Les mots du coeur extrait

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Katia Belsito

Words from the heart

The author and illustrator : Katia is a little Cecile. Through this little girl, Katia Belsito brings us into her life and we understand a little more why drawing is so important to her. Katia now divides her time between her son and her moving books.

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Words from the heart


A mio per le parole che non ci siamo detti perchĂŠ i nostri cuori erano troppo lontani dai nostri occhi.

Merci Ă Annalice Clavarino pour sa traduction.

To my father for the words that we did not tell each other because our hearts were too far from our eyes.

My name is CÊcile and I have a lot to say, but I don’t know how to do it. I never find the words, and I can’t make myself understood. Sometimes words still want to come out but, when that happens,.

no one is listening what I mean.

The big ones, they are always too busy, they do not have

time to listen and words get lost without ever being able to return.

It can also happen that the words remain trapped in the head, in the mouth and in the heart.

So, I take my colored pencils and I write the imprisoned words.

Words in color are more beautiful, they fly away like butterflies. Maybe now nobody listens to them, but I’m glade of my words in color, especially the ones I have in my heart.

Sometimes even my friends have words they can’t express. So we remain in silence, but we can understand each other,

because sometimes a glance is enough. I think even the eyes talk, laugh, cry, play. They are lucky, the eyes: there are two of them and they can keep each other company, while the mouth is alone, at the bottom, in the middle of the face, and the nose doesn’t talk.

Even the heart is alone, also in the middle of the body. And when the heart and the mouth feel alone, they talk to each other.

It may be how are born

the words the most beautiful, those who come from the heart.

Des thèmes • des livres • Le bonheur • Au bout de ses rêves • Qui suis-je ? • Accepter les différences • Les mots difficiles à dire • L’amour • L’attention aux autres • Les rêves • Les petites pensées • La confiance • Au-delà de la peur de l’autre • S’ouvrir au monde • Des sourires et des larmes • La mort • La confiance en soi • La confiance en la vie • L’intuition • Le sourire • Les vies successives ••• Beaucoup d’autres livres sur www.pourpenser.fr Toute reproduction même partielle de cet ouvrage est interdite sans autorisation de l’éditeur. Loi n° 49-956 du 16 juillet 1949 sur les publications destinées à la jeunesse Imprimé en Pays de la Loire - France - sur du papier provenant de forêts durablement gérées. Dépôt légal : mars 2006

keywords : speech - emotion - self-discovery

Prix public France : 7 €

© Pourpenser Editions editions@pourpenser.com - http://www.pourpenser.fr

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ISBN : 2-915125-18-X


My name is Cécile and I have a lot to say, but I don’t know how to do it. I can never find the words, and I can’t make myself understand. Sometimes, again, the words would like to come out but when they do, no one listens to what I want to say.

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