisselboom vir Gimnasium verloop en ’n vernederende 6814 eindtelling kan hiervan getuig. Garsfontein het halftyd reeds 38-0 voorgeloop en Gimmies kon punte eers ná die omdraaislag proe toe Gerhard Steenkamp twee keer gaan druk het. Arthur Vivier het met albei sy doelskoppogings geslaag.

Pukke wen Assupol-liga

Potchefstroom (night call position)


11 April 2014

Gimmies boer in Transvalia se doelgebied om 'n drie te druk gedurende die onlangse Skouspel-reeks op Olënpark. Foto: Vincent

Die twee spanne van die NWUPukke wat aan die Assupol-liga deelgeneem het, het Saterdag in Pretoria hulle eindstryde baie gemaklik gewen. Die Ibbies het Brakpan met 63-12 geklop en die o.21-span het met 52-6 teen Rustenburg Impala gewen.


Director: Infrastructure Projects - Validation of Progress and Spending (3-year contract) All-inclusive salary package: R771 306 per annum (Salary scale: R771 306 – R908 571) (SL13) (Ref. K22458/1) Mmabatho

Requirements: • Appropriate Bachelor’s degree or equivalent NQF Level 6 qualification • 5 years’ relevant experience, of which 2 years should have been at management level. Competencies: • Sound analytical, interpretive and high-level communication skills • Proven track record in multitasking and managing change, strategic planning, business processes and efficiency, development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems • Report-writing skills • Coordination and leadership skills • Problem-solving skills • People, financial and systems management skills • Planning and stakeholder relationship management skills, including the ability to liaise and operate within intergovernmental context • Knowledge of the Public Service Act, 1994, as amended, and Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) • In-depth understanding of intergovernmental systems, budgeting and infrastructure processes in Government. Duties: • Ensure the tracking of progress benchmarks by visiting project sites and holding discussion with contractors • Ensure objective assessing of progress and performance based on clear criteria and indicators stated in the logical framework matrix provided as an annexure of the TOR • Interpret progress technical reports and match actual delivery with expenditure reports • Ensure that potential opportunities and risks, including lessons learned from experience, are taken into account by project management • Ensure the coordination of internal and external projects audits • Ensure participatory monitoring mechanisms to ensure commitment, ownership, follow up, and feedback on performance from stakeholders through stakeholder meetings, steering committees, and focus group interviews • Actively generate lessons learned, ensuring learning through monitoring tools, adapting strategies accordingly and avoiding repeating mistakes from the past • Promote fair and honest reporting on implementation of the projects • Ensure that there are investigations and report on service delivery complaints received through client support offices in the regions.

Assistant Director: Infrastructure Projects Validation of Progress and Spending (4 Posts)

Salary: R252 144 per annum (Salary scale: R252 144 – R297 006) (SL9) (Ref. K22458/2) (3-year contract) • Mmabatho (Ngaka Modiri Molema) • Klersdorp (Dr Kenneth Kaunda) • Rustenburg (Bojanala) • Vryburg (Dr Ruth Mompati)

Requirements: • Appropriate degree/diploma qualification or equivalent NQF Level 6 qualification or developed competencies • 3 years’ relevant experience, of which 1 year should have been at management level. Competencies: • Sound analytical, interpretive, and good communication skills • Proven track record in monitoring of projects • Report-writing skills • Coordination and leadership skills • Problem-solving skills • People, financial and systems management skills • Planning and stakeholder relationship management skills, including the ability to liaise and operate within intergovernmental context • Knowledge of the Public Service Act, 1994, as amended, and Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) • In-depth understanding of intergovernmental systems, budgeting and infrastructure processes in Government. Duties: • Keep track of progress benchmarks by visiting project sites and holding discussion with contractors • Objectively assess progress and performance based on clear criteria and indicators stated in the logical framework matrix provided as an annexure of the TOR • Interpret progress technical reports and match actual delivery with expenditure reports • Coordinate internal and external projects audits • Use participatory monitoring mechanisms to ensure commitment, ownership, follow up, and feedback on performance from stakeholders through stakeholder meetings, steering committees, and focus group interviews • Promote fair and honest reporting on implementation of the projects • Investigate and report on service delivery complaints received through client support offices in the regions.

Administration Clerk

(3-year contract) Salary: R115 212 per annum (Salary scale: R115 212 – R135 714) (SL5) (Ref. K22458/3) Mmabatho

Requirements: • Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or appropriate Office Management Diploma or equivalent qualification • 1 year’s relevant experience. Competencies: • Office management skills • Language skills and the ability to communicate well with people at different levels and from different backgrounds • Ability to meet deadlines • Ability to work independently and under pressure • Sound planning and organisation skills • Advanced computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is a must • Good telephone etiquette • Good people skills • High level of reliability • Basic written communication skills • Ability to act with tact and discretion • Good grooming and presentation • Responsible for creating a conducive and friendly office atmosphere. Duties: • Provide an administrative support service to the Director which will entail receiving telephone calls, recording appointments and events, typing documents and making copies • Provide a clerical support service which will entail liaising with travel agencies to make travel arrangements, arranging meetings and events, processing the S&T claims, processing all invoices that emanate from the activities of the work of the Director, recording minutes of meetings, drafting routine correspondence and reports, filing documents, managing leave registers, receiving, recording and distributing all incoming and outgoing documents, and handling the procurement of standard items such as stationery and refreshments • Remain up to date with regard to prescripts/policies and procedures applicable to the unit to ensure efficient and effective support to the Director. Enquiries: Mr MF Daantjie, tel. (018) 388-3500 The North West Department of Finance is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment, especially in respect of race, gender and disability. Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department, and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV (including full particulars of training, qualifications, skills, competencies and knowledge). These must be supported by certified copies of educational certificates and Identity Document. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Due to the huge number of applications for posts, acknowledgement of receipt of applications will not be done. We will only communicate with candidates to be invited for interviews. Applications should be forwarded to: The Chief Director: Corporate Services, North West Department of Finance, Private Bag X2060, Mmabatho 2735, marked for attention: Ms M Jansen, 2nd Floor, Garona Building. Applications should be submitted on time. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Closing date: 17 April 2014 Kone Solutions K22458

Trainee (Engineer) Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies. Our global network comprises more than 90 offices located in over 50 countries, plus we have over 150 mining and metallurgical sites, offshore oil production assets, farms and agricultural facilities. We employ approximately 190 000 people and it’s these people that we value above all else. They are our greatest asset. Our strategy is to maintain and build upon our position as a leading integrated producer and marketer of commodities worldwide. Join us and let’s grow together.

Trainee (Engineer) Lydenburg Smelter Ref. No. LYD120314 Reporting to the Works Manager: Projects, the incumbent will execute the improvement projects and assist in solving problems by initiating, developing and/or implementing alternatives for improvement to the equipment within the sphere of responsibility (in line with Glencore Lydenburg Smelters’ quality principles). Furthermore, he/she will facilitate quality or small business unit meetings/programmes to empower all within the Department to voice their own ideas with regard to plant availability, comply with Company’s Health and Safety system and revise standard procedures. Financial management, organisation development, mentoring, coaching performance management, business improvements, etc will also form part of the functions. In the end, the successful candidate’s main contributions will be to provide the necessary input, know-how, energy and enthusiasm to enable other team players, individuals, groups and parties involved to reach their goals. We seek a customer-orientated and self-motivated individual with a degree or diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Computer literacy, excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential, as are analytical skills and the ability to work with data and information as well as perform statistical calculations. Exposure to a heavy industrial environment will be advantageous. The ideal candidate will strive for operational excellence and continuous improvement and be disciplined, confident, creative and accurate.

Send a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, quoting the relevant reference number, to e-mail: petro.vanniekerk@glencore.co.za or fax: 086 679 4883 or go to glencorexstrata.com/careers Closing date: 18 April 2014 Because the resources we value most are the people we employ. Human Communications 108267

11 April 2014


Potchefstroom Herald

Bergfietsuitslae van Volkies-fietsryers van die afgelope naweek lyk soos volg: Hul het aan die Gauteng XCO Provincials – Youth Seuns/ Meisies afdeling, USN Mountain Bike Race Series #3 oor 30 km en Parys Island Dirtmax oor 30 km deelgeneem. Die ryers wat hul goed van hul taak gekwyt het, is agter: Quintes Oberholzer, Lo-han Snyman, Brandon van den Berg en Armand van Niekerk. Van links voor is Chantè Fourie, Heinrich van Niekerk en Kristen Louw.

Morena Matsena en Tumi Phele het vlak 1 en 2 Noodhulopleiding ontvang by die brandweer.

Dié Volkie-leerlinge het op 26 Maart aan die SA-Skole kampioenskap in Polokwane deelgeneem en almal het goed in die finale presteer. Odette Dreyer, Monja Fourie en Marionique Wentzel (Zantè van Heerden afwesig op foto).

Alex Meye r(eerste plek in verspring), Naledi Chabanku (vierde plek in 400m hekkies) en Agisang Maboe (eerste in 200m) van HTS Potchefstroom het gedurende die NW Atletiek-kampioenskap puik presteer.

These young ladies from Potch Girls High have been selected for the NW Biathlon team: From left to right : Storm Barkas, Daniella Da Costa, Angela Strydom and Margo Desai.

Zinhtle Sicwebu (senior victrix ludorum) en Freddy Batlang (beste naelloop-atleet, Joop Nel-trofee vir beste enkelprestasie) van Hoërskool Die Wilge het ook gedurende die Inter atletiek- byeenkoms in Rustenburg trofeë ontvang.

Die volgende Gimmies gaan aan die SA Sub-jeug Atletiekkampioenskap deelneem: (vlnr) Ilezé van Rooyen, Rizané van Rooyen, Milandré Stafford, Tyla Hitge en Alyssa Manders. Anisca Lourens, Mariëtte Conradie, Eddie Schoeman en Jana Steinmann. Afwesig met die neem van die foto was Waldouw Smit en Mari-nischke Maré.

Alex Meyer van HTS Potchefstroom is gekies vir die o.17 Krieket SA span.

Hendrik Hattingh, 'n gr. 7-leerling van Laerskool Mooirivier, spog hier met die silwermedalje wat hy verwerf het tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap. Hy het in spiesgooi o.13 deelgeneem en die spies 42,70m gegooi. Die afstand is ook sy persoonlike beste. Hendrik was een van twaalf Tokkies wat aan die SA's deelgeneem het. Drie ander Tokkies het ook medaljes verwerf.

Gimmies o.15 tennisspan is die wenners van Menlo Mxit-toernooi wat by Sun City 14-17 Maart plaasgevind het. Van links: Liandrie van der Westhuizen, Ena van Aarde, Elicia Naudé, Luané Kleingeld, Lizanne Scholtz, me. Elné van Vuuren (spanbestuurder), Christian Burger, JD Fourie, Johan Stadler, Jacques Botha en Dieter Stark. Agter is die organiseerder van die toernooi.

Thando Dlodlo from Potch Boys High broke two records at the NW athletics Championships on March 7 at the Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg. He broke the 100m with a new rec of 10.90 sec and the 200m to 21.8 sec.

Die volgende Volkieleerlinge het op 2 April aan die ABSA SA Jeug en Junior Kampioenskap in Stellenbosch deelgeneem en het in die top 10 geëindig: Johan Pyper, Jurie Heyns, Anrè Kotze, Duard Barnard en Juan Kleynhans.


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Sint Willis Pieterse het derde plek verower in die Junior afdeling gedurende die onlangse NW powerlifting toernooi.

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North West cricket pays tribute to their achievers

Piet de Jager

Potchefstroom Herald

who will be representing the SA Colts soon, was the Dragons most Promising player and Esmaralda Olivier was the Most Promising Women’s player of the year. The following people were honoured in the category for Umpires and Scorers: Most Improved Umpire: Charl Julies, Rookie Umpire of the Year: Jannie van Wyk, Umpire of the Year: Jannie Myburg, Most Improved Scorer: Tshegofatso Kgosiemang, Rookie Scorer of the Year: Jorina van Niekerk, Scorer of the Year: Francis Phakedi. *A full list of all the prize winners will be published soon.

The 2013/2014 cricket season came to an end on Tuesday night with a gala evening, celebrating the achievements of the North West young players, club players, provincial players, umpires and administrators at the annual PSG Youth and Awards Ceremony. The top honours of the evening went to Dragons captain, Brett Pelser, who was announced as the Player and Batsman of the Year. He averaged 55 and knocked up 3 centuries and 5 half centuries. His batting average in the OneDay competition was a solid 49.66. He also took 10 wickets in the Three-day competition and 9 in the One-Day Series. The veteran Garnett Kruger, who has announced his retirement from the game, was voted as the Bowler of the Year. He took a total of 45 wickets in the three formats of the game (3 day, 1 day and T20). Wicketkeeper Nicky van der Bergh was the Fielder of the Year for his 45 catches and 4 stumpings. Lizelle Lee, who represented South Africa at the T20 World Cup in Bangladesh, was announced as the Women’s Player of the Year. She also received a special award The top honours of the evening went to the Dragons’ for an amazing unbeaten sco- captain, Brett Pelser (right), who was announced as the re of 168 in a provincial T20 Player and Batsman of the Year. With him is Heinrich against Mpumalanga. The Strydom, CEO of North West Cricket. Photo: Mario van de young Johannes Diseko, Wall

11 April 2014

Sedgars T20 NPL eindig op hoogtepunt Piet de Jager Die jaarlikse Noordweskrieket Sedgars T20 NPL het Sondag op Senwespark heel opwindend geëindig. Die tellings in die plaatfinaal vir die derde en vierde plekke en die finaal vir die eerste plek was na die twintig boulbeurte presies gelyk. Die reëls maak dan voorsiening vir een Super-boulbeurt: elke span nomineer drie kolwers en een bouler en uitslag word dan na die twee boulbeurte bepaal. In die plaatfinaal tussen die 4Sure Phantoms en die Oranje Toyota Cruisers was die tellings gelykop 150/7. Niel Bredenkamp, die Niel Bredenkamp, die Speler van die reeks, het 5 sesse Speler van die reeks, en 9 viere in sy beurt van 101 * behaal en net 61 balle het 5 sesse en 9 viere in trotseer. sy beurt van 101 * behaal en net 61 balle trotseer. Die ein- by was vernietigend in die Super ste Bredenkamp het in die Super boulbeurt en hy het Johannes DiseBoulbeurt nog twee sesse gemoker ko vir 24 lopies gemoker sonder dat en hy was ook 4Sure se bouler waar sy kolfmaat Dwaine Pretorius ‘n bal hy die Oranje Toyota Cruisers tot net trotseer het. Pretorius het sy beurt 9 lopies van die ses balle af beperk met die bal gekry toe hy die Senwes het. 4Sure wen dus en beklee die der- Spinners se Grant Makoena en Wimpy Viljoen beperk het tot net 2 lopies de plek. In die uitspeel vir die eerste plek in die Super boulbeurt en die Red was die tellings wat aangeteken is Devils is vanjaar se Sedgars T20 deur die Senwes Spinners en die Red kampioen.Voorwaar ‘n opwindende Devils gelyk op 154. Marinus Lazen- afsluiting vir ‘n goeie krieketseisoen.

11 April 2014

Potchefstroom Herald

Die man agter die skerms, Hendrik Truter Vincent Mofokeng Duisendes kom vul die Fanie om die asemrowende voorprogram van die Varsitybeker-eindstryd te kom beleef... Daar is ’n karnaval-atmosfeer. Daar is ligte wat brand, ballonne in die lug, Harley’s wat brul en die atmosfeer is so elektries en aansteeklik dat die skare

Hendrik Truter.

in maroen op hul voete is van angstigheid. “Kyk net hoe baie Pukke is ons hier!”, skree-sing dit. Ja, die Puk is hier vir die “party”-atmosfeer. Maar wie bring dié party na die Puk toe? Daar is ‘n man wat ‘n vloot van talentvolle Puk-studente en kollegas lei. Sy naam is Hendrik Truter. Dit is die man wat altyd so op en af hardloop met ‘n radio in sy hand om seker te maak

die show verloop vlot. Hendrik kom nie van gister af nie en die Herald gee graag erkenning aan ‘n man wat al vir 10 wens hy kan ‘n Varsitybeker-finaal in Potchefstroom aanbied. Maandagaand was dit sy kans en wat ‘n fantastiese show het hy en sy span na die Fanie toe gebring. Kom ons kyk wie is hierdie man. Hy is in Kaapstad gebore en het matriek aan die Hoërskool Linden gemaak. Hy het daarna onderwys aan die Goudstadse Onderwyskollege studeer

Hendrik Truter in aksie by kapt. Werner Joubert van Artillerieskool. Foto: Mario van de Wall

en sy loopbaan as onderwyser by Monument Hoërskool begin. Hy was in die onderwys vir ongeveer 2 maande waarna hy gaan rugby speel het in Italië. Hendrik begin daarna van 20002002 bemarking by die Luiperds Rugby-Unie doen waarna sy pad hom na die Puk Rugby-Instituut lei waar hy ook bemarking gedoen het. In 2013 word hy deel van die Puk se bemarkingspan. Maar Hendrik het ook groot rugby gespeel. Die hoogtepunt was om in 1995 Springbok-sewes te speel. Hy was ook deel van die SA Kolleges span vanaf 1985-1987, Presidents 15-tal, deel van die Rooibokke, Transvaal Goue Leeus van 1986-1991, Vrystaat Cheetahs van 1992-1995, SA Barbarians span in 1991, Springbok Veteranespan in 1998-1999 in Bermuda en 2002 in Oos-Londen en Luiperdsrugby. Hy het ook tennis en krieket vir die eerste spanne van die Onderwyskollege gespeel. Hy rig die Vrystaat Akademie spanne en Vrystaat Ontwikkelingspanne af, en ook die Luiperds 7’s, Luiperds Plattelandse spanne, Puk o.19, Hoërskool Gimnasium 1ste en o.15 spanne. Agter elke suksesvolle man... Hy is getroud met Odette en het drie dogters - Karen, Anè en Sanja. Hy reël ook gholfdae waarvan die grootste die vise-kanselier se 54-Gate Classic gholfdag wat vanjaar vir die sewende keer aangebied gaan word.

Luiperds blyk stewig op pad na die kwartfinaal

Piet de Jager Die Luiperds blyk stewig op pad te wees na die kwartfinaal van die Vodacom-beker na hulle die naweek teen die Griffons in Welkom gewen het. Die eindtelling was 35-15 na die tuisspan in die eerste helfte goed weerstand gebied en met die omdraaislag net 4 punte agter die Luiperds was (1410). Die Luiperds deel nou die tweede plek in die Noordelike afdeling met Griekwas op 17 punte, net een punt voor die Blou Bulle (16) en drie punte voor die Leeus (14). Hulle teenstanders Saterdag op Middelburg, die Pumas, het nog nie verloor nie en staan op 22

punte. Na Saterdag se wedstryd is daar so ‘n effense blaaskans voor die laaste groepwedstryd op 26 April in Klerksdorp teen Griekwas gespeel word. Die Luiperds se losskakel, Gerhard Nortier, is tans die voorste puntemaker in die reeks en het 65 punte agter sy naam (1x drie, 18 x doelskoppe, 7x strafskoppe en een skepdoel). George Tossel is een van die voorste driedrukkers met sy ses drieë. In die stryd teen die Perstruie het Stairs Mhlongo sy eerste drie vir die Luiperds gedruk. Nortier het verdoel en ook George Tossel se drie verdoel vir die Luiperds se veertien punte in die eerste helfte. Die Perses het met ‘n doel en strafdoel geantwoord.

Die Luiperds het vinnig begin in die tweede helfte en na 5 minute met nog twee doele die voorsprong na 28-10 gerek. Malan van der Merwe en Armandt Leibenberg het gedruk en Nortier het die doelskoppe oorgeklits. Die Griffons se Japie Nel het ook gedruk, maar die Luiperds se Rowayne Beukman het die laaste sê gehad. Tossel het die laaste drie verdoel en die Luiperds wen met ‘n bonuspunt. Daar word nie eintlik veranderinge aan die span verwag nie, behalwe dat die kaptein Morne Hanekom dalk sal terugkeer op agsteman. ‘n Oorwinning sal baie vir die Luiperds beteken en hulle posisie op die punteleer verstewig.


11 April 2014


Dié gesigte vertel alles. Johnny Welthagen, Dutchi Robertse en John-Roy Jenkinson staan verdwaas op die veld. Daar was geen woorde nie.

Bertie Jacobs Geskok. Verslae. Teleurgesteld. Dêm ongelukkig. Maandagaand op die Fanie du Toitsportterrein het die NWU-Puk hul eerste Varsitybeker-kroon ingepalm deur Ikeys 33-15 te klop. Met slegs vyf minute oor was dié sin reeds geskryf en het ondersteuners begin vonkelwyn se kant toe staan. Die eindfluitjie blaas en die joernalis aan my regterkant sê: “Nou moet ek my hele storie oorskryf.” Dit was vyf minute wat die wedstryd op sy rug gekeer het. Ikeys het drie drieë gedruk, die laaste daarvan toe speeltyd reeds verstreke was om 39-33 vir die tweede keer die Varsitybeker te wen. Daardie laaste drie was hartverskeu-

rend. Johnny Welthagen, die NWU-Puk se blondekop losskakel, mik met ’n skepdoelpoging pale toe, maar dit word afgestorm en ’n paar fases later gaan druk Nathan Nel om die Puk se Varsitybeker-droom aan skerwe te laat spat. Vandag is Welthagen se kop op ’n blok en wil elke tweede Puk-ondersteuner die valbyl op hom afbring. Ja, dit was ’n fout en sy oordeel het hom in die steek gelaat. As hy die bal uitgeskop het, was Pukke vandag kampioene. Nieteenstaande dié feit moet die hele span pa staan vir die insinking in hul verdediging. En, as daar iemand is wat in die beskuldigingsbank moet staan, kan skeidsregters Marius van der Westhuizen, Cwengile Jadezweni asook televi-

sieskeidsregter Johan Greeff die eerbare ding doen en na vore tree. Nie eers Barry Roux sal hul onskuld kan bewys nie. Die geelkaart wat Johan Deysel toegedien is ná ’n beweerde gevaarlike duikslag sou lagwekkend gewees het, was dit nie vir die eindtelling nie. Van der Westhuizen het nie net Deysel koelkas toe gestuur nie, maar daarmee saam ook besluit om Dillon Smith se skitterdrie om te draai en ’n strafskop aan Ikeys toe te ken. So kan ons ’n paar gevalle uitwys. Dis nie suur druiwe nie. Dit is bloot onverskoonbaar. Ikeys het wel hul naam as ‘Tiere’ gestand gedoen met ’n terugvegpoging wat die hele Kaap sal laat glimlag, en hel,

Foto: Mario van de Wall

hulle het vertroosting nodig na die Stormers se mistroostige Super Rugby-vertonings. Hulle was, met tye, skouspelagtig met die bal in die hand en die Universiteit van Kaapstad kan trots wees. Kan ons Pukke trots wees? ‘Ja’, ‘ja’ en nogmaals ‘ja’. Robert du Preez se span het die stad saamgesnoer en vir ’n onvergeetlike reeks gesorg. Toe die eindfluitjie blaas, was ons eweneens geskok, verslae, teleurgesteld en dêm ongelukkig, ook opgewonde oor wat die toekoms inhou. Trots ook, baie, baie trots. Net op ’n laaste noot: Johnny, Maandagaand gaan dalk nog lank by jou spook en die sosiale media gons oor jou skepdoelpoging. Laat ek jou verseker, dit was níé jou skuld níé.

Dit was soos déjá vu vir Pukke - 2008 herhaal homself

André Bester

Die geskiedenis het hom Maandagaand op die Fanie herhaal toe die Ikeys die Varsitybeker in die grootste comeback sedert Lazarus uit sy graf opgestaan het, met ‘n blitskrieg in die laaste agt minute beklink het. Potchefstroom sidder nog na die Tiere se aanslag, maar dit was nie die eerste keer dat dit gebeur het nie. Inteendeel, die Puk het sy rieme in die heel eerste Varsitybeker in 2008 op

soortgelyke wyse aan die voet van Tafelberg ook so vasgeloop. Matthew Proudfoot se Pukke het daardie dag in ‘n halfeindstryd teen die Ikeys opgedraf om vir die heel eerste eindstryd te kwalifiseer en was met 20 minute oor gerieflik 31-10 in die saal. Toe breek alle hel los en die Ikeys teken in 21 minute 22 punte aan, wat ‘n strafdoel deur Matt Rosslee in die 80e minuut insluit om die wedstryd te wen. Die Ikeys het Maandagaand drie drieë in agt minute gedruk om Potch in

rou te dompel, maar daardie dag het hulle drie drieë vanaf die 59e minuut gedruk en net-net in die eindstryd teen Maties verloor. Die gebeure daardie dag het Maandagaand in die gedagtes van die bestuurder van Puk se Rugbyinstituut, Mervyn Taylor, afgespeel toe dinge verkeerd begin loop. Vir Jean Tiedt, wat deesdae die Puk se verdediging behartig, was dit soos deja vu. Hy het daardie dag behalwe vir twee

drieë deur Lolo Waka al die Puk se punte aangeteken net om druipstert huistoe te keer. Veral daardie gewraakte skepskop van Johnny Welthagen wat tot die Ikeys se wendrie gelei het, sal nog lank in Potchefstroom spook maar hy alleen kan nie al die skuld op sy groot skouers dra nie. BMT (Big Match Temperament) is egter iets waarmee ‘n speler gebore word, soos Rosslee se strafdoel daardie dag in Kaapstad.

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